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Essay On Translation Studies
Traditionally, approaches to translation studies have been focused upon the internal factors, i.e., the rules of linguistic conversion that guide the
translation process. Translation is regarded as a process of seeking for linguistic equivalence between ST and TT, as Nida(1964) put it, the target text
should be the closest natural equivalent to the original text.With the rise of "cultural turn" in translation studies, there emerges a new research trend that
views translation as a culture–bound phenomenon, and places translation studies under a large historical and socio–cultural context.Various cultural
theories begin to lend their forces to translation studies, resulting in a series of new approaches, such as cultural manipulative, feminism and
postcolonial approaches to translation studies.Thus, translation is no longer viewed as a process of seeking for linguistic equivalence, but an
interaction between two cultural systems.
Under the influence of "cultural turn"that greatly expands the width and breadth of translation studies, translators and scholars have gradually realized
that translation, literary translation in particular, is a sort of "creative treason": creative in the sense that the translator must make subjective efforts to more content...
He argues that creativity and treason are intrinsically entwined in translation and the act of translation is always a sort of creative treason: "treason" in
the sense that the original text has to be placed into a completely unexpected referential frame (namely, utterly different linguistic environment);
"creative" in the sense that the original text is to be given a brand new look, and an opportunity to have a new literary exchange with a larger scope of
readers as
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Translations by Brian Friel
It is very fitting that this play is set in a hedge school in Baile Beag in 1833. Firstly, the educational system was going to be "revamped" in the eyes of
the English and in the hedge schools, languages such as Greek and Latin were thought to be useful as opposed to English which was virtually unknown.
Secondly, language is a fundamental aspect of development and language is fundamental to education – so the English must begin with where
education takes place so as to work its way into society. Those who end up running the country are usually those who are educated and those are the
ones people look to for guidance. England is clever in their approach because if those who are educated are forced to learn about English culture that
is all future generations will grow to know over time. This tactic is almost infallible because replaces the languages the Irish learned with the English
standard, and forces the Irish to communicate in new ways, thus beginning the process breaking down the Irish people and their culture – a powerful
strategy. Identity is pivotal to the story and holds its own innate power, but what is even more pivotal is that the Irish do not necessarily all share the
same views. The Irish find their history very important because it is the foundation of the language. Hugh says, "It is not the literal past, the 'facts' of
history, that shape us, but images of the past embodied in language" (88). It is evident then that Hugh finds the historical meanings of
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Technical Translation in Modern Times
Technical Translation in Modern Times
Translating manuals and procedures for operating a particular product or service is a job that requires utmost understanding and technical skills. It is to
enable users to fully understand what and how these products actually work. This specialized kind of translation requires an experienced translator–a
professional that ensures the quality of output your business expect. Such a translator is proficient with both the language the material is sourced from
and the language to which it going to be translated to. Translators are bilingual speakers. This is to ensure that the meaning of the words, in context, is
not taken away when they are translated to a target language.
When technical articles such as owner's manual, user guides and other relevant documents, texts and technical terminologies may seem not in
understandable in a country or region where they are distributed, content translation of this documents aids in making a product gain a localization
focus. Globalization in our times has gone digital, and the conduct of business does not only saturate in one specific market and location. Businesses
have taken their products and services out into the global market where innumerable opportunities and chance for growth await their entrepreneurial
ventures. However, to achiever this, documents and other technical contents have to translated first so that texts are comprehensible for their target
audience and also to comply with some legal
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The Manipulation School: AndrГ© Lefevere
The Manipulation School: AndrГ© Lefevere
On every level of the translation process, it can be shown that, if linguistic considerations enter into conflict with considerations of an ideological and
/ or poetological nature, the latter tend to win out. (AndrГ© Lefevere)
One of the criticisms that has, sometimes, been levelled at the polysystem theory is that it tends to disregard the ideological factors, which have a
considerable impact on the translators' decisions. It is true that they are mentioned by the translation scholars working within polysystem, and Toury's
preliminary norms refer to translation policies carried out by different institutions favouring the selection of particular literary works for translation on more content...
In a 1981 essay, "Translated Literature: Towards an Integrated Theory", Lefevere coins the term refraction, which occurs in "texts that have been
processed for a certain audience (children, for example), or adapted to a certain poetics or a certain ideology". (1981b: 72) From an ideological
perspective, translations are thus no longer transparent reflections of their originals, but (inevitably) distorted products for which equivalence no
longer seems to work. Moreover, he contends that, whereas refractions are obvious in authoritative political systems (e. g. the Nazi period in
Germany, former communist countries), they tend to be less so in democratic societies (e. g. Western countries), where ideology functions under
more covert forms. Lefevere argues that these activities are carried out against the background of the prevailing literary climate and political
ideology, and that these factors act as a "spectrum" through which writers and their works are "refracted" before they reach their audience. (cf.
Shuttleworth and Cowie 1997: 142) Such refractions occur not only in the case of translation but also in criticism, teaching, anthologizing and the
production of plays. (Lefevere 1982: 4) However, after 1985, Lefevere replaces "refraction" by the more complex and powerful category of "rewriting".
Rewriting refers
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Essay On Equivalence In Translation
2.1 Literary Review
Previous studies relevant and helpful to the present study on reduplication as the translation equivalence of English lexicons in Indonesian are reviewed
An article entitled "Equivalence in Translation Theories: A Critical Evaluation" by Panou (2013) is helpful to this research for comparative materials
since it presents influential theories on equivalence in translation along with critical evaluation. It can be concluded from the article that many
translation theories are based on two opposing ways of translating. With regard to equivalence, Nida (1964) distinguishes between formal and dynamic
equivalence. Nida asserts that in formal equivalence the target language resembles very much the source language both form and content. Formal
equivalence is therefore much of a word–for–word view of translation. Whereas in dynamic equivalence an effort is made to convey the source
language message in the target language as naturally as possible. The idea of dynamic equivalence is to improve readability by rephrasing
constructions that could be confusing more content...
Formal equivalence (Nida,1964) and semantic translation (Newmark, 1981) can be considered as linguistic–oriented approaches to translation as these
theories rely on word–for–word or literal translation. Dynamic equivalence (Nida, 1964) and communicative translation (Newmark, 1981) can be
considered as target–oriented approaches to translation as these theories view the readability and naturalness of the translation are crucial for the target
readers. Target–oriented approaches consider external factors surrounding the translation such as cultural context and communication situation. A
translator may use any equivalence concept that is useful and applicable to his/her translation
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Translation Aesthetics Of Translation
Translation Aesthetics was systemically introduced to China by Liu Miqing. By his Translation Aesthetics, he says that translation of a text between
Chinese and English could be judged by some items, such as culture, translation style and aesthetic psychology. This theory offers a great standard to
discusses the distinguish of different versions of a same text. In his book, Liu Miqing has mentioned that the aesthetics of translation should be founded
on many aspects. To understand aesthetics translation, people should firstly know something about aesthetics itself. First of all, language is the subject
of aesthetics of translation. As a activity which changes a kind of language message into an other language message, language changing is the most more content...
One way to solve this problem is to find a new rhythm in local language. Secondly, it is necessary to know the object and subject in the activity of
translation aesthetics. The subject of translation aesthetic are translator and reader. At the first step, translator is required to have a special capability of
aesthetic. It is translator's knowledge, experience and level of language finally decides the quality of translation of a text. Thus, translator has to be
sensitive and professional. On the other hand, the object of translation aesthetics is the original text and translated text. The origin text should have
value to be translated and include the aspects of informative, inspirational, enlightening and descriptive. After knowing the object and subject of
translation aesthetic, the other important aspect people should know is that the aesthetic of translation has to suit the local culture. Different nation or
race has different culture conditions. A same symbol may represent different meaning in two background. It means that a great translation version
should pay attention to the culture background and the beauty of
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Reflection On Translation
Self Reflection in translation theory
In this reflective essay I would like to shed some light in various learning styles as well as find out how do I or rather my mind functions when
translating. Reading the book provided, I was surprised to find out many interesting and fascinating aspects of my learning process and about
translating in general that I was not even aware of about myself. To begin I will briefly talk about my background in English language, then reflect on
how do my current jobs come in to play with the discussed learning styles.
Ever since I was first introduced to English as a language in the 4th grade in elementary school all the way through high school it has been my
favourite subject. English was something that I was naturally good at for some reason, due to this fact I never felt discourage or failure in classes,
like for example so many of us feel in Math or Chemistry, so I always enjoyed learning new words and tenses. Fortunately in my jobs I get to use
English quite a lot for communication and also for translating purposes. Reading the book the first thing I noticed that in order to be not just a good more content...
When I was reading about these I found that internally referenced typed is a very foreign concept for me especially what applies to translators. To be
somewhat harsh, I do not really care for the message or importance of the source text. I do translation because I love the language and the thrill that
comes from translating not to moralise on the subject. My goal as a translator is to make the source text available to people who need them, those
who rely on me to get the job done, that is what gives me excitement. This makes me an externally referenced learner and translator and as such a
subordinate to the source author itself and the target reader. As a translator I must leave behind my opinions and biases when doing a particular job and
that is completely fine with
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2.2.1 Translation Ethics
Ethics is the moral dimension of human behavior, which could regularize people's actions, and lead individual make appropriate choices when coping
with others. Translation is a sophisticated practical activity, and a regulatory social behavior (Guo, 2014). Translation is involved with diverse factors,
including language and culture, author and translator, sponsor and reader. Leading the translation process, translators are supposed to manage
relationship between subject and object (Guo, 2014), which requires guidance and constraint by ethics. In 1980s, the French translation theorist
Antonie Berman propounded the theory of "translation ethics". He regarded the respect for source text, language and cultural differences in between
two languages as "appropriate more content...
The translation ethics proposed by Berman places focus on converting "self" through communicating with others. With the purpose of pursuing cultural
diversity and protruding language and cultural differences within source text, American structuralism translation theorist, Lwerene Venuti, proposed an
assertion of promoting cultural renewal and transformation, which is called "ethics of difference" (1998). Anthony Pym addressed the issue of
inter–subject responsibility and power and provided the concept of "interculturality" (2001). Then, Andrew Chesterman put forward "five models" on
translation ethics from the perspective of interpersonal and intercultural communication, which includes ethics of representation, ethics of service,
ethics of communication, norm–based ethics, ethics of commitment (2001). Systematically and thoroughly summarized previous studies (Chen, 2012),
Chesterman's theory has brought translation research up to a new level (Guo, 2014), among which, ethics of communication, places extra emphasis on
communicative functions of languages and interpersonal communication (2001) with the aim to improve relationships between source
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Translation As A Method Of Communication
1.1. Translation in General
Translation is considered a method of communication. It helps people to communicate all over the world without wasting time or efforts. This
communication is achieved by translating texts from different countries and languages. Translation studies are mainly divided into cultural and
linguistic information. First, cultural studies focus on cultures of countries where the texts are taken from. Moreover, each country has its own specific
culture and traditions that affect the source text. This may lead to difficulty in communication and spreading ideas easily to the target text of different
culture. As a result, translation deals mainly with these problems of culture by finding methods that help in conveying ideas and contents with minimal
loss of meaning. Second, linguistic studies focus on the structures and features of language itself of both source and target texts. Regarding translation
domains, there are many domains such as literature, economics and legal domains.
1.2. Translation Methods
Translation methods are methods that translation is based on to convey ideas especially when expressions from source language are unique and
strange to the target language and its culture. These methods try to make ideas closer to the other culture and to be understood easily. According to
Vinay and Darbelnet, there are some "stylistic effects" that can not be transferred from the source language to target language. This can be solved by
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Translation As An Easy Task Essay
Taduttore Traditore
Translation is often portrayed as being an easy task, a simple transfer of words and sentences from a language to another. Because some people are
bilingual or polyglots it doesn't mean they can be translators. Translation is a very hard and difficult task to accomplish. In this essay, the focus will be
on the maxim "Taduttore Traditore" (from the Italian"to translate is to betray"), trying to understand and analyse its meanings and implications. And
then, try to consider whether it is or not an accurate statement regarding translation work.
According to the Bible, before the Tower of Babel, everyone spoke onelanguage. Yet because mankind decided to build a tower that would reach the
Heavens, God punished his people by making them speak different languages and by splitting them into different parts of the world. That is when
translation begins.
At that time, there was no internet, no computers, no automatic translations nor even bilingual dictionaries. Nowadays, with the growth of the
technologies, access to nearly every kind of information is possible. The translator's task is facilitated thanks to the many tools that the new
technologies can provide such as MA Tools like Linguee, Reverso, Word Reference, and many more. Although they are not one hundred
percent accurate, they are a great assistance for a translator, especially for a word by word translation. Yet translated expressions or sentences are still
very hard to deal with for a computer
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Translation is a process to translate word or text from one language to another. It transfers information to another person by written text which has
purpose to transfer the idea in communication. Translation form is focused on written text such as text book, journal, poem, story and other as a part of
communication and transfer of knowledge on the printing form. All of recent information such as scientific improvement, political issue, entertainment
and news transferred from source language to the target language. It exchanges information and knowledge from one country to another. The
improvement of country depends on the information. This is the effect of our incomplete and limited source book, text and journal which very
important to our daily need in education Eventhough, the translation is very important and gives beneficial to improvement of education.
However, translation is quite difficult to do because it needs skill; people are not allowed to translate something in arbitrary way. There are some
theories that should be concerned in order to get a good translation. It is one of the reasons why in this ages, a study of translation becomes an
academic subject which also known as translation course. By the time, many universities put translation as a course into their curricula like which is
"Universitas Negeri Padang". One of the purpose of the adding translation studies as a course in Universitas Negeri Padang is producing a good
translation. Moreover, translation has
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All in all, even though machine translation is a new method of translation, and cannot compete with human translation when the quality is regarded, it
however is seen as very helpful. It is seen so, especially in the cases when one in need of a translator cannot obtain the services of a human translator.
Machine translation can give a overall idea of what the text is about and also provide with a first draft translation, even though not always accurate.
Machine translation has its advantages because it is quick, cost effective, can be quickly updated, it is available at any time as long as one has access
to a computer. However, its main disadvantage is that the translation is often not very accurate.
This research paper shows the main advantages and disadvantages of using both translators, human and machine translators. Even though machine
translation is widely used, it cannot give a fully understandable and correct translation on its own. Machine translation will never be fully independent
from human translators. But even human translators on its own cannot do that much. It still needs a lot of translation more content...
Because just a translation is done by human it does not automatically that it is of better quality. Quality comes with education and experience and even
than a person cannot know everything. Seeing that humans or machines cannot translate on its own, a combination of these two is necessary to get a
qualitative and professional translation. In this way, four different and distinctive methods of translation can be recognized: translation done only by
machines, translations done by machine translators which are later revised and edited by human translators, translations done by humans with the
assistance of a machine translator and translations done by humans without the involvement of machines
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Essay about Foreign Currency Translation
II.Definition3 A.Difference between translation and conversion3 B.Role of FASB No. 524 1.Determine the functional currency:4 2.Determine whether
the functional currency of the subsidiary is also its home currency.4 a)If the functional currency is the home currency,4 b)If the functional currency of
the subsidiary is not its home currency,5
III.Reasons for Translation5 A.Recording direct business transactions5 B.Reporting operations conducted through a foreign enterprise6 C.Measuring
the enterprise exposure to the effects of currency fluctuation7 D.Communicating with foreign audiences–of–interest7
IV.Financial statement effects of alternative translation more content...
While companies' activities are international, the currencies in which business contracts are contracted and settled are still a national affair.
Hence, due to international activities, companies hold many items that are denominated in foreign currencies.
For financial reporting purposes, these items have to be translated to a single currency, for example, the currency of a company's home country.
Various translation methods have been created, but the main question when doing so is whichexchange rate shall be used for the translation process.
Items could be translated into another currency by using the exchange rate of the transaction date, by using the exchange rate of the reporting–day (e.g.
the balance sheet day), by using average exchange rates or any other kind of exchange rates.
When translating an item using different exchange rates, exchange differences arise. These exchange differences could be treated in different ways.
They could either be recognized in the income statement, although gains or losses arising from items denominated in foreign currencies might not be
realized yet, or exchange differences could initially be realized in equity and be transferred to profit or loss when they are realized. In addition, the
economical effects have to be regarded to make sure, that exchange differences are treated in a way, which insures fair presentation of financial
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J. C. Catford published a book 'A linguistic Theory of Translation' in 1965. It deals with the analysis and description of translation process. He follows
Firthian and Hallidayan linguistic model of translation. For him, the theory of translation is a branch of comparative Linguistics since it deals with
certain type of relation between languages. It is essentially a theory of Applied Linguistics.
Catford defines translation as, 'the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL)' (p. 20).
According to him, "the central problem of translation practice is that of finding TL translation equivalents. A central task of translation theory, is that
of defining the nature and conditions of translation equivalence" (p. 21).
As far as translation is concerned, Catford distinguished between formal correspondence and textual equivalence.
A formal correspondent is 'any TL category (Unit, class, element of structure etc.) which can be said to occupy, as nearly as possible, the 'same', place
in the 'economy' of the TL as the given SL category occupies in the SL' (Catford 1965 : 27).
A Textual equivalent is 'any TL text or portion of text which is observed on a particular occasion ............. To be the equivalent of a given SL text or
portion of text'.
He defines some board categories of translation in terms of extent, levels and ranks of translation. Depending on the 'extent' of SL text which is
submitted to the translation
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Protein synthesis is defined as "The creation of proteins by cells that uses DNA, RNA, and various enzymes." The synthesis of proteins takes two steps:
transcription and translation. Transcription takes the information that is coded in DNA and codes it into mRNA, which heads out of the cell's nucleus
and into the cytoplasm. During translation, the mRNA works with a ribosome and tRNA to synthesize proteins. When trying to understand the process
of protein synthesis, basic terms are necessary. DNA is the backbone of life as we know it. DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid and it is necessary to
life on earth. The basic unit of DNA is called a nucleotide which is also known as a base. DNA is a double stranded helix that is made of these
bases. DNA makes thousands of proteins using only four different basis. These bases are labeled as A, T, G, and C. These letters stand for adenine,
thymine, guanine, and cytosine. These bases make pairs. A Pairs with T and G pairs with C.The same goes forRNA except thymine is replaced with
uracil and RNA is single stranded. A continuous strand of DNA is called agene. Genes are used to make functioning strands of RNA or proteins. The
first step in protein synthesis is transcription which is when the cell makes an RNA copy of the information from DNA in the nucleus. The first step of
transcription is called initiation. This is when the RNA polymerase binds to the promoter which contains the transcription start point. The polymerase
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Lost in translation Essay
Lost In Translation
"Lost In Translation" is one of those movies that seek to be something having something extra something that is more than a regular movie. Moreover,
it does so effectively without being pretentious, all through the movie it does not seem like it is trying too hard to be something other than what is
there. It is skillfully written, well directed and it boasts of a solid cast not very spectacular but full of good actors. Jointly, this eventually results in an
enjoyable and interesting movie. The important thing is that it has a message to it. Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson play two individuals lost in the
new and unfamiliar surroundings, restlessly moving around a Tokyo hotel in the middle of the night, who fall more content...
Johansson plays Charlotte; whose husband John is a photographer on assignment in Tokyo. She visits a shrine and then calls a friend in America to say,
"I didn't feel anything." Then she reveals: "I don't know who I married."
The movie could have degenerated into a love affair between two lost souls but "Lost in Translation" is too elegant and considerate to be
the kind of movie where they go to bed and the viewer is supposed to believe that as a reaction against the problems that they have. They share
something as private as their feelings rather than something as common as their bodies.
Murray is trapped, but reconciled to being stuck. Marriage is not uncomplicated for him, and his wife's voice over the phone seems to go on and on.
Nevertheless, he loves his children. He is very weary, he is doing the commercials for money and detests himself for it, he has a sense of humor and
can be funny but he is not up to it.
She on the other hand has been married only a couple of years, but it is clear that her husband thinks she is encroaching on his work and life. Full
with his own importance, thrilled that a starlet knows his name, he leaves her behind in the hotel room because he will be working, and according to
him she will not have a good time if she comes along with him.
Their way of communication is not long discussions and they do not talk in the long literate sentences, but in the tired
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Equivalence In Translation Essay
2.4 How equivalence is used in translation?
2.4.1 The concept of equivalence
For a long time in the 20th century, translation studies followed the linguistic tradition in assuming the notion of equivalence. Translation studies in the
linguistic tradition have relied on the notion equivalence. Nowadays equivalence between words in a source text and a target language is also
important but other requirements also need to be met. It is specifically apparent in translating scientific texts. One of the other criteria for translation is
incorporation of the main ideas and broader meaning of the whole texts. The source text needs to be recognised and understood as a whole, not as
sequence of sentences and paragraphs. It should concern the more content...
Some linguists claim that dealing with the process of finding equivalence is the most significant issue existing among translation processes and that is
one of the mains principles of Western theory of translation. Translation is a mean of communication and in order for it to be effective it is crucial to
establish appropriate equivalence between source and target text. Nida defines translation as "reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural
equivalent of the source–language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style". (Nida, 1982, p. 12) It is conspicuous that
equivalence is one of basic concepts of translation which cannot be overlooked. This complex phenomenon often becomes a measure which helps to
define the process of translation. Number of researches stress on the important role of the equivalence for the translation process and it is hard to hard
to overestimate the role of equivalence in translation. Use of equivalence translation help people to understand each other and enables achieving
communication goals. Achieving maximum linguistic, grammar and structural equivalence is inevitably linked with certain restrictions and limitations
but the skilful use of equivalents can undoubtedly benefit the results of translation act. Despite different approaches, the equivalence is an important
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The Pros And Cons Of Translation Studies
Translation Studies requires to welcome ideas from other fields of study and other cultural traditions in order to generate new concepts, theories, and
models. As Tymoczko (2007) emphasized, adopting the ideas from other disciplines leads to new ways of thinking about the field of translation since it
would offer translation new validity and models for practice. Gile (2008) proposes the notion of "disciplinary immigrants" for professionals in
translation study that employ theories and principles from sociology, cultural studies, linguistics etc. For example, Seleskovitch and Lederer (1989),
following Jean Piaget's early work in cognitive psychology (1967), examined the specific translating and interpreting mental processes using a cognitive more content...
This can explain for the vast spread of the undergraduate degree program on English and Persian translation in most universities and institutions of
higher education and the magnitude of the number of English translation students. The number of students admitted to study in English and Persian
translation at undergraduate level in 2003 was 495 in nine state universities and 3338 in thirty–seven private universities and institutions of higher
education under the supervision of the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (Mollanazar, 2003, pp.
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Translating Research into Practice Essays
Introduction A financial burden such as the cost of medication can cause decreased compliance, increased complications and sometimes death . In
2005, a national study showed that 90 percent of the elderly take up to five prescription drug medications daily, thus, placing a tremendous financial
burden on the elderly causing the decrease in dose or the refusal to get the prescription filled (Safran et al, 2005). The cost of medication on the
elderly has been identified before, however, little has been done to assist the elderly in this endeavor. The purpose of this paper is to identify 3 best
practice interventions to assist the elderly with medication cost and enhance compliance. Identifying Problem In 2005, twenty–six percent
more content...
Search Criteria The University of Alabama Biomedical Library was searched for relevant studies . This search included COCHRANE Database
of Systematic Reviews, OVID database and EBSCO database. Another search was done using Google search, National Guidelines Clearinghouse,
and Agency for Health Research. Reviewed articles references were used to obtain more studies. Keywords for all searches included: medication,
medication cost, drug, drug cost, elderly, aged, nonadherence, and noncompliance ( See Appendix A). All the studies were less than 5 years old,
expert opinions, practice guidelines were reviewed and those related to interventions to assist the elderly with medication cost were selected.
Levels of Evidence A preliminary search yielded 10 studies, and reviews (Appendix B). Two Level1 studies were systematic reviews. One of the
studies was a well controlled randomized study, which is a Level II. Six of the studies were nonrandomized, well controlled studies that were Level
III. No evidence found at this time was a Level IV, V, VI, or VII. Grade of Recommendations Each study was graded on the relativity to clinical
practice. A tool established by DiCenso, Guyatt, and Ciliska, and the Canadian Task Force on Preventative Health Services was modified for use in
this research (Appendix C). According to the graded research, a
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Essay On Translation Studies

  • 1. Essay On Translation Studies 1.Introduction Traditionally, approaches to translation studies have been focused upon the internal factors, i.e., the rules of linguistic conversion that guide the translation process. Translation is regarded as a process of seeking for linguistic equivalence between ST and TT, as Nida(1964) put it, the target text should be the closest natural equivalent to the original text.With the rise of "cultural turn" in translation studies, there emerges a new research trend that views translation as a culture–bound phenomenon, and places translation studies under a large historical and socio–cultural context.Various cultural theories begin to lend their forces to translation studies, resulting in a series of new approaches, such as cultural manipulative, feminism and postcolonial approaches to translation studies.Thus, translation is no longer viewed as a process of seeking for linguistic equivalence, but an interaction between two cultural systems. Under the influence of "cultural turn"that greatly expands the width and breadth of translation studies, translators and scholars have gradually realized that translation, literary translation in particular, is a sort of "creative treason": creative in the sense that the translator must make subjective efforts to more content... He argues that creativity and treason are intrinsically entwined in translation and the act of translation is always a sort of creative treason: "treason" in the sense that the original text has to be placed into a completely unexpected referential frame (namely, utterly different linguistic environment); "creative" in the sense that the original text is to be given a brand new look, and an opportunity to have a new literary exchange with a larger scope of readers as Get more content on
  • 2. Translations by Brian Friel It is very fitting that this play is set in a hedge school in Baile Beag in 1833. Firstly, the educational system was going to be "revamped" in the eyes of the English and in the hedge schools, languages such as Greek and Latin were thought to be useful as opposed to English which was virtually unknown. Secondly, language is a fundamental aspect of development and language is fundamental to education – so the English must begin with where education takes place so as to work its way into society. Those who end up running the country are usually those who are educated and those are the ones people look to for guidance. England is clever in their approach because if those who are educated are forced to learn about English culture that is all future generations will grow to know over time. This tactic is almost infallible because replaces the languages the Irish learned with the English standard, and forces the Irish to communicate in new ways, thus beginning the process breaking down the Irish people and their culture – a powerful strategy. Identity is pivotal to the story and holds its own innate power, but what is even more pivotal is that the Irish do not necessarily all share the same views. The Irish find their history very important because it is the foundation of the language. Hugh says, "It is not the literal past, the 'facts' of history, that shape us, but images of the past embodied in language" (88). It is evident then that Hugh finds the historical meanings of Get more content on
  • 3. Technical Translation in Modern Times Technical Translation in Modern Times Translating manuals and procedures for operating a particular product or service is a job that requires utmost understanding and technical skills. It is to enable users to fully understand what and how these products actually work. This specialized kind of translation requires an experienced translator–a professional that ensures the quality of output your business expect. Such a translator is proficient with both the language the material is sourced from and the language to which it going to be translated to. Translators are bilingual speakers. This is to ensure that the meaning of the words, in context, is not taken away when they are translated to a target language. When technical articles such as owner's manual, user guides and other relevant documents, texts and technical terminologies may seem not in understandable in a country or region where they are distributed, content translation of this documents aids in making a product gain a localization focus. Globalization in our times has gone digital, and the conduct of business does not only saturate in one specific market and location. Businesses have taken their products and services out into the global market where innumerable opportunities and chance for growth await their entrepreneurial ventures. However, to achiever this, documents and other technical contents have to translated first so that texts are comprehensible for their target audience and also to comply with some legal Get more content on
  • 4. The Manipulation School: AndrГ© Lefevere The Manipulation School: AndrГ© Lefevere On every level of the translation process, it can be shown that, if linguistic considerations enter into conflict with considerations of an ideological and / or poetological nature, the latter tend to win out. (AndrГ© Lefevere) One of the criticisms that has, sometimes, been levelled at the polysystem theory is that it tends to disregard the ideological factors, which have a considerable impact on the translators' decisions. It is true that they are mentioned by the translation scholars working within polysystem, and Toury's preliminary norms refer to translation policies carried out by different institutions favouring the selection of particular literary works for translation on more content... Refraction In a 1981 essay, "Translated Literature: Towards an Integrated Theory", Lefevere coins the term refraction, which occurs in "texts that have been processed for a certain audience (children, for example), or adapted to a certain poetics or a certain ideology". (1981b: 72) From an ideological perspective, translations are thus no longer transparent reflections of their originals, but (inevitably) distorted products for which equivalence no longer seems to work. Moreover, he contends that, whereas refractions are obvious in authoritative political systems (e. g. the Nazi period in Germany, former communist countries), they tend to be less so in democratic societies (e. g. Western countries), where ideology functions under more covert forms. Lefevere argues that these activities are carried out against the background of the prevailing literary climate and political ideology, and that these factors act as a "spectrum" through which writers and their works are "refracted" before they reach their audience. (cf. Shuttleworth and Cowie 1997: 142) Such refractions occur not only in the case of translation but also in criticism, teaching, anthologizing and the production of plays. (Lefevere 1982: 4) However, after 1985, Lefevere replaces "refraction" by the more complex and powerful category of "rewriting". Rewriting Rewriting refers Get more content on
  • 5. Essay On Equivalence In Translation 2.1 Literary Review Previous studies relevant and helpful to the present study on reduplication as the translation equivalence of English lexicons in Indonesian are reviewed below. An article entitled "Equivalence in Translation Theories: A Critical Evaluation" by Panou (2013) is helpful to this research for comparative materials since it presents influential theories on equivalence in translation along with critical evaluation. It can be concluded from the article that many translation theories are based on two opposing ways of translating. With regard to equivalence, Nida (1964) distinguishes between formal and dynamic equivalence. Nida asserts that in formal equivalence the target language resembles very much the source language both form and content. Formal equivalence is therefore much of a word–for–word view of translation. Whereas in dynamic equivalence an effort is made to convey the source language message in the target language as naturally as possible. The idea of dynamic equivalence is to improve readability by rephrasing constructions that could be confusing more content... Formal equivalence (Nida,1964) and semantic translation (Newmark, 1981) can be considered as linguistic–oriented approaches to translation as these theories rely on word–for–word or literal translation. Dynamic equivalence (Nida, 1964) and communicative translation (Newmark, 1981) can be considered as target–oriented approaches to translation as these theories view the readability and naturalness of the translation are crucial for the target readers. Target–oriented approaches consider external factors surrounding the translation such as cultural context and communication situation. A translator may use any equivalence concept that is useful and applicable to his/her translation Get more content on
  • 6. Translation Aesthetics Of Translation Translation Aesthetics was systemically introduced to China by Liu Miqing. By his Translation Aesthetics, he says that translation of a text between Chinese and English could be judged by some items, such as culture, translation style and aesthetic psychology. This theory offers a great standard to discusses the distinguish of different versions of a same text. In his book, Liu Miqing has mentioned that the aesthetics of translation should be founded on many aspects. To understand aesthetics translation, people should firstly know something about aesthetics itself. First of all, language is the subject of aesthetics of translation. As a activity which changes a kind of language message into an other language message, language changing is the most more content... One way to solve this problem is to find a new rhythm in local language. Secondly, it is necessary to know the object and subject in the activity of translation aesthetics. The subject of translation aesthetic are translator and reader. At the first step, translator is required to have a special capability of aesthetic. It is translator's knowledge, experience and level of language finally decides the quality of translation of a text. Thus, translator has to be sensitive and professional. On the other hand, the object of translation aesthetics is the original text and translated text. The origin text should have value to be translated and include the aspects of informative, inspirational, enlightening and descriptive. After knowing the object and subject of translation aesthetic, the other important aspect people should know is that the aesthetic of translation has to suit the local culture. Different nation or race has different culture conditions. A same symbol may represent different meaning in two background. It means that a great translation version should pay attention to the culture background and the beauty of Get more content on
  • 7. Reflection On Translation Self Reflection in translation theory In this reflective essay I would like to shed some light in various learning styles as well as find out how do I or rather my mind functions when translating. Reading the book provided, I was surprised to find out many interesting and fascinating aspects of my learning process and about translating in general that I was not even aware of about myself. To begin I will briefly talk about my background in English language, then reflect on how do my current jobs come in to play with the discussed learning styles. Ever since I was first introduced to English as a language in the 4th grade in elementary school all the way through high school it has been my favourite subject. English was something that I was naturally good at for some reason, due to this fact I never felt discourage or failure in classes, like for example so many of us feel in Math or Chemistry, so I always enjoyed learning new words and tenses. Fortunately in my jobs I get to use English quite a lot for communication and also for translating purposes. Reading the book the first thing I noticed that in order to be not just a good more content... When I was reading about these I found that internally referenced typed is a very foreign concept for me especially what applies to translators. To be somewhat harsh, I do not really care for the message or importance of the source text. I do translation because I love the language and the thrill that comes from translating not to moralise on the subject. My goal as a translator is to make the source text available to people who need them, those who rely on me to get the job done, that is what gives me excitement. This makes me an externally referenced learner and translator and as such a subordinate to the source author itself and the target reader. As a translator I must leave behind my opinions and biases when doing a particular job and that is completely fine with Get more content on
  • 8. 2.2.1 Translation Ethics Ethics is the moral dimension of human behavior, which could regularize people's actions, and lead individual make appropriate choices when coping with others. Translation is a sophisticated practical activity, and a regulatory social behavior (Guo, 2014). Translation is involved with diverse factors, including language and culture, author and translator, sponsor and reader. Leading the translation process, translators are supposed to manage relationship between subject and object (Guo, 2014), which requires guidance and constraint by ethics. In 1980s, the French translation theorist Antonie Berman propounded the theory of "translation ethics". He regarded the respect for source text, language and cultural differences in between two languages as "appropriate more content... The translation ethics proposed by Berman places focus on converting "self" through communicating with others. With the purpose of pursuing cultural diversity and protruding language and cultural differences within source text, American structuralism translation theorist, Lwerene Venuti, proposed an assertion of promoting cultural renewal and transformation, which is called "ethics of difference" (1998). Anthony Pym addressed the issue of inter–subject responsibility and power and provided the concept of "interculturality" (2001). Then, Andrew Chesterman put forward "five models" on translation ethics from the perspective of interpersonal and intercultural communication, which includes ethics of representation, ethics of service, ethics of communication, norm–based ethics, ethics of commitment (2001). Systematically and thoroughly summarized previous studies (Chen, 2012), Chesterman's theory has brought translation research up to a new level (Guo, 2014), among which, ethics of communication, places extra emphasis on communicative functions of languages and interpersonal communication (2001) with the aim to improve relationships between source Get more content on
  • 9. Translation As A Method Of Communication 1.Introduction 1.1. Translation in General Translation is considered a method of communication. It helps people to communicate all over the world without wasting time or efforts. This communication is achieved by translating texts from different countries and languages. Translation studies are mainly divided into cultural and linguistic information. First, cultural studies focus on cultures of countries where the texts are taken from. Moreover, each country has its own specific culture and traditions that affect the source text. This may lead to difficulty in communication and spreading ideas easily to the target text of different culture. As a result, translation deals mainly with these problems of culture by finding methods that help in conveying ideas and contents with minimal loss of meaning. Second, linguistic studies focus on the structures and features of language itself of both source and target texts. Regarding translation domains, there are many domains such as literature, economics and legal domains. 1.2. Translation Methods Translation methods are methods that translation is based on to convey ideas especially when expressions from source language are unique and strange to the target language and its culture. These methods try to make ideas closer to the other culture and to be understood easily. According to Vinay and Darbelnet, there are some "stylistic effects" that can not be transferred from the source language to target language. This can be solved by Get more content on
  • 10. Translation As An Easy Task Essay Taduttore Traditore Translation is often portrayed as being an easy task, a simple transfer of words and sentences from a language to another. Because some people are bilingual or polyglots it doesn't mean they can be translators. Translation is a very hard and difficult task to accomplish. In this essay, the focus will be on the maxim "Taduttore Traditore" (from the Italian"to translate is to betray"), trying to understand and analyse its meanings and implications. And then, try to consider whether it is or not an accurate statement regarding translation work. According to the Bible, before the Tower of Babel, everyone spoke onelanguage. Yet because mankind decided to build a tower that would reach the Heavens, God punished his people by making them speak different languages and by splitting them into different parts of the world. That is when translation begins. At that time, there was no internet, no computers, no automatic translations nor even bilingual dictionaries. Nowadays, with the growth of the technologies, access to nearly every kind of information is possible. The translator's task is facilitated thanks to the many tools that the new technologies can provide such as MA Tools like Linguee, Reverso, Word Reference, and many more. Although they are not one hundred percent accurate, they are a great assistance for a translator, especially for a word by word translation. Yet translated expressions or sentences are still very hard to deal with for a computer Get more content on
  • 11. Translation is a process to translate word or text from one language to another. It transfers information to another person by written text which has purpose to transfer the idea in communication. Translation form is focused on written text such as text book, journal, poem, story and other as a part of communication and transfer of knowledge on the printing form. All of recent information such as scientific improvement, political issue, entertainment and news transferred from source language to the target language. It exchanges information and knowledge from one country to another. The improvement of country depends on the information. This is the effect of our incomplete and limited source book, text and journal which very important to our daily need in education Eventhough, the translation is very important and gives beneficial to improvement of education. However, translation is quite difficult to do because it needs skill; people are not allowed to translate something in arbitrary way. There are some theories that should be concerned in order to get a good translation. It is one of the reasons why in this ages, a study of translation becomes an academic subject which also known as translation course. By the time, many universities put translation as a course into their curricula like which is "Universitas Negeri Padang". One of the purpose of the adding translation studies as a course in Universitas Negeri Padang is producing a good translation. Moreover, translation has Get more content on
  • 12. 6.CONCLUSION All in all, even though machine translation is a new method of translation, and cannot compete with human translation when the quality is regarded, it however is seen as very helpful. It is seen so, especially in the cases when one in need of a translator cannot obtain the services of a human translator. Machine translation can give a overall idea of what the text is about and also provide with a first draft translation, even though not always accurate. Machine translation has its advantages because it is quick, cost effective, can be quickly updated, it is available at any time as long as one has access to a computer. However, its main disadvantage is that the translation is often not very accurate. This research paper shows the main advantages and disadvantages of using both translators, human and machine translators. Even though machine translation is widely used, it cannot give a fully understandable and correct translation on its own. Machine translation will never be fully independent from human translators. But even human translators on its own cannot do that much. It still needs a lot of translation more content... Because just a translation is done by human it does not automatically that it is of better quality. Quality comes with education and experience and even than a person cannot know everything. Seeing that humans or machines cannot translate on its own, a combination of these two is necessary to get a qualitative and professional translation. In this way, four different and distinctive methods of translation can be recognized: translation done only by machines, translations done by machine translators which are later revised and edited by human translators, translations done by humans with the assistance of a machine translator and translations done by humans without the involvement of machines Get more content on
  • 13. Essay about Foreign Currency Translation I.Introduction2 II.Definition3 A.Difference between translation and conversion3 B.Role of FASB No. 524 1.Determine the functional currency:4 2.Determine whether the functional currency of the subsidiary is also its home currency.4 a)If the functional currency is the home currency,4 b)If the functional currency of the subsidiary is not its home currency,5 III.Reasons for Translation5 A.Recording direct business transactions5 B.Reporting operations conducted through a foreign enterprise6 C.Measuring the enterprise exposure to the effects of currency fluctuation7 D.Communicating with foreign audiences–of–interest7 IV.Financial statement effects of alternative translation more content... While companies' activities are international, the currencies in which business contracts are contracted and settled are still a national affair. Hence, due to international activities, companies hold many items that are denominated in foreign currencies. For financial reporting purposes, these items have to be translated to a single currency, for example, the currency of a company's home country. Various translation methods have been created, but the main question when doing so is whichexchange rate shall be used for the translation process. Items could be translated into another currency by using the exchange rate of the transaction date, by using the exchange rate of the reporting–day (e.g. the balance sheet day), by using average exchange rates or any other kind of exchange rates. When translating an item using different exchange rates, exchange differences arise. These exchange differences could be treated in different ways. They could either be recognized in the income statement, although gains or losses arising from items denominated in foreign currencies might not be realized yet, or exchange differences could initially be realized in equity and be transferred to profit or loss when they are realized. In addition, the economical effects have to be regarded to make sure, that exchange differences are treated in a way, which insures fair presentation of financial Get more content on
  • 14. J. C. Catford published a book 'A linguistic Theory of Translation' in 1965. It deals with the analysis and description of translation process. He follows Firthian and Hallidayan linguistic model of translation. For him, the theory of translation is a branch of comparative Linguistics since it deals with certain type of relation between languages. It is essentially a theory of Applied Linguistics. Catford defines translation as, 'the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL)' (p. 20). According to him, "the central problem of translation practice is that of finding TL translation equivalents. A central task of translation theory, is that of defining the nature and conditions of translation equivalence" (p. 21). As far as translation is concerned, Catford distinguished between formal correspondence and textual equivalence. A formal correspondent is 'any TL category (Unit, class, element of structure etc.) which can be said to occupy, as nearly as possible, the 'same', place in the 'economy' of the TL as the given SL category occupies in the SL' (Catford 1965 : 27). A Textual equivalent is 'any TL text or portion of text which is observed on a particular occasion ............. To be the equivalent of a given SL text or portion of text'. He defines some board categories of translation in terms of extent, levels and ranks of translation. Depending on the 'extent' of SL text which is submitted to the translation Get more content on
  • 15. Protein synthesis is defined as "The creation of proteins by cells that uses DNA, RNA, and various enzymes." The synthesis of proteins takes two steps: transcription and translation. Transcription takes the information that is coded in DNA and codes it into mRNA, which heads out of the cell's nucleus and into the cytoplasm. During translation, the mRNA works with a ribosome and tRNA to synthesize proteins. When trying to understand the process of protein synthesis, basic terms are necessary. DNA is the backbone of life as we know it. DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid and it is necessary to life on earth. The basic unit of DNA is called a nucleotide which is also known as a base. DNA is a double stranded helix that is made of these bases. DNA makes thousands of proteins using only four different basis. These bases are labeled as A, T, G, and C. These letters stand for adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine. These bases make pairs. A Pairs with T and G pairs with C.The same goes forRNA except thymine is replaced with uracil and RNA is single stranded. A continuous strand of DNA is called agene. Genes are used to make functioning strands of RNA or proteins. The first step in protein synthesis is transcription which is when the cell makes an RNA copy of the information from DNA in the nucleus. The first step of transcription is called initiation. This is when the RNA polymerase binds to the promoter which contains the transcription start point. The polymerase binds Get more content on
  • 16. Lost in translation Essay Lost In Translation "Lost In Translation" is one of those movies that seek to be something having something extra something that is more than a regular movie. Moreover, it does so effectively without being pretentious, all through the movie it does not seem like it is trying too hard to be something other than what is there. It is skillfully written, well directed and it boasts of a solid cast not very spectacular but full of good actors. Jointly, this eventually results in an enjoyable and interesting movie. The important thing is that it has a message to it. Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson play two individuals lost in the new and unfamiliar surroundings, restlessly moving around a Tokyo hotel in the middle of the night, who fall more content... Johansson plays Charlotte; whose husband John is a photographer on assignment in Tokyo. She visits a shrine and then calls a friend in America to say, "I didn't feel anything." Then she reveals: "I don't know who I married." The movie could have degenerated into a love affair between two lost souls but "Lost in Translation" is too elegant and considerate to be the kind of movie where they go to bed and the viewer is supposed to believe that as a reaction against the problems that they have. They share something as private as their feelings rather than something as common as their bodies. Murray is trapped, but reconciled to being stuck. Marriage is not uncomplicated for him, and his wife's voice over the phone seems to go on and on. Nevertheless, he loves his children. He is very weary, he is doing the commercials for money and detests himself for it, he has a sense of humor and can be funny but he is not up to it. She on the other hand has been married only a couple of years, but it is clear that her husband thinks she is encroaching on his work and life. Full with his own importance, thrilled that a starlet knows his name, he leaves her behind in the hotel room because he will be working, and according to him she will not have a good time if she comes along with him. Their way of communication is not long discussions and they do not talk in the long literate sentences, but in the tired Get more content on
  • 17. Equivalence In Translation Essay 2.4 How equivalence is used in translation? 2.4.1 The concept of equivalence For a long time in the 20th century, translation studies followed the linguistic tradition in assuming the notion of equivalence. Translation studies in the linguistic tradition have relied on the notion equivalence. Nowadays equivalence between words in a source text and a target language is also important but other requirements also need to be met. It is specifically apparent in translating scientific texts. One of the other criteria for translation is incorporation of the main ideas and broader meaning of the whole texts. The source text needs to be recognised and understood as a whole, not as sequence of sentences and paragraphs. It should concern the more content... Some linguists claim that dealing with the process of finding equivalence is the most significant issue existing among translation processes and that is one of the mains principles of Western theory of translation. Translation is a mean of communication and in order for it to be effective it is crucial to establish appropriate equivalence between source and target text. Nida defines translation as "reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source–language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style". (Nida, 1982, p. 12) It is conspicuous that equivalence is one of basic concepts of translation which cannot be overlooked. This complex phenomenon often becomes a measure which helps to define the process of translation. Number of researches stress on the important role of the equivalence for the translation process and it is hard to hard to overestimate the role of equivalence in translation. Use of equivalence translation help people to understand each other and enables achieving communication goals. Achieving maximum linguistic, grammar and structural equivalence is inevitably linked with certain restrictions and limitations but the skilful use of equivalents can undoubtedly benefit the results of translation act. Despite different approaches, the equivalence is an important Get more content on
  • 18. The Pros And Cons Of Translation Studies Translation Studies requires to welcome ideas from other fields of study and other cultural traditions in order to generate new concepts, theories, and models. As Tymoczko (2007) emphasized, adopting the ideas from other disciplines leads to new ways of thinking about the field of translation since it would offer translation new validity and models for practice. Gile (2008) proposes the notion of "disciplinary immigrants" for professionals in translation study that employ theories and principles from sociology, cultural studies, linguistics etc. For example, Seleskovitch and Lederer (1989), following Jean Piaget's early work in cognitive psychology (1967), examined the specific translating and interpreting mental processes using a cognitive more content... This can explain for the vast spread of the undergraduate degree program on English and Persian translation in most universities and institutions of higher education and the magnitude of the number of English translation students. The number of students admitted to study in English and Persian translation at undergraduate level in 2003 was 495 in nine state universities and 3338 in thirty–seven private universities and institutions of higher education under the supervision of the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (Mollanazar, 2003, pp. Get more content on
  • 19. Translating Research into Practice Essays Introduction A financial burden such as the cost of medication can cause decreased compliance, increased complications and sometimes death . In 2005, a national study showed that 90 percent of the elderly take up to five prescription drug medications daily, thus, placing a tremendous financial burden on the elderly causing the decrease in dose or the refusal to get the prescription filled (Safran et al, 2005). The cost of medication on the elderly has been identified before, however, little has been done to assist the elderly in this endeavor. The purpose of this paper is to identify 3 best practice interventions to assist the elderly with medication cost and enhance compliance. Identifying Problem In 2005, twenty–six percent more content... Search Criteria The University of Alabama Biomedical Library was searched for relevant studies . This search included COCHRANE Database of Systematic Reviews, OVID database and EBSCO database. Another search was done using Google search, National Guidelines Clearinghouse, and Agency for Health Research. Reviewed articles references were used to obtain more studies. Keywords for all searches included: medication, medication cost, drug, drug cost, elderly, aged, nonadherence, and noncompliance ( See Appendix A). All the studies were less than 5 years old, expert opinions, practice guidelines were reviewed and those related to interventions to assist the elderly with medication cost were selected. Levels of Evidence A preliminary search yielded 10 studies, and reviews (Appendix B). Two Level1 studies were systematic reviews. One of the studies was a well controlled randomized study, which is a Level II. Six of the studies were nonrandomized, well controlled studies that were Level III. No evidence found at this time was a Level IV, V, VI, or VII. Grade of Recommendations Each study was graded on the relativity to clinical practice. A tool established by DiCenso, Guyatt, and Ciliska, and the Canadian Task Force on Preventative Health Services was modified for use in this research (Appendix C). According to the graded research, a Get more content on