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Kashmir Issue
These claims are often reinforced with partisan interpretation of history and selective evidence. The
real attitude and concrete policies towards the dispute, however, are often governed by perception of
short term "national interests" as defined by dominant political elite of the two countries the interests
that apparently are irreconcilable and non–negotiable.
While each side sticks to its claims over Kashmir, the Kashmiri Muslims continue to pay a heavy
price for their defiant struggle against overwhelming odds in order to exercise their right of self
determination. For more than half a century the Kashmiris are oscillating between uncertainty and
destitution. They continue to suffer misery and repression under illegal more content...
75 lac. Hence onward the Muslim population of Kashmir came under continuous torment of the cruel
Sikh rulers. They tried to strengthened their hold on the State with the singular aim of shattering the
will of their Muslim subjects, crushing their religious zeal. They cowed them down into accepting
the slavery of the Hindu minority.
The genesis of the Kashmir issue is that in August 1947, when partition of the sub–continent took
place, Lord Mountbatten, the viceroy of undivided India, influenced Radcliff into awarding the
predominantly Muslim district of Gurdaspur, situated in the East Punjab, to India. By this
treacherous act, admitted by Lord Mountbatten himself on nation wide British television, the cruel
Viceroy not only subjected a Muslim majority area to the cursed Hindu domination, it also sowed
the seed from which could crop up the domination of India on another predominantly Muslim State
Kashmir, because it is only through a narrow strap in the Gurdaspur district that India was linked
with Kashmir. The canker in no time cropped up into the "Kashmir Problem" that has ever since
proved to be a serious threat to the security of the South Asian region.
Pakistan has made a lot of efforts to break the strangled hold of India on Kashmir, including third
party's mediations but the fate of Kashmiris is
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Speech on Kashmir Issue
Honourable Course Director, Respected Deputy Course Director and Dear Colleagues
My topic of speech is Kashmir Issue.
Today, There are many issues which are threats to World peace the The Kashmir dispute is the oldest,
unresolved, international dispute in the world today. Pakistan considers Kashmir as its core political
dispute with India. The exchange of fire between their forces across the Line of Control, which
separates Azad Kashmir from Occupied Kashmir, is a routine affair. Now that, both India and
Pakistan have acquired nuclear weapons potential, the possibility of a third war, between them over
Kashmir, which may involve the use of nuclear weapons, cannot be ruled more content...
These brutalities have been documented by International and even Indian Human Rights
Organizations. Organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch as well as
Indian human rights NGOs have extensively documented the gross and systematic violation of
human rights of the Kashmiri people by Indian military and para–military forces. Extra judicial
killings, involuntary disappearances, arbitrary detentions, rapes and torture continue to be reported
on a large scale. The Kashmiri leaders have been repeatedly harassed and physically intimidated.
They have also been denied travel permission to prevent them from exposing Indian human rights
abuses in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The massive suppression by India is clearly designed to
silence the people of Jammu and Kashmir through sheer brutality bordering on genocide and ethnic
India refuses to acknowledge that the people of Indian Held Kashmir (IHK) have become totally
alienated and there is complete rejection of Indian occupation. The people of Kashmir are engaged
in a heroic resistance struggle and have lain down and continue to lay supreme sacrifices to relieve
jugular vein of Pakistan and that of their own from enemy's sword as willed by the Quaid–e–Azam.
May Almighty Allah bless them with success– Ameen.
The Kashmir problem will be solved the moment international community decides to intervene in the
matter to put
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India 's Issue Of Kashmir
India thinks that Kashmir is not the issue for an international concern and India does not consider
UN's take on any political action over Kashmir. India's apprehension of Kashmir is reasonable
somehow because India has fought three times with Pakistan regarding Kashmir's issue. On the
contrary, resolution does not come through military action. According toIndia, if India is ready to
establish Kashmir as a democratic province with all the privileges of an autonomous, there is no
guarantee to Kashmir will be under the Indian union. Because there are lots of terrorist groups are
fighting against India. Pakistan is supporting them by providing materials as well as financial
backing (Schofield, V. 2000).
The war between Pakistan and India in 1965 and 1999 see also (Bose, S. 2009) has shown that
India and Pakistan are increasing their military power and facing the challenges. On the other
hand, China is behind the Pakistan. So India is worrying if USA and China extend their support to
Pakistan and Pakistan prepares to attack Kashmir. Indian central politics are also responsible for
improving Kashmir case. Sonia Gandhi (leader of Indian Congress) is a liberal and her party wants
a dialogue with Kashmir and Pakistan both. But recent Prime Minister Narendra Modi (BJP) doesn't
want to negotiate with this case.
Pakistani Argument
After 1947, Pakistan felt that Pakistan is deprived because Kashmir has a majority of Muslim
people and they have a right to choose their future
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Essay about Kashmir Conflict
South Asia has been plagued with several global–impact conflicts. A particular conflict still in
stalemate today is the Kashmir conflict between the Republic of India and Pakistan. Since the British
granted independence to India and Pakistan in 1947 there has been much contention as to where the
partition should be in the Kashmir and Jammu region. The newborn states of India and Pakistan
(East and West) were created along religious lines in fear of Hindu subjugation of the Muslim
minority. Kashmir in this sense is a perplexing issue since it is a poly–ethnic region and the only
state within India holding a Muslim majority. India's legal claims to India have been ratified and
accepted by the Kashmiri government, however conflict between more content...
Currently this region is an enclave between three powerful nations consisting of: Pakistan to the
left, India on the right with China bordering the north. This region is encompassed with various
cultures and religions; those worth noting include the prevalent Muslim and Hindu populations of
IJK who are key to this conflict. Buddhists of IJK play a nominal role since they did not express
strong contention with respect to the partitioning of Pakistan and India. Thus, it is henceforth
relevant to describe the hostile situation leading to and after the partitioning of Kashmir in order
to propose a solution to the conundrum. In the early 19th century the Sikh Empire with regional
princes took form under a warrior named Ranjit Singh in northern and western India. It is believed
that upon his passing the prince Gulab Singh from Jammu, an upper class Hindu (one would refer
to this lineage as the Dogra regime), began to work closely with the British to get a stronghold on
the Sikh empire (Bose 15). This Quiet Diplomacy carried out between the prince and the British
allowed Gulab Singh to expand his territory who in return would reciprocate by providing funds,
materials and the military upon British request. Land acquired by the prince, in order, includes: the
Kashmir Valley, interior regions of Jammu, Ladakh, Baltistan and Gilgit, which became endorsed by
the Treaty of Amritsar in 1846 (Bose 15).
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Folk Music In Kashmir
Folk Music of Kashmir
Music that originates in traditional popular culture or that is written in such a style. Folk music is
typically of unknown authorship and is transmitted orally from generation to generation. Folk music
is the music of common masses. It is not bound by a set of typical rules and regulations as is found in
classical music. It is not the property of elite class only but every body's music.
Folk music of Kashmir had been a spontaneous creation, associated with usual merry–making
celebrations and an automatic expression of joy and delight. History of medieval time has
remained close to the orbit of Indian artistic and cultural influences. Many classical musicians,
singers, scholars and craftsmen adorned the courts of many great kings and music was no
exception to it. Music of lute and flute was a luxury of kings and high nobles and decorated the
royal courts as against the popular theatrical performances, under an open sky for the common
people. In the History of Kashmir by P.N.K. Bamzai, there is reference to king Kalasa, who
created taste for light Kashmiri music. This popular folk music has possibly shaped itself to
survive during the early medieval period. However, its history like that of folk chorus or (Chakri) is
traceable to the time of Kalhan that is 12th century A.D. It was king Bhikasacara 1120–1121 A.D.
who occupied himself in playing earthen pots, brass vessels and other such instruments in
accompaniment of folk music.
The music of Kashmir at
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Kashmir : India And Pakistan Essay
Kashmir is one of the most beautiful places of india which lies between Pakistan and india. It's a
heaven of the earth which embraces glaciers, pristine rivers and valleys, forests and green–
biodiversity. but Kashmir is a reasean for stresses between Pakistan and india. This issue was started
since in 1947 when india became independent by british impere. After that Kashmir has been
becoming the concerning issue of both India and Pakistan. Eventhough indai is denying saying
Kashmir is an international dispute but Pakistan always raises this issue as an international issue.
In this paper, I have tried to figure out the short historical background of Kashmir vally, why
Kashmir is important for both India and pakistan?, what are the Kashmiris' demands, what is the
indian argument, what are the Pakistanis agendas , how to apply structural theory to reorganize
kashmir, what is the outline for coexistence, recommendation for the further solution and finally
there is a short conclusion part.
Historical Background
Pakistan became independent one day ago when india decleared itself independent from the British
empire the following next day. But Kashmir was remaining independent territory until 1949. The
histry of Kashmir goes back to seventinth century. Until 1846 kashmir was a part of the Sikh empire
but the same year sikh had to fight with the british troops evantually they were defeated by the
british. But there was happened an interesting game when the british sold Kashmir to
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While hearing either on the news or through news flashes on the internet of the strife taking place in
Kashmir, I understood the war between Pakistan and Indian to be about who was going to own the
land in between. This war between the two countries goes much deeper than just real estate.
Through research I have learned about the different aspects of what created such hostility between
Pakistan and Indian. The dynamics of such hostilities are made up of a need for power, religious
belief's and a sense of control over what each believes to belong to them. Real Estate being the least
of their concerns.
Pakistan was formed in 1947, it was created by founding father Mohammad Ali Jinnah. It was
Mohammad Ali Jinnahs belief that Hindus more content...
Surprisingly it never made it, to the referendum that is.1
The problem was referred to the UN Security Council on December 31, 1947. India asked for
vacation of aggression by Pakistan. The UN neglected to take note of the aggression, and the council
declared Kashmir a disputed territory. Due to their over– sight, the UN supported the Pakistani
position. The UN decided to leave the future of Kashmir to be determined by a plebiscite, to be
held at a later date. According to the UNCIP (The UN Commission on India and Pakistan), before a
plebiscite can be conducted two preliminaries must be met. First, Pakistan should withdraw its forces
from the disputed territory and secure the withdrawal from the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan
also needed to remove tribesmen and Pakistani nationals not normally residents there who had
entered the state solely for the purpose of fighting and causing unrest. Only after the commission had
been notified that the first request had been fulfilled, and indeed the tribesmen and Pakistani
nationals have withdrawn, would they move forward. The second request would be made of India.
The Government of India would then begin to withdraw the bulk of its forces from that state in
stages. Once both withdrawals were completed, a plebiscite would be held.1
Pakistan still to this day has not started to vacate the property and therefore cannot expect a
plebiscite to
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Kashmir Conflict
The Kashmir dispute is the oldest unresolved international conflict in the world today. Pakistan
considers Kashmir as its core political dispute with India. So does the international community,
except India. The exchange of fire between their forces across the Line of Control, which separates
Azad Kashmir from Occupied Kashmir, is a routine affair. Now that bothIndia and Pakistan have
acquired nuclear weapons potential, the possibility of a third war between them over Kashmir,
which may involve the use of nuclear weapons, cannot be ruled out. Kashmir may be a cause to a
likely nuclear disaster in South Asia, which should be averted with an intervention by the
international community. Such an intervention is more content...
Nehru's betrayal :–
India's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru made a pledge to resolve the Kashmir dispute in
accordance with these resolutions. The sole criteria to settle the issue, he said, would be the
"wishes of the Kashmir people". A pledge that Prime Minister Nehru started violating soon after the
UN resolutions were passed. The Article 370, which gave 'special status' to 'Jammu and Kashmir',
was inserted in the Indian constitution. The 'Jammu and Kashmir Constituent Assembly' was created
on 5 November 1951. Prime minister Nehru also signed the Delhi Agreement with the then 'ruler' of
the disputed State, Sheikh Abdullah, which incorporated Article 370. In 1957, the disputed State
was incorporated into the Indian Union under a new Constitution. This was done in direct
contravention of resolutions of the UNSC and UNCIP and the conditions of the controversial
Instrument of Accession. The puppet 'State' government of Bakshi Ghulam Mohammed rushed
through the constitutional provision and the people of Kashmir were not consulted.
In 1965, India and Pakistan once again went to war over Kashmir. A cease–fire was established in
September 1965. Indian Prime Minister Lal Bhadur Shastri and Pakistani president Ayub Khan
signed the Tashkent Declaration on 1 January 1966. They resolved to try to end the dispute by
peaceful means. Although Kashmir was not the cause of 1971 war between the two countries, a
limited war did occur on the Kashmir
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Essay On A Trip To Kashmir
There's a beautiful quote by Marcus Tullius Cicero saying that "The pursuit, even of the best
things, ought to be calm and tranquil." Many people say that to get rid of your boring daily
routine, it is important that you take some day off and visit a beautiful place. It will not only prove
to be recreational but also you can get to know something interesting about the culture and heritage
of that place. I've been on a vacation to many places but there's one which no one can resist going to–
Down my memory lane, I recall that it was two years ago when all of a sudden my dad decided to
go on a vacation to Kashmir. Visiting Kashmir had been a dream for years. After learning about this
decision, I was on the top of the world! My friends who more content...
We received a pleasant welcome from the locals of Kashmir. Due to the fact that it had been
snowing in Kashmir for the past two days, the temperature had fallen to –3oC. It was so cold outside
that we just couldn't bear the water. It was freezing cold!
Furthermore, I being the delicate darling of our family, my mom was worried that this fall in
temperature could make me fall sick. So the very next moment I was piled up with a bundle of
warm clothes. As we reached Kashmir during the night, we had to stay in the hotel for the next few
hours. Though the climate was quite chilly in the beginning, till the next morning I got very much
adapted to it.
The very next day, we decided to go on a city tour of Kashmir. Water in its peculiar form, charmed
Kashmir to the core. From beautiful springs to huge lakes, water has been the most vital part of
Kashmir's beauty. It is said that once emperor Jahangir, of the Mughal Dynasty had stated that
Kashmir is vowed to be the paradise on Earth. And yes it is true. Visiting Kashmir makes you feel as
though you have come to the heaven
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Kashmir Issue and Mediation Essay
Kashmir Issue and Mediation
The record of the international mediation (Third Party role), or meditative interventions in regard to
the Kashmir dispute is clearly mixed: These interventions achieved both some successes and some
failures. Among the successes were the cease–fire and truce agreements, arranged by UNCIP in
1948 and 1949.The cease–fire agreement did not hold for long, and peacekeeping operation that
emerged from it failed in large measure to keep the peace. But that failure can hardly be charged
exclusively against the United Nations. Among the UN's failures were the several attempts to
mediate the Kashmir dispute by UN representatives between 1950 and 1958.[1]
Since the more content...
Both sides have been acutely conscious of the dangers inherent in mediation exercises, among them
mediator's own (and not necessarily compatible) political agenda; and both sides have also been
painfully aware that even successful mediation, if it exposed them to charges of a sellout, could
lead to domestic political disaster. Neither side's direct experience so far of mediation would in any
way have altered those perceptions. Pakistan, in particular, had very little to show for their reliance
on world sympathies save for a rather diluted and ambiguous international commitment to the
"self–determination" of Kashmir. Nevertheless, it has long been clear that Pakistan government, the
holder of the weaker hand in the Kashmir conflict, has been far more willing than its India to gamble
on international involvement.
In his last visit of America Khurshid M Kasuri, the Pakistani foreign minister, said in Washington
Pakistan welcomes mediation, pressure, facilitation, encouragement or any such other role of the
United States and the rest of the international community in resolving the Kashmir issue[3].
Pakistan have clung tenaciously, of course, to the Security Council Resolution that initially defined
the UN's responsibilities in regard to Kashmir and in particular have given unequivocal support to
prospective UN supervision of a
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Essay On Kashmir

  • 1. Kashmir Issue These claims are often reinforced with partisan interpretation of history and selective evidence. The real attitude and concrete policies towards the dispute, however, are often governed by perception of short term "national interests" as defined by dominant political elite of the two countries the interests that apparently are irreconcilable and non–negotiable. While each side sticks to its claims over Kashmir, the Kashmiri Muslims continue to pay a heavy price for their defiant struggle against overwhelming odds in order to exercise their right of self determination. For more than half a century the Kashmiris are oscillating between uncertainty and destitution. They continue to suffer misery and repression under illegal more content... 75 lac. Hence onward the Muslim population of Kashmir came under continuous torment of the cruel Sikh rulers. They tried to strengthened their hold on the State with the singular aim of shattering the will of their Muslim subjects, crushing their religious zeal. They cowed them down into accepting the slavery of the Hindu minority. The genesis of the Kashmir issue is that in August 1947, when partition of the sub–continent took place, Lord Mountbatten, the viceroy of undivided India, influenced Radcliff into awarding the predominantly Muslim district of Gurdaspur, situated in the East Punjab, to India. By this treacherous act, admitted by Lord Mountbatten himself on nation wide British television, the cruel Viceroy not only subjected a Muslim majority area to the cursed Hindu domination, it also sowed the seed from which could crop up the domination of India on another predominantly Muslim State Kashmir, because it is only through a narrow strap in the Gurdaspur district that India was linked with Kashmir. The canker in no time cropped up into the "Kashmir Problem" that has ever since proved to be a serious threat to the security of the South Asian region. Pakistan has made a lot of efforts to break the strangled hold of India on Kashmir, including third party's mediations but the fate of Kashmiris is Get more content on
  • 2. Speech on Kashmir Issue SPEECH ON JAMMU & KASHMIR DISPUTE Honourable Course Director, Respected Deputy Course Director and Dear Colleagues Assalam–o–Alaikum My topic of speech is Kashmir Issue. Today, There are many issues which are threats to World peace the The Kashmir dispute is the oldest, unresolved, international dispute in the world today. Pakistan considers Kashmir as its core political dispute with India. The exchange of fire between their forces across the Line of Control, which separates Azad Kashmir from Occupied Kashmir, is a routine affair. Now that, both India and Pakistan have acquired nuclear weapons potential, the possibility of a third war, between them over Kashmir, which may involve the use of nuclear weapons, cannot be ruled more content... These brutalities have been documented by International and even Indian Human Rights Organizations. Organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch as well as Indian human rights NGOs have extensively documented the gross and systematic violation of human rights of the Kashmiri people by Indian military and para–military forces. Extra judicial killings, involuntary disappearances, arbitrary detentions, rapes and torture continue to be reported on a large scale. The Kashmiri leaders have been repeatedly harassed and physically intimidated. They have also been denied travel permission to prevent them from exposing Indian human rights abuses in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The massive suppression by India is clearly designed to silence the people of Jammu and Kashmir through sheer brutality bordering on genocide and ethnic cleansing. India refuses to acknowledge that the people of Indian Held Kashmir (IHK) have become totally alienated and there is complete rejection of Indian occupation. The people of Kashmir are engaged in a heroic resistance struggle and have lain down and continue to lay supreme sacrifices to relieve jugular vein of Pakistan and that of their own from enemy's sword as willed by the Quaid–e–Azam. May Almighty Allah bless them with success– Ameen. The Kashmir problem will be solved the moment international community decides to intervene in the matter to put Get more content on
  • 3. India 's Issue Of Kashmir India thinks that Kashmir is not the issue for an international concern and India does not consider UN's take on any political action over Kashmir. India's apprehension of Kashmir is reasonable somehow because India has fought three times with Pakistan regarding Kashmir's issue. On the contrary, resolution does not come through military action. According toIndia, if India is ready to establish Kashmir as a democratic province with all the privileges of an autonomous, there is no guarantee to Kashmir will be under the Indian union. Because there are lots of terrorist groups are fighting against India. Pakistan is supporting them by providing materials as well as financial backing (Schofield, V. 2000). The war between Pakistan and India in 1965 and 1999 see also (Bose, S. 2009) has shown that India and Pakistan are increasing their military power and facing the challenges. On the other hand, China is behind the Pakistan. So India is worrying if USA and China extend their support to Pakistan and Pakistan prepares to attack Kashmir. Indian central politics are also responsible for improving Kashmir case. Sonia Gandhi (leader of Indian Congress) is a liberal and her party wants a dialogue with Kashmir and Pakistan both. But recent Prime Minister Narendra Modi (BJP) doesn't want to negotiate with this case. Pakistani Argument After 1947, Pakistan felt that Pakistan is deprived because Kashmir has a majority of Muslim people and they have a right to choose their future Get more content on
  • 4. Essay about Kashmir Conflict South Asia has been plagued with several global–impact conflicts. A particular conflict still in stalemate today is the Kashmir conflict between the Republic of India and Pakistan. Since the British granted independence to India and Pakistan in 1947 there has been much contention as to where the partition should be in the Kashmir and Jammu region. The newborn states of India and Pakistan (East and West) were created along religious lines in fear of Hindu subjugation of the Muslim minority. Kashmir in this sense is a perplexing issue since it is a poly–ethnic region and the only state within India holding a Muslim majority. India's legal claims to India have been ratified and accepted by the Kashmiri government, however conflict between more content... Currently this region is an enclave between three powerful nations consisting of: Pakistan to the left, India on the right with China bordering the north. This region is encompassed with various cultures and religions; those worth noting include the prevalent Muslim and Hindu populations of IJK who are key to this conflict. Buddhists of IJK play a nominal role since they did not express strong contention with respect to the partitioning of Pakistan and India. Thus, it is henceforth relevant to describe the hostile situation leading to and after the partitioning of Kashmir in order to propose a solution to the conundrum. In the early 19th century the Sikh Empire with regional princes took form under a warrior named Ranjit Singh in northern and western India. It is believed that upon his passing the prince Gulab Singh from Jammu, an upper class Hindu (one would refer to this lineage as the Dogra regime), began to work closely with the British to get a stronghold on the Sikh empire (Bose 15). This Quiet Diplomacy carried out between the prince and the British allowed Gulab Singh to expand his territory who in return would reciprocate by providing funds, materials and the military upon British request. Land acquired by the prince, in order, includes: the Kashmir Valley, interior regions of Jammu, Ladakh, Baltistan and Gilgit, which became endorsed by the Treaty of Amritsar in 1846 (Bose 15). Get more content on
  • 5. Folk Music In Kashmir Folk Music of Kashmir Music that originates in traditional popular culture or that is written in such a style. Folk music is typically of unknown authorship and is transmitted orally from generation to generation. Folk music is the music of common masses. It is not bound by a set of typical rules and regulations as is found in classical music. It is not the property of elite class only but every body's music. Folk music of Kashmir had been a spontaneous creation, associated with usual merry–making celebrations and an automatic expression of joy and delight. History of medieval time has remained close to the orbit of Indian artistic and cultural influences. Many classical musicians, singers, scholars and craftsmen adorned the courts of many great kings and music was no exception to it. Music of lute and flute was a luxury of kings and high nobles and decorated the royal courts as against the popular theatrical performances, under an open sky for the common people. In the History of Kashmir by P.N.K. Bamzai, there is reference to king Kalasa, who created taste for light Kashmiri music. This popular folk music has possibly shaped itself to survive during the early medieval period. However, its history like that of folk chorus or (Chakri) is traceable to the time of Kalhan that is 12th century A.D. It was king Bhikasacara 1120–1121 A.D. who occupied himself in playing earthen pots, brass vessels and other such instruments in accompaniment of folk music. The music of Kashmir at Get more content on
  • 6. Kashmir : India And Pakistan Essay Kashmir is one of the most beautiful places of india which lies between Pakistan and india. It's a heaven of the earth which embraces glaciers, pristine rivers and valleys, forests and green– biodiversity. but Kashmir is a reasean for stresses between Pakistan and india. This issue was started since in 1947 when india became independent by british impere. After that Kashmir has been becoming the concerning issue of both India and Pakistan. Eventhough indai is denying saying Kashmir is an international dispute but Pakistan always raises this issue as an international issue. In this paper, I have tried to figure out the short historical background of Kashmir vally, why Kashmir is important for both India and pakistan?, what are the Kashmiris' demands, what is the indian argument, what are the Pakistanis agendas , how to apply structural theory to reorganize kashmir, what is the outline for coexistence, recommendation for the further solution and finally there is a short conclusion part. Historical Background Pakistan became independent one day ago when india decleared itself independent from the British empire the following next day. But Kashmir was remaining independent territory until 1949. The histry of Kashmir goes back to seventinth century. Until 1846 kashmir was a part of the Sikh empire but the same year sikh had to fight with the british troops evantually they were defeated by the british. But there was happened an interesting game when the british sold Kashmir to Get more content on
  • 7. While hearing either on the news or through news flashes on the internet of the strife taking place in Kashmir, I understood the war between Pakistan and Indian to be about who was going to own the land in between. This war between the two countries goes much deeper than just real estate. Through research I have learned about the different aspects of what created such hostility between Pakistan and Indian. The dynamics of such hostilities are made up of a need for power, religious belief's and a sense of control over what each believes to belong to them. Real Estate being the least of their concerns. Pakistan was formed in 1947, it was created by founding father Mohammad Ali Jinnah. It was Mohammad Ali Jinnahs belief that Hindus more content... Surprisingly it never made it, to the referendum that is.1 The problem was referred to the UN Security Council on December 31, 1947. India asked for vacation of aggression by Pakistan. The UN neglected to take note of the aggression, and the council declared Kashmir a disputed territory. Due to their over– sight, the UN supported the Pakistani position. The UN decided to leave the future of Kashmir to be determined by a plebiscite, to be held at a later date. According to the UNCIP (The UN Commission on India and Pakistan), before a plebiscite can be conducted two preliminaries must be met. First, Pakistan should withdraw its forces from the disputed territory and secure the withdrawal from the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan also needed to remove tribesmen and Pakistani nationals not normally residents there who had entered the state solely for the purpose of fighting and causing unrest. Only after the commission had been notified that the first request had been fulfilled, and indeed the tribesmen and Pakistani nationals have withdrawn, would they move forward. The second request would be made of India. The Government of India would then begin to withdraw the bulk of its forces from that state in stages. Once both withdrawals were completed, a plebiscite would be held.1 Pakistan still to this day has not started to vacate the property and therefore cannot expect a plebiscite to Get more content on
  • 8. Kashmir Conflict INTRODUCTION: The Kashmir dispute is the oldest unresolved international conflict in the world today. Pakistan considers Kashmir as its core political dispute with India. So does the international community, except India. The exchange of fire between their forces across the Line of Control, which separates Azad Kashmir from Occupied Kashmir, is a routine affair. Now that bothIndia and Pakistan have acquired nuclear weapons potential, the possibility of a third war between them over Kashmir, which may involve the use of nuclear weapons, cannot be ruled out. Kashmir may be a cause to a likely nuclear disaster in South Asia, which should be averted with an intervention by the international community. Such an intervention is more content... Nehru's betrayal :– India's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru made a pledge to resolve the Kashmir dispute in accordance with these resolutions. The sole criteria to settle the issue, he said, would be the "wishes of the Kashmir people". A pledge that Prime Minister Nehru started violating soon after the UN resolutions were passed. The Article 370, which gave 'special status' to 'Jammu and Kashmir', was inserted in the Indian constitution. The 'Jammu and Kashmir Constituent Assembly' was created on 5 November 1951. Prime minister Nehru also signed the Delhi Agreement with the then 'ruler' of the disputed State, Sheikh Abdullah, which incorporated Article 370. In 1957, the disputed State was incorporated into the Indian Union under a new Constitution. This was done in direct contravention of resolutions of the UNSC and UNCIP and the conditions of the controversial Instrument of Accession. The puppet 'State' government of Bakshi Ghulam Mohammed rushed through the constitutional provision and the people of Kashmir were not consulted. In 1965, India and Pakistan once again went to war over Kashmir. A cease–fire was established in September 1965. Indian Prime Minister Lal Bhadur Shastri and Pakistani president Ayub Khan signed the Tashkent Declaration on 1 January 1966. They resolved to try to end the dispute by peaceful means. Although Kashmir was not the cause of 1971 war between the two countries, a limited war did occur on the Kashmir Get more content on
  • 9. Essay On A Trip To Kashmir There's a beautiful quote by Marcus Tullius Cicero saying that "The pursuit, even of the best things, ought to be calm and tranquil." Many people say that to get rid of your boring daily routine, it is important that you take some day off and visit a beautiful place. It will not only prove to be recreational but also you can get to know something interesting about the culture and heritage of that place. I've been on a vacation to many places but there's one which no one can resist going to– Kashmir. Down my memory lane, I recall that it was two years ago when all of a sudden my dad decided to go on a vacation to Kashmir. Visiting Kashmir had been a dream for years. After learning about this decision, I was on the top of the world! My friends who more content... We received a pleasant welcome from the locals of Kashmir. Due to the fact that it had been snowing in Kashmir for the past two days, the temperature had fallen to –3oC. It was so cold outside that we just couldn't bear the water. It was freezing cold! Furthermore, I being the delicate darling of our family, my mom was worried that this fall in temperature could make me fall sick. So the very next moment I was piled up with a bundle of warm clothes. As we reached Kashmir during the night, we had to stay in the hotel for the next few hours. Though the climate was quite chilly in the beginning, till the next morning I got very much adapted to it. The very next day, we decided to go on a city tour of Kashmir. Water in its peculiar form, charmed Kashmir to the core. From beautiful springs to huge lakes, water has been the most vital part of Kashmir's beauty. It is said that once emperor Jahangir, of the Mughal Dynasty had stated that Kashmir is vowed to be the paradise on Earth. And yes it is true. Visiting Kashmir makes you feel as though you have come to the heaven Get more content on
  • 10. Kashmir Issue and Mediation Essay Kashmir Issue and Mediation The record of the international mediation (Third Party role), or meditative interventions in regard to the Kashmir dispute is clearly mixed: These interventions achieved both some successes and some failures. Among the successes were the cease–fire and truce agreements, arranged by UNCIP in 1948 and 1949.The cease–fire agreement did not hold for long, and peacekeeping operation that emerged from it failed in large measure to keep the peace. But that failure can hardly be charged exclusively against the United Nations. Among the UN's failures were the several attempts to mediate the Kashmir dispute by UN representatives between 1950 and 1958.[1] Since the more content... Both sides have been acutely conscious of the dangers inherent in mediation exercises, among them mediator's own (and not necessarily compatible) political agenda; and both sides have also been painfully aware that even successful mediation, if it exposed them to charges of a sellout, could lead to domestic political disaster. Neither side's direct experience so far of mediation would in any way have altered those perceptions. Pakistan, in particular, had very little to show for their reliance on world sympathies save for a rather diluted and ambiguous international commitment to the "self–determination" of Kashmir. Nevertheless, it has long been clear that Pakistan government, the holder of the weaker hand in the Kashmir conflict, has been far more willing than its India to gamble on international involvement. In his last visit of America Khurshid M Kasuri, the Pakistani foreign minister, said in Washington Pakistan welcomes mediation, pressure, facilitation, encouragement or any such other role of the United States and the rest of the international community in resolving the Kashmir issue[3]. Pakistan have clung tenaciously, of course, to the Security Council Resolution that initially defined the UN's responsibilities in regard to Kashmir and in particular have given unequivocal support to prospective UN supervision of a Get more content on