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Essay on Greek Philosophy
Greek Philosophy
Philosophy, the use of reason and argument in seeking truth and knowledge of reality. Throughout
history man has searched for the origins of his existence, both on an outward and inward level,
seeking truth and understanding of his world. The first culture to actively explore this idea of
philosophy was the Greeks. Because their civilization placed less emphasis on religion and the
masses didn't have to constantly answer to religious figures man had time to explore other things.
Not only did Greek philosophy play an important role in Greek society, but it's voice and influence
has and will continue to reverberate throughout the ages. Modern philosophy has it's roots in a small
city called Miletus, which more content...
One of the most important thinkers of the time and of history was Pythagorus, who not only was
a philosopher but a mathematician and a poet. He was born at Samos, an island off the coast of
Ionia. He spent most of his life at Crotan, in Southern Italy, where he eventually founded the
brotherhood of thinkers. He was very secretive and left very little writings, most of what he said
was documented by his followers. He believed that the soul was immortal and that once it's body
died it moved on to another sort of living creature. He believed that nothing was absolutely new
and that all animate things were akin. He was also a vegetarian because if you killed an animal he
believed that you could be killing a dead relative or a close departed friend. He also believed that
numbers were the principles of all things. Another thing he came up with was the Pythagorean
theorem, a way to determine the hypotenuse or diagonal of squares. Socrates is often considered to
be the father of modern philosophy. He wasn't interested in the course that philosophy was taking
and he decided rather to investigate human nature. He was the first philosopher to live in Athens
where he often held public debates with the Sophists. His chief form of philosophical reasoning was
elenchus, which was the questioning of common beliefs in order
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My Teaching Philosophy Essay
My Teaching Philosophy I believe that education extends far beyond the classroom walls, and
involves many more people than students and teachers. People should be learning wherever they
go, and should continue learning long after they've graduated from high school or college.
Education isn't something that can be quantified with tests or report cards, but is instead
something that people carry with them. It's a survival pack for life, and some people are better
equipped in certain areas than in others. People with a solid education are prepared for nearly
anything, as they will be able to provide for their own physical, emotional, and aesthetic needs. That
being said, I also believe that a crucial part of education more content...
The roles of a teacher are so many and so varied that it is impossible to list them all, but one of the
most important is preparing students to learn, not only in the classroom, but everywhere, and for
the rest of their lives. Learning is not a skill that is necessarily instinctual or easy, and therefore
different approaches must be used to make learning easier and more fun for students. Teaching is
not a skill that can be memorized or made repetitive, and so teachers must continue to challenge
not only their students, but also themselves. Teachers that become complacent in their jobs are
not good teachers. Those who can find a way to make an old lesson new and exciting will have an
energized classroom, and will be reenergized themselves. Every child is different. That sounds like
an obvious statement, but so many ineffective teachers seem to forget this. Each student has his or
her own varying abilities, talents, and levels of competence, and it is the job of a teacher not only
to recognize this, but to help each student recognize this as well. If a child isn't doing well in a
particular subject, both the teacher and the student should work towards figuring out why, and the
teacher should accept the challenge of finding a way to make a particular subject more
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Essay On Greek Philosophy
What is philosophy? Today when the word "philosophy" is spoken, it provokes thought in most
people. Philosophy is often associated with the wisest ones from the past such as Aristotle and Plato.
In fact, the word itself originates from the Greek word "philosophia," directly translating into the
"love of wisdom." Ancient Greek philosophy covered an extensive amount of subjects such as
science, the analysis of common political and social life, along with religious affairs (Adkins and
Adkins, "Philosophy, Ancient Greek") . Ultimately, Ancient Greek philosophy is a complex system
of thought shaped by pre–socratic thought, sophist thought, hellenistic thought, and the thought of
highly esteemed figures.
The origin of Greek philosophy traces back to the middle of the fifth century BCE. The
philosophical thoughts that originated in Ionia, during the sixth century BCE are considered to be
pre–socratic because they reflect the common philosophy before Socrates. During this time, the
Ionians were ones to trade with those located nearby to the west and east such as Mesopotamia and
Persia. The active more content...
The Persian Wars led to many cultural evolutions within inancient Greece, specifically, Athens.
Within these evolutions, ancient Greek philosophy progressed significantly due to the sheer
"arrogance" of ancient Greece (Sacks, "Persian Wars"). Hellenistic age deemed what thought was
effective and what thought was not. So, philosophers had to adapt their thought to suit the time
period. For example, the hellenistic age turned philosophers such as Epicurus and Zeno toward
conveying their philosophical thoughts through religion, specifically, Christianity (Sacks,
"Hellenistic Age"). Modifications like the one above, do in fact leave an impression on one's
philosophy, showing that hellenistic thought impacted ancient Greek philosophy as a
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Philosophy of the Mind
The philosophy of body and mind has been a highly debated topic since its launch in the 17th
centaury by Rene Descartes. Since then, many philosophers have written on the subject matter and
many theories have emerged as a product of this lively debate. In this essay, I will analyze and
critique a selection of philosophers who ponder on the body–mind topic since the 17th century, and
ultimately evaluate Paul M.
Chruchland's claim that folk psychology should be eliminated and replaced by completed
For the purpose of this essay it is important to set the defying parameters of folk psychology, as
there are 3 working definitions of folk more content...
For instance, a dry sensation in the throat would indicate thirst and a grumbling sensation in the
stomach hunger etc. Lastly, the following quote makes an interesting connection to a recent
discovery: "I am now awake, and see some truth; but since my vision is not yet clear enough, I will
deliberately fall asleep so that my dreams may provide a true and clearer representation."
(Cottingham, 223). Here
Descartes' view of the mind over the body is evident but a connection could also be made to an
interesting scientific discovery, Dimethyltryptamine (DMT). DMT is a hormone in the brain, only
secreted during birth, dreams, and death. Besides its presence in the brain, DMT is also found in
plants. Doctor Rick Strassman researched
DMT extensively throughout the late 1900's and even applied it to test subjects to observe results.
He found that the secretion of DMT causes a state where one's connection to reality as we know it,
the physical laws of nature, are abandoned completely, a state of being where one is confronted by
the unconscious mind. "DMT allows contact with dark matter or parallel universes, Strassman
argues that DMT must have provided an adaptive advantage to our ancestors in allowing access to
alternate states of consciousness and thus perhaps greater problem–solving abilities and greater
creativity."(Flores 2002). Being qua being perhaps, as
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Essay on Philosophy of Management
Every manager must have a set of principles, values, and core beliefs that he must follow. These
principles, values, and beliefs make up his philosophy of management. Webster defines
philosophy as "the most basic beliefs, concepts, and attitudes of an individual or group." (Webster)
I will be discussing the principles, values, and beliefs I as a manager will have to do my job
efficiently. I will also discuss the different biblical beliefs that support my management style. I
believe in a directive and conceptual decision style. When there is a small problem that requires a
quick solution, I would use the directive decision style. This would be similar to a problem that I
would have already dealt with in the past. For larger more content...
A manager is not a babysitter to his staff, and he should not shadow his employees. If there is a
dispute between two employees at the workplace, the manager should let the employees resolve
it themselves. If that dispute fails to get resolved and starts to affect the performance of others,
then the manager needs to resolve the dispute for them. This may entail firing the employees
involved in the dispute. Adults at the workplace should be able to resolve disputes themselves
without any intervention from the employer. I am going to provide a scenario and what the
manager should do in the scenario. Scenario: A long time employee, Fred, with a perfect
attendance record suddenly doesn't show up to work for an entire week. Fred doesn't notify the
employer of the reason for his absence. The employer tries to contact Fred without any success.
The employer then promotes one of his other employees, Mark, to the position that Fred had.
After a week Fred returns back to work only to find out that Mark is doing his job. Fred tries to
explain to the manager that his father died and he was too devastated to answer the manager's
calls to him. What should the manager do now? In this scenario, the manager should let Mark
keep his promotion and give Fred Mark's old job. Fred should have notified his manager of his leave
if he wanted to keep his position. It would be hard to remove Mark's promotion
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The Importance of Philosophy Essay
The Importance of Philosophy
The question is Philosophy. Why is it important? What makes it important? To answer theses
questions you first have to know what philosophy is. Philosophy is defined as: the pursuit of
wisdom; a search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than
observational means. This is the written definition of philosophy, but I think philosophy can't be
defined to just words. It's more then words.
Philosophy to me is an attempt to understand the world. To understand philosophy one must not
look for a solid definition. It is easier to understand it if one is actually doing it. Why don't you try
it out now, take the ever so popular phrase "to be or not to be." One thing can't, more content...
Without philosophizing, without philosophy where would we be today? Some might say that we
would be exactly where we are now because questions raised back then, in the early parts of
philosophy, are still raised today. Although this is true, try to think where we would be today if
none of us ever sought out wisdom; if no one ever question anything that they were told. If everyone
just took each others word for everything and never tried to understand how anything worked.
Where would we be? Certainly, not were we are today.
So why is philosophy important? As a human it is important understand our world, to understand our
values, and to understand ourselves. And the answer to the why philosophy important is because the
soul propose of philosophy is to help us understand. Without our constant seeking for understanding
we never would have developed philosophy in the first place. Philosophy when used, could answer
questions to things we wish to understand; such as snow. If no one ever sought out for answers,
today we probably wouldn't know where and how snow worked. So, philosophy is important because
one's understanding is important.
It is also important to understand ourselves. This is another reason philosophy is important. If no
one ever understood what or who they were then no one ever would have done anything. An
example: A shoemaker makes shoes; shoes are
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Value of Philosophy Essay
Philosophy is the study of examining and thinking about questionable ethical problems and/or
generally accepted certainties. Philosophy aims at knowledge that combines a variety of academic
fields as well as convictions, prejudices and beliefs.
What is Russell's essay about? Present Russell's position in your own words.
Bertrand Russell's essay addresses many issues concerning philosophy. In the writing, he states
philosophy's nature, value, and criticisms. The essay explains these aspects of the study of
philosophy in relatively different ways. The main idea for establishing value in his essay is by
explaining how it is best obtained, and its effect on other people. The essay continues with his
criticisms of those who more content...
It states that even though philosophy doesn't give us a certainty of true answers, it suggests many
possibilities which enlarge our thoughts and free them from tyranny of custom. He also supports
the idea that philosophy is beneficial because it "enriches intellectual imagination". The essay
brings up the points of the practical man, and why they are at a loss of intellectual imagination
because they don't explore the unknown by viewing life as simple. As evidence, he uses an
example of mass disease and poverty of a society. The theory is that in those conditions, there would
still be much to be improved to produce a valuable society. Even if the society has the proper food
supplies, they need the 'goods of the mind' (knowledge) to build a well–governed society. He
believes practical men undermine that aspect, thereby explaining their lack of intellectual
imagination. The next argument is that philosophy saves us from convictions, prejudices, and
cultural beliefs. The affect that that has on a person is to open up a fresh prospective with very
little bias. He believed for this to be beneficial to people socially, by developing empathy which
helps you understand others points of view. That theory goes hand–in–hand and gives a fine segway
to his fourth and final argument of "the freedom and equity learned from philosophical
contemplation reflecting in your personality (action and emotion). The
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Essay about The Importance of Philosophy
The Importance of Philosophy
"All things in life are philosophical." This is a well–known quote by the renowned Greek scientist
/philosopher Aristotle. When one is to imagine life without thought, free will or knowledge, they are
left to only imagine the oblivion they would be left to reside in. To me, philosophy is more than
ethics, esthetics, and epistemology... it is the ability to stand ones ground with certain viewpoints,
attitudes and beliefs. Philosophy seemed to be the center of the majority of peoples lives Before the
Common Era, yet today it also upholds just as much, if not more, importance to the normal person
than of the 'scientist' or renowned 'theorist.' Philosophy makes people who they are, their
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Her statement is a prime example of philosophy. The content of her testimonial consisted of many
supported ideas and thoughts. Yet, at the same time, the statement she made was rousing to anyone
that was perhaps overhearing or listening to the conversation. It upheld all the characteristics for a
good philosophical conversation. They include various aspects of diversity, thought, support and
Without philosophy the world would be incomplete. It is common knowledge that there is gray in
every argument, even the most miniscule, it is never black or white. Philosophy is what the gray
area consists of, different beliefs and ideas that cannot fit in either of the two groups. That is what
makes philosophy significant; there are no limits to it. There are no boundaries to what the human
mind can think and there are no unattainable dreams that one's mind cannot conceive. Therefore
stating that there are no tangible boundaries for philosophy, neither are there elusive limitations.
Philosophy can be viewed in so many different ways, with so many different aspects looked at and
critiqued. The simple statement, "eventually the sun will burn out and the Earth will cease to exist"
can produce a rousing philosophical conversation. When having a philosophical discussion the
people 'philosophers' involved must take a look at all
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Essay on History of Philosophy
Until now, I have simply accepted education as it has been presented me, blind to fact that there was
any kind of well developed philosophy behind it. After being introduced to the main educational
philosophies, perennialism, essentialism, progressivism and social resconstructionism, I have had
the opportunity to decide for myself which ones I believe in and why. I must agree with Thomas
Locke that we are born into this world a blank slate. Living in such an affluent society, education in
America is provided and required of all citizens. Education shapes us; we grow through it and with it
as changing circumstances continue to alter the methods by how we are taught and why. It is
through our education however, that we learn and grow more content...
I personally believe that while learning concepts and ideas that will always be prevalent regardless
of progressing time and that thinking analytically is crucial to personal growth and education, that
this is not a practical approach and certainly not one that every student would benefit from it.
Somewhat similar to perennialism, essentialism also focuses on absolutes, believing in a certain
knowledge standard, teaching students the fundamentals of math, science, literature, history and
language, basically the layout of our days in middle school. Often referred to, as "back to the
basics" essentialism is a dominant approach to American education. Although I disagree with
some of the more recent campaigns that have branched from it, such as No Child Left Behind, I
do believe that its highly effective and gives students the opportunity to balance their education
among the essential "basics" as well as draw connections between them. It was also discussed that
essentialism produces the 2 by 4 students, suggesting a basic education. I believe that learning
basics will always be important, I partly believe this because it is how I have been educated and I
consider myself to be a well–rounded human being with a basic knowledge of the core topics
because of it. However, there are some core topics I believe I walked away from with a better
understanding of then others and I don't believe that to be because I was
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Philosophy of Ethics Essay
The word "ethics" comes from Greek ethikas meaning character. Today, we use ethics to describe the
normative standard of behavior. The history of philosophical ethics has been broken up into five
rational methods: Virtue, Traditional, Modern, and Post–Modern Ethics. Within these periods, the
philosophy of ethics changed along with the changes being made within society. The first rational
method is Virtue Ethics. The major philosophers during this period were materialists such as Plato,
Aristotle, Epicurus, and Plutarch. Greek were concerned with finding eudaimonia meaning the good
life, but what is the good life? Known as the greatest Western philosopher, Plato developed the
Cardinal Virtues: Justice, Courage, Moderation, more content...
One of the last major philosophers of Virtue Ethics was Plutarch who advocated virtue but disagreed
with Epicurus because he believed there was no true pleasure. At this same time, between 400 B.C.–
40 B.C. Stoic philosophers such Cicero, who combined the philosophies of Aristotle and Plato,
developed his idea on ethics and how everyone has a duty and should imitate virtue for others. He
said duty has two points which are to achieve the Supreme Good, and follow the rules for daily
living. Cicero was a strong believer in rationality incorporated Plato's Cardinal Virtues into his three
rules of conduct: master desires through reason, know true value of goals and be moderate in
actions and lifestyle. Following Virtue Ethics, a major shift occurred in thinking. The philosophers
of Virtue Ethics were materialists and believed we only have what we have and after death, we have
nothing. Traditional Ethics shifted the focus on religion once it began to spread. Also known as
Biblical Ethics, philosophers started a systematic study of Biblical themes and principles surrounding
ethics and morality. St. Augustine was trained as a philosopher and combines his understanding of
the Bible to ethics by answering the same question as Plato and Aristotle did, "What is the highest
good?" He answered this question with happiness just like Aristotle but since Aristotle
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What Is Philosophy Essay
What is Philosophy?
The idea of philosophy have been for generation mistaught and mistrued to the world. While some
argued that philosophy rejects the existence of the infinity of God, others asserts that the focus of
philosophy is on elemental matters that are real. However, these school of thoughts may be right in
their various capacity but philosophy goes beyond that. Philosophy is in reality not just a theory but
philosophy is the act of discovering the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. In
other words, philosophy drive us to reason critically and discover what truth really is (Pecorino,
2000). What does it offer us?
There are several things philosophy offers us. First, philosophy offers us wisdom to discover the
truth regarding the existence of reality and the falacy of relying on our senses. This is because what
our senses suggest to us are far from being the truth, therefore philosophy offers us a more
appropriate approach to trust in our 'reason'. Furthermore, philosophy offer us the ability to wonder
and question things from a perspective that even when we see elemental matters with
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In my workplace, would, in most cases ask my subordinates questions in order to understand some
fundamental aspect of their assignments. For instance, if a subordinate resume late without any
tangible excuse, I ask question like 'if everyone resume late to work, can this business survive?'
Questions prompt self–realizations and make people discovered that what they are doing is wrong.
Questions similarly points people to the right direction of what they should do. Additionally, at
home, I ask series of critical questions in order to enlighten the children and show them where they
have made some mistakes and how to rectify it. The Socratic method has essentially become a way
in which I conduct my everyday
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Essay On Philosophy

  • 1. Essay on Greek Philosophy Greek Philosophy Philosophy, the use of reason and argument in seeking truth and knowledge of reality. Throughout history man has searched for the origins of his existence, both on an outward and inward level, seeking truth and understanding of his world. The first culture to actively explore this idea of philosophy was the Greeks. Because their civilization placed less emphasis on religion and the masses didn't have to constantly answer to religious figures man had time to explore other things. Not only did Greek philosophy play an important role in Greek society, but it's voice and influence has and will continue to reverberate throughout the ages. Modern philosophy has it's roots in a small city called Miletus, which more content... One of the most important thinkers of the time and of history was Pythagorus, who not only was a philosopher but a mathematician and a poet. He was born at Samos, an island off the coast of Ionia. He spent most of his life at Crotan, in Southern Italy, where he eventually founded the brotherhood of thinkers. He was very secretive and left very little writings, most of what he said was documented by his followers. He believed that the soul was immortal and that once it's body died it moved on to another sort of living creature. He believed that nothing was absolutely new and that all animate things were akin. He was also a vegetarian because if you killed an animal he believed that you could be killing a dead relative or a close departed friend. He also believed that numbers were the principles of all things. Another thing he came up with was the Pythagorean theorem, a way to determine the hypotenuse or diagonal of squares. Socrates is often considered to be the father of modern philosophy. He wasn't interested in the course that philosophy was taking and he decided rather to investigate human nature. He was the first philosopher to live in Athens where he often held public debates with the Sophists. His chief form of philosophical reasoning was elenchus, which was the questioning of common beliefs in order Get more content on
  • 2. My Teaching Philosophy Essay My Teaching Philosophy I believe that education extends far beyond the classroom walls, and involves many more people than students and teachers. People should be learning wherever they go, and should continue learning long after they've graduated from high school or college. Education isn't something that can be quantified with tests or report cards, but is instead something that people carry with them. It's a survival pack for life, and some people are better equipped in certain areas than in others. People with a solid education are prepared for nearly anything, as they will be able to provide for their own physical, emotional, and aesthetic needs. That being said, I also believe that a crucial part of education more content... The roles of a teacher are so many and so varied that it is impossible to list them all, but one of the most important is preparing students to learn, not only in the classroom, but everywhere, and for the rest of their lives. Learning is not a skill that is necessarily instinctual or easy, and therefore different approaches must be used to make learning easier and more fun for students. Teaching is not a skill that can be memorized or made repetitive, and so teachers must continue to challenge not only their students, but also themselves. Teachers that become complacent in their jobs are not good teachers. Those who can find a way to make an old lesson new and exciting will have an energized classroom, and will be reenergized themselves. Every child is different. That sounds like an obvious statement, but so many ineffective teachers seem to forget this. Each student has his or her own varying abilities, talents, and levels of competence, and it is the job of a teacher not only to recognize this, but to help each student recognize this as well. If a child isn't doing well in a particular subject, both the teacher and the student should work towards figuring out why, and the teacher should accept the challenge of finding a way to make a particular subject more Get more content on
  • 3. Essay On Greek Philosophy What is philosophy? Today when the word "philosophy" is spoken, it provokes thought in most people. Philosophy is often associated with the wisest ones from the past such as Aristotle and Plato. In fact, the word itself originates from the Greek word "philosophia," directly translating into the "love of wisdom." Ancient Greek philosophy covered an extensive amount of subjects such as science, the analysis of common political and social life, along with religious affairs (Adkins and Adkins, "Philosophy, Ancient Greek") . Ultimately, Ancient Greek philosophy is a complex system of thought shaped by pre–socratic thought, sophist thought, hellenistic thought, and the thought of highly esteemed figures. The origin of Greek philosophy traces back to the middle of the fifth century BCE. The philosophical thoughts that originated in Ionia, during the sixth century BCE are considered to be pre–socratic because they reflect the common philosophy before Socrates. During this time, the Ionians were ones to trade with those located nearby to the west and east such as Mesopotamia and Persia. The active more content... The Persian Wars led to many cultural evolutions within inancient Greece, specifically, Athens. Within these evolutions, ancient Greek philosophy progressed significantly due to the sheer "arrogance" of ancient Greece (Sacks, "Persian Wars"). Hellenistic age deemed what thought was effective and what thought was not. So, philosophers had to adapt their thought to suit the time period. For example, the hellenistic age turned philosophers such as Epicurus and Zeno toward conveying their philosophical thoughts through religion, specifically, Christianity (Sacks, "Hellenistic Age"). Modifications like the one above, do in fact leave an impression on one's philosophy, showing that hellenistic thought impacted ancient Greek philosophy as a Get more content on
  • 4. Philosophy of the Mind ThePhilosophyofMind Introduction The philosophy of body and mind has been a highly debated topic since its launch in the 17th centaury by Rene Descartes. Since then, many philosophers have written on the subject matter and many theories have emerged as a product of this lively debate. In this essay, I will analyze and critique a selection of philosophers who ponder on the body–mind topic since the 17th century, and ultimately evaluate Paul M. Chruchland's claim that folk psychology should be eliminated and replaced by completed neuroscience. For the purpose of this essay it is important to set the defying parameters of folk psychology, as there are 3 working definitions of folk more content... For instance, a dry sensation in the throat would indicate thirst and a grumbling sensation in the stomach hunger etc. Lastly, the following quote makes an interesting connection to a recent discovery: "I am now awake, and see some truth; but since my vision is not yet clear enough, I will deliberately fall asleep so that my dreams may provide a true and clearer representation." (Cottingham, 223). Here Descartes' view of the mind over the body is evident but a connection could also be made to an interesting scientific discovery, Dimethyltryptamine (DMT). DMT is a hormone in the brain, only secreted during birth, dreams, and death. Besides its presence in the brain, DMT is also found in plants. Doctor Rick Strassman researched DMT extensively throughout the late 1900's and even applied it to test subjects to observe results. He found that the secretion of DMT causes a state where one's connection to reality as we know it, the physical laws of nature, are abandoned completely, a state of being where one is confronted by the unconscious mind. "DMT allows contact with dark matter or parallel universes, Strassman argues that DMT must have provided an adaptive advantage to our ancestors in allowing access to alternate states of consciousness and thus perhaps greater problem–solving abilities and greater creativity."(Flores 2002). Being qua being perhaps, as Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Philosophy of Management Every manager must have a set of principles, values, and core beliefs that he must follow. These principles, values, and beliefs make up his philosophy of management. Webster defines philosophy as "the most basic beliefs, concepts, and attitudes of an individual or group." (Webster) I will be discussing the principles, values, and beliefs I as a manager will have to do my job efficiently. I will also discuss the different biblical beliefs that support my management style. I believe in a directive and conceptual decision style. When there is a small problem that requires a quick solution, I would use the directive decision style. This would be similar to a problem that I would have already dealt with in the past. For larger more content... A manager is not a babysitter to his staff, and he should not shadow his employees. If there is a dispute between two employees at the workplace, the manager should let the employees resolve it themselves. If that dispute fails to get resolved and starts to affect the performance of others, then the manager needs to resolve the dispute for them. This may entail firing the employees involved in the dispute. Adults at the workplace should be able to resolve disputes themselves without any intervention from the employer. I am going to provide a scenario and what the manager should do in the scenario. Scenario: A long time employee, Fred, with a perfect attendance record suddenly doesn't show up to work for an entire week. Fred doesn't notify the employer of the reason for his absence. The employer tries to contact Fred without any success. The employer then promotes one of his other employees, Mark, to the position that Fred had. After a week Fred returns back to work only to find out that Mark is doing his job. Fred tries to explain to the manager that his father died and he was too devastated to answer the manager's calls to him. What should the manager do now? In this scenario, the manager should let Mark keep his promotion and give Fred Mark's old job. Fred should have notified his manager of his leave if he wanted to keep his position. It would be hard to remove Mark's promotion Get more content on
  • 6. The Importance of Philosophy Essay The Importance of Philosophy The question is Philosophy. Why is it important? What makes it important? To answer theses questions you first have to know what philosophy is. Philosophy is defined as: the pursuit of wisdom; a search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than observational means. This is the written definition of philosophy, but I think philosophy can't be defined to just words. It's more then words. Philosophy to me is an attempt to understand the world. To understand philosophy one must not look for a solid definition. It is easier to understand it if one is actually doing it. Why don't you try it out now, take the ever so popular phrase "to be or not to be." One thing can't, more content... Without philosophizing, without philosophy where would we be today? Some might say that we would be exactly where we are now because questions raised back then, in the early parts of philosophy, are still raised today. Although this is true, try to think where we would be today if none of us ever sought out wisdom; if no one ever question anything that they were told. If everyone just took each others word for everything and never tried to understand how anything worked. Where would we be? Certainly, not were we are today. So why is philosophy important? As a human it is important understand our world, to understand our values, and to understand ourselves. And the answer to the why philosophy important is because the soul propose of philosophy is to help us understand. Without our constant seeking for understanding we never would have developed philosophy in the first place. Philosophy when used, could answer questions to things we wish to understand; such as snow. If no one ever sought out for answers, today we probably wouldn't know where and how snow worked. So, philosophy is important because one's understanding is important. It is also important to understand ourselves. This is another reason philosophy is important. If no one ever understood what or who they were then no one ever would have done anything. An example: A shoemaker makes shoes; shoes are Get more content on
  • 7. Value of Philosophy Essay Philosophy is the study of examining and thinking about questionable ethical problems and/or generally accepted certainties. Philosophy aims at knowledge that combines a variety of academic fields as well as convictions, prejudices and beliefs. What is Russell's essay about? Present Russell's position in your own words. Bertrand Russell's essay addresses many issues concerning philosophy. In the writing, he states philosophy's nature, value, and criticisms. The essay explains these aspects of the study of philosophy in relatively different ways. The main idea for establishing value in his essay is by explaining how it is best obtained, and its effect on other people. The essay continues with his criticisms of those who more content... It states that even though philosophy doesn't give us a certainty of true answers, it suggests many possibilities which enlarge our thoughts and free them from tyranny of custom. He also supports the idea that philosophy is beneficial because it "enriches intellectual imagination". The essay brings up the points of the practical man, and why they are at a loss of intellectual imagination because they don't explore the unknown by viewing life as simple. As evidence, he uses an example of mass disease and poverty of a society. The theory is that in those conditions, there would still be much to be improved to produce a valuable society. Even if the society has the proper food supplies, they need the 'goods of the mind' (knowledge) to build a well–governed society. He believes practical men undermine that aspect, thereby explaining their lack of intellectual imagination. The next argument is that philosophy saves us from convictions, prejudices, and cultural beliefs. The affect that that has on a person is to open up a fresh prospective with very little bias. He believed for this to be beneficial to people socially, by developing empathy which helps you understand others points of view. That theory goes hand–in–hand and gives a fine segway to his fourth and final argument of "the freedom and equity learned from philosophical contemplation reflecting in your personality (action and emotion). The Get more content on
  • 8. Essay about The Importance of Philosophy The Importance of Philosophy "All things in life are philosophical." This is a well–known quote by the renowned Greek scientist /philosopher Aristotle. When one is to imagine life without thought, free will or knowledge, they are left to only imagine the oblivion they would be left to reside in. To me, philosophy is more than ethics, esthetics, and epistemology... it is the ability to stand ones ground with certain viewpoints, attitudes and beliefs. Philosophy seemed to be the center of the majority of peoples lives Before the Common Era, yet today it also upholds just as much, if not more, importance to the normal person than of the 'scientist' or renowned 'theorist.' Philosophy makes people who they are, their more content... Her statement is a prime example of philosophy. The content of her testimonial consisted of many supported ideas and thoughts. Yet, at the same time, the statement she made was rousing to anyone that was perhaps overhearing or listening to the conversation. It upheld all the characteristics for a good philosophical conversation. They include various aspects of diversity, thought, support and liberalism. Without philosophy the world would be incomplete. It is common knowledge that there is gray in every argument, even the most miniscule, it is never black or white. Philosophy is what the gray area consists of, different beliefs and ideas that cannot fit in either of the two groups. That is what makes philosophy significant; there are no limits to it. There are no boundaries to what the human mind can think and there are no unattainable dreams that one's mind cannot conceive. Therefore stating that there are no tangible boundaries for philosophy, neither are there elusive limitations. Philosophy can be viewed in so many different ways, with so many different aspects looked at and critiqued. The simple statement, "eventually the sun will burn out and the Earth will cease to exist" can produce a rousing philosophical conversation. When having a philosophical discussion the people 'philosophers' involved must take a look at all Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on History of Philosophy Until now, I have simply accepted education as it has been presented me, blind to fact that there was any kind of well developed philosophy behind it. After being introduced to the main educational philosophies, perennialism, essentialism, progressivism and social resconstructionism, I have had the opportunity to decide for myself which ones I believe in and why. I must agree with Thomas Locke that we are born into this world a blank slate. Living in such an affluent society, education in America is provided and required of all citizens. Education shapes us; we grow through it and with it as changing circumstances continue to alter the methods by how we are taught and why. It is through our education however, that we learn and grow more content... I personally believe that while learning concepts and ideas that will always be prevalent regardless of progressing time and that thinking analytically is crucial to personal growth and education, that this is not a practical approach and certainly not one that every student would benefit from it. Somewhat similar to perennialism, essentialism also focuses on absolutes, believing in a certain knowledge standard, teaching students the fundamentals of math, science, literature, history and language, basically the layout of our days in middle school. Often referred to, as "back to the basics" essentialism is a dominant approach to American education. Although I disagree with some of the more recent campaigns that have branched from it, such as No Child Left Behind, I do believe that its highly effective and gives students the opportunity to balance their education among the essential "basics" as well as draw connections between them. It was also discussed that essentialism produces the 2 by 4 students, suggesting a basic education. I believe that learning basics will always be important, I partly believe this because it is how I have been educated and I consider myself to be a well–rounded human being with a basic knowledge of the core topics because of it. However, there are some core topics I believe I walked away from with a better understanding of then others and I don't believe that to be because I was Get more content on
  • 10. Philosophy of Ethics Essay The word "ethics" comes from Greek ethikas meaning character. Today, we use ethics to describe the normative standard of behavior. The history of philosophical ethics has been broken up into five rational methods: Virtue, Traditional, Modern, and Post–Modern Ethics. Within these periods, the philosophy of ethics changed along with the changes being made within society. The first rational method is Virtue Ethics. The major philosophers during this period were materialists such as Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, and Plutarch. Greek were concerned with finding eudaimonia meaning the good life, but what is the good life? Known as the greatest Western philosopher, Plato developed the Cardinal Virtues: Justice, Courage, Moderation, more content... One of the last major philosophers of Virtue Ethics was Plutarch who advocated virtue but disagreed with Epicurus because he believed there was no true pleasure. At this same time, between 400 B.C.– 40 B.C. Stoic philosophers such Cicero, who combined the philosophies of Aristotle and Plato, developed his idea on ethics and how everyone has a duty and should imitate virtue for others. He said duty has two points which are to achieve the Supreme Good, and follow the rules for daily living. Cicero was a strong believer in rationality incorporated Plato's Cardinal Virtues into his three rules of conduct: master desires through reason, know true value of goals and be moderate in actions and lifestyle. Following Virtue Ethics, a major shift occurred in thinking. The philosophers of Virtue Ethics were materialists and believed we only have what we have and after death, we have nothing. Traditional Ethics shifted the focus on religion once it began to spread. Also known as Biblical Ethics, philosophers started a systematic study of Biblical themes and principles surrounding ethics and morality. St. Augustine was trained as a philosopher and combines his understanding of the Bible to ethics by answering the same question as Plato and Aristotle did, "What is the highest good?" He answered this question with happiness just like Aristotle but since Aristotle Get more content on
  • 11. What Is Philosophy Essay What is Philosophy? The idea of philosophy have been for generation mistaught and mistrued to the world. While some argued that philosophy rejects the existence of the infinity of God, others asserts that the focus of philosophy is on elemental matters that are real. However, these school of thoughts may be right in their various capacity but philosophy goes beyond that. Philosophy is in reality not just a theory but philosophy is the act of discovering the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. In other words, philosophy drive us to reason critically and discover what truth really is (Pecorino, 2000). What does it offer us? There are several things philosophy offers us. First, philosophy offers us wisdom to discover the truth regarding the existence of reality and the falacy of relying on our senses. This is because what our senses suggest to us are far from being the truth, therefore philosophy offers us a more appropriate approach to trust in our 'reason'. Furthermore, philosophy offer us the ability to wonder and question things from a perspective that even when we see elemental matters with more content... In my workplace, would, in most cases ask my subordinates questions in order to understand some fundamental aspect of their assignments. For instance, if a subordinate resume late without any tangible excuse, I ask question like 'if everyone resume late to work, can this business survive?' Questions prompt self–realizations and make people discovered that what they are doing is wrong. Questions similarly points people to the right direction of what they should do. Additionally, at home, I ask series of critical questions in order to enlighten the children and show them where they have made some mistakes and how to rectify it. The Socratic method has essentially become a way in which I conduct my everyday Get more content on