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Persuasive Essay On Cloning Extinct Animals
"Our species has played a role in the extinction of these and many other species. But now some
scientists are proposing a radical turn of the tables: Bringing lost species back from the dead"
(Switek). Brian Switek, an author, says this in his article, How to Resurrect Lost Species because
he thinks that this proposal will be difficult and extreme and that bringing extinct animals back will
be a long process and may have some consequences behind it. Some scientist say that bringing back
extinct animals will improve the environment and society because people will know what cloning
technology is capable of and these animals may help environmental surroundings. Others say that it
will be an irresponsible decision because it is a waste of money, more content...
Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth. Loss of biodiversity is mostly caused by humans and
technology. According to the article Biodiversity Loss–What Can Be Done, "Creating protected
areas where human activity is limited is the best way to prevent deforestation and exploration of
organisms and the resources they need to survive" ("Biodiversity"). The obstacle of biodiversity
can be resolved with protected areas because animals can be separate from humans and will not
be hunted or harmed. The loss of biodiversity is from global warming too. The same article also
says, "Climate change is the documented cause of several extinctions that we know about, and
has likely caused hundreds of species to go extinct about which we may never know"
("Biodiversity"). The trouble of biodiversity can be answered with changing how fast climate
change grows. More people need to get involved with nature to prevent the ozone from thickening.
Alot of people dont even know that there's a problem with biodiversity. "Education is a powerful
tool, and the more people know about biodiversity loss, the more they will be prepared to help
slow it" ("Biodiversity"). The solution of spreading the word about the problem of biodiversity is
helpful because this can make this a bigger topic and the world and it can be prevented. Thus,
biodiversity has many solutions than just wasting time on cloning the organisms that are already
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Persuasive Essay On De-Extinct Animals
"De–extinction, or resurrection biology, is the process of creating an organism, which is either a
member of, or resembles an extinct species, or breeding population of such organisms. Cloning is
the most widely proposed method, although selective breeding has also been proposed. Similar
techniques have been applied to endangered species." (Wikipedia) Scientist should not de–extinct
species because people could be exploiting these animals solely for selfish purposes. Ultimately
causing individuals of the de–extinct species harm. Though de–extinction could offer insight to
evolution and natural resources that are currently unavailable. Scientists should not bring back
animals that have been extinct. There is significant controversy over de–extinction. One piece of
evidence why scientist shouldn't de–extinct animals is that, de–extinct species would be alien and
potentially invasive. Their habitats and food sources have changed. So their roles in these changed
ecosystems could also be altered. Professor Corey Bradshaw from the University of Adelaide points
out that de–extinction projects do nothing to address habitat loss. "Without sufficient genetic
variability, a population is almost more content...
Preventing existing endangered species from going extinct should proceed over reviving species
already lost. Why should the world's scientific resources be focused on reviving species, when
African elephants will most likely be lost by 2020? Polar bears, giant pandas, rhinos, and snow
leopards are also going extinct. But sadly, the list is so large that there are many species you may
never have suspected are endangered. Although some de–extinctionists insist that the knowledge we
gain from de–extinction science may help us to save current species. It is a very risky thing to do,
given the terrible situation of the current mass
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Extinct Animals
The extinction of an animal species occurs when the last individual member of that species dies.
Although a species may be "extinct in the wild," the species is not extinct until every individual,
regardless of location, captivity, or ability to breed, has died.
Extinction of Animals Causes
There are several causes of extinction of several animal species, prominent among which are loss of
habitat, extinction of animals due to deforestation, extinction of animals due to global warming,
extinction of animals due to hunting.
List of Extinct Animals
The long list of extinct animals in the world features more than 50 animal species that have become
extinct from the planet in last 100 years alone. This extinct animals list feature mammals,
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It was found in abundance throughout the country till the introduction of mustelids – predatory
mammal from weasel family, was introduced on the Island. The first half of the 20th century was
marked by rare sightings of Bushwren. A subspecies of the bird, Stead's Bushwren, found on Stewart
Island, got extinct due to excessive predation by the feral cats. As the last attempt to revive the
population, they were transferred to Kaimohu Island, where the last sighting took place in 1972.
Canarian Black Oystercatcher
The Canarian Black Oystercatcher, more popular as the Canary Islands Oystercatcher, was a
shorebird found on the Canary Islands in Spain. The bird disappeared from its natural habitat in the
beginning of the 20th century. It is assumed that the disturbance by the local people and predation
by rats were the prominent reasons for the extinction of Canarian Black Oystercatcher. Some
theories also suggested that loss of habitat was responsible for the extinction. According to the local
fishermen and the lighthouse keepers, the last sighting of this species happened in 1940s. After
several attempts to find this bird failed, finally it was declared extinct through IUCN Red List for
Cape Verde Giant Skink
Cape Verde Giant Skink, also known as the Cocteau's Skink, was a reptile endemic to the Cape
Verde islands of the Atlantic Ocean. Loss of habitat, owing to human activities, is supposed to be the
main cause of
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Speech On Endangered Animals
Millions of animal species are endangered because people kill animals, people do not take time to
care for them, and people do not understand the meaning of endangered animals. Animals cannot do
anything about what happened to them, because studies show that animals do not understand what
humans do. Since the animals do not understand what is going on people need to help them out, and
support how they react to the economy. Throughout history, animals are becoming more endangered
as the years go on, because of how people treat their economy and how they treat the species around
their area. The problem with this society is that people would rather go on with their days than use
ten minutes to help save an animals life.
There are many more content...
People really need to start protecting every kind of species, people also need to find places for them
to safely live. The main causes of animals becoming endangered is the people, habitat loss, and
environment change. If people just took time out of the day, people could easily donated money to
care centers for these animals. Even though animals do not seem important, they should be our
number one concern in the world, because without them what is the point in the
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Animal Extinction Research Paper
Behind a glass wall stands a live wooly mammoth and saber tooth cat. As seen on the famous cartoon
movie Ice Age, kids watch this popular film to be intrigued. Now they can not only be fascinated
with creatures that have been lurking around their imagination, but live with them thanks to
de–extinction. Extinction has existed for over 66 million years ago, when dinosaurs were wiped
out. Now scientist have disproven the definition of extinct; (of a species, family, or other larger
group) having no living members. By showing that extinct animals that were once proven to be no
longer in existence can be resurrected through deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). This process of
de–extinction starts with extracting DNA from remains, then putting those fragments together to
form the genome. From there scientists would have to create a usable pup by using more
Firstly, extinction rates have been rising by nearly a factor of a thousand in the past centuries from
our actions of habitat loss, introduction of exotic species, and global warming. Secondly, the thrill of
pet owners can grow with new technology to clone not just extinct animals, but household animals.
Finally, food webs are so intricate that when one part is removed, it can affect an entire ecosystem.
For this reason, if an important part of the food web comes extinct, the de–extinction process can be
helpful to bring back that important species to the environment. You can help by contacting the
Understanding Animal Research website at Understanding Animal Research or signing up for
monthly e–newsletters at the organization to follow their work and receive regular updates. In
addition, you can also follow the Understanding Animal Research on social media. By making these
simple actions you can help make a change to make cloning extinct animals
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Essay On Animal Extinction
Pleading Guilty to Animal Extinction Animal extinction rates have skyrocketed within recent years
due to the numerous detrimental human and environmental activities that currently wreak havoc on
our planet. Human beings alone are placing enough strain on animals to leave lasting and harmful
effects for years to come. Due to the steadily growing population, individuals are turning untouched
pieces of land into developmental projects to benefit humans. However, these sources of land are
home to a multitude of species whom are now struggling to survive due to these changes to their
habitat. Along with dismantling species environments, some individuals are also engaging in illegal
wildlife trade in order to keep up with the growing demand for numerous types of products. In
addition, deforestation is another activity humans participate in that negatively impacts animals
environments to benefit their own. However, there are also numerous types of environmental
activities that affect animals as well. Climate change and different types of pollution are proving to
be harmful as well. Overall, unless action is taken to overcome the consequences animals currently
face due to the harmful activities caused by humans and environmental factors, species will continue
to fall victim to extinction. Animals are losing their habitats at a rapid rate due to the detrimental acts
humans engage in throughout their life. Individuals are destroying animals habitats in order to fulfill
the wants
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Extinction Of Animals And Plant Species
2.3.3. Extinction of Animals and Plant Species
Violence against nature appears in various forms affecting different sectors of life. All kinds of
hunting methods for recreation, food, fur, musk or any other reason have been the big threat to
ecology. It is also known as exploitation of the rare species for commercialization purpose. The
land of Nagas were once counted as the meeting place of wild animals and the riches forest but
these days wild animals are no more, the dark green foliage is deceptive. It hides an unpalatable
truth. The animals that once survived are on the endangered list. Once Nagaland was so rich in
flora and fauna but now it is on the verge of extinct. The reason for the extensions of the wild
plants and animals is people as they are greedy to get easily rich at the expenses of those beautiful
and precious creatures .
People began to cut tree for logging and business for timber in mills. Selfishness crept into the
minds of the people eliminating all the standing tall trees in the forest. Beautiful and distinct wild
flowers such as wild orchids are the main attraction for the people. They are collected and sold for
selfish attitude that brought extinction . Wild animals are killed for many purpose such as meat and
decoration with colors of hairs and feathers. Another reason is for business purpose by selling meat,
skins, teeth and fats for a medicinal purpose. Many homes prominently display animal's skins and
heads as trophies
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The Consequences and the Extinction of Animals By Climate Change
"The warnings about global warming have been extremely clear for a long time. We are facing a
global climate crisis. It is deepening. We are entering a period of consequences" (Al Gore). Global
warming is a nationwide problem that is affecting people and the environment by the greenhouse
gases. Global warming increases the atmospheric temperature. For instance, the solar radiation is
reflected by the Earth's atmosphere. Earth 's surface absorbs most of the radiation, and it warms it.
Part of the invisible light traverses the air. A few are immersed and transmitted in an outright
direction by pollutants molecules. The effect of global warming is an increased temperature of the
earth's surface and the lower atmosphere. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) "which measures long–lived greenhouse gases increased 37 percent from
1990 to 2015, and of that, carbon dioxide accounted for 80 percent of the increase" (Keating 2).
The greenhouse gases are causing that the temperatures rise. Global warming is a huge problem that
we face today; it is caused by the greenhouse effect that leads to climate change and the extinction of
many animals.
Global warming is increasing the temperatures in our planet Earth leading to climate change. The
primary reason for global warming is the human development of the greenhouse effect causing
natural disasters. Shaftel declares that "Global climate
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Analysis: Should We Bring Back Extinct Animals
De–extinction would have to be one of the most good things that would happen to earth. The
population would not decrease less and we would see what type of anailms we have or had and see
what it was like to have those animals again and what it was like for new animals to come back to
this world .
To begin with, In the article Should We Bring Back Extinct Species stated that ВЁSupporters of the
de–extinction say that it could improve the environmentВЁ the grass would be better because if
the grass ever gets tall you can count on them to eat it but if you think about it if they eat to much
we won't have grass . The author chose that if he would state facts the might get the peoples
attention that they would be up for bringing back animals to see what they had done and what if
our world would change with them back or not and if we do we kinda have to be careful on how
many animals we are bringing back and what they eat if they are to big or not and if they would take
up the whole environment and eat to much. Also, more content...
The author chose to say that because you would really feel how it was like with giant dinosaurs
and know what it would be like if they would eat the small animals if they would eat the the grass
and there would be no more left but if we brought those back we would be able to find out we
would be able to know what it feels like and maybe we would see how much it has changed our
environment or not and the people would see what it's like to have those animals back and they but
the bad thing it what if they start killing more because they know we can bring them back again.
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Animal Cloning Extinct Animals
My research is about the art of cloning cloning includes all things that are living. People have
created a way to clone things.What they have to do is they have to get a mature somatic cell from
what they wish to copy then they put the somatic cell in an egg cell that has its nucleus
removed.Scientists have created a lot of things from a big deer to a tiny little mouse and they are
all cloned from the process that I had mentioned at the top.They are also able to clone a lot more
things than just those that I had mentioned it is even a possibility that they could clone humans and
have they already no one knows only the people that have created them.
Cloning Extinct Animals
There are a lot of animals that are going extinct every day and there might be a way to not stop it
but we could clone the animals that are starting to go extinct.When we clone them we could have
more of those extinct animals.The way scientists or other people who wish to clone could clone
animals that are already extinct
Is that if we have some type of DNA of that animal we could do the same process that they use to
clone animals and that will clone that animal that is extinct and they could reproduce more
animals.Then they will be able to protect them and there won't be that much extinct animals.The
process that they use is called interspecies nuclear transfer and that is what they call it when they
clone an endangered animal.They way that it works is the same way they clone any other living thing
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Importance Of Extinction Of Plants And Animals
The extinction of plants and animals is a major issue that cannot be ignored by society. Although
extinction and decline in population is a natural occurrence, the rate of population decline and
extinction has been highly escalated because of human acts such as deforestation and overhunting.
Researchers and scientists have tried to combat these issues and prevent extinction through captive
breeding programs and conservation education, but are criticised for housing animals in zoos or
even theme parks. These obstacles have made it more difficult to effectively protect endangered
animals and educate about the importance of conservation. Dedicated researchers and zoologists
also struggle when studying the behavior and ecology of these animals because of this criticism.
Zoos have not always been classified as public institutes geared to entertain and educate in a family
friendly way. The common zoo that society is familiarized with today first stemmed from the exotic
animal collection of royal families which eventually led to both human entertainment through
circuses and education through modern–day animal research programs. Obviously both are very
different, but animal research in captivity, such as zoos, is still criticized. Many present day zoos
are still condemned for animal mistreatment similar to that of circuses, but both have completely
dissimilar goals. Today's zoos are held to strict animal standards and are also highly regarded for the
work they do to conserve
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Argumentative Essay On Extinction Animals
An Author names Christine Dell'Amore wrote an article on national geographic about the
extinction animals, "Calculating extinction rates can be difficult, in part because no one knows
exactly how many species there are. Scientists have identified at least 1.9 million animal species,
and possibly millions more have yet to be named." We are losing different specie of animals day by
day. "If there are 100,000,000 different species on Earth, and the Extinction rate just is 0.01% per
year, then 10,000 species go extinct every year." (WWF Global) In the year 2017, people already
built up our own food resource system. People do have labor and guard animals for help, food
animals to eat, and companion animals to stay with. Is hunting still a good thing to do in this kind of
society? And this would be the question that we are going to discuss.
Hunting is a very important part of the human culture. A senior writer names Tia Ghose wrote on
life science and said, animal bones and thousands of stone tools used by ancient hominins suggest
that early human ancestors were butchering and scavenging animals at least 2 million years ago.
Hunt is a great sport for human to do in this world. It can survive people and make their life better.
The meat from the prey can help people to fill their hunger. Also beside the fruit and the vegetables,
meat has more proteins. Human body need protein a lot, and the nutritional value of the proteins
from meat is higher than the nutritional value
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Why Are Animals Endangered Animals
Why are animals being endangered? Endangered species are any species that's threatened; their
numbers of is being decreased and have the danger of getting extinct. A threatened animal is likely to
become endangered in the upcoming future. There are many causes of animal endangerment some
reasons are, habitat loss that is mainly caused by natural disasters, the introduction of new species,
pollution, and overconsumption. Also, humans play a major role in animal's endangerment.
Habitat loss is one of the main reasons why animals get endanger or threaten; it is caused mainly by
phenomena such as floods, hurricanes, thunderstorms, earthquakes, and fire. During natural
disasters, a lot of animals get killed, lose their homes, which cause them to migrate to another
environment, which might not be suitable for them and affect their well–being that leads to their
death. For example, the desert is not just an enormous empty piece of land; it is the shelter of many
unique organisms such Desert Tortoise, that are found in theMojave Desert in the United States, and
in the Sonoran Desert. Desert Tortoise is now more content...
They might carry diseases that the animals that are living in that field might get affected by because
their immune system isn't strong enough to fight it, or immune to it. They can fight with the native
species over food, which might cause a lack of an essential resource they require to stay alive. The
resource shortage can lead them to turn violent and prey on weak defenseless animals. Organisms
that are located on islands have a higher risk of getting affected and eliminated by the exotic
creatures. Hawaii is the most island suffering from the alien
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Tehilla Silverberg
Ethics In Business
Research Paper 2 Animal extinction is a tremendous problem in our society. Every year more and
more animals are going extinct. If we don't do something to stop it we could see massive animal
extinction is our lifetime. In nearly 100 years from now we could lose about 50% of the world 's
species. The next generation won 't experience the wildlife that is still out there if we don 't make a
Every species in our universe is part of a web. If one specie on the web goes the whole thing
slowly starts to fall apart, and when I say species I mean humans included. There were five major
extinctions in our world history. The Ordanican, Devonian, Permian, Triassic Jurassic, and the K–t
extinction. These five major extinctions were all brought out by different causes, and we are now
well on our way into the sixth extinction, and the cause is very clearly, us the humans. We are the
cause of our own downfall. We are the cause of the sixth extinction. We are now in an era of
anthropocene, which is the era of the humans and what happens to our world is in our hands. We
are capable of protecting our world or destroying it. We need to mend the problems we have already
Animal extinction is directly caused from human activity such as habitat destruction, overfishing,
and climate change. Climate change occurs from increase in carbon dioxide. Just about everything
we do releases carbon dioxide. The way we heat and air condition our homes,
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Extinction Of Animal Extinction
There have been five well known extinctions on this earth. The one most well known is the mass
extinction that ended the dinosaurs. Mass extinction is often described as the elimination of a large
number of species in a short period of time. Despite what many think, the elimination of species is
almost commonplace at this point. The Earth is currently in the middle of a sixth mass extinction, and
it's been caused by the human race.
It's clear that a great extinction is coming from the evidence of the destruction of other species
around us. The choices made by the human race have too often negatively affected the surrounding
species. Tracy Wilson, the site director for, in an article for Animal Planet,
states more content...
Not to mention "...both groups emphasized that climate change would play an increasing role in
species decline..." (Gilman). Climate change is still a controversial topic to some, but many
scientists have proven that it's true. In fact, Neil Degrasse Tyson has given evidence to prove its
truth and already informed the world that it's too late to fix people's mistakes (Neil). The extinction
of species has been caused in certain instances by climate change, which is only getting worse.
People have continuously altered the environment to the point of harming other species. The human
race's tendency to destroy an environment greatly impacts the plants and animals residing there. To
be more specific, "Human destruction of animal and plant habitat...appear to be having a major
impact on extinction rates" (Wilson). Environmental degradation and habitat destruction are both
key players in the extinction of many world species. The impact people have had on the environment
is much bigger than most anticipate, as they both destroy and intervene with the environment.
One specific way that humans have begun the process of world extinction is through their incessant
meddling with the environment. Not only do people destroy the environment with our wreckage and
pollution, but the human race has introduced species into other ecosystems, causing massive
repercussions. Referred to as invasive species, their introduction into a
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Modifying DNA to bring back animals that have been extinct would be very clever. To begin,
according to the article "Should We Bring Back Extinct Species?" by KQUED Education, the author
states, "Supporters of de–extinction say that it could improve the environment." This means that if
we bring extinct animals back, they could be able to affect the environment in a great way. Which
would be very clever for scientist to do. To add on, according to another article called "5 Reasons To
Bring Back Extinct Animals (And 5 Reasons Not To)" by Breanna Draxler,"De–extinction could be a
big step forward for genetic engineering." To explain, if scientists can find a way to bring back
animals, then they can start doing much more things with the more content...
According to another article called "5 Reasons To Bring Back Extinct Animals (And 5 Reasons Not
To)" by Breanna Draxler, "De–extinction could be a big step forward for genetic engineering." This
means that if scientist can modify DNA to bring back extinct animals, it can help them achieve more
with this great accomplishments. Furthermore, according to "Should We Bring Extinct Species
Back From The Dead?" by David Shultz, "For decades the notion of "de–extinction" hovered on the
scientific fringes, with new advances in genetic engineering." To explain, when scientist were
trying to find out how to bring extinct animals back to life, they discovered new things in genetic
engineering that got them one step closer to actually modifying DNA and bringing back extinct
animals. So the scientist were being very clever for trying. In addition, according to David Shultz,
"researchers believe that it's time to start thinking seriously about which animals we might be able
to bring back, and which ones would do the most good for the ecosystems they left behind." To
explain, it shows here that scientist are being clever by thinking about which animals they should
bring back and which ones they shouldn't. Because they do need some of the animals to come back
to life and help out the ecosystems. But others dont need to come back or shouldn't come back
because they could be a waste of time to the scientist or they could just be very
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How Does Global Warming Affect Animal Extinction
The global warming has a significant effect on the animal extinction. We all know that, global
warming is what controls the heating and cooling of the earth. The seasonal change in the
temperature plays a crucial role on the animal extinction in various ways. As the temperature
changes or as the global warming takes place, the animals migrate from one place to another where
they feel more comfortable and where they can easily adapt to the environment simply because not
all the animals are able to resist certain temperatures. However, when they migrate to a new place, it
also requires adapting to the new environment and condition. And when some animals fail adapt to
the new environment for not having enough food or not being able to interact
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Rhetorical Analysis Essay On Endangered Animals
It is kind of ironic that in the picture above some low brow European wanted and bought an illegally
poached Hippo tooth that has a sculpture of other endangered animals who are on the path to
extinction because the buyer thought these animals are majestic and beautiful. So I assume he
thought "What the hell lets kill one so I can show the world how much I love
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Persuasive Essay On Endangered Animals
Animals Many animals go extinct because people think it's okay to keep hunting them until there
are no more of the population left. But it isn't because if people hunt and kill all the species of that
animal, then there would be none left. No elephants no giraffes or no emperor tamarin monkeys.
Zoo's have tried to take in endangered species, but if there isn't any how would they get them? They
couldn't because it would be too late, people would have already killed them all.
Elephants would travel in herds of families, to form a herd it would be from 8–100 individuals.
There are only two different types of species, the Elephas Maximus and the Loxodonta cyclotis
elephants. The Elephas Maximus were Asian and African savanna elephants. The Loxodonta
cyclotis were African forest elephants. Babies would hold onto their moms tails because they
would be trained to do so. People thought it was cute to see that so trainers would train the
elephants to do that. Wild elephants don't walk in that formation or in any order (Bradford).
Elephants have got to be the biggest living land animal in the world. Blue whales weigh a ton more,
but also they are the largest living water animals.
Emperor Tamarin Monkeys are found in the forest of South America and live in groups from
between 2–8 monkeys. They were named after their mustaches, which was thought to resemble
German emperor Wilhelm ll. Due to their small size they are able to move from branch to branch
very quickly. Their prey includes fruit, insects, and rodents. They also have predators which are,
hawks, snakes and wild cats. They have a small body size they are all mostly between 7in.–12in.
Their tails are very long and thin, and most of the time they live to be between 8–15 years. Most of
all they are very playful animals ("A–Z Animals"). They are very tame, playful, and loving animals.
When they are in an area they love to be petted by humans and they would play around with
whoever it is. They are usually in groups of 15 others. The best thing is if you get one as a pet as a
baby you would have to put them in diapers to potty train them just like an actual baby.
Giraffes are the tallest living animal, and they travel in herds of 3–15 animals. They have their long
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The Importance Of Endangered Species
Many species are becoming extinct due to environmental issues, pollution, and change in habitats.
When an animal becomes extinct, it means the last of their kind has died many of these beautiful
and ravishing animals that reside in the world may never be seen again. The endangered species
that are still living do not have much of a future if something is not done about it. Humans are not
the only ones on the planet and as the human population goes up another species has been wiped out
of existence humans can fix what they started. Endangered animals is a topic that is overlooked and
needs to be addressed it needs humans full attention because they are the ones that can truly make a
Animals that are endangered will be categorized on a sort of chart to see how much of their species
still lives. Endangered animals acquire many levels of extinction: near threatened, vulnerable,
endangered, critically endangered, and extinct in the wild ("nat geo"). The requirements for an
animal to be endangered and on the Red List is decided by the Conservation of Nature where a
huge portion of its population has been wiped out (Bove). The list consists of animals like grizzly
bears, bald eagles, and gray wolves. The IUCN predicts that body size and geographic range size are
important predictors of extinction risk. The endangered animals on the list still have hope of getting
off that list and repopulate their species they just need the help from humans also.
There are many causes that
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Essay On Extinct Animals

  • 1. Persuasive Essay On Cloning Extinct Animals "Our species has played a role in the extinction of these and many other species. But now some scientists are proposing a radical turn of the tables: Bringing lost species back from the dead" (Switek). Brian Switek, an author, says this in his article, How to Resurrect Lost Species because he thinks that this proposal will be difficult and extreme and that bringing extinct animals back will be a long process and may have some consequences behind it. Some scientist say that bringing back extinct animals will improve the environment and society because people will know what cloning technology is capable of and these animals may help environmental surroundings. Others say that it will be an irresponsible decision because it is a waste of money, more content... Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth. Loss of biodiversity is mostly caused by humans and technology. According to the article Biodiversity Loss–What Can Be Done, "Creating protected areas where human activity is limited is the best way to prevent deforestation and exploration of organisms and the resources they need to survive" ("Biodiversity"). The obstacle of biodiversity can be resolved with protected areas because animals can be separate from humans and will not be hunted or harmed. The loss of biodiversity is from global warming too. The same article also says, "Climate change is the documented cause of several extinctions that we know about, and has likely caused hundreds of species to go extinct about which we may never know" ("Biodiversity"). The trouble of biodiversity can be answered with changing how fast climate change grows. More people need to get involved with nature to prevent the ozone from thickening. Alot of people dont even know that there's a problem with biodiversity. "Education is a powerful tool, and the more people know about biodiversity loss, the more they will be prepared to help slow it" ("Biodiversity"). The solution of spreading the word about the problem of biodiversity is helpful because this can make this a bigger topic and the world and it can be prevented. Thus, biodiversity has many solutions than just wasting time on cloning the organisms that are already Get more content on
  • 2. Persuasive Essay On De-Extinct Animals "De–extinction, or resurrection biology, is the process of creating an organism, which is either a member of, or resembles an extinct species, or breeding population of such organisms. Cloning is the most widely proposed method, although selective breeding has also been proposed. Similar techniques have been applied to endangered species." (Wikipedia) Scientist should not de–extinct species because people could be exploiting these animals solely for selfish purposes. Ultimately causing individuals of the de–extinct species harm. Though de–extinction could offer insight to evolution and natural resources that are currently unavailable. Scientists should not bring back animals that have been extinct. There is significant controversy over de–extinction. One piece of evidence why scientist shouldn't de–extinct animals is that, de–extinct species would be alien and potentially invasive. Their habitats and food sources have changed. So their roles in these changed ecosystems could also be altered. Professor Corey Bradshaw from the University of Adelaide points out that de–extinction projects do nothing to address habitat loss. "Without sufficient genetic variability, a population is almost more content... Preventing existing endangered species from going extinct should proceed over reviving species already lost. Why should the world's scientific resources be focused on reviving species, when African elephants will most likely be lost by 2020? Polar bears, giant pandas, rhinos, and snow leopards are also going extinct. But sadly, the list is so large that there are many species you may never have suspected are endangered. Although some de–extinctionists insist that the knowledge we gain from de–extinction science may help us to save current species. It is a very risky thing to do, given the terrible situation of the current mass Get more content on
  • 3. Extinct Animals The extinction of an animal species occurs when the last individual member of that species dies. Although a species may be "extinct in the wild," the species is not extinct until every individual, regardless of location, captivity, or ability to breed, has died. Extinction of Animals Causes There are several causes of extinction of several animal species, prominent among which are loss of habitat, extinction of animals due to deforestation, extinction of animals due to global warming, extinction of animals due to hunting. List of Extinct Animals The long list of extinct animals in the world features more than 50 animal species that have become extinct from the planet in last 100 years alone. This extinct animals list feature mammals, more content... It was found in abundance throughout the country till the introduction of mustelids – predatory mammal from weasel family, was introduced on the Island. The first half of the 20th century was marked by rare sightings of Bushwren. A subspecies of the bird, Stead's Bushwren, found on Stewart Island, got extinct due to excessive predation by the feral cats. As the last attempt to revive the population, they were transferred to Kaimohu Island, where the last sighting took place in 1972. Canarian Black Oystercatcher The Canarian Black Oystercatcher, more popular as the Canary Islands Oystercatcher, was a shorebird found on the Canary Islands in Spain. The bird disappeared from its natural habitat in the beginning of the 20th century. It is assumed that the disturbance by the local people and predation by rats were the prominent reasons for the extinction of Canarian Black Oystercatcher. Some theories also suggested that loss of habitat was responsible for the extinction. According to the local fishermen and the lighthouse keepers, the last sighting of this species happened in 1940s. After several attempts to find this bird failed, finally it was declared extinct through IUCN Red List for 1994. Cape Verde Giant Skink Cape Verde Giant Skink, also known as the Cocteau's Skink, was a reptile endemic to the Cape Verde islands of the Atlantic Ocean. Loss of habitat, owing to human activities, is supposed to be the main cause of Get more content on
  • 4. Speech On Endangered Animals Millions of animal species are endangered because people kill animals, people do not take time to care for them, and people do not understand the meaning of endangered animals. Animals cannot do anything about what happened to them, because studies show that animals do not understand what humans do. Since the animals do not understand what is going on people need to help them out, and support how they react to the economy. Throughout history, animals are becoming more endangered as the years go on, because of how people treat their economy and how they treat the species around their area. The problem with this society is that people would rather go on with their days than use ten minutes to help save an animals life. There are many more content... People really need to start protecting every kind of species, people also need to find places for them to safely live. The main causes of animals becoming endangered is the people, habitat loss, and environment change. If people just took time out of the day, people could easily donated money to care centers for these animals. Even though animals do not seem important, they should be our number one concern in the world, because without them what is the point in the Get more content on
  • 5. Animal Extinction Research Paper Behind a glass wall stands a live wooly mammoth and saber tooth cat. As seen on the famous cartoon movie Ice Age, kids watch this popular film to be intrigued. Now they can not only be fascinated with creatures that have been lurking around their imagination, but live with them thanks to de–extinction. Extinction has existed for over 66 million years ago, when dinosaurs were wiped out. Now scientist have disproven the definition of extinct; (of a species, family, or other larger group) having no living members. By showing that extinct animals that were once proven to be no longer in existence can be resurrected through deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). This process of de–extinction starts with extracting DNA from remains, then putting those fragments together to form the genome. From there scientists would have to create a usable pup by using more content... Firstly, extinction rates have been rising by nearly a factor of a thousand in the past centuries from our actions of habitat loss, introduction of exotic species, and global warming. Secondly, the thrill of pet owners can grow with new technology to clone not just extinct animals, but household animals. Finally, food webs are so intricate that when one part is removed, it can affect an entire ecosystem. For this reason, if an important part of the food web comes extinct, the de–extinction process can be helpful to bring back that important species to the environment. You can help by contacting the Understanding Animal Research website at Understanding Animal Research or signing up for monthly e–newsletters at the organization to follow their work and receive regular updates. In addition, you can also follow the Understanding Animal Research on social media. By making these simple actions you can help make a change to make cloning extinct animals Get more content on
  • 6. Essay On Animal Extinction Pleading Guilty to Animal Extinction Animal extinction rates have skyrocketed within recent years due to the numerous detrimental human and environmental activities that currently wreak havoc on our planet. Human beings alone are placing enough strain on animals to leave lasting and harmful effects for years to come. Due to the steadily growing population, individuals are turning untouched pieces of land into developmental projects to benefit humans. However, these sources of land are home to a multitude of species whom are now struggling to survive due to these changes to their habitat. Along with dismantling species environments, some individuals are also engaging in illegal wildlife trade in order to keep up with the growing demand for numerous types of products. In addition, deforestation is another activity humans participate in that negatively impacts animals environments to benefit their own. However, there are also numerous types of environmental activities that affect animals as well. Climate change and different types of pollution are proving to be harmful as well. Overall, unless action is taken to overcome the consequences animals currently face due to the harmful activities caused by humans and environmental factors, species will continue to fall victim to extinction. Animals are losing their habitats at a rapid rate due to the detrimental acts humans engage in throughout their life. Individuals are destroying animals habitats in order to fulfill the wants Get more content on
  • 7. Extinction Of Animals And Plant Species 2.3.3. Extinction of Animals and Plant Species Violence against nature appears in various forms affecting different sectors of life. All kinds of hunting methods for recreation, food, fur, musk or any other reason have been the big threat to ecology. It is also known as exploitation of the rare species for commercialization purpose. The land of Nagas were once counted as the meeting place of wild animals and the riches forest but these days wild animals are no more, the dark green foliage is deceptive. It hides an unpalatable truth. The animals that once survived are on the endangered list. Once Nagaland was so rich in flora and fauna but now it is on the verge of extinct. The reason for the extensions of the wild plants and animals is people as they are greedy to get easily rich at the expenses of those beautiful and precious creatures . People began to cut tree for logging and business for timber in mills. Selfishness crept into the minds of the people eliminating all the standing tall trees in the forest. Beautiful and distinct wild flowers such as wild orchids are the main attraction for the people. They are collected and sold for selfish attitude that brought extinction . Wild animals are killed for many purpose such as meat and decoration with colors of hairs and feathers. Another reason is for business purpose by selling meat, skins, teeth and fats for a medicinal purpose. Many homes prominently display animal's skins and heads as trophies Get more content on
  • 8. The Consequences and the Extinction of Animals By Climate Change "The warnings about global warming have been extremely clear for a long time. We are facing a global climate crisis. It is deepening. We are entering a period of consequences" (Al Gore). Global warming is a nationwide problem that is affecting people and the environment by the greenhouse gases. Global warming increases the atmospheric temperature. For instance, the solar radiation is reflected by the Earth's atmosphere. Earth 's surface absorbs most of the radiation, and it warms it. Part of the invisible light traverses the air. A few are immersed and transmitted in an outright direction by pollutants molecules. The effect of global warming is an increased temperature of the earth's surface and the lower atmosphere. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) "which measures long–lived greenhouse gases increased 37 percent from 1990 to 2015, and of that, carbon dioxide accounted for 80 percent of the increase" (Keating 2). The greenhouse gases are causing that the temperatures rise. Global warming is a huge problem that we face today; it is caused by the greenhouse effect that leads to climate change and the extinction of many animals. Global warming is increasing the temperatures in our planet Earth leading to climate change. The primary reason for global warming is the human development of the greenhouse effect causing natural disasters. Shaftel declares that "Global climate Get more content on
  • 9. Analysis: Should We Bring Back Extinct Animals De–extinction would have to be one of the most good things that would happen to earth. The population would not decrease less and we would see what type of anailms we have or had and see what it was like to have those animals again and what it was like for new animals to come back to this world . To begin with, In the article Should We Bring Back Extinct Species stated that ВЁSupporters of the de–extinction say that it could improve the environmentВЁ the grass would be better because if the grass ever gets tall you can count on them to eat it but if you think about it if they eat to much we won't have grass . The author chose that if he would state facts the might get the peoples attention that they would be up for bringing back animals to see what they had done and what if our world would change with them back or not and if we do we kinda have to be careful on how many animals we are bringing back and what they eat if they are to big or not and if they would take up the whole environment and eat to much. Also, more content... The author chose to say that because you would really feel how it was like with giant dinosaurs and know what it would be like if they would eat the small animals if they would eat the the grass and there would be no more left but if we brought those back we would be able to find out we would be able to know what it feels like and maybe we would see how much it has changed our environment or not and the people would see what it's like to have those animals back and they but the bad thing it what if they start killing more because they know we can bring them back again. After Get more content on
  • 10. Animal Cloning Extinct Animals My research is about the art of cloning cloning includes all things that are living. People have created a way to clone things.What they have to do is they have to get a mature somatic cell from what they wish to copy then they put the somatic cell in an egg cell that has its nucleus removed.Scientists have created a lot of things from a big deer to a tiny little mouse and they are all cloned from the process that I had mentioned at the top.They are also able to clone a lot more things than just those that I had mentioned it is even a possibility that they could clone humans and have they already no one knows only the people that have created them. Cloning Extinct Animals There are a lot of animals that are going extinct every day and there might be a way to not stop it but we could clone the animals that are starting to go extinct.When we clone them we could have more of those extinct animals.The way scientists or other people who wish to clone could clone animals that are already extinct Is that if we have some type of DNA of that animal we could do the same process that they use to clone animals and that will clone that animal that is extinct and they could reproduce more animals.Then they will be able to protect them and there won't be that much extinct animals.The process that they use is called interspecies nuclear transfer and that is what they call it when they clone an endangered animal.They way that it works is the same way they clone any other living thing Get more content on
  • 11. Importance Of Extinction Of Plants And Animals The extinction of plants and animals is a major issue that cannot be ignored by society. Although extinction and decline in population is a natural occurrence, the rate of population decline and extinction has been highly escalated because of human acts such as deforestation and overhunting. Researchers and scientists have tried to combat these issues and prevent extinction through captive breeding programs and conservation education, but are criticised for housing animals in zoos or even theme parks. These obstacles have made it more difficult to effectively protect endangered animals and educate about the importance of conservation. Dedicated researchers and zoologists also struggle when studying the behavior and ecology of these animals because of this criticism. Zoos have not always been classified as public institutes geared to entertain and educate in a family friendly way. The common zoo that society is familiarized with today first stemmed from the exotic animal collection of royal families which eventually led to both human entertainment through circuses and education through modern–day animal research programs. Obviously both are very different, but animal research in captivity, such as zoos, is still criticized. Many present day zoos are still condemned for animal mistreatment similar to that of circuses, but both have completely dissimilar goals. Today's zoos are held to strict animal standards and are also highly regarded for the work they do to conserve Get more content on
  • 12. Argumentative Essay On Extinction Animals An Author names Christine Dell'Amore wrote an article on national geographic about the extinction animals, "Calculating extinction rates can be difficult, in part because no one knows exactly how many species there are. Scientists have identified at least 1.9 million animal species, and possibly millions more have yet to be named." We are losing different specie of animals day by day. "If there are 100,000,000 different species on Earth, and the Extinction rate just is 0.01% per year, then 10,000 species go extinct every year." (WWF Global) In the year 2017, people already built up our own food resource system. People do have labor and guard animals for help, food animals to eat, and companion animals to stay with. Is hunting still a good thing to do in this kind of society? And this would be the question that we are going to discuss. Pro: Hunting is a very important part of the human culture. A senior writer names Tia Ghose wrote on life science and said, animal bones and thousands of stone tools used by ancient hominins suggest that early human ancestors were butchering and scavenging animals at least 2 million years ago. Hunt is a great sport for human to do in this world. It can survive people and make their life better. The meat from the prey can help people to fill their hunger. Also beside the fruit and the vegetables, meat has more proteins. Human body need protein a lot, and the nutritional value of the proteins from meat is higher than the nutritional value Get more content on
  • 13. Why Are Animals Endangered Animals Why are animals being endangered? Endangered species are any species that's threatened; their numbers of is being decreased and have the danger of getting extinct. A threatened animal is likely to become endangered in the upcoming future. There are many causes of animal endangerment some reasons are, habitat loss that is mainly caused by natural disasters, the introduction of new species, pollution, and overconsumption. Also, humans play a major role in animal's endangerment. Habitat loss is one of the main reasons why animals get endanger or threaten; it is caused mainly by phenomena such as floods, hurricanes, thunderstorms, earthquakes, and fire. During natural disasters, a lot of animals get killed, lose their homes, which cause them to migrate to another environment, which might not be suitable for them and affect their well–being that leads to their death. For example, the desert is not just an enormous empty piece of land; it is the shelter of many unique organisms such Desert Tortoise, that are found in theMojave Desert in the United States, and in the Sonoran Desert. Desert Tortoise is now more content... They might carry diseases that the animals that are living in that field might get affected by because their immune system isn't strong enough to fight it, or immune to it. They can fight with the native species over food, which might cause a lack of an essential resource they require to stay alive. The resource shortage can lead them to turn violent and prey on weak defenseless animals. Organisms that are located on islands have a higher risk of getting affected and eliminated by the exotic creatures. Hawaii is the most island suffering from the alien Get more content on
  • 14. Tehilla Silverberg Ethics In Business Research Paper 2 Animal extinction is a tremendous problem in our society. Every year more and more animals are going extinct. If we don't do something to stop it we could see massive animal extinction is our lifetime. In nearly 100 years from now we could lose about 50% of the world 's species. The next generation won 't experience the wildlife that is still out there if we don 't make a change. Every species in our universe is part of a web. If one specie on the web goes the whole thing slowly starts to fall apart, and when I say species I mean humans included. There were five major extinctions in our world history. The Ordanican, Devonian, Permian, Triassic Jurassic, and the K–t extinction. These five major extinctions were all brought out by different causes, and we are now well on our way into the sixth extinction, and the cause is very clearly, us the humans. We are the cause of our own downfall. We are the cause of the sixth extinction. We are now in an era of anthropocene, which is the era of the humans and what happens to our world is in our hands. We are capable of protecting our world or destroying it. We need to mend the problems we have already caused. Animal extinction is directly caused from human activity such as habitat destruction, overfishing, and climate change. Climate change occurs from increase in carbon dioxide. Just about everything we do releases carbon dioxide. The way we heat and air condition our homes, Get more content on
  • 15. Extinction Of Animal Extinction There have been five well known extinctions on this earth. The one most well known is the mass extinction that ended the dinosaurs. Mass extinction is often described as the elimination of a large number of species in a short period of time. Despite what many think, the elimination of species is almost commonplace at this point. The Earth is currently in the middle of a sixth mass extinction, and it's been caused by the human race. It's clear that a great extinction is coming from the evidence of the destruction of other species around us. The choices made by the human race have too often negatively affected the surrounding species. Tracy Wilson, the site director for, in an article for Animal Planet, states more content... Not to mention "...both groups emphasized that climate change would play an increasing role in species decline..." (Gilman). Climate change is still a controversial topic to some, but many scientists have proven that it's true. In fact, Neil Degrasse Tyson has given evidence to prove its truth and already informed the world that it's too late to fix people's mistakes (Neil). The extinction of species has been caused in certain instances by climate change, which is only getting worse. People have continuously altered the environment to the point of harming other species. The human race's tendency to destroy an environment greatly impacts the plants and animals residing there. To be more specific, "Human destruction of animal and plant habitat...appear to be having a major impact on extinction rates" (Wilson). Environmental degradation and habitat destruction are both key players in the extinction of many world species. The impact people have had on the environment is much bigger than most anticipate, as they both destroy and intervene with the environment. One specific way that humans have begun the process of world extinction is through their incessant meddling with the environment. Not only do people destroy the environment with our wreckage and pollution, but the human race has introduced species into other ecosystems, causing massive repercussions. Referred to as invasive species, their introduction into a Get more content on
  • 16. Modifying DNA to bring back animals that have been extinct would be very clever. To begin, according to the article "Should We Bring Back Extinct Species?" by KQUED Education, the author states, "Supporters of de–extinction say that it could improve the environment." This means that if we bring extinct animals back, they could be able to affect the environment in a great way. Which would be very clever for scientist to do. To add on, according to another article called "5 Reasons To Bring Back Extinct Animals (And 5 Reasons Not To)" by Breanna Draxler,"De–extinction could be a big step forward for genetic engineering." To explain, if scientists can find a way to bring back animals, then they can start doing much more things with the more content... According to another article called "5 Reasons To Bring Back Extinct Animals (And 5 Reasons Not To)" by Breanna Draxler, "De–extinction could be a big step forward for genetic engineering." This means that if scientist can modify DNA to bring back extinct animals, it can help them achieve more with this great accomplishments. Furthermore, according to "Should We Bring Extinct Species Back From The Dead?" by David Shultz, "For decades the notion of "de–extinction" hovered on the scientific fringes, with new advances in genetic engineering." To explain, when scientist were trying to find out how to bring extinct animals back to life, they discovered new things in genetic engineering that got them one step closer to actually modifying DNA and bringing back extinct animals. So the scientist were being very clever for trying. In addition, according to David Shultz, "researchers believe that it's time to start thinking seriously about which animals we might be able to bring back, and which ones would do the most good for the ecosystems they left behind." To explain, it shows here that scientist are being clever by thinking about which animals they should bring back and which ones they shouldn't. Because they do need some of the animals to come back to life and help out the ecosystems. But others dont need to come back or shouldn't come back because they could be a waste of time to the scientist or they could just be very Get more content on
  • 17. How Does Global Warming Affect Animal Extinction The global warming has a significant effect on the animal extinction. We all know that, global warming is what controls the heating and cooling of the earth. The seasonal change in the temperature plays a crucial role on the animal extinction in various ways. As the temperature changes or as the global warming takes place, the animals migrate from one place to another where they feel more comfortable and where they can easily adapt to the environment simply because not all the animals are able to resist certain temperatures. However, when they migrate to a new place, it also requires adapting to the new environment and condition. And when some animals fail adapt to the new environment for not having enough food or not being able to interact Get more content on
  • 18. Rhetorical Analysis Essay On Endangered Animals It is kind of ironic that in the picture above some low brow European wanted and bought an illegally poached Hippo tooth that has a sculpture of other endangered animals who are on the path to extinction because the buyer thought these animals are majestic and beautiful. So I assume he thought "What the hell lets kill one so I can show the world how much I love Get more content on
  • 19. Persuasive Essay On Endangered Animals Animals Many animals go extinct because people think it's okay to keep hunting them until there are no more of the population left. But it isn't because if people hunt and kill all the species of that animal, then there would be none left. No elephants no giraffes or no emperor tamarin monkeys. Zoo's have tried to take in endangered species, but if there isn't any how would they get them? They couldn't because it would be too late, people would have already killed them all. Elephants would travel in herds of families, to form a herd it would be from 8–100 individuals. There are only two different types of species, the Elephas Maximus and the Loxodonta cyclotis elephants. The Elephas Maximus were Asian and African savanna elephants. The Loxodonta cyclotis were African forest elephants. Babies would hold onto their moms tails because they would be trained to do so. People thought it was cute to see that so trainers would train the elephants to do that. Wild elephants don't walk in that formation or in any order (Bradford). Elephants have got to be the biggest living land animal in the world. Blue whales weigh a ton more, but also they are the largest living water animals. Emperor Tamarin Monkeys are found in the forest of South America and live in groups from between 2–8 monkeys. They were named after their mustaches, which was thought to resemble German emperor Wilhelm ll. Due to their small size they are able to move from branch to branch very quickly. Their prey includes fruit, insects, and rodents. They also have predators which are, hawks, snakes and wild cats. They have a small body size they are all mostly between 7in.–12in. Their tails are very long and thin, and most of the time they live to be between 8–15 years. Most of all they are very playful animals ("A–Z Animals"). They are very tame, playful, and loving animals. When they are in an area they love to be petted by humans and they would play around with whoever it is. They are usually in groups of 15 others. The best thing is if you get one as a pet as a baby you would have to put them in diapers to potty train them just like an actual baby. Giraffes are the tallest living animal, and they travel in herds of 3–15 animals. They have their long Get more content on
  • 20. The Importance Of Endangered Species Many species are becoming extinct due to environmental issues, pollution, and change in habitats. When an animal becomes extinct, it means the last of their kind has died many of these beautiful and ravishing animals that reside in the world may never be seen again. The endangered species that are still living do not have much of a future if something is not done about it. Humans are not the only ones on the planet and as the human population goes up another species has been wiped out of existence humans can fix what they started. Endangered animals is a topic that is overlooked and needs to be addressed it needs humans full attention because they are the ones that can truly make a change. Animals that are endangered will be categorized on a sort of chart to see how much of their species still lives. Endangered animals acquire many levels of extinction: near threatened, vulnerable, endangered, critically endangered, and extinct in the wild ("nat geo"). The requirements for an animal to be endangered and on the Red List is decided by the Conservation of Nature where a huge portion of its population has been wiped out (Bove). The list consists of animals like grizzly bears, bald eagles, and gray wolves. The IUCN predicts that body size and geographic range size are important predictors of extinction risk. The endangered animals on the list still have hope of getting off that list and repopulate their species they just need the help from humans also. There are many causes that Get more content on