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Feminism Essay examples
Feminism is the belief that women should have economic political and social equality with men.
This term also refers to a political movement that works to gain equality within a male and female
relationship. In a male and female relationship both the roles of the male and female should be
equal. Equal in many ways ten one: they should trust each other, share responsibilities, listen to one
another, respect each other, and of course love one another equally.
This type of relationship is not found now a days because of the many traditions which imply that
women are inferior to men. They also imply that women should stay home all day watching soap
operas, taking care of the children, and making the food for their tired more
"Nagging wives" have always been a problem with husbands. The thought of marriage frightens
many people because of the "nagging wife" this has been passed on from generation to generation.
The many stories told by the very own family members of the husband and the wife arguing all day
long. Marriage, today, is not considered in many times a happy thing, some people think that there is
nothing to look forward, in most cases because men think that women will change on them and start
"nagging" at everything.
Many times in life men do not think that women can do the same things that they can; whether it's
picking up boxes or being president. There will always be that "macho man" thought of the man
being stronger than the woman. In many jobs women might do the exact same thing that men do
except men are getting paid more than women even if it is an insignificant amount, it happens in
many places and even though many people disapprove of it there are still jobs like that out there.
And there are still employers who think that a woman should not be in the work force if so home.
Many feminist have been working to solve this problem and there are still people who are working
to solve and change many more of these problems, and even though in some places it doesn't seem
like it, feminism and feminists
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Feminism Essay
Both Virginia Woolf, in a speech addressing a graduating all women class, and Naomi Wolf, in her
text The Beauty Myth, contemplate feminism from an economic viewpoint. While Woolf believes
women need money and a room of their own to have economic independence, Wolf gives credence to
the fact that the beauty industry is hindering the independence of women. Through male pomposity,
the conventional lives of women, obsession with physical appearance, and the reality that beauty is
diverse, both Woolf and Wolf explain the significance ofour world's economy.
Women have always been economically dependent on men. Any land or money that was in awoman
's possession was given to her father or husband. Women have stayed at home working
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In her speech, Woolf was asked to talk about women and fiction. She resolved that without money
nor education, women would not be able to create fiction. Which is why, in the Elizabethan era,
women did not generate any sort of poetry. Woolf pondered over this for a while, and hypothesized
Shakespeare had an ingenious sister, Judith. Judith had the imagination and ability to produce
creative works just like her brother. However, Judith never had any education so she wasn't able
to thrive. In short, the story goes like this: Judith's father arranges a marriage for her, Judith runs
away from home and goes to the city, she tries to live out her dream and act, she gets laughed at,
she has an affair, and then Judith kills herself at the crossroads. The fact that Judith kills herself at
the crossroads has great symbolism. The crossroads represents choice. The choice is that one can
go along with her potential and be who she wants to be, or she can go along with the flow.
Even though this choice is existent, it is extremely improbable. As Woolf states, "it is
unthinkable that any woman in Shakespeare's day had had
Shakespeare's genius. For genius like Shakespeare's is not born among labouring, uneducated,
servile people," (Woolf 353). Women have never had the opportunity to produce poetry
because they have never been given the freedom they need to do so. Because women have always
been poor and reliant
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Feminism Vs Feminism
Inequality has been an issue throughout history and has affected minorities; as a consequence, there
are multiple ideologies and groups that pursue equality. Feminism is a movement that seeks equality
between the sexes in all areas (Issit & Flynn). Women have come together to fight for their rights and
obtain privileges that were granted only to men. Feminism, according to Quidlen, has worked as a
vehicle for change to improve women`s lives. Moreover, it has raised awareness of the issues
women face and offered solutions. In spite of all of these improvements and its long history since its
inception, feminism still exists and has the same relevance as in the past. However, as with any
ideology, people have different perspectives about feminism; just as there are supporters, there are
also opponents. Interestingly, while both sides have different perspectives of what equality means,
there are ideas and values upon which both groups unintentionally agree. This common ground
creates a third perspective; presenting feminism as a more inclusive movement by changing certain
aspects of it such as the label "feminism", in order to show the evolution of this movement. As
discussed in the following paragraphs, both pro and anti feminism perspectives have valid arguments
that must be explored to reach a solution that satisfies both sides.
First, let`s talk about feminism and its supporters. As explained above, the main goal of feminism is
equality between the sexes and women`s
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Feminism In Feminism
Scandinavians attach their ideals and perspectives to their fictional narratives. As literature also
entails, Scandinavians value egalitarianism in their society. In order to achieve an equal society,
Scandinavians attempt to first instill equality amongst genders. Through Scandinavian literature and
films, it has been evident that society has made successful progress towards removing traditional
views. However, instead of reaching equality for both sexes the Scandinavians have evolved more
towards the other side of the spectrum – feminism. So through what mechanisms does Scandinavian
fiction portray the rise of feminism as the step away from masculinity? In their pursuit of gender
equality, Scandinavians seem to merely deviate from male dominated perspectives and alternatively
rise towards feminist ideals. Instead of leaning toward gender–neutral perspectives, some
Scandinavian authors establish plotlines based around women rights. They attach feminist values to
their narratives by employing mechanisms such that of undermining the patriarchy. Through the
depiction of female protagonists, authors are able to successfully advocate for women rights, but at
the same time they end up patronizing the opposite sex. For example in the Swedish play, The
Father, traditional views of male domination are lifted through the examination of patriarchal doubts.
Instead of a collective view on gender, the play portrays the superiority of women and it questions
the fatherhood aspect in most
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Feminist Methodologies Essay example
Feminism is a perspective not a research method, meaning there are multiple ways to approach the
study of women (Reinharz, 1992). However, a central goal of feminist empiricism, standpoint
epistemology, and post–modernism methodologies is that women's lives are important and must
understand women from their perspective and in context (O'Donnell, 1985, in Reinharz, 1992).
Feminist methodologies all share a dedication to move the focus from the masculine perspective to
incorporating both men and women to advance knowledge (DeVault, 1996). Therefore, it isresearch
about women but also for women. It aims to identify various intelligences, the different ways of
knowing, and to give a say to the silent voices (DeVault, 1996). more content...
Harding (1987) acknowledges there are three feminist methodologies depending on the relationship
between experience and theory the researcher takes. These differences are based on epistemology
and the research approach, instead of data collection (Davidson & Tolich, 2003), and each
methodology shapes the research methods used (Skeggs, 1995). The first is feminist empiricism
developed in the 1960s–1970s. It opposed the universality of male experience, and the partial
knowledge that patriarchal methods provided (Burns & Walker, 2005). Women were thus added into
research to remove the sexist bias, as these researchers believed women see the world differently to
men, and experiences by women bring an objective knowledge that is central to challenging
stereotypes and untruths (Skeggs, 1995). This methodology seeks equal opportunities for men and
women, achieving this by questioning society and using mainstream methods in a new way.
The second is feminist standpoint epistemology. This position views the oppressed to be the source
of knowledge as they are the ones with the experience and knowing. Researchers thus understand the
world from the view of the oppressed women in that particular location (Skeggs, 1995). However, as
the social control of women (race, history, and interests) differs across cultures, this methodology
uses 'insider' investigation to enhance knowledge on a particular group by transferring all authority
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Hook Feminism Essay
Feminism is for everyone explains the emotional encounters of the struggles and challenges faced by
the feminist movement. The experiences of the feminist movement helped shaped a strong case that
the inclusion of men is required within the movement. One main goal of the feminist movement is to
end all forms of sexism, sexist exploitations, and oppression (Hook). The key argument that Hook
makes throughout her novel is that feminism is about creating a world free of sexism. The only way
to make this possible is by having both males and females fight to end sexist causes.
The patriarchal society is based on powers in relationships–whether that power is men over women,
bosses over their workers and even parents over their children. Relationships
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Jane Austen Feminism Essay
Jane Austen's writings are stories like ones that have happened in her life. In Ms. Austen's words
she once stated, "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good
fortune, must be in want of a wife," (Bruno Introduction). She even traveled when writing, she would
visit family and friends when writing so she could grasp the lives over others not in her
surroundings. Austen was one of the most remarkable women of England. Jane Austen was a woman
that endeared heartbreak, problems, and discrimination which has helped shape her books and
writings in a feminist path. In the time period of the 18th century there was a lot of problems
going on. When Austen was born in 1775 a war broke out between British and the American
colonist of the thirteen colonies due to the want of independence from the colonist. In 1778
parliament passed the Catholic Relief Act, this act removed all restrictions towards Catholics in
Britain. During 1783 British loyalist started realizing that colonists were winning the war and
evacuated the colonies. On February 1, 1793 Britain goes to war with France. Upon the day of
January 1, 1801 Great Britain, England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland official joined together
because of the Act of Union. Many children of the 1800's in the United Kingdom were working in
factories and cotton mills more than twelve hours a day with little pay. In 1803 the first act to
regulate the hours and pay for kids was passed as
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Feminism In Feminism
Women have always experienced inequality however there has always been a fight for equality.
Feminism is the belief, attitude and action that work toward women's rights and the equality between
men and women. Dorothy Smith (born July 6, 1926), a Canadian sociologist with research interests,
besides in sociology, in many disciplines including women's studies, psychology, and educational
studies, coined this term when she studied the patterns of social inequality based on gender (http:/
/ Feminist activists have campaigned for women's legal rights (rights of
contract, property rights, voting rights); for women's right to bodily integrity and autonomy, for
abortion rights, and for reproductive rights (including access to contraception and quality prenatal
care); for protection of women and girls from domestic violence, sexual harassment and rape;for
workplace rights, including maternity leave and equal pay; against misogyny; and against other
forms of gender–specific discrimination against women. During the 1900s, the three waves of
feminism occurred, however, the second wave of feminism focused on gaining workplace equality
for women. Women are 49.6% of the world's population, they deserve to be equal and have the same
rights in the workplace and in life.
The second wave of feminism occurred from the 1960s to the 1990s, it originally focused on
dismantling workplace inequality, such as denial of access to better jobs and salary inequity, via
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Feminism Essay
The past century saw women in Britain gain control of their fertility, acquire access to education
and establish their status as equal citizens. The British social order came a long way from 1890s
when women in Britain were legally restricted to the point they could not enter a contract, own
property or have parental rights; unmarried women were challenged by society and pressured in to
marriage (British History Oxford, 2007).The women's rights and suffrage movements in the period
between 1832 and 1918, which is known as 'The first feminist wave', aimed to challenge the idea of
women being the inferior sex and demanded equal rights. This 'so called' first wave ended with the
'Royal Assent to the Representation of the People Parliament Act' more content...
Modern feminists are concerned with inequalities in success, which are usually defined by financial
wealth and social protection. The modern feminist movement strives to eliminate all forms of
discrimination against women. (London Feminist Network, 2011); Conservative feminists are
guided strictly by the feminist philosophy of equal rights. As feminism spreads around the world, the
British experience will indicate the significance of feminism in the modern world.
Financial independence affords individuals freedom of choice; therefore a general consensus in
modern, materialistic, society is that money and power are the most important entities. Typical
research on equality reflects this idea. The Equal Opportunities Commission found that women
receive, on average, 20% less money than men. The wage gap is especially evident in single parent
families where women are the primary earners (Parekh, McInnis and Kenway, 2010). The pay gap
cannot be attributed to education as females have finished high school with better grades than males
since 1938 (Powney, 1996). The sustained increase in female certification by all logic should have
reflected in the employment market. Given this, the cause is assumed to be gender discrimination.
Pay inequality restricts women professionally and leads to women being forced to choose between
a career and motherhood. Families that choose to have a child have to look at childcare. It is
generally financially
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Four Types Of Feminism
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Feminism is the theory that men and women should be equal, politically, economically, and socially.
There are many different types of feminism and each have a profound impact on someone's view of
society. The first is cultural feminism, which is the theory that there are fundamental personality
differences between men and women, and that women's differences are special. This theory supports
the idea that there are biological differences between men and women and sexism can be overcome
by embracing the "women's way." The second type is individualist or libertarian feminist. This
feminism is based upon libertarian philosophies, with the focus on autonomy, rights, liberty,
independence, and more content...
These women are having an influence on today's government. Because women are working and
continuing the responsibilities of the household and child care, they are now beginning to voice
demands for programs such as affirmative action, equal pay, pregnancy disability payments, and
abortion rights. According to Einstein, the New Right is composed of a "conservative middle class
majority, citizens concerned about high taxes and inflation, small business people angry at
governmental control, born– again Christians concerned about sex in television and movies,
supporters of the right to life, who are against federal funding of abortion, and middle class
Americans tired of Big Government."
The New Right feels that women are being forced to enter the work force because of the high taxes
and inflation caused by the continuous growth of the welfare state. Women leaving the home are
destructive to the family unit. The family structure is believed to be necessary to the "moral fabric
of society and economic vitality. (Einstein, 1984) There has been a transfer of family functions from
the family to "doctors, psychiatrists, child development experts, spokesmen for the juvenile courts
and marriage counselors (Einstein, 1984). Since the mother has become more "absent" from the
household, authority and responsibilities have been shifted to the state figures previously listed.
Juvenile delinquency, teen pregnancy and teenage drug abuse have
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The History of Feminism Essay
The History of Feminism
The definition of feminism is very elusive. Maybe because of its ever–changing historical meaning,
it's not for certain whether there is any coherence to the term feminism or if there is a definition that
will live up to the movement's variety of adherents and ideas. In the book "No Turning Back,"
author Estelle Freedman gives an accurate four–part definition of the very active movement: "
Feminism is a belief that women and men are inherently part of equal worth. Because most societies
privilege men as a group, social movements are necessary to achieve equality between women and
men, with the understanding that gender always intersects with other social hierarchies" (Freedman
Many historians believe that more content...
The discussions about voting and women's participation in politics soon led to the examining about
society's views on men and women and their differences (Rampton).
After women won the right to vote, the second wave of feminism began in the 1960s and continued
on to the 90's. This wave was highly associated with the anti–war and civil rights movement and the
movement started growing conscious to a variety of minority groups all over the world. Out of three
waves, the second wave's voice was increasingly radical and theoretical as sexuality and reproductive
rights were dominant issues. Protest began in Atlantic City in 1968 and 1969 against the Miss
America Pageant. Many activists thought it to be a degrading "cattle parade" that reduced women to
only objects produced by the patriarchy. Along with fighting against sexism in cartoons and politics,
second wave feminists found their voice among other movements such as Civil Rights and the
Anti–War movement. While the first wave was fought by middle class white women, the second
wave invited and incorporated women of color and developing nations demonstrating that race, class,
and gender oppression were all related and seeking sisterhood and solidarity (Rampton).
The most recent and current third wave of feminism began in the mid–90's and has destabilized
many past constructs including "universal womanhood," gender, body, hetreronormativity, and
sexuality. A peculiar and important point of the latest wave that
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Essay about Feminism
I have been exposed to many forms of feminism. Many different ideas, concepts, and situations have
been brought to my attention, enabling me to formulate my own loose definition of feminism, and
to take those concepts with me to utilize in my life as a woman in order to obtain the life I deserve.
To first understand feminism, one must be aware of the factors and forces that made–and still
make–the fight for women's rights such a relevant necessity. For example, women are mistreated and
undervalued in athletics. Sharon Lennon, author of What is Mine, was taught this lesson young, as
an excellent female softball player on a male team. After asking to play catcher in a game, the coach
responded, "All right...but you'll have to wear a cup" more content...
On a daily basis, women must also battle the dangers sexual abuse–verbal and physical. Inexcusable
rapes and assaults go unpunished frighteningly often, or with mild consequences–even gang rape. A
convicted rapist's remark makes it ever so clear why women must fight the twisted mentality behind
these crimes: "Most women like to get their box battered...they want to be grabbed and take hard. It
makes them feel more like a woman...This time I just got unlucky and got a cold–hearted bitch" (CP,
To further grasp the concept–the entity–feminism, it is also important to see and hear the women
behind the collective force. For example, Alisa L. Valdes, a feminist fitness instructor (what an
oxymoron) who came to the conclusion the to truly progress, we must achieve economic equality
(Period.) and not by playing by the rules patriarchy has set up (Valdes, 26, 32). Jennifer Reid
Maxcy Myhre shaved her head and quit shaving her legs for the inconvenience it caused for no
purpose; she pointed out that women who choose appearance typically considered "masculine,"
they are called butch and masculine to be scared, gagged, and silenced (Myhre, 84, 88). Jennifer
DeMarco was sexually abused by her uncle for an entire summer; she used writing to begin and
further her healing process, sharing them with her family and eventually others "[to] shed light on
misconceptions...To speak truth for those not spoken for, to the speak the truth" (DeMarco, 270).
Erin J.
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Feminism Definition Essay
What is feminism? According to Merriam–Webster Dictionary the standard definition defines
feminism as "the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes." I believe the
word feminism means a woman who is capable of doing the exact things a man can do. Both men
and women are equal regardless the gender. There are many misconceptions when it comes to the
word feminism such as, women having hatred towards men, women thinking they're above men, or
only women can be feminist, and the gender stereotype. On the other hand, feminism is gender
equality, acknowledging that any kind of violence is unacceptable regardless the gender, and
realizing that women and men are not the same and recognizing that gender and sex more
Individuals need to learn and accept that women and men are capable of doing the same things. It
should be acknowledged that women can do just as much as men can do. Society needs to put
their "beliefs" aside and not view all women as a weak. People should be more open about this
topic, instead of assuming. Women are often put down because of their gender. Although, women are
able to achieve a role a man can accomplish.
A third misconception society expects is, only women can be feminist. As the world changes day by
day many people are becoming feminist. Not only females but, men too. Whenever someone labels
themselves as a feminist it doesn't affect the movement, whether they're a female or male. Instead, it
spreads the word of what feminism really means. For example, my father is a feminist and has no
shame of letting the whole world know. My father believes women should have the freedom to
make their own choices and women should be able to live their lives how they want to with their
educations, careers, bodies, etc. He believes women deserve to have equal pay for the equal
amount of work done. My father is always thinking of ways to spread the positivity of feminism.
Overall, he supports feminism and believes in equality along with freedom.
I strongly believe people should be informed on what the word feminism means. People who haven't
been educated about the word feminism, are most likely to believe the typical stereotypes. Knowing
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Essay on Feminism
Feminism: Belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. As we look back in
history women and men were never thought of as equal. When put up next to the strong, dominant
male, females were often thought of as lower and not nearly as important. Even now though, as we
enter into the twenty–first century, with all kinds of women's rights and the thought that Hilary
Clinton might just become the first women's president, I have to say that I am probably one of the
few women that are actually not in favor of it. During the 1950's women did not work nor did they
in any way contribute to the success of the United States. Men preformed all the dirty work and
because of them being physically and mentally more able to more content...
Women even have a whole different neurological makeup in their system just to enfisize the fact that
we are emotionally unstable compared to men. We go through much more emotional highs and lows
when compared on a chart to men. Women were meant to have more emotions than men however
and were made to typically get more emotional and more dramatic at times.
With men being physically stronger than women I am all for them being the ones with the jobs,
especially jobs such as: a policeman, a fireman, a construction worker, etc. Bringing in the income
is what the men always did and what they still should do today, regardless if his wife works as
well. Women can't lift as heavy of objects as men nor be able to handle a 6'2'' man when he grabs
you around the arms and is so much stronger than you that you cant get away. Exactly the reason
women were meant to stay home in the house. Men were also meant to be the protector of the
women. With their strong physic, why would this be any other way? Why is there a phrase "man of
the house" and not "woman of the house?" It's simple really. Men are stronger mentally and
physically and are more capable of running the household. If a couple were being robbed, its not
like the woman is going to be the one jumping out of bed with a bat in her hand ready to defend her
husband. Obviously it's the other way around and it should be.
What is the first toy a little girl gets? A doll. And what does she do with
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Feminism Essay

  • 1. Feminism Essay examples Feminism Feminism is the belief that women should have economic political and social equality with men. This term also refers to a political movement that works to gain equality within a male and female relationship. In a male and female relationship both the roles of the male and female should be equal. Equal in many ways ten one: they should trust each other, share responsibilities, listen to one another, respect each other, and of course love one another equally. This type of relationship is not found now a days because of the many traditions which imply that women are inferior to men. They also imply that women should stay home all day watching soap operas, taking care of the children, and making the food for their tired more content... "Nagging wives" have always been a problem with husbands. The thought of marriage frightens many people because of the "nagging wife" this has been passed on from generation to generation. The many stories told by the very own family members of the husband and the wife arguing all day long. Marriage, today, is not considered in many times a happy thing, some people think that there is nothing to look forward, in most cases because men think that women will change on them and start "nagging" at everything. Many times in life men do not think that women can do the same things that they can; whether it's picking up boxes or being president. There will always be that "macho man" thought of the man being stronger than the woman. In many jobs women might do the exact same thing that men do except men are getting paid more than women even if it is an insignificant amount, it happens in many places and even though many people disapprove of it there are still jobs like that out there. And there are still employers who think that a woman should not be in the work force if so home. Many feminist have been working to solve this problem and there are still people who are working to solve and change many more of these problems, and even though in some places it doesn't seem like it, feminism and feminists Get more content on
  • 2. Feminism Essay Both Virginia Woolf, in a speech addressing a graduating all women class, and Naomi Wolf, in her text The Beauty Myth, contemplate feminism from an economic viewpoint. While Woolf believes women need money and a room of their own to have economic independence, Wolf gives credence to the fact that the beauty industry is hindering the independence of women. Through male pomposity, the conventional lives of women, obsession with physical appearance, and the reality that beauty is diverse, both Woolf and Wolf explain the significance ofour world's economy. Women have always been economically dependent on men. Any land or money that was in awoman 's possession was given to her father or husband. Women have stayed at home working more content... In her speech, Woolf was asked to talk about women and fiction. She resolved that without money nor education, women would not be able to create fiction. Which is why, in the Elizabethan era, women did not generate any sort of poetry. Woolf pondered over this for a while, and hypothesized that Shakespeare had an ingenious sister, Judith. Judith had the imagination and ability to produce creative works just like her brother. However, Judith never had any education so she wasn't able to thrive. In short, the story goes like this: Judith's father arranges a marriage for her, Judith runs away from home and goes to the city, she tries to live out her dream and act, she gets laughed at, she has an affair, and then Judith kills herself at the crossroads. The fact that Judith kills herself at the crossroads has great symbolism. The crossroads represents choice. The choice is that one can go along with her potential and be who she wants to be, or she can go along with the flow. Even though this choice is existent, it is extremely improbable. As Woolf states, "it is unthinkable that any woman in Shakespeare's day had had Shakespeare's genius. For genius like Shakespeare's is not born among labouring, uneducated, servile people," (Woolf 353). Women have never had the opportunity to produce poetry because they have never been given the freedom they need to do so. Because women have always been poor and reliant Get more content on
  • 3. Feminism Vs Feminism Inequality has been an issue throughout history and has affected minorities; as a consequence, there are multiple ideologies and groups that pursue equality. Feminism is a movement that seeks equality between the sexes in all areas (Issit & Flynn). Women have come together to fight for their rights and obtain privileges that were granted only to men. Feminism, according to Quidlen, has worked as a vehicle for change to improve women`s lives. Moreover, it has raised awareness of the issues women face and offered solutions. In spite of all of these improvements and its long history since its inception, feminism still exists and has the same relevance as in the past. However, as with any ideology, people have different perspectives about feminism; just as there are supporters, there are also opponents. Interestingly, while both sides have different perspectives of what equality means, there are ideas and values upon which both groups unintentionally agree. This common ground creates a third perspective; presenting feminism as a more inclusive movement by changing certain aspects of it such as the label "feminism", in order to show the evolution of this movement. As discussed in the following paragraphs, both pro and anti feminism perspectives have valid arguments that must be explored to reach a solution that satisfies both sides. First, let`s talk about feminism and its supporters. As explained above, the main goal of feminism is equality between the sexes and women`s Get more content on
  • 4. Feminism In Feminism Scandinavians attach their ideals and perspectives to their fictional narratives. As literature also entails, Scandinavians value egalitarianism in their society. In order to achieve an equal society, Scandinavians attempt to first instill equality amongst genders. Through Scandinavian literature and films, it has been evident that society has made successful progress towards removing traditional views. However, instead of reaching equality for both sexes the Scandinavians have evolved more towards the other side of the spectrum – feminism. So through what mechanisms does Scandinavian fiction portray the rise of feminism as the step away from masculinity? In their pursuit of gender equality, Scandinavians seem to merely deviate from male dominated perspectives and alternatively rise towards feminist ideals. Instead of leaning toward gender–neutral perspectives, some Scandinavian authors establish plotlines based around women rights. They attach feminist values to their narratives by employing mechanisms such that of undermining the patriarchy. Through the depiction of female protagonists, authors are able to successfully advocate for women rights, but at the same time they end up patronizing the opposite sex. For example in the Swedish play, The Father, traditional views of male domination are lifted through the examination of patriarchal doubts. Instead of a collective view on gender, the play portrays the superiority of women and it questions the fatherhood aspect in most Get more content on
  • 5. Feminist Methodologies Essay example Feminism is a perspective not a research method, meaning there are multiple ways to approach the study of women (Reinharz, 1992). However, a central goal of feminist empiricism, standpoint epistemology, and post–modernism methodologies is that women's lives are important and must understand women from their perspective and in context (O'Donnell, 1985, in Reinharz, 1992). Feminist methodologies all share a dedication to move the focus from the masculine perspective to incorporating both men and women to advance knowledge (DeVault, 1996). Therefore, it isresearch about women but also for women. It aims to identify various intelligences, the different ways of knowing, and to give a say to the silent voices (DeVault, 1996). more content... Harding (1987) acknowledges there are three feminist methodologies depending on the relationship between experience and theory the researcher takes. These differences are based on epistemology and the research approach, instead of data collection (Davidson & Tolich, 2003), and each methodology shapes the research methods used (Skeggs, 1995). The first is feminist empiricism developed in the 1960s–1970s. It opposed the universality of male experience, and the partial knowledge that patriarchal methods provided (Burns & Walker, 2005). Women were thus added into research to remove the sexist bias, as these researchers believed women see the world differently to men, and experiences by women bring an objective knowledge that is central to challenging stereotypes and untruths (Skeggs, 1995). This methodology seeks equal opportunities for men and women, achieving this by questioning society and using mainstream methods in a new way. The second is feminist standpoint epistemology. This position views the oppressed to be the source of knowledge as they are the ones with the experience and knowing. Researchers thus understand the world from the view of the oppressed women in that particular location (Skeggs, 1995). However, as the social control of women (race, history, and interests) differs across cultures, this methodology uses 'insider' investigation to enhance knowledge on a particular group by transferring all authority Get more content on
  • 6. Hook Feminism Essay Feminism is for everyone explains the emotional encounters of the struggles and challenges faced by the feminist movement. The experiences of the feminist movement helped shaped a strong case that the inclusion of men is required within the movement. One main goal of the feminist movement is to end all forms of sexism, sexist exploitations, and oppression (Hook). The key argument that Hook makes throughout her novel is that feminism is about creating a world free of sexism. The only way to make this possible is by having both males and females fight to end sexist causes. The patriarchal society is based on powers in relationships–whether that power is men over women, bosses over their workers and even parents over their children. Relationships Get more content on
  • 7. Jane Austen Feminism Essay Jane Austen's writings are stories like ones that have happened in her life. In Ms. Austen's words she once stated, "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife," (Bruno Introduction). She even traveled when writing, she would visit family and friends when writing so she could grasp the lives over others not in her surroundings. Austen was one of the most remarkable women of England. Jane Austen was a woman that endeared heartbreak, problems, and discrimination which has helped shape her books and writings in a feminist path. In the time period of the 18th century there was a lot of problems going on. When Austen was born in 1775 a war broke out between British and the American colonist of the thirteen colonies due to the want of independence from the colonist. In 1778 parliament passed the Catholic Relief Act, this act removed all restrictions towards Catholics in Britain. During 1783 British loyalist started realizing that colonists were winning the war and evacuated the colonies. On February 1, 1793 Britain goes to war with France. Upon the day of January 1, 1801 Great Britain, England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland official joined together because of the Act of Union. Many children of the 1800's in the United Kingdom were working in factories and cotton mills more than twelve hours a day with little pay. In 1803 the first act to regulate the hours and pay for kids was passed as Get more content on
  • 8. Feminism In Feminism Women have always experienced inequality however there has always been a fight for equality. Feminism is the belief, attitude and action that work toward women's rights and the equality between men and women. Dorothy Smith (born July 6, 1926), a Canadian sociologist with research interests, besides in sociology, in many disciplines including women's studies, psychology, and educational studies, coined this term when she studied the patterns of social inequality based on gender (http:/ / Feminist activists have campaigned for women's legal rights (rights of contract, property rights, voting rights); for women's right to bodily integrity and autonomy, for abortion rights, and for reproductive rights (including access to contraception and quality prenatal care); for protection of women and girls from domestic violence, sexual harassment and rape;for workplace rights, including maternity leave and equal pay; against misogyny; and against other forms of gender–specific discrimination against women. During the 1900s, the three waves of feminism occurred, however, the second wave of feminism focused on gaining workplace equality for women. Women are 49.6% of the world's population, they deserve to be equal and have the same rights in the workplace and in life. The second wave of feminism occurred from the 1960s to the 1990s, it originally focused on dismantling workplace inequality, such as denial of access to better jobs and salary inequity, via Get more content on
  • 9. Feminism Essay The past century saw women in Britain gain control of their fertility, acquire access to education and establish their status as equal citizens. The British social order came a long way from 1890s when women in Britain were legally restricted to the point they could not enter a contract, own property or have parental rights; unmarried women were challenged by society and pressured in to marriage (British History Oxford, 2007).The women's rights and suffrage movements in the period between 1832 and 1918, which is known as 'The first feminist wave', aimed to challenge the idea of women being the inferior sex and demanded equal rights. This 'so called' first wave ended with the 'Royal Assent to the Representation of the People Parliament Act' more content... Modern feminists are concerned with inequalities in success, which are usually defined by financial wealth and social protection. The modern feminist movement strives to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women. (London Feminist Network, 2011); Conservative feminists are guided strictly by the feminist philosophy of equal rights. As feminism spreads around the world, the British experience will indicate the significance of feminism in the modern world. Financial independence affords individuals freedom of choice; therefore a general consensus in modern, materialistic, society is that money and power are the most important entities. Typical research on equality reflects this idea. The Equal Opportunities Commission found that women receive, on average, 20% less money than men. The wage gap is especially evident in single parent families where women are the primary earners (Parekh, McInnis and Kenway, 2010). The pay gap cannot be attributed to education as females have finished high school with better grades than males since 1938 (Powney, 1996). The sustained increase in female certification by all logic should have reflected in the employment market. Given this, the cause is assumed to be gender discrimination. Pay inequality restricts women professionally and leads to women being forced to choose between a career and motherhood. Families that choose to have a child have to look at childcare. It is generally financially Get more content on
  • 10. Four Types Of Feminism Feminism Works Cited Missing Feminism is the theory that men and women should be equal, politically, economically, and socially. There are many different types of feminism and each have a profound impact on someone's view of society. The first is cultural feminism, which is the theory that there are fundamental personality differences between men and women, and that women's differences are special. This theory supports the idea that there are biological differences between men and women and sexism can be overcome by embracing the "women's way." The second type is individualist or libertarian feminist. This feminism is based upon libertarian philosophies, with the focus on autonomy, rights, liberty, independence, and more content... These women are having an influence on today's government. Because women are working and continuing the responsibilities of the household and child care, they are now beginning to voice demands for programs such as affirmative action, equal pay, pregnancy disability payments, and abortion rights. According to Einstein, the New Right is composed of a "conservative middle class majority, citizens concerned about high taxes and inflation, small business people angry at governmental control, born– again Christians concerned about sex in television and movies, supporters of the right to life, who are against federal funding of abortion, and middle class Americans tired of Big Government." The New Right feels that women are being forced to enter the work force because of the high taxes and inflation caused by the continuous growth of the welfare state. Women leaving the home are destructive to the family unit. The family structure is believed to be necessary to the "moral fabric of society and economic vitality. (Einstein, 1984) There has been a transfer of family functions from the family to "doctors, psychiatrists, child development experts, spokesmen for the juvenile courts and marriage counselors (Einstein, 1984). Since the mother has become more "absent" from the household, authority and responsibilities have been shifted to the state figures previously listed. Juvenile delinquency, teen pregnancy and teenage drug abuse have Get more content on
  • 11. The History of Feminism Essay The History of Feminism The definition of feminism is very elusive. Maybe because of its ever–changing historical meaning, it's not for certain whether there is any coherence to the term feminism or if there is a definition that will live up to the movement's variety of adherents and ideas. In the book "No Turning Back," author Estelle Freedman gives an accurate four–part definition of the very active movement: " Feminism is a belief that women and men are inherently part of equal worth. Because most societies privilege men as a group, social movements are necessary to achieve equality between women and men, with the understanding that gender always intersects with other social hierarchies" (Freedman 7). Many historians believe that more content... The discussions about voting and women's participation in politics soon led to the examining about society's views on men and women and their differences (Rampton). After women won the right to vote, the second wave of feminism began in the 1960s and continued on to the 90's. This wave was highly associated with the anti–war and civil rights movement and the movement started growing conscious to a variety of minority groups all over the world. Out of three waves, the second wave's voice was increasingly radical and theoretical as sexuality and reproductive rights were dominant issues. Protest began in Atlantic City in 1968 and 1969 against the Miss America Pageant. Many activists thought it to be a degrading "cattle parade" that reduced women to only objects produced by the patriarchy. Along with fighting against sexism in cartoons and politics, second wave feminists found their voice among other movements such as Civil Rights and the Anti–War movement. While the first wave was fought by middle class white women, the second wave invited and incorporated women of color and developing nations demonstrating that race, class, and gender oppression were all related and seeking sisterhood and solidarity (Rampton). The most recent and current third wave of feminism began in the mid–90's and has destabilized many past constructs including "universal womanhood," gender, body, hetreronormativity, and sexuality. A peculiar and important point of the latest wave that Get more content on
  • 12. Essay about Feminism I have been exposed to many forms of feminism. Many different ideas, concepts, and situations have been brought to my attention, enabling me to formulate my own loose definition of feminism, and to take those concepts with me to utilize in my life as a woman in order to obtain the life I deserve. To first understand feminism, one must be aware of the factors and forces that made–and still make–the fight for women's rights such a relevant necessity. For example, women are mistreated and undervalued in athletics. Sharon Lennon, author of What is Mine, was taught this lesson young, as an excellent female softball player on a male team. After asking to play catcher in a game, the coach responded, "All right...but you'll have to wear a cup" more content... On a daily basis, women must also battle the dangers sexual abuse–verbal and physical. Inexcusable rapes and assaults go unpunished frighteningly often, or with mild consequences–even gang rape. A convicted rapist's remark makes it ever so clear why women must fight the twisted mentality behind these crimes: "Most women like to get their box battered...they want to be grabbed and take hard. It makes them feel more like a woman...This time I just got unlucky and got a cold–hearted bitch" (CP, 2). To further grasp the concept–the entity–feminism, it is also important to see and hear the women behind the collective force. For example, Alisa L. Valdes, a feminist fitness instructor (what an oxymoron) who came to the conclusion the to truly progress, we must achieve economic equality (Period.) and not by playing by the rules patriarchy has set up (Valdes, 26, 32). Jennifer Reid Maxcy Myhre shaved her head and quit shaving her legs for the inconvenience it caused for no purpose; she pointed out that women who choose appearance typically considered "masculine," they are called butch and masculine to be scared, gagged, and silenced (Myhre, 84, 88). Jennifer DeMarco was sexually abused by her uncle for an entire summer; she used writing to begin and further her healing process, sharing them with her family and eventually others "[to] shed light on misconceptions...To speak truth for those not spoken for, to the speak the truth" (DeMarco, 270). Erin J. Get more content on
  • 13. Feminism Definition Essay What is feminism? According to Merriam–Webster Dictionary the standard definition defines feminism as "the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes." I believe the word feminism means a woman who is capable of doing the exact things a man can do. Both men and women are equal regardless the gender. There are many misconceptions when it comes to the word feminism such as, women having hatred towards men, women thinking they're above men, or only women can be feminist, and the gender stereotype. On the other hand, feminism is gender equality, acknowledging that any kind of violence is unacceptable regardless the gender, and realizing that women and men are not the same and recognizing that gender and sex more content... Individuals need to learn and accept that women and men are capable of doing the same things. It should be acknowledged that women can do just as much as men can do. Society needs to put their "beliefs" aside and not view all women as a weak. People should be more open about this topic, instead of assuming. Women are often put down because of their gender. Although, women are able to achieve a role a man can accomplish. A third misconception society expects is, only women can be feminist. As the world changes day by day many people are becoming feminist. Not only females but, men too. Whenever someone labels themselves as a feminist it doesn't affect the movement, whether they're a female or male. Instead, it spreads the word of what feminism really means. For example, my father is a feminist and has no shame of letting the whole world know. My father believes women should have the freedom to make their own choices and women should be able to live their lives how they want to with their educations, careers, bodies, etc. He believes women deserve to have equal pay for the equal amount of work done. My father is always thinking of ways to spread the positivity of feminism. Overall, he supports feminism and believes in equality along with freedom. I strongly believe people should be informed on what the word feminism means. People who haven't been educated about the word feminism, are most likely to believe the typical stereotypes. Knowing Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on Feminism Feminism: Belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. As we look back in history women and men were never thought of as equal. When put up next to the strong, dominant male, females were often thought of as lower and not nearly as important. Even now though, as we enter into the twenty–first century, with all kinds of women's rights and the thought that Hilary Clinton might just become the first women's president, I have to say that I am probably one of the few women that are actually not in favor of it. During the 1950's women did not work nor did they in any way contribute to the success of the United States. Men preformed all the dirty work and because of them being physically and mentally more able to more content... Women even have a whole different neurological makeup in their system just to enfisize the fact that we are emotionally unstable compared to men. We go through much more emotional highs and lows when compared on a chart to men. Women were meant to have more emotions than men however and were made to typically get more emotional and more dramatic at times. With men being physically stronger than women I am all for them being the ones with the jobs, especially jobs such as: a policeman, a fireman, a construction worker, etc. Bringing in the income is what the men always did and what they still should do today, regardless if his wife works as well. Women can't lift as heavy of objects as men nor be able to handle a 6'2'' man when he grabs you around the arms and is so much stronger than you that you cant get away. Exactly the reason women were meant to stay home in the house. Men were also meant to be the protector of the women. With their strong physic, why would this be any other way? Why is there a phrase "man of the house" and not "woman of the house?" It's simple really. Men are stronger mentally and physically and are more capable of running the household. If a couple were being robbed, its not like the woman is going to be the one jumping out of bed with a bat in her hand ready to defend her husband. Obviously it's the other way around and it should be. What is the first toy a little girl gets? A doll. And what does she do with Get more content on