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Egypt Complex Civilization
Ancient Egypt was a complex civilization because it had all of the important society indicators. In
the earlier years the Egyptians spent most of their time as being hunters and gathers. Then once they
settled by the Nile River, they started farming. Once even more people settled in, the population
continued to grow. This is how Egypt became a complex civilization and the seven indicators
became a big part of Egypt.
One way Ancient Egypt was a complex civilization is by having methods of keeping records. The
ancient Egyptians used a writing called hieroglyphs for this indicator. Ancient Egypt had a language
called hieroglyphs that they started using around 3100 B.C.E. Hieroglyphs was the important
language that makes Egypt the place it more content...
The ancient Egyptians had many people that had different jobs. This lead to specialized skills
and jobs. The building projects were needed for precise workers that have a lot of skill. Ancient
Egypt had many important people that had many special jobs. For building the pyramids
specialized workers had to help. This way the job would be better, more precise, and faster. The
Egyptians covered in hieroglyphics, paintings, and carved stone images. The most popular amulet in
Ancient Egypt is called the Scarab Beetle. This was viewed as a symbol of a new life of
resurrection. According to SIRS Discover, "The Egyptians thought the amulet had magical powers."
The egyptians believed that the rising sun symbolizes renewal of life. The ancient Egyptians also
thought that the sun–god created himself. The sun–god was represented as a falcon. The Egyptians
thought their art wasn't only attractive, but it has a purpose. Craftsmen and artists had the same
kind of gift. The drawings that artists did were usually on papyrus. When artists painted people,
humor was never used because they wanted it to be professional. Since the Egyptians are very
unique, they sometimes drew things so that when you looked at them you had to tilt your head to
the side. The Egyptians drew men with dark colors, and women with light colors. Most of the time
craftsmen were not allowed to sign their name for credit. Lasty, it
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Ancient Egypt Achievements
Ancient Egypt was a civilization in north east Africa along the Nile River, it was one of six
civilizations to rise independently. The history of ancient Egypt occurred in kingdoms and was part
of the Bronze Age. Success of ancient Egypt civilization came partly from ability to adapt to
conditions of the Nile River for agriculture. Ancient Egypt was a hierarchy that had a bureaucracy
government and were a polytheistic religion. As well, their economy was based on their
surroundings and they had many great achievements. Ancient Egypt was a classified as a hierarchy.
In ancient Egypt a hierarchy meant that people and groups were ranked according to status.
Pharaoh's and the royal family were first class. The second class was the more
The Egyptians also believed in the afterlife, which means they believed they live as they were on
earth in the afterlife. Ancient Egyptians believed that the pharaoh was one of the gods. They also
believed in mummification, which was the preservation of the corps for burial. In Ancient times
you were wrapped in animal skins and organs then buried. If you were a part of the royal family you
were put in a tomb or burial chamber. Ancient Egypt has many great achievements. Two of their
biggest achievements were the Egyptian pyramids, and the sphinx. Another achievement was their
use of hieroglyphics, which is a form of writing based on pictograms. Examples of hieroglyphic
writing can be found on the Rosetta stone which was uncovered by archeologists. The Egyptians also
used mummification which was an achievement in preserving bodies. Over time there were ten
different pharaohs and each of them accomplished advancements in society, math, astronomy and
medicine. There are many differences between ancient Egypt and modern day Egypt. Most of
modern day Egypt no longer believes in a polytheistic religion, and mummification has gone out of
However, it was the Ancient Egyptians that put modern day Egypt on track to be the successful
country it is. With the work of archeologists we have learned just how far the people of ancient
Egypt have affected our
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Ancient Egyptian Civilization
Ancient Egypt was a civilization because it had most, if not all the seven indicators of a complex
society. The Ancient Egyptian Government was ruled first and foremost by the pharaoh. The
pharaoh was the supreme leader not just of government, but additionally of the religion.
Nevertheless, the pharaoh couldn't run all of the government just himself, so he had a hierarchy
of rulers and leaders beneath him who ran different aspects of the government. The primary leader
of the government below the pharaoh was the vizier. The vizier was the chief overseer of the land,
sort of like a prime minister. Subordinate the vizier were local governors called nomarchs. Nomarks
ruled over an area of land called a nome. In ancient Egypt the average person had no say in
government. When punishment was carried out, often the whole family of the guilty was
punished as well. Egyptian law was based on a common sense of right and wrong, following the
codes based on the concept of Ma'at. For example when individuals were sentenced to exile, their
children are automatically outlawed along with them. If a relative deserted from military service,
or lacked on the labor demands of the state, the entire family might be imprisoned. The people of
ancient Egypt made their religion based on gods and goddesses and the powers that they had. They
had a deep belief in the supernatural and that their lives were controlled by their deities. In old
Egypt there were two kingdoms called lower and
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Why Is Ancient Egypt So Successful
Ancient Egypt prospered, expanded and flourished during the reign of the pharaohs. Although
their society is very different from ours, it is still found to be successful and is a large part of
why we study Egypt and why we find it to be historically significant. Egyptian civilizations were
so successful because of pharaohs, geography and social hierarchy. The secret to Egypt's stability,
consolidation and expansion is portrayed through its location and society, while also being
influenced by social, economic and political structures. I displayed this idea within a digital art
piece. It consists of a pyramid showcasing the different levels of social hierarchy, topped with the
mask of a pharaoh. This pyramid is pictured in the desert with farmland running on one side next
to the Nile and palm trees on the other. Primarily, the success of the Egyptian civilization is
accredited to the presence of pharaohs. A pharaoh is the head of the government and high priest of
every temple and is considered to be half god and half human. Because of this, they are associated
with divinity and are the supreme power of Egypt; essentially, ancient Egyptian pharaohs hold the
same power as a dictator. Citizens of Egypt looked to the pharaoh to ensure their well–being. They
wanted the pharaoh to keep the gods happy so the Nile would flood and there would be a bountiful
harvest. Pharaohs also had to maintain and strengthen the army to defend the country from outside
threats and internal difficulties. In terms of political structure, the ancient Egyptian government is
mainly focused on and is controlled by the pharaohs. The government brought order to society
through laws, taxes, the organization of labor, trade, defense, and temples. At a time when there
was decentralized power in Egypt (pharaoh was not the center of power) there was a large loss of
territory and attracted Nubian, Assyrian, and later, Persian invaders. Because of the Pharaoh's
contributions and necessity in maintaining stability, they sit atop the pyramid of social class. They
are on top of the pyramid of social hierarchy because they do a lot for their people and thereby hold
great significance to the populous. To add to this, the success of the Egyptian
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The Egyptian Civilization Essay
Chapter 1 Janetta Rebold Benton from Pace University in New York describes the earlier
civilizations of man from various regions that are well known for developments. She talks about
ancient civilizations in Egypt, as well as the famous Greece and Rome. She talks about the
background of human beings such as the Homo sapiens from Africa and Neanderthal Homo erectus
from Europe. She also provides insight for the Paleolithic period which corresponded to the Ice Age
as well as the Neolithic period which is the period when man began to farm. Moreover they began
rituals and religion during that period, during the Neolithic period. She further talks about the artistic
activities that were developed during the early days such as the paintings cave at Lascaux in
southern France that were created between 15,000 and 13,000 B.C.E. and this demonstrated the keen
observation abilities that humans had during that time. Janetta further talks about the fundamentals
of the civilization while mentioning the Mesopotamian civilization that was developed between
Tigris and the Euphrates rivers. In her book, she mentions that the Egyptian civilization was
developed gradually between 5000 B.C.E. and 3100 B.C.E. She talks about the different culture in
Egypt such as ancient writing like cuneiform and hieroglyphics, religious aspects such as karma, the
afterlife and even the book of the dead and architecture like the pyramids. She mentions the legacy of
the ancient civilizations such as arts that
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Egypt And Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt was a Northeastern African civilization. It was located along the lower part of the
Nile River. The ancient civilization was surrounded by desert that protected Egypt from invasion,
but it also limited where the people could settle. Many farming villages were located along the edge
of the land and were watered by the Nile. In Egypt, there were also two areas of land: the Black
Land and the The Red Land. The Black Land had rich soil, was ten miles wide, and was well
irrigated. On the other hand, the Red Land stretched across North Africa and was a sun–baked
desert. Because the Egyptians were located next to the Nile, they experienced the flooding that
happened every year. Every spring they waited expectantly for the flood that would save their crops.
The people used their location to their advantage and built dikes, reservoirs, and irrigation ditches to
channel the river and to store for the dry season. Ancient Egypt was separated into two regions:
Upper Egypt, found in the south; and Lower Egypt, found in the north. Upper Egypt stretched from
EgyptВґs first waterfall to 100 miles from the Mediterranean Sea. Lower Egypt was near the delta
region where the Nile River flows into the Mediterranean Sea. The Nile was the most important part
of the EgyptianВґs location because it served as a highway between the north and south, helped
make Egypt one of the world's first unified states, was used as a trade route, and was used for easier
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Ancient Egyptian Civilization
The ancient Egyptian civilization is arguably the oldest civilization in the world. It is believed to
have emerged around 5,500 years ago, although some scholars have estimated an even earlier date.
During the predynastic period the Egyptians were not united, but as the Sahara desert expanded
many people began moving their settlements around the Nile River. These settlements started
coming together to form towns. As these towns progressed they developed many new ideas to help
the society run smoother. However the total unification and start of the ancient Egyptian civilization
did not happen, until Hierakonpolis expanded and conquered Naqada. The ancient Egyptian
civilization was now created. Since this civilization was one of the first in the world, there was no
structure to start with. In order to function as a thriving civilization, the Egyptians had to
accomplish agricultural, architectural, medical, and educational advancements. The ancient
Egyptian's advancements in agriculture is one of the driving forces that lead to the success of
their empire. The Egyptian civilization came together because of the need for fertile soil and a
constant supply of water. Although the Nile was a constant supply of water, the Egyptians still
needed to find a way to bring the water to their crops. Murray shows the reason why irrigation was
needed, "In Egypt, 6000 years ago, when the latest 'rainy interlude' began to wane, neolithic
tribesmen from both sides flocked into the Nile Valley
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Essay on Egypt
"Egypt" –Egypt is located in the North East part of Africa. More than 90% of Egypt is
desert. Only a very small portion of the population does not live along the Nile Valley and the
Delta. Without the Nile River Egypt would be little more than a desert. Egypt has a hot season
from May to September and a cool season from November to March. Egypt has very extreme
temperatures year round. In the coastal region of Egypt, average annual temperatures range from a
maximum of 99 degrees F, to a minimum of 57 degrees F. In the desert regions of Egypt wide
variations in temperature occur. These range from 114 degrees F in the daylight hours to 42 degrees
after sunset. In many desert locations of Egypt it might only rain once every more
They would bury their dead in elaborate tombs in order to protect them in the afterlife. They would
also created exquisite sculptures, jewelry, tools, and other objects, which they would bury with
their dead in their tombs. They believed this would equip their spirits for the afterlife. They
would also bury the book of the dead in the tomb to help them keep away from the dangers of the
demons of the afterlife. Egypt has a population of about (1996 estimate) 63,575,000 and has an
area of about 384,300 sq. miles. The capitol of Egypt is Cairo. Almost 99% of the population lives
within the Nile Valley and delta, which constitutes less than 4% of Egypt's total area. Islam is the
official religion of Egypt, and about 90% of all Egyptians are Muslims. Arabic is the national and
official language. Berber is spoken in a few villages in the western oases. Primary and secondary
education in Egypt is free, as are public universities and technical schools. Education is required
for children between the ages of 6 and 11. Graduates of the primary schools either attend general
intermediate school, which prepares them for secondary education, or a technical intermediate
school specializing in industrial and agricultural subjects. About 51% of the adult population is
literate. Egypt is a largely agricultural country. About 40% of the labor force is engaged in crop
farming or herding. Egypt is one of the world's leading producers of long–fibered cotton. Annual
cotton lint production
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Ancient Egypt Culture Essay
Today, the ancient Egyptian culture is renowned for their great feats that may even challenge some
of the greatest minds of this generation. One can see trends developed in the Old Kingdom Egypt
continue through the Middle and New Kingdoms of Egypt. Egypt is the cradle of civilization
because of their accomplishments in agriculture, architecture, and organization. Agriculturally, the
Egyptians were very advanced. They learned about how the Nile flooded in order to learn when the
best time to plant crops was. Typically, the Egyptian harvests brought a surplus. One of the Egyptian
hallmarks was following a set schedule. They scheduled their grain fields to grow from October to
February, and harvested March to May. They even developed more content...
Luckily, the Egyptians were already greatly equipped due to their organization. Labor
specialization was needed in order for their architecture to be created. We can see this system all
throughout the process of erecting sculptures such as the statue of Rameses the Great. Slave labor
was used for the manual tasks that needed to be done, for example carrying the granite up the Nile
and moving it. Special craftsman were needed to precisely sculpt the granite to fit Rameses's face.
Also, the Egyptians had to have organization in agriculture. They were able to utilize slave labor,
but also relied on farmers to bring about the good harvests the people enjoyed. This organization
within Egyptian society shows a great level of advancement when taking about empires within the
time period.
The Ancient Egyptian culture continues to capture the imagination of millions of historians today.
Whether talking about the beautiful geography or of the wonders that just litter Egypt, one cannot
deny how advanced Ancient Egyptian society truly was. This is due to the great skill presented in
areas of agriculture, architecture, and organization. All of these areas contribute to the everlasting
legacy that this past civilization as marked on the path to the world
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Essay On Egyptian Civilization

  • 1. Egypt Complex Civilization Ancient Egypt was a complex civilization because it had all of the important society indicators. In the earlier years the Egyptians spent most of their time as being hunters and gathers. Then once they settled by the Nile River, they started farming. Once even more people settled in, the population continued to grow. This is how Egypt became a complex civilization and the seven indicators became a big part of Egypt. One way Ancient Egypt was a complex civilization is by having methods of keeping records. The ancient Egyptians used a writing called hieroglyphs for this indicator. Ancient Egypt had a language called hieroglyphs that they started using around 3100 B.C.E. Hieroglyphs was the important language that makes Egypt the place it more content... The ancient Egyptians had many people that had different jobs. This lead to specialized skills and jobs. The building projects were needed for precise workers that have a lot of skill. Ancient Egypt had many important people that had many special jobs. For building the pyramids specialized workers had to help. This way the job would be better, more precise, and faster. The Egyptians covered in hieroglyphics, paintings, and carved stone images. The most popular amulet in Ancient Egypt is called the Scarab Beetle. This was viewed as a symbol of a new life of resurrection. According to SIRS Discover, "The Egyptians thought the amulet had magical powers." The egyptians believed that the rising sun symbolizes renewal of life. The ancient Egyptians also thought that the sun–god created himself. The sun–god was represented as a falcon. The Egyptians thought their art wasn't only attractive, but it has a purpose. Craftsmen and artists had the same kind of gift. The drawings that artists did were usually on papyrus. When artists painted people, humor was never used because they wanted it to be professional. Since the Egyptians are very unique, they sometimes drew things so that when you looked at them you had to tilt your head to the side. The Egyptians drew men with dark colors, and women with light colors. Most of the time craftsmen were not allowed to sign their name for credit. Lasty, it Get more content on
  • 2. Ancient Egypt Achievements Ancient Egypt was a civilization in north east Africa along the Nile River, it was one of six civilizations to rise independently. The history of ancient Egypt occurred in kingdoms and was part of the Bronze Age. Success of ancient Egypt civilization came partly from ability to adapt to conditions of the Nile River for agriculture. Ancient Egypt was a hierarchy that had a bureaucracy government and were a polytheistic religion. As well, their economy was based on their surroundings and they had many great achievements. Ancient Egypt was a classified as a hierarchy. In ancient Egypt a hierarchy meant that people and groups were ranked according to status. Pharaoh's and the royal family were first class. The second class was the more content... The Egyptians also believed in the afterlife, which means they believed they live as they were on earth in the afterlife. Ancient Egyptians believed that the pharaoh was one of the gods. They also believed in mummification, which was the preservation of the corps for burial. In Ancient times you were wrapped in animal skins and organs then buried. If you were a part of the royal family you were put in a tomb or burial chamber. Ancient Egypt has many great achievements. Two of their biggest achievements were the Egyptian pyramids, and the sphinx. Another achievement was their use of hieroglyphics, which is a form of writing based on pictograms. Examples of hieroglyphic writing can be found on the Rosetta stone which was uncovered by archeologists. The Egyptians also used mummification which was an achievement in preserving bodies. Over time there were ten different pharaohs and each of them accomplished advancements in society, math, astronomy and medicine. There are many differences between ancient Egypt and modern day Egypt. Most of modern day Egypt no longer believes in a polytheistic religion, and mummification has gone out of use. However, it was the Ancient Egyptians that put modern day Egypt on track to be the successful country it is. With the work of archeologists we have learned just how far the people of ancient Egypt have affected our Get more content on
  • 3. Ancient Egyptian Civilization Ancient Egypt was a civilization because it had most, if not all the seven indicators of a complex society. The Ancient Egyptian Government was ruled first and foremost by the pharaoh. The pharaoh was the supreme leader not just of government, but additionally of the religion. Nevertheless, the pharaoh couldn't run all of the government just himself, so he had a hierarchy of rulers and leaders beneath him who ran different aspects of the government. The primary leader of the government below the pharaoh was the vizier. The vizier was the chief overseer of the land, sort of like a prime minister. Subordinate the vizier were local governors called nomarchs. Nomarks ruled over an area of land called a nome. In ancient Egypt the average person had no say in government. When punishment was carried out, often the whole family of the guilty was punished as well. Egyptian law was based on a common sense of right and wrong, following the codes based on the concept of Ma'at. For example when individuals were sentenced to exile, their children are automatically outlawed along with them. If a relative deserted from military service, or lacked on the labor demands of the state, the entire family might be imprisoned. The people of ancient Egypt made their religion based on gods and goddesses and the powers that they had. They had a deep belief in the supernatural and that their lives were controlled by their deities. In old Egypt there were two kingdoms called lower and Get more content on
  • 4. Why Is Ancient Egypt So Successful Ancient Egypt prospered, expanded and flourished during the reign of the pharaohs. Although their society is very different from ours, it is still found to be successful and is a large part of why we study Egypt and why we find it to be historically significant. Egyptian civilizations were so successful because of pharaohs, geography and social hierarchy. The secret to Egypt's stability, consolidation and expansion is portrayed through its location and society, while also being influenced by social, economic and political structures. I displayed this idea within a digital art piece. It consists of a pyramid showcasing the different levels of social hierarchy, topped with the mask of a pharaoh. This pyramid is pictured in the desert with farmland running on one side next to the Nile and palm trees on the other. Primarily, the success of the Egyptian civilization is accredited to the presence of pharaohs. A pharaoh is the head of the government and high priest of every temple and is considered to be half god and half human. Because of this, they are associated with divinity and are the supreme power of Egypt; essentially, ancient Egyptian pharaohs hold the same power as a dictator. Citizens of Egypt looked to the pharaoh to ensure their well–being. They wanted the pharaoh to keep the gods happy so the Nile would flood and there would be a bountiful harvest. Pharaohs also had to maintain and strengthen the army to defend the country from outside threats and internal difficulties. In terms of political structure, the ancient Egyptian government is mainly focused on and is controlled by the pharaohs. The government brought order to society through laws, taxes, the organization of labor, trade, defense, and temples. At a time when there was decentralized power in Egypt (pharaoh was not the center of power) there was a large loss of territory and attracted Nubian, Assyrian, and later, Persian invaders. Because of the Pharaoh's contributions and necessity in maintaining stability, they sit atop the pyramid of social class. They are on top of the pyramid of social hierarchy because they do a lot for their people and thereby hold great significance to the populous. To add to this, the success of the Egyptian Get more content on
  • 5. The Egyptian Civilization Essay Chapter 1 Janetta Rebold Benton from Pace University in New York describes the earlier civilizations of man from various regions that are well known for developments. She talks about ancient civilizations in Egypt, as well as the famous Greece and Rome. She talks about the background of human beings such as the Homo sapiens from Africa and Neanderthal Homo erectus from Europe. She also provides insight for the Paleolithic period which corresponded to the Ice Age as well as the Neolithic period which is the period when man began to farm. Moreover they began rituals and religion during that period, during the Neolithic period. She further talks about the artistic activities that were developed during the early days such as the paintings cave at Lascaux in southern France that were created between 15,000 and 13,000 B.C.E. and this demonstrated the keen observation abilities that humans had during that time. Janetta further talks about the fundamentals of the civilization while mentioning the Mesopotamian civilization that was developed between Tigris and the Euphrates rivers. In her book, she mentions that the Egyptian civilization was developed gradually between 5000 B.C.E. and 3100 B.C.E. She talks about the different culture in Egypt such as ancient writing like cuneiform and hieroglyphics, religious aspects such as karma, the afterlife and even the book of the dead and architecture like the pyramids. She mentions the legacy of the ancient civilizations such as arts that Get more content on
  • 6. Egypt And Ancient Egypt Ancient Egypt was a Northeastern African civilization. It was located along the lower part of the Nile River. The ancient civilization was surrounded by desert that protected Egypt from invasion, but it also limited where the people could settle. Many farming villages were located along the edge of the land and were watered by the Nile. In Egypt, there were also two areas of land: the Black Land and the The Red Land. The Black Land had rich soil, was ten miles wide, and was well irrigated. On the other hand, the Red Land stretched across North Africa and was a sun–baked desert. Because the Egyptians were located next to the Nile, they experienced the flooding that happened every year. Every spring they waited expectantly for the flood that would save their crops. The people used their location to their advantage and built dikes, reservoirs, and irrigation ditches to channel the river and to store for the dry season. Ancient Egypt was separated into two regions: Upper Egypt, found in the south; and Lower Egypt, found in the north. Upper Egypt stretched from EgyptВґs first waterfall to 100 miles from the Mediterranean Sea. Lower Egypt was near the delta region where the Nile River flows into the Mediterranean Sea. The Nile was the most important part of the EgyptianВґs location because it served as a highway between the north and south, helped make Egypt one of the world's first unified states, was used as a trade route, and was used for easier communication. Get more content on
  • 7. Ancient Egyptian Civilization The ancient Egyptian civilization is arguably the oldest civilization in the world. It is believed to have emerged around 5,500 years ago, although some scholars have estimated an even earlier date. During the predynastic period the Egyptians were not united, but as the Sahara desert expanded many people began moving their settlements around the Nile River. These settlements started coming together to form towns. As these towns progressed they developed many new ideas to help the society run smoother. However the total unification and start of the ancient Egyptian civilization did not happen, until Hierakonpolis expanded and conquered Naqada. The ancient Egyptian civilization was now created. Since this civilization was one of the first in the world, there was no structure to start with. In order to function as a thriving civilization, the Egyptians had to accomplish agricultural, architectural, medical, and educational advancements. The ancient Egyptian's advancements in agriculture is one of the driving forces that lead to the success of their empire. The Egyptian civilization came together because of the need for fertile soil and a constant supply of water. Although the Nile was a constant supply of water, the Egyptians still needed to find a way to bring the water to their crops. Murray shows the reason why irrigation was needed, "In Egypt, 6000 years ago, when the latest 'rainy interlude' began to wane, neolithic tribesmen from both sides flocked into the Nile Valley Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Egypt "Egypt" –Egypt is located in the North East part of Africa. More than 90% of Egypt is desert. Only a very small portion of the population does not live along the Nile Valley and the Delta. Without the Nile River Egypt would be little more than a desert. Egypt has a hot season from May to September and a cool season from November to March. Egypt has very extreme temperatures year round. In the coastal region of Egypt, average annual temperatures range from a maximum of 99 degrees F, to a minimum of 57 degrees F. In the desert regions of Egypt wide variations in temperature occur. These range from 114 degrees F in the daylight hours to 42 degrees after sunset. In many desert locations of Egypt it might only rain once every more content... They would bury their dead in elaborate tombs in order to protect them in the afterlife. They would also created exquisite sculptures, jewelry, tools, and other objects, which they would bury with their dead in their tombs. They believed this would equip their spirits for the afterlife. They would also bury the book of the dead in the tomb to help them keep away from the dangers of the demons of the afterlife. Egypt has a population of about (1996 estimate) 63,575,000 and has an area of about 384,300 sq. miles. The capitol of Egypt is Cairo. Almost 99% of the population lives within the Nile Valley and delta, which constitutes less than 4% of Egypt's total area. Islam is the official religion of Egypt, and about 90% of all Egyptians are Muslims. Arabic is the national and official language. Berber is spoken in a few villages in the western oases. Primary and secondary education in Egypt is free, as are public universities and technical schools. Education is required for children between the ages of 6 and 11. Graduates of the primary schools either attend general intermediate school, which prepares them for secondary education, or a technical intermediate school specializing in industrial and agricultural subjects. About 51% of the adult population is literate. Egypt is a largely agricultural country. About 40% of the labor force is engaged in crop farming or herding. Egypt is one of the world's leading producers of long–fibered cotton. Annual cotton lint production Get more content on
  • 9. Ancient Egypt Culture Essay Today, the ancient Egyptian culture is renowned for their great feats that may even challenge some of the greatest minds of this generation. One can see trends developed in the Old Kingdom Egypt continue through the Middle and New Kingdoms of Egypt. Egypt is the cradle of civilization because of their accomplishments in agriculture, architecture, and organization. Agriculturally, the Egyptians were very advanced. They learned about how the Nile flooded in order to learn when the best time to plant crops was. Typically, the Egyptian harvests brought a surplus. One of the Egyptian hallmarks was following a set schedule. They scheduled their grain fields to grow from October to February, and harvested March to May. They even developed more content... Luckily, the Egyptians were already greatly equipped due to their organization. Labor specialization was needed in order for their architecture to be created. We can see this system all throughout the process of erecting sculptures such as the statue of Rameses the Great. Slave labor was used for the manual tasks that needed to be done, for example carrying the granite up the Nile and moving it. Special craftsman were needed to precisely sculpt the granite to fit Rameses's face. Also, the Egyptians had to have organization in agriculture. They were able to utilize slave labor, but also relied on farmers to bring about the good harvests the people enjoyed. This organization within Egyptian society shows a great level of advancement when taking about empires within the time period. The Ancient Egyptian culture continues to capture the imagination of millions of historians today. Whether talking about the beautiful geography or of the wonders that just litter Egypt, one cannot deny how advanced Ancient Egyptian society truly was. This is due to the great skill presented in areas of agriculture, architecture, and organization. All of these areas contribute to the everlasting legacy that this past civilization as marked on the path to the world Get more content on