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What Does It Mean To Be Disrespectful?
The majority of my family comes from Africa and has been very divided since I was born so that
probably really affects the way I am now. Such as how parents put a very strong emphasizes on
education, religion, and other more traditional things which can be both good and bad. For
example, sometimes when I tell my mother my feeling towards something she finds it disrespectful
that I would even bring it up if it goes against her views. Probably due to her belief that you must
respect your elders, and to her me having an opinoun contrary to her is disrespectful. I thinik thats
the reason why I have problems being vulnerable emotionally with others, which is what i've been
trying to work on changing. I've for the most part had the same friends
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Respect Essay
I have been told that I need to write a 1000 word essay on disrespecting a Non Commissioned
Officer. But it is really hard to write about this because I am having a hard time wondering how I
disrespected them. So, where do I start on this and what do I say about it. As far as this essay
goes I am just going to write how I feel about respect and how respect works both ways. It is
wrong to disrespect a Non Commissioned Officer because they are appointed above me to guide
me to the right place and things to do. But it is really hard to respect someone when they do not
respect you. Respect works both ways and if that person or leadership does not respect you trying to
respect them is difficult. No matter what is said it is more content...
I have seen way worse disrespect then what I have ever done to anyone. In my eyes disrespect is
if you just plainly say hell no or fuck off. I have never done that and yet they automatically think
that if you are asking them why you are told to do something it is disrespect but in fact is not
disrespect it is that the soldier is trying to learn from them. If I remember correctly the Non
Commissioned Officer Creed states "Competence is my watchword. My two basic responsibilities
will always be uppermost in my mind–accomplishment of my mission and the welfare of my
soldiers. I will strive to remain tactically and technically proficient. I am aware of my role as a
Noncommissioned Officer. I will fulfill my responsibilities inherent in that role. All soldiers are
entitled to outstanding leadership; I will provide that leadership. I know my soldiers and I will
always place their needs above my own. I will communicate consistently with my soldiers and
never leave them uninformed. I will be fair and impartial when recommending both rewards and
punishment." But it seems that only a few of the Non Commissioned Officers respect the lower
enlisted. Why should soldiers' words get twisted and why is that NCO's are not respecting the
soldiers and their needs. We need to be respected that is one of the many needs of the soldiers of
today. That is why a lot of soldiers act out against Non Commissioned Officers. Ok so disrespect is
all on what that person
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Essay about Disrepect
Disrespect of a Noncommissioned Officer is a punishable offense in the United State military, and
falls under the auspices of Article 91. The punishment for the offense varies depending on the
severity of the disrespect shown and the history of service for the perpetrator.Disrespect of a
noncommissoned officer includes striking, acting in an insubordinate manner, disregard for a lawful
order, use of disrespectful language or general deportment. To be a punishable offense the act of
disrespect must occur while the noncommissioned officer operating under the auspices of their
office.Punishment for disrespecting a noncommissioned officer typically begins with a counseling
session about the behavior, and an explanation of more content...
More reference links: 317 words
Responsibility is being accountable for what you do or fail to do. NCOs are responsible to fulfill
not only their individual duties, but also to ensuretheir teams and units are successful. Any duty,
because of the position you hold in the unit, includes a responsibility to execute that duty. As an
NCO, you are accountable for your personal conduct and that of your soldiers. Also, each soldier
is individually responsible for his own personal conduct and that responsibility cannot be
delegated. A soldier is accountable for his actions to fellow soldiers, leaders, unit and the US Army.
As a leader you must ensure that your soldiers clearly understand their responsibilities as members
of the team and as representative of the Army. Commanders set overall policies and standards, but
all leaders must provide the guidance, resources, assistance and supervision necessary for soldiers to
perform their duties. Mission accomplishment demands that officers and NCOs work together to
advise, assist and learn from each other. Responsibilities fall into two categories: command and
individual. ;';'';';';170words
The importance of respecting a NCO (Non–Commission Officer)
Why it is important to respect a Non Commissioned Officer in the United States Army and the
possible consequences and punishments that may be given. It is important to respect a non
commissioned officer in order to keep the balance in the
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Teenagers Are Disrespectful Teenagers
Becoming a teenager is a very emotional part of a person's life. It is the point in time where a
person is constantly changing, both physically and mentally. Some people believe that most
teenagers are tolerable and considerate to others. However, I believe that a majority of teens today
are careless and unthoughtful about the consequences of their actions. The reason I believe that
many teens today are childish and don't think before they act is because many are disrespectful to
their elders and or adults, have some sort of affiliation with drugs and alcohol, and have interests in
bullying and hurting other people for no reason.
Although some are respectful and kind to adults, a majority of teens are inconsiderate to their elders.
Most teens disobey their parents and sneak out to meet with their friends, partake in parties,
harassing others, or vandalizing someplace. Teens don't realize that not only are they hurting their
parents, they are also putting themselves at risk. With all of the crazy actions that teens do, they may
be putting themselves in a life or death situation. In order to solve this issue, disrespectful teens
should be given the chance to see what will happen to them if they don't start listening and showing
respect to others. For example, parents could send them away on a juvenile detention tour in order to
show them what shall happen if they continue on the path they are on. In many cases, this has
opened the eyes of many children and teens, who then
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Essay about Disrespecting/Disobeying Nco's
Article 91 covers insubordinate conduct towards warrant officer, NCO, or PO. This is broken
down rather heavily throughout the article covering as many bases and loopholes as possible it
seems. After reading the article I have realized that not only did I disregard or fall under two of
the categories in the article but I fall under two of the first three. The first one that I fell under
was "treats with contempt or is disrespectful in language or deportment toward a warrant officer,
noncommissioned officer, or petty officer while that officer is in the execution of his office."
Regardless of what I assumed the situation to be I stepped out of line when I proceeded to call
Corporal Delorge a "jackass". Not only is it being disrespectful more content...
The second way that I fell into violation of article 91 was willfully disobeys the lawful order of a
warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer. To make matters worse for myself I
disobeyed a lawful order given out by a noncommissioned officer as a repercussion to my first
transgression. I could have more than likely completely avoided the paperwork and
documentation of me disrespecting a NCO by merely dropping down and doing pushups when
he told me to after verbally disrespecting him by calling him a jackass. So not only did I
disrespecting said NCO with obscene language I also did it by disobeying the order following
thereafter. But no, being the disrespectful and disobedient private that I am I instead looked away
as if there order to get down was not heard. Yes this escalated matters even further. One must learn
from his mistakes and take something from every situation whether negative or positive this
situation being completely negative leaves more to be interpreted and applied to life than most.
What I've learned from the buildup and negative development in this situation is that regardless of
how you think a situation is going listen and obey all orders given. If you think something is a
joke go along with it if it is coming from one of your superiors because it could be more serious than
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This essay is on tact, professionalism, respect and disrespect, as part of my corrective action for
disrespecting higher ranking military personal. I will start this essay off with defining each of
the subjects so that the reader may have a full understanding on what each mean. Tact is the first
subject on which I am suppose to include in this essay, tact is defined as a keen sense of what to
say or do to avoid giving offense; skill in dealing with difficult or delicate situations. The second
definition needed for this essay is on professionalism; professionalism is defined as professional
character, spirit, or methods. Given that there are three main points to that definition, character is
the key phrase to take from that definition for it pertains more to this essay then spirit or methods.
The third definition needed is on respect, and the most suited definition for respect as it pertains to
this essay is, deference to a right, privilege, privileged position, or someone or something
considered to have certain rights or privileges; proper acceptance or courtesy; acknowledgment.
With the definition of respect given, the last and most important definition is disrespect. Disrespect
is defined as to regard or treat without respect; regard or treat with contempt or rudeness. Tact in my
opinion is the way you handle yourself in situations that you do not agree with or support. In the
military you will face many situations that you may not understand or agree with and the
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Disrespect in the Military Essay
Since I failed to complete the 2000 word essay on Disrespect to a Non–Commissioned Officer that I
was ordered to do I was reordered to write this 3000 word essay on Failure to follow orders and the
possible consequences I was told that if I had simply taken what was originally written and
reworded it I would have been good as gold . I now have come to realize that my failure to follow
orders is not only affecting me but it is affecting others. I am taking up a lot of my sergeants time
by them having to wright counseling statements for me. Also I have been using the excuse that I am
dealing with a lot of personal problems all at once, one after another etcetera and so forth. I could
have avoided this entire situation completely by more content...
Article 92 is perhaps the most important article in the entirety of the Uniform Code of Military
Justice. Any military member, whether in the Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, or Coast Guard
who fail to obey a lawful order of their superiors risk serious consequences. Article 92 of the
Uniform Code of Military Justice makes it a crime to disobey any lawful order. It lays down the
ground law, the absolute line which may not be... Article 92 of The Uniform Code of Military
Justice covers failure to follow orders. The consequences for violating article 92 can very
depending on rank, time in service, accomplishments, work example, behavioral history, and most
importantly the chain of commands opinion of the offending solider. The minimum punishment for
failure to follow orders can be a verbal counseling possibly joined with a corrective action such as
writing essays or carrying more weight and negative effects such as a written counseling statement
probably combined with a corrective action, a letter of reprimand removed upon reassignment,
permanent letter of reprimand, or the maximum being article 15. Given factors such as listed
previously, the article 15 can have varying degrees of severity. From minimum to maximum, these
are the article 15s one can get for failure to follow a lawful order. Summarized Article
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Why I should not disrespect an NCO and the consequences I am writing this essay because I
disrespected a non commissioned officer. I do apologize for what I did and have said. I have
learned from my mistake and I see why I am to do this essay and that is to show that disrespecting
a non commissioned officer will not be tolerated and two give clear understanding of the impact
that disrespecting a Non Commissioned officer has on others. For many reasons the Non
Commissioned Officers keep the moral up and motivate soldiers and encourage them to do their
very best and showing disrespect to the non commissioned officer's not only lowers moral, it also
makes it to where the NCO thinks less of the person and lowers the person's more
But if a person is standing in front of them and don't go to parade rest before talking with the
person who they are talking to is disrespect. Now an example of when it is on the line is when
you are in a group typesetting and you are just joking and whatever you can say that could be
disrespect but it also could just be a jester of acculturation (IE getting to know your soldiers and what
they do on in that respect moody times so you have a better thought of your subordinates and peers)
Outstandingly, American Non–commissioned officers have performed commendably in their
discharge of their duties worldwide. Every soldier is entitled with NCO who ensures that all
soldiers get good and professional training from experienced and qualified experts. NCO is also
mandated to identify leaders from soldiers who can effectively perform in small–units. Hence it is
very essential for the non commissioned officer to be empowered with knowledge and technique on
how to carry out these duties effectively asserts that excellent leaders understand their soldiers'
strength and weaknesses Basically, it is the role of non commissioned officer to employ knowledge
and skills they have acquired through the many years of service in planning and decision making
stages in the Army. In line with this, the US government is taking initiatives to empower the
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Respect And Disrespect In Society
What is the definition of respect? Respect is defined as the quality or state of being esteemed
according to the Merriam–Webster Dictionary. Society, thus far, has been based off of respect, but
in a world where respect has seemed to have begun to start disappearing; what exactly could
happen to society itself? Society can handle some disrespect but if disrespect begins to take control,
disrespect could very well become the new norm and lead to dangerous consequences down the road.
Respect has been around since the dawn of the human race. Leaders have been granted respect
from making a tough decision in hard times to authoritative positions. Respect is not a trait that
has the capability to be gained overnight. Respect is a trait that can be wiped away from just one
mistake an individual makes. Leaders have a huge impact on society. For example, current
President Donald Trump, has received huge amounts of disrespect from decisions he has made
while in office or remarks he made on the campaign trail. This form of disrespect has huge
consequences on society. Society is not functioning in a healthy way due to examples like this. This
is not about whether an individual likes the President or not this is about showing respect. When the
youth see this form of disrespect, it lays the grounds for how the youth will teach their children.
Could society really function with this continuing growth of disrespect? I do not believe society can
survive if there is no more
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Military Respect and Disrespect
I am here to explain what military discipline, military respect, and disrespect are and the history
behind these acts are. I will first give the definitions of military discipline; which is a state of order
and obedience existing within a command. ay look at you, Discipline helps to complete certain jobs
/instructions efficiently and correctly. in the military it is used to train people so that they are good
at their job/career as they have improved due to discipline. Disrespect to a Non–Commissioned
Officer; which is where if told by an NCO to do a task a soldier blatantly tells the NCO a story as to
why he or she cannot or has not yet performed the task that was assigned. Respect to a
Non–Commissioned Officer; which is where the more content...
Disrespect is not tolerated threw out the ranks of the army and therefore should not be dished out
unless you want it to come back and spit in your face. The history of disrespect in the army is if it
happened in the older days of the army you would either get the shit smoked out of you or you
would get the living shit beat out of you or anyone who was to disrespect a Non–Commissioned
Officer would get the same exact treatment and there is none of this favoritisms like it is now days.
Disrespect in my opinion is when a person of lower rank flat out tells the Non–Commissioned
Officer that they are not going to do what they have been told. Not the same as saying well Sgt I
have not started that half of the task yet I have only just started the first portion but I will get it
done like you have asked me to. Or when the one lower rank just simply does not understand what
was given out and says something about it to learn the standard. Now I will go into describing
how the NCO started. In the early days of the American Revolution, little standardization of NCO
duties or responsibilities existed. In 1778, during the long hard winter at Valley Forge, Inspector
General Friedrich von Steuben standardized NCO duties and responsibilities in his Regulations for
the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States. His work, commonly called the Blue
Book, set down the duties and responsibilities for
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Students Disrespectful In Schools
Why are students disrespectful in schools? There is no specific factor for disrespectful students in
schools. Students are mocking teachers. You're a terrible teacher! No one cares about school.
Teachers are humiliating students in front of their peers. Consistently criticizing students for their
lack of enthusiasm, laziness, insubordination, and ungratefulness. Students fight amongst
themselves, compete against one another in an effort to achieve high marks even if it means
cheating on assignments and assessments. Unfortunately, this epidemic of disrespect needs to be
acknowledged. Why? Because the rapid changes we have witnessed in our schools in the 21st
Century has become a troubling phenomenon. As teachers, we are to provide a safe and positive
learning environment conducive to learning. We have a simple job and that is to teach students
material and to make sure they understand it. Unfortunately, we have those students who make our
lives difficult. They have complete disrespect for their teachers as well as their peers because they
are disrupting the classroom affecting the learning abilities of those students who want to be there.
Most students lean toward this type of behavior when teachers are trying to discipline them. We
enforce discipline because it is our job to make sure the learning environment stays focused. Other
students don't want to hear their classmates disrupting the lesson by talking back to teachers or
arguing with their peers.
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Essay On Disrespect In America
There's a very large issue these days with being too supportive of everything other people do.
Supporting people is great as a principle, but it is getting out of hand. We, as Americans especially,
are saying plenty of ludicrous statements about things ranging from our our health (specifically
obesity) and disrespect towards others. We've gotten to the point where it's actually offensive to
say anything that could be wrong about somebody. As we all probably know, obesity is a very large
problem in America. Over 70% of all adults in America are overweight or obese and about 33% of
children in America are overweight or obese. This means that over 70% of adults in America have a
higher blood cholesterol, increased blood pressure, have a more content...
Just because a child isn't fully matured yet doesn't mean that you should not give just and fair
punishment for any actions that they commit. There are many times that this will happen with,
"spoiled," kids. They can have the mindset that they are better than another person because of
their material things or because of their status. When this grows into disrespect, many times
nobody will do anything. It should not be okay for any child, teenager, or adult to blatantly
disrespect an authority figure, and yet, our classrooms and respect for those serving our country
are at their worst it seems. Kids are being contemptuous directly towards a teacher, yet there's
nothing to be done. Why? Because teachers are never favored when something like this is brought
up. The parent always has the benefit of the doubt, even when there's untenable evidence that their
child is in every which way accusable. 70 years back, we had the ability to physically harm
students. While it isn't ethically right to whip a child or hit his (or her) fingers with a ruler, they did
have the utmost respect towards all of their superiors. We don't need to physically harm anybody, but
we ought to instill respect into children, should we continue to have a civil
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I think disrespect is one of the biggest issues in the united states military. Respect is something
everyone wants, not many have, and few want to give. Unfortunately, respect is not something
that is given all the time. Maybe this is because respect is not clearly understood. What is
respect? The Webster's Dictionary defines it as an act of giving particular attention or high or
special regard. Another definition shows respect as a feeling or attitude of admiration and
deference toward somebody or something. And disrespect is defined as the lack of respect. This
does not explain completely what it is, but at least it gives us an idea about what it may be. As a
matter of fact, there are many forms of respect. There is physical more content...
Civilian jobs are much different than a military career. And before I joined the army two years
ago, the civilian world was what I knew best. They way civilians treat or talk to their employers is
nothing like the way soldiers talk to their chain of command. By joining the army, I have learned
so much about respect and discipline and how important it is within the work place. Not only
does it make the work place more professional but also more organized. Sometimes I allow myself
to create an environment that forces my NCO to maintain order and discipline for which I should
be capable of doing myself. For what I have found out is that a leader is only as great as his/her
weakest link. I personally want to be the reason my NCO shines by showing respect and
composure and helping other soldiers to do the same, for that is the only way to accomplish the
mission. One of the easiest and hardiest honors to receive is the good army conduct medal, which
is awarded after three years of good service and no writes ups. That is something I would like to
achieve and strive for in the future with better actions on my part. To do so I realize one thing I
must always do is respect the rank of my NCO. There are certain rules and regulations that must be
followed when recognizing the leaders that are bestowed upon me. One being respect. When you
read the soldiers handbook on customs and
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5000 word essay
2000 Word Essay on Disrespecting an NCO by SPC BUTLER On November 21, I received a
negative counseling for disrespecting a Non Commissioned Officer, though it was warranted by
a series of events I didn't agree with I should have found a more appropriate way to voice my
concerns. The online dictionary defines disrespect as an expression of lack of respect and a
fashion that is generally disrespectful and contemptuous. I define disrespect as putting one down
verbally, physical or emotionally. In this essay I will be talking about the research I did on article
88 and 91 of the uniformed code of military justice. Disrespect and insubordination in the army
affects the ability of a unit to maintain discipline and order. The uniformed code more
It could also cause the soldier not to have a chance to exceed or grow as a soldier or a leader such
as go to schools, warrior leaders' course, or even the promotion board. Disrespect also could be
viewed by jumping the chain of command or the NCO support channel. Non Commissioned
Officers are literately the backbone of the military even as it says in the NCO creed. The NCOs
do countless jobs that are not totally acknowledged. Sometimes non commissioned officers help
soldiers in many ways and sometimes do not require acknowledgement except to see the soldier
strive to success. The NCO corps has to demand respect from everyone lower then them. Because
they are the leaders they have to increase moral and to motivate soldiers to do their best. We all
have a job to do and we as soldiers we have to know what we are doing and willing to do it. So the
moral of the soldiers is important otherwise nothing would ever get done. And with that the NCO
also motivates the soldiers. And motivation drives the soldier to do their best and get the task, job,
mission done proficiently and in a timely manner. No matter the circumstance, whether you agree or
not, you are not allowed to talk back, physically fight back, or question judgment. The importance of
maintaining correct protocol and military bearing on and off duty is essential because to show
disrespect to an NCO when in uniform could cause disrespect among civilians about the military in
general. Any
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Disrespect In Russia
Along with the behavior and abuse from the government, this caused people to be treated with
disrespect. Both men and women were physically punished if they disobeyed. The fight for social
and political change became massive problem for people in general. Russia had suffered a minor
setback in government, as neighboring states saw improvement in freedom. Russia controlled its
power by the forces of the army, the dumas, who held the "authority to assess taxed and to organize
pubic services" (Merriman, 710). ... controlled by the zemstvos wealthy landowners who elected
members in where more of a value then the town people and or peasants. The caused the Russia
Empire to endure the same outcome. It's when the individuals who want to help shape their
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Disrespectful Behavior In School
One behavioral issue that can be observed in schools is disrespect. Being respectful means that you
show others you care about their feelings and well–being. Whereas, disrespectful behavior shows
little regard for the feelings of others. Disrespect towards teachers specifically, can present as
disruptive and confrontational behavior (McNeely, 2017). For example, a student displaying
disrespectful behavior may say that they do not care about the lesson, or say that their teacher is
stupid. Students may exhibit disrespectful behaviors for several reasons. One of these reasons being
that they lack an understanding of respect and have limited experiences with receiving or showing
respect (Borba, 2017). It is important to consider a student's background when they display
disrespectful behaviors (McNeely, 2017). If students have not seen respect modeled frequently in
their lives, it is understandable that may not understand this behavior (Borba, 2017). Another reason
that students may react with disrespect, or display these negative behaviors is that they do not feel
respected themselves (McNeely, 2017). Students that do not feel respected in the classroom may act
out. Furthermore, if the student is not treated respectfully this can lead to confrontations, power
struggles, and disruptions (McNeely, 2017). Some teachers aspire only to be respected.
Consequently, they forget to respect their students (Tomlinson, 2011). There are many ways that a
teacher can address
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Respect vs. Disrespect
Respect Vs Disrespect By Osita Onyebuchi Respect vs. Disrespect Have you ever met someone
who was rude to you and didn't hold you with much regard? How did you feel? Did you feel
angry? What do you think respect is? How is respect earned? Respect is an important way of
being kind and good to other people. We live in a society that respect is earned not given. With
respect there is also an opposite side of disrespect. The definition of respect is to consider worthy
of high regard. There are different forms of respect, the word respect is defined as the condition of
being esteemed or honored. Disrespect, on the other hand, is defined as a lack of respect. Respect
has great importance in everyday life; everyone wants to be more content...
When you are at work there are so many rules you have to follow when it comes to respecting your
co–workers. For example, there's is a various amount of beautiful women at your workplace and
you tend to gain interest in the person other than business relationship. I would advise not to do it
due to the fact that it may come off as a form of disrespect. When it comes to building a
relationship in the workplace it just doesn't work out so try to stay away from that. Aside from
respect, there is also disrespect. From being slapped by someone to being publically humiliated,
disrespect is alive and well in today's society. Just like respect, disrespect also comes in different
forms. Verbal disrespect is a form of disrespect seen virtually everywhere. Raising your voice to
an adult in public, using harsh words towards one another are some examples of verbal
disrespect. Verbal disrespect does not always appear to be disrespect. For example, cutting
someone off while they are speaking and lying and manipulation. When you cut somebody off
when they are speaking that shows the person that you are not listening to them and don't care
about what they have to say. Many people are being verbally disrespected but do not notice it
because it is not always as harsh as other forms of disrespect. Another form of disrespect is
technological disrespect. Many people are disrespected and humiliated on social networks such
Facebook, Twitter, and etc. But it doesn't stop there, emailing
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The Meaning of Respect Essay
Most people go through life and always hear about the word respect, but they don't know what it
means. Respect is the esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person. There are
things in life you need to hold in respect. Respect for yourself, respect for others, and respect for
property. Respect is taught to people everywhere and it is even taught to them in their religions.
Respect is the very aspect that keeps everything in your life. Respect for yourself is very
important to a person because it can be the balancing factor of your life. If a person has no respect
for themselves the will most likely go into depression. Respecting yourself is also important for your
self–esteem. Having a high self–esteem means that more content...
Respecting your elders is important because they know more than you and they know what is
good for you and what isn't. Respecting your peers is important too. Respecting your peers means
not making fun of them, not fighting, and helping them when they are troubled by something.
Lastly respecting property means not damaging or taking something that is not yours. Respecting
property can vary from writing on a desk at school to stealing from a store. Respecting property is
important because if you don't it could be considered a felony offense. But respecting property is
just using your common sense. There is a Japanese culture that teaches us to respect the
environment because they believe that the earth is holy, such as the trees, grass, and animals. You
may be asking yourself "what does this have to do with respecting property?" But respecting
property does not just mean that you shouldn't damage things that are not yours but it also means
taking care of your enviorment. There is an old saying "do onto others as you would have them do
onto you." How would you feel if someone came along and broke your bicycle, or trampled on your
flowers? Most people don't think about how the other person would feel if someone did something to
their personal property. There is a Japanese culture that teaches us to respect the environment
because they believe that the earth is holy,
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Disrespecting Authority
I am writing this essay to go over the subjects of disrespecting authority, the consequences of the
same, disrespecting your authority, and to explain the aspects of a field grade article 15, such as
the types of article 15's, and each of their subsequent consequences. I am doing this because I have
disrespected the authority of those appointed above me. First, disrespecting authority. Disrespecting
your authority is wrong, because it creates an imbalance in the work forces power. It creates
problems in the work place because it makes other people want to do the same thing. After that
happens, no one else will listen or obey the people appointed over them. That creates tension in the
workplace, which can destroy the unity and more content...
The process for non–judicial punishment is governed by Part V of the manual for courts martial
and by each service branch 's regulations. An article 15 is an UCMJ action taken for misconduct of
any nature. This means that as long as the person of authority has the commander's signature, he
or she can give you an article 15. There are three different types of article 15's. We shall start with
the summarized article 15. A summarized article 15 is an article 15 with less punishment, and it
does not follow you the rest of your career. However, this article 15 can still carry a swift
punishment. With this article 15, if the commander thinks this is bad enough to pursue, it carries
with it a punishment of fourteen days restriction, and 14 days of extra duty. Next, you have the
company grade Article 15. A company grade carries more punishment, and more restrictions with
it, as well as a loss of pay for a time. For a company grade article 15, you get 14 days restriction, 14
days extra duty, 7 days loss of pay, and can also be deducted one rank. Last but not least, we have
the Field grade article 15. This is the maximum punishment you can get under an article 15. In this
article 15, you get a max of 60 days restriction, 45 days of extra duty, one–half pay deducted for two
months, and lastly, deducted one or more
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The Importance Of Respect
What is respect? Is the way people should be treated, how you would want to be treated, and
should it come naturally or should it be taught? Respect is what are world is built on, I feel that
the phrases like "reap what you sow" explain what respect works like. For example to when I am
rude to someone they tend to be rude back, the same works with respect. When being
disrespectful to someone you most likely will disrespect you right back. Not everyone follows
these thoughts of respect. Actions like these can lead to dangerous places, people begin to break
boundaries that were once built on respect. In other cases respect is earned, and not given. What I
mean by this is that, sometimes people must gain the respect of others. This can be earned in
many ways, like being respectful of others, being the best you can be, and doing kind things for
others. This respect can cause people to look up and follow in example of someone, and
eventually making you an example for others to follow and look up to, on so on and so forth.
Respect can also be lost very easily, doing things that can discourage people who look up to you
as an example. Losing this respect could make you untrustworthy and cause people to become
unfaithful in you. This could also make you a bad example, people respecting you for the wrong
reasons. Wrong interpretations of of people who respect your bad examples can cause people to do
things they think is good thing to do. I do my best to respect others, even
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Essay On Disrespect

  • 1. What Does It Mean To Be Disrespectful? The majority of my family comes from Africa and has been very divided since I was born so that probably really affects the way I am now. Such as how parents put a very strong emphasizes on education, religion, and other more traditional things which can be both good and bad. For example, sometimes when I tell my mother my feeling towards something she finds it disrespectful that I would even bring it up if it goes against her views. Probably due to her belief that you must respect your elders, and to her me having an opinoun contrary to her is disrespectful. I thinik thats the reason why I have problems being vulnerable emotionally with others, which is what i've been trying to work on changing. I've for the most part had the same friends Get more content on
  • 2. Respect Essay I have been told that I need to write a 1000 word essay on disrespecting a Non Commissioned Officer. But it is really hard to write about this because I am having a hard time wondering how I disrespected them. So, where do I start on this and what do I say about it. As far as this essay goes I am just going to write how I feel about respect and how respect works both ways. It is wrong to disrespect a Non Commissioned Officer because they are appointed above me to guide me to the right place and things to do. But it is really hard to respect someone when they do not respect you. Respect works both ways and if that person or leadership does not respect you trying to respect them is difficult. No matter what is said it is more content... I have seen way worse disrespect then what I have ever done to anyone. In my eyes disrespect is if you just plainly say hell no or fuck off. I have never done that and yet they automatically think that if you are asking them why you are told to do something it is disrespect but in fact is not disrespect it is that the soldier is trying to learn from them. If I remember correctly the Non Commissioned Officer Creed states "Competence is my watchword. My two basic responsibilities will always be uppermost in my mind–accomplishment of my mission and the welfare of my soldiers. I will strive to remain tactically and technically proficient. I am aware of my role as a Noncommissioned Officer. I will fulfill my responsibilities inherent in that role. All soldiers are entitled to outstanding leadership; I will provide that leadership. I know my soldiers and I will always place their needs above my own. I will communicate consistently with my soldiers and never leave them uninformed. I will be fair and impartial when recommending both rewards and punishment." But it seems that only a few of the Non Commissioned Officers respect the lower enlisted. Why should soldiers' words get twisted and why is that NCO's are not respecting the soldiers and their needs. We need to be respected that is one of the many needs of the soldiers of today. That is why a lot of soldiers act out against Non Commissioned Officers. Ok so disrespect is all on what that person Get more content on
  • 3. Essay about Disrepect Disrespect of a Noncommissioned Officer is a punishable offense in the United State military, and falls under the auspices of Article 91. The punishment for the offense varies depending on the severity of the disrespect shown and the history of service for the perpetrator.Disrespect of a noncommissoned officer includes striking, acting in an insubordinate manner, disregard for a lawful order, use of disrespectful language or general deportment. To be a punishable offense the act of disrespect must occur while the noncommissioned officer operating under the auspices of their office.Punishment for disrespecting a noncommissioned officer typically begins with a counseling session about the behavior, and an explanation of more content... More reference links: 317 words Responsibility is being accountable for what you do or fail to do. NCOs are responsible to fulfill not only their individual duties, but also to ensuretheir teams and units are successful. Any duty, because of the position you hold in the unit, includes a responsibility to execute that duty. As an NCO, you are accountable for your personal conduct and that of your soldiers. Also, each soldier is individually responsible for his own personal conduct and that responsibility cannot be delegated. A soldier is accountable for his actions to fellow soldiers, leaders, unit and the US Army. As a leader you must ensure that your soldiers clearly understand their responsibilities as members of the team and as representative of the Army. Commanders set overall policies and standards, but all leaders must provide the guidance, resources, assistance and supervision necessary for soldiers to perform their duties. Mission accomplishment demands that officers and NCOs work together to advise, assist and learn from each other. Responsibilities fall into two categories: command and individual. ;';'';';';170words The importance of respecting a NCO (Non–Commission Officer) Why it is important to respect a Non Commissioned Officer in the United States Army and the possible consequences and punishments that may be given. It is important to respect a non commissioned officer in order to keep the balance in the Get more content on
  • 4. Teenagers Are Disrespectful Teenagers Becoming a teenager is a very emotional part of a person's life. It is the point in time where a person is constantly changing, both physically and mentally. Some people believe that most teenagers are tolerable and considerate to others. However, I believe that a majority of teens today are careless and unthoughtful about the consequences of their actions. The reason I believe that many teens today are childish and don't think before they act is because many are disrespectful to their elders and or adults, have some sort of affiliation with drugs and alcohol, and have interests in bullying and hurting other people for no reason. Although some are respectful and kind to adults, a majority of teens are inconsiderate to their elders. Most teens disobey their parents and sneak out to meet with their friends, partake in parties, harassing others, or vandalizing someplace. Teens don't realize that not only are they hurting their parents, they are also putting themselves at risk. With all of the crazy actions that teens do, they may be putting themselves in a life or death situation. In order to solve this issue, disrespectful teens should be given the chance to see what will happen to them if they don't start listening and showing respect to others. For example, parents could send them away on a juvenile detention tour in order to show them what shall happen if they continue on the path they are on. In many cases, this has opened the eyes of many children and teens, who then Get more content on
  • 5. Essay about Disrespecting/Disobeying Nco's Article 91 covers insubordinate conduct towards warrant officer, NCO, or PO. This is broken down rather heavily throughout the article covering as many bases and loopholes as possible it seems. After reading the article I have realized that not only did I disregard or fall under two of the categories in the article but I fall under two of the first three. The first one that I fell under was "treats with contempt or is disrespectful in language or deportment toward a warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer while that officer is in the execution of his office." Regardless of what I assumed the situation to be I stepped out of line when I proceeded to call Corporal Delorge a "jackass". Not only is it being disrespectful more content... The second way that I fell into violation of article 91 was willfully disobeys the lawful order of a warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer. To make matters worse for myself I disobeyed a lawful order given out by a noncommissioned officer as a repercussion to my first transgression. I could have more than likely completely avoided the paperwork and documentation of me disrespecting a NCO by merely dropping down and doing pushups when he told me to after verbally disrespecting him by calling him a jackass. So not only did I disrespecting said NCO with obscene language I also did it by disobeying the order following thereafter. But no, being the disrespectful and disobedient private that I am I instead looked away as if there order to get down was not heard. Yes this escalated matters even further. One must learn from his mistakes and take something from every situation whether negative or positive this situation being completely negative leaves more to be interpreted and applied to life than most. What I've learned from the buildup and negative development in this situation is that regardless of how you think a situation is going listen and obey all orders given. If you think something is a joke go along with it if it is coming from one of your superiors because it could be more serious than you Get more content on
  • 6. This essay is on tact, professionalism, respect and disrespect, as part of my corrective action for disrespecting higher ranking military personal. I will start this essay off with defining each of the subjects so that the reader may have a full understanding on what each mean. Tact is the first subject on which I am suppose to include in this essay, tact is defined as a keen sense of what to say or do to avoid giving offense; skill in dealing with difficult or delicate situations. The second definition needed for this essay is on professionalism; professionalism is defined as professional character, spirit, or methods. Given that there are three main points to that definition, character is the key phrase to take from that definition for it pertains more to this essay then spirit or methods. The third definition needed is on respect, and the most suited definition for respect as it pertains to this essay is, deference to a right, privilege, privileged position, or someone or something considered to have certain rights or privileges; proper acceptance or courtesy; acknowledgment. With the definition of respect given, the last and most important definition is disrespect. Disrespect is defined as to regard or treat without respect; regard or treat with contempt or rudeness. Tact in my opinion is the way you handle yourself in situations that you do not agree with or support. In the military you will face many situations that you may not understand or agree with and the Get more content on
  • 7. Disrespect in the Military Essay Since I failed to complete the 2000 word essay on Disrespect to a Non–Commissioned Officer that I was ordered to do I was reordered to write this 3000 word essay on Failure to follow orders and the possible consequences I was told that if I had simply taken what was originally written and reworded it I would have been good as gold . I now have come to realize that my failure to follow orders is not only affecting me but it is affecting others. I am taking up a lot of my sergeants time by them having to wright counseling statements for me. Also I have been using the excuse that I am dealing with a lot of personal problems all at once, one after another etcetera and so forth. I could have avoided this entire situation completely by more content... Article 92 is perhaps the most important article in the entirety of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Any military member, whether in the Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, or Coast Guard who fail to obey a lawful order of their superiors risk serious consequences. Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice makes it a crime to disobey any lawful order. It lays down the ground law, the absolute line which may not be... Article 92 of The Uniform Code of Military Justice covers failure to follow orders. The consequences for violating article 92 can very depending on rank, time in service, accomplishments, work example, behavioral history, and most importantly the chain of commands opinion of the offending solider. The minimum punishment for failure to follow orders can be a verbal counseling possibly joined with a corrective action such as writing essays or carrying more weight and negative effects such as a written counseling statement probably combined with a corrective action, a letter of reprimand removed upon reassignment, permanent letter of reprimand, or the maximum being article 15. Given factors such as listed previously, the article 15 can have varying degrees of severity. From minimum to maximum, these are the article 15s one can get for failure to follow a lawful order. Summarized Article Get more content on
  • 8. Why I should not disrespect an NCO and the consequences I am writing this essay because I disrespected a non commissioned officer. I do apologize for what I did and have said. I have learned from my mistake and I see why I am to do this essay and that is to show that disrespecting a non commissioned officer will not be tolerated and two give clear understanding of the impact that disrespecting a Non Commissioned officer has on others. For many reasons the Non Commissioned Officers keep the moral up and motivate soldiers and encourage them to do their very best and showing disrespect to the non commissioned officer's not only lowers moral, it also makes it to where the NCO thinks less of the person and lowers the person's more content... But if a person is standing in front of them and don't go to parade rest before talking with the person who they are talking to is disrespect. Now an example of when it is on the line is when you are in a group typesetting and you are just joking and whatever you can say that could be disrespect but it also could just be a jester of acculturation (IE getting to know your soldiers and what they do on in that respect moody times so you have a better thought of your subordinates and peers) Outstandingly, American Non–commissioned officers have performed commendably in their discharge of their duties worldwide. Every soldier is entitled with NCO who ensures that all soldiers get good and professional training from experienced and qualified experts. NCO is also mandated to identify leaders from soldiers who can effectively perform in small–units. Hence it is very essential for the non commissioned officer to be empowered with knowledge and technique on how to carry out these duties effectively asserts that excellent leaders understand their soldiers' strength and weaknesses Basically, it is the role of non commissioned officer to employ knowledge and skills they have acquired through the many years of service in planning and decision making stages in the Army. In line with this, the US government is taking initiatives to empower the non–commissioned Get more content on
  • 9. Respect And Disrespect In Society What is the definition of respect? Respect is defined as the quality or state of being esteemed according to the Merriam–Webster Dictionary. Society, thus far, has been based off of respect, but in a world where respect has seemed to have begun to start disappearing; what exactly could happen to society itself? Society can handle some disrespect but if disrespect begins to take control, disrespect could very well become the new norm and lead to dangerous consequences down the road. Respect has been around since the dawn of the human race. Leaders have been granted respect from making a tough decision in hard times to authoritative positions. Respect is not a trait that has the capability to be gained overnight. Respect is a trait that can be wiped away from just one mistake an individual makes. Leaders have a huge impact on society. For example, current President Donald Trump, has received huge amounts of disrespect from decisions he has made while in office or remarks he made on the campaign trail. This form of disrespect has huge consequences on society. Society is not functioning in a healthy way due to examples like this. This is not about whether an individual likes the President or not this is about showing respect. When the youth see this form of disrespect, it lays the grounds for how the youth will teach their children. Could society really function with this continuing growth of disrespect? I do not believe society can survive if there is no more Get more content on
  • 10. Military Respect and Disrespect I am here to explain what military discipline, military respect, and disrespect are and the history behind these acts are. I will first give the definitions of military discipline; which is a state of order and obedience existing within a command. ay look at you, Discipline helps to complete certain jobs /instructions efficiently and correctly. in the military it is used to train people so that they are good at their job/career as they have improved due to discipline. Disrespect to a Non–Commissioned Officer; which is where if told by an NCO to do a task a soldier blatantly tells the NCO a story as to why he or she cannot or has not yet performed the task that was assigned. Respect to a Non–Commissioned Officer; which is where the more content... Disrespect is not tolerated threw out the ranks of the army and therefore should not be dished out unless you want it to come back and spit in your face. The history of disrespect in the army is if it happened in the older days of the army you would either get the shit smoked out of you or you would get the living shit beat out of you or anyone who was to disrespect a Non–Commissioned Officer would get the same exact treatment and there is none of this favoritisms like it is now days. Disrespect in my opinion is when a person of lower rank flat out tells the Non–Commissioned Officer that they are not going to do what they have been told. Not the same as saying well Sgt I have not started that half of the task yet I have only just started the first portion but I will get it done like you have asked me to. Or when the one lower rank just simply does not understand what was given out and says something about it to learn the standard. Now I will go into describing how the NCO started. In the early days of the American Revolution, little standardization of NCO duties or responsibilities existed. In 1778, during the long hard winter at Valley Forge, Inspector General Friedrich von Steuben standardized NCO duties and responsibilities in his Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States. His work, commonly called the Blue Book, set down the duties and responsibilities for Get more content on
  • 11. Students Disrespectful In Schools Why are students disrespectful in schools? There is no specific factor for disrespectful students in schools. Students are mocking teachers. You're a terrible teacher! No one cares about school. Teachers are humiliating students in front of their peers. Consistently criticizing students for their lack of enthusiasm, laziness, insubordination, and ungratefulness. Students fight amongst themselves, compete against one another in an effort to achieve high marks even if it means cheating on assignments and assessments. Unfortunately, this epidemic of disrespect needs to be acknowledged. Why? Because the rapid changes we have witnessed in our schools in the 21st Century has become a troubling phenomenon. As teachers, we are to provide a safe and positive learning environment conducive to learning. We have a simple job and that is to teach students material and to make sure they understand it. Unfortunately, we have those students who make our lives difficult. They have complete disrespect for their teachers as well as their peers because they are disrupting the classroom affecting the learning abilities of those students who want to be there. Most students lean toward this type of behavior when teachers are trying to discipline them. We enforce discipline because it is our job to make sure the learning environment stays focused. Other students don't want to hear their classmates disrupting the lesson by talking back to teachers or arguing with their peers. Get more content on
  • 12. Essay On Disrespect In America There's a very large issue these days with being too supportive of everything other people do. Supporting people is great as a principle, but it is getting out of hand. We, as Americans especially, are saying plenty of ludicrous statements about things ranging from our our health (specifically obesity) and disrespect towards others. We've gotten to the point where it's actually offensive to say anything that could be wrong about somebody. As we all probably know, obesity is a very large problem in America. Over 70% of all adults in America are overweight or obese and about 33% of children in America are overweight or obese. This means that over 70% of adults in America have a higher blood cholesterol, increased blood pressure, have a more content... Just because a child isn't fully matured yet doesn't mean that you should not give just and fair punishment for any actions that they commit. There are many times that this will happen with, "spoiled," kids. They can have the mindset that they are better than another person because of their material things or because of their status. When this grows into disrespect, many times nobody will do anything. It should not be okay for any child, teenager, or adult to blatantly disrespect an authority figure, and yet, our classrooms and respect for those serving our country are at their worst it seems. Kids are being contemptuous directly towards a teacher, yet there's nothing to be done. Why? Because teachers are never favored when something like this is brought up. The parent always has the benefit of the doubt, even when there's untenable evidence that their child is in every which way accusable. 70 years back, we had the ability to physically harm students. While it isn't ethically right to whip a child or hit his (or her) fingers with a ruler, they did have the utmost respect towards all of their superiors. We don't need to physically harm anybody, but we ought to instill respect into children, should we continue to have a civil Get more content on
  • 13. Disrespect I think disrespect is one of the biggest issues in the united states military. Respect is something everyone wants, not many have, and few want to give. Unfortunately, respect is not something that is given all the time. Maybe this is because respect is not clearly understood. What is respect? The Webster's Dictionary defines it as an act of giving particular attention or high or special regard. Another definition shows respect as a feeling or attitude of admiration and deference toward somebody or something. And disrespect is defined as the lack of respect. This does not explain completely what it is, but at least it gives us an idea about what it may be. As a matter of fact, there are many forms of respect. There is physical more content... Civilian jobs are much different than a military career. And before I joined the army two years ago, the civilian world was what I knew best. They way civilians treat or talk to their employers is nothing like the way soldiers talk to their chain of command. By joining the army, I have learned so much about respect and discipline and how important it is within the work place. Not only does it make the work place more professional but also more organized. Sometimes I allow myself to create an environment that forces my NCO to maintain order and discipline for which I should be capable of doing myself. For what I have found out is that a leader is only as great as his/her weakest link. I personally want to be the reason my NCO shines by showing respect and composure and helping other soldiers to do the same, for that is the only way to accomplish the mission. One of the easiest and hardiest honors to receive is the good army conduct medal, which is awarded after three years of good service and no writes ups. That is something I would like to achieve and strive for in the future with better actions on my part. To do so I realize one thing I must always do is respect the rank of my NCO. There are certain rules and regulations that must be followed when recognizing the leaders that are bestowed upon me. One being respect. When you read the soldiers handbook on customs and Get more content on
  • 14. 5000 word essay 2000 Word Essay on Disrespecting an NCO by SPC BUTLER On November 21, I received a negative counseling for disrespecting a Non Commissioned Officer, though it was warranted by a series of events I didn't agree with I should have found a more appropriate way to voice my concerns. The online dictionary defines disrespect as an expression of lack of respect and a fashion that is generally disrespectful and contemptuous. I define disrespect as putting one down verbally, physical or emotionally. In this essay I will be talking about the research I did on article 88 and 91 of the uniformed code of military justice. Disrespect and insubordination in the army affects the ability of a unit to maintain discipline and order. The uniformed code more content... It could also cause the soldier not to have a chance to exceed or grow as a soldier or a leader such as go to schools, warrior leaders' course, or even the promotion board. Disrespect also could be viewed by jumping the chain of command or the NCO support channel. Non Commissioned Officers are literately the backbone of the military even as it says in the NCO creed. The NCOs do countless jobs that are not totally acknowledged. Sometimes non commissioned officers help soldiers in many ways and sometimes do not require acknowledgement except to see the soldier strive to success. The NCO corps has to demand respect from everyone lower then them. Because they are the leaders they have to increase moral and to motivate soldiers to do their best. We all have a job to do and we as soldiers we have to know what we are doing and willing to do it. So the moral of the soldiers is important otherwise nothing would ever get done. And with that the NCO also motivates the soldiers. And motivation drives the soldier to do their best and get the task, job, mission done proficiently and in a timely manner. No matter the circumstance, whether you agree or not, you are not allowed to talk back, physically fight back, or question judgment. The importance of maintaining correct protocol and military bearing on and off duty is essential because to show disrespect to an NCO when in uniform could cause disrespect among civilians about the military in general. Any Get more content on
  • 15. Disrespect In Russia Along with the behavior and abuse from the government, this caused people to be treated with disrespect. Both men and women were physically punished if they disobeyed. The fight for social and political change became massive problem for people in general. Russia had suffered a minor setback in government, as neighboring states saw improvement in freedom. Russia controlled its power by the forces of the army, the dumas, who held the "authority to assess taxed and to organize pubic services" (Merriman, 710). ... controlled by the zemstvos wealthy landowners who elected members in where more of a value then the town people and or peasants. The caused the Russia Empire to endure the same outcome. It's when the individuals who want to help shape their Get more content on
  • 16. Disrespectful Behavior In School One behavioral issue that can be observed in schools is disrespect. Being respectful means that you show others you care about their feelings and well–being. Whereas, disrespectful behavior shows little regard for the feelings of others. Disrespect towards teachers specifically, can present as disruptive and confrontational behavior (McNeely, 2017). For example, a student displaying disrespectful behavior may say that they do not care about the lesson, or say that their teacher is stupid. Students may exhibit disrespectful behaviors for several reasons. One of these reasons being that they lack an understanding of respect and have limited experiences with receiving or showing respect (Borba, 2017). It is important to consider a student's background when they display disrespectful behaviors (McNeely, 2017). If students have not seen respect modeled frequently in their lives, it is understandable that may not understand this behavior (Borba, 2017). Another reason that students may react with disrespect, or display these negative behaviors is that they do not feel respected themselves (McNeely, 2017). Students that do not feel respected in the classroom may act out. Furthermore, if the student is not treated respectfully this can lead to confrontations, power struggles, and disruptions (McNeely, 2017). Some teachers aspire only to be respected. Consequently, they forget to respect their students (Tomlinson, 2011). There are many ways that a teacher can address Get more content on
  • 17. Respect vs. Disrespect Respect Vs Disrespect By Osita Onyebuchi Respect vs. Disrespect Have you ever met someone who was rude to you and didn't hold you with much regard? How did you feel? Did you feel angry? What do you think respect is? How is respect earned? Respect is an important way of being kind and good to other people. We live in a society that respect is earned not given. With respect there is also an opposite side of disrespect. The definition of respect is to consider worthy of high regard. There are different forms of respect, the word respect is defined as the condition of being esteemed or honored. Disrespect, on the other hand, is defined as a lack of respect. Respect has great importance in everyday life; everyone wants to be more content... When you are at work there are so many rules you have to follow when it comes to respecting your co–workers. For example, there's is a various amount of beautiful women at your workplace and you tend to gain interest in the person other than business relationship. I would advise not to do it due to the fact that it may come off as a form of disrespect. When it comes to building a relationship in the workplace it just doesn't work out so try to stay away from that. Aside from respect, there is also disrespect. From being slapped by someone to being publically humiliated, disrespect is alive and well in today's society. Just like respect, disrespect also comes in different forms. Verbal disrespect is a form of disrespect seen virtually everywhere. Raising your voice to an adult in public, using harsh words towards one another are some examples of verbal disrespect. Verbal disrespect does not always appear to be disrespect. For example, cutting someone off while they are speaking and lying and manipulation. When you cut somebody off when they are speaking that shows the person that you are not listening to them and don't care about what they have to say. Many people are being verbally disrespected but do not notice it because it is not always as harsh as other forms of disrespect. Another form of disrespect is technological disrespect. Many people are disrespected and humiliated on social networks such Facebook, Twitter, and etc. But it doesn't stop there, emailing Get more content on
  • 18. The Meaning of Respect Essay Most people go through life and always hear about the word respect, but they don't know what it means. Respect is the esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person. There are things in life you need to hold in respect. Respect for yourself, respect for others, and respect for property. Respect is taught to people everywhere and it is even taught to them in their religions. Respect is the very aspect that keeps everything in your life. Respect for yourself is very important to a person because it can be the balancing factor of your life. If a person has no respect for themselves the will most likely go into depression. Respecting yourself is also important for your self–esteem. Having a high self–esteem means that more content... Respecting your elders is important because they know more than you and they know what is good for you and what isn't. Respecting your peers is important too. Respecting your peers means not making fun of them, not fighting, and helping them when they are troubled by something. Lastly respecting property means not damaging or taking something that is not yours. Respecting property can vary from writing on a desk at school to stealing from a store. Respecting property is important because if you don't it could be considered a felony offense. But respecting property is just using your common sense. There is a Japanese culture that teaches us to respect the environment because they believe that the earth is holy, such as the trees, grass, and animals. You may be asking yourself "what does this have to do with respecting property?" But respecting property does not just mean that you shouldn't damage things that are not yours but it also means taking care of your enviorment. There is an old saying "do onto others as you would have them do onto you." How would you feel if someone came along and broke your bicycle, or trampled on your flowers? Most people don't think about how the other person would feel if someone did something to their personal property. There is a Japanese culture that teaches us to respect the environment because they believe that the earth is holy, Get more content on
  • 19. Disrespecting Authority I am writing this essay to go over the subjects of disrespecting authority, the consequences of the same, disrespecting your authority, and to explain the aspects of a field grade article 15, such as the types of article 15's, and each of their subsequent consequences. I am doing this because I have disrespected the authority of those appointed above me. First, disrespecting authority. Disrespecting your authority is wrong, because it creates an imbalance in the work forces power. It creates problems in the work place because it makes other people want to do the same thing. After that happens, no one else will listen or obey the people appointed over them. That creates tension in the workplace, which can destroy the unity and more content... The process for non–judicial punishment is governed by Part V of the manual for courts martial and by each service branch 's regulations. An article 15 is an UCMJ action taken for misconduct of any nature. This means that as long as the person of authority has the commander's signature, he or she can give you an article 15. There are three different types of article 15's. We shall start with the summarized article 15. A summarized article 15 is an article 15 with less punishment, and it does not follow you the rest of your career. However, this article 15 can still carry a swift punishment. With this article 15, if the commander thinks this is bad enough to pursue, it carries with it a punishment of fourteen days restriction, and 14 days of extra duty. Next, you have the company grade Article 15. A company grade carries more punishment, and more restrictions with it, as well as a loss of pay for a time. For a company grade article 15, you get 14 days restriction, 14 days extra duty, 7 days loss of pay, and can also be deducted one rank. Last but not least, we have the Field grade article 15. This is the maximum punishment you can get under an article 15. In this article 15, you get a max of 60 days restriction, 45 days of extra duty, one–half pay deducted for two months, and lastly, deducted one or more Get more content on
  • 20. The Importance Of Respect What is respect? Is the way people should be treated, how you would want to be treated, and should it come naturally or should it be taught? Respect is what are world is built on, I feel that the phrases like "reap what you sow" explain what respect works like. For example to when I am rude to someone they tend to be rude back, the same works with respect. When being disrespectful to someone you most likely will disrespect you right back. Not everyone follows these thoughts of respect. Actions like these can lead to dangerous places, people begin to break boundaries that were once built on respect. In other cases respect is earned, and not given. What I mean by this is that, sometimes people must gain the respect of others. This can be earned in many ways, like being respectful of others, being the best you can be, and doing kind things for others. This respect can cause people to look up and follow in example of someone, and eventually making you an example for others to follow and look up to, on so on and so forth. Respect can also be lost very easily, doing things that can discourage people who look up to you as an example. Losing this respect could make you untrustworthy and cause people to become unfaithful in you. This could also make you a bad example, people respecting you for the wrong reasons. Wrong interpretations of of people who respect your bad examples can cause people to do things they think is good thing to do. I do my best to respect others, even Get more content on