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Essay on Diabetes and Diet
Diabetes and Diet If you have diabetes, so you probably know that food is a major culprit in altering your blood sugar level. Your blood sugar is at its
highest an hour or two after you eat, and then it starts to fall. What you eat, how much you eat and when you eat all affect blood sugar.
Some issues to consider:
* Consistency. Strive for consistency from day to day in the time and amount of food you eat. By controlling these factors, you can better control when
your blood sugar rises and even how high it rises.
* Type of food. Food is made up of carbohydrates, protein and fat. Although all three can increase blood sugar, carbohydrates have the
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That doesn't necessarily mean you have to abstain altogether. Instead, follow a few guidelines:
* Drink only moderately. If your diabetes is well controlled, you might be able to have a moderate amount of alcohol. A moderate amount is
generally defined as no more than two drinks a day for men and one for women. One drink equals one 12–ounce beer, one 5–ounce glass of wine, or
one 1.5–ounce shot of spirits. And remember to include this in your calorie count.
* Fill up first. Don't drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Food helps moderate the effects of alcohol.
* Test your blood sugar. Check your blood sugar before drinking alcohol. If it's already low, don't have that drink, because the alcohol can push blood
sugar even lower. Monitor your blood sugar before and after drinking to see how your body responds to alcohol.
* Don't drink and work out. Both alcohol and exercise can lower blood sugar. Although it may be tempting to down a couple of beers after a hard
game of baseball with the guys, you risk a more severe drop in blood sugar, especially if you take insulin or oral diabetes medications. And remember,
injections of the fast–acting hormone glucagon aren't useful in treating severe low blood sugar caused by alcohol. Instead, you'll need a carbohydrate,
such as oral glucose tablets or gels. If you pass out, you'll need a glucose injection into your bloodstream.
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Essay on Diabetes
Diabetes is a chronic condition in which the body produces too little insulin (Type One Diabetes) or can't use available insulin efficiently ( Type Two
Diabetes). Insulin is a hormone vital to helping the body use digested food for growth and energy.
According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, about 17 million Americans have diabetes and every year about 1
million more age 20 or older are diagnosed with the disorder. People who are overweight, do not exercise, and are 30 years or older are more likely to
get the disease (especially type 2 diabetes). People who are also of African American, Latino/Hispanic,Native American, more content...
Present treatments for type one diabetes require lifelong care in order to keep blood sugar levels within a safe range. Some treatments include
monitoring blood levels several times a day using a home blood sugar meter, taking several insulin injections everyday or using an insulin pump, eating
a balanced diet that spreads carbohydrates (sugars) throughout the day to prevent high sugar levels after meals, regular medical checkups to monitor
and adjust treatments as needed.
Present treatments for type two diabetes include eating a balanced diet to prevent high sugar levels after meals, getting regular physical exercise
because it helps the body respond to insulin better, monitoring blood sugar at home to know when the level is above or below your personal
prescribed range, taking oral medication if diet and exercise not able to keep blood sugar levels within a safe range, taking insulin (temporarily or for
the rest of your life; temporarily because your blood sugar level may be alarmingly high and the insulin will break it down; forever because your
pancreas may produce little or no insulin), and having regular medical checkups to monitor and adjust treatment.
Future treatments for the disease are as follows. In the future people may be able to inhale insulin rather than take painful injections. There are also
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Essay on Diabetes Outline
I.People often do not realize how deadly and complicated diabetes is. When first diagnosed with diabetes patients may often be confused by how their
lifestyle will have to change. Some patients may not even know how serious the complications may be. This information is to help not only the people
who are affected by diabetes but also to inform everyone on how to help prevent the onset of diabetes.
II.Background Data
1. "Total: 25.8 million people, or 8.3% of the U.S. population, have diabetes.
Diagnosed: 18.8 million people
Undiagnosed: 7.0 million people" (CDC 2010)
2. "Among adults with diagnosed diabetes (type 1 or type 2), 12% take insulin only, 14% take both insulin and oral medication, 58% take
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B.Type 2 diabetes is caused by lifestyle and also genetics.
V.Risk Factors
A.Genetics and family history
1.Race and ethnicity.
2.Prior history of gestational diabetes.
B.Obesity and age
1.People who are older are more at risk.
2.Decreased physical activity may put a person at risk for diabetes.
C.Unhealthy eating habits.
D.High blood pressure.
E.High cholesterol.
A.A1C test
1.Measures what percentage of hemoglobin is coated with sugar.
2.This test is an average of three months.
B.FPG test (fasting plasma glucose)
1.Taken after eight hours without food.
2.Compared against normal blood sugar levels.
C.OGTT (oral glucose tolerance test)
1.Fast for 12 hours before testing.
2.This test last for three hours.
3.Blood is drawn before testing starts.
4.Subject drinks a "cola" liquid containing glucose.
5.Blood is drawn four times during the testing hours (30 min, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour)
A.Lose weight.
B.Eat foods that are high in fiber, low in sodium, low in fat, and watch portion sizes.
C.Exercise on a daily basis.
D.Start testing at age 45. VIII.Nutritional Treatments
A.Foods which are high in calcium, fiber, vitamins (A, C, and E), potassium, and magnesium.
B.Eat whole grains.
IX.Drugs for Symptom Suppression
B."Diabetes pills are members of six classes of drugs that work in different ways to
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Diabetes Essays
There are three types of diabetes. Type I is called Diabetes
Mellitus. In type I the body stops making insulin or makes small amounts. Without insulin glucose cannot get into your cells which is needed to burn
for energy. Glucose will collect in the blood. Over time high levels of glucose in the blood may hurt the eyes, kidney, nerves, or heart. Type I occurs
mostly in people under 30, though it may occur at any age. The signs may come suddenly and be quite severe. The symptoms may include frequent
urination, constant hunger, constant thirst, weight loss, weakness, fatigue, edginess, mood changes, nausea, and vomiting. People with type I have to
take insulin. No one knows for sure why people get type more content...
Type II runs in families, being overweight brings it on. It is common in people who eat too much fat, eat too little carbohydrates and fiber, and get too
little exercise. When a person is overweight the body has a harder time using the insulin that it makes. Often the term insulin resistance is used which
means that the body does not respond to insulin as it should. The third type of diabetes is called Gestational Diabetes. This form is only a temporary
condition that occurs during pregnancy. It will affect 2–4 percent of pregnancies with an increased chance of developing diabetes for both the mother
and child. Insulin is a hormone that helps glucose get inside the bodies cells.
We use the glucose for energy. Insulin is made in the pancreas. When we eat, a lot of the food is broken into sugar. Insulin allows the sugar to leave
the bloodstream and enter you body cells, where it becomes energy. There are two sources of insulin, animal and bacteria. Animal insulin comes from
the pancreas of deceased pigs and cows. Bacteria insulin also know as human insulin is made in a lab. Today more people use human insulin rather
than animal insulin. With animal insulin people are more likely to cause allergies. Insulin has three parts, Onset, Peak time, and duration. Onset is the
time is takes for insulin to start working. Peak time is when the insulin is working the hardest. Duration is
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Type 1 Diabetes Essay
Affecting almost 3% of the entire population, diabetes is indeed a disorder that is very common. When this is not controlled, there are several
complications that can occur. Here are the different signs and symptoms of diabetes and how your diabetes recipes should be like.
Diabetes mellitus is a disorder characterized by increased blood sugar levels which result in problems with insulin production and action. Insulin is the
hormone in the body that regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. Diabetes is a chronic disorder with three types. Type 1 diabetes or insulin
dependent occurs when the body is unable to produce insulin, thereby requiring insulin injections regularly. Type 2 diabetes or non–insulin dependent
occurs when the more content...
You will be given oral medications to reduce the glucose level in the body. Insulin will be needed for type 1 diabetes and this will be taken for life.
Insulin is also used in type 2 diabetes along with oral medicines.
If diabetes is not controlled, there are a lot of complications that can occur. It can result to cardiovascular diseases, kidney failure, loss of vision,
respiratory infections, diabetic coma and a lot more. It is then important to follow the treatment regimen given to you strictly. It is also vital to know
the different signs and symptoms of diabetes so that you will be able to get treated immediately. Further, you should know different diabetes recipes for
better management of your
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Diabetes Mellitus Essay
Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic condition which afflicts millions of people around the world. It is related to the insulin hormone, which is secreted by
cells in the pancreas, regulates the level of glucose in the bloodstream and supports the body with breaking down the glucose to be used as energy. In
someone who has diabetes, the body doesn't produce enough insulin or cells don't respond to the insulin that is produced. There are three main types
of diabetes, type 1, type 2, and gestational. I will be discussing type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes, also known as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus,
IDDM, or juvenile diabetes' consequences are from the body's failure to generate insulin. It is an autoimmune more content...
The cause is a combination of lifestyle and genetic factors. Some cases include toxins from plastics. Type 2 occurs gradually with most cases of
people who are overweight. When you're overweight the fat interferes with your body's capability to use insulin. If sugar can't enter the cells, sugar
builds up in the blood causing hyperglycemia. Other serious problems stemming from diabetes can lead to problems with the eyes, kidneys, nerves,
heart, blood vessels, and other areas. Long term complications can lead to heart attacks, stroke, amputations, and kidney failure. Signs and symptoms
are that of type 1 as well, polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, fatigue, and weight loss. It affects 90% of the diabetes population and occurs in adults and
children. Most people don't understand the long term damage that badly managed diabetes can produce. Increased blood glucose causes dehydration
throughout the body. Continual high glucose concentration can cause tissue injury like abnormal functioning and structural changes, resulting in not
enough blood supply reaching the tissue. Increased use of fats can cause metabolic acidosis and if combined and if combined with dehydration can
result in sever acidosis and diabetic coma. Type 1 diabetes that isn't treated can cause depletion of the body's proteins because the body isn't using fats
and proteins for energy rather
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Essay On Type 1 Diabetes
Nearly 16 million people in the United States have diabetes, the disease classified as a problem with insulin. The problem could be that your body
does not make insulin, does not make enough, or it simply does not know how to use it properly. Diabetes is also known as "diabetes mellitus".
There are many types of diabetes. The two I will be discussing are type 1 and type 2. Type 1 generally affects young people and requires treatment with
insulin. Five to ten percent of Americans with diabetes have this type. People with type 1 diabetes do not produce insulin and need regular shots of
it to keep their blood glucose levels normal. People who are at risk for type 1 are those who have a family history of the disease, more content...
Frequent urination leads to excessive water loss and dehydration, which seriously jeopardizes health. Being extremely thirsty is another symptom.
A person becomes thirsty because of the loss of water through urine. Excess sugar concentrates the blood, which also triggers thirst. Fatigue
occurs because glucose is unable to be effectively used as a fuel by muscle cells. They are "fuel deprived" and are less able to perform work.
Dehydration also causes fatigue. Weight loss is another symptom of a diabetic. It may be slow or rapid. Lots of people with early diabetes actually
eat more and still continue to lose weight. This is due to the amount of water loss and the increased breakdown of fat and protein tissues, as the body
makes up for poor glucose utilization. Hunger is also a symptom because glucose is unavailable to cells as fuel. Blurry vision develops as the rapidly
rising blood sugar levels cause fluid shifts in the lens of the eye. Lastly, infections of the gums, bladder, skin, and vagina become harder to treat.
This is because germs thrive in the high sugar content of blood and body fluids. Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are different disorders with different
causes. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease. The immune system destroys the insulin producing cells, also known as beta cells, in the pancreas.
Type 1 is also known to appear shortly after a viral infection. The
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Diabetes Essay
Diabetes is a lifelong disease that can affect both children and adults. This disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. It claims
about 178,000 lives each year. Type one diabetes, also known as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, usually occurs in people less than thirty years of
age, but it also may appear at any age. Diabetes is a very serious disease with many life threatening consequences, but if it is taken care of properly,
diabetics can live a normal life.
Diabetes is a disease that causes an abnormally high level of sugar, or glucose, to build up in the blood. Glucose comes from food we consume and also
from our liver and muscles. Blood delivers glucose to all more content...
But if it's not taken care of, uncontrolled diabetes can damage a persons' vision, cause nerve damage and infections to the feet. Also, it can cause
poor blood circulation and kidney disease. Many of these problems can be prevented by having a low fat, low alcohol diet, maintaining a reasonable
body mass, and working out thirty minutes five days a week. Performing these activities can also help reduce the risk of getting diabetes.
There are many risk factors that one should take into consideration. Having high blood pressure, being inactive and overweight are both very high
risk factors. If a family member has diabetes or if a person is African, American Indian, Asian, Pacific Islander, Hispanic or Latino descent, they also
have a greater risk of the disease.
Diet is the most important part of diabetes management. Without a proper diet, the amount of drugs and insulin needed to control blood sugar levels
may be inadequate. Diet control helps reduce high blood sugar and reduce the risk of complications like heart attacks and high blood pressure. It also
helps achieve ideal body weight and reduces the problems associated with obesity.
The most important aspect of dietary management of diabetes is carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates found in breads, cereals, potatoes, vegetables
and other foods raise the blood sugar approximately the same amount as simple sugars. Carbohydrates and the glucose they generate are an energy
source. Insulin produced
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Essay on Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death listed in the United States. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness. "In 1996 diabetes contributed to
more than 162,000 deaths"(Lewis 1367).
"Diabetes mellitus is not a single disease but a group of disorders with glucose intolerance in common" (McCance 674). Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic
disorder characterized by hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar) and results from defective insulin production, secretion, and utilization. There are
many forms of diabetes. "Diabetes increases the risk of heart and blood vessel disease, amputation, infections, kidney damage, eye problems (including
blindness), and nerve malfunction" (Husain). I will briefly define more content...
According to McCance the diagnosis of diabetes is based on (1) more than one fasting plasma glucose level greater than 140mg/dl, (2) elevated
plasma glucose levels in response to an oral glucose test, and random plasma glucose levels above 200mg/dl combined with classic symptoms of
polydipsia, polyphagia, and polyuria (674).
The pancreas is located partially behind the stomach in the abdomen. The pancreas is a mixed gland composed of endocrine and exocrine gland cells.
These cells are called acinar cells. Acinar cells, forming the bulk of the gland, produce an enzyme–rich juice that is ducted into the small intestine
during food digestion.
Scattered among the acinar cells are approximately a million pancreatic islets (islets of Langerhans), minute cell clusters that produce pancreatic
hormones. The islets contain two major populations of hormone–producing cells, the glucagen–synthesizing alpha cells and the more numerous
insulin–producing beta cells. Insulin and glucagons are intimately but independently involved in the regulation of the blood glucose levels. Their
effects are opposite: Insulin is a hypoglycemic hormone (lowers blood sugar), whereas glucagon is a hyperglycemic hormone (increases blood
glucose.) Islet cells also synthesize other peptides in small amounts. These include somatostatin
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Essay on Diabetes Mellitus
1. Discuss the pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus.
Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic condition in which the body has the inability to produce
insulin or react normally to insulin. The pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus is extremely
complex, as diabetes mellitus is characterized by different types but share common
symptoms and complications. Diabetes mellitus is classified in two types: Type 1 and
type 2 diabetes. Although the disease is "characterized by different etiologies" (Cohen,
2009, pg. 268), the outcome for both types is hyperglycemia. The pathophysicology of
Diabetes mellitus is related to the hormone insulin, which is secreted by the beta cells of
the pancreas. Insulin's job is maintaining more content...
Although the cause of this disease is unknown,
there is a viral or environmental expose (to virus, toxins, or stress) that triggers in
genetically susceptible people that causes an autoimmune reaction.
Type 2 diabetes, also known as non–insulin dependent Diabetes Mellitus, is the
most common form of Diabetes. Unlike people with type 1 diabetes mellitus, people with
type 2 Diabetes Mellitus produce insulin. However, the pancreas does not produce
enough insulin, hindering the body to use the insulin adequately. The body is resistant to
the effects of insulin. This is called insulin resistance. In insulin resistance, the body's
cells have a diminished ability to respond to the action of the insulin hormone. As a
result, blood sugar does not get into cells to be stored for energy. When sugar can not
enter cells, there is a build up of high levels of sugar in the blood, causing hyperglycemia.
Elevated levels of blood sugar often triggers the pancreas to produce more insulin, but not
enough to keep up with the body's demand, causing a decrease in insulin secretion.
Both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes share one central feature: elevated blood
glucose levels due to insufficiencies of insulin. People with type 1 and 2 experience many
of the same symptoms such as: increased thirst, frequent urination, weight loss, blurred
vision, and fatigue.
3.What are the long term
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Essay on Diabetes Type 2
Diabetes Type 2 1.Diabetes is considered a life style disease because it is not something you were born with it is something you bring upon yourself,
stress, don't enough exercise, eating too much of the wrong foods, pregnancy or family history cause this particular disease. 2. Type 2 diabetes, or
non–insulin–dependent diabetes, is the most common form of diabetes. It effects the respiratory system In Type 2 diabetes, either the body does not
produce enough insulin or the cells neglect the insulin. Insulin is needed for the body to be able to use sugar. Sugar is the primary fuel for the cells in
the body, and the insulin takes the sugar from the blood and into the cells. When glucose more content...
If you have a family history of diabetes, don't exercise on a regular basis. High blood pressure and/or high concentration of fats in a person's blood,
or a history of gestational diabetes, which is a form of diabetes occurring in pregnancy, or giving birth to a baby weighing more than 9 pound can all
contribute to the risk a person is at. Diabetes can strike anyone at any time during their life – from newborn babies through to the very elderly. There
are nearly 1 million Australians with diabetes. Each one of these people is Diabetes Australia's reason for being. 3. The symptoms come on
gradually but many people with type 2 diabetes symptoms are diagnosed after a blood glucose test. The Symptoms include: В· Feeling tired В·
Passing urine frequently В· Feeling constantly thirsty В· Blurred vision В· Itching of the skin or genital area В· Slow healing infections В·
Numbness and tingling in hands or feet В· Weight loss В· Tiredness В· Wounds don't heal easily В· Increased hunger 4. Doctors prescribe a new
diet which helps to loss weight and control diabetes are high protein, high carbohydrate and high fiber diets. As well as plenty of exercise. Many
people need oral medication(s), a pill or tablet, These include the Sulfonylureas and Repaglinide (Prandin). Insulin is often used in small doses before
bed to help prevent release of
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Essay On Diabetes And Diet

  • 1. Essay on Diabetes and Diet Diabetes and Diet If you have diabetes, so you probably know that food is a major culprit in altering your blood sugar level. Your blood sugar is at its highest an hour or two after you eat, and then it starts to fall. What you eat, how much you eat and when you eat all affect blood sugar. Some issues to consider: * Consistency. Strive for consistency from day to day in the time and amount of food you eat. By controlling these factors, you can better control when your blood sugar rises and even how high it rises. * Type of food. Food is made up of carbohydrates, protein and fat. Although all three can increase blood sugar, carbohydrates have the more content... That doesn't necessarily mean you have to abstain altogether. Instead, follow a few guidelines: * Drink only moderately. If your diabetes is well controlled, you might be able to have a moderate amount of alcohol. A moderate amount is generally defined as no more than two drinks a day for men and one for women. One drink equals one 12–ounce beer, one 5–ounce glass of wine, or one 1.5–ounce shot of spirits. And remember to include this in your calorie count. * Fill up first. Don't drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Food helps moderate the effects of alcohol. * Test your blood sugar. Check your blood sugar before drinking alcohol. If it's already low, don't have that drink, because the alcohol can push blood sugar even lower. Monitor your blood sugar before and after drinking to see how your body responds to alcohol. * Don't drink and work out. Both alcohol and exercise can lower blood sugar. Although it may be tempting to down a couple of beers after a hard game of baseball with the guys, you risk a more severe drop in blood sugar, especially if you take insulin or oral diabetes medications. And remember, injections of the fast–acting hormone glucagon aren't useful in treating severe low blood sugar caused by alcohol. Instead, you'll need a carbohydrate, such as oral glucose tablets or gels. If you pass out, you'll need a glucose injection into your bloodstream.
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  • 3. Essay on Diabetes Diabetes Diabetes is a chronic condition in which the body produces too little insulin (Type One Diabetes) or can't use available insulin efficiently ( Type Two Diabetes). Insulin is a hormone vital to helping the body use digested food for growth and energy. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, about 17 million Americans have diabetes and every year about 1 million more age 20 or older are diagnosed with the disorder. People who are overweight, do not exercise, and are 30 years or older are more likely to get the disease (especially type 2 diabetes). People who are also of African American, Latino/Hispanic,Native American, more content... Present treatments for type one diabetes require lifelong care in order to keep blood sugar levels within a safe range. Some treatments include monitoring blood levels several times a day using a home blood sugar meter, taking several insulin injections everyday or using an insulin pump, eating a balanced diet that spreads carbohydrates (sugars) throughout the day to prevent high sugar levels after meals, regular medical checkups to monitor and adjust treatments as needed. Present treatments for type two diabetes include eating a balanced diet to prevent high sugar levels after meals, getting regular physical exercise because it helps the body respond to insulin better, monitoring blood sugar at home to know when the level is above or below your personal prescribed range, taking oral medication if diet and exercise not able to keep blood sugar levels within a safe range, taking insulin (temporarily or for the rest of your life; temporarily because your blood sugar level may be alarmingly high and the insulin will break it down; forever because your pancreas may produce little or no insulin), and having regular medical checkups to monitor and adjust treatment. Future treatments for the disease are as follows. In the future people may be able to inhale insulin rather than take painful injections. There are also Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Diabetes Outline I.People often do not realize how deadly and complicated diabetes is. When first diagnosed with diabetes patients may often be confused by how their lifestyle will have to change. Some patients may not even know how serious the complications may be. This information is to help not only the people who are affected by diabetes but also to inform everyone on how to help prevent the onset of diabetes. II.Background Data A.Statistics 1. "Total: 25.8 million people, or 8.3% of the U.S. population, have diabetes. Diagnosed: 18.8 million people Undiagnosed: 7.0 million people" (CDC 2010) 2. "Among adults with diagnosed diabetes (type 1 or type 2), 12% take insulin only, 14% take both insulin and oral medication, 58% take more content... B.Type 2 diabetes is caused by lifestyle and also genetics. V.Risk Factors A.Genetics and family history 1.Race and ethnicity. 2.Prior history of gestational diabetes. B.Obesity and age 1.People who are older are more at risk. 2.Decreased physical activity may put a person at risk for diabetes. C.Unhealthy eating habits. D.High blood pressure. E.High cholesterol. VI.Diagnosis A.A1C test 1.Measures what percentage of hemoglobin is coated with sugar. 2.This test is an average of three months. B.FPG test (fasting plasma glucose)
  • 5. 1.Taken after eight hours without food. 2.Compared against normal blood sugar levels. C.OGTT (oral glucose tolerance test) 1.Fast for 12 hours before testing. 2.This test last for three hours. 3.Blood is drawn before testing starts. 4.Subject drinks a "cola" liquid containing glucose. 5.Blood is drawn four times during the testing hours (30 min, 1 hour, 2 hour, and 3 hour) VII.Prevention A.Lose weight. B.Eat foods that are high in fiber, low in sodium, low in fat, and watch portion sizes. C.Exercise on a daily basis. D.Start testing at age 45. VIII.Nutritional Treatments A.Foods which are high in calcium, fiber, vitamins (A, C, and E), potassium, and magnesium. B.Eat whole grains. IX.Drugs for Symptom Suppression A.Insulin B."Diabetes pills are members of six classes of drugs that work in different ways to Get more content on
  • 6. Diabetes Essays Diabetes There are three types of diabetes. Type I is called Diabetes Mellitus. In type I the body stops making insulin or makes small amounts. Without insulin glucose cannot get into your cells which is needed to burn for energy. Glucose will collect in the blood. Over time high levels of glucose in the blood may hurt the eyes, kidney, nerves, or heart. Type I occurs mostly in people under 30, though it may occur at any age. The signs may come suddenly and be quite severe. The symptoms may include frequent urination, constant hunger, constant thirst, weight loss, weakness, fatigue, edginess, mood changes, nausea, and vomiting. People with type I have to take insulin. No one knows for sure why people get type more content... Type II runs in families, being overweight brings it on. It is common in people who eat too much fat, eat too little carbohydrates and fiber, and get too little exercise. When a person is overweight the body has a harder time using the insulin that it makes. Often the term insulin resistance is used which means that the body does not respond to insulin as it should. The third type of diabetes is called Gestational Diabetes. This form is only a temporary condition that occurs during pregnancy. It will affect 2–4 percent of pregnancies with an increased chance of developing diabetes for both the mother and child. Insulin is a hormone that helps glucose get inside the bodies cells. We use the glucose for energy. Insulin is made in the pancreas. When we eat, a lot of the food is broken into sugar. Insulin allows the sugar to leave the bloodstream and enter you body cells, where it becomes energy. There are two sources of insulin, animal and bacteria. Animal insulin comes from the pancreas of deceased pigs and cows. Bacteria insulin also know as human insulin is made in a lab. Today more people use human insulin rather than animal insulin. With animal insulin people are more likely to cause allergies. Insulin has three parts, Onset, Peak time, and duration. Onset is the time is takes for insulin to start working. Peak time is when the insulin is working the hardest. Duration is Get more content on
  • 7. Type 1 Diabetes Essay Affecting almost 3% of the entire population, diabetes is indeed a disorder that is very common. When this is not controlled, there are several complications that can occur. Here are the different signs and symptoms of diabetes and how your diabetes recipes should be like. Diabetes mellitus is a disorder characterized by increased blood sugar levels which result in problems with insulin production and action. Insulin is the hormone in the body that regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. Diabetes is a chronic disorder with three types. Type 1 diabetes or insulin dependent occurs when the body is unable to produce insulin, thereby requiring insulin injections regularly. Type 2 diabetes or non–insulin dependent occurs when the more content... You will be given oral medications to reduce the glucose level in the body. Insulin will be needed for type 1 diabetes and this will be taken for life. Insulin is also used in type 2 diabetes along with oral medicines. If diabetes is not controlled, there are a lot of complications that can occur. It can result to cardiovascular diseases, kidney failure, loss of vision, respiratory infections, diabetic coma and a lot more. It is then important to follow the treatment regimen given to you strictly. It is also vital to know the different signs and symptoms of diabetes so that you will be able to get treated immediately. Further, you should know different diabetes recipes for better management of your Get more content on
  • 8. Diabetes Mellitus Essay Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic condition which afflicts millions of people around the world. It is related to the insulin hormone, which is secreted by cells in the pancreas, regulates the level of glucose in the bloodstream and supports the body with breaking down the glucose to be used as energy. In someone who has diabetes, the body doesn't produce enough insulin or cells don't respond to the insulin that is produced. There are three main types of diabetes, type 1, type 2, and gestational. I will be discussing type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes, also known as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, IDDM, or juvenile diabetes' consequences are from the body's failure to generate insulin. It is an autoimmune more content... The cause is a combination of lifestyle and genetic factors. Some cases include toxins from plastics. Type 2 occurs gradually with most cases of people who are overweight. When you're overweight the fat interferes with your body's capability to use insulin. If sugar can't enter the cells, sugar builds up in the blood causing hyperglycemia. Other serious problems stemming from diabetes can lead to problems with the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart, blood vessels, and other areas. Long term complications can lead to heart attacks, stroke, amputations, and kidney failure. Signs and symptoms are that of type 1 as well, polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, fatigue, and weight loss. It affects 90% of the diabetes population and occurs in adults and children. Most people don't understand the long term damage that badly managed diabetes can produce. Increased blood glucose causes dehydration throughout the body. Continual high glucose concentration can cause tissue injury like abnormal functioning and structural changes, resulting in not enough blood supply reaching the tissue. Increased use of fats can cause metabolic acidosis and if combined and if combined with dehydration can result in sever acidosis and diabetic coma. Type 1 diabetes that isn't treated can cause depletion of the body's proteins because the body isn't using fats and proteins for energy rather Get more content on
  • 9. Essay On Type 1 Diabetes Diabetes Nearly 16 million people in the United States have diabetes, the disease classified as a problem with insulin. The problem could be that your body does not make insulin, does not make enough, or it simply does not know how to use it properly. Diabetes is also known as "diabetes mellitus". There are many types of diabetes. The two I will be discussing are type 1 and type 2. Type 1 generally affects young people and requires treatment with insulin. Five to ten percent of Americans with diabetes have this type. People with type 1 diabetes do not produce insulin and need regular shots of it to keep their blood glucose levels normal. People who are at risk for type 1 are those who have a family history of the disease, more content... Frequent urination leads to excessive water loss and dehydration, which seriously jeopardizes health. Being extremely thirsty is another symptom. A person becomes thirsty because of the loss of water through urine. Excess sugar concentrates the blood, which also triggers thirst. Fatigue occurs because glucose is unable to be effectively used as a fuel by muscle cells. They are "fuel deprived" and are less able to perform work. Dehydration also causes fatigue. Weight loss is another symptom of a diabetic. It may be slow or rapid. Lots of people with early diabetes actually eat more and still continue to lose weight. This is due to the amount of water loss and the increased breakdown of fat and protein tissues, as the body makes up for poor glucose utilization. Hunger is also a symptom because glucose is unavailable to cells as fuel. Blurry vision develops as the rapidly rising blood sugar levels cause fluid shifts in the lens of the eye. Lastly, infections of the gums, bladder, skin, and vagina become harder to treat. This is because germs thrive in the high sugar content of blood and body fluids. Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are different disorders with different causes. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease. The immune system destroys the insulin producing cells, also known as beta cells, in the pancreas. Type 1 is also known to appear shortly after a viral infection. The Get more content on
  • 10. Diabetes Essay Diabetes Diabetes is a lifelong disease that can affect both children and adults. This disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. It claims about 178,000 lives each year. Type one diabetes, also known as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, usually occurs in people less than thirty years of age, but it also may appear at any age. Diabetes is a very serious disease with many life threatening consequences, but if it is taken care of properly, diabetics can live a normal life. Diabetes is a disease that causes an abnormally high level of sugar, or glucose, to build up in the blood. Glucose comes from food we consume and also from our liver and muscles. Blood delivers glucose to all more content... But if it's not taken care of, uncontrolled diabetes can damage a persons' vision, cause nerve damage and infections to the feet. Also, it can cause poor blood circulation and kidney disease. Many of these problems can be prevented by having a low fat, low alcohol diet, maintaining a reasonable body mass, and working out thirty minutes five days a week. Performing these activities can also help reduce the risk of getting diabetes. There are many risk factors that one should take into consideration. Having high blood pressure, being inactive and overweight are both very high risk factors. If a family member has diabetes or if a person is African, American Indian, Asian, Pacific Islander, Hispanic or Latino descent, they also have a greater risk of the disease. Diet is the most important part of diabetes management. Without a proper diet, the amount of drugs and insulin needed to control blood sugar levels may be inadequate. Diet control helps reduce high blood sugar and reduce the risk of complications like heart attacks and high blood pressure. It also helps achieve ideal body weight and reduces the problems associated with obesity. The most important aspect of dietary management of diabetes is carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates found in breads, cereals, potatoes, vegetables and other foods raise the blood sugar approximately the same amount as simple sugars. Carbohydrates and the glucose they generate are an energy source. Insulin produced
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  • 12. Essay on Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death listed in the United States. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness. "In 1996 diabetes contributed to more than 162,000 deaths"(Lewis 1367). "Diabetes mellitus is not a single disease but a group of disorders with glucose intolerance in common" (McCance 674). Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar) and results from defective insulin production, secretion, and utilization. There are many forms of diabetes. "Diabetes increases the risk of heart and blood vessel disease, amputation, infections, kidney damage, eye problems (including blindness), and nerve malfunction" (Husain). I will briefly define more content... According to McCance the diagnosis of diabetes is based on (1) more than one fasting plasma glucose level greater than 140mg/dl, (2) elevated plasma glucose levels in response to an oral glucose test, and random plasma glucose levels above 200mg/dl combined with classic symptoms of polydipsia, polyphagia, and polyuria (674). The pancreas is located partially behind the stomach in the abdomen. The pancreas is a mixed gland composed of endocrine and exocrine gland cells. These cells are called acinar cells. Acinar cells, forming the bulk of the gland, produce an enzyme–rich juice that is ducted into the small intestine during food digestion. Scattered among the acinar cells are approximately a million pancreatic islets (islets of Langerhans), minute cell clusters that produce pancreatic hormones. The islets contain two major populations of hormone–producing cells, the glucagen–synthesizing alpha cells and the more numerous insulin–producing beta cells. Insulin and glucagons are intimately but independently involved in the regulation of the blood glucose levels. Their effects are opposite: Insulin is a hypoglycemic hormone (lowers blood sugar), whereas glucagon is a hyperglycemic hormone (increases blood glucose.) Islet cells also synthesize other peptides in small amounts. These include somatostatin Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on Diabetes Mellitus 1. Discuss the pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic condition in which the body has the inability to produce insulin or react normally to insulin. The pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus is extremely complex, as diabetes mellitus is characterized by different types but share common symptoms and complications. Diabetes mellitus is classified in two types: Type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Although the disease is "characterized by different etiologies" (Cohen, 2009, pg. 268), the outcome for both types is hyperglycemia. The pathophysicology of Diabetes mellitus is related to the hormone insulin, which is secreted by the beta cells of the pancreas. Insulin's job is maintaining more content... Although the cause of this disease is unknown, there is a viral or environmental expose (to virus, toxins, or stress) that triggers in genetically susceptible people that causes an autoimmune reaction. Type 2 diabetes, also known as non–insulin dependent Diabetes Mellitus, is the most common form of Diabetes. Unlike people with type 1 diabetes mellitus, people with
  • 14. type 2 Diabetes Mellitus produce insulin. However, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, hindering the body to use the insulin adequately. The body is resistant to the effects of insulin. This is called insulin resistance. In insulin resistance, the body's cells have a diminished ability to respond to the action of the insulin hormone. As a result, blood sugar does not get into cells to be stored for energy. When sugar can not enter cells, there is a build up of high levels of sugar in the blood, causing hyperglycemia. Elevated levels of blood sugar often triggers the pancreas to produce more insulin, but not enough to keep up with the body's demand, causing a decrease in insulin secretion. Both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes share one central feature: elevated blood glucose levels due to insufficiencies of insulin. People with type 1 and 2 experience many of the same symptoms such as: increased thirst, frequent urination, weight loss, blurred vision, and fatigue. 3.What are the long term Get more content on
  • 15. Essay on Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes Type 2 1.Diabetes is considered a life style disease because it is not something you were born with it is something you bring upon yourself, stress, don't enough exercise, eating too much of the wrong foods, pregnancy or family history cause this particular disease. 2. Type 2 diabetes, or non–insulin–dependent diabetes, is the most common form of diabetes. It effects the respiratory system In Type 2 diabetes, either the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells neglect the insulin. Insulin is needed for the body to be able to use sugar. Sugar is the primary fuel for the cells in the body, and the insulin takes the sugar from the blood and into the cells. When glucose more content... If you have a family history of diabetes, don't exercise on a regular basis. High blood pressure and/or high concentration of fats in a person's blood, or a history of gestational diabetes, which is a form of diabetes occurring in pregnancy, or giving birth to a baby weighing more than 9 pound can all contribute to the risk a person is at. Diabetes can strike anyone at any time during their life – from newborn babies through to the very elderly. There are nearly 1 million Australians with diabetes. Each one of these people is Diabetes Australia's reason for being. 3. The symptoms come on gradually but many people with type 2 diabetes symptoms are diagnosed after a blood glucose test. The Symptoms include: В· Feeling tired В· Passing urine frequently В· Feeling constantly thirsty В· Blurred vision В· Itching of the skin or genital area В· Slow healing infections В· Numbness and tingling in hands or feet В· Weight loss В· Tiredness В· Wounds don't heal easily В· Increased hunger 4. Doctors prescribe a new diet which helps to loss weight and control diabetes are high protein, high carbohydrate and high fiber diets. As well as plenty of exercise. Many people need oral medication(s), a pill or tablet, These include the Sulfonylureas and Repaglinide (Prandin). Insulin is often used in small doses before bed to help prevent release of Get more content on