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Autobiography Of My Mother
My mother is mestiza, my father is mestizo, my brother is mestizo, my tias, my tios, as am I. All
mestizos. I've been told I am worthy of praise because I carry your language on my tongue without
an accent, because I had an American education, because I can recite allegiance to your country. I
am told I am worthy because I could assimilate to the culture, unlike my parents. I am often
presented with shocked faces when I speak my second language, English, faces that always tell me
that they would have never guessed I spoke so perfectly, thinking they'd have to work twice as hard
to understand my heavy, foreign accent–the same accent my parents have. On top of that, I am the
color of the sun reigning on my skin. I found from my 17 years here, it does not matter whether
you are the color of milk or whether I speak English without an accent, the moment I speak
Spanish and invite someone outside of my culture into my home and they notice I have Caso
Cerrado on TV or see my mother swinging her hips to Vicente Fernandez, I am no longer White to
them or "an insider." I am other, an outsider. A "dangerous" outsider. "Ni de aqui, ni de aca." "Ni de
aqui," not White enough, deemed too Mexican. "Ni de aca," not Mexican enough, mestiza, and too
whitewashed. Linda Alcoff (2006) said that after both her and her sister became "highly assimilated,"
they found that the process created feelings of alienation, inferiority, and inadequacy (p. 266). They
diligently censored themselves and
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Descriptive Essay About My Mother
She's a small woman, her hair is short and the strands are few but thick. As I put my hands through
her soft shiny hair I can almost feel her intense, painful past that she carries on her shoulders melt
away. She smells like home and food, bringing back delightful memories of when I would stand on
a chair next to her at the stove, as she taught me the secret of how to make our families enchilada
sauce. Her skin is soft, from the countless nights she has spent making tamales just to make ends
She is fragile looking, almost as if a fall of a leaf would be enough to bring her plummeting down.
I wrap my arms tenderly around her trying to embrace her fully while being as gentle as possible.
Yet she is strong of mind, spirit, and soul, more content...
I go to my mother's room, it's empty except for her dresser and the bed she sits on. I look at her
and raise my shirt, "What are these?" I asked, her face is cold and severe, showing no emotion.
She looked at me, first at my stomach and then at my face "They're called fat marks" she says
coldly as she turned away, not giving me a second thought.
I run upstairs to my room, it was in the attic. I try to find solace, but there was none. I could not
escape the words that my mother had just said, they repeated in my head over and over again. Warm
tears ran down my face, I search the room for something, anything to hold onto, to silence my cries,
but there was nothing. I wrapped my arms around myself and cried until I fell asleep from
I look in the mirror to see that my nose and lips are pink and tears are running down my cheeks,
uncontrollably another memory jumps into my head. I'm looking for something in the corner of my
mom's room that is the unspoken designated area for clothes. I find my favorite white lace shirt, I
had found it in a second–hand store. It was the first shirt that I had found and bought myself and
enjoyed wearing. It made me feel pretty, which was a difficult task. "I thought I lost you." I said
out loud, "What?" my mother said. I turned around to see my mom was struggling to get down the
stairs to her room, the pain of the movement evident on her face. I walked over to her and offered
my arm and she took it.
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Characteristics Of My Mother
True Colours
4a) My Mom is gold because she embraces the concepts of family and religion very seriously. My
family origin is Sri Lanka and one of the main languages spoken there is Tamil. In Canada, the main
language spoken is English, which I speak at home and school. My parents communicate in English,
however they also speak Tamil. My Mom doesn't want me to forget the Sri Lankan culture, so every
night we watch Tamil shows on TV, together as afamily. She believes that by listening to Tamil
everynight I won't forget the language. This make her an effective parent because she wants me to
know another language which will help me in the future. By knowing another language, it is easier
to communicate with relatives.
Gold describes my Mom because she is polite. My Mom always uses her manners no matter
where she goes. For example, if someone holds the door for her she will say thank you. When she
receives a gift she doesn't like, she always says ''Thank you'' because she doesn't want to hurt the
other person's feelings. She is always polite to elders and will listen attentively to their opinions,
even if she doesn't approve of them. This characteristic of my Mom, makes her an effective parent
because she is teaching me how I should behave in society. For example, when I speak to elders, I
would stand up and speak to them, in order to show my respect. Her polite actions positively
influence the choices I make in life.
My Mom is Gold because she is extremely organized
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My Mother
The greatest influence in my life has been from my mother. She has nurtured, raised, and guided
me through all of my ups and downs. She has been a rock for my family, and always shines her
sunshine into our lives. My mom is someone I have always looked up to and who I strive to live
my life like. She has always persevered through her challenges and had endurance while striving to
achieve her goals. I have been inspired by my mom's legacy of determination and resilience, and
hope to create a similar legacy for others and those who will come after me.
My mother has always been a sweet and loving girl. Her parents married young, and loved her with
every ounce of themselves. However, they soon separated when she was only one year old, leaving
her to live with her mother. She created many beautiful memories with her mom, who smothered her
in love and affection. Even though her world was content, her mother struggled financially and
emotionally. They moved frequently, and my mom attended nine different schools before third
grade. Eventually, my grandmother became unable to take care of my mom anymore, so she
made a deal for my mom to live with her dad for one year. However, when the time came, my
grandfather refused to let my mom go, because he knew that she would live a life on constant
change and instability. He knew that she would be happier and safer living with him. Indeed, when
my mom started the third grade, she was far behind, and by the end of the school year was one of
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My Inspiration My mom essentially is the most inspirational person to me in a basically big way.
When I specifically feel down she comforts me, or so they for all intents and purposes though.
She listens to all of my problems and reassures me when my insecurities essentially come out in a
generally major way. She's also very determined, when she mostly puts her mind to something,
she exceeds basically past her goals, pretty contrary to popular belief. She kind of is not just my
mom she for the most part is also my really the best friend in a for all intents and purposes major
way. My mom for all intents and purposes is an pretty much older version of myself, she's definitely
short with kind of brown hair in a particularly major way. She literally has intimidating kind of green
eyes, more content...
She mostly has so basically any sort of other qualities, but these definitely are the ones that actually
stand out to me in a subtle way. She really has for all intents and purposes many different
mannerisms. When she's happy she essentially bounces off the walls like a kid on Halloween night,
generally further showing how she doesn't judge people based on their race, weight, sexuality, etc,
fairly further showing how when she particularly was younger she basically had kind of big hair
because she kind of lived in the 80's in a subtle way. When she's sad she doesn't show it because
she can very timid, so she wore leg warmers and fairly bright neon colors in a pretty major way.
When she's angry she will essentially let you know, demonstrating that she actually puts her foot
down and generally holds her ground when she particularly has to, pretty further showing how she
really was a very stylish teenager, which mostly is quite significant. When she's proud, she tells me
and generally makes generally sure I basically know she literally loves me in a particularly big
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My Life Of Mother : The Story Of My Mother
If you knew me, you would know that for the longest time i never understood why my biological
father left me. I never understood the struggle my mom went through as a single mother. I never
understood what it felt like to be alone, but my mom did. My mother is a beautiful, wise,
fire–cracker of a lady but can also be one of the sweetest, and all around most compassionate being
to everything and everyone in her life. But I never thought why.
Before I was conceived, given birth to, and grown into the person I am now, Patricia also very well
known as "mom" had a rocky start to life, but shook that off and left her broken past to see the
world in all of its alluring and exclusive colours. Her childhood was filled with anger and
alcoholism. Her mother had seven children, so she never had time to love and pay attention to her
only daughter. It was a hard life, she was poor, alone, and didn't understand why her mother never
looked at her the same way she did the boys. Her teen years weren't any easier, her brothers were
constantly in trouble with the law, and what they did she did. At the age of sixteen her stepfather
told her that once she was out of school, she had to leave which left her the only option to go to
college. She graduated from a business college and slowly started to put her new found life
together while two out of the six brothers she had came to join her on this adventure. My mom was
the life of the party, she had millions of friends and experienced things I could only dream about,
and the men in her life were blessed with her presence and grieved when they split apart.
After being single for quite some time, she met the one and only Antony Hunter. In her eyes he
was perfect, but deep down he was a cruel man. It was love at first sight, he saw her from across
the room and was smitten for her, at the time. She fell deeply into the swirling everlasting pit that
was his charm and she wasn't able to climb back out. For the most part you could say they were in
love, deeply, madly in love. Up until she heard the giggling of his son and the hum of his wife's
voice in the background over the phone one fateful night, and it all had changed. It was a war zone
between the two, screaming, fighting,
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Narrative Essay About My Mom
Something about my mom just helps me always stay positive. Whether it's the way she lives life
to the fullest, the troubles that she has gone through, or the way she bounces back from those
troubles. My mom has always kept her positive act on, and I don't know how she does it. She will
always be the person in the room that is the most bubbly and excited about life. She has gone
through hard times but though hope has guided her through hard experiences with life. My mom
lost her dad when she was older but it still had a big impact on her. I think that my grandpas death
was one of the most difficult things my mom has gone through. My grandpa or my moms dad
passed away February 6th 2004. My moms dad had a heart attack when he was in the car. My mom
has always said that she thinks he was driving to the hospital. I have always thought that
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My mom think about her dad everyday and think about the positive impact he had on her. My
mom tells us stories about what he dad would do if he was still with us now. Throughout the
stories my mom has told us I know many characteristics of my grandpa. My favorite stories are
the ones that my mom likes the best, which are all of them. My mom has always told my sister
and I if we ever want to talk to our grandpa or be with him he is always there for us and here with
us even though he isn't here. She also had bears made for us so we could be with our grandpa and
act as though the bear is him. My sister and I sleep with our bears on our bed every night, this
helps us sleep and get a better night's rest. The reason the bears are so special to us is because they
are made from my grandpas robe. This is important to me, because even though my has a hard time
with the situation she still helps other people with the situation. As you can tell my mom can act as
though nothing is wrong and help other people. That's why she represents
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Mother Essay : My Mother
My Mom Moms are the most special and pure beings in the world. They are that being who gives
everything for love, for her home, for her children and grandchildren. The mother is such a blessed
woman that she endures so many things for the sake of her children, while many times we are
ungrateful to them, assuming that our mothers will always be there for us.
When moms still there with you, it is fortunate to have her, because the kind of love she gives is the
purest you can ever find. My mom, for example, is very special to me, since she has taught me
how to live and how to value things in life. She has always been present at all times and has not
spent a single day in which she has forgotten to give me her blessing. she is the one more
She always encourages me to work hard, stay focus and never give up. She has been a great example
of how to be an excellent mother and wife. What I admire most about her is that when I was a baby
she used to work everyday and I am surprised that she always had time for me and her work, I mean
that working and taking care of a baby is very difficult. Everyday she gets up to work, to be sure that
I have everything I need. She's a mother and wife focused on giving her family the best of her. If my
family were in need, she would do whatever it takes to get what is needed.
Another reason why my mother is very special is because she always makes space and takes time
to go to my volleyball games. She sometimes has to drive three or four hours and stay in a hotel
just to be present in my games. She gets really involved in the game, she cheers a lot, and she is
my number one cheerleader. My mom sometimes takes goodies to treat my teammates. They all
respect and love her because how she treats everyone on the team. She gets excited and has a lot
of fun in my games. I'm thankful for what my mom has done for me. Everyday she's looking for
different ways to improve my lifestyle. The sacrifices she has to make to help me move forward is
something I will never be able to pay her back. There's nothing better than share with her my
challenges and achievements. I always ask God to bless me allowing me to have
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It took me a few years to realize what an extraordinary influence my mother has been on my life.
She's the kind of person who always has time for her kids, always interested in learning something
new, would sacrifice herself for her family, and is easily the strongest woman in my eyes. Growing
up, I know I haven't been the best son in the world but if you were to ask her, she would say
otherwise. Looking back, my mom is the most positive and important influence on my life. My
mother actually is an ordinary woman but in her tiny appearance shines an extraordinary fortitude,
perseverance, an altruistic soul and is very kind hearted. The kind of mother who brought me up with
her whole kindly heart, the kind of persistent woman more content...
Growing up in a poor family, my mother must work very hard to earn her living since an early age.
Due to shortage of material condition, she herself has trained an extremely strong will and ability
to sedately deal with each difficulty and stand up to move on from her failures. I vividly
remember the calamity poured down on my family when my mother' business went bankrupt. We
had to sell our house and leave for another town to begin from "zero". This critical time made
every member in my family really upset. But it was my mother, the persistent and brave women,
strongly stood up and started over again after this great adversity. Each of her failures, her grief,
and the way she overcame difficulties to move on has made an indelible impression in my mind,
leaving me with precious lessons about the values of strong wills and indefatigable endeavors to
firmly confront with setbacks and bravely conquer them. There was time when I felt that there
was no more hope in life, that I felt very weary and was about to give up everything. After the
constant moving from one place to another and my grades slipping down the drain I was unable to
deal with any small problems and felt embarrassed to meet my relatives and friends. However, that
was also the time that I acquired from my mother how to learn from her mistakes and developed my
own set of tools to take more lessons from them to realize the proper meanings of determination.
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The Relationship I Have With My Mother Essay
The relationship I have with my mother is complicated. During the first five years of my life, my
grandparents were the ones who raised my brother and I. I vividly remember the day when my
mother left to come to the United States. I constantly cried and chased after her, but she did not look
back at me nor explained the situation. Most likely, she must have thought that I was too young to
understand what was going on. Instead, with that memory, she left me scarred. Since then, I began
to develop a resentment towards her. A month before my sixth birthday, my father came to the
Philippines to bring my brother and I to the United States. I felt neutral about the situation. And
since I have not seen my mother in so long, my grudge died down. It felt as though I was going to
meet a stranger.
In my family, I am the middle child. My parents treat my siblings and I differently, which is more
noticeable from my mom. However, both of my parents seem to favor my siblings over me. My
dad prefers my younger sister, while my mom favors my older brother. Growing up, it is very
evident that favoritism occurs within this household. I am often considered as the problematic
child. I believe that the reason for so is because my parents did not give me as much attention
compared to my siblings, so they do not understand how I feel. I also grew up in a family where
disclosing how I feel is difficult to do without coming across as disrespectful towards my parents.
This conflict of favoritism and
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Descriptive Essay About My Mother
My mother Christy Rehn has many great qualities that make up who she is today. First, to give a
physical description; she is a female and is 44 years old about 5'5 . She has short dark brown hair
that goes down to her shoulders. Her eyes are as brown as a bear and are very fast moving. One
great quality is that my mom is very funny. She enjoys a good laugh when she's feeling happy or not
feeling well at all. She enjoys spending time with her family. Especially, going to the movies as well
as sitting out on the beach on a hot sunny day. My mom isn't just another average person, she shares
her many unique qualities that allow others to see who she really is on the inside. Walking in from
school, I saw Christy running around and more content...
Her opinion towards others is that some are better than others. I think that she has the ability to
inspire others since she is a teacher and in general. She makes others feel like they are welcome in
this world and that they can accomplish anything they work hard on or put their mind to. Taking
responsibility is something my mom really follows through on she makes a big to commitment to
her job, who she married, and especially to her kids. She is determined to make what we want to
become a reality. She thinks that nothing is impossible, you just have to work for your goals and
never back down from what you are doing. Her sense of humor is something that I love she is
hilarious and tells the best stories. I know that having boundaries is something us kids don't like
but it's a good thing on the parent side. While my mom loves me, she will be upset with me if I
make a serious mistake and there will be consequences. This shows that she has good parenting
and is loyal to what she says and does. My mom is a wonderful listener, if I tell her that I have a
big test coming up or that I got into trouble at school she will remind me each day to study for the
test coming up. She will then sit down with me to discuss what had happened that day at school.
It's like my mom has a daily agenda in her mind. She always knows what's going on the day being
like if I have a soccer game or if my sisters going out with friend etc, she
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Profile of My Mother
Getting to know my Mom It took me eighteen years to spend some quality time with my mother
and discover what an incredible journey she has had with my brothers and me. She is the kind of
person who has always been very involved with all parts of our daily lives. In fact, she was the kind
of mother who always had time for her three sons, worked full–time and had time to devote to
community projects too. Her energy and enthusiasm for all of these things seemed endless and she
always tried to teach the three of us to see the value in the idea of giving back to the community. I
was always glad that she was present at my games and supported me through school, but it took me
over a decade to learn what motivated her to be more content...
My mother also says, "...I am pretty sure God intended for me to have sons. I am more of a
tomboy than I am barbie doll. I am sure I would not have done well teaching a daughter how to do
all the girlie things. Not to mention, when my nieces were little, I noticed the drama began very
early on and they talked incessantly." Of course she winks and grins with these remarks. She was
like a second mother to my cousins and loves them dearly. As much as she is quick to point out
the reasons she loved having sons and why they are so easy to raise, there is more to this story. I
can 't count the times she has asked all of us why we need to scratch ourselves all of the time. This
is not something females understand. It is not something males really want or feel they need to
explain because it is just what we do. She can laugh about it and enjoyed imitating us and asking if
we would like to see her walking around the house in her underwear scratching or fondling her parts.
My mother was less tolerant of another brotherly trait – squabbling. That was another part of our
dynamic which just seemed normal to my brothers and me. We just liked to agitate each other. To
my mother this was upsetting because she didn 't want anyone hurt and she wanted to make sure
we had good relationships in the future. It was not easy for her to get us to engage in conversations
about feelings and relationships. Try as she might, we were most often not did not feel her same
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My Mother Essay
What can one say about their mother? One may talk about her positive and negative characteristics.
There are so many great traits I love and admire about my mom, that it would be difficult and unfair
to write about just one. Being strong, generous and optimistic are all some great personality traits,
which my mother possesses.
Ever since I can remember, my mother has been a strong individual. She raised my brother and I
financially, emotionally, physically and spiritually by herself. My mom gave her all, by that I
mean, she worked two jobs to make sure her children ate properly and that they had the essential
amenities to grow happily and successfully. Another way she supported us was with love and care.
My more content...
She would encourage me by simply saying, "Complaining is a useless way to solve problems, but
becoming active on the issue is a great way to conquer it. My mother My mother has always had
strong faith and views in her religion. When I was younger, every day and night, she would bring
prayer time to me and my brother's attention. My mom instilled As a child, my mother displayed the
seriousness of spirituality. In which she expressed her faith in us at an early age, that prayer time
was not the time to make jokes nor to complain about having to partake in it.
One lesson she taught us the most, was how seriousness about our spiritual beliefs could provide us
with a substantial, stable and structural lifestyle.
My mother's heart is at its purest when giving. I witnessed my mother chip in and pay for people's
rent, car notes, and buying them groceries. Although my mother's intentions were good,
occasionally, her generosity has been taken advantage of. One time a close friend of the family, came
to my mother in desperate need. He asked her to loan him a large amount of money, with the
agreement that he would pay back in either monthly or weekly installments. My mom never did see
the money that was due to her. Despite the incident she still gives and encourages others to give,
whether is it a donation, or volunteering your time in your community. My
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A Day in the Life of My Mother
Name: Zoey Tan Wei Lin (32) Class: 2 Endurance Date: 7 March 2011 A Day in the Life of My
Mother A day in the life of my mother when she was my age was not easy. So a day in her
teenager life starts like this. Early in the morning, about five thirty a.m., I wake up and found a
warm blanket on top of me. 'Father had waked up and had covered me, again, in his warm
blanket.' I thought. Anyway, I had to get up and help father in his humble little moveable cart that
sell rojak, a mixtures of tropical fruits, such as pineapple and so on. So I got up, get dress and was
ready. I got out of my room which I shared with four other siblings, my second sister, my younger
sister, my second brother and my youngest brother. more content...
We also play with fire crackers. But nowadays I did not play so much, instead, I go to people's park
complex to look for either my aunt or my second sister. My second sister was working there as a
tailor which I think I might soon join her as I could choose to be either a tailor or a hairdresser
but I think i will choose to be a tailor instead of a hairdresser. Because I think it might suit me
more. My aunt has a shop there, at the people's park complex, selling beads, laces and other
decorative materials used in sewing. So every night I will drop by there to help out and maybe
my aunt will give one to five cents for me to buy sweets but I always save it up in a biscuit tin.
Then, I will go home with my sister. And on the way home we will cross one bridge that is very
dark and we will always run across it sometimes there noises on it we will scream saying there is a
ghost. And when we finally reach home, I will be so tired and will go off to bed. So those were
the fond memories my mother had when she was a young adult but her life was not that easy after
all. However, she was strong enough and had braved through all difficulties. When I first asked her
about her life her first was not good, very bad but her optimist kept her going on. My mother will
always be my top number one
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My Reflection On My Mother Essay
A mother is someone who can take the place of all others but no one can take the place of her.
There are many different definitions you could use to describe your mother. My mother, Pam Krull,
fits every one of those. Today I decided to pick the three that I thought was most important to me. I
admire and aspire to be like my mother because of how supportive, how selfless, and how loving
she is. My mom has gone through a lot to get where she is today. I will begin by telling you a little
bit about my mom's background. My mom grew up outside of George with her parents, Harris and
Bev Kaster, and her three siblings, Erik, Brad, and Kristy. She attended George High School
when they were still Blue Jays. My mom was involved in a lot of different activities. She was in
the play, large group and individual speech, a cheerleader, played the drums in band, was in
student council, secretary of her class, REC club, band, and jazz band. In her free time she hung
out with friends and her sister. She had a few jobs growing up also. She babysat a lot, worked at
the library, and the dentist office. My mother also helped teach bible school, catechism, and attended
youth group at Hope Reformed Church. My mother met my dad, Doug Krull when she was a junior
in high school. They dated for a while and ended getting married. They then had three beautiful
daughters, Allyssa, Megan, and Rebecca. My mom went to Northwestern College in Orange City,
Iowa, to get her education
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My Philosophy Of My Mother
There is no greater feeling in the world than being able to say "I love what I do" and I want to be
able to say that. My intended major is to become a nurse and I know the path is not going to be
easy. There is going to be some bumps in the road, but I can and will push through them. I am my
biggest motivator and know that anything can happen if I truly desire it. Someone who has taught
me this ideal is my mother, a true role model. My mother put in hard work to provide my siblings
and I a better life. In return I want to become someone my mother can be proud of. I want to make
a change and help others just like my mother did. I am the type of person that when I have a goal set
in mind I will not stop until I achieve it. I have more content...
Where I worked was not the typical summer job the average teenager gets. I worked in hog
production where the manual labor could get heavy some days. I was discouraged from the type
of work this job required because many people said I would not last long. However this has
toughened me up and prepared me for what my profession could be like. In my work area, I was
considered a "nurse" for the animals I worked with. I would vaccinate, take temperatures, help with
the delivery of piglets, and so much more. I am glad I worked hard to fund my education and got
the experience I did this summer.
This Fall semester has had many ups and downs but I have persevered and know completing it will
be worth it. From having many assignments due at once to learning how to live on my own, I have
overcame each trial put in–front of me. I am optimistic that there will be a reward at the end:
earning my associate's. Being able to persevere will help me to accomplish and cherish my goals. I
am happy that my mother has taught me to push through when times are hard. She knew exactly
how important this skill would be for a successful life. This skill would also help me in my career
because as a nurse obstacles will be thrown my way and I will have to know how to power through
I love the feeling of achievement. The feeling of achieving a goal is extraordinarily indescribable. I
am proud to say I have successfully completed one year at SUU with a remarkable GPA. This
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Descriptive Essay About My Mother
No matter how hard life gets for me and how chaotic things can become there has always been one
person that I can turn to, my mom. She's been a wealth of advice to call on when I'm clueless and
a shoulder to cry on when I'm down. Her compassion for others inspires me to be a better person
as does the guidance she has given me over the years. She's not afraid to give me a reality check
and to tell me the things I don't want to hear even though I need to. She keeps me grounded and
teaches me to appreciate the smaller things in life. Even though my dad was still involved in my life
after my parents split up it was my mother who I primarily lived with and it was her who had the
greatest influence on my life growing up. Anyone who has known more content...
Heaven help you if you do anything to endanger her family. My mom also does not go soft on her
kids; she can be a formidable disciplinarian when she wants to and will not hesitate to set us
straight when we broke the rules. She won't let anybody walk over her and is really quick to anger
if you try. My mother is strong–willed and stubborn; when she sets her mind to something almost
nothing will stop her and what an impossible feat it is to change her mind on something. She is
very impatient; when she wants something done she wants it done at this very moment, no later.
She is idealistic and she enjoys the simpler things that life has to offer. She loves nature and would
love nothing more than to be living in a cabin in the mountains while listening to country music.
She does not pay much attention to news happening outside her local area and prefers to focus on
what's happening in her immediate area. From my mother I have learned how to be the person that
I am today. Through her I have learned the importance of family and that it is paramount to spend
time with them while I still have it. Even now I try to spend time with my family when I have the
opportunity to. Form her I have learned compassion for those around me and for animals. Even
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My Mom: Personal Essay: My Mother
AlGhalia AlShehab
Parents are one of the most beautiful things that could happen to anyone. They are always there by
your side no matter what; they always want the best for their children. They can be strict and
protective, its because they love their kids and they don't want them to get hurt. My parents are
special to me because with all the hard time that they had to have me and my siblings in their life
they still fought for us and didn't give up, even after 17 years of trying. But for me? The greatest of
all is my mom. She is the one that I look up too. She is the greatest of all. Simple, funny, strict,
protective, but yet she is the best.
Knowing her for nineteen years of my life. Since the first day that I met her, it's always
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She prefers that only god knows what's going on, not even her closest sisters know. I learned
from her that keeping your sadness and weakness to yourself, because no one lasts for long not
even your childhood buddy. Everyone will find a way to leave you somehow, someday, if not
today it could be tomorrow if not tomorrow in a thousand years. It's best to keep your weakness to
yourself and yourself only, because humans would attack you using your weakness and they could
get to you easily. She also always told me no one is your friend except your mom. She says, "Your
mom is your best friend".
Your mom is your best friend, sister, and your whole life. She helps you be successful and always
wants what's best for you and your future. Mothers choose to go through tough times and rocky
roads just to make sure that her off sprigs are in a good shape and are in excellent health. Mothers
would kill to see their kids in the best condition. If it means that they should give up on them, they
would! If your mother is around be appreciated for what you have and thank god that she is
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My Mother And My Childhood
To this day, I can still remember standing at the end of my driveway watching my mother arrive
home from the bus stop. This day was different; she was not coming home empty handed. In fact,
she had stopped at a yard sale on the way home and bought a prize for me, a doll named Suzy. This
memory, from the age of two, embraces the story of my mother and my entire childhood. In
Indianapolis, Indiana in September 1980, I was born to a single mother. Throughout her life, she
worked for the phone company in downtown Indianapolis. Even though she raised us through
hardships and despair, she always took the time to love my brother and me outwardly. Until
second grade, I have no recollection of my father visiting more than three occasions. At last, in
fourth grade we began to spend weekends at his house and with his family. Sadly, when I was
eleven we learned that my father had cancer. One week before Christmas, after a school music
program, I read his obituary in the paper and told my mother he had passed away. From that
moment, our family forever changed, specifically my relationship with my mother. During
childhood, I took enjoyment in reading, school, and the arts. Escaping into books and my
schoolwork would be my escape from real life. Since school was the priority in our household, there
was little time for extracurricular activities. Similarly, through my high school years, determined to
make my mother proud, I pushed myself to succeed. Above all else, college was the goal
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My Most Important Mentors In My Life : My Mother
I could say I have many mentors in my life, but my most important mentor is my mom. A mentor
to me is someone who critically guides you through your life decisions and provokes endless
learning from their life experiences and wisdom. The only person who meets my idea of a
mentor is my mom. I have known her since birth and have always felt loved and cared by her. She
gives me every tool I could possibly need to succeed through primary school and onto
postsecondary schooling. She has always given me words of encouragement, been honest when I
am in the wrong, and has always pushed me to reach my potential. I went to my mom on a
Sunday, which is family day in our house. We went out to lunch with my brother since he was
visiting from college, and I got the opportunity to ask my mom about her views on Mitch's and
my topics. In my conversation with my mom we talked about three topics; A meaningful life,
Family, and Education. Mitch's first topic was what it means to have a meaningful life. My mom
believes that what it means to have a meaningful life, is that it should not be defined by money or
other people's opinions. But rather it should be defined by your happiness and compassion for the
things you do in your everyday life. When discussing Mitch's second topic, family, my mom
believes that the most important thing is that family is there for you to be honest, and to be critical
of your decisions in life. We both agreed they should be supportive of your passions and beliefs,
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Essay Of My Mother

  • 1. Autobiography Of My Mother My mother is mestiza, my father is mestizo, my brother is mestizo, my tias, my tios, as am I. All mestizos. I've been told I am worthy of praise because I carry your language on my tongue without an accent, because I had an American education, because I can recite allegiance to your country. I am told I am worthy because I could assimilate to the culture, unlike my parents. I am often presented with shocked faces when I speak my second language, English, faces that always tell me that they would have never guessed I spoke so perfectly, thinking they'd have to work twice as hard to understand my heavy, foreign accent–the same accent my parents have. On top of that, I am the color of the sun reigning on my skin. I found from my 17 years here, it does not matter whether you are the color of milk or whether I speak English without an accent, the moment I speak Spanish and invite someone outside of my culture into my home and they notice I have Caso Cerrado on TV or see my mother swinging her hips to Vicente Fernandez, I am no longer White to them or "an insider." I am other, an outsider. A "dangerous" outsider. "Ni de aqui, ni de aca." "Ni de aqui," not White enough, deemed too Mexican. "Ni de aca," not Mexican enough, mestiza, and too whitewashed. Linda Alcoff (2006) said that after both her and her sister became "highly assimilated," they found that the process created feelings of alienation, inferiority, and inadequacy (p. 266). They diligently censored themselves and Get more content on
  • 2. Descriptive Essay About My Mother She's a small woman, her hair is short and the strands are few but thick. As I put my hands through her soft shiny hair I can almost feel her intense, painful past that she carries on her shoulders melt away. She smells like home and food, bringing back delightful memories of when I would stand on a chair next to her at the stove, as she taught me the secret of how to make our families enchilada sauce. Her skin is soft, from the countless nights she has spent making tamales just to make ends meet. She is fragile looking, almost as if a fall of a leaf would be enough to bring her plummeting down. I wrap my arms tenderly around her trying to embrace her fully while being as gentle as possible. Yet she is strong of mind, spirit, and soul, more content... I go to my mother's room, it's empty except for her dresser and the bed she sits on. I look at her and raise my shirt, "What are these?" I asked, her face is cold and severe, showing no emotion. She looked at me, first at my stomach and then at my face "They're called fat marks" she says coldly as she turned away, not giving me a second thought. I run upstairs to my room, it was in the attic. I try to find solace, but there was none. I could not escape the words that my mother had just said, they repeated in my head over and over again. Warm tears ran down my face, I search the room for something, anything to hold onto, to silence my cries, but there was nothing. I wrapped my arms around myself and cried until I fell asleep from exhaustion. I look in the mirror to see that my nose and lips are pink and tears are running down my cheeks, uncontrollably another memory jumps into my head. I'm looking for something in the corner of my mom's room that is the unspoken designated area for clothes. I find my favorite white lace shirt, I had found it in a second–hand store. It was the first shirt that I had found and bought myself and enjoyed wearing. It made me feel pretty, which was a difficult task. "I thought I lost you." I said out loud, "What?" my mother said. I turned around to see my mom was struggling to get down the stairs to her room, the pain of the movement evident on her face. I walked over to her and offered my arm and she took it. "I Get more content on
  • 3. Characteristics Of My Mother True Colours 4a) My Mom is gold because she embraces the concepts of family and religion very seriously. My family origin is Sri Lanka and one of the main languages spoken there is Tamil. In Canada, the main language spoken is English, which I speak at home and school. My parents communicate in English, however they also speak Tamil. My Mom doesn't want me to forget the Sri Lankan culture, so every night we watch Tamil shows on TV, together as afamily. She believes that by listening to Tamil everynight I won't forget the language. This make her an effective parent because she wants me to know another language which will help me in the future. By knowing another language, it is easier to communicate with relatives. Gold describes my Mom because she is polite. My Mom always uses her manners no matter where she goes. For example, if someone holds the door for her she will say thank you. When she receives a gift she doesn't like, she always says ''Thank you'' because she doesn't want to hurt the other person's feelings. She is always polite to elders and will listen attentively to their opinions, even if she doesn't approve of them. This characteristic of my Mom, makes her an effective parent because she is teaching me how I should behave in society. For example, when I speak to elders, I would stand up and speak to them, in order to show my respect. Her polite actions positively influence the choices I make in life. My Mom is Gold because she is extremely organized Get more content on
  • 4. My Mother The greatest influence in my life has been from my mother. She has nurtured, raised, and guided me through all of my ups and downs. She has been a rock for my family, and always shines her sunshine into our lives. My mom is someone I have always looked up to and who I strive to live my life like. She has always persevered through her challenges and had endurance while striving to achieve her goals. I have been inspired by my mom's legacy of determination and resilience, and hope to create a similar legacy for others and those who will come after me. My mother has always been a sweet and loving girl. Her parents married young, and loved her with every ounce of themselves. However, they soon separated when she was only one year old, leaving her to live with her mother. She created many beautiful memories with her mom, who smothered her in love and affection. Even though her world was content, her mother struggled financially and emotionally. They moved frequently, and my mom attended nine different schools before third grade. Eventually, my grandmother became unable to take care of my mom anymore, so she made a deal for my mom to live with her dad for one year. However, when the time came, my grandfather refused to let my mom go, because he knew that she would live a life on constant change and instability. He knew that she would be happier and safer living with him. Indeed, when my mom started the third grade, she was far behind, and by the end of the school year was one of Get more content on
  • 5. My Inspiration My mom essentially is the most inspirational person to me in a basically big way. When I specifically feel down she comforts me, or so they for all intents and purposes though. She listens to all of my problems and reassures me when my insecurities essentially come out in a generally major way. She's also very determined, when she mostly puts her mind to something, she exceeds basically past her goals, pretty contrary to popular belief. She kind of is not just my mom she for the most part is also my really the best friend in a for all intents and purposes major way. My mom for all intents and purposes is an pretty much older version of myself, she's definitely short with kind of brown hair in a particularly major way. She literally has intimidating kind of green eyes, more content... She mostly has so basically any sort of other qualities, but these definitely are the ones that actually stand out to me in a subtle way. She really has for all intents and purposes many different mannerisms. When she's happy she essentially bounces off the walls like a kid on Halloween night, generally further showing how she doesn't judge people based on their race, weight, sexuality, etc, fairly further showing how when she particularly was younger she basically had kind of big hair because she kind of lived in the 80's in a subtle way. When she's sad she doesn't show it because she can very timid, so she wore leg warmers and fairly bright neon colors in a pretty major way. When she's angry she will essentially let you know, demonstrating that she actually puts her foot down and generally holds her ground when she particularly has to, pretty further showing how she really was a very stylish teenager, which mostly is quite significant. When she's proud, she tells me and generally makes generally sure I basically know she literally loves me in a particularly big Get more content on
  • 6. My Life Of Mother : The Story Of My Mother If you knew me, you would know that for the longest time i never understood why my biological father left me. I never understood the struggle my mom went through as a single mother. I never understood what it felt like to be alone, but my mom did. My mother is a beautiful, wise, fire–cracker of a lady but can also be one of the sweetest, and all around most compassionate being to everything and everyone in her life. But I never thought why. Before I was conceived, given birth to, and grown into the person I am now, Patricia also very well known as "mom" had a rocky start to life, but shook that off and left her broken past to see the world in all of its alluring and exclusive colours. Her childhood was filled with anger and alcoholism. Her mother had seven children, so she never had time to love and pay attention to her only daughter. It was a hard life, she was poor, alone, and didn't understand why her mother never looked at her the same way she did the boys. Her teen years weren't any easier, her brothers were constantly in trouble with the law, and what they did she did. At the age of sixteen her stepfather told her that once she was out of school, she had to leave which left her the only option to go to college. She graduated from a business college and slowly started to put her new found life together while two out of the six brothers she had came to join her on this adventure. My mom was the life of the party, she had millions of friends and experienced things I could only dream about, and the men in her life were blessed with her presence and grieved when they split apart. After being single for quite some time, she met the one and only Antony Hunter. In her eyes he was perfect, but deep down he was a cruel man. It was love at first sight, he saw her from across the room and was smitten for her, at the time. She fell deeply into the swirling everlasting pit that was his charm and she wasn't able to climb back out. For the most part you could say they were in love, deeply, madly in love. Up until she heard the giggling of his son and the hum of his wife's voice in the background over the phone one fateful night, and it all had changed. It was a war zone between the two, screaming, fighting, Get more content on
  • 7. Narrative Essay About My Mom Something about my mom just helps me always stay positive. Whether it's the way she lives life to the fullest, the troubles that she has gone through, or the way she bounces back from those troubles. My mom has always kept her positive act on, and I don't know how she does it. She will always be the person in the room that is the most bubbly and excited about life. She has gone through hard times but though hope has guided her through hard experiences with life. My mom lost her dad when she was older but it still had a big impact on her. I think that my grandpas death was one of the most difficult things my mom has gone through. My grandpa or my moms dad passed away February 6th 2004. My moms dad had a heart attack when he was in the car. My mom has always said that she thinks he was driving to the hospital. I have always thought that more content... My mom think about her dad everyday and think about the positive impact he had on her. My mom tells us stories about what he dad would do if he was still with us now. Throughout the stories my mom has told us I know many characteristics of my grandpa. My favorite stories are the ones that my mom likes the best, which are all of them. My mom has always told my sister and I if we ever want to talk to our grandpa or be with him he is always there for us and here with us even though he isn't here. She also had bears made for us so we could be with our grandpa and act as though the bear is him. My sister and I sleep with our bears on our bed every night, this helps us sleep and get a better night's rest. The reason the bears are so special to us is because they are made from my grandpas robe. This is important to me, because even though my has a hard time with the situation she still helps other people with the situation. As you can tell my mom can act as though nothing is wrong and help other people. That's why she represents Get more content on
  • 8. Mother Essay : My Mother My Mom Moms are the most special and pure beings in the world. They are that being who gives everything for love, for her home, for her children and grandchildren. The mother is such a blessed woman that she endures so many things for the sake of her children, while many times we are ungrateful to them, assuming that our mothers will always be there for us. When moms still there with you, it is fortunate to have her, because the kind of love she gives is the purest you can ever find. My mom, for example, is very special to me, since she has taught me how to live and how to value things in life. She has always been present at all times and has not spent a single day in which she has forgotten to give me her blessing. she is the one more content... She always encourages me to work hard, stay focus and never give up. She has been a great example of how to be an excellent mother and wife. What I admire most about her is that when I was a baby she used to work everyday and I am surprised that she always had time for me and her work, I mean that working and taking care of a baby is very difficult. Everyday she gets up to work, to be sure that I have everything I need. She's a mother and wife focused on giving her family the best of her. If my family were in need, she would do whatever it takes to get what is needed. Another reason why my mother is very special is because she always makes space and takes time to go to my volleyball games. She sometimes has to drive three or four hours and stay in a hotel just to be present in my games. She gets really involved in the game, she cheers a lot, and she is my number one cheerleader. My mom sometimes takes goodies to treat my teammates. They all respect and love her because how she treats everyone on the team. She gets excited and has a lot of fun in my games. I'm thankful for what my mom has done for me. Everyday she's looking for different ways to improve my lifestyle. The sacrifices she has to make to help me move forward is something I will never be able to pay her back. There's nothing better than share with her my challenges and achievements. I always ask God to bless me allowing me to have Get more content on
  • 9. It took me a few years to realize what an extraordinary influence my mother has been on my life. She's the kind of person who always has time for her kids, always interested in learning something new, would sacrifice herself for her family, and is easily the strongest woman in my eyes. Growing up, I know I haven't been the best son in the world but if you were to ask her, she would say otherwise. Looking back, my mom is the most positive and important influence on my life. My mother actually is an ordinary woman but in her tiny appearance shines an extraordinary fortitude, perseverance, an altruistic soul and is very kind hearted. The kind of mother who brought me up with her whole kindly heart, the kind of persistent woman more content... Growing up in a poor family, my mother must work very hard to earn her living since an early age. Due to shortage of material condition, she herself has trained an extremely strong will and ability to sedately deal with each difficulty and stand up to move on from her failures. I vividly remember the calamity poured down on my family when my mother' business went bankrupt. We had to sell our house and leave for another town to begin from "zero". This critical time made every member in my family really upset. But it was my mother, the persistent and brave women, strongly stood up and started over again after this great adversity. Each of her failures, her grief, and the way she overcame difficulties to move on has made an indelible impression in my mind, leaving me with precious lessons about the values of strong wills and indefatigable endeavors to firmly confront with setbacks and bravely conquer them. There was time when I felt that there was no more hope in life, that I felt very weary and was about to give up everything. After the constant moving from one place to another and my grades slipping down the drain I was unable to deal with any small problems and felt embarrassed to meet my relatives and friends. However, that was also the time that I acquired from my mother how to learn from her mistakes and developed my own set of tools to take more lessons from them to realize the proper meanings of determination. Get more content on
  • 10. The Relationship I Have With My Mother Essay The relationship I have with my mother is complicated. During the first five years of my life, my grandparents were the ones who raised my brother and I. I vividly remember the day when my mother left to come to the United States. I constantly cried and chased after her, but she did not look back at me nor explained the situation. Most likely, she must have thought that I was too young to understand what was going on. Instead, with that memory, she left me scarred. Since then, I began to develop a resentment towards her. A month before my sixth birthday, my father came to the Philippines to bring my brother and I to the United States. I felt neutral about the situation. And since I have not seen my mother in so long, my grudge died down. It felt as though I was going to meet a stranger. In my family, I am the middle child. My parents treat my siblings and I differently, which is more noticeable from my mom. However, both of my parents seem to favor my siblings over me. My dad prefers my younger sister, while my mom favors my older brother. Growing up, it is very evident that favoritism occurs within this household. I am often considered as the problematic child. I believe that the reason for so is because my parents did not give me as much attention compared to my siblings, so they do not understand how I feel. I also grew up in a family where disclosing how I feel is difficult to do without coming across as disrespectful towards my parents. This conflict of favoritism and Get more content on
  • 11. Descriptive Essay About My Mother My mother Christy Rehn has many great qualities that make up who she is today. First, to give a physical description; she is a female and is 44 years old about 5'5 . She has short dark brown hair that goes down to her shoulders. Her eyes are as brown as a bear and are very fast moving. One great quality is that my mom is very funny. She enjoys a good laugh when she's feeling happy or not feeling well at all. She enjoys spending time with her family. Especially, going to the movies as well as sitting out on the beach on a hot sunny day. My mom isn't just another average person, she shares her many unique qualities that allow others to see who she really is on the inside. Walking in from school, I saw Christy running around and more content... Her opinion towards others is that some are better than others. I think that she has the ability to inspire others since she is a teacher and in general. She makes others feel like they are welcome in this world and that they can accomplish anything they work hard on or put their mind to. Taking responsibility is something my mom really follows through on she makes a big to commitment to her job, who she married, and especially to her kids. She is determined to make what we want to become a reality. She thinks that nothing is impossible, you just have to work for your goals and never back down from what you are doing. Her sense of humor is something that I love she is hilarious and tells the best stories. I know that having boundaries is something us kids don't like but it's a good thing on the parent side. While my mom loves me, she will be upset with me if I make a serious mistake and there will be consequences. This shows that she has good parenting and is loyal to what she says and does. My mom is a wonderful listener, if I tell her that I have a big test coming up or that I got into trouble at school she will remind me each day to study for the test coming up. She will then sit down with me to discuss what had happened that day at school. It's like my mom has a daily agenda in her mind. She always knows what's going on the day being like if I have a soccer game or if my sisters going out with friend etc, she Get more content on
  • 12. Profile of My Mother Getting to know my Mom It took me eighteen years to spend some quality time with my mother and discover what an incredible journey she has had with my brothers and me. She is the kind of person who has always been very involved with all parts of our daily lives. In fact, she was the kind of mother who always had time for her three sons, worked full–time and had time to devote to community projects too. Her energy and enthusiasm for all of these things seemed endless and she always tried to teach the three of us to see the value in the idea of giving back to the community. I was always glad that she was present at my games and supported me through school, but it took me over a decade to learn what motivated her to be more content... My mother also says, "...I am pretty sure God intended for me to have sons. I am more of a tomboy than I am barbie doll. I am sure I would not have done well teaching a daughter how to do all the girlie things. Not to mention, when my nieces were little, I noticed the drama began very early on and they talked incessantly." Of course she winks and grins with these remarks. She was like a second mother to my cousins and loves them dearly. As much as she is quick to point out the reasons she loved having sons and why they are so easy to raise, there is more to this story. I can 't count the times she has asked all of us why we need to scratch ourselves all of the time. This is not something females understand. It is not something males really want or feel they need to explain because it is just what we do. She can laugh about it and enjoyed imitating us and asking if we would like to see her walking around the house in her underwear scratching or fondling her parts. My mother was less tolerant of another brotherly trait – squabbling. That was another part of our dynamic which just seemed normal to my brothers and me. We just liked to agitate each other. To my mother this was upsetting because she didn 't want anyone hurt and she wanted to make sure we had good relationships in the future. It was not easy for her to get us to engage in conversations about feelings and relationships. Try as she might, we were most often not did not feel her same Get more content on
  • 13. My Mother Essay What can one say about their mother? One may talk about her positive and negative characteristics. There are so many great traits I love and admire about my mom, that it would be difficult and unfair to write about just one. Being strong, generous and optimistic are all some great personality traits, which my mother possesses. Ever since I can remember, my mother has been a strong individual. She raised my brother and I financially, emotionally, physically and spiritually by herself. My mom gave her all, by that I mean, she worked two jobs to make sure her children ate properly and that they had the essential amenities to grow happily and successfully. Another way she supported us was with love and care. My more content... She would encourage me by simply saying, "Complaining is a useless way to solve problems, but becoming active on the issue is a great way to conquer it. My mother My mother has always had strong faith and views in her religion. When I was younger, every day and night, she would bring prayer time to me and my brother's attention. My mom instilled As a child, my mother displayed the seriousness of spirituality. In which she expressed her faith in us at an early age, that prayer time was not the time to make jokes nor to complain about having to partake in it. One lesson she taught us the most, was how seriousness about our spiritual beliefs could provide us with a substantial, stable and structural lifestyle. My mother's heart is at its purest when giving. I witnessed my mother chip in and pay for people's rent, car notes, and buying them groceries. Although my mother's intentions were good, occasionally, her generosity has been taken advantage of. One time a close friend of the family, came to my mother in desperate need. He asked her to loan him a large amount of money, with the agreement that he would pay back in either monthly or weekly installments. My mom never did see the money that was due to her. Despite the incident she still gives and encourages others to give, whether is it a donation, or volunteering your time in your community. My Get more content on
  • 14. A Day in the Life of My Mother Name: Zoey Tan Wei Lin (32) Class: 2 Endurance Date: 7 March 2011 A Day in the Life of My Mother A day in the life of my mother when she was my age was not easy. So a day in her teenager life starts like this. Early in the morning, about five thirty a.m., I wake up and found a warm blanket on top of me. 'Father had waked up and had covered me, again, in his warm blanket.' I thought. Anyway, I had to get up and help father in his humble little moveable cart that sell rojak, a mixtures of tropical fruits, such as pineapple and so on. So I got up, get dress and was ready. I got out of my room which I shared with four other siblings, my second sister, my younger sister, my second brother and my youngest brother. more content... We also play with fire crackers. But nowadays I did not play so much, instead, I go to people's park complex to look for either my aunt or my second sister. My second sister was working there as a tailor which I think I might soon join her as I could choose to be either a tailor or a hairdresser but I think i will choose to be a tailor instead of a hairdresser. Because I think it might suit me more. My aunt has a shop there, at the people's park complex, selling beads, laces and other decorative materials used in sewing. So every night I will drop by there to help out and maybe my aunt will give one to five cents for me to buy sweets but I always save it up in a biscuit tin. Then, I will go home with my sister. And on the way home we will cross one bridge that is very dark and we will always run across it sometimes there noises on it we will scream saying there is a ghost. And when we finally reach home, I will be so tired and will go off to bed. So those were the fond memories my mother had when she was a young adult but her life was not that easy after all. However, she was strong enough and had braved through all difficulties. When I first asked her about her life her first was not good, very bad but her optimist kept her going on. My mother will always be my top number one Get more content on
  • 15. My Reflection On My Mother Essay A mother is someone who can take the place of all others but no one can take the place of her. There are many different definitions you could use to describe your mother. My mother, Pam Krull, fits every one of those. Today I decided to pick the three that I thought was most important to me. I admire and aspire to be like my mother because of how supportive, how selfless, and how loving she is. My mom has gone through a lot to get where she is today. I will begin by telling you a little bit about my mom's background. My mom grew up outside of George with her parents, Harris and Bev Kaster, and her three siblings, Erik, Brad, and Kristy. She attended George High School when they were still Blue Jays. My mom was involved in a lot of different activities. She was in the play, large group and individual speech, a cheerleader, played the drums in band, was in student council, secretary of her class, REC club, band, and jazz band. In her free time she hung out with friends and her sister. She had a few jobs growing up also. She babysat a lot, worked at the library, and the dentist office. My mother also helped teach bible school, catechism, and attended youth group at Hope Reformed Church. My mother met my dad, Doug Krull when she was a junior in high school. They dated for a while and ended getting married. They then had three beautiful daughters, Allyssa, Megan, and Rebecca. My mom went to Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa, to get her education Get more content on
  • 16. My Philosophy Of My Mother There is no greater feeling in the world than being able to say "I love what I do" and I want to be able to say that. My intended major is to become a nurse and I know the path is not going to be easy. There is going to be some bumps in the road, but I can and will push through them. I am my biggest motivator and know that anything can happen if I truly desire it. Someone who has taught me this ideal is my mother, a true role model. My mother put in hard work to provide my siblings and I a better life. In return I want to become someone my mother can be proud of. I want to make a change and help others just like my mother did. I am the type of person that when I have a goal set in mind I will not stop until I achieve it. I have more content... Where I worked was not the typical summer job the average teenager gets. I worked in hog production where the manual labor could get heavy some days. I was discouraged from the type of work this job required because many people said I would not last long. However this has toughened me up and prepared me for what my profession could be like. In my work area, I was considered a "nurse" for the animals I worked with. I would vaccinate, take temperatures, help with the delivery of piglets, and so much more. I am glad I worked hard to fund my education and got the experience I did this summer. This Fall semester has had many ups and downs but I have persevered and know completing it will be worth it. From having many assignments due at once to learning how to live on my own, I have overcame each trial put in–front of me. I am optimistic that there will be a reward at the end: earning my associate's. Being able to persevere will help me to accomplish and cherish my goals. I am happy that my mother has taught me to push through when times are hard. She knew exactly how important this skill would be for a successful life. This skill would also help me in my career because as a nurse obstacles will be thrown my way and I will have to know how to power through them. I love the feeling of achievement. The feeling of achieving a goal is extraordinarily indescribable. I am proud to say I have successfully completed one year at SUU with a remarkable GPA. This Get more content on
  • 17. Descriptive Essay About My Mother No matter how hard life gets for me and how chaotic things can become there has always been one person that I can turn to, my mom. She's been a wealth of advice to call on when I'm clueless and a shoulder to cry on when I'm down. Her compassion for others inspires me to be a better person as does the guidance she has given me over the years. She's not afraid to give me a reality check and to tell me the things I don't want to hear even though I need to. She keeps me grounded and teaches me to appreciate the smaller things in life. Even though my dad was still involved in my life after my parents split up it was my mother who I primarily lived with and it was her who had the greatest influence on my life growing up. Anyone who has known more content... Heaven help you if you do anything to endanger her family. My mom also does not go soft on her kids; she can be a formidable disciplinarian when she wants to and will not hesitate to set us straight when we broke the rules. She won't let anybody walk over her and is really quick to anger if you try. My mother is strong–willed and stubborn; when she sets her mind to something almost nothing will stop her and what an impossible feat it is to change her mind on something. She is very impatient; when she wants something done she wants it done at this very moment, no later. She is idealistic and she enjoys the simpler things that life has to offer. She loves nature and would love nothing more than to be living in a cabin in the mountains while listening to country music. She does not pay much attention to news happening outside her local area and prefers to focus on what's happening in her immediate area. From my mother I have learned how to be the person that I am today. Through her I have learned the importance of family and that it is paramount to spend time with them while I still have it. Even now I try to spend time with my family when I have the opportunity to. Form her I have learned compassion for those around me and for animals. Even Get more content on
  • 18. My Mom: Personal Essay: My Mother Mom AlGhalia AlShehab 0013448 Engl112–11 Parents are one of the most beautiful things that could happen to anyone. They are always there by your side no matter what; they always want the best for their children. They can be strict and protective, its because they love their kids and they don't want them to get hurt. My parents are special to me because with all the hard time that they had to have me and my siblings in their life they still fought for us and didn't give up, even after 17 years of trying. But for me? The greatest of all is my mom. She is the one that I look up too. She is the greatest of all. Simple, funny, strict, protective, but yet she is the best. Knowing her for nineteen years of my life. Since the first day that I met her, it's always more content... She prefers that only god knows what's going on, not even her closest sisters know. I learned from her that keeping your sadness and weakness to yourself, because no one lasts for long not even your childhood buddy. Everyone will find a way to leave you somehow, someday, if not today it could be tomorrow if not tomorrow in a thousand years. It's best to keep your weakness to yourself and yourself only, because humans would attack you using your weakness and they could get to you easily. She also always told me no one is your friend except your mom. She says, "Your mom is your best friend". Your mom is your best friend, sister, and your whole life. She helps you be successful and always wants what's best for you and your future. Mothers choose to go through tough times and rocky roads just to make sure that her off sprigs are in a good shape and are in excellent health. Mothers would kill to see their kids in the best condition. If it means that they should give up on them, they would! If your mother is around be appreciated for what you have and thank god that she is Get more content on
  • 19. My Mother And My Childhood To this day, I can still remember standing at the end of my driveway watching my mother arrive home from the bus stop. This day was different; she was not coming home empty handed. In fact, she had stopped at a yard sale on the way home and bought a prize for me, a doll named Suzy. This memory, from the age of two, embraces the story of my mother and my entire childhood. In Indianapolis, Indiana in September 1980, I was born to a single mother. Throughout her life, she worked for the phone company in downtown Indianapolis. Even though she raised us through hardships and despair, she always took the time to love my brother and me outwardly. Until second grade, I have no recollection of my father visiting more than three occasions. At last, in fourth grade we began to spend weekends at his house and with his family. Sadly, when I was eleven we learned that my father had cancer. One week before Christmas, after a school music program, I read his obituary in the paper and told my mother he had passed away. From that moment, our family forever changed, specifically my relationship with my mother. During childhood, I took enjoyment in reading, school, and the arts. Escaping into books and my schoolwork would be my escape from real life. Since school was the priority in our household, there was little time for extracurricular activities. Similarly, through my high school years, determined to make my mother proud, I pushed myself to succeed. Above all else, college was the goal Get more content on
  • 20. My Most Important Mentors In My Life : My Mother I could say I have many mentors in my life, but my most important mentor is my mom. A mentor to me is someone who critically guides you through your life decisions and provokes endless learning from their life experiences and wisdom. The only person who meets my idea of a mentor is my mom. I have known her since birth and have always felt loved and cared by her. She gives me every tool I could possibly need to succeed through primary school and onto postsecondary schooling. She has always given me words of encouragement, been honest when I am in the wrong, and has always pushed me to reach my potential. I went to my mom on a Sunday, which is family day in our house. We went out to lunch with my brother since he was visiting from college, and I got the opportunity to ask my mom about her views on Mitch's and my topics. In my conversation with my mom we talked about three topics; A meaningful life, Family, and Education. Mitch's first topic was what it means to have a meaningful life. My mom believes that what it means to have a meaningful life, is that it should not be defined by money or other people's opinions. But rather it should be defined by your happiness and compassion for the things you do in your everyday life. When discussing Mitch's second topic, family, my mom believes that the most important thing is that family is there for you to be honest, and to be critical of your decisions in life. We both agreed they should be supportive of your passions and beliefs, Get more content on