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Dear Mom Essays
Dear Mom,
You're probably thinking, What is this? I've been in college for four years, and I've never written
you a letter. I've sent you a couple of emails that you never checked. Mostly I call, say hello, and
hang up. That way you have to call me back, and my phone bill stays small.
I'm writing because I have something I need to tell you, but I feel silly saying it. Also, I can be
more organized this way. You know how weengineers like everything in its place. Anyway, I need
to tell you this because of something tacked on my wall. It's something I believe in, but I've never
done anything about it. It's a quote. It goes something like this.
Don't waste a single moment you may spend with someone you love. Don't neglect to
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Blood and guts just aren't for me.
Also, I don't get your whole sports thing. Running, skiing, or biking for hours just doesn't appeal to
me. And it makes you so tired! You're usually snoring on the couch before I leave for the night.
So, OK. We aren't exactly two of a kind. Sometimes it shows. Many a long day together has ended
in hostile silence. I'm not trying to put you down here. Actually, I'm trying to be a little funny.
Actually, I'm avoiding the part that's hard for me: the part where I tell you why you are my role model
. The part where I tell you why I admire you so much. The sentimental part.
Telling you this presents a problem. You're the touchy feely one. How am I going to do this?
Fortunately, being a good engineering student has made me a good problem solver. Or maybe it's
the other way around. Anyway, I can solve this problem. I have a bunch of reasons I admire you.
I'll simply put them into a bullet list. Then I will elaborate. I love bullet lists. They're organized,
succinct, and pleasing to the eye. Here's one for you:
* Career
* Friends
* Sports
* Independence
* Family
You've spent most of your adult life working as a nurse in the emergency room. You must have saved
hundreds of lives, but you never mention it. You would rather tell funny, usually vulgar, stories
about what happens at work.
Then, in your mid–thirties (over ten years ago!) you did something
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My Mom Taught Me
Looking back through my life, i have realized my mother has taught me the most. The one who
means the most to me, the one person that has been the absolute best she can be for me and our
family, always. The strongest most wise human being i know has been in my life since day one,
which i am forever grateful for. "The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just
make the best of everything." This quote is something my mom has always lived by and taught her
kids at a young age. We weren't rich, didn't have everything we needed at times but we always had
our family and love that went all around, which was enough for us. My mom is honestly my rock,
she has been there for me through everything. Throughout life we have definitely had our
differences, mostly it's me, the teenager wanting to do something stupid and my mom trying to show
me why i shouldn't make these careless decisions. As a teenager you might think you are grown and
know everything that's why the parents are there to knock some sense into our brains, they have
been through the same exact stuff, they can shed some light on the situation. Parents try to teach
their kids to learn from their mistakes but, everyone has to learn from their own mistakes. So the
parents can only do their best at teaching their children morals. My mother has taught me everything
i know, starting off with being grateful everyday, living in the moment every single day, to seize the
day. My mom has taught me right from
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A Moment With My Mother
Did you ever know a moment that somehow set a course for the rest of your future? That moment
for me is when I met my mother. It's funny how I don't really remember that moment , but it will
impact me for the rest of my life. I lerato Scott was born to Martha Bok on September 30,1999 in
Pretoria , South Africa. I weighed in at about 2.6 pounds. Nice and healthy right? I lived with
Martha for a short time after my birth, but due to her Tuberculosis and HIV AIDS she was unable to
take care of me. At the time I was around 18 months I was brought to a Place of Safety, but was
soon hospitalized when I started showing signs of TB. Along with TB I was battling herpes and
ear infections as well as severe eczema. My eczema was so bad that it left my skin raw and
bleeding. Every body craves that you can think of was cracked and bleeding. My neck , behind my
ears , my armpits. You name it. Now normally at 18 months babies start to crawl around or even
begin talking. Due to severe malnourishment I was doing none of these things. I even had plateaued
in my growth at this point.
I often ask my mother how she came to find me or how she even ended up in South Africa .
Everytime she tells me she says it was purely a God thing.
Dana Scott was working as a missionary at a place called Bethesda Outreach Ministries when I was
placed in her care. Bethesda is an organization that provides orphans with a safe and loving family.
When I came into my mother's home I was an absolute
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One And Only Mom Essay
My One and Only Mom When you look at my family right now, you can see that everyone is
separated from each other. My mom and sister live in the states, my other sister lives in the
Philippines, and I live here on Saipan with my dad. My mom is the kind of person to speak her
mind out at times that may seem to be annoying. My mother is one of the people I admire because
she can speak her mind out, she can talk to others, and she can handle many situations. My
mother is one of the people I admire. When you look at my mother, she seems a bit quiet and she
has a scary aura to her. She is an average Asian lady with mean looks. One thing I admire about my
mom is the fact that she can speak her mind out, whether it was hurtful or not. I remember one
time we were at a big mall with tons of clothing, I think it was Macy's. So, as we entered the door
the intoxicating smell of sweet perfume assaulted my nostrils, it was a smell so thick you could
probably see the scent. This scent caused my mother to say "The smell here is horrid", and the staff
working there looked at my mother more content...
Out of all places, in a huge grocery isle filled with candies and goods of every color, people
seemed to notice my mom. Which lead to me to being bored out of my mind and staying at the
shop for a while. Just about everywhere we went, including the dock with the big huge ships;
people seemed to know my mother. I remember going to Managaha and my mom just stepped into
a boat and asked a man to take us to Managaha, and he did. Apparently my mom was his first aid
instructor, so he gave us a free ride there and back. I saw the glittering ocean and I smelled the fresh
salty breeze, it was almost as if you could taste the air of salt. The ocean was a magical place, after
we stayed at Managaha for a bit we returned home. My mom's ability to speak to others came in
hand for about any
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My Mom Essay
My mom is the most important person to me, and I look up to her so much! She volunteers in so
many different things in the community, and that's what makes her such a good role model to me. I
think she passed on a lot of her good traits to me, which I am very grateful for!
She grew up on a farm near Buxton, North Dakota, and had a younger sister and brother. AfterHigh
School in Climax, she was off to NDSU! "I'm going to live in a BIG city with my husband being a
city man," she always said when she was young. That all changed when she met my dad at NDSU.
She never expected to fall in love with a farm kid from NDSU, but she did. After college, they got
married and moved out to our farm here. I guess her view on living in the city with more
She is also the best cook, and I don't think I could survive without her food! She always makes sure
we eat the best meals every day, and cooks a wide variety of the most delicious food. My favorite
food is stir–fry, and she can make ultimate stir–fry! She's even taught me how to cook and prepare it.
My mom works so hard every day cooking meals for events she's volunteered at, and is always
baking the most delicious goodies for every occasion. When my dad and our hired men are
operating out in the field, she always makes sure to bring out mouthwatering meals for them!
Cooking is one of her best talents, and I hope one day I can be as good as a cook as her!
The only fault about her is that...she speeds a lot. She's like a cheetah on the highway!! She's
definitely very prone to speeding, which is why my dad and the workers on our farm regard her
as "110 Jen", because sometimes it seems she's going 110 miles per hour! At least it means when
she bolts down the highway as fast as she can we get to our destination faster on long road trips!
I hope one day I will turn out to be like my mom, because I think she is an example of a person
who is not only kind, but also talented, generous, and so supportive and understanding. She always
tells me to "Treat others how you want to be treated," and that's the motto by which she lives by. We
know we love each other so much, and I couldn't imagine living in a world with a different mom.
She is the best
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My Mom Essay
When I was younger I never really had a mother because my parents had got a divorce when I was 5
and I've never seen her ever since then. Because of this my Dad had to provide for my sister and
I, with him working forty hours a week and always having to take my sister and I to a babysitter.
My dad is the hardest working person I have ever met. With my dad working and me and my
sister at a babysitter my dad never really had time with us and he was very lonely in having
someone else in his life. He started going on dating sites and would meet people he was interested
in talking to more. This one day my dad had the day off and set up a date with this one woman
named Kristi. She had two kids of her own, one named Jessika and one named more
That same week on friday we packed to go to the beach and spend the weekend together. We all
get in the car and it doesn't last long till the silence is broken, being my age and knowing I might
have two new sisters was not an idea I had in mind. I hated it. It was miserable. The whole way
down to the beach we argued about things i realize now were the most stupid things you could
fight over. Like how far the others person's seat in front was pushed back, or even just fighting
over who did something the best. It felt like forever that we were on the road, but we eventually
get to the beach. We get to the hotel we were staying at and that started another issue. Who was
gonna get the beds and couch and which two were sleeping on the floor. It took forever it seemed
but we picked straws and ended up getting the couch. Not gonna lie it was fun at the beach. We had
brought some shovels and some things to make sand castles out of. So apart from the arguing that
happened, we all ended up having a great time.
Now my dad and Kristi have been dating for about nine months and they have been talking about
getting married for awhile now. I myself have gotten used to the fact that they we going to end up
getting married sooner or later. And that ended up being a true fact. My dad on March 25, 2007
married to his wife Kristi who I called mom. The wedding was a wonderful time of celebration and
hanging out with new relatives
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Mother Definition Essay
Growing up, I was used to being bombarded by stories from both my mother and father. My
mother with her religious stories, and my father with his experiences from when he was a little
boy living in Vietnam. What I noticed in all of my mother's stories, was that she was trying to get
a certain message across. Be good. If there is anything that my mother is more stern on then
studies, it would be on being a "good" person that knows their morals and can perfectly execute
and stand by it. My mother's definition of "good", is being selfless, caring, and honest, by being
so you will be rewarded by having to the choice to go to Heaven, or to get reincarnated into a
higher position in society. My mother made it her duty to raise me with the same morals as her
since she believed that hers was "right". She believed that the perfect human being was one that was
always willing to give and one who was always more content...
He does not know whether or not God or exists, or if there is a higher being, but what he does
know is he saw a ghost, which lead him to believe in an afterlife. My father's way of thinking is
similar to that Aristotle's. Aristotle believed that through our senses, we will find truth. That first, we
use senses, and then use reason afterwards to categorize the things we experience. My father used his
senses, sight, to establish that there is an afterlife.
My mother is like my father, in the sense that they both believe in an afterlife. However, unlike my
father, my mother is a very religious woman who is very faithful to her Catholic beliefs, although
with some altercations. My mother believes that when a person dies, they will get to have the
choice of whether they want to go to Heaven, or get reincarnated into a person with a higher social
standing in
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Mother Essay : My Mother
My Mom Moms are the most special and pure beings in the world. They are that being who gives
everything for love, for her home, for her children and grandchildren. The mother is such a blessed
woman that she endures so many things for the sake of her children, while many times we are
ungrateful to them, assuming that our mothers will always be there for us.
When moms still there with you, it is fortunate to have her, because the kind of love she gives is the
purest you can ever find. My mom, for example, is very special to me, since she has taught me
how to live and how to value things in life. She has always been present at all times and has not
spent a single day in which she has forgotten to give me her blessing. she is the one more
She always encourages me to work hard, stay focus and never give up. She has been a great example
of how to be an excellent mother and wife. What I admire most about her is that when I was a baby
she used to work everyday and I am surprised that she always had time for me and her work, I mean
that working and taking care of a baby is very difficult. Everyday she gets up to work, to be sure that
I have everything I need. She's a mother and wife focused on giving her family the best of her. If my
family were in need, she would do whatever it takes to get what is needed.
Another reason why my mother is very special is because she always makes space and takes time
to go to my volleyball games. She sometimes has to drive three or four hours and stay in a hotel
just to be present in my games. She gets really involved in the game, she cheers a lot, and she is
my number one cheerleader. My mom sometimes takes goodies to treat my teammates. They all
respect and love her because how she treats everyone on the team. She gets excited and has a lot
of fun in my games. I'm thankful for what my mom has done for me. Everyday she's looking for
different ways to improve my lifestyle. The sacrifices she has to make to help me move forward is
something I will never be able to pay her back. There's nothing better than share with her my
challenges and achievements. I always ask God to bless me allowing me to have
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My Mother Essay
My mother has had the greatest influence on me. Growing Up she has taught me many things.
She has helped me many times and still does. I have learned many lessons with her helping me.
Responsibility is one of the very important things she has taught me. How to be a good person
around others that are not. My mother has been and still is the only parent I see every day. While
being with her I have learned many things. She has taught me to be responsible for my things like
my clothing and art supplies, around people, and my siblings. At home I have to finish my chores
sweeping, mopping, washing laundry, cleaning of the tables and the counter top, and sometimes
clean the yard. Most of the time I have to help my sisters with their laundry or sweeping, and
sometimes cook for my family when my mother and grandmother are not home. When I have too
much work at home and schoolwork my mother would help me finish my chores and we will be
free for the rest of the day and when that happens we all spend time as a family and go eat or
watch a movie. I have learned lessons while living with my mother and a big family. A lesson I
have learned was never add too much salt in my rice and soup. Do not add a bunch of soap into
the washer machine or I will have to clean it up myself and to sew but do not push a needle up
between two cloths while your thumb is in the way. Mother was busy helping my sisters with their
laundry and the food was not prepared. I had nothing to do so she called my name
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My Mom Essay
My mom is my hero because of all the things she has done for me. She has my back no matter
what and is always on the bright side. But to go off track for a little minute I was born in Seattle,
Washington. My mom was Born In Mogadishu, Somalia but moved from her country at the age of
15. She went off with her mom aka my sweet little grandma. They had to go through a lot starting
over and getting to the united states. But luckily my mom and grandmother made it here to
Minnesota. My mom and grandma quickly moved to a city called rochester only because the rest of
my grandmother's family had gone off to there. They quickly adapted and made sense of what was
But moving on my mom and my grandmother were the only two who came to more
She said in her teenage years she had me and that I was a big deal. She would stay up on at nights
for me and that she fell behind in school because of me. But she said she done it because she loved
me and that she wasn't going to quit. Happily I was the first born because now im in highschool
and I can make her proud by graduating. When I asked my mom what a great deal of satisfaction
was in her life she responded with "There's only one". She proceeded and said that me entering high
school was just that. She went on about how she would love to see me graduate and succeed. She
said that it made her think about life. She said that me entering high school made her think about
college and growing up and just elevating in life.
My mom said her mom made a difference in her life but theres one other person she admires. My
mom admires my aunt sarah because she started a community center to help people. But also the
fact that she has a degree and is still studing to get a doctorate. But going back to what I was
saying she admires my aunt. She also said that she admires her mom because of all the things that
she has gone through. But also that because she has her back and is there for her. But also to talk
about future accomplishments my mom said that she wants the accomplishment of moving into a
house. That is because we have been in an apartment building for about 2 years. She said it would
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Essay on Appreciating Mom
Growing Lily
At age three I said "I love you mommy." At age seven I said, "Mom, stop kissing my cheek!" At age
fifteen I say, "You're so annoying– I can't wait to move out!" At age eighteen, I'll be saying "I miss
home." At age twenty–seven I'll be saying "I miss my mom." At age forty I'll be saying "I miss you
so much; I wish you didn't have to go." My mom is the sun to my shine. My mother is a hard worker.
She loves what she does for a living. She does arrangements for peoples' houses. I've seen her
work from 7 a.m. to midnight at times. The hard work pays off but most of her earnings go to bills
or groceries. When she has a new project, she goes shopping for flowers to make what mental image
she has in her into reality. more content...
She has the power to make you smile when you're down, make you cry by telling a story, keep you
under control when you're too rowdy and get angry when needed. Family is an important thing to my
mother. She loves to spend as much time as she can with them. She believes in the Hawaiian
saying, "Ohanna: Nobody gets left behind." This past summer we went on a cruise ship. The
whole side of my mom's family had gone. I enjoyed my time there, especially when we arrived in
Cozumel, MX. One of the most embarrassing things that could happen to me frightened my mom
to death. Purging is said to make you lose weight. The banging on the restroom door startled me
knowing I would be caught. From that point on she took extra care of my health. Looking after
what I ate, when I should exercise etc. When I was fourteen, my parents and I made a deal that if I
lost twenty pounds, I would be able to get my first tattoo. She supported me with it, thus, me losing
the weight. Not everyone grows up with manners. I have a high tolerance for respect. Growing up
going to church every Sunday due to my mom helped me adapt to maturity. Not that I'm highly
bipolar, but I do lose my temper really drastically. I've been taught by my mom to forgive and
forget. Through the worst of her times that people have put her through; she forgives. She tells me
I have the blood of my dad seeing as how I will always hold a grudge towards someone no matter
what. I know my mom wants the best for her kids,
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Mom Essays

  • 1. Dear Mom Essays Dear Mom, You're probably thinking, What is this? I've been in college for four years, and I've never written you a letter. I've sent you a couple of emails that you never checked. Mostly I call, say hello, and hang up. That way you have to call me back, and my phone bill stays small. I'm writing because I have something I need to tell you, but I feel silly saying it. Also, I can be more organized this way. You know how weengineers like everything in its place. Anyway, I need to tell you this because of something tacked on my wall. It's something I believe in, but I've never done anything about it. It's a quote. It goes something like this. Don't waste a single moment you may spend with someone you love. Don't neglect to more content... Blood and guts just aren't for me. Also, I don't get your whole sports thing. Running, skiing, or biking for hours just doesn't appeal to me. And it makes you so tired! You're usually snoring on the couch before I leave for the night. So, OK. We aren't exactly two of a kind. Sometimes it shows. Many a long day together has ended in hostile silence. I'm not trying to put you down here. Actually, I'm trying to be a little funny. Actually, I'm avoiding the part that's hard for me: the part where I tell you why you are my role model . The part where I tell you why I admire you so much. The sentimental part. Telling you this presents a problem. You're the touchy feely one. How am I going to do this? Fortunately, being a good engineering student has made me a good problem solver. Or maybe it's the other way around. Anyway, I can solve this problem. I have a bunch of reasons I admire you. I'll simply put them into a bullet list. Then I will elaborate. I love bullet lists. They're organized, succinct, and pleasing to the eye. Here's one for you: * Career * Friends * Sports * Independence * Family Careers You've spent most of your adult life working as a nurse in the emergency room. You must have saved hundreds of lives, but you never mention it. You would rather tell funny, usually vulgar, stories about what happens at work.
  • 2. Then, in your mid–thirties (over ten years ago!) you did something Get more content on
  • 3. My Mom Taught Me Looking back through my life, i have realized my mother has taught me the most. The one who means the most to me, the one person that has been the absolute best she can be for me and our family, always. The strongest most wise human being i know has been in my life since day one, which i am forever grateful for. "The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything." This quote is something my mom has always lived by and taught her kids at a young age. We weren't rich, didn't have everything we needed at times but we always had our family and love that went all around, which was enough for us. My mom is honestly my rock, she has been there for me through everything. Throughout life we have definitely had our differences, mostly it's me, the teenager wanting to do something stupid and my mom trying to show me why i shouldn't make these careless decisions. As a teenager you might think you are grown and know everything that's why the parents are there to knock some sense into our brains, they have been through the same exact stuff, they can shed some light on the situation. Parents try to teach their kids to learn from their mistakes but, everyone has to learn from their own mistakes. So the parents can only do their best at teaching their children morals. My mother has taught me everything i know, starting off with being grateful everyday, living in the moment every single day, to seize the day. My mom has taught me right from Get more content on
  • 4. A Moment With My Mother Did you ever know a moment that somehow set a course for the rest of your future? That moment for me is when I met my mother. It's funny how I don't really remember that moment , but it will impact me for the rest of my life. I lerato Scott was born to Martha Bok on September 30,1999 in Pretoria , South Africa. I weighed in at about 2.6 pounds. Nice and healthy right? I lived with Martha for a short time after my birth, but due to her Tuberculosis and HIV AIDS she was unable to take care of me. At the time I was around 18 months I was brought to a Place of Safety, but was soon hospitalized when I started showing signs of TB. Along with TB I was battling herpes and ear infections as well as severe eczema. My eczema was so bad that it left my skin raw and bleeding. Every body craves that you can think of was cracked and bleeding. My neck , behind my ears , my armpits. You name it. Now normally at 18 months babies start to crawl around or even begin talking. Due to severe malnourishment I was doing none of these things. I even had plateaued in my growth at this point. I often ask my mother how she came to find me or how she even ended up in South Africa . Everytime she tells me she says it was purely a God thing. Dana Scott was working as a missionary at a place called Bethesda Outreach Ministries when I was placed in her care. Bethesda is an organization that provides orphans with a safe and loving family. When I came into my mother's home I was an absolute Get more content on
  • 5. One And Only Mom Essay My One and Only Mom When you look at my family right now, you can see that everyone is separated from each other. My mom and sister live in the states, my other sister lives in the Philippines, and I live here on Saipan with my dad. My mom is the kind of person to speak her mind out at times that may seem to be annoying. My mother is one of the people I admire because she can speak her mind out, she can talk to others, and she can handle many situations. My mother is one of the people I admire. When you look at my mother, she seems a bit quiet and she has a scary aura to her. She is an average Asian lady with mean looks. One thing I admire about my mom is the fact that she can speak her mind out, whether it was hurtful or not. I remember one time we were at a big mall with tons of clothing, I think it was Macy's. So, as we entered the door the intoxicating smell of sweet perfume assaulted my nostrils, it was a smell so thick you could probably see the scent. This scent caused my mother to say "The smell here is horrid", and the staff working there looked at my mother more content... Out of all places, in a huge grocery isle filled with candies and goods of every color, people seemed to notice my mom. Which lead to me to being bored out of my mind and staying at the shop for a while. Just about everywhere we went, including the dock with the big huge ships; people seemed to know my mother. I remember going to Managaha and my mom just stepped into a boat and asked a man to take us to Managaha, and he did. Apparently my mom was his first aid instructor, so he gave us a free ride there and back. I saw the glittering ocean and I smelled the fresh salty breeze, it was almost as if you could taste the air of salt. The ocean was a magical place, after we stayed at Managaha for a bit we returned home. My mom's ability to speak to others came in hand for about any Get more content on
  • 6. My Mom Essay My mom is the most important person to me, and I look up to her so much! She volunteers in so many different things in the community, and that's what makes her such a good role model to me. I think she passed on a lot of her good traits to me, which I am very grateful for! She grew up on a farm near Buxton, North Dakota, and had a younger sister and brother. AfterHigh School in Climax, she was off to NDSU! "I'm going to live in a BIG city with my husband being a city man," she always said when she was young. That all changed when she met my dad at NDSU. She never expected to fall in love with a farm kid from NDSU, but she did. After college, they got married and moved out to our farm here. I guess her view on living in the city with more content... She is also the best cook, and I don't think I could survive without her food! She always makes sure we eat the best meals every day, and cooks a wide variety of the most delicious food. My favorite food is stir–fry, and she can make ultimate stir–fry! She's even taught me how to cook and prepare it. My mom works so hard every day cooking meals for events she's volunteered at, and is always baking the most delicious goodies for every occasion. When my dad and our hired men are operating out in the field, she always makes sure to bring out mouthwatering meals for them! Cooking is one of her best talents, and I hope one day I can be as good as a cook as her! The only fault about her is that...she speeds a lot. She's like a cheetah on the highway!! She's definitely very prone to speeding, which is why my dad and the workers on our farm regard her as "110 Jen", because sometimes it seems she's going 110 miles per hour! At least it means when she bolts down the highway as fast as she can we get to our destination faster on long road trips! I hope one day I will turn out to be like my mom, because I think she is an example of a person who is not only kind, but also talented, generous, and so supportive and understanding. She always tells me to "Treat others how you want to be treated," and that's the motto by which she lives by. We know we love each other so much, and I couldn't imagine living in a world with a different mom. She is the best Get more content on
  • 7. My Mom Essay When I was younger I never really had a mother because my parents had got a divorce when I was 5 and I've never seen her ever since then. Because of this my Dad had to provide for my sister and I, with him working forty hours a week and always having to take my sister and I to a babysitter. My dad is the hardest working person I have ever met. With my dad working and me and my sister at a babysitter my dad never really had time with us and he was very lonely in having someone else in his life. He started going on dating sites and would meet people he was interested in talking to more. This one day my dad had the day off and set up a date with this one woman named Kristi. She had two kids of her own, one named Jessika and one named more content... That same week on friday we packed to go to the beach and spend the weekend together. We all get in the car and it doesn't last long till the silence is broken, being my age and knowing I might have two new sisters was not an idea I had in mind. I hated it. It was miserable. The whole way down to the beach we argued about things i realize now were the most stupid things you could fight over. Like how far the others person's seat in front was pushed back, or even just fighting over who did something the best. It felt like forever that we were on the road, but we eventually get to the beach. We get to the hotel we were staying at and that started another issue. Who was gonna get the beds and couch and which two were sleeping on the floor. It took forever it seemed but we picked straws and ended up getting the couch. Not gonna lie it was fun at the beach. We had brought some shovels and some things to make sand castles out of. So apart from the arguing that happened, we all ended up having a great time. Now my dad and Kristi have been dating for about nine months and they have been talking about getting married for awhile now. I myself have gotten used to the fact that they we going to end up getting married sooner or later. And that ended up being a true fact. My dad on March 25, 2007 married to his wife Kristi who I called mom. The wedding was a wonderful time of celebration and hanging out with new relatives Get more content on
  • 8. Mother Definition Essay Growing up, I was used to being bombarded by stories from both my mother and father. My mother with her religious stories, and my father with his experiences from when he was a little boy living in Vietnam. What I noticed in all of my mother's stories, was that she was trying to get a certain message across. Be good. If there is anything that my mother is more stern on then studies, it would be on being a "good" person that knows their morals and can perfectly execute and stand by it. My mother's definition of "good", is being selfless, caring, and honest, by being so you will be rewarded by having to the choice to go to Heaven, or to get reincarnated into a higher position in society. My mother made it her duty to raise me with the same morals as her since she believed that hers was "right". She believed that the perfect human being was one that was always willing to give and one who was always more content... He does not know whether or not God or exists, or if there is a higher being, but what he does know is he saw a ghost, which lead him to believe in an afterlife. My father's way of thinking is similar to that Aristotle's. Aristotle believed that through our senses, we will find truth. That first, we use senses, and then use reason afterwards to categorize the things we experience. My father used his senses, sight, to establish that there is an afterlife. My mother is like my father, in the sense that they both believe in an afterlife. However, unlike my father, my mother is a very religious woman who is very faithful to her Catholic beliefs, although with some altercations. My mother believes that when a person dies, they will get to have the choice of whether they want to go to Heaven, or get reincarnated into a person with a higher social standing in Get more content on
  • 9. Mother Essay : My Mother My Mom Moms are the most special and pure beings in the world. They are that being who gives everything for love, for her home, for her children and grandchildren. The mother is such a blessed woman that she endures so many things for the sake of her children, while many times we are ungrateful to them, assuming that our mothers will always be there for us. When moms still there with you, it is fortunate to have her, because the kind of love she gives is the purest you can ever find. My mom, for example, is very special to me, since she has taught me how to live and how to value things in life. She has always been present at all times and has not spent a single day in which she has forgotten to give me her blessing. she is the one more content... She always encourages me to work hard, stay focus and never give up. She has been a great example of how to be an excellent mother and wife. What I admire most about her is that when I was a baby she used to work everyday and I am surprised that she always had time for me and her work, I mean that working and taking care of a baby is very difficult. Everyday she gets up to work, to be sure that I have everything I need. She's a mother and wife focused on giving her family the best of her. If my family were in need, she would do whatever it takes to get what is needed. Another reason why my mother is very special is because she always makes space and takes time to go to my volleyball games. She sometimes has to drive three or four hours and stay in a hotel just to be present in my games. She gets really involved in the game, she cheers a lot, and she is my number one cheerleader. My mom sometimes takes goodies to treat my teammates. They all respect and love her because how she treats everyone on the team. She gets excited and has a lot of fun in my games. I'm thankful for what my mom has done for me. Everyday she's looking for different ways to improve my lifestyle. The sacrifices she has to make to help me move forward is something I will never be able to pay her back. There's nothing better than share with her my challenges and achievements. I always ask God to bless me allowing me to have Get more content on
  • 10. My Mother Essay My mother has had the greatest influence on me. Growing Up she has taught me many things. She has helped me many times and still does. I have learned many lessons with her helping me. Responsibility is one of the very important things she has taught me. How to be a good person around others that are not. My mother has been and still is the only parent I see every day. While being with her I have learned many things. She has taught me to be responsible for my things like my clothing and art supplies, around people, and my siblings. At home I have to finish my chores sweeping, mopping, washing laundry, cleaning of the tables and the counter top, and sometimes clean the yard. Most of the time I have to help my sisters with their laundry or sweeping, and sometimes cook for my family when my mother and grandmother are not home. When I have too much work at home and schoolwork my mother would help me finish my chores and we will be free for the rest of the day and when that happens we all spend time as a family and go eat or watch a movie. I have learned lessons while living with my mother and a big family. A lesson I have learned was never add too much salt in my rice and soup. Do not add a bunch of soap into the washer machine or I will have to clean it up myself and to sew but do not push a needle up between two cloths while your thumb is in the way. Mother was busy helping my sisters with their laundry and the food was not prepared. I had nothing to do so she called my name Get more content on
  • 11. My Mom Essay My mom is my hero because of all the things she has done for me. She has my back no matter what and is always on the bright side. But to go off track for a little minute I was born in Seattle, Washington. My mom was Born In Mogadishu, Somalia but moved from her country at the age of 15. She went off with her mom aka my sweet little grandma. They had to go through a lot starting over and getting to the united states. But luckily my mom and grandmother made it here to Minnesota. My mom and grandma quickly moved to a city called rochester only because the rest of my grandmother's family had gone off to there. They quickly adapted and made sense of what was happening. But moving on my mom and my grandmother were the only two who came to more content... She said in her teenage years she had me and that I was a big deal. She would stay up on at nights for me and that she fell behind in school because of me. But she said she done it because she loved me and that she wasn't going to quit. Happily I was the first born because now im in highschool and I can make her proud by graduating. When I asked my mom what a great deal of satisfaction was in her life she responded with "There's only one". She proceeded and said that me entering high school was just that. She went on about how she would love to see me graduate and succeed. She said that it made her think about life. She said that me entering high school made her think about college and growing up and just elevating in life. My mom said her mom made a difference in her life but theres one other person she admires. My mom admires my aunt sarah because she started a community center to help people. But also the fact that she has a degree and is still studing to get a doctorate. But going back to what I was saying she admires my aunt. She also said that she admires her mom because of all the things that she has gone through. But also that because she has her back and is there for her. But also to talk about future accomplishments my mom said that she wants the accomplishment of moving into a house. That is because we have been in an apartment building for about 2 years. She said it would give Get more content on
  • 12. Essay on Appreciating Mom Growing Lily At age three I said "I love you mommy." At age seven I said, "Mom, stop kissing my cheek!" At age fifteen I say, "You're so annoying– I can't wait to move out!" At age eighteen, I'll be saying "I miss home." At age twenty–seven I'll be saying "I miss my mom." At age forty I'll be saying "I miss you so much; I wish you didn't have to go." My mom is the sun to my shine. My mother is a hard worker. She loves what she does for a living. She does arrangements for peoples' houses. I've seen her work from 7 a.m. to midnight at times. The hard work pays off but most of her earnings go to bills or groceries. When she has a new project, she goes shopping for flowers to make what mental image she has in her into reality. more content... She has the power to make you smile when you're down, make you cry by telling a story, keep you under control when you're too rowdy and get angry when needed. Family is an important thing to my mother. She loves to spend as much time as she can with them. She believes in the Hawaiian saying, "Ohanna: Nobody gets left behind." This past summer we went on a cruise ship. The whole side of my mom's family had gone. I enjoyed my time there, especially when we arrived in Cozumel, MX. One of the most embarrassing things that could happen to me frightened my mom to death. Purging is said to make you lose weight. The banging on the restroom door startled me knowing I would be caught. From that point on she took extra care of my health. Looking after what I ate, when I should exercise etc. When I was fourteen, my parents and I made a deal that if I lost twenty pounds, I would be able to get my first tattoo. She supported me with it, thus, me losing the weight. Not everyone grows up with manners. I have a high tolerance for respect. Growing up going to church every Sunday due to my mom helped me adapt to maturity. Not that I'm highly bipolar, but I do lose my temper really drastically. I've been taught by my mom to forgive and forget. Through the worst of her times that people have put her through; she forgives. She tells me I have the blood of my dad seeing as how I will always hold a grudge towards someone no matter what. I know my mom wants the best for her kids, Get more content on