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Essay Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is a communications process that entails the planning, creation, integration and implementation of diverse
forms of marketing communications (advertisements, sales promotions, publicity releases, events, etc) that are delivered over time to a brands targeted
customers and prospects. The goal of IMC is ultimately to influence or directly affect the behaviour of the targeted audience. IMC considers all sources
of contact that a customer / prospect has with the brand as potential delivery channels for messages and makes use of all communications methods that
are relevant to customers /prospects and to which they might be receptive. IMC requires that all of a brands communication media and
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Due to its lack of definition, IMC cannot be clearly inferred from practice, it cannot be stated as to what it is or isn't, its ideas influence as a
management fashion can be profound in the general and popular ideas that it disseminates and the rhetoric that it provides to practicing managers.
The difference in opinion about the historical context and the emergence of IMC hangs closely together with the lack of a definition of the concept
(Nowark and Phelps, 1994; Phelps and Johnson, 1996; Kitchen, 1999). While writers appear to agree on the areas of coverage by IMC with concern
for both organisational processes of structuring and co–ordinating working practices of marketing communication professionals, as well as the
execution and content of communication programs (Nowak and Phelps, 1994; Prensky et al., 1996; Petrison and Wang, 1996). There has been little
research done on the theory of IMC.
"While there is considerable debate and discussion of the subject, i.e. who does it, how it is done, etc., the formal presentation of research, theory
development, and other materials by either practitioners or academics has been slow in coming." (Schultz and Kitchen, 1997)
In effect, having no clearly defined definition contributes to the lack of operational measures of IMC (Phelps et al., 1996), which makes it difficult to
identify or evaluate
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Concepts of Health
As humans remain different in nature, so are their perceptions and response towards certain issues of their lives and well being. The concept of health
assumes to be a typical example of this and hence, poses debate about what it is. "Health" is a word which means different things to different people
(Ewles & Simnett, 2003). This essay intends to critically discuss the meaning of health by exploring different definitions and their contraindications.
Naidoo & Wills (2000) defined health in two main ways: the positive approach, where health is viewed as a capacity or an asset, and the negative
approach, which emphasises the absence of illness, diseases or disorders. "Health" as defined by the more content...
In terms of the negative aspect of health, an individual is regarded as healthy when not suffering from a particular illness or disease. Though "illness"
and "disease" are used interchangeably, they are different (Naidoo & Wills 2000). Disease relates to biological malfunctioning, diagnosed by doctors,
while illness refers both to the personal experience of the disease and its social implications. Therefore the negative concept of health is closely
associated with orthodox medicine.
Townsend and Davidson (1988) also suggested that the term health is derived from the word "whole", which is a recipient of the healing process.
Therefore, an attempt to heal or cure in medical field literally means, to make whole or restore health. It is this idea that influences medicine to adopt a
mechanistic approach towards disease management thereby obscuring the understanding of health in human context of well–being, which advocates
for alternative or complementary approaches. This viewpoint also reflects in some definitions and the medical model discussed above. The criticisms
of the medical by Illich (1974) is that the medical view only deals with the cause of disease or illness rather than the external factors affecting the
person's health. Within different sections of medicine, for example the mental health department, there are marked differences when explaining the
origin of illness, disease and treatments.
However, the World Health
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Constructed Response Items
Chapter 7 discusses two types of constructed–response tests: short–answer items and essay items. If an item requires the student to supply a word,
phrase, or sentence to complete a sentence or to answer a direct question, the item is considered a short–answer item. If an item requires the student to
construct a lengthy response, the item is considered to be an essay item. The major advantage of short–answer items is that there is a correct response to
produce; the major disadvantage of these items is that the longer the student's response is, the more difficult it is to grade and the least likely it is to
be reliable or valid. The major advantage of essay items is that more complex learning can be assessed; the major disadvantage of these items is that the more content...
In order to write better essay items: communicate your desired response (maybe show students a model of what you expect), precisely describe the
task at hand, show students how to pace themselves through their test, avoid choice boards and menus as it allows for a mix–and–match measurement
procedure, and mentally answer the item as your students may answer it to help you detect flaws in your assessment items. Scoring essays can be done
holistically or analytically. A holistic approach is when you take the entirewriting composition into consideration as a whole. An analytical approach
is when individual skills/strategies are observed and a students' strengths and weaknesses are assessed. Scoring keys and the weight of items should
be decided upon before assessment begins. When grading papers, score one item at a time instead of one paper at a time and have students write
their names on the backs of their paper so anonymity will be increased. This way scoring is more reliable and more
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Essay 2: Explaining a Concept; Draft 1
Wendy Gomez
Professor Slusser
English 101
February 27, 2012
A Guide for the Ultimate Vacation
We've all dreamt about our favorite getaway vacation at the ultimately lowest price possible, but have we ever achieved it?? The next couple of
paragraphs will give you some insight as to how to get the best vacation possible at the lowest price.
The first step is choosing your destination. Choosing your destination might not be a big deal if you already have your mind set on where you
would like to go. If you have many options to choose from, here are some tips to narrow your options. Once you've narrowed down your destinations,
research your top three or four preferred spots. Find out when the ideal time to would be, or when it is more content...
Something that was recommended for me to do was go to setting on your internet page, click 'Cache Operations', click 'Clear Cookie Cache' and
'Clear History'. This will clear the computer's memory of your searches and you're guaranteed the lowest possible price, according to computer techs.
Besides, what've you got to loose?
The third step would be to reserve the hotel. For reserving the hotel, the same steps that applied for the flight, can apply here. If traveling with a
group of people on a budget, you have to be aware of the fact that hotels will not charge for a group of 2–3. Anything more than that and you will get
charge for each person. To get the most for your money, reserve a hotel that is close to all the main attractions, that way, if everything is within walking
distance, you will not have to spend money on extra transportation or gas and that would put extra money in your pocket.
The final step would be: save, save save! Saving money is essential to any vacation. Research how much the main attractions would be and estimate
how much you would spend on attractions, food, and transportation. Buying your airplane ticket and reserving your hotel early enough, will allow you
to save more money so that you can spend more. Try not to eat out as much, pack your own lunch. If possible, put off small one or two hour trips until
your vacation. The less you spend, the more you can save.
Lastly, the day of your
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What Would A Satisfactory Moral Theory Be Like?
In James Rachels' book, The Elements of Moral Philosophy, he expresses ideas within the concluding chapter, "What Would a Satisfactory Moral
Theory be like?" that lay an silhouette of every moral approach we have discussed so far and compounding it into a final discussion with a couple of
final contentions towards a comprehensive understanding of morality and the approaches we can make as moral guides to make decisions that are
virtuous for each class without exception. Rachels' gives thoughtful perspective on all subjects that we have learned about and makes final
accumulations for the way we can decide to use these for our own benefit. While then expressing the virtues we must value for ourselves to have a
best plan, and the ways our choices can help others in a positive more content...
Our natural state within the universe when compared to the scale of history is extremely insignificant, and arises the fluid thought that our complete
conscious existence relies on evolutionary accidents. It becomes clear with time that our knowledge of ourselves as a population of species compared
to any other mammals is quite significant but yet completely detrimental to the health of our universe. We must be able as humans to grasp these
concepts and particularly build a world better suited for future figures to give philosophical thoughts and aspects as the human race continues to
develop. There is a shortcoming with our behavior, as Rachels describes, that if an action would help satisfy our own self–interest, than we see the
most reason to perform such tasks. This leaves us prone to being selfish and to sometimes hold interests out of other people's version of acceptable
behavior. Rachels signifies that all people do not have to follow any one true combination of morals, ethics, or
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Continuous Improvement Essay
Write a 3000 word paper explaining what continuous improvement means in the context of organisational success. Explain how the concept can and
should be applied. Explain how it is possible to lead continuous improvement systems and processes and how opportunities for improvement can be
managed to provide benefits for an organisation. Outline how you, as an organisation leader, would contribute to and implement continuous
improvement initiatives.
What is Continuous Improvement?
Continuous improvement in a management context means a never–ending effort to expose and eliminate root causes of problems. Usually, it involves
many incremental or small–step improvements rather than one overwhelming innovation. more content...
Naturally, many of these worker–led experiments will fail, so it is important to recognize that there is some risk associated with this experimentation. If
management is uncomfortable with risk, it may be reluctant to allow any real degree of experimentation. Obviously, management cannot risk disabling
the production process itself or endanger the well–being of the workforce, but the complete absence of risk can reduce the vision of those involved in
the continuous improvement process.
Improvements will generally come in modest increments of progress. Therefore, management must recognize that some experiments will fail as part of
the learning process, and avoid the temptation to harshly judge the perpetrator as having new but unsuccessful ideas. Some even feel that it is critical
to establish an environment that reinforces the notion that risk is good. Again, this involves consistency in management's attitude toward change and
the empowerment of employees.
The achievement of continuous improvement requires a long–term view and the support of top management. But it is also important that all levels of
management actively support and become involved in the process. Proper support structures of training, management, resource allocation,
measurement, and reward and incentive systems must be in place for successful adoption. This includes a willingness to provide financial support and
to recognize achievements. It is desirable to formulate goals with
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Safeguarding involves everything a setting does, including their procedures and policies etc, to ensure children are kept safe and healthy, and that the
risk of them coming to harm or being involved in an accident, is minimised. Child protection however, is just one aspect of safeguarding and focusses
on how children are protected from abuse and neglect. Safeguarding is defined in 'Working together to safeguard children 2013' as: Protecting children
from maltreatment Preventing impairment of children's health and development Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the
provision of safe and effective care and Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes. The main policies involved in safeguarding more content...
It is everybody's responsibility to safeguard children – This means every single staff member within a setting; irrelevant of what role they may have
there. This also includes non–staff members, such as volunteers, student's third–party companies (visitors, service providers etc). Each setting should
therefore adopt their own safeguarding policy, of which has to be kept up to date and followed at all times. If any professional becomes
concerned that a child might be at risk of abuse, be it physical, sexual, emotional or neglect, it is their legal duty to pass on such concerns to the
appropriate professionals who can assess if and what action should be taken. In cases where it will not put the child at greater risk or danger, the
parents / carers of the child will be informed that such action has been taken. Settings also have a legal duty to contact Ofsted if an allegation of
abuse is made against any of the staff members; regardless of their position, hours worked or whether they are in paid or unpaid roles. The main
policies / procedures which specifically cover the topic of child protection include: Sex Offenders Act
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2.1 Explain The Concept Of Safeguarding
The concept of safeguarding includes: FAMILIES CIRCUMSTANCES The physical health and mental of parents or key carers is very important
because they have a big responsibilities to children who are under their care. Parents with long term illness may find it hard to provide their
children. Also parents with drug issues or domestic abuse may abandon their Children's needs and may not be able to provide security for their
children. Parents have a big role to play in children life. They are responsible for making right decision for their kids and providing their survival
needs which includes access to health services. Children and young people who live with foster parents or in residential care manage by the local
authority may find life difficult
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The Marketing Concept Essay
The Marketing Concept The marketing concept has evolved over the last years, marketing reflects to a key approach to doing business. An
organisations objective is to make profit, to do this they have to consider the marketing concept, in order to satisfy customers. For an organisation to be
successful should divert its attention away from particular products and towards the interest of the customers. Customers changing their needs and
wants influence an organisations strategies and plans. Meeting customer's needs is the main key in marketing.
The chartered institute of marketing used the following more content...
For Nokia to stay in the business they need to meet these basic requirement of the customer. If Nokia does not meet the customer requirements, then the
customers will walk away and will use another brand such as Samsung, Erickson etc. Nokia was successful because they met the needs of the customers.
"The Marketing concept holds that the key to achieving the organisational goals lies in determining the needs and wants of target markets and
delivering the desired satisfaction more efficiently and effectively than the competition"[3]. For an organisation to provide products that satisfy
customers needs through a co–ordinated set of activities that also allows the organisation to achieve its goals, because customer satisfaction is the
major aim of marketing concept.[4]
Organisations need to communicate effectively with their customers, outlining the benefits of its service and how they can be used to
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Communication Theories Essay
In interpersonal communication there are many theories that are similar yet different in many ways. The theories can be combined to describe people
and how those people interact and communicate with each other. Many of these theories help explain how people in society form impressions of
others, how they maintain these impressions, why people interact with certain people in society, and how people will use these impressions that they
have formed later on in life. These theories also help people to better understand themselves, to better understand interpersonal communication, and to
better understand people in general. There are two theories in interpersonal communication that, despite their differences, can go hand in hand. The first more content...
213). As a whole, society tends to mirror the emotions of the person who is speaking or of the person who is playing a part. If a person goes to a
play and the actors are experiencing fear, than the people who are watching the play will tend to experience that same fear. If one actor is mad at
another actor, than the people watching the play will either experience that same emotion of anger or they will side with the other actor and experience
the emotion that the other actor is feeling, whether it be uncertainty about why the other actor is mad at them or a feeling of sadness because the other
actor is mad at them. Imitating others emotions happens all the time in society and as long as there is communication between people, whether it is
verbal or nonverbal, this catching of emotions will continue.
The interaction adaptation theory and the emotional contagion theory both have similarities and differences, just like any other set of theories. Both of
these theories suggest that people adapt to people who are around them and whom they interact with. These two theories allow people to mirror those
with whom they communicate with. These theories go hand in hand because when you are communicating with someone and mirroring their actions
and behaviors, it is hard to not mirror their emotions. If someone is sad and decides to talk to someone about their problem,
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Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurship
EMERGING TRENDS IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP Introduction We all know that entrepreneurship is about attempting to assemble resources including
innovations, finance and business acumen in an effort to transform innovations into economic goods. This may result in new organizations or may be
part of revitalizing mature organizations in response to a perceived opportunity. The most obvious form of entrepreneurship is that of starting new
business; however, in recent years, the term has been extended to include social and political forms of entrepreneurial activity. Entrepreneurship ranges
in scale from solo projects to major undertakings creating many job opportunities. Many kinds of organizations now exist to support would–be
entrepreneurs, more content...
More importantly, the small scale sector has helped widen the entrepreneurial base by giving rise to a new class of entrepreneurs from the ranks of
employees, business executive, technicians and professionals. Thus was broken the earlier myth that entrepreneurship is an exclusive domain of the
socially conservative, traditional trading communities. In fact, in this 1960 study of small entrepreneurs in the then State of Madras, James Bean
observed that entrepreneurs could emerge from a wide range of social and economical backgrounds. Contribution of the NEN and other organizations
There are various associations, tie–ups and NGOs who are doing a yeoman service to the cause of entrepreneurship both abroad and in India. Notable
among these are Evan Carmichael, TIE and our very own NEN (National Entrepreneurship Network) founded by Mr Romesh Wadhwani, an NRI
entrepreneur who is the owner of Symhony Corporation in Silicon Valley. The aim of NEN which is a non profit organization is to foster the spirit of
Entrepreneurship among the youth in India's educational Institutions and assist them in running successful businesses. The need for networking in
entrepreneurship Neither entrepreneurship nor the phenomenon of innovation at the intersection of business and natural
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1.1Explain concepts and/or theories associated with a topic: a)Conformity is a type of social influence which involves a change in behaviour and
belief of a minority to fit in with the group concerning real or imagined group pressures. This behaviour could be defined as the pressure to behave
in ways that are viewed as acceptable by a particular group, brought about either by a desire to 'fit in' or be liked. The main factor that influences
conformity are social norms. Social Norms are a pattern of expected behaviour in certain situations either implicitly or explicitly. Conformity exists
in two categories, normative influence where the individual's desire is to gain social approval and acceptance from the group to make a favourable
impression. And informational social influence where a person is looking for guidance in an ambiguous situation as the individual listens to other
member 's views and opinions to be guided to an answer. Conformity is distinguished in three different types; Compliance is the most superficial
type of conformity. It refers to a person who conforms publicly with the views and attitudes expressed by the group but still continue to privately
disagree. This temporary short term behavioural change which often results normative social influence. For example, It is a student 's first day of
college, but has arrived late and missed the induction to which he doesn 't know where to go. He then sees a group of students filing off towards a
corridor and
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Occupational Therapy Concepts
1)Why do you think, key concepts associated with OT have persisted throughout its history? To answer this question, you should be able to identify a
concept and why it persists. Also consider concepts that have not persisted and why.
Throughout the history of occupational therapy, many concepts and approaches had been considered. Within these concepts, some of them become key
concepts for the field and others did not. One of the key concepts that persisted is the focus improve patient's abilities to perform occupation in the daily
leaving. Throughout the history of the occupational therapy, the values on rehabilitation and occupational on daily activities are very highlighted.
Kielhofner (2009) describes the various ways that occupational
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John Locke a seventeenth century Philosopher uses a number of thought experiments in his 1690 account, 'An Essay concerning Human
Understanding'. He uses these thought experiments to help explain his definition of the self and personal identity. The thought experiments that are
used, go some way in explaining his opinions and in clarifying the role that memory plays in defining the term. Although defining personal identity was
and still is a complex subject and not all philosophers share the same views.
The term 'personal identity' is described in the text book 'as what, if anything makes a person the same person despite changes over time' (Warburton,
N,2011, p.18). Locke's thought experiments are essential instruments in explaining that when a man or woman has no memory or consciousness of
events that have occurred, their personal identity is altered quite significantly. Locke aims to show that a person's consciousness is what makes them,
them. And that the biological body that their consciousness inhabits is not always connected. These opinions are talked about throughout his account
and it is clear that John Locke feels that memory is imperative to personal identity.
In John Locke's description of the thought experiment the little finger; he discusses the differences that can occur when a part of a human is removed
and becomes its own individual body. Locke states that 'If the consciousness went along with the finger when it was cut off' that the finger could not
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I chose the topic of self–concept through interpersonal communication because I had an interest in it. This interest is because I didn't understand that
one's self–concept affected the way one is perceived by others. I learned self–concept through class discussions, but I wanted a better understanding of
how communication affects one's self–concept and how it affects one's perception
One's self–concept affects one's perception, attitude and behavior, which can be demonstrated during the process of interpersonal communication.
Aspects of one's life influence their self–concept, which not only affect how people perceive them but how they perceive themselves. Such things are
gender, motivational level and psychological type. It is more content...
One will either come out of a situation with a positive or negative concept of these surroundings. Poor communication can cause one to have a poor
perception of oneself. One's emotional state, dislikes, likes values and body image are affected by the opinions of others and can render one to have
an inferior and insecure self–concept.
How one communicates is also influenced by gender. Studies show that ones sex can place a person in a gender role expectation. Women and Men
communicate differently and because sexual identity is defined through same sex parent or role model, women and men can get into gender role
expectations. These expectations influence their perception attitudes and behavior that will result in a communication style. This early self–concept
can effect each one's interpersonal relations. Women for instance are much–attached human beings they have very early identification with their
mothers, and this can cause an on going pattern of role expectation. It can lead to interpersonal communication skills that are very nurturing and
understanding. Women are not threatened by intimacy and communicating at a close range with people. Similarly, men also have an early
identification process not with their mother, but their fathers. Men tend to be fairly reserved, and quite. Men are most comfortable when there is a
level of separation. This male role will contribute to the communication processes and it can cause communication to
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The Renaissance and Humanism Essay
The Renaissance and Humanism
You may wonder about, "The Renaissance" and its relationship to another term, "humanism" which fits into the same time period. If you check the
dictionary, you will find that both terms can be used in a broad sense or more specifically. Humanism refers generally to a "devotion to the humanities:
literary culture." (My definitions come from Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary). According to that definition we should all be humanists.
The other general meaning is the one that disturbs the fundamentalists who attack secular humanism: "a doctrine, attitude, or way of life centered on
human interests or values; especially a philosophy that usually rejects supernaturalism and stresses an individual' more content...
The more general meaning refers to any movement or period of vigorous artistic and intellectual activity.
To further confuse us we could ask ourselves how the Reformation and nationalism fit into the picture. Humanism, the Reformation and nationalism all
appear as subheadings in your reading on the sixteenth century, but are not referred to in the introduction to the early seventeenth century (although
humanism and nationalism existed at that time as well). I believe it is because the intial impact of humanism, the Reformation and nationalism was felt
during the sixteenth century.
In the discussion of humanism on page 396, your text lists the educational goals of scholars who studied and taught the classics. They steeped
themselves in Latin grammar and rhetoric; the latter was "a rigorous discipline in all the stylistic devices used by classical authors" (397). In other
words, they taught classical literature for the same reasons that I use a College Writing text entitled From Idea to Essay with sample selections of
literature. Those essays supposedly serve as models to help the freshmen write their six essays during the semester. Most literary scholars would rank
the literature from the Renaissance as some of the best in the English language. If you believe that
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English 111 Reflective Essay
As a new immigrant, I took the accuplacer test and went straight to 111 English level. So, English 111 course became my first college English class. It
seems like a great achievement for a French speaker. Nonetheless, this performance linked to significant challenges. Even though I am a fighter and an
optimist, I was frightened about my academic achievement for this semester. The problems became bigger when I took my first practice test on
sentence structure (fragments and run–ons) and got a D. I was frightened and felt that I will have to drop the class. However, I decided not to give up. I
started working hard and had a V+ on the next test. This positive grade energized me until now. During this semester, I have much homework and
practices which allow me to identify some strengths, weaknesses, and gave me lots of skills for my English 112 class and the more
I had excellent grades for all of them. Before writing a major essay, we discussed related texts and had argumentative practices in class to be familiar
with the assignments. Each major essay differs from writing instructions. For instance, the Explaining a Concept involved MLA style and work cited,
whereas, on the other essays, we just acknowledged our sources to avoid plagiarism. In writing these essays, I demonstrated real capacities in
following the research paper writing process, developing and supporting my ideas, integrating correctly others ideas in my work. Besides, the writing
English class helps me improving my vocabulary and improving my style. Based on that, I think the Explaining a concept essay was my strongest one
because it contained any grammar errors with a good organization and coherent supporting
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Essay about Defining Politics
Defining Politics Politics is the collective name given to many different systems, ideas and real world issues. It is impossible to define politics as any
one thing in particular, but as a label for many different aspects of life encompassed into one.
Politics is largely about decision making, Politicians dispute on a regular basis about pending decisions to be made. Decisions to be made, of course
vary in size and some are obviously much more important than others. Nevertheless, politics nearly always sets–out to make decisions in the best ways
irrespective of how big or small they may be. Groups more content...
Politics strives to reduce this conflict and keep it to a minimum. Politics is responsible for taking all views into consideration and reaching a consensus
– something all people involved can agree on to a certain extent.
Politics also goes hand in hand with the concept of power. Power, in any form of politics is of utmost importance, without power, politicians
wouldn't be able to enforce rulings on a population. Power concerns being able to get others to do/act as other people would like them to. Power can
be enforced in a number of different ways, power, of course cannot be assumed unless the people with power have something strong to back up their
rulings. Sometimes, force is used to provoke obedience (coercion), while a legitimate government will often not need to resort to means of force.
People are likely to comply with the law simply because they believe the government to be making the correct decisions. Coercion and legitimacy work
in tandem to maintain obedience.
Politics concerns people, people's involvement in politics is key in running an efficient political system. Voting is possibly the most important aspect of
political activity. Elections are held in which people vote for their preferred political party, while referendums also play a key part in making major
political decisions. Political involvement doesn't stop with voting. Pressure Groups can be joined in
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Essay Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)

  • 1. Essay Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is a communications process that entails the planning, creation, integration and implementation of diverse forms of marketing communications (advertisements, sales promotions, publicity releases, events, etc) that are delivered over time to a brands targeted customers and prospects. The goal of IMC is ultimately to influence or directly affect the behaviour of the targeted audience. IMC considers all sources of contact that a customer / prospect has with the brand as potential delivery channels for messages and makes use of all communications methods that are relevant to customers /prospects and to which they might be receptive. IMC requires that all of a brands communication media and more content... Due to its lack of definition, IMC cannot be clearly inferred from practice, it cannot be stated as to what it is or isn't, its ideas influence as a management fashion can be profound in the general and popular ideas that it disseminates and the rhetoric that it provides to practicing managers. The difference in opinion about the historical context and the emergence of IMC hangs closely together with the lack of a definition of the concept (Nowark and Phelps, 1994; Phelps and Johnson, 1996; Kitchen, 1999). While writers appear to agree on the areas of coverage by IMC with concern for both organisational processes of structuring and co–ordinating working practices of marketing communication professionals, as well as the execution and content of communication programs (Nowak and Phelps, 1994; Prensky et al., 1996; Petrison and Wang, 1996). There has been little research done on the theory of IMC. "While there is considerable debate and discussion of the subject, i.e. who does it, how it is done, etc., the formal presentation of research, theory development, and other materials by either practitioners or academics has been slow in coming." (Schultz and Kitchen, 1997) In effect, having no clearly defined definition contributes to the lack of operational measures of IMC (Phelps et al., 1996), which makes it difficult to identify or evaluate Get more content on
  • 2. Concepts of Health CONCEPTS OF HEALTH INTRODUCTION As humans remain different in nature, so are their perceptions and response towards certain issues of their lives and well being. The concept of health assumes to be a typical example of this and hence, poses debate about what it is. "Health" is a word which means different things to different people (Ewles & Simnett, 2003). This essay intends to critically discuss the meaning of health by exploring different definitions and their contraindications. Naidoo & Wills (2000) defined health in two main ways: the positive approach, where health is viewed as a capacity or an asset, and the negative approach, which emphasises the absence of illness, diseases or disorders. "Health" as defined by the more content... In terms of the negative aspect of health, an individual is regarded as healthy when not suffering from a particular illness or disease. Though "illness" and "disease" are used interchangeably, they are different (Naidoo & Wills 2000). Disease relates to biological malfunctioning, diagnosed by doctors, while illness refers both to the personal experience of the disease and its social implications. Therefore the negative concept of health is closely associated with orthodox medicine. Townsend and Davidson (1988) also suggested that the term health is derived from the word "whole", which is a recipient of the healing process. Therefore, an attempt to heal or cure in medical field literally means, to make whole or restore health. It is this idea that influences medicine to adopt a mechanistic approach towards disease management thereby obscuring the understanding of health in human context of well–being, which advocates for alternative or complementary approaches. This viewpoint also reflects in some definitions and the medical model discussed above. The criticisms of the medical by Illich (1974) is that the medical view only deals with the cause of disease or illness rather than the external factors affecting the person's health. Within different sections of medicine, for example the mental health department, there are marked differences when explaining the origin of illness, disease and treatments. However, the World Health Get more content on
  • 3. Constructed Response Items Chapter 7 discusses two types of constructed–response tests: short–answer items and essay items. If an item requires the student to supply a word, phrase, or sentence to complete a sentence or to answer a direct question, the item is considered a short–answer item. If an item requires the student to construct a lengthy response, the item is considered to be an essay item. The major advantage of short–answer items is that there is a correct response to produce; the major disadvantage of these items is that the longer the student's response is, the more difficult it is to grade and the least likely it is to be reliable or valid. The major advantage of essay items is that more complex learning can be assessed; the major disadvantage of these items is that the more content... In order to write better essay items: communicate your desired response (maybe show students a model of what you expect), precisely describe the task at hand, show students how to pace themselves through their test, avoid choice boards and menus as it allows for a mix–and–match measurement procedure, and mentally answer the item as your students may answer it to help you detect flaws in your assessment items. Scoring essays can be done holistically or analytically. A holistic approach is when you take the entirewriting composition into consideration as a whole. An analytical approach is when individual skills/strategies are observed and a students' strengths and weaknesses are assessed. Scoring keys and the weight of items should be decided upon before assessment begins. When grading papers, score one item at a time instead of one paper at a time and have students write their names on the backs of their paper so anonymity will be increased. This way scoring is more reliable and more Get more content on
  • 4. Essay 2: Explaining a Concept; Draft 1 Wendy Gomez Professor Slusser English 101 February 27, 2012 A Guide for the Ultimate Vacation We've all dreamt about our favorite getaway vacation at the ultimately lowest price possible, but have we ever achieved it?? The next couple of paragraphs will give you some insight as to how to get the best vacation possible at the lowest price. The first step is choosing your destination. Choosing your destination might not be a big deal if you already have your mind set on where you would like to go. If you have many options to choose from, here are some tips to narrow your options. Once you've narrowed down your destinations, research your top three or four preferred spots. Find out when the ideal time to would be, or when it is more content... Something that was recommended for me to do was go to setting on your internet page, click 'Cache Operations', click 'Clear Cookie Cache' and 'Clear History'. This will clear the computer's memory of your searches and you're guaranteed the lowest possible price, according to computer techs. Besides, what've you got to loose? The third step would be to reserve the hotel. For reserving the hotel, the same steps that applied for the flight, can apply here. If traveling with a group of people on a budget, you have to be aware of the fact that hotels will not charge for a group of 2–3. Anything more than that and you will get charge for each person. To get the most for your money, reserve a hotel that is close to all the main attractions, that way, if everything is within walking distance, you will not have to spend money on extra transportation or gas and that would put extra money in your pocket. The final step would be: save, save save! Saving money is essential to any vacation. Research how much the main attractions would be and estimate how much you would spend on attractions, food, and transportation. Buying your airplane ticket and reserving your hotel early enough, will allow you to save more money so that you can spend more. Try not to eat out as much, pack your own lunch. If possible, put off small one or two hour trips until your vacation. The less you spend, the more you can save. Lastly, the day of your Get more content on
  • 5. What Would A Satisfactory Moral Theory Be Like? In James Rachels' book, The Elements of Moral Philosophy, he expresses ideas within the concluding chapter, "What Would a Satisfactory Moral Theory be like?" that lay an silhouette of every moral approach we have discussed so far and compounding it into a final discussion with a couple of final contentions towards a comprehensive understanding of morality and the approaches we can make as moral guides to make decisions that are virtuous for each class without exception. Rachels' gives thoughtful perspective on all subjects that we have learned about and makes final accumulations for the way we can decide to use these for our own benefit. While then expressing the virtues we must value for ourselves to have a best plan, and the ways our choices can help others in a positive more content... Our natural state within the universe when compared to the scale of history is extremely insignificant, and arises the fluid thought that our complete conscious existence relies on evolutionary accidents. It becomes clear with time that our knowledge of ourselves as a population of species compared to any other mammals is quite significant but yet completely detrimental to the health of our universe. We must be able as humans to grasp these concepts and particularly build a world better suited for future figures to give philosophical thoughts and aspects as the human race continues to develop. There is a shortcoming with our behavior, as Rachels describes, that if an action would help satisfy our own self–interest, than we see the most reason to perform such tasks. This leaves us prone to being selfish and to sometimes hold interests out of other people's version of acceptable behavior. Rachels signifies that all people do not have to follow any one true combination of morals, ethics, or Get more content on
  • 6. Continuous Improvement Essay Projects Write a 3000 word paper explaining what continuous improvement means in the context of organisational success. Explain how the concept can and should be applied. Explain how it is possible to lead continuous improvement systems and processes and how opportunities for improvement can be managed to provide benefits for an organisation. Outline how you, as an organisation leader, would contribute to and implement continuous improvement initiatives. What is Continuous Improvement? Continuous improvement in a management context means a never–ending effort to expose and eliminate root causes of problems. Usually, it involves many incremental or small–step improvements rather than one overwhelming innovation. more content... Naturally, many of these worker–led experiments will fail, so it is important to recognize that there is some risk associated with this experimentation. If management is uncomfortable with risk, it may be reluctant to allow any real degree of experimentation. Obviously, management cannot risk disabling the production process itself or endanger the well–being of the workforce, but the complete absence of risk can reduce the vision of those involved in the continuous improvement process. Improvements will generally come in modest increments of progress. Therefore, management must recognize that some experiments will fail as part of the learning process, and avoid the temptation to harshly judge the perpetrator as having new but unsuccessful ideas. Some even feel that it is critical to establish an environment that reinforces the notion that risk is good. Again, this involves consistency in management's attitude toward change and the empowerment of employees. The achievement of continuous improvement requires a long–term view and the support of top management. But it is also important that all levels of management actively support and become involved in the process. Proper support structures of training, management, resource allocation, measurement, and reward and incentive systems must be in place for successful adoption. This includes a willingness to provide financial support and to recognize achievements. It is desirable to formulate goals with
  • 7. Get more content on
  • 8. Safeguarding involves everything a setting does, including their procedures and policies etc, to ensure children are kept safe and healthy, and that the risk of them coming to harm or being involved in an accident, is minimised. Child protection however, is just one aspect of safeguarding and focusses on how children are protected from abuse and neglect. Safeguarding is defined in 'Working together to safeguard children 2013' as: Protecting children from maltreatment Preventing impairment of children's health and development Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes. The main policies involved in safeguarding more content... It is everybody's responsibility to safeguard children – This means every single staff member within a setting; irrelevant of what role they may have there. This also includes non–staff members, such as volunteers, student's third–party companies (visitors, service providers etc). Each setting should therefore adopt their own safeguarding policy, of which has to be kept up to date and followed at all times. If any professional becomes concerned that a child might be at risk of abuse, be it physical, sexual, emotional or neglect, it is their legal duty to pass on such concerns to the appropriate professionals who can assess if and what action should be taken. In cases where it will not put the child at greater risk or danger, the parents / carers of the child will be informed that such action has been taken. Settings also have a legal duty to contact Ofsted if an allegation of abuse is made against any of the staff members; regardless of their position, hours worked or whether they are in paid or unpaid roles. The main policies / procedures which specifically cover the topic of child protection include: Sex Offenders Act Get more content on
  • 9. 2.1 Explain The Concept Of Safeguarding The concept of safeguarding includes: FAMILIES CIRCUMSTANCES The physical health and mental of parents or key carers is very important because they have a big responsibilities to children who are under their care. Parents with long term illness may find it hard to provide their children. Also parents with drug issues or domestic abuse may abandon their Children's needs and may not be able to provide security for their children. Parents have a big role to play in children life. They are responsible for making right decision for their kids and providing their survival needs which includes access to health services. Children and young people who live with foster parents or in residential care manage by the local authority may find life difficult Get more content on
  • 10. The Marketing Concept Essay The Marketing Concept The marketing concept has evolved over the last years, marketing reflects to a key approach to doing business. An organisations objective is to make profit, to do this they have to consider the marketing concept, in order to satisfy customers. For an organisation to be successful should divert its attention away from particular products and towards the interest of the customers. Customers changing their needs and wants influence an organisations strategies and plans. Meeting customer's needs is the main key in marketing. The chartered institute of marketing used the following more content... For Nokia to stay in the business they need to meet these basic requirement of the customer. If Nokia does not meet the customer requirements, then the customers will walk away and will use another brand such as Samsung, Erickson etc. Nokia was successful because they met the needs of the customers. "The Marketing concept holds that the key to achieving the organisational goals lies in determining the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfaction more efficiently and effectively than the competition"[3]. For an organisation to provide products that satisfy customers needs through a co–ordinated set of activities that also allows the organisation to achieve its goals, because customer satisfaction is the major aim of marketing concept.[4] Organisations need to communicate effectively with their customers, outlining the benefits of its service and how they can be used to Get more content on
  • 11. Communication Theories Essay In interpersonal communication there are many theories that are similar yet different in many ways. The theories can be combined to describe people and how those people interact and communicate with each other. Many of these theories help explain how people in society form impressions of others, how they maintain these impressions, why people interact with certain people in society, and how people will use these impressions that they have formed later on in life. These theories also help people to better understand themselves, to better understand interpersonal communication, and to better understand people in general. There are two theories in interpersonal communication that, despite their differences, can go hand in hand. The first more content... 213). As a whole, society tends to mirror the emotions of the person who is speaking or of the person who is playing a part. If a person goes to a play and the actors are experiencing fear, than the people who are watching the play will tend to experience that same fear. If one actor is mad at another actor, than the people watching the play will either experience that same emotion of anger or they will side with the other actor and experience the emotion that the other actor is feeling, whether it be uncertainty about why the other actor is mad at them or a feeling of sadness because the other actor is mad at them. Imitating others emotions happens all the time in society and as long as there is communication between people, whether it is verbal or nonverbal, this catching of emotions will continue. The interaction adaptation theory and the emotional contagion theory both have similarities and differences, just like any other set of theories. Both of these theories suggest that people adapt to people who are around them and whom they interact with. These two theories allow people to mirror those with whom they communicate with. These theories go hand in hand because when you are communicating with someone and mirroring their actions and behaviors, it is hard to not mirror their emotions. If someone is sad and decides to talk to someone about their problem, Get more content on
  • 12. Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurship EMERGING TRENDS IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP Introduction We all know that entrepreneurship is about attempting to assemble resources including innovations, finance and business acumen in an effort to transform innovations into economic goods. This may result in new organizations or may be part of revitalizing mature organizations in response to a perceived opportunity. The most obvious form of entrepreneurship is that of starting new business; however, in recent years, the term has been extended to include social and political forms of entrepreneurial activity. Entrepreneurship ranges in scale from solo projects to major undertakings creating many job opportunities. Many kinds of organizations now exist to support would–be entrepreneurs, more content... More importantly, the small scale sector has helped widen the entrepreneurial base by giving rise to a new class of entrepreneurs from the ranks of employees, business executive, technicians and professionals. Thus was broken the earlier myth that entrepreneurship is an exclusive domain of the socially conservative, traditional trading communities. In fact, in this 1960 study of small entrepreneurs in the then State of Madras, James Bean observed that entrepreneurs could emerge from a wide range of social and economical backgrounds. Contribution of the NEN and other organizations There are various associations, tie–ups and NGOs who are doing a yeoman service to the cause of entrepreneurship both abroad and in India. Notable among these are Evan Carmichael, TIE and our very own NEN (National Entrepreneurship Network) founded by Mr Romesh Wadhwani, an NRI entrepreneur who is the owner of Symhony Corporation in Silicon Valley. The aim of NEN which is a non profit organization is to foster the spirit of Entrepreneurship among the youth in India's educational Institutions and assist them in running successful businesses. The need for networking in entrepreneurship Neither entrepreneurship nor the phenomenon of innovation at the intersection of business and natural Get more content on
  • 13. 1.1Explain concepts and/or theories associated with a topic: a)Conformity is a type of social influence which involves a change in behaviour and belief of a minority to fit in with the group concerning real or imagined group pressures. This behaviour could be defined as the pressure to behave in ways that are viewed as acceptable by a particular group, brought about either by a desire to 'fit in' or be liked. The main factor that influences conformity are social norms. Social Norms are a pattern of expected behaviour in certain situations either implicitly or explicitly. Conformity exists in two categories, normative influence where the individual's desire is to gain social approval and acceptance from the group to make a favourable impression. And informational social influence where a person is looking for guidance in an ambiguous situation as the individual listens to other member 's views and opinions to be guided to an answer. Conformity is distinguished in three different types; Compliance is the most superficial type of conformity. It refers to a person who conforms publicly with the views and attitudes expressed by the group but still continue to privately disagree. This temporary short term behavioural change which often results normative social influence. For example, It is a student 's first day of college, but has arrived late and missed the induction to which he doesn 't know where to go. He then sees a group of students filing off towards a corridor and Get more content on
  • 14. Occupational Therapy Concepts 1)Why do you think, key concepts associated with OT have persisted throughout its history? To answer this question, you should be able to identify a concept and why it persists. Also consider concepts that have not persisted and why. Throughout the history of occupational therapy, many concepts and approaches had been considered. Within these concepts, some of them become key concepts for the field and others did not. One of the key concepts that persisted is the focus improve patient's abilities to perform occupation in the daily leaving. Throughout the history of the occupational therapy, the values on rehabilitation and occupational on daily activities are very highlighted. Kielhofner (2009) describes the various ways that occupational Get more content on
  • 15. John Locke a seventeenth century Philosopher uses a number of thought experiments in his 1690 account, 'An Essay concerning Human Understanding'. He uses these thought experiments to help explain his definition of the self and personal identity. The thought experiments that are used, go some way in explaining his opinions and in clarifying the role that memory plays in defining the term. Although defining personal identity was and still is a complex subject and not all philosophers share the same views. The term 'personal identity' is described in the text book 'as what, if anything makes a person the same person despite changes over time' (Warburton, N,2011, p.18). Locke's thought experiments are essential instruments in explaining that when a man or woman has no memory or consciousness of events that have occurred, their personal identity is altered quite significantly. Locke aims to show that a person's consciousness is what makes them, them. And that the biological body that their consciousness inhabits is not always connected. These opinions are talked about throughout his account and it is clear that John Locke feels that memory is imperative to personal identity. In John Locke's description of the thought experiment the little finger; he discusses the differences that can occur when a part of a human is removed and becomes its own individual body. Locke states that 'If the consciousness went along with the finger when it was cut off' that the finger could not deny Get more content on
  • 16. I chose the topic of self–concept through interpersonal communication because I had an interest in it. This interest is because I didn't understand that one's self–concept affected the way one is perceived by others. I learned self–concept through class discussions, but I wanted a better understanding of how communication affects one's self–concept and how it affects one's perception One's self–concept affects one's perception, attitude and behavior, which can be demonstrated during the process of interpersonal communication. Aspects of one's life influence their self–concept, which not only affect how people perceive them but how they perceive themselves. Such things are gender, motivational level and psychological type. It is more content... One will either come out of a situation with a positive or negative concept of these surroundings. Poor communication can cause one to have a poor perception of oneself. One's emotional state, dislikes, likes values and body image are affected by the opinions of others and can render one to have an inferior and insecure self–concept. How one communicates is also influenced by gender. Studies show that ones sex can place a person in a gender role expectation. Women and Men communicate differently and because sexual identity is defined through same sex parent or role model, women and men can get into gender role expectations. These expectations influence their perception attitudes and behavior that will result in a communication style. This early self–concept can effect each one's interpersonal relations. Women for instance are much–attached human beings they have very early identification with their mothers, and this can cause an on going pattern of role expectation. It can lead to interpersonal communication skills that are very nurturing and understanding. Women are not threatened by intimacy and communicating at a close range with people. Similarly, men also have an early identification process not with their mother, but their fathers. Men tend to be fairly reserved, and quite. Men are most comfortable when there is a level of separation. This male role will contribute to the communication processes and it can cause communication to Get more content on
  • 17. The Renaissance and Humanism Essay The Renaissance and Humanism You may wonder about, "The Renaissance" and its relationship to another term, "humanism" which fits into the same time period. If you check the dictionary, you will find that both terms can be used in a broad sense or more specifically. Humanism refers generally to a "devotion to the humanities: literary culture." (My definitions come from Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary). According to that definition we should all be humanists. The other general meaning is the one that disturbs the fundamentalists who attack secular humanism: "a doctrine, attitude, or way of life centered on human interests or values; especially a philosophy that usually rejects supernaturalism and stresses an individual' more content... The more general meaning refers to any movement or period of vigorous artistic and intellectual activity. To further confuse us we could ask ourselves how the Reformation and nationalism fit into the picture. Humanism, the Reformation and nationalism all appear as subheadings in your reading on the sixteenth century, but are not referred to in the introduction to the early seventeenth century (although humanism and nationalism existed at that time as well). I believe it is because the intial impact of humanism, the Reformation and nationalism was felt during the sixteenth century. In the discussion of humanism on page 396, your text lists the educational goals of scholars who studied and taught the classics. They steeped themselves in Latin grammar and rhetoric; the latter was "a rigorous discipline in all the stylistic devices used by classical authors" (397). In other words, they taught classical literature for the same reasons that I use a College Writing text entitled From Idea to Essay with sample selections of literature. Those essays supposedly serve as models to help the freshmen write their six essays during the semester. Most literary scholars would rank the literature from the Renaissance as some of the best in the English language. If you believe that Get more content on
  • 18. English 111 Reflective Essay As a new immigrant, I took the accuplacer test and went straight to 111 English level. So, English 111 course became my first college English class. It seems like a great achievement for a French speaker. Nonetheless, this performance linked to significant challenges. Even though I am a fighter and an optimist, I was frightened about my academic achievement for this semester. The problems became bigger when I took my first practice test on sentence structure (fragments and run–ons) and got a D. I was frightened and felt that I will have to drop the class. However, I decided not to give up. I started working hard and had a V+ on the next test. This positive grade energized me until now. During this semester, I have much homework and practices which allow me to identify some strengths, weaknesses, and gave me lots of skills for my English 112 class and the more content... I had excellent grades for all of them. Before writing a major essay, we discussed related texts and had argumentative practices in class to be familiar with the assignments. Each major essay differs from writing instructions. For instance, the Explaining a Concept involved MLA style and work cited, whereas, on the other essays, we just acknowledged our sources to avoid plagiarism. In writing these essays, I demonstrated real capacities in following the research paper writing process, developing and supporting my ideas, integrating correctly others ideas in my work. Besides, the writing English class helps me improving my vocabulary and improving my style. Based on that, I think the Explaining a concept essay was my strongest one because it contained any grammar errors with a good organization and coherent supporting Get more content on
  • 19. Essay about Defining Politics Defining Politics Politics is the collective name given to many different systems, ideas and real world issues. It is impossible to define politics as any one thing in particular, but as a label for many different aspects of life encompassed into one. Politics is largely about decision making, Politicians dispute on a regular basis about pending decisions to be made. Decisions to be made, of course vary in size and some are obviously much more important than others. Nevertheless, politics nearly always sets–out to make decisions in the best ways irrespective of how big or small they may be. Groups more content... Politics strives to reduce this conflict and keep it to a minimum. Politics is responsible for taking all views into consideration and reaching a consensus – something all people involved can agree on to a certain extent. Politics also goes hand in hand with the concept of power. Power, in any form of politics is of utmost importance, without power, politicians wouldn't be able to enforce rulings on a population. Power concerns being able to get others to do/act as other people would like them to. Power can be enforced in a number of different ways, power, of course cannot be assumed unless the people with power have something strong to back up their rulings. Sometimes, force is used to provoke obedience (coercion), while a legitimate government will often not need to resort to means of force. People are likely to comply with the law simply because they believe the government to be making the correct decisions. Coercion and legitimacy work in tandem to maintain obedience. Politics concerns people, people's involvement in politics is key in running an efficient political system. Voting is possibly the most important aspect of political activity. Elections are held in which people vote for their preferred political party, while referendums also play a key part in making major political decisions. Political involvement doesn't stop with voting. Pressure Groups can be joined in Get more content on