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Special Education Synthesis
The following are the topics I have chosen to use for my synthesis paper:
Teacher Education: Toward a Qualified Teacher in Every Classroom
Trends Relating to Special Education Service Provisions in Public, Private Schools, and Charter
Impacts of Accountability and Data Driven Models for Special Education Teachers and Students
Teachers, services provisions, and accountability have impacted special education in similar and
different ways. In my paper I will look at the impact each area has on the students, parents, and the
teachers. There are links from all three topics to the NCLB act, which has had some recent changes.
I hope to learn more about each area and how they affect both general education teachers and special
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Examples Of Synthesis
A synthesis essay is one of the most writer engaging pieces. It involved picking ideas from a variety
of sources, summarizing them and creating a cohesive essay that focuses on a thesis statement. It
interweaves information based on topic and relevance to assert a certain opinion or point of view.
The author examines various sources and identifies suitable relationships with the thesis. The most
important aspect of a synthesis is to demonstrate to the reader an extensive understanding of the
information within a topic. Therefore, extensive research is a prerequisite for a well–written essay.
Synthesis also involves a great deal of reflection. The author not only needs to rephrase and
summarize the sources of information, but put down what more content...
Give a brief description of the subject matter and its relevance. In a few lines, offer the background
of the topic. It is in this paragraph that you state the purpose of the synthesis. Make the reader
understand why they should review your work. last and most importantly. Formulate the thesis
statement. This brief and concise statement summarizes the whole agenda of the synthesis. The body
This section has three main parts. The target point: The topic statement describes the idea you will
discuss in the paragraph. The evidence: Justifies the main idea of the paragraph and invokes relevant
facts and data that will strengthen the argument. Conclusion: relates the evidence and target point. It
details the relevance of these two facts to the overall topic, The conclusion At this point, you wrap
up your essay. It is primal that the thesis statement is reiterated using different terns or paraphrase.
This paragraph envelopes all the arguments that you have presented. Restate each of the facts albeit
summarily. Example of an essay outline Introduction Hook the reader Provide background
information on executive order on the immigration. Explain why the ban is contentious in
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Synthesis Essay Technology
Synthesis Essay Technology has increased its role within society gradually over time. Through
social media, apps, and devices, we perceive technology to make lives more accessible and easier to
the modern crowd. Integration into schools and such almost seems as though we take it for granted,
however few seem to realize the negative impacts Technology provides for society. Although helpful,
Technology may provide negative effects behaviorally and health–wise, and therefore should be
separated from our daily lives.
Have you ever stepped away from a screen for a small break, only to realize that you have suddenly
become the victim of a severe headache, or even vertigo? These symptoms are two of many reported
that are connected to extended exposure
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Synthesis Essay: The Writing Process
Throughout the process of developing our own position, we must draw ideas from other people.
This process is called synthesis, as it involves considering various viewpoints in order to create a
new viewpoint. However, it is extremely important to know as much as possible about the topic.
The main point of synthesizing sources is to enter the conversation that society is having, with
logical evidence to back yourself up. But, when looking for reliable source, be aware of a bias that
the source might bring to the topic. A writer must analyze the rhetorical situation, even when it
comes to sources and documentation. As we further develop skills in writing synthesis essays, the
sources that we use will inform our position on the topic. Throughout the essay, the main event is
what we have to say, your position is central. As the writer, it is your job to analyze the sources you
come across, and to see which one appeals to the audience you are presenting to.
It is important to keep an open mind while reading sources, as every piece of evidence could be
crucial in the development of an more content...
That is why being able to use sources to inform an argument is crucial when writing any type of
essay. I am certain that being able to efficiently use my sources to appeal to an audience would also
be a contributing factor to whether or not I clearly state my position in my essay. However, it isn't
just important to have the evidence to back your claim up, you must also smoothly integrate it
throughout your essay. That is why I extremely appreciate the section on, "Integrating Quotations,"
that was given during this chapter. This chapter has given me a better understanding of what is
means to appropriately use sources throughout my essay. Evidence doesn't explain itself, it's the
author's job to make sure no stone gets left unturned when supporting your position with the sources
he/she has
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Synthesis Essay : Curriculum By Design
Synthesis Paper 2 – "Curriculum by Design"
Many educators now view the importance of a quality curriculum design as one of the key
components which ensures students will receive a quality education. However, it was not until half
way through the 20th century that curriculum development was even considered relevant to education
. Ralph Tyler's guide on curriculum development, though, created a shift in the thoughts of educators
(Villate, 2015). But what defines a good curriculum design? And is there just one way to plan
curriculum which will positively affect student performance? Educators must be willing to ask these
questions and more when choosing curriculum and instruction for their students. Planning an
effective curriculum is not an easy task because there is not one single formula for its design.
However, most educators would agree that there are essential questions that can be asked to ensure
the validity and quality of a design. Dillon feels as though these curriculum questions can be
classified into three sections which are the nature, the elements, and the practice of curriculum
(Dillon, 2009). From these three groups, planners can narrow the curriculum to focus on certain
aspects including the ideas of who, what, where, why, and how the plan is constructed, as well as the
resulting actions and thoughts of the plan. From these questions, planners and teachers can reflect
on the answers to design a curriculum that is most effective for their student
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Psychology: A Synthesis Essay
When Neisser (1979) claimed that the individual items in a Binet–type test functions like the
individual dimensions of chairs, he was implying the effectiveness of prototypical intelligence
measurements. According to him, a person who scores highly in tests is also likely to be good in
school and other academic areas. Such correlation convinces the pychometrician that the test acts as
the unit of measurement with regards to similarity to the original prototype. However, according to
the Roschian concept, the only way to measure intelligence similarity is by resemblance to the
proper prototype, which is done best through cumulating similarities over different dimensions.
Therefore, the only possible way to measure intelligence similarity more content...
For instance, Rogers (1965) devoted much of his work and writing to the uniqueness of ordinary
people in the psychology of science. As such, he interrogated the place of the individual person in
life through a series of thought–provoking psychological dissertations. For instance, he challenged
the role of the American Association of Humanistic Psychologists in enhancing an educational
atmosphere that would create a philosophy of life that transcends time and one that infuses the true
value of living. Likewise, Wertheimer (1938) advanced the principle of the Gestalt Theory, which
further interrogates the essence of life and living within the science of psychology. Indeed, both
Rogers and Wertheimer seem to concur with the arguments of psychologists such as William James
who placed more value and emphasis on the human value. For instance, he called on the need to look
more deeply in the human mind and to report what lies in there. Indeed, this is statement concurs
with Roger's and Wertheimer's convictions that the human mind is a fundamental tool in
psychological sciences and which holds the magical key of introspection. Eventually, it emerges that
the individual person holds much of the power to affect their life experiences with aspects such as
joy, pain, and sorrow and the
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Collaboration And Synthesis Essay
At first glance, I was skeptical. How could creativity be cultivated? As I delved into the process,
analyzing deeper beyond what does creativity actually mean, I became a believer.
"Educators invested in building creative skills risk lowering test scores and jeopardize the jobs
they have dedicated their lives to." This quote caught my eye since test scores continue to be a
driving force in education. Teachers are continually prodded to make gains and document growth. If
this is in the back of the minds of teachers, how can creativity evolve in the classroom? First, the
authors define the seven virtues of creativity:
After looking at this list, I noticed
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Synthesis Essay Ideas
In the article the author makes an argument that how Indian women and their renaissance in terms of
social status started much earlier before the modern world. She mentions names of women like
Gargi and Maetri who were philosophers and how they are mentioned with pride in the vedic time
and how the concept of "Brahmavadinis" in which a woman devotes her life towards studies has been
there in India since ancient times. According to her, this tradition though not universally popular
continued with Andals, Akka Mahadevis and Meeras who played a major role in shaping our
culture, art and civilization. These women pave the way for women like Rani Jhansi, Rani Padmini
and ultimately the first female prime minister Indira Gandhi which is unique for India in many ways.
According to her, the feminist scholars of other countries have recently shown interest in gathering
more information about the ancient Indian tradition which allowed women to be liberal unlike other
western cultures – which according to Jane Freedman secluded its women from power and politics.
Further adding to her point she states that the influence of feminine power can be traced on the
Indian freedom movement which was inspired by the imagery of mother India and the anthem
"Vande Matram" which was a tribute to her, motivated the freedom more content...
Gurumurthy to state that the security cost of elder care and other infirm is estimated to be six times
more than the GDP of U.S. She appreciates the Indian value system which was created with the
aspect Indian womanhood in the background and how it balances the cultural and economical side
of the country. She states that this system is one of the most significant thing that the west should
learn and adopt from
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Synthesis Essay Prompt
Chase Wagers, Synthesis Essay Prompt #1 "I refused to let schooling get in the way of my
education," was famously said by author Mark Twain. Schools are intended to foster personal
growth and ignite a lifelong passion for learning, yet sadly schools have evolved in a way that
promotes conformity at the expense of authentic education. Rather than continuing this broken
system, it is time for a change. Individuality has, for far too long, been pushed to the wayside in our
schools; it is time to allow students and families to make decisions in choosing classes and
scheduling so future goals and aspirations can be met.
Mandatory classes and coursework are two of the most unjust tools used to "promote" conformity in
our schools. I know from firsthand
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Synthesis Essay : Synthesis Of Articles
Synthesis of Articles I currently work for a university that built an entire Adult Program based on the
premise that their market would be the mid–level manager that already had a job. Most of the
employers paid for the students to attend college in order to earn a degree. They were not going to
earn a promotion, they already had the promotion and needed the degree to solidify their current
position. As the job market has changed, the university had to change also and so has the enrollment
of the university. Most of the students that are enrolling in the university at this time are
unemployed, under–employed or trying to reinvent themselves. One of the previous admissions
requirements for entrance into the university was that students had to have two years of work
experience. While this was a requirement for entrance the university realized that there were many
people who could not meet this requirement and therefore removed this requirement from the list of
admissions requirements. Once this requirement was removed students have been accepted without
having any work experience at all. Since this time students have been earning degrees and may or
may not have any work experience. With the change in the economy students have been earning
degree but have not been able to find employment. One of the reason that my students are finding it
hard to find employment is because many of them do not know what it is that they would like to do
with the degree they are earning. Another
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Synthesis Essay Technology
Today's society has not only revolutionized the way students access information, but also has
integrated modern day technology into school. Technology gives students the ability to access
millions of different pieces of information within seconds. However, as technology becomes more
prevalent in schools, people abuse the internet and become easily distracted from learning.
Technology can overwhelm students and as a result they become unimaginative. While technology is
helpful and can connect students and teachers, ultimately, it needs to be limited in schools because it
is abused and hurts a student's imagination. Technology does indeed have benefits. Not only do
electronics allow students to access thousands of different platforms more content...
Since such connections are broader and accessible to almost every students, schools have become
progressive in the way they use electronics. Kevin Delaney comments on teaching tools in schools,
"Pioneering teachers are getting their class to post writing assignment online so other students can
easily read and critique them...educators are beginning to interact with students.."(Source B) Students
are able to give constructive feedback to other students and help each other improve. When teachers
join the tech world, the relationship and communication between student and teacher is able to
progress and advance. Teachers are able to direct students to specific resources which gives multiple
online options to students who can look at different approaches to learning new information.
However, too much information can inundate a child's mind and can lead to a lack of imagination.
Rather than create one's own ideas, students are now force fed information without the ability to
form unique beliefs. Esther Dyson calls attention to the fact that technology prevents students from
being able to process information. She states, "machines automate the production of
attention–consuming information.. today's children are living in an information–rich
time–compressed environment that often seems to stifle a child's imagination."(Source C) Giving
students too much information in school
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Synthesis Paper : Leadership And Leadership
Synthesis Paper: Leadership Introduction Over the years, a great deal of time, and research has
been dedicate to the study of leadership. Even with extensive data on the topic, many still disagree
on what leadership really means. Hence, leadership is a word that has many different meanings
and different researched theories associated with it. On a basic level, leadership involves having
and establishing a clear vision, sharing that vision with followers, respecting followers, and leading
an organization with excellence while ensuring that everyone is part of the team. Leadership is
also a method by which a leader uses his or her influence towards getting a group of followers to
take ownership or buy into a vision. Effectiveness of leadership rest solely on the style of leadership
that the leader embraces. Many times it is also contingent upon the framework of leadership. This
simply suggests that dissimilar leadership styles are applicable in different situations. In order to be
effective, one must possess an array of skills, influence, traits, behaviors, values, motivation and
relationships with followers. Effectiveness of leadership is also the result of the mind, body, soul
and spirit coming together to be a visionary, passionate, flexible, inspiring, innovative, courageous,
experimental, and initiates change. Effective leadership means are centered on creating an
invigorating environment that is safe, fair, and consistent for all. The aforementioned statements
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Synthesis Essay Examples
College is a great opportunity for high school graduates through it may not seem exciting or
entertaining but it will be worth it once students start finding jobs after their studies. College is a
great start for anyone's future because it would impact each person's knowledge in the future and
develop students characteristics once they start to find a well–paying job.
"A liberal education remains a resource years after graduation because it helps us to address
problems and potential in our lives with passion, commitment, and a sense of possibility" (Roth).
According to this quote in Source B, It describes how education will help college graduate students
become more intelligent and aware that . Higher education paves a future and provides opportunity
for students that attended college and gives them a shot at a career. more content...
For an example,liberal arts education introduces students to music, rationality, and books that form
"disciplined yet creative habits of mind that are not reducible to the material circumstances of one's
life" which allow "leadership positions in politics, culture and the economy" (Roth). College can
show particular aptitudes which can include how to analyze an illness, yet in addition lessons of
how to shape judgment and be a pioneer which enable laborers to exceed expectations past their
position. Despite the fact that school might be time–serious, Americans should bring it into
incredible thought on account of the advantages that last a lifetime.Although going to college can
progress toward becoming an essential and thorough piece of life, the result of extending one's
information and procuring more cash will is justified regardless of the cost. It will enable specialists
to accomplish their objectives outside of their activity, for example, turning into a pioneer, having a
family, and significantly
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Summary Of A Synthesis Essay
Synthesis Paper For this action research project will concentrate on the area of teaching and learning
strategies. To be more specific, teaching reading to student with disabilities and culturally and
linguistically diverse backgrounds. With the objective to find out what strategies work best with this
population in regards to teaching high–frequency words. The thesis of this study is students with
disabilities and culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds will be able to increase his/her
recognition of high–frequency words when incorporating multisensory strategies to his/her daily
reading instruction. By using the multisensory approach to teaching high–frequency words student
engagement will increase. The research questions: Will more content...
Oakland et al. (1998) studied only students with dyslexia. Even with the demographic differences
both studies found the use of multisensory components to be beneficial to students (Negin, 1991;
Oakland et al., 1998). Oakland et al. (1998) discovers the student who used the multisensory
approach gained significantly in word recognition.
Weaknesses of these articles are the date of which they were written. Both articles were written in
the 1990s. Making some information not as current in the studies (Negin, 1991; Oakland et al.,
1998). In Negin (1991) the student were given a test from 1987.
The research of both Negin (1991) and Oakland et al. (1998) support the use of multisensory
techniques in a teaching reading. Both studies showed growth from students when exposed to a
multisensory technique during reading instruction (Negin, 1991; Oakland et al., 1998). Oakland et
al. (1998) even state a multisensory approach help students with word recognition. This supports the
research question, in regards to student increasing sight word recognition by adding a multisensory
component to students' reading
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Synthesis Essay Examples
With eyes screwed shut, she intakes a deep breath of what is supposed to be fresh air. Instead, she
is met with smoke so thick it instinctively makes her break out into coughs. Her ears listen for the
sound of birds or music; instead, she is met with the relatively unpleasant sound of car horns and
coughing. On a day meant for sweaters and warm beverages, she finds her body heating with
even the lightest of clothes and craving a cool glass of water. Many people in today's society
have adopted the idea that car usage is essential to one's daily life; the idea that comfort via easy
transport is worth any cost to the environment. The previous description, most likely assumed to be
fictional dystopia of sorts, may not necessarily be fiction at all; it may very likely be the result of
strain on the environment due to more content...
For example, in select cities in Germany, "Street parking, driveways and home garages are
generally forbidden in this experimental new district on the outskirts of Freiburg, near the French
and Swiss borders," (source one; p. 2). As a result of such a drastic effort, residents have reported
an overall improvement in their quality of life. One media trainer and mother of two children, H.
Walter, even stated, "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." Yet another
example includes the three cities of Columbia: Bogota, Cali, and Valledupar; these cities have also
restricted the use of cars. Similarly, residents have reported feelings of well–being, as well as
cultural improvements. "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," said
Carlos Arturo Plaza, (source three; p.5). Culturally, the reduction of car usage has grown in
popularity and appreciation. Such appreciation and cultural shifts have been displayed in the many
parks, sports centers, sidewalks, and shopping districts, that have been developed as a
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Environmental Synthesis Essay
Alongside of leaving us with his legacy of finding a cure for Polio, Jonas Salk has also left us
with the introspective thought; "Our greatest responsibility is to be good ancestors." Being a good
ancestor goes beyond the passing down of knowledge and the securing of wealth for the financial
future of our children. Their birthright must also include a viable and sustainable planet to coexist
in. Moreover, the beauty of nature is a priceless facet of life which we cannot deny them. Despite
being faced with a magnitude of environment warnings, many people are perfectly comfortable
denying prevailing evidence and continue to place the well–being of our environment on the back
burner even though we may very well be living on borrowed more content...
EPA consciously delayed the planned release of an annual report on fuel economy in 2005. The
report would have given a controversial energy bill substantial resistance but EPA chose to delay
the report at the very last minute. Daniel Becker, the Sierra Club's top global warming strategist
said "It's disturbing that despite high gas prices, an oil war and growing concern about global
warming pollution, most automakers are failing to improve fuel economy." Aside from this ghastly
maneuver, interference was permeating even the most credible sector of EPA. EPA scientist has
received an increasing amount of political interference which undermines the integrity of their
experiments. Researchers that studied the relation between cancer and chemical used in our food
have received the highest level of harassment from EPA big wigs. Such corruption is not just
limited to us; it is rampant across most societies. Local leaders of Indonesia take bribes and turn a
blind eye to logging companies that are operating without a license. Federal government receives
billions of dollars from western societies to keep their forest intact, the money is then mishandled,
and the logging returns to its relentless continuum. In the midst of this free for all we seem to lack
the empathy and awareness to lend any traction to the environmental movement. Perhaps we just feel
too miniscule or powerless to make any real
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Synthesis Essay On Global Warming
Global warming has been a controversial topic for years and some have even denied its existence;
however, as more studies are being published every day in regards to our changing climate, it is
hard to ignore this growing issue and how humans contribute to it. The term greenhouse gases refers
to the group of gases that are primarily responsible for global warming and chief among these gases
is carbon dioxide. Rising carbon dioxide levels can be attributed to a combination of burning fossil
fuels such as coal, natural gas, and petroleum as well as deforestation in general ( Source A). To
slow the effects of global warming, it is important for leaders in our society to consider their
greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide, and more content...
According to an article focused on environmental awareness, "the world's average surface
temperature rose by approximately 1 degree Fahrenheit, the fastest rate in any period over the last
1000 years" (Source A). Damage has already been done to the environment but it is not the time
to throw our hands up, it is the time for leaders in all sectors to tackle this issue head on. We know
that carbon dioxide is the culprit, so now it is imperative to implement the solution and take a
hard look at who is producing the most greenhouse gases. Big changes need to take place but they
can only be done in steps and not all at once to be effective. In an excerpt from a book about
global warming, Mark Maslin brings up the point that many feel the Kyoto Protocol does not go
far enough; scientists believe that a 60% cut of greenhouse gas emissions is necessary in order to
"prevent major climate change" (Source E). A sixty percent cut of emissions should be what
countries work up to achieving but first and foremost, every country needs to agree to the Kyoto
Protocol guidelines. The Kyoto Protocol itself should not be viewed as the end in the discussion of
greenhouse gas restrictions, but rather the first stepping stone to a much broader and effective
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Synthesis Essay On Plagiarism
When constructing a piece of writing, it is vital to avoid plagiarism, taking another person's words
and using them as your own. The odds of accidentally plagiarizing can be reduced with the use of
paraphrases and quotations, however, many differences reside between the two writing tools.
Quoting is generally defined as acquiring text by the copying of another's writing, word–for–word,
and transplanting said writing into your own work. These words, three or more, require quotation
marks that enclose the quote, an in–text citation, and an entry into the essay's works cited. An in–text
citation of a quote, is executed by placing the author's last name and the page number from which the
quotation was taken from inside a set of parentheses after
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Synthesis Essay Sample Research Paper
Technology has inspired people through many positive and negative ways. Technology allows
people to express themselves and communicate with others. For instance, if one would like to
check to see if a store is open, all he or she has to do is check on his or her phone. Many people
agree that technology isn't useful; however, it truly impacts one's mental health, school grades, and
general knowledge. Every day, technology reduces one's mental health. The over usage of
technology is also being affected on school work. According to the text " Similarly, another recent
study on media consumption, published by the Kaiser Foundation, tracked teenagers' technology use
from 1999–2010 and concluded that 47% of heavy media users reported getting lower grades
compared to only 23% of light users." (Source 1). The study shows a direct cause and effect from
using technology, According to the more content...
Regularly student's school grades increase due to technology. According to the text "Researchers also
conclude the current generation has higher problem–solving skills due to their familiarly with social
media sites, as well as the ability to synthesize information from a myriad of source." (Source 2).
Being on social media sites, you come across information you do and don't know, then before you
know it you see it on a test. Yet, there are many positive affects they're many negative effects on
using technology. According to the text " A study published in 2009 Psychiatry and clinical
Neuroscience evaluated 2,336 high school studies and concluded that students who spent an
excessive amount of time on the internet reported being more tired during the day time and were at
risk of drowsy driving, injuries in the workplace, and poor school performance" (Source 1). Sleep is
a crucial part to anyone day especially a student. Studies shows how not getting enough sleep directly
affects their
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Synthesis Essay On Technology
In today society technology takes and facilitates a great portion of tedious task. Technology has been
engraved into the daily task. Additionally, we have come across and known to be the digital
generation. Technology expands too new horizons and serves at great magnitudes in different fields.
For example, technology serves in the medical field, advertisement and many more. Although, there
is many benefits of using technology there is a downside. Technology decreases our reasoning,
motor, and shapes our way of thinking negatively.
Technology is slowly diminishing our cognitive reasoning and motor skills. Technology negatively
establishes new diverse connections in our brains; rearranging our thinking thoughts into different
processes. To clarify, these connections disintegrate the process of new ideas in a form that the
simple reaction would be "google something" rather than actually process and formulate concrete
ideas. Technology shuts down the human curiosity of exploration and the fruitful harvest of finding
new information from effort. This derives from constantly having the answer right at our disposal.
Nicholas Carr in his article "Is Google Making Us Stupid" writes "Over the past few years I've had
an uncomfortable sense that someone, or something, has been tinkering with my brain, remapping more content...
To clarify, media has shaped human beings to want to find the easy and convenient method to
tasks. People such as Scott Karp known to focus on media. Scott Karp once said and proposed
"What if I do all my reading on the Web not so much because the way I read has changed... I'm
just seeking convenience, but because the way I think has changed.". Bruce Friedman is a man
who blogs about the use of computers in Medicine believe technology is slowly absorbing away
our creative spike. Friedman once wrote "I now have almost totally lost the ability to read and
absorb longish article on the web or in
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Synthesis Essay Ideas

  • 1. Special Education Synthesis The following are the topics I have chosen to use for my synthesis paper: Teacher Education: Toward a Qualified Teacher in Every Classroom Trends Relating to Special Education Service Provisions in Public, Private Schools, and Charter Schools Impacts of Accountability and Data Driven Models for Special Education Teachers and Students Teachers, services provisions, and accountability have impacted special education in similar and different ways. In my paper I will look at the impact each area has on the students, parents, and the teachers. There are links from all three topics to the NCLB act, which has had some recent changes. I hope to learn more about each area and how they affect both general education teachers and special Get more content on
  • 2. Examples Of Synthesis A synthesis essay is one of the most writer engaging pieces. It involved picking ideas from a variety of sources, summarizing them and creating a cohesive essay that focuses on a thesis statement. It interweaves information based on topic and relevance to assert a certain opinion or point of view. The author examines various sources and identifies suitable relationships with the thesis. The most important aspect of a synthesis is to demonstrate to the reader an extensive understanding of the information within a topic. Therefore, extensive research is a prerequisite for a well–written essay. Synthesis also involves a great deal of reflection. The author not only needs to rephrase and summarize the sources of information, but put down what more content... Give a brief description of the subject matter and its relevance. In a few lines, offer the background of the topic. It is in this paragraph that you state the purpose of the synthesis. Make the reader understand why they should review your work. last and most importantly. Formulate the thesis statement. This brief and concise statement summarizes the whole agenda of the synthesis. The body This section has three main parts. The target point: The topic statement describes the idea you will discuss in the paragraph. The evidence: Justifies the main idea of the paragraph and invokes relevant facts and data that will strengthen the argument. Conclusion: relates the evidence and target point. It details the relevance of these two facts to the overall topic, The conclusion At this point, you wrap up your essay. It is primal that the thesis statement is reiterated using different terns or paraphrase. This paragraph envelopes all the arguments that you have presented. Restate each of the facts albeit summarily. Example of an essay outline Introduction Hook the reader Provide background information on executive order on the immigration. Explain why the ban is contentious in Get more content on
  • 3. Synthesis Essay Technology Synthesis Essay Technology has increased its role within society gradually over time. Through social media, apps, and devices, we perceive technology to make lives more accessible and easier to the modern crowd. Integration into schools and such almost seems as though we take it for granted, however few seem to realize the negative impacts Technology provides for society. Although helpful, Technology may provide negative effects behaviorally and health–wise, and therefore should be separated from our daily lives. Have you ever stepped away from a screen for a small break, only to realize that you have suddenly become the victim of a severe headache, or even vertigo? These symptoms are two of many reported that are connected to extended exposure Get more content on
  • 4. Synthesis Essay: The Writing Process Throughout the process of developing our own position, we must draw ideas from other people. This process is called synthesis, as it involves considering various viewpoints in order to create a new viewpoint. However, it is extremely important to know as much as possible about the topic. The main point of synthesizing sources is to enter the conversation that society is having, with logical evidence to back yourself up. But, when looking for reliable source, be aware of a bias that the source might bring to the topic. A writer must analyze the rhetorical situation, even when it comes to sources and documentation. As we further develop skills in writing synthesis essays, the sources that we use will inform our position on the topic. Throughout the essay, the main event is what we have to say, your position is central. As the writer, it is your job to analyze the sources you come across, and to see which one appeals to the audience you are presenting to. It is important to keep an open mind while reading sources, as every piece of evidence could be crucial in the development of an more content... That is why being able to use sources to inform an argument is crucial when writing any type of essay. I am certain that being able to efficiently use my sources to appeal to an audience would also be a contributing factor to whether or not I clearly state my position in my essay. However, it isn't just important to have the evidence to back your claim up, you must also smoothly integrate it throughout your essay. That is why I extremely appreciate the section on, "Integrating Quotations," that was given during this chapter. This chapter has given me a better understanding of what is means to appropriately use sources throughout my essay. Evidence doesn't explain itself, it's the author's job to make sure no stone gets left unturned when supporting your position with the sources he/she has Get more content on
  • 5. Synthesis Essay : Curriculum By Design Synthesis Paper 2 – "Curriculum by Design" Many educators now view the importance of a quality curriculum design as one of the key components which ensures students will receive a quality education. However, it was not until half way through the 20th century that curriculum development was even considered relevant to education . Ralph Tyler's guide on curriculum development, though, created a shift in the thoughts of educators (Villate, 2015). But what defines a good curriculum design? And is there just one way to plan curriculum which will positively affect student performance? Educators must be willing to ask these questions and more when choosing curriculum and instruction for their students. Planning an effective curriculum is not an easy task because there is not one single formula for its design. However, most educators would agree that there are essential questions that can be asked to ensure the validity and quality of a design. Dillon feels as though these curriculum questions can be classified into three sections which are the nature, the elements, and the practice of curriculum (Dillon, 2009). From these three groups, planners can narrow the curriculum to focus on certain aspects including the ideas of who, what, where, why, and how the plan is constructed, as well as the resulting actions and thoughts of the plan. From these questions, planners and teachers can reflect on the answers to design a curriculum that is most effective for their student Get more content on
  • 6. Psychology: A Synthesis Essay When Neisser (1979) claimed that the individual items in a Binet–type test functions like the individual dimensions of chairs, he was implying the effectiveness of prototypical intelligence measurements. According to him, a person who scores highly in tests is also likely to be good in school and other academic areas. Such correlation convinces the pychometrician that the test acts as the unit of measurement with regards to similarity to the original prototype. However, according to the Roschian concept, the only way to measure intelligence similarity is by resemblance to the proper prototype, which is done best through cumulating similarities over different dimensions. Therefore, the only possible way to measure intelligence similarity more content... For instance, Rogers (1965) devoted much of his work and writing to the uniqueness of ordinary people in the psychology of science. As such, he interrogated the place of the individual person in life through a series of thought–provoking psychological dissertations. For instance, he challenged the role of the American Association of Humanistic Psychologists in enhancing an educational atmosphere that would create a philosophy of life that transcends time and one that infuses the true value of living. Likewise, Wertheimer (1938) advanced the principle of the Gestalt Theory, which further interrogates the essence of life and living within the science of psychology. Indeed, both Rogers and Wertheimer seem to concur with the arguments of psychologists such as William James who placed more value and emphasis on the human value. For instance, he called on the need to look more deeply in the human mind and to report what lies in there. Indeed, this is statement concurs with Roger's and Wertheimer's convictions that the human mind is a fundamental tool in psychological sciences and which holds the magical key of introspection. Eventually, it emerges that the individual person holds much of the power to affect their life experiences with aspects such as joy, pain, and sorrow and the Get more content on
  • 7. Collaboration And Synthesis Essay At first glance, I was skeptical. How could creativity be cultivated? As I delved into the process, analyzing deeper beyond what does creativity actually mean, I became a believer. "Educators invested in building creative skills risk lowering test scores and jeopardize the jobs they have dedicated their lives to." This quote caught my eye since test scores continue to be a driving force in education. Teachers are continually prodded to make gains and document growth. If this is in the back of the minds of teachers, how can creativity evolve in the classroom? First, the authors define the seven virtues of creativity: Curiousity Versatility Synthesis Discipline Collaboration Experimentation Tenacity After looking at this list, I noticed Get more content on
  • 8. Synthesis Essay Ideas In the article the author makes an argument that how Indian women and their renaissance in terms of social status started much earlier before the modern world. She mentions names of women like Gargi and Maetri who were philosophers and how they are mentioned with pride in the vedic time and how the concept of "Brahmavadinis" in which a woman devotes her life towards studies has been there in India since ancient times. According to her, this tradition though not universally popular continued with Andals, Akka Mahadevis and Meeras who played a major role in shaping our culture, art and civilization. These women pave the way for women like Rani Jhansi, Rani Padmini and ultimately the first female prime minister Indira Gandhi which is unique for India in many ways. According to her, the feminist scholars of other countries have recently shown interest in gathering more information about the ancient Indian tradition which allowed women to be liberal unlike other western cultures – which according to Jane Freedman secluded its women from power and politics. Further adding to her point she states that the influence of feminine power can be traced on the Indian freedom movement which was inspired by the imagery of mother India and the anthem "Vande Matram" which was a tribute to her, motivated the freedom more content... Gurumurthy to state that the security cost of elder care and other infirm is estimated to be six times more than the GDP of U.S. She appreciates the Indian value system which was created with the aspect Indian womanhood in the background and how it balances the cultural and economical side of the country. She states that this system is one of the most significant thing that the west should learn and adopt from Get more content on
  • 9. Synthesis Essay Prompt Chase Wagers, Synthesis Essay Prompt #1 "I refused to let schooling get in the way of my education," was famously said by author Mark Twain. Schools are intended to foster personal growth and ignite a lifelong passion for learning, yet sadly schools have evolved in a way that promotes conformity at the expense of authentic education. Rather than continuing this broken system, it is time for a change. Individuality has, for far too long, been pushed to the wayside in our schools; it is time to allow students and families to make decisions in choosing classes and scheduling so future goals and aspirations can be met. Mandatory classes and coursework are two of the most unjust tools used to "promote" conformity in our schools. I know from firsthand Get more content on
  • 10. Synthesis Essay : Synthesis Of Articles Synthesis of Articles I currently work for a university that built an entire Adult Program based on the premise that their market would be the mid–level manager that already had a job. Most of the employers paid for the students to attend college in order to earn a degree. They were not going to earn a promotion, they already had the promotion and needed the degree to solidify their current position. As the job market has changed, the university had to change also and so has the enrollment of the university. Most of the students that are enrolling in the university at this time are unemployed, under–employed or trying to reinvent themselves. One of the previous admissions requirements for entrance into the university was that students had to have two years of work experience. While this was a requirement for entrance the university realized that there were many people who could not meet this requirement and therefore removed this requirement from the list of admissions requirements. Once this requirement was removed students have been accepted without having any work experience at all. Since this time students have been earning degrees and may or may not have any work experience. With the change in the economy students have been earning degree but have not been able to find employment. One of the reason that my students are finding it hard to find employment is because many of them do not know what it is that they would like to do with the degree they are earning. Another Get more content on
  • 11. Synthesis Essay Technology Today's society has not only revolutionized the way students access information, but also has integrated modern day technology into school. Technology gives students the ability to access millions of different pieces of information within seconds. However, as technology becomes more prevalent in schools, people abuse the internet and become easily distracted from learning. Technology can overwhelm students and as a result they become unimaginative. While technology is helpful and can connect students and teachers, ultimately, it needs to be limited in schools because it is abused and hurts a student's imagination. Technology does indeed have benefits. Not only do electronics allow students to access thousands of different platforms more content... Since such connections are broader and accessible to almost every students, schools have become progressive in the way they use electronics. Kevin Delaney comments on teaching tools in schools, "Pioneering teachers are getting their class to post writing assignment online so other students can easily read and critique them...educators are beginning to interact with students.."(Source B) Students are able to give constructive feedback to other students and help each other improve. When teachers join the tech world, the relationship and communication between student and teacher is able to progress and advance. Teachers are able to direct students to specific resources which gives multiple online options to students who can look at different approaches to learning new information. However, too much information can inundate a child's mind and can lead to a lack of imagination. Rather than create one's own ideas, students are now force fed information without the ability to form unique beliefs. Esther Dyson calls attention to the fact that technology prevents students from being able to process information. She states, "machines automate the production of attention–consuming information.. today's children are living in an information–rich time–compressed environment that often seems to stifle a child's imagination."(Source C) Giving students too much information in school Get more content on
  • 12. Synthesis Paper : Leadership And Leadership Synthesis Paper: Leadership Introduction Over the years, a great deal of time, and research has been dedicate to the study of leadership. Even with extensive data on the topic, many still disagree on what leadership really means. Hence, leadership is a word that has many different meanings and different researched theories associated with it. On a basic level, leadership involves having and establishing a clear vision, sharing that vision with followers, respecting followers, and leading an organization with excellence while ensuring that everyone is part of the team. Leadership is also a method by which a leader uses his or her influence towards getting a group of followers to take ownership or buy into a vision. Effectiveness of leadership rest solely on the style of leadership that the leader embraces. Many times it is also contingent upon the framework of leadership. This simply suggests that dissimilar leadership styles are applicable in different situations. In order to be effective, one must possess an array of skills, influence, traits, behaviors, values, motivation and relationships with followers. Effectiveness of leadership is also the result of the mind, body, soul and spirit coming together to be a visionary, passionate, flexible, inspiring, innovative, courageous, experimental, and initiates change. Effective leadership means are centered on creating an invigorating environment that is safe, fair, and consistent for all. The aforementioned statements Get more content on
  • 13. Synthesis Essay Examples College is a great opportunity for high school graduates through it may not seem exciting or entertaining but it will be worth it once students start finding jobs after their studies. College is a great start for anyone's future because it would impact each person's knowledge in the future and develop students characteristics once they start to find a well–paying job. "A liberal education remains a resource years after graduation because it helps us to address problems and potential in our lives with passion, commitment, and a sense of possibility" (Roth). According to this quote in Source B, It describes how education will help college graduate students become more intelligent and aware that . Higher education paves a future and provides opportunity for students that attended college and gives them a shot at a career. more content... For an example,liberal arts education introduces students to music, rationality, and books that form "disciplined yet creative habits of mind that are not reducible to the material circumstances of one's life" which allow "leadership positions in politics, culture and the economy" (Roth). College can show particular aptitudes which can include how to analyze an illness, yet in addition lessons of how to shape judgment and be a pioneer which enable laborers to exceed expectations past their position. Despite the fact that school might be time–serious, Americans should bring it into incredible thought on account of the advantages that last a lifetime.Although going to college can progress toward becoming an essential and thorough piece of life, the result of extending one's information and procuring more cash will is justified regardless of the cost. It will enable specialists to accomplish their objectives outside of their activity, for example, turning into a pioneer, having a family, and significantly Get more content on
  • 14. Summary Of A Synthesis Essay Synthesis Paper For this action research project will concentrate on the area of teaching and learning strategies. To be more specific, teaching reading to student with disabilities and culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. With the objective to find out what strategies work best with this population in regards to teaching high–frequency words. The thesis of this study is students with disabilities and culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds will be able to increase his/her recognition of high–frequency words when incorporating multisensory strategies to his/her daily reading instruction. By using the multisensory approach to teaching high–frequency words student engagement will increase. The research questions: Will more content... Oakland et al. (1998) studied only students with dyslexia. Even with the demographic differences both studies found the use of multisensory components to be beneficial to students (Negin, 1991; Oakland et al., 1998). Oakland et al. (1998) discovers the student who used the multisensory approach gained significantly in word recognition. Weaknesses of these articles are the date of which they were written. Both articles were written in the 1990s. Making some information not as current in the studies (Negin, 1991; Oakland et al., 1998). In Negin (1991) the student were given a test from 1987. Conclusions The research of both Negin (1991) and Oakland et al. (1998) support the use of multisensory techniques in a teaching reading. Both studies showed growth from students when exposed to a multisensory technique during reading instruction (Negin, 1991; Oakland et al., 1998). Oakland et al. (1998) even state a multisensory approach help students with word recognition. This supports the research question, in regards to student increasing sight word recognition by adding a multisensory component to students' reading Get more content on
  • 15. Synthesis Essay Examples With eyes screwed shut, she intakes a deep breath of what is supposed to be fresh air. Instead, she is met with smoke so thick it instinctively makes her break out into coughs. Her ears listen for the sound of birds or music; instead, she is met with the relatively unpleasant sound of car horns and coughing. On a day meant for sweaters and warm beverages, she finds her body heating with even the lightest of clothes and craving a cool glass of water. Many people in today's society have adopted the idea that car usage is essential to one's daily life; the idea that comfort via easy transport is worth any cost to the environment. The previous description, most likely assumed to be fictional dystopia of sorts, may not necessarily be fiction at all; it may very likely be the result of strain on the environment due to more content... For example, in select cities in Germany, "Street parking, driveways and home garages are generally forbidden in this experimental new district on the outskirts of Freiburg, near the French and Swiss borders," (source one; p. 2). As a result of such a drastic effort, residents have reported an overall improvement in their quality of life. One media trainer and mother of two children, H. Walter, even stated, "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." Yet another example includes the three cities of Columbia: Bogota, Cali, and Valledupar; these cities have also restricted the use of cars. Similarly, residents have reported feelings of well–being, as well as cultural improvements. "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," said Carlos Arturo Plaza, (source three; p.5). Culturally, the reduction of car usage has grown in popularity and appreciation. Such appreciation and cultural shifts have been displayed in the many parks, sports centers, sidewalks, and shopping districts, that have been developed as a Get more content on
  • 16. Environmental Synthesis Essay Alongside of leaving us with his legacy of finding a cure for Polio, Jonas Salk has also left us with the introspective thought; "Our greatest responsibility is to be good ancestors." Being a good ancestor goes beyond the passing down of knowledge and the securing of wealth for the financial future of our children. Their birthright must also include a viable and sustainable planet to coexist in. Moreover, the beauty of nature is a priceless facet of life which we cannot deny them. Despite being faced with a magnitude of environment warnings, many people are perfectly comfortable denying prevailing evidence and continue to place the well–being of our environment on the back burner even though we may very well be living on borrowed more content... EPA consciously delayed the planned release of an annual report on fuel economy in 2005. The report would have given a controversial energy bill substantial resistance but EPA chose to delay the report at the very last minute. Daniel Becker, the Sierra Club's top global warming strategist said "It's disturbing that despite high gas prices, an oil war and growing concern about global warming pollution, most automakers are failing to improve fuel economy." Aside from this ghastly maneuver, interference was permeating even the most credible sector of EPA. EPA scientist has received an increasing amount of political interference which undermines the integrity of their experiments. Researchers that studied the relation between cancer and chemical used in our food have received the highest level of harassment from EPA big wigs. Such corruption is not just limited to us; it is rampant across most societies. Local leaders of Indonesia take bribes and turn a blind eye to logging companies that are operating without a license. Federal government receives billions of dollars from western societies to keep their forest intact, the money is then mishandled, and the logging returns to its relentless continuum. In the midst of this free for all we seem to lack the empathy and awareness to lend any traction to the environmental movement. Perhaps we just feel too miniscule or powerless to make any real Get more content on
  • 17. Synthesis Essay On Global Warming Global warming has been a controversial topic for years and some have even denied its existence; however, as more studies are being published every day in regards to our changing climate, it is hard to ignore this growing issue and how humans contribute to it. The term greenhouse gases refers to the group of gases that are primarily responsible for global warming and chief among these gases is carbon dioxide. Rising carbon dioxide levels can be attributed to a combination of burning fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, and petroleum as well as deforestation in general ( Source A). To slow the effects of global warming, it is important for leaders in our society to consider their greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide, and more content... According to an article focused on environmental awareness, "the world's average surface temperature rose by approximately 1 degree Fahrenheit, the fastest rate in any period over the last 1000 years" (Source A). Damage has already been done to the environment but it is not the time to throw our hands up, it is the time for leaders in all sectors to tackle this issue head on. We know that carbon dioxide is the culprit, so now it is imperative to implement the solution and take a hard look at who is producing the most greenhouse gases. Big changes need to take place but they can only be done in steps and not all at once to be effective. In an excerpt from a book about global warming, Mark Maslin brings up the point that many feel the Kyoto Protocol does not go far enough; scientists believe that a 60% cut of greenhouse gas emissions is necessary in order to "prevent major climate change" (Source E). A sixty percent cut of emissions should be what countries work up to achieving but first and foremost, every country needs to agree to the Kyoto Protocol guidelines. The Kyoto Protocol itself should not be viewed as the end in the discussion of greenhouse gas restrictions, but rather the first stepping stone to a much broader and effective Get more content on
  • 18. Synthesis Essay On Plagiarism When constructing a piece of writing, it is vital to avoid plagiarism, taking another person's words and using them as your own. The odds of accidentally plagiarizing can be reduced with the use of paraphrases and quotations, however, many differences reside between the two writing tools. Quoting is generally defined as acquiring text by the copying of another's writing, word–for–word, and transplanting said writing into your own work. These words, three or more, require quotation marks that enclose the quote, an in–text citation, and an entry into the essay's works cited. An in–text citation of a quote, is executed by placing the author's last name and the page number from which the quotation was taken from inside a set of parentheses after Get more content on
  • 19. Synthesis Essay Sample Research Paper Technology has inspired people through many positive and negative ways. Technology allows people to express themselves and communicate with others. For instance, if one would like to check to see if a store is open, all he or she has to do is check on his or her phone. Many people agree that technology isn't useful; however, it truly impacts one's mental health, school grades, and general knowledge. Every day, technology reduces one's mental health. The over usage of technology is also being affected on school work. According to the text " Similarly, another recent study on media consumption, published by the Kaiser Foundation, tracked teenagers' technology use from 1999–2010 and concluded that 47% of heavy media users reported getting lower grades compared to only 23% of light users." (Source 1). The study shows a direct cause and effect from using technology, According to the more content... Regularly student's school grades increase due to technology. According to the text "Researchers also conclude the current generation has higher problem–solving skills due to their familiarly with social media sites, as well as the ability to synthesize information from a myriad of source." (Source 2). Being on social media sites, you come across information you do and don't know, then before you know it you see it on a test. Yet, there are many positive affects they're many negative effects on using technology. According to the text " A study published in 2009 Psychiatry and clinical Neuroscience evaluated 2,336 high school studies and concluded that students who spent an excessive amount of time on the internet reported being more tired during the day time and were at risk of drowsy driving, injuries in the workplace, and poor school performance" (Source 1). Sleep is a crucial part to anyone day especially a student. Studies shows how not getting enough sleep directly affects their Get more content on
  • 20. Synthesis Essay On Technology In today society technology takes and facilitates a great portion of tedious task. Technology has been engraved into the daily task. Additionally, we have come across and known to be the digital generation. Technology expands too new horizons and serves at great magnitudes in different fields. For example, technology serves in the medical field, advertisement and many more. Although, there is many benefits of using technology there is a downside. Technology decreases our reasoning, motor, and shapes our way of thinking negatively. Technology is slowly diminishing our cognitive reasoning and motor skills. Technology negatively establishes new diverse connections in our brains; rearranging our thinking thoughts into different processes. To clarify, these connections disintegrate the process of new ideas in a form that the simple reaction would be "google something" rather than actually process and formulate concrete ideas. Technology shuts down the human curiosity of exploration and the fruitful harvest of finding new information from effort. This derives from constantly having the answer right at our disposal. Nicholas Carr in his article "Is Google Making Us Stupid" writes "Over the past few years I've had an uncomfortable sense that someone, or something, has been tinkering with my brain, remapping more content... To clarify, media has shaped human beings to want to find the easy and convenient method to tasks. People such as Scott Karp known to focus on media. Scott Karp once said and proposed "What if I do all my reading on the Web not so much because the way I read has changed... I'm just seeking convenience, but because the way I think has changed.". Bruce Friedman is a man who blogs about the use of computers in Medicine believe technology is slowly absorbing away our creative spike. Friedman once wrote "I now have almost totally lost the ability to read and absorb longish article on the web or in Get more content on