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Art Definition Essay
What is art? Art is something that catches the eye of the audience and communicates an emotion
or idea to the viewer. If a piece can spark a discussion or a reaction from the audience then it is art.
This being said, art should also be something that takes talent to create, the art should be something
not everyone can replicate. Over the years people have debated what art is and that is something
people still discuss to this day. This is my personal definition of art is it should have a message or
emotion it communicates as well as skill to make.
The art gallery which I enjoyed visiting the most was Namdi. The exhibit on Susan Arron–Taylor
was the most interesting out of all three galleries. She uses different materials such as wool, stone,
bones, metal, and minerals to create sculptures. Every one of her sculptures has a way so telling a
story and all have a sort of horrific fantasy feeling to them. They really get the viewer thinking
about what it could be, many of the sculptures looked like real animals but had a sort of human look
to them too. Her work kind of looks like taxidermy but more mythological. It's also kind
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This particular piece was made with felt, amethysts, emerald, aluminum and apoxy. My favorite
part of this piece was the contrast between the different textures. The artist did a really good job
mixing the different types of textures into one piece. It had cat like ear but the body looked kind
of human like. The sculpture was black and looked like it was made out of felt and it had holes
that looked like wounds. The hole was filled with stones and almost looked like the inside flesh of
the sculpture from a distance. I found all of Susan Aaron–Taylor's artwork very fascinating, all her
pieces looked like animals and used real animal bones in them. One thought–provoking thing about
her art was that it was almost like each piece had its own story to
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Art Definition Essay
Art is something that has been important to our society for hundreds of years and still is valued
today. Art can be defined as "something that is created with imagination and skill and that is
beautiful or that expresses important ideas or feelings (Merriam–Webster)", but not each and every
person completely agrees with this definition. When discussing art, everyone has their own opinion
of what they think it is. I find it intriguing that art is such a broad topic that can be thought of many
different ways. I feel as if art surrounds us each day, but we have become so accustomed to our
surroundings that we only notice the sunset on the way home from work or the view from the
mountains. Art is completely surrounding us, even right at this moment. Some would say that art is
only oil on a canvas, but I think that it is much more than that. I would even consider nature to be a
part of art. A butterfly flying in the wind or a tornado in mid–summer is still something that is
created with more content...
They live, breath, and sleep art. In my eyes, these people are very special and have an amazing
talent that they get to share with the rest of the world. Artists are allowed to be creative and
"think outside the box" not just every once in a while, but daily. I feel as if most artists have the
mentality "beauty is in the eye of the beholder," which I agree with. I might see something that is
beautiful in my mind, but someone else might think that the same piece of art is terribly dreadful to
look at. Art also has a different meaning and worth to each person. For example, something may
mean more to me if a piece has been in my family for many
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The Importance of Art Essay
Art is a form of human expression. Art can be seen as the artist sleight of hand on his mood. Art
is in various media from posters to public wall of which we call "graffiti". Art is elusive as the use
of colors shapes and the surface used adds a new dimension. Art portrays various ideas, feelings
such as triumph, love, happiness, sorrow and boredom in loss to mention a few. Art is beauty and
creativity. During man's evolution art has progressed over in its most primitive state up to its most
modernized versions today.
History shows that art has been used as a major tool for communication. Cavemen did art on their
walls using unsophisticated and blunt tools. The indigenous people of our country, the aborigines
such as Albert more content...
Ancient Egyptians, Aztecs, Incas and Mayans created many meticulous pieces of art. Some of the
meticulous pieces of art are masks, pyramids, jewelry, wall paintings, tombs, sarcophagi. The
primal Romans and Greeks showed their appreciation of life through art. India used art to show
their dance and their religions. The African art is symbolic of their tribal cuffs as seen of their totem
Today, Art has gone through many changes. Abstract art dominates art today shows ambiguous life
a man lives, in contrast to the unambiguous art of the past. Modern does not have spirituality and
cultural values and beliefs in the past and is now a reflection of a materialistic life of today. Bill
Henson, a portrait artist used his 12 year old Olympia as a nude model for his portrait drawing. This
brought much controversy that he was exploiting the body of an under – age girl as his own gains.
This shows that art is used for popularity and financial gain. The message behind art is to show ideas
and ideas that are relevant to society. Art is meant to enliven life and things, thoughmodern art
shows more if life's negativeness. Galleries, parks and museums view to the public with
meaningfulness and with the appreciation for art. Art is still effective as hand written material was
seen in the walls of Ancient Egypt. Modern art stimulates the thought and fosters greater
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Why Is Art A Genre? Essay
"The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward
significance."–Aristotle According to, a genre is a category of artistic composition,
as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter.
(Dictionary) Before I began this course, the only inclination of genre was that of books and
movies. From my experience, the aspect of genres are what categorized media in various forms,
making it easy for an audience to comprehend said material. However, my freshman college
writing course, forced me to step outside of my perspective comfort zone. Nevertheless this new
perspective baffled me. However it also gave me an opportunity to view something in a different
light than what I had been conditioned to know. So how does this new definition of genre relate
to this assignment? The term genre now had a meaning outside of literally terms. A genre is a
specific branch of a broad perspective. Moreover, in relations to this project I was to pick a genre
of my intended major and further explain it to my peers. For students like myself, this would be a
challenge as a student with an undeclared major. Although I'm undecided, I'm taking a variety of
classes that hold my interest as a possible career. Based on the most intriguing course that I have
been taking, my intended major for my genre is graphic design. Graphic design is the art or
profession of visual communication that combines images, words, and
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In today's time, it seems like everyone is an artist with their camera phones and social media
outlooks. But what is art? It is an expression of human emotions and creativity. This can be through
varied forms such as writings, sculptures, and paintings. Although, not everything is considered art.
There is a defining line between what is art and what is not. For it to be art, it must go through three
steps. They are: thought process of the artist's process of construction, self–evaluation, and critical
reception. Which are all art forms within themselves. Art is not merely the end result of hard work,
it's also in the journey.
The thought process is a major step in art which is often overlooked. The thought process is not
simply stating that you are going to draw an apple, then proceed to draw it; it's a feeling or emotion
you have beforehand. The artist has to think through the emotion and cannot be spur of the
moment. The artist has their own process in their mind how they will execute the piece of art from
start to finish. An example of what would not be considered art, because it goes against this process,
would be "scribbles" by a 22–month old child. The reason being, a child of that age does not have
the capacity to think through their emotions. They see a piece of paper, or sometimes a wall, and
scrawl away. Many musical artists, think through their emotions before writing a song or album that
reflects that feeling. They want it to feel real and genuine when it comes
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Art : The World Of Art
The world of art is a bridge, a bubble that connects and interacts with many aspects of the world
and the lives of others very effectively. Arts reach into the eyes, the heart, and the soul of a human
and bring out a multitude of thoughts, emotions, ideas, analysis, desires, and this list of what art
is capable of doing goes on. It is important to recognize that art cannot be null and void from the
aspects of anyone's life, and exclusion of art is simply not an option, it would be one of the most
difficult ideas to put into practice. Behind every person, be they great or be they mediocre, there is a
path of art to be followed that has inspired them, and led them to where they find themselves in the
present. Life must occur with art in it somewhere, and throughout life, art will spring forth from the
minds of those who have been touched by that which came before them. The arts and creation are set
in such a way, and have seemingly always been set in such a way that they cannot exist without
emotion. Emotion is in turn fueled in new ways by art, by that interpretation of another's emotions.
Art undoubtedly stimulates emotion and expression in the human. Here is a comical idea, "every
man is a poet at heart and that the last poet will not perish till the last man does" (Freud 437). This
sounds rather idealistic, but there is more to it than that. Is every man a poet? Certainly not, at least
not in the sense of putting pen to paper and creating astounding works of writing, but
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Essay On Art Appreciation
Sarah Bull
ARTS–1301 (86020) Art Appreciation
Museum Paper
This paper will criticize the Guardian, an oil painting on canvas by Valton Tyler, created in 1973 and
is displayed by the Amon Carter Museum of American Art in Fort Worth, TX. The painting
illustrates unusual structures that utilize a variety of geometric and organic shapes. The irregular
curvilinear form and shapes of the structures has this whimsical fairytale meets mechanical futuristic
feel to it– or Dr. Seuss meets Wizard of Oz. The amorphous shaped clouds in the melancholy sky
give it this sort of industrial, bleak, factory smokestack impression. The dreary sky is then contrasted
with these lively organic structures that are set amongst a green landscape with hills or mountains more content...
The first thing that came to mind when I thought about what the artwork is representing, was a
little green plant sprouting through the cracks of concrete. This thought I had is like the little
leaves sprouting from the structures in the painting. I was reading an article the other day about
how long mankind has been here in the timeline of the earth and how much we have destroyed in
the small amount of time we have resided on earth. I feel it is vital to respect and appreciate
mother nature, but our world does the exact opposite. Mankind has caused global warming,
polluted the oceans and air, destroyed 50% of forests and have caused a variety of species to go
extinct. We have abused our planet and have failed to properly nurture it. We hardly rely on
nature to provide us with food anymore either. Why farm when we can concoct our diet in a lab
and then produce it in a factory in large volumes quickly and inexpensively? I can't stress how
important it is to still be connected to nature and your fellow man. We have become so indulged
in technology that we are now these lifeless robots. By this I mean, we sit with our faces glued to
our tablets, TV's, cellphones, etc. This is no way to live. It's a mindless, empty zombie way of
living. I think technology is great, but society should be weary and careful of how much, when and
where we utilize it. Technology
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Reflective Essay On Art Class
It seems out of character for me to take an Art class. After hating the required course for all of
elementary and middle school, I had finally gotten free of it in high school. I could at least partially
focus more on my personal interests and strengths: Science and Math. If my sister hadn't persuaded
me to stick with my art class this summer, I might still hate it. But she appealed to me personally,
and convinced me that it was not only the best possible time to take a summer class, but also
reminded me that it was free and I had nothing to lose by taking it––and everything to gain for me
and my education. I trusted her advice since I knew she was looking out for my best interests, and
looking back, I'm glad I took her advice.
By all means and measures, my first year in college had been a rousing success so far; by March
of 2017 I had one great semester under my belt and the current semester was coming along even
better, because I had gotten to focus on the topics I loved. Now I'd gotten the opportunity to sign up
for free summer classes. It was hard to believe how useful the opportunity was, since at this point I
had given considerable thought and effort into planning my future schedules in order to graduate in
4 years without overloading myself with classes to finish on time. With these summer classes, my
future schedules were looking much more leisurely, but I needed to take summer classes that
counted towards my degree. Rhetoric was the consequential one, the
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Reflection About Art
Arts generate a strong feeling of admiration, displeasure, or anything in between. Furthermore, art
expresses the human experience, and because of that correlation, there's a stronger bond between art
and humanity. That bond allows art to evoke intense and powerful emotion from us . However, there
is a difference between art and art–like; art has implication beyond the obvious, and art–like being
merely decorative. So it is crucial to remember, that true art has meaning either positive or
negative. Obviously, I learned that through this course and from experiencing art in the real
world. In fact, since the beginning of this course I've been searching for art in the real world, so I
can analyze and try to understand the deeper meaning behind it. Searching and Finding art in the
world has certainly opened my eyes to all of the wonderful things in the world. Searching for art,
I've found that it is everywhere around us and plays a major role in our everyday lives. Since
taking this course I have encountered art in my home and school. Both are places that I go almost
everyday, but my concept of art was so limited that I neglected to notice. At my home the paintings,
books, and even the building itself is art. Infact, my mom has a Thomas Kinkade original hanging
in the hallway and countless bibles lying around. Not only do we have bibles, but on my bookshelf
lies tons of classic literature that I never considered to be art, because I thought art was "just
paintings and stuff".
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Descriptive Essay On Art
So, what is art? Art is a arrangement of ideas that an artist makes or builds. There are various
variations for art that express their found creativity and inspiration to their artwork. Many people
make art to display their emotions and ideas towards life or to create something beautiful for
spectators. Art is a form of pleasure which appeases the audience to stay connected or feel fixated on
that certain artwork. Art is understood through focusing on its: function, visual form, content and
creativity. It should communicate with the viewers and help them imagine the concept of the
artwork. They should also qualify work that could be seen or physically felt, displaying their ideas to
be conveyed to the public. Imagery and symbolic meaning should be present with their art piece. In
addition, they must portray their creativity and imagination on a canvas or any work of art. In my
opinion, art is a representation of your thoughts and emotions portrayed to the audience in a
perceivable and communicative manner, helping the audience connect with the artwork.
The creativity of paintings helps the viewer understand the artist's emotions, as well as their art piece.
Pablo Picasso, one of the greatest painters of the twentieth century, helped me understand more
about art, as well as his point of view of his own style or method to display his emotions onto a
canvas. I learned that Picasso was the creator of modern arts through his imaginative and innovative
ideas found in
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My Reflection Of Art
Art has been something that I have always enjoyed. Whether it be actually creating my own
pieces or admiring pieces from local artist, it has been a passion of mine very early on in my life.
Now before taking Art 102 I never really attempted to dive in deep to the pieces I was admiring; I
never really "decoded" any of the pieces, really. Instead, I would simply snap a quick photo, add a
dark filter that really made the reds stand out, and write a witty quote. This has been my cycle when
walking into any exhibit for the past years; find the most visually appealing work of art and spend
more time on posting the piece on social media than actually interpreting what the artist was trying to
portray. Going through the semester I have more content...
Charles Graner and his team are the ones responsible for such actions and are responsible for the
photo. When Graner and his team were exposed by Joe Derby, the entire world took note and
there was not only outrage on Graner's part but on Derby as well for betraying his fellow
American military. Copper Greene not only borrows the photo but iPod billboard as well and in
a sense does a spin off creating his unique piece with his own message. The reason why we as
individuals are able to make the connection of Greene's piece to Apple's advertisement is because
the idea of signifier and signified. Where in this case the we take the signifier which is the bright
loud colors with the a dark figure used in Greene's work and we translate that to the signified;
which is apple products. In short, bright loud colors with dark figure equals apple products. Greene
also uses bricoloage to create a sense of representation as he is using his platform to highlight the
real world and those real issues. In this case, that being of American Military personal using strong
forms of interrogation. Looking at the piece closer and decoding what the white headphones truly
mean, we can conclude that those headphones not only serves as electrical wires used for torture but
too Americans use those some head phones to shut out the outside world and any real problems,
isolating themselves to their tunes and their own problems. The
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The Relationship of Art and Society
Art is a form of communication in which the artist attempts to influence society to take a deeper
look into a subject. The artist uses their mediums to express their ideas of moments and events
within life. The ideas can be depicted through music, drawings, canvases, and compositions. This
art is usually seen as art imitating life and its events. For instance, a photographer would provide
a carbon copied image of a specific event as a photo. Sculptors would use the mediums of stone
and bronze to mimic and individual as a sculpture. A painter creates images of paint and canvases
of scenes, objects, and individuals. Each of these examples isare known to be mimesis or a
representation of what is carrying on in society.
Gilded Age art displayed a wealth of society, and it was made known that their status and
independence was an impressive achievement. A work of art that depicts the previously stated is
Herman Hynemann's, Elegant Lady in Winter which illustrates the sophistication of the Gilded Age.
The lady within this work of art is wearing black elegant clothing while being surrounded by
beautiful structures and scenery in the background. Before the artist began to rebel, they wanted
people of the world to see that they were better off with their freedom. The rebel introduced the
Ashcan School which changed the way society was perceived. The artist began to rebel against the
Gilded Age through their expression of art and
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Art And Art
Art is a way for not only everyday people but also artists to show their feelings and their passions.
People can be affected in many, and different ways, through art. Even though art can be interpreted
in different ways it can still have valuable meanings to almost everyone in their own special ways.
Throughout time art has followed the people closely. It has fed on, and even publicized the state in
which society was in. This is not saying that art can't differ from the theme of society, but more
times than not it usually relates to society in at least some small way. Society and Art can differ
over the era in time. Art helps people to build their ideas and reshape their imaginations. Art can
contribute to pass on the way thing were over different time periods. Drawings, painting, and
sculpture, has been known not right from the earliest starting point as confirm by the relics of the
past. Be that as it may, positively, innovation has made it workable for new types of gear to be
exploited and for new mediums to be utilized. There is additionally the alternative of computerized
craftsmanship that will permit individuals to work with hues and pictures even without the most
severe preparing to make the best magnum opuses. Numerous innovative changes happened amid the
Modernist time frame. These included photography, the development of the shading range, and so
on. In the postmodern period, changes included PC–controlled photography, advanced media, and so
on. Things like
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Descriptive Essay About Art
The more I learn about art in art class the more I pay attention to everything I see. I try to
understand the meaning of each art I see, and what the artist is trying to inform me or to the
world. In the study of art you have to pay attention to every detail in an art work and what color or
shapes he or she used. Of all the art works that I saw in the Museum of Fine Arts, there were three
art works which I preferred out of hundreds of arts works in the museum. The very first art work
that I saw at the museum is one of my favorite ones. The artist that created the art work his name is
Frederic Remington. His art work is an American made in 1861–1909. The painting was made with
oil paint on canvas to make it look shinny. The painting is representational because the three horse
raiders resemble real things from the real world. In this painting Frederic Remington creates
tension by suspending the action at its climax. As the raiders and horses rush headlong into the
viewer's space, the fate of the fallen raider is unclear. While the facial expressions of the raiders
appear calm, the rearing heads and flared nostrils of the horses convey the horror of the scene. His
painting catches your eye right away because of the light colors he uses to distinguish between the
sky and the terrain. The color of the sky looks very realistic because of the combination of colors
blue and white. Yet he didn't use white for the clouds, but you can tell that it is sunny because of the
shadow that
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Persuasive Essay On The Art Of Art
Art declares many things. It's a way for people to articulate their views, express their emotions, and
communicate to the world in a way that gives them creative release. This ability to exhibit one's
views in a imaginative and safe manner is exceptionally important to society's growth, and to border
this freedom to articulate is detrimental. Art should not be hidden and concealed permanently from
the public eye because some see it as vulgar due to the fact that many people have varying
definitions as to what is crossing the line. Only certain, obvious things can be noted as truly indecent.
Censorship is not an easy subject. As an artist, there is often a lot of tolerance for the obscene,
from appreciation to detail on the human figure or the unique renditions of animalistic
interaction. However, the majority of the public might find the same things that the artists see as
a unique interpretation as vulgar. It is easy to see that such a standpoint must be taken into more
consideration, as the point of indecency can differ greatly for a conservative Christian compared
to a liberal atheist. The two images of what each group considers unseemly would most likely
range in their obscenity, and so it would be difficult to put a line where one should be crossed. "If
an image offends very many people, sooner or later someone will invoke the law, and along with
it judges, legislators, policymakers, and the police," quotes Melinda Hinkson in Australia's Bill
Henson scandal: notes on the new cultural attitude to images. Here we have a majority rule, where
an image should only have action dealt upon it if enough people want change. Such censorship is
easy to determine when there are pieces depicting derogatory themes, such as child pornography or
racial notions. But there are multiple cases where there are two sides of the story, and it is not as
A statue named Truth is Beauty by Marco Cochrane has recently been constructed in the city of San
Leandro, here in the bay area. This statue depicts a nude woman dancing, her body semi–geometric,
and although you can not vividly see the all of the womans body parts, it is not difficult to know
that she is supposed to be depicted as naked. A completely naked figure,
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Art And Art : The Importance Of Art
"Every Child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up" (Pablo
Picasso). Picasso's quote emphasizes an essential thought for society to reflect and analyze. In
our present world, we are so caught up in our heads that it is easy to lose sight of the beautiful
things that the world has offered to us. We tend to focus more on the future and our material
desires that we become greedy and competitive with each other to achieve our goals. We seldom
take the time to appreciate ourselves and our creative side. We tend to forget that we are all
artists and that with a little of imagination we cannot only paint an almost perfect Japanese
landscape but also design the most amusing skyscrapers and perform many innovated scientific
types of researches capable of saving thousands of lives around the world. Therefore, it is
essential to learn and utilize art because it allows a person to understand and see the world in
many perspectives, as well as it cooperates in the process of understanding human development,
especially scientifically wise. It is crucial to learn about art because art is a form of human
expression. Art portrays people's ideas and feeling such as triumph, happiness, love, sadness, sorrow
and even boredom. In an academic perspective, art allows students to learn about themselves, their
culture, and the world around them. Through art, students are can visualize the world differently in a
way where their creativity and self–expression can be
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Art Is An Imagination Of Art
Art is an imagination of an artistic, it is an innovational thinking of an artistic. Art can come in
many forms such as painting, drawing, music, theater, and much more. In every usable object that
an human being made on this planet, somewhere art is involved in it. In everything there is art for
example like an car we travel, bed we sleep in, even a cell phone is a design. So, every possible
object an human being using there is some kind of art involved in it. Many great artists had some
kind of speciality like creative skills, different imagination, they use their imagination in their art to
create something really unique and they described their emotions through art. Art can be used to
experience the world around us. Art has been used by humans since many ages to understand life,
emotion communications, and creative ideas to create something objective. Functions of art can be
like communication, it may help us imagine the derine, glorifies the state, celebrates war and
conquest. Many great artists like picasso who used visual art took it to another level, modern
sculpture which he actually founded it at that time, he was an important figure in the 20th century
and Picasso considered as the most influential artist of that time. Another great artist like Leonardo
da Vinci one the most all round artist who did almost every kind of art like painting, architect,
engineer, sculptor, and he was considered as the Renaissance Man. Music and theater can be seen as
a form of art,
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Art Synthesis Essay
First art was created thousands of years ago and I believe since then till early 19th century art was
possessed of such functions as moral function and didactic function. In the early 19th century
appeared slogan – "Art for Art's Sake". Artists started creating Art just for Art's Sake. Because of
this they started to get a lot of criticism from writers, memoirists and critics. From critics point of
view if art was not carrying utilitarian function it was meaningful and some of the writers also
implied that this kind of art was for uneducated audience – easy accessible art. In class we discussed
a painting named Nocturne in Black and Gold – The Falling Rocket by James Abbott McNeill
Whistler and how it was critiqued by George Ruskin:
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Reflective Essay On Art
Art for me was always more of an aesthetic thing rather than a historic thing. I never truly thought
about the meaning in art. It was not until I took this class, art history, that I begin not only to
critique a work of art but to appreciate a work of art. The Museum of Fine Arts Houston was a great
experience and its many exhibits were beautiful and insightful. The amount of different cultures that
were being exhibited in this museum was astonishing. I was able to relate many exhibits with what I
have learned in class. I chose to critique three artworks that I found very interesting and beautiful.
All of them are beautiful sculptures from similar backgrounds, that everyone should get to see at
least once in their lifetime. The first artwork was a beautiful sarcophagus, the Sarcophagus of a
Youth that is dated to be from the 5th–4th century B.C., created by the artist Phoenician. This
sarcophagus was made for the burial of nobility.The sarcophagus was made from Parian marble
with a form that was a blend of two cultures; the shape of an Egyptian sarcophagus with a
classically carved Greek face. The Greek face has stoicism, meaning repression of emotion. The
sarcophagus weighs more than two thousand pounds and is seven feet tall. The sarcophagus is in
perfect condition for being for being from the 5th–4th century B.C.; it is one of the two Phoenician
sarcophagi in the United States.
Sarcophagus of a Youth is an extraordinarysculpture who's smooth marble will make you want
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Essay on Art in Society
Without art, the world would be a vast empty void of uncreative, unimaginative, non–colourful, bland
society; Toast with no butter or topping; boring, life–draining death of the mind. Art is absolutely
everywhere in everyday society, yet goes almost unnoticed and unappreciated by some; television,
movies, music, stories, billboards, ads, even clothes and jewellery. These are all symbols of art or art
in there own right, and without the Arts, there would be none of this. Art has created all these things
that go unappreciated, has changed all the unimaginative, has manipulated the place we live into a
more beautiful and wonderful place to live. And without support, of all the Arts, then society as a
whole will die a little every time more content...
Without Art, and therefore without the Arts; anthropological research into behaviour ofhuman life
from any era in history would be greatly diminished; society would be without soul, without art,
without music, without theatre, or any form of fictional writing and storytelling. Haviland writes
"art reflects the cultural values and concerns of a people. This is especially true of the verbal arts –
myths, legends, and tales" (1990, p.383). He also states that "Myth, set standards for orderly
behaviour, and the verbal arts generally transmit and preserve a cultures customs and values" (1990,
p.383). So if asked who benefits from the Arts then the answer must surely be all of us; without the
arts, we would never have stories of our past, or even learn from our past mistakes, or triumphs.
Without the Arts, there would be no great writers, painters, or musicians; no Shakespeare, no
Picasso, no Beethoven; we would have no past creative history, no creative evolution.
Often seen as a luxury item, the Arts sometime is overlooked in the level of absolute necessity it has
on society and the people within that society to learn, grow and communicate and understand his/her
fellowman. Without the Arts, we would never learn of other cultures, we would never learn any
ideas from foreign art, music or theatre. But the idea of the Arts getting supported in most western
countries is seen as a luxury item, a non–necessity. This opinion is only generally because the
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Essay Art

  • 1. Art Definition Essay What is art? Art is something that catches the eye of the audience and communicates an emotion or idea to the viewer. If a piece can spark a discussion or a reaction from the audience then it is art. This being said, art should also be something that takes talent to create, the art should be something not everyone can replicate. Over the years people have debated what art is and that is something people still discuss to this day. This is my personal definition of art is it should have a message or emotion it communicates as well as skill to make. The art gallery which I enjoyed visiting the most was Namdi. The exhibit on Susan Arron–Taylor was the most interesting out of all three galleries. She uses different materials such as wool, stone, bones, metal, and minerals to create sculptures. Every one of her sculptures has a way so telling a story and all have a sort of horrific fantasy feeling to them. They really get the viewer thinking about what it could be, many of the sculptures looked like real animals but had a sort of human look to them too. Her work kind of looks like taxidermy but more mythological. It's also kind more content... This particular piece was made with felt, amethysts, emerald, aluminum and apoxy. My favorite part of this piece was the contrast between the different textures. The artist did a really good job mixing the different types of textures into one piece. It had cat like ear but the body looked kind of human like. The sculpture was black and looked like it was made out of felt and it had holes that looked like wounds. The hole was filled with stones and almost looked like the inside flesh of the sculpture from a distance. I found all of Susan Aaron–Taylor's artwork very fascinating, all her pieces looked like animals and used real animal bones in them. One thought–provoking thing about her art was that it was almost like each piece had its own story to Get more content on
  • 2. Art Definition Essay Art is something that has been important to our society for hundreds of years and still is valued today. Art can be defined as "something that is created with imagination and skill and that is beautiful or that expresses important ideas or feelings (Merriam–Webster)", but not each and every person completely agrees with this definition. When discussing art, everyone has their own opinion of what they think it is. I find it intriguing that art is such a broad topic that can be thought of many different ways. I feel as if art surrounds us each day, but we have become so accustomed to our surroundings that we only notice the sunset on the way home from work or the view from the mountains. Art is completely surrounding us, even right at this moment. Some would say that art is only oil on a canvas, but I think that it is much more than that. I would even consider nature to be a part of art. A butterfly flying in the wind or a tornado in mid–summer is still something that is created with more content... They live, breath, and sleep art. In my eyes, these people are very special and have an amazing talent that they get to share with the rest of the world. Artists are allowed to be creative and "think outside the box" not just every once in a while, but daily. I feel as if most artists have the mentality "beauty is in the eye of the beholder," which I agree with. I might see something that is beautiful in my mind, but someone else might think that the same piece of art is terribly dreadful to look at. Art also has a different meaning and worth to each person. For example, something may mean more to me if a piece has been in my family for many Get more content on
  • 3. The Importance of Art Essay Art is a form of human expression. Art can be seen as the artist sleight of hand on his mood. Art is in various media from posters to public wall of which we call "graffiti". Art is elusive as the use of colors shapes and the surface used adds a new dimension. Art portrays various ideas, feelings such as triumph, love, happiness, sorrow and boredom in loss to mention a few. Art is beauty and creativity. During man's evolution art has progressed over in its most primitive state up to its most modernized versions today. History shows that art has been used as a major tool for communication. Cavemen did art on their walls using unsophisticated and blunt tools. The indigenous people of our country, the aborigines such as Albert more content... Ancient Egyptians, Aztecs, Incas and Mayans created many meticulous pieces of art. Some of the meticulous pieces of art are masks, pyramids, jewelry, wall paintings, tombs, sarcophagi. The primal Romans and Greeks showed their appreciation of life through art. India used art to show their dance and their religions. The African art is symbolic of their tribal cuffs as seen of their totem poles. Today, Art has gone through many changes. Abstract art dominates art today shows ambiguous life a man lives, in contrast to the unambiguous art of the past. Modern does not have spirituality and cultural values and beliefs in the past and is now a reflection of a materialistic life of today. Bill Henson, a portrait artist used his 12 year old Olympia as a nude model for his portrait drawing. This brought much controversy that he was exploiting the body of an under – age girl as his own gains. This shows that art is used for popularity and financial gain. The message behind art is to show ideas and ideas that are relevant to society. Art is meant to enliven life and things, thoughmodern art shows more if life's negativeness. Galleries, parks and museums view to the public with meaningfulness and with the appreciation for art. Art is still effective as hand written material was seen in the walls of Ancient Egypt. Modern art stimulates the thought and fosters greater Get more content on
  • 4. Why Is Art A Genre? Essay "The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance."–Aristotle According to, a genre is a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter. (Dictionary) Before I began this course, the only inclination of genre was that of books and movies. From my experience, the aspect of genres are what categorized media in various forms, making it easy for an audience to comprehend said material. However, my freshman college writing course, forced me to step outside of my perspective comfort zone. Nevertheless this new perspective baffled me. However it also gave me an opportunity to view something in a different light than what I had been conditioned to know. So how does this new definition of genre relate to this assignment? The term genre now had a meaning outside of literally terms. A genre is a specific branch of a broad perspective. Moreover, in relations to this project I was to pick a genre of my intended major and further explain it to my peers. For students like myself, this would be a challenge as a student with an undeclared major. Although I'm undecided, I'm taking a variety of classes that hold my interest as a possible career. Based on the most intriguing course that I have been taking, my intended major for my genre is graphic design. Graphic design is the art or profession of visual communication that combines images, words, and Get more content on
  • 5. In today's time, it seems like everyone is an artist with their camera phones and social media outlooks. But what is art? It is an expression of human emotions and creativity. This can be through varied forms such as writings, sculptures, and paintings. Although, not everything is considered art. There is a defining line between what is art and what is not. For it to be art, it must go through three steps. They are: thought process of the artist's process of construction, self–evaluation, and critical reception. Which are all art forms within themselves. Art is not merely the end result of hard work, it's also in the journey. The thought process is a major step in art which is often overlooked. The thought process is not simply stating that you are going to draw an apple, then proceed to draw it; it's a feeling or emotion you have beforehand. The artist has to think through the emotion and cannot be spur of the moment. The artist has their own process in their mind how they will execute the piece of art from start to finish. An example of what would not be considered art, because it goes against this process, would be "scribbles" by a 22–month old child. The reason being, a child of that age does not have the capacity to think through their emotions. They see a piece of paper, or sometimes a wall, and scrawl away. Many musical artists, think through their emotions before writing a song or album that reflects that feeling. They want it to feel real and genuine when it comes Get more content on
  • 6. Art : The World Of Art The world of art is a bridge, a bubble that connects and interacts with many aspects of the world and the lives of others very effectively. Arts reach into the eyes, the heart, and the soul of a human and bring out a multitude of thoughts, emotions, ideas, analysis, desires, and this list of what art is capable of doing goes on. It is important to recognize that art cannot be null and void from the aspects of anyone's life, and exclusion of art is simply not an option, it would be one of the most difficult ideas to put into practice. Behind every person, be they great or be they mediocre, there is a path of art to be followed that has inspired them, and led them to where they find themselves in the present. Life must occur with art in it somewhere, and throughout life, art will spring forth from the minds of those who have been touched by that which came before them. The arts and creation are set in such a way, and have seemingly always been set in such a way that they cannot exist without emotion. Emotion is in turn fueled in new ways by art, by that interpretation of another's emotions. Art undoubtedly stimulates emotion and expression in the human. Here is a comical idea, "every man is a poet at heart and that the last poet will not perish till the last man does" (Freud 437). This sounds rather idealistic, but there is more to it than that. Is every man a poet? Certainly not, at least not in the sense of putting pen to paper and creating astounding works of writing, but Get more content on
  • 7. Essay On Art Appreciation Sarah Bull ARTS–1301 (86020) Art Appreciation Museum Paper This paper will criticize the Guardian, an oil painting on canvas by Valton Tyler, created in 1973 and is displayed by the Amon Carter Museum of American Art in Fort Worth, TX. The painting illustrates unusual structures that utilize a variety of geometric and organic shapes. The irregular curvilinear form and shapes of the structures has this whimsical fairytale meets mechanical futuristic feel to it– or Dr. Seuss meets Wizard of Oz. The amorphous shaped clouds in the melancholy sky give it this sort of industrial, bleak, factory smokestack impression. The dreary sky is then contrasted with these lively organic structures that are set amongst a green landscape with hills or mountains more content... The first thing that came to mind when I thought about what the artwork is representing, was a little green plant sprouting through the cracks of concrete. This thought I had is like the little leaves sprouting from the structures in the painting. I was reading an article the other day about how long mankind has been here in the timeline of the earth and how much we have destroyed in the small amount of time we have resided on earth. I feel it is vital to respect and appreciate mother nature, but our world does the exact opposite. Mankind has caused global warming, polluted the oceans and air, destroyed 50% of forests and have caused a variety of species to go extinct. We have abused our planet and have failed to properly nurture it. We hardly rely on nature to provide us with food anymore either. Why farm when we can concoct our diet in a lab and then produce it in a factory in large volumes quickly and inexpensively? I can't stress how important it is to still be connected to nature and your fellow man. We have become so indulged in technology that we are now these lifeless robots. By this I mean, we sit with our faces glued to our tablets, TV's, cellphones, etc. This is no way to live. It's a mindless, empty zombie way of living. I think technology is great, but society should be weary and careful of how much, when and where we utilize it. Technology Get more content on
  • 8. Reflective Essay On Art Class It seems out of character for me to take an Art class. After hating the required course for all of elementary and middle school, I had finally gotten free of it in high school. I could at least partially focus more on my personal interests and strengths: Science and Math. If my sister hadn't persuaded me to stick with my art class this summer, I might still hate it. But she appealed to me personally, and convinced me that it was not only the best possible time to take a summer class, but also reminded me that it was free and I had nothing to lose by taking it––and everything to gain for me and my education. I trusted her advice since I knew she was looking out for my best interests, and looking back, I'm glad I took her advice. By all means and measures, my first year in college had been a rousing success so far; by March of 2017 I had one great semester under my belt and the current semester was coming along even better, because I had gotten to focus on the topics I loved. Now I'd gotten the opportunity to sign up for free summer classes. It was hard to believe how useful the opportunity was, since at this point I had given considerable thought and effort into planning my future schedules in order to graduate in 4 years without overloading myself with classes to finish on time. With these summer classes, my future schedules were looking much more leisurely, but I needed to take summer classes that counted towards my degree. Rhetoric was the consequential one, the Get more content on
  • 9. Reflection About Art Arts generate a strong feeling of admiration, displeasure, or anything in between. Furthermore, art expresses the human experience, and because of that correlation, there's a stronger bond between art and humanity. That bond allows art to evoke intense and powerful emotion from us . However, there is a difference between art and art–like; art has implication beyond the obvious, and art–like being merely decorative. So it is crucial to remember, that true art has meaning either positive or negative. Obviously, I learned that through this course and from experiencing art in the real world. In fact, since the beginning of this course I've been searching for art in the real world, so I can analyze and try to understand the deeper meaning behind it. Searching and Finding art in the world has certainly opened my eyes to all of the wonderful things in the world. Searching for art, I've found that it is everywhere around us and plays a major role in our everyday lives. Since taking this course I have encountered art in my home and school. Both are places that I go almost everyday, but my concept of art was so limited that I neglected to notice. At my home the paintings, books, and even the building itself is art. Infact, my mom has a Thomas Kinkade original hanging in the hallway and countless bibles lying around. Not only do we have bibles, but on my bookshelf lies tons of classic literature that I never considered to be art, because I thought art was "just paintings and stuff". Get more content on
  • 10. Descriptive Essay On Art So, what is art? Art is a arrangement of ideas that an artist makes or builds. There are various variations for art that express their found creativity and inspiration to their artwork. Many people make art to display their emotions and ideas towards life or to create something beautiful for spectators. Art is a form of pleasure which appeases the audience to stay connected or feel fixated on that certain artwork. Art is understood through focusing on its: function, visual form, content and creativity. It should communicate with the viewers and help them imagine the concept of the artwork. They should also qualify work that could be seen or physically felt, displaying their ideas to be conveyed to the public. Imagery and symbolic meaning should be present with their art piece. In addition, they must portray their creativity and imagination on a canvas or any work of art. In my opinion, art is a representation of your thoughts and emotions portrayed to the audience in a perceivable and communicative manner, helping the audience connect with the artwork. The creativity of paintings helps the viewer understand the artist's emotions, as well as their art piece. Pablo Picasso, one of the greatest painters of the twentieth century, helped me understand more about art, as well as his point of view of his own style or method to display his emotions onto a canvas. I learned that Picasso was the creator of modern arts through his imaginative and innovative ideas found in Get more content on
  • 11. My Reflection Of Art Art has been something that I have always enjoyed. Whether it be actually creating my own pieces or admiring pieces from local artist, it has been a passion of mine very early on in my life. Now before taking Art 102 I never really attempted to dive in deep to the pieces I was admiring; I never really "decoded" any of the pieces, really. Instead, I would simply snap a quick photo, add a dark filter that really made the reds stand out, and write a witty quote. This has been my cycle when walking into any exhibit for the past years; find the most visually appealing work of art and spend more time on posting the piece on social media than actually interpreting what the artist was trying to portray. Going through the semester I have more content... Charles Graner and his team are the ones responsible for such actions and are responsible for the photo. When Graner and his team were exposed by Joe Derby, the entire world took note and there was not only outrage on Graner's part but on Derby as well for betraying his fellow American military. Copper Greene not only borrows the photo but iPod billboard as well and in a sense does a spin off creating his unique piece with his own message. The reason why we as individuals are able to make the connection of Greene's piece to Apple's advertisement is because the idea of signifier and signified. Where in this case the we take the signifier which is the bright loud colors with the a dark figure used in Greene's work and we translate that to the signified; which is apple products. In short, bright loud colors with dark figure equals apple products. Greene also uses bricoloage to create a sense of representation as he is using his platform to highlight the real world and those real issues. In this case, that being of American Military personal using strong forms of interrogation. Looking at the piece closer and decoding what the white headphones truly mean, we can conclude that those headphones not only serves as electrical wires used for torture but too Americans use those some head phones to shut out the outside world and any real problems, isolating themselves to their tunes and their own problems. The Get more content on
  • 12. The Relationship of Art and Society Art is a form of communication in which the artist attempts to influence society to take a deeper look into a subject. The artist uses their mediums to express their ideas of moments and events within life. The ideas can be depicted through music, drawings, canvases, and compositions. This art is usually seen as art imitating life and its events. For instance, a photographer would provide a carbon copied image of a specific event as a photo. Sculptors would use the mediums of stone and bronze to mimic and individual as a sculpture. A painter creates images of paint and canvases of scenes, objects, and individuals. Each of these examples isare known to be mimesis or a representation of what is carrying on in society. Gilded Age art displayed a wealth of society, and it was made known that their status and independence was an impressive achievement. A work of art that depicts the previously stated is Herman Hynemann's, Elegant Lady in Winter which illustrates the sophistication of the Gilded Age. The lady within this work of art is wearing black elegant clothing while being surrounded by beautiful structures and scenery in the background. Before the artist began to rebel, they wanted people of the world to see that they were better off with their freedom. The rebel introduced the Ashcan School which changed the way society was perceived. The artist began to rebel against the Gilded Age through their expression of art and Get more content on
  • 13. Art And Art Art is a way for not only everyday people but also artists to show their feelings and their passions. People can be affected in many, and different ways, through art. Even though art can be interpreted in different ways it can still have valuable meanings to almost everyone in their own special ways. Throughout time art has followed the people closely. It has fed on, and even publicized the state in which society was in. This is not saying that art can't differ from the theme of society, but more times than not it usually relates to society in at least some small way. Society and Art can differ over the era in time. Art helps people to build their ideas and reshape their imaginations. Art can contribute to pass on the way thing were over different time periods. Drawings, painting, and sculpture, has been known not right from the earliest starting point as confirm by the relics of the past. Be that as it may, positively, innovation has made it workable for new types of gear to be exploited and for new mediums to be utilized. There is additionally the alternative of computerized craftsmanship that will permit individuals to work with hues and pictures even without the most severe preparing to make the best magnum opuses. Numerous innovative changes happened amid the Modernist time frame. These included photography, the development of the shading range, and so on. In the postmodern period, changes included PC–controlled photography, advanced media, and so on. Things like Get more content on
  • 14. Descriptive Essay About Art The more I learn about art in art class the more I pay attention to everything I see. I try to understand the meaning of each art I see, and what the artist is trying to inform me or to the world. In the study of art you have to pay attention to every detail in an art work and what color or shapes he or she used. Of all the art works that I saw in the Museum of Fine Arts, there were three art works which I preferred out of hundreds of arts works in the museum. The very first art work that I saw at the museum is one of my favorite ones. The artist that created the art work his name is Frederic Remington. His art work is an American made in 1861–1909. The painting was made with oil paint on canvas to make it look shinny. The painting is representational because the three horse raiders resemble real things from the real world. In this painting Frederic Remington creates tension by suspending the action at its climax. As the raiders and horses rush headlong into the viewer's space, the fate of the fallen raider is unclear. While the facial expressions of the raiders appear calm, the rearing heads and flared nostrils of the horses convey the horror of the scene. His painting catches your eye right away because of the light colors he uses to distinguish between the sky and the terrain. The color of the sky looks very realistic because of the combination of colors blue and white. Yet he didn't use white for the clouds, but you can tell that it is sunny because of the shadow that Get more content on
  • 15. Persuasive Essay On The Art Of Art Art declares many things. It's a way for people to articulate their views, express their emotions, and communicate to the world in a way that gives them creative release. This ability to exhibit one's views in a imaginative and safe manner is exceptionally important to society's growth, and to border this freedom to articulate is detrimental. Art should not be hidden and concealed permanently from the public eye because some see it as vulgar due to the fact that many people have varying definitions as to what is crossing the line. Only certain, obvious things can be noted as truly indecent. Censorship is not an easy subject. As an artist, there is often a lot of tolerance for the obscene, from appreciation to detail on the human figure or the unique renditions of animalistic interaction. However, the majority of the public might find the same things that the artists see as a unique interpretation as vulgar. It is easy to see that such a standpoint must be taken into more consideration, as the point of indecency can differ greatly for a conservative Christian compared to a liberal atheist. The two images of what each group considers unseemly would most likely range in their obscenity, and so it would be difficult to put a line where one should be crossed. "If an image offends very many people, sooner or later someone will invoke the law, and along with it judges, legislators, policymakers, and the police," quotes Melinda Hinkson in Australia's Bill Henson scandal: notes on the new cultural attitude to images. Here we have a majority rule, where an image should only have action dealt upon it if enough people want change. Such censorship is easy to determine when there are pieces depicting derogatory themes, such as child pornography or racial notions. But there are multiple cases where there are two sides of the story, and it is not as simple. A statue named Truth is Beauty by Marco Cochrane has recently been constructed in the city of San Leandro, here in the bay area. This statue depicts a nude woman dancing, her body semi–geometric, and although you can not vividly see the all of the womans body parts, it is not difficult to know that she is supposed to be depicted as naked. A completely naked figure, Get more content on
  • 16. Art And Art : The Importance Of Art "Every Child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up" (Pablo Picasso). Picasso's quote emphasizes an essential thought for society to reflect and analyze. In our present world, we are so caught up in our heads that it is easy to lose sight of the beautiful things that the world has offered to us. We tend to focus more on the future and our material desires that we become greedy and competitive with each other to achieve our goals. We seldom take the time to appreciate ourselves and our creative side. We tend to forget that we are all artists and that with a little of imagination we cannot only paint an almost perfect Japanese landscape but also design the most amusing skyscrapers and perform many innovated scientific types of researches capable of saving thousands of lives around the world. Therefore, it is essential to learn and utilize art because it allows a person to understand and see the world in many perspectives, as well as it cooperates in the process of understanding human development, especially scientifically wise. It is crucial to learn about art because art is a form of human expression. Art portrays people's ideas and feeling such as triumph, happiness, love, sadness, sorrow and even boredom. In an academic perspective, art allows students to learn about themselves, their culture, and the world around them. Through art, students are can visualize the world differently in a way where their creativity and self–expression can be Get more content on
  • 17. Art Is An Imagination Of Art Art is an imagination of an artistic, it is an innovational thinking of an artistic. Art can come in many forms such as painting, drawing, music, theater, and much more. In every usable object that an human being made on this planet, somewhere art is involved in it. In everything there is art for example like an car we travel, bed we sleep in, even a cell phone is a design. So, every possible object an human being using there is some kind of art involved in it. Many great artists had some kind of speciality like creative skills, different imagination, they use their imagination in their art to create something really unique and they described their emotions through art. Art can be used to experience the world around us. Art has been used by humans since many ages to understand life, emotion communications, and creative ideas to create something objective. Functions of art can be like communication, it may help us imagine the derine, glorifies the state, celebrates war and conquest. Many great artists like picasso who used visual art took it to another level, modern sculpture which he actually founded it at that time, he was an important figure in the 20th century and Picasso considered as the most influential artist of that time. Another great artist like Leonardo da Vinci one the most all round artist who did almost every kind of art like painting, architect, engineer, sculptor, and he was considered as the Renaissance Man. Music and theater can be seen as a form of art, Get more content on
  • 18. Art Synthesis Essay First art was created thousands of years ago and I believe since then till early 19th century art was possessed of such functions as moral function and didactic function. In the early 19th century appeared slogan – "Art for Art's Sake". Artists started creating Art just for Art's Sake. Because of this they started to get a lot of criticism from writers, memoirists and critics. From critics point of view if art was not carrying utilitarian function it was meaningful and some of the writers also implied that this kind of art was for uneducated audience – easy accessible art. In class we discussed a painting named Nocturne in Black and Gold – The Falling Rocket by James Abbott McNeill Whistler and how it was critiqued by George Ruskin: Get more content on
  • 19. Reflective Essay On Art Art for me was always more of an aesthetic thing rather than a historic thing. I never truly thought about the meaning in art. It was not until I took this class, art history, that I begin not only to critique a work of art but to appreciate a work of art. The Museum of Fine Arts Houston was a great experience and its many exhibits were beautiful and insightful. The amount of different cultures that were being exhibited in this museum was astonishing. I was able to relate many exhibits with what I have learned in class. I chose to critique three artworks that I found very interesting and beautiful. All of them are beautiful sculptures from similar backgrounds, that everyone should get to see at least once in their lifetime. The first artwork was a beautiful sarcophagus, the Sarcophagus of a Youth that is dated to be from the 5th–4th century B.C., created by the artist Phoenician. This sarcophagus was made for the burial of nobility.The sarcophagus was made from Parian marble with a form that was a blend of two cultures; the shape of an Egyptian sarcophagus with a classically carved Greek face. The Greek face has stoicism, meaning repression of emotion. The sarcophagus weighs more than two thousand pounds and is seven feet tall. The sarcophagus is in perfect condition for being for being from the 5th–4th century B.C.; it is one of the two Phoenician sarcophagi in the United States. Sarcophagus of a Youth is an extraordinarysculpture who's smooth marble will make you want Get more content on
  • 20. Essay on Art in Society Without art, the world would be a vast empty void of uncreative, unimaginative, non–colourful, bland society; Toast with no butter or topping; boring, life–draining death of the mind. Art is absolutely everywhere in everyday society, yet goes almost unnoticed and unappreciated by some; television, movies, music, stories, billboards, ads, even clothes and jewellery. These are all symbols of art or art in there own right, and without the Arts, there would be none of this. Art has created all these things that go unappreciated, has changed all the unimaginative, has manipulated the place we live into a more beautiful and wonderful place to live. And without support, of all the Arts, then society as a whole will die a little every time more content... Without Art, and therefore without the Arts; anthropological research into behaviour ofhuman life from any era in history would be greatly diminished; society would be without soul, without art, without music, without theatre, or any form of fictional writing and storytelling. Haviland writes "art reflects the cultural values and concerns of a people. This is especially true of the verbal arts – myths, legends, and tales" (1990, p.383). He also states that "Myth, set standards for orderly behaviour, and the verbal arts generally transmit and preserve a cultures customs and values" (1990, p.383). So if asked who benefits from the Arts then the answer must surely be all of us; without the arts, we would never have stories of our past, or even learn from our past mistakes, or triumphs. Without the Arts, there would be no great writers, painters, or musicians; no Shakespeare, no Picasso, no Beethoven; we would have no past creative history, no creative evolution. Often seen as a luxury item, the Arts sometime is overlooked in the level of absolute necessity it has on society and the people within that society to learn, grow and communicate and understand his/her fellowman. Without the Arts, we would never learn of other cultures, we would never learn any ideas from foreign art, music or theatre. But the idea of the Arts getting supported in most western countries is seen as a luxury item, a non–necessity. This opinion is only generally because the Get more content on