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Essay about Family Today
Family Today What is a family today? What challenges does being a member of a family present while traditional family structures change?
Every family has to struggle to balance the demands of work and children. Also the relationship between each spouse can become more delicate
and complicated. Besides, the single parent has to face even more challenges than any other.
Today, in a vast majority of families, both the wife and husband have a job. Many working parents are under stress as they have to try to balance
the demands of their work, children more content...
The traditional family unit changed rapidly during the second half of the 20th century due to the effects of two world wars, rapid industrialization,
the development of technology, and the effects of the women's liberation movement. As a result the family became small (less children) and the
majority of women now can obtain equal opportunities in both education and work.
The role of a family is to struggle to survive, to protect and support children until children become mature and independent adults capable of
providing for themselves, and to provide a good standard of living. Moreover, if men and women can not coā€“operate well to deal withŠ“Š‡Š’Ń˜Š•ā€™the
decisionā€“making is difficult or does not satisfy both, and then wife and husband may easily have arguments and disagreements. For some of them,
these may become a serious communication problem.
Since both men and women have to look after the family, sometimes they will have to put their personal, emotional and physical needs aside. As
already mentioned, when men and women feel stressed, then arguments and complaints may hurt the relationship. As a result, the relationship
between wife and husband becomes more delicate and complicated than in the former traditional family where the wife remained at home to
undertake all the tasks of raising children, cooking and cleaning.
The vast majority of singleā€“parent families are
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Essay On Family Identity
Family traditions and cultural legacies contribute to an individual's selfā€“identity because it is the fabric of where he or she derived from, who
they are, and where they're journeying. Cultivating Culture states: "Culture can give people a connection to a certain social values, beliefs,
religions and customs. It allows them to identify with other of similar mindsets and backgrounds. Cultural heritage can provide an automatic sense
of unity and belonging within a group and allows us to better understand previous generations and the history of where we come from." In
contrast, traditions and cultural legacies can also inhibit an individual's selfā€“identity because some families believe in total loyalty to the
constructs of the family more content...
Because of Dee or Wangero disdaining of herculture, she will wander aimlessly in where she fits in this world, not knowing if she is Dee
Johnson a woman of a strong descent or Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo a woman of a style popular for the moment.
"Culture the entire way of life of a group of people (including both material and symbolic elements) that acts as a lens through which one
views the world and is passed from one generation to the next." "Although culture may seem to be "second nature" it is something learned,
rather than innate. Because we learn it so slowly and incrementally, we are often unaware of the process. For instance, few of us would be
conscious of having learned all the slang words we currently use or the distance we typically maintain from someone while talking with him
/her. We may not remember exactly when we first felt patriotic or how we formed our opinions about people from the upper class. We all carry
culture inside ourselves; it becomes ingrained and internalized into our way of thinking and acting. Culture guides the way we make sense of
the world around us and the way we make decisions about what to do and how to do it." However those guidelines are not always embraced my
every family member, so then the family traditions and cultural behaviors can become a burden to the family member who wants to branch out
and lead a
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Essay on Family Health History
Americans today are faced with a number of health issues, mainly as a result of poor diet, lack of exercise, and lifestyle choices; but, of
course, genetics does play a part. My family, for example, has a history of several issues. My father suffers from diabetes and asthma, which
my children have as well. My older sister and I both suffer from stress, which is most likely causing our chronic heartburn and my headaches;
and, both my husband and I are borderline obese, which is a gateway disease to many others. While some of these issues are linked genetically,
many of them are due to lifestyle, which can be viewed as both negative and positive. Negative because we brought these ailments onto ourselves,
but positive because we more content...
This results in severe attacks, requiring a trip to the hospital emergency room. As stated earlier, my three children also haveasthma, which is in no
doubt genetically linked to my fatherā€“ their grandfather. Fortunately, they have mild symptoms, and inhalers are only needed during cold and flu
season as a preventative measure. However, they are at higher risk of developing pneumonia or bronchitis due to their asthmatic predisposition,
and unfortunately, there has been previous winters when this has happened. Because of this, as soon as any of the children have signs of a cold,
they are immediately treated with their inhalers.
Stress is simply a fact of natureā€“forces from the outside world affecting the individual. These forces are related to both internal and external
factors. External factors include the physical environment, such as one's job, school, or home, relationships with others and all the situations and
challenges one confronts on a daily basis. Internal factors include one's overall health and fitness levels, diet, emotional wellā€“being and the
amount of sleep one gets. How an individual responds to these factors vary, as well as the symptoms associated with it. My sister and I both
have stress for various and different reasons, but we do share similar symptoms. We have both reported sleep disturbances and lack of sleep, as
well as chronic heartburn. Other symptoms I have experienced are moodiness, headaches and bruxism
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Reflection on Family
Family Reflection
"No one is ever born into Life alone. Everyone has shared the bond of family, at least at birth, and for many people it is a bond that will follow
them throughout life. For many people it is the most important bond of all."
Family means many things to different people, yet the word itself can bring about a host of emotions from anyone who hears the word uttered. As
a child growing up in the 60s and 70s the family dynamic was defined by the people we grew up with were related to by blood, and extended to
the many family members of the different generations that made up the family unit.
I have fond memories of growing up with love and compassion, by the people who I was surrounded with. The feeling more content...
The people may be different, but, the bonds will grow and develop in our existence.
I remember the feeling of completeness and security I had growing up with my mom, dad, grandparents, and extended family members. I
always felt like I belonged and was accepted for me. People are not perfect, sometimes in actions and words, but, knowing the unconditional
love that we are surrounded with by our families keeps us grounded in our true selves. Now that I am older, I feel the same security that I
experienced while growing up. A familiarity of comfort that brings me to a place of peace and security. My own comfort zone where I am loved,
happy, cared for and needed.
A family can be defined in many ways, but the common denominator in all is the love and fulfillment one gets by being surrounded by family
members. Families can sometimes be at odds with each other, but the strain of this type of relationship usually creates an upsetting feeling to
the people involved. People want others to rely on, talk to, do things with, share, love, embrace, and be part of. No matter what the family
dynamic is the qualities the word family has will remain the same, as time goes by, and life evolves once again for every person living their
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Essay about My Family Heritage
My Family Heritage
Family Defined
The word family has changed so much in the past century. A family back in the 1950's was probably considered a husband, wife, and one or more
children. Times have changed and families have become much different. The Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others book defines
family as a, "Unit made up of any number of persons who live in relationship with one another over time in a common living space who are
usually, but not always, united by marriage and kinship" (Beebe, Beebe & Redmond, 243). Families can be broken up into five different types.
The first is the traditional family, which includes a mother, father, and their biological children. Next, is the blended family which
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William, known as Bill, was born on July 20, 1921 in Minneapolis, MN. He worked in the plaster/stucco business for over 25 years before
working at Northwest Airlines. His wife's maiden name was Lorraine Mulcahy. Lorraine was born on August 13, 1922 in St. Paul, MN.
Lorraine went to college at the University of Minnesota where she got her Bachelor of Science degree and became a dental hygienist. My
grandma "Lo" is the genealogy nut in our family. She has searched for birthdates, marriage licenses, and other documents of her grandparents. I
called grandma Lo to get some information on my greatā€“grandparents and family stories. I found out I was part Norwegian and I never even knew
it! Grandma Lo's parents were Edward Mulcahy and Olga Shermoen. Her father Ed was born on April 15, 1880 in Minneapolis, MN. Ed worked
as a claim agent for the Great Northern Railroad in the twin cities. Olga was born on March 15, 1888 in Hawley, MN. She also worked for the
Great Northern Railroad as a matron. Edward was 100% Irish while Olga was 100% Norwegian. This makes my grandma Lorraine 50% Irish &
50% Norwegian. My grandpa Bill was adopted in Minneapolis so his genealogy is unknown. He was told by his adopted parents that he was
mostly Irish. If we pretended Bill was 100% Irish, this would make my mom 75% Irish and 25% Norwegian.
Father's side
My father's name is Gerald Otto Utz. He was born on January 23, 1950 in Springfield, MN. He is
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Autobiography Of My Family
I was born and raised into a hardworking family that are the complete opposite of culture alienators. My siblings and I are all first generation
in America on my mom's side and second generation on my dad's side. Life was very hard for my parents to raise all seven of us and
depended on my grandparents for most of their help. Being that my grandparents brought all nine of their kids to America from Belize it was
also very hard for them so survive and find stability. Most families that come to America from a third world country usually find it very
difficult to keep up family traditions and sometimes lose all contact. My family found a way to stay very close and keep the Belizean culture
very alive still to this day. As you can tell by more content...
This left my mom with seven kids to raise by herself. Meaning one on one time was rare, because my mom is not a superhero and could not
be in multiple places at one time. Grief left my family and I in a place where we did not know what to do, but we eventually got out of it, and
continued on with our life. We always remembered the hard working parents we had, and the hard working mother we still had. I am resilient
and got back on my feet and continued to attend school, graduated elementary school, and will soon graduate from high school. Although, I
have gone through many difficulties it has made me work harder as an individual and choose my career choice at an early age. Being that I
was very into the heart at a young age, and my father passing from a heart disease, I always knew I wanted to study cardiology, and will
someday soon become a cardiologist. Being that my mother has attended medical school several times, I first handedly have seen how
difficult it can be. I have been told by many people to pick a different profession because of that; But because of how passionate I am about
cardiology and the amount of times I have experienced people deal with heart problems has assured me that I have chose the right profession.
I being a very conscientious person has has also assured me that I will be able to tackle medical school and become a cardiologist. I believe that
the first steps of becoming a cardiologist is that I have personally experienced people suffer from
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Essay on My Family's Ancestry
Gathering research about my family and its history turned out to be an interesting and insightful opportunity, through which I learned much more
than I expected. When I started this project, I knew that I would not be able to find as much useful information on the Internet as some of my
peers. In effect, I realized that I would have to rely on other primary resources such as my parents and grandparents to reveal the story of my
ancestry to me. After I had interviewed them, my family history became much clearer to me. More than 2 millennia ago, around the 3rd century
BC, a group of Tamilā€“speaking people from presentā€“day South India migrated to the nearby island of Sri Lanka. Among these people, known
today as "Sri Lankan Tamils", are more content...
The Peninsula has a hot, monsoonal tropical climate characterized by a dry season from February to October and a wet season from October to
January. Because of the monsoons, the region is humid and averages three feet of rain each year, which is relatively low compared to the rest of
the island. The climate of the region allows for many crops to be grown including many varieties of fruits and vegetables.
While interviewing my parents and grandparents, I learned about many customs and aspects of the Sri Lankan Tamil culture. Sri Lankan
Tamils are devotees of the Shaiva sect of Hinduism, mainly worshipping the lord Shiva. The three main cultural festivals celebrated in the area
are Thai Pongal (beginning of the harvest), Chittrai Pongal (Tamil New Year), and Deepavali (Hindu Festival of Lights). In addition, pujas
(religious rituals) are performed for different occasions, such as the death day of an ancestor or the celebration of a certain Hindu deity. It was
also a custom to ask the village astrologer for advice on certain decisions, such as the name of a newborn child.
Paternal Greatā€“Grandparents In the early 1900's, Kadirasaipillai and Vairavipillai Kandappar, my paternal grandmother's parents, were born in
the village of Puloly, Northern Province, Sri Lanka. They were both born into families of the Vellalar caste of Tamil society and went to school at
Puttalai Vidhyalayam, the only schooling option
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Essay on My Family History
My Family History
Family history is very important to an individual. By knowing where you come from, you can have a better perspective of your life. Having a
clear understanding of your family background allows you to better appreciate the things that you would normally take for granted. The house, the
car, and the average clothing may look better when one sees the sacrifices their family has made. They will see that their family has worked very
hard just so their family can experience the better things in life. A persons roots and origin is one of the most important things to explore. It
alone can bring you closer to selfā€“discovery.
There are two sides to a person's family and one side of my family more content...
One of these is that on Thanksgiving everybody comes together to my parents' house in New Jersey for a huge feast. On Christmas only my mother
and the children (me and my brother) travel to Illinois to spend a week with my grandparents. On New Years Eve we all get together at my
parents' house in New Jersey and toast to the New Year with champagne and apple cider. During Labor Day weekend all of my family travels
to South Jersey to my grandfathers' condo. We usually spend all of our time on the beach and barbequing, except on Sunday when we go to
church. After all, my grandfather is a minister. One of our biggest family traditions is going back to Puerto Rico. Every year my mother and I
travel back to Puerto Rico for a portion of our summer vacation. Now that I am older I travel there more often and stay there much longer. My
father never joins because he doesn't like my mothers side of the father too much and he thinks that we when we speak Spanish we are all
plotting against him. Of course that's not true though. My bother doesn't speak Spanish so he doesn't like to go either. I guess that tradition is one
that belongs solely to my mother and I.
The role of the people in family basically stayed the same for most of the generations with a little change in the later generations. Earlier the
males were the only ones that worked in the family and the wife stayed at home and took care of the house and
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Kobie Douglas: A Very Brief History Of My Family
Kobie DouglasDouglas 1
My family history
"In all of us there is a hunger, marrow deep, to know our heritage ā€“ to know who we are and where we came from. Without this enriching
knowledge, there is a hollow yearning. No matter what our attainments in life, there is still a vacuum, emptiness, and the most disquieting
loneliness." ā€“Alex Haley This quote explained to me the importance of my grandparent's legacy and their history. A long twistingfamily tree
inspires one who does not know where their roots originated. My grandfather Frank Douglas and my grandmother Delores Jones gave me a
reason to find out where our legacy started. My grandfather Frank Kelow was adopted into a four person white family, which more
She was raised in New Orleans, Louisiana where her parents worked several jobs to maintain the tiny shack she was raised in. "Back in my
day society consisted of smoking cigarettes, drinking beer, and partying heavily" (Jones). At the age of 13, she was required to work to earn
extra money around the house. Some chores my grandmother had around the house was to clean the house, wash the dishes, wash clothes,
and pull weeds from the lawn. The relationship between my grandmother and her parents was quite the opposite of mine with my parents.
"After completing my chores, I was allowed to do basically whatever, as long as I was in the house at a reasonable hour" (Jones). Delores was
a very social person. "I rarely spent time with my grandparents" (Jones). During her high school years she was often looked at as beautiful,
ambitious, and persistent. At the age of 18 she was elected as prom queen for her senior dance. Although she was often free to do what she
wanted, she was also held responsible. Delores was sometimes whooped and grounded for disobeying curfew rules and not completing her chores.
This gave her everlasting the mentality of you must work for everything you want in life.
Douglas 3 I was born in Mississauga, Canada on the date of February 23, 1993. The name Kobie was given to me by my mother, it means
warrior. Raised in a family with both parents, oneā€“brother, and one sister, I was surrounded by people who loved me.
My brother,
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My Family History
During my excessive research on my family background, I found that I had major complication learning about my history. The reason for this
was because my family was brought to a country that totally wiped out my ancestor's culture. The only part I understand of my family history
is slavery. We started out as slaves in when first brought to America. We were originally from West Africa. We lived in places such Nigeria,
Congo, and Ghana. This was a time when we owned our land and freedom. However, around the late 1500s, the western European culture had
finally discovered our deeply rooted heritage. They saw that beautiful land we had nourished, They saw the love within our community. They
saw the resource we provided. They realized the strength we had as a people. Soon the western Europeans felt that needed to conquer us and
our land. The wanted to prove that we're able to conquer because of the more industrialized military they had. They forced my people to move to
a unformal land that conquered from another culture of people. So after arrival to the new world, the European immediately forced my ancestors
to change their names. They gave us our names of our slave owners. This resulted in my ancestors to being someone's property. My ancestors
worked day in and day out in the hot sun; picking cotton, building houses, growing crops and being housemaids. The European's would soon
transition into what we know today as Americans. For the next four hundred years, the Americans
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Essay About Family History

  • 1. Essay about Family Today Family Today What is a family today? What challenges does being a member of a family present while traditional family structures change? Every family has to struggle to balance the demands of work and children. Also the relationship between each spouse can become more delicate and complicated. Besides, the single parent has to face even more challenges than any other. Today, in a vast majority of families, both the wife and husband have a job. Many working parents are under stress as they have to try to balance the demands of their work, children more content... The traditional family unit changed rapidly during the second half of the 20th century due to the effects of two world wars, rapid industrialization, the development of technology, and the effects of the women's liberation movement. As a result the family became small (less children) and the majority of women now can obtain equal opportunities in both education and work. The role of a family is to struggle to survive, to protect and support children until children become mature and independent adults capable of providing for themselves, and to provide a good standard of living. Moreover, if men and women can not coā€“operate well to deal withŠ“Š‡Š’Ń˜Š•ā€™the decisionā€“making is difficult or does not satisfy both, and then wife and husband may easily have arguments and disagreements. For some of them, these may become a serious communication problem. Since both men and women have to look after the family, sometimes they will have to put their personal, emotional and physical needs aside. As already mentioned, when men and women feel stressed, then arguments and complaints may hurt the relationship. As a result, the relationship between wife and husband becomes more delicate and complicated than in the former traditional family where the wife remained at home to undertake all the tasks of raising children, cooking and cleaning. The vast majority of singleā€“parent families are Get more content on
  • 2. Essay On Family Identity Family traditions and cultural legacies contribute to an individual's selfā€“identity because it is the fabric of where he or she derived from, who they are, and where they're journeying. Cultivating Culture states: "Culture can give people a connection to a certain social values, beliefs, religions and customs. It allows them to identify with other of similar mindsets and backgrounds. Cultural heritage can provide an automatic sense of unity and belonging within a group and allows us to better understand previous generations and the history of where we come from." In contrast, traditions and cultural legacies can also inhibit an individual's selfā€“identity because some families believe in total loyalty to the constructs of the family more content... Because of Dee or Wangero disdaining of herculture, she will wander aimlessly in where she fits in this world, not knowing if she is Dee Johnson a woman of a strong descent or Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo a woman of a style popular for the moment. "Culture the entire way of life of a group of people (including both material and symbolic elements) that acts as a lens through which one views the world and is passed from one generation to the next." "Although culture may seem to be "second nature" it is something learned, rather than innate. Because we learn it so slowly and incrementally, we are often unaware of the process. For instance, few of us would be conscious of having learned all the slang words we currently use or the distance we typically maintain from someone while talking with him /her. We may not remember exactly when we first felt patriotic or how we formed our opinions about people from the upper class. We all carry culture inside ourselves; it becomes ingrained and internalized into our way of thinking and acting. Culture guides the way we make sense of the world around us and the way we make decisions about what to do and how to do it." However those guidelines are not always embraced my every family member, so then the family traditions and cultural behaviors can become a burden to the family member who wants to branch out and lead a Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Family Health History Americans today are faced with a number of health issues, mainly as a result of poor diet, lack of exercise, and lifestyle choices; but, of course, genetics does play a part. My family, for example, has a history of several issues. My father suffers from diabetes and asthma, which my children have as well. My older sister and I both suffer from stress, which is most likely causing our chronic heartburn and my headaches; and, both my husband and I are borderline obese, which is a gateway disease to many others. While some of these issues are linked genetically, many of them are due to lifestyle, which can be viewed as both negative and positive. Negative because we brought these ailments onto ourselves, but positive because we more content... This results in severe attacks, requiring a trip to the hospital emergency room. As stated earlier, my three children also haveasthma, which is in no doubt genetically linked to my fatherā€“ their grandfather. Fortunately, they have mild symptoms, and inhalers are only needed during cold and flu season as a preventative measure. However, they are at higher risk of developing pneumonia or bronchitis due to their asthmatic predisposition, and unfortunately, there has been previous winters when this has happened. Because of this, as soon as any of the children have signs of a cold, they are immediately treated with their inhalers. Stress Stress is simply a fact of natureā€“forces from the outside world affecting the individual. These forces are related to both internal and external factors. External factors include the physical environment, such as one's job, school, or home, relationships with others and all the situations and challenges one confronts on a daily basis. Internal factors include one's overall health and fitness levels, diet, emotional wellā€“being and the amount of sleep one gets. How an individual responds to these factors vary, as well as the symptoms associated with it. My sister and I both have stress for various and different reasons, but we do share similar symptoms. We have both reported sleep disturbances and lack of sleep, as well as chronic heartburn. Other symptoms I have experienced are moodiness, headaches and bruxism Get more content on
  • 4. Reflection on Family Family Reflection "No one is ever born into Life alone. Everyone has shared the bond of family, at least at birth, and for many people it is a bond that will follow them throughout life. For many people it is the most important bond of all." Family means many things to different people, yet the word itself can bring about a host of emotions from anyone who hears the word uttered. As a child growing up in the 60s and 70s the family dynamic was defined by the people we grew up with were related to by blood, and extended to the many family members of the different generations that made up the family unit. I have fond memories of growing up with love and compassion, by the people who I was surrounded with. The feeling more content... The people may be different, but, the bonds will grow and develop in our existence. I remember the feeling of completeness and security I had growing up with my mom, dad, grandparents, and extended family members. I always felt like I belonged and was accepted for me. People are not perfect, sometimes in actions and words, but, knowing the unconditional love that we are surrounded with by our families keeps us grounded in our true selves. Now that I am older, I feel the same security that I experienced while growing up. A familiarity of comfort that brings me to a place of peace and security. My own comfort zone where I am loved, happy, cared for and needed. A family can be defined in many ways, but the common denominator in all is the love and fulfillment one gets by being surrounded by family members. Families can sometimes be at odds with each other, but the strain of this type of relationship usually creates an upsetting feeling to the people involved. People want others to rely on, talk to, do things with, share, love, embrace, and be part of. No matter what the family dynamic is the qualities the word family has will remain the same, as time goes by, and life evolves once again for every person living their
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  • 6. Essay about My Family Heritage My Family Heritage Family Defined The word family has changed so much in the past century. A family back in the 1950's was probably considered a husband, wife, and one or more children. Times have changed and families have become much different. The Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others book defines family as a, "Unit made up of any number of persons who live in relationship with one another over time in a common living space who are usually, but not always, united by marriage and kinship" (Beebe, Beebe & Redmond, 243). Families can be broken up into five different types. The first is the traditional family, which includes a mother, father, and their biological children. Next, is the blended family which more content... William, known as Bill, was born on July 20, 1921 in Minneapolis, MN. He worked in the plaster/stucco business for over 25 years before working at Northwest Airlines. His wife's maiden name was Lorraine Mulcahy. Lorraine was born on August 13, 1922 in St. Paul, MN. Lorraine went to college at the University of Minnesota where she got her Bachelor of Science degree and became a dental hygienist. My grandma "Lo" is the genealogy nut in our family. She has searched for birthdates, marriage licenses, and other documents of her grandparents. I called grandma Lo to get some information on my greatā€“grandparents and family stories. I found out I was part Norwegian and I never even knew it! Grandma Lo's parents were Edward Mulcahy and Olga Shermoen. Her father Ed was born on April 15, 1880 in Minneapolis, MN. Ed worked as a claim agent for the Great Northern Railroad in the twin cities. Olga was born on March 15, 1888 in Hawley, MN. She also worked for the Great Northern Railroad as a matron. Edward was 100% Irish while Olga was 100% Norwegian. This makes my grandma Lorraine 50% Irish & 50% Norwegian. My grandpa Bill was adopted in Minneapolis so his genealogy is unknown. He was told by his adopted parents that he was mostly Irish. If we pretended Bill was 100% Irish, this would make my mom 75% Irish and 25% Norwegian. Father's side My father's name is Gerald Otto Utz. He was born on January 23, 1950 in Springfield, MN. He is
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  • 8. Autobiography Of My Family I was born and raised into a hardworking family that are the complete opposite of culture alienators. My siblings and I are all first generation in America on my mom's side and second generation on my dad's side. Life was very hard for my parents to raise all seven of us and depended on my grandparents for most of their help. Being that my grandparents brought all nine of their kids to America from Belize it was also very hard for them so survive and find stability. Most families that come to America from a third world country usually find it very difficult to keep up family traditions and sometimes lose all contact. My family found a way to stay very close and keep the Belizean culture very alive still to this day. As you can tell by more content... This left my mom with seven kids to raise by herself. Meaning one on one time was rare, because my mom is not a superhero and could not be in multiple places at one time. Grief left my family and I in a place where we did not know what to do, but we eventually got out of it, and continued on with our life. We always remembered the hard working parents we had, and the hard working mother we still had. I am resilient and got back on my feet and continued to attend school, graduated elementary school, and will soon graduate from high school. Although, I have gone through many difficulties it has made me work harder as an individual and choose my career choice at an early age. Being that I was very into the heart at a young age, and my father passing from a heart disease, I always knew I wanted to study cardiology, and will someday soon become a cardiologist. Being that my mother has attended medical school several times, I first handedly have seen how difficult it can be. I have been told by many people to pick a different profession because of that; But because of how passionate I am about cardiology and the amount of times I have experienced people deal with heart problems has assured me that I have chose the right profession. I being a very conscientious person has has also assured me that I will be able to tackle medical school and become a cardiologist. I believe that the first steps of becoming a cardiologist is that I have personally experienced people suffer from Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on My Family's Ancestry Gathering research about my family and its history turned out to be an interesting and insightful opportunity, through which I learned much more than I expected. When I started this project, I knew that I would not be able to find as much useful information on the Internet as some of my peers. In effect, I realized that I would have to rely on other primary resources such as my parents and grandparents to reveal the story of my ancestry to me. After I had interviewed them, my family history became much clearer to me. More than 2 millennia ago, around the 3rd century BC, a group of Tamilā€“speaking people from presentā€“day South India migrated to the nearby island of Sri Lanka. Among these people, known today as "Sri Lankan Tamils", are more content... The Peninsula has a hot, monsoonal tropical climate characterized by a dry season from February to October and a wet season from October to January. Because of the monsoons, the region is humid and averages three feet of rain each year, which is relatively low compared to the rest of the island. The climate of the region allows for many crops to be grown including many varieties of fruits and vegetables. While interviewing my parents and grandparents, I learned about many customs and aspects of the Sri Lankan Tamil culture. Sri Lankan Tamils are devotees of the Shaiva sect of Hinduism, mainly worshipping the lord Shiva. The three main cultural festivals celebrated in the area are Thai Pongal (beginning of the harvest), Chittrai Pongal (Tamil New Year), and Deepavali (Hindu Festival of Lights). In addition, pujas (religious rituals) are performed for different occasions, such as the death day of an ancestor or the celebration of a certain Hindu deity. It was also a custom to ask the village astrologer for advice on certain decisions, such as the name of a newborn child. Paternal Greatā€“Grandparents In the early 1900's, Kadirasaipillai and Vairavipillai Kandappar, my paternal grandmother's parents, were born in the village of Puloly, Northern Province, Sri Lanka. They were both born into families of the Vellalar caste of Tamil society and went to school at Puttalai Vidhyalayam, the only schooling option Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on My Family History My Family History Family history is very important to an individual. By knowing where you come from, you can have a better perspective of your life. Having a clear understanding of your family background allows you to better appreciate the things that you would normally take for granted. The house, the car, and the average clothing may look better when one sees the sacrifices their family has made. They will see that their family has worked very hard just so their family can experience the better things in life. A persons roots and origin is one of the most important things to explore. It alone can bring you closer to selfā€“discovery. There are two sides to a person's family and one side of my family more content... One of these is that on Thanksgiving everybody comes together to my parents' house in New Jersey for a huge feast. On Christmas only my mother and the children (me and my brother) travel to Illinois to spend a week with my grandparents. On New Years Eve we all get together at my parents' house in New Jersey and toast to the New Year with champagne and apple cider. During Labor Day weekend all of my family travels to South Jersey to my grandfathers' condo. We usually spend all of our time on the beach and barbequing, except on Sunday when we go to church. After all, my grandfather is a minister. One of our biggest family traditions is going back to Puerto Rico. Every year my mother and I travel back to Puerto Rico for a portion of our summer vacation. Now that I am older I travel there more often and stay there much longer. My father never joins because he doesn't like my mothers side of the father too much and he thinks that we when we speak Spanish we are all plotting against him. Of course that's not true though. My bother doesn't speak Spanish so he doesn't like to go either. I guess that tradition is one that belongs solely to my mother and I. The role of the people in family basically stayed the same for most of the generations with a little change in the later generations. Earlier the males were the only ones that worked in the family and the wife stayed at home and took care of the house and
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  • 12. Kobie Douglas: A Very Brief History Of My Family Kobie DouglasDouglas 1 2ā€“6ā€“12 My family history "In all of us there is a hunger, marrow deep, to know our heritage ā€“ to know who we are and where we came from. Without this enriching knowledge, there is a hollow yearning. No matter what our attainments in life, there is still a vacuum, emptiness, and the most disquieting loneliness." ā€“Alex Haley This quote explained to me the importance of my grandparent's legacy and their history. A long twistingfamily tree inspires one who does not know where their roots originated. My grandfather Frank Douglas and my grandmother Delores Jones gave me a reason to find out where our legacy started. My grandfather Frank Kelow was adopted into a four person white family, which more content... She was raised in New Orleans, Louisiana where her parents worked several jobs to maintain the tiny shack she was raised in. "Back in my day society consisted of smoking cigarettes, drinking beer, and partying heavily" (Jones). At the age of 13, she was required to work to earn extra money around the house. Some chores my grandmother had around the house was to clean the house, wash the dishes, wash clothes, and pull weeds from the lawn. The relationship between my grandmother and her parents was quite the opposite of mine with my parents. "After completing my chores, I was allowed to do basically whatever, as long as I was in the house at a reasonable hour" (Jones). Delores was a very social person. "I rarely spent time with my grandparents" (Jones). During her high school years she was often looked at as beautiful, ambitious, and persistent. At the age of 18 she was elected as prom queen for her senior dance. Although she was often free to do what she wanted, she was also held responsible. Delores was sometimes whooped and grounded for disobeying curfew rules and not completing her chores. This gave her everlasting the mentality of you must work for everything you want in life. Douglas 3 I was born in Mississauga, Canada on the date of February 23, 1993. The name Kobie was given to me by my mother, it means warrior. Raised in a family with both parents, oneā€“brother, and one sister, I was surrounded by people who loved me. My brother,
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  • 14. My Family History During my excessive research on my family background, I found that I had major complication learning about my history. The reason for this was because my family was brought to a country that totally wiped out my ancestor's culture. The only part I understand of my family history is slavery. We started out as slaves in when first brought to America. We were originally from West Africa. We lived in places such Nigeria, Congo, and Ghana. This was a time when we owned our land and freedom. However, around the late 1500s, the western European culture had finally discovered our deeply rooted heritage. They saw that beautiful land we had nourished, They saw the love within our community. They saw the resource we provided. They realized the strength we had as a people. Soon the western Europeans felt that needed to conquer us and our land. The wanted to prove that we're able to conquer because of the more industrialized military they had. They forced my people to move to a unformal land that conquered from another culture of people. So after arrival to the new world, the European immediately forced my ancestors to change their names. They gave us our names of our slave owners. This resulted in my ancestors to being someone's property. My ancestors worked day in and day out in the hot sun; picking cotton, building houses, growing crops and being housemaids. The European's would soon transition into what we know today as Americans. For the next four hundred years, the Americans Get more content on