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Dr Ummara Aslam
Classify enzymes on the basis of mechanism of actions
in relation to medical biochemistry
• Write down the mechanism of catalysis of enzymes
• Describe the factors affecting enzyme activity
•Define Michaelis-Menten equation &
LineweaverBurk plot and its application in enzyme
kinetics (no derivation of equations)
maltose + water maltase glucose +
1956 - to create a systematic basis for enzyme
4 digit numbered code
first digit - major class
Second digit - sub class
third digit - sub sub class
final digit - specific enzyme
IUB Nomenclature
2- class name (transferase)
7- subclass name (phosphotransferase)
1- sub sub class (hydroxyl group as acceptor)
1- specific enzyme (D- glucose as phosphoryl
group acceptor
ATP: glucose
1. Oxidoreductase
Catalyze oxidation-reduction reactions by
transferring H atom or hydride ions
e.g. Alcohol Dehydrogenase
Lactate dehydrogenase
cytochrome oxidase
Oxidoreductases are further classified
according to the substrate oxidized and
to the mechanism of oxidation
Either catalyze the removal of hydrogen from
the substrate but not able to use oxygen as
hydrogen acceptor e.g. lactate dehydrogenase,
pyruvate dehydrogenase e.t.c.
Remove electrons from substrate e.g.
cytochrome b ,c and c1
Catalyze the addition of oxygen to H
atoms removed from substrate forming
H2O or H2O2
Xanthine oxidase
L-amino acid oxidase
Cytochrome aa3
Two enzymes in this class
H2O2 + 2H⁺+ 2e¯ 2H2O
2H2O2 2H2O+ O2
Found in both plants and animals
Catalyze the incorporation of molecular
oxygen into the substrate
May be
incorporate one or both atoms of molecular
oxygen into the substrate
Functional group is transferred from one
compound to another
e.g. kinases
2. Transferase
They are further classified according to the
group transferred into:
1.Transaminases (ALT,AST)
2.Phosphotransferases:kinases (HEXOKINASE)
3.Transmethylases(Conversion of noradrenaline
to adrenaline)
4.Transpeptidases(formation of hippuric acid
from benzoyl-CoA and glycine)
5.Transacylase (Choline acyltransferase)
Cleave C-C, C-O, C-N, C-S or P-O etc bonds by
adding water across the bond
e.g. lipase
acid phosphatase
(important in digestive process)
3. Hydrolase
Catalyze the addition of NH3,H2O or CO2 to
double bonds or removal of these groups leaving
behind double bonds
Cleave without adding water
▪ Fumarase
A hydratase (subclass) that add water to double
▪ Carbonic anhydrase
▪ Aldolase
▪ HMG CoA Lyase
▪ ATP citrate lyase
4. Lyases
Catalyze intramolecular rearrangements
of functional groups that reversibly
interconvert to optical or geometric isomers
e.g. Triose isomerase
Phosphohexose isomerase
5. Isomerase
Catalyze condensation reactions joining two
molecules by forming C-O, C-S, C-N and C-C bonds
along with energy releasing hydrolysis or cleavage of
high energy phosphates e.g.ATP,GTPetc
Glutamine synthetase
DNA- ligase
Acetyl CoA carboxylase
6. Ligase
Synthetase (requires ATP)
Synthase (No ATP required)
Phosphatase (Use water to remove phosphate
phosphorylase (Use inorganic phosphate to break a
bond and generate phosphorylated product)
Dehydrogenase (NAD or FAD ,NADPH electron
Oxidase (Oxygen is acceptor ,oxygen atom not
incorporated into substrate)
Oxygenase (One or both oxygen atom are
Two different perspectives
1. Catalysis in terms of energy changes that occur
during the reaction
2. How the active site chemically facilitates catalysis
The mechanism of enzyme action
All chemical reactions have an energy barrier
separating the reactants and the products
This barrier, called the free energy of activation, is the
energy difference between that of the reactants and a
high-energy intermediate that occurs during the
formation of product
Energy changes
1. Free energy of activation:
The peak of energy is the difference in free energy
between the reactant and T* , where the high-energy
intermediate is formed during the conversion of
reactant to product
Because of the high free energy of activation, the rates
of uncatalyzed chemical reactions are often slow
For molecules to react, they must contain sufficient energy
to overcome the energy barrier of the transition state
In the absence of an enzyme, only a small proportion of
molecules may possess enough energy to achieve the
transition state between reactant and product
The rate of reaction is determined by the number of such
energized molecules
2. Rate of reaction
In general, the lower the free energy of activation, the
more molecules have sufficient energy to pass
through the transition state, and, therefore, the faster
the rate of the reaction
An enzyme allows a reaction to proceed rapidly under
conditions prevailing in the cell by providing an alternate
reaction pathway with a lower free energy of activation
The enzyme does not change the free energies of the
reactants or products and, therefore, does not change the
equilibrium of the reaction
It does, however, accelerate the rate by which equilibrium
is reached
3. Alternate reaction pathway
Figure shows the changes in energy during the conversion of a molecule of reactant
A to product B as it proceeds through the transition state (high-energy
intermediate), T*: A T * B
1.Catalysis by Proximity
For molecules to interact, they must come within
bond-forming distance of one another
The higher their concentration, the more frequently
they will encounter one another, and the greater will
be the rate at which they react
When an enzyme binds substrate molecules at its
active site, it creates a region of high local substrate
concentration in which the substrate molecules are
oriented in a position ideal for them to chemically
This results in rate enhancements of at least a
thousand fold over the same nonenzyme-catalyzed
The ionizable functional groups of aminoacyl side
chains and
prosthetic groups, can contribute to catalysis by
acting as acids or bases
Two types of acid–base catalysis
1.Specific acid or base catalysis
2. general acid catalysis or general base catalysis
2.Acid–Base Catalysis
Specific acid or base catalysis
Refers to reactions for which the only participating acids or
bases are protons or hydroxide ions
The rate of reaction is sensitive to changes in the
concentration of protons or hydroxide ions, but is
independent of the concentrations of other acids (proton
donors) or bases (proton acceptors) present in the solution or
at the active site
Reactions whose rates are responsive to all the acids
or bases present
General acid catalysis or general base catalysis
For catalysis of lytic reactions, which involve
breaking a covalent bond, enzymes typically bind
their substrates in a conformation that weakens the
bond targeted for cleavage through physical
distortion and electronic polarization
This strained conformation mimics that of the
transition state intermediate
3.Catalysis by Strain
Knowledge of the transition state of an
enzyme-catalyzed reaction is frequently exploited by
chemists to design and synthesize more effective
enzyme inhibitors, called transition state analogs, as
potential pharmacophores
The process of covalent catalysis involves the formation
of a covalent bond between the enzyme and one or
more substrates
The modified enzyme thus becomes a reactant
Covalent catalysis provides a new reaction pathway
whose activation energy is lower—and rate of reaction
therefore faster—than the pathways available in
homogeneous solution
4. Covalent Catalysis
The chemically modified state of the enzyme is
Completion of the reaction returns the enzyme to its
original, unmodified state
Its role thus remains catalytic
Covalent catalysis is particularly common among
enzymes that catalyze group transfer reaction
Residues on the enzyme that participate in covalent catalysis
generally are
cysteine or
serine, and
occasionally histidine
Covalent catalysis often follows a “ping-pong” mechanism—one
in which the first substrate bound and its product released prior
to the binding of the second substrate
1.Enzyme concentration
2. Substrate concentration
6. presence of coenzyme and prosthetic group
7.Presence of inhibitors
Factors affecting enzyme activity
Define Michaelis-Menten equation &
LineweaverBurk plot and its application in enzyme
kinetics (no derivation of equations)
Compare & contrast different types of enzyme
inhibitions with examples & biomedical importance
Reaction model
Proposed by Leonor Michaelis and Maude Menten
Simple model
The enzyme reversibly combines with its substrate
to form an ES complex that subsequently yields
product, regenerating the free enzyme
The model, involving one substrate molecule
S is the substrate
E is the enzyme
ES is the enzyme–substrate complex
P is the product
k1, k-1, and k2 are rate constants
The Michaelis-Menten equation describes how
reaction velocity varies with substrate concentration
Michaelis-Menten equation
1. Relative concentrations of enzyme and substrate
The concentration of substrate (S) is much greater than
the concentration of enzyme (E), so that the
percentage of total substrate bound by the enzyme at
any one time is small
Assumptions in
Michaelis-Menten rate equation:
Effect of substrate concentration on reaction velocities for two enzymes: enzyme 1
with a small Michaelis constant (Km) and enzyme 2 with a large Km.
Vmax = maximal velocity
ES does not change with time
The rate of formation of ES is equal to that of the
breakdown of ES to E + S and E + P
An intermediate in a series of reactions is said to be in
steady state when its rate of synthesis is equal to its
rate of degradation
2. Steady-state assumption:
Initial reaction velocities (vo) are used in the analysis
of enzyme reactions
the rate of the reaction is measured as soon as
enzyme and substrate are mixed
At that time, the concentration of product is very
small, and, therefore, the rate of the back reaction
from product to substrate can be ignored
3. Initial velocity
Characteristics of Km:
Km, the Michaelis constant, is characteristic of an
enzyme and its particular substrate and reflects the
affinity of the enzyme for that substrate
Km is numerically equal to the substrate
concentration at which the reaction velocity is equal
to 1⁄2Vmax
Km does not vary with enzyme concentration
Important conclusions
A numerically small (low) Km reflects a high affinity
of the enzyme for substrate, because a low
concentration of substrate is needed to
half-saturate the enzyme to reach a velocity that is
Small Km
A numerically large (high) Km reflects a low affinity
of enzyme for substrate because a high
concentration of substrate is needed to
half-saturate the enzyme
Large Km:
Effect of substrate concentration on reaction velocity for an enzyme
catalyzed reaction. Vmax = maximal velocity; Km = Michaelis constant.
The rate of the reaction is directly proportional to
the enzyme concentration at all substrate
For example, if the enzyme concentration is halved,
the initial rate of the reaction (vo), as well as that of
Vmax , are reduced to half that of the original
2. Relationship of velocity to enzyme concentration:
When S is much less than Km, the velocity of the
reaction is approximately proportional to the
substrate concentration
The rate of reaction is then said to be first order with
respect to substrate
3. Order of reaction:
When S is much greater than Km, the velocity is
constant and equal to Vmax
The rate of reaction is then independent of substrate
concentration (the enzyme is saturated with
substrate) and is said to be zero order with respect to
substrate concentration
When vo is plotted against [S], it is not always
possible to determine when Vmax has been achieved
because of the gradual upward slope of the
hyperbolic curve at high substrate concentrations
Lineweaver-Burk plot
However, if 1/v o is plotted versus 1/[S], a straight
line is obtained
This plot, the Lineweaver-Burk plot (also called a
doublereciprocal plot) can be used to calculate Km
and Vmax as well as to determine the mechanism of
action of enzyme inhibitors
1. The equation describing the Lineweaver-Burk plot is:
where the intercept on the x axis is equal to −1/Km, and
the intercept on the y axis is equal to 1/Vmax
The slope = Km/Vmax
Lineweaver-Burk plot. vo = reaction velocity; Vmax =
maximal velocity; Km = Michaelis constant; [S] = substrate
Any substance that can decrease the velocity of an
enzyme-catalyzed reaction is called an inhibitor
Two types
1. Reversible
Bind to enzymes through covalent bonds
Lead forms covalent bonds with the sulfhydryl side
chain of cysteine in proteins
Ferrochelatase, an enzyme involved in heme
synthesis is irreversibly inhibited by lead
Irreversible inhibitors
An important group of irreversible inhibitors are the
mechanism-based inhibitors that are converted by
the enzyme itself to a form that covalently links to
the enzyme, thereby inhibiting it
“suicide” inhibitors
Bind to enzymes through non-covalent bonds
Dilution of the enzyme–inhibitor complex results in
dissociation of the reversibly bound inhibitor and
recovery of enzyme activity
Reversible inhibitors
Inhibitor binds reversibly to the same site that the
substrate would normally occupy
Competes with the substrate
Competitive Inhibition
The effect of a competitive inhibitor is reversed by
increasing [S]
At a sufficiently high substrate concentration, the
reaction velocity reaches the Vmax observed in the
absence of inhibitor
1. Effect on Vmax:
A competitive inhibitor increases the apparent Km
for a given substrate
This means that, in the presence of a competitive
inhibitor, more substrate is needed to achieve
2. Effect on Km:
Competitive inhibition shows a characteristic
Lineweaver-Burk plot in which the plots of the
inhibited and uninhibited reactions intersect on the y
axis at 1/Vmax (Vmax is unchanged)
3. Effect on the Lineweaver-Burk plot
The inhibited and uninhibited reactions show different x-axis
intercepts, indicating that the apparent Km is increased in the
presence of the competitive inhibitor because - 1/Km moves
closer to zero from a negative value
An important group of competitive inhibitors are the
transition state analogs, stable molecules that
approximate the structure of the transition state
and, therefore, bind the enzyme with a higher
affinity than the substrate
Effect of a competitive inhibitor on the
reaction velocity versus substrate ([S]) plot. B.
Lineweaver-Burk plot of competitive
inhibition of an enzyme
Antihyperlipidemic agents
competitively inhibits the rate-limiting (slowest) step
in cholesterol biosynthesis
Catalyzed by hydroxymethylglutaryl–CoA reductase
(HMG-CoA reductase)
Statin drugs as examples of competitive inhibitors:
Statins, such as atorvastatin (Lipitor) and pravastatin
(Pravachol), are structural analogs of the natural
substrate for this enzyme and compete effectively to
inhibit HMG-CoA reductase
Inhibit de novo cholesterol synthesis
lowering plasma cholesterol levels
Pravastatin competes with HMGCoA for the active site of
HMGCoA reductase. HMG-CoA =
hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme A.
This type of inhibition is recognized by its
characteristic effect on Vmax
Noncompetitive inhibition occurs when the inhibitor
and substrate bind at different sites on the enzyme
The noncompetitive inhibitor can bind either free
enzyme or the enzyme-substrate complex,preventing
the reaction from occurring
Noncompetitive inhibition
Noncompetitive inhibition cannot be overcome by
increasing the concentration of substrate
Noncompetitive inhibitors decrease the apparent
Vmax of the reaction
1. Effect on Vmax:
Noncompetitive inhibitors do not interfere with the
binding of substrate to enzyme
Therefore, the enzyme shows the same Km in the
presence or absence of the noncompetitive inhibitor
2.Effect on Km:
Effect of a noncompetitive inhibitor on the reaction
velocity versus substrate ([S]) plot. B. Lineweaver-Burk
plot of noncompetitive inhibition of an enzyme.
Noncompetitive inhibition is readily differentiated from
competitive inhibition by plotting 1/vo versus 1/[S]
The apparent Vmax decreases in the presence of a
noncompetitive inhibitor, whereas Km is unchanged
Oxypurinol, a metabolite of the drug allopurinol, is a
noncompetitive inhibitor of xanthine oxidase, an enzyme
of purine degradation
Effect on Lineweaver-Burk plot:
A noncompetitive inhibitor binding to both free enzyme and
At least half of the ten most commonly prescribed
drugs in the United States act as enzyme inhibitors
β-lactam antibiotics, such as penicillin and
amoxicillin, act by inhibiting enzymes involved in
bacterial cell wall synthesis
Enzyme inhibitors as drugs
Drugs may also act by inhibiting extracellular reactions
e.g. angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
They lower blood pressure by blocking the enzyme that
cleaves angiotensin I to form the potent vasoconstrictor,
angiotensin II
These drugs, which include captopril, enalapril, and
lisinopril, cause vasodilation and, therefore, a reduction
in blood pressure
Aspirin, irreversibly inhibits prostaglandin and
thromboxane synthesis
Irreversible acetylation of cyclooxygenase (COX)-1
and COX-2 by aspirin
Aspirin acts as an acetylating agent where an acetyl
group is covalently attached to a serine residue in
the active site of the COX enzyme
This makes aspirin different from other NSAIDs such
as diclofenac and ibuprofen, which are reversible
inhibitors; aspirin creates an allosteric change in the
structure of the COX enzyme
The rate or velocity of a reaction (v) is the number of
substrate molecules converted to product per unit time
Velocity is usually expressed as µmol of product formed
per minute
The rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction increases with
substrate concentration until a maximal velocity (Vmax)
is reached
Maximal velocity
Explain regulatory enzymes
Explain coenzymes, cofactors, and with their
biochemical importance
Overview of Vitamins as coenzymes I (B1, B2, B3, B6,
biotin, pantothenic)
Role of minerals as a cofactor
Substrate concentration
Allosteric regulation
Covalent Modification
Induction and repression of enzyme activity
Regulated by molecules called effectors
Bind non-covalently at a site other than the active
multiple subunits
The regulatory (allosteric) site that binds the effector
is distinct from the substrate-binding site and may be
located on a subunit that is not itself catalytic
Allosteric Regulation
Effectors that inhibit enzyme activity
Positive effectors
Effectors that increase enzyme activity
They can
affect the affinity of the enzyme for its substrate (K0.5),
modify the maximal catalytic activity of the enzyme (Vmax),
or both
Allosteric enzymes frequently catalyze the committed step
early in a pathway
Negative effectors
The both effectors can
affect the affinity of the enzyme for its substrate (K0.5)
modify the maximal catalytic activity of the enzyme
or both
Allosteric enzymes frequently catalyze the committed
step early in a pathway
Effects of negative or positive effectors on an allosteric
enzyme. A. Vmax is altered. B. The substrate concentration
that gives half-maximal velocity (K0.5) is altered
When the substrate itself serves as an effector, the effect
is said to be homotropic
An allosteric substrate functions as a positive effector
The presence of a substrate molecule at one site on the
enzyme enhances the catalytic properties of the other
substrate-binding sites
That is, their binding sites exhibit cooperativity
Homotropic effectors:
These enzymes show a sigmoidal curve when
reaction velocity (vo) is plotted against substrate
concentration [S]
This contrasts with the hyperbolic curve
characteristic of enzymes following
Michaelis-Menten kinetics
Cooperativity of substrate binding is analogous to
the binding of oxygen to hemoglobin
The effector may be different from the substrate, in which
case the effect is said to be heterotropic
example is the feedback inhibition
The enzyme that converts D to E has an allosteric site that
binds the endproduct, G
If the concentration of G increases (for example, because it is
not used as rapidly as it is synthesized), the first irreversible
step unique to the pathway is typically inhibited
Heterotropic effectors:
Feedback inhibition of a metabolic pathway
Feedback inhibition provides the cell with
appropriate amounts of a product it needs by
regulating the flow of substrate molecules through
the pathway that synthesizes that product
Heterotropic effectors are very common
For example, the glycolytic enzyme
phosphofructokinase-1 is allosterically inhibited by
citrate, which is not a substrate for the enzyme
Covalent modification is by the addition or removal
of phosphate groups from specific serine, threonine,
or tyrosine residues of the enzyme
Protein phosphorylation is mediated by hormonal
Regulation of enzymes by covalent
Phosphorylation reactions are catalyzed by a family
of enzymes called protein kinases that use ATP as
the phosphate donor
Phosphate groups are cleaved from phosphorylated
enzymes by the action of phosphoprotein
Response of enzyme to phosphorylation
Depending on the specific enzyme, the
phosphorylated form may be more or less active
than the unphosphorylated enzyme
Phosphorylation of glycogen phosphorylase (an
enzyme that degrades glycogen) increases activity,
whereas phosphorylation of glycogen synthase (an
enzyme that synthesizes glycogen) decreases activity
Covalent modification by the addition and removal of
phosphate groups. [Note: HPO4 2− may be represented as Pi.]
Cells can also regulate the amount of enzyme
present by altering the rate of enzyme degradation
or the rate of enzyme synthesis
Induction: increase in enzyme synthesis
Repression: decrease of enzyme synthesis
leads to an alteration in the total population of active
Induction and repression of enzyme synthesis
Enzymes subject to regulation of synthesis are often those
that are needed at only one stage of development or under
selected physiologic conditions
For example, elevated levels of insulin as a result of high
blood glucose levels cause an increase in the synthesis of key
enzymes involved in glucose metabolism
Enzymes that are in constant use are usually not
regulated by altering the rate of enzyme synthesis
Induction or repression of protein synthesis are slow
(hours to days)
Allosterically or covalently regulated changes in
enzyme activity occur in seconds to minutes
Mechanisms for regulating enzyme activity
The active enzyme with its non-protein component
The enzyme without its non-protein moiety and is
Facilitate the activity or regulation of enzymes
Non-protein moiety is a metal ion, such as
Magnesium,copper ,Zinc,Iron etc
Non-protein is a small organic molecule
Coenzymes can be :
2. Prosthetic group
Coenzymes that only transiently associate with the
enzyme are called co-substrates
Co-substrates dissociate from the enzyme in an
altered state e.g. NAD+
If the coenzyme is usually permanently associated with
the enzyme and return to its original form e.g. FAD
Often attached to proteins by a covalent bond
Shuttle molecules in enzymatic reaction rather than
contributing directly to a chemical group
Heme is a prosthetic group in Hb,shuttles oxygen and
Prosthetic group
Coenzymes commonly are derived from vitamins
For example, NAD+ contains niacin, and FAD contains
Cofactors work allosterically and are not required for enzyme
Coenzymes bind to the active site of the enzyme and are
required for enzyme activity by contributing or by accepting
a chemical group necessary for enzyme to work
B1 (Thiamine)
B2 (Riboflavin)
B3 (Niacin)
B6 (Pyridoxine)
B7 ( biotin)
B5 (Pantothenic acid)
Vitamins as coenzymes
Vitamin B1
Also called aneurine or anti-beriberi factor
ACTIVE FORM IS TPP(thiamine pyrophosphate)
Made up of a pyrimidine and a thiazole part linked
together by a methylene bridge
Sources and distribution
Outer layers of grains like bran and rice
Whole grains, legumes, beef, liver, nuts and
Eggs, fish and vegetables contain Vit. B1
small amounts
Whole white bread is a good source
Thiamine Triphosphate has a role in nerve
▪ It phosphorylates and so activates chloride
channel in
nerve membrane
Thiamine nutritional status can be assessed
Erythrocyte Transketolase activity
Vitamin B2
It is a heterocyclic dimethylisoalloxazine ring
attached to the sugar alcohol D-ribitol
Niacin or nicotinic acid is pyridine 3-carboxylic
acid and its amide derivative nicotinamide
Niacin exerts its effects in two forms
▪ NAD+
(nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)
(nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
Structure and synthesis of NAD⁺ AND NADP⁺
Reduction of oxidized nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide (NAD+) to NADH
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid)
● Pantothenic acid: from the word ‘pentos’ meaning
● Occurrence:
○ widespread in nature
○ yeast, liver and eggs, potatoes, cabbage,
cauliflower, broccoli, peanuts, tomatoes
○ skimmed milk, wheat bran, whole milk and
canned salmon
● Pantothenic acid (C9
) is an amide of pantoic acid
and β-alanine
● Stable to oxidizing and reducing agents
● Destroyed by heating in an acidic or alkaline medium
❖ Component of coenzyme A (CoA) which functions in the
transfer of acyl groups
▪ Co A contains a terminal thiol or sulfhydryl group (-SH)
that carries acyl compounds as activated thiol esters
Examples of such compounds are succinyl Co A ,Fatty
acyl Co A and acetyl Co A.
▪ -SH group is the reactive site
Hence CoA –SH is used
▪ It plays role in integrating various pathways
Enzymes requiring Co A as cofactor
Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
α – Ktoglutarate dehydrogenase complex
FAS complex
Thiolase, HMG Co A synthase
Succinyl CoA is formed from Propionyl CoA and α-
Propionyl CoA is formed from oxidation of odd chain
fatty acids, valine, isoleucine
Utilization of succinyl CoA is through TCA cycle
Succinate is utilized for metabolism of ketone bodies
It is also used for heme synthesis
Acetyl Co A is formed from oxidation of pyruvate, Fatty
acids, aminoacids, Ketone bodies
Acetyl CoA is used to provide energy through TCA cycle
It is essential for synthesis of neurotransmitter
It is a substrate for synthesis of F.A., Cholesterol, Ketone
Propionyl CoA is formed from oxidation of odd chain
Fatty acids, isoleucine and valine
It is converted to succinyl CoA
Pantothenic acid deficiency is not well characterized
in humans
No RDA has been established for it
Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
● Isolated in 1935 by a dutch biochemist from dried egg yolks
● Also known as anti-egg white injury factor
● Occurrence:
○ Eggs, yeast, liver, kidney, molasses, peanuts and
vegetables are rich sources
○ Cereals and dairy products are poor sources
○ biotin occurs in nature usually in combined state
as biocytin (biotin linked to ε-amino group of
amino acid lysine) which is released on
○ It is synthesized by intestinal flora in excess of
● It is a heterocyclic sulfur containing monocarboxylic
● Biotin (C10
S) consists of a fused imidazole and
thiophene ring with a valeric acid side chain side chain
● Biotin and thiamine are the only sulfur-containing
vitamins isolated to date
Coenzyme form
● Biocytin is coenzyme form of biotin
● Biotin is a prosthetic group of carboxylases
Biochemical Role
● Coenzyme in carboxylase reactions (carrier of activated CO2
○ pyruvate carboxylase
○ Acetyl CoA carboxylase
○ propionyl CoA carboxylase
○ β Methyl corotonyl CoA carboxylase
Pyruvate Carboxylase
Pyruvate carboxylase catalyzes the conversion of
pyruvate to oxaloacetate
CO₂,ATP pyruvate carboxylase
Acetyl CoA Carboxylase
It Catalyzes the formation of malonylCoA from acetyl
The reaction provides acetate molecule for fatty acid
Propionyl CoA carboxylase
It Catalyzes the formation of D methyl malonyl CoA
from propionylCoA (from odd chain fatty acid and
It is required for entry of propionyl CoA into TCA
cycle via succinyl CoA
β Methyl crotonyl CoA
It catalyzes the formation of β Methylglutaconyl CoA
from β Methyl crotonyl CoA
It is essential for leucine catabolism
Few carboxylation reactions donot require biotin
Formation of Carbomyl phosphate in urea cycle and
incorporation of CO2 in pyrimidine and purine
Biotin Antagonist
Avidin (Raw egg white injury factor)
Avidin binds to biotin and makes it unavailable for absorption
Avidin is inactivated by boiling the eggs and biotin is readily
One molecule of avidin can bind four molecules of biotin
Affinity is more than the usual antigen antibody reaction
This system avidin-biotin is commonly utilized for detection of
pathogens in ELISA test
Vitamin B6
Dr.Ummara Aslam
❖ Six compounds have vitamin B6 activity
pyridoxine, pyridoxal, pyridoxamine and their 5′-
❖ The active co-enzyme is Pyridoxal 5′- phosphate
● All forms are derivatives of pyridine (C5
● Nature of substituent at position 4 of the ring is
● Readily inter convertible biologically
1. Transamination
2. Decarboxylation
3. Coenzyme for deamine oxidase
4. Formation of niacin from Tryptophan
5. Catabolism of tryptophan
6. Metabolism of sulphur containing amino acids
7. Coenzyme for threonine aldolase
8. Synthesis of δ ALA
9. Cofactor for glycogen phosphorylase
10. Role in active transport of amino acids and K⁺ into the cell
11. Synthesis of arachidonic acid
Biochemical Role
❖ Almost all conversion reactions involving amino acids require
pyridoxal phosphate, including
❖ Involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters:
Gamma amino-butyric acid (GABA)
❖ Synthesis of sphingolipids
❖ Glycogen phosphorylase, the enzyme for glycogen
degradation also contains pyridoxal phosphate as a
❖ Glycogen phosphorylase catalyzes the release of glucose
from glycogen
❖ In Gluconeogenesis, PLP is needed to convert amino
acid to glucose
❖ Conversion of tryptophan to niacin
❖ Conversion of homo-cysteine to cysteine
❖ PLP also functions in the synthesis of heme
1st step of heme synthesis
Helps in nucleic acid synthesis
❖ B6 is important in steroid hormone action. Pyridoxal
phosphate removes the hormone receptor complex from DNA
binding, terminating the action of hormone
Acts as a cofactor
Calcium Calmodulin complex activates certain enzymes
by attaching with them which are :
Adenylate cyclase
Ca⁺² ATPase
Phosphorylase kinase
Myosin light chain kinase
Phospholipase A2
This mechanism is also required for release of acetylcholine
at neuromuscular junction
Magnesium is required as a cofactor for
Phosphorylation by kinases (Mg⁺² binds the ATP
Phosphodiester bond formation by DNA and RNA
Cu requiring enzyme Function
Cytochrome c oxidase Transfers electrons from cytochrome c to
oxygen in the ETC
Dopamine β hydroxylase Hydroxylates dopamine to norepinephrine
Ferroxidase Oxidize Iron
Lysyl oxidase Forms cross links in collagen and elastin
Tyrosinase Synthesizes melanin
Superoxide dismutase
Non-mitochondrial form
Also requires zinc
Converts superoxide to hydrogen peroxide
Component of many proteins both catalytic and Non catalytic
Catalytic like
hydroxylases e.g.prolyl hydroxylase
Cofactor for catalases
Tryptophan pyrrolase
Non Catalytic
Linked to sulphur in the Fe-S proteins of ETC
Part of heme prosthetic group in proteins like Hb, Myoglobin, Cytochromes
Activator and Cofactor for several enzymes e.g.
Choline esterase
Pyruvate carboxylase
Glutamine synthetase
Hundreds of enzymes require Zn for activity
Alcohol dehydrogenase that Oxidizes ethanol to
Carbonic anhydrase
Porphobilinogen synthase of heme synthesis
Non mitochondrial form of superoxide dismutase
Molybdenum is bound to unique pterin forming molybdenum
cofactor (MOCO) which is the active compund at the catalytic
site of all molybdenum containing enzymes except bacterial
molybdenum nitrogenase e.g.
Xanthine oxidase Oxidizes hypoxanthine to xanthine and
xanthine into uricacid
Liver aldehyde oxidase metabolizes drugs
Sulfite oxidase converts sulfite to sulphate in metabolism of
sulphur containing aminoacids
Lippincott illustrated reviews biochemistry
Harper’s illustrated biochemistry
Essentials of medical biochemistry
Learning Resources
Se is present in almost 25 selenoproteins which
Glutathione peroxidase
Oxidizes glutathione in the reduction of hydrogen
peroxide to water
Thioredoxin reductase
Reduces thioredoxin ,a coenzyme of ribonucleotide
Removes iodine from thyroid hormones
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Enzymes.pptx.pdf its chapter of enzyme .

  • 2. Classify enzymes on the basis of mechanism of actions in relation to medical biochemistry • Write down the mechanism of catalysis of enzymes • Describe the factors affecting enzyme activity •Define Michaelis-Menten equation & LineweaverBurk plot and its application in enzyme kinetics (no derivation of equations) LEARNING OBJECTIVES
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. maltose + water maltase glucose + glucose
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8. 1956 - to create a systematic basis for enzyme nomenclature 4 digit numbered code first digit - major class Second digit - sub class third digit - sub sub class final digit - specific enzyme IUB Nomenclature
  • 9. 2- class name (transferase) 7- subclass name (phosphotransferase) 1- sub sub class (hydroxyl group as acceptor) 1- specific enzyme (D- glucose as phosphoryl group acceptor ATP: glucose phosphotransferase
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12. 1. Oxidoreductase Catalyze oxidation-reduction reactions by transferring H atom or hydride ions e.g. Alcohol Dehydrogenase Lactate dehydrogenase cytochrome oxidase
  • 13. Oxidoreductases are further classified according to the substrate oxidized and to the mechanism of oxidation 1.Dehydrogenases 2.Oxidases 3.Hydroperoxidases 4.Oxygenases
  • 14. Either catalyze the removal of hydrogen from the substrate but not able to use oxygen as hydrogen acceptor e.g. lactate dehydrogenase, pyruvate dehydrogenase e.t.c. Or Remove electrons from substrate e.g. cytochrome b ,c and c1 1.Dehydrogenases
  • 15. Catalyze the addition of oxygen to H atoms removed from substrate forming H2O or H2O2 Example: Xanthine oxidase L-amino acid oxidase Cytochrome aa3 2. OXIDASES
  • 16. Two enzymes in this class Peroxidase H2O2 + 2H⁺+ 2e¯ 2H2O Catalase 2H2O2 2H2O+ O2 Found in both plants and animals 3.Hydroperoxidases
  • 17. Catalyze the incorporation of molecular oxygen into the substrate May be Mono-oxygenase or Di-oxygenases incorporate one or both atoms of molecular oxygen into the substrate 4. OXYGENASES
  • 18. Functional group is transferred from one compound to another e.g. kinases Transaminase Phosphorylase 2. Transferase
  • 19. They are further classified according to the group transferred into: 1.Transaminases (ALT,AST) 2.Phosphotransferases:kinases (HEXOKINASE) 3.Transmethylases(Conversion of noradrenaline to adrenaline) 4.Transpeptidases(formation of hippuric acid from benzoyl-CoA and glycine) 5.Transacylase (Choline acyltransferase)
  • 20.
  • 21. Cleave C-C, C-O, C-N, C-S or P-O etc bonds by adding water across the bond e.g. lipase acid phosphatase (important in digestive process) 3. Hydrolase
  • 22. Catalyze the addition of NH3,H2O or CO2 to double bonds or removal of these groups leaving behind double bonds Cleave without adding water Example: ▪ Fumarase A hydratase (subclass) that add water to double bond ▪ Carbonic anhydrase ▪ Aldolase ▪ HMG CoA Lyase ▪ ATP citrate lyase 4. Lyases
  • 23. Catalyze intramolecular rearrangements of functional groups that reversibly interconvert to optical or geometric isomers e.g. Triose isomerase Phosphohexose isomerase mutase 5. Isomerase
  • 24. Catalyze condensation reactions joining two molecules by forming C-O, C-S, C-N and C-C bonds along with energy releasing hydrolysis or cleavage of high energy phosphates e.g.ATP,GTPetc Glutamine synthetase DNA- ligase Acetyl CoA carboxylase 6. Ligase
  • 25. Synthetase (requires ATP) Synthase (No ATP required) Phosphatase (Use water to remove phosphate group) phosphorylase (Use inorganic phosphate to break a bond and generate phosphorylated product) Dehydrogenase (NAD or FAD ,NADPH electron acceptor) Oxidase (Oxygen is acceptor ,oxygen atom not incorporated into substrate) Oxygenase (One or both oxygen atom are incorporated)
  • 26.
  • 27. Two different perspectives 1. Catalysis in terms of energy changes that occur during the reaction 2. How the active site chemically facilitates catalysis The mechanism of enzyme action
  • 28. All chemical reactions have an energy barrier separating the reactants and the products This barrier, called the free energy of activation, is the energy difference between that of the reactants and a high-energy intermediate that occurs during the formation of product Energy changes
  • 29. 1. Free energy of activation: The peak of energy is the difference in free energy between the reactant and T* , where the high-energy intermediate is formed during the conversion of reactant to product Because of the high free energy of activation, the rates of uncatalyzed chemical reactions are often slow
  • 30. For molecules to react, they must contain sufficient energy to overcome the energy barrier of the transition state In the absence of an enzyme, only a small proportion of molecules may possess enough energy to achieve the transition state between reactant and product The rate of reaction is determined by the number of such energized molecules 2. Rate of reaction
  • 31. In general, the lower the free energy of activation, the more molecules have sufficient energy to pass through the transition state, and, therefore, the faster the rate of the reaction
  • 32. An enzyme allows a reaction to proceed rapidly under conditions prevailing in the cell by providing an alternate reaction pathway with a lower free energy of activation The enzyme does not change the free energies of the reactants or products and, therefore, does not change the equilibrium of the reaction It does, however, accelerate the rate by which equilibrium is reached 3. Alternate reaction pathway
  • 33. Figure shows the changes in energy during the conversion of a molecule of reactant A to product B as it proceeds through the transition state (high-energy intermediate), T*: A T * B
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38.
  • 39. BIOCHEMICAL MECHANISMS 1.Catalysis by Proximity For molecules to interact, they must come within bond-forming distance of one another The higher their concentration, the more frequently they will encounter one another, and the greater will be the rate at which they react
  • 40. When an enzyme binds substrate molecules at its active site, it creates a region of high local substrate concentration in which the substrate molecules are oriented in a position ideal for them to chemically interact This results in rate enhancements of at least a thousand fold over the same nonenzyme-catalyzed reaction
  • 41. The ionizable functional groups of aminoacyl side chains and prosthetic groups, can contribute to catalysis by acting as acids or bases Two types of acid–base catalysis 1.Specific acid or base catalysis 2. general acid catalysis or general base catalysis 2.Acid–Base Catalysis
  • 42. Specific acid or base catalysis Refers to reactions for which the only participating acids or bases are protons or hydroxide ions The rate of reaction is sensitive to changes in the concentration of protons or hydroxide ions, but is independent of the concentrations of other acids (proton donors) or bases (proton acceptors) present in the solution or at the active site
  • 43. Reactions whose rates are responsive to all the acids or bases present General acid catalysis or general base catalysis
  • 44.
  • 45. For catalysis of lytic reactions, which involve breaking a covalent bond, enzymes typically bind their substrates in a conformation that weakens the bond targeted for cleavage through physical distortion and electronic polarization This strained conformation mimics that of the transition state intermediate 3.Catalysis by Strain
  • 46. Knowledge of the transition state of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction is frequently exploited by chemists to design and synthesize more effective enzyme inhibitors, called transition state analogs, as potential pharmacophores
  • 47. The process of covalent catalysis involves the formation of a covalent bond between the enzyme and one or more substrates The modified enzyme thus becomes a reactant Covalent catalysis provides a new reaction pathway whose activation energy is lower—and rate of reaction therefore faster—than the pathways available in homogeneous solution 4. Covalent Catalysis
  • 48. The chemically modified state of the enzyme is transient Completion of the reaction returns the enzyme to its original, unmodified state Its role thus remains catalytic Covalent catalysis is particularly common among enzymes that catalyze group transfer reaction
  • 49. Residues on the enzyme that participate in covalent catalysis generally are cysteine or serine, and occasionally histidine Covalent catalysis often follows a “ping-pong” mechanism—one in which the first substrate bound and its product released prior to the binding of the second substrate
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52. 1.Enzyme concentration 2. Substrate concentration 3.Temperature 4.pH 5.Product 6. presence of coenzyme and prosthetic group 7.Presence of inhibitors Factors affecting enzyme activity
  • 53. Define Michaelis-Menten equation & LineweaverBurk plot and its application in enzyme kinetics (no derivation of equations) Compare & contrast different types of enzyme inhibitions with examples & biomedical importance LEARNING OBJECTIVES
  • 54. Reaction model Proposed by Leonor Michaelis and Maude Menten Simple model The enzyme reversibly combines with its substrate to form an ES complex that subsequently yields product, regenerating the free enzyme MICHAELIS-MENTEN KINETICS
  • 55. The model, involving one substrate molecule S is the substrate E is the enzyme ES is the enzyme–substrate complex P is the product k1, k-1, and k2 are rate constants
  • 56. The Michaelis-Menten equation describes how reaction velocity varies with substrate concentration Michaelis-Menten equation
  • 57. 1. Relative concentrations of enzyme and substrate The concentration of substrate (S) is much greater than the concentration of enzyme (E), so that the percentage of total substrate bound by the enzyme at any one time is small Assumptions in Michaelis-Menten rate equation:
  • 58. Effect of substrate concentration on reaction velocities for two enzymes: enzyme 1 with a small Michaelis constant (Km) and enzyme 2 with a large Km. Vmax = maximal velocity
  • 59. ES does not change with time The rate of formation of ES is equal to that of the breakdown of ES to E + S and E + P An intermediate in a series of reactions is said to be in steady state when its rate of synthesis is equal to its rate of degradation 2. Steady-state assumption:
  • 60. Initial reaction velocities (vo) are used in the analysis of enzyme reactions the rate of the reaction is measured as soon as enzyme and substrate are mixed At that time, the concentration of product is very small, and, therefore, the rate of the back reaction from product to substrate can be ignored 3. Initial velocity
  • 61. Characteristics of Km: Km, the Michaelis constant, is characteristic of an enzyme and its particular substrate and reflects the affinity of the enzyme for that substrate Km is numerically equal to the substrate concentration at which the reaction velocity is equal to 1⁄2Vmax Km does not vary with enzyme concentration Important conclusions
  • 62. A numerically small (low) Km reflects a high affinity of the enzyme for substrate, because a low concentration of substrate is needed to half-saturate the enzyme to reach a velocity that is 1⁄2Vmax Small Km
  • 63. A numerically large (high) Km reflects a low affinity of enzyme for substrate because a high concentration of substrate is needed to half-saturate the enzyme Large Km:
  • 64. Effect of substrate concentration on reaction velocity for an enzyme catalyzed reaction. Vmax = maximal velocity; Km = Michaelis constant.
  • 65. The rate of the reaction is directly proportional to the enzyme concentration at all substrate concentrations For example, if the enzyme concentration is halved, the initial rate of the reaction (vo), as well as that of Vmax , are reduced to half that of the original 2. Relationship of velocity to enzyme concentration:
  • 66. When S is much less than Km, the velocity of the reaction is approximately proportional to the substrate concentration The rate of reaction is then said to be first order with respect to substrate 3. Order of reaction:
  • 67. When S is much greater than Km, the velocity is constant and equal to Vmax The rate of reaction is then independent of substrate concentration (the enzyme is saturated with substrate) and is said to be zero order with respect to substrate concentration
  • 68. When vo is plotted against [S], it is not always possible to determine when Vmax has been achieved because of the gradual upward slope of the hyperbolic curve at high substrate concentrations Lineweaver-Burk plot
  • 69. However, if 1/v o is plotted versus 1/[S], a straight line is obtained This plot, the Lineweaver-Burk plot (also called a doublereciprocal plot) can be used to calculate Km and Vmax as well as to determine the mechanism of action of enzyme inhibitors
  • 70. 1. The equation describing the Lineweaver-Burk plot is: where the intercept on the x axis is equal to −1/Km, and the intercept on the y axis is equal to 1/Vmax The slope = Km/Vmax
  • 71. Lineweaver-Burk plot. vo = reaction velocity; Vmax = maximal velocity; Km = Michaelis constant; [S] = substrate concentration
  • 72. Any substance that can decrease the velocity of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction is called an inhibitor Two types 1. Reversible Competitive Noncompetitive 2.Irreversible INHIBITION OF ENZYME ACTIVITY
  • 73. Bind to enzymes through covalent bonds Lead forms covalent bonds with the sulfhydryl side chain of cysteine in proteins Ferrochelatase, an enzyme involved in heme synthesis is irreversibly inhibited by lead Irreversible inhibitors
  • 74. An important group of irreversible inhibitors are the mechanism-based inhibitors that are converted by the enzyme itself to a form that covalently links to the enzyme, thereby inhibiting it “suicide” inhibitors
  • 75. Bind to enzymes through non-covalent bonds Dilution of the enzyme–inhibitor complex results in dissociation of the reversibly bound inhibitor and recovery of enzyme activity Reversible inhibitors
  • 76. Inhibitor binds reversibly to the same site that the substrate would normally occupy Competes with the substrate Competitive Inhibition
  • 77. The effect of a competitive inhibitor is reversed by increasing [S] At a sufficiently high substrate concentration, the reaction velocity reaches the Vmax observed in the absence of inhibitor 1. Effect on Vmax:
  • 78. A competitive inhibitor increases the apparent Km for a given substrate This means that, in the presence of a competitive inhibitor, more substrate is needed to achieve 1⁄2Vmax 2. Effect on Km:
  • 79. Competitive inhibition shows a characteristic Lineweaver-Burk plot in which the plots of the inhibited and uninhibited reactions intersect on the y axis at 1/Vmax (Vmax is unchanged) 3. Effect on the Lineweaver-Burk plot
  • 80. The inhibited and uninhibited reactions show different x-axis intercepts, indicating that the apparent Km is increased in the presence of the competitive inhibitor because - 1/Km moves closer to zero from a negative value
  • 81. An important group of competitive inhibitors are the transition state analogs, stable molecules that approximate the structure of the transition state and, therefore, bind the enzyme with a higher affinity than the substrate
  • 82. Effect of a competitive inhibitor on the reaction velocity versus substrate ([S]) plot. B. Lineweaver-Burk plot of competitive inhibition of an enzyme
  • 83. Antihyperlipidemic agents competitively inhibits the rate-limiting (slowest) step in cholesterol biosynthesis Catalyzed by hydroxymethylglutaryl–CoA reductase (HMG-CoA reductase) Statin drugs as examples of competitive inhibitors:
  • 84. Statins, such as atorvastatin (Lipitor) and pravastatin (Pravachol), are structural analogs of the natural substrate for this enzyme and compete effectively to inhibit HMG-CoA reductase Inhibit de novo cholesterol synthesis lowering plasma cholesterol levels
  • 85. Pravastatin competes with HMGCoA for the active site of HMGCoA reductase. HMG-CoA = hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme A.
  • 86. This type of inhibition is recognized by its characteristic effect on Vmax Noncompetitive inhibition occurs when the inhibitor and substrate bind at different sites on the enzyme The noncompetitive inhibitor can bind either free enzyme or the enzyme-substrate complex,preventing the reaction from occurring Noncompetitive inhibition
  • 87. Noncompetitive inhibition cannot be overcome by increasing the concentration of substrate Noncompetitive inhibitors decrease the apparent Vmax of the reaction 1. Effect on Vmax:
  • 88. Noncompetitive inhibitors do not interfere with the binding of substrate to enzyme Therefore, the enzyme shows the same Km in the presence or absence of the noncompetitive inhibitor 2.Effect on Km:
  • 89. Effect of a noncompetitive inhibitor on the reaction velocity versus substrate ([S]) plot. B. Lineweaver-Burk plot of noncompetitive inhibition of an enzyme.
  • 90. Noncompetitive inhibition is readily differentiated from competitive inhibition by plotting 1/vo versus 1/[S] The apparent Vmax decreases in the presence of a noncompetitive inhibitor, whereas Km is unchanged Oxypurinol, a metabolite of the drug allopurinol, is a noncompetitive inhibitor of xanthine oxidase, an enzyme of purine degradation Effect on Lineweaver-Burk plot:
  • 91. A noncompetitive inhibitor binding to both free enzyme and enzymesubstrate
  • 92. At least half of the ten most commonly prescribed drugs in the United States act as enzyme inhibitors β-lactam antibiotics, such as penicillin and amoxicillin, act by inhibiting enzymes involved in bacterial cell wall synthesis Enzyme inhibitors as drugs
  • 93. Drugs may also act by inhibiting extracellular reactions e.g. angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors They lower blood pressure by blocking the enzyme that cleaves angiotensin I to form the potent vasoconstrictor, angiotensin II These drugs, which include captopril, enalapril, and lisinopril, cause vasodilation and, therefore, a reduction in blood pressure
  • 94. Aspirin, irreversibly inhibits prostaglandin and thromboxane synthesis Irreversible acetylation of cyclooxygenase (COX)-1 and COX-2 by aspirin
  • 95. Aspirin acts as an acetylating agent where an acetyl group is covalently attached to a serine residue in the active site of the COX enzyme This makes aspirin different from other NSAIDs such as diclofenac and ibuprofen, which are reversible inhibitors; aspirin creates an allosteric change in the structure of the COX enzyme
  • 96. The rate or velocity of a reaction (v) is the number of substrate molecules converted to product per unit time Velocity is usually expressed as µmol of product formed per minute The rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction increases with substrate concentration until a maximal velocity (Vmax) is reached Maximal velocity
  • 97.
  • 98. Explain regulatory enzymes Explain coenzymes, cofactors, and with their biochemical importance Overview of Vitamins as coenzymes I (B1, B2, B3, B6, biotin, pantothenic) Role of minerals as a cofactor LEARNING OBJECTIVES
  • 99. Substrate concentration Allosteric regulation Covalent Modification Induction and repression of enzyme activity REGULATION OF ENZYME ACTIVITY
  • 100. Regulated by molecules called effectors Bind non-covalently at a site other than the active site multiple subunits The regulatory (allosteric) site that binds the effector is distinct from the substrate-binding site and may be located on a subunit that is not itself catalytic Allosteric Regulation
  • 101. Effectors that inhibit enzyme activity Positive effectors Effectors that increase enzyme activity They can affect the affinity of the enzyme for its substrate (K0.5), modify the maximal catalytic activity of the enzyme (Vmax), or both Allosteric enzymes frequently catalyze the committed step early in a pathway Negative effectors
  • 102. The both effectors can affect the affinity of the enzyme for its substrate (K0.5) modify the maximal catalytic activity of the enzyme (Vmax), or both Allosteric enzymes frequently catalyze the committed step early in a pathway
  • 103. Effects of negative or positive effectors on an allosteric enzyme. A. Vmax is altered. B. The substrate concentration that gives half-maximal velocity (K0.5) is altered
  • 104. When the substrate itself serves as an effector, the effect is said to be homotropic An allosteric substrate functions as a positive effector The presence of a substrate molecule at one site on the enzyme enhances the catalytic properties of the other substrate-binding sites That is, their binding sites exhibit cooperativity Homotropic effectors:
  • 105. These enzymes show a sigmoidal curve when reaction velocity (vo) is plotted against substrate concentration [S] This contrasts with the hyperbolic curve characteristic of enzymes following Michaelis-Menten kinetics Cooperativity of substrate binding is analogous to the binding of oxygen to hemoglobin
  • 106. The effector may be different from the substrate, in which case the effect is said to be heterotropic example is the feedback inhibition The enzyme that converts D to E has an allosteric site that binds the endproduct, G If the concentration of G increases (for example, because it is not used as rapidly as it is synthesized), the first irreversible step unique to the pathway is typically inhibited Heterotropic effectors:
  • 107. Feedback inhibition of a metabolic pathway
  • 108. Feedback inhibition provides the cell with appropriate amounts of a product it needs by regulating the flow of substrate molecules through the pathway that synthesizes that product Heterotropic effectors are very common For example, the glycolytic enzyme phosphofructokinase-1 is allosterically inhibited by citrate, which is not a substrate for the enzyme
  • 109. Covalent modification is by the addition or removal of phosphate groups from specific serine, threonine, or tyrosine residues of the enzyme Protein phosphorylation is mediated by hormonal signals Regulation of enzymes by covalent modification
  • 110. Phosphorylation reactions are catalyzed by a family of enzymes called protein kinases that use ATP as the phosphate donor Phosphate groups are cleaved from phosphorylated enzymes by the action of phosphoprotein phosphatases
  • 111. Response of enzyme to phosphorylation Depending on the specific enzyme, the phosphorylated form may be more or less active than the unphosphorylated enzyme Phosphorylation of glycogen phosphorylase (an enzyme that degrades glycogen) increases activity, whereas phosphorylation of glycogen synthase (an enzyme that synthesizes glycogen) decreases activity
  • 112. Covalent modification by the addition and removal of phosphate groups. [Note: HPO4 2− may be represented as Pi.]
  • 113. Cells can also regulate the amount of enzyme present by altering the rate of enzyme degradation or the rate of enzyme synthesis Induction: increase in enzyme synthesis Repression: decrease of enzyme synthesis leads to an alteration in the total population of active sites Induction and repression of enzyme synthesis
  • 114. Enzymes subject to regulation of synthesis are often those that are needed at only one stage of development or under selected physiologic conditions For example, elevated levels of insulin as a result of high blood glucose levels cause an increase in the synthesis of key enzymes involved in glucose metabolism
  • 115. Enzymes that are in constant use are usually not regulated by altering the rate of enzyme synthesis Induction or repression of protein synthesis are slow (hours to days) Allosterically or covalently regulated changes in enzyme activity occur in seconds to minutes
  • 116. Mechanisms for regulating enzyme activity
  • 117. The active enzyme with its non-protein component Apo-enzyme The enzyme without its non-protein moiety and is inactive Holo-enzyme
  • 118. Facilitate the activity or regulation of enzymes Non-protein moiety is a metal ion, such as Magnesium,copper ,Zinc,Iron etc Cofactors
  • 119. Non-protein is a small organic molecule Coenzymes can be : 1.Co-substrates 2. Prosthetic group coenzyme
  • 120. Coenzymes that only transiently associate with the enzyme are called co-substrates Co-substrates dissociate from the enzyme in an altered state e.g. NAD+ Co-Substrates
  • 121. If the coenzyme is usually permanently associated with the enzyme and return to its original form e.g. FAD Often attached to proteins by a covalent bond Shuttle molecules in enzymatic reaction rather than contributing directly to a chemical group Heme is a prosthetic group in Hb,shuttles oxygen and carbondioxide Prosthetic group
  • 122. Coenzymes commonly are derived from vitamins For example, NAD+ contains niacin, and FAD contains riboflavin Cofactors work allosterically and are not required for enzyme activity Coenzymes bind to the active site of the enzyme and are required for enzyme activity by contributing or by accepting a chemical group necessary for enzyme to work
  • 123. B1 (Thiamine) B2 (Riboflavin) B3 (Niacin) B6 (Pyridoxine) B7 ( biotin) B5 (Pantothenic acid) Vitamins as coenzymes
  • 124. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Also called aneurine or anti-beriberi factor ACTIVE FORM IS TPP(thiamine pyrophosphate) Made up of a pyrimidine and a thiazole part linked together by a methylene bridge
  • 125. Sources and distribution Outer layers of grains like bran and rice Whole grains, legumes, beef, liver, nuts and yeast Eggs, fish and vegetables contain Vit. B1 in small amounts Whole white bread is a good source
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  • 127. Thiamine Triphosphate has a role in nerve conduction ▪ It phosphorylates and so activates chloride channel in nerve membrane Thiamine nutritional status can be assessed by Erythrocyte Transketolase activity
  • 128. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) It is a heterocyclic dimethylisoalloxazine ring attached to the sugar alcohol D-ribitol Dimethylisoalloxazine D-ribitol
  • 143. VITAMIN B3 (NIACIN) Niacin or nicotinic acid is pyridine 3-carboxylic acid and its amide derivative nicotinamide Niacin exerts its effects in two forms ▪ NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) ▪ NADP+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate)
  • 144. Structure and synthesis of NAD⁺ AND NADP⁺
  • 145. Reduction of oxidized nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) to NADH
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  • 153. PANTOTHENIC ACID ● Pantothenic acid: from the word ‘pentos’ meaning ‘everywhere’ ● Occurrence: ○ widespread in nature ○ yeast, liver and eggs, potatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, peanuts, tomatoes ○ skimmed milk, wheat bran, whole milk and canned salmon
  • 154. Structure ● Pantothenic acid (C9 H17 NO5 ) is an amide of pantoic acid and β-alanine ● Stable to oxidizing and reducing agents ● Destroyed by heating in an acidic or alkaline medium
  • 155. BIOCHEMICAL ROLE ❖ Component of coenzyme A (CoA) which functions in the transfer of acyl groups ▪ Co A contains a terminal thiol or sulfhydryl group (-SH) that carries acyl compounds as activated thiol esters Examples of such compounds are succinyl Co A ,Fatty acyl Co A and acetyl Co A. ▪ -SH group is the reactive site Hence CoA –SH is used ▪ It plays role in integrating various pathways
  • 156. Enzymes requiring Co A as cofactor Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex α – Ktoglutarate dehydrogenase complex FAS complex Thiolase, HMG Co A synthase
  • 157. ROLE OF SUCCINYL Co A Succinyl CoA is formed from Propionyl CoA and α- ketoglutarate Propionyl CoA is formed from oxidation of odd chain fatty acids, valine, isoleucine Utilization of succinyl CoA is through TCA cycle Succinate is utilized for metabolism of ketone bodies It is also used for heme synthesis
  • 158. ROLE OF ACETYL CoA Acetyl Co A is formed from oxidation of pyruvate, Fatty acids, aminoacids, Ketone bodies UTILIZATION Acetyl CoA is used to provide energy through TCA cycle It is essential for synthesis of neurotransmitter Acetylcholine It is a substrate for synthesis of F.A., Cholesterol, Ketone bodies
  • 159. ROLE OF PROPIONYL CoA Propionyl CoA is formed from oxidation of odd chain Fatty acids, isoleucine and valine It is converted to succinyl CoA
  • 160. Pantothenic acid deficiency is not well characterized in humans No RDA has been established for it
  • 161. Vitamin B7 (Biotin) ● Isolated in 1935 by a dutch biochemist from dried egg yolks ● Also known as anti-egg white injury factor ● Occurrence: ○ Eggs, yeast, liver, kidney, molasses, peanuts and vegetables are rich sources ○ Cereals and dairy products are poor sources
  • 162. ○ biotin occurs in nature usually in combined state as biocytin (biotin linked to ε-amino group of amino acid lysine) which is released on proteolysis ○ It is synthesized by intestinal flora in excess of requirements
  • 163. STRUCTURE ● It is a heterocyclic sulfur containing monocarboxylic acid ● Biotin (C10 H16 O3 N2 S) consists of a fused imidazole and thiophene ring with a valeric acid side chain side chain ● Biotin and thiamine are the only sulfur-containing vitamins isolated to date
  • 164. Coenzyme form ● Biocytin is coenzyme form of biotin ● Biotin is a prosthetic group of carboxylases
  • 165. Biochemical Role ● Coenzyme in carboxylase reactions (carrier of activated CO2 ): ○ pyruvate carboxylase ○ Acetyl CoA carboxylase ○ propionyl CoA carboxylase ○ β Methyl corotonyl CoA carboxylase
  • 166. Pyruvate Carboxylase Pyruvate carboxylase catalyzes the conversion of pyruvate to oxaloacetate Pyruvate CO₂,ATP pyruvate carboxylase Biotin ADP+ Pᵢ Mg+Mn Oxaloacetate
  • 167. Acetyl CoA Carboxylase It Catalyzes the formation of malonylCoA from acetyl CoA The reaction provides acetate molecule for fatty acid synthesis
  • 168. Propionyl CoA carboxylase It Catalyzes the formation of D methyl malonyl CoA from propionylCoA (from odd chain fatty acid and methionine) It is required for entry of propionyl CoA into TCA cycle via succinyl CoA
  • 169. β Methyl crotonyl CoA It catalyzes the formation of β Methylglutaconyl CoA from β Methyl crotonyl CoA It is essential for leucine catabolism
  • 170. Few carboxylation reactions donot require biotin Formation of Carbomyl phosphate in urea cycle and incorporation of CO2 in pyrimidine and purine synthesis
  • 171. Biotin Antagonist Avidin (Raw egg white injury factor) Avidin binds to biotin and makes it unavailable for absorption Avidin is inactivated by boiling the eggs and biotin is readily available One molecule of avidin can bind four molecules of biotin Affinity is more than the usual antigen antibody reaction This system avidin-biotin is commonly utilized for detection of pathogens in ELISA test
  • 173. ❖ Six compounds have vitamin B6 activity pyridoxine, pyridoxal, pyridoxamine and their 5′- phosphates ❖ The active co-enzyme is Pyridoxal 5′- phosphate
  • 174. ● All forms are derivatives of pyridine (C5 H5 N) ● Nature of substituent at position 4 of the ring is different ● Readily inter convertible biologically
  • 175. BIOCHEMICAL FUNCTIONS 1. Transamination 2. Decarboxylation 3. Coenzyme for deamine oxidase 4. Formation of niacin from Tryptophan 5. Catabolism of tryptophan 6. Metabolism of sulphur containing amino acids 7. Coenzyme for threonine aldolase 8. Synthesis of δ ALA 9. Cofactor for glycogen phosphorylase 10. Role in active transport of amino acids and K⁺ into the cell 11. Synthesis of arachidonic acid
  • 176. Biochemical Role ❖ Almost all conversion reactions involving amino acids require pyridoxal phosphate, including Transamination Deamination Decarboxylation Condensation Transulfuration
  • 177. ❖ Involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters: Serotonin Dopamine Gamma amino-butyric acid (GABA) Norepinephrine ❖ Synthesis of sphingolipids
  • 178. ❖ Glycogen phosphorylase, the enzyme for glycogen degradation also contains pyridoxal phosphate as a cofactor ❖ Glycogen phosphorylase catalyzes the release of glucose from glycogen ❖ In Gluconeogenesis, PLP is needed to convert amino acid to glucose ❖ Conversion of tryptophan to niacin ❖ Conversion of homo-cysteine to cysteine
  • 179. ❖ PLP also functions in the synthesis of heme 1st step of heme synthesis Helps in nucleic acid synthesis ❖ B6 is important in steroid hormone action. Pyridoxal phosphate removes the hormone receptor complex from DNA binding, terminating the action of hormone
  • 180. 1. CALCIUM Acts as a cofactor Calcium Calmodulin complex activates certain enzymes by attaching with them which are : Adenylate cyclase Ca⁺² ATPase Phosphorylase kinase Myosin light chain kinase Phosphodiestrase Phospholipase A2 This mechanism is also required for release of acetylcholine at neuromuscular junction MINERALS AS A COFACTOR
  • 181. Magnesium is required as a cofactor for Phosphorylation by kinases (Mg⁺² binds the ATP cosubstrate) Phosphodiester bond formation by DNA and RNA Polymerases Peptidases Ribonucleases Magnesium
  • 182. Cu requiring enzyme Function Cytochrome c oxidase Transfers electrons from cytochrome c to oxygen in the ETC Dopamine β hydroxylase Hydroxylates dopamine to norepinephrine Ferroxidase Oxidize Iron Lysyl oxidase Forms cross links in collagen and elastin Tyrosinase Synthesizes melanin Superoxide dismutase Non-mitochondrial form Also requires zinc Converts superoxide to hydrogen peroxide Copper
  • 183. Component of many proteins both catalytic and Non catalytic Catalytic like hydroxylases e.g.prolyl hydroxylase Cofactor for catalases Tryptophan pyrrolase Non Catalytic Linked to sulphur in the Fe-S proteins of ETC Part of heme prosthetic group in proteins like Hb, Myoglobin, Cytochromes Iron
  • 184. Activator and Cofactor for several enzymes e.g. Hexokinase Arginase Choline esterase hydrolase Pyruvate carboxylase Transferase Glutamine synthetase Manganese
  • 185. Hundreds of enzymes require Zn for activity Examples Alcohol dehydrogenase that Oxidizes ethanol to acetaldehyde Carbonic anhydrase Porphobilinogen synthase of heme synthesis Non mitochondrial form of superoxide dismutase Zinc
  • 186. Molybdenum is bound to unique pterin forming molybdenum cofactor (MOCO) which is the active compund at the catalytic site of all molybdenum containing enzymes except bacterial molybdenum nitrogenase e.g. Xanthine oxidase Oxidizes hypoxanthine to xanthine and xanthine into uricacid Liver aldehyde oxidase metabolizes drugs Sulfite oxidase converts sulfite to sulphate in metabolism of sulphur containing aminoacids Molybdenum
  • 187. Lippincott illustrated reviews biochemistry Harper’s illustrated biochemistry Essentials of medical biochemistry Internet Learning Resources
  • 188. Se is present in almost 25 selenoproteins which include Glutathione peroxidase Oxidizes glutathione in the reduction of hydrogen peroxide to water Thioredoxin reductase Reduces thioredoxin ,a coenzyme of ribonucleotide reductase Deiodinase Removes iodine from thyroid hormones Selenium