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                           August, 2011

Laertis Copyrighted 2011                  1
First, We Must Understand That:
 We are all brainwashed for years by:
   Our parents                            Some of it was done
   Our teachers and professors              intentionally and
                                            some of it was done
   The academic world                        unintentionally
   The intellectuals and philosophers
   Our religious leaders and religion itself
   Our Leaders
   The Media
   Society at large

                 Laertis Copyrighted 2011                         2
The Degree Of Brainwashing Affects
   Who One Is
Brain Power
                         Free Thinkers – open to accepting some
                         paradigms that make sense (no agenda)

                           Liberals or Progressives – open to all new
                Fair       paradigms (as long as they fit a personal agenda)

                                Independents or Moderates – open to
              Moderate          most new paradigms

                                     Conservatives – stuck in certain paradigms,
              Serious                open to some new paradigms

                                              Fundamentalists and Cultists – closed to
               Severe                         new paradigms and hating all changes

                   Laertis Copyrighted 2011                                              3
People Understand Brainwashing

        Laertis Copyrighted 2011   4
No, It’s Not Funny
                                      Brainwashing is
                                    actually one of the
                                   most serious things as
                                     it affects one’s life
                                     thought patterns,
                                      cognition ability,
                                       mental models,
                                   decision making, and
                                   even Enlightenment

        Laertis Copyrighted 2011                             5
 There is a huge difference between telling other people
 things one believes to be true (that later on are proven
 to be false or wrong) and telling lies and fibs on
 purpose to influence other people’s minds, decisions
 and outcomes

               Laertis Copyrighted 2011                     6
Some Famous Lies
 Three American Administrations lying about our
  involvement in Vietnam. It took Daniel Ellsberg to
  expose the truth
 Andrew Jackson claimed that "the Indians in general,
  receding farther and farther to the West, have retained
  their savage habits.“
 George H . Bush proclaiming that he will not raise
  taxes with his now infamous speech of “Read my lips!”

               Laertis Copyrighted 2011                     7
Other Famous Liars
 Pete Rose, Roger Clemens, Many Ramirez, Barry
    Bonds, Kobe Bryant, LeBron James …
   Bernie Madoff and all ponzi scheme architects
   Jayson Blair, James Frey …
   Angelo Mozilo, Ken Lay, Dennis Kozlowski …
   Bill Clinton, Richard Nixon, John Edwards and 90% of
    all politicians
   80% of Defense Lawyers

                Laertis Copyrighted 2011                   8
Reality: We Have A Culture Of
 We have Lobbyists (= professional liars and mind
   We have Propaganda Ministers /Spokespersons for
    each political party and each major corporation
   We have tabloids (= professional liars and rumor
   We have a Political Talk Show Hosts (= professional
    liars and spin doctors)
   We have Political Correctness (= to sugarcoat ugly
    truths and hide or mask obvious flaws or defects)
                Laertis Copyrighted 2011                  9
An Interesting Article
 The National Culture of Lying: A Problem with the National Vocabulary
 By waywuwei - May 3, 2008, 12:54PM

 It was discovered recently that the "McCain family Recipes" posted on the McCain website were in fact
 lifted verbatim from the food network. A tempest in a teapot for sure, but in the aftermath of the flap,
 a staffer was fired for doing this. Clearly, John and Cindy McCain knew from the start that these were
 not family recipes because they did not provide them to the staffer in question. So they knew,
 assuming that they had knowledge of their own web site that the whole thing was a lie to begin with.
 It is clear that in Washington and in the broader American culture, lying is the business of the day.
 There is in the whole culture a confusion of truth with PR. The media culture that has honed the art
 of creating illusion is in fact a culture of lying. Truth has nothing to do with it.

 The recent media flap about Hillary and Bill's lie about the events surrounding Hillary's trip to Bosnia
 underscores again, the pervasiveness of the Culture of Lying. In an AP news article, the headline is
 "Clinton misstates wife's Bosnia Tale". Note the word "misstates". They didn't say lie. Look around
 and see how often the word "lie" is used in the media. People "misstate" things, they even "misspeak"
 at times. They never lie. The word "lie" has been effectively expunged from the national vocabulary. If
 there is no word for an untruth, there are no untruths and if there are no untruths, there are no
 truths. It is all a game to see whose propaganda is more effective. The truth is what you can get
 away with. No wonder the American people have lost their way. We have a culture of national secrecy
 so extreme, that even the people elected to represent us really have no idea what is really going on. To
 conceal their own inability to find the truth, they perpetuate the culture of lying.

                         Laertis Copyrighted 2011                                                       10
We Now Have All These Categories
Of Lies
   1.1 Big Lie                                     Follow the hyperlinks to find
   1.2 Bluffing
   1.3 Barefaced lie
                                                          their definitions
   1.4 Butler lie
   1.5 Contextual lie
   1.6 Economical with the truth
   1.7 Emergency lie
   1.8 Exaggeration
   1.9 Fabrication
   1.10 Jocose lie
   1.11 Lie-to-children
   1.12 Lying by obsolete signage
   1.13 Lying by omission
   1.14 Lying in trade
   1.15 Lying through your teeth
   1.16 Misleading/dissembling
   1.17 Noble lie
   1.18 Perjury                                         Obviously things got
   1.19 Puffery
   1.20 The View From Nowhere
                                                         more complex since
   1.21 White lie                                         Reagan’s time

                         Laertis Copyrighted 2011                                   11
Conclusion: It Is Hard To Know
What Is Real and True. We have a
Truth Crisis

         Laertis Copyrighted 2011   12
Here Is An Example

                                   It is not just a crisis re:
                                   Global Warming; it’s a
                                    crisis regarding truth.
                                   Do you know the truth?

        Laertis Copyrighted 2011                                 13
Key Realization
 One cannot find Enlightenment when surrounded by
 lies, wrong theories, false prophets and prophecies,
 bad science, garbage statistics, fanciful philosophies,
 questionable beliefs, tainted history, one-sided stories,
 far-fetched myths, manmade legends, sham
 mysticism, hazy or distorted views, and problematic
 dogmas, codes and doctrines. The problem stems
 from the fact that we all believe that none of these are
 afflicting us. They only afflict the other folks

              Laertis Copyrighted 2011                       14
The First Step Towards
 Empty your mind, clear your thoughts, decouple your
 self from your beliefs and axioms, get rid of rigidity
 and narrow-mindedness

              Laertis Copyrighted 2011                    15
Unlearn In Order To Learn

                                    This is one of the hardest
                                   things to do in life and this
                                    is why we have so few free
                                     thinkers and even fewer
                                     enlightened individuals

        Laertis Copyrighted 2011                               16
Next Step Towards Enlightenment
 Then read, reflect, question, challenge, hear and
  appreciate the “other side”, judge, evaluate, and
  rethink everything
 Become a free thinker

               Laertis Copyrighted 2011               17
Do Something New.
                                   Stretch Yourself

        Laertis Copyrighted 2011                  18
From A
        Laertis Copyrighted 2011   19
Consider These:
 You don’t really own a home. You are renting it from
  the government. Property tax is your rental fee
 Working in the office or factory is new form of slavery.
  There are no whips or chains, but there are rules,
  regulations, codes, procedures, policies, processes …
  and cameras
 We still have Barons and Lords. We now call them
  CEOS and Chairs
 We still have pirates. They don’t have swords, but they
  have diplomas from fancy universities
               Laertis Copyrighted 2011                      20
… And These:
 Justice is not blind
 Equality is a noble cause and feeling, but it is not
  reality. The reality is we are very different. Trying to
  put us all in one bucket hurts those that are gifted,
  intelligent and unique in some many other ways. This
  is not an elitist view, but a pragmatic view
 The US is losing more freedoms with every passing
  year. We accept totalitarianism for the sake of safety
  and security. We are stuck at the basic human needs
 New Age is promoted by fundamentalists, not liberals
  or free thinkers
               Laertis Copyrighted 2011                      21
Some Key Questions/Challenges
 Is Capitalism and Consumerism great systems that
    apply to all people?
   Is democracy a great system to govern large and
    complex societies?
   Is Organized Religion geared into dividing people,
    rather than uniting them?
   Is homosexuality a threat to society?
   Is marriage necessary?
   Is polygamy a man-made sin?
   Are there sins at all?

                Laertis Copyrighted 2011                 22
The Truth Will Set You Free

        Laertis Copyrighted 2011   23
Key Realization
 Most people do not have the guts to probe those type
  of questions deep enough because they are afraid of
  the answers
 What if the answers are opposite to what one believes?
  Believe it or not most people cannot handle the fact
  that they have been believing BS all their lives.
  Enlightenment takes strong individuals to be able to
  accept the truth and move forward. Weak-minded
  people convince themselves that are strong by hanging
  onto their BS beliefs --- very distorted thinking

              Laertis Copyrighted 2011                   24
Great Question;
Great Introspection

         Laertis Copyrighted 2011   25
Here Are Some Things That I
Changed My Mind About
 I thought Daniel Ellsberg was a traitor. Now I see him
  as a hero and an enlightened individual
 I thought Nixon was a patriot and a savior of America.
  Now is view him as a paranoid lunatic
 I thought that Government was infallible and caring.
  Now I see our politicians as fumbling buffoons
 I thought my personal God was the best and only God.
  I now realize that there are no personal Gods --- only
  one God for all

               Laertis Copyrighted 2011                    26
Here Are Some Things That I
Changed My Mind About (cont’d)
 I thought The Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, Cathars,
  Illuminati and other such groups were bad (because
  my church said so), only to find out a whole another
  truth about them
 I thought Gnostics were bad people and heretics
  (because my church said so), only to find out that they
  understood Christ and Christianity better than the
  fathers of my church
 I thought that we needed a Head of the Church. Now
  I realize that we don’t need anyone to believe what we

               Laertis Copyrighted 2011                     27
 Understanding The Cathars, The Gnostics and the
  rest of them doe not mean that I agree with everything
  they have said or believed. It only means that they
  have expanded my Gnosis and Consciousness well
  beyond what my own religion did
 The Cathars , Gnostics and the rest have said many
  outlandish and outright ridiculous things. That does
  not detract from the fact that they had some very
  valuable perspectives about God and Christianity.
  They have contributed greatly to my Enlightenment

              Laertis Copyrighted 2011                 28
Next Step: Relearn
 Relearn based on solid understanding of new
 paradigms, new ideas, new knowledge/Gnosis, new
 trends and new views

              Laertis Copyrighted 2011             29
Gardner’s 7 Levers (or 7-R’s) For
Changing Minds

                                    the meaning
                                    and significance
                                    of certain
                                    things like
                                    Paradigm Shifts

         Laertis Copyrighted 2011                  30
One Way To Understand The Changes Is
To Understand the Paradigm Shifts

                                    Lifecycles of
                                    each Paradigm

         Laertis Copyrighted 2011              31
Here Is One Simple Example

  Doing things
  in parallel

                 Laertis Copyrighted 2011   32
Another Example of Shifts In The
Health Care Industry

         Laertis Copyrighted 2011   33
More Examples Of Paradigm Shifts
Before                                       Now
 Main Frame Computer                         Personal Computer
 Cell phone                                  Smart phone
 Marketing as a monologue                    Marketing as a dialogue
 Our galaxy as the cosmos                    Our galaxy is one of billions
                                               of galaxies in the cosmos
 We are the only ones in the                 We are not alone
 The planet can heal itself                  The planet has limits in the
                                               ability to heal itself

                  Laertis Copyrighted 2011                                     34
Some Major Shifts

       Laertis Copyrighted 2011   35
Laertis Copyrighted 2011   36
Enlightenment                             Is About:
 Seeing things in a new light (like never before) and
  understanding things at a level of depth that does
  make a difference in the way one lives and enjoys life
 Obtaining and applying profound knowledge (called
 Recognizing certain truths as being eternal and life
 Knowing that you’ve been lied to … and forgiving the

               Laertis Copyrighted 2011                    37
Visual Representation Of One Form
Of Enlightenment

        Laertis Copyrighted 2011   achieve-enlightenment/                                       38
Here Is The Essence Of My
 Life has nothing to do with what we are doing for a
  living, or supporting our families, or achieving self-
  actualization. The “hierarchy of needs” only exists for
  people that live at the animal level
 Life has to do with what we are --- spiritual beings
  enjoying the journey on this planet. It has to do with
  love ---giving and taking love. Loving the ones
  around us, especially our families, provides us with the
  ultimate joy. Knowing that you are loved by those that
  matter the most, matters the most.

               Laertis Copyrighted 2011                  39
Here Is The Essence Of My
 Happiness and enjoyment of life is not derived from
  doing things or obtaining and accumulating things, or
  using things. It is derived from fulfilling your destiny
  and realizing your real bliss
 So, do you know your Destiny? Do you know your
  bliss? They are not hard to figure out. Just remember
  your first dreams, inclinations and attachments.
  Think of what made you happy. I certainly know what
  makes me happy. I now know my destiny. It fits with
  my bliss

               Laertis Copyrighted 2011                      40
Here Is The Essence Of My
 Choosing arbitrarily a profession or career may bring
 you money, glory, fame, and power, but it won’t bring
 you what matters the most: You being you, fulfilling
 your destiny. It is the fulfillment of your destiny that
 brings you the ultimate contentment, peace serenity
 gratification and self-actualization

               Laertis Copyrighted 2011                     41
Here Is The Essence Of My
 One Buddhist friend of mine told me once that: “Life
 has nothing to do with what you are doing, and
 everything to do with what you are being.” However,
 my Enlightenment has shown me that if you are
 doings are aligned with your destiny, then doing and
 being become one. And that my friend is the ultimate
 way to live your life. This is true Gnosis. This is true

              Laertis Copyrighted 2011                      42
Key Question
 The previous four slides mentioned several very
 profound statements. Do they make a good reading or
 do they affect one’s life?

 The answer to this question underscores the difference
 between understanding and “knowing”. Knowing
 leads to drastic and life-changing decisions and
 actions because knowing without doing (= taking
 action) is just a theory or conjecture

              Laertis Copyrighted 2011                     43
Key Realization
 There is a Zen proverb that says: “Before
 Enlightenment chop wood carry water, after
 Enlightenment, chop wood carry water.” The
 consciousness has changed but not the tasks. Read
 this article at:
 to get the gist of the difference of before and after
 condition. However, it would be even greater if the
 man would focus on his bliss (such as carving wood)
 and make a living that way

               Laertis Copyrighted 2011                  44
Knowing Is Also This:

                                   or been able to
                                   express in words

        Laertis Copyrighted 2011                      45
Knowing Is Also This:

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Knowing Is Also This:

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Knowing Is Also This

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Laertis Copyrighted 2011   49
Opened My Eyes To This:

    Laertis Copyrighted 2011   50
The Essence Of Free Thinking

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The cosmos itself represents the
                           breath of God or The Force.

                           Each exhale represents a new Big
                           Bang era, and every inhale
                           represent the new Big Crunch era.

                           Every breath you take represents
                           the birth and death cycle.

                           Black Holes destroy and create
                           stars and entire galaxies. They too
                           breath in and breath out.

                           How interesting it is to understand

Laertis Copyrighted 2011                                         60
Laertis Copyrighted 2011   61
Laertis Copyrighted 2011   62
For More Thought Provoking Ideas,
Please Visit:




             Laertis Proprietary 2011   63

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Enlightenment 101

  • 1. Laertis August, 2011 Laertis Copyrighted 2011 1
  • 2. First, We Must Understand That:  We are all brainwashed for years by:  Our parents Some of it was done  Our teachers and professors intentionally and some of it was done  The academic world unintentionally  The intellectuals and philosophers  Our religious leaders and religion itself  Our Leaders  The Media  Society at large Laertis Copyrighted 2011 2
  • 3. The Degree Of Brainwashing Affects Who One Is Brain Power Openness Free Thinkers – open to accepting some Mild paradigms that make sense (no agenda) Liberals or Progressives – open to all new Fair paradigms (as long as they fit a personal agenda) Independents or Moderates – open to Moderate most new paradigms Conservatives – stuck in certain paradigms, Serious open to some new paradigms Fundamentalists and Cultists – closed to Severe new paradigms and hating all changes Laertis Copyrighted 2011 3
  • 4. People Understand Brainwashing Laertis Copyrighted 2011 4
  • 5. No, It’s Not Funny Brainwashing is actually one of the most serious things as it affects one’s life thought patterns, cognition ability, mental models, decision making, and even Enlightenment Laertis Copyrighted 2011 5
  • 6. Clarification  There is a huge difference between telling other people things one believes to be true (that later on are proven to be false or wrong) and telling lies and fibs on purpose to influence other people’s minds, decisions and outcomes Laertis Copyrighted 2011 6
  • 7. Some Famous Lies  Three American Administrations lying about our involvement in Vietnam. It took Daniel Ellsberg to expose the truth  Andrew Jackson claimed that "the Indians in general, receding farther and farther to the West, have retained their savage habits.“  George H . Bush proclaiming that he will not raise taxes with his now infamous speech of “Read my lips!” Laertis Copyrighted 2011 7
  • 8. Other Famous Liars  Pete Rose, Roger Clemens, Many Ramirez, Barry Bonds, Kobe Bryant, LeBron James …  Bernie Madoff and all ponzi scheme architects  Jayson Blair, James Frey …  Angelo Mozilo, Ken Lay, Dennis Kozlowski …  Bill Clinton, Richard Nixon, John Edwards and 90% of all politicians  80% of Defense Lawyers Laertis Copyrighted 2011 8
  • 9. Reality: We Have A Culture Of Lying  We have Lobbyists (= professional liars and mind manipulators)  We have Propaganda Ministers /Spokespersons for each political party and each major corporation  We have tabloids (= professional liars and rumor mongers)  We have a Political Talk Show Hosts (= professional liars and spin doctors)  We have Political Correctness (= to sugarcoat ugly truths and hide or mask obvious flaws or defects) Laertis Copyrighted 2011 9
  • 10. An Interesting Article The National Culture of Lying: A Problem with the National Vocabulary By waywuwei - May 3, 2008, 12:54PM It was discovered recently that the "McCain family Recipes" posted on the McCain website were in fact lifted verbatim from the food network. A tempest in a teapot for sure, but in the aftermath of the flap, a staffer was fired for doing this. Clearly, John and Cindy McCain knew from the start that these were not family recipes because they did not provide them to the staffer in question. So they knew, assuming that they had knowledge of their own web site that the whole thing was a lie to begin with. It is clear that in Washington and in the broader American culture, lying is the business of the day. There is in the whole culture a confusion of truth with PR. The media culture that has honed the art of creating illusion is in fact a culture of lying. Truth has nothing to do with it. The recent media flap about Hillary and Bill's lie about the events surrounding Hillary's trip to Bosnia underscores again, the pervasiveness of the Culture of Lying. In an AP news article, the headline is "Clinton misstates wife's Bosnia Tale". Note the word "misstates". They didn't say lie. Look around and see how often the word "lie" is used in the media. People "misstate" things, they even "misspeak" at times. They never lie. The word "lie" has been effectively expunged from the national vocabulary. If there is no word for an untruth, there are no untruths and if there are no untruths, there are no truths. It is all a game to see whose propaganda is more effective. The truth is what you can get away with. No wonder the American people have lost their way. We have a culture of national secrecy so extreme, that even the people elected to represent us really have no idea what is really going on. To conceal their own inability to find the truth, they perpetuate the culture of lying. Laertis Copyrighted 2011 10
  • 11. We Now Have All These Categories Of Lies  1.1 Big Lie Follow the hyperlinks to find  1.2 Bluffing  1.3 Barefaced lie their definitions  1.4 Butler lie  1.5 Contextual lie  1.6 Economical with the truth  1.7 Emergency lie  1.8 Exaggeration  1.9 Fabrication  1.10 Jocose lie  1.11 Lie-to-children  1.12 Lying by obsolete signage  1.13 Lying by omission  1.14 Lying in trade  1.15 Lying through your teeth  1.16 Misleading/dissembling  1.17 Noble lie  1.18 Perjury Obviously things got  1.19 Puffery  1.20 The View From Nowhere more complex since  1.21 White lie Reagan’s time Laertis Copyrighted 2011 11
  • 12. Conclusion: It Is Hard To Know What Is Real and True. We have a Truth Crisis Laertis Copyrighted 2011 12
  • 13. Here Is An Example It is not just a crisis re: Global Warming; it’s a crisis regarding truth. Do you know the truth? Laertis Copyrighted 2011 13
  • 14. Key Realization  One cannot find Enlightenment when surrounded by lies, wrong theories, false prophets and prophecies, bad science, garbage statistics, fanciful philosophies, questionable beliefs, tainted history, one-sided stories, far-fetched myths, manmade legends, sham mysticism, hazy or distorted views, and problematic dogmas, codes and doctrines. The problem stems from the fact that we all believe that none of these are afflicting us. They only afflict the other folks Laertis Copyrighted 2011 14
  • 15. The First Step Towards Enlightenment  Empty your mind, clear your thoughts, decouple your self from your beliefs and axioms, get rid of rigidity and narrow-mindedness Laertis Copyrighted 2011 15
  • 16. Unlearn In Order To Learn This is one of the hardest things to do in life and this is why we have so few free thinkers and even fewer enlightened individuals Laertis Copyrighted 2011 16
  • 17. Next Step Towards Enlightenment  Then read, reflect, question, challenge, hear and appreciate the “other side”, judge, evaluate, and rethink everything  Become a free thinker Laertis Copyrighted 2011 17
  • 18. Do Something New. Stretch Yourself Laertis Copyrighted 2011 18
  • 19. See Things From A Different Angle Laertis Copyrighted 2011 19
  • 20. Consider These:  You don’t really own a home. You are renting it from the government. Property tax is your rental fee  Working in the office or factory is new form of slavery. There are no whips or chains, but there are rules, regulations, codes, procedures, policies, processes … and cameras  We still have Barons and Lords. We now call them CEOS and Chairs  We still have pirates. They don’t have swords, but they have diplomas from fancy universities Laertis Copyrighted 2011 20
  • 21. … And These:  Justice is not blind  Equality is a noble cause and feeling, but it is not reality. The reality is we are very different. Trying to put us all in one bucket hurts those that are gifted, intelligent and unique in some many other ways. This is not an elitist view, but a pragmatic view  The US is losing more freedoms with every passing year. We accept totalitarianism for the sake of safety and security. We are stuck at the basic human needs  New Age is promoted by fundamentalists, not liberals or free thinkers Laertis Copyrighted 2011 21
  • 22. Some Key Questions/Challenges  Is Capitalism and Consumerism great systems that apply to all people?  Is democracy a great system to govern large and complex societies?  Is Organized Religion geared into dividing people, rather than uniting them?  Is homosexuality a threat to society?  Is marriage necessary?  Is polygamy a man-made sin?  Are there sins at all? Laertis Copyrighted 2011 22
  • 23. The Truth Will Set You Free Laertis Copyrighted 2011 23
  • 24. Key Realization  Most people do not have the guts to probe those type of questions deep enough because they are afraid of the answers  What if the answers are opposite to what one believes? Believe it or not most people cannot handle the fact that they have been believing BS all their lives. Enlightenment takes strong individuals to be able to accept the truth and move forward. Weak-minded people convince themselves that are strong by hanging onto their BS beliefs --- very distorted thinking Laertis Copyrighted 2011 24
  • 25. Great Question; Great Introspection Laertis Copyrighted 2011 25
  • 26. Here Are Some Things That I Changed My Mind About  I thought Daniel Ellsberg was a traitor. Now I see him as a hero and an enlightened individual  I thought Nixon was a patriot and a savior of America. Now is view him as a paranoid lunatic  I thought that Government was infallible and caring. Now I see our politicians as fumbling buffoons  I thought my personal God was the best and only God. I now realize that there are no personal Gods --- only one God for all Laertis Copyrighted 2011 26
  • 27. Here Are Some Things That I Changed My Mind About (cont’d)  I thought The Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, Cathars, Illuminati and other such groups were bad (because my church said so), only to find out a whole another truth about them  I thought Gnostics were bad people and heretics (because my church said so), only to find out that they understood Christ and Christianity better than the fathers of my church  I thought that we needed a Head of the Church. Now I realize that we don’t need anyone to believe what we believe Laertis Copyrighted 2011 27
  • 28. Clarification  Understanding The Cathars, The Gnostics and the rest of them doe not mean that I agree with everything they have said or believed. It only means that they have expanded my Gnosis and Consciousness well beyond what my own religion did  The Cathars , Gnostics and the rest have said many outlandish and outright ridiculous things. That does not detract from the fact that they had some very valuable perspectives about God and Christianity. They have contributed greatly to my Enlightenment Laertis Copyrighted 2011 28
  • 29. Next Step: Relearn  Relearn based on solid understanding of new paradigms, new ideas, new knowledge/Gnosis, new trends and new views Laertis Copyrighted 2011 29
  • 30. Gardner’s 7 Levers (or 7-R’s) For Changing Minds Understanding the meaning and significance of certain things like Paradigm Shifts Laertis Copyrighted 2011 30
  • 31. One Way To Understand The Changes Is To Understand the Paradigm Shifts Lifecycles of each Paradigm Laertis Copyrighted 2011 31
  • 32. Here Is One Simple Example Before: Doing things sequentially After: Doing things in parallel Laertis Copyrighted 2011 32
  • 33. Another Example of Shifts In The Health Care Industry Laertis Copyrighted 2011 33
  • 34. More Examples Of Paradigm Shifts Before Now  Main Frame Computer  Personal Computer  Cell phone  Smart phone  Marketing as a monologue  Marketing as a dialogue  Our galaxy as the cosmos  Our galaxy is one of billions of galaxies in the cosmos  We are the only ones in the  We are not alone cosmos  The planet can heal itself  The planet has limits in the ability to heal itself Laertis Copyrighted 2011 34
  • 35. Some Major Shifts Laertis Copyrighted 2011 35
  • 37. Enlightenment Is About:  Seeing things in a new light (like never before) and understanding things at a level of depth that does make a difference in the way one lives and enjoys life  Obtaining and applying profound knowledge (called Gnosis)  Recognizing certain truths as being eternal and life shaping  Knowing that you’ve been lied to … and forgiving the liars Laertis Copyrighted 2011 37
  • 38. Visual Representation Of One Form Of Enlightenment Laertis Copyrighted 2011 achieve-enlightenment/ 38
  • 39. Here Is The Essence Of My  Life has nothing to do with what we are doing for a living, or supporting our families, or achieving self- actualization. The “hierarchy of needs” only exists for people that live at the animal level  Life has to do with what we are --- spiritual beings enjoying the journey on this planet. It has to do with love ---giving and taking love. Loving the ones around us, especially our families, provides us with the ultimate joy. Knowing that you are loved by those that matter the most, matters the most. Laertis Copyrighted 2011 39
  • 40. Here Is The Essence Of My (cont’d)  Happiness and enjoyment of life is not derived from doing things or obtaining and accumulating things, or using things. It is derived from fulfilling your destiny and realizing your real bliss  So, do you know your Destiny? Do you know your bliss? They are not hard to figure out. Just remember your first dreams, inclinations and attachments. Think of what made you happy. I certainly know what makes me happy. I now know my destiny. It fits with my bliss Laertis Copyrighted 2011 40
  • 41. Here Is The Essence Of My (cont’d)  Choosing arbitrarily a profession or career may bring you money, glory, fame, and power, but it won’t bring you what matters the most: You being you, fulfilling your destiny. It is the fulfillment of your destiny that brings you the ultimate contentment, peace serenity gratification and self-actualization Laertis Copyrighted 2011 41
  • 42. Here Is The Essence Of My (cont’d)  One Buddhist friend of mine told me once that: “Life has nothing to do with what you are doing, and everything to do with what you are being.” However, my Enlightenment has shown me that if you are doings are aligned with your destiny, then doing and being become one. And that my friend is the ultimate way to live your life. This is true Gnosis. This is true Enlightenment Laertis Copyrighted 2011 42
  • 43. Key Question  The previous four slides mentioned several very profound statements. Do they make a good reading or do they affect one’s life?  The answer to this question underscores the difference between understanding and “knowing”. Knowing leads to drastic and life-changing decisions and actions because knowing without doing (= taking action) is just a theory or conjecture Laertis Copyrighted 2011 43
  • 44. Key Realization  There is a Zen proverb that says: “Before Enlightenment chop wood carry water, after Enlightenment, chop wood carry water.” The consciousness has changed but not the tasks. Read this article at: to get the gist of the difference of before and after condition. However, it would be even greater if the man would focus on his bliss (such as carving wood) and make a living that way Laertis Copyrighted 2011 44
  • 45. Knowing Is Also This: or been able to express in words Laertis Copyrighted 2011 45
  • 46. Knowing Is Also This: Laertis Copyrighted 2011 46
  • 47. Knowing Is Also This: Laertis Copyrighted 2011 47
  • 48. Knowing Is Also This Laertis Copyrighted 2011 48
  • 50. Opened My Eyes To This: Laertis Copyrighted 2011 50
  • 51. The Essence Of Free Thinking Laertis Copyrighted 2011 51
  • 60. The cosmos itself represents the breath of God or The Force. Each exhale represents a new Big Bang era, and every inhale represent the new Big Crunch era. Every breath you take represents the birth and death cycle. Black Holes destroy and create stars and entire galaxies. They too breath in and breath out. How interesting it is to understand breathing! Laertis Copyrighted 2011 60
  • 63. For More Thought Provoking Ideas, Please Visit:  or  Laertis Proprietary 2011 63