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Laertis             1
 It is hard to tell if we are
  being politically correct or
  have developed double
  standards and phoniness of
  major proportions --- sort of
  an illness. Either way, it is not
  good for our society and our
  civilization. The following
  pages will clarify this point.

                 Laertis              2
 If we lie to people we are called liars.

 If politicians lie to people it is called politics … and it is

                Laertis                                            3
 When the Nazis invaded homes in the middle of the
 night and took people away (to torture them or kill
 them) we called it terror of the worst kind.

 When we do it to the Vietnamese or Arabs, we called it
 Search and Destroy Program … and no one cares of the
 terror that it causes.

              Laertis                                      4
 If a white person dislikes any person of any minority, it
  is called racism.

 If a person belonging to a minority group dislikes a
  white person, it is called practicing their First
  Amendment Right.

                Laertis                                       5
 If you burn an Obama effigy you are called a terrorist.

 If you burn a George Bush effigy you are protected by
 the First Amendment.

               Laertis                                      6
 If one burns a Quran, it is called a major blasphemy.

 If one burns The Bible, it is called art.

                Laertis                                   7
 If you kill a fetus to do research, it is acceptable now.

 If you kill an animal for research, you will get a lawsuit
  by all the animal protection groups.

                Laertis                                        8
 If you spanked your kid and practiced “tough love”, you
 were called a good parent.

 If you spank your kid now you may go to jail. It is more
 acceptable to offer the kid Ritalin and allow the kid to
 play with Xbox and Wii.
      Or watch TV
      Or do whatever, just
      to get them to calm
      down … but not behave

               Laertis                                       9
 We go out of our way to protect the criminals and offer
 them rights and money (in the form of programs). We
 try to rehabilitate them when it is proven that most
 rehabilitation programs are a huge failure.

 We go out of our way to ignore the rights of the

               Laertis                                      10
 We offer Sex Education, we teach that homosexuality
 is a lifestyle choice and close our eyes to promiscuity.

 We are offended by prayers and the mention of God.

              Laertis                                       11

       Laertis   12
 We kill inborn children through abortions.

 We object to killing murderers.

              Laertis                          13
 We don’t burn books (like the Nazis did).

 We rewrite them to fit and please certain groups. We
 are willing to go as far as to rewrite history.

               Laertis                                   14
 We used to call them liberals and socialists.

 We now call them progressives.

               Laertis                            15
This How Progressives Inspire
Themselves … With Lies

                     The Conservatives have
                     their own distorted view
                      of themselves and they
                      believe their own lies!

                     People believe what they
                         want to believe.

         Laertis                            16
 We used to make fun of the Russians and their steel

 We now are building a wall with Mexico.

              Laertis                                   17
 Inmates have more amenities and receive better care
 than most senior citizens do in assistant living

 We try to accommodate the 10% (or less atheists) and
 ignore the 90%+ percent God loving people.

              Laertis                                    18
A Bright Idea
 Let's put the seniors in jail, and the criminals in a nursing home.

 This way the seniors would have access to showers, hobbies, and walks, receive unlimited
 free prescriptions, dental and medical treatment, wheelchairs, etc., and they'd receive
 money, instead of paying it out. They would have constant video monitoring, so they
 could be helped instantly if they fell or needed assistance.

 Bedding would be washed twice a week, and all clothing would be cleaned and returned
 to them. A guard would check on them every 20 minutes, and bring their meals and
 snacks to their cell. They would have family visits in a suite built for that purpose. They
 would have access to a library, weight room, spiritual counseling, pool, and education.
 Simple clothing, shoes, slippers, and legal aid would be free, on request. Private, secure
 rooms for all, with an exercise outdoor yard with gardens. Each senior could have a P.C., a
 TV, radio, and daily phone calls. There would be a board of directors to hear complaints,
 and the guards would have a code of conduct that would be strictly adhered to.

 The "criminal" would get cold food, be left all alone, and unsupervised, lights off at 8 pm,
 showers once a week, live in a tiny room, and pay $5K/mo w/no hope of ever getting out.
                       Laertis                                                                 19
Who Is Offended?
Old Term                    New Term
 Criminal                   Unsavory character
 Crook                      Morally challenged
 Alcoholic /Drunk           Spacially perplexed
 Broken Home                Dysfunctional Family
 Bum                        Homeless Person
 Fat                        Overweight, pleasantly plump
 Garbage collector          Sanitation engineer
 Geek, Nerd                 Socially challenged
 Idiot                      Mentally challenged
 Lazy                       Motivationally dispossessed

                  Laertis                                    20
The Problem Is That PC Never
 Morons, Idiots  Feeble Minded  Retarded 
    Mentally Challenged  Mental Illness Sufferers  ???
   The “N” word  Colored Person  Black  African-
    American  Person of Color  ???
   Drunk  Intoxicated  Spatially Challenged 
    Societal Victim  ???
   Illiterate  Uneducated  Lacking Formal Education
     ???
   Manhole  Utility Hole, Maintenance Hole  Access
    Chamber  ???
                Laertis                                    21
Why Not These PC Terms?
 Frog  Amphibian-American
 Homeless  Outdoor urban dwellers or residentially
   Ignorant  Factually unencumbered
   Incompetent  Differently Qualified or Uniquely
   Insane People  Selectively Perceptive or Mental
   Panhandler  Unaffiliated applicant for private-sector

                Laertis                                  22
PC Always Looks To:
 Tone down things, make them neutral, impartial,
 unbiased, indifferent, equitable and evenhanded.

 However, does one realize that by doing so one also
 makes things apathetic, uninteresting, disinterested,
 dispassionate, detached, unmoved, unconcerned,
 unresponsive, nonchalant, featureless, blasé and bland

When a language loses its flavor, intensity and keenness
 it becomes just nonsensical and meaningless chatter!
              Laertis                                   23
PC Offers The Crooks A New Way To
Portray Themselves and Their Work
 Illegal Immigrant  Undocumented Worker
 Illegal Voter  Undocumented Citizen
 Drug Dealer  Undocumented Pharmacist
 Smack, Meth, Crack, Weed  Non-prescribed Pharmaceuticals
 Crack Whore  Barter Economy Worker
 Bribe  Unearned Bonus
 Kickback  Public Service Bonus
 Wanted Criminal  Person of Interest
 Coyote  Undocumented Dog
 Con Artist Undocumented Attorney
 Terrorist  Freedom Fighter
                Laertis                                       24
PC Offers The Crooks A New Way To
Portray Themselves and Their Work
 Suicide Bomber  Non-certified Explosives Expert
 Robber  Wealth Redistribution Worker
 Gang Leader  Community Organizer
 Murderer  Undocumented Hospice Assistant
 Murder Victim  Unplanned Organ Donor
 Burglar  Undocumented Acquisitions Expert
 Convict, Prisoner  Temporary Government Guest
 Hooker  Undocumented Temporary Spouse

This way no one is offended for being a deprived misfit,
 oddball, rebel or pariah. And no one can be criticized
              for their ugly choices in life!
                Laertis                                25
Thus, PC Means …
 Everyone fits
 Everyone is OK
 All decisions and choices are OK
 All consequences are in the eyes of the beholder … or
    maybe there are no consequences --- just results
   All results are acceptable
                                         We have become
   There are no boundaries               a Sympathetic
   There are should be no restrictions Society and built
   Non-conformism is acceptable          an Empathetic
                  Laertis                                 26
The Big Question
 Can we really build and maintain a global society that
 has such attitudes?
   Doesn’t society need rules and boundaries in order
    for people to coexist?
   Doesn’t society need a certain degree of conformism
    in order to avoid frictions and even major conflicts?

   The paradox is that the more empathetic we become
  the more conflicts we are instigating and encouraging

               Laertis                                     27
A Lesson From The Oxbow Incident
 My Dear Wife,

 Mr. Davies will tell you what's happening here tonight. He's a good man, and
 he's done everything he can for me. I suppose there's some other good men
 here, too, only they don't seem to realize what they're doing. They're the ones I
 feel sorry for, 'cause it'll be over for me in a little while, but they'll have to go on
 rememberin' for the rest of their lives. A man just naturally can't take the law
 into his own hands and hang people without hurtin' everybody in the world,
 'cause then he's just not breakin' one law, but all laws. Law is a lot more than
 words you put in a book, or judges or lawyers or sheriffs you hire to carry
 it out. It's everything people ever have found out about justice and
 what's right and wrong. It's the very conscience of humanity. There can't
 be any such thing as civilization unless people have a conscience,
 because if people touch God anywhere, where is it except through their
 conscience? And what is anybody's conscience except a little piece of the
 conscience of all men that ever lived? I guess that's all I've got to say except -
 kiss the babies for me and God bless you.

                                                            Your husband, Donald

                     Laertis                                                            28
My Friends …
 If you understand the letter (in
  the previous page) then you
  understand that people cannot
  arbitrarily do what they want to
  do. They cannot ignore laws,
  rules and our shared conscience
  because that is the real glue of
  our society and civilization. To
  ignore all of that is stupid and
 See the movie. It’s a classic!

                Laertis              29
 PC is a form of lynching. It does not lynch people the
 way it is portrayed in the movie, but it does lynch our
 conscience, our dignity, our common sense and our
 decorum. PC does more harm than good because it
 subconsciously introduces the concept that all
 behaviors, lifestyles and attitudes are acceptable.
 Although it may appear as a humanistic notion, in
 reality it strips humanity of its conscience and dignity.
 It puts all in the same bucket with the scumbags and
 the evil doers of the world

               Laertis                                       30
At Some Point …
 People become fed up with all the outcasts, weirdoes,
  outcasts and perverters of our ethics, morals,
  principles, common sense and all that we consider
  decent and civilized. There is such a thing as “Enough
  is enough!” We can only allow things to slide so far
  and for so long before we put a stop to it.

 We are not there yet, so the slide continues.

               Laertis                                     31
Looking At PC and Society From A
Distance It Appears That …
 We are regressing to primitive times
 It appears that our leaders lost their testicles.
       They think that more laws and rules will stop
       these bad trends, but they won’t. More laws and
       rules just add to the irritation we all feel with
       society. Sooner or later, something has to give.

                Laertis                                    32
The Paradox
 Some believe the increase in population during preceding
  decades has produced a rise in anxiety (and frustration) at
  the societal level. What can be called the "forces of
  togetherness" and the "forces of individuation" are
  constantly at odds. According to Bowen family systems
  theory, the greater the level of anxiety, the more
  togetherness erodes individual thinking.

 Read more at Suite101: Bowen's Theory of Emotional Process in Society: Observing
  Patterns of Societal Regression and Emotional Progression |

                      Laertis                                                          33
The Paradox Explained
 promotes PC as a
  vehicle to more
freedom and wider            Togetherness
  acceptance. PC           deemphasizes PC
 erodes the glue of            in favor of
      society.              community and
                           collective benefit.

                 Laertis                    34
Important Realization
 Not everyone can belong to the community. There are
 individuals that do not belong in the community for a
 variety of reasons. It is a major mistake to try to
 encompass all people inside the community. Those
 individuals that do NOT belong in the community
 know how to survive on their own. They did it for
 thousands of years and will continue to survive outside
 the community for thousands of years more. We don’t
 have to pervert our communities and societies to
 accommodate them. They need to learn how to fit
 with us, not the other way around!

              Laertis                                   35
 Togetherness does not imply uniformity, conformity,
 homogeneity, groupthink, orthodoxy, dogmatic views
 and blind obedience. Togetherness means:
   Love, affection, friendship, amity, sympathy, esprit de
    corps, companionability, companionship, comradeship,
    solidarity, conviviality, fellowship, gregariousness, jollity,
    cheer, sociability, accord, association, relationship,
    closeness, communing, concord, contact, conversations,
    fellowship, harmony, intercommunication,
    participation, contribution, rapport, unity, alliance …

                Laertis                                          36
Final Point
 One does not have to practice PC in order to be kind,
 gentle, empathetic, sympathetic and sensitive to
 her/his fellow countrymen. We cannot enforce PC on
 people that do not have the above traits. Kindness and
 sensitivity comes from the heart, not from stupid laws.
 People that do not have those traits will continue
 being unsympathetic and ugly with their fellow
 citizens. The laws only force them to be more careful
 with the words and actions they use in public places.
 Laws will not change the thoughts they think and the
 feelings they feel towards others. The best medicine
 for change is education, not laws.
               Laertis                                    37
For more exciting and thought provoking presentations visit:

                 Laertis                                       38

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Political Correctness or Phoniness

  • 2. Reality  It is hard to tell if we are being politically correct or have developed double standards and phoniness of major proportions --- sort of an illness. Either way, it is not good for our society and our civilization. The following pages will clarify this point. Laertis 2
  • 3. Think  If we lie to people we are called liars.  If politicians lie to people it is called politics … and it is acceptable. Laertis 3
  • 4. Think  When the Nazis invaded homes in the middle of the night and took people away (to torture them or kill them) we called it terror of the worst kind.  When we do it to the Vietnamese or Arabs, we called it Search and Destroy Program … and no one cares of the terror that it causes. Laertis 4
  • 5. Think  If a white person dislikes any person of any minority, it is called racism.  If a person belonging to a minority group dislikes a white person, it is called practicing their First Amendment Right. Laertis 5
  • 6. Think  If you burn an Obama effigy you are called a terrorist.  If you burn a George Bush effigy you are protected by the First Amendment. Laertis 6
  • 7. Think  If one burns a Quran, it is called a major blasphemy.  If one burns The Bible, it is called art. Laertis 7
  • 8. Think  If you kill a fetus to do research, it is acceptable now.  If you kill an animal for research, you will get a lawsuit by all the animal protection groups. Laertis 8
  • 9. Think  If you spanked your kid and practiced “tough love”, you were called a good parent.  If you spank your kid now you may go to jail. It is more acceptable to offer the kid Ritalin and allow the kid to play with Xbox and Wii. Or watch TV Or do whatever, just to get them to calm down … but not behave Laertis 9
  • 10. Think  We go out of our way to protect the criminals and offer them rights and money (in the form of programs). We try to rehabilitate them when it is proven that most rehabilitation programs are a huge failure.  We go out of our way to ignore the rights of the victims. Laertis 10
  • 11. Think  We offer Sex Education, we teach that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice and close our eyes to promiscuity.  We are offended by prayers and the mention of God. Laertis 11
  • 12. Reminder Laertis 12
  • 13. Think  We kill inborn children through abortions.  We object to killing murderers. Laertis 13
  • 14. Think  We don’t burn books (like the Nazis did).  We rewrite them to fit and please certain groups. We are willing to go as far as to rewrite history. Laertis 14
  • 15. Think  We used to call them liberals and socialists.  We now call them progressives. Laertis 15
  • 16. This How Progressives Inspire Themselves … With Lies The Conservatives have their own distorted view of themselves and they believe their own lies! People believe what they want to believe. Laertis 16
  • 17. Think  We used to make fun of the Russians and their steel curtain.  We now are building a wall with Mexico. Laertis 17
  • 18. Think  Inmates have more amenities and receive better care than most senior citizens do in assistant living housing.  We try to accommodate the 10% (or less atheists) and ignore the 90%+ percent God loving people. Laertis 18
  • 19. A Bright Idea Let's put the seniors in jail, and the criminals in a nursing home. This way the seniors would have access to showers, hobbies, and walks, receive unlimited free prescriptions, dental and medical treatment, wheelchairs, etc., and they'd receive money, instead of paying it out. They would have constant video monitoring, so they could be helped instantly if they fell or needed assistance. Bedding would be washed twice a week, and all clothing would be cleaned and returned to them. A guard would check on them every 20 minutes, and bring their meals and snacks to their cell. They would have family visits in a suite built for that purpose. They would have access to a library, weight room, spiritual counseling, pool, and education. Simple clothing, shoes, slippers, and legal aid would be free, on request. Private, secure rooms for all, with an exercise outdoor yard with gardens. Each senior could have a P.C., a TV, radio, and daily phone calls. There would be a board of directors to hear complaints, and the guards would have a code of conduct that would be strictly adhered to. The "criminal" would get cold food, be left all alone, and unsupervised, lights off at 8 pm, showers once a week, live in a tiny room, and pay $5K/mo w/no hope of ever getting out. Laertis 19
  • 20. Who Is Offended? Old Term New Term  Criminal  Unsavory character  Crook  Morally challenged  Alcoholic /Drunk  Spacially perplexed  Broken Home  Dysfunctional Family  Bum  Homeless Person  Fat  Overweight, pleasantly plump  Garbage collector  Sanitation engineer  Geek, Nerd  Socially challenged  Idiot  Mentally challenged  Lazy  Motivationally dispossessed Laertis 20
  • 21. The Problem Is That PC Never Stops  Morons, Idiots  Feeble Minded  Retarded  Mentally Challenged  Mental Illness Sufferers  ???  The “N” word  Colored Person  Black  African- American  Person of Color  ???  Drunk  Intoxicated  Spatially Challenged  Societal Victim  ???  Illiterate  Uneducated  Lacking Formal Education  ???  Manhole  Utility Hole, Maintenance Hole  Access Chamber  ??? Laertis 21
  • 22. Why Not These PC Terms?  Frog  Amphibian-American  Homeless  Outdoor urban dwellers or residentially flexible  Ignorant  Factually unencumbered  Incompetent  Differently Qualified or Uniquely Proficient  Insane People  Selectively Perceptive or Mental Explorers  Panhandler  Unaffiliated applicant for private-sector funding Laertis 22
  • 23. PC Always Looks To:  Tone down things, make them neutral, impartial, unbiased, indifferent, equitable and evenhanded.  However, does one realize that by doing so one also makes things apathetic, uninteresting, disinterested, dispassionate, detached, unmoved, unconcerned, unresponsive, nonchalant, featureless, blasé and bland When a language loses its flavor, intensity and keenness it becomes just nonsensical and meaningless chatter! Laertis 23
  • 24. PC Offers The Crooks A New Way To Portray Themselves and Their Work  Illegal Immigrant  Undocumented Worker  Illegal Voter  Undocumented Citizen  Drug Dealer  Undocumented Pharmacist  Smack, Meth, Crack, Weed  Non-prescribed Pharmaceuticals  Crack Whore  Barter Economy Worker  Bribe  Unearned Bonus  Kickback  Public Service Bonus  Wanted Criminal  Person of Interest  Coyote  Undocumented Dog  Con Artist Undocumented Attorney  Terrorist  Freedom Fighter Laertis 24
  • 25. PC Offers The Crooks A New Way To Portray Themselves and Their Work  Suicide Bomber  Non-certified Explosives Expert  Robber  Wealth Redistribution Worker  Gang Leader  Community Organizer  Murderer  Undocumented Hospice Assistant  Murder Victim  Unplanned Organ Donor  Burglar  Undocumented Acquisitions Expert  Convict, Prisoner  Temporary Government Guest  Hooker  Undocumented Temporary Spouse This way no one is offended for being a deprived misfit, oddball, rebel or pariah. And no one can be criticized for their ugly choices in life! Laertis 25
  • 26. Thus, PC Means …  Everyone fits  Everyone is OK  All decisions and choices are OK  All consequences are in the eyes of the beholder … or maybe there are no consequences --- just results  All results are acceptable We have become  There are no boundaries a Sympathetic  There are should be no restrictions Society and built  Non-conformism is acceptable an Empathetic Civilization! Laertis 26
  • 27. The Big Question  Can we really build and maintain a global society that has such attitudes?  Doesn’t society need rules and boundaries in order for people to coexist?  Doesn’t society need a certain degree of conformism in order to avoid frictions and even major conflicts? The paradox is that the more empathetic we become the more conflicts we are instigating and encouraging Laertis 27
  • 28. A Lesson From The Oxbow Incident My Dear Wife, Mr. Davies will tell you what's happening here tonight. He's a good man, and he's done everything he can for me. I suppose there's some other good men here, too, only they don't seem to realize what they're doing. They're the ones I feel sorry for, 'cause it'll be over for me in a little while, but they'll have to go on rememberin' for the rest of their lives. A man just naturally can't take the law into his own hands and hang people without hurtin' everybody in the world, 'cause then he's just not breakin' one law, but all laws. Law is a lot more than words you put in a book, or judges or lawyers or sheriffs you hire to carry it out. It's everything people ever have found out about justice and what's right and wrong. It's the very conscience of humanity. There can't be any such thing as civilization unless people have a conscience, because if people touch God anywhere, where is it except through their conscience? And what is anybody's conscience except a little piece of the conscience of all men that ever lived? I guess that's all I've got to say except - kiss the babies for me and God bless you. Your husband, Donald Laertis 28
  • 29. My Friends …  If you understand the letter (in the previous page) then you understand that people cannot arbitrarily do what they want to do. They cannot ignore laws, rules and our shared conscience because that is the real glue of our society and civilization. To ignore all of that is stupid and harmful.  See the movie. It’s a classic! Laertis 29
  • 30. Amplification  PC is a form of lynching. It does not lynch people the way it is portrayed in the movie, but it does lynch our conscience, our dignity, our common sense and our decorum. PC does more harm than good because it subconsciously introduces the concept that all behaviors, lifestyles and attitudes are acceptable. Although it may appear as a humanistic notion, in reality it strips humanity of its conscience and dignity. It puts all in the same bucket with the scumbags and the evil doers of the world Laertis 30
  • 31. At Some Point …  People become fed up with all the outcasts, weirdoes, outcasts and perverters of our ethics, morals, principles, common sense and all that we consider decent and civilized. There is such a thing as “Enough is enough!” We can only allow things to slide so far and for so long before we put a stop to it.  We are not there yet, so the slide continues. Laertis 31
  • 32. Looking At PC and Society From A Distance It Appears That …  We are regressing to primitive times  It appears that our leaders lost their testicles. They think that more laws and rules will stop these bad trends, but they won’t. More laws and rules just add to the irritation we all feel with society. Sooner or later, something has to give. Laertis 32
  • 33. The Paradox  Some believe the increase in population during preceding decades has produced a rise in anxiety (and frustration) at the societal level. What can be called the "forces of togetherness" and the "forces of individuation" are constantly at odds. According to Bowen family systems theory, the greater the level of anxiety, the more togetherness erodes individual thinking.  Read more at Suite101: Bowen's Theory of Emotional Process in Society: Observing Patterns of Societal Regression and Emotional Progression | Laertis 33
  • 34. The Paradox Explained Individualism promotes PC as a vehicle to more freedom and wider Togetherness acceptance. PC deemphasizes PC erodes the glue of in favor of society. community and collective benefit. Laertis 34
  • 35. Important Realization  Not everyone can belong to the community. There are individuals that do not belong in the community for a variety of reasons. It is a major mistake to try to encompass all people inside the community. Those individuals that do NOT belong in the community know how to survive on their own. They did it for thousands of years and will continue to survive outside the community for thousands of years more. We don’t have to pervert our communities and societies to accommodate them. They need to learn how to fit with us, not the other way around! Laertis 35
  • 36. Clarification  Togetherness does not imply uniformity, conformity, homogeneity, groupthink, orthodoxy, dogmatic views and blind obedience. Togetherness means:  Love, affection, friendship, amity, sympathy, esprit de corps, companionability, companionship, comradeship, solidarity, conviviality, fellowship, gregariousness, jollity, cheer, sociability, accord, association, relationship, closeness, communing, concord, contact, conversations, fellowship, harmony, intercommunication, participation, contribution, rapport, unity, alliance … Laertis 36
  • 37. Final Point  One does not have to practice PC in order to be kind, gentle, empathetic, sympathetic and sensitive to her/his fellow countrymen. We cannot enforce PC on people that do not have the above traits. Kindness and sensitivity comes from the heart, not from stupid laws. People that do not have those traits will continue being unsympathetic and ugly with their fellow citizens. The laws only force them to be more careful with the words and actions they use in public places. Laws will not change the thoughts they think and the feelings they feel towards others. The best medicine for change is education, not laws. Laertis 37
  • 38. For more exciting and thought provoking presentations visit: Laertis 38