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The Goal Buddy System
       Imagining an Experiential Approach to Long-term
       Goal Management through Playful Interaction
The Goal Buddy System: Imagining an Experiential Approach
to Long-term Goal Management through Playful Interaction
Submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree Master of Graphic Design
Department of Graphic Design, College of Design, North Carolina State University

A long-term goal is an aim to achieve a particular
state, condition, status, knowledge, or skill that
requires commitment over an extended period of time.
Unlike short-term goals, gratification of completion
might take months or years. Commitment can be
both exciting and frustrating as long-term goals
are often a manifestation of our values. This study
proposes a long-term goal management system,
called The Goal Buddy System (GBS), in order to
keep goal setters committed to the long-term goal
process. The GBS uses an experiential approach by
applying gameplay, social interaction, and tangible
interaction to sustain goal setter engagement. Part
One of this research presents three principles of
the GBS’s goal management strategy: Inquiry,
Accountability, and Activity. Part Two explains the
structure for the designed GBS cycle and how the
goal principles translate into Meetings, Tasks, and
Challenges. Part Three presents a series of design
investigations that manifest both the principles and
cycle through tangible and graphic interactions.
The research suggests that amplifying the process
helps goal setters maintain commitment. The design
investigations demonstrate a range of possibility that
can exist within an experiential approach to long-
term goal management, in order to encourage further
iterations of the system.

The Goal Buddy System: Imagining an Experiential Approach
to Long-term Goal Management through Playful Interaction

Researchable Question & Introduction

Part One: Principles of Goal Management

Part Two: The Designed System

Part Three: The Designed Interface
Investigation One
Investigation Two
Investigation Three

The Back of the Book
Featured Topics

Figure 1.1 The Persona Matrix
Figure 1.2 Goal Assessment Questions
Figure 1.3 Goal Assessment Question Criteria
Figure 1.4 Concept Map
Figure 1.5 Audit
Figure 1.6 GTD Workflow Map & GBS Cycle

Figure 2.1 System Map
Figure 2.2 Goal Buddy Cycle
Figure 2.3 Gamification Map

Figure 3.1 Investigation One: Tangible Tasks & Challenges
Figure 3.2 Investigation One: Graphic Interface Widget
Figure 3.3 Investigation Two: Tangible Task Interaction States
Figure 3.4 Investigation Two: Tangible Challenge Interaction States
Figure 3.5 Investigation Three: Scenario of Use
Figure 3.6 Information Flow Model
Figure 3.7 Framework for Tangible Interaction

Thank you friends, peers, faculty and family.

To my people at Yellow House Design. To David and Laura Luyendyk
for introducing me to graphic design. To David for always telling me I
can do great things. To Brandi and Emily for teaching me design and
great haikus.

To my friends from 2009 Sophmore Studio for keeping me fresh in
grad school. I will miss our studio: the strings, the hanging almond and
the infamous ponytail. Special thanks to Katie Hill for all of her time
and attention and Kirsten Southwell for inspiring advice.

To the 2010 Fall MGD Studio, First Years, Second Years, and Amber
Howard for teaching me how to trust the flow. To my MGD graduating
class for jokes about the curtain, late nights, and hilarious requotes
from professors. Classic!

To Martha Scotford who has been with me since First Year Experience
and acted as my first advocate to transition into grad school. I never
thought, “We’ve seen your kind before” could be good, until it came
from Martha.

To Scott Towsend. For his guidance since Sophmore Imaging Class,
B-girl/Scientist, and lots of fascinating discussions! I have always
appreciated experimental design side and reliable support.

To my advisor chair Denise. I had a feeling you would be the right
one to help me ask “What If” and I was right! Thank you for being an
advocate for process, knowing that it is the points in between (not
having the perfect solution) that often matters the most.

To Nam for her never ending support and being there through the
entire Design School experience.

To Matthew for helping me believe in my myself, helping me to see,
and suggesting small doses of carrot juice and jumping jacks.
Researchable Question

How might the design of playful interactions
within a long-term goal management system
encourage the process of goal achievement?


How can the design of a tangible system embody
inquiry, accountability, and activity?

How can a designed system connect two friends
through the goal achievement process?

In what ways can the design of an interconnected
tangible and graphic interface support the goal
achievement process?
I NTRODUCTION                                                                                                            DE FI N ITIONS

                                                                                                                                           Long-Term Goal: a personal aim to achieve a particular
                  The purpose of this study is to investigate how the          The GBS creates an experiential approach to goal            state, condition, status, knowledge, or skill.
                  design of a long-term goal management system, which          management. Instead of compressing time and easing
                  connects two friends, might encourage the process of         process, the interface must amplify the experience of       Goal Buddy: the name for a goal setter using the
                  goal achievement. The name of the proposed system is         time and emphasize the role of process. The interface       system, a goal buddy uses the system along with
                  the Goal Buddy System (GBS).                                 does not exist to reward information seeking behaviors      another goal buddy with whom they are paired.
                                                                               but is designed to build an emotional connection with the
                  The GBS is a long-term goal management system that           user and encourage enjoyment.                               Goal Buddy Meeting: a regular face-to-face meeting
                  builds an ongoing connection between two friends                                                                         at which goal buddies discuss their goal progress.
                  over the topic of their unfinished goals. The two friends,
                  called goal buddies, use the system by interacting with a                                                                Task: a single activity that will allows a goal setter to
                  handheld device, which is linked to a compatible desktop                                                                 come closer to their goal achievement.
                  widget or mobile app. They meet weekly or bi-weekly at
                  a goal buddy meeting to discuss their progress, commit                                                                   Challenge: a question, prompt, chosen by a person’s
                  to a task they will complete before the next meeting, and                                                                goal buddy that is delivered through the tangible device
                  choose a challenge for their goal buddy.                                                                                 while a task is being done.

                  The system engages goal setters through the application                                                                  Goal Buddy Device: a handheld device, which acts as
                  of the gameplay, social interaction, and tangible                                                                        a tangible interface, allowing a goal buddy to interact
                  interaction strategies. The GBS uses these strategies                                                                    with tasks and challenges.
                  in order to create a playful experience as opposed
                  to a utilitarian interaction with a goal management                                                                      Goal Buddy Dashboard: a widget or app that is
                  interface. A utilitarian approach to goal management                                                                     synced to the device, stores chronological archives of
                  favors efficiency and productivity. It seeks to compress                                                                 goal buddy activity, supports user-generated content
                  the experience of time by making the process easier                                                                      for challenge gameplay, and allows manipulation of
                  and simpler. Therefore, a utilitarian interface for goal                                                                 gameplay mechanics.
                  achievement tends to reward information seeking
                  behaviors and allow for quick completion of activities.

14 INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                                              INTRODUCTION 15
J USTI FICATION                                                                                                            ASSU M PTIONS                                                 LI M ITATIONS

                  A goal is an aim to achieve a particular state, condition,    container for meaning, then any commitment can be            There are a few assumptions I am making in regards to         The interface is constrained to a handheld interaction
                  status, knowledge, or skill. A long-term goal is often an     thought of as a piece that fills up that time. (Thompson     the goal setters. First, participants must have a long-term   in order that the device can be transported to face-to-
                  intrinsically motivated aim that requires commitment          and Bunderson 2001, 17-24) Therefore, the more               goal. I am assuming that participants are intrinsically       face goal buddy meetings. The framework influencing
                  over an extended period of time. Unlike a short-term          we are able to fill our time containers with activities      motivated to work on a goal, and this would result in         this tangible device is The Framework for Tangible
                  goal, the payoff of that commitment may be months or          that we find significant, the less we will experience        their positive well-being. In terms of time, attention,       Interaction by Hornecker and Burr, which is the most
                  years in the future. While both types of goals might hold     conflict. (2001, 25) They go on to add that the more         and resources, I am designing for a participant who is        comprehensive and human-centered framework for
                  personal importance, it is common that a person’s time,       we spend our time making room for these significant          single and has some leisure time to use towards goal          designing for tangible interaction. (Hornecker and
                  energy, and resources are devoted to managing day-            commitments the more affirmation we experience               achievement. They must also have enough money,                Burr 2006, 3-6)
                  to-day commitments. Sometimes this leaves little or no        completing those activities. (2001, 24-25) These two         support and resources to act on their tasks. Goal buddies
                  time devoted to long-term goals.                              positive results happen because the activities we find       must also have some access to the Internet and ability
                                                                                significant are usually somehow connected with our           to purchase the goal buddy device. Most importantly,
                  Why are our long-term goals important? An intrinsically       identity. To say it simply, we will be happier if we allow   goal setters must have friends, or at least willing
                  motivated long-term goal is a product of personal value.      some space for identity-affirming commitments, such as       participants, who also have long-term goals they would
                  Our values give our daily existence meaning. Time is          tasks feeding into our long-term goals! This allocation      like to develop. However, participants are not matched
                  finite. One only has but so many moments to live.             of time does not always need to result in a “balance”        up through the system. An introductory website to the
                                                                                of time. (Balance implies equal quantity. The balance        system would provide goal setters with tips for choosing
                  Pursuing a long-term goal is a way to explore one of          metaphor is incomplete because our perception of             an appropriate goal buddy, but would not match the two
                  the ancient philosophical questions of existence. It is a     time can vary greatly.) This research does not imply         friends. Goal setters must choose a suitable partner for
                  means to seek, to find, to affirm your purpose, or ask if     a need to commit equal amounts of time to intrinsic          the game by identifying supportive friends and reflecting
                  it even exists. This study proposes a similar response to     long-term goals and other external daily demands.            on their own needs in a goal buddy.
                  aiding long-term goal management. There is no solution        Instead, it suggests that we can experience less daily
                  for achievement. A system can only offer a means              conflict while doing any activity (of greater or lesser
                  to take action. I would like to help people brave this        consequence), if we use a portion of that time attending
                  commitment, and create a system that helps goal setters       to the commitments we find most important.
                  who are ready to take action and find their own path.

                  Two results of this long-term goal process include a
                  reduction in daily conflict and an increase in affirmation.
                  Researchers explain that if we think of our time as a

16 INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      INTRODUCTION 17
Part One

Principles of
Goal Management


The design of the GBS responds to the need to create a long-term goal management
system that helps a goal setter discover their own path. This is facilitated through the
system by encouraging ongoing inquiry, accountability, and activity.
FIGURE 1.1           I NQU I RY

                     Declaring a long-term goal is easy, but finding the path      approach their goal the same way? Consider the fairly     • What kind of tasks have I already accomplished which
                     to fulfill that goal can be very difficult and complex.       common goal of losing weight. Health goals usually          have helped me work towards this goal?
                     Therefore, it is essential to integrate a habit of inquiry    involve eating right and exercising. However, the
                     or goal assessment into the goal management process.          process of losing weight looks strikingly different for   These questions were created in response to two
                     This is reflected in the goals of the four personas,          many people. In fact there are so many methods, plans,    criteria relating to goal management. They were sorted
                     which have been set up for this study: Ronnie, Dan,           and formulas to choose from, it could be difficult to     by a business management S.M.A.R.T. criteria: Specific,
                     Jupiter, and Chi (Figure 1.1) Each goal setter has a          decide. Even after choosing a particular path to losing   Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Timely. (Doran
                     clear goal but a vague sense of how they will get there.      weight, the steps to get there might look different       1981, 36) They were also tagged according to goal
                     Ronnie wants to decide between opening restaurant             depending on a person’s unique circumstances and          variables adapted from a longitudinal study of personal
                     and becoming a better civil engineer. Dan wants to            available resources.                                      goals and subjective well-being determination. The
                     make a series of three short films over the summer.                                                                     variables are meant to evaluate a goal setter’s support,
                     Jupiter wants to curate a manageable eco-friendly             To help goal setters find the path to their goals, the    willingness, urgency, opportunity, control, evaluation, and
                     lifestyle. And Chi wants to practice regularly and            system integrates a series goal assessment questions      values. (Brunstein et al. 1993, 3)
                     compete in a dancing competition in August. Each goal         through challenges. (Figure 1.2–1.3)
                     has a different set of circumstances and clarity. While                                                                 These questions are integrated into the Goal Buddy
                     Dan might already have a background in film, Ronnie           This includes both open-ended questions such as:          System through short easy-to-read challenges.
                     might not know anything about owning a restaurant.            • What are possible obstacles that could prevent me       Challenges play a vital role in the ongoing assessment
                     Also, different goals can call for different approaches. If     from reaching this goal?                                of a goal. It also causes evaluation and clarification
                     Chi wants to improve his dancing, he might benefit from       • How can I make my goal more specific?                   of goal-related tasks. To see the direct relationship
                     a consistent dancing schedule or regimented workout.          • How can I make my goal more flexible?                   between the goal assessment questions and goal
                     Jupiter’s goal might not require any habitual behaviors.      • Why is this goal meaningful to me?                      buddy challenges, see Challenges in Part Two.
                     Instead, she can make progress by completing many
                     different types of tasks each week. Everyone has a            It also includes more pointed questions such as:
                     different path and a different experience.                    • If I had to choose a role model for this goal, who
                                                                                      would it be?
                     In these examples above, each person has a different          • How will I know when I have met this goal? Describe
                     goal. But what about people with the same goal?                  the conditions or state of success.
                     Do goal setter’s working towards the same goal all            • If I had time to start working on it tomorrow, what
                                                                                      goal-related tasks could I complete?

       20 PART ONE                                                                                                                                                                PRINCIPLES 21
FIGURE 1.2           FIGURE 1.3

       22 PART ONE                PRINCIPLES 23

                     No tool can ever replace the support of a good friend.     At the beginning of this mapping process I thought that       Friends can combine their collective knowledge to find
                     The GBS harnesses that support by directing it towards     goal assessment, or inquiry was the central organizing        their unique goal paths. Friends can remind each other
                     goal assessment and achievement. The GBS centers           principle of the proposed long-term goal management           that finding the long-term goal path is not easy. Friends
                     on the relationship between two friends. The friends       system. However, it was through the map that the idea         can learn from each other’s mistakes, and benefit
                     hold each other accountable by discussing where            of “goal assessment with a friend” began. This led to         from each other’s advice. To put it simply, in the case
                     they are in the goal process and where they want to        the addition of “accountability” as a core concept of the     of long-term goal management, “two heads are better
                     be in the future. Inevitably, this leads to a discussion   system. Accountability combines of the two interpretive       than one.”
                     of the values, thoughts, and behaviors that influence      parts The Inquirer and The Conversator. Within the
                     their goals. The Goal Buddy System intervenes in that      map these two parts are described in this way:                The introduction of accountability also led to the
                     conversation to help the friends consider how they will                                                                  development of a social gameplay strategy within the Goal
                     act on their goals in the present moment. Together, the    The Inquirer is described as the engine of the system.        Buddy System. This aspect is explored in depth in Part
                     goal setters commit to this process, creating a mutual     It continuously produces provocations to help the goal        Two of this study. See Gamification Map. (Figure 2.3)
                     dependence that motivates goal achievement and             setter clarify their goal and improve their goal activity.
                     fosters goal assessment.                                   Because The Inquirer has such an important job to do, it
                                                                                occasionally extends its duties to The Conversator. The
                     I discovered the principle of accountability through       Conversator is similar to a match-maker. It invites friends
                     concept mapping. I created the concept map in order        to engage with a goal setter on the topic of their goal. It
                     to envision an experiential goal management system.        is both an extension of The Inquirer and a connection to
                     The concept map is an approach, which describes            the outside world.
                     the system as a benevolent guide to help a goal
                     setter achieve their goals. The map proposes a six         The Conversator created a wonderful shift in the
                     interpretive parts of a goal management system,            experience of the system. Not only did it emphasize
                     which include The Absorber, The Presenter, The             the goal setter’s need for external feedback and
                     Inquirer, The Conversator, The Prodder, and The            encouragement but it introduced a social aspect to
                     Rememberer. (Figure 1.4). See Featured Topic:              goal achievement. The social connection relieves a
                     Insights Into Ways of Working for more on process.         goal setter from needing to have all the right answers.

       24 PART ONE                                                                                                                                                                PRINCIPLES 25
FIGURE 1.3           ACTIVITY

                     While the GBS incorporates the principles of inquiry              Another pitfall of the two sites, 43 Things and Life         The audit also increased my interest in a playful
                     and accountability, the system ultimately must                    Tango, is that the interface encourages an accumulation      approach as opposed to a utilitarian approach in
                     encourage goal achievement activity. The goal setters             of goals. The GBS applies a different strategy by only       order to motivate activity. The program Stikk begins
                     use the system in order to progress toward their goals.           supporting the pursuit of one goal. Also, goal setters       to suggest this playful interaction through the use
                     Therefore, the interface must encourage the goal                  do not create a long list of sub-goals to complete, but      of stakes. The goal setter sets up their stakes when
                     setters to take action.                                           instead negotiate with their friend one task to complete     they sign up for the service. Each time a goal setter
                                                                                       at a time. This simplicity was inspired by the program       does not complete a goal milestone, they must pay the
                     I conducted an audit of five online goal management      that organizes the interface around a minimal      amount of money that they designated in their stakes.
                     systems in order to understand how the features                   checklist that goal setters must check off.        Though that rule does not sound any fun, the stakes
                     of other goal management tools encouraged                         differs from the GBS in that is it a very basic tool that    set up a playful connection because goal setters must
                     goal activity. This provided direction for the                    helps with short-term or daily goals.                        choose to donate that money to one of the following:
                     GBS experience. The audit offered ideas for the                                                                                a charity, an anti-charity, a friend, or an enemy. The
                     organization, strategy, and experience of the goal                The program 42 Goals had a different strategy of             idea of motivating activity through an entertaining social
                     achievement process. (Figure 1.5)                                 motivation. They organize their site around information      connection is something that the GBS does through
                                                                                       visualizations that provide feedback of goal setter          challenges. This aspect is explored in depth in Part Two
                     Many of the sites that I studied focused on a goal                progress. This was a positive feature, however this          of this study.
                     setter’s profile. In many cases a person’s profile was            feedback was delivered through charts and graphs. While
                     developed but it was unclear as to how that social aspect         the idea of feedback can be motivating, the sterile and
                     of the site was motivating activity. Instead it often led         quantitative aspect of the display was not motivating.
                     to the accumulation of goals. Programs such as Life               This led to realization that the feedback needed to
                     Tango and 43 Things allowed the user to input profile             connect more to the complexity of goal achievement.
                     information and goals. The GBS bypasses this feature              One way the GBS integrates more meaningful feedback
                     but still fulfills the need for social interaction by situating   is through the integration of a friend’s feedback. The two
                     interaction within a face-to-face encounter. The friends’         goal setters are motivated to stay active and committed
                     conversation is mediated by the GBS and refocuses the             because they are receiving valuable and complex
                     social interaction on goal achievement activity. Instead          feedback. Another way the GBS integrates feedback in a
                     of focusing on inputting information for a profile, the           more exciting and meaningful way is through a handheld
                     social interaction happens naturally. The goal setters only       device. You can read more about this experience in Part
                     spend time interacting with information in the GBS that           Two and Part Three of this study.
                     helps them develop their goal.
       26 PART ONE                                                                                                                                                                      PRINCIPLES 27
FIGURE 1.6           FRAM EWOR K

                     The management framework found in David                     as an externalization of commitment by becoming a
                     Allen’s Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-             collection tool for tasks. Allen describes a collection
                     Free Productivity also presents a good strategy for         tool as something that captures all of a person’s
                     maintaining ongoing activity. Allen advises that, “You      thoughts, ideas, or to-do’s. Allen emphasizes the use of
                     can’t do a project, you can only do an action related to    the collection tool as a place to incubate personal ideas
                     a project.” (2001, 38) Similarly it is my belief that you   and long-term projects. (Allen 2001, 27-30) Ongoing
                     can’t complete a goal, you can only complete a goal-        activity is maintained by using a collection tool. In the
                     oriented task. It is for this reason that the GBS teaches   GBS, a collection tool is both the goal buddy device
                     the goal setter to translate their goal into actionable     and the goal buddy dashboard.
                     tasks. Through many actionable tasks, a goal setter
                     can complete a goal. Allen’s Five Stages for Managing
                     Workflow are constantly applied throughout the GBS
                     system in order to maintain ongoing activity. See
                     Figure 1.6 for comparison of steps in GBS cycle and
                     Allen’s Five Stages for Managing Workflow.

                     Long-term goals are really long-term commitments.
                     Some people externalize that commitment through
                     mission statements, mantras, vision boards, and special
                     calendars. In my preliminary research, I found that
                     the people who recorded their long-term goals did
                     so through unique methods. Many people named a
                     combination of tools, such as timekeepers and time
                     managers, to manage their short-term goals. However,
                     few people mentioned a tool or method to record or
                     manage their long-term goals. To read more about
                     this Interview process see Appendix A. The GBS acts

       28 PART ONE                                                                                                                           PRINCIPLES 29
Part Two

The Designed System

The goal process is improved by integrating inquiry, accountability, and activity. These three
principles are upheld in the system through challenges, meetings, and tasks.

The GBS builds an ongoing connection between two friends over the topic of their unfinished
goals. The two friends, called goal buddies, use the system by interacting with a handheld device,
which is linked to a compatible desktop widget or mobile app. They meet weekly or bi-weekly to
discuss their progress, commit to a task they will complete before the next meeting, and choose a
challenge for their goal buddy.

The System Map is meant to demonstrate the relationships between the various touchpoints within the
system. (Figure 2.1) The map includes the two goal buddies, each with their own goal buddy device, and
goal buddy dashboard. The map also includes the Goal Buddy Guidelines, as well as the purpose of the
greater goal buddy community.
FIGURE 2.1           M E ETI NGS                                                R U LES

                     A goal buddy is the name of the goal setter who uses       A Goal setter must choose their own goal buddy.             Goal setters must be willing to give
                     the Goal Buddy System with another person. Goal            Buddies are not matched up through the system,              and receive feedback and encouragement
                     buddies are two friends who decide to use the GBS          therefore goal setters must choose their own goal buddy.    in order to aid the process.
                     together in order to manage one of their long-term         Though a match-up feature could be easily integrated        Instead of considering a person’s experience within the
                     goals. The GBS is organized around the meeting of          into the GBS, goal setters are expected to determine        domain of a goal, one could choose a buddy according
                     the two friends in order to foster the core principle of   who might be a good match. Goal setters are given a         to what their personality offers. These personality
                     accountability. Instead of going through the process       guide for choosing a helpful buddy when they sign up        variables are reflected in the persona matrix. (Figure
                     alone, goal buddies have fun with long-term goal           for the service online. Upon sign-up they also agree to a   2.1) For example, Dan has a very social personality,
                     achievement by committing to that the process with a       few basic guidelines in order to generate a positive and    but tends to overcommit his time and attention to many
                     friend. The main requirement for goal buddies is that      mutually encouraging experience for both buddies.           different tasks. Dan has chosen to ask Ronnie to be his
                     they are interested in making continuous progress                                                                      goal buddy, because he knows that Ronnie can be very
                     towards their goal. However, there are a few rules that    Goal setters must choose one long-term                      methodical with his plans. Ronnie can help Dan to be
                     can help goal buddies use the GBS to the fullest.          goal they want to achieve.                                  more patient and realistic about the amount of time and
                                                                                A goal buddy must choose one goal they want help            energy he must devote to completing a task. Conversely,
                                                                                with. Because long-term goals are big endeavors the         Ronnie is very strategic but sometimes does not have
                                                                                system supports one goal to be pursued at a time.           the gusto he needs to take risks and make his ideas
                                                                                Also, the goal setter must choose a goal that they want     happen. Dan can help Ronnie connect his goals with his
                                                                                to share and offer for feedback. It is the goal setter’s    personal values, networking with others, and generating
                                                                                responsibility to consider what kind of partner might be    some enthusiasm to actively find answers.
                                                                                appropriate for their goal. For example, a buddy could
                                                                                choose someone with a goal within a similar domain or       Goal setters must take progressive action to
                                                                                something completely different. It is up to the buddies     complete tasks and develop their goals.
                                                                                to consider the pros and cons of this relationship. For     Though the system does provide incentives to help
                                                                                example, completely different goals could offer an          goal setters make progress, it is not meant to become
                                                                                objective standpoint. On the other hand, a person’s         a taskmaster or a referee. Goal setters must be
                                                                                current or past experience with a similar goal could        working on a goal that they are intrinsically motivated
                                                                                be insightful. Each scenario would provide a different      to complete. Intrinsic motivation implies that they have
                                                                                experience for the goal buddies.                            personal investment and interest in achieving the goal

       32 PART TWO                                                                                                                                                                   SYSTEM 33
as opposed to completing the goal due to an external         occasionally throughout the goal process. All in all, by
              force. Also, the goal buddies must have a certain            using both touchpoints, goal setters can benefit from all
              amount of time to devote to task completion. If goal         of the features and fun of the GBS system.
              buddies do not have an ample amount of time then they
              can decrease the amount of times they meet or create         Goal buddies can use the meeting status to create an
              simpler tasks to complete.                                   alternative style of meeting. For example, buddies using
                                                                           a remote meeting status could also accommodate a
              Goal setters must agree and commit to                        different type of gameplay. Any remote meeting must
              the regularity of their meeting times.                       incorporate an additional mode of communication.
              Goal buddies designate their meeting status and              The buddies must be able to give and receive relevant
              frequency in the online dashboard. The recommended           updates and advice in order to maintain accountability.
              status is a face-to-face meeting and the recommended         Some straightforward modes of communication would
              frequency is weekly or more realistically, bi-weekly.        be phone, video chat, email, blogs, Twitter accounts,
              However, because the GBS is designed as an open              or Facebook groups. But buddies could also use
              structure for gameplay, buddies can agree on their own       alternative modes of communication. What would it look
              alternatives. (See Meeting Alternatives below for more       like to discuss progress and plan tasks via postcards,
              information.) Buddies could also use the system in a         carrier pigeon messages, or walkie-talkies? These
              more erratic way and meet spontaneously. These options       are all silly examples, but it is meant to demonstrate
              are offered in order to make the system more accessible      that the structure of the GBS is flexible enough to
              for goal buddies, as well as more flexible for gameplay.     incorporate the unique preferences and imagination of
                                                                           its participants.
              Goal setters must use the touchpoints within
              the GBS to mediate their goal process.                       Buddies can also use settings for the frequency of
              These touchpoints include a handheld device and              meetings to change the way the system organizes
              compatible dashboard, which is in the form of a desktop      gameplay. Here is one example of creative
              widget or mobile app. The device is an interface which       interpretation of how a spontaneous meeting status
              goal buddies are interacting with on a weekly basis          could be used to create a different type of structured
              to record and complete their tasks and to choose and         gameplay. With the spontaneous meeting mode,
              receive challenges. The dashboard acts as a repository       meeting with a local goal buddy could become a
              for this activity and also allows for customized gameplay.   long-term game of happenstance hide and seek. Goal
              The device and dashboard are synced with each other          buddies must complete tasks and challenges before
              and together they mediate the goal process. Goal             they randomly cross paths around town. If one buddy
              setters each have their own device, which are purchased      is found without a completed task, then they lose that
              through the landing page of the GBS service. Devices         round of the game. The loser must complete their task
              should be brought to meetings and used during task           within three days; if they do not, they must take the
              completion. Goal buddies access their dashboards by          other goal buddy out to lunch.
              downloading an app or desktop widget. For the sake of
              this study, we will be representing the desktop widget
              only. Both the app and widget are only to be used

34 PART TWO                                                                                                                            SYSTEM 35

                     In order to give an overview of the comprehensive user
                     experience of the Goal Buddy System, the Goal Buddy
                     Cycle map represents all steps within the experience.
                     (Figure 2.2) The Goal Buddy Cycle is divided into two
                     halves: meet and complete. In the Meet phase, goal
                     buddies meet to discuss their past progress, and plan
                     their next steps. They do this by recording a task, and
                     choosing a challenge for their buddy. In the complete
                     phase they start and finish their task, and accept the
                     goal buddy challenge. This is a continuous process
                     which continues until a goal is met.

       36 PART TWO                                                             SYSTEM 37
TASKS                                                                                                                                                                                  CHALLENGES

A task is single actionable step that a goal setter must     device stores this information and can recall it at the     weighs down too much on the goal setter. Goal setters         Another element, which would be browsed and               • One Up: Can you one up your task? Make your task           At the meeting, the buddies discuss their progress and
take to move closer to their goal. The GBS’s emphasis        next meeting. When a buddy records a new task, the          will have a record of these incomplete tasks within the       stored within the device, is a goal buddy challenge.        more specific by finding a more specific activity within   record their tasks. After they record tasks, buddies
on completing a task comes about through the core            old task is deleted from the device. Buddies can find old   online dashboard.                                             Challenges are provocative goal assessment activities       your task. An optimal challenge!                           browse challenges stored on their device. Each goal
principle of maintaining ongoing activity to reach a goal.   tasks by exploring their online dashboard. The device is                                                                  and questions described in 160 characters or less.        • Conditions: How are the conditions of your                 setter chooses one challenge for their goal buddy.
As mentioned in Part One of this study, the system           synced with the dashboard and holds a chronological         Recalling tasks and related activity (tracked time,           The purpose of a challenge is to help a goal setter         (environment/resources/social support/mental and           The challenge is only revealed after the goal buddy
revolves around the concept of taking action as opposed      archive of tasks and other goal buddy activity.             challenges, challenge responses) can be particularly          improve upon their task and reflect on their goal. This     emotional state/alertness) while completing this           has made progress on a task. Challenges are secretly
to talking about taking action. Therefore, the focus of                                                                  important when goal buddies decide to meet remotely           component of the GBS was created to foster the spirit       task? What could change to make it better or why is        chosen at the meeting, in order to make this revealing a
the meeting becomes both reviewing and planning tasks.       Focusing on a single task prevents goal setters             or if their meetings are significantly far apart. Using the   of inquiry. As explained in Part One, challenges are        this situation ideal?                                      complete surprise.
                                                             from becoming stagnant in their process. It avoids          device to recall this information turns the device into       shortened versions of a goal assessment questions.        • Report Out: Create (at least) three distinct phases
Goal buddies meet to discuss big picture questions           what many other systems encourage: discussing               a mediator. The goal buddies can use the device as            Challenges also introduce game play and create an           for your task. When you complete one phase, record         Browsing and choosing a challenge in the device is
such as “Where are you now?” and “Where do you               and accumulating goals, sub-goals and milestones            a talking point about progress. Challenge responses           avenue for camaraderie and feedback.                        the purpose of the phase and the outcome.                  focused on finding the most appropriate challenge for
want to be?” The system intervenes in the conversation       before taking any active steps. With GBS there is no        also have the potential to store reflective thoughts that                                                               • 2x: Have you ever heard: “Practice makes perfect”?         the goal buddy. For example, the previously mentioned
to mediate a third question: “How do you get there?”         such chance to feel false satisfaction from creating a      might be of use to the goal setter at a later time, or to     Challenges set forth a reflective question and/or           When you finish your task, do it again. Complete at        Role Model challenge is appropriate for someone
When it comes down to it, the goal setter must commit        pristine action plan. The GBS is also designed so that      the larger goal buddy community.                              suggest a mini-activity, which should be completed          least 20-30 minutes of additional work.                    whose task is to practice dancing, but may be less
to a task. Goals are achieved through completing             goal setters do not get stuck sitting around with a long                                                                  along with a task. The default challenge called Role                                                                   appropriate for someone writing a resume. It is the
multiple tasks. The goal setter curates a task with the      list of never ending to-dos. Since the two goal buddies                                                                   Model is both a question and an activity. The Role        The character limit for a challenge is modeled after         responsibility of the goal buddy to choose a challenge
help of their goal buddy. The two buddies negotiate          negotiate terms for the task, these methods could                                                                         Model challenge is presented on the device with           the standard mobile text-messaging word count. This          that pushes the goal achievement process along and
which task is appropriate while considering the goal         easily be integrated within the goal buddy meeting                                                                        this description: “Who is your Role Model? State          was chosen for two reasons: screen size and simplicity.      keeps their partner engaged and excited about the
setter’s particular context, goal, and recent progress.      ritual. However, the GBS interface focuses on taking                                                                      one characteristic they have and incorporate it into      The screen dimensions within the device would be             process. This sensitivity is a special element of the
                                                             action not talking about taking action.                                                                                   your current task.” The goal setter can then choose       between 1” x 1” and 1.5” x 1.5” which is a little smaller    gameplay and goal buddy connection. It is something
Tasks are recorded through the goal buddy device.                                                                                                                                      to accept or ignore the challenge. Certain challenges     than the text messaging field within a standard flip         that cannot be moderated by a system, at least at this
The device only stores one task at a time. The device        If a goal buddy does not complete a task, this lack                                                                       require recorded responses after progress has been        phone. This limit keeps the challenges brief and to the      point in time, but only by another person.
records the task, and reminds the goal setter to             of progress becomes obvious in the next goal buddy                                                                        made. The challenge and recorded response are then        point. A simple challenge prevents challenges from
complete the task before the next goal buddy meeting.        meeting. This amplifies the accountability between the                                                                    stored in the device in order to be recalled during       slowing down task with a long description or complex         Challenges create an element of gameplay between
When a goal buddy starts a task, they notify the device.     two goal buddies. If a task is not completed, it can be                                                                   the goal buddy meeting. Similar to tasks, challenge       objectives. This gives the goal setter ample time to         the two goal buddies as well as interdependence. All
The device might track the time the goal setter works        re-recorded and attempted again. This can be helpful                                                                      and challenge responses are chronologically and           reflect on how that challenge relates to their current       challenges provide some sort of positive provocation for
on the task or provide a timer for the goal setter. The      in a time when short-term goals and weekly stress                                                                         categorically archived within the dashboard. Here are     task and their larger goal.                                  the goal setter but do so through a variety of different
                                                                                                                                                                                       some more examples of system-generated challenges:                                                                     approaches. This diversity is made possible through

   38 PART TWO                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        SYSTEM 39
the devices connection to the online dashboard, which       also exposes goal setters to the greater network of          a larger community with a diversity of goals. A Vision
              holds the Challenge Gallery. The Challenge Gallery is an    goal buddies through user-generated challenges.              challenge might help a goal buddy who feels like an
              online library of system and user-generated provocative                                                                  aimless wanderer. A Vision challenge could pose a
              goal assessment activities and questions, or challenges.    The Challenge Gallery is meant to encourage users            question such as: How will you know when you have
              They are described through a title, description, and        to tailor their experience by creating challenges for        met your goal? Describe what achieving your goal will
              category. They are labeled according to their creator,      themselves, for their buddies, with their buddies, or just   look like. Categories could also be created, filled, and
              which is displayed through the goal buddy username;         for fun. Goal buddies earn the ability to create their       filtered by users.
              and popularity, which is determined by the amount of        own challenges after completing four tasks. If buddies
              times the challenge has been chosen by goal buddies         are meeting weekly this translates to one months             The majority of the Challenge Gallery would be
              while browsing within the device.                           commitment. This allows time for buddies to become           comprised of user-generated challenges. When the
                                                                          familiar with the cycle of meeting, task completion, and     GBS service launches, the default or Original system-
              Goal buddies visit the dashboard occasionally and           responding to challenges. During this time they are          generated challenges would exist. However, as more
              sporadically. The device, on the other hand, is a           given system-generated challenges to provide good            goal buddies interacted with the system, many more
              touchpoint they interact with on a weekly basis. In         examples of well-crafted challenges before they choose       categories would be created and filled.
              one visit to the dashboard a buddy can save a lot of        or create their own. After four completed tasks, buddies
              challenges within their queue. Therefore, goal buddies      can use their queue and create custom challenges.            The social networking components of this system could
              only need to use the dashboard if they run out of a         Buddies can use challenges to create their own               incorporate other aspects of social networking features
              variety of challenges, or want to try something new.        distinct method of gameplay. It could also elicit a secret   such as such as rating, filtering, and suggestions.
              This puts more attention on browsing in the device.         language or trash talk, which the goal buddies could         However, at the most basic level, the Challenge Gallery
              Goal setters use the device to look for an appropriate      develop within a series of customized challenges.            in the dashboard displays an array of options to help a
              challenger. Therefore, the experience of browsing in the                                                                 goal setter have fun with their buddy and improve their
              device is more reflective.                                  The Challenge Gallery would comprise original system-        goal process!
                                                                          generated challenges as well as goal buddy community
              When goal buddies begin the process they are only           created challenges and categories. The Challenge
              allowed to browse through the system-generated              Gallery would include categories such as Original,
              challenges, within the Original category. After the two     Silly, Goal-specific, Time-related, or Vision challenges.
              goal buddies complete four rounds of successful task        Labeling categories according to categories would
              completion, the entire Challenge Gallery library within     allow goal buddies to find specific types of challenges
              the dashboard opens up for their choosing. The full         if they noticed a particular issue they wanted their goal
              Challenge Gallery can be browsed online through the         buddy to address. For example, if a goal buddy had
              dashboard. While browsing in the dashboard, the goal        lots of difficulty devoting the right amount of time to a
              setter can add to their personal queue for challenges.      task a Time-related challenge might be helpful, such as
              They choose according to two criteria: challenges that      the 2x challenge mentioned earlier. Categories could
              will be beneficial or enjoyable for their goal buddy and    also allow for variety in gameplay, for example the Silly
              or themselves. The queue is routed to the goal buddy        category could contain an absurd challenge such as:
              devices to allow them to choose those challenges            Complete ten minutes of your task upside down. On
              during a meeting. Each device would display a mix of        a more serious note, a Goal-Specific challenge would
              challenges from both buddies’ queues in order to add        deal with a particular domain such as career goals or
              an element of possibility. Creating a queue in the online   goals that deal with a particular skill. This category
              gallery is a feature that tailors the GBS experience. It    allows goal buddies to take advantage of being part of

40 PART TWO                                                                                                                                                                    SYSTEM 41

                     The Goal Buddy System incorporates principles of               Another influential principle is social objects. Social      Zicherman’s and Cunningham’s acted as a backdrop
                     social interface and gamification. Social Interface            objects are the elements of desire in a social interface.    for all elements of game play within the system.
                     principles include: open taxonomies, activity streams,         The concept of social objects perfectly describes a          The purpose of gamification within this system is to
                     social objects, and ambient intimacy. These principles         goal buddy challenge. Crumlish explains, “Social objects     sustain user engagement and create an enjoyable goal
                     are taken from Social Interface: Designing Social              are natural, not artificial. A successful social object is   management experience. This is achieved through the
                     Interfaces (Crumlish 2009) Gamification principles             one that has layer upon layer of conversation created        application of two gamification principles. This includes
                     are also used in the GBS. This includes the levels of          around it; as the number of participants increases,          the top five player actions and establishing levels of
                     mastery and the top five player actions, from Game             social objects enjoy network effects. Social objects are     game mastery. (Zichermann and Cunningham 2011,
                     Design: Gamification by Design (Zichermann and                 about participation and participants.” (2009, 185-186)       24-33) These principles are demonstrated in the
                     Cunningham 2011).                                                                                                           Gamification Map. (Figure 2.3) This chart shows how
                                                                                    A third generally applied principle is that of ambient       a user would be engaged and motivated to continue to
                     Crumlish describes social media as “media that is created,     intimacy. This idea, along with online presence and          interact with the system on both an individual and social
                     filtered, engaged with, and remixed socially.” (Crumlish       phatic communication, augment the goal buddy process         basis. The top five player actions are mapped in relation
                     2009, 8) In addition to the social interaction that the goal   by allowing a goal buddy to use the device to stay           to the progression of the levels of mastery. The process
                     buddies engage in at every meeting, GBS acts as a larger       connected to their goal buddy when they are not in           begins with going to a goal buddy meeting and naming
                     social interface through the remixing of challenges. A         a goal buddy meeting. Crumlish describes ambient             a task to complete before the next meeting. Level
                     principle of designing a social community with unfinished      intimacy as, “…being able to keep in touch with people       One (for novices) is to complete a goal-oriented task.
                     elements or an open and flexible structure is described in     with a level of regularity and intimacy that you wouldn’t    Level Two (for problem solvers) is to respond to a task
                     this source. The concept of leaving elements or the social     usually have access to, because time and space               challenge. Since every completed or in progress task
                     site structure incomplete is reflected in the Challenge        conspire to make it impossible.” (2009, 146-147)             will cause the device to deliver a challenge to the goal
                     Gallery. Goal buddies can create their own challenges,         Phatic communication is described poetically as “…           setter this is an easy way to advance in the gamification
                     and organize them within categories. This is a reflection      the sounds and grunts of acknowledgment we make to           levels. Level Three (for experts) is to complete four
                     of another principle: open taxonomies. Crumlish advises        remind one another that we exist.” (2009, 122) Though        tasks and accept four challenges. When a player does
                     that designers must decide on strict or fluid taxonomies.      the role of phatic communication has not been applied        this, it opens up the entire Challenge Gallery. With the
                     The GBS uses a fluid taxonomy in order to encourage            within the device, it offers an interesting model for        Challenge Gallery open players can not only customize
                     participation and imagination. The GBS incorporates many       how the device could easily support spontaneous live         their experience but also create challenges themselves.
                     other aspects of open or unfinished gameplay structures        feedback from the remotely located buddy.                    Level Four (for masters) is to create your own challenge
                     by leaving options flexible for different types of meeting                                                                  to contribute to the Goal Buddy Community. Level Five
                     statuses. (Crumlish 2009, 17-19)                                                                                            (for visionaries) is to stay committed to the goal buddy
                                                                                                                                                 process until you complete a goal and start a new one.

       42 PART TWO                                                                                                                                                                       SYSTEM 43
Part Three

The Designed Interface

A long-term goal management experience can be strengthened through a system that is both social
and playful. Long-term goal interfaces should engage the rich embodied experiences of the goal
setters who use them.

The GBS interface should reveal a continuum of possibility, sensitivity, and meaning through
interaction over time. This could be expressed in an interface through many means such as the
form, function, qualities, and aesthetic characteristics of the object; or through the movement, bodily
relationships, context, and embodiment of the user. Therefore, the primary concern then becomes the
question: “When or where within in the GBS process would possibility, sensitivity, and meaning be the
most exciting, helpful, or manageable?”

Building on the concept of social objects in Social Interface: Designing Social Interfaces (Crumlish 2009),
social objects, as explained in Part Two, are the elements of desire in a social interface. These are
the things people collect, customize, show off, and work for. In the case of the GBS the shared social
objects are challenges. A social object is also determined by considering what type of activity should
be encouraged with the designed interface. Among the buddies, tasks are similar to social objects,
but have a different feel because they are not collected and shared in the same way challenges are.
However, tasks are also an important element within the system.

                Another element, which would be browsed and The             in this sketch whether the user is influencing this          widget, and how it would live within context. (Figure
                most important elements within the Goal Buddy               possibility or if it is applied through the aesthetics of    3.2) Following standard practices, this widget also
                System are tasks and challenges. This makes these           the interface. Either way, this demonstrates the first       has a compacted view, which fits the quick scanning
                elements good candidates for revealing possibility,         option of challenges not being browsed. The second           behaviors which most desktop widgets accommodate.
                sensitivity and meaning within the interface. Therefore,    option show limited browsing capabilities. Here we           While the tangible interface records tasks, the
                this investigation poses the questions: How are             see a commonly-used method of possibility: a wheel.          graphic interface stores and organizes them. In these
                tasks recorded and displayed? How are challenges            The contents of each wheel suggest more options              wireframes an audio method of recording tasks is
                browsed? and How do goal setters view others’               for the user than the last. From this interface the user     suggested as well as a text-based approach. Creating
                progress? (Figure 3.1)                                      understands they have a certain restrained number of         the foundational sketches for the dashboard revealed
                                                                            choices, and will be able to view one option on each         the possibility of a Challenge Gallery and challenge
                The interface could express sensitivity at the point        wheel at a time. Additionally restraints within the object   queue, which was explained in Part Two. In this
                when goal setters record a task. This sensitivity is        could also begin to express how quickly one could            instance users can drag and drop different challenges
                expressed through the detection and feedback given          browse by varying the stickiness, or ease of rotation,       in their dashboard or their buddy’s dashboard.
                by the user recording their task through various input      within the device. A wheel on the Price is Right, for        Ultimately, the challenge gallery and chronological
                modes, including handwritten text, video footage, and       example, takes a much different kind of energy to            task archive represent a comprehensive look at a
                audio recording. Each category also demonstrates how        control than the wheel in Wheel of Fortune. Both             goal buddy’s activity. An additional functionality that
                the interface displays or accommodates this input.          lead to a completely different embodied experience of        is not represented here includes the creation of
                                                                            possibility and commitment, but each want the same           new challenges. This feature would operate through
                Possibility is revealed within the tangible interface       thing… Big Money! The third suggestion demonstrates          constrained text forms and could include social
                at the point of browsing for challenges. Presenting         full browsing capabilities. Within this option the           networking functions such as filtering and popularity
                possibility to the user can be done in many different       interface is represented as a segmented belt, which          ratings in order to regulate the process.
                ways. As observed within earlier Game Observations,         slowly rotates into the three cells lined with marking
                both a dice and an 8-ball toy are objects of possibility,   tabs. This suggests to users that acceptable options
                yet they produce this experience in two different ways.     should be tabbed in order to save amongst all the
                The first interface model demonstrates possibility          various options.
                through a similar mode to the 8-ball. The user
                cannot view various options at once but is delivered        The basic wireframes of the graphic interface show
                a challenge by a happenstance process. It is unclear        the manifestation of the goal buddy dashboard as a

46 PART THREE                                                                                                                                                               INTERFACES 47

FIGURE 3.2a            FIGURE 3.3b

       50 APPENDIX E

                       Building on the first round of investigations, (Figures      the form slowly is closed. The Order/Disorder form           Disorder form, except that the restoration is extended
                       3.3 and 3.4) represent a strategic elaboration of the        also reflects a state change once a task is recorded.        in relation to the next goal buddy meeting. The Visible/
                       task completion and challenge completion process.            Instead of pushing the object back together, users can       Invisible form only rewards task completion, and the
                       These designed objects are provocations of what could        run their fingers along each extension to play back the      Beginning/End Mobius strip not only charts current
                       be if the device solely managed challenges or solely         audio like running a finger over piano notes. However,       activity but also retains past cycles within the interface.
                       managed tasks. The functions are separated to allow          matching with the physical disorder of the device,           The devices trigger state changes at different times to
                       for a fuller exploration of each tangible interaction. In    the audio also reflects a series of distortions. It is the   emphasize different parts of the cycle. Also each has
                       the third round of investigations the qualities of each      responsibility of the goal setter to return this disorder    specific ways of representing the passage of time in
                       are combined. The timeline is devoted to simplified          back into a balanced form by notifying the device of         relation to universal time (what we see on our watches)
                       comparison over time.                                        the beginning of their task completion. In this instance     as well as the nearness to another goal buddy meeting
                                                                                    each digit slowly moves back into its original place. The    (gameplay cycle). This amplifies our experience of time
                       The buddy image and instructions at the top of these         device keeps the goal setter aware of the passage of         and emphasizes the users’ commitment to the process.
                       studies helped curate the final Goal Buddy Cycle Map.        time through this slow movement towards symmetry,
                       This includes browsing, choosing, revealing, accepting,      much in the way an ambient timekeeping element               The tangible device challenge completion studies
                       and responding to challenges; as well as recording,          such as the sun passing through the sky heightens our        highlight how the user browses and accepts
                       recalling, beginning, and finishing a task. The task         awareness of the passing of time. For more examples          challenges. (Figure 3.4) The first round of
                       completion study labels each interaction according           of the qualities of ambient or celestial timekeepers see     investigations suggested that possibility could be
                       to its contrasting state changes. (Figure 3.3) For           the Taxonomy in Appendix A.                                  expressed through options that are automatically
                       example, the first and second forms show devices that                                                                     perceived or found through exploration. The first two
                       are made up of small movable units, which change the         The other forms within this study more explicitly            forms, the patterned rock and wheel, have choices that
                       topography and symmetry of the object. The Open/             reference the gradual passing of time, however each          are implied by the form of the object. Each option is
                       Closed form works as a device that keeps track of the        measures different parts of the process. For example,        compartmentalized and mapped to a specific node on
                       beginning and end of the task. In a neutral state the        the Light/Dark orb provides a continuous feed of the         the tangible interface. This aids the browsing process,
                       full unit lays flat, upon recording a task the unit closes   passing of time, and gets darker or lighter depending        because users can navigate back to previously viewed
                       halfway. To recall or remember what task was stored,         on its nearness to task recording and its status of task     challenges and understand how many options exist.
                       the user pushes down on the surface to hold the arms         completion. Once a goal setter begins their task the orb
                       parallel to the ground. As they begin and end their task     begins to restore its original state much like the Order/

       52 PART THREE                                                                                                                                                                  INTERFACES 53
FIGURE 3.6              In the last two forms, the spinning top and viewfinder,
                        challenges must be found or explored by interacting
                        with the device. Re-finding options are time consuming
                        but this allows more time to reflect. The reflection
                        process is similar to reading an analog clock versus
                        a digital clock. For some people, accessing the
                        information from an analog clock is much slower.
                        During my preliminary research, an interviewee noted
                        this phenomenon to admit that he prefers the reflective
                        analog process so much that he turns his digital
                        computer clock off while working. Like the analog clock,
                        slowing down the challenge browsing ritual can be
                        beneficial, even though it is not the most efficient.

                        Two of the forms, the patterned rock and the spinning
                        top incorporate uncontrolled movement while the
                        wheel and viewfinder remain mostly static. The mostly
                        static objects designate certain areas of the device
                        as tools, which can control the browsing process.
                        The uncontrolled movement devices are objects that
                        express their state and mood through their entire
                        forms. I was drawn to this type of a design challenge,
                        because uncontrolled movement seemed to lead to
                        more spontaneous interaction because it is responding
                        to the physics of its surrounding environment. For
                        example, if the rock vibrates, the object moves on a
                        table, which we can feel and observe. We can also see
                        the rock’s pattern move which heightens our perception
                        of this uncontrolled activity. These are very conservative
                        actions, but the investigation could be followed by
                        extreme demonstrations of this principle.

        54 PART THREE                                                                INTERFACES 55

                            The third round of investigation in this study presents         In order to explain this investigation better, it is          the main body of the spinning top there is also a dial,
                            one possible designed tangible interface to manage              presented here as a scenario of use by our two persona        which goal setters set while completing their tasks.
                            the goal process. (Figure 3.5) This object, which               goal buddies: Chi and Jupiter. As you might remember
                            we will call the spinning top is a combination of the           from the persona matrix and Part One, Jupiter’s goal          Each buddy has their own device and can interact with
                            following qualities from earlier investigations: paper          is to curate a manageable eco-friendly lifestyle. Chi’s       the device as they meet and talk. Since the spinning top
                            task recording, limited browsing of challenges, Order/          goal is to compete at a dancing competition in August.        is not embedded within a mobile phone, they can talk
             1          2   Disorder task interaction states, and exploratory and           Throughout this scenario themes and concepts from             without being distracted by any of other functions. The
                            uncontrolled movement challenge interaction states.             The Tangible Interaction Framework are referenced             object only exists to mediate their goal process. Also,
                            The investigation combines these qualities into one             in order to explain how the interface is designed for         the device is embedded within their context. This allows
                            form in order to facilitate the goal cycle shown in the         embodied interaction.                                         for non-fragmented visibility because they can hold and
                            Goal Buddy Cycle Map. (Figure 2.2)                                                                                            manipulate the information on the device and show the
                                                                                            Chi sits in a coffee shop and checks his email and            information to their buddy. (Hornecker and Burr 2006,
                            This object is one of many objects that could come              Twitter as he waits for his goal buddy Jupiter to arrive.     4) The object acts as an Expressive Representation,
                            about from a combination of these studies. It exists to         When Jupiter sits down they begin their meeting by            allowing goal setters to externalize their process.
                            suggest that the long-term goal management process              discussing the progress they have made in the past            (Hornecker and Burr 2006, 5-6) Jupiter and Chi have an
                            can be experiential by incorporating social interaction         two weeks, since their last meeting. They have been           easier time at meetings because they can think through
                            and gameplay. It is built out of Eva Hornecker’s and            using the GBS for a few weeks to mediate their goals.         their tangible devices to tell what they have been up to.
                            Jacob Burr’s Tangible Interaction Framework. (Figure            They use their Goal Buddy Device, the Spinning Top
                            3.7) The compatible graphic interface for this tangible         to mediate their conversation. The spinning top feels         To talk about their progress, the buddies pull out their
                            interface is implied through the narrative of interaction.      something like a mix between an antique toy, locket,          paper scrolls. Jupiter pulls her two lists out side-by-side
                            The graphic interface or goal buddy dashboard, is not           time capsule, secret diary, and mezuzah. While the            and begins discussing her difficulties that week. She
                            developed within these investigations because, as               device looks like an older artifact, it is actually a smart   looks at the list and explains how she felt lost trying
                            mentioned earlier, this is it is outside of the scope of this   object that is equipped with: a digitized smart pen that      to complete her task last week. Chi talks about his
                            project. Further investigation with this study would allow      is placed all the way through the device, two retractable     difficulties for that week and asks Jupiter her opinion
                            for design of the graphic interface and more iteration of       paper scrolls hat are housed within the main body of          on what his next task should be. He uses the two
                            the tangible interface.                                         the device, and a detachable dome top with a small            scrolls for challenges and tasks to explain what he has
             3          4                                                                   digital screen underneath it. In between the dome and         already accomplished and what he wants to accomplish.

        56 PART THREE                                                                                                                                                                         INTERFACES 57
This is important because both goal buddies can see,        in a particular way to get the two tops to “sing” and         it provides audio feedback that sounds like someone
                    feel, and manipulate these important elements of their      “dance.” This physical display is in many ways what           running their finger along a piano scale. He begins to
                    goal process through the tangible manipulation of the       the actual challenge browsing process is trying to            practice and after about twenty minutes he hears his
                    spinning top. They agree that he needs to begin start a     accomplish: interdependency for feedback and mutual           device playback the quick succession of playful notes.
                    journal to record all the things he practices. They also    encouragement through interaction throughout the              He goes to the device and looks at the dome’s screen. It
                    decide on Jupiter’s next task. To record their tasks the    goal process.                                                 shows: One Up: Can you one up your task? Make your
                    buddies reach into the middle of the spinning top and                                                                     task more specific by finding a more specific activity
                    pull out the smart pen. They write down their next task     The spinning also allows time for the buddies to reflect      within your task. An optimal challenge! Chi laughs,
                    and as they write, this note is being digitally stored in   on one challenge at a time. If buddies want to re-find        because this is one of the tasks that he and Jupiter
                    their goal buddy dashboard online.                          a previous challenge they can rotate the dome top.            made together through the goal buddy dashboard. They
                                                                                As Chi reads a challenge, he realizes it will be perfect      made this last month, because they both felt they were
                    After recording their tasks, the buddies begin to talk      for Jupiter. The dome top screen shows the following:         getting lazy with their tasks. Chi had gone on his phone
                    about challenges. To browse challenges they spin their      Report Out: Create (at least) three distinct phases for       to access the challenge gallery and upload the challenge.
                    tops. As they spin the two tops create a song together.     your task. When you complete one phase, record the            He wanted to call the challenge Man-up! But Jupiter
                    The notes and pacing change depending on the way            purpose of the phase and the outcome. Chi chose this          looked at him strangely, and they decided a better name
                    the two tops spin. If goal buddies can spin the two tops    because he knows Jupiter is someone who has a lot of          would be “One-up.”
                    around near each other, they spin around in a way that      passion for attempting each task she sets out to do, but
                    makes it look as if they are dancing. With each spin        often she becomes too introspective about the process.        After sitting and reflecting for a moment Chi pulls out
    5           6   there is a crash that releases one side of the dome top.    In meetings he usually just says this through his usual       the smart pen and writes on the scroll “After I write
                    As a buddy pulls open the dome top, they secretly view      comment: “You are thinking about it to much, instead          down all my combinations, I will choose three and make
                    a screen, which displays one challenge. They repeat this    you just need to do it.”                                      one good set.” Chi had lots of combinations, which
                    process as many times as needed until they find the                                                                       were a few dance moves held together by one or two
                    challenge they think is the best for their goal buddy.      When Jupiter spins the top, she chooses a very                transitions. He decided also to produce a set that
                                                                                different kind of challenge for Chi. When they both           is a series of combinations put together, to create a
                    The spinning interaction emphasizes the shared              decide on a challenge, they take off the dome of their        beginning middle and end. He realized after he created
                    inhabited space of the goal buddies. (Hornecker             tops, and switch. Jupiter laughs while he hands the top       and practiced his new set that he could use this for his
                    and Burr 2006, 5) It creates meaning in the space           to Chi. She pretends she will cheat and look at it, but       competition in August.
                    where the people and objects meet. The screen               instead she completes the trade and puts the dome top
                    that is embedded within the top operates off of the         in place on her device. Now the two goal buddies have         By answering challenges Chi clarifies both his task
                    concept of perceived coupling. (Hornecker and Burr          a part of each other’s spinning tops, which contain the       and his goal. He realizes something about how
                    2006, 6) The digital screen as well as the music            surprise challenges!                                          he might get to where he wants to be. This is one
                    that is produced is perceived as “coming from” the                                                                        example of how the GBS introduces inquiry to help
                    spinning top and is paired with the physical qualities      Jupiter and Chi hang out for a little longer and then say     Chi move closer to his goal.
                    of the form. Most importantly, the spinning encourages      goodbye and part ways. A few days later, Chi decides he
                    embodied facilitation. (Hornecker and Burr 2006, 5)         will try to complete his task. He goes to the gym with his    When Chi leaves the gym, he picks up the spinning
                    The physical set up of the two spinning tops heightens      new notebook to practice and write down all the dance         top, but this time he puts the dome upside down
                    the cooperation between the two goal buddies. The           combinations and transitions he already knows. When he        because he finished his challenge. Meanwhile Jupiter
                    tangibility of the device causes the goal buddies to        starts to practice he notifies his device that he has begun   has also just finished her task and challenge. She feels
    7           8   control their behavior in a certain way to collaborate      the goal process by turning the thin dial wheel. He knows     discouraged and even though she finished her task
                    by using the interface. They must spin together and         that the device is registering this information because       she thinks she might never reach her goal. As she gets

58 PART THREE                                                                                                                                                                    INTERFACES 59
online to check Facebook and email she toggles to
                     see her dashboard. She notices an icon for a message.
                     She clicks on the message and it shows one of her
                     old tasks. She smiles and reads the task, which was
                     from last year, when she was working on an old goal: to
                     apply to grad school. She had started this goal with her
                     last goal buddy, who was her old college roommate. She
                     completely forgot about this task. Seeing it reminded
                     her that she must stick to her goal and stay focused.

                     Jupiter is encouraged to stay active because she
                     realizes it is the little everyday commitment to the goal
                     that makes her succeed. This renews her faith both in
                     the process and committing fully to her tasks. She feels
                     excited to go to the next meeting and see how Chi did
                     with his task and challenge this week.

                     When Chi and Jupiter meet again, they both realize
   9            10   that they completed their tasks and challenges
                     because the tops are both upside-down. Before they
                     begin their meeting to talk about their goals, they spin
                     the tops that make a song together again, since both
                     buddies were successful. The upward-facing screens
                     also put on a show and respond with a color or pattern
                     as the devices spin.

                     The upside down tops indicate to the buddies that
                     progress has been made. This change in the form
                     demonstrates tailored representation because it is
                     building on their experience of the object. (Hornecker
                     and Burr 2006, 5) They know that when the tops are
                     down that nothing has changed since the last meeting.
                     When the tops are displaced, the devices look as if
                     they have one piece out of place. This playfulness,
                     which encourages the form to move from ordered
                     to disordered, further emphasizes the need for goal
                     setters to enjoy the process.

   11           12

60 PART THREE                                                                    INTERFACES 61
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
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Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
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Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
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Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
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Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
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Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book
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Enjoy Accountability - Thesis Book

  • 1. The Goal Buddy System Imagining an Experiential Approach to Long-term Goal Management through Playful Interaction
  • 2. The Goal Buddy System: Imagining an Experiential Approach to Long-term Goal Management through Playful Interaction Submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree Master of Graphic Design Department of Graphic Design, College of Design, North Carolina State University
  • 3. ABSTRACT A long-term goal is an aim to achieve a particular state, condition, status, knowledge, or skill that requires commitment over an extended period of time. Unlike short-term goals, gratification of completion might take months or years. Commitment can be both exciting and frustrating as long-term goals are often a manifestation of our values. This study proposes a long-term goal management system, called The Goal Buddy System (GBS), in order to keep goal setters committed to the long-term goal process. The GBS uses an experiential approach by applying gameplay, social interaction, and tangible interaction to sustain goal setter engagement. Part One of this research presents three principles of the GBS’s goal management strategy: Inquiry, Accountability, and Activity. Part Two explains the structure for the designed GBS cycle and how the goal principles translate into Meetings, Tasks, and Challenges. Part Three presents a series of design investigations that manifest both the principles and cycle through tangible and graphic interactions. The research suggests that amplifying the process helps goal setters maintain commitment. The design investigations demonstrate a range of possibility that can exist within an experiential approach to long- term goal management, in order to encourage further iterations of the system.
  • 4. TAB LE OF CONTE NTS The Goal Buddy System: Imagining an Experiential Approach to Long-term Goal Management through Playful Interaction Researchable Question & Introduction Part One: Principles of Goal Management Introduction Inquiry Activity Accountability Frameworks Part Two: The Designed System Introduction Meetings Tasks Challenges Cycle Frameworks Part Three: The Designed Interface Introduction Investigation One Investigation Two Investigation Three Tangibility Benefits Frameworks The Back of the Book Influence Appendix Featured Topics Bibliography
  • 5. LIST OF FIG U R ES PART ONE Figure 1.1 The Persona Matrix Figure 1.2 Goal Assessment Questions Figure 1.3 Goal Assessment Question Criteria Figure 1.4 Concept Map Figure 1.5 Audit Figure 1.6 GTD Workflow Map & GBS Cycle PART TWO Figure 2.1 System Map Figure 2.2 Goal Buddy Cycle Figure 2.3 Gamification Map PART THREE Figure 3.1 Investigation One: Tangible Tasks & Challenges Figure 3.2 Investigation One: Graphic Interface Widget Figure 3.3 Investigation Two: Tangible Task Interaction States Figure 3.4 Investigation Two: Tangible Challenge Interaction States Figure 3.5 Investigation Three: Scenario of Use Figure 3.6 Information Flow Model Figure 3.7 Framework for Tangible Interaction
  • 6. ACKNOWLE DG E M E NTS Thank you friends, peers, faculty and family. To my people at Yellow House Design. To David and Laura Luyendyk for introducing me to graphic design. To David for always telling me I can do great things. To Brandi and Emily for teaching me design and great haikus. To my friends from 2009 Sophmore Studio for keeping me fresh in grad school. I will miss our studio: the strings, the hanging almond and the infamous ponytail. Special thanks to Katie Hill for all of her time and attention and Kirsten Southwell for inspiring advice. To the 2010 Fall MGD Studio, First Years, Second Years, and Amber Howard for teaching me how to trust the flow. To my MGD graduating class for jokes about the curtain, late nights, and hilarious requotes from professors. Classic! To Martha Scotford who has been with me since First Year Experience and acted as my first advocate to transition into grad school. I never thought, “We’ve seen your kind before” could be good, until it came from Martha. To Scott Towsend. For his guidance since Sophmore Imaging Class, B-girl/Scientist, and lots of fascinating discussions! I have always appreciated experimental design side and reliable support. To my advisor chair Denise. I had a feeling you would be the right one to help me ask “What If” and I was right! Thank you for being an advocate for process, knowing that it is the points in between (not having the perfect solution) that often matters the most. To Nam for her never ending support and being there through the entire Design School experience. To Matthew for helping me believe in my myself, helping me to see, and suggesting small doses of carrot juice and jumping jacks.
  • 7. Researchable Question How might the design of playful interactions within a long-term goal management system encourage the process of goal achievement? SU BQU ESTIONS How can the design of a tangible system embody inquiry, accountability, and activity? How can a designed system connect two friends through the goal achievement process? In what ways can the design of an interconnected tangible and graphic interface support the goal achievement process?
  • 8. I NTRODUCTION DE FI N ITIONS Long-Term Goal: a personal aim to achieve a particular The purpose of this study is to investigate how the The GBS creates an experiential approach to goal state, condition, status, knowledge, or skill. design of a long-term goal management system, which management. Instead of compressing time and easing connects two friends, might encourage the process of process, the interface must amplify the experience of Goal Buddy: the name for a goal setter using the goal achievement. The name of the proposed system is time and emphasize the role of process. The interface system, a goal buddy uses the system along with the Goal Buddy System (GBS). does not exist to reward information seeking behaviors another goal buddy with whom they are paired. but is designed to build an emotional connection with the The GBS is a long-term goal management system that user and encourage enjoyment. Goal Buddy Meeting: a regular face-to-face meeting builds an ongoing connection between two friends at which goal buddies discuss their goal progress. over the topic of their unfinished goals. The two friends, called goal buddies, use the system by interacting with a Task: a single activity that will allows a goal setter to handheld device, which is linked to a compatible desktop come closer to their goal achievement. widget or mobile app. They meet weekly or bi-weekly at a goal buddy meeting to discuss their progress, commit Challenge: a question, prompt, chosen by a person’s to a task they will complete before the next meeting, and goal buddy that is delivered through the tangible device choose a challenge for their goal buddy. while a task is being done. The system engages goal setters through the application Goal Buddy Device: a handheld device, which acts as of the gameplay, social interaction, and tangible a tangible interface, allowing a goal buddy to interact interaction strategies. The GBS uses these strategies with tasks and challenges. in order to create a playful experience as opposed to a utilitarian interaction with a goal management Goal Buddy Dashboard: a widget or app that is interface. A utilitarian approach to goal management synced to the device, stores chronological archives of favors efficiency and productivity. It seeks to compress goal buddy activity, supports user-generated content the experience of time by making the process easier for challenge gameplay, and allows manipulation of and simpler. Therefore, a utilitarian interface for goal gameplay mechanics. achievement tends to reward information seeking behaviors and allow for quick completion of activities. 14 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION 15
  • 9. J USTI FICATION ASSU M PTIONS LI M ITATIONS A goal is an aim to achieve a particular state, condition, container for meaning, then any commitment can be There are a few assumptions I am making in regards to The interface is constrained to a handheld interaction status, knowledge, or skill. A long-term goal is often an thought of as a piece that fills up that time. (Thompson the goal setters. First, participants must have a long-term in order that the device can be transported to face-to- intrinsically motivated aim that requires commitment and Bunderson 2001, 17-24) Therefore, the more goal. I am assuming that participants are intrinsically face goal buddy meetings. The framework influencing over an extended period of time. Unlike a short-term we are able to fill our time containers with activities motivated to work on a goal, and this would result in this tangible device is The Framework for Tangible goal, the payoff of that commitment may be months or that we find significant, the less we will experience their positive well-being. In terms of time, attention, Interaction by Hornecker and Burr, which is the most years in the future. While both types of goals might hold conflict. (2001, 25) They go on to add that the more and resources, I am designing for a participant who is comprehensive and human-centered framework for personal importance, it is common that a person’s time, we spend our time making room for these significant single and has some leisure time to use towards goal designing for tangible interaction. (Hornecker and energy, and resources are devoted to managing day- commitments the more affirmation we experience achievement. They must also have enough money, Burr 2006, 3-6) to-day commitments. Sometimes this leaves little or no completing those activities. (2001, 24-25) These two support and resources to act on their tasks. Goal buddies time devoted to long-term goals. positive results happen because the activities we find must also have some access to the Internet and ability significant are usually somehow connected with our to purchase the goal buddy device. Most importantly, Why are our long-term goals important? An intrinsically identity. To say it simply, we will be happier if we allow goal setters must have friends, or at least willing motivated long-term goal is a product of personal value. some space for identity-affirming commitments, such as participants, who also have long-term goals they would Our values give our daily existence meaning. Time is tasks feeding into our long-term goals! This allocation like to develop. However, participants are not matched finite. One only has but so many moments to live. of time does not always need to result in a “balance” up through the system. An introductory website to the of time. (Balance implies equal quantity. The balance system would provide goal setters with tips for choosing Pursuing a long-term goal is a way to explore one of metaphor is incomplete because our perception of an appropriate goal buddy, but would not match the two the ancient philosophical questions of existence. It is a time can vary greatly.) This research does not imply friends. Goal setters must choose a suitable partner for means to seek, to find, to affirm your purpose, or ask if a need to commit equal amounts of time to intrinsic the game by identifying supportive friends and reflecting it even exists. This study proposes a similar response to long-term goals and other external daily demands. on their own needs in a goal buddy. aiding long-term goal management. There is no solution Instead, it suggests that we can experience less daily for achievement. A system can only offer a means conflict while doing any activity (of greater or lesser to take action. I would like to help people brave this consequence), if we use a portion of that time attending commitment, and create a system that helps goal setters to the commitments we find most important. who are ready to take action and find their own path. Two results of this long-term goal process include a reduction in daily conflict and an increase in affirmation. Researchers explain that if we think of our time as a 16 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION 17
  • 10. Part One Principles of Goal Management I NTRODUCTION The design of the GBS responds to the need to create a long-term goal management system that helps a goal setter discover their own path. This is facilitated through the system by encouraging ongoing inquiry, accountability, and activity.
  • 11. FIGURE 1.1 I NQU I RY Declaring a long-term goal is easy, but finding the path approach their goal the same way? Consider the fairly • What kind of tasks have I already accomplished which to fulfill that goal can be very difficult and complex. common goal of losing weight. Health goals usually have helped me work towards this goal? Therefore, it is essential to integrate a habit of inquiry involve eating right and exercising. However, the or goal assessment into the goal management process. process of losing weight looks strikingly different for These questions were created in response to two This is reflected in the goals of the four personas, many people. In fact there are so many methods, plans, criteria relating to goal management. They were sorted which have been set up for this study: Ronnie, Dan, and formulas to choose from, it could be difficult to by a business management S.M.A.R.T. criteria: Specific, Jupiter, and Chi (Figure 1.1) Each goal setter has a decide. Even after choosing a particular path to losing Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Timely. (Doran clear goal but a vague sense of how they will get there. weight, the steps to get there might look different 1981, 36) They were also tagged according to goal Ronnie wants to decide between opening restaurant depending on a person’s unique circumstances and variables adapted from a longitudinal study of personal and becoming a better civil engineer. Dan wants to available resources. goals and subjective well-being determination. The make a series of three short films over the summer. variables are meant to evaluate a goal setter’s support, Jupiter wants to curate a manageable eco-friendly To help goal setters find the path to their goals, the willingness, urgency, opportunity, control, evaluation, and lifestyle. And Chi wants to practice regularly and system integrates a series goal assessment questions values. (Brunstein et al. 1993, 3) compete in a dancing competition in August. Each goal through challenges. (Figure 1.2–1.3) has a different set of circumstances and clarity. While These questions are integrated into the Goal Buddy Dan might already have a background in film, Ronnie This includes both open-ended questions such as: System through short easy-to-read challenges. might not know anything about owning a restaurant. • What are possible obstacles that could prevent me Challenges play a vital role in the ongoing assessment Also, different goals can call for different approaches. If from reaching this goal? of a goal. It also causes evaluation and clarification Chi wants to improve his dancing, he might benefit from • How can I make my goal more specific? of goal-related tasks. To see the direct relationship a consistent dancing schedule or regimented workout. • How can I make my goal more flexible? between the goal assessment questions and goal Jupiter’s goal might not require any habitual behaviors. • Why is this goal meaningful to me? buddy challenges, see Challenges in Part Two. Instead, she can make progress by completing many different types of tasks each week. Everyone has a It also includes more pointed questions such as: different path and a different experience. • If I had to choose a role model for this goal, who would it be? In these examples above, each person has a different • How will I know when I have met this goal? Describe goal. But what about people with the same goal? the conditions or state of success. Do goal setter’s working towards the same goal all • If I had time to start working on it tomorrow, what goal-related tasks could I complete? 20 PART ONE PRINCIPLES 21
  • 13. FIGURE 1.4 ACCOU NTAB I LITY No tool can ever replace the support of a good friend. At the beginning of this mapping process I thought that Friends can combine their collective knowledge to find The GBS harnesses that support by directing it towards goal assessment, or inquiry was the central organizing their unique goal paths. Friends can remind each other goal assessment and achievement. The GBS centers principle of the proposed long-term goal management that finding the long-term goal path is not easy. Friends on the relationship between two friends. The friends system. However, it was through the map that the idea can learn from each other’s mistakes, and benefit hold each other accountable by discussing where of “goal assessment with a friend” began. This led to from each other’s advice. To put it simply, in the case they are in the goal process and where they want to the addition of “accountability” as a core concept of the of long-term goal management, “two heads are better be in the future. Inevitably, this leads to a discussion system. Accountability combines of the two interpretive than one.” of the values, thoughts, and behaviors that influence parts The Inquirer and The Conversator. Within the their goals. The Goal Buddy System intervenes in that map these two parts are described in this way: The introduction of accountability also led to the conversation to help the friends consider how they will development of a social gameplay strategy within the Goal act on their goals in the present moment. Together, the The Inquirer is described as the engine of the system. Buddy System. This aspect is explored in depth in Part goal setters commit to this process, creating a mutual It continuously produces provocations to help the goal Two of this study. See Gamification Map. (Figure 2.3) dependence that motivates goal achievement and setter clarify their goal and improve their goal activity. fosters goal assessment. Because The Inquirer has such an important job to do, it occasionally extends its duties to The Conversator. The I discovered the principle of accountability through Conversator is similar to a match-maker. It invites friends concept mapping. I created the concept map in order to engage with a goal setter on the topic of their goal. It to envision an experiential goal management system. is both an extension of The Inquirer and a connection to The concept map is an approach, which describes the outside world. the system as a benevolent guide to help a goal setter achieve their goals. The map proposes a six The Conversator created a wonderful shift in the interpretive parts of a goal management system, experience of the system. Not only did it emphasize which include The Absorber, The Presenter, The the goal setter’s need for external feedback and Inquirer, The Conversator, The Prodder, and The encouragement but it introduced a social aspect to Rememberer. (Figure 1.4). See Featured Topic: goal achievement. The social connection relieves a Insights Into Ways of Working for more on process. goal setter from needing to have all the right answers. 24 PART ONE PRINCIPLES 25
  • 14. FIGURE 1.3 ACTIVITY While the GBS incorporates the principles of inquiry Another pitfall of the two sites, 43 Things and Life The audit also increased my interest in a playful and accountability, the system ultimately must Tango, is that the interface encourages an accumulation approach as opposed to a utilitarian approach in encourage goal achievement activity. The goal setters of goals. The GBS applies a different strategy by only order to motivate activity. The program Stikk begins use the system in order to progress toward their goals. supporting the pursuit of one goal. Also, goal setters to suggest this playful interaction through the use Therefore, the interface must encourage the goal do not create a long list of sub-goals to complete, but of stakes. The goal setter sets up their stakes when setters to take action. instead negotiate with their friend one task to complete they sign up for the service. Each time a goal setter at a time. This simplicity was inspired by the program does not complete a goal milestone, they must pay the I conducted an audit of five online goal management that organizes the interface around a minimal amount of money that they designated in their stakes. systems in order to understand how the features checklist that goal setters must check off. Though that rule does not sound any fun, the stakes of other goal management tools encouraged differs from the GBS in that is it a very basic tool that set up a playful connection because goal setters must goal activity. This provided direction for the helps with short-term or daily goals. choose to donate that money to one of the following: GBS experience. The audit offered ideas for the a charity, an anti-charity, a friend, or an enemy. The organization, strategy, and experience of the goal The program 42 Goals had a different strategy of idea of motivating activity through an entertaining social achievement process. (Figure 1.5) motivation. They organize their site around information connection is something that the GBS does through visualizations that provide feedback of goal setter challenges. This aspect is explored in depth in Part Two Many of the sites that I studied focused on a goal progress. This was a positive feature, however this of this study. setter’s profile. In many cases a person’s profile was feedback was delivered through charts and graphs. While developed but it was unclear as to how that social aspect the idea of feedback can be motivating, the sterile and of the site was motivating activity. Instead it often led quantitative aspect of the display was not motivating. to the accumulation of goals. Programs such as Life This led to realization that the feedback needed to Tango and 43 Things allowed the user to input profile connect more to the complexity of goal achievement. information and goals. The GBS bypasses this feature One way the GBS integrates more meaningful feedback but still fulfills the need for social interaction by situating is through the integration of a friend’s feedback. The two interaction within a face-to-face encounter. The friends’ goal setters are motivated to stay active and committed conversation is mediated by the GBS and refocuses the because they are receiving valuable and complex social interaction on goal achievement activity. Instead feedback. Another way the GBS integrates feedback in a of focusing on inputting information for a profile, the more exciting and meaningful way is through a handheld social interaction happens naturally. The goal setters only device. You can read more about this experience in Part spend time interacting with information in the GBS that Two and Part Three of this study. helps them develop their goal. 26 PART ONE PRINCIPLES 27
  • 15. FIGURE 1.6 FRAM EWOR K The management framework found in David as an externalization of commitment by becoming a Allen’s Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress- collection tool for tasks. Allen describes a collection Free Productivity also presents a good strategy for tool as something that captures all of a person’s maintaining ongoing activity. Allen advises that, “You thoughts, ideas, or to-do’s. Allen emphasizes the use of can’t do a project, you can only do an action related to the collection tool as a place to incubate personal ideas a project.” (2001, 38) Similarly it is my belief that you and long-term projects. (Allen 2001, 27-30) Ongoing can’t complete a goal, you can only complete a goal- activity is maintained by using a collection tool. In the oriented task. It is for this reason that the GBS teaches GBS, a collection tool is both the goal buddy device the goal setter to translate their goal into actionable and the goal buddy dashboard. tasks. Through many actionable tasks, a goal setter can complete a goal. Allen’s Five Stages for Managing Workflow are constantly applied throughout the GBS system in order to maintain ongoing activity. See Figure 1.6 for comparison of steps in GBS cycle and Allen’s Five Stages for Managing Workflow. Long-term goals are really long-term commitments. Some people externalize that commitment through mission statements, mantras, vision boards, and special calendars. In my preliminary research, I found that the people who recorded their long-term goals did so through unique methods. Many people named a combination of tools, such as timekeepers and time managers, to manage their short-term goals. However, few people mentioned a tool or method to record or manage their long-term goals. To read more about this Interview process see Appendix A. The GBS acts 28 PART ONE PRINCIPLES 29
  • 16. Part Two The Designed System I NTRODUCTION The goal process is improved by integrating inquiry, accountability, and activity. These three principles are upheld in the system through challenges, meetings, and tasks. The GBS builds an ongoing connection between two friends over the topic of their unfinished goals. The two friends, called goal buddies, use the system by interacting with a handheld device, which is linked to a compatible desktop widget or mobile app. They meet weekly or bi-weekly to discuss their progress, commit to a task they will complete before the next meeting, and choose a challenge for their goal buddy. The System Map is meant to demonstrate the relationships between the various touchpoints within the system. (Figure 2.1) The map includes the two goal buddies, each with their own goal buddy device, and goal buddy dashboard. The map also includes the Goal Buddy Guidelines, as well as the purpose of the greater goal buddy community.
  • 17. FIGURE 2.1 M E ETI NGS R U LES A goal buddy is the name of the goal setter who uses A Goal setter must choose their own goal buddy. Goal setters must be willing to give the Goal Buddy System with another person. Goal Buddies are not matched up through the system, and receive feedback and encouragement buddies are two friends who decide to use the GBS therefore goal setters must choose their own goal buddy. in order to aid the process. together in order to manage one of their long-term Though a match-up feature could be easily integrated Instead of considering a person’s experience within the goals. The GBS is organized around the meeting of into the GBS, goal setters are expected to determine domain of a goal, one could choose a buddy according the two friends in order to foster the core principle of who might be a good match. Goal setters are given a to what their personality offers. These personality accountability. Instead of going through the process guide for choosing a helpful buddy when they sign up variables are reflected in the persona matrix. (Figure alone, goal buddies have fun with long-term goal for the service online. Upon sign-up they also agree to a 2.1) For example, Dan has a very social personality, achievement by committing to that the process with a few basic guidelines in order to generate a positive and but tends to overcommit his time and attention to many friend. The main requirement for goal buddies is that mutually encouraging experience for both buddies. different tasks. Dan has chosen to ask Ronnie to be his they are interested in making continuous progress goal buddy, because he knows that Ronnie can be very towards their goal. However, there are a few rules that Goal setters must choose one long-term methodical with his plans. Ronnie can help Dan to be can help goal buddies use the GBS to the fullest. goal they want to achieve. more patient and realistic about the amount of time and A goal buddy must choose one goal they want help energy he must devote to completing a task. Conversely, with. Because long-term goals are big endeavors the Ronnie is very strategic but sometimes does not have system supports one goal to be pursued at a time. the gusto he needs to take risks and make his ideas Also, the goal setter must choose a goal that they want happen. Dan can help Ronnie connect his goals with his to share and offer for feedback. It is the goal setter’s personal values, networking with others, and generating responsibility to consider what kind of partner might be some enthusiasm to actively find answers. appropriate for their goal. For example, a buddy could choose someone with a goal within a similar domain or Goal setters must take progressive action to something completely different. It is up to the buddies complete tasks and develop their goals. to consider the pros and cons of this relationship. For Though the system does provide incentives to help example, completely different goals could offer an goal setters make progress, it is not meant to become objective standpoint. On the other hand, a person’s a taskmaster or a referee. Goal setters must be current or past experience with a similar goal could working on a goal that they are intrinsically motivated be insightful. Each scenario would provide a different to complete. Intrinsic motivation implies that they have experience for the goal buddies. personal investment and interest in achieving the goal 32 PART TWO SYSTEM 33
  • 18. as opposed to completing the goal due to an external occasionally throughout the goal process. All in all, by force. Also, the goal buddies must have a certain using both touchpoints, goal setters can benefit from all amount of time to devote to task completion. If goal of the features and fun of the GBS system. buddies do not have an ample amount of time then they can decrease the amount of times they meet or create Goal buddies can use the meeting status to create an simpler tasks to complete. alternative style of meeting. For example, buddies using a remote meeting status could also accommodate a Goal setters must agree and commit to different type of gameplay. Any remote meeting must the regularity of their meeting times. incorporate an additional mode of communication. Goal buddies designate their meeting status and The buddies must be able to give and receive relevant frequency in the online dashboard. The recommended updates and advice in order to maintain accountability. status is a face-to-face meeting and the recommended Some straightforward modes of communication would frequency is weekly or more realistically, bi-weekly. be phone, video chat, email, blogs, Twitter accounts, However, because the GBS is designed as an open or Facebook groups. But buddies could also use structure for gameplay, buddies can agree on their own alternative modes of communication. What would it look alternatives. (See Meeting Alternatives below for more like to discuss progress and plan tasks via postcards, information.) Buddies could also use the system in a carrier pigeon messages, or walkie-talkies? These more erratic way and meet spontaneously. These options are all silly examples, but it is meant to demonstrate are offered in order to make the system more accessible that the structure of the GBS is flexible enough to for goal buddies, as well as more flexible for gameplay. incorporate the unique preferences and imagination of its participants. Goal setters must use the touchpoints within the GBS to mediate their goal process. Buddies can also use settings for the frequency of These touchpoints include a handheld device and meetings to change the way the system organizes compatible dashboard, which is in the form of a desktop gameplay. Here is one example of creative widget or mobile app. The device is an interface which interpretation of how a spontaneous meeting status goal buddies are interacting with on a weekly basis could be used to create a different type of structured to record and complete their tasks and to choose and gameplay. With the spontaneous meeting mode, receive challenges. The dashboard acts as a repository meeting with a local goal buddy could become a for this activity and also allows for customized gameplay. long-term game of happenstance hide and seek. Goal The device and dashboard are synced with each other buddies must complete tasks and challenges before and together they mediate the goal process. Goal they randomly cross paths around town. If one buddy setters each have their own device, which are purchased is found without a completed task, then they lose that through the landing page of the GBS service. Devices round of the game. The loser must complete their task should be brought to meetings and used during task within three days; if they do not, they must take the completion. Goal buddies access their dashboards by other goal buddy out to lunch. downloading an app or desktop widget. For the sake of this study, we will be representing the desktop widget only. Both the app and widget are only to be used 34 PART TWO SYSTEM 35
  • 19. FIGURE 2.2 GOAL B U DDY CYCLE In order to give an overview of the comprehensive user experience of the Goal Buddy System, the Goal Buddy Cycle map represents all steps within the experience. (Figure 2.2) The Goal Buddy Cycle is divided into two halves: meet and complete. In the Meet phase, goal buddies meet to discuss their past progress, and plan their next steps. They do this by recording a task, and choosing a challenge for their buddy. In the complete phase they start and finish their task, and accept the goal buddy challenge. This is a continuous process which continues until a goal is met. 36 PART TWO SYSTEM 37
  • 20. TASKS CHALLENGES A task is single actionable step that a goal setter must device stores this information and can recall it at the weighs down too much on the goal setter. Goal setters Another element, which would be browsed and • One Up: Can you one up your task? Make your task At the meeting, the buddies discuss their progress and take to move closer to their goal. The GBS’s emphasis next meeting. When a buddy records a new task, the will have a record of these incomplete tasks within the stored within the device, is a goal buddy challenge. more specific by finding a more specific activity within record their tasks. After they record tasks, buddies on completing a task comes about through the core old task is deleted from the device. Buddies can find old online dashboard. Challenges are provocative goal assessment activities your task. An optimal challenge! browse challenges stored on their device. Each goal principle of maintaining ongoing activity to reach a goal. tasks by exploring their online dashboard. The device is and questions described in 160 characters or less. • Conditions: How are the conditions of your setter chooses one challenge for their goal buddy. As mentioned in Part One of this study, the system synced with the dashboard and holds a chronological Recalling tasks and related activity (tracked time, The purpose of a challenge is to help a goal setter (environment/resources/social support/mental and The challenge is only revealed after the goal buddy revolves around the concept of taking action as opposed archive of tasks and other goal buddy activity. challenges, challenge responses) can be particularly improve upon their task and reflect on their goal. This emotional state/alertness) while completing this has made progress on a task. Challenges are secretly to talking about taking action. Therefore, the focus of important when goal buddies decide to meet remotely component of the GBS was created to foster the spirit task? What could change to make it better or why is chosen at the meeting, in order to make this revealing a the meeting becomes both reviewing and planning tasks. Focusing on a single task prevents goal setters or if their meetings are significantly far apart. Using the of inquiry. As explained in Part One, challenges are this situation ideal? complete surprise. from becoming stagnant in their process. It avoids device to recall this information turns the device into shortened versions of a goal assessment questions. • Report Out: Create (at least) three distinct phases Goal buddies meet to discuss big picture questions what many other systems encourage: discussing a mediator. The goal buddies can use the device as Challenges also introduce game play and create an for your task. When you complete one phase, record Browsing and choosing a challenge in the device is such as “Where are you now?” and “Where do you and accumulating goals, sub-goals and milestones a talking point about progress. Challenge responses avenue for camaraderie and feedback. the purpose of the phase and the outcome. focused on finding the most appropriate challenge for want to be?” The system intervenes in the conversation before taking any active steps. With GBS there is no also have the potential to store reflective thoughts that • 2x: Have you ever heard: “Practice makes perfect”? the goal buddy. For example, the previously mentioned to mediate a third question: “How do you get there?” such chance to feel false satisfaction from creating a might be of use to the goal setter at a later time, or to Challenges set forth a reflective question and/or When you finish your task, do it again. Complete at Role Model challenge is appropriate for someone When it comes down to it, the goal setter must commit pristine action plan. The GBS is also designed so that the larger goal buddy community. suggest a mini-activity, which should be completed least 20-30 minutes of additional work. whose task is to practice dancing, but may be less to a task. Goals are achieved through completing goal setters do not get stuck sitting around with a long along with a task. The default challenge called Role appropriate for someone writing a resume. It is the multiple tasks. The goal setter curates a task with the list of never ending to-dos. Since the two goal buddies Model is both a question and an activity. The Role The character limit for a challenge is modeled after responsibility of the goal buddy to choose a challenge help of their goal buddy. The two buddies negotiate negotiate terms for the task, these methods could Model challenge is presented on the device with the standard mobile text-messaging word count. This that pushes the goal achievement process along and which task is appropriate while considering the goal easily be integrated within the goal buddy meeting this description: “Who is your Role Model? State was chosen for two reasons: screen size and simplicity. keeps their partner engaged and excited about the setter’s particular context, goal, and recent progress. ritual. However, the GBS interface focuses on taking one characteristic they have and incorporate it into The screen dimensions within the device would be process. This sensitivity is a special element of the action not talking about taking action. your current task.” The goal setter can then choose between 1” x 1” and 1.5” x 1.5” which is a little smaller gameplay and goal buddy connection. It is something Tasks are recorded through the goal buddy device. to accept or ignore the challenge. Certain challenges than the text messaging field within a standard flip that cannot be moderated by a system, at least at this The device only stores one task at a time. The device If a goal buddy does not complete a task, this lack require recorded responses after progress has been phone. This limit keeps the challenges brief and to the point in time, but only by another person. records the task, and reminds the goal setter to of progress becomes obvious in the next goal buddy made. The challenge and recorded response are then point. A simple challenge prevents challenges from complete the task before the next goal buddy meeting. meeting. This amplifies the accountability between the stored in the device in order to be recalled during slowing down task with a long description or complex Challenges create an element of gameplay between When a goal buddy starts a task, they notify the device. two goal buddies. If a task is not completed, it can be the goal buddy meeting. Similar to tasks, challenge objectives. This gives the goal setter ample time to the two goal buddies as well as interdependence. All The device might track the time the goal setter works re-recorded and attempted again. This can be helpful and challenge responses are chronologically and reflect on how that challenge relates to their current challenges provide some sort of positive provocation for on the task or provide a timer for the goal setter. The in a time when short-term goals and weekly stress categorically archived within the dashboard. Here are task and their larger goal. the goal setter but do so through a variety of different some more examples of system-generated challenges: approaches. This diversity is made possible through 38 PART TWO SYSTEM 39
  • 21. the devices connection to the online dashboard, which also exposes goal setters to the greater network of a larger community with a diversity of goals. A Vision holds the Challenge Gallery. The Challenge Gallery is an goal buddies through user-generated challenges. challenge might help a goal buddy who feels like an online library of system and user-generated provocative aimless wanderer. A Vision challenge could pose a goal assessment activities and questions, or challenges. The Challenge Gallery is meant to encourage users question such as: How will you know when you have They are described through a title, description, and to tailor their experience by creating challenges for met your goal? Describe what achieving your goal will category. They are labeled according to their creator, themselves, for their buddies, with their buddies, or just look like. Categories could also be created, filled, and which is displayed through the goal buddy username; for fun. Goal buddies earn the ability to create their filtered by users. and popularity, which is determined by the amount of own challenges after completing four tasks. If buddies times the challenge has been chosen by goal buddies are meeting weekly this translates to one months The majority of the Challenge Gallery would be while browsing within the device. commitment. This allows time for buddies to become comprised of user-generated challenges. When the familiar with the cycle of meeting, task completion, and GBS service launches, the default or Original system- Goal buddies visit the dashboard occasionally and responding to challenges. During this time they are generated challenges would exist. However, as more sporadically. The device, on the other hand, is a given system-generated challenges to provide good goal buddies interacted with the system, many more touchpoint they interact with on a weekly basis. In examples of well-crafted challenges before they choose categories would be created and filled. one visit to the dashboard a buddy can save a lot of or create their own. After four completed tasks, buddies challenges within their queue. Therefore, goal buddies can use their queue and create custom challenges. The social networking components of this system could only need to use the dashboard if they run out of a Buddies can use challenges to create their own incorporate other aspects of social networking features variety of challenges, or want to try something new. distinct method of gameplay. It could also elicit a secret such as such as rating, filtering, and suggestions. This puts more attention on browsing in the device. language or trash talk, which the goal buddies could However, at the most basic level, the Challenge Gallery Goal setters use the device to look for an appropriate develop within a series of customized challenges. in the dashboard displays an array of options to help a challenger. Therefore, the experience of browsing in the goal setter have fun with their buddy and improve their device is more reflective. The Challenge Gallery would comprise original system- goal process! generated challenges as well as goal buddy community When goal buddies begin the process they are only created challenges and categories. The Challenge allowed to browse through the system-generated Gallery would include categories such as Original, challenges, within the Original category. After the two Silly, Goal-specific, Time-related, or Vision challenges. goal buddies complete four rounds of successful task Labeling categories according to categories would completion, the entire Challenge Gallery library within allow goal buddies to find specific types of challenges the dashboard opens up for their choosing. The full if they noticed a particular issue they wanted their goal Challenge Gallery can be browsed online through the buddy to address. For example, if a goal buddy had dashboard. While browsing in the dashboard, the goal lots of difficulty devoting the right amount of time to a setter can add to their personal queue for challenges. task a Time-related challenge might be helpful, such as They choose according to two criteria: challenges that the 2x challenge mentioned earlier. Categories could will be beneficial or enjoyable for their goal buddy and also allow for variety in gameplay, for example the Silly or themselves. The queue is routed to the goal buddy category could contain an absurd challenge such as: devices to allow them to choose those challenges Complete ten minutes of your task upside down. On during a meeting. Each device would display a mix of a more serious note, a Goal-Specific challenge would challenges from both buddies’ queues in order to add deal with a particular domain such as career goals or an element of possibility. Creating a queue in the online goals that deal with a particular skill. This category gallery is a feature that tailors the GBS experience. It allows goal buddies to take advantage of being part of 40 PART TWO SYSTEM 41
  • 22. FIGURE 2.3 FRAMEWORKS The Goal Buddy System incorporates principles of Another influential principle is social objects. Social Zicherman’s and Cunningham’s acted as a backdrop social interface and gamification. Social Interface objects are the elements of desire in a social interface. for all elements of game play within the system. principles include: open taxonomies, activity streams, The concept of social objects perfectly describes a The purpose of gamification within this system is to social objects, and ambient intimacy. These principles goal buddy challenge. Crumlish explains, “Social objects sustain user engagement and create an enjoyable goal are taken from Social Interface: Designing Social are natural, not artificial. A successful social object is management experience. This is achieved through the Interfaces (Crumlish 2009) Gamification principles one that has layer upon layer of conversation created application of two gamification principles. This includes are also used in the GBS. This includes the levels of around it; as the number of participants increases, the top five player actions and establishing levels of mastery and the top five player actions, from Game social objects enjoy network effects. Social objects are game mastery. (Zichermann and Cunningham 2011, Design: Gamification by Design (Zichermann and about participation and participants.” (2009, 185-186) 24-33) These principles are demonstrated in the Cunningham 2011). Gamification Map. (Figure 2.3) This chart shows how A third generally applied principle is that of ambient a user would be engaged and motivated to continue to Crumlish describes social media as “media that is created, intimacy. This idea, along with online presence and interact with the system on both an individual and social filtered, engaged with, and remixed socially.” (Crumlish phatic communication, augment the goal buddy process basis. The top five player actions are mapped in relation 2009, 8) In addition to the social interaction that the goal by allowing a goal buddy to use the device to stay to the progression of the levels of mastery. The process buddies engage in at every meeting, GBS acts as a larger connected to their goal buddy when they are not in begins with going to a goal buddy meeting and naming social interface through the remixing of challenges. A a goal buddy meeting. Crumlish describes ambient a task to complete before the next meeting. Level principle of designing a social community with unfinished intimacy as, “…being able to keep in touch with people One (for novices) is to complete a goal-oriented task. elements or an open and flexible structure is described in with a level of regularity and intimacy that you wouldn’t Level Two (for problem solvers) is to respond to a task this source. The concept of leaving elements or the social usually have access to, because time and space challenge. Since every completed or in progress task site structure incomplete is reflected in the Challenge conspire to make it impossible.” (2009, 146-147) will cause the device to deliver a challenge to the goal Gallery. Goal buddies can create their own challenges, Phatic communication is described poetically as “… setter this is an easy way to advance in the gamification and organize them within categories. This is a reflection the sounds and grunts of acknowledgment we make to levels. Level Three (for experts) is to complete four of another principle: open taxonomies. Crumlish advises remind one another that we exist.” (2009, 122) Though tasks and accept four challenges. When a player does that designers must decide on strict or fluid taxonomies. the role of phatic communication has not been applied this, it opens up the entire Challenge Gallery. With the The GBS uses a fluid taxonomy in order to encourage within the device, it offers an interesting model for Challenge Gallery open players can not only customize participation and imagination. The GBS incorporates many how the device could easily support spontaneous live their experience but also create challenges themselves. other aspects of open or unfinished gameplay structures feedback from the remotely located buddy. Level Four (for masters) is to create your own challenge by leaving options flexible for different types of meeting to contribute to the Goal Buddy Community. Level Five statuses. (Crumlish 2009, 17-19) (for visionaries) is to stay committed to the goal buddy process until you complete a goal and start a new one. 42 PART TWO SYSTEM 43
  • 23. Part Three The Designed Interface I NTRODUCTION A long-term goal management experience can be strengthened through a system that is both social and playful. Long-term goal interfaces should engage the rich embodied experiences of the goal setters who use them. The GBS interface should reveal a continuum of possibility, sensitivity, and meaning through interaction over time. This could be expressed in an interface through many means such as the form, function, qualities, and aesthetic characteristics of the object; or through the movement, bodily relationships, context, and embodiment of the user. Therefore, the primary concern then becomes the question: “When or where within in the GBS process would possibility, sensitivity, and meaning be the most exciting, helpful, or manageable?” Building on the concept of social objects in Social Interface: Designing Social Interfaces (Crumlish 2009), social objects, as explained in Part Two, are the elements of desire in a social interface. These are the things people collect, customize, show off, and work for. In the case of the GBS the shared social objects are challenges. A social object is also determined by considering what type of activity should be encouraged with the designed interface. Among the buddies, tasks are similar to social objects, but have a different feel because they are not collected and shared in the same way challenges are. However, tasks are also an important element within the system.
  • 24. INVESTIGATION ONE Another element, which would be browsed and The in this sketch whether the user is influencing this widget, and how it would live within context. (Figure most important elements within the Goal Buddy possibility or if it is applied through the aesthetics of 3.2) Following standard practices, this widget also System are tasks and challenges. This makes these the interface. Either way, this demonstrates the first has a compacted view, which fits the quick scanning elements good candidates for revealing possibility, option of challenges not being browsed. The second behaviors which most desktop widgets accommodate. sensitivity and meaning within the interface. Therefore, option show limited browsing capabilities. Here we While the tangible interface records tasks, the this investigation poses the questions: How are see a commonly-used method of possibility: a wheel. graphic interface stores and organizes them. In these tasks recorded and displayed? How are challenges The contents of each wheel suggest more options wireframes an audio method of recording tasks is browsed? and How do goal setters view others’ for the user than the last. From this interface the user suggested as well as a text-based approach. Creating progress? (Figure 3.1) understands they have a certain restrained number of the foundational sketches for the dashboard revealed choices, and will be able to view one option on each the possibility of a Challenge Gallery and challenge The interface could express sensitivity at the point wheel at a time. Additionally restraints within the object queue, which was explained in Part Two. In this when goal setters record a task. This sensitivity is could also begin to express how quickly one could instance users can drag and drop different challenges expressed through the detection and feedback given browse by varying the stickiness, or ease of rotation, in their dashboard or their buddy’s dashboard. by the user recording their task through various input within the device. A wheel on the Price is Right, for Ultimately, the challenge gallery and chronological modes, including handwritten text, video footage, and example, takes a much different kind of energy to task archive represent a comprehensive look at a audio recording. Each category also demonstrates how control than the wheel in Wheel of Fortune. Both goal buddy’s activity. An additional functionality that the interface displays or accommodates this input. lead to a completely different embodied experience of is not represented here includes the creation of possibility and commitment, but each want the same new challenges. This feature would operate through Possibility is revealed within the tangible interface thing… Big Money! The third suggestion demonstrates constrained text forms and could include social at the point of browsing for challenges. Presenting full browsing capabilities. Within this option the networking functions such as filtering and popularity possibility to the user can be done in many different interface is represented as a segmented belt, which ratings in order to regulate the process. ways. As observed within earlier Game Observations, slowly rotates into the three cells lined with marking both a dice and an 8-ball toy are objects of possibility, tabs. This suggests to users that acceptable options yet they produce this experience in two different ways. should be tabbed in order to save amongst all the The first interface model demonstrates possibility various options. through a similar mode to the 8-ball. The user cannot view various options at once but is delivered The basic wireframes of the graphic interface show a challenge by a happenstance process. It is unclear the manifestation of the goal buddy dashboard as a 46 PART THREE INTERFACES 47
  • 26. FIGURE 3.2a FIGURE 3.3b 50 APPENDIX E
  • 27. FIGURE 3.4 INVESTIGATION TWO Building on the first round of investigations, (Figures the form slowly is closed. The Order/Disorder form Disorder form, except that the restoration is extended 3.3 and 3.4) represent a strategic elaboration of the also reflects a state change once a task is recorded. in relation to the next goal buddy meeting. The Visible/ task completion and challenge completion process. Instead of pushing the object back together, users can Invisible form only rewards task completion, and the These designed objects are provocations of what could run their fingers along each extension to play back the Beginning/End Mobius strip not only charts current be if the device solely managed challenges or solely audio like running a finger over piano notes. However, activity but also retains past cycles within the interface. managed tasks. The functions are separated to allow matching with the physical disorder of the device, The devices trigger state changes at different times to for a fuller exploration of each tangible interaction. In the audio also reflects a series of distortions. It is the emphasize different parts of the cycle. Also each has the third round of investigations the qualities of each responsibility of the goal setter to return this disorder specific ways of representing the passage of time in are combined. The timeline is devoted to simplified back into a balanced form by notifying the device of relation to universal time (what we see on our watches) comparison over time. the beginning of their task completion. In this instance as well as the nearness to another goal buddy meeting each digit slowly moves back into its original place. The (gameplay cycle). This amplifies our experience of time The buddy image and instructions at the top of these device keeps the goal setter aware of the passage of and emphasizes the users’ commitment to the process. studies helped curate the final Goal Buddy Cycle Map. time through this slow movement towards symmetry, This includes browsing, choosing, revealing, accepting, much in the way an ambient timekeeping element The tangible device challenge completion studies and responding to challenges; as well as recording, such as the sun passing through the sky heightens our highlight how the user browses and accepts recalling, beginning, and finishing a task. The task awareness of the passing of time. For more examples challenges. (Figure 3.4) The first round of completion study labels each interaction according of the qualities of ambient or celestial timekeepers see investigations suggested that possibility could be to its contrasting state changes. (Figure 3.3) For the Taxonomy in Appendix A. expressed through options that are automatically example, the first and second forms show devices that perceived or found through exploration. The first two are made up of small movable units, which change the The other forms within this study more explicitly forms, the patterned rock and wheel, have choices that topography and symmetry of the object. The Open/ reference the gradual passing of time, however each are implied by the form of the object. Each option is Closed form works as a device that keeps track of the measures different parts of the process. For example, compartmentalized and mapped to a specific node on beginning and end of the task. In a neutral state the the Light/Dark orb provides a continuous feed of the the tangible interface. This aids the browsing process, full unit lays flat, upon recording a task the unit closes passing of time, and gets darker or lighter depending because users can navigate back to previously viewed halfway. To recall or remember what task was stored, on its nearness to task recording and its status of task challenges and understand how many options exist. the user pushes down on the surface to hold the arms completion. Once a goal setter begins their task the orb parallel to the ground. As they begin and end their task begins to restore its original state much like the Order/ 52 PART THREE INTERFACES 53
  • 28. FIGURE 3.6 In the last two forms, the spinning top and viewfinder, challenges must be found or explored by interacting with the device. Re-finding options are time consuming but this allows more time to reflect. The reflection process is similar to reading an analog clock versus a digital clock. For some people, accessing the information from an analog clock is much slower. During my preliminary research, an interviewee noted this phenomenon to admit that he prefers the reflective analog process so much that he turns his digital computer clock off while working. Like the analog clock, slowing down the challenge browsing ritual can be beneficial, even though it is not the most efficient. Two of the forms, the patterned rock and the spinning top incorporate uncontrolled movement while the wheel and viewfinder remain mostly static. The mostly static objects designate certain areas of the device as tools, which can control the browsing process. The uncontrolled movement devices are objects that express their state and mood through their entire forms. I was drawn to this type of a design challenge, because uncontrolled movement seemed to lead to more spontaneous interaction because it is responding to the physics of its surrounding environment. For example, if the rock vibrates, the object moves on a table, which we can feel and observe. We can also see the rock’s pattern move which heightens our perception of this uncontrolled activity. These are very conservative actions, but the investigation could be followed by extreme demonstrations of this principle. 54 PART THREE INTERFACES 55
  • 29. FIGURE 3.7 INVESTIGATION THREE The third round of investigation in this study presents In order to explain this investigation better, it is the main body of the spinning top there is also a dial, one possible designed tangible interface to manage presented here as a scenario of use by our two persona which goal setters set while completing their tasks. the goal process. (Figure 3.5) This object, which goal buddies: Chi and Jupiter. As you might remember we will call the spinning top is a combination of the from the persona matrix and Part One, Jupiter’s goal Each buddy has their own device and can interact with following qualities from earlier investigations: paper is to curate a manageable eco-friendly lifestyle. Chi’s the device as they meet and talk. Since the spinning top task recording, limited browsing of challenges, Order/ goal is to compete at a dancing competition in August. is not embedded within a mobile phone, they can talk 1 2 Disorder task interaction states, and exploratory and Throughout this scenario themes and concepts from without being distracted by any of other functions. The uncontrolled movement challenge interaction states. The Tangible Interaction Framework are referenced object only exists to mediate their goal process. Also, The investigation combines these qualities into one in order to explain how the interface is designed for the device is embedded within their context. This allows form in order to facilitate the goal cycle shown in the embodied interaction. for non-fragmented visibility because they can hold and Goal Buddy Cycle Map. (Figure 2.2) manipulate the information on the device and show the Chi sits in a coffee shop and checks his email and information to their buddy. (Hornecker and Burr 2006, This object is one of many objects that could come Twitter as he waits for his goal buddy Jupiter to arrive. 4) The object acts as an Expressive Representation, about from a combination of these studies. It exists to When Jupiter sits down they begin their meeting by allowing goal setters to externalize their process. suggest that the long-term goal management process discussing the progress they have made in the past (Hornecker and Burr 2006, 5-6) Jupiter and Chi have an can be experiential by incorporating social interaction two weeks, since their last meeting. They have been easier time at meetings because they can think through and gameplay. It is built out of Eva Hornecker’s and using the GBS for a few weeks to mediate their goals. their tangible devices to tell what they have been up to. Jacob Burr’s Tangible Interaction Framework. (Figure They use their Goal Buddy Device, the Spinning Top 3.7) The compatible graphic interface for this tangible to mediate their conversation. The spinning top feels To talk about their progress, the buddies pull out their interface is implied through the narrative of interaction. something like a mix between an antique toy, locket, paper scrolls. Jupiter pulls her two lists out side-by-side The graphic interface or goal buddy dashboard, is not time capsule, secret diary, and mezuzah. While the and begins discussing her difficulties that week. She developed within these investigations because, as device looks like an older artifact, it is actually a smart looks at the list and explains how she felt lost trying mentioned earlier, this is it is outside of the scope of this object that is equipped with: a digitized smart pen that to complete her task last week. Chi talks about his project. Further investigation with this study would allow is placed all the way through the device, two retractable difficulties for that week and asks Jupiter her opinion for design of the graphic interface and more iteration of paper scrolls hat are housed within the main body of on what his next task should be. He uses the two the tangible interface. the device, and a detachable dome top with a small scrolls for challenges and tasks to explain what he has 3 4 digital screen underneath it. In between the dome and already accomplished and what he wants to accomplish. 56 PART THREE INTERFACES 57
  • 30. This is important because both goal buddies can see, in a particular way to get the two tops to “sing” and it provides audio feedback that sounds like someone feel, and manipulate these important elements of their “dance.” This physical display is in many ways what running their finger along a piano scale. He begins to goal process through the tangible manipulation of the the actual challenge browsing process is trying to practice and after about twenty minutes he hears his spinning top. They agree that he needs to begin start a accomplish: interdependency for feedback and mutual device playback the quick succession of playful notes. journal to record all the things he practices. They also encouragement through interaction throughout the He goes to the device and looks at the dome’s screen. It decide on Jupiter’s next task. To record their tasks the goal process. shows: One Up: Can you one up your task? Make your buddies reach into the middle of the spinning top and task more specific by finding a more specific activity pull out the smart pen. They write down their next task The spinning also allows time for the buddies to reflect within your task. An optimal challenge! Chi laughs, and as they write, this note is being digitally stored in on one challenge at a time. If buddies want to re-find because this is one of the tasks that he and Jupiter their goal buddy dashboard online. a previous challenge they can rotate the dome top. made together through the goal buddy dashboard. They As Chi reads a challenge, he realizes it will be perfect made this last month, because they both felt they were After recording their tasks, the buddies begin to talk for Jupiter. The dome top screen shows the following: getting lazy with their tasks. Chi had gone on his phone about challenges. To browse challenges they spin their Report Out: Create (at least) three distinct phases for to access the challenge gallery and upload the challenge. tops. As they spin the two tops create a song together. your task. When you complete one phase, record the He wanted to call the challenge Man-up! But Jupiter The notes and pacing change depending on the way purpose of the phase and the outcome. Chi chose this looked at him strangely, and they decided a better name the two tops spin. If goal buddies can spin the two tops because he knows Jupiter is someone who has a lot of would be “One-up.” around near each other, they spin around in a way that passion for attempting each task she sets out to do, but makes it look as if they are dancing. With each spin often she becomes too introspective about the process. After sitting and reflecting for a moment Chi pulls out 5 6 there is a crash that releases one side of the dome top. In meetings he usually just says this through his usual the smart pen and writes on the scroll “After I write As a buddy pulls open the dome top, they secretly view comment: “You are thinking about it to much, instead down all my combinations, I will choose three and make a screen, which displays one challenge. They repeat this you just need to do it.” one good set.” Chi had lots of combinations, which process as many times as needed until they find the were a few dance moves held together by one or two challenge they think is the best for their goal buddy. When Jupiter spins the top, she chooses a very transitions. He decided also to produce a set that different kind of challenge for Chi. When they both is a series of combinations put together, to create a The spinning interaction emphasizes the shared decide on a challenge, they take off the dome of their beginning middle and end. He realized after he created inhabited space of the goal buddies. (Hornecker tops, and switch. Jupiter laughs while he hands the top and practiced his new set that he could use this for his and Burr 2006, 5) It creates meaning in the space to Chi. She pretends she will cheat and look at it, but competition in August. where the people and objects meet. The screen instead she completes the trade and puts the dome top that is embedded within the top operates off of the in place on her device. Now the two goal buddies have By answering challenges Chi clarifies both his task concept of perceived coupling. (Hornecker and Burr a part of each other’s spinning tops, which contain the and his goal. He realizes something about how 2006, 6) The digital screen as well as the music surprise challenges! he might get to where he wants to be. This is one that is produced is perceived as “coming from” the example of how the GBS introduces inquiry to help spinning top and is paired with the physical qualities Jupiter and Chi hang out for a little longer and then say Chi move closer to his goal. of the form. Most importantly, the spinning encourages goodbye and part ways. A few days later, Chi decides he embodied facilitation. (Hornecker and Burr 2006, 5) will try to complete his task. He goes to the gym with his When Chi leaves the gym, he picks up the spinning The physical set up of the two spinning tops heightens new notebook to practice and write down all the dance top, but this time he puts the dome upside down the cooperation between the two goal buddies. The combinations and transitions he already knows. When he because he finished his challenge. Meanwhile Jupiter tangibility of the device causes the goal buddies to starts to practice he notifies his device that he has begun has also just finished her task and challenge. She feels 7 8 control their behavior in a certain way to collaborate the goal process by turning the thin dial wheel. He knows discouraged and even though she finished her task by using the interface. They must spin together and that the device is registering this information because she thinks she might never reach her goal. As she gets 58 PART THREE INTERFACES 59
  • 31. online to check Facebook and email she toggles to see her dashboard. She notices an icon for a message. She clicks on the message and it shows one of her old tasks. She smiles and reads the task, which was from last year, when she was working on an old goal: to apply to grad school. She had started this goal with her last goal buddy, who was her old college roommate. She completely forgot about this task. Seeing it reminded her that she must stick to her goal and stay focused. Jupiter is encouraged to stay active because she realizes it is the little everyday commitment to the goal that makes her succeed. This renews her faith both in the process and committing fully to her tasks. She feels excited to go to the next meeting and see how Chi did with his task and challenge this week. When Chi and Jupiter meet again, they both realize 9 10 that they completed their tasks and challenges because the tops are both upside-down. Before they begin their meeting to talk about their goals, they spin the tops that make a song together again, since both buddies were successful. The upward-facing screens also put on a show and respond with a color or pattern as the devices spin. The upside down tops indicate to the buddies that progress has been made. This change in the form demonstrates tailored representation because it is building on their experience of the object. (Hornecker and Burr 2006, 5) They know that when the tops are down that nothing has changed since the last meeting. When the tops are displaced, the devices look as if they have one piece out of place. This playfulness, which encourages the form to move from ordered to disordered, further emphasizes the need for goal setters to enjoy the process. 11 12 60 PART THREE INTERFACES 61