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Business Writing Genres:
Format and Document Design
Table of Contents
About business writing genres 3-4
About standard formats and document design 5
Visual Hierarchy and CRAP Principles 10
Crap Principle 1: Contrast 7-9
Crap Principle 2: Proximity 10
Crap Principle 3: Alignment 11
Crap Principle 4: Repetition 12
Standard formatting conventions 13
Email 14-19
Business Letters 20-27
Memos /Memo Reports 28-29
About business writing genres.
Genres are categories of business writing. Here are just a few
• Business Correspondence: letters, memos, emails, and texts.
• Reports, Proposals, and White Papers: informal and formal
reports; marketing white papers.
• Application Materials: cover letter, resume, Linked-In profile page.
• Multimedia and Visual Media: podcasts, slidecasts, screencasts,
infographics (static and interactive).
• Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Website.
How workplace readers read.
Workplace readers do not read
linearly from start to finish as
they would a book.
Instead, they read like
newspaper readers do.
They look for the information
they need and may or may not
read an entire document or may
only skim other parts.
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About standard formats and document design.
1. Standard Formats evolved
over time in response to
common business writing
situations. Using standard
formatting conventions
allows the reader to discern
at-a-glance what the
document is – its genre (and
hence, what it’s for).
2. Document Design is the
practice of presenting
information in a way that
fosters efficient and effective
understanding of it.
Visual Hierarchy
Visual hierarchy is the central
principle of document design. It
refers to how text and images are
arranged on a page that implies
how they are related
To achieve effective visual
hierarchy use the
design (Contrast, Repetition,
Alignment, and Proximity).
Poor Visual
Hierarchy. Elements
are just scattered on
the page.
Effective Visual
Hierarchy provides
cues as to how the
information is
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Vegetables of the World
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Crap Principle 1: Contrast
Contrast means difference and
using contrast helps to cue the
reader what information should
be read first.
To create contrast in documents
Headings (and heading levels),
Bold Text of Headings,
White “Negative” Space.
If composing a document for an
external audience, consider using
color for headings and/or using a
different font style for headings.
Home Insert Draw Design Layout References
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Thi s is a chapter heading
This is a level 1 heading
Thiis is a l1evel 2 heading
This is a level 3 head in,g
No Spacing
AaBbCcOc AaBbCcDdE1
Heading 1 Heading 2
AaBbCcDdEe IIAaBbCcDdEe111
Heading 3 Heading 4
Using heading levels.
Avoid using more than three or
four levels of headings.
Try using the styles feature in
Word for headings.
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Use the right amount of white space.
Too Much Too Little Just Right
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cilium dolore eu
fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in
culpa qui offic ia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
• Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem
accusantium doloremque laudantium.
• Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut
fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui.
• Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet,
consectetur, adipisci velit.
HeadingLevel 1
Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore,
cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod
maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor
HeadingLevel2. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut offici is debitis aut
rerum necessitat ibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et
molestiae non recusandae. ltaque earum rerum hie tenetur a sapiente
delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut
perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.'
Crap Principle 2: Proximity
Proximity means grouping similar
elements together. It helps readers
by giving them an idea of what
information is subordinate to other
To create proximity in
documents use:
Numbered Lists,
Indent Heading Levels
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte tur
adipiscing elit. Suspe ndisse tempus
adipiscing augue. Sed volutpat fermentum
ipsum. eurab itur in elit non odio sodales
vestibulum. eras arcu mauris, vulputate id,
dictum nee, tincidunt non, nibh. Phasellus
mauris purus, congue ac, viverra ac,
vestibulum ut, nibh.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte tur
adipiscing elit. Suspe ndisse tempus
adipiscing augue. Sed volutpat fermentum
ipsum. eurab itur in elit non odio sodales
vestibulum. eras arcu mauris, vulputate id,
dictum nee, tincidunt non, nibh. Phasellus
mauris purus, congue ac, viverra ac,
vestibulum ut, nibh.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, oonsectetur adipisc ing elit. Suspendisse tempus adipiscing
augue. Sed volutpat fermentum ipsum . eurab itur in elit non odio sodales vestibulum.
eras arcu mauris, vulputate id, dictum nee, tincidunt non, nibh . Phasellus mauris purus,
congue ac, viverra ac, vestibulum ut, nibh.
Crap Principle 3: Alignment
Alignment means to align text
or other elements to a real or
imaginary vertical axis.
It tightens the design and
creates an ordered look.
1 1
Crap Principle 4: Repetition
Repetition refers to formatting
the same type of information in
the same way to help readers
recognize patterns.
Repetition creates a consistent
look and feel to documents (or
web pages).
Standard Formatting Conventions for
• Emails
• Business Letters
• Memos / Memo Reports
Email Salutation and Closing
Use a formal salutation when you do not know the recipient followed
by the person's full name.
Dear John Doe
Hello John Doe
Use a formal closing.
Best regards
I look forward to hearing from you
If you have one, add a digital signature.
These greetings and closing statements help establish a connection
with a reader you do not know.
Email Salutation and Closing continued
Formal greetings and closings are usually not needed when you
know the recipient such as a co-worker.
In this case, an informal greeting followed by the person's first
name is used and the closing is usually just your name or initials or
the word thanks if appropriate.
Hi John
[email text]
Punctuating email salutations.
In formal email salutations that use "Dear," place a colon after the
recipient's name because it sets a formal tone.
Dear John Doe: (formal)
Much ink has been spent by grammatical purists who insist a
comma should be be used in a direct address greeting: one that
uses "Hello" or "Hi." They rest their case on the fact that "Hi" is an
interjection while "Dear" is an adjective.
Hello, John Doe:
Hi, John
Writers frequently ignore this advice..
Writer's ignore the "comma rule" with such regularity that only the
grammar geeks fret over it. Here's a quote from Grammar Girl on the
email comma:
I’m always torn about whether to use the comma. It is correct, but it
seems a bit pedantic given the widespread use of the incorrect
alternative — especially when you are replying to someone who has
already done it the wrong way. Use your own judgment. I usually put
it in, but you’ll be in good company if you leave it out.
Well, I'll leave it out then.
Punctuating email closings.
Follow the closing word or phrase with a comma. There seems to be
less of a concern about this from grammar geeks.
Best regards,
I'm so happy to
know that.
~-· ..-·-------------------
• • • 8 IO(":lil ~
Send Pasto B I
Karen Thompson
Direct or of Professional Writing
Departm ent of English
University of Idaho
875 Perim et er Drive MS 1102
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1102
(208) 885-6156
Off ice: Brink Hall Room 216
,. T A
Email signature information.
Typically a signature section
will include the writer's name,
title, business or organization
name, snail mail address,
phone number and office
location if applicable.
For students, it’s a good idea
to include your major.
GIS Today's Technology for Tomorrow 's World
Green Tecbnka l Syscems
April 30,2008
Mr.John Lockhart
949ParkAvenue,Suite 900
Sacramento, California95605
Dear Mr.Lockhart
12345Urce nway Koad Urccnca,tle 1~ 64332
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as your Green Technical Systems'
Training Manager and welcome you as a valued customer
GTS has developed a highlyinnovative and exciting training course, which I have been
providing to our customers for more than eight years. I have enclosed our latest brochure
outlining all class modules and a background of my training experience
The courses are very comprehensive and interactive and will help your employees expand
their knowledge of GTS professional applications . Our goal is to give attendees as much
product and software education as possible in a manner that will allow them to become
productive immediately.
Other key benefits include the following·
Classes are held at the convenience of our customers .
The train ing will allow JSK L employees to ask specific questions related
to their job responsibilities while still covering the core curriculum
The train ing will improve and increase productivity and job
The course curricu lum is developed and budgeted specifically
for each customer at the time t he product is installed
I will be contacting you in a few days to schedule a visit to your office to discuss course
details and training dates . However, if you need to get in touch wi th me beforehand, please
call me at 1.888.555.1212. We val ue the comments of our customers and we hope you will
share your thoughts with us
Thank you for your business. We are sure you will find our products, service, and training
course highly satisfactory. I look forward to meeting you and the JSK L Marketing staff.
Marj orie Baker
Training Ma nager
Enclosures: (2) GTS Training Course Brochure & Bio
Standard format for business letters.
Inside Address which is the Recipient's
Title if Applicable
Subject (not always used)
Signature Information
Enclosures (if applicable)
Business letter salutation and closing.
Use a formal salutation followed by the recipients full name and
ending with a colon.
Dear John Doe:
Hello John Doe:
Use a formal closing followed by a comma.
Best regards,
I look forward to hearing from you,
If sending as an attachment, add a digital signature.
If sending through snail mail, sign the letter.
Using a subject line.
Subject lines immediately cue the reader as to
what your business letter is about.
In American English, the subject line is
commonly placed above the salutation.
In British English, the subject line is commonly
placed below the salutation.
To distinguish your subject line from the rest of
the letter use “Subject:” or ”Re:” (which is an
abbreviation for “regarding.”
Block Modified Block Semi Block
Three standard layouts for business letters.
1. Block
2. Modified Block
3. Semi Block
Company Name and/or Logo
1049 Michigan Ave . N.
Chicago , IL 60611 ·2273
November 18, 20XX
Al1ention Manager
JP Mulual Funds
7257 Charle$ Plz,
Omaha , NE68 114-3219
Dear Elden
Your lefephone call on Wed nesday wa
since college has been exciting as well
If you had taken keyboard ing as I reco 1
wouldn't be asking me now for a model
correspondence ! Bu1I am glad to SvPJ
at the left margin).
Use the software defaul t or 1"'side ma1
the top of the paper. Key lhe date on t
AHletter parts are separate d by a doub
quadruple space (4 returns) is left beM
the complimentary dose and lhe keyec
I am attach Ing a page from a reference
again it you need more help.
Andrea Rialto
Attachmen t
The Personal Business Le11er can be d
Personal Bus
Block Format
Most common format for
business letters.
All elements of the letter are
aligned to the left margin of
the page.
It has a neat and simple
appearance and is
considered the most formal of
the three layouts.
Or-. C.-.rolrn IJrom
Director of ~~ rch
fa an, &Auoc iate,;
520Ni;ipr.i Strtt t
8r.iinu·tt. MA02184
Oedh:ini .MA02 180
[:)ic,«'111bocr 3.ZO..·
Thruik )'01.J',;I'}' mu,:h for nllowlng me m 1our)'()tlf (C$tlnj: facilll1C$.The
lnform;uf-Oa,I J!11lntdfrom the 1<1u,.....111bcol wei 1help comeInprep,.·1.rb'IJ
d'M.lf(l)OAfor m)'d /1$S01Mmhal l11,~1h,11c~'rhe lOllf~~o lso ~h'.'"11me
.son~ ln<.lahtInto1hc""'OrkI mo'~'t'ntU;). lly do~solobor:uoryt«h nldnn,
Modified Block •OJ'ldeffortVlkr.unSingh$~1'11 ln show­
c·nl$Md ~.Mc<-werernoschd:i>ful,
l.csAlc  ':mLm
Modified Block Format
In the modified block style
the sender's address (if not
using letterhead)
date, closing and signature
information are slightly to the
right of the center of the
This format is considered less
Ms. Eva Le"i s
931E. Land Dm <e
Mem1;his, T 38111
Dear Ms. Lewis:
M~r·y E. Kl~rbel
230 ViSl!l Dl'ive
Memplus, TN 38130
(555) 555-3822
June 20, 2000
I amapplying ror V.'nier posihon advertised ,n the fone, 2000. Memphis
~1lag_1Wne. l•1y relevruu experier1ce1sdiverse and tahlishes n1e as a first-class candidate for tlus
My ,'TI1i,1g.e:.xp,erlence 1se.x1e11sive.Iatn c1.1trentl ernplo ed as a srnff•1ec:h11icalw'rlter ror a
loca.Jeompan . M pnst ,';'Qrk expenence include! bUSlnes:saJldFreelancew-ri1ing_and ed11iny. A l
in c:urroot en1plo1er, I drafl 1edHucal descriptions of 1>roducts for the company w'ebs11e and
inamtrun an •ar,dnll ne luredocume111a1ion such astheemplo •eehru1dbook.
Addiuo11ally, I edit ric1ion mruwscriplSfor M ontine e-book~')ubhshmg co,npan ., pecifically, I
- ind spelling. In my editrng role, I have regular iruemction
5em J8Joek
:Jeduled at our convenience. I ma tbe reachedat the
1our cortsidero1ion.
M01y Klaebel
Semi Modified Block Format
In the semi block style is the
same as block format but
paragraphs are indented.
Again, this format is
considered less formal.
ame of Document and/or Wr iter's ame Page 10£12
nI-leader Close OJ
Standard format for secondary pages (all print documents).
For all documents that are over one page, the pages after the first
one, need information in the header area and page numbers.
The information should cue the reader to know which document they
are reading and the page numbers alert them to where they are at in
the document.
Learning how to use the heading templates in Word with the field
feature (Mac) or quick parts (PC) to add page numbers is useful
because once the header is set up, you don't have to type it again.
To: Nam:! of Recipient
From: Nam:! of Writer
Date: Date Sent
Subject: What the Memo is About
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. consectetur adipiscing elit. sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dOlore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.
quis nostrud exercitatio n ullamco taboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
consequa t.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu
f ugiat nulla paria: ur. Excepteu r sint occaecat cupidatat non proident. sunt in
culpa qui otfic ia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
• Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem
accusant ium doloremque laudantium.
• Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut
fugit. sed quia consequunt ur mag.nidolores eos qui.
• Neque porroquisquam est. qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet,
consectetU'. adipisci veliL
Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio . Nam libero tempcre ,
cum soluta nobisest eligendi optio cumque nihil imped it quo minus id quod
maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assume nda est. omnis dolor
Temporibus auten quibusdam et aut off iciis debitis aut rerum necessitatib us
saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudlandae sint et molestiae non recusandae.
ltaque earum reflJm hie tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis
voluptatibus maiores alias consequat ur aut perferen dis doloribus asperiores
Standard format for memos and memo reports.
The title “memo” or
"memorandum" signals the reader
is getting an internal document.
The section below the title creates
a record of who received the
document, who wrote it, when,
and why (conveyed by the subject
Use single-spaced, left-justified
text, and add a line of white space
to separate paragraphs.
Typically, a memo or memo report
does not use a closing line.
Standard rhetorical moves for introductions.
When someone requests information from you, remind them in an
introductory paragraph that they requested it and add a forecasting
statement about what is in the document.
Here is the information you requested about X. Included in the
sections that follow are A, B, and C.
This memo contains the information you requested about X. The
following sections explain A, B, and C.
When readers didn’t request the information, make it clear why you
are writing in the first sentence.
This memo explains problems we are having with X. The extent
of the problems are . . .

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  • 1. - Business Writing Genres: Format and Document Design
  • 2. Table of Contents About business writing genres 3-4 About standard formats and document design 5 Visual Hierarchy and CRAP Principles 10 Crap Principle 1: Contrast 7-9 Crap Principle 2: Proximity 10 Crap Principle 3: Alignment 11 Crap Principle 4: Repetition 12 Standard formatting conventions 13 Email 14-19 Business Letters 20-27 Memos /Memo Reports 28-29 2
  • 3. About business writing genres. Genres are categories of business writing. Here are just a few examples: • Business Correspondence: letters, memos, emails, and texts. • Reports, Proposals, and White Papers: informal and formal reports; marketing white papers. • Application Materials: cover letter, resume, Linked-In profile page. • Multimedia and Visual Media: podcasts, slidecasts, screencasts, infographics (static and interactive). • Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Website. 3
  • 4. How workplace readers read. Workplace readers do not read linearly from start to finish as they would a book. Instead, they read like newspaper readers do. They look for the information they need and may or may not read an entire document or may only skim other parts. 4
  • 5. -- - - □ ~ -ii I i ii I i -- About standard formats and document design. 1. Standard Formats evolved over time in response to common business writing situations. Using standard formatting conventions allows the reader to discern at-a-glance what the document is – its genre (and hence, what it’s for). 2. Document Design is the practice of presenting information in a way that fosters efficient and effective understanding of it. 5
  • 6. • 1111 Visual Hierarchy Visual hierarchy is the central principle of document design. It refers to how text and images are arranged on a page that implies how they are related To achieve effective visual hierarchy use the CRAP PRINCIPLES of document design (Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, and Proximity). Poor Visual Hierarchy. Elements are just scattered on the page. Effective Visual Hierarchy provides cues as to how the information is related. 6
  • 7. -------- ,,...----Heading1 Vegetables of the World + 11l"'boF9nf.PanlcyWllot~tltlOI pe.a~ ~ beu colard ar- dadeho11.ol11Iw;ibnw tonuoto. Dalldd!MI ~•rll!utlumtp!!.ap,unld.Sdro:ruahlal •~oi:Ja. lCotltnblncNJlllokn ~lkP'llP'fffllM»!Ultuncolbord WKll'41)'fl!ipn.enp.11h-,rbN'l ~pout.olipraltDW9 ChkbffdcilirapuwtllQl'punbM t'Griandff~•wntpqip; nd&ShprlkhAR!s1prautpuuadalllR1m-r pun&..~,- .-S•ka acbia:I Nin pnl Cmnbo bkadt.i plu111 ~blldl...,... lli-.tlltd,ln.lpirdwill~pul"'W•lllh'l-rbftc ,_, ~ Crap Principle 1: Contrast Contrast means difference and using contrast helps to cue the reader what information should be read first. To create contrast in documents use: Headings (and heading levels), Bold Text of Headings, White “Negative” Space. If composing a document for an external audience, consider using color for headings and/or using a different font style for headings. 7
  • 8. Home Insert Draw Design Layout References t□ v [~ Calibri Ligh ... V 12 V A" A. Aa v /J~ Paste <$ B I 11V -ae-x, x' A V ~v Ji V Mailings Review View • - V , - V • - V +-= ~=;- =- = -= !~ V - - - - Acroba t ~l ,r <),, V Thi s is a chapter heading This is a level 1 heading Thiis is a l1evel 2 heading This is a level 3 head in,g AaBbCcDdEe Normal AaBbCcDdEe No Spacing AaBbCcOc AaBbCcDdE1 Heading 1 Heading 2 AaBbCcDdEe IIAaBbCcDdEe111 Heading 3 Heading 4 1 1 Using heading levels. Avoid using more than three or four levels of headings. Try using the styles feature in Word for headings. 8
  • 9. 11-i1 ... ..................,-.--..i..--.• ........_. ,....,.. -.........~---..............."- - --.....ww.•-·--.,_.,....,.. ___......,............_.,. ........................ 1.111- .. -- .. ...._..._..._. __...,."__.._,..._..., __.......................----.....................,...___...,..._......,__..._........_ ..._........_ -.._.,._.._ ___......_......-.. ........._.............................__. ___ ---.:.=-===-°'::::.-=.::::. --. .....________.._....,..._.,_,.. .....,.___......,.____,...~----....................................................__,,__~-----~-_,.___..._..._.._ _________~ ............................._.....___....................._......._ ......._ ......._,._-,__,__...,..,_..__.......,_.,,,,...__.._.....,..,..___"______..,_,_............__ =--==-~~=---_..,.,.______"......_...,..__.._....,..., ...................,_ ....,_............,._.._ .....,_ .....~---------...................................~..._. ..........._______.,............ T-. ,,.._,.._S-l'Na.. .,.. .. ._~ ,_ -­llilWtirt."",....,Ml-...MNI ._ ........_.___...,._,....._....___,.....,. =---=-~==--~:::..~-:.::=.....,..~- .......··-~.........,........,_=.-=.=-~- .........--.............__.... r..... .....,_.....,...,......,.o,a,..,.._...,.....-,..,_Duu...........,._...,.w...-.__....._______ --.....___ ..._._Nia_.__...._"'-._,.... ..... .. ..,._ .. ~--"""-;.,,........,,,. o-­,.........._._ ..... 91111G11a,__..--.. --.:-..,.,... __ ~la ... ~~ ..........,....._~_......,, ___..,._~~...................~..,._"" _____. ....................._.........._........_.......... ---,.......~_. .._._,llll._,.,....._-"'--'--"'"-...""--.u_ _...._ .........._.....,......_"--.....,_Nl"'l'.,......,,...Nft....._.,..,...,_.._,__,.l,.........,..,.._.....__.....,_ ._._.._,....._,_.._~...,..........._..,..'"""-,__...,..__..............,.._..........._ ....~--Arn_......,...............,__~....... ..._ ...... ~-:w- ............ -... .... i.~ Use the right amount of white space. Too Much Too Little Just Right 9
  • 10. Heading Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cilium dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui offic ia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. • Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium. • Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui. • Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit. HeadingLevel 1 Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. HeadingLevel2. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut offici is debitis aut rerum necessitat ibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. ltaque earum rerum hie tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.' Crap Principle 2: Proximity Proximity means grouping similar elements together. It helps readers by giving them an idea of what information is subordinate to other information. To create proximity in documents use: Bullets, Numbered Lists, Indent Heading Levels 10
  • 11. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte tur adipiscing elit. Suspe ndisse tempus adipiscing augue. Sed volutpat fermentum ipsum. eurab itur in elit non odio sodales vestibulum. eras arcu mauris, vulputate id, dictum nee, tincidunt non, nibh. Phasellus mauris purus, congue ac, viverra ac, vestibulum ut, nibh. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte tur adipiscing elit. Suspe ndisse tempus adipiscing augue. Sed volutpat fermentum ipsum. eurab itur in elit non odio sodales vestibulum. eras arcu mauris, vulputate id, dictum nee, tincidunt non, nibh. Phasellus mauris purus, congue ac, viverra ac, vestibulum ut, nibh. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, oonsectetur adipisc ing elit. Suspendisse tempus adipiscing augue. Sed volutpat fermentum ipsum . eurab itur in elit non odio sodales vestibulum. eras arcu mauris, vulputate id, dictum nee, tincidunt non, nibh . Phasellus mauris purus, congue ac, viverra ac, vestibulum ut, nibh. Crap Principle 3: Alignment Alignment means to align text or other elements to a real or imaginary vertical axis. It tightens the design and creates an ordered look. 11
  • 12. 1 1 - Crap Principle 4: Repetition Repetition refers to formatting the same type of information in the same way to help readers recognize patterns. Repetition creates a consistent look and feel to documents (or web pages). 12
  • 13. Standard Formatting Conventions for • Emails • Business Letters • Memos / Memo Reports 13
  • 14. Email Salutation and Closing Use a formal salutation when you do not know the recipient followed by the person's full name. Dear John Doe Hello John Doe Use a formal closing. Sincerely Best regards I look forward to hearing from you If you have one, add a digital signature. These greetings and closing statements help establish a connection with a reader you do not know. 14
  • 15. Email Salutation and Closing continued Formal greetings and closings are usually not needed when you know the recipient such as a co-worker. In this case, an informal greeting followed by the person's first name is used and the closing is usually just your name or initials or the word thanks if appropriate. Hi John [email text] Thanks Jane 15
  • 16. Punctuating email salutations. In formal email salutations that use "Dear," place a colon after the recipient's name because it sets a formal tone. Dear John Doe: (formal) Much ink has been spent by grammatical purists who insist a comma should be be used in a direct address greeting: one that uses "Hello" or "Hi." They rest their case on the fact that "Hi" is an interjection while "Dear" is an adjective. Hello, John Doe: Hi, John BUT..... 16
  • 17. Writers frequently ignore this advice.. Writer's ignore the "comma rule" with such regularity that only the grammar geeks fret over it. Here's a quote from Grammar Girl on the email comma: I’m always torn about whether to use the comma. It is correct, but it seems a bit pedantic given the widespread use of the incorrect alternative — especially when you are replying to someone who has already done it the wrong way. Use your own judgment. I usually put it in, but you’ll be in good company if you leave it out. Well, I'll leave it out then. 17
  • 18. r -'- Punctuating email closings. Follow the closing word or phrase with a comma. There seems to be less of a concern about this from grammar geeks. Sincerely, Thanks, Best regards, I'm so happy to know that. 18
  • 19. ~-· ..-·------------------- • • • 8 IO(":lil ~ Options Calibri Send Pasto B I To: Cc: Bee: Subject: Karen Thompson Direct or of Professional Writing Departm ent of English University of Idaho 875 Perim et er Drive MS 1102 Moscow, Idaho 83844-1102 (208) 885-6156 Off ice: Brink Hall Room 216 ,. T A - Email signature information. Typically a signature section will include the writer's name, title, business or organization name, snail mail address, phone number and office location if applicable. For students, it’s a good idea to include your major. 19
  • 20. GIS Today's Technology for Tomorrow 's World Green Tecbnka l Syscems April 30,2008 Mr.John Lockhart President JSKLMarketingLtd 949ParkAvenue,Suite 900 Sacramento, California95605 Dear Mr.Lockhart 12345Urce nway Koad Urccnca,tle 1~ 64332 I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as your Green Technical Systems' Training Manager and welcome you as a valued customer GTS has developed a highlyinnovative and exciting training course, which I have been providing to our customers for more than eight years. I have enclosed our latest brochure outlining all class modules and a background of my training experience The courses are very comprehensive and interactive and will help your employees expand their knowledge of GTS professional applications . Our goal is to give attendees as much product and software education as possible in a manner that will allow them to become productive immediately. Other key benefits include the following· Classes are held at the convenience of our customers . The train ing will allow JSK L employees to ask specific questions related to their job responsibilities while still covering the core curriculum The train ing will improve and increase productivity and job accountability The course curricu lum is developed and budgeted specifically for each customer at the time t he product is installed I will be contacting you in a few days to schedule a visit to your office to discuss course details and training dates . However, if you need to get in touch wi th me beforehand, please call me at 1.888.555.1212. We val ue the comments of our customers and we hope you will share your thoughts with us Thank you for your business. We are sure you will find our products, service, and training course highly satisfactory. I look forward to meeting you and the JSK L Marketing staff. Sincerely, Marj orie Baker Training Ma nager Enclosures: (2) GTS Training Course Brochure & Bio Standard format for business letters. Date Inside Address which is the Recipient's Name Title if Applicable Address Subject (not always used) Salutation Body Closing Signature Information Enclosures (if applicable) 20
  • 21. Business letter salutation and closing. Use a formal salutation followed by the recipients full name and ending with a colon. Dear John Doe: Hello John Doe: Use a formal closing followed by a comma. Sincerely, Best regards, I look forward to hearing from you, If sending as an attachment, add a digital signature. If sending through snail mail, sign the letter. 21
  • 22. Using a subject line. Subject lines immediately cue the reader as to what your business letter is about. In American English, the subject line is commonly placed above the salutation. In British English, the subject line is commonly placed below the salutation. To distinguish your subject line from the rest of the letter use “Subject:” or ”Re:” (which is an abbreviation for “regarding.” 22
  • 23. Block Modified Block Semi Block Three standard layouts for business letters. 1. Block 2. Modified Block 3. Semi Block 23
  • 24. Clcmng Company Name and/or Logo 1049 Michigan Ave . N. Chicago , IL 60611 ·2273 November 18, 20XX CERTIFIED MAIL Al1ention Manager JP Mulual Funds 7257 Charle$ Plz, Omaha , NE68 114-3219 Dear Elden PERSONAL BUSINESS BLOCK STYL Your lefephone call on Wed nesday wa since college has been exciting as well If you had taken keyboard ing as I reco 1 wouldn't be asking me now for a model correspondence ! Bu1I am glad to SvPJ at the left margin). Use the software defaul t or 1"'side ma1 the top of the paper. Key lhe date on t AHletter parts are separate d by a doub quadruple space (4 returns) is left beM the complimentary dose and lhe keyec I am attach Ing a page from a reference again it you need more help. Cordially Andrea Rialto Attachmen t The Personal Business Le11er can be d Personal Bus Block Block Format Most common format for business letters. All elements of the letter are aligned to the left margin of the page. It has a neat and simple appearance and is considered the most formal of the three layouts. 24
  • 25. Or-. C.-.rolrn IJrom Director of ~~ rch fa an, &Auoc iate,; Trnn~1X1rt.1lionEnginccn 520Ni;ipr.i Strtt t 8r.iinu·tt. MA02184 38140.akLlne Oedh:ini .MA02 180 [:)ic,«'111bocr 3.ZO..· Thruik )'01.J',;I'}' mu,:h for nllowlng me m 1our)'()tlf (C$tlnj: facilll1C$.The lnform;uf-Oa,I J!11lntdfrom the 1<1u,.....111bcol wei 1help comeInprep,.·1.rb'IJ d'M.lf(l)OAfor m)'d /1$S01Mmhal l11,~1h,11c~'rhe lOllf~~o lso ~h'.'"11me .son~ ln<.lahtInto1hc""'OrkI mo'~'t'ntU;). lly do~solobor:uoryt«h nldnn, Modified Block •OJ'ldeffortVlkr.unSingh$~1'11 ln show­ c·nl$Md ~.Mc<-werernoschd:i>ful, Si1t«rdy. LutaWM~ l.csAlc ':mLm Modified Block Format In the modified block style the sender's address (if not using letterhead) date, closing and signature information are slightly to the right of the center of the paper. This format is considered less formal. 25
  • 26. Ms. Eva Le"i s 931E. Land Dm <e Mem1;his, T 38111 Dear Ms. Lewis: M~r·y E. Kl~rbel 230 ViSl!l Dl'ive Memplus, TN 38130 (555) 555-3822 June 20, 2000 I amapplying ror V.'nier posihon advertised ,n the fone, 2000. Memphis ~1lag_1Wne. l•1y relevruu experier1ce1sdiverse and tahlishes n1e as a first-class candidate for tlus oppo,1u:nity. My ,'TI1i,1g.e:.xp,erlence 1se.x1e11sive.Iatn c1.1trentl ernplo ed as a srnff•1ec:h11icalw'rlter ror a loca.Jeompan . M pnst ,';'Qrk expenence include! bUSlnes:saJldFreelancew-ri1ing_and ed11iny. A l in c:urroot en1plo1er, I drafl 1edHucal descriptions of 1>roducts for the company w'ebs11e and inamtrun an •ar,dnll ne luredocume111a1ion such astheemplo •eehru1dbook. Addiuo11ally, I edit ric1ion mruwscriplSfor M ontine e-book~')ubhshmg co,npan ., pecifically, I - ind spelling. In my editrng role, I have regular iruemction 5em J8Joek :Jeduled at our convenience. I ma tbe reachedat the 1our cortsidero1ion. Srncere1, M01y Klaebel Semi Modified Block Format In the semi block style is the same as block format but paragraphs are indented. Again, this format is considered less formal. 26
  • 27. ame of Document and/or Wr iter's ame Page 10£12 nI-leader Close OJ Standard format for secondary pages (all print documents). For all documents that are over one page, the pages after the first one, need information in the header area and page numbers. The information should cue the reader to know which document they are reading and the page numbers alert them to where they are at in the document. Learning how to use the heading templates in Word with the field feature (Mac) or quick parts (PC) to add page numbers is useful because once the header is set up, you don't have to type it again. 27
  • 28. Memorandum To: Nam:! of Recipient From: Nam:! of Writer Date: Date Sent Subject: What the Memo is About Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. consectetur adipiscing elit. sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dOlore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam. quis nostrud exercitatio n ullamco taboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequa t. Heading Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu f ugiat nulla paria: ur. Excepteu r sint occaecat cupidatat non proident. sunt in culpa qui otfic ia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. • Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusant ium doloremque laudantium. • Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit. sed quia consequunt ur mag.nidolores eos qui. • Neque porroquisquam est. qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetU'. adipisci veliL Heading Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio . Nam libero tempcre , cum soluta nobisest eligendi optio cumque nihil imped it quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assume nda est. omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus auten quibusdam et aut off iciis debitis aut rerum necessitatib us saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudlandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. ltaque earum reflJm hie tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequat ur aut perferen dis doloribus asperiores repellat." Standard format for memos and memo reports. The title “memo” or "memorandum" signals the reader is getting an internal document. The section below the title creates a record of who received the document, who wrote it, when, and why (conveyed by the subject line). Use single-spaced, left-justified text, and add a line of white space to separate paragraphs. Typically, a memo or memo report does not use a closing line. 28
  • 29. Standard rhetorical moves for introductions. When someone requests information from you, remind them in an introductory paragraph that they requested it and add a forecasting statement about what is in the document. Here is the information you requested about X. Included in the sections that follow are A, B, and C. This memo contains the information you requested about X. The following sections explain A, B, and C. When readers didn’t request the information, make it clear why you are writing in the first sentence. This memo explains problems we are having with X. The extent of the problems are . . . 29