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Understanding the
teachings of those who
distort the Christian
Hunter, PhD.
In This Class
 What is the importance of the study?
 What is a “cult?”
 Terminological issues
 Jehovah’s Witnesses
 Mormonism
 Christian Science
 Scientology
 Buddhism
 Islam
 New Age Cults
 Minor cults
Evangelism and
It’s all about presenting and
defending the gospel of
Jesus Christ.
Importance of the Study: Apologetics
 Defense in the 21st century
 Lack of knowledge regarding defense
 Apologetics is more than dealing with atheism
and agnosticism
 Subtlety in distortion (Sarah’s Story)
 False thinking is all around us (neighbors)
 Unprepared church members (Dalton’s Story)
Importance of the Study: Evangelism
 The goal is seeing people come to Christ
 The truth is important for salvation (Dalton:
Do you really think if I’m wrong I’ll go to hell?)
 Belief in and of itself is not something to be
appreciated or respected though
contemporary religious talk thinking says it is
– false beliefs have eternal consequences.
Distortion of Vital
If you’re wrong about Jesus
it doesn’t matter what
you’re right about
What is a Cult?: Two Relevant Types
 Sociological Cults: A group is a theological cult if its
practices are outside what is considered acceptable, common
or legal by the greater society.
 Theological Cults: A group is a theological cult if it’s
beliefs are out of step with what is common of the
predominant religions of the culture (this is not intended to be
a detailed definition – that will come later in this section).
 Thus, a group can be a “Theological Cult” while not being a
“Sociological Cult,” (some have posited that Mormonism
would be an example – for more info visit,
What is a Cult?: Theological
 Charles Braden defined “cult” as “any religious group which differs significantly
in some one or more respects as to belief or practice, from those religious
groups which are regarded as the normative expression of religion in our total
culture.” Walter Martin adds the following to his definition: “a cult might also be
defined as a group of people gathered about a specific person or person’s
interpretation of the Bible.” [The Kingdom of the Cults]
 Marshall Shelley in Christianity Today defines a religious cult as “1) Exclusive.
They may say, ‘We're the only ones with the truth; everyone else is wrong; and
if you leave our group your salvation is in danger.’ 2) Secretive. Certain
teachings are not available to outsiders or they're presented only to certain
members, sometimes after taking vows of confidentiality. 3) Authoritarian. A
human leader expects total loyalty and unquestioned obedience.”
What is a Cult?: Cults of Christianity
Some or all of the below characteristics will be
present with cults of Christianity.
 “Exclusive, Secretive and/or Authoritarian.” – To use the
terminology of the CT article.
 Theologically (specifically Christologically) unorthodox
 Revolve around a particular charismatic human figure.
 Have extra-biblical literature that is either considered
scripture or necessary to understand scripture.
The importance of defining
your terms
Terminological Issues
 Cults of Christianity often use the same terminology that
conservative evangelicals use, but with entirely different
 “So it is possible for a Jehovah’s Witness, a Christian Scientist,
or a Mormon, for example, to utilize the terminology of biblical
Christianity with absolute freedom, having already redesigned
these terms in a theological framework of his own making and to
his own liking, but almost always at direct variance with the
historically accepted meanings of the terms.” Martin [The
Kingdom of the Cults]
 Martin’s recommendation (since it is not feasible that you can
memorize all the definitions for all the many cults) is to ensure
that you always define your terms and have them define their
Rewriting the
Christian Story
History, Beliefs, Texts and
The nature of God
History: Charles Taze Russell
 Russell became an early critic
of organized religion and
began a printing career.
 He was a documented liar
regarding, marketing
campaigns, preaching events,
his ordination and his
knowledge of languages.
 Through his publications he
was able to propagate his
History: Joseph Franklin Rutherford
 Judge who followed Russell
as head of the Watchtower
Bible and Tract Society.
 Claimed to be the
“Mouthpiece of Jehovah.”
 Rutherford’s writings were
spread more widely and
quickly than even Russell’s
had been.
History: Nathan Knorr
 Third President of the
Watchtower Society
 Commissioned the
New World Translation
(NWT) completed in
 Knorr made
organizational changes
and placed a greater
emphasis on global
 The name for God is the
Tetragrammaton and in English the
name “Jehovah” should be used.
 All other religions are false
 Destruction of the soul
 Impersonal Holy Spirit
 Unitarian (denial of the Trinity)
 Michael the Archangel is Jesus
 Jesus is the only being directly
created by Jehovah
 All other beings are made by Jesus
 Satan fell to earth with his demons
in 1914 and Jesus was installed as
King of a heavenly kingdom
 They used to believe that within
one generation from 1914
Armageddon would occur, but
they are backing off of that.
 The NWT is the best translation and
the Watchtower and Awake
publications are almost scripture.
 The Bible is taken very literally (i.e.
when Acts 15:28-29 says not to
mess with blood – it means it!)
 There are three classes of man – 1.
The Anointed, 2. The Great Crowd
and 3. Everyone else
 The Anointed are the 144,000 who
will be in heaven
 The Great Crowd will inhabit a
paradise earth and everyone else
will either be annihilated or accept
the truth.
The New World Translation (NWT)
This list of references and the comments made on them are taken from James White’s lecture Understanding the Cult of
Jehovah’s Witnesses, found at ( and available in the online classroom.
 John 1:1 – “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was a God.” –
 John 8:58 – Jesus said to them: “Most truly I say to you, before Abraham came into existence, I
have been.” – (NWT)
 Romans 9:5 - To them the forefathers belong and from them the Christ descended according to the
flesh. God, who is over all, be praised forever. Amen. (NWT)
 Colossians 1:16 - because by means of him all other things were created in the heavens and on the
earth, the things visible and the things invisible, whether they are thrones or lordships or
governments or authorities. All other things have been created through him and for him. (NWT) The
defense of this is to argue that “firstborn” should be understood as “First created.”
 Colossians 2:9 - because it is in him that all the fullness of the divine quality [“Deity” – NASB]
dwells bodily. (NWT)
 Revelation 3:14 - These are the things that the Amen says, the faithful and true witness, the
beginning of the creation by [NASB “of”] God:” (NWT)
 Titus 2:13 - while we wait for the happy hope and glorious manifestation of the great God and of our
Savior, Jesus Christ, (NWT) – [Paul’s purpose was obviously to demonstrate from OT Scripture that
what is said of the Father is true of Jesus]
 2 Peter1:1 - Simon Peter, a slave and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have acquired a faith
as precious as ours through the righteousness of our God and the Savior Jesus Christ: (NWT)
Compare with -2 Peter 1:11 - In fact, in this way you will be richly granted entrance into the
everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Here the same Greek construct is found,
but instead of “God” we have Lord – however the JWs don’t see a need to make a distinction in their
translation between Lord and Savior – (as in “OUR Lord and OUR Savior), even though they do for
theological reason in 1:1.
God’s Nature
 Limited omniscience - "Clearly, Jehovah did not
know beforehand that the first couple would sin."
- (Official JW website)
 Limited transcendence - "God being an
individual, a Person with a spirit body, has a
place where he resides, and so he could not be
at any other place at the same time" -
(Watchtower, 2/15/81, p. 6)
 If God is limited in knowledge and location he is
not infinite, but finite.
A Cult Becoming A
God’s Nature
Mormon Defenses
 Joseph Smith (1805-1844) – was
the founder of The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
 Was a known treasure hunter and
“money-digger.” There is clear
documentation that he lied about
 Smith claimed that in 1827 he
received the “Golden Plates” on
which the words that would
become the “Book of Mormon”
were written.
 He made many questionable
prophecies and ultimately
produced The Book of Mormon,
Pearls of Great Price, and
Doctrines and Covenants.
 The Bible
 The Book of Mormon
 Doctrine and
Covenants – contains
revelations (mostly
from Joseph Smith)
 Pearls of Great Price
– More writings from
Smith (including the
Book of Abraham)
 Terminological Key – click HERE
 Open Revelation
 President and quorum of 12 are
prophets and inspired by the Holy
 There are three degrees of Glory
1)Celestial, 2)Terrestrial and 3)Telestial
Kingdom as well as “Outer Darkness.”
 The Father (Elohim) has a physical
 Jesus (Jehovah) atoned for the sins of
the world
 The Holy Ghost has a spirit body.
 There is also a physical heavenly
 The earth was created so that man
could have free will to accept or reject
the sacrifice of Jesus
 Mormons hoping to reach “exaltation”
(the highest state) must be joined to an
opposite sex partner and keep the
ordinances of Mormonism
 One can be sealed in celestial
marriage or baptized by proxy after
 Mormons refrain from stimulants.
 Once going through the endowment
ceremony, they must wear the sacred
garment both day and night.
 At exaltation a righteous Mormon may
become a god or goddess and rule
over their own planet with it’s own
 Prior to physical birth we humans were
all spirit children who’s memories were
then wiped out so that they would have
no memory of their prior existence and
could make a genuine free choice.
 Four fundamentals of the Gospel are
necessary to enter the celestial
kingdom – 1)faith, 2)repentance, 3)
baptism (by someone in the Aaronic
priesthood)and 4) the laying on of
hands. (by someone in the
Melchizedek priesthood).
 The Father has a physical body - "The Father
has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as
man's." - Doctrines & Covenants, 130:22
 Infinite Regression of Fathers - "We shall go
back to our Father and God, who is
connected with one who is still further back;
and this Father is connected with one still
further back, and so on. . ." - Heber C.
Kimball, Journal of Discourses (5:19)
 The Burning in the Bosom - James 1:5
 All theists must deal with the infinite regress.
 Theories on the Book of Abraham
 Mary Baker Eddy -(1821-1910) – The
discoverer and founder of Christian
 Had many health problems throughout life,
lost her first husband and custody of her 4
year old son, second husband left her. 3rd
husband died after 5 years of marriage.
 She became an admirer of Phineas
Quimby (who taught that illness was a
mental issue)
 After the “Fall in Lynn” she claimed to have
discovered Christian Science while reading
Matt. 9 regarding Jesus healing of the
 Ultimately after financial chaos and
associating with various spiritualists she
founded the “Christian Scientist’s Home”
and began teaching a revised version of
Quimy’s method.
 In 1874 printing began on What would
become “Science and Health with Key to
the Scriptures.”
 All sin, evil, pain and injury are
 There is no Trinity (The Trinity is
life, truth and love)
 Jesus is not God, but a way-
maker. He understood Christian
 God is “all in all” he/she is the
impersonal principle, life, truth,
love etc.
 Virgin birth was accomplished via
Mary’s deep spiritual communion
with the “all in all.”
 Healing occurs by knowing that
illness is illusory
 The atonement of Christ does not
cleanse sin.
 Jesus only seemed to die
 Heaven and Hell are here and
 Man is already saved
 Death is an illusion
 Christian Science Practitioners
can help with healing
 Testimonies are recorded at the
 Some are as simple as “I lost my
keys and I found them.”
 Hymns written by Mary Baker
Eddy are read and then the
congregations sings them.
 Medical treatments are rejected in
most cases. This has led to
serious criticism (specifically with
respect to the children who’s
parents deny treatment for them).
 Christian Science has
spawned several publications,
but of particular note (besides
Eddy’s Science and Health) is
the Christian Science monitor
which is noted for its
 It has always been aimed at a
secular readership and (for
the most part) does not
promote the cult’s beliefs.
Nevertheless, Eddy insisted
that the name of the religion
be in the title and a small
section is always reserved for
a theological point from a
Christian Science
A Galactic Space
HISTORY: L. Ron Hubbard
 L. Ron Hubbard – (1911-1986) –
Science fiction writer who said, “If a
man really wanted to make a million
dollars the best way would be to start
his own religion.” (Time (April 5, 1976,
p. 57)
 Guiness book of world Records in four
categories - “Most Published Works by
One Author”, “Most Audio Books
Published for One Author”, “Most
Translated Author in the World”, and
"Most Translated Author, Same Book”
 Dianetics became the book that
officially launched the religion in 1950.
 Many of his autobiographical claims
have been shown false.
 His moral example is atrocious (failed
marriages, bigamy, black magic
influences, tax evasion, mind control . .
. And allegedly counseling his wife to
commit suicide – (Corydon, Madman,
 It all began as the “Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation” in
 In 1953 (Martin says 54) the official Church of Scientology came
into existence
 “Sea Org” was founded in 1967 as a “naval force” and “labor
group” through whom one must go in order to become an
administrative figure in the church. In 2009 Sea Org boasted
6,000 members. Members must sign a “Billion Year Contract.”
 In 1986 David Miscavige became the “Chairman of the Board” of
the “Religious Technology Center.” In other words, he became
the new head of the church.
 Today the church claims to have between 8 and 15 million
members worldwide, but a celebrated documentary “Going
Clear” claims they have less than 50,000.
 75 million years ago, Xenu headed the Galactic Federation,
which was an organization of 76 planets that had already existed
for 20,000,000 years. The planets were suffering a tremendous
problem with overpopulation. Xenu's draconian solution to the
matter was to gather large numbers of people, kill them, freeze
their thetans (souls), and transport the frozen thetans to Earth,
which they called Teegeeack. The thetans were left in the vicinity
of volcanoes, which were, in turn, destroyed in a series of
nuclear explosions.
 Members of the galactic Federation eventually rebelled against
Xenu, fighting him for six years before he was finally captured
and imprisoned on a planet that today is barren desert. Within
the "mountain trap" on this unnamed world, Xenu still lives. –
 The thetans who were captured and exploded on Earth are the origin
of body thetans. Each human has his or her own thetan, which
Scientologists purify through auditing until the practitioner reaches a
state of Clear.
 While a Clear's own thetan is now free of destructive engrams, his
physical form is still inhabited by body thetans: clusters of these
ancient, executed thetans.
 Clears work with the body thetans through a system similar to
auditing, assisting the body thetans to get past their own traumas, at
which point they leave the Clear's body. All body thetans have to be
so processed before a Clear can reach the state of Operating
Thetan, wherein one's thetan is completely free of external limitations
and can fully express it's true potential, including operation outside of
a physical body.
 “Although the purely philosophical
aspects of L. Ron Hubbard’s works are
sufficient in themselves to apply in
everyday existence, only auditing
provides a precise route by which
individuals may travel to higher states
of spiritual awareness.”
 “The goal of auditing is to restore
beingness and ability. This is
accomplished by: (1) helping
individuals rid themselves of any
spiritual disabilities; (2) increasing
spiritual abilities.”
 “Obviously, both are necessary for an
individual to achieve his full spiritual
potential. Auditing, then, deletes life’s
painful experiences and addresses and
improves one’s ability to confront and
handle the factors in his life.” –
 With the proliferation of the Xenu creation myth,
Scientologists became a joke. They had to
respond to the question, “do you really believe
that.” Relativism was very helpful.
 Cognitive relativism is the belief that nothing (or
depending on who you’re talking to – very little) is
objectively true (i.e. true for everyone).
 Thus, something may be true for you, but not for
me. Scientologists will often respond to the above
question with, “Well If you believe it then it is your
truth and it happened.”
 If someone is antagonistic toward Scientology,
they are labeled a “Suppressive Person” (SP).
 Scientologists have to “Disconnect”
(Disconnection) from SPs.
 This has lead to the destruction of marriages
and other familial relationships.
 When one is planning to disconnect from an
individual they must write a formal letter to the
individual and a letter for file at the church.
 Hubbard viewed Jesus as an “Implant.”
 An implant, for Hubbard, was an intentional false
idea meant to prevent a thetan from becoming
clear. It is a bad thing I scientology. Heaven is
considered to also be a result of implants.
 This demonstrates that the claim “You can be a
Christian and be a Scientologist,” is not only false
from a Christian perspective, but also from a
Scientologist perspective. Nevertheless, it is
exactly what Tom Cruise claimed in 2005 on the
Today Show with Matt Lauer –
 Buddhism is based on the thought of Siddhartha
Gautama who has come to be known as “the
Buddha” meaning “the enlightened one.” Buddha
lived in the Indian subcontinent from the 6th to 4th
century BC.
 Buddhism is less like the Bhakti religions, and did
not accept the caste system or the belief in personal
gods. However, the story of Siddhartha Gautama is
extremely important and meaningful to Buddhists. A
grove of trees where Buddha is supposed to have
been born, still exists and is a regular site for visiting
pilgrims in Nepal.
 Siddhartha, according to tradition, was the son of King Shuddhodana and
Queen Mayadevi. Maya was supposed to be a virgin impregnated by a spirit
in a dream. A baby white elephant was placed in her womb and when she
awoke she was pregnant. She later gave birth painlessly. The most important
aspect of Siddhartha’s story is how he was raised. Maya died when he was
very young, but he had a wealthy and peaceful childhood. His aunt and
father kept him from experiencing the real world with the belief that if he
never experienced pain and suffering, he would be a great leader. Neither
was he allowed to see his ageing father without a barrier or veil, so that he
would not contemplate the aging process.
 He married a woman named Yasodhara and had a son with her named
 During a parade, Siddhartha escaped his father’s protection and
experienced what are known as “the four passing sites.” What he saw filled
him with such sorrow that at 29 years old he ran away from home. He had
seen the old, the sick, cremation and a holy man. Siddhartha became
overwhelmingly curious and left his family to discover truth.
 He fell in with extremist groups that
kept him detached from society. He
lived a minimalist life. He learned
deep meditation, but also became
incredibly ill for lack of food. He had
now experienced the extremes of
opulence with his father and poverty
with the puritan group, but neither
had led to enlightenment.
Siddhartha decided that the truth
must be in the middle (between the
two positions). This is what
Buddhists have come to call “the
middle way.”
 One day while resting under a tree
Siddhartha made a vow that he
would not leave before discovering
the truth of life. He had a vision of a
demonic entity called Mara. Mara
attempted to “tempt” or brake
Siddhartha’s concentration.
 Siddhartha succeeded in holding his concentration and
keeping his vow against Mara’s temptation. There were
visions of wicked entities attacking Siddhartha that are
called “the five daughters of Mara.” They are:
 Pride
 Greed
 Fear
 Ignorance
 Desire
 He overcame these carnal desires and became
enlightened, or achieved “Nirvana.” The attacks of Mara
became nothing more than flowers.
 On his journey to share what he had discovered he first
encountered some of his old friends from the extremist
group who had also abandoned the old way of life and as
Siddhartha explained his experience they made him their
new guru.
 In Sarnath the first Buddhist school (or sangha) was
established. Here Siddhartha became known as (and was
first called) “The Buddha.” His father, wife and son all came
to Sarnath and became a part of his movement.
 He taught his “middle way” for 45 years and established
many Sanghas before dying of food poisoning.
 Siddhartha was cremated and his ashes were formed into
relics. There were thousands of these and they were housed
in what look like bells.
 Dhammapada – means path of truth. It is supposed to be the actual
teachings of Siddartha as recorded by his contemporary followers.
 Buddha rejected the belief in personal gods and did not claim to be
a priest. He saw himself as a therapist or counselor.
 The Buddha’s Dharma is recorded as a sermon that his followers
titled “The Four Noble Truths.” The four truth are:
 Life is suffering – All temporary things and states are unsatisfying
 Suffering is caused by desire – We are addicted to things and
 Desire can be annihilated – We have to want to beat desire.
 Liberation from suffering and desire is found by following and
eight-fold path – it is not complicated.
 Wisdom Training –
 Ethics Training –
 Meditation Training
– Purple
 The ability to see things as they are. Here are two
 The belief in permanence - The doctrine of
“anicca” is the teaching of impermanence. There
is an ongoing process of change. The pleasure we
experience is fleeting.
 The belief in self – The doctrine of “anatta”
teaches that we are dependent on others for
meaning and there is no self that does not change.
 Morality– The doctrine of “sila” means living
a moral life. This will result in good karma and
love. The precepts of sila are: do not kill, do
not steal, do not slander, do not misbehave
sexually and do not use mind-altering drugs.
Sila will result in virtues.
 Learning to focus on the moment rather than on
time. When this is accomplished all future
moments evaporate into eternity (not in time,
but in the moment). “Be in the moment.”
 In the moment man will free himself from
suffering and achieve Nirvana.
 The Monk and the Thugs – illustrates the
moment and nirvana.
 Nirvana is not found in thinking, but in doing.
 Dominant in Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Laos, Thailand and Burma.
 Ashoka was an Indian leader who converted to Buddhism and built
many hospitals and monuments (some of which still exist) with portions
of the Dhammapada. He also sent missionaries north (to china) and
south (to the islands). This was the foundation for the two divisions of
Theravada and Mahayana. Theravada is claimed to be the authentic
teaching of Siddhartha and his disciples.
 It has 100 million members (or 30% of Buddhism).
 It is typically atheistic in that they do not believe in a personal creator.
They venerate specific figures in history who have achieved Nirvana.
Siddhartha is one of those venerated.
 Their Scriptures are called the “Tripitaka” meaning “three baskets.”
These three baskets represent three collections of writings: wisdom
material, ethical materials and ritual materials.
 There is a hierarchy of interpreters not entirely different from the
Catholic structure.
Two Great Branches: Mahayana
 Mahayana Buddhists resulted from the missionaries sent to
China who then sent missions to Japan and Korea. Those sent
missionaries to Russian, Europe and North America.
 There are over 200 million Mahayanas dispersed in every
country. It consists of many schools and denominations. This has
led to the phrase “protestant Buddhism” by westerners.
 It is somewhat theistic. Bodhisattvas are those who have
achieved the enlightened state for the purpose of helping others
who are bound in samsara. They gain omniscience and
transcendence for the benefit of others. They are saviors. “The
Bodhisattva Vow” is a commitment that the Bodhisattva will
never leave samasara until every blade of grass has achieved
 Mahayana groups have varying scriptures but the “lotus sutra”
is one of the most popular.
 A Mahayana denomination, Tibetan Buddhism
is focused on colorful images and loud bells and
drums. It has 10 million followers and has many
bodhisattvas. They do not view them as saviors.
But, one of their bodhisattvas, Avalokiteshvara
(of greatest compassion) achieved Nirvana and
is regularly reincarnated into a supreme
teaching monk. He has reincarnated 13 times
and is the 14th Dalai Lama.
 A Mahayana denomination, Zen Buddhism is focused on softness and quiet.
 “Zen” means meditation in Japanese. The denomination is from a Chinese
Buddhism called “Chan.” It began in the 200s BC. Early Buddhist missionaries
were met with the indigenous Chinese religions of Confucianism and Taoism.
Taoists accepted it, but Confucians rejected it. Taoists were opposed to the
legalism of Confucianism. They saw Buddhism as similar in philosophy to their
own views.
 One of their stories is of Buddha’s last sermon in which he had nothing else to
say and picked up a flower. The crowd was disappointed that Buddha realized
he had nothing else to say, but one man smiled at Buddha as an indication that
he “got it.” The ultimate truth was ineffable.
 The central idea is that if one wishes to be enlightened he must realize that
teachers, preachers and scripture are useless. All doctrines should be
abandoned. Like the flower story, the ultimate truth cannot be taught, but
merely, realized.
 Meditation in Zen Buddhism is focused on remaining as quiet as possible for as
long as possible in an attempt to rid thoughts of self and quiet the mind. There
are techniques for doing this like asking the question, “what is the sound of one
hand clapping?”
The World’s
Largest Cult
 Islam – means “submission to God.”
 Though Islam began for the promotion of Arabic
people it has become universal in presence.
 It is the second largest religion in the world. There
are 1.57 billion Muslims in the world.
 It has the highest population (per capita) in the
middle east and northern Africa. 88.1% of Indonesia
is Muslim.
 Turkey, Iran and Egypt are rich with Muslims.
 Only 18% of Muslims in the world speak Arabic.
 It is growing in the U.S., Russia, and Europe.
 Muhammad is not supposed to be the object
of Muslim worship.
 The terms Islamic and Arabic are adjectives
and can not be pluralized.
 Christianity, Islam and Judaism all point to the
God of Abraham as the one true God.
 Muslims affirm the prophets of the Jews and
Christians including Jesus.
 Islam began when the Christian Byzantine and the
Persian Empires were in power.
 In 570 AD Muhammad was born in Mecca. It was
a trading city between the heart of Byzantium
(north) and its kingdom (south).
 His father and mother died very young. His uncle
who was the political head of his clan adopted him
and they traveled together around the area.
 He saw the superiority of the monotheistic beliefs
of Christianity and Judaism.
 When he was in his mid 20s he was the head of a caravan group for
Khadijah, a widow who later became his wife (though she was 15 years
 At 40 years old, he had a vision that he later identified as the angel
Gabriel. Muslims call this “the night of power.”
 In 610 he received the beginning of his revelation that became the Quran.
 They were monotheistic verses and so Muhammad thought he was losing
his mind and wondered if he was being drawn to either Judaism or
Christianity. He shared this with his wife who then took him to talk with her
Christian cousin, Waraka ibn Nawfal.
 She said that the whole thing sounded like the way God dealt with other
great prophets. It was her belief that Muhammad was receiving his
 His closest friends also agreed that he was receiving a calling from God.
Nevertheless, those in Mecca were not sympathetic.
 If the people of Mecca were to embrace Muhammad’s monotheistic
beliefs they would not only be rejecting their own religion, but
destroying their own livelihood which was based on the holy site of
Kaaba being a tourist and pilgrim attraction. It was supposed to
house many gods.
 In 619 Muhammad’s wife and uncle died. This meant that those
who wanted Muhammad dead felt free to accomplish that task.
 During Muhammad’s hiding he experienced another vision referred
to as, “the night journey” while he was praying at the Kaaba. A
winged horse with the head of a human took Muhammad to the
temple mount in Jerusalem. From there he ascended a stair to
heaven having conversations with prophets and finally God.
 Daily, Muhammad began to receive revelations of the Quran.
 Clearly there are things in both the Old and New
Testament that conflict with the teachings of
Muhammad. Thus, Muslims believe that this is either
the result of poor transmission, or intentional deception.
However, they believe that the original text was the
divine word of God in pure form.
 They saw many problems with allowing the
transmission by scribes and into various languages.
 Muslims believe that the Quran was given for the
purpose of correcting the discrepancies that resulted
from copyist errors in the Bible.
 Thus, Quran is only considered to be the true word of
God in Arabic.
 The writing of the Quran by an illiterate man in what is supposed to
be a beautiful way, is considered by Muslims to be a miracle.
 It is also considered by Muslim apologists to be one of the great
evidences of the truth of the Muslim faith.
 Muslims claim that God reveals himself to peoples miraculously in
ways that conform to what the people of the day appreciated. The
Egyptians liked the forms of illusion and what we might call magic
and so God worked through Moses thusly. The Jews appreciated
miraculous healings and so Jesus performed those kinds of miracles.
The supposed beauty of the Quran was supposed to conform to the
appreciation the world had for language and writings.
 In an effort to ensure that the words of Muhammad were never
confused with the word of god, Muslims placed Muhammad’s own
words in the Hadith.
 Jesus was a miracle worker who ascended to
heaven at the end of his life. Jesus was never
 Islam teaches that Jesus is not the incarnate
 He is not a savior.
 These were mistakes or additions by later
scribes, according to Islam.
 Muslims claim that when Jesus speaks of the
coming comforter, he is referring to Muhammad.
 In 622 AD Muhammad and his followers
traveled to Yathrib in the north to escape
persecution. There were monotheists (both
Christian and Jew) in Yathrib and Muhammad
organized what is known as the Muslim Ummah
(or Muslim nation). This year became central to
the Muslim faith and calendar. The city became
Medina. It is the second most sacred city in
Islam after Mecca. Jerusalem is considered the
 The next year he married Aisha who was only 6
or 7 at the time.
 By 630 AD the Ummah had grown numerous
enough that Muhammad invaded Mecca and
they converted to Islam.
 He cleansed the Kaaba of its idols.
 In 632 AD he died in Medina.
 His tomb/shrine became extremely revered.
 An Imam is a Muslim leader, usually in terms
of the leading of worship in a Mosque. But
early Imams were also political leaders.
 The communities of Islam became divided
early on as followers of these various Imams.
They were in conflict with each other for
leadership and power.
 Originally they were divided between Shia
and those who came to be known as Sunni
 Sunna – called themselves traditional
Muslims. Sunnism is often referred to as
orthodox Islam. They make up 85% of
Muslims. Sunnis are not divided into lower
sects. There beliefs and rituals are the same
 Shia – Often divide and protest each other.
They are made up of many different
denominations. They make up about 15% of
 Shia Muslims do not accept the first three Imams after
Muhammad to be legitimate. This is because they believe that,
Ali (Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law), was the only legitimate
Imam to immediately follow Muhammad since he had familial
 The twelve Imam was called Muhammad ibn al-Hasan, and went
missing in 874, but Shias believe he is in a sort of hibernation
and will reappear at the end of time with Jesus. He will rule for a
 At the time after his disappearance, Shia Muslims began to
follow a group of Muslim scribes and scholars as a governing
body. From among these leaders there emerged a leader who
was known as the “Ayatollah,” meaning, “sign of god.” They were
to continue in power until the return of the 12th Imam.
 Sufism is a form of Islam that focused on the mystical
experience of love and knowledge that comes by having a
personal experience of God.
 It was a response to the legalism of other forms.
 Sufis believe that one should focus on the heart of Islam
that teaches the love and provision for others. This focus
on love for others and compassion was considered more
important than even the study of the Quran or adherents
to the leadership.
 These teachings were very dangerous for Muslims. They
could be shunned or executed for these beliefs.
 They even repeat the names of god until they speak in
 The Five Pillars are the most important practices
in Islam They are:
 Shahadah – Reciting, “There is no god except
God, and Muhammad is his prophet.”
 Salat – Praying five times every day
 Zakat – Giving 2.5% to the poor
 Sawm - Fasting during Ramadan
 Hajj – Performing a one time pilgrimage to Mecca
 Often thought of as the 6th pillar of Islam.
 In theological terms it is thought of as an internal
spiritual battle.
 They struggle not to commit sin, but sin is a bit
different in Islam.
 Shirk is the worst kind of sin. It is the treatment of
anything other than Allah as a god or the belief in
 Any righteous struggle is a Jihad, but this includes
political and religious warfare.
 Sharia is the moral code for Muslims. It is
divided into the sections:
 Compulsory – Such as some of the five
 Recommended – Such as procreation
 Neutral – Such as fluency
 Disapproved – Such as divorce
 Forbidden – Such as alcohol
 The Nature of a Prophet - Impeccable
Character and Basically Sinless.
 The Satanic Verses (53:19-23)
 Inconsistency in Polygamy laws
 Retaliation
 Divinely Unique Literary Style
 Scientific Accuracy (errors: 23:14,18:86)
 Changed lives
 Voluntarism - God does not do what is right, what
God does is right (6:12)
 Extreme Determinism - God is the one who leads
astray and the one who guides. He is the
"compeller," and "tyrant" and "haughty."
 "Hence, Muslim scholars cannot avoid the
contradiction that God has logically opposed
characteristics by placing them outside his
essence within the mystery of his will." - Abdule
Saleeb, Answering Islam, p. 147.
 “New Age” is a term for a
number of beliefs and
practices that share similar
vocabularies, activities and
 They have clear eastern, New
Thought, Theosophical
spiritism and other mystical
 Strangely, some of the
terminology arises from UFO
 Popularity became most
apparent in North America in
the late 60s and 70s.
 Common to New Agers is the belief that God
is an impersonal force.
 Because “all is one” there are clear
pantheistic implications here.
 It is for this reason that New Agers have said,
“I know that I exist, therefore I AM. I know that
the God-source exists. Therefore IT IS. Since
I am part of that force, then I AM that I
AM.”(Shirley MacLaine, Dancing in the Light –
quoted in Kingdom of the Cults)
 All negative things, like sin, are illusory.
 This leads to major contradictions (how can
one affirm the existence of injustices and
environmental irresponsibility while asserting
that such things do not exist).
 Jesus is an “avatar” or way-maker for
understanding God.
 Martin quotes Levi Downing as saying, “Jesus
differed little from other children, only in that in
past lives he has overcome carnal
propensities . . . Jesus was a remarkable
child, for by ages of strenuous preparation he
was qualified to be an avatar, a savior of the
 Follow the works of Occultist Aleister Crowley who
founded the religion of Thelema and incorporated it into
 Mantra and guiding principles is “Do what thou wilt shall
be the whole of the law.”
 The idea is that every man has his own will and by
following that will lead to unity with the cosmic will.
 Great occult and loosely egyptian influences.
 Nude goddess worship is a part of their ceremonies.
 Communion involves eating the “Cake of Light” which
must contain blood (a certain kind of blood that appears
once a month).
 Founded in 1974 by Claude Vorilhon (Rael)
 A UFO cult that believes humans were planted on earth
by extraterrestrials.
 These aliens gave man the impression that they were
 Man’s alien ancestors are the Elohim and have sent
profits for every generation (i.e. Buddha, Jesus etc.)
 Raelians are to do whatever they personally feel is
 They are big proponents of cloning because they
believe it is the way to attain eternal life.
 The Branch Davidians are an offshoot of the Davidian Seventh-
Day adventists who are, in turn, an offshoot of the Seventh-Day
 David Koresh became the leader of this movement and claimed
to receive prophetic messages from God. Among other things, he
said that God told him he would be the father of the “chosen
 David Koresh’s theological musings led him to proclaim that he
was the reincarnation of Cyrus (or a modern day Cyrus) and
would set up a Davidic kingdom on earth.
 After repeated financial and leadership struggles to regain
headquarters in the “Mount Carmel Center,” Koresh succeeded,
but when it was later raided by the Beurau of Alcohol, Tobacco
and Firearms, Koresh was killed by his “right hand man” who
then committed suicide.
THE FAMILY (Formerly the
 David Berg served as the “king” and prophet until his death.
 His writings were seen as inspired and nearly as authoritative as the
 A cult advocating polyamory. Any two consenting heterosexual adults
honor God by engaging in sacrificial love or sacrificial sex with each other
regardless of marital status.
 Love is the point of the gospel so the more sex the better.
 Witnessing involves(ed) what is called “flirty fishing” in which young men
and women entice those they are attempting to evangelize with sexual
flirtation (the flirtation is not disingenuous).
 Pamphlets were circulated like tracts –some of which identifying young
women in the cult as “God’s Whores.” Strangely, this was meant
 Founded in 1966 as the Church of Satan by Anton Szandor LaVey.
 In 1969 LaVey published “The Satanic Bible” which rejects the ten
commandments and golden rule and upholds hedonism.
 Since the Church of Satan upholds what is called “atheistic
Satanism” (which means they are atheists and merely view Satan
as a symbol) the point of Satanism is for the individual to became
the master of his own destiny. Man is free to do as he pleases.
 The primary holiday is your birthday.
 “Theistic Satanism” (or traditional Satanism) is the belief that Satan
is a real and personal supernatural being that can be contacted
through prayer.
 Theistic Satanists often see growing in knowledge as the highest
value to Satan because of his urging Eve that through eating of the
fruit she would gain knowledge.
 All together there are only about 50,000 Satanists in the world.

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Engaging the Cults

  • 1. ENGAGING THE CULTS Understanding the teachings of those who distort the Christian message. Braxton Hunter, PhD.
  • 2. In This Class  What is the importance of the study?  What is a “cult?”  Terminological issues  Jehovah’s Witnesses  Mormonism  Christian Science  Scientology  Buddhism  Islam  New Age Cults  Minor cults
  • 3. Evangelism and Apologetics It’s all about presenting and defending the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • 4. Importance of the Study: Apologetics  Defense in the 21st century  Lack of knowledge regarding defense  Apologetics is more than dealing with atheism and agnosticism  Subtlety in distortion (Sarah’s Story)  False thinking is all around us (neighbors)  Unprepared church members (Dalton’s Story)
  • 5. Importance of the Study: Evangelism  The goal is seeing people come to Christ  The truth is important for salvation (Dalton: Do you really think if I’m wrong I’ll go to hell?)  Belief in and of itself is not something to be appreciated or respected though contemporary religious talk thinking says it is – false beliefs have eternal consequences.
  • 6. Distortion of Vital Truth If you’re wrong about Jesus it doesn’t matter what you’re right about
  • 7. What is a Cult?: Two Relevant Types  Sociological Cults: A group is a theological cult if its practices are outside what is considered acceptable, common or legal by the greater society.  Theological Cults: A group is a theological cult if it’s beliefs are out of step with what is common of the predominant religions of the culture (this is not intended to be a detailed definition – that will come later in this section).  Thus, a group can be a “Theological Cult” while not being a “Sociological Cult,” (some have posited that Mormonism would be an example – for more info visit,
  • 8. What is a Cult?: Theological  Charles Braden defined “cult” as “any religious group which differs significantly in some one or more respects as to belief or practice, from those religious groups which are regarded as the normative expression of religion in our total culture.” Walter Martin adds the following to his definition: “a cult might also be defined as a group of people gathered about a specific person or person’s interpretation of the Bible.” [The Kingdom of the Cults]  Marshall Shelley in Christianity Today defines a religious cult as “1) Exclusive. They may say, ‘We're the only ones with the truth; everyone else is wrong; and if you leave our group your salvation is in danger.’ 2) Secretive. Certain teachings are not available to outsiders or they're presented only to certain members, sometimes after taking vows of confidentiality. 3) Authoritarian. A human leader expects total loyalty and unquestioned obedience.” []
  • 9. What is a Cult?: Cults of Christianity Some or all of the below characteristics will be present with cults of Christianity.  “Exclusive, Secretive and/or Authoritarian.” – To use the terminology of the CT article.  Theologically (specifically Christologically) unorthodox  Revolve around a particular charismatic human figure.  Have extra-biblical literature that is either considered scripture or necessary to understand scripture.
  • 10. SAME WORDS WITH DIFFERENT MEANINGS The importance of defining your terms
  • 11. Terminological Issues  Cults of Christianity often use the same terminology that conservative evangelicals use, but with entirely different meanings.  “So it is possible for a Jehovah’s Witness, a Christian Scientist, or a Mormon, for example, to utilize the terminology of biblical Christianity with absolute freedom, having already redesigned these terms in a theological framework of his own making and to his own liking, but almost always at direct variance with the historically accepted meanings of the terms.” Martin [The Kingdom of the Cults]  Martin’s recommendation (since it is not feasible that you can memorize all the definitions for all the many cults) is to ensure that you always define your terms and have them define their terms.
  • 12. Rewriting the Christian Story History, Beliefs, Texts and The nature of God
  • 13. History: Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916)  Russell became an early critic of organized religion and began a printing career.  He was a documented liar regarding, marketing campaigns, preaching events, his ordination and his knowledge of languages.  Through his publications he was able to propagate his doctrines.
  • 14. History: Joseph Franklin Rutherford  Judge who followed Russell as head of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.  Claimed to be the “Mouthpiece of Jehovah.”  Rutherford’s writings were spread more widely and quickly than even Russell’s had been.
  • 15. History: Nathan Knorr  Third President of the Watchtower Society  Commissioned the New World Translation (NWT) completed in 1961  Knorr made organizational changes and placed a greater emphasis on global missions
  • 16. Beliefs  The name for God is the Tetragrammaton and in English the name “Jehovah” should be used.  All other religions are false  Destruction of the soul  Impersonal Holy Spirit  Unitarian (denial of the Trinity)  Michael the Archangel is Jesus  Jesus is the only being directly created by Jehovah  All other beings are made by Jesus  Satan fell to earth with his demons in 1914 and Jesus was installed as King of a heavenly kingdom  They used to believe that within one generation from 1914 Armageddon would occur, but they are backing off of that.  The NWT is the best translation and the Watchtower and Awake publications are almost scripture.  The Bible is taken very literally (i.e. when Acts 15:28-29 says not to mess with blood – it means it!)  There are three classes of man – 1. The Anointed, 2. The Great Crowd and 3. Everyone else  The Anointed are the 144,000 who will be in heaven  The Great Crowd will inhabit a paradise earth and everyone else will either be annihilated or accept the truth.
  • 17. The New World Translation (NWT) This list of references and the comments made on them are taken from James White’s lecture Understanding the Cult of Jehovah’s Witnesses, found at ( and available in the online classroom.  John 1:1 – “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was a God.” – (NWT)  John 8:58 – Jesus said to them: “Most truly I say to you, before Abraham came into existence, I have been.” – (NWT)  Romans 9:5 - To them the forefathers belong and from them the Christ descended according to the flesh. God, who is over all, be praised forever. Amen. (NWT)  Colossians 1:16 - because by means of him all other things were created in the heavens and on the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All other things have been created through him and for him. (NWT) The defense of this is to argue that “firstborn” should be understood as “First created.”  Colossians 2:9 - because it is in him that all the fullness of the divine quality [“Deity” – NASB] dwells bodily. (NWT)  Revelation 3:14 - These are the things that the Amen says, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation by [NASB “of”] God:” (NWT)  Titus 2:13 - while we wait for the happy hope and glorious manifestation of the great God and of our Savior, Jesus Christ, (NWT) – [Paul’s purpose was obviously to demonstrate from OT Scripture that what is said of the Father is true of Jesus]  2 Peter1:1 - Simon Peter, a slave and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have acquired a faith as precious as ours through the righteousness of our God and the Savior Jesus Christ: (NWT) Compare with -2 Peter 1:11 - In fact, in this way you will be richly granted entrance into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Here the same Greek construct is found, but instead of “God” we have Lord – however the JWs don’t see a need to make a distinction in their translation between Lord and Savior – (as in “OUR Lord and OUR Savior), even though they do for theological reason in 1:1.
  • 18. God’s Nature  Limited omniscience - "Clearly, Jehovah did not know beforehand that the first couple would sin." - (Official JW website)  Limited transcendence - "God being an individual, a Person with a spirit body, has a place where he resides, and so he could not be at any other place at the same time" - (Watchtower, 2/15/81, p. 6)  If God is limited in knowledge and location he is not infinite, but finite.
  • 19. A Cult Becoming A Denomination History Texts Beliefs God’s Nature Mormon Defenses
  • 20. HISTORY  Joseph Smith (1805-1844) – was the founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Was a known treasure hunter and “money-digger.” There is clear documentation that he lied about this.  Smith claimed that in 1827 he received the “Golden Plates” on which the words that would become the “Book of Mormon” were written.  He made many questionable prophecies and ultimately produced The Book of Mormon, Pearls of Great Price, and Doctrines and Covenants.
  • 21. TEXTS  The Bible  The Book of Mormon  Doctrine and Covenants – contains revelations (mostly from Joseph Smith)  Pearls of Great Price – More writings from Smith (including the Book of Abraham)
  • 22. BELIEFS  Terminological Key – click HERE  Open Revelation  President and quorum of 12 are prophets and inspired by the Holy Ghost  There are three degrees of Glory 1)Celestial, 2)Terrestrial and 3)Telestial Kingdom as well as “Outer Darkness.”  The Father (Elohim) has a physical body  Jesus (Jehovah) atoned for the sins of the world  The Holy Ghost has a spirit body.  There is also a physical heavenly mother  The earth was created so that man could have free will to accept or reject the sacrifice of Jesus  Mormons hoping to reach “exaltation” (the highest state) must be joined to an opposite sex partner and keep the ordinances of Mormonism  One can be sealed in celestial marriage or baptized by proxy after death.  Mormons refrain from stimulants.  Once going through the endowment ceremony, they must wear the sacred garment both day and night.  At exaltation a righteous Mormon may become a god or goddess and rule over their own planet with it’s own people.  Prior to physical birth we humans were all spirit children who’s memories were then wiped out so that they would have no memory of their prior existence and could make a genuine free choice.  Four fundamentals of the Gospel are necessary to enter the celestial kingdom – 1)faith, 2)repentance, 3) baptism (by someone in the Aaronic priesthood)and 4) the laying on of hands. (by someone in the Melchizedek priesthood).
  • 23. GOD’S NATURE  The Father has a physical body - "The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man's." - Doctrines & Covenants, 130:22  Infinite Regression of Fathers - "We shall go back to our Father and God, who is connected with one who is still further back; and this Father is connected with one still further back, and so on. . ." - Heber C. Kimball, Journal of Discourses (5:19)
  • 24. MORMON DEFENSES  The Burning in the Bosom - James 1:5  All theists must deal with the infinite regress.  Theories on the Book of Abraham
  • 26. HISTORY  Mary Baker Eddy -(1821-1910) – The discoverer and founder of Christian Science.  Had many health problems throughout life, lost her first husband and custody of her 4 year old son, second husband left her. 3rd husband died after 5 years of marriage.  She became an admirer of Phineas Quimby (who taught that illness was a mental issue)  After the “Fall in Lynn” she claimed to have discovered Christian Science while reading Matt. 9 regarding Jesus healing of the paralytic.  Ultimately after financial chaos and associating with various spiritualists she founded the “Christian Scientist’s Home” and began teaching a revised version of Quimy’s method.  In 1874 printing began on What would become “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.”
  • 27. BELIEFS & PRACTICES BELIEFS  All sin, evil, pain and injury are illusions.  There is no Trinity (The Trinity is life, truth and love)  Jesus is not God, but a way- maker. He understood Christian Science.  God is “all in all” he/she is the impersonal principle, life, truth, love etc.  Virgin birth was accomplished via Mary’s deep spiritual communion with the “all in all.”  Healing occurs by knowing that illness is illusory  The atonement of Christ does not cleanse sin.  Jesus only seemed to die  Heaven and Hell are here and now.  Man is already saved  Death is an illusion PRACTICES  Christian Science Practitioners can help with healing  Testimonies are recorded at the churches.  Some are as simple as “I lost my keys and I found them.”  Hymns written by Mary Baker Eddy are read and then the congregations sings them.  Medical treatments are rejected in most cases. This has led to serious criticism (specifically with respect to the children who’s parents deny treatment for them).
  • 28. PUBLICATIONS  Christian Science has spawned several publications, but of particular note (besides Eddy’s Science and Health) is the Christian Science monitor which is noted for its objectivity.  It has always been aimed at a secular readership and (for the most part) does not promote the cult’s beliefs. Nevertheless, Eddy insisted that the name of the religion be in the title and a small section is always reserved for a theological point from a Christian Science perspective.
  • 30. HISTORY: L. Ron Hubbard  L. Ron Hubbard – (1911-1986) – Science fiction writer who said, “If a man really wanted to make a million dollars the best way would be to start his own religion.” (Time (April 5, 1976, p. 57)  Guiness book of world Records in four categories - “Most Published Works by One Author”, “Most Audio Books Published for One Author”, “Most Translated Author in the World”, and "Most Translated Author, Same Book”  Dianetics became the book that officially launched the religion in 1950.  Many of his autobiographical claims have been shown false.  His moral example is atrocious (failed marriages, bigamy, black magic influences, tax evasion, mind control . . . And allegedly counseling his wife to commit suicide – (Corydon, Madman, 302ff)
  • 31. HISTORY: ORGANIZATION  It all began as the “Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation” in 1950  In 1953 (Martin says 54) the official Church of Scientology came into existence  “Sea Org” was founded in 1967 as a “naval force” and “labor group” through whom one must go in order to become an administrative figure in the church. In 2009 Sea Org boasted 6,000 members. Members must sign a “Billion Year Contract.”  In 1986 David Miscavige became the “Chairman of the Board” of the “Religious Technology Center.” In other words, he became the new head of the church.  Today the church claims to have between 8 and 15 million members worldwide, but a celebrated documentary “Going Clear” claims they have less than 50,000.
  • 32. BELIEFS: CREATION MYTH  75 million years ago, Xenu headed the Galactic Federation, which was an organization of 76 planets that had already existed for 20,000,000 years. The planets were suffering a tremendous problem with overpopulation. Xenu's draconian solution to the matter was to gather large numbers of people, kill them, freeze their thetans (souls), and transport the frozen thetans to Earth, which they called Teegeeack. The thetans were left in the vicinity of volcanoes, which were, in turn, destroyed in a series of nuclear explosions.  Members of the galactic Federation eventually rebelled against Xenu, fighting him for six years before he was finally captured and imprisoned on a planet that today is barren desert. Within the "mountain trap" on this unnamed world, Xenu still lives. – (
  • 33. BELIEFS: THE THETAN IN YOU  The thetans who were captured and exploded on Earth are the origin of body thetans. Each human has his or her own thetan, which Scientologists purify through auditing until the practitioner reaches a state of Clear.  While a Clear's own thetan is now free of destructive engrams, his physical form is still inhabited by body thetans: clusters of these ancient, executed thetans.  Clears work with the body thetans through a system similar to auditing, assisting the body thetans to get past their own traumas, at which point they leave the Clear's body. All body thetans have to be so processed before a Clear can reach the state of Operating Thetan, wherein one's thetan is completely free of external limitations and can fully express it's true potential, including operation outside of a physical body. (
  • 34. BELIEFS: AUDITING  “Although the purely philosophical aspects of L. Ron Hubbard’s works are sufficient in themselves to apply in everyday existence, only auditing provides a precise route by which individuals may travel to higher states of spiritual awareness.”  “The goal of auditing is to restore beingness and ability. This is accomplished by: (1) helping individuals rid themselves of any spiritual disabilities; (2) increasing spiritual abilities.”  “Obviously, both are necessary for an individual to achieve his full spiritual potential. Auditing, then, deletes life’s painful experiences and addresses and improves one’s ability to confront and handle the factors in his life.” – ( ogy-and-dianetics-auditing/what-is- auditing.html)
  • 35. BELIEFS: COGNITIVE RELATIVISM  With the proliferation of the Xenu creation myth, Scientologists became a joke. They had to respond to the question, “do you really believe that.” Relativism was very helpful.  Cognitive relativism is the belief that nothing (or depending on who you’re talking to – very little) is objectively true (i.e. true for everyone).  Thus, something may be true for you, but not for me. Scientologists will often respond to the above question with, “Well If you believe it then it is your truth and it happened.”
  • 36. DISCONNECTION  If someone is antagonistic toward Scientology, they are labeled a “Suppressive Person” (SP).  Scientologists have to “Disconnect” (Disconnection) from SPs.  This has lead to the destruction of marriages and other familial relationships.  When one is planning to disconnect from an individual they must write a formal letter to the individual and a letter for file at the church.
  • 37. JESUS  Hubbard viewed Jesus as an “Implant.”  An implant, for Hubbard, was an intentional false idea meant to prevent a thetan from becoming clear. It is a bad thing I scientology. Heaven is considered to also be a result of implants.  This demonstrates that the claim “You can be a Christian and be a Scientologist,” is not only false from a Christian perspective, but also from a Scientologist perspective. Nevertheless, it is exactly what Tom Cruise claimed in 2005 on the Today Show with Matt Lauer – (
  • 39. INTRODUCTION  Buddhism is based on the thought of Siddhartha Gautama who has come to be known as “the Buddha” meaning “the enlightened one.” Buddha lived in the Indian subcontinent from the 6th to 4th century BC.  Buddhism is less like the Bhakti religions, and did not accept the caste system or the belief in personal gods. However, the story of Siddhartha Gautama is extremely important and meaningful to Buddhists. A grove of trees where Buddha is supposed to have been born, still exists and is a regular site for visiting pilgrims in Nepal.
  • 40. SIDDHARTHA  Siddhartha, according to tradition, was the son of King Shuddhodana and Queen Mayadevi. Maya was supposed to be a virgin impregnated by a spirit in a dream. A baby white elephant was placed in her womb and when she awoke she was pregnant. She later gave birth painlessly. The most important aspect of Siddhartha’s story is how he was raised. Maya died when he was very young, but he had a wealthy and peaceful childhood. His aunt and father kept him from experiencing the real world with the belief that if he never experienced pain and suffering, he would be a great leader. Neither was he allowed to see his ageing father without a barrier or veil, so that he would not contemplate the aging process.  He married a woman named Yasodhara and had a son with her named Rahula  During a parade, Siddhartha escaped his father’s protection and experienced what are known as “the four passing sites.” What he saw filled him with such sorrow that at 29 years old he ran away from home. He had seen the old, the sick, cremation and a holy man. Siddhartha became overwhelmingly curious and left his family to discover truth.
  • 41.  He fell in with extremist groups that kept him detached from society. He lived a minimalist life. He learned deep meditation, but also became incredibly ill for lack of food. He had now experienced the extremes of opulence with his father and poverty with the puritan group, but neither had led to enlightenment. Siddhartha decided that the truth must be in the middle (between the two positions). This is what Buddhists have come to call “the middle way.”  One day while resting under a tree Siddhartha made a vow that he would not leave before discovering the truth of life. He had a vision of a demonic entity called Mara. Mara attempted to “tempt” or brake Siddhartha’s concentration. SIDDHARTHA’S EXPERIENCES
  • 42. MARA  Siddhartha succeeded in holding his concentration and keeping his vow against Mara’s temptation. There were visions of wicked entities attacking Siddhartha that are called “the five daughters of Mara.” They are:  Pride  Greed  Fear  Ignorance  Desire  He overcame these carnal desires and became enlightened, or achieved “Nirvana.” The attacks of Mara became nothing more than flowers.
  • 43. REUNION AND ESTABLISHMENT  On his journey to share what he had discovered he first encountered some of his old friends from the extremist group who had also abandoned the old way of life and as Siddhartha explained his experience they made him their new guru.  In Sarnath the first Buddhist school (or sangha) was established. Here Siddhartha became known as (and was first called) “The Buddha.” His father, wife and son all came to Sarnath and became a part of his movement.  He taught his “middle way” for 45 years and established many Sanghas before dying of food poisoning.  Siddhartha was cremated and his ashes were formed into relics. There were thousands of these and they were housed in what look like bells.
  • 44. SCRIPTURE  Dhammapada – means path of truth. It is supposed to be the actual teachings of Siddartha as recorded by his contemporary followers.  Buddha rejected the belief in personal gods and did not claim to be a priest. He saw himself as a therapist or counselor.  The Buddha’s Dharma is recorded as a sermon that his followers titled “The Four Noble Truths.” The four truth are:  Life is suffering – All temporary things and states are unsatisfying  Suffering is caused by desire – We are addicted to things and status.  Desire can be annihilated – We have to want to beat desire.  Liberation from suffering and desire is found by following and eight-fold path – it is not complicated.
  • 45. THE EIGHT- FOLD PATH  Wisdom Training – Orange  Ethics Training – Green  Meditation Training – Purple
  • 46. WISDOM  The ability to see things as they are. Here are two illusions:  The belief in permanence - The doctrine of “anicca” is the teaching of impermanence. There is an ongoing process of change. The pleasure we experience is fleeting.  The belief in self – The doctrine of “anatta” teaches that we are dependent on others for meaning and there is no self that does not change.
  • 47. ETHICS  Morality– The doctrine of “sila” means living a moral life. This will result in good karma and love. The precepts of sila are: do not kill, do not steal, do not slander, do not misbehave sexually and do not use mind-altering drugs. Sila will result in virtues.
  • 48. MEDITATION  Learning to focus on the moment rather than on time. When this is accomplished all future moments evaporate into eternity (not in time, but in the moment). “Be in the moment.”  In the moment man will free himself from suffering and achieve Nirvana.  The Monk and the Thugs – illustrates the moment and nirvana.  Nirvana is not found in thinking, but in doing.
  • 49. TWO GREAT BRANCHES: THEREVADA  Dominant in Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Laos, Thailand and Burma.  Ashoka was an Indian leader who converted to Buddhism and built many hospitals and monuments (some of which still exist) with portions of the Dhammapada. He also sent missionaries north (to china) and south (to the islands). This was the foundation for the two divisions of Theravada and Mahayana. Theravada is claimed to be the authentic teaching of Siddhartha and his disciples.  It has 100 million members (or 30% of Buddhism).  It is typically atheistic in that they do not believe in a personal creator. They venerate specific figures in history who have achieved Nirvana. Siddhartha is one of those venerated.  Their Scriptures are called the “Tripitaka” meaning “three baskets.” These three baskets represent three collections of writings: wisdom material, ethical materials and ritual materials.  There is a hierarchy of interpreters not entirely different from the Catholic structure.
  • 50. Two Great Branches: Mahayana  Mahayana Buddhists resulted from the missionaries sent to China who then sent missions to Japan and Korea. Those sent missionaries to Russian, Europe and North America.  There are over 200 million Mahayanas dispersed in every country. It consists of many schools and denominations. This has led to the phrase “protestant Buddhism” by westerners.  It is somewhat theistic. Bodhisattvas are those who have achieved the enlightened state for the purpose of helping others who are bound in samsara. They gain omniscience and transcendence for the benefit of others. They are saviors. “The Bodhisattva Vow” is a commitment that the Bodhisattva will never leave samasara until every blade of grass has achieved Nirvana.  Mahayana groups have varying scriptures but the “lotus sutra” is one of the most popular.
  • 51. TIBETAN BUDDHISM  A Mahayana denomination, Tibetan Buddhism is focused on colorful images and loud bells and drums. It has 10 million followers and has many bodhisattvas. They do not view them as saviors. But, one of their bodhisattvas, Avalokiteshvara (of greatest compassion) achieved Nirvana and is regularly reincarnated into a supreme teaching monk. He has reincarnated 13 times and is the 14th Dalai Lama.
  • 52. ZEN BUDDHISM  A Mahayana denomination, Zen Buddhism is focused on softness and quiet.  “Zen” means meditation in Japanese. The denomination is from a Chinese Buddhism called “Chan.” It began in the 200s BC. Early Buddhist missionaries were met with the indigenous Chinese religions of Confucianism and Taoism. Taoists accepted it, but Confucians rejected it. Taoists were opposed to the legalism of Confucianism. They saw Buddhism as similar in philosophy to their own views.  One of their stories is of Buddha’s last sermon in which he had nothing else to say and picked up a flower. The crowd was disappointed that Buddha realized he had nothing else to say, but one man smiled at Buddha as an indication that he “got it.” The ultimate truth was ineffable.  The central idea is that if one wishes to be enlightened he must realize that teachers, preachers and scripture are useless. All doctrines should be abandoned. Like the flower story, the ultimate truth cannot be taught, but merely, realized.  Meditation in Zen Buddhism is focused on remaining as quiet as possible for as long as possible in an attempt to rid thoughts of self and quiet the mind. There are techniques for doing this like asking the question, “what is the sound of one hand clapping?”
  • 54. INTRODUCTION  Islam – means “submission to God.”  Though Islam began for the promotion of Arabic people it has become universal in presence.  It is the second largest religion in the world. There are 1.57 billion Muslims in the world.  It has the highest population (per capita) in the middle east and northern Africa. 88.1% of Indonesia is Muslim.  Turkey, Iran and Egypt are rich with Muslims.  Only 18% of Muslims in the world speak Arabic.  It is growing in the U.S., Russia, and Europe.
  • 55. MISUNDERSTANDINGS  Muhammad is not supposed to be the object of Muslim worship.  The terms Islamic and Arabic are adjectives and can not be pluralized.  Christianity, Islam and Judaism all point to the God of Abraham as the one true God.  Muslims affirm the prophets of the Jews and Christians including Jesus.
  • 56. MUHAMMAD: EARLY LIFE  Islam began when the Christian Byzantine and the Persian Empires were in power.  In 570 AD Muhammad was born in Mecca. It was a trading city between the heart of Byzantium (north) and its kingdom (south).  His father and mother died very young. His uncle who was the political head of his clan adopted him and they traveled together around the area.  He saw the superiority of the monotheistic beliefs of Christianity and Judaism.
  • 57. MUHAMMAD: THE ORIGIN OF ISLAM  When he was in his mid 20s he was the head of a caravan group for Khadijah, a widow who later became his wife (though she was 15 years older).  At 40 years old, he had a vision that he later identified as the angel Gabriel. Muslims call this “the night of power.”  In 610 he received the beginning of his revelation that became the Quran.  They were monotheistic verses and so Muhammad thought he was losing his mind and wondered if he was being drawn to either Judaism or Christianity. He shared this with his wife who then took him to talk with her Christian cousin, Waraka ibn Nawfal.  She said that the whole thing sounded like the way God dealt with other great prophets. It was her belief that Muhammad was receiving his calling.  His closest friends also agreed that he was receiving a calling from God. Nevertheless, those in Mecca were not sympathetic.
  • 58. BACKLASH  If the people of Mecca were to embrace Muhammad’s monotheistic beliefs they would not only be rejecting their own religion, but destroying their own livelihood which was based on the holy site of Kaaba being a tourist and pilgrim attraction. It was supposed to house many gods.  In 619 Muhammad’s wife and uncle died. This meant that those who wanted Muhammad dead felt free to accomplish that task.  During Muhammad’s hiding he experienced another vision referred to as, “the night journey” while he was praying at the Kaaba. A winged horse with the head of a human took Muhammad to the temple mount in Jerusalem. From there he ascended a stair to heaven having conversations with prophets and finally God.  Daily, Muhammad began to receive revelations of the Quran.
  • 59. THE TORAH AND THE NEW TESTAMENT  Clearly there are things in both the Old and New Testament that conflict with the teachings of Muhammad. Thus, Muslims believe that this is either the result of poor transmission, or intentional deception. However, they believe that the original text was the divine word of God in pure form.  They saw many problems with allowing the transmission by scribes and into various languages.  Muslims believe that the Quran was given for the purpose of correcting the discrepancies that resulted from copyist errors in the Bible.  Thus, Quran is only considered to be the true word of God in Arabic.
  • 60. THE QURAN & HADITH  The writing of the Quran by an illiterate man in what is supposed to be a beautiful way, is considered by Muslims to be a miracle.  It is also considered by Muslim apologists to be one of the great evidences of the truth of the Muslim faith.  Muslims claim that God reveals himself to peoples miraculously in ways that conform to what the people of the day appreciated. The Egyptians liked the forms of illusion and what we might call magic and so God worked through Moses thusly. The Jews appreciated miraculous healings and so Jesus performed those kinds of miracles. The supposed beauty of the Quran was supposed to conform to the appreciation the world had for language and writings.  In an effort to ensure that the words of Muhammad were never confused with the word of god, Muslims placed Muhammad’s own words in the Hadith.
  • 61. JESUS (ISA)  Jesus was a miracle worker who ascended to heaven at the end of his life. Jesus was never crucified.  Islam teaches that Jesus is not the incarnate God.  He is not a savior.  These were mistakes or additions by later scribes, according to Islam.  Muslims claim that when Jesus speaks of the coming comforter, he is referring to Muhammad.
  • 62. MEDINA  In 622 AD Muhammad and his followers traveled to Yathrib in the north to escape persecution. There were monotheists (both Christian and Jew) in Yathrib and Muhammad organized what is known as the Muslim Ummah (or Muslim nation). This year became central to the Muslim faith and calendar. The city became Medina. It is the second most sacred city in Islam after Mecca. Jerusalem is considered the 3rd.  The next year he married Aisha who was only 6 or 7 at the time.
  • 63. RETURN TO MECCA AND DEATH OF MUHAMMAD  By 630 AD the Ummah had grown numerous enough that Muhammad invaded Mecca and they converted to Islam.  He cleansed the Kaaba of its idols.  In 632 AD he died in Medina.  His tomb/shrine became extremely revered.
  • 64. IMAMS  An Imam is a Muslim leader, usually in terms of the leading of worship in a Mosque. But early Imams were also political leaders.  The communities of Islam became divided early on as followers of these various Imams. They were in conflict with each other for leadership and power.  Originally they were divided between Shia and those who came to be known as Sunni Muslims.
  • 65. SUNNI AND SHIA MUSLIMS  Sunna – called themselves traditional Muslims. Sunnism is often referred to as orthodox Islam. They make up 85% of Muslims. Sunnis are not divided into lower sects. There beliefs and rituals are the same universally.  Shia – Often divide and protest each other. They are made up of many different denominations. They make up about 15% of Muslims.
  • 66. THE 12TH IMAM  Shia Muslims do not accept the first three Imams after Muhammad to be legitimate. This is because they believe that, Ali (Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law), was the only legitimate Imam to immediately follow Muhammad since he had familial ties.  The twelve Imam was called Muhammad ibn al-Hasan, and went missing in 874, but Shias believe he is in a sort of hibernation and will reappear at the end of time with Jesus. He will rule for a millennium.  At the time after his disappearance, Shia Muslims began to follow a group of Muslim scribes and scholars as a governing body. From among these leaders there emerged a leader who was known as the “Ayatollah,” meaning, “sign of god.” They were to continue in power until the return of the 12th Imam.
  • 67. SUFISM  Sufism is a form of Islam that focused on the mystical experience of love and knowledge that comes by having a personal experience of God.  It was a response to the legalism of other forms.  Sufis believe that one should focus on the heart of Islam that teaches the love and provision for others. This focus on love for others and compassion was considered more important than even the study of the Quran or adherents to the leadership.  These teachings were very dangerous for Muslims. They could be shunned or executed for these beliefs.  They even repeat the names of god until they speak in tongues.
  • 68. FIVE PILLARS  The Five Pillars are the most important practices in Islam They are:  Shahadah – Reciting, “There is no god except God, and Muhammad is his prophet.”  Salat – Praying five times every day  Zakat – Giving 2.5% to the poor  Sawm - Fasting during Ramadan  Hajj – Performing a one time pilgrimage to Mecca
  • 69. JIHAD  Often thought of as the 6th pillar of Islam.  In theological terms it is thought of as an internal spiritual battle.  They struggle not to commit sin, but sin is a bit different in Islam.  Shirk is the worst kind of sin. It is the treatment of anything other than Allah as a god or the belief in atheism.  Any righteous struggle is a Jihad, but this includes political and religious warfare.
  • 70. SHARIA  Sharia is the moral code for Muslims. It is divided into the sections:  Compulsory – Such as some of the five pillars  Recommended – Such as procreation  Neutral – Such as fluency  Disapproved – Such as divorce  Forbidden – Such as alcohol
  • 71. THE PERSON OF MUHAMMAD  The Nature of a Prophet - Impeccable Character and Basically Sinless.  The Satanic Verses (53:19-23)  Inconsistency in Polygamy laws  Retaliation
  • 72. DEFENSES OF THE QURAN  Divinely Unique Literary Style  Scientific Accuracy (errors: 23:14,18:86)  Changed lives
  • 73. PROBLEMS WITH ALLAH  Voluntarism - God does not do what is right, what God does is right (6:12)  Extreme Determinism - God is the one who leads astray and the one who guides. He is the "compeller," and "tyrant" and "haughty."  "Hence, Muslim scholars cannot avoid the contradiction that God has logically opposed characteristics by placing them outside his essence within the mystery of his will." - Abdule Saleeb, Answering Islam, p. 147.
  • 75. HISTORY  “New Age” is a term for a number of beliefs and practices that share similar vocabularies, activities and origins.  They have clear eastern, New Thought, Theosophical spiritism and other mystical influences  Strangely, some of the terminology arises from UFO cults.  Popularity became most apparent in North America in the late 60s and 70s.
  • 76. GOD  Common to New Agers is the belief that God is an impersonal force.  Because “all is one” there are clear pantheistic implications here.  It is for this reason that New Agers have said, “I know that I exist, therefore I AM. I know that the God-source exists. Therefore IT IS. Since I am part of that force, then I AM that I AM.”(Shirley MacLaine, Dancing in the Light – quoted in Kingdom of the Cults)
  • 77. SIN  All negative things, like sin, are illusory.  This leads to major contradictions (how can one affirm the existence of injustices and environmental irresponsibility while asserting that such things do not exist).
  • 78. JESUS  Jesus is an “avatar” or way-maker for understanding God.  Martin quotes Levi Downing as saying, “Jesus differed little from other children, only in that in past lives he has overcome carnal propensities . . . Jesus was a remarkable child, for by ages of strenuous preparation he was qualified to be an avatar, a savior of the world.”
  • 80. THE ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS (OTO)  Follow the works of Occultist Aleister Crowley who founded the religion of Thelema and incorporated it into OTO.  Mantra and guiding principles is “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”  The idea is that every man has his own will and by following that will lead to unity with the cosmic will.  Great occult and loosely egyptian influences.  Nude goddess worship is a part of their ceremonies.  Communion involves eating the “Cake of Light” which must contain blood (a certain kind of blood that appears once a month).
  • 81. RAELISM  Founded in 1974 by Claude Vorilhon (Rael)  A UFO cult that believes humans were planted on earth by extraterrestrials.  These aliens gave man the impression that they were angels.  Man’s alien ancestors are the Elohim and have sent profits for every generation (i.e. Buddha, Jesus etc.)  Raelians are to do whatever they personally feel is right.  They are big proponents of cloning because they believe it is the way to attain eternal life.
  • 82. DAVID KORESH & THE BRANCH DAVIDIANS  The Branch Davidians are an offshoot of the Davidian Seventh- Day adventists who are, in turn, an offshoot of the Seventh-Day Adventists.  David Koresh became the leader of this movement and claimed to receive prophetic messages from God. Among other things, he said that God told him he would be the father of the “chosen one.”  David Koresh’s theological musings led him to proclaim that he was the reincarnation of Cyrus (or a modern day Cyrus) and would set up a Davidic kingdom on earth.  After repeated financial and leadership struggles to regain headquarters in the “Mount Carmel Center,” Koresh succeeded, but when it was later raided by the Beurau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Koresh was killed by his “right hand man” who then committed suicide.
  • 83. THE FAMILY (Formerly the CHILREN OF GOD)  David Berg served as the “king” and prophet until his death.  His writings were seen as inspired and nearly as authoritative as the Bible.  A cult advocating polyamory. Any two consenting heterosexual adults honor God by engaging in sacrificial love or sacrificial sex with each other regardless of marital status.  Love is the point of the gospel so the more sex the better.  Witnessing involves(ed) what is called “flirty fishing” in which young men and women entice those they are attempting to evangelize with sexual flirtation (the flirtation is not disingenuous).  Pamphlets were circulated like tracts –some of which identifying young women in the cult as “God’s Whores.” Strangely, this was meant positively.
  • 84. SATANISM  Founded in 1966 as the Church of Satan by Anton Szandor LaVey.  In 1969 LaVey published “The Satanic Bible” which rejects the ten commandments and golden rule and upholds hedonism.  Since the Church of Satan upholds what is called “atheistic Satanism” (which means they are atheists and merely view Satan as a symbol) the point of Satanism is for the individual to became the master of his own destiny. Man is free to do as he pleases.  The primary holiday is your birthday.  “Theistic Satanism” (or traditional Satanism) is the belief that Satan is a real and personal supernatural being that can be contacted through prayer.  Theistic Satanists often see growing in knowledge as the highest value to Satan because of his urging Eve that through eating of the fruit she would gain knowledge.  All together there are only about 50,000 Satanists in the world.

Editor's Notes

  1. MIRACLE WHEAT Thus Russell apparently controlled the entire financial power of the Society and was not accountable to anyone. The Eagle column goes on to say: After the "work" had been well started here, "Pastor" Russell’s Watch Tower publication advertised wheat seed for sale at $1.00 a pound. It was styled "Miracle Wheat," and it was asserted that it would grow five times as much as any other brand of wheat. There were other claims made for the wheat seed, and the followers were advised to purchase it, the proceeds to go to the Watch Tower and be used in publishing the "Pastor’s" sermons. The Eagle first made public the facts about this new venture of the Russellites and it published a cartoon picturing the "Pastor" and his "Miracle Wheat" in such a way that "Pastor" Russell brought suit for libel, asking $100,000 damages. Government departments investigated the wheat for which $1.00 a pound was asked, and agents of the Government were important witnesses at the trial of the libel suit in January 1913. The "Miracle Wheat" was low in the Government tests, they said. The Eagle won the suit. The Watchtower Society has maintained that Russell never made money on the "Miracle Wheat," and that proceeds from its sale were "contributions" to the organisation. They fail to note that Russell controlled the Watchtower Society, owning 990 of the 1,000 shares of its stock. Any contributions to it were also to Russell! IMAGINARY WORLD TOUR the "Pastor" developed the "world tour" idea. He set his printing plant to work to get out advance literature, huge bundles of which were sent to every place where he intended to appear. Then he contracted for advertising space in many American newspapers to print his never- delivered sermons. His first stop after sailing from the Pacific Coast was Honolulu. And presto!—the newspapers in which advertising space had been engaged printed long cable dispatches that presented the "Pastor’s" discourses. In one paper that printed the advertisement the opening sentences read, "Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands: The International Bible Students Committee of Foreign Mission investigation stopped at Honolulu and made observations. Pastor Russell, Chairman of the committee, delivered a public address. He had a large audience and attentive hearing." Then follows the sermon, full of local colour and allusions to the "Paradise of the Pacific": "I can now well understand [the printed report makes the ‘pastor’ say] why your beautiful island is ‘The Paradise of the Pacific.’ I note your wonderful climate and everything which contributes to bring about this Paradise likeness." And so on for two columns. It has long been known that "Pastor" Russell has a strong imagination, but now it appears that he is even capable of delivering imaginary sermons. Pastor Russell never spoke in Honolulu during the few hours that his ship stopped there to take on coal. In the hope of securing an accurate report of his sermon, the Eagle wrote to the editor of the Hawaiian Star, which is published in Honolulu. The following reply was shortly thereafter received: In answer to your inquiry of December 19, concerning Pastor Russell, I would say that he was here for a few hours with a Bible students’ committee of foreign mission investigation, but did not make a public address as was anticipated. —Walter G. Smith, Editor, Star. ORDINATION AND FAKE BIBLE SCHOLARSHIP The title "pastor" was assumed—not earned—and to document this fact we quote from the November 1, 1916, edition of The Brooklyn Daily Eagle: Although he styled himself a "pastor" and was so addressed by thousands of followers all over the world, he had never been ordained and had no ministerial standing in any other religious sect than his own. Question (Staunton): "Is it true you were never ordained?" Answer (Russell): "It is not true." It was necessary at this point for Counsellor Staunton to appeal to the magistrate in order to make Russell answer the question directly. The magistrate presiding ruled that Russell must answer the questions put to him. Here is the result of the cross-examination. Question (Staunton): "Now, you never were ordained by a bishop, clergyman, presbytery, council, or any body of men living?" Answer (Russell, after a long pause): "I never was.” Yet in spite of this, he claimed an incredible level of biblical scholarship: RUSSELL - “Furthermore, not only do we find that people cannot see the divine plan in studying the Bible by itself, but we see, also, that if anyone lays the SCRIPTURE STUDIES aside, even after he has used them, after he has become familiar with them, after he has read them for ten years—if he then lays them aside and ignores them and goes to the Bible alone, though he has understood his Bible for ten years, our experience shows that within two years he goes into darkness. On the other hand, if he had merely read the SCRIPTURE STUDIES with their references, and had not read a page of the Bible, as such, he would be in the light at the end of two years, because he would have the light of the Scriptures.” About his resource, “Scripture Studies” he says, “That is to say, they are not mere comments on the Bible, but they are practically the Bible itself. …” KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Question (Attorney Staunton): "Do you know the Greek alphabet?" Answer (Russell): "Oh yes." Question (Staunton): "Can you tell me the correct letters if you see them?" Answer (Russell): "Some of them; I might make a mistake on some of them." Question (Staunton): "Would you tell me the names of those on top of the page, page 447, I have got here?" Answer (Russell): "Well, I don’t know that I would be able to." Question (Staunton): "You can’t tell what those letters are? Look at them and see if you know." Answer (Russell): "My way " [he was interrupted at this point and not allowed to explain]. Question (Staunton): "Are you familiar with the Greek language?" Answer (Russell): "No."
  2. Money digger quote is on page 185.
  3. She stood before us, seemingly slight, graceful of carriage, and exquisitely beautiful even to critical eyes. – Student’s assessment Spiritualism – mesmerism – séances
  4. Notice the veiled terminology
  5. Talk about the Don Johnson episode