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I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ? God bless you for getting this book for your
spiritual life. This is the fourth book of my end times teachings and revelations which
by the power of Holy Spirit I have written to bring the hidden word of God and truth
through the revelation of the word of God. Part of those teachings that God has been
sending me with to the Church of Christ to prepare the bride of Christ for the second
coming. I thank my God for this book and also my lovely wife Joyce for supporting me
and all brothers and sisters for the support and prayers.
3: Cleansing word
5: Secret of Tithe
7: Discerning the Bread of
10: Closing demonic doors
13: Exposing false
14: Seeking first the
15: Uprooting and planting
17: power of spoken word
18: Cares of Life bus to
20: Evidence of Holy Spirit
21: Secret powers in altar
24: False Grace of devil
26: Taking care against
28: different between the
30: casting your seed
31: Overcoming Trials
33: How to be directed by
35: mammon god
36: Consequences of
38: Defining the bride of
39: Greatest battle of
41: How to receive from
43: kill not the enemy!
45: Monuments Christians
46: secret in Jesus name
48: The elected one's
49: whoever is evil!
51: woe to those who
strives with God!
54: Hidden bride!
55: Dream and Vision
57: False anointed one's!
58: Darkest hour
59: Ministry of angels
61: walking with God
63: choosing of bride
65: Apostasy and
67: sin revelation
68: results of leading
70: Sold out for Christ
72: Breaking the outer
74: misusing the name of
76: vessels of destruction.
End time Apostolic messages
The word of God is the spoken word that God Himself spoke through the bible. The word itself is life to them that are
dead, and revives the broken heart. There is power through the spoken of word of God and we see in Genesis how
God spoke word and the world and everything else was created. The only way which will bring life to a dead Church is
to speak and preach the word of God and the reason why Church is lifeless is because of removing the word of God.
The word of God brought healing and deliverance and it cleansed the Church from all unclean. The word of God is the
light at this hour for those who will embrace but for those who will reject it they will walk in great darkness. The word
of God is the son of God in form of breath and scriptures. The reason why the old ancient Church walked with so
much power and authority is because they walked with the word of God and deed nothing apart from the Word, they
followed the Word of God and obeyed it until power and life begun to flow with so much power and anointing.
Look at today's Church is sick, worn out and dying every day in spirit and the river of anointing is drying day by day
because they have forsaken the Word of God which brought life. The Church today is so much in flesh and so far in
spirit, so much sweating of flesh and dancing while none of prayers and tears in the Spirit. Sweating and dancing is
100% while tears and holy worship is 1% and the flesh is too high, preaching in flesh, dancing in flesh, praying in flesh,
singing in flesh and worshiping in flesh . Nothing about the Spirit nowadays, nothing about praying in Spirit, nothing
about worshiping in Spirit because of the stings of death that comes through the flesh. They Church is going dead and
the life of God is taken away by the flesh in it. The flesh is leading the Church to worldliness and entertainment. The
devil is now replacing preachers with actress, replacing sermons with entertainment and the Word with the world.
The enemy has brought another gospel of flesh, and the world and anything preached is about flesh and body. This is
why you can hear them saying that God looks at heart and not the way we act or the way we dress. God looks at
heart while men look at outside which is true, so your outside should matter a lot to us because men look outside
and those who sin they sin because of outside. Let your outside be holy and blameless to prevent men sinning with
your appearance and if the world will sin because of your outward appearance then you must be judged by God. You
cannot dress half naked, and skinny tight cloths exposing your private parts and still say that God looks at heart while
men are falling in lust by your outward appearance! God will judge you and if those men be cast to Hell so you will
also be cast to Hell with them for being a stumbling block to them and a sign post to Hell.
Where is the power of word in the Church today? The word of God is the sweeping bloom for the church today for
sweeping all the filthiness and decays brought by the flesh. Jesus Christ is the word of God and He is the soup to wash
away every spots of flesh defiling the Church. Jesus Christ said " you are already clean by the word i spoke to you" (
John 15:3 You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.) Meaning that the Spoken word of God
is washing word to cleanse the Church of God. The scripture has the power to cleanse every sin and to remove every
kind of evil in the Church. Therefore the Church must return to the word of God and be washed every kind of sin and
fleshly acts we see, the homosexual in church must be cleared by the word of God, it says that neither the men who
sleeps with men cannot see the Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9), speak the word of God and the Church will be
clean. Speak the word of God and prostitutes and adultery will be cleansed, the lesbians will be cleansed , and
pornography and masturbation will be wiped out! There is power and authority through the Spoken word of God to
fight against sin and to bring deliverance from the stings of death. Nothing can stand against the word of God, even
the Pharisees and Sadducees could not stand against the Word, even death and Hell could not hold the power of
Word and the Word overcome with so much power and authority. The Church of this hour will overcome by sticking
to the word of God and by obeying every spoken word of God. It will not compromise the word neither will it joke or
try to dilute the word. It will be "thus says the LORD" Amen. The word of God will be the final word. And there will be
End time Apostolic messages
no compromise with the world and sin. I see today how some Church are compromising the word of God and
allowing all sorts of wickedness at the holy altar of God and bringing madness right in Church, the devil is ruling them,
women wearing trousers, men putting on ear-rings, dying hair, look and see lusting and immorality in Church,
preachers fornicating and cheating with members, pornography and masturbation ruling them while they are still
worshiping and preaching at Church! What a shame to hear such things in Christianity today? The devil has been
allowed because they have rejected the word of God and replaced it with entertainments and worldly programs.
They have chased the Holy Spirit by bringing the worldliness in Church, the worldly dances and songs, the Hollywood
and games is the discussion of every member in the Church they want to hear. No more of fasting, no more of
spending time in prayer room and that is why they are so weak and worn out by the flesh and all its desires ruling
them until they are cast to Hell.
There is no power in the Church unless the power of word of God is ruling and allowed to cleanse the Church. All
requirements for a Christian to see the kingdom of God is in the Holy word of God. Christians must allow the full
effect of the word of God to clean their life until Jesus Christ image will appear in their life. That comes after obeying
the word and surrendering to it until the washing and cleansings of sin is fully done in your life. And that is when you
will begin to see the life of Jesus Christ flowing in you and the characters of Jesus Christ appearing as evidence to your
testimony as a Christian. Jesus Christ is the word given to the Church to wash her and make her Holy and Pure. He is
the sacrifice offered to sanctify and wash away our garment for the marriage of the Lamb of God. (Ephesians 5:25-27
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing
her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain
or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless)
In one of this days the Bridegroom will come for Her bride who must attained the holiness and standards of the
Kingdom of God. The bride of Christ is prepared and made holy by washing of the word of God, being cleansed by the
word and being removed all stains and spots of flesh. The reason why there is no difference between the church
goers and disco goers is because the Church has not allowed the Word of God to bring that difference between the
world and the Church. There must be a difference when the word of God comes to your life and it changes you and
cleanse till a new identity and different image appears in your life making you different with the world.
The word of God is the cleansing soap for the bride of Christ, and the word washes her until she is holy, pure and
blameless from this world. And until she has nothing to be blamed with the world, her life is blameless, and her
garment is blameless. She is washed away from the flesh and now she is the light of the world and worshiping in the
beauty of Holiness and righteousness. God is calling the Church to return to the scriptures or get lost. The Church of
today is dirty and only the word of God will wash her, not words of men nor doctrines of men cannot wash her.
Return to the programs of Holy Spirit and destroy all your worldly programs, and then let the Power and authority of
Holy Spirit lead you and you will see the Kingdom of God. The bride of Christ will be wearing the garment of the
WORD and that is the only way to be one with Christ Jesus by living in the Word of God. The Church will not be
accepted in Heaven expect she produces a Word Bride who is holy, pure and Glorious by the washing of the word of
When the mighty eyes of God watches at the modern Church He see a dirty and naked Church walking and claiming
to be the bride of Jesus Christ, a Church that is dirty with the sin of flesh and a naked Church stripped by the world.
The world has stripped off the church and prostituted with her. Look the dressings of the Church today and you will
see dressings of prostitutes and nudity. The world has become friend of Church until they are now wedding to
together very soon. The world has destroyed the faithfulness of the Church and has left her naked and dirty in sin.
Wake up the Church and putt on the Word which will cover your shame and cleanse your dirty garment. Repent,
separate and divorce the world in you and be united by the Word of God and you will be joined with the King of
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Kings. Time is running out and the bridegroom is ready coming to meet her bride who is well covered by the garment
of her Word and cleanse from her sins. Blessed is the Church that has been washed and made pure by the Word of
God and she shall be united with the King of Kings. (Rev 22:14 "Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they
may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. (Rev 16:15 "Behold, I come like a
thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be
shamefully exposed.")
What God has spoken will never change and none of His Holy Word will return to Him. There are preachers teaching
that Tithe was law and so it was abandoned in New Testament by Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ came not to destroy the
law but to strengthen it. There is no evidence where Jesus said that tithe and offering should be abandoned. But we
see in New Testament somebody who was still practicing it. (Luke 18:12 I fast two days a week, and I give a tenth of
all my income) Stop adding your own scriptures to avoid God word and read the whole of Bible. Now in the book of
Malachi chapter three verse six where God speaks of Tithe and offering there God has started with this saying " I THE
LORD DO NOT CHANGE". He starts by saying that He has never charge and never will He change about bringing the
whole tithe in His house. In Malachi chapter three verse seven " (Malachi 3:7 You, like your ancestors before you,
have turned away from my laws and have not kept them. Return back to me, and I will turn to you.) God is still
commanding this generation to return to His scriptures and stop turning away from His Word. God continues
explaining that people are robbing him and stealing from Him by robbing from him tithe and offerings. If you are
robbing God you are a thief and no thief will enter Heaven and no wonder even Angelica Zambrano and others
servants were shown many Christians in Hell who did not pay Tithe and offering and they are there like robbers. You
are robbing from God blessings and there is a terrible Curse for those who don't tithe faithfully. For those who steal
from tithe and deducts from it. There is a blessing for those who are faithful with this word and there is a terrible
curse for those who refuse it -read it yourself
(Malachi 3:8 "Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. "But you ask, 'How do we rob you?' "In tithes and offerings. 3:9
You are under a [curse]--the whole nation of you--because you are robbing me.
3:10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD
Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will
not have room enough for it. 3:11 I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will
not cast their fruit," says the LORD Almighty. 3:12 "Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a
delightful land," says the LORD Almighty.) There is a great reason why God is asking for the return of this Scripture
“Bring the whole tithe in my house so that my house will not lack food (for His servants)” verses ten. There are
those who are chosen by God and anointed to look after the house of God , after the gospel purpose and those are
the one who take use of tithe and eats from it. They are priest commissioned by God and their payment is tithe from
the Lord.(1 Corinthians 9:14 In the same way, the Lord has ordered that those who preach the gospel should get their
living from it) And that is why God is asking all Christians to be faithful with tithe and offering or otherwise the Curse
will follow them. And no one with this curse from God can enter His Kingdom.
(Revelation 22:3 Nothing that is under God's curse will be found in the city.) Those are curses that are following
people who are born again and living in God's house but they have robbed from God. Their healthy are cursed and all
their riches are bringing curses and destruction upon their life. They are people that are living with curses while they
are in the house of God , they cannot prosper and they live in tears. God curse is very terrible. The curse of
disobedience is removed by repenting, obeying God and being faithful with everything God gives you. Before the
angel of God comes to protect your incomes, your farm, your crops and your business the angel must follow the word
End time Apostolic messages
of God first and if you are not faithful with your tithe and your are robbing God then no protection from God and you
are exposed to the curse of God to destroy you.
(Mal 3:10-11)(Deut 28:15-48)
1: Bareness; in your womb, your crops, your animals, your work, your fruits and everything you do shall not give you
good fruits.
2: Destruction; destruction in your wealthy, marriage, thief stealing, fire attacking your properties, roses in your
3: Diseases and death; curse of diseases after diseases in your healthy , in your family, in your crops , in your animals
and sudden death and roses.
“But if you disobey the Lord your God and do not faithfully keep all his commands and laws that I am giving you
today, all these evil things will happen to you:
“The Lord will curse your towns and your fields.
“The Lord will curse your grain crops and the food you prepare from them.
“The Lord will curse you by giving you only a few children, poor crops, and few cattle and sheep.
“The Lord will curse everything you do. The Lord will strike you with infectious diseases, with swelling and fever; he
will send drought and scorching winds to destroy your crops. These disasters will be with you until you die.
“The Lord will give your enemies victory over you. You will attack them from one direction, but you will run from
them in all directions, and all the people on earth will be terrified when they see what happens to you.
Your cattle will be butchered before your very eyes, but you will not eat any of the meat. Your donkeys will be
dragged away while you look on, and they will not be given back to you. Your sheep will be given to your enemies,
and there will be no one to help you.
A foreign nation will take all the crops that you have worked so hard to grow, while you receive nothing but
constant oppression and harsh treatment.
“You will plant plenty of seed, but reap only a small harvest, because the locusts will eat your crops. All your trees
and crops will be devoured by insects.
“All these disasters will come on you, and they will be with you until you are destroyed, because you did not obey
the Lord your God and keep all the laws that he gave you. The Lord blessed you in every way, but you would not
serve him with glad and joyful hearts." (Deuteronomy 28: 15-48 read all)
(Mal 3:10-11, Deut 28: 1-14)
1: Increase: crops, animals, wealthy, family, increase in your work.
End time Apostolic messages
2: Protection and security; protecting your crops, animals, work, family, marriage, healthy properties and all your
3: Fruits; increase of children, animals, crops, money and everything you do will increase.
“If you obey the Lord your God and faithfully keep all his commands that I am giving you today, he will make you
greater than any other nation on earth. Obey the Lord your God and all these blessings will be yours:
“The Lord will bless your towns and your fields.
“The Lord will bless you with many children, with abundant crops, and with many cattle and sheep.
“The Lord will bless your grain crops and the food you prepare from them.
“The Lord will bless everything you do.
“The Lord will defeat your enemies when they attack you. They will attack from one direction, but they will run
from you in all directions.
“The Lord your God will bless your work and fill your barns with grain. He will bless you in the land that he is giving
The Lord will give you many children, many cattle, and abundant crops in the land that he promised your ancestors
to give you.
He will send rain in season from his rich storehouse in the sky and bless all your work, so that you will lend to many
nations, but you will not have to borrow from any.
The Lord your God will make you the leader among the nations and not a follower; you will always prosper and
never fail if you obey faithfully all his commands that I am giving you today.
(Deuteronomy 28:1-14 read all)
Obey the Lord and be faithful in your tithes and offering and test if you will not be blessed in this generation.
Faithfulness and obedience are the door to Prosperity while disobedience and unfaithfulness are the door to
Destruction. Be holy and obey the word of God and you will receive the promises of His word. Before offering and
bringing tithe to the Lord you must make sure you are not bribing God with tithe, you must first repent and be living
in a righteous and blameless life and God will bless you. For there are people who brings offering to God to bribe God
with their sins or they try to cover it with offerings. That kind of offering cannot be accepted in Heaven and there are
no blessings in that unless they repent and be right with God. Tithe should be given to those priest or servants who
are preaching the true Gospel and only to those that God has accepted or otherwise you will have no blessings in
those Churches. You must know that you are promoting the kind of gospel they preach and so be careful to promote
the false gospel of deception. It is now upon you to obey the Lord and receive those blessings or disobey the Lord and
receive all those terrible curses.
Meaning of Discerning; Understanding, recognizing, Distinguish, Differentiate or judging between right and wrong.
Many people are perishing and even others getting lost because they don't discern, understand or recognize the
meaning of the word of God and who Christ is. Today we have many believes of people who uses the bible to
continue in their false doctrines. We have peoples like Rasta-farians who uses the word of God without discerning it
End time Apostolic messages
and understanding it , they go ahead and read some bible scriptures and concludes that the coming messiah was
Empire Haile Selassie 1 from Ethiopia. Because of lack of understanding and discerning who Jesus Christ was they are
leading many people astray and to hell. Lack of discerning and understanding the word of God is the highway to
deception and apostasy doctrines of serpents. Lack of discerning the holy bible is setting yourself on fire of judgment.
Every time you read the word of God and fail to understand it and interpret on your own you are bringing judgment
to yourself. The word of God is the bread that comes from Heaven that gives eternal life but if you eat the bread
without recognizing it and discerning it you are just digging out your grave. For no one who lack to understand can
obey and do the right thing. The Lords bread means His word or His flesh and many are lacking to discern and respect
the word of God before they take it. (1 Corinthians 11:29-30 For if you do not discern or recognize the meaning of
the Lord's body when you eat the bread and drink from the cup, you bring judgment on yourself as you eat and
drink. That is why many of you are sick and weak, and several have died.)
The word of God is warning this generation who are lacking to discern the word of God and going ahead and using
the same Word of God to unite homosexual marriages! They say don't judge and going ahead and doing evil while
they're sticking to a certain scripture to support their believes. You are bringing judgment on yourself as you eat/read
the word of God without discerning it and understanding the meaning of the word of God. That is why many are sick
and weak and others dying because of misinterpreting the Holy word of God and perverting the meaning.
That is why many Churches are dying spiritually and very weak because of lack of getting the understanding of the
word and getting the wrong meaning. Doing things without discerning the word and getting to hell for
misinterpreting the word of God. Everything should be discern by the word of God the bread of life.
Check this and see how they lacked to understand Jesus Christ when He said He was the Bread of Life. (John 6:47-54 I
am telling you the truth: he who believes has eternal life. I am the bread of life. Your ancestors ate manna in the
desert, but they died. But the bread that comes down from heaven is of such a kind that whoever eats it will not
die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If you eat this bread, you will live forever. The bread that I
will give you is my flesh, which I give so that the world may live.” This started an angry argument among them.
“How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” they asked. Jesus said to them, “I am telling you the truth: if you do
not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you will not have life in yourselves. Those who eat my flesh
and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them to life on the last day.) So is the Churches today who are
lacking to know or discern the body of Christ the word of life at this hour. Except you eat of the flesh/word of God
you cannot have eternal life. I see today so called people are not even interested to hear the real word of God but
seeking to hear jokes and entertainment.
There are no short cuts to heaven if you fail to follow every steps in the bible, people are skipping the water baptism
and ignoring the scriptures and lacking to recognize the meaning of the word of God. And Jesus Christ in John chapter
three verse three to four that “Except a man be born again by water and spirit he cannot see the Kingdom of God".
That is why except you are born in water and Spirit you cannot discern the Word of God because you have nothing to
discern in you and you are not of the kingdom of God. This is why many are lacking to recognize between the right
and wrong, between darkness and light, and they are falling in the hands of false prophets and antichrist because
they failed to understand the scriptures. I see many false messiahs claiming to be Jesus Christ in flesh and so many
people following them to Hell. Because Christians today are running and welcoming everyone coming in Jesus name
without having to judge him and recognize him by the word of God. Others are eating snakes, grass and others
drinking petrol in Church because they have followed their preachers without caring if they are following the word of
God. Without discerning the Bread of Life the word of God you are on your way to deception and Hell. People are so
sick and spiritually weak for lack of the word of God and understanding it. They are left confused and calling what is
right wrong and rejecting the true messengers of the Gospel of Christ Jesus. That’s why women in the Church are
End time Apostolic messages
wearing like prostitutes holding the scriptures don't judge me. Others wearing trousers and lacking to discern
Deuteronomy 22:5 that warns women from wearing men cloths.
The Church cannot discern evil and good today and that is why they cannot say smoking is sin, wearing of mini-skirts
is sin, makes ups is sin and changing their natural beauty is sin. No wonder they have allowed homosexual at the
pulpit and lesbianism in the Church. They lacked to discern the bread of life , they failed to understand scriptures and
now judgment is coming upon them and many are spiritually dying and getting weaker until they fall to Hell. Jesus
Christ said "a man cannot live by the earthly bread alone but will live by every word that comes from His mouth"
because that is the bread of Life. But see Christians today they don't want to read and eat the word of God everyday
and instead they are eating at the devils table with games, movies, worldly programs and that is what they want to
eat. Ask them how many times they fast in a month? How many times they read the bible? How many times they
pray during the day? Nothing of the word they discern all they want to do is eat, drink, sleep , internet and TV. Then
sit down and listen to the prosperity preachers who make them happy and satisfied in this earth. No wonder they are
weak and dying every hour while at Sundays they are quick to shout Amen with everything said by the preacher
without discerning it with the Word of God. They claim to know Christ Jesus but you will see them by their evil fruits.
While they are walking at street you cannot differentiate them with prostitutes and the world, same dressings and
same behaviors. You will find them dancing the same worldly songs and singing at Church, watching the same worldly
and dirty movies. They have no discernments of good or wrong. (1 Corinthians 10:21 you cannot drink from the
Lord's cup and also from the cup of demons; you cannot eat at the Lord's Table and also at the table of demons.)
They know how to interpret and discern the signs of the sky but they have failed to discern the hour that we are living
and the coming of Jesus Christ. They are preachers with big ministries but without discernment of the age we are
living, they know nothing of the hour we are spiritually, they teach nothing of holiness and righteousness. They are
blind preachers without eyes to discern the hour we are living! They can't prepare the Church of Christ for Rapture
for they are in sleeping without discernment! Living without the Holy Spirit they cannot discern or understand the
scriptures and yet we see many so emerging teachers and preachers without discernments of the word of God and
therefore leading many astray by their false teachings. How will you overcome the enemy in this last day without the
sword the word of God?
Lack of discerning the word of God results in:
1: Spiritual death and physical death.
2: spiritual weakness and diseases.
3: guilty of sinning against the body of Christ.
Importance of discerning the body of Christ the word of life:
1: Brings life.
2: Brings healing and deliverance
3: Brings blessings.
4: Have eternal life.
Stop ignoring the word of God and keeping aside Scriptures for your evil benefits. You must practice the whole bible
and eat the whole bread of life or otherwise there will be no life in you. Eat the flesh , drink the blood of Jesus Christ
End time Apostolic messages
and have discernment of the word of God before believing it. Failure to discern the meaning of the word of God and
acting it you are adding judgment upon yourself.
#John 6:53-54 Jesus said to them, “I am telling you the truth: if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink
his blood, you will not have life in yourselves. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I
will raise them to life on the last day.
There are legal grounds which the enemy holds in our body that gives entrance to his evil kingdom to rule and to
destroy our life. The secret to overcome the enemy is to close any legal grounds and to close the door he comes
through. Before one falls in sin there must be an open door in your life which the enemy passed through. The secret
to overcome sin is to know the legal ground of sin. This is why every day Christians are falling
and backsliding because of not closing those demonic doors that leads to sin. Some keeps on repenting and falling
again in the same sin because of the legal grounds of Satan that are not destroyed. There are demonic doors which
connect with the Hells gates to bring all kind of evil through in our body. Demons feed on sin. The more you sin the
more demons control your life. Sinful life is the evidence of a demon in your life. Closing those demonic doors is
closing door to sin and walking with the Lord. There are six
doors which allow Satan to manipulate and access your life and therefore which welcomes every kind of evil spirit to
rule you life.
1: Eye; This is the most part of the body and the door which is mostly attacked by the enemy to get demons in your
life. Eyes are the gate way to your heart and your soul. (Mathew 6:22 "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes
are good, your whole body will be full of light. 6:23 but if your eyes are bad, your body will be in darkness. So if the
light in you is darkness, how terribly dark it will be!) The eye is the lamp that give light to your whole body and if
your eye is holy then it brings holiness in all your body. And if your eye is evil even your whole body will be filled with
darkness and evil spirits. If your eye is used to seek the word of God it will bring light in your body. Meaning that the
eye is used as the door to bring darkness in your whole body or to bring light in your whole body. Demons gets your
body through your eyes by how you use your eyes to watch! Watching of nude pictures brings demons of lust in your
body, watching of pornography brings demons of masturbation and sexual demons. Watching of action movies brings
demons of hatred, strife, violence , disobedience and revenge demons. Watching of horror movies brings witchcraft
demons, nightmares demons, satanic dreams and introduces you to the kingdom of satan. Watching of immoral
programs brings demons of cheating, divorce, adultery and fornication demons. If your eyes are for watching evil
then your whole body will be evil and greater will be the darkness inside you. Your eyes will be weak to face the light
because of darkness within you, mostly people who cannot withstand to look your eyes are filled with darkness
within which prevent them to look upon the righteous one who reflects light of God within them. Guard your eyes
which are the entrance of every spirit be it Holy Spirit or evil spirits. Those who watch holy things pertaining to the
things of God brings light of God in their heart thus allowing the Holy Spirit to access their body. Watch out your eyes
and close all those evil and ungodly channels that brings darkness in your life. Take care of your eyes for they are
gateway to your soul.
2: Ears; This is the second part where demons get access to your body and they are able to control you through what
you listens. Your ears are spiritual doors by which you can enter in the realms of spiritual world by what you listen.
They are doors to enter Hell or Heaven by what you let inside your ears. Those who listen spiritual gospel songs are
always exposed to the power of God and entering to the presence of God in Heaven. And you see them at the end
praying, crying and penetrating to Heaven through worship. Yes it is the ladder to climb Heaven. Also those who
listen to ungodly music(songs that do not praise God) they are exposed to the kingdom of Satan and those worldly
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songs will be a ladder to take them down to Hell, they will be possessed with evil spirits and demons will have access
to control their life with darkness of sin. Satanist and witches has spelled curses upon those worldly songs and those
who listen will possess those curses. Curses of lust, rebelliousness, disobedience, masturbation, fornication, and
sexual orgies. Others are spelled with demonic oaths that when you sing them you are saying oath in satanic kingdom
and making covenant. You need to repent and renounce all those oaths and covenants through satanic songs. Be on
guard on what you listens because you give Satan legal grounds to access your body. Always listen what Glorifies God
and praises God, what is true and what is pure. Remember when Saul was tormented by evil spirits he use to listen at
David's songs and those demons would leave him. Songs can chase away demons or attract demons in your life. Be
careful with the kind of songs and preaching you listen because the enemy has polluted songs industrials and even
some teachings preached are from the pit of Hell and are followed by evil spirits. Don't listen to Satan or you will fall
from place of Glory after getting deceived like Eve. Give Satan no ear because he is good in deceiving human from the
Proverbs 18:15 The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out.
3: Tongue; Through your tongue you can give demons a place in your heart to rule and destroy your life. There are
people who are now controlled by demons following their tongues and what they said using tongue. Some enters
into captives and covenants with satanic kingdoms by using their tongues. Any negative word that you speak is
always followed by an evil spirit which will get access in your body through evil words. Cursing words are doorway to
evil spirits and those who curse their life will be opening legal grounds for demons. Every negative word that you
speak to your life will manifest in a negative way for there is power in your tongue. Stop cursing your children or
insulting them because every insult is a curse and demons feeds on curses and insults. If you insult your child an
animal then demons will follow after the power of your tongue and spirits of animal will follow your child. Stop using
your tongue to sing for the devil with worldly songs because you exalts satanic kingdoms by praising it. You dedicates
your tongue to satanic kingdoms by those worldly songs. Use your tongue to Glorify God, to preach God, to speak
God and to speak positively words. Don't give the devil a chance by speaking too much which leads to sin, it is wise to
be silent and to speak little words than to end up sinning with your tongue.
*Ephesians 4:29 Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is
needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you. *James 3:6 And the
tongue is like a fire. It is a world of wrong, occupying its place in our bodies and spreading evil through our whole
being. It sets on fire the entire course of our existence with the fire that comes to it from hell itself.
4: Mind/ thought; many time mind and thought are influenced by how you use you eyes and ears. And those things
defiles your mind and your thinking. You mind and thought are programmed by what you see and listen. And when
you start thinking about negatives thought you are allowing the evil spirits in your body to get access by evil thought.
Those who have sexual thought they opens the door to the evil spirits of lusting and demons of immorality will lead
them to the evil act of sin. The greatest battle is in our thought how to overcome between evil and good thought.
And the only way we overcome evil mind is by the sword of Spirit which is the word of God, reading the word of God
and cleaning every evil thought. Meditation of the word of God will clean your mind, soul and body. Mind or thought
are used like gates to enter into spiritual world of darkness when people begin meditating upon the evil things and
things of darkness. Satanist and monk uses meditation using their thought to enter into spiritual world of darkness.
You must also meditate the word of God every day and you will enter into the realms of Holy presence of God every
day. Let your mind focus upon the Kingdom of God and upon righteousness thought. For every evil minds unclean
your heart thus allowing demons to access your life. Give no rooms to every evil thought and instead rebuke them by
authorizing your mind by obedient through the word of God and making them captive to the will of Jesus Christ.
Always meditate upon the word of God and listen to holy godly songs for renewing of mind.*Philippians 4:8 In
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conclusion, my friends, fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true,
noble, right, pure, lovely, and honorable.
5: Heart; The heart is very hidden in the body and protected by your other body parts. Your heart is defiled when
one of your body part is weak thus giving access to your heart. There are four paths which links to the heart which
the enemy uses and they are tongue, ears, eyes and thought. If you want to enter and capture the heart you must
first attack mind, ears or eyes. Those who get saved and receives Jesus Christ in their heart are first attacked their
ears or eyes by the gospel and then they are made to understand through their thought and through their tongue
they confess Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will enter their heart and make them believers of Jesus Christ. If your
other parts of the body will be good also your heart will be good and full of right. The storages of other parts of the
body is found in the Heart and all unclean spirits which enters through the doors of other parts are channeled all to
the bottom of the heart. All demons of hatred, strife, lust, killing, suicide, masturbation, disobedience are stored in
the heart and entered through the doors of eye, ear, tongue and thought. So to protect your heart from those
defilements and unclean spirit you must close first all other doors in your body that links to your heart. If your eye is
clean then your heart shall be clean. Matthew 15:18-19 But the things that come out of the mouth come from the
heart, and these are the things that make you ritually unclean. For from your heart come the evil ideas which lead
you to kill, commit adultery, and do other immoral things; to rob, lie, and slander others.
6: Body; the body is sensitive and so it allows the spiritual things to pass through the body to your heart. God says
that our body is the temple of Holy Spirit and so if other parts will be clean and holy then you will allow the Spirit of
God to enter your body. If your other parts of the body will not be clean and holy then demons will get access to your
body through that defiled part of the body that is contaminated. Touching of unclean things will allow evil spirit to
access your body, touching of witchcrafts, sorcery products, magic games, sexual sin , masturbation and touching of
dead will give evil spirits legal rights to access and possess your life. Take care of your body and abstain from all
sexual acts which bring demons in your body to rule you. Those who masturbate they sleep with demons spiritually
and they become one, also those who do sex apart from ordained marriage they became one in body and soul.
Demons pass through sex to enter the body. Take care and stop touching and buying everything you see at street like
culture products mostly associated with witchcrafts. Avoid satanic products, satanic cloths(drawings and symbols),
ornaments, sprays, make-up products, rings and all those artificial hairs sold out with demonic spirit. Those products
and artificial hair are sacrificed to demons not to God. God is Holy and He commands everyone who want to became
His son or daughter to touch not any unclean thing and God will accept them. Stop touching all unclean, unholy
,ungodly things and you will be closing doors to satanic kingdoms. 2Co 6:17 "Therefore come out from them and be
separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you." 18 "I will be a Father to you, and you will
be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." We are living in the end times days where the enemy is cursing
almost every products before they are released to the market, cursing 90% of what Christians are using because the
time of reign of antichrist is near but God will protect His people and the Holy Spirit will help to separate from satanic
doors. This is the hour to arise and close those doors that gives legal rights to the enemy in our life. If you close them
and separate from such things i assure you that you will serve God in beauty of Holiness and then enter to His
Prayer for Deliverance
Mighty Jesus Christ, I repent and confess my sin to you in Jesus Christ name, I surrender my life to you Jesus Christ,
wash me by the blood of Jesus Christ, write my name in the book of life, delete my name in the book of Hell, I
receive you today as my personal savior and my Lord in Jesus Christ name, I believe Jesus and receive salvation.
Amen. I repent for any occultism and witchcraft in my life in Jesus Christ, I confess every sexual sin in Jesus Christ
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name, I renounce every witchcrafts and occultism in Jesus Christ name, I renounce every satanic oaths and
covenants in Jesus Christ name, I separate my soul from demonic chains in Jesus Christ name, i close every satanic
doors and I destroy every satanic legal grounds in Jesus Christ name, I break every demonic chains in Jesus Christ, I
command every evil spirits in my body to come out by the authority of name of Jesus Christ, I welcome the power of
Holy Spirit in my body to rule in Jesus Christ Name, I purify my body, my heart and my soul and my name through
the blood of Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ name. I am delivered and made free in Jesus Christ Name.
As I ponder a little and look back down the race of salvation, i see many solders and pilgrims left be hide , fallen and
backslidden. Brothers and Sisters who we use to eat on the same table and fellowshipped together. They were the
first and i see them going the last. Why and what is this dragging them be hide ? Then Almighty God gave me the
answer. There are some of hidden truth and reasons why many are still backsliding in this hour. The type of Salvation
, faith and hope you received. I came to know there is now false salvation where you receive Jesus today and
tomorrow you fall, false faith grounded by fears and worries. The false faith and salvation is brought by receiving
Jesus because of fear of Hell, because of Visions and Prophecies. What made you accept Jesus? If it was because of
Hell visions and rapture Prophecies then it won't last long enough before you fall. When those Visions stops and
Prophecies vanishes you will also stop your salvation and fall back. All false salvation and false faith build on those
fear of Hell and Rapture prophecies will fall when the great trials and shaking of saints comes, when prophecies stop
you will lose your salvation, when visions of Hell stop you will lose your salvation of fear! All false reasons of
receiving Jesus will not last for they have no foundation in them, receiving Jesus because of Poverty is false salvation
which won't last after your get rich, Loneliness and desperation should not be the reason you are worshiping Jesus
today! That is the reason why every day we are losing believers of Christ and the reason why the number of
Christians in Heaven is decreasing.
Our foundation and reason should be in the Word of God the promised Word that gives Hope and renews our Faith.
Those earthly prophecies will end , visions will end and prophets dies but the Word of God will never lose its
effectiveness. I have witnessed many who fell and backslidden because they use to follow and keep their faith on
visions of Hell and prophecies ; then those things failed and stopped and their faith went down and today they are
doing all sort of evil. They were people who were moved by Prophecies of Rapture and Visions of Hell and their faith
was established in fear of Hell and Rapture. They received Rapture prophecies every day until they got tired of them
seeing Rapture did not happen. They became familiar with those Visions and too much confusion of Visions and
Prophecies until they lose their interest in Faith which is the plan of Devil to bring confusion. Stick to the word of God
and promise and it will never fail. Those who received Christ because of fear of Rapture will fall if rapture won't take
place soon. Until you change your hope and Faith you will not make it in this end times. To stand in this end times
you need to put your full hope to the word of God the spoken word of God which is the true foundation and reason
why men should accept Jesus Christ. Building your Hope and Faith upon the written Word of God is building upon the
unshaken rock. With this true Hope you are purified and cleansed by the Word everyday and that is the true Hope
that is found in the Word of God that makes a Pilgrim to keep following Jesus until the end. The Bible the Word of
God teaches that everyone who has the Hope of Christ Second Coming should purifies himself because JESUS is Pure
also and that is the true Hope that is build in the word of God promises. (1John 3:2 Dear friends, now we are children
of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like
him, for we shall see him as he is. The reason why the world should accept Jesus Christ is this Hope that is promised
in the Word of God, the eternal promise of the Kingdom of Heaven. The reason why Jesus preached was because of
the Kingdom of Heaven and that is why people should repent for the Kingdom of God purpose.
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Purify your hope and faith by keeping your promises in the Holy Word of God and live in the word of God which
purifies your Hope of waiting Christ everyday and strengthening your faith in this end times. You will never be moved
or shaken if you put your all hope in written word of God. The word of God has all power to overcome the enemy in
this days because the word is the sword and the breath of God.(but the word of the Lord endures forever." And this
is the word that was preached to you. 1 Peter 1:25) Titus 2:13-14 as we wait for the blessed Day we hope for, when
the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ will appear. He gave himself for us, to rescue us from all
wickedness and to make us a pure people who belong to him alone and are eager to do good.1 Thessalonians 3:13
so that He may establish your hearts without blame in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our
Lord Jesus with all His saints.
There is great power when following the word of God when we obey and seek first His Kingdom. If people can
recognize what awaits those who has the Kingdom of God then i see many people standing without lacking in life. I
want us to break down the word of God and enter to this great secret of seeking first the kingdom of God as Jesus
Christ gave it like an answers to solve out the cares of this life. (Matthew 6:31-33 “So do not start worrying: ‘Where
will my food come from? or my drink? or my clothes?’ (These are the things the pagans are always concerned
about.) Your Father in heaven knows that you need all these things. Instead, seek first the Kingdom of God and its
righteousness, and he will provide you with all these other things.) From the beginning we see that mankind has
always be striving with worries of this life, what to eat ,drink and wear. But we see Jesus Christ knowing that our
worries and cares will never lead us to his kingdom but to the world’ He said " seek first His Kingdom first and its
righteousness then you will be provided with anything else) The first thing before you seek food, cloth and every
other worldly thing you need to seek first the Kingdom of God which is to seek our Heavenly father who is our creator
and the one who answers our cares. Our cares are not greater than His kingdom and what man should always be
concern of at first is the kingdom of God and its righteousness. Jesus Christ knew that in the Kingdom of God there
are all our answers because those who seek it they seek from the hand of heavenly God. In the kingdom of God there
are all our needs and all our prayers are there , in His Kingdom everything human requires is stored there, food,
healthy, cloth, money, blessings and all others that we need for our living. So if you could first seek the Kingdom of
God and seek what it requires of that Kingdom then you will never lack because the Kingdom of God will take care of
you. We are called to be sons and daughters of the kingdom of God and if we really seek His kingdom and its
righteousness then you have the right to eat and drink because you belong to the kingdom of the King of King. The
king will provide you as well He provides his Children in the Kingdom of God. That is what it means to seek first the
Kingdom of God and it means to seek first how to enter of the Kingdom of God and eat with King in one table, it
means to repent and believe Jesus Christ by receiving salvation and full water baptism.
Then after you have received the kingdom of God and have became a believer of Jesus Christ then you need to seek
its righteousness which is everything that requires for the kingdom of God, it is to obey the rules and regulations for
the kingdom, it is to seek the will of the Kingdom of God in your life, seek what God requires of you. God requires
everyone of His kingdom to obey His Word and live a life of righteousness and holiness away from sin in order that
you may eat and drink in His Kingdom. If you are just a Christian but you are living against the requirement of
Kingdom of God by living in sin, disobedience and ignorance to the word of God then you cannot expect your
Heavenly father to provide your cares. You cannot even taste of a drink from His kingdom because you are rebellious
Children. Rebellious Child even in earth cannot eat from his father or mother. You cannot fail to obey your Father
and then you are asking him to provide food for you. So you must be obedient to our heavenly father so that you can
benefit from the Kingdom of God. Stop sin and stop what God is calling evil, separate yourself from living like a pagan,
seek God and fear Him, stop watching unclean things, and listening unclean and dirty songs which does not praise the
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Kingdom of God. Dress like the Children of the Kingdom of God and exalt righteousness and holiness. You just do
everything for the sake of the Kingdom of God, be faithful, be kind, be merciful, be humble, forgive and seek after
peace then i tell you the truth you will eat and drink from the Kingdom of God and with the King of King. Anything
you need for your living shall be provided since you are so close to the provider of every living thing and a citizen of
His kingdom. Your heavenly father knows what you need even before you pray for He cares for the obedience
Children and provide those who are in His Kingdom as well. Seek first the kingdom of God and live all your life seeking
for the kingdom of God because that is what matters more than seeking stomach food, or worldly riches. Let your
aim not be eating and drinking from the Kingdom of God but let your aim be entering the Kingdom of God and
pleasing your Heavenly Father. Stop weighting the kingdom of God with the riches of this world because the world is
ending but the kingdom of God is forever. Before you seek earthly thing ask your self have you sought the kingdom of
God first? Are you living in its requirements? you may die today and it shall be terrible for you without the kingdom
of God. Its fine you may be eating and drinking but if your name is not in the kingdom of God then you shall end up in
hell forever.
Seek first the will of God in your life because you may be doing and working in the field not assigned for you in the
kingdom of God. Seek what God want you to do and seek His will in your life and then you shall eat and drink there in
the will of God. Stop wasting your time in your own will and get in line with what the kingdom of God is saying about
you. Ask yourself today if what you are doing is what God want you to do because many are called to be servants of
the kingdom of God but are wasting time serving the kingdom of this world. Seek the requirements of the kingdom of
God in your life and seek the will of God for you. Let your foundation be centered in the kingdom of God which
cannot be shaken. Let your riches be stored there and by your good deeds you invest in Kingdom of God where no
thief can break. Nothing matters now in this hour more than the kingdom of God, we have no time to compromise
with the world now, time is running out and the great kingdom of God is in hand. Eating and drinking is not greater
than the Kingdom of God so don't sin because of stomach. Your wife or husband at this hour is not greater than the
kingdom of God , don't let him/her bring you down from seeking the kingdom of God at this hour! Nothings matters
now at this last hour. Only seek and do it for the kingdom of God is near. It is better at this hour you separate from
everything or anyone who is drugging you be hide, or anything that is fighting your relationship and separating you
from the Kingdom of God. Your eyes or hand are not even greater than the Eternal life in the kingdom of God and if
they cause you to sin then cut them out or gorge them out and enter the kingdom of God than let them drag you to
eternal lake of fire. Beyond the kingdom of God is near and nothing matters right now more than eternal life. Seek
first the Kingdom and let God be the first priority you think in your life.
Every true believer is an example of Christ in this earth and like Christ came to do the work of His Father in Heaven so
also every Christian must do the work of God and fulfill their callings and ministries. In first John chapter three verse
eight to ten says that Jesus Christ came to destroy the work of Satan and to raise the work of God. That is the role of
every so called out servant to destroy the work Satan and to establish the work of God in this world. We are called
out by God and anointed by His Spirit to fight against every evil kingdoms, to fight against every work of Satan , to
fight over antichrist and to fight against every evil mind or thought raising above the will of God. Like
Elijah the prophet of God was to destroy and to tear down satanic altars of Baal prophets, so is the Church of God
today to fight against every false prophets , against every false doctrines, and against the apostasy and deception in
the Churches. You are called out like a star at night to give light, you are called out and raised for this days to fight
against every darkness controlling people. By the truth of the word of God you can fight against evil one and plant
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Mighty power of God has been sent to all believers to uproot and to plant according to the will of God, you have
power when you believe and doubt not and is the power to uproot every demonic things and plant the godly things.
(Matthew 21:21-22 Jesus answered, “I assure you that if you believe and do not doubt, you will be able to do what I
have done to this fig tree. And not only this, but you will even be able to say to this hill, ‘Get up and throw yourself
in the sea,’ and it will. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”) By this power of the Word of
God you will uproot every mountains standing against your life, every mountains of failure will be uprooted according
to the faith and power in the Word of God in Jesus Christ name. In this end times the enemy has raised some
mountains to bring down many Children of God and to hinder them from looking above to Heaven. The word of God
has power if we speak it and believe it in our prayers. It makes every mind to submit to the authority of God, and
every kingdom to submit in authority of Jesus Christ name. It is written that every knee shall bow before the name
Jesus Christ and so every demons or spirit will have to bow down before the name of Jesus Christ. You have to use
power of the word of God to command every spirits to bow down before the name of Jesus Christ. And if you have
faith and stop doubt then nothing shall stand before you even HIV Aids will bow down and have nothing than to obey
Jesus Christ. You must use the Word of God to bring down that evil spirit that backslide you in authority to Jesus
Christ and bring down every evil thought that exalts itself against holiness in Jesus Christ name. Take every thought
captive and make it obey Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4-5 The weapons we use in our fight are not the world's
weapons but God's powerful weapons, which we use to destroy strongholds. We destroy false arguments; we pull
down every proud obstacle that is raised against the knowledge of God; we take every thought captive and make it
obey Christ.)
Those who are living in complete holiness and obedience will be given power of the Word of God to uproot or plant
by the will of God and they will be used to bring life in earth and to destroy every satanic power in Jesus Christ name.
If you serve God in truth in this hour you will be honored by God and your prayers shall be honored and shall be
answered because you are a holy servant of Jesus Christ. (John 12:26 whoever wants to serve me must follow me, so
that my servant will be with me where I am. And my Father will honor anyone who serves me.) Every called out
servant of God is given power and authority in Jesus Christ to pull down, to uproot, to over , to build and to plant
according to the word of God. You got the power to curse evil acts and also power to bless by the anointing given to
you. Like Jeremiah the prophet of God was given powers and authority to continue his ministries and to fight against
the enemy work. (Jeremiah 1:10 Today I give you authority over nations and kingdoms to uproot and to pull down,
to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.”) God's holy servants are solders that are given every weapon to
fight the evil one. They got the power to root out and pull down every curses, spirits and break down every evil
covenants. They have power to destroy and pull down every sickness, diseases, doctrines and forces of darkness.
Through their calling and anointing they have power to build and to plant healing, blessings, life, healthy and peace.
Using the word of God you can command the situations in authority of Jesus Christ spoken word and it shall be done
by faith. There are evil plantation and foundations of Satan which are used to oppress people of God and to torment
them. Those evil plants and seeds need the word of God to be uprooted down and get destroyed by sword of God.
(Matthew 15:13 “Every plant which my Father in heaven did not plant will be pulled up,” answered Jesus.) By using
the above word of God you can pull up and uproot or pull down every plantation that God has not planted in Jesus
Christ name. Pull down every spirit of death in your families, business and ministries in Jesus Christ. Get the power
and fight against those spirit of discouragements, failure and poverty in your life by uprooting them and making them
submit to the authority of Jesus Christ. Get use of the power of God and experience the powers of God working in
you through the Holy Spirit, to boost up those powers you need to be fasting for effectively powers and submit
yourself to the word of God in obedience. God is looking for those who will be trusted with those powers and those
are the one to be used to bring down the kingdom of God in this earth and to set free the captives.
Mark 16:17-18 Believers will be given the power to perform miracles: they will drive out demons in my name; they
will speak in strange tongues; if they pick up snakes or drink any poison, they will not be harmed; they will place
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their hands on sick people, and these will get well. Romans 14:11 For the scripture says, “As surely as I am the
living God, says the Lord, everyone will kneel before me, and everyone will confess that I am God.”
God created this earth by the power of speaking word and by spoken word the world was created, He said let there
be light and there appeared light. Nothing was created without the word of God. He commanded and it was created.
(Genesis 1:11 Then he commanded, “Let the earth produce all kinds of plants, those that bear grain and those that
bear fruit”—and it was done.) By using of His mighty tongue He commanded and it was done by His word. Everything
that we see physical or spiritual was as the results of spoken words. If you would believe and speak the word of God
you will be like God to create or to uproot in the power of words for you are created in His likeness. There is great
power that God has put in our words through the using of our tongue. We are created in the image of God and like
God we have power of words because we are in His image. He gave as power and authority over every creature and
power to control even nature. (Genesis 1:26-27 Then God said, “And now we will make human beings; they will be
like us and resemble us. They will have power over the fish, the birds, and all animals, domestic and wild, large and
small.” So God created human beings, making them to be like him. He created them male and female), If then God
created human beings to be like Him then we have power of the word through our tongue. We can bring death or
bring life, curse or blessings are in the power of our tongues. (Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and
death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.) Those
who preserve the power of words will be used so great at this hour, they will be used to bring life and healing in this
world. But those who lack to discern the power of words they will bring death over their life and send themselves in
the grave for careless word which are spoken. Take care of the power of word in your tongue for by your usage of
words you will increase or decrease your life span. Before you speak a word think the results because spoken words
cannot be rewind. If you speak its done and you have to accept the results of your words. The bible says that tongue
is very small but it controls our body and also it destroys your body. By using your tongue you can win a lot of people
to Heaven and also if you use your tongue to mislead and lie you can win many to hell fire. ( James 3:6 And the
tongue is like a fire. It is a world of wrong, occupying its place in our bodies and spreading evil through our whole
being. It sets on fire the entire course of our existence with the fire that comes to it from hell itself.) You can dress
very nice and be a great man but if you don't control your tongue it will bring you to a state of something to nothing.
Take care of speaking many words because the more you can speak the more you will sin. The heart of a full is found
in his tongue and when he start speaking he will pour out all the foolishness in his heart. The heart of a wise man is
found in his tongue for out of his tongue comes out wisdom and expensive words.
Many people have broken relationship, marriages, and even families because of tongue. When you get sad just be
silent before you sin if you can't resist your words. Be slow to speak and quick to listen. Take care of your words
before you speak because it has broken much heart and lead many to sin. Govern your tongue and speak what is
pure , what is true, what is of value and what gives glory to Jesus Christ. Let lies , evil words, dirty words and cursing
words never be found in your tongue and God will trust you with the power of tongue. Let your tongue serve God
and not Satan. You cannot use your tongue to preach Satan and preach Jesus Christ, you cannot use your tongue to
sing dirty songs and use the same tongue to worship God. Be careful with what you speak or sing if you want to be
given the power of Words in these last days. ( James 3:9-12 We use it to give thanks to our Lord and Father and also
to curse other people, who are created in the likeness of God. Words of thanksgiving and cursing pour out from the
same mouth. My friends, this should not happen! No spring of water pours out sweet water and bitter water from
the same opening. A fig tree, my friends, cannot bear olives; a grapevine cannot bear figs, nor can a salty spring
produce sweet water.)
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Your tongue as a Christian cannot be used to insults others, speak lies, criticize other people and still expect to
rebuke demons with your unclean tongue! You will remain useless in your prayers and powerless because your
tongue is evil. God does not honor the words of wicked people who has unclean and loose tongue but He honors and
respects the words of a righteous person who tongue is clean and holy.(Ephesians 4:29 Do not use harmful words,
but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to
those who hear you. By your words you can curse yourself and open doors of failure, there are people who uses
their tongue to curse their life, and speak evil of their life, sayings of negatives words in your life is cursing your life,
e.g. am useless, I cannot, I don't have the power to, am poor, am weak and using impossible words is bringing down
your life. You got power of word and what you say will surely follow you and if you say you are a failure or foolish
then you shall always fail and became a fool. Don't even use such words to your children because you will be cursing
them and they will be failures and foolish for whatever you say is done.(1 Peter 3:10 As the scripture says, “If you
want to enjoy life and wish to see good times, you must keep from speaking evil and stop telling lies.)
If you want God to give you power of word then you must avoid speaking and doing evil with your tongue. Whatever
you speak should be true and praising God in your word. Let your word be blameless because you shall give account
of every careless word that you speak on Judgment day. Either you are preaching or speaking then you should use
your words in a holy way because your words can lead astray millions to hell or lead millions to the Kingdom of God.
(Mat 12:36-37) It is time to train your tongue to bless others and God will bless you. Those who will use their tongue
and word well in this age will be given great power to fight the enemy, to bring healing , deliverance, set free the
captives, and life to those are dying. If you stand holy like God and use your tongue with the word of God then you
will have power to control every spirit and creatures in Jesus Christ name. Whatever you shall command in line with
the Word of God it shall be done. And whatever you will bind in earth shall be bound in heaven. And whatever you
lose hear in earth shall be loosed even in Heaven. That is the power of the word for those who will walk in obedience
and walk in righteousness. Their tongue will be source of life and their words will be used to bring many to the
presence of God.
There is a bus released by the devil and this bus is carrying so many people to hell and its name is [cares of Life]. This
bus was prophesied by Jesus Christ when He said that his coming would be like Noah’s days. In the times of Noah
there was two buses one was called the Ark and the other bus was called Cares of Life which carried many people
with cares of life and they worked, eat , drunk , marrying and giving in marriage and chasing after the world activities.
This bus is leading many millions to Hell today by cares of this life and making Christian to lose focus on the kingdom
of God. This bus of cares of the life is making believers in the Ark bus to leave it and to follow the cares of this world.
Inside this bus of cares passengers are tagged with a label to Hell ! People here are very ignorant of the time that we
are living and are so busy with the cares of this life, they are caring about their body desires , work, marriage, children
, happiness , money and their happiness. The enemy has came with this bus of cares of the world to take away the
vision of the Glory of God, to take away your mission, to destroy the fellowship of God and His people and to bring
down many devoted servants of God. God walked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day and they had a powerful
fellowship every day. And then one day Satan came with this bus of cares of tomorrow and Eve was deceived because
She wanted to know about tomorrow and she was seeking more than what God has given them and Satan deceived
her that if they eat the fruit they would be like God, She wasn’t satisfied of life and she wanted more just like how
many are falling away from faith by wanting more of what God has not given them. The same thing today many are
not satisfied with their body and they are changing it and falling to the deception of serpent make-ups! Be satisfied
with God and don't run before the time of God. When you start having fears of tomorrow while cares of this life
weighting your heart down you will begin separating from the blue print and the plan of God over your life just like
Adam and Eve. Human worries and cares of this life draws you closer to Satan while separating you from your Maker.
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You are created by God and He is the only one who holds your future and have the keys to your every doors and by
worries you cannot get your keys.
We are living at the edges of the great day of Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and those who are in the bus of cares
and worries of this earth will miss this great day because cares and worries overweight their heart and making then
unprepared for the day! (Luke 21:34-35 "Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing,
drunkenness and the [cares] and worries of life, and that day will come upon on you suddenly like a trap.)
Those cares and worries have made men drink beer for the worry of their tomorrow, it has made believers backslide
for their worries of losing money and loosing the earth. Satan has invented games and Television programs for those
with Cares of the world to bind their mind with games knowing his time is almost finished. Instead of people seeking
God they will be seeking great scores and levels in mobile games and computers games! After running there and here
with cares and worries of life and when you think you are relaxing the devil put you in games and little by little you
will find yourself dying spiritually and becoming lukewarm. The agenda of the enemy at this hour is to run with the
remaining time and trap many down before the Messiah return. The enemy has brought so much applications,
games, programs, channels, devices and social media to make the world busy and to overweigh them with the
worldly life and cares so that the day will come upon them like a trap and many will miss it! The plan is to change the
program of Man with God and to destroy communication between God and His people by taking the time you should
be fellowshipping with God. Your spiritual life will not be fruitful and it will be drying each and every time because of
those cares and worries of this life. (Mark 4:19 “And the cares of this world and the seductiveness of wealth and
other desires entered in and choking the word and it becomes unfruitful.”) Time is
running out for the beast and his agents and they know soon the King of King will return and execute judgment to the
world! So they are busy with winning down and backsliding many people to fall away from the way of God. Satan has
increased cares and worries of this life to overweight human heart and make no rooms for God in their heart and
their timetable. You find that you are given 12 hours for daytime and inside those hours the enemy has removed God
in your timetable, 8hours working, 3hours watching, 2 hours chatting with friends, 1 hour playing games and the lest
hours you will be sleeping at night until early morning you are back to work and cares of this life. There is no time for
reading the bible or teachings, no time for praying, no time for having fellowship with the Holy Spirit. On Sunday you
go for a two hour service and then back to your cares and worries of this life. And that is the plan of the enemy at this
hour to make the world busy and busy with cares until there is no rooms for God in your life. Time is running out and
Satan is striving with the remaining time to separate saints with God. Many demons and evil spirits are given a task to
make Christians busy and to increase their worldly cares and worries and they will carry them to Hell and others the
day of the Lord will come upon them suddenly like a trap! Wake up and arise ooh remnants of God. Let us seek not
the happiness of this world because we shall be crown with happiness in Heaven after suffering for the
righteousness. If it is happiness then let us seek it in Heaven because a pilgrim cannot get happiness in this foreign
world. This world and all its worries will take away the Love of God in you, it will separate you with your maker. You
cannot say you love God while you are loving the things of this world , the desires of the body, the lust of the flesh
and walking with the pride of life because of money. The more you enter to the love of this world the more empty
your love for God will be. Your love shall be in words and in vain word but not in deeds. (2 John 2:15-17 ) The love
and cares for this dooming life has made many pilgrims cold and lukewarm when they started wondering for this life
and becoming greedy for the world. Many were called to serve God but cares of what they will eat and drink over
weighted their heart and they doubted the calling of God. Cares of this life and tomorrow have made many to
wonder away from the righteous path of God and some bowing down to the prince of this world in order to solve
their cares and worries for tomorrow. They are even selling their souls to the devil to escape cares and worries for
this life but they won't escape Hell at the end. Even Preachers are changing the gospel to raise money and feed their
cares and worries. Jesus Christ saw it and He said in (Matthew 6:25 “This is why I tell you: do not be worried about
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the food and drink you need in order to stay alive, or about clothes for your body. After all, isn't life worth more
than food? And isn't the body worth more than clothes?)
The Lord God almighty is warning this generation to come out of this bus of cares and worries that is heading straight
away to Hell. You cannot be preparing for rapture having those cares and worries, they will make you weak and tied
of seeking God, tied for prayers and tied to do the will of God. Just like the days of Noah so it will be today when the
Messiah comes and many with their cares and worries in their heart will be left in great tribulation like how the flood
came upon them. If you are not in the ark of God in this hour you may be on the bus of cares and worries heading
you to Hell. Come out from the world and its worries and seek first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness and see
if you will not eat, drink , have peace and finally get into His Rest! Watch out those cares of the world before they
make you unprepared for the day of the Lord that you will miss it! Don't miss Heaven! Watch out!
What is the evidence of the Holy Spirit in a Believer? Well some many false teachers says that the Evidence of the
Holy Spirit is speaking in tongues or prophesying--but note this even the devil can prophecy and talk in tongues' i
have seen demon possessed doing it. So many people having those gifts(dreams, prophesying, singing, healing,
speaking in tongues) outside and their life is so evil..i was still having some and yet i was not a believer and baptized.
Their gifts can be true or false because gifts and calling are without repentance and without holiness, you are born
with them and God cannot take them away either you fall or stands. They are part of you and that’s why you cannot
say the evidence of Holy Spirit is having gifts. Evidence of Holy Spirit is producing the fruits of Holy Spirit in Galatians
5: 22. You see some of Churches are commanded by their pastors to speak in tongue, they start praying in fake
tongue which is abusing the Holy Spirit. Some are in min-skirts and unholy dressing and they are speaking in tongue,
which tongue is this? It is wicked tongue don't be deceived even the devil knows how to speak in tongue. (Those gifts
are without repentance) How can Holy Spirit operates in a immoral wicked one’s? What we see in them is gifts that
are without repentance' we know that Holy spirit is Holy and this is why He resembled a Dove because it must be
Holy then for you to be filled with Holy Spirit you must be Holy in everything, your dressing, your heart, your eyes
must be Holy not watching immoral movies and pornography. You must be obedient to the Word.
*The evidence of Holy spirit is not speaking in tongues-it is living in Holiness that's the Evidence. So if you claim to
have Holy spirit but you're not Holy and obedient to the word then watch out for evil spirit the unclean spirit may be
in you. To show you're filled with Holy Spirit you don't need to shout and jump in church and going around like a
witch with belly speaking in false tongues. No! You need only one thing to proof it !to walk in complete Holiness and
to bear the fruits of Holy Spirit that is the evidence. Show me the fruit and i will tell what type of tree you are
.(Galatians 5:22-23 But the Spirit produces love, joy, peace-,Holy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
humility, and self-control) If then you are walking in pride, anger, hatred, jealousy, unforgiving, revenging, lust and
boosting then you Have to Repent and be baptized with Holy Fire and Receive the HOLY Spirit.
Another great Evidence of the Holy Spirit in a believer or church is [Hearing] what the Spirit is saying. Oh what is He
saying right now in this Age that’s the evidence! ( Rev 2:11,3:22,3:13 " He that has ear let him hear what the Spirit
says to the Churches) In every season, every age the Spirit must give the word of that Age. This is why there is no one
church in the seven churches where this verse is not mention because in every Age there must be the word of that
Age . (John 14:26 The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and
make you remember all that I have told you.)
The Holy Spirit in this Age is speaking to the Churches saying Repent and prepare the Messiah is Coming. If you claim
to have this Spirit then are you repenting in your Church? You claim your Church has the move of the Spirit of God yet
you don't know the message of this Age, you are sowing when it is time to harvest! Are you taught that this are the
Days to Repent and walk in Holiness?? Are you preparing for Rapture or For Jesus return?? You are still preaching
about Blessing and earthly prosperity without Repentance and Holiness that is full evidence that you do not received
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the Holy Spirit of this Age. How comes God in your Church is not warning you about Rapture? Second coming of
Jesus? It means you are not upgraded to the latter outpouring of Holy Spirit in this Age. Repent and leave those false
doctrines and false churches without the Spirit otherwise you are heading to Hell. Run and go to the true Spirit of God
where He is preparing His people to be raptured.
* Another last evidence of the Holy Spirit in a believer or in a Church is that when Holy Spirit comes -(John 16:8-9 And
when he comes, he will convict to the people of the world that they are wrong about sin and about what is right
and about God's judgment. They are wrong about sin, because they do not believe in me;)
When He the Holy spirit come in a Church/believer he will convict them about sin, righteousness and Holiness...ooh
so he will convict them of their evil ways, their immoral cloths, ooh convicting them their immoral programs ,songs
and all those tight cloths, all mini-skirts, all dressing exposing body shapes. Waooh all nakedness will be exposed
because your Body is the Temple of the HOLY SPIRIT. your sin will be exposed when the Holy spirit comes in YOU. All
those materials and wickedness will be kicked out by convicting you to walk in Holiness. The Holy spirit will talk of
Righteousness and will talk of Judgment and Hell. He must convict you to Repent ! Now those are the Evidence of
Holy spirit. Do you see those qualities in your life? In your big/small Church?
In every Age the Holy spirit must talk and reveal the time we are living . Now those who have the Spirit of God in
them will take this Word of this Age to Repent and to prepare for the coming of Messiah! They will separate
themselves from the world(sin) since they are sealed with Holy Spirit ,they will walk in Holiness and they will be
shining like the stars because they walk not in Sin but in the light of this Word in this Age.
Revelation 3:22 “If you have ears, then, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches!”REPENT AND PREPARE
1 Thessalonians 5:1,4,6 There is no need to write you, friends, about the times and occasions when these things
will happen. But you, friends, are not in the darkness, and the Day should not take you by surprise like a thief. So
then, we should not be sleeping like the others; we should be awake and sober.
1 Peter 4:7,11 The end of all things is near. You must be self-controlled and alert, to be able to pray. Those who
preach must preach God's messages; those who serve must serve with the strength that God gives them, so that in
all things praise may be given to God through Jesus Christ, to whom belong glory and power forever and ever.
An Altar is a place of prayer or worship of God or gods. It is a contact place with the spirit or spiritual world. It is a
place of discussion, dialogue, communication with the spiritual powers. It is a place of spiritual sacrifice or of making
of covenants. God blesses His people at the altar of prayer. The foundation for a successful Christian life and ministry
is rooted in the altar of prayer. (Gen. 8:20-22; Gen. 12:6-8; Luke. 24:49)
In building altars of righteousness to our God, the first step is to make our own lives a living altar unto the Lord.
Psalm 24:3-6 gives a good description of those who can ascend into the “hill of the Lord” (A reference to God’s
altar). God is holy and he commands Holiness in his altar for His glory to reside. And everyone who serves in altar
must be holy without any spots of sin. They must dress in Holiness inn and out and their worship will be accepted in
Heaven. Praise and worship presented from a holy and sanctified altar represent sweet incense that God cannot
reject. When the Lord wanted to build a Holy Altar for Jacob He commanded that all ear-rings, jewelries and every
form of Egyptian materials be removed so that He can build a Holy altar with Jacob. (Genesis 35:2-4) This is the same
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thing that God requires for an end time holy altar; all artificial, make-ups, ornaments, immoral fashion and worldly
dressings must be removed in altar for God to build a Holy altar of fire.
Every Wailing Woman wants to see results in her work of intercession. She must begin by yielding her heart and
spirit unto the Lord as an altar of consecration. She must daily purify her thoughts, her speech and her lifestyle by the
washing of the word of God and the blood of Jesus Christ. By so doing she will dress and maintain a clean altar before
the Lord. God will never despise the incense that comes to Him from a righteous altar. Exodus 20:24-25 specifies
what this altar should be.
There is always power from the altar of God or from the altar of Devil. Every altar operates with powers to control
the area and the people that surrounds it. Those who stands in satanic altars has power to control those who live
near them , they are responsible of controlling alcohol bars , prostitutions, drugs, divorces , sickness and all other evil
things in that area. The mosque altar controls people and draws them to worship of Mohamed thus weakening
Christians. For Satan to work and fulfill his mission here in earth/city or village there must be an altar where he
performs those evil things. I want to exalt the Altar of God more than of Satan. God dwells in Holy altars/Church. The
power of a ministry is determined by which altar he/she operates and serves. The strongest and mighty men of God
are those who operates and serves in Holy Altars which serves in Righteousness and Holiness. Those altars are so
destructive to the kingdom of darkness, they destroys every other altars around them and delivers peoples from evil
Those who worship/ fellowship/ support or tithes from holy altars receives blessings, healing, protection and favor
from God because of the power in that altar. The Lord opens the heavenly doors of blessing upon them. (Malachi
3:10-13) Holy altars are used to restore nations, fallen families, and to break bondage or curses. Holy altars are used
to cry and intercede the people of God and to save them in the time of troubles. They are used like covenants of
peace between God and His peoples and to bring salvation and righteousness to nations. If you offers/ tithe or
support an altar/Church then you find yourself lacking and even receiving not your blessing then check first your
salvation then stop tithing there were no holiness ..there is no power in that altar or that Church. That altar is
defiled and corrupted and the glory has left the place.
If you want to stand a righteous life you must ask yourself ? Which kind of altar do you worship? Do you support?
Do you tithe? Do you receive the word? Altars have powers but only those who are Holy and not defiled by false
preachers with love of money. When you stand before the holy Altars of Jehovah and declare anything in earth it
shall be done... see Elijah always stood in the Holy Altar of Jehovah while praying and that is where he got power to
call fire from heaven. You can bless or curse anything while you are standing in the Holy Altar of Jehovah God. The
Holy Altars of God are open doors to heaven while the defiled Altars are open doors to hell. If you worships the false
altars your family will be bounded by those false powers of worshiping idols. Your live will also be sacrificed one by
one by the demonic powers in fallen altars. Fallen altars are used by the kingdom of satan as the door to send people
to hell. Fallen altars are all those Churches that do not preach holiness inn and out , no repentance gospel and
righteousness. Those fallen altars are defiled by preachers who falls from the glory of God, fallen in sexual sin, fallen
in love of money, false gifts and miracles, false teachings and doctrines. Their altars are used to serve satan and
glorify his kingdom, that is where you can see worshipers singing with mini-skirts, men chemicaling hair and ear-rings
and pastors dressing like prostitutes before the altar. That is where all kind of lies and jokes are preached, preaching
of money and false prophecies are done in those fallen altars which becomes the entrance to hell. Those altars are
used like prison for all who serves/supports and tithe in them, they are slaves of sexual sin, lies, hatred, destruction,
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looses, diseases, masturbation, deception, apostasy, fear and pervasions. Always be careful before you join any
altar/Church and before you support or offer your tithe in it, know the gospel they preach and know the life of the
preacher who minister in that altar and don't open satanic doors in your life. If the Altar or temple you are serving
and supporting is Holy and recognized in Heaven then it will bring water of Healing in your life, in your fruits and
everything will be healed and restored by the water of that Altar, the anointing of Holy Altar will bring fresh fruits and
prosperity every month. Ezekiel the Prophet saw how the level of anointing brought great healing and life when the
anointing was flowing.~ Ezekiel 47:12 On each bank of the stream all kinds of trees will grow to provide food. Their
leaves will never wither, and they will never stop bearing fruit. They will have fresh fruit every month, because they
are watered by the stream that flows from the [Temple]. The trees will provide food, and their leaves will be used for
healing people.”
Only a person who is spiritually alive and qualified can raise an altar. A person who is called by God and anointed by
His Holy Spirit. Altars are build by Apostles and Prophets those who are anointed and gifted with the revelation and
wisdom on how to raise it and build it. Those who hears and speaks with God through encounters, revelations,
dreams or in visions. Those servants carries the most anointing powers and glory for the altar of God since they are
instruments worship and God's eye. When God begins to speak to people about altars, He wants to enter into a fresh
covenant with them. He wants to visit the land. He wants to bring about changes. That is why we must keep the
altars of our nations alive and holy. Altars must be respected and never play jokes or sin before them because God is
a consuming fire God. You can't fall in immorality and go to stand in holy artars of God, you will be passing judgment
on your life and cursing yourself.
When God calls on people to repair their altars He wants to redeem and empower them to carry out a major
assignment for Him. There must be a special revival of either prayers, deliverance, holiness or repentance being
released. When Elijah rebuilt the altar at Mount Carmel, this singular event caused ripples in the nations. According
to 1 Kings 18:39, fire came down, and fear came back to the house of God. Holy altars brings fear and righteousness
back to the nations.
When altars are repaired, God judges wickedness in the Land and when the Spirit of God touches the earth a new
season begins. This is what happened in the days of Elijah. 1 Kings 18:40. All the prophets of Baal were killed and the
holy altar of God was exalted above.
Genesis 35:2-4 So Jacob said to his family and to all who were with him, “Get rid of the foreign gods that you have;
purify yourselves and put on clean clothes. We are going to leave here and go to Bethel, where I will build an altar
to the God who helped me in the time of my trouble and who has been with me everywhere I have gone.” So they
gave Jacob all the foreign gods that they had and also the earrings that they were wearing. He buried them beneath
the oak tree near Shechem.
2 Chronicles 33:15 He also removed the foreign gods and the idol from the house of the LORD, as well as all the
altars which he had built on the mountain of the house of the LORD and in Jerusalem, and he threw them outside
the city.
Judges 6:24 Then Gideon built an altar there to the LORD and named it The LORD is Peace. To this day it is still in
Ophrah of the Abiezrites.
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Exodus 17:15Moses built an altar and named it The LORD is My Banner;
Genesis 8:20 Then Noah built an altar to the LORD, and took of every clean animal and of every clean bird and
offered burnt offerings on the altar.
"We are in grace" everyone is saying it, go to the streets and to the wicked, they all are shouting" we are in the grace
we can do everything and be saved by the grace". Come to the modern church and hear them also with this proverb
"we are in the grace we can do everything and be saved by grace". God grace has been abused and turned out to be a
license to sin and through grace many are commissioned to sin and to live a careless life. It is true we are in the grace
but we cannot do everything because we are in the grace, the grace we have is not assurance to sin but a chance to
repent and turn away. In Sodom there was no grace (time to repent) and that is why they were destroyed before they
could repent. Grace simply means a time or a chance to repent before the judgment. But see and look the today’s
Church taking advantage to the only grace/time we have to repent, they have used the grace to prostitute with the
world and to misuse the blood of Jesus Christ. They have got the freedom to act and do like the world claiming they
are in grace and salvation is by grace. It is by grace that we all got the salvation back at Calvary but it is not by grace
that you will all be saved at the end..Look it was by grace that Lot and his family were delivered from the wrath but
see that grace did not save lot's wife! The same thing is happening to this world is by grace that Jesus died
for all at the cross but it is not by grace all shall be saved at the end just like Lot's is not by grace that we shall
enter the kingdom of God, the word of God says its by struggling to enter the narrow way. (Luke 13:23-24 Someone
asked him, “Sir, will just a few people be saved?” Jesus answered them, “Strive to enter through the narrow door;
because many people will surely try to go in but will not be able.)
And book of John says" since the day of John the kingdom of God suffers violence for those who want to enter (Mat
11:12) ; it is not by grace only, it is by suffering and struggling to enter the narrow way of Heaven. The grace we have
is sufficient for you to struggle and work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. You cannot sit on the couch
and relax with this old proverb "we are in the grace and shall be saved by grace"! the grace means time and
chance to work out and struggle for the kingdom of God. We cannot take this grace/time for granted and begin
sinning and having jokes with the devil. Romans 6:1 what shall we say, then? Should we continue to live in sin so
that God's grace will increase?
This is the time we are given grace/chance to change our evil ways and be restored before we are destroyed like
Sodom. The grace means you can still repent in the remaining time. The same grace has power to say no to sin and to
live a righteous holy life. It helps us to strive in the narrow way. (Titus 2:12 that grace instructs us to say no to
ungodly living and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in this world,)
If Sodom was given grace they could also have gotten the power to stop sin. The grace of God is power to stop sin
and to free from judgment. The more sin is increasing in this last days the more we are increased the grace of God
which is power to resist sin. The more wickedness we see the more those who finds grace will be increased the
power and grace to say no to sin. (Romans 6:14 Sin must not be your master; for you do not live under law but
under God's grace.)
This are the days where increase of evil will be so high that Christians needs to walk in the given grace to avoid falling
away. If you fall because of looking sexy ladies at street you are in great trouble in this days because today they are
striping off! One of this days we are going to preach for total naked people at street; and the grace of God will
increase so much that you will remain standing and undefiled. We need also to walk in spirit in a deeper level to
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End Time Apostolic messages_ 2017 watchman peter

  • 2. 2 I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ? God bless you for getting this book for your spiritual life. This is the fourth book of my end times teachings and revelations which by the power of Holy Spirit I have written to bring the hidden word of God and truth through the revelation of the word of God. Part of those teachings that God has been sending me with to the Church of Christ to prepare the bride of Christ for the second coming. I thank my God for this book and also my lovely wife Joyce for supporting me and all brothers and sisters for the support and prayers. TABLE OF CONTENTS 3: Cleansing word 5: Secret of Tithe 7: Discerning the Bread of Life 10: Closing demonic doors 13: Exposing false salvation 14: Seeking first the kingdom 15: Uprooting and planting 17: power of spoken word 18: Cares of Life bus to Hell 20: Evidence of Holy Spirit 21: Secret powers in altar 24: False Grace of devil 26: Taking care against Jezebel 28: different between the church 30: casting your seed 31: Overcoming Trials 33: How to be directed by God 35: mammon god 36: Consequences of backsliding 38: Defining the bride of Christ 39: Greatest battle of flesh 41: How to receive from God. 43: kill not the enemy! 45: Monuments Christians 46: secret in Jesus name 48: The elected one's 49: whoever is evil! 51: woe to those who strives with God! 54: Hidden bride! 55: Dream and Vision 57: False anointed one's! 58: Darkest hour 59: Ministry of angels 61: walking with God 63: choosing of bride 65: Apostasy and deception 67: sin revelation 68: results of leading astray 70: Sold out for Christ 72: Breaking the outer man 74: misusing the name of God 76: vessels of destruction.
  • 3. 3 3 End time Apostolic messages CLEANSING WORD OF GOD IN THIS HOUR The word of God is the spoken word that God Himself spoke through the bible. The word itself is life to them that are dead, and revives the broken heart. There is power through the spoken of word of God and we see in Genesis how God spoke word and the world and everything else was created. The only way which will bring life to a dead Church is to speak and preach the word of God and the reason why Church is lifeless is because of removing the word of God. The word of God brought healing and deliverance and it cleansed the Church from all unclean. The word of God is the light at this hour for those who will embrace but for those who will reject it they will walk in great darkness. The word of God is the son of God in form of breath and scriptures. The reason why the old ancient Church walked with so much power and authority is because they walked with the word of God and deed nothing apart from the Word, they followed the Word of God and obeyed it until power and life begun to flow with so much power and anointing. Look at today's Church is sick, worn out and dying every day in spirit and the river of anointing is drying day by day because they have forsaken the Word of God which brought life. The Church today is so much in flesh and so far in spirit, so much sweating of flesh and dancing while none of prayers and tears in the Spirit. Sweating and dancing is 100% while tears and holy worship is 1% and the flesh is too high, preaching in flesh, dancing in flesh, praying in flesh, singing in flesh and worshiping in flesh . Nothing about the Spirit nowadays, nothing about praying in Spirit, nothing about worshiping in Spirit because of the stings of death that comes through the flesh. They Church is going dead and the life of God is taken away by the flesh in it. The flesh is leading the Church to worldliness and entertainment. The devil is now replacing preachers with actress, replacing sermons with entertainment and the Word with the world. The enemy has brought another gospel of flesh, and the world and anything preached is about flesh and body. This is why you can hear them saying that God looks at heart and not the way we act or the way we dress. God looks at heart while men look at outside which is true, so your outside should matter a lot to us because men look outside and those who sin they sin because of outside. Let your outside be holy and blameless to prevent men sinning with your appearance and if the world will sin because of your outward appearance then you must be judged by God. You cannot dress half naked, and skinny tight cloths exposing your private parts and still say that God looks at heart while men are falling in lust by your outward appearance! God will judge you and if those men be cast to Hell so you will also be cast to Hell with them for being a stumbling block to them and a sign post to Hell. Where is the power of word in the Church today? The word of God is the sweeping bloom for the church today for sweeping all the filthiness and decays brought by the flesh. Jesus Christ is the word of God and He is the soup to wash away every spots of flesh defiling the Church. Jesus Christ said " you are already clean by the word i spoke to you" ( John 15:3 You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.) Meaning that the Spoken word of God is washing word to cleanse the Church of God. The scripture has the power to cleanse every sin and to remove every kind of evil in the Church. Therefore the Church must return to the word of God and be washed every kind of sin and fleshly acts we see, the homosexual in church must be cleared by the word of God, it says that neither the men who sleeps with men cannot see the Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9), speak the word of God and the Church will be clean. Speak the word of God and prostitutes and adultery will be cleansed, the lesbians will be cleansed , and pornography and masturbation will be wiped out! There is power and authority through the Spoken word of God to fight against sin and to bring deliverance from the stings of death. Nothing can stand against the word of God, even the Pharisees and Sadducees could not stand against the Word, even death and Hell could not hold the power of Word and the Word overcome with so much power and authority. The Church of this hour will overcome by sticking to the word of God and by obeying every spoken word of God. It will not compromise the word neither will it joke or try to dilute the word. It will be "thus says the LORD" Amen. The word of God will be the final word. And there will be
  • 4. 4 4 End time Apostolic messages no compromise with the world and sin. I see today how some Church are compromising the word of God and allowing all sorts of wickedness at the holy altar of God and bringing madness right in Church, the devil is ruling them, women wearing trousers, men putting on ear-rings, dying hair, look and see lusting and immorality in Church, preachers fornicating and cheating with members, pornography and masturbation ruling them while they are still worshiping and preaching at Church! What a shame to hear such things in Christianity today? The devil has been allowed because they have rejected the word of God and replaced it with entertainments and worldly programs. They have chased the Holy Spirit by bringing the worldliness in Church, the worldly dances and songs, the Hollywood and games is the discussion of every member in the Church they want to hear. No more of fasting, no more of spending time in prayer room and that is why they are so weak and worn out by the flesh and all its desires ruling them until they are cast to Hell. There is no power in the Church unless the power of word of God is ruling and allowed to cleanse the Church. All requirements for a Christian to see the kingdom of God is in the Holy word of God. Christians must allow the full effect of the word of God to clean their life until Jesus Christ image will appear in their life. That comes after obeying the word and surrendering to it until the washing and cleansings of sin is fully done in your life. And that is when you will begin to see the life of Jesus Christ flowing in you and the characters of Jesus Christ appearing as evidence to your testimony as a Christian. Jesus Christ is the word given to the Church to wash her and make her Holy and Pure. He is the sacrifice offered to sanctify and wash away our garment for the marriage of the Lamb of God. (Ephesians 5:25-27 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless) In one of this days the Bridegroom will come for Her bride who must attained the holiness and standards of the Kingdom of God. The bride of Christ is prepared and made holy by washing of the word of God, being cleansed by the word and being removed all stains and spots of flesh. The reason why there is no difference between the church goers and disco goers is because the Church has not allowed the Word of God to bring that difference between the world and the Church. There must be a difference when the word of God comes to your life and it changes you and cleanse till a new identity and different image appears in your life making you different with the world. The word of God is the cleansing soap for the bride of Christ, and the word washes her until she is holy, pure and blameless from this world. And until she has nothing to be blamed with the world, her life is blameless, and her garment is blameless. She is washed away from the flesh and now she is the light of the world and worshiping in the beauty of Holiness and righteousness. God is calling the Church to return to the scriptures or get lost. The Church of today is dirty and only the word of God will wash her, not words of men nor doctrines of men cannot wash her. Return to the programs of Holy Spirit and destroy all your worldly programs, and then let the Power and authority of Holy Spirit lead you and you will see the Kingdom of God. The bride of Christ will be wearing the garment of the WORD and that is the only way to be one with Christ Jesus by living in the Word of God. The Church will not be accepted in Heaven expect she produces a Word Bride who is holy, pure and Glorious by the washing of the word of God. When the mighty eyes of God watches at the modern Church He see a dirty and naked Church walking and claiming to be the bride of Jesus Christ, a Church that is dirty with the sin of flesh and a naked Church stripped by the world. The world has stripped off the church and prostituted with her. Look the dressings of the Church today and you will see dressings of prostitutes and nudity. The world has become friend of Church until they are now wedding to together very soon. The world has destroyed the faithfulness of the Church and has left her naked and dirty in sin. Wake up the Church and putt on the Word which will cover your shame and cleanse your dirty garment. Repent, separate and divorce the world in you and be united by the Word of God and you will be joined with the King of
  • 5. 5 5 End time Apostolic messages Kings. Time is running out and the bridegroom is ready coming to meet her bride who is well covered by the garment of her Word and cleanse from her sins. Blessed is the Church that has been washed and made pure by the Word of God and she shall be united with the King of Kings. (Rev 22:14 "Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. (Rev 16:15 "Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed.") SECRET ABOUT TITHE What God has spoken will never change and none of His Holy Word will return to Him. There are preachers teaching that Tithe was law and so it was abandoned in New Testament by Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ came not to destroy the law but to strengthen it. There is no evidence where Jesus said that tithe and offering should be abandoned. But we see in New Testament somebody who was still practicing it. (Luke 18:12 I fast two days a week, and I give a tenth of all my income) Stop adding your own scriptures to avoid God word and read the whole of Bible. Now in the book of Malachi chapter three verse six where God speaks of Tithe and offering there God has started with this saying " I THE LORD DO NOT CHANGE". He starts by saying that He has never charge and never will He change about bringing the whole tithe in His house. In Malachi chapter three verse seven " (Malachi 3:7 You, like your ancestors before you, have turned away from my laws and have not kept them. Return back to me, and I will turn to you.) God is still commanding this generation to return to His scriptures and stop turning away from His Word. God continues explaining that people are robbing him and stealing from Him by robbing from him tithe and offerings. If you are robbing God you are a thief and no thief will enter Heaven and no wonder even Angelica Zambrano and others servants were shown many Christians in Hell who did not pay Tithe and offering and they are there like robbers. You are robbing from God blessings and there is a terrible Curse for those who don't tithe faithfully. For those who steal from tithe and deducts from it. There is a blessing for those who are faithful with this word and there is a terrible curse for those who refuse it -read it yourself (Malachi 3:8 "Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. "But you ask, 'How do we rob you?' "In tithes and offerings. 3:9 You are under a [curse]--the whole nation of you--because you are robbing me. 3:10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. 3:11 I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not cast their fruit," says the LORD Almighty. 3:12 "Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land," says the LORD Almighty.) There is a great reason why God is asking for the return of this Scripture “Bring the whole tithe in my house so that my house will not lack food (for His servants)” verses ten. There are those who are chosen by God and anointed to look after the house of God , after the gospel purpose and those are the one who take use of tithe and eats from it. They are priest commissioned by God and their payment is tithe from the Lord.(1 Corinthians 9:14 In the same way, the Lord has ordered that those who preach the gospel should get their living from it) And that is why God is asking all Christians to be faithful with tithe and offering or otherwise the Curse will follow them. And no one with this curse from God can enter His Kingdom. (Revelation 22:3 Nothing that is under God's curse will be found in the city.) Those are curses that are following people who are born again and living in God's house but they have robbed from God. Their healthy are cursed and all their riches are bringing curses and destruction upon their life. They are people that are living with curses while they are in the house of God , they cannot prosper and they live in tears. God curse is very terrible. The curse of disobedience is removed by repenting, obeying God and being faithful with everything God gives you. Before the angel of God comes to protect your incomes, your farm, your crops and your business the angel must follow the word
  • 6. 6 6 End time Apostolic messages of God first and if you are not faithful with your tithe and your are robbing God then no protection from God and you are exposed to the curse of God to destroy you. TERRIBLE CURSES FOR LACK OF OBEYING THE WORD OF GOD (Mal 3:10-11)(Deut 28:15-48) 1: Bareness; in your womb, your crops, your animals, your work, your fruits and everything you do shall not give you good fruits. 2: Destruction; destruction in your wealthy, marriage, thief stealing, fire attacking your properties, roses in your incomes. 3: Diseases and death; curse of diseases after diseases in your healthy , in your family, in your crops , in your animals and sudden death and roses. “But if you disobey the Lord your God and do not faithfully keep all his commands and laws that I am giving you today, all these evil things will happen to you: “The Lord will curse your towns and your fields. “The Lord will curse your grain crops and the food you prepare from them. “The Lord will curse you by giving you only a few children, poor crops, and few cattle and sheep. “The Lord will curse everything you do. The Lord will strike you with infectious diseases, with swelling and fever; he will send drought and scorching winds to destroy your crops. These disasters will be with you until you die. “The Lord will give your enemies victory over you. You will attack them from one direction, but you will run from them in all directions, and all the people on earth will be terrified when they see what happens to you. Your cattle will be butchered before your very eyes, but you will not eat any of the meat. Your donkeys will be dragged away while you look on, and they will not be given back to you. Your sheep will be given to your enemies, and there will be no one to help you. A foreign nation will take all the crops that you have worked so hard to grow, while you receive nothing but constant oppression and harsh treatment. “You will plant plenty of seed, but reap only a small harvest, because the locusts will eat your crops. All your trees and crops will be devoured by insects. “All these disasters will come on you, and they will be with you until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the Lord your God and keep all the laws that he gave you. The Lord blessed you in every way, but you would not serve him with glad and joyful hearts." (Deuteronomy 28: 15-48 read all) AWESOME BLESSINGS FOR THOSE WHO OBEY THE WORD OF GOD (Mal 3:10-11, Deut 28: 1-14) 1: Increase: crops, animals, wealthy, family, increase in your work.
  • 7. 7 7 End time Apostolic messages 2: Protection and security; protecting your crops, animals, work, family, marriage, healthy properties and all your incomes. 3: Fruits; increase of children, animals, crops, money and everything you do will increase. “If you obey the Lord your God and faithfully keep all his commands that I am giving you today, he will make you greater than any other nation on earth. Obey the Lord your God and all these blessings will be yours: “The Lord will bless your towns and your fields. “The Lord will bless you with many children, with abundant crops, and with many cattle and sheep. “The Lord will bless your grain crops and the food you prepare from them. “The Lord will bless everything you do. “The Lord will defeat your enemies when they attack you. They will attack from one direction, but they will run from you in all directions. “The Lord your God will bless your work and fill your barns with grain. He will bless you in the land that he is giving you. The Lord will give you many children, many cattle, and abundant crops in the land that he promised your ancestors to give you. He will send rain in season from his rich storehouse in the sky and bless all your work, so that you will lend to many nations, but you will not have to borrow from any. The Lord your God will make you the leader among the nations and not a follower; you will always prosper and never fail if you obey faithfully all his commands that I am giving you today. (Deuteronomy 28:1-14 read all) Obey the Lord and be faithful in your tithes and offering and test if you will not be blessed in this generation. Faithfulness and obedience are the door to Prosperity while disobedience and unfaithfulness are the door to Destruction. Be holy and obey the word of God and you will receive the promises of His word. Before offering and bringing tithe to the Lord you must make sure you are not bribing God with tithe, you must first repent and be living in a righteous and blameless life and God will bless you. For there are people who brings offering to God to bribe God with their sins or they try to cover it with offerings. That kind of offering cannot be accepted in Heaven and there are no blessings in that unless they repent and be right with God. Tithe should be given to those priest or servants who are preaching the true Gospel and only to those that God has accepted or otherwise you will have no blessings in those Churches. You must know that you are promoting the kind of gospel they preach and so be careful to promote the false gospel of deception. It is now upon you to obey the Lord and receive those blessings or disobey the Lord and receive all those terrible curses. DISCERNING THE BREAD OF LIFE Meaning of Discerning; Understanding, recognizing, Distinguish, Differentiate or judging between right and wrong. Many people are perishing and even others getting lost because they don't discern, understand or recognize the meaning of the word of God and who Christ is. Today we have many believes of people who uses the bible to continue in their false doctrines. We have peoples like Rasta-farians who uses the word of God without discerning it
  • 8. 8 8 End time Apostolic messages and understanding it , they go ahead and read some bible scriptures and concludes that the coming messiah was Empire Haile Selassie 1 from Ethiopia. Because of lack of understanding and discerning who Jesus Christ was they are leading many people astray and to hell. Lack of discerning and understanding the word of God is the highway to deception and apostasy doctrines of serpents. Lack of discerning the holy bible is setting yourself on fire of judgment. Every time you read the word of God and fail to understand it and interpret on your own you are bringing judgment to yourself. The word of God is the bread that comes from Heaven that gives eternal life but if you eat the bread without recognizing it and discerning it you are just digging out your grave. For no one who lack to understand can obey and do the right thing. The Lords bread means His word or His flesh and many are lacking to discern and respect the word of God before they take it. (1 Corinthians 11:29-30 For if you do not discern or recognize the meaning of the Lord's body when you eat the bread and drink from the cup, you bring judgment on yourself as you eat and drink. That is why many of you are sick and weak, and several have died.) The word of God is warning this generation who are lacking to discern the word of God and going ahead and using the same Word of God to unite homosexual marriages! They say don't judge and going ahead and doing evil while they're sticking to a certain scripture to support their believes. You are bringing judgment on yourself as you eat/read the word of God without discerning it and understanding the meaning of the word of God. That is why many are sick and weak and others dying because of misinterpreting the Holy word of God and perverting the meaning. That is why many Churches are dying spiritually and very weak because of lack of getting the understanding of the word and getting the wrong meaning. Doing things without discerning the word and getting to hell for misinterpreting the word of God. Everything should be discern by the word of God the bread of life. Check this and see how they lacked to understand Jesus Christ when He said He was the Bread of Life. (John 6:47-54 I am telling you the truth: he who believes has eternal life. I am the bread of life. Your ancestors ate manna in the desert, but they died. But the bread that comes down from heaven is of such a kind that whoever eats it will not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If you eat this bread, you will live forever. The bread that I will give you is my flesh, which I give so that the world may live.” This started an angry argument among them. “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” they asked. Jesus said to them, “I am telling you the truth: if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you will not have life in yourselves. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them to life on the last day.) So is the Churches today who are lacking to know or discern the body of Christ the word of life at this hour. Except you eat of the flesh/word of God you cannot have eternal life. I see today so called people are not even interested to hear the real word of God but seeking to hear jokes and entertainment. There are no short cuts to heaven if you fail to follow every steps in the bible, people are skipping the water baptism and ignoring the scriptures and lacking to recognize the meaning of the word of God. And Jesus Christ in John chapter three verse three to four that “Except a man be born again by water and spirit he cannot see the Kingdom of God". That is why except you are born in water and Spirit you cannot discern the Word of God because you have nothing to discern in you and you are not of the kingdom of God. This is why many are lacking to recognize between the right and wrong, between darkness and light, and they are falling in the hands of false prophets and antichrist because they failed to understand the scriptures. I see many false messiahs claiming to be Jesus Christ in flesh and so many people following them to Hell. Because Christians today are running and welcoming everyone coming in Jesus name without having to judge him and recognize him by the word of God. Others are eating snakes, grass and others drinking petrol in Church because they have followed their preachers without caring if they are following the word of God. Without discerning the Bread of Life the word of God you are on your way to deception and Hell. People are so sick and spiritually weak for lack of the word of God and understanding it. They are left confused and calling what is right wrong and rejecting the true messengers of the Gospel of Christ Jesus. That’s why women in the Church are
  • 9. 9 9 End time Apostolic messages wearing like prostitutes holding the scriptures don't judge me. Others wearing trousers and lacking to discern Deuteronomy 22:5 that warns women from wearing men cloths. The Church cannot discern evil and good today and that is why they cannot say smoking is sin, wearing of mini-skirts is sin, makes ups is sin and changing their natural beauty is sin. No wonder they have allowed homosexual at the pulpit and lesbianism in the Church. They lacked to discern the bread of life , they failed to understand scriptures and now judgment is coming upon them and many are spiritually dying and getting weaker until they fall to Hell. Jesus Christ said "a man cannot live by the earthly bread alone but will live by every word that comes from His mouth" because that is the bread of Life. But see Christians today they don't want to read and eat the word of God everyday and instead they are eating at the devils table with games, movies, worldly programs and that is what they want to eat. Ask them how many times they fast in a month? How many times they read the bible? How many times they pray during the day? Nothing of the word they discern all they want to do is eat, drink, sleep , internet and TV. Then sit down and listen to the prosperity preachers who make them happy and satisfied in this earth. No wonder they are weak and dying every hour while at Sundays they are quick to shout Amen with everything said by the preacher without discerning it with the Word of God. They claim to know Christ Jesus but you will see them by their evil fruits. While they are walking at street you cannot differentiate them with prostitutes and the world, same dressings and same behaviors. You will find them dancing the same worldly songs and singing at Church, watching the same worldly and dirty movies. They have no discernments of good or wrong. (1 Corinthians 10:21 you cannot drink from the Lord's cup and also from the cup of demons; you cannot eat at the Lord's Table and also at the table of demons.) They know how to interpret and discern the signs of the sky but they have failed to discern the hour that we are living and the coming of Jesus Christ. They are preachers with big ministries but without discernment of the age we are living, they know nothing of the hour we are spiritually, they teach nothing of holiness and righteousness. They are blind preachers without eyes to discern the hour we are living! They can't prepare the Church of Christ for Rapture for they are in sleeping without discernment! Living without the Holy Spirit they cannot discern or understand the scriptures and yet we see many so emerging teachers and preachers without discernments of the word of God and therefore leading many astray by their false teachings. How will you overcome the enemy in this last day without the sword the word of God? Lack of discerning the word of God results in: 1: Spiritual death and physical death. 2: spiritual weakness and diseases. 3: guilty of sinning against the body of Christ. Importance of discerning the body of Christ the word of life: 1: Brings life. 2: Brings healing and deliverance 3: Brings blessings. 4: Have eternal life. Stop ignoring the word of God and keeping aside Scriptures for your evil benefits. You must practice the whole bible and eat the whole bread of life or otherwise there will be no life in you. Eat the flesh , drink the blood of Jesus Christ
  • 10. 10 10 End time Apostolic messages and have discernment of the word of God before believing it. Failure to discern the meaning of the word of God and acting it you are adding judgment upon yourself. #John 6:53-54 Jesus said to them, “I am telling you the truth: if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you will not have life in yourselves. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them to life on the last day. CLOSING SIX DEMONIC DOORS IN YOUR LIFE There are legal grounds which the enemy holds in our body that gives entrance to his evil kingdom to rule and to destroy our life. The secret to overcome the enemy is to close any legal grounds and to close the door he comes through. Before one falls in sin there must be an open door in your life which the enemy passed through. The secret to overcome sin is to know the legal ground of sin. This is why every day Christians are falling and backsliding because of not closing those demonic doors that leads to sin. Some keeps on repenting and falling again in the same sin because of the legal grounds of Satan that are not destroyed. There are demonic doors which connect with the Hells gates to bring all kind of evil through in our body. Demons feed on sin. The more you sin the more demons control your life. Sinful life is the evidence of a demon in your life. Closing those demonic doors is closing door to sin and walking with the Lord. There are six doors which allow Satan to manipulate and access your life and therefore which welcomes every kind of evil spirit to rule you life. 1: Eye; This is the most part of the body and the door which is mostly attacked by the enemy to get demons in your life. Eyes are the gate way to your heart and your soul. (Mathew 6:22 "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. 6:23 but if your eyes are bad, your body will be in darkness. So if the light in you is darkness, how terribly dark it will be!) The eye is the lamp that give light to your whole body and if your eye is holy then it brings holiness in all your body. And if your eye is evil even your whole body will be filled with darkness and evil spirits. If your eye is used to seek the word of God it will bring light in your body. Meaning that the eye is used as the door to bring darkness in your whole body or to bring light in your whole body. Demons gets your body through your eyes by how you use your eyes to watch! Watching of nude pictures brings demons of lust in your body, watching of pornography brings demons of masturbation and sexual demons. Watching of action movies brings demons of hatred, strife, violence , disobedience and revenge demons. Watching of horror movies brings witchcraft demons, nightmares demons, satanic dreams and introduces you to the kingdom of satan. Watching of immoral programs brings demons of cheating, divorce, adultery and fornication demons. If your eyes are for watching evil then your whole body will be evil and greater will be the darkness inside you. Your eyes will be weak to face the light because of darkness within you, mostly people who cannot withstand to look your eyes are filled with darkness within which prevent them to look upon the righteous one who reflects light of God within them. Guard your eyes which are the entrance of every spirit be it Holy Spirit or evil spirits. Those who watch holy things pertaining to the things of God brings light of God in their heart thus allowing the Holy Spirit to access their body. Watch out your eyes and close all those evil and ungodly channels that brings darkness in your life. Take care of your eyes for they are gateway to your soul. 2: Ears; This is the second part where demons get access to your body and they are able to control you through what you listens. Your ears are spiritual doors by which you can enter in the realms of spiritual world by what you listen. They are doors to enter Hell or Heaven by what you let inside your ears. Those who listen spiritual gospel songs are always exposed to the power of God and entering to the presence of God in Heaven. And you see them at the end praying, crying and penetrating to Heaven through worship. Yes it is the ladder to climb Heaven. Also those who listen to ungodly music(songs that do not praise God) they are exposed to the kingdom of Satan and those worldly
  • 11. 11 11 End time Apostolic messages songs will be a ladder to take them down to Hell, they will be possessed with evil spirits and demons will have access to control their life with darkness of sin. Satanist and witches has spelled curses upon those worldly songs and those who listen will possess those curses. Curses of lust, rebelliousness, disobedience, masturbation, fornication, and sexual orgies. Others are spelled with demonic oaths that when you sing them you are saying oath in satanic kingdom and making covenant. You need to repent and renounce all those oaths and covenants through satanic songs. Be on guard on what you listens because you give Satan legal grounds to access your body. Always listen what Glorifies God and praises God, what is true and what is pure. Remember when Saul was tormented by evil spirits he use to listen at David's songs and those demons would leave him. Songs can chase away demons or attract demons in your life. Be careful with the kind of songs and preaching you listen because the enemy has polluted songs industrials and even some teachings preached are from the pit of Hell and are followed by evil spirits. Don't listen to Satan or you will fall from place of Glory after getting deceived like Eve. Give Satan no ear because he is good in deceiving human from the beginning. Proverbs 18:15 The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out. 3: Tongue; Through your tongue you can give demons a place in your heart to rule and destroy your life. There are people who are now controlled by demons following their tongues and what they said using tongue. Some enters into captives and covenants with satanic kingdoms by using their tongues. Any negative word that you speak is always followed by an evil spirit which will get access in your body through evil words. Cursing words are doorway to evil spirits and those who curse their life will be opening legal grounds for demons. Every negative word that you speak to your life will manifest in a negative way for there is power in your tongue. Stop cursing your children or insulting them because every insult is a curse and demons feeds on curses and insults. If you insult your child an animal then demons will follow after the power of your tongue and spirits of animal will follow your child. Stop using your tongue to sing for the devil with worldly songs because you exalts satanic kingdoms by praising it. You dedicates your tongue to satanic kingdoms by those worldly songs. Use your tongue to Glorify God, to preach God, to speak God and to speak positively words. Don't give the devil a chance by speaking too much which leads to sin, it is wise to be silent and to speak little words than to end up sinning with your tongue. *Ephesians 4:29 Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you. *James 3:6 And the tongue is like a fire. It is a world of wrong, occupying its place in our bodies and spreading evil through our whole being. It sets on fire the entire course of our existence with the fire that comes to it from hell itself. 4: Mind/ thought; many time mind and thought are influenced by how you use you eyes and ears. And those things defiles your mind and your thinking. You mind and thought are programmed by what you see and listen. And when you start thinking about negatives thought you are allowing the evil spirits in your body to get access by evil thought. Those who have sexual thought they opens the door to the evil spirits of lusting and demons of immorality will lead them to the evil act of sin. The greatest battle is in our thought how to overcome between evil and good thought. And the only way we overcome evil mind is by the sword of Spirit which is the word of God, reading the word of God and cleaning every evil thought. Meditation of the word of God will clean your mind, soul and body. Mind or thought are used like gates to enter into spiritual world of darkness when people begin meditating upon the evil things and things of darkness. Satanist and monk uses meditation using their thought to enter into spiritual world of darkness. You must also meditate the word of God every day and you will enter into the realms of Holy presence of God every day. Let your mind focus upon the Kingdom of God and upon righteousness thought. For every evil minds unclean your heart thus allowing demons to access your life. Give no rooms to every evil thought and instead rebuke them by authorizing your mind by obedient through the word of God and making them captive to the will of Jesus Christ. Always meditate upon the word of God and listen to holy godly songs for renewing of mind.*Philippians 4:8 In
  • 12. 12 12 End time Apostolic messages conclusion, my friends, fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honorable. 5: Heart; The heart is very hidden in the body and protected by your other body parts. Your heart is defiled when one of your body part is weak thus giving access to your heart. There are four paths which links to the heart which the enemy uses and they are tongue, ears, eyes and thought. If you want to enter and capture the heart you must first attack mind, ears or eyes. Those who get saved and receives Jesus Christ in their heart are first attacked their ears or eyes by the gospel and then they are made to understand through their thought and through their tongue they confess Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will enter their heart and make them believers of Jesus Christ. If your other parts of the body will be good also your heart will be good and full of right. The storages of other parts of the body is found in the Heart and all unclean spirits which enters through the doors of other parts are channeled all to the bottom of the heart. All demons of hatred, strife, lust, killing, suicide, masturbation, disobedience are stored in the heart and entered through the doors of eye, ear, tongue and thought. So to protect your heart from those defilements and unclean spirit you must close first all other doors in your body that links to your heart. If your eye is clean then your heart shall be clean. Matthew 15:18-19 But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these are the things that make you ritually unclean. For from your heart come the evil ideas which lead you to kill, commit adultery, and do other immoral things; to rob, lie, and slander others. 6: Body; the body is sensitive and so it allows the spiritual things to pass through the body to your heart. God says that our body is the temple of Holy Spirit and so if other parts will be clean and holy then you will allow the Spirit of God to enter your body. If your other parts of the body will not be clean and holy then demons will get access to your body through that defiled part of the body that is contaminated. Touching of unclean things will allow evil spirit to access your body, touching of witchcrafts, sorcery products, magic games, sexual sin , masturbation and touching of dead will give evil spirits legal rights to access and possess your life. Take care of your body and abstain from all sexual acts which bring demons in your body to rule you. Those who masturbate they sleep with demons spiritually and they become one, also those who do sex apart from ordained marriage they became one in body and soul. Demons pass through sex to enter the body. Take care and stop touching and buying everything you see at street like culture products mostly associated with witchcrafts. Avoid satanic products, satanic cloths(drawings and symbols), ornaments, sprays, make-up products, rings and all those artificial hairs sold out with demonic spirit. Those products and artificial hair are sacrificed to demons not to God. God is Holy and He commands everyone who want to became His son or daughter to touch not any unclean thing and God will accept them. Stop touching all unclean, unholy ,ungodly things and you will be closing doors to satanic kingdoms. 2Co 6:17 "Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you." 18 "I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." We are living in the end times days where the enemy is cursing almost every products before they are released to the market, cursing 90% of what Christians are using because the time of reign of antichrist is near but God will protect His people and the Holy Spirit will help to separate from satanic doors. This is the hour to arise and close those doors that gives legal rights to the enemy in our life. If you close them and separate from such things i assure you that you will serve God in beauty of Holiness and then enter to His Kingdom. Prayer for Deliverance Mighty Jesus Christ, I repent and confess my sin to you in Jesus Christ name, I surrender my life to you Jesus Christ, wash me by the blood of Jesus Christ, write my name in the book of life, delete my name in the book of Hell, I receive you today as my personal savior and my Lord in Jesus Christ name, I believe Jesus and receive salvation. Amen. I repent for any occultism and witchcraft in my life in Jesus Christ, I confess every sexual sin in Jesus Christ
  • 13. 13 13 End time Apostolic messages name, I renounce every witchcrafts and occultism in Jesus Christ name, I renounce every satanic oaths and covenants in Jesus Christ name, I separate my soul from demonic chains in Jesus Christ name, i close every satanic doors and I destroy every satanic legal grounds in Jesus Christ name, I break every demonic chains in Jesus Christ, I command every evil spirits in my body to come out by the authority of name of Jesus Christ, I welcome the power of Holy Spirit in my body to rule in Jesus Christ Name, I purify my body, my heart and my soul and my name through the blood of Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ name. I am delivered and made free in Jesus Christ Name. Amen EXPOSING FALSE SALVATION AND HOPE As I ponder a little and look back down the race of salvation, i see many solders and pilgrims left be hide , fallen and backslidden. Brothers and Sisters who we use to eat on the same table and fellowshipped together. They were the first and i see them going the last. Why and what is this dragging them be hide ? Then Almighty God gave me the answer. There are some of hidden truth and reasons why many are still backsliding in this hour. The type of Salvation , faith and hope you received. I came to know there is now false salvation where you receive Jesus today and tomorrow you fall, false faith grounded by fears and worries. The false faith and salvation is brought by receiving Jesus because of fear of Hell, because of Visions and Prophecies. What made you accept Jesus? If it was because of Hell visions and rapture Prophecies then it won't last long enough before you fall. When those Visions stops and Prophecies vanishes you will also stop your salvation and fall back. All false salvation and false faith build on those fear of Hell and Rapture prophecies will fall when the great trials and shaking of saints comes, when prophecies stop you will lose your salvation, when visions of Hell stop you will lose your salvation of fear! All false reasons of receiving Jesus will not last for they have no foundation in them, receiving Jesus because of Poverty is false salvation which won't last after your get rich, Loneliness and desperation should not be the reason you are worshiping Jesus today! That is the reason why every day we are losing believers of Christ and the reason why the number of Christians in Heaven is decreasing. Our foundation and reason should be in the Word of God the promised Word that gives Hope and renews our Faith. Those earthly prophecies will end , visions will end and prophets dies but the Word of God will never lose its effectiveness. I have witnessed many who fell and backslidden because they use to follow and keep their faith on visions of Hell and prophecies ; then those things failed and stopped and their faith went down and today they are doing all sort of evil. They were people who were moved by Prophecies of Rapture and Visions of Hell and their faith was established in fear of Hell and Rapture. They received Rapture prophecies every day until they got tired of them seeing Rapture did not happen. They became familiar with those Visions and too much confusion of Visions and Prophecies until they lose their interest in Faith which is the plan of Devil to bring confusion. Stick to the word of God and promise and it will never fail. Those who received Christ because of fear of Rapture will fall if rapture won't take place soon. Until you change your hope and Faith you will not make it in this end times. To stand in this end times you need to put your full hope to the word of God the spoken word of God which is the true foundation and reason why men should accept Jesus Christ. Building your Hope and Faith upon the written Word of God is building upon the unshaken rock. With this true Hope you are purified and cleansed by the Word everyday and that is the true Hope that is found in the Word of God that makes a Pilgrim to keep following Jesus until the end. The Bible the Word of God teaches that everyone who has the Hope of Christ Second Coming should purifies himself because JESUS is Pure also and that is the true Hope that is build in the word of God promises. (1John 3:2 Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. The reason why the world should accept Jesus Christ is this Hope that is promised in the Word of God, the eternal promise of the Kingdom of Heaven. The reason why Jesus preached was because of the Kingdom of Heaven and that is why people should repent for the Kingdom of God purpose.
  • 14. 14 14 End time Apostolic messages Purify your hope and faith by keeping your promises in the Holy Word of God and live in the word of God which purifies your Hope of waiting Christ everyday and strengthening your faith in this end times. You will never be moved or shaken if you put your all hope in written word of God. The word of God has all power to overcome the enemy in this days because the word is the sword and the breath of God.(but the word of the Lord endures forever." And this is the word that was preached to you. 1 Peter 1:25) Titus 2:13-14 as we wait for the blessed Day we hope for, when the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ will appear. He gave himself for us, to rescue us from all wickedness and to make us a pure people who belong to him alone and are eager to do good.1 Thessalonians 3:13 so that He may establish your hearts without blame in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints. (SEEKING FIRST THE KINGOM OF GOD) There is great power when following the word of God when we obey and seek first His Kingdom. If people can recognize what awaits those who has the Kingdom of God then i see many people standing without lacking in life. I want us to break down the word of God and enter to this great secret of seeking first the kingdom of God as Jesus Christ gave it like an answers to solve out the cares of this life. (Matthew 6:31-33 “So do not start worrying: ‘Where will my food come from? or my drink? or my clothes?’ (These are the things the pagans are always concerned about.) Your Father in heaven knows that you need all these things. Instead, seek first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness, and he will provide you with all these other things.) From the beginning we see that mankind has always be striving with worries of this life, what to eat ,drink and wear. But we see Jesus Christ knowing that our worries and cares will never lead us to his kingdom but to the world’ He said " seek first His Kingdom first and its righteousness then you will be provided with anything else) The first thing before you seek food, cloth and every other worldly thing you need to seek first the Kingdom of God which is to seek our Heavenly father who is our creator and the one who answers our cares. Our cares are not greater than His kingdom and what man should always be concern of at first is the kingdom of God and its righteousness. Jesus Christ knew that in the Kingdom of God there are all our answers because those who seek it they seek from the hand of heavenly God. In the kingdom of God there are all our needs and all our prayers are there , in His Kingdom everything human requires is stored there, food, healthy, cloth, money, blessings and all others that we need for our living. So if you could first seek the Kingdom of God and seek what it requires of that Kingdom then you will never lack because the Kingdom of God will take care of you. We are called to be sons and daughters of the kingdom of God and if we really seek His kingdom and its righteousness then you have the right to eat and drink because you belong to the kingdom of the King of King. The king will provide you as well He provides his Children in the Kingdom of God. That is what it means to seek first the Kingdom of God and it means to seek first how to enter of the Kingdom of God and eat with King in one table, it means to repent and believe Jesus Christ by receiving salvation and full water baptism. Then after you have received the kingdom of God and have became a believer of Jesus Christ then you need to seek its righteousness which is everything that requires for the kingdom of God, it is to obey the rules and regulations for the kingdom, it is to seek the will of the Kingdom of God in your life, seek what God requires of you. God requires everyone of His kingdom to obey His Word and live a life of righteousness and holiness away from sin in order that you may eat and drink in His Kingdom. If you are just a Christian but you are living against the requirement of Kingdom of God by living in sin, disobedience and ignorance to the word of God then you cannot expect your Heavenly father to provide your cares. You cannot even taste of a drink from His kingdom because you are rebellious Children. Rebellious Child even in earth cannot eat from his father or mother. You cannot fail to obey your Father and then you are asking him to provide food for you. So you must be obedient to our heavenly father so that you can benefit from the Kingdom of God. Stop sin and stop what God is calling evil, separate yourself from living like a pagan, seek God and fear Him, stop watching unclean things, and listening unclean and dirty songs which does not praise the
  • 15. 15 15 End time Apostolic messages Kingdom of God. Dress like the Children of the Kingdom of God and exalt righteousness and holiness. You just do everything for the sake of the Kingdom of God, be faithful, be kind, be merciful, be humble, forgive and seek after peace then i tell you the truth you will eat and drink from the Kingdom of God and with the King of King. Anything you need for your living shall be provided since you are so close to the provider of every living thing and a citizen of His kingdom. Your heavenly father knows what you need even before you pray for He cares for the obedience Children and provide those who are in His Kingdom as well. Seek first the kingdom of God and live all your life seeking for the kingdom of God because that is what matters more than seeking stomach food, or worldly riches. Let your aim not be eating and drinking from the Kingdom of God but let your aim be entering the Kingdom of God and pleasing your Heavenly Father. Stop weighting the kingdom of God with the riches of this world because the world is ending but the kingdom of God is forever. Before you seek earthly thing ask your self have you sought the kingdom of God first? Are you living in its requirements? you may die today and it shall be terrible for you without the kingdom of God. Its fine you may be eating and drinking but if your name is not in the kingdom of God then you shall end up in hell forever. Seek first the will of God in your life because you may be doing and working in the field not assigned for you in the kingdom of God. Seek what God want you to do and seek His will in your life and then you shall eat and drink there in the will of God. Stop wasting your time in your own will and get in line with what the kingdom of God is saying about you. Ask yourself today if what you are doing is what God want you to do because many are called to be servants of the kingdom of God but are wasting time serving the kingdom of this world. Seek the requirements of the kingdom of God in your life and seek the will of God for you. Let your foundation be centered in the kingdom of God which cannot be shaken. Let your riches be stored there and by your good deeds you invest in Kingdom of God where no thief can break. Nothing matters now in this hour more than the kingdom of God, we have no time to compromise with the world now, time is running out and the great kingdom of God is in hand. Eating and drinking is not greater than the Kingdom of God so don't sin because of stomach. Your wife or husband at this hour is not greater than the kingdom of God , don't let him/her bring you down from seeking the kingdom of God at this hour! Nothings matters now at this last hour. Only seek and do it for the kingdom of God is near. It is better at this hour you separate from everything or anyone who is drugging you be hide, or anything that is fighting your relationship and separating you from the Kingdom of God. Your eyes or hand are not even greater than the Eternal life in the kingdom of God and if they cause you to sin then cut them out or gorge them out and enter the kingdom of God than let them drag you to eternal lake of fire. Beyond the kingdom of God is near and nothing matters right now more than eternal life. Seek first the Kingdom and let God be the first priority you think in your life. UPROOTING & PLANTING BY THE POWERS OF GOD Every true believer is an example of Christ in this earth and like Christ came to do the work of His Father in Heaven so also every Christian must do the work of God and fulfill their callings and ministries. In first John chapter three verse eight to ten says that Jesus Christ came to destroy the work of Satan and to raise the work of God. That is the role of every so called out servant to destroy the work Satan and to establish the work of God in this world. We are called out by God and anointed by His Spirit to fight against every evil kingdoms, to fight against every work of Satan , to fight over antichrist and to fight against every evil mind or thought raising above the will of God. Like Elijah the prophet of God was to destroy and to tear down satanic altars of Baal prophets, so is the Church of God today to fight against every false prophets , against every false doctrines, and against the apostasy and deception in the Churches. You are called out like a star at night to give light, you are called out and raised for this days to fight against every darkness controlling people. By the truth of the word of God you can fight against evil one and plant truth.
  • 16. 16 16 End time Apostolic messages Mighty power of God has been sent to all believers to uproot and to plant according to the will of God, you have power when you believe and doubt not and is the power to uproot every demonic things and plant the godly things. (Matthew 21:21-22 Jesus answered, “I assure you that if you believe and do not doubt, you will be able to do what I have done to this fig tree. And not only this, but you will even be able to say to this hill, ‘Get up and throw yourself in the sea,’ and it will. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”) By this power of the Word of God you will uproot every mountains standing against your life, every mountains of failure will be uprooted according to the faith and power in the Word of God in Jesus Christ name. In this end times the enemy has raised some mountains to bring down many Children of God and to hinder them from looking above to Heaven. The word of God has power if we speak it and believe it in our prayers. It makes every mind to submit to the authority of God, and every kingdom to submit in authority of Jesus Christ name. It is written that every knee shall bow before the name Jesus Christ and so every demons or spirit will have to bow down before the name of Jesus Christ. You have to use power of the word of God to command every spirits to bow down before the name of Jesus Christ. And if you have faith and stop doubt then nothing shall stand before you even HIV Aids will bow down and have nothing than to obey Jesus Christ. You must use the Word of God to bring down that evil spirit that backslide you in authority to Jesus Christ and bring down every evil thought that exalts itself against holiness in Jesus Christ name. Take every thought captive and make it obey Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4-5 The weapons we use in our fight are not the world's weapons but God's powerful weapons, which we use to destroy strongholds. We destroy false arguments; we pull down every proud obstacle that is raised against the knowledge of God; we take every thought captive and make it obey Christ.) Those who are living in complete holiness and obedience will be given power of the Word of God to uproot or plant by the will of God and they will be used to bring life in earth and to destroy every satanic power in Jesus Christ name. If you serve God in truth in this hour you will be honored by God and your prayers shall be honored and shall be answered because you are a holy servant of Jesus Christ. (John 12:26 whoever wants to serve me must follow me, so that my servant will be with me where I am. And my Father will honor anyone who serves me.) Every called out servant of God is given power and authority in Jesus Christ to pull down, to uproot, to over , to build and to plant according to the word of God. You got the power to curse evil acts and also power to bless by the anointing given to you. Like Jeremiah the prophet of God was given powers and authority to continue his ministries and to fight against the enemy work. (Jeremiah 1:10 Today I give you authority over nations and kingdoms to uproot and to pull down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.”) God's holy servants are solders that are given every weapon to fight the evil one. They got the power to root out and pull down every curses, spirits and break down every evil covenants. They have power to destroy and pull down every sickness, diseases, doctrines and forces of darkness. Through their calling and anointing they have power to build and to plant healing, blessings, life, healthy and peace. Using the word of God you can command the situations in authority of Jesus Christ spoken word and it shall be done by faith. There are evil plantation and foundations of Satan which are used to oppress people of God and to torment them. Those evil plants and seeds need the word of God to be uprooted down and get destroyed by sword of God. (Matthew 15:13 “Every plant which my Father in heaven did not plant will be pulled up,” answered Jesus.) By using the above word of God you can pull up and uproot or pull down every plantation that God has not planted in Jesus Christ name. Pull down every spirit of death in your families, business and ministries in Jesus Christ. Get the power and fight against those spirit of discouragements, failure and poverty in your life by uprooting them and making them submit to the authority of Jesus Christ. Get use of the power of God and experience the powers of God working in you through the Holy Spirit, to boost up those powers you need to be fasting for effectively powers and submit yourself to the word of God in obedience. God is looking for those who will be trusted with those powers and those are the one to be used to bring down the kingdom of God in this earth and to set free the captives. Mark 16:17-18 Believers will be given the power to perform miracles: they will drive out demons in my name; they will speak in strange tongues; if they pick up snakes or drink any poison, they will not be harmed; they will place
  • 17. 17 17 End time Apostolic messages their hands on sick people, and these will get well. Romans 14:11 For the scripture says, “As surely as I am the living God, says the Lord, everyone will kneel before me, and everyone will confess that I am God.” POWER OF SPOKEN WORDS God created this earth by the power of speaking word and by spoken word the world was created, He said let there be light and there appeared light. Nothing was created without the word of God. He commanded and it was created. (Genesis 1:11 Then he commanded, “Let the earth produce all kinds of plants, those that bear grain and those that bear fruit”—and it was done.) By using of His mighty tongue He commanded and it was done by His word. Everything that we see physical or spiritual was as the results of spoken words. If you would believe and speak the word of God you will be like God to create or to uproot in the power of words for you are created in His likeness. There is great power that God has put in our words through the using of our tongue. We are created in the image of God and like God we have power of words because we are in His image. He gave as power and authority over every creature and power to control even nature. (Genesis 1:26-27 Then God said, “And now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have power over the fish, the birds, and all animals, domestic and wild, large and small.” So God created human beings, making them to be like him. He created them male and female), If then God created human beings to be like Him then we have power of the word through our tongue. We can bring death or bring life, curse or blessings are in the power of our tongues. (Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.) Those who preserve the power of words will be used so great at this hour, they will be used to bring life and healing in this world. But those who lack to discern the power of words they will bring death over their life and send themselves in the grave for careless word which are spoken. Take care of the power of word in your tongue for by your usage of words you will increase or decrease your life span. Before you speak a word think the results because spoken words cannot be rewind. If you speak its done and you have to accept the results of your words. The bible says that tongue is very small but it controls our body and also it destroys your body. By using your tongue you can win a lot of people to Heaven and also if you use your tongue to mislead and lie you can win many to hell fire. ( James 3:6 And the tongue is like a fire. It is a world of wrong, occupying its place in our bodies and spreading evil through our whole being. It sets on fire the entire course of our existence with the fire that comes to it from hell itself.) You can dress very nice and be a great man but if you don't control your tongue it will bring you to a state of something to nothing. Take care of speaking many words because the more you can speak the more you will sin. The heart of a full is found in his tongue and when he start speaking he will pour out all the foolishness in his heart. The heart of a wise man is found in his tongue for out of his tongue comes out wisdom and expensive words. Many people have broken relationship, marriages, and even families because of tongue. When you get sad just be silent before you sin if you can't resist your words. Be slow to speak and quick to listen. Take care of your words before you speak because it has broken much heart and lead many to sin. Govern your tongue and speak what is pure , what is true, what is of value and what gives glory to Jesus Christ. Let lies , evil words, dirty words and cursing words never be found in your tongue and God will trust you with the power of tongue. Let your tongue serve God and not Satan. You cannot use your tongue to preach Satan and preach Jesus Christ, you cannot use your tongue to sing dirty songs and use the same tongue to worship God. Be careful with what you speak or sing if you want to be given the power of Words in these last days. ( James 3:9-12 We use it to give thanks to our Lord and Father and also to curse other people, who are created in the likeness of God. Words of thanksgiving and cursing pour out from the same mouth. My friends, this should not happen! No spring of water pours out sweet water and bitter water from the same opening. A fig tree, my friends, cannot bear olives; a grapevine cannot bear figs, nor can a salty spring produce sweet water.)
  • 18. 18 18 End time Apostolic messages Your tongue as a Christian cannot be used to insults others, speak lies, criticize other people and still expect to rebuke demons with your unclean tongue! You will remain useless in your prayers and powerless because your tongue is evil. God does not honor the words of wicked people who has unclean and loose tongue but He honors and respects the words of a righteous person who tongue is clean and holy.(Ephesians 4:29 Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you. By your words you can curse yourself and open doors of failure, there are people who uses their tongue to curse their life, and speak evil of their life, sayings of negatives words in your life is cursing your life, e.g. am useless, I cannot, I don't have the power to, am poor, am weak and using impossible words is bringing down your life. You got power of word and what you say will surely follow you and if you say you are a failure or foolish then you shall always fail and became a fool. Don't even use such words to your children because you will be cursing them and they will be failures and foolish for whatever you say is done.(1 Peter 3:10 As the scripture says, “If you want to enjoy life and wish to see good times, you must keep from speaking evil and stop telling lies.) If you want God to give you power of word then you must avoid speaking and doing evil with your tongue. Whatever you speak should be true and praising God in your word. Let your word be blameless because you shall give account of every careless word that you speak on Judgment day. Either you are preaching or speaking then you should use your words in a holy way because your words can lead astray millions to hell or lead millions to the Kingdom of God. (Mat 12:36-37) It is time to train your tongue to bless others and God will bless you. Those who will use their tongue and word well in this age will be given great power to fight the enemy, to bring healing , deliverance, set free the captives, and life to those are dying. If you stand holy like God and use your tongue with the word of God then you will have power to control every spirit and creatures in Jesus Christ name. Whatever you shall command in line with the Word of God it shall be done. And whatever you will bind in earth shall be bound in heaven. And whatever you lose hear in earth shall be loosed even in Heaven. That is the power of the word for those who will walk in obedience and walk in righteousness. Their tongue will be source of life and their words will be used to bring many to the presence of God. CARES OF LIFE THE BUS TO HELL There is a bus released by the devil and this bus is carrying so many people to hell and its name is [cares of Life]. This bus was prophesied by Jesus Christ when He said that his coming would be like Noah’s days. In the times of Noah there was two buses one was called the Ark and the other bus was called Cares of Life which carried many people with cares of life and they worked, eat , drunk , marrying and giving in marriage and chasing after the world activities. This bus is leading many millions to Hell today by cares of this life and making Christian to lose focus on the kingdom of God. This bus of cares of the life is making believers in the Ark bus to leave it and to follow the cares of this world. Inside this bus of cares passengers are tagged with a label to Hell ! People here are very ignorant of the time that we are living and are so busy with the cares of this life, they are caring about their body desires , work, marriage, children , happiness , money and their happiness. The enemy has came with this bus of cares of the world to take away the vision of the Glory of God, to take away your mission, to destroy the fellowship of God and His people and to bring down many devoted servants of God. God walked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day and they had a powerful fellowship every day. And then one day Satan came with this bus of cares of tomorrow and Eve was deceived because She wanted to know about tomorrow and she was seeking more than what God has given them and Satan deceived her that if they eat the fruit they would be like God, She wasn’t satisfied of life and she wanted more just like how many are falling away from faith by wanting more of what God has not given them. The same thing today many are not satisfied with their body and they are changing it and falling to the deception of serpent make-ups! Be satisfied with God and don't run before the time of God. When you start having fears of tomorrow while cares of this life weighting your heart down you will begin separating from the blue print and the plan of God over your life just like Adam and Eve. Human worries and cares of this life draws you closer to Satan while separating you from your Maker.
  • 19. 19 19 End time Apostolic messages You are created by God and He is the only one who holds your future and have the keys to your every doors and by worries you cannot get your keys. We are living at the edges of the great day of Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and those who are in the bus of cares and worries of this earth will miss this great day because cares and worries overweight their heart and making then unprepared for the day! (Luke 21:34-35 "Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the [cares] and worries of life, and that day will come upon on you suddenly like a trap.) Those cares and worries have made men drink beer for the worry of their tomorrow, it has made believers backslide for their worries of losing money and loosing the earth. Satan has invented games and Television programs for those with Cares of the world to bind their mind with games knowing his time is almost finished. Instead of people seeking God they will be seeking great scores and levels in mobile games and computers games! After running there and here with cares and worries of life and when you think you are relaxing the devil put you in games and little by little you will find yourself dying spiritually and becoming lukewarm. The agenda of the enemy at this hour is to run with the remaining time and trap many down before the Messiah return. The enemy has brought so much applications, games, programs, channels, devices and social media to make the world busy and to overweigh them with the worldly life and cares so that the day will come upon them like a trap and many will miss it! The plan is to change the program of Man with God and to destroy communication between God and His people by taking the time you should be fellowshipping with God. Your spiritual life will not be fruitful and it will be drying each and every time because of those cares and worries of this life. (Mark 4:19 “And the cares of this world and the seductiveness of wealth and other desires entered in and choking the word and it becomes unfruitful.”) Time is running out for the beast and his agents and they know soon the King of King will return and execute judgment to the world! So they are busy with winning down and backsliding many people to fall away from the way of God. Satan has increased cares and worries of this life to overweight human heart and make no rooms for God in their heart and their timetable. You find that you are given 12 hours for daytime and inside those hours the enemy has removed God in your timetable, 8hours working, 3hours watching, 2 hours chatting with friends, 1 hour playing games and the lest hours you will be sleeping at night until early morning you are back to work and cares of this life. There is no time for reading the bible or teachings, no time for praying, no time for having fellowship with the Holy Spirit. On Sunday you go for a two hour service and then back to your cares and worries of this life. And that is the plan of the enemy at this hour to make the world busy and busy with cares until there is no rooms for God in your life. Time is running out and Satan is striving with the remaining time to separate saints with God. Many demons and evil spirits are given a task to make Christians busy and to increase their worldly cares and worries and they will carry them to Hell and others the day of the Lord will come upon them suddenly like a trap! Wake up and arise ooh remnants of God. Let us seek not the happiness of this world because we shall be crown with happiness in Heaven after suffering for the righteousness. If it is happiness then let us seek it in Heaven because a pilgrim cannot get happiness in this foreign world. This world and all its worries will take away the Love of God in you, it will separate you with your maker. You cannot say you love God while you are loving the things of this world , the desires of the body, the lust of the flesh and walking with the pride of life because of money. The more you enter to the love of this world the more empty your love for God will be. Your love shall be in words and in vain word but not in deeds. (2 John 2:15-17 ) The love and cares for this dooming life has made many pilgrims cold and lukewarm when they started wondering for this life and becoming greedy for the world. Many were called to serve God but cares of what they will eat and drink over weighted their heart and they doubted the calling of God. Cares of this life and tomorrow have made many to wonder away from the righteous path of God and some bowing down to the prince of this world in order to solve their cares and worries for tomorrow. They are even selling their souls to the devil to escape cares and worries for this life but they won't escape Hell at the end. Even Preachers are changing the gospel to raise money and feed their cares and worries. Jesus Christ saw it and He said in (Matthew 6:25 “This is why I tell you: do not be worried about
  • 20. 20 20 End time Apostolic messages the food and drink you need in order to stay alive, or about clothes for your body. After all, isn't life worth more than food? And isn't the body worth more than clothes?) The Lord God almighty is warning this generation to come out of this bus of cares and worries that is heading straight away to Hell. You cannot be preparing for rapture having those cares and worries, they will make you weak and tied of seeking God, tied for prayers and tied to do the will of God. Just like the days of Noah so it will be today when the Messiah comes and many with their cares and worries in their heart will be left in great tribulation like how the flood came upon them. If you are not in the ark of God in this hour you may be on the bus of cares and worries heading you to Hell. Come out from the world and its worries and seek first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness and see if you will not eat, drink , have peace and finally get into His Rest! Watch out those cares of the world before they make you unprepared for the day of the Lord that you will miss it! Don't miss Heaven! Watch out! EVIDENCE OF HOLY SPIRIT IN A BELIEVER AND CHURCH What is the evidence of the Holy Spirit in a Believer? Well some many false teachers says that the Evidence of the Holy Spirit is speaking in tongues or prophesying--but note this even the devil can prophecy and talk in tongues' i have seen demon possessed doing it. So many people having those gifts(dreams, prophesying, singing, healing, speaking in tongues) outside and their life is so evil..i was still having some and yet i was not a believer and baptized. Their gifts can be true or false because gifts and calling are without repentance and without holiness, you are born with them and God cannot take them away either you fall or stands. They are part of you and that’s why you cannot say the evidence of Holy Spirit is having gifts. Evidence of Holy Spirit is producing the fruits of Holy Spirit in Galatians 5: 22. You see some of Churches are commanded by their pastors to speak in tongue, they start praying in fake tongue which is abusing the Holy Spirit. Some are in min-skirts and unholy dressing and they are speaking in tongue, which tongue is this? It is wicked tongue don't be deceived even the devil knows how to speak in tongue. (Those gifts are without repentance) How can Holy Spirit operates in a immoral wicked one’s? What we see in them is gifts that are without repentance' we know that Holy spirit is Holy and this is why He resembled a Dove because it must be Holy then for you to be filled with Holy Spirit you must be Holy in everything, your dressing, your heart, your eyes must be Holy not watching immoral movies and pornography. You must be obedient to the Word. *The evidence of Holy spirit is not speaking in tongues-it is living in Holiness that's the Evidence. So if you claim to have Holy spirit but you're not Holy and obedient to the word then watch out for evil spirit the unclean spirit may be in you. To show you're filled with Holy Spirit you don't need to shout and jump in church and going around like a witch with belly speaking in false tongues. No! You need only one thing to proof it !to walk in complete Holiness and to bear the fruits of Holy Spirit that is the evidence. Show me the fruit and i will tell what type of tree you are .(Galatians 5:22-23 But the Spirit produces love, joy, peace-,Holy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self-control) If then you are walking in pride, anger, hatred, jealousy, unforgiving, revenging, lust and boosting then you Have to Repent and be baptized with Holy Fire and Receive the HOLY Spirit. Another great Evidence of the Holy Spirit in a believer or church is [Hearing] what the Spirit is saying. Oh what is He saying right now in this Age that’s the evidence! ( Rev 2:11,3:22,3:13 " He that has ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the Churches) In every season, every age the Spirit must give the word of that Age. This is why there is no one church in the seven churches where this verse is not mention because in every Age there must be the word of that Age . (John 14:26 The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and make you remember all that I have told you.) The Holy Spirit in this Age is speaking to the Churches saying Repent and prepare the Messiah is Coming. If you claim to have this Spirit then are you repenting in your Church? You claim your Church has the move of the Spirit of God yet you don't know the message of this Age, you are sowing when it is time to harvest! Are you taught that this are the Days to Repent and walk in Holiness?? Are you preparing for Rapture or For Jesus return?? You are still preaching about Blessing and earthly prosperity without Repentance and Holiness that is full evidence that you do not received
  • 21. 21 21 End time Apostolic messages the Holy Spirit of this Age. How comes God in your Church is not warning you about Rapture? Second coming of Jesus? It means you are not upgraded to the latter outpouring of Holy Spirit in this Age. Repent and leave those false doctrines and false churches without the Spirit otherwise you are heading to Hell. Run and go to the true Spirit of God where He is preparing His people to be raptured. * Another last evidence of the Holy Spirit in a believer or in a Church is that when Holy Spirit comes -(John 16:8-9 And when he comes, he will convict to the people of the world that they are wrong about sin and about what is right and about God's judgment. They are wrong about sin, because they do not believe in me;) When He the Holy spirit come in a Church/believer he will convict them about sin, righteousness and Holiness...ooh so he will convict them of their evil ways, their immoral cloths, ooh convicting them their immoral programs ,songs and all those tight cloths, all mini-skirts, all dressing exposing body shapes. Waooh all nakedness will be exposed because your Body is the Temple of the HOLY SPIRIT. your sin will be exposed when the Holy spirit comes in YOU. All those materials and wickedness will be kicked out by convicting you to walk in Holiness. The Holy spirit will talk of Righteousness and will talk of Judgment and Hell. He must convict you to Repent ! Now those are the Evidence of Holy spirit. Do you see those qualities in your life? In your big/small Church? In every Age the Holy spirit must talk and reveal the time we are living . Now those who have the Spirit of God in them will take this Word of this Age to Repent and to prepare for the coming of Messiah! They will separate themselves from the world(sin) since they are sealed with Holy Spirit ,they will walk in Holiness and they will be shining like the stars because they walk not in Sin but in the light of this Word in this Age. Revelation 3:22 “If you have ears, then, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches!”REPENT AND PREPARE MESSIAH IS COMING THAT IS WHAT THE SPIRIT IS SAYING TO THIS LAST AGE! 1 Thessalonians 5:1,4,6 There is no need to write you, friends, about the times and occasions when these things will happen. But you, friends, are not in the darkness, and the Day should not take you by surprise like a thief. So then, we should not be sleeping like the others; we should be awake and sober. 1 Peter 4:7,11 The end of all things is near. You must be self-controlled and alert, to be able to pray. Those who preach must preach God's messages; those who serve must serve with the strength that God gives them, so that in all things praise may be given to God through Jesus Christ, to whom belong glory and power forever and ever. Amen. MOST SECRET POWERS FOUND IN ALTARS An Altar is a place of prayer or worship of God or gods. It is a contact place with the spirit or spiritual world. It is a place of discussion, dialogue, communication with the spiritual powers. It is a place of spiritual sacrifice or of making of covenants. God blesses His people at the altar of prayer. The foundation for a successful Christian life and ministry is rooted in the altar of prayer. (Gen. 8:20-22; Gen. 12:6-8; Luke. 24:49) ALTAR REQUIREMENTS In building altars of righteousness to our God, the first step is to make our own lives a living altar unto the Lord. Psalm 24:3-6 gives a good description of those who can ascend into the “hill of the Lord” (A reference to God’s altar). God is holy and he commands Holiness in his altar for His glory to reside. And everyone who serves in altar must be holy without any spots of sin. They must dress in Holiness inn and out and their worship will be accepted in Heaven. Praise and worship presented from a holy and sanctified altar represent sweet incense that God cannot reject. When the Lord wanted to build a Holy Altar for Jacob He commanded that all ear-rings, jewelries and every form of Egyptian materials be removed so that He can build a Holy altar with Jacob. (Genesis 35:2-4) This is the same
  • 22. 22 22 End time Apostolic messages thing that God requires for an end time holy altar; all artificial, make-ups, ornaments, immoral fashion and worldly dressings must be removed in altar for God to build a Holy altar of fire. Every Wailing Woman wants to see results in her work of intercession. She must begin by yielding her heart and spirit unto the Lord as an altar of consecration. She must daily purify her thoughts, her speech and her lifestyle by the washing of the word of God and the blood of Jesus Christ. By so doing she will dress and maintain a clean altar before the Lord. God will never despise the incense that comes to Him from a righteous altar. Exodus 20:24-25 specifies what this altar should be. POWER OF ALTARS There is always power from the altar of God or from the altar of Devil. Every altar operates with powers to control the area and the people that surrounds it. Those who stands in satanic altars has power to control those who live near them , they are responsible of controlling alcohol bars , prostitutions, drugs, divorces , sickness and all other evil things in that area. The mosque altar controls people and draws them to worship of Mohamed thus weakening Christians. For Satan to work and fulfill his mission here in earth/city or village there must be an altar where he performs those evil things. I want to exalt the Altar of God more than of Satan. God dwells in Holy altars/Church. The power of a ministry is determined by which altar he/she operates and serves. The strongest and mighty men of God are those who operates and serves in Holy Altars which serves in Righteousness and Holiness. Those altars are so destructive to the kingdom of darkness, they destroys every other altars around them and delivers peoples from evil one. WARNING FOR ALTARS! Those who worship/ fellowship/ support or tithes from holy altars receives blessings, healing, protection and favor from God because of the power in that altar. The Lord opens the heavenly doors of blessing upon them. (Malachi 3:10-13) Holy altars are used to restore nations, fallen families, and to break bondage or curses. Holy altars are used to cry and intercede the people of God and to save them in the time of troubles. They are used like covenants of peace between God and His peoples and to bring salvation and righteousness to nations. If you offers/ tithe or support an altar/Church then you find yourself lacking and even receiving not your blessing then check first your salvation then stop tithing there were no holiness ..there is no power in that altar or that Church. That altar is defiled and corrupted and the glory has left the place. If you want to stand a righteous life you must ask yourself ? Which kind of altar do you worship? Do you support? Do you tithe? Do you receive the word? Altars have powers but only those who are Holy and not defiled by false preachers with love of money. When you stand before the holy Altars of Jehovah and declare anything in earth it shall be done... see Elijah always stood in the Holy Altar of Jehovah while praying and that is where he got power to call fire from heaven. You can bless or curse anything while you are standing in the Holy Altar of Jehovah God. The Holy Altars of God are open doors to heaven while the defiled Altars are open doors to hell. If you worships the false altars your family will be bounded by those false powers of worshiping idols. Your live will also be sacrificed one by one by the demonic powers in fallen altars. Fallen altars are used by the kingdom of satan as the door to send people to hell. Fallen altars are all those Churches that do not preach holiness inn and out , no repentance gospel and righteousness. Those fallen altars are defiled by preachers who falls from the glory of God, fallen in sexual sin, fallen in love of money, false gifts and miracles, false teachings and doctrines. Their altars are used to serve satan and glorify his kingdom, that is where you can see worshipers singing with mini-skirts, men chemicaling hair and ear-rings and pastors dressing like prostitutes before the altar. That is where all kind of lies and jokes are preached, preaching of money and false prophecies are done in those fallen altars which becomes the entrance to hell. Those altars are used like prison for all who serves/supports and tithe in them, they are slaves of sexual sin, lies, hatred, destruction,
  • 23. 23 23 End time Apostolic messages looses, diseases, masturbation, deception, apostasy, fear and pervasions. Always be careful before you join any altar/Church and before you support or offer your tithe in it, know the gospel they preach and know the life of the preacher who minister in that altar and don't open satanic doors in your life. If the Altar or temple you are serving and supporting is Holy and recognized in Heaven then it will bring water of Healing in your life, in your fruits and everything will be healed and restored by the water of that Altar, the anointing of Holy Altar will bring fresh fruits and prosperity every month. Ezekiel the Prophet saw how the level of anointing brought great healing and life when the anointing was flowing.~ Ezekiel 47:12 On each bank of the stream all kinds of trees will grow to provide food. Their leaves will never wither, and they will never stop bearing fruit. They will have fresh fruit every month, because they are watered by the stream that flows from the [Temple]. The trees will provide food, and their leaves will be used for healing people.” WHO CAN BUILD AN ALTAR? Only a person who is spiritually alive and qualified can raise an altar. A person who is called by God and anointed by His Holy Spirit. Altars are build by Apostles and Prophets those who are anointed and gifted with the revelation and wisdom on how to raise it and build it. Those who hears and speaks with God through encounters, revelations, dreams or in visions. Those servants carries the most anointing powers and glory for the altar of God since they are instruments worship and God's eye. When God begins to speak to people about altars, He wants to enter into a fresh covenant with them. He wants to visit the land. He wants to bring about changes. That is why we must keep the altars of our nations alive and holy. Altars must be respected and never play jokes or sin before them because God is a consuming fire God. You can't fall in immorality and go to stand in holy artars of God, you will be passing judgment on your life and cursing yourself. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE BUILD ALTARS? When God calls on people to repair their altars He wants to redeem and empower them to carry out a major assignment for Him. There must be a special revival of either prayers, deliverance, holiness or repentance being released. When Elijah rebuilt the altar at Mount Carmel, this singular event caused ripples in the nations. According to 1 Kings 18:39, fire came down, and fear came back to the house of God. Holy altars brings fear and righteousness back to the nations. When altars are repaired, God judges wickedness in the Land and when the Spirit of God touches the earth a new season begins. This is what happened in the days of Elijah. 1 Kings 18:40. All the prophets of Baal were killed and the holy altar of God was exalted above. Genesis 35:2-4 So Jacob said to his family and to all who were with him, “Get rid of the foreign gods that you have; purify yourselves and put on clean clothes. We are going to leave here and go to Bethel, where I will build an altar to the God who helped me in the time of my trouble and who has been with me everywhere I have gone.” So they gave Jacob all the foreign gods that they had and also the earrings that they were wearing. He buried them beneath the oak tree near Shechem. 2 Chronicles 33:15 He also removed the foreign gods and the idol from the house of the LORD, as well as all the altars which he had built on the mountain of the house of the LORD and in Jerusalem, and he threw them outside the city. Judges 6:24 Then Gideon built an altar there to the LORD and named it The LORD is Peace. To this day it is still in Ophrah of the Abiezrites.
  • 24. 24 24 End time Apostolic messages Exodus 17:15Moses built an altar and named it The LORD is My Banner; Genesis 8:20 Then Noah built an altar to the LORD, and took of every clean animal and of every clean bird and offered burnt offerings on the altar. FALSE GRACE" RELEASED BY THE DEVIL "We are in grace" everyone is saying it, go to the streets and to the wicked, they all are shouting" we are in the grace we can do everything and be saved by the grace". Come to the modern church and hear them also with this proverb "we are in the grace we can do everything and be saved by grace". God grace has been abused and turned out to be a license to sin and through grace many are commissioned to sin and to live a careless life. It is true we are in the grace but we cannot do everything because we are in the grace, the grace we have is not assurance to sin but a chance to repent and turn away. In Sodom there was no grace (time to repent) and that is why they were destroyed before they could repent. Grace simply means a time or a chance to repent before the judgment. But see and look the today’s Church taking advantage to the only grace/time we have to repent, they have used the grace to prostitute with the world and to misuse the blood of Jesus Christ. They have got the freedom to act and do like the world claiming they are in grace and salvation is by grace. It is by grace that we all got the salvation back at Calvary but it is not by grace that you will all be saved at the end..Look it was by grace that Lot and his family were delivered from the wrath but see that grace did not save lot's wife! The same thing is happening to this world is by grace that Jesus died for all at the cross but it is not by grace all shall be saved at the end just like Lot's is not by grace that we shall enter the kingdom of God, the word of God says its by struggling to enter the narrow way. (Luke 13:23-24 Someone asked him, “Sir, will just a few people be saved?” Jesus answered them, “Strive to enter through the narrow door; because many people will surely try to go in but will not be able.) And book of John says" since the day of John the kingdom of God suffers violence for those who want to enter (Mat 11:12) ; it is not by grace only, it is by suffering and struggling to enter the narrow way of Heaven. The grace we have is sufficient for you to struggle and work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. You cannot sit on the couch and relax with this old proverb "we are in the grace and shall be saved by grace"! the grace means time and chance to work out and struggle for the kingdom of God. We cannot take this grace/time for granted and begin sinning and having jokes with the devil. Romans 6:1 what shall we say, then? Should we continue to live in sin so that God's grace will increase? This is the time we are given grace/chance to change our evil ways and be restored before we are destroyed like Sodom. The grace means you can still repent in the remaining time. The same grace has power to say no to sin and to live a righteous holy life. It helps us to strive in the narrow way. (Titus 2:12 that grace instructs us to say no to ungodly living and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in this world,) If Sodom was given grace they could also have gotten the power to stop sin. The grace of God is power to stop sin and to free from judgment. The more sin is increasing in this last days the more we are increased the grace of God which is power to resist sin. The more wickedness we see the more those who finds grace will be increased the power and grace to say no to sin. (Romans 6:14 Sin must not be your master; for you do not live under law but under God's grace.) This are the days where increase of evil will be so high that Christians needs to walk in the given grace to avoid falling away. If you fall because of looking sexy ladies at street you are in great trouble in this days because today they are striping off! One of this days we are going to preach for total naked people at street; and the grace of God will increase so much that you will remain standing and undefiled. We need also to walk in spirit in a deeper level to