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Stripped Down Religion
Although I know that this message will not be
received well be all who my hear it. I am convicted
by the Holy Spirit and so compelled just as Paul
himself did say “Though I preach the Gospel, I have
nothing to glory of; for necessity is laid upon me,
yes, woe is unto me if I preach not the Gospel.
Therefore I tell you of truth, my brothers and sisters,
that it is my stern confidence, and even unto my
dying breath, that I am directed by the inward
impulse of the Holy Spirit to proclaim what thus
says the LORD, without reservation, apprehension,
or concern of self, rather be it mine or yours.
Stripped Down Religion
I believe the church as it relates to the people of God
to be in a crisis.
I perceive that from coast to coast, and New Horizon
being of no exception, and thereto counted in that
number, indeed in truth does stand at a crossroads
void of understanding as it relates to the doctrine of
And as well, all too often is the Christian dazed and
confused and near incapable to give an answer
should one ask them to give reason for the hope that
is in them.
All too often is the Christian bewildered, and just
out right perplexed, as to the sound doctrines taught
in the bible.
Stripped Down Religion
Future Endeavour
And all though the time will not allow, nor would it
be appropriate to attempt to address it all at once; I
will today touch on some of these, if ever so brief.
And I will endeavor, as the Lord gives me
opportunity to proclaim his Holy, Perfect, and
Righteous Word to His People, to make the sound
doctrines taught in the Holy Scriptures the theme of
my future sermons.
I mind you that a take liberty to paraphrase, but
Reverend Spurgeon once said “I was asked what it is
to preach the gospel?” he answered “to preach the
gospel is to exalt Jesus Christ”. Spurgeon went on
to say, “I am very sorry to see very often how little
the gospel is understood even by some of the best
Stripped Down Religion
Christians…. He said “we get so much work stored
into our brain, [and] the idea of merit and of doing,
formed into our hearts, that it is almost impossible to
preach justification by faith clearly and fully; and
when it is people won't receive it. We tell them,
"Believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and
thou shalt be saved." But they have a notion that
faith is something so wonderful, so mysterious, that
it is impossible that without doing something else
they can ever get it.”
What Rev. Spurgeon was talking about is religion;
and religion is always based on work.
This leads us to our Scripture for today and the
Theme of this message:
A Stripped Down Religion
Stripped Down Religion
John 4:23-24 But the hour cometh, and now is,
when the true worshippers shall worship the Father
in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to
worship Him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship
Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
Say this with me if you would; LORD STRIP DOWN MY
Religion limits God and interferes with the
worship of God.
Religion has relegated Church to that thing that we
do on Sunday; that place we go to hear a word from
on high. But is not the church you and I? are we not
the hewn out costly stones? Paid for in full with that
O’ so precious blood that was spilt out that we yes
Stripped Down Religion
you and I may be built together into God’s Holy
Religion has turn God to a thing is if He where not
alive nor capable of feeling emotions, and we even
dare to not make Him a priority above all else, and
indeed do so often neglect Him.
We penciled him in for Sunday morning and if I feel
like it then I might come out on Wednesday for bible
study. But I prove naysayers wrong God is indeed
alive and capable of feelings, because that which is
dead has no power over that which is alive, and the
bible says that Jesus wept, that God is LOVE and
that we ought not to grieve the Holy Spirit; this is
infallible proof that He is alive and that He is
capable of emotions!
Stripped Down Religion
Religion places the responsibility for salvation on
the pastor.
Religion has produced a generation of ill equipped
Christians that is sporadic in their praise and
worship God and ineffectual in their Christian
A Christian with religion will experience peaks and
valleys and their joy will wash away with the reigns
of this world. They are unable to fully realize that
that deep down rooted joy because of the cares of
this world; and the struggle with secret sin in their
life that makes them feel less than worthy.
And yet there is another kind of Christian with
religion that suffers with the same kind of issues but
believes that either – that is just how it is supposed
Stripped Down Religion
to be or that God will deliver him from these things
in His own time.
Religion resembles the law
Religion in some ways resembles the law; in that it
has rule and regulation and like the law, we are
never able to keep it. But the law, unlike religion,
was given to us by God that we might know what sin
is and thereby know just how much we are in need
of God and His Saving grace!
Religion has rules and protocols for the proper order
of things that must be adhered so to that there may
be a standard and an appearance of order. But in
truth the rules that accompany religion is a mere
guise that people may establish their claim on power
and authority over others.
Stripped Down Religion
This is not to say that there is no place for order
among the saints, Lord forbid, rather let all things be
done decently and in order. Paul, in the Spirit, said
“For God is not the author of confusion, but of
peace, as in all the churches of the saints.”
Rather my point is that Christians are choosing
religion as a power and authority to rule over them.
Religion chooses a king
Christianity as it relates to religion has said “now
make us a king to judge us like all the nations.” Yes
Christians with religion have chosen a king for
themselves; a king to judge over them just as the rest
of the rest of the world’s religions.
Yes indeed, they have sat their king upon a throne
called the pulpit; they lift their eyes up to the man
Stripped Down Religion
rather than the hills from which comes their help.
And the Lord says, “They have rejected Me.” Yet it
is a mighty low throne they have placed their king
upon and even the footstool of my God.
I am in no way bashing pastors; there is a many
great many man and woman that humble themselves
and labor tirelessly behind the pulpit on any given
Yet it is more than evident to me that we have
become a generation predisposed to the preached
Word rather than study of the Word!
And prayer has become lackluster repetition of the
Lord’s Prayer and indeed a bothersome chore that
has been passed on to the pastor and the pulpit.
Stripped Down Religion
We need only look and we see that everywhere,
large and small congregation alike, assembling for
no more than energetic and uplifting singing from
the choir and motivational words of encourage from
the pulpit that never deal with the treacherous and
abhorrent sin that is oh so obvious and rampant.
As to the law and the testimony: if they speak not
according to this Word, it is because there is no light
in them.
Surely no Master has ever been pleased with a
servant that takes at liberty to select their terms of
But the people want preached inspiration and
encouragement to get them through the week rather
than divine inspiration and encouragement to get
them through this life to the next!
Stripped Down Religion
I have often encountered Christian that are all too
eager and O’ so proud to proclaim what thus says the
pastor but void of the slightest inclination of what
thus says the Lord. These ill equipped Christians are
rarely produce fruit of any effect.
My heart bleeds for them.
Religion keeps you on the bench.
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a
workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly
dividing the word of truth.
We study not that we may impress others with our
knowledge of the bible for surely knowledge puffs
up. But rather we study that we may prove ourselves
Stripped Down Religion
We study that we may know the truth; because it is
in truth that the mysteries of the Word are revealed
to us.
We study so that we are not ashamed.
For I am unashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is
the power of God unto salvation to every one that
believeth; to the Jew first, and also the Greek. For
therein is the righteousness of God revealed from
faith to faith: as it is written, the just shall live by
But because they fail to study, the religious Christian
lacks proper understanding, and although in their
heart they believe that God is real; they often doubt
part or even all of the scripture.
Stripped Down Religion
And have failed to search the scriptures they have a
hard time or are unable to trust in the promises of
Religion is a false doctrine!
The doctrine of religion is not scriptural!
Religion is carnal; a corrupt thing of the flesh.
Religion is what man has added to the Spiritual
worship of God.
Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot
inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption
inherit incorruption.
Religion versus Spiritual
Religion has established rules that dictate conduct
becoming of a Christian.
Stripped Down Religion
Behavioral change based religion is equivalent to
behavioral change based rules. Therefore it has no
lasting effect. Take military personal as an example;
there are many rules and regulation that dictate
conduct. But all too often members are discharged
because of their inability or unwillingness to adhere
to the rules.
Or if they receive an honorable discharge and had
kept true to the rules and regulation during their time
of service; they will soon abandon some if not all
that so governed them.
That is because this type of behavioral change is
based on obligation; that's why and this is why the
religious Christian experiences the peaks and valleys
of worship and praise and the continued struggle
with secret sin.
Stripped Down Religion
But it is in the Spirit we are persuaded of love, and
in the truth we know the Lord has said “Yea, I have
loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with
lovingkindness have I drawn thee.”
Yes He has promised “because he hath set his love
upon Me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him
on high, because he hath known My name. he shall
call upon me, and I will answer him, and honour
him. With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him
My Salvation.
Behavioral change based on Spiritual worship is
equivalent to behavioral change based on love.
Stripped Down Religion
Religion obligates you to change and turn from your
sinful nature as a requirement for true and full
But the Spiritual says that that I loved you always
with an everlasting love in your sinful nature even
though you have not loved Me in return.
The spiritual says I love you despite your rejection
of Me.
I love you…. although you neglect Me
I love you…. and although you deny Me, I have
given all for you
I love you…. and although you are ashamed of Me, I
have accepted the punishment of your sin
I love you…. and although you have mocked Me, I
have died in your place that you might live
Stripped Down Religion
I love you…. and although you have blasphemed
Me, I have placed a hedge of Protection around you
I Love you…. and although you have railed against
Me I still provide for you.
Yes it is in Spirit and in truth that that I tell you the
Lord the great I AM; has been and yet even now still
is, all things to you!
Therefore it is in truth and in the Spirit you will be
able to say I have known the love of God!
And then it is in the Spirit can you truly confess that
Jesus is Lord and submit to his Holy and Righteous
It is here, and only here, in the Spirit that you are
truly able to love God in return.
Stripped Down Religion
It is here in the Spirit that truth is reveled and it is
here, and here alone, in Spirit and in truth that you
will receive freedom the bondage of your sin.
It is because of your religion that you struggle with
sin and the adversary’s demons do torment you.
But in Spirit and in truth is found the strength and
courage to fight that serpent of old.
In Spirit and in truth is found your liberty and
victory over the lust of the flesh.
It is in Spirit and in truth that our religion is stripped
down to reveal our worship of God.
And it is in Spirit and in Truth that Paul proclaimed,
as I do so proudly make promulgation before you
today, those sweat words that convicted this poor
sinner that stands before you:
Stripped Down Religion
“I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled
me, for He counted me faithful, putting me into the
ministry; who was before a blasphemer, and a
persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy,
because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. And the grace
of the Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and
love which is in Christ Jesus. This is a faithful
saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Jesus
Christ came into the world to save sinners; of whom
I am chief.

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Stripped Down Religion

  • 1. Stripped Down Religion 1 Introduction Although I know that this message will not be received well be all who my hear it. I am convicted by the Holy Spirit and so compelled just as Paul himself did say “Though I preach the Gospel, I have nothing to glory of; for necessity is laid upon me, yes, woe is unto me if I preach not the Gospel. Therefore I tell you of truth, my brothers and sisters, that it is my stern confidence, and even unto my dying breath, that I am directed by the inward impulse of the Holy Spirit to proclaim what thus says the LORD, without reservation, apprehension, or concern of self, rather be it mine or yours.
  • 2. Stripped Down Religion 2 Therefore I believe the church as it relates to the people of God to be in a crisis. I perceive that from coast to coast, and New Horizon being of no exception, and thereto counted in that number, indeed in truth does stand at a crossroads void of understanding as it relates to the doctrine of worship. And as well, all too often is the Christian dazed and confused and near incapable to give an answer should one ask them to give reason for the hope that is in them. All too often is the Christian bewildered, and just out right perplexed, as to the sound doctrines taught in the bible.
  • 3. Stripped Down Religion 3 Future Endeavour And all though the time will not allow, nor would it be appropriate to attempt to address it all at once; I will today touch on some of these, if ever so brief. And I will endeavor, as the Lord gives me opportunity to proclaim his Holy, Perfect, and Righteous Word to His People, to make the sound doctrines taught in the Holy Scriptures the theme of my future sermons. Inspiration I mind you that a take liberty to paraphrase, but Reverend Spurgeon once said “I was asked what it is to preach the gospel?” he answered “to preach the gospel is to exalt Jesus Christ”. Spurgeon went on to say, “I am very sorry to see very often how little the gospel is understood even by some of the best
  • 4. Stripped Down Religion 4 Christians…. He said “we get so much work stored into our brain, [and] the idea of merit and of doing, formed into our hearts, that it is almost impossible to preach justification by faith clearly and fully; and when it is people won't receive it. We tell them, "Believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." But they have a notion that faith is something so wonderful, so mysterious, that it is impossible that without doing something else they can ever get it.” What Rev. Spurgeon was talking about is religion; and religion is always based on work. This leads us to our Scripture for today and the Theme of this message: A Stripped Down Religion
  • 5. Stripped Down Religion 5 John 4:23-24 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. Say this with me if you would; LORD STRIP DOWN MY RELIGION THAT I MAY WORSHIP YOU IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH. Religion limits God and interferes with the worship of God. Religion has relegated Church to that thing that we do on Sunday; that place we go to hear a word from on high. But is not the church you and I? are we not the hewn out costly stones? Paid for in full with that O’ so precious blood that was spilt out that we yes
  • 6. Stripped Down Religion 6 you and I may be built together into God’s Holy church! Religion has turn God to a thing is if He where not alive nor capable of feeling emotions, and we even dare to not make Him a priority above all else, and indeed do so often neglect Him. We penciled him in for Sunday morning and if I feel like it then I might come out on Wednesday for bible study. But I prove naysayers wrong God is indeed alive and capable of feelings, because that which is dead has no power over that which is alive, and the bible says that Jesus wept, that God is LOVE and that we ought not to grieve the Holy Spirit; this is infallible proof that He is alive and that He is capable of emotions!
  • 7. Stripped Down Religion 7 Religion places the responsibility for salvation on the pastor. Religion has produced a generation of ill equipped Christians that is sporadic in their praise and worship God and ineffectual in their Christian vocation. A Christian with religion will experience peaks and valleys and their joy will wash away with the reigns of this world. They are unable to fully realize that that deep down rooted joy because of the cares of this world; and the struggle with secret sin in their life that makes them feel less than worthy. And yet there is another kind of Christian with religion that suffers with the same kind of issues but believes that either – that is just how it is supposed
  • 8. Stripped Down Religion 8 to be or that God will deliver him from these things in His own time. Religion resembles the law Religion in some ways resembles the law; in that it has rule and regulation and like the law, we are never able to keep it. But the law, unlike religion, was given to us by God that we might know what sin is and thereby know just how much we are in need of God and His Saving grace! Religion has rules and protocols for the proper order of things that must be adhered so to that there may be a standard and an appearance of order. But in truth the rules that accompany religion is a mere guise that people may establish their claim on power and authority over others.
  • 9. Stripped Down Religion 9 This is not to say that there is no place for order among the saints, Lord forbid, rather let all things be done decently and in order. Paul, in the Spirit, said “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.” Rather my point is that Christians are choosing religion as a power and authority to rule over them. Religion chooses a king Christianity as it relates to religion has said “now make us a king to judge us like all the nations.” Yes Christians with religion have chosen a king for themselves; a king to judge over them just as the rest of the rest of the world’s religions. Yes indeed, they have sat their king upon a throne called the pulpit; they lift their eyes up to the man
  • 10. Stripped Down Religion 10 rather than the hills from which comes their help. And the Lord says, “They have rejected Me.” Yet it is a mighty low throne they have placed their king upon and even the footstool of my God. I am in no way bashing pastors; there is a many great many man and woman that humble themselves and labor tirelessly behind the pulpit on any given Sunday. Yet it is more than evident to me that we have become a generation predisposed to the preached Word rather than study of the Word! And prayer has become lackluster repetition of the Lord’s Prayer and indeed a bothersome chore that has been passed on to the pastor and the pulpit.
  • 11. Stripped Down Religion 11 We need only look and we see that everywhere, large and small congregation alike, assembling for no more than energetic and uplifting singing from the choir and motivational words of encourage from the pulpit that never deal with the treacherous and abhorrent sin that is oh so obvious and rampant. As to the law and the testimony: if they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no light in them. Surely no Master has ever been pleased with a servant that takes at liberty to select their terms of service. But the people want preached inspiration and encouragement to get them through the week rather than divine inspiration and encouragement to get them through this life to the next!
  • 12. Stripped Down Religion 12 I have often encountered Christian that are all too eager and O’ so proud to proclaim what thus says the pastor but void of the slightest inclination of what thus says the Lord. These ill equipped Christians are rarely produce fruit of any effect. My heart bleeds for them. Religion keeps you on the bench. Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. We study not that we may impress others with our knowledge of the bible for surely knowledge puffs up. But rather we study that we may prove ourselves JEHOVAH
  • 13. Stripped Down Religion 13 We study that we may know the truth; because it is in truth that the mysteries of the Word are revealed to us. We study so that we are not ashamed. For I am unashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, the just shall live by faith. But because they fail to study, the religious Christian lacks proper understanding, and although in their heart they believe that God is real; they often doubt part or even all of the scripture.
  • 14. Stripped Down Religion 14 And have failed to search the scriptures they have a hard time or are unable to trust in the promises of God. Religion is a false doctrine! The doctrine of religion is not scriptural! Religion is carnal; a corrupt thing of the flesh. Religion is what man has added to the Spiritual worship of God. Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. Religion versus Spiritual Religion has established rules that dictate conduct becoming of a Christian.
  • 15. Stripped Down Religion 15 Behavioral change based religion is equivalent to behavioral change based rules. Therefore it has no lasting effect. Take military personal as an example; there are many rules and regulation that dictate conduct. But all too often members are discharged because of their inability or unwillingness to adhere to the rules. Or if they receive an honorable discharge and had kept true to the rules and regulation during their time of service; they will soon abandon some if not all that so governed them. That is because this type of behavioral change is based on obligation; that's why and this is why the religious Christian experiences the peaks and valleys of worship and praise and the continued struggle with secret sin.
  • 16. Stripped Down Religion 16 But it is in the Spirit we are persuaded of love, and in the truth we know the Lord has said “Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.” Yes He has promised “because he hath set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known My name. he shall call upon me, and I will answer him, and honour him. With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him My Salvation. Behavioral change based on Spiritual worship is equivalent to behavioral change based on love.
  • 17. Stripped Down Religion 17 Religion obligates you to change and turn from your sinful nature as a requirement for true and full acceptance. But the Spiritual says that that I loved you always with an everlasting love in your sinful nature even though you have not loved Me in return. The spiritual says I love you despite your rejection of Me. I love you…. although you neglect Me I love you…. and although you deny Me, I have given all for you I love you…. and although you are ashamed of Me, I have accepted the punishment of your sin I love you…. and although you have mocked Me, I have died in your place that you might live
  • 18. Stripped Down Religion 18 I love you…. and although you have blasphemed Me, I have placed a hedge of Protection around you I Love you…. and although you have railed against Me I still provide for you. Yes it is in Spirit and in truth that that I tell you the Lord the great I AM; has been and yet even now still is, all things to you! Therefore it is in truth and in the Spirit you will be able to say I have known the love of God! And then it is in the Spirit can you truly confess that Jesus is Lord and submit to his Holy and Righteous will. It is here, and only here, in the Spirit that you are truly able to love God in return.
  • 19. Stripped Down Religion 19 It is here in the Spirit that truth is reveled and it is here, and here alone, in Spirit and in truth that you will receive freedom the bondage of your sin. It is because of your religion that you struggle with sin and the adversary’s demons do torment you. But in Spirit and in truth is found the strength and courage to fight that serpent of old. In Spirit and in truth is found your liberty and victory over the lust of the flesh. It is in Spirit and in truth that our religion is stripped down to reveal our worship of God. And it is in Spirit and in Truth that Paul proclaimed, as I do so proudly make promulgation before you today, those sweat words that convicted this poor sinner that stands before you:
  • 20. Stripped Down Religion 20 “I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry; who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. And the grace of the Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus. This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. STRIP DOWN YOUR RELIGION! WORSHIP GOD IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH! AND BE YE ENCOURAGED IN CHRIST!