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Koonal Shah, Office of Health Economics
MCHE seminar • 4 February 2019
End of life treatments, societal
values, and selecting a measure
of ‘overall’ preference
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
• End of life premium: some background
• Review of the stated preference literature
• Challenges in categorising studies and
determining the ‘overall’ preference
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
• Common assumption: principal objective of
health care is to maximise population health
using available resources (QALY-maximisation)
• Entails the QALY is a QALY principle
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
Rejection of new cancer treatments
Recommendation of the Richards (2008) review:
NICE should demonstrate greater flexibility and assess
“what measures could be taken to make available drugs
used near the end of life that do not meet the cost-
effectiveness criteria applied to all drugs” (p.4)
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
• Criteria that need to be satisfied for NICE’s
supplementary end of life policy to apply:
• If met, NICE’s appraisal committee will consider
assigning additional weight to the QALY benefits
generated by the treatment
NICE end of life criteria
The treatment is indicated for patients with a short life
expectancy, normally less than 24 months
There is sufficient evidence to indicate that the treatment
offers an extension to life, normally of at least an additional
three months, compared to current NHS treatment
The treatment is licensed, or otherwise indicated, for small
patient populationsC3
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
Rationale for NICE’s policy
“The Institute recognises that the public, generally, places special
value on treatments that prolong life – even for a few months –
at the end of life, as long as that extension of life is of reasonable
quality (at least pain-free if not disability-free).” (p.348)
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
• In Scotland, a ‘New Medicines Fund’ has been introduced
to increase access to medicines for patients with rare or
end of life conditions
• Followed calls from the Scottish Government for the
Scottish Medicines Consortium to revise its appraisal
methods to take better account of orphan and end of life
Elsewhere in the UK…
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
• Placing additional weight on survival benefits in patients
with short remaining life expectancy could be considered a
valid representation of society's preferences
• But the NICE consultation revealed concerns that there is
little scientific evidence to support this premise
• Two (unpublished) reviews undertaken in 2011 did not
identify many relevant studies
Evidence for an end of life premium
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
Case for examining societal preferences
Adaptation of logic presented by McNamara (HESG 2019):
• The relative priority to be assigned to end of life patients
is ultimately a matter of judgement, upon which
reasonable people may, and do, reasonably disagree
• In matters of value upon which reasonable disagreement
exists, democracy is capable of providing a procedurally
justifiable set of values which can be reasonably utilised
in social decision making
• The relative priority assigned to end of life patients
should be democratically defined according to the views
of the public
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
And if you don’t buy that…
• Review undertaken by the Department of Health to
assess the potential impact of the Cancer Drugs Fund
(CDF) noted the need for robust evidence to support the
weighting of health gains accruing to severely ill or end of
life patients
• Two former chairs of the SMC claimed (referring to
NICE’s end of life policy, the CDF and Scotland’s New
Medicines Fund): [there] has been tacit acceptance that
the changes made match the view of UK society, yet
there has been no exploration of whether that is, in fact,
the case” (Webb and Paterson, 2016)
• Consistent with NICE’s own position on citizen
involvement (see next slide)
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
Extract from NICE’s SVJ guide
“The NHS is funded from general taxation, and it is right
that UK citizens have the opportunity to be involved in the
decisions about how the NHS’s limited resources should be
NICE, 2008. Social value judgements: Principles for the development of NICE guidance (p.10)
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
Review of the literature
Research question:
Do members of the general public wish to
place greater weight on a unit of health
gain for end of life patients than on that for
other types of patients?
Short version:
Is there support for an ‘end of life
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
Review of the literature
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
Inclusion criteria
1. Publication: Article must be published in English in a peer-reviewed
2. Empirical data: Article must review, present or analyse empirical data.
3. Priority-setting context: Article must relate to a health care priority-
setting or resource allocation context. Articles reporting preferences
from an individual or ‘own health’ perspective (rather than a social
decision maker perspective) can be included as long as they clearly
seek to inform health care priority-setting policies.
4. Stated preference data: Article must report preferences that were
elicited in a hypothetical, stated context using a choice-based approach
involving trade-offs.
5. End of life: Article must inform the topic of placing greater weight on a
unit of health gain for end of life patients (i.e. patients with short life
expectancy) than on that for other types of patients.
6. Original research: Article must present original research and must not
be solely a review of the literature.
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
Summary of included studies (n=23)
Authors (date) Country N Method Mode Summary of primary study objective(s)
Abel Olsen (2013) NOR 503 Choice Internet survey To test for support for end of life prioritisation and the fair innings
Baker et al. (2010) UK 587 DCE CAPI To test for support for multiple prioritisation criteria
Dolan & Cookson (2000) UK 60 Choice Focus group Qualitative examination of support for multiple prioritisation criteria
Chim et al. (2017) AUS 3,080 Budget
Internet survey To test for support for multiple prioritisation criteria
Dolan & Shaw (2004) UK 23 Choice Focus group To test for support for multiple prioritisation criteria
Dolan and Tsuchiya
UK 100 Choice;
Self-completion survey To compare support for prioritisation according to age vs.
prioritisation according to severity/life expectancy
Kwon et al. (2017) KOR 330 AHP Personal interview To test for support for multiple prioritisation criteria
Lim et al. (2012) KOR 800 DCE Internet survey To test for support for multiple prioritisation criteria
Linley & Hughes (2013) UK 4,118 Budget
Internet survey To test for support for multiple prioritisation criteria
McHugh et al. (2015) UK 61 Q method Personal interview Qualitative examination of societal perspectives in relation to end of
life prioritisation
Pennington et al. (2015) Multiple 17,657 WTP Internet survey To compare WTP for different types of QALY gain
Pinto-Prades et al.
SPA 813 WTP; PTO CAPI To test for support for end of life prioritisation and to compare
support for life extensions vs. quality of life improvements
Richardson et al. (2012) AUS 544 Other Internet survey and
self-completion survey
To test a technique for measuring support for health-maximisation
and health sharing
Rowen et al. (2015) UK 3,669 DCE Internet survey To test for support for multiple prioritisation criteria
Shah et al. (2014) UK 50 Choice Personal interview To test for support for end of life prioritisation
Shah et al. (2015) UK 3,969 DCE Internet survey To test for support for end of life prioritisation
Shiroiwa et al. (2010) Multiple 5,620 WTP Internet survey To obtain the monetary value of a QALY (in six countries)
Shiroiwa et al. (2013) JPN 2,283 WTP Internet survey To obtain the monetary value of a QALY
Skedgel et al. (2015) CAN 656 DCE Internet survey To test for support for multiple prioritisation criteria
Stahl et al. (2008) USA 623 Choice Internet survey To test for support for multiple prioritisation criteria
Stolk et al. (2005) NLD 65 Choice Personal interview To test for support for multiple approaches to priority-setting
Wouters et al. (2017) NLD 46 Q method Personal interview and
focus group
Qualitative examination of societal perspectives in relation to end of
life prioritisation
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
Summary of findings
Freq. %
Overall finding: end of life premium
- Evidence consistent with an end of life premium
- Evidence not consistent with an end of life premium
- Mixed or inconclusive evidence
Overall finding: quality of life-improving vs. life-extending end of life treatments
- Quality of life improvement preferred
- Life extension preferred
- Mixed or inconclusive evidence
- Not examined / reported
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
Selected key variables
Variable Evidence consistent with
an end of life premium
Evidence not consistent
with an end of life
- UK
- Europe (non-UK)
- Rest of the world
- DCE or other choice exercise
- Willingness-to-pay
- Other
Possible to express indifference?
- Yes
- No or not reported
Visual aids used?
- Yes
- No or not reported
Note: some larger studies comprised multiple sub-studies employing different methods – these are
counted multiple times if separate results were reported for each sub-study
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
• Overall findings were summarised using three categories:
• Consistent with an end of life premium
• Not consistent with an end of life premium
• Mixed or inconclusive evidence
• Involved subjective judgement
• Rare in stated preference studies to observe a unanimous
preference – there is usually a split in opinion
• Method for determining ‘overall’ preference depends on
the preference elicitation technique used
Difficulty in categorising (1)
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
• Majoritarian decision rules are common in politics and
policy making, with most elections/referenda in modern
western democracies being decided by majority rule
• However, such approaches are criticised for failing to
achieve outcomes that represent the views of all sections
of society in a representative manner
• Is the minority view held by a sufficiently large number of
respondents (or held sufficiently strongly) so as to
conclude that the evidence is inconclusive overall?
Difficulty in categorising (2)
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
• Hypothetical example of a study that would be
problematic to categorise based on a majority rule:
• Slight (but statistically significant) majority of respondents express
weak support for an end of life premium
• Sizeable minority of respondents strongly disfavour an end of life
• Most studies did not examine strength of preferences at
the individual respondent level
• Normative basis for specifying a measure of average or
overall preference in social choices is unclear
Difficulty in categorising (3)
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
• Several researchers reported evidence of heterogeneous
preferences within their own individual studies,
controlling for sample, objective and methodology
• Reflects diversity of the population and range of opinions
within society
• Is it sufficient simply to report a single representative
preference (e.g. that of the median respondent) or is it
important to account for the heterogeneity of views?
Preference heterogeneity
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
Extract from my DCE study
“analysis of choice frequencies at the individual respondent
level showed that some respondents appeared to support a
QALY-maximisation type objective throughout; a small
minority always sought to treat those who are worse off
without treatment; but the majority seemed to advocate a
mixture of the two approaches. These heterogeneous
preferences do not appear to be well predicted by
respondents’ observable characteristics.”
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
MRC-funded research on societal viewpoints
Some of this material has been taken from
a panel session at the 2018 HTAi Meeting
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
i. To identify and describe societal perspectives on the (relative) value of end of life
technologies by eliciting the views of both members of the public and experts in
relevant fields
ii. To develop methods to investigate the distribution of those views, including their
association with other characteristics, in a nationally representative sample of
the UK general public.
Phase 1
Phase 2
Methodological, quantitative
Empirical, qualitative
Q methodology
Survey methods
5,000 online questionnaire respondents
50 experts; 250 public; face to face Q sorts
GCU-led studies
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
• Allows unexpected viewpoints to emerge
• Examines strength of preference at the individual level
Q study (phase 1)
Example statements:
• To extend life in a way that is
beneficial to the patient is morally
the right thing to do.
• It is not worthwhile devoting more
and more NHS money to someone
who is going to die soon anyway.
• Treatments that are very costly in
relation to their health benefits
should be withheld.
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
Q study (phase 1) - findings
V3: “Valuing wider benefits and opportunity
cost – the quality of life and death”
V1: “A population perspective – value for
money, no special cases”
V2: “Life is precious – valuing life-extension
and patient choice”
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
Q-to-survey (phase 2)
Viewpoint Number of
1 1808 37
2 2416 49
3 456 9
MIXED 231 5
TOTAL 4911 100
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
Token Brexit reference
Applied to health care
priority setting research,
one perspective might
come out as the most
preferred using one system
of voting/aggregation, but
another perspective would
come out as more
preferred using a different
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
Can we find a normative basis?
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
Possible criteria
Assuming that social choices should be informed by
evidence of people’s preferences, it might be argued that
the method of calculating an average should obey some of
the properties of the democratic systems within which
publicly-funded health care systems are contained:
• It should respect the majority view
• It should give every person’s preferences an equal
weight in the final outcome
• It should ensure representativeness, and therefore
minimise the number whose preferences are
excluded from counting in the voting
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
Characteristics of three principal approaches
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
Some questions and points for discussion
• From a health economics perspective, is there a case for
applying an end of life premium?
• Are there alternative approaches that would be preferable
to the current binary cut-offs underpinning the NICE
• Which methods are best equipped to address these kinds
of questions about social value?
• How should we assess and report the overall preferences
of society?
MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019
To enquire about additional information and analyses, please contact
Koonal Shah at
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End of life treatments, societal values, and selecting a measure of 'overall' preference

  • 1. Koonal Shah, Office of Health Economics MCHE seminar • 4 February 2019 End of life treatments, societal values, and selecting a measure of ‘overall’ preference
  • 2. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 2 Outline • End of life premium: some background • Review of the stated preference literature • Challenges in categorising studies and determining the ‘overall’ preference
  • 3. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 3 • Common assumption: principal objective of health care is to maximise population health using available resources (QALY-maximisation) • Entails the QALY is a QALY principle Background
  • 4. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 4 QALY = QALY
  • 5. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 5 Rejection of new cancer treatments Recommendation of the Richards (2008) review: NICE should demonstrate greater flexibility and assess “what measures could be taken to make available drugs used near the end of life that do not meet the cost- effectiveness criteria applied to all drugs” (p.4)
  • 6. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 6 • Criteria that need to be satisfied for NICE’s supplementary end of life policy to apply: • If met, NICE’s appraisal committee will consider assigning additional weight to the QALY benefits generated by the treatment NICE end of life criteria C2 The treatment is indicated for patients with a short life expectancy, normally less than 24 months There is sufficient evidence to indicate that the treatment offers an extension to life, normally of at least an additional three months, compared to current NHS treatment The treatment is licensed, or otherwise indicated, for small patient populationsC3 C1
  • 7. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 7 Rationale for NICE’s policy “The Institute recognises that the public, generally, places special value on treatments that prolong life – even for a few months – at the end of life, as long as that extension of life is of reasonable quality (at least pain-free if not disability-free).” (p.348)
  • 8. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 8 • In Scotland, a ‘New Medicines Fund’ has been introduced to increase access to medicines for patients with rare or end of life conditions • Followed calls from the Scottish Government for the Scottish Medicines Consortium to revise its appraisal methods to take better account of orphan and end of life treatments Elsewhere in the UK…
  • 9. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 9 • Placing additional weight on survival benefits in patients with short remaining life expectancy could be considered a valid representation of society's preferences • But the NICE consultation revealed concerns that there is little scientific evidence to support this premise • Two (unpublished) reviews undertaken in 2011 did not identify many relevant studies Evidence for an end of life premium
  • 10. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 10 Case for examining societal preferences Adaptation of logic presented by McNamara (HESG 2019): • The relative priority to be assigned to end of life patients is ultimately a matter of judgement, upon which reasonable people may, and do, reasonably disagree • In matters of value upon which reasonable disagreement exists, democracy is capable of providing a procedurally justifiable set of values which can be reasonably utilised in social decision making So… • The relative priority assigned to end of life patients should be democratically defined according to the views of the public
  • 11. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 11 And if you don’t buy that… • Review undertaken by the Department of Health to assess the potential impact of the Cancer Drugs Fund (CDF) noted the need for robust evidence to support the weighting of health gains accruing to severely ill or end of life patients • Two former chairs of the SMC claimed (referring to NICE’s end of life policy, the CDF and Scotland’s New Medicines Fund): [there] has been tacit acceptance that the changes made match the view of UK society, yet there has been no exploration of whether that is, in fact, the case” (Webb and Paterson, 2016) • Consistent with NICE’s own position on citizen involvement (see next slide)
  • 12. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 12 Extract from NICE’s SVJ guide “The NHS is funded from general taxation, and it is right that UK citizens have the opportunity to be involved in the decisions about how the NHS’s limited resources should be allocated.” NICE, 2008. Social value judgements: Principles for the development of NICE guidance (p.10)
  • 13. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 13 Review of the literature Research question: Do members of the general public wish to place greater weight on a unit of health gain for end of life patients than on that for other types of patients? Short version: Is there support for an ‘end of life premium’?
  • 14. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 14 Review of the literature
  • 15. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 15 Inclusion criteria 1. Publication: Article must be published in English in a peer-reviewed source. 2. Empirical data: Article must review, present or analyse empirical data. 3. Priority-setting context: Article must relate to a health care priority- setting or resource allocation context. Articles reporting preferences from an individual or ‘own health’ perspective (rather than a social decision maker perspective) can be included as long as they clearly seek to inform health care priority-setting policies. 4. Stated preference data: Article must report preferences that were elicited in a hypothetical, stated context using a choice-based approach involving trade-offs. 5. End of life: Article must inform the topic of placing greater weight on a unit of health gain for end of life patients (i.e. patients with short life expectancy) than on that for other types of patients. 6. Original research: Article must present original research and must not be solely a review of the literature.
  • 16. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 16 Summary of included studies (n=23) Authors (date) Country N Method Mode Summary of primary study objective(s) Abel Olsen (2013) NOR 503 Choice Internet survey To test for support for end of life prioritisation and the fair innings approach Baker et al. (2010) UK 587 DCE CAPI To test for support for multiple prioritisation criteria Dolan & Cookson (2000) UK 60 Choice Focus group Qualitative examination of support for multiple prioritisation criteria Chim et al. (2017) AUS 3,080 Budget allocation Internet survey To test for support for multiple prioritisation criteria Dolan & Shaw (2004) UK 23 Choice Focus group To test for support for multiple prioritisation criteria Dolan and Tsuchiya (2005) UK 100 Choice; ranking Self-completion survey To compare support for prioritisation according to age vs. prioritisation according to severity/life expectancy Kwon et al. (2017) KOR 330 AHP Personal interview To test for support for multiple prioritisation criteria Lim et al. (2012) KOR 800 DCE Internet survey To test for support for multiple prioritisation criteria Linley & Hughes (2013) UK 4,118 Budget allocation Internet survey To test for support for multiple prioritisation criteria McHugh et al. (2015) UK 61 Q method Personal interview Qualitative examination of societal perspectives in relation to end of life prioritisation Pennington et al. (2015) Multiple 17,657 WTP Internet survey To compare WTP for different types of QALY gain Pinto-Prades et al. (2014) SPA 813 WTP; PTO CAPI To test for support for end of life prioritisation and to compare support for life extensions vs. quality of life improvements Richardson et al. (2012) AUS 544 Other Internet survey and self-completion survey To test a technique for measuring support for health-maximisation and health sharing Rowen et al. (2015) UK 3,669 DCE Internet survey To test for support for multiple prioritisation criteria Shah et al. (2014) UK 50 Choice Personal interview To test for support for end of life prioritisation Shah et al. (2015) UK 3,969 DCE Internet survey To test for support for end of life prioritisation Shiroiwa et al. (2010) Multiple 5,620 WTP Internet survey To obtain the monetary value of a QALY (in six countries) Shiroiwa et al. (2013) JPN 2,283 WTP Internet survey To obtain the monetary value of a QALY Skedgel et al. (2015) CAN 656 DCE Internet survey To test for support for multiple prioritisation criteria Stahl et al. (2008) USA 623 Choice Internet survey To test for support for multiple prioritisation criteria Stolk et al. (2005) NLD 65 Choice Personal interview To test for support for multiple approaches to priority-setting Wouters et al. (2017) NLD 46 Q method Personal interview and focus group Qualitative examination of societal perspectives in relation to end of life prioritisation
  • 17. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 17 Summary of findings Freq. % Overall finding: end of life premium - Evidence consistent with an end of life premium - Evidence not consistent with an end of life premium - Mixed or inconclusive evidence 8 11 4 35% 48% 17% Overall finding: quality of life-improving vs. life-extending end of life treatments - Quality of life improvement preferred - Life extension preferred - Mixed or inconclusive evidence - Not examined / reported 2 1 2 18 9% 4% 9% 78%
  • 18. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 18 Selected key variables Variable Evidence consistent with an end of life premium Evidence not consistent with an end of life premium Country - UK - Europe (non-UK) - Rest of the world 2 2 4 5 3 3 Method - DCE or other choice exercise - Willingness-to-pay - Other 4 3 2 6 1 4 Possible to express indifference? - Yes - No or not reported 6 2 5 6 Visual aids used? - Yes - No or not reported 5 3 3 9 Note: some larger studies comprised multiple sub-studies employing different methods – these are counted multiple times if separate results were reported for each sub-study
  • 19. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 19 • Overall findings were summarised using three categories: • Consistent with an end of life premium • Not consistent with an end of life premium • Mixed or inconclusive evidence • Involved subjective judgement • Rare in stated preference studies to observe a unanimous preference – there is usually a split in opinion • Method for determining ‘overall’ preference depends on the preference elicitation technique used Difficulty in categorising (1)
  • 20. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 20 • Majoritarian decision rules are common in politics and policy making, with most elections/referenda in modern western democracies being decided by majority rule • However, such approaches are criticised for failing to achieve outcomes that represent the views of all sections of society in a representative manner • Is the minority view held by a sufficiently large number of respondents (or held sufficiently strongly) so as to conclude that the evidence is inconclusive overall? Difficulty in categorising (2)
  • 21. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 21 • Hypothetical example of a study that would be problematic to categorise based on a majority rule: • Slight (but statistically significant) majority of respondents express weak support for an end of life premium • Sizeable minority of respondents strongly disfavour an end of life premium • Most studies did not examine strength of preferences at the individual respondent level • Normative basis for specifying a measure of average or overall preference in social choices is unclear Difficulty in categorising (3)
  • 22. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 22 • Several researchers reported evidence of heterogeneous preferences within their own individual studies, controlling for sample, objective and methodology • Reflects diversity of the population and range of opinions within society • Is it sufficient simply to report a single representative preference (e.g. that of the median respondent) or is it important to account for the heterogeneity of views? Preference heterogeneity
  • 23. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 23 Extract from my DCE study “analysis of choice frequencies at the individual respondent level showed that some respondents appeared to support a QALY-maximisation type objective throughout; a small minority always sought to treat those who are worse off without treatment; but the majority seemed to advocate a mixture of the two approaches. These heterogeneous preferences do not appear to be well predicted by respondents’ observable characteristics.”
  • 24. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 24 MRC-funded research on societal viewpoints Some of this material has been taken from a panel session at the 2018 HTAi Meeting
  • 25. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 25 i. To identify and describe societal perspectives on the (relative) value of end of life technologies by eliciting the views of both members of the public and experts in relevant fields ii. To develop methods to investigate the distribution of those views, including their association with other characteristics, in a nationally representative sample of the UK general public. Phase 1 Phase 2 Methodological, quantitative Empirical, qualitative Q methodology Survey methods 5,000 online questionnaire respondents 50 experts; 250 public; face to face Q sorts GCU-led studies
  • 26. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 26 • Allows unexpected viewpoints to emerge • Examines strength of preference at the individual level Q study (phase 1) Example statements: • To extend life in a way that is beneficial to the patient is morally the right thing to do. • It is not worthwhile devoting more and more NHS money to someone who is going to die soon anyway. • Treatments that are very costly in relation to their health benefits should be withheld.
  • 27. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 27 Q study (phase 1) - findings V3: “Valuing wider benefits and opportunity cost – the quality of life and death” V1: “A population perspective – value for money, no special cases” V2: “Life is precious – valuing life-extension and patient choice”
  • 28. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 28 Q-to-survey (phase 2) Viewpoint Number of respondents % 1 1808 37 2 2416 49 3 456 9 MIXED 231 5 TOTAL 4911 100
  • 29. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 29 Token Brexit reference Applied to health care priority setting research, one perspective might come out as the most preferred using one system of voting/aggregation, but another perspective would come out as more preferred using a different system
  • 30. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 30 Can we find a normative basis?
  • 31. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 31 Possible criteria Assuming that social choices should be informed by evidence of people’s preferences, it might be argued that the method of calculating an average should obey some of the properties of the democratic systems within which publicly-funded health care systems are contained: • It should respect the majority view • It should give every person’s preferences an equal weight in the final outcome • It should ensure representativeness, and therefore minimise the number whose preferences are excluded from counting in the voting
  • 32. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 32 Characteristics of three principal approaches
  • 33. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 33 Some questions and points for discussion • From a health economics perspective, is there a case for applying an end of life premium? • Are there alternative approaches that would be preferable to the current binary cut-offs underpinning the NICE criteria? • Which methods are best equipped to address these kinds of questions about social value? • How should we assess and report the overall preferences of society?
  • 34. MCHE seminar, 4 February 2019 34 To enquire about additional information and analyses, please contact Koonal Shah at To keep up with the latest news and research, subscribe to our blog, OHE News Follow us on Twitter @OHENews, LinkedIn and SlideShare Office of Health Economics (OHE) Southside, 7th Floor 105 Victoria Street London SW1E 6QT United Kingdom +44 20 7747 8850 OHE’s publications may be downloaded free of charge from our website. Thank you for listening