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Workshop Preparation
Please complete the following steps before the workshop starts:
- [5 min] Install Node.js locally
- [2 min] Install NEAR CLI locally
- [3 min] Create a TestNet account on NEAR Protocol
If you have time, feel free to complete the following steps as well:
- Read about a few of the key concepts of the NEAR platform:
- Accounts
- Transactions
- Storage Staking
- Deploy the Fungible Token sample application (Gitpod or locally)
NEAR 102
An introductory workshop
for Ethereum developers
NEAR is cheaper, faster and easier to use
- Contracts are written using AssemblyScript or Rust and compiled to Wasm
- 1 million JavaScript / TypeScript developers can learn AssemblyScript quickly and easily
- Rust toolchain and community support speeds development of complex contracts
- Unique account system makes reasoning about complex contract orchestration simple
- Optimizations built into the protocol
- Gas fees (not just cost of gas) are 10x - 100x lower than those of Ethereum
- Contract accounts earn part of tx fees, reducing total cost of ownership for developers
- Automatic account redistribution among shards maximizes throughput
- 1 second block time and 3 second finality
Several examples and starters
- several full stack examples in
Rust and AssemblyScript
- many have well commented
code to guide your exploration
- best effort at canonical use of
the platform frontend and
contract implementations / near / create-near-app
npx create-near-app banana
- generate a NEAR-compatible
frontend & contract in 1 command
- frontend: React, plain JS, others?
- contract: Rust, AssemblyScript
Ethereum ⇔ NEAR Cookbook / near-102-recipes
Get started in minutes
account - Ethereum supports two types of accounts with a single private key for EOAs
- NEAR supports one account type with an unlimited number of scoped keys
state - Ethereum state is replicated across all nodes of a single threaded machine
- NEAR state is isolated to one "home" shard per account in a "multithreaded" env
transaction - Ethereum supports transfer, contract deployment and function call transactions
- NEAR supports 8 composable Actions which determine transaction behavior
gas - Ethereum gas price is determined by network load and profit-motive
- NEAR gas price is algorithmically controlled to limit shard congestion at 50%
block - Ethereum blocks are produced using PoW consensus at a rate of one per 15s
- NEAR blocks are produced using PoS consensus at a rate of one per second
Same-same … but different primitives
Ethereum NEAR
standards ERC20 / ERC721 NEP141 / NEP171
transaction results Etherscan either view transaction in NEAR Explorer or use
near tx-status <tx_hash>
special data types address accounts are String type and
validation is available in Rust with
mapping Collections ( Rust & AssemblyScript )
payable methods payable #[payable] ( Rust decorator )
event model Events polling EXPERIMENTAL_changes RPC method
running a node ganache nearup ( repo )
Same-same … but different features
Deployment typically follows these steps:
1. Compile contract bytecode
2. Compose transaction using DeployContract
with attached bytecode (and optionally
CreateAccount, AddKey, Transfer as well)
3. Sign and send transaction to deploy contract
4. Receive transaction outcome
5. … redeploy to same account with FullAccess
private key or remove for trustless operation
step 2 can be decomposed into multiple Txs
Same-same … but different
Deployment typically follows these steps:
1. Compile contract bytecode
2. Compose transaction by attaching
bytecode (and initial value for contract)
3. Sign and send transaction to a special
address which creates new account and
deploys contract
4. Receive new contract address (or calculate
it yourself)
Same-same … but different
Ethereum Transactions NEAR Transactions
origin (signer, pk)
destination (receiver)
uniqueness (nonce)
handled elsewhere
recency (block_hash)
origin (v,r,s)
destination (recipient)
uniqueness (nonce)
cost control (gas price & limit)
attached NEAR tokens
Mapping concepts
NEAR Transactions
attached Ether
Ethereum Transactions
three categories of actions
- identity: CreateAccount, DeleteAccount
AddKey (2 types), DeleteKey
- money: Transfer, Stake
- code: DeployContract, FunctionCall
Mapping concepts
NEAR Transactions
selector (function signature)
arguments (encoded)
Ethereum Transactions
Mapping concepts
NEAR supports 8 composable primitive Actions
- CreateAccount to make a new account (for a person, contract, refrigerator, etc)
- DeleteAccount to delete an account (and transfer balance to a beneficiary account)
- AddKey to add a key to an account (either FullAccess or FunctionCall access)
- DeleteKey to delete an existing key from an account
- Transfer to move tokens from one account to another
- Stake to express interest in becoming a validator at the next available opportunity
- DeployContract to deploy a contract
- FunctionCall to invoke a method on a contract (including budget for compute and storage)
Mapping concepts
Custom Language → Custom VM
- Designed for blockchain
- May allow for formal verification
- Niche language
AssemblyScript / Rust → Wasm VM
- Existing tooling and community
- General purpose
- Turing complete
- Not originally designed for blockchain
- No formal verification
- Mature, battle-hardened compiler
- Thriving ecosystem
- Real world use cases
- near-sdk-rs makes life easy
- Steeper learning curve
- Easier for prototyping
- Trivial for JS and TS devs to learn
- Smaller binaries in Wasm
- Binaries are easier to read / debug
- Current compiler is not stable
- Immature ecosystem
NEAR contract languages development
In some ways … different asynchronous calls
In some ways … different asynchronous calls
In some ways … same no surprise here
External “promise” calls which are used to invoke methods on multiple contracts using the
standard Promise interface
This example was taken from MDN (just assume the functions wrap near-api-js)
In some ways … same no surprise here
External “batch” calls are used to chain a series of Actions together to be executed on some
target account
In some ways … different asynchronous calls
Internal “batch” calls which are used to chain a series of Actions together to be executed on
some target account (including being applied to the current contract)
In some ways … different asynchronous calls
Internal “promise” calls which are used to invoke methods on other contracts (or recursively
on the current contract)
Rainbow Bridge / blog / eth-near-rainbow-bridge
Rainbow Bridge: NEAR Ethereum
Rainbow Bridge: NEAR Ethereum
Rainbow Bridge: NEAR Ethereum
Rainbow Bridge: NEAR Ethereum
Rainbow Bridge: NEAR Ethereum
Rainbow Bridge: NEAR Ethereum
Rainbow Bridge: NEAR Ethereum
Rainbow Bridge: NEAR Ethereum
Rainbow Bridge: NEAR Ethereum
- Decide to send 10 RAIN
- Authorize TokenLocker as escrow for ERC20
token on Ethereum (approve)
- Approve TokenLocker transaction which
locks the tokens on Ethereum (lockToken)
- Tokens are locked (emit Locked event)
- Wait 25 blocks for confirmation
- Attach small deposit to offset the cost of
storing newly minted nRAIN on NEAR
- Receive nRAIN tokens on NEAR
Rainbow Bridge: NEAR Ethereum / near-examples / erc20-to-nep21 / aurora-is-near
Rainbow Bridge: NEAR Ethereum / near / rainbow-bridge-cli
How do I
get started?
To start building on NEAR run the following* in your terminal:
npx create-near-app --help
* you must have Node.js installed to run npx
Choose a frontend and a backend
Frontend (UX)
- Vanilla JS
- React
Backend (contracts)
- AssemblyScript
- Rust
step #1
npx create-near-app banana
step #2
yarn dev
( or use npm run dev )
step #3
Sign in to NEAR Wallet
( 1 ) create new account
( 2 ) authorize your app
step #4
Change the message
( 1 ) edit the greeting
( 2 ) click Save
( 3 ) observe a → b
a b
step #5 … n
- discover
- where do we setup a connection to NEAR?
hint: search the code for keyStore
- where do we login to the NEAR Wallet?
hint: search the code for requestSignIn
- which lines of code wire up the contract to our JS context?
hint: search the code for viewMethods or changeMethods
- control
- try to reverse the greeting string before writing on chain
hint 1: search for storage.set … AssemblyScript supports common Array and String functions
hint 2: message.split('').reverse().join('')
What just
NEAR exposes two development interfaces
dApp UX development
- Use near-api-js to connect to
NEAR, manage accounts, call
contract methods and more
communicate with NEAR from
any context (other than JS / TS)
- Manage devops with NEAR Shell
dApp Contract Development
- Use near-sdk-as to build
contracts using AssemblyScript
- Use near-sdk-rs to build
contracts using Rust
- Compose deployed contracts
using cross-contract calls
NEAR exposes two development interfaces
dApp UX development
- Use near-api-js to connect to
NEAR, manage accounts, call
contract methods and more
communicate with NEAR from
any context (other than JS / TS)
- Manage devops with NEAR Shell
dApp Contract Development
- Use near-sdk-as to build
contracts using AssemblyScript
- Use near-sdk-rs to build
contracts using Rust
- Compose deployed contracts
using cross-contract calls
NEAR exposes two development interfaces
dApp UX development
- Use near-api-js to connect to
NEAR, manage accounts, call
contract methods and more
communicate with NEAR from
any context (other than JS / TS)
- Manage devops with NEAR Shell
dApp Contract Development
- Use near-sdk-as to build
contracts using AssemblyScript
- Use near-sdk-rs to build
contracts using Rust
- Compose deployed contracts
using cross-contract calls
NEAR exposes two development interfaces
dApp UX development
- Use near-api-js to connect to
NEAR, manage accounts, call
contract methods and more
communicate with NEAR from
any context (other than JS / TS)
- Manage devops with NEAR Shell
dApp Contract Development
- Use near-sdk-as to build
contracts using AssemblyScript
- Use near-sdk-rs to build
contracts using Rust
- Compose deployed contracts
using cross-contract calls
Structure of the Sample Application
Runtime Layer
state storage
read write
Your dApp
Blockchain Layer
RPC Interface
- P2P network
- Consensus
- Block Storage
Runtime Layer
state storage
Your dApp
Blockchain Layer
RPC Interface
- P2P network
- Consensus
- Block Storage
Structure of the Sample Application
Lifecycle of a transaction
Runtime Layer
state storage
read write
Your dApp
Blockchain Layer
RPC Interface
- P2P network
- Consensus
- Block Storage
2 3 4
Account ≈ Contract + State
Runtime Layer
state storage
read write
Account ≈ Contract + State
Runtime Layer
read write
state storage
Runtime Layer
Account ≈ Contract + State
read write
key value
STATE your contract code
message “hello world”
counter 3
prefix::identifier value at collection key
prefix::len PersistentVector length
prefix::last PersistentDeque last item
state storage
Writing Contracts
Rust (contract data)
AssemblyScript (contract data)
AssemblyScript & Rust contract alignment
Rust (contract behavior)
AssemblyScript (contract behavior)
AssemblyScript & Rust contract alignment
“To enable WebAssembly to be read and edited by
humans, there is a textual representation of the wasm
binary format. This is an intermediate form designed to be
exposed in text editors, browser developer tools, etc.”
-- Understanding WebAssembly text format
Although we will not spend time on this topic, this format
has proven consistently readable (especially with
AssemblyScript) if only to sanity check that exported
contract functions are visible and near-sdk-as runtime
components are being called in the right places.
The output is always a .wasm file
Walking through
the Guest Book
Guest Book User Interface
- there are 2 main folders in the project:
- assembly contains the smart contract and tests
- src contains the application’s UX and tests
- there is another folder to be aware of:
- neardev contains contract account details
- this is for development only, your local credentials
will be in ~/.near-credentials
Guest Book Filesystem
Guest Book
Contract Data Model : assembly/model.ts
- PostedMessage is a serializable class with three
- premium to flag messages with attached
NEAR tokens
- sender to track the signer of the guest
book message
- text to hold the guest book message
- messages is a collection of guest book messages
stored as a PersistentVector of
PostedMessage objects
note: @nearBindgen marks the class as serializable
Contract Behavior : assembly/main.ts
- MESSAGE_LIMIT is used to avoid unbounded calls
(ie. potentially expensive) to retrieve guest book
messages from storage
- two public functions are exposed on the contract:
- addMessage(text: string): void
- getMessages(): PostedMessage[]
Guest Book Contract
Guest Book
Network Connection : src/config.js
- data and endpoints required to connect to the
NEAR network
- connection information is included for MainNet,
TestNet and BetaNet as well as the default
LocalNet configuration
Guest Book Frontend
Configuration : src/index.js
- configure connection to NEAR network
- configure contract interface by injecting
wallet connection and wiring up both
contract methods
- contract is a proxy object for JSON RPC
API calls with methods attached
- contract methods are attached to the
object as either view or change type and
return a Promise
Guest Book
Authentication : src/App.js
- NEAR Wallet is used for authentication
- near-api-js exposes two related methods
- wallet.requestSignIn()
- wallet.signOut()
note: useCallback() is a React Hook
CRUD : src/App.js
- add a message and, once complete, get a list of
all messages (up to MESSAGE_LIMIT)
- contract.addMessage accepts parameters as
a JSON object and returns nothing
- two other parameters are optional
- gas (a “boatload”) to override client defaults
- attached value (in NEAR tokens)
Guest Book Frontend
Monitoring the application ...
http post 
jsonrpc=2.0 id=dontcare
method=query params:='{
"request_type": "view_state",
"finality": "final",
"account_id": "test",
"prefix_base64": "U1RBVEU="
And, using the watch command and some
JSON formatting with jq, automatically
refresh a convenient view while we use
the Guestbook example. Here’s how.
Also see here for our JSON RPC API docs
Guest Book Demo: Monitoring
Ethereum supports two types of accounts
1. Externally Owned Accounts (EOA)
a. identified by last 20 bytes of the keccak-256 hash of a public key
b. controlled by a private key of the same public-private key pair
c. can sign and send transactions to other EOAs or contract accounts
2. Contract Accounts
a. controlled by contract code, no keys involved
b. can only send transactions in response to being triggered
c. are of two subtypes
i. Simple
ii. Multisig
From Ethereum to NEAR accounts
From Ethereum to NEAR
NEAR supports one type of account
- human readable name (like having ENS baked into the protocol *)
- may represent a user, contract or both
- are controlled by an unlimited number of keys
- two types
- FullAccess: can do anything with the account, including send tokens and delete account
- FunctionCall: can only call contract functions which may be limited in scope and budget
* NEAR accounts follow a human friendly DNS naming pattern with similar scoping rules for
ownership and control. For example user.testnet controls app1.user.testnet and
- nonce
- balance
- storageRoot
- codeHash*
* codeHash may be either:
- hash of an empty string (EOAs)
- hash of the code of the contract
- balance
- locked balance (for staking)
- code of the contract **
- storage (key-value store for contract data)
- access keys *** (FullAccess, FunctionCall)
- postponed ActionReceipts (ie. “todo”)
- received DataReceipts (ie. “done”)
** code_hash is similar to Ethereum
*** each access key tracks its own nonce
note that receipts are used to manage
cross-contract calls
From Ethereum to NEAR accounts
Exploring the
- managing NEAR primitives:
- key stores
- accounts
- contracts
- wallets
- connection providers (RPC)
- generating key pairs locally
- creating transactions locally
- signing transactions locally
- sending transactions to the network
Library designed to connect to the NEAR platform from any JavaScript
execution context (server-side or client-side JS)
Client-side Server-side
Your dApp
Examples at
NEAR Explorer
NEAR Wallet
RPC Interface
near-api-js uses JSON RPC API
Your dApp
Examples at
NEAR Explorer
NEAR Wallet
RPC Interface
near-api-js uses JSON RPC API
Thank you!
share / near-102
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Encode x NEAR: Technical Overview of NEAR 1

  • 1. Available Recordings - - - Workshop Preparation Please complete the following steps before the workshop starts: - [5 min] Install Node.js locally - [2 min] Install NEAR CLI locally - [3 min] Create a TestNet account on NEAR Protocol If you have time, feel free to complete the following steps as well: - Read about a few of the key concepts of the NEAR platform: - Accounts - Transactions - Storage Staking - Deploy the Fungible Token sample application (Gitpod or locally) NEAR 102 An introductory workshop for Ethereum developers
  • 3. NEAR is cheaper, faster and easier to use Development - Contracts are written using AssemblyScript or Rust and compiled to Wasm - 1 million JavaScript / TypeScript developers can learn AssemblyScript quickly and easily - Rust toolchain and community support speeds development of complex contracts - Unique account system makes reasoning about complex contract orchestration simple Production - Optimizations built into the protocol - Gas fees (not just cost of gas) are 10x - 100x lower than those of Ethereum - Contract accounts earn part of tx fees, reducing total cost of ownership for developers - Automatic account redistribution among shards maximizes throughput - 1 second block time and 3 second finality
  • 4. Several examples and starters - several full stack examples in Rust and AssemblyScript - many have well commented code to guide your exploration - best effort at canonical use of the platform frontend and contract implementations
  • 5. / near / create-near-app npx create-near-app banana - generate a NEAR-compatible frontend & contract in 1 command - frontend: React, plain JS, others? - contract: Rust, AssemblyScript Ethereum ⇔ NEAR Cookbook / near-102-recipes Get started in minutes
  • 6. account - Ethereum supports two types of accounts with a single private key for EOAs - NEAR supports one account type with an unlimited number of scoped keys state - Ethereum state is replicated across all nodes of a single threaded machine - NEAR state is isolated to one "home" shard per account in a "multithreaded" env transaction - Ethereum supports transfer, contract deployment and function call transactions - NEAR supports 8 composable Actions which determine transaction behavior gas - Ethereum gas price is determined by network load and profit-motive - NEAR gas price is algorithmically controlled to limit shard congestion at 50% block - Ethereum blocks are produced using PoW consensus at a rate of one per 15s - NEAR blocks are produced using PoS consensus at a rate of one per second Same-same … but different primitives
  • 7. Ethereum NEAR standards ERC20 / ERC721 NEP141 / NEP171 transaction results Etherscan either view transaction in NEAR Explorer or use near tx-status <tx_hash> special data types address accounts are String type and validation is available in Rust with env::is_valid_account_id mapping Collections ( Rust & AssemblyScript ) payable methods payable #[payable] ( Rust decorator ) event model Events polling EXPERIMENTAL_changes RPC method running a node ganache nearup ( repo ) Same-same … but different features
  • 8. NEAR Deployment typically follows these steps: 1. Compile contract bytecode 2. Compose transaction using DeployContract with attached bytecode (and optionally CreateAccount, AddKey, Transfer as well) 3. Sign and send transaction to deploy contract 4. Receive transaction outcome 5. … redeploy to same account with FullAccess private key or remove for trustless operation step 2 can be decomposed into multiple Txs Same-same … but different Ethereum Deployment typically follows these steps: 1. Compile contract bytecode 2. Compose transaction by attaching bytecode (and initial value for contract) 3. Sign and send transaction to a special address which creates new account and deploys contract 4. Receive new contract address (or calculate it yourself) deployment
  • 9. Same-same … but different Ethereum Transactions NEAR Transactions origin (signer, pk) destination (receiver) uniqueness (nonce) handled elsewhere recency (block_hash) origin (v,r,s) destination (recipient) uniqueness (nonce) cost control (gas price & limit) transactions
  • 10. attached NEAR tokens Mapping concepts NEAR Transactions attached Ether transactions Ethereum Transactions
  • 11. three categories of actions - identity: CreateAccount, DeleteAccount AddKey (2 types), DeleteKey - money: Transfer, Stake - code: DeployContract, FunctionCall Mapping concepts NEAR Transactions selector (function signature) arguments (encoded) transactions Ethereum Transactions
  • 12. Mapping concepts NEAR supports 8 composable primitive Actions - CreateAccount to make a new account (for a person, contract, refrigerator, etc) - DeleteAccount to delete an account (and transfer balance to a beneficiary account) - AddKey to add a key to an account (either FullAccess or FunctionCall access) - DeleteKey to delete an existing key from an account - Transfer to move tokens from one account to another - Stake to express interest in becoming a validator at the next available opportunity - DeployContract to deploy a contract - FunctionCall to invoke a method on a contract (including budget for compute and storage) transactions
  • 13. Mapping concepts Ethereum Custom Language → Custom VM Pros - Designed for blockchain - May allow for formal verification Cons - Niche language NEAR AssemblyScript / Rust → Wasm VM Pros - Existing tooling and community - General purpose - Turing complete Cons - Not originally designed for blockchain - No formal verification runtime
  • 14. Rust Pros - Mature, battle-hardened compiler - Thriving ecosystem - Real world use cases - near-sdk-rs makes life easy Cons - Steeper learning curve AssemblyScript Pros - Easier for prototyping - Trivial for JS and TS devs to learn - Smaller binaries in Wasm - Binaries are easier to read / debug Cons - Current compiler is not stable - Immature ecosystem NEAR contract languages development
  • 15. In some ways … different asynchronous calls B A C D
  • 16. In some ways … different asynchronous calls B A C D
  • 17. In some ways … same no surprise here External “promise” calls which are used to invoke methods on multiple contracts using the standard Promise interface This example was taken from MDN (just assume the functions wrap near-api-js) A
  • 18. In some ways … same no surprise here External “batch” calls are used to chain a series of Actions together to be executed on some target account B
  • 19. In some ways … different asynchronous calls Internal “batch” calls which are used to chain a series of Actions together to be executed on some target account (including being applied to the current contract) C
  • 20. In some ways … different asynchronous calls Internal “promise” calls which are used to invoke methods on other contracts (or recursively on the current contract) D
  • 21. Rainbow Bridge / blog / eth-near-rainbow-bridge
  • 30. Rainbow Bridge: NEAR Ethereum - Decide to send 10 RAIN - Authorize TokenLocker as escrow for ERC20 token on Ethereum (approve) - Approve TokenLocker transaction which locks the tokens on Ethereum (lockToken) - Tokens are locked (emit Locked event) - Wait 25 blocks for confirmation - Attach small deposit to offset the cost of storing newly minted nRAIN on NEAR - Receive nRAIN tokens on NEAR
  • 32. Rainbow Bridge: NEAR Ethereum / near-examples / erc20-to-nep21 / aurora-is-near
  • 33. Rainbow Bridge: NEAR Ethereum / near / rainbow-bridge-cli
  • 34. How do I get started?
  • 35. create-near-app To start building on NEAR run the following* in your terminal: npx create-near-app --help * you must have Node.js installed to run npx
  • 36. create-near-app Choose a frontend and a backend Frontend (UX) - Vanilla JS - React Backend (contracts) - AssemblyScript - Rust
  • 38. create-near-app step #2 yarn dev ( or use npm run dev )
  • 39. step #3 create-near-app Sign in to NEAR Wallet ( 1 ) create new account ( 2 ) authorize your app
  • 40. step #4 create-near-app Change the message ( 1 ) edit the greeting ( 2 ) click Save ( 3 ) observe a → b a b b
  • 41. step #5 … n - discover - where do we setup a connection to NEAR? hint: search the code for keyStore - where do we login to the NEAR Wallet? hint: search the code for requestSignIn - which lines of code wire up the contract to our JS context? hint: search the code for viewMethods or changeMethods - control - try to reverse the greeting string before writing on chain hint 1: search for storage.set … AssemblyScript supports common Array and String functions hint 2: message.split('').reverse().join('') create-near-app
  • 43. NEAR exposes two development interfaces dApp UX development - Use near-api-js to connect to NEAR, manage accounts, call contract methods and more - Use JSON-RPC API to communicate with NEAR from any context (other than JS / TS) - Manage devops with NEAR Shell dApp Contract Development - Use near-sdk-as to build contracts using AssemblyScript - Use near-sdk-rs to build contracts using Rust - Compose deployed contracts using cross-contract calls
  • 44. NEAR exposes two development interfaces dApp UX development - Use near-api-js to connect to NEAR, manage accounts, call contract methods and more - Use JSON-RPC API to communicate with NEAR from any context (other than JS / TS) - Manage devops with NEAR Shell dApp Contract Development - Use near-sdk-as to build contracts using AssemblyScript - Use near-sdk-rs to build contracts using Rust - Compose deployed contracts using cross-contract calls
  • 45. NEAR exposes two development interfaces dApp UX development - Use near-api-js to connect to NEAR, manage accounts, call contract methods and more - Use JSON-RPC API to communicate with NEAR from any context (other than JS / TS) - Manage devops with NEAR Shell dApp Contract Development - Use near-sdk-as to build contracts using AssemblyScript - Use near-sdk-rs to build contracts using Rust - Compose deployed contracts using cross-contract calls
  • 46. NEAR exposes two development interfaces dApp UX development - Use near-api-js to connect to NEAR, manage accounts, call contract methods and more - Use JSON-RPC API to communicate with NEAR from any context (other than JS / TS) - Manage devops with NEAR Shell dApp Contract Development - Use near-sdk-as to build contracts using AssemblyScript - Use near-sdk-rs to build contracts using Rust - Compose deployed contracts using cross-contract calls
  • 47. Structure of the Sample Application Runtime Layer state storage virtual machine code load apply result read write Your dApp send receive Blockchain Layer RPC Interface - P2P network - Consensus - Block Storage near-api-js contracts near-sdk-as near-sdk-rs deploy
  • 48. write read` Runtime Layer state storage virtual machine code load apply result Your dApp send receive Blockchain Layer RPC Interface - P2P network - Consensus - Block Storage near-api-js contracts near-sdk-as near-sdk-rs deploy Structure of the Sample Application
  • 49. Lifecycle of a transaction Runtime Layer state storage virtual machine code load apply result read write Your dApp send receive Blockchain Layer RPC Interface - P2P network - Consensus - Block Storage near-api-js contracts near-sdk-as near-sdk-rs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 deploy
  • 50. Account ≈ Contract + State Runtime Layer state storage virtual machine code load read write
  • 51. Account ≈ Contract + State Runtime Layer virtual machine code load metadata result read write data apply state storage
  • 52. Runtime Layer result apply Account ≈ Contract + State virtual machine code load read write key value STATE your contract code message “hello world” counter 3 prefix::identifier value at collection key prefix::len PersistentVector length prefix::last PersistentDeque last item state storage
  • 54. Rust (contract data) AssemblyScript (contract data) AssemblyScript & Rust contract alignment
  • 55. Rust (contract behavior) AssemblyScript (contract behavior) AssemblyScript & Rust contract alignment
  • 56. “To enable WebAssembly to be read and edited by humans, there is a textual representation of the wasm binary format. This is an intermediate form designed to be exposed in text editors, browser developer tools, etc.” -- Understanding WebAssembly text format Although we will not spend time on this topic, this format has proven consistently readable (especially with AssemblyScript) if only to sanity check that exported contract functions are visible and near-sdk-as runtime components are being called in the right places. The output is always a .wasm file
  • 58. Guest Book User Interface
  • 59. - there are 2 main folders in the project: - assembly contains the smart contract and tests - src contains the application’s UX and tests - there is another folder to be aware of: - neardev contains contract account details - this is for development only, your local credentials will be in ~/.near-credentials Guest Book Filesystem
  • 60. Guest Book Contract Data Model : assembly/model.ts - PostedMessage is a serializable class with three attributes: - premium to flag messages with attached NEAR tokens - sender to track the signer of the guest book message - text to hold the guest book message - messages is a collection of guest book messages stored as a PersistentVector of PostedMessage objects note: @nearBindgen marks the class as serializable Contract
  • 61. Contract Behavior : assembly/main.ts - MESSAGE_LIMIT is used to avoid unbounded calls (ie. potentially expensive) to retrieve guest book messages from storage - two public functions are exposed on the contract: - addMessage(text: string): void - getMessages(): PostedMessage[] Guest Book Contract
  • 62. Guest Book Network Connection : src/config.js - data and endpoints required to connect to the NEAR network - connection information is included for MainNet, TestNet and BetaNet as well as the default LocalNet configuration Frontend
  • 63. Guest Book Frontend Configuration : src/index.js - configure connection to NEAR network - configure contract interface by injecting wallet connection and wiring up both contract methods - contract is a proxy object for JSON RPC API calls with methods attached - contract methods are attached to the object as either view or change type and return a Promise
  • 64. Guest Book Authentication : src/App.js - NEAR Wallet is used for authentication - near-api-js exposes two related methods - wallet.requestSignIn() - wallet.signOut() note: useCallback() is a React Hook Frontend
  • 65. CRUD : src/App.js - add a message and, once complete, get a list of all messages (up to MESSAGE_LIMIT) - contract.addMessage accepts parameters as a JSON object and returns nothing - two other parameters are optional - gas (a “boatload”) to override client defaults - attached value (in NEAR tokens) Guest Book Frontend
  • 66. Monitoring the application ... http post jsonrpc=2.0 id=dontcare method=query params:='{ "request_type": "view_state", "finality": "final", "account_id": "test", "prefix_base64": "U1RBVEU=" }’ And, using the watch command and some JSON formatting with jq, automatically refresh a convenient view while we use the Guestbook example. Here’s how. Also see here for our JSON RPC API docs Guest Book Demo: Monitoring
  • 68. - Ethereum supports two types of accounts 1. Externally Owned Accounts (EOA) a. identified by last 20 bytes of the keccak-256 hash of a public key b. controlled by a private key of the same public-private key pair c. can sign and send transactions to other EOAs or contract accounts 2. Contract Accounts a. controlled by contract code, no keys involved b. can only send transactions in response to being triggered c. are of two subtypes i. Simple ii. Multisig From Ethereum to NEAR accounts
  • 69. - From Ethereum to NEAR NEAR supports one type of account - human readable name (like having ENS baked into the protocol *) - may represent a user, contract or both - are controlled by an unlimited number of keys - two types - FullAccess: can do anything with the account, including send tokens and delete account - FunctionCall: can only call contract functions which may be limited in scope and budget * NEAR accounts follow a human friendly DNS naming pattern with similar scoping rules for ownership and control. For example user.testnet controls app1.user.testnet and app2.user.testnet. accounts
  • 70. - Ethereum - nonce - balance - storageRoot - codeHash* * codeHash may be either: - hash of an empty string (EOAs) - hash of the code of the contract NEAR - balance - locked balance (for staking) - code of the contract ** - storage (key-value store for contract data) - access keys *** (FullAccess, FunctionCall) - postponed ActionReceipts (ie. “todo”) - received DataReceipts (ie. “done”) ** code_hash is similar to Ethereum *** each access key tracks its own nonce note that receipts are used to manage cross-contract calls From Ethereum to NEAR accounts
  • 72. - managing NEAR primitives: - key stores - accounts - contracts - wallets - connection providers (RPC) - generating key pairs locally - creating transactions locally - signing transactions locally - sending transactions to the network near-api-js Library designed to connect to the NEAR platform from any JavaScript execution context (server-side or client-side JS)
  • 75. near-api-js Your dApp Examples at NEAR Explorer NEAR Wallet NEAR CLI send receive RPC Interface Blockchain Layer near-api-js uses JSON RPC API
  • 76. near-api-js Your dApp Examples at NEAR Explorer NEAR Wallet NEAR CLI send receive RPC Interface Blockchain Layer near-api-js uses JSON RPC API
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