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Enabling Googley microservices with gRPC.
A high performance, open source, HTTP/2-based RPC framework.
April 7, 2017
Alex Borysov @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Alex Borysov
• Software Engineer at Google
• Active gRPC user.
Google Cloud Platform
What is gRPC?
Au commencement était la Stubby.
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
What is gRPC?
Au commencement était la Stubby
gRPC stands for gRPC Remote Procedure Calls.
A high performance, open source, general purpose
standards-based, feature-rich RPC framework.
Open sourced version of Stubby RPC used in Google.
Actively developed and production-ready, current
version is 1.2.0.
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Why gRPC?
Photo taken by Andrey Borisenko.
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
gRPC vs JSON/HTTP for Google Cloud Pub/Sub
3x increase in throughput
11x difference per CPU
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Google ~O(1010
) QPS.
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Google ~O(1010
) QPS.
Your project QPS?
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Continuous Performance Benchmarking
8 core VMs, unary
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
32 core VMs, unary
Google Cloud Platform
• Single TCP connection.
• No Head-of-line blocking.
• Binary framing layer.
• Header Compression.
HTTP/2 in One Slide
Application (HTTP/2)
Network (IP)
Session (TLS) [optional]
Binary Framing
DATA Frame
POST: /upload
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 27
{“msg”: “Welcome to 2017!”}
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
HTTP/1.x vs HTTP/2
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Okay, but how?
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Service Definition
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Service Definition (weather.proto)
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Service Definition (weather.proto)
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "fr.devoxx.grpcexample";
package grpcexample;
service Weather {
rpc GetCurrent(WeatherRequest) returns (WeatherResponse);
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Service Definition (weather.proto)
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "fr.devoxx.grpcexample";
package grpcexample;
service Weather {
rpc GetCurrent(WeatherRequest) returns (WeatherResponse);
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Service Definition (weather.proto)
syntax = "proto3";
service Weather {
rpc GetCurrent(WeatherRequest) returns (WeatherResponse);
message WeatherRequest {
Coordinates coordinates = 1;
message Coordinates {
fixed64 latitude = 1;
fixed64 longitude = 2;
message WeatherResponse {
Temperature temperature = 1;
float humidity = 2;
message Temperature {
float degrees = 1;
Units units = 2;
enum Units {
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Generated Classes
$ ls -1 build/generated/source/proto/main/java/fr/devoxx/grpcexample/
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Generated Classes
$ ls -1 build/generated/source/proto/main/java/fr/devoxx/grpcexample/
$ ls -1 build/generated/source/proto/main/grpc/fr/devoxx/grpcexample/
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Implement gRPC Service
public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase {
public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request,
StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) {
Abstract class
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Implement gRPC Service
public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase {
public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request,
public interface StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver){{
void onNext(WeatherResponse response);
void onCompleted();
void onError(Throwable error);
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Implement gRPC Service
public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase {
public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request,
StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) {
WeatherResponse response = WeatherResponse.newBuilder()
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Start gRPC Server
void start() throws IOException {
Server grpcServer = NettyServerBuilder.forPort(8090)
.addService(new WeatherService()).build()
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(grpcServer::shutdown));
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
gRPC Clients
ManagedChannel grpcChannel = NettyChannelBuilder.forAddress("localhost", 8090).build();
WeatherGrpc.WeatherStub client = WeatherGrpc.newStub(grpcChannel);
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
gRPC Clients
ManagedChannel grpcChannel = NettyChannelBuilder.forAddress("localhost", 8090).build();
WeatherGrpc.WeatherStub client = WeatherGrpc.newStub(grpcChannel);
WeatherGrpc.WeatherBlockingStub blockingClient = WeatherGrpc.newBlockingStub(grpcChannel);
WeatherGrpc.WeatherFutureStub futureClient = WeatherGrpc.newFutureStub(grpcChannel);
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
gRPC Sync Client
WeatherRequest request = WeatherRequest.newBuilder()
WeatherResponse response = blockingClient.getCurrent(request);"Current weather for {}: {}", request, response);
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
gRPC Async Client
WeatherRequest request = WeatherRequest.newBuilder()
client.getCurrent(request, new StreamObserver<WeatherResponse>() {
public void onNext(WeatherResponse response) {"Current weather for {}: {}", request, response);
public void onError(Throwable t) {"Cannot get weather for {}", request); }
public void onCompleted() {"Stream completed."); }
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Implement gRPC Service
public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase {
public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request,
StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) {
WeatherResponse response = WeatherResponse.newBuilder()
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Adding New [Micro]Services
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Service Definitions
service Weather {
rpc GetCurrent(WeatherRequest) returns (WeatherResponse);
service TemperatureService {
rpc GetCurrent(Coordinates) returns (Temperature);
service HumidityService {
rpc GetCurrent(Coordinates) returns (Humidity);
service WindService {
rpc GetCurrent(Coordinates) returns (Wind);
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Service Definition - Response Message
message WeatherResponse {
Temperature temperature = 1;
float humidity = 2;
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Adding New Field
message WeatherResponse {
Temperature temperature = 1;
float humidity = 2;
Wind wind = 3;
message Wind {
Speed speed = 1;
float direction = 2;
message Speed {
float value = 1;
Units units = 2;
enum Units {
MPH = 0;
MPS = 1;
KNOTS = 2;
KMH = 3;
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
private final TemperatureServiceBlockingStub temperatureService;
private final HumidityServiceBlockingStub humidityService;
private final WindServiceBlockingStub windService;
public WeatherService(TemperatureServiceBlockingStub temperatureService,
HumidityServiceBlockingStub humidityService,
WindServiceBlockingStub windService) {
this.temperatureService = temperatureService;
this.humidityService = humidityService;
this.windService = windService;
Blocking Stub Dependencies
public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase {
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request,
StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) {
Temperature temperature = temperatureService.getCurrent(request.getCoordinates());
Humidity humidity = humidityService.getCurrent(request.getCoordinates());
Wind wind = windService.getCurrent(request.getCoordinates());
WeatherResponse response = WeatherResponse.newBuilder().setTemperature(temperature)
Blocking Stub Dependencies
public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase {
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Blocking Stubs
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
private final TemperatureServiceFutureStub tempService;
private final HumidityServiceFutureStub humidityService;
private final WindServiceFutureStub windService;
public WeatherService(TemperatureServiceFutureStub tempService,
HumidityServiceFutureStub humidityService,
WindServiceFutureStub windService) {
this.tempService = tempService;
this.humidityService = humidityService;
this.windService = windService;
Async Future Stub Dependencies
public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase {
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request, StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) {
Coordinates coordinates = request.getCoordinates();
ListenableFuture<List<WeatherResponse>> responsesFuture = Futures.allAsList(
(Temperature temp) -> WeatherResponse.newBuilder().setTemperature(temp).build()),
(Wind wind) -> WeatherResponse.newBuilder().setWind(wind).build()),
Futures.transform(humidityService.getCurrent(coordinates), (Humidity humidity) ->
Async Future Stub Dependencies
public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase {
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request, StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) {
Coordinates coordinates = request.getCoordinates();
ListenableFuture<List<WeatherResponse>> responsesFuture = Futures.allAsList(
(Temperature temp) -> WeatherResponse.newBuilder().setTemperature(temp).build()),
(Wind wind) -> WeatherResponse.newBuilder().setWind(wind).build()),
Futures.transform(humidityService.getCurrent(coordinates), (Humidity humidity) ->
Async Future Stub Dependencies
public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase {
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request, StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) {
Coordinates coordinates = request.getCoordinates();
ListenableFuture<List<WeatherResponse>> responsesFuture = Futures.allAsList(
(Temperature temp) -> WeatherResponse.newBuilder().setTemperature(temp).build()),
(Wind wind) -> WeatherResponse.newBuilder().setWind(wind).build()),
Futures.transform(humidityService.getCurrent(coordinates), (Humidity humidity) ->
Async Future Stub Dependencies
public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase {
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Futures.addCallback(responsesFuture, new FutureCallback<List<WeatherResponse>>() {
public void onSuccess(@Nullable List<WeatherResponse> results) {
WeatherResponse.Builder response = WeatherResponse.newBuilder();
public void onFailure(Throwable t) { responseObserver.onError(t); }
Async Future Stub Dependencies
public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase {
public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request, StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) {
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Netty Transport
ManagedChannel grpcChannel = NettyChannelBuilder.forAddress("localhost", 8090).build();
WeatherGrpc.WeatherFutureStub futureClient = WeatherGrpc.newFutureStub(grpcChannel);
Server grpcServer = NettyServerBuilder.forPort(8090)
.addService(new WeatherService()).build().start();
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Netty: Asynchronous and Non-Blocking IO
Netty-based transport:
• Multiplexes conn-s on the event loops: EpollEventLoopGroup, NioEventLoopGroup.
• Decouples I/O waiting from threads.
• gRPC uses Netty event loops for both client and server transports.
Worker thread
Worker thread
Worker thread
Worker thread
Worker thread
Worker thread
Worker thread
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Async Future Stub Dependencies
public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase {
public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request, StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) {
Futures.addCallback(responsesFuture, new FutureCallback<List<WeatherResponse>>() {
public void onSuccess(@Nullable List<WeatherResponse> results) {
WeatherResponse.Builder response = WeatherResponse.newBuilder();
public void onFailure(Throwable t) { responseObserver.onError(t); }
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Async Future Stub Dependencies
public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase {
public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request, StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) {
Futures.addCallback(responsesFuture, new FutureCallback<List<WeatherResponse>>() {
public void onSuccess(@Nullable List<WeatherResponse> results) {
WeatherResponse.Builder response = WeatherResponse.newBuilder();
public void onFailure(Throwable t) { responseObserver.onError(t); }
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Panta rhei, "everything flows".
Heraclitus of Ephesus
~2,400 years Before HTTP/1.x
“ ”
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Service Definitions
service Weather {
rpc GetCurrent(WeatherRequest) returns (WeatherResponse);
service TemperatureService {
rpc GetCurrent(Coordinates) returns (Temperature);
service HumidityService {
rpc GetCurrent(Coordinates) returns (Humidity);
service WindService {
rpc GetCurrent(Coordinates) returns (Wind);
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Streaming Service Definitions
service WeatherStreaming {
rpc GetCurrent(WeatherRequest) returns (stream WeatherResponse);
service TemperatureServiceStreaming {
rpc GetCurrent(Coordinates) returns (stream Temperature);
service HumidityServiceStreaming {
rpc GetCurrent(Coordinates) returns (stream Humidity);
service WindServiceStreaming {
rpc GetCurrent(Coordinates) returns (stream Wind);
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Bidirectional Streaming Service Definitions
service WeatherStreaming {
rpc GetCurrent(stream WeatherRequest) returns (stream WeatherResponse);
service TemperatureServiceStreaming {
rpc GetCurrent(stream Coordinates) returns (stream Temperature);
service HumidityServiceStreaming {
rpc GetCurrent(stream Coordinates) returns (stream Humidity);
service WindServiceStreaming {
rpc GetCurrent(stream Coordinates) returns (stream Wind);
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Bidirectional Streaming Service Definitions
service WeatherStreaming {
rpc Observe(stream WeatherRequest) returns (stream WeatherResponse);
service TemperatureServiceStreaming {
rpc Observe(stream Coordinates) returns (stream Temperature);
service HumidityServiceStreaming {
rpc Observe(stream Coordinates) returns (stream Humidity);
service WindServiceStreaming {
rpc Observe(stream Coordinates) returns (stream Wind);
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Bidirectional Streaming Service
public class WeatherStreamingService extends WeatherStreamingGrpc.WeatherStreamingImplBase {
public StreamObserver<WeatherRequest> observe(StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) {
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Bidirectional Streaming Service
public class WeatherStreamingService extends WeatherStreamingGrpc.WeatherStreamingImplBase {
public StreamObserver<WeatherRequest> observe(StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) {
StreamObserver<Coordinates> temperatureClientStream =
temperatureService.observe(new StreamObserver<Temperature>() {
public void onNext(Temperature temperature) {
WeatherResponse resp = WeatherResponse.newBuilder().setTemperature(temperature).build()
public void onError(Throwable t) { responseObserver.onError(t); }
public void onCompleted() { responseObserver.onCompleted(); } });
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Bidirectional Streaming Service
public class WeatherStreamingService extends WeatherStreamingGrpc.WeatherStreamingImplBase {
public StreamObserver<WeatherRequest> observe(StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) {
StreamObserver<Coordinates> temperatureClientStream =
temperatureService.observe(new StreamObserver<Temperature>() {
public void onNext(Temperature temperature) {
WeatherResponse resp = WeatherResponse.newBuilder().setTemperature(temperature).build()
public void onError(Throwable t) { responseObserver.onError(t); }
public void onCompleted() { responseObserver.onCompleted(); } });
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
return new StreamObserver<WeatherRequest>() {
public void onNext(WeatherRequest request) {
public void onError(Throwable t) { temperatureClientStream.onError(t); }
public void onCompleted() { temperatureClientStream.onCompleted(); }
Bidirectional Streaming Service
public class WeatherStreamingService extends WeatherStreamingGrpc.WeatherStreamingImplBase {
public StreamObserver<WeatherRequest> observe(StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) {
StreamObserver<Coordinates> temperatureClientStream = ...
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Messaging applications.
Games / multiplayer tournaments.
Moving objects.
Sport results.
Stock market quotes.
Smart home devices.
You name it!
Streaming Use-Cases
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Continuous Performance Benchmarking
8 core VMs, streaming
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
32 core VMs, streaming
Google Cloud Platform
gRPC Speaks Your Language
● Java
● Go
● C/C++
● C#
● Node.js
● Ruby
● Python
● Objective-C
● MacOS
● Linux
● Windows
● Android
● iOS
Service definitions and client libraries Platforms supported
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Things will break!
Don’t pretend you can eliminate every
possible source of failure.
Integration points are #1 killer of
software systems.
Fault Tolerance?
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Use time-outs!
Because your code cannot wait forever.
“ ”* Original photo taken by Stanislav Vedmid
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
A1 A2 A3
B1 B2 B3
C1 C2 C3
200 ms
? ?
? ?
? ?
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Default Timeout For Every Service?
A1 A2 A3
B1 B2 B3
C1 C2 C3
200 ms
200 ms
200 ms
200 ms
200 ms 200 ms
200 ms 200 ms
200 ms 200 ms
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Default Timeout For Every Service?
20 ms 10 ms 10 ms
30 ms 40 ms 20 ms
130 ms
200 ms
200 ms
200 ms
200 ms
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Default Timeout For Every Service?
30 ms 80 ms 100 ms
210 ms
200 ms
200 ms
200 ms
200 ms
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Default Timeout For Every Service?
30 ms 80 ms 100 ms
210 ms
200 ms
200 ms
200 ms
200 ms
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Default Timeout For Every Service?
80 ms 100 ms
200 ms
200 ms
200 ms
200 ms
Still working!
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Default Timeout For Every Service?
200 ms
200 ms
200 ms
Idle Busy
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Default Timeout For Every Service?
200 ms
200 ms
200 ms
Idle Busy
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Default Timeout For Every Service?
200 ms
200 ms
200 ms
Idle Busy
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Default Timeout For Every Service?
200 ms
200 ms
200 ms
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Tune Timeout For Every Service?
A1 A2 A3
B1 B2 B3
C1 C2 C3
200 ms
190 ms
190 ms
190 ms
110 ms 50 ms
110 ms 50 ms
110 ms 50 ms
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Tune Timeout For Every Service?
200 ms
190 ms
110 ms
30 ms 80 ms 25 ms
55 ms
30 ms
50 ms
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Tune Timeout For Every Service?
200 ms
190 ms
110 ms
30 ms 80 ms 25 ms
55 ms
30 ms
50 ms
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
A1 A2 A3
B1 B2 B3
C1 C2 C3
200 ms
? ?
? ?
? ?
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Timeouts for Real World?
A1 A2 A3
B1 B2 B3
C1 C2 C3
200 ms
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Timeouts for Real World?
A1 A2 A3
B1 B2 B3
C1 C2 C3
200 ms
2,500 ms
140 ms
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Timeouts in gRPC
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
gRPC Java does not support timeouts.
Timeouts in gRPC
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
gRPC Java does not support timeouts.
gRPC supports deadlines instead!
gRPC Deadlines
WeatherResponse response =
client.withDeadlineAfter(200, MILLISECONDS)
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
First-class feature in gRPC.
Deadline is an absolute point in time.
Deadline indicates to the server how
long the client is willing to wait for an
status code when deadline reached.
gRPC Deadlines
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
gRPC Deadline Propagation
90 ms
Now =
Deadline =
Remaining = 200
40 ms
20 ms
20 ms 60 ms
withDeadlineAfter(200, MILLISECONDS)
Now =
Deadline =
Remaining = 160
Now =
Deadline =
Remaining = 50
Now =
Deadline =
Remaining = -30
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Deadlines are automatically propagated!
Can be accessed by the receiver!
gRPC Deadlines
Context context = Context.current();
context.getDeadline().runOnExpiration(() ->"Deadline exceeded!"), exec);
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Deadlines are expected.
What about unpredictable cancellations?
• User cancelled request.
• Caller is not interested in the result any
• etc
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Busy Busy Busy
Busy Busy Busy
Busy Busy Busy
Active RPC Active RPC
Active RPC
Active RPC Active RPCActive RPC
Active RPC Active RPC
Active RPC
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Busy Busy Busy
Busy Busy Busy
Busy Busy Busy
Active RPC Active RPC
Active RPC
Active RPC Active RPCActive RPC
Active RPC Active RPC
Active RPC
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Cancellation Propagation
Idle Idle Idle
Idle Idle Idle
Idle Idle Idle
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Automatically propagated.
RPC fails with CANCELLED status code.
Cancellation status can be accessed by
the receiver.
Server (receiver) always knows if RPC is
gRPC Cancellation
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
gRPC Cancellation
public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase {
public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request, StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) {
ServerCallStreamObserver<WeatherResponse> streamObserver =
(ServerCallStreamObserver<WeatherResponse>) responseObserver;
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
gRPC Cancellation
public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase {
public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request, StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) {
ServerCallStreamObserver<WeatherResponse> streamObserver =
(ServerCallStreamObserver<WeatherResponse>) responseObserver;
streamObserver.setOnCancelHandler(() -> {
cleanupResources();"Call cancelled by client!");
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
gRPC Context
public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase {
public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request, StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) {
Context.current().addListener(context -> {
cleanupResources();"Call cancelled by client!"); }, executor)
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
More Control?
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
BiDi Streaming - Slow Client
Fast Server
Slow Client
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
BiDi Streaming - Slow Server
Slow Server
Fast Client
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Client-Side Flow-Control
Request, count = 4
2 Responses
4 Responses
Count = 2
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Server-Side Flow-Control
count = 2
2 Requests
count = 3
3 Requests
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Flow-Control (Client-Side)
CallStreamObserver<WeatherRequest> requestStream =
(CallStreamObserver) client.observe(new ClientResponseObserver<WeatherRequest, WeatherResponse>() {
public void beforeStart(ClientCallStreamObserver outboundStream) {
public void onNext(WeatherResponse response) { processResponse(response); }
public void onError(Throwable e) { logger.error("Error on weather request.", e); }
public void onCompleted() {"Stream completed."); }
requestStream.request(3); // Request up to 3 responses from server
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Flow-Control (Client-Side)
CallStreamObserver<WeatherRequest> requestStream =
(CallStreamObserver) client.observe(new ClientResponseObserver<WeatherRequest, WeatherResponse>() {
public void beforeStart(ClientCallStreamObserver outboundStream) {
public void onNext(WeatherResponse response) { processResponse(response); }
public void onError(Throwable e) { logger.error("Error on weather request.", e); }
public void onCompleted() {"Stream completed."); }
requestStream.request(3); // Request up to 3 responses from server
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Flow-Control (Client-Side)
CallStreamObserver<WeatherRequest> requestStream =
(CallStreamObserver) client.observe(new ClientResponseObserver<WeatherRequest, WeatherResponse>() {
public void beforeStart(ClientCallStreamObserver outboundStream) {
public void onNext(WeatherResponse response) { processResponse(response); }
public void onError(Throwable e) { logger.error("Error on weather request.", e); }
public void onCompleted() {"Stream completed."); }
requestStream.request(3); // Request up to 3 responses from server
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Flow-Control (Client-Side)
CallStreamObserver<WeatherRequest> requestStream =
(CallStreamObserver) client.observe(new ClientResponseObserver<WeatherRequest, WeatherResponse>() {
public void beforeStart(ClientCallStreamObserver outboundStream) {
public void onNext(WeatherResponse response) { processResponse(response); }
public void onError(Throwable e) { logger.error("Error on weather request.", e); }
public void onCompleted() {"Stream completed."); }
requestStream.request(3); // Request up to 3 responses from server
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Flow-Control (Client-Side)
CallStreamObserver<WeatherRequest> requestStream =
(CallStreamObserver) client.observe(new ClientResponseObserver<WeatherRequest, WeatherResponse>() {
public void beforeStart(ClientCallStreamObserver outboundStream) {
public void onNext(WeatherResponse response) { processResponse(response); }
public void onError(Throwable e) { logger.error("Error on weather request.", e); }
public void onCompleted() {"Stream completed."); }
requestStream.request(3); // Request up to 3 responses from server
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Flow-Control (Client-Side)
public class WeatherStreamingService extends WeatherStreamingGrpc.WeatherStreamingImplBase {
public StreamObserver<WeatherRequest> observe(StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) {
ServerCallStreamObserver<WeatherResponse> streamObserver =
(ServerCallStreamObserver<WeatherResponse>) responseObserver;
streamObserver.setOnReadyHandler(() -> {
if (streamObserver.isReady()) {
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Flow-control helps to balance
computing power and network
capacity between client and server.
gRPC supports both client- and
server-side flow control.
Disabled by default.
Photo taken by Andrey Borisenko.
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
What else?
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Service Discovery
Load Balancing
Tracing, debugging
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Service Discovery & Load Balancing
RPC Server-side App
Service Definition
(extends generated definition)
ServerCall handler
RPC Client-Side App
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Service Discovery & Load Balancing
RPC Client-Side App
RPC Server-side Apps
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Service Discovery & Load Balancing
RPC Client-Side App
RPC Server-side Apps
Tran #1 Tran #2 Tran #N
Service Definition
(extends generated definition)
ServerCall handler
NameResolver LoadBalancer
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Service Discovery & Load Balancing
ManagedChannel grpcChannel = NettyChannelBuilder.forTarget("WeatherSrv")
.nameResolverFactory(new DnsNameResolverProvider())
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Service Discovery & Load Balancing
ManagedChannel grpcChannel = NettyChannelBuilder.forTarget("WeatherSrv")
.nameResolverFactory(new DnsNameResolverProvider())
Design documents:
• Load Balancing in gRPC:
• gRPC Java Name Resolution and Load Balancing v2:
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Testing Support
In-process server transport: fully-featured, high performance, and useful in testing.
In-process client side channel: fully-featured, high performance, and useful in
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Testing Support - InProcess
WeatherServiceAsync weatherService =
new WeatherServiceAsync(tempService, humidityService, windService);
Server grpcServer = InProcessServerBuilder.forName("weather")
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Testing Support - InProcess
WeatherServiceAsync weatherService =
new WeatherServiceAsync(tempService, humidityService, windService);
Server grpcServer = InProcessServerBuilder.forName("weather")
Channel grpcChannel = InProcessChannelBuilder.forName("weather").build();
WeatherBlockingStub stub =
WeatherGrpc.newBlockingStub(grpcChannel).withDeadlineAfter(100, MILLISECONDS);
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Testing Support
In-process server transport and client-side channel
StreamRecorder - StreamObserver that records all the observed values and errors.
MetadataUtils for testing metadata headers and trailer.
grpc-testing - utility functions for unit and integration testing:
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Distributed Tracing
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Distributed Tracing
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Distributed Tracing with Zipkin/Brave
// server-side
Server grpcServer = NettyServerBuilder.forPort(8090)
.addService(ServerInterceptors.intercept(new WeatherService(),
new BraveGrpcServerInterceptor(brave("wind"))))
// client-side
Channel windChannel = NettyChannelBuilder.forAddress(windserverAddress()).build();
WindServiceStub windClient = WindServiceGrpc.newStub(
new BraveGrpcClientInterceptor(brave("weather_to_wind"))));
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
More Features
Interceptors to add cross-cutting behavior:
• Client- and server-side
• gRPC Prometheus.
• grpcz-monitoring
• More Monitoring APIs are coming.
Built-in authentication mechanisms:
• Token-based authentication with Google.
• Authentication API.
Payload compression:
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Growing Community and Ecosystem
Polyglot is a universal grpc command line client.
grpc-gateway generates a reverse-proxy server which translates a RESTful JSON API into gRPC.
OpenTracing is a set of consistent, expressive, vendor-neutral APIs for distributed tracing and
context propagation.
Prometheus monitoring support for grpc-java and grpc-go.
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Try It Out!
Twitter @grpcio
gRPC on Github:
Google group:
gRPC Java quickstart:
gRPC Java tutorial:
gRPC contribution:
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Microservices are not a free lunch!
gRPC (
• HTTP/2 transport based, open source, general purpose
standards-based, feature-rich RPC framework.
• Bidirectional streaming over one single TCP connection.
• Netty transport provides asynchronous and non-blocking I/O.
• Deadline and cancellations propagation.
• Client and server-side flow-control.
• Pluggable service discovery and load-balancing
• Supports 10 programming languages.
• Build-in testing support.
• Production-ready (current version is 1.2.0) and growing ecosystem.
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Thank You
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov
Google Cloud Platform
Images Used
Special thanks for the provided photos:
• Andrey Borisenko
• Stanislav Vedmid
Photo from page:
Photos licenced by Creative Commons 2.0 :
• by Garry Knight
• by sodai gomi
• by Zengame
• by Matt Brown
• by torbakhopper
#DevoxxFR @aiborisov

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"gRPC vs REST: let the battle begin!" DevoxxUK 2018 edition
"gRPC vs REST: let the battle begin!" GeeCON Krakow 2018 edition
"gRPC vs REST: let the battle begin!" GeeCON Krakow 2018 edition"gRPC vs REST: let the battle begin!" GeeCON Krakow 2018 edition
"gRPC vs REST: let the battle begin!" GeeCON Krakow 2018 edition
gRPC vs REST: let the battle begin!
gRPC vs REST: let the battle begin!gRPC vs REST: let the battle begin!
gRPC vs REST: let the battle begin!
gRPC vs REST: let the battle begin!
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"Enabling Googley microservices with gRPC." at Devoxx France 2017

  • 1. Enabling Googley microservices with gRPC. A high performance, open source, HTTP/2-based RPC framework. April 7, 2017 Alex Borysov @aiborisov #DevoxxFR
  • 2. Google Cloud Platform Alex Borysov • Software Engineer at Google • Active gRPC user. @aiborisov #DevoxxFR
  • 3. Google Cloud Platform What is gRPC? Au commencement était la Stubby. #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 4. Google Cloud Platform What is gRPC? Au commencement était la Stubby gRPC stands for gRPC Remote Procedure Calls. A high performance, open source, general purpose standards-based, feature-rich RPC framework. Open sourced version of Stubby RPC used in Google. Actively developed and production-ready, current version is 1.2.0. #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 5. Google Cloud Platform Why gRPC? Photo taken by Andrey Borisenko. #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 6. Google Cloud Platform gRPC vs JSON/HTTP for Google Cloud Pub/Sub 3x increase in throughput 11x difference per CPU #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 7. Google Cloud Platform Google ~O(1010 ) QPS. #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 8. Google Cloud Platform Google ~O(1010 ) QPS. Your project QPS? #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 9. Google Cloud Platform Continuous Performance Benchmarking 8 core VMs, unary #DevoxxFR @aiborisov 32 core VMs, unary
  • 10. Google Cloud Platform • Single TCP connection. • No Head-of-line blocking. • Binary framing layer. • Header Compression. HTTP/2 in One Slide Transport(TCP) Application (HTTP/2) Network (IP) Session (TLS) [optional] Binary Framing HEADERS Frame DATA Frame HTTP/2 POST: /upload HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 27 HTTP/1.x {“msg”: “Welcome to 2017!”} #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 11. Google Cloud Platform HTTP/1.x vs HTTP/2 #DevoxxFR @aiborisov HTTP/1.1 HTTP/2
  • 12. Google Cloud Platform Okay, but how? #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 13. Google Cloud Platform Service Definition #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 14. Google Cloud Platform Service Definition (weather.proto) #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 15. Google Cloud Platform Service Definition (weather.proto) syntax = "proto3"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_package = "fr.devoxx.grpcexample"; package grpcexample; service Weather { rpc GetCurrent(WeatherRequest) returns (WeatherResponse); } #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 16. Google Cloud Platform Service Definition (weather.proto) syntax = "proto3"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_package = "fr.devoxx.grpcexample"; package grpcexample; service Weather { rpc GetCurrent(WeatherRequest) returns (WeatherResponse); } #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 17. Google Cloud Platform Service Definition (weather.proto) syntax = "proto3"; service Weather { rpc GetCurrent(WeatherRequest) returns (WeatherResponse); } message WeatherRequest { Coordinates coordinates = 1; message Coordinates { fixed64 latitude = 1; fixed64 longitude = 2; } } message WeatherResponse { Temperature temperature = 1; float humidity = 2; } message Temperature { float degrees = 1; Units units = 2; enum Units { FAHRENHEIT = 0; CELSIUS = 1; KELVIN = 2; } } #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 18. Google Cloud Platform Generated Classes $ ls -1 build/generated/source/proto/main/java/fr/devoxx/grpcexample/ #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 19. Google Cloud Platform Generated Classes $ ls -1 build/generated/source/proto/main/java/fr/devoxx/grpcexample/ $ ls -1 build/generated/source/proto/main/grpc/fr/devoxx/grpcexample/ #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 20. Google Cloud Platform Implement gRPC Service public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase { @Override public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request, StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) { } } Abstract class #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 21. Google Cloud Platform Implement gRPC Service public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase { @Override public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request, public interface StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver){{ void onNext(WeatherResponse response); void onCompleted(); void onError(Throwable error); } } } #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 22. Google Cloud Platform Implement gRPC Service public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase { @Override public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request, StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) { WeatherResponse response = WeatherResponse.newBuilder() .setTemperature(Temperature.newBuilder().setDegrees(70).setUnits(FAHRENHEIT)) .setHumidity(.65f).build(); responseObserver.onNext(response); responseObserver.onCompleted(); } } #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 23. Google Cloud Platform Start gRPC Server void start() throws IOException { Server grpcServer = NettyServerBuilder.forPort(8090) .addService(new WeatherService()).build() .start(); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(grpcServer::shutdown)); grpcServer.awaitTerminaton(); } #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 24. Google Cloud Platform gRPC Clients ManagedChannel grpcChannel = NettyChannelBuilder.forAddress("localhost", 8090).build(); WeatherGrpc.WeatherStub client = WeatherGrpc.newStub(grpcChannel); #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 25. Google Cloud Platform gRPC Clients ManagedChannel grpcChannel = NettyChannelBuilder.forAddress("localhost", 8090).build(); WeatherGrpc.WeatherStub client = WeatherGrpc.newStub(grpcChannel); WeatherGrpc.WeatherBlockingStub blockingClient = WeatherGrpc.newBlockingStub(grpcChannel); WeatherGrpc.WeatherFutureStub futureClient = WeatherGrpc.newFutureStub(grpcChannel); #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 26. Google Cloud Platform gRPC Sync Client WeatherRequest request = WeatherRequest.newBuilder() .setCoordinates(Coordinates.newBuilder().setLatitude(420000000) .setLongitude(-720000000)).build(); WeatherResponse response = blockingClient.getCurrent(request);"Current weather for {}: {}", request, response); #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 27. Google Cloud Platform gRPC Async Client WeatherRequest request = WeatherRequest.newBuilder() .setCoordinates(Coordinates.newBuilder().setLatitude(420000000) .setLongitude(-720000000)).build(); client.getCurrent(request, new StreamObserver<WeatherResponse>() { @Override public void onNext(WeatherResponse response) {"Current weather for {}: {}", request, response); } @Override public void onError(Throwable t) {"Cannot get weather for {}", request); } @Override public void onCompleted() {"Stream completed."); } }); #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 28. Google Cloud Platform Implement gRPC Service public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase { @Override public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request, StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) { WeatherResponse response = WeatherResponse.newBuilder() .setTemperature(Temperature.newBuilder().setDegrees(70).setUnits(FAHRENHEIT)) .setHumidity(.65f).build(); responseObserver.onNext(response); responseObserver.onCompleted(); } } #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 29. Google Cloud Platform Adding New [Micro]Services Weather Weather Temp Wind Humidity #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 30. Google Cloud Platform Service Definitions service Weather { rpc GetCurrent(WeatherRequest) returns (WeatherResponse); } service TemperatureService { rpc GetCurrent(Coordinates) returns (Temperature); } service HumidityService { rpc GetCurrent(Coordinates) returns (Humidity); } service WindService { rpc GetCurrent(Coordinates) returns (Wind); } #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 31. Google Cloud Platform Service Definition - Response Message message WeatherResponse { Temperature temperature = 1; float humidity = 2; } #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 32. Google Cloud Platform Adding New Field message WeatherResponse { Temperature temperature = 1; float humidity = 2; Wind wind = 3; } message Wind { Speed speed = 1; float direction = 2; } message Speed { float value = 1; Units units = 2; enum Units { MPH = 0; MPS = 1; KNOTS = 2; KMH = 3; } } #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 33. Google Cloud Platform private final TemperatureServiceBlockingStub temperatureService; private final HumidityServiceBlockingStub humidityService; private final WindServiceBlockingStub windService; public WeatherService(TemperatureServiceBlockingStub temperatureService, HumidityServiceBlockingStub humidityService, WindServiceBlockingStub windService) { this.temperatureService = temperatureService; this.humidityService = humidityService; this.windService = windService; } ... Blocking Stub Dependencies public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase { #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 34. Google Cloud Platform ... @Override public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request, StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) { Temperature temperature = temperatureService.getCurrent(request.getCoordinates()); Humidity humidity = humidityService.getCurrent(request.getCoordinates()); Wind wind = windService.getCurrent(request.getCoordinates()); WeatherResponse response = WeatherResponse.newBuilder().setTemperature(temperature) .setHumidity(humidity.getValue()).setWind(wind).build(); responseObserver.onNext(response); responseObserver.onCompleted(); } } Blocking Stub Dependencies public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase { #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 36. Google Cloud Platform private final TemperatureServiceFutureStub tempService; private final HumidityServiceFutureStub humidityService; private final WindServiceFutureStub windService; public WeatherService(TemperatureServiceFutureStub tempService, HumidityServiceFutureStub humidityService, WindServiceFutureStub windService) { this.tempService = tempService; this.humidityService = humidityService; this.windService = windService; } ... Async Future Stub Dependencies public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase { #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 37. Google Cloud Platform @Override public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request, StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) { Coordinates coordinates = request.getCoordinates(); ListenableFuture<List<WeatherResponse>> responsesFuture = Futures.allAsList( Futures.transform(tempService.getCurrent(coordinates), (Temperature temp) -> WeatherResponse.newBuilder().setTemperature(temp).build()), Futures.transform(windService.getCurrent(coordinates), (Wind wind) -> WeatherResponse.newBuilder().setWind(wind).build()), Futures.transform(humidityService.getCurrent(coordinates), (Humidity humidity) -> WeatherResponse.newBuilder().setHumidity(humidity.getValue()).build()) ); ... Async Future Stub Dependencies public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase { #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 38. Google Cloud Platform @Override public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request, StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) { Coordinates coordinates = request.getCoordinates(); ListenableFuture<List<WeatherResponse>> responsesFuture = Futures.allAsList( Futures.transform(tempService.getCurrent(coordinates), (Temperature temp) -> WeatherResponse.newBuilder().setTemperature(temp).build()), Futures.transform(windService.getCurrent(coordinates), (Wind wind) -> WeatherResponse.newBuilder().setWind(wind).build()), Futures.transform(humidityService.getCurrent(coordinates), (Humidity humidity) -> WeatherResponse.newBuilder().setHumidity(humidity.getValue()).build()) ); ... Async Future Stub Dependencies public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase { #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 39. Google Cloud Platform @Override public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request, StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) { Coordinates coordinates = request.getCoordinates(); ListenableFuture<List<WeatherResponse>> responsesFuture = Futures.allAsList( Futures.transform(tempService.getCurrent(coordinates), (Temperature temp) -> WeatherResponse.newBuilder().setTemperature(temp).build()), Futures.transform(windService.getCurrent(coordinates), (Wind wind) -> WeatherResponse.newBuilder().setWind(wind).build()), Futures.transform(humidityService.getCurrent(coordinates), (Humidity humidity) -> WeatherResponse.newBuilder().setHumidity(humidity.getValue()).build()) ); ... Async Future Stub Dependencies public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase { #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 40. Google Cloud Platform ... Futures.addCallback(responsesFuture, new FutureCallback<List<WeatherResponse>>() { @Override public void onSuccess(@Nullable List<WeatherResponse> results) { WeatherResponse.Builder response = WeatherResponse.newBuilder(); results.forEach(response::mergeFrom); responseObserver.onNext(; responseObserver.onCompleted(); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { responseObserver.onError(t); } }); } } Async Future Stub Dependencies public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase { @Override public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request, StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) { #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 41. Google Cloud Platform Netty Transport ManagedChannel grpcChannel = NettyChannelBuilder.forAddress("localhost", 8090).build(); WeatherGrpc.WeatherFutureStub futureClient = WeatherGrpc.newFutureStub(grpcChannel); Server grpcServer = NettyServerBuilder.forPort(8090) .addService(new WeatherService()).build().start(); #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 42. Google Cloud Platform Netty: Asynchronous and Non-Blocking IO Netty-based transport: • Multiplexes conn-s on the event loops: EpollEventLoopGroup, NioEventLoopGroup. • Decouples I/O waiting from threads. • gRPC uses Netty event loops for both client and server transports. Request Event Loop Worker thread Worker thread Worker thread Worker thread Worker thread Worker thread Worker thread Event Loop Event Loop Event Loop Callback Request Callback N e t w o r k N e t w o r k #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 43. Google Cloud Platform Async Future Stub Dependencies public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase { @Override public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request, StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) { ... Futures.addCallback(responsesFuture, new FutureCallback<List<WeatherResponse>>() { @Override public void onSuccess(@Nullable List<WeatherResponse> results) { WeatherResponse.Builder response = WeatherResponse.newBuilder(); results.forEach(response::mergeFrom); responseObserver.onNext(; responseObserver.onCompleted(); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { responseObserver.onError(t); } }); } } #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 44. Google Cloud Platform Async Future Stub Dependencies public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase { @Override public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request, StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) { ... Futures.addCallback(responsesFuture, new FutureCallback<List<WeatherResponse>>() { @Override public void onSuccess(@Nullable List<WeatherResponse> results) { WeatherResponse.Builder response = WeatherResponse.newBuilder(); results.forEach(response::mergeFrom); responseObserver.onNext(; responseObserver.onCompleted(); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { responseObserver.onError(t); } }); } } #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 45. Google Cloud Platform Panta rhei, "everything flows". Heraclitus of Ephesus ~2,400 years Before HTTP/1.x “ ” #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 46. Google Cloud Platform Service Definitions service Weather { rpc GetCurrent(WeatherRequest) returns (WeatherResponse); } service TemperatureService { rpc GetCurrent(Coordinates) returns (Temperature); } service HumidityService { rpc GetCurrent(Coordinates) returns (Humidity); } service WindService { rpc GetCurrent(Coordinates) returns (Wind); } #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 47. Google Cloud Platform Streaming Service Definitions service WeatherStreaming { rpc GetCurrent(WeatherRequest) returns (stream WeatherResponse); } service TemperatureServiceStreaming { rpc GetCurrent(Coordinates) returns (stream Temperature); } service HumidityServiceStreaming { rpc GetCurrent(Coordinates) returns (stream Humidity); } service WindServiceStreaming { rpc GetCurrent(Coordinates) returns (stream Wind); } #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 48. Google Cloud Platform Bidirectional Streaming Service Definitions service WeatherStreaming { rpc GetCurrent(stream WeatherRequest) returns (stream WeatherResponse); } service TemperatureServiceStreaming { rpc GetCurrent(stream Coordinates) returns (stream Temperature); } service HumidityServiceStreaming { rpc GetCurrent(stream Coordinates) returns (stream Humidity); } service WindServiceStreaming { rpc GetCurrent(stream Coordinates) returns (stream Wind); } #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 49. Google Cloud Platform Bidirectional Streaming Service Definitions service WeatherStreaming { rpc Observe(stream WeatherRequest) returns (stream WeatherResponse); } service TemperatureServiceStreaming { rpc Observe(stream Coordinates) returns (stream Temperature); } service HumidityServiceStreaming { rpc Observe(stream Coordinates) returns (stream Humidity); } service WindServiceStreaming { rpc Observe(stream Coordinates) returns (stream Wind); } #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 50. Google Cloud Platform Bidirectional Streaming Service public class WeatherStreamingService extends WeatherStreamingGrpc.WeatherStreamingImplBase { ... @Override public StreamObserver<WeatherRequest> observe(StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) { #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 51. Google Cloud Platform Bidirectional Streaming Service public class WeatherStreamingService extends WeatherStreamingGrpc.WeatherStreamingImplBase { ... @Override public StreamObserver<WeatherRequest> observe(StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) { StreamObserver<Coordinates> temperatureClientStream = temperatureService.observe(new StreamObserver<Temperature>() { @Override public void onNext(Temperature temperature) { WeatherResponse resp = WeatherResponse.newBuilder().setTemperature(temperature).build() responseObserver.onNext(resp); } @Override public void onError(Throwable t) { responseObserver.onError(t); } @Override public void onCompleted() { responseObserver.onCompleted(); } }); ... } #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 52. Google Cloud Platform Bidirectional Streaming Service public class WeatherStreamingService extends WeatherStreamingGrpc.WeatherStreamingImplBase { ... @Override public StreamObserver<WeatherRequest> observe(StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) { StreamObserver<Coordinates> temperatureClientStream = temperatureService.observe(new StreamObserver<Temperature>() { @Override public void onNext(Temperature temperature) { WeatherResponse resp = WeatherResponse.newBuilder().setTemperature(temperature).build() responseObserver.onNext(resp); } @Override public void onError(Throwable t) { responseObserver.onError(t); } @Override public void onCompleted() { responseObserver.onCompleted(); } }); ... } #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 53. Google Cloud Platform return new StreamObserver<WeatherRequest>() { @Override public void onNext(WeatherRequest request) { temperatureClientStream.onNext(request.getCoordinates()); } @Override public void onError(Throwable t) { temperatureClientStream.onError(t); } @Override public void onCompleted() { temperatureClientStream.onCompleted(); } }; } Bidirectional Streaming Service public class WeatherStreamingService extends WeatherStreamingGrpc.WeatherStreamingImplBase { ... @Override public StreamObserver<WeatherRequest> observe(StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) { StreamObserver<Coordinates> temperatureClientStream = ... #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 54. 54 Messaging applications. Games / multiplayer tournaments. Moving objects. Sport results. Stock market quotes. Smart home devices. You name it! Streaming Use-Cases #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 55. Google Cloud Platform Continuous Performance Benchmarking 8 core VMs, streaming #DevoxxFR @aiborisov 32 core VMs, streaming
  • 56. Google Cloud Platform gRPC Speaks Your Language ● Java ● Go ● C/C++ ● C# ● Node.js ● PHP ● Ruby ● Python ● Objective-C ● MacOS ● Linux ● Windows ● Android ● iOS Service definitions and client libraries Platforms supported #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 58. 58 Things will break! Don’t pretend you can eliminate every possible source of failure. Integration points are #1 killer of software systems. Fault Tolerance? #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 59. Google Cloud Platform Use time-outs! Because your code cannot wait forever. Captain “ ”* Original photo taken by Stanislav Vedmid . #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 60. Google Cloud Platform Timeouts? GW A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 200 ms ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 61. Google Cloud Platform Default Timeout For Every Service? GW A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 62. Google Cloud Platform Default Timeout For Every Service? Gateway 20 ms 10 ms 10 ms FastFastFast 30 ms 40 ms 20 ms 130 ms 200 ms timeout 200 ms timeout 200 ms timeout 200 ms timeout #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 63. Google Cloud Platform Default Timeout For Every Service? Gateway 30 ms 80 ms 100 ms SlowFair 210 ms 200 ms timeout 200 ms timeout 200 ms timeout 200 ms timeout #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 64. Google Cloud Platform Default Timeout For Every Service? 30 ms 80 ms 100 ms SlowFair 210 ms 200 ms timeout 200 ms timeout 200 ms timeout 200 ms timeout #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 65. Google Cloud Platform Default Timeout For Every Service? 80 ms 100 ms SlowFair 200 ms timeout 200 ms timeout 200 ms timeout 200 ms timeout Still working! #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 66. Google Cloud Platform Default Timeout For Every Service? BusyBusy 200 ms timeout 200 ms timeout 200 ms timeout Idle Busy #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 67. Google Cloud Platform Default Timeout For Every Service? BusyBusy 200 ms timeout 200 ms timeout 200 ms timeout Idle Busy R e t r y #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 68. Google Cloud Platform Default Timeout For Every Service? BusyBusy 200 ms timeout 200 ms timeout 200 ms timeout Idle Busy R e t r y #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 69. Google Cloud Platform Default Timeout For Every Service? 200 ms timeout 200 ms timeout 200 ms timeout R e t r y #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 70. Google Cloud Platform Tune Timeout For Every Service? GW A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 200 ms 190 ms 190 ms 190 ms 110 ms 50 ms 110 ms 50 ms 110 ms 50 ms #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 71. Google Cloud Platform Tune Timeout For Every Service? Gateway 200 ms timeout 190 ms timeout 110 ms timeout 30 ms 80 ms 25 ms FastFair 55 ms Fast 30 ms 50 ms timeout #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 72. Google Cloud Platform Tune Timeout For Every Service? Gateway 200 ms timeout 190 ms timeout 110 ms timeout 30 ms 80 ms 25 ms Fair 55 ms Fast 30 ms 50 ms timeout #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 73. Google Cloud Platform Timeouts? GW A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 200 ms ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 74. Google Cloud Platform Timeouts for Real World? GW A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 200 ms #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 75. Google Cloud Platform Timeouts for Real World? GW A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 200 ms 2,500 ms 140 ms #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 77. 77 gRPC Java does not support timeouts. Timeouts in gRPC #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 78. 78 gRPC Java does not support timeouts. gRPC supports deadlines instead! gRPC Deadlines WeatherResponse response = client.withDeadlineAfter(200, MILLISECONDS) .getCurrent(request); #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 79. 79 First-class feature in gRPC. Deadline is an absolute point in time. Deadline indicates to the server how long the client is willing to wait for an answer. RPC will fail with DEADLINE_EXCEEDED status code when deadline reached. gRPC Deadlines #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 80. Google Cloud Platform gRPC Deadline Propagation Gateway 90 ms Now = 1476600000000 Deadline = 1476600000200 Remaining = 200 40 ms 20 ms 20 ms 60 ms withDeadlineAfter(200, MILLISECONDS) DEADLINE_EXCEEDED DEADLINE_EXCEEDED DEADLINE_EXCEEDED DEADLINE_EXCEEDED Now = 1476600000040 Deadline = 1476600000200 Remaining = 160 Now = 1476600000150 Deadline = 1476600000200 Remaining = 50 Now = 1476600000230 Deadline = 1476600000200 Remaining = -30 #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 81. 81 Deadlines are automatically propagated! Can be accessed by the receiver! gRPC Deadlines Context context = Context.current(); context.getDeadline().isExpired(); context.getDeadline() .timeRemaining(MILLISECONDS); context.getDeadline().runOnExpiration(() ->"Deadline exceeded!"), exec); #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 82. 82 Deadlines are expected. What about unpredictable cancellations? • User cancelled request. • Caller is not interested in the result any more. • etc Cancellation? #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 83. Google Cloud Platform Cancellation? GW Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy RPC Active RPC Active RPC Active RPC Active RPC Active RPCActive RPC Active RPC Active RPC Active RPC #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 84. Google Cloud Platform Cancellation? GW Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy Active RPC Active RPC Active RPC Active RPC Active RPCActive RPC Active RPC Active RPC Active RPC #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 85. Google Cloud Platform Cancellation Propagation GW Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 86. 86 Automatically propagated. RPC fails with CANCELLED status code. Cancellation status can be accessed by the receiver. Server (receiver) always knows if RPC is valid! gRPC Cancellation #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 87. Google Cloud Platform gRPC Cancellation public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase { ... @Override public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request, StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) { ServerCallStreamObserver<WeatherResponse> streamObserver = (ServerCallStreamObserver<WeatherResponse>) responseObserver; streamObserver.isCancelled(); ... #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 88. Google Cloud Platform gRPC Cancellation public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase { ... @Override public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request, StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) { ServerCallStreamObserver<WeatherResponse> streamObserver = (ServerCallStreamObserver<WeatherResponse>) responseObserver; streamObserver.setOnCancelHandler(() -> { cleanupResources();"Call cancelled by client!"); }); ... #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 89. Google Cloud Platform gRPC Context public class WeatherService extends WeatherGrpc.WeatherImplBase { ... @Override public void getCurrent(WeatherRequest request, StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) { Context.current().getDeadline(); Context.current().isCancelled(); Context.current().cancellationCause(); Context.current().addListener(context -> { cleanupResources();"Call cancelled by client!"); }, executor) ... #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 90. Google Cloud Platform More Control? #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 91. Google Cloud Platform BiDi Streaming - Slow Client Fast Server Request Responses Slow Client CANCELLED UNAVAILABLE RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 92. Google Cloud Platform BiDi Streaming - Slow Server Slow Server Request Response Fast Client CANCELLED UNAVAILABLE RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED Requests #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 93. Google Cloud Platform Client-Side Flow-Control Server Request, count = 4 Client 2 Responses 4 Responses Count = 2 #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 94. Google Cloud Platform Server-Side Flow-Control Server Request Client Response count = 2 2 Requests count = 3 3 Requests #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 95. Google Cloud Platform Flow-Control (Client-Side) CallStreamObserver<WeatherRequest> requestStream = (CallStreamObserver) client.observe(new ClientResponseObserver<WeatherRequest, WeatherResponse>() { @Override public void beforeStart(ClientCallStreamObserver outboundStream) { outboundStream.disableAutoInboundFlowControl(); } @Override public void onNext(WeatherResponse response) { processResponse(response); } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { logger.error("Error on weather request.", e); } @Override public void onCompleted() {"Stream completed."); } }); requestStream.onNext(request); requestStream.request(3); // Request up to 3 responses from server #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 96. Google Cloud Platform Flow-Control (Client-Side) CallStreamObserver<WeatherRequest> requestStream = (CallStreamObserver) client.observe(new ClientResponseObserver<WeatherRequest, WeatherResponse>() { @Override public void beforeStart(ClientCallStreamObserver outboundStream) { outboundStream.disableAutoInboundFlowControl(); } @Override public void onNext(WeatherResponse response) { processResponse(response); } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { logger.error("Error on weather request.", e); } @Override public void onCompleted() {"Stream completed."); } }); requestStream.onNext(request); requestStream.request(3); // Request up to 3 responses from server #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 97. Google Cloud Platform Flow-Control (Client-Side) CallStreamObserver<WeatherRequest> requestStream = (CallStreamObserver) client.observe(new ClientResponseObserver<WeatherRequest, WeatherResponse>() { @Override public void beforeStart(ClientCallStreamObserver outboundStream) { outboundStream.disableAutoInboundFlowControl(); } @Override public void onNext(WeatherResponse response) { processResponse(response); } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { logger.error("Error on weather request.", e); } @Override public void onCompleted() {"Stream completed."); } }); requestStream.onNext(request); requestStream.request(3); // Request up to 3 responses from server #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 98. Google Cloud Platform Flow-Control (Client-Side) CallStreamObserver<WeatherRequest> requestStream = (CallStreamObserver) client.observe(new ClientResponseObserver<WeatherRequest, WeatherResponse>() { @Override public void beforeStart(ClientCallStreamObserver outboundStream) { outboundStream.disableAutoInboundFlowControl(); } @Override public void onNext(WeatherResponse response) { processResponse(response); } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { logger.error("Error on weather request.", e); } @Override public void onCompleted() {"Stream completed."); } }); requestStream.onNext(request); requestStream.request(3); // Request up to 3 responses from server #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 99. Google Cloud Platform Flow-Control (Client-Side) CallStreamObserver<WeatherRequest> requestStream = (CallStreamObserver) client.observe(new ClientResponseObserver<WeatherRequest, WeatherResponse>() { @Override public void beforeStart(ClientCallStreamObserver outboundStream) { outboundStream.disableAutoInboundFlowControl(); } @Override public void onNext(WeatherResponse response) { processResponse(response); } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { logger.error("Error on weather request.", e); } @Override public void onCompleted() {"Stream completed."); } }); requestStream.onNext(request); requestStream.request(3); // Request up to 3 responses from server #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 100. Google Cloud Platform Flow-Control (Client-Side) public class WeatherStreamingService extends WeatherStreamingGrpc.WeatherStreamingImplBase { ... @Override public StreamObserver<WeatherRequest> observe(StreamObserver<WeatherResponse> responseObserver) { ServerCallStreamObserver<WeatherResponse> streamObserver = (ServerCallStreamObserver<WeatherResponse>) responseObserver; streamObserver.setOnReadyHandler(() -> { if (streamObserver.isReady()) { streamObserver.onNext(calculateWeather()); } }); ... #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 101. 101 Flow-control helps to balance computing power and network capacity between client and server. gRPC supports both client- and server-side flow control. Disabled by default. Flow-Control Photo taken by Andrey Borisenko. #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 102. Google Cloud Platform What else? #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 103. 103 Service Discovery Load Balancing Tracing, debugging Monitoring Testing Microservices? #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 104. Google Cloud Platform Service Discovery & Load Balancing HTTP/2 RPC Server-side App Service Definition (extends generated definition) ServerCall handler TransportTransport ServerCall RPC Client-Side App Channel Stub Future Stub Blocking Stub ClientCall #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 105. Google Cloud Platform HTTP/2 Service Discovery & Load Balancing RPC Client-Side App Instance #1 Instance #N Instance #2 RPC Server-side Apps Transport Channel Stub Future Stub Blocking Stub ClientCall #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 106. Google Cloud Platform Service Discovery & Load Balancing HTTP/2 RPC Client-Side App Channel Stub Future Stub Blocking Stub ClientCall RPC Server-side Apps Tran #1 Tran #2 Tran #N Service Definition (extends generated definition) ServerCall handler Transport ServerCall NameResolver LoadBalancer Pluggable Load Balancing and Service Discovery #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 107. Google Cloud Platform Service Discovery & Load Balancing ManagedChannel grpcChannel = NettyChannelBuilder.forTarget("WeatherSrv") .nameResolverFactory(new DnsNameResolverProvider()) .loadBalancerFactory(RoundRobinLoadBalancerFactory.getInstance()) .build(); #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 108. Google Cloud Platform Service Discovery & Load Balancing ManagedChannel grpcChannel = NettyChannelBuilder.forTarget("WeatherSrv") .nameResolverFactory(new DnsNameResolverProvider()) .loadBalancerFactory(RoundRobinLoadBalancerFactory.getInstance()) .build(); Design documents: • Load Balancing in gRPC: • gRPC Java Name Resolution and Load Balancing v2: #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 109. Google Cloud Platform Testing Support In-process server transport: fully-featured, high performance, and useful in testing. In-process client side channel: fully-featured, high performance, and useful in testing. #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 110. Google Cloud Platform Testing Support - InProcess WeatherServiceAsync weatherService = new WeatherServiceAsync(tempService, humidityService, windService); Server grpcServer = InProcessServerBuilder.forName("weather") .addService(weatherService).build(); #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 111. Google Cloud Platform Testing Support - InProcess WeatherServiceAsync weatherService = new WeatherServiceAsync(tempService, humidityService, windService); Server grpcServer = InProcessServerBuilder.forName("weather") .addService(weatherService).build(); Channel grpcChannel = InProcessChannelBuilder.forName("weather").build(); WeatherBlockingStub stub = WeatherGrpc.newBlockingStub(grpcChannel).withDeadlineAfter(100, MILLISECONDS); #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 112. Google Cloud Platform Testing Support In-process server transport and client-side channel StreamRecorder - StreamObserver that records all the observed values and errors. MetadataUtils for testing metadata headers and trailer. grpc-testing - utility functions for unit and integration testing: #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 113. Google Cloud Platform Distributed Tracing A B C D E F G H J #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 114. Google Cloud Platform Distributed Tracing A B C D E F G H J #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 115. Google Cloud Platform Distributed Tracing with Zipkin/Brave // server-side Server grpcServer = NettyServerBuilder.forPort(8090) .addService(ServerInterceptors.intercept(new WeatherService(), new BraveGrpcServerInterceptor(brave("wind")))) .build(); // client-side Channel windChannel = NettyChannelBuilder.forAddress(windserverAddress()).build(); WindServiceStub windClient = WindServiceGrpc.newStub( ClientInterceptors.intercept(windChannel, new BraveGrpcClientInterceptor(brave("weather_to_wind")))); #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 116. Google Cloud Platform More Features Interceptors to add cross-cutting behavior: • Client- and server-side Monitoring: • gRPC Prometheus. • grpcz-monitoring • More Monitoring APIs are coming. Built-in authentication mechanisms: • SSL/TLS. • Token-based authentication with Google. • Authentication API. Payload compression: #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 117. Google Cloud Platform Growing Community and Ecosystem Polyglot is a universal grpc command line client. grpc-gateway generates a reverse-proxy server which translates a RESTful JSON API into gRPC. OpenTracing is a set of consistent, expressive, vendor-neutral APIs for distributed tracing and context propagation. Prometheus monitoring support for grpc-java and grpc-go. #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 118. Google Cloud Platform Try It Out! Twitter @grpcio gRPC on Github: Google group: gRPC Java quickstart: gRPC Java tutorial: gRPC contribution: #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 119. Google Cloud Platform Takeaways Microservices are not a free lunch! gRPC ( • HTTP/2 transport based, open source, general purpose standards-based, feature-rich RPC framework. • Bidirectional streaming over one single TCP connection. • Netty transport provides asynchronous and non-blocking I/O. • Deadline and cancellations propagation. • Client and server-side flow-control. • Pluggable service discovery and load-balancing • Supports 10 programming languages. • Build-in testing support. • Production-ready (current version is 1.2.0) and growing ecosystem. #DevoxxFR @aiborisov
  • 121. Google Cloud Platform Images Used Special thanks for the provided photos: • Andrey Borisenko • Stanislav Vedmid Photo from page: • Photos licenced by Creative Commons 2.0 : • by Garry Knight • by sodai gomi • by Zengame • by Matt Brown • by torbakhopper #DevoxxFR @aiborisov