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A New Model for the Segmentation of Multiple,
Overlapping, Near-Circular Objects
Csaba Molnar∗, Zoltan Kato∗† and Ian H. Jermyn‡
∗Institute of Informatics, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary,
†Department of Mathematics and Informatics, J. Selye University, Komarno, Slovakia
‡Department of Mathematical Sciences, Durham University, Durham, United Kingdom
Abstract—Some of the most difficult image segmentation
problems involve an unknown number of object instances that
can touch or overlap in the image, e.g. microscopy imaging of cells
in biology. In an important set of cases, the nature of the objects
and the imaging process mean that when objects overlap, the
resulting image is approximately given by the sum of intensities
of individual objects; and, in addition, the objects of interest
are ‘blob-like’ or near-circular. We propose a new model for the
segmentation of the objects in such images. The posterior energy
is the sum of a prior energy modelling shape and a likelihood
energy modelling the image. The prior is a multi-layer nonlocal
phase field energy that favours configurations consisting of a
number of possibly overlapping or touching near-circular object
instances. The likelihood energy models the additive nature of
image intensity in regions corresponding to overlapping objects.
We use variational methods to compute a MAP estimate of the
object instances in an image. We test the resulting model on
synthetic data and on fluorescence microscopy images of cell
Key to many applications of image processing and com-
puter vision is the ability to segment objects of interest for
subsequent analysis, i.e. to find the region in the image
domain corresponding to each object instance. In all except the
simplest cases, this is not possible without including significant
prior knowledge about the objects involved. Knowledge is
needed concerning both the shape of the object instances and
their disposition in the image, encoded in a prior distribution,
and the appearance of object instances in the image, encoded
in a likelihood; the more difficult the problem, the greater the
quantity of prior knowledge required.
Some of the most difficult segmentation problems arise
when there is an unknown number of instances of a particular
object present, and these instances touch or overlap in the
image. Many examples arise in microscopic imaging, in both
biological (cells, lipid droplets, sub-cellular objects e.g. nuclei)
and physical sciences (e.g. nanoparticles). In an important
subset of these examples, including those just mentioned, the
objects involved have near-circular shapes. We focus on these
cases in this paper.
It is clear that shape information is particularly important
in these situations, in order to separate overlapping objects.
However, classical shape modelling techniques based on tem-
plates or reference shapes [1]–[8] do not extend well to the
case of an unknown number of instances. This is partly a
question of efficient representation: typically each new object
increases the dimensionality of the representation space; and
partly a question of modelling: typical approaches achieve
geometric invariance via mixture models over a group, which
requires hidden alignment variables to be estimated for each
instance. The way around the first difficulty is to use a level set
representation, but this does not combine well with template-
based shape modelling methods unless only one instance
is involved. A different approach to the inclusion of shape
information is therefore needed.
One way to do this is to encode shape information as in-
teractions of the object boundary with itself, as with boundary
smoothness terms in active contour models. In the latter case,
the interaction is local, involving derivatives, but less generic
shape information requires nonlocal interactions, leading to
higher-order active contours [9]. This approach has the advan-
tage that no templates are used and invariance is intrinsic: no
alignment variables are needed. Level set methods can there-
fore be used to represent multiple object instances efficiently. It
turns out, however, that the standard distance function level set
representation causes severe computational difficulties when
such interactions are introduced. These difficulties can be
surmounted by using a phase field representation, and using a
model energy expressed in terms of the phase field rather than
a contour or distance function [10]. Multiple object instances
can therefore be represented at no extra cost, while shape
information is included in an efficient manner.
Examples of such nonlocal phase field models have
been used to address precisely the problem class of interest
here [11]. However, these models were not suited to cases
in which object instances touch or overlap, first because the
model could only represent subsets of the image domain, and
second because inter-object interactions tended to keep objects
a certain distance apart. To overcome these issues, a multi-
layered generalization of the model in [11] was introduced
in [12], with an equivalent binary MRF formulation described
in [13].
It is not just shape information that is required to solve
these difficult segmentation problems, however: sophisticated
image models are needed too. In conventional photographic
imaging, occlusion means that we need only be concerned
with the object closest to the camera in any given ray direc-
tion. In many imaging modalities, however, and in particular
in transmission (light microscopy, transmission electron mi-
croscopy) and emission (fluorescent microscopy) based imag-
978-1-4673-6795-0/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE
ing techniques, the image intensity in areas corresponding to
overlapping object instances is approximately given by the sum
of the intensities corresponding to individual objects, and this
must be taken into account if segmentation is to be successful.
In this paper, we introduce a new image model, formulated as
a likelihood energy constructed in the phase field framework,
which models the additive properties of such images.
We combine the prior model of a ‘gas’ of possibly over-
lapping, near-circular object instances formulated as a multi-
layer, nonlocal phase field energy, described in section II,
with the phase field formulation of the new image model,
described in section III, and compute the MAP estimate of
the object instances in a given image using gradient descent.
In section IV, we report on the model’s performance, both on a
synthetic data set and on real fluorescence microscopy images.
In this section, we review the phase field framework and
describe the prior, shape model, formulated as a multi-layer,
nonlocal phase field energy.
A. Phase field model of a gas of near-circles
A phase field function ϕ is a level set representation: given
a threshold z it determines a region R in the image domain
D: R = {x ∈ D : ϕ(x) ≥ z}. Unlike distance function level
sets, however, ϕ has no a priori form; rather it is controlled by
the model itself, which gives rise to a number of advantages,
particularly when nonlocal interactions are present [10].
The nonlocal phase field energy used to model a gas of non-
touching, non-overlapping near-circular objects in [11] has the
following form:
Ef (ϕ) =
+ αf
ϕ −
+ λf
∇ϕ · ∇ϕ′
G(x − x′
) , (1)
where (un)primed functions are evaluated at (x ∈ D) x′
≡ D. The interaction function G : R2
→ R is
G(z) =
2 −
π(|z| − d)
, |z| < 2d ,
0 else ,
where d controls the range of interaction and H is the
Heaviside step function.
It can be shown that ϕR, the minimizing ϕ for a fixed region
R, takes the value +1 in R and −1 in its complement, away
from the boundary, with a smooth ‘boundary layer’ transition
between the two values. The quantity (ϕR + 1)/2 is thus a
smoothed version of the indicator function of R. When βf = 0,
the energy of ϕR is given (to a very good approximation) by
a linear combination of region boundary length and interior
area. The model can therefore be used in place of a classic
active contour, but with the concomitant advantages of the
phase field framework. When βf ̸= 0, the model is equivalent
to a higher-order active contour model [9]. A stability analysis
of the model [14], translated to the phase field framework [11],
then shows that for appropriate ranges of the parameters, the
energy favours configurations consisting of a number of near-
circular shapes, a ‘gas’ of near-circles. The stability analysis
also reduces the number of free prior parameters from four to
two, and places constraints on these remaining values.
B. Multi-layer model
The above model is appropriate when object instances are
well-separated, but it has a severe limitation for the problems
of interest here: it cannot represent touching or overlapping
object instances, because a phase field function represents
subsets of D; and the nonlocal term in the energy, as well as
generating the desired near-circular shapes, also causes object
instances with small separation to have high energy.
To remove these difficulties, a multi-layer version of the
above model was developed in [12]. Let ϕ̃ =
[1..ℓ] × D → R, where ℓ is the number of layers. The energy
Ẽf (ϕ̃) of the model is simply the sum of energies of indepen-
dent layers extended with a term that penalizes overlapping
pairs of object instances by an amount proportional to overlap
Ẽf (ϕ̃) =
Ef (ϕ(i)
) +
(1 + ϕ(i)
)(1 + ϕ(j)
) , (3)
where κ controls the overlap penalty. This model solves the
two issues mentioned above. Overlapping object instances
can now be represented by appearing in different layers,
and the inter-object repulsion is now removed because it is
energetically favourable for nearby objects to be represented
on different layers, thus incurring no energy penalty.
The overlap penalty served two purposes in [12]. First, it
had a genuine modelling role to play when overlapping objects
were genuinely less probable than non-overlapping objects.
Second, it served to prevent degenerate configurations in which
the same object instance was represented in every layer. This
was needed because the image model used in [12] coupled
independently to each layer. We now describe a new image
model, that, in addition to being a more accurate model of
the images we deal with, obviates the need for the overlap
penalty. From now on, we therefore set κ = 0 in Ẽf . This is a
significant advantage of the new model, since finding a good
value for κ was difficult.
In many applications, e.g. microscopy using transmission-
or emission-based imaging techniques, the image intensity in
areas corresponding to overlapping objects is approximately
equal to the sum of the intensities of individual objects. Failure
to take this into account leads to segmentation errors, and
subsequent errors in the shape and number of object instances.
We now describe a model of such images designed to avoid
such errors.
We model the image intensities in the background and in
the single-object foreground (e.g. a cell) as having fixed (but
different) means and variances, leading to Gaussian distribu-
tions with independent pixel intensities by maximum entropy.
When several objects overlap, we model the resulting image
(a) (b)
Fig. 1. Illustration of the proposed image model: (a) shows a synthetic image;
in (b), the red and green surfaces are the phase field functions in two different
layers, while the blue surface shows the resulting ϕ+.
as the sum of the intensities from the background and each of
the overlapping objects, so that the resulting model is again
Gaussian with independent pixels, but with mean and variance
equal to the sum of the means and variances of the background
and the objects.
We define ϕ+ =
2 , which represents the num-
ber of overlapping objects at each point. Then the likelihood
energy is
Eintensity(I, ϕ+) =
(I − (µ− + ∆µϕ+))2
− + ∆σ2ϕ+)
, (4)
where I is image intensity; µ− and σ2
− are the mean and
variance of the background; and ∆µ and ∆σ2
are the changes
in mean and variance brought about by each new overlapping
Note that when ϕ+(x) ≃ 0, x is in the background, and
the mean and variance of the intensity are µ−, σ2
−. When
ϕ+(x) ≃ n, there are n overlapping objects at x. The mean
is then µ− + n∆µ and the variance is given similarly. Thus
this model implements the type of additive image model
discussed in section I. Fig. 1 illustrates the representation and
the functioning of the image term on a synthetic image.
A. Curing a problem with the energy
The expression for the energy in Eq. (4), although it
appears sensible, has a fundamental problem: it is not bounded
below as ϕ+ 7→ −∆σ2
. Although the prior energy may
discourage such a value, no finite amount of prior energy can
offset the divergence in Eintensity. As a result, the minimum of
E will be −∞, and the MAP estimate will be any assignment
of values to the {ϕ(i)
} that achieve this bound; the data, and the
prior, will be irrelevant. Needless to say, this is not desirable.
Luckily it is easy to cure: we replace ϕ+ in Eq. (4) by
ϕ̃+ =
) + 1)/2; the value of each term in ϕ̃+
is confined to [0, 1], thereby curing the divergence. In practice,
because Ef encourages ϕ(i)
to be close to ±1 anyway, each
term takes on a value very close to 0 or 1; the interpretation
of ϕ̃ as the number of object instances overlapping a point is
therefore preserved. The likelihood energy becomes
Ẽintensity(I, ϕ̃+) =
(I − µ− − ∆µϕ̃+)2
− + ∆σ2ϕ̃+)
. (5)
B. Functional Derivative
The posterior energy is given up to an additive constant
by E = Ẽintensity + Ẽf . Note that there is in theory a
contribution coming from the normalization constant of the
likelihood energy. However, this depends only weakly on ϕ+,
and we ignore it here. To compute MAP estimates of the object
instances given an input image, we will use gradient descent.
We therefore need the functional derivative of E with respect
to each of the phase field components ϕ(i)
. For Ẽf , this reduces
to the derivative of the ith
term in the sum, which is the same
as for the single-layer model; this result can be found in [10].
The derivative of the new likelihood energy Ẽintensity is found
as follows. Under an infinitesimal variation in ϕ̃+, the change
in Ẽintensity is
δẼintensity =
[2(I − µ− − ∆µϕ̃+)(−∆µ)(σ2
− + ∆σ2
− + ∆σ2ϕ̃+)2
(I − µ− − ∆µϕ̃+)2
− + ∆σ2ϕ̃+)2
δϕ̃+ . (6)
Using δϕ̃+ = 1
i sech2
) δϕ(i)
, expanding the brackets
and dividing by δϕ(k)
, and using that δϕ(i)
= δikδ(x, y), the
functional derivative of Ẽintensity with respect to ϕ(k)
+ + 2∆µ2
− + ∆σ2ϕ̃+)2
−(I − µ−) − ∆σ2
(I − µ−)2
− + ∆σ2ϕ̃+)2
. (7)
To segment the object instances in an image, we will
compute a MAP estimate. This will be done using gradient
descent based on a simple forward Euler scheme, with the
functional derivatives as given in the previous section. We
first present the quantitative results of applying this estimation
procedure to a set of synthetic images designed to fit the
image model, in order to study computation time and the
behaviour of the phase field during optimization. We then
present a comparison with two other methods on fluorescence
microscopy images of prostate cell nuclei.
A. Initialization
Gradient descent methods can only find local minima,
meaning that the initialization of the phase field layers is an
important part of the optimization. We tested two different
initializations. The ‘neutral’ initialization consists of Gaussian
noise with mean αf /λf (the local maximum of the potential)
and a very small variance. The ‘seeded’ initialization consists
of small circular regions, one in the interior of each object. We
construct the seeded initialization using an adaptive threshold-
ing method to find local image maxima, which then serve as
the seeds. The seeds are distributed between the layers so as
to maximize the minimum distance between seeds in the same
B. Synthetic results
The first test database contains 200 images. There are
smaller (150 × 150) images containing 4–10 circles, and
larger (400 × 400) images containing 30, 35, 40 circles of
radius 15. The background and foreground intensities were
chosen randomly from the sets {30, 40, 50} and {90, 100, 110}
respectively, with 10 dB signal-to-noise ratio. The goals of the
tests were, first, to check that the likelihood energy functions
as planned, and, second, to compare the neutral and seeded
initializations of the phase field. For the neutral initialization,
three layers were used, and for the seeded initialization,
the seeds were distributed in a simple way between layers,
resulting in 2–5 layers in the experiments.
In Fig. 2, the tests use the neutral initialization. The
likelihood energy works as expected: brighter areas are indeed
covered by multiple objects, although the result is not always
a perfect segmentation. Fig. 3 compares the results from the
two initializations. The left-hand plot shows the proportion
of correctly detected objects as a function of the relative
weight of the likelihood energy. The right-hand plot shows the
‘segmentation error’, also as a function of the relative weight
of the likelihood energy. The segmentation error measures
the pixel misclassification rate, computed by comparing well-
detected object instances to their ground truth equivalents:
SErr(GT, SEG) = |∆(GT,SEG)|
|GT |+|SEG| , where GT and SEG
denote the ground truth object instance and its segmentation
respectively, and ∆ is the symmetric difference operator. It is
quite clear that the seeded initialization improves the results
obtained by the model (some examples of segmentations are
shown in Fig. 4), with this initialization resulting in very
accurate segmentations.
Fig. 2. Results on synthetic images using three layers and the neutral
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
relative weight of likelihood energy
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
relative weight of likelihood energy
Fig. 3. Evaluation of the results on synthetic images using the two
initializations, as a function of the relative weight of the likelihood energy.
Left: proportion of correctly detected objects; right: segmentation error of
correctly detected objects.
Fig. 4. Results on synthetic images using three or four layers and the seeded
The configuration used for the experiments was an Intel
Core i7 CPU 2.93 GHz, with 6GB RAM, running on Windows
7 64-bit operating system. The optimization on an image of
size 400×400 using three phase field layers takes ∼ 70 seconds
if stopped after 500 iterations (with a mean stopping error of
< 10−
7). The running time for each iteration is
linear in the number of pixels and number of layers.
C. Comparison with other methods
We compared the new method to CellProfiler [15], which
is a threshold-based method, and a Hough transform method
that uses image gradient. CellProfiler is used worldwide for
cell segmentation, but cannot handle overlapping objects. The
Hough transform method does allow overlapping objects, but
can only represent perfect circles. Fig. 5 shows comparative
results on fluorescence microscopy images containing many
touching and overlapping prostate cell nuclei. Both methods
are faster than the proposed method, but give visibly lower
quality results, both in terms of correctly detected objects and
segmentation error.
The contribution of this work is a new model for the
segmentation of touching and overlapping near-circular objects
in images, and in particular a new image model that takes
into account the additive nature of the image intensity corre-
sponding to overlapping objects in many imaging modalities,
particularly transmission- and emission-based microscopy. The
new model enables both the separate detection of multi-
ple overlapping objects and their accurate segmentation, and
proves successful in performing this task on both synthetic
and fluorescence microscopy images. The main open question
is efficient estimation of those prior parameters that are not
fixed by the stability analysis.
This research was partially supported by the European
Union and the State of Hungary, co-financed by the European
Social Fund through project TAMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-
2012-0073 (Telemedicine-focused research activities in the
fields of Mathematics, Informatics and Medical sciences).
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Em molnar2015

  • 1. A New Model for the Segmentation of Multiple, Overlapping, Near-Circular Objects Csaba Molnar∗, Zoltan Kato∗† and Ian H. Jermyn‡ ∗Institute of Informatics, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary, Email:, †Department of Mathematics and Informatics, J. Selye University, Komarno, Slovakia ‡Department of Mathematical Sciences, Durham University, Durham, United Kingdom Email: Abstract—Some of the most difficult image segmentation problems involve an unknown number of object instances that can touch or overlap in the image, e.g. microscopy imaging of cells in biology. In an important set of cases, the nature of the objects and the imaging process mean that when objects overlap, the resulting image is approximately given by the sum of intensities of individual objects; and, in addition, the objects of interest are ‘blob-like’ or near-circular. We propose a new model for the segmentation of the objects in such images. The posterior energy is the sum of a prior energy modelling shape and a likelihood energy modelling the image. The prior is a multi-layer nonlocal phase field energy that favours configurations consisting of a number of possibly overlapping or touching near-circular object instances. The likelihood energy models the additive nature of image intensity in regions corresponding to overlapping objects. We use variational methods to compute a MAP estimate of the object instances in an image. We test the resulting model on synthetic data and on fluorescence microscopy images of cell nuclei. I. INTRODUCTION Key to many applications of image processing and com- puter vision is the ability to segment objects of interest for subsequent analysis, i.e. to find the region in the image domain corresponding to each object instance. In all except the simplest cases, this is not possible without including significant prior knowledge about the objects involved. Knowledge is needed concerning both the shape of the object instances and their disposition in the image, encoded in a prior distribution, and the appearance of object instances in the image, encoded in a likelihood; the more difficult the problem, the greater the quantity of prior knowledge required. Some of the most difficult segmentation problems arise when there is an unknown number of instances of a particular object present, and these instances touch or overlap in the image. Many examples arise in microscopic imaging, in both biological (cells, lipid droplets, sub-cellular objects e.g. nuclei) and physical sciences (e.g. nanoparticles). In an important subset of these examples, including those just mentioned, the objects involved have near-circular shapes. We focus on these cases in this paper. It is clear that shape information is particularly important in these situations, in order to separate overlapping objects. However, classical shape modelling techniques based on tem- plates or reference shapes [1]–[8] do not extend well to the case of an unknown number of instances. This is partly a question of efficient representation: typically each new object increases the dimensionality of the representation space; and partly a question of modelling: typical approaches achieve geometric invariance via mixture models over a group, which requires hidden alignment variables to be estimated for each instance. The way around the first difficulty is to use a level set representation, but this does not combine well with template- based shape modelling methods unless only one instance is involved. A different approach to the inclusion of shape information is therefore needed. One way to do this is to encode shape information as in- teractions of the object boundary with itself, as with boundary smoothness terms in active contour models. In the latter case, the interaction is local, involving derivatives, but less generic shape information requires nonlocal interactions, leading to higher-order active contours [9]. This approach has the advan- tage that no templates are used and invariance is intrinsic: no alignment variables are needed. Level set methods can there- fore be used to represent multiple object instances efficiently. It turns out, however, that the standard distance function level set representation causes severe computational difficulties when such interactions are introduced. These difficulties can be surmounted by using a phase field representation, and using a model energy expressed in terms of the phase field rather than a contour or distance function [10]. Multiple object instances can therefore be represented at no extra cost, while shape information is included in an efficient manner. Examples of such nonlocal phase field models have been used to address precisely the problem class of interest here [11]. However, these models were not suited to cases in which object instances touch or overlap, first because the model could only represent subsets of the image domain, and second because inter-object interactions tended to keep objects a certain distance apart. To overcome these issues, a multi- layered generalization of the model in [11] was introduced in [12], with an equivalent binary MRF formulation described in [13]. It is not just shape information that is required to solve these difficult segmentation problems, however: sophisticated image models are needed too. In conventional photographic imaging, occlusion means that we need only be concerned with the object closest to the camera in any given ray direc- tion. In many imaging modalities, however, and in particular in transmission (light microscopy, transmission electron mi- croscopy) and emission (fluorescent microscopy) based imag- 978-1-4673-6795-0/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE
  • 2. ing techniques, the image intensity in areas corresponding to overlapping object instances is approximately given by the sum of the intensities corresponding to individual objects, and this must be taken into account if segmentation is to be successful. In this paper, we introduce a new image model, formulated as a likelihood energy constructed in the phase field framework, which models the additive properties of such images. We combine the prior model of a ‘gas’ of possibly over- lapping, near-circular object instances formulated as a multi- layer, nonlocal phase field energy, described in section II, with the phase field formulation of the new image model, described in section III, and compute the MAP estimate of the object instances in a given image using gradient descent. In section IV, we report on the model’s performance, both on a synthetic data set and on real fluorescence microscopy images. II. SHAPE MODEL In this section, we review the phase field framework and describe the prior, shape model, formulated as a multi-layer, nonlocal phase field energy. A. Phase field model of a gas of near-circles A phase field function ϕ is a level set representation: given a threshold z it determines a region R in the image domain D: R = {x ∈ D : ϕ(x) ≥ z}. Unlike distance function level sets, however, ϕ has no a priori form; rather it is controlled by the model itself, which gives rise to a number of advantages, particularly when nonlocal interactions are present [10]. The nonlocal phase field energy used to model a gas of non- touching, non-overlapping near-circular objects in [11] has the following form: Ef (ϕ) = ∫ D { Df 2 |∇ϕ|2 + αf ( ϕ − ϕ3 3 ) + λf (ϕ4 4 − ϕ2 2 )} − βf 2 ∫∫ D×D′ ∇ϕ · ∇ϕ′ G(x − x′ ) , (1) where (un)primed functions are evaluated at (x ∈ D) x′ ∈ D′ ≡ D. The interaction function G : R2 → R is G(z) =    1 2 ( 2 − |z| d − 1 π sin ( π(|z| − d) d )) , |z| < 2d , 0 else , (2) where d controls the range of interaction and H is the Heaviside step function. It can be shown that ϕR, the minimizing ϕ for a fixed region R, takes the value +1 in R and −1 in its complement, away from the boundary, with a smooth ‘boundary layer’ transition between the two values. The quantity (ϕR + 1)/2 is thus a smoothed version of the indicator function of R. When βf = 0, the energy of ϕR is given (to a very good approximation) by a linear combination of region boundary length and interior area. The model can therefore be used in place of a classic active contour, but with the concomitant advantages of the phase field framework. When βf ̸= 0, the model is equivalent to a higher-order active contour model [9]. A stability analysis of the model [14], translated to the phase field framework [11], then shows that for appropriate ranges of the parameters, the energy favours configurations consisting of a number of near- circular shapes, a ‘gas’ of near-circles. The stability analysis also reduces the number of free prior parameters from four to two, and places constraints on these remaining values. B. Multi-layer model The above model is appropriate when object instances are well-separated, but it has a severe limitation for the problems of interest here: it cannot represent touching or overlapping object instances, because a phase field function represents subsets of D; and the nonlocal term in the energy, as well as generating the desired near-circular shapes, also causes object instances with small separation to have high energy. To remove these difficulties, a multi-layer version of the above model was developed in [12]. Let ϕ̃ = { ϕ(i) } i∈[1..ℓ] : [1..ℓ] × D → R, where ℓ is the number of layers. The energy Ẽf (ϕ̃) of the model is simply the sum of energies of indepen- dent layers extended with a term that penalizes overlapping pairs of object instances by an amount proportional to overlap area: Ẽf (ϕ̃) = ℓ ∑ i=1 Ef (ϕ(i) ) + κ 4 ∑ i̸=j ∫ D (1 + ϕ(i) )(1 + ϕ(j) ) , (3) where κ controls the overlap penalty. This model solves the two issues mentioned above. Overlapping object instances can now be represented by appearing in different layers, and the inter-object repulsion is now removed because it is energetically favourable for nearby objects to be represented on different layers, thus incurring no energy penalty. The overlap penalty served two purposes in [12]. First, it had a genuine modelling role to play when overlapping objects were genuinely less probable than non-overlapping objects. Second, it served to prevent degenerate configurations in which the same object instance was represented in every layer. This was needed because the image model used in [12] coupled independently to each layer. We now describe a new image model, that, in addition to being a more accurate model of the images we deal with, obviates the need for the overlap penalty. From now on, we therefore set κ = 0 in Ẽf . This is a significant advantage of the new model, since finding a good value for κ was difficult. III. IMAGE MODEL In many applications, e.g. microscopy using transmission- or emission-based imaging techniques, the image intensity in areas corresponding to overlapping objects is approximately equal to the sum of the intensities of individual objects. Failure to take this into account leads to segmentation errors, and subsequent errors in the shape and number of object instances. We now describe a model of such images designed to avoid such errors. We model the image intensities in the background and in the single-object foreground (e.g. a cell) as having fixed (but different) means and variances, leading to Gaussian distribu- tions with independent pixel intensities by maximum entropy. When several objects overlap, we model the resulting image
  • 3. (a) (b) Fig. 1. Illustration of the proposed image model: (a) shows a synthetic image; in (b), the red and green surfaces are the phase field functions in two different layers, while the blue surface shows the resulting ϕ+. as the sum of the intensities from the background and each of the overlapping objects, so that the resulting model is again Gaussian with independent pixels, but with mean and variance equal to the sum of the means and variances of the background and the objects. We define ϕ+ = ∑ℓ i=1 (ϕ(i) +1) 2 , which represents the num- ber of overlapping objects at each point. Then the likelihood energy is Eintensity(I, ϕ+) = ∫ (I − (µ− + ∆µϕ+))2 2(σ2 − + ∆σ2ϕ+) , (4) where I is image intensity; µ− and σ2 − are the mean and variance of the background; and ∆µ and ∆σ2 are the changes in mean and variance brought about by each new overlapping object. Note that when ϕ+(x) ≃ 0, x is in the background, and the mean and variance of the intensity are µ−, σ2 −. When ϕ+(x) ≃ n, there are n overlapping objects at x. The mean is then µ− + n∆µ and the variance is given similarly. Thus this model implements the type of additive image model discussed in section I. Fig. 1 illustrates the representation and the functioning of the image term on a synthetic image. A. Curing a problem with the energy The expression for the energy in Eq. (4), although it appears sensible, has a fundamental problem: it is not bounded below as ϕ+ 7→ −∆σ2 σ2 − . Although the prior energy may discourage such a value, no finite amount of prior energy can offset the divergence in Eintensity. As a result, the minimum of E will be −∞, and the MAP estimate will be any assignment of values to the {ϕ(i) } that achieve this bound; the data, and the prior, will be irrelevant. Needless to say, this is not desirable. Luckily it is easy to cure: we replace ϕ+ in Eq. (4) by ϕ̃+ = ∑l i=1(tanh(ϕ(i) ) + 1)/2; the value of each term in ϕ̃+ is confined to [0, 1], thereby curing the divergence. In practice, because Ef encourages ϕ(i) to be close to ±1 anyway, each term takes on a value very close to 0 or 1; the interpretation of ϕ̃ as the number of object instances overlapping a point is therefore preserved. The likelihood energy becomes Ẽintensity(I, ϕ̃+) = ∫ (I − µ− − ∆µϕ̃+)2 2(σ2 − + ∆σ2ϕ̃+) . (5) B. Functional Derivative The posterior energy is given up to an additive constant by E = Ẽintensity + Ẽf . Note that there is in theory a contribution coming from the normalization constant of the likelihood energy. However, this depends only weakly on ϕ+, and we ignore it here. To compute MAP estimates of the object instances given an input image, we will use gradient descent. We therefore need the functional derivative of E with respect to each of the phase field components ϕ(i) . For Ẽf , this reduces to the derivative of the ith term in the sum, which is the same as for the single-layer model; this result can be found in [10]. The derivative of the new likelihood energy Ẽintensity is found as follows. Under an infinitesimal variation in ϕ̃+, the change in Ẽintensity is δẼintensity = 1 2 ∫ D [2(I − µ− − ∆µϕ̃+)(−∆µ)(σ2 − + ∆σ2 ϕ̃+) (σ2 − + ∆σ2ϕ̃+)2 − (I − µ− − ∆µϕ̃+)2 ∆σ2 (σ2 − + ∆σ2ϕ̃+)2 ] δϕ̃+ . (6) Using δϕ̃+ = 1 2 ∑ i sech2 (ϕ(i) ) δϕ(i) , expanding the brackets and dividing by δϕ(k) , and using that δϕ(i) (x) δϕ(k)(y) = δikδ(x, y), the functional derivative of Ẽintensity with respect to ϕ(k) becomes δẼintensity δϕ(k) = 1 4 sech2 (ϕ(k) ) [∆µ2 ∆σ2 ϕ̃2 + + 2∆µ2 σ2 −ϕ̃+ (σ2 − + ∆σ2ϕ̃+)2 + −2∆µσ2 −(I − µ−) − ∆σ2 (I − µ−)2 (σ2 − + ∆σ2ϕ̃+)2 ] . (7) IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS To segment the object instances in an image, we will compute a MAP estimate. This will be done using gradient descent based on a simple forward Euler scheme, with the functional derivatives as given in the previous section. We first present the quantitative results of applying this estimation procedure to a set of synthetic images designed to fit the image model, in order to study computation time and the behaviour of the phase field during optimization. We then present a comparison with two other methods on fluorescence microscopy images of prostate cell nuclei. A. Initialization Gradient descent methods can only find local minima, meaning that the initialization of the phase field layers is an important part of the optimization. We tested two different initializations. The ‘neutral’ initialization consists of Gaussian noise with mean αf /λf (the local maximum of the potential) and a very small variance. The ‘seeded’ initialization consists of small circular regions, one in the interior of each object. We construct the seeded initialization using an adaptive threshold- ing method to find local image maxima, which then serve as the seeds. The seeds are distributed between the layers so as to maximize the minimum distance between seeds in the same layer.
  • 4. B. Synthetic results The first test database contains 200 images. There are smaller (150 × 150) images containing 4–10 circles, and larger (400 × 400) images containing 30, 35, 40 circles of radius 15. The background and foreground intensities were chosen randomly from the sets {30, 40, 50} and {90, 100, 110} respectively, with 10 dB signal-to-noise ratio. The goals of the tests were, first, to check that the likelihood energy functions as planned, and, second, to compare the neutral and seeded initializations of the phase field. For the neutral initialization, three layers were used, and for the seeded initialization, the seeds were distributed in a simple way between layers, resulting in 2–5 layers in the experiments. In Fig. 2, the tests use the neutral initialization. The likelihood energy works as expected: brighter areas are indeed covered by multiple objects, although the result is not always a perfect segmentation. Fig. 3 compares the results from the two initializations. The left-hand plot shows the proportion of correctly detected objects as a function of the relative weight of the likelihood energy. The right-hand plot shows the ‘segmentation error’, also as a function of the relative weight of the likelihood energy. The segmentation error measures the pixel misclassification rate, computed by comparing well- detected object instances to their ground truth equivalents: SErr(GT, SEG) = |∆(GT,SEG)| |GT |+|SEG| , where GT and SEG denote the ground truth object instance and its segmentation respectively, and ∆ is the symmetric difference operator. It is quite clear that the seeded initialization improves the results obtained by the model (some examples of segmentations are shown in Fig. 4), with this initialization resulting in very accurate segmentations. Fig. 2. Results on synthetic images using three layers and the neutral initialization. 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 relative weight of likelihood energy proportion of well detected objects neutral seeded 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 relative weight of likelihood energy segmentation error neutral seeded Fig. 3. Evaluation of the results on synthetic images using the two initializations, as a function of the relative weight of the likelihood energy. Left: proportion of correctly detected objects; right: segmentation error of correctly detected objects. Fig. 4. Results on synthetic images using three or four layers and the seeded initialization. The configuration used for the experiments was an Intel Core i7 CPU 2.93 GHz, with 6GB RAM, running on Windows 7 64-bit operating system. The optimization on an image of size 400×400 using three phase field layers takes ∼ 70 seconds if stopped after 500 iterations (with a mean stopping error of δE/δϕ(k) < 10− 7). The running time for each iteration is linear in the number of pixels and number of layers. C. Comparison with other methods We compared the new method to CellProfiler [15], which is a threshold-based method, and a Hough transform method that uses image gradient. CellProfiler is used worldwide for cell segmentation, but cannot handle overlapping objects. The Hough transform method does allow overlapping objects, but can only represent perfect circles. Fig. 5 shows comparative results on fluorescence microscopy images containing many touching and overlapping prostate cell nuclei. Both methods are faster than the proposed method, but give visibly lower quality results, both in terms of correctly detected objects and segmentation error. V. CONCLUSION The contribution of this work is a new model for the segmentation of touching and overlapping near-circular objects in images, and in particular a new image model that takes into account the additive nature of the image intensity corre- sponding to overlapping objects in many imaging modalities, particularly transmission- and emission-based microscopy. The new model enables both the separate detection of multi- ple overlapping objects and their accurate segmentation, and proves successful in performing this task on both synthetic and fluorescence microscopy images. The main open question is efficient estimation of those prior parameters that are not fixed by the stability analysis. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research was partially supported by the European Union and the State of Hungary, co-financed by the European Social Fund through project TAMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV- 2012-0073 (Telemedicine-focused research activities in the fields of Mathematics, Informatics and Medical sciences). REFERENCES [1] M. E. Leventon, W. E. L. Grimson, and O. Faugeras, “Statistical shape influence in geodesic active contours,” in Proc. International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA, Jun. 2000. [2] Y. Chen, H. D. Tagare, S. Thiruvenkadam, F. Huang, D. Wilson, K. S. Gopinath, R. W. Briggs, and E. A. Geiser, “Using prior shapes in geometric active contours in a variational framework,” International Journal of Computer Vision, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 315–328, 2002. [3] A. Foulonneau, P. Charbonnier, and F. Heitz, “Geometric shape priors for Region-Based active contours,” in Proc. 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