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Elie Wiesel Night
"Night" is an autobiographical literature by Elie Wiesel during World War II that explains the tragic events the author went through during that
period. In Sighet, Transylvania, everything began in 1941; when Elie Wiesel was just thirteen years old. Elie Wiesel was a religious and devout
Jew; he was passionate about studying the Talmud and Kabbalah. Elie was a brother to three sisters and the only son of a Romanian shopkeeper. He
found himself a Kabbalah teacher named Moishe the Beadle who was deported on the first transport, but he eventually sneaked out to warn the Jews
in Sighet about their fate; no one believed him. In the spring of 1944, the Germans took control of the Hungarian border and Elie and his family were
forced to live in more content...
Half the inmates died due to starvation and lack of nutrition. They were only given a very small ration of soup and a piece of bread. As he was
trying to survive in the concentration camps; his greatest fear was not to lose his father through his harsh times and challenges while in the camp.
One day, the inmates were told to come to the meeting place, to witness a child being hung by the SS officers. On that day, Elie lost all of the faith
he had in God and said God died with the child who got hung by the cruel SS officers. Soon, the Jewish holidays came and it was different from
how they celebrated the past years. Elie has turned away from God and did not take part in the worship. Yet another selection passed by, but this
time his father was proven as a weak person, but a second selection took place and luckily Elie's father passed the selection. A few months later,
Elie's leg started to swell and the doctors had to perform a surgery on his foot. The rumor of the Russian army coming spread throughout the camp.
Eliezer and his father went along with the people being evacuated from the camp, leaving behind the people in the infirmary. The weather was harsh
and was frigid. He wasn't in a state to wear shoes and his foot was surrounded by snow that was covered in
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Night by Elie Wiesel Essay
Night by Elie Wiesel Night is a memoir written by Elie Wiesel, a young Jewish boy, who tells of his experiences during the Holocaust. Elie is a
deeply religious boy whose favorite activities are studying the Talmud and spending time at the Temple with his spiritual mentor, Moshe the
Beadle. At an early age, Elie has a naive, yet strong faith in God. But this faith is tested when the Nazi's moves him from his small town. Night
begins in 1941, when Elie, is twelve years old. Having grown up in a little town called Sighet in Transylvania, Elie is a studious, deeply religious
boy with a loving family consisting of his parents and three sisters. One day, Moshe the Beadle, a Jew from Sighet, deported in 1942, with whom Elie
had more content...
The death of the pipel is related to the death of his faith in God. On the Jewish New Year, Elie feels a strong rebellion against God. He becomes the
accuser and God the accused. But in his rebellion against his faith in God, he also feels alone and empty. The Jews debate whether they should
fast for Yom Kippur. As an act of obedience to his father and also as an act of rebellion against God, Elie swallows his food. In the camps, his
physical needs become more important than his faith. Elie and his father manage to survive through the selection process, where the unfit are
condemned to the crematory. Elie suffers from a foot injury that places him in a hospital. As Elie recuperates in the hospital after his foot surgery,
a faceless neighbor tells him that he has more faith in Hitler than in anyone else because he's the only one who's kept his promises to the Jewish
people (p. 77). This is a direct attack on those who have clung to their faith in God. The ultimate insult is that even Hitler is an object worthier of
faith than God is. In chapter six, Rabbi Eliahou, asks if anyone has seen his son. The rabbi is well known and loved by everyone and his presence
is said to bring people genuine peace and comfort. As the rabbi leaves, Elie suddenly remembers seeing the rabbi's son deliberately run ahead of his
father in order to get rid of him, a dead weight. Elie is horrified at the thought that a son could do so, but is also comforted that Rabbi Eliahou
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Elie Wiesel Essay Night
"Night" Essay
In Night, Elie Wiesel had a terrible experience living as Jew as most Jews did, but by the end, it was unclear if he was or was not still Jewish he
claimed over and over, not understanding why this was happening to him and his family. When World War II was over, was Elie still Jewish? There
were millions of Jewish people killed in the holocaust, but, why was Elie any different from anyone else why did he deserve to live and not someone
else? Terrible thing were happening to him and his community and some of them have believed that, they have done all that they could, they believed
in their God, and worshipped him but, some of them thought God did not care for them anymore. A group ofJews had started questioning God asking
him why was this happening to them? Why did the Nazis have so much hatred towards the Jews? Should the people more content...
This is a reason why people still believed in God, because they had nothing, everything was taken away the only thing keeping them going was the
thought that everything would go uphill from now they were rock bottom and that it could not get worse. They believed that this was a test from
God and that everything would be better. Everything that God has or will do is for a reason. They thought that, who were they questioning God
and his mysterious ways "I know no one has the right to say things like that. I know that very will. Man is too significant, too limited,to even try to
comprehend God's Mysterious ways, But what can someone like myself do? I'm neither a sage nor just a man I'm not a saint . I'm simply a creature of
flesh and bone I suffer hell in my flesh .I also have eyes and I see what is being done here. Wer is God's Mercy? Where is God How can I believe how
can anyone believe in this God of Mercy" (76,77). God was being a sign of hope for some and a sign of disappointment for others was he even their at
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Night By Elie Wiesel, Questions And Answers
4.Is there such a thing as morality in "survival" mode? Can a person right from wrong when they are suffering?
There is a sense of morality in intense suffering, yet it is warped. When you are suffering from extreme pain, you disregard the sense of mortality.
When you are going through this stage, you only process the thought of ending the pain, and disregard the moral standards that you may have. In a
sense, you turn into a beast. The effect is greater for others, but there is always some amount of morality when you're in survival mode, though it may
seem negligible.
"Stunned by the blows, the old man said crying:
Meir, my little Meir! Don't you recognize me.. You're killing your father... I have bread... for you too.. For you too..."
Wiesel, more content...
He looked after his father and tried to keep him alive for a long time. Wiesel never was inclined to steal or attack other Jews. Wiesel questions his
god, and his life due to his suffering. His spiritual belief weakened by a hefty amount. Nevertheless, he still continued to have belief in god.
"It's Over. God is no longer with us."
Wiesel, Elie, and Marion Wiesel. Night. New York, NY: Hill and Wang, a Division of Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006. Print. PG 76
9.What do you believe were the long term effects of this experience on Wiesel?
The long term effects on Wiesel were most likely very deep. Wisel probably had post traumatic stress disorder. He likely suffered from depression.
Wiesel without a doubt must have had many nightmares. The intense suffering and sights of horror has engraved a void into his soul.
"Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes.
Never shall I forget those things, even were I condemned to live as long God Himself.
Wiesel, Elie, and Marion Wiesel. Night. New York, NY: Hill and Wang, a Division of Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006. Print. PG xix
10.What effect do you believe than an experience like Wiesel's would have on
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Summary Of ' Night ' By Elie Wiesel
Keandre Santiago Mr. Roe English 4 CP Book Report Part 1 Title: Night Author: Elie Wiesel Number of pages:120 Where published: Buenos Aires
Copyright date:1972 Setting (time and place): Early 1940s, during World War Two, Holocaust era. starting in Sighet, Transylvania, and moving
throughout concentration camps in Europe. Type of book: Holocaust autobiography I would describe the main character Eliezer as polluted. His
innocence as a child was stolen. his beliefs that were fueled by his curiosity were put in question and stripped from him. He went into the camp
with the belief that there could not be a place as bad as people described. As he watched people starving and suffering all around him his whole
mind changed. We see him start to think differently and respond to situations differently. His religion was one thing he thought he would never
forget but his time in the camp changed him. He began to question the very existence of a God because of the events that unfolded around him.
The first setting that is crucial to the storyline is Sighet where we meet Eliezer and his father. The reason this place is so important is because this
is the place where you learn how close he and his father are and where you learn how important religion is to him. Both of which shape the story. If
he didn 't love his father why would he try to help him learn to march instep to help him stop being beat on. Or be so enraged and disgusted when the
pipel beat his father. If we didn 't find out
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Night By Elie Wiesel Essay
Alycia Grant Rough Draft: The book "Night by Elie Wiesel was the most interesting book that I have ever read. It conveyed very well what had
occurred during the Holocaust. Reading this book made me feel the emotions, and stress involved with him being in this situation. The writing was
descriptive, but not too much so that it was boring. The writing in this story painted a vivid picture in my mind. No matter where he was, I had a
good idea of how his environment appeared in his mind. He described well what he felt, heard, smelled, tasted, and seen. This made me like the book
much more, and it helped me better understand how horrible and traumatic this event really was. Elie Wiesel is a strong person in my opinion for being
able to go through what he did, and then write about exactly what happened, in deep detail, more content...
"Night" helped raise awareness for the Holocaust. People that didn't know much about it will know everything, and what it felt like to be there after
reading this book. This book made my entire thoughts about writing change. Unlike many other books it really made me think. I read it during
freshman year, and I always wanted to read on after we would finish for that day. Night is the only book that enabled me to actually want to read
on. This is the reason I like it a lot, and it is the best example of good writing in my opinion. The writing in this book is good, because it has all the
aspects necessary to be considered good writing. Throughout the entire book, it is not once boring or slow. The grammar and spelling is very good,
with minimum or no errors. Details aren't overly explained, but there are just enough of them. He gets his point across, and tells the story how he
wants it to be
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Night By Elie Wiesel
During the Holocaust, the Nazi's murdered an estimated 6 million Jews, which was about two thirds of the entire European Jewish population. To put
this in perspective, the amount of Jews that were murdered during the Holocaust is about the same size as the population of Denmark. The Holocaust
is a part of Jewish history that can never be forgotten, and the Jews who fell subject to this inhuman act will never be forgotten either. The Holocaust
has changed Jewish culture forever, and has become the 4th crisis of Judaism. Elie Wiesel's autobiography, Night, is an account of Elie's terrifying
experiences and memories of the Holocaust. This autobiography not only reveals many horrifying details and a first–hand account of the Holocaust, but more content...
On page 4, Moishe the Beadle, a poor Jew who Elie befriends, asks Elie "Why do you pray?" Elie responds to this question by asking, "Why do I
live? Why did I breathe?" This passage reveals Elie's devoutness and commitment to his religion and belief in God. Breathing is a natural act that
humans do not have to think about. For Elie to compare breathing to prayer acknowledges that Elie believes prayer is just as natural and essential
as breathing. The instinctiveness of God's presence will guide and nurture Elie through the horror that he is about to endure. A person who lives a
sanctified life is blessed, and believes that they are living life according to God's plan and purpose. By believing in God, you are essentially
sanctified and therefore are human. Elie's life is sanctified because he is a devout Jew who does not doubt or question the power of God. Little
does he know the horror that awaits him and his family. When Elie arrives at Auschwitz he begins to question the power of God's. On page 44 Elie
says, "I was not denying His existence, but I doubted His absolute justice." Here, Elie is trying to still believe that God exists, but is questioning his
motives and the reasoning behind the millions of people suffering under the Nazi's. It is difficult to believe in a God that would permit such suffering
and evil in the world. Elie's sanctification, belief in God, and
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Night By Elie Wiesel Essay
Night is a memoir written by Elie Wiesel about his time spent during the Holocaust. Elie Wiesel was a normal jewish boy, who lived in the town of
Sighet. He studied the Torah and went to school and played games and had friends, just like you and me. Everything changed in the year of 1943
during the beginning of WWI. You can only image what happened to the Jewish boy Elie and his beloved family, but with the book Night the
images in your mind come to live through Elie's writing. You feel his sorrow and pain, you feel his slow deterioration of his everything that makes
him human. By the end of the book, Elie is saved, by the Americans. "The resistance movement decided at that point to act. Armed men appeared
from everywhere. Burst of gunshots. Grenades exploding. We, the children, remained flat on the floor of our block." (pg. 115) After this, the SS
officers flee that camp and Elie is taken by the Americans to safety. Not long after, Eli gets terribly ill from a form of poisoning. He is there, at a
hospital drifting between life and death for a long and hard two weeks. One day, Elie felt enough strength to more content...
sadly, Elie could not. Elie's father had gotten sick and Elie was doing everything he could to try and save him. He tried to get the doctor, but he
said it was no use wasting supplies on someone so far gone. it was night when his father died. They were laying in their bunks, and Elie's father
called out to him. He keep calling and moaning, he was getting louder and louder. It captured an officer's attention. He screamed at him to quite, but
this only made Elie's father groan loader. the officer took out his club and started to beat him in the head with it until he quieted. When the officer
left, he looked over at his father, who was on the limbo between life and death. As he gazed at him, he died. Elie died that night his father did. His
soul died with his
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Examples Of Syntax In Night By Elie Wiesel
Night by Elie Wiesel is the terrifying testimony of Elie's memories of the death of his family, innocence, and faith. In the novel, Elie Wiesel uses the
grotesque images of men collapsing from the torture of the S.S. and their mocking and ironic comments to not only display the pain and unjust cruelty
that the victims of the holocaust endured, but to convey the theme of strength through syntax in the use of first person plural and allusions. At the
beginning of chapter six, the prisoners are forced to run through the cold, winter snow by the S.S., to travel to another camp. As they are running the
S.S. yell at them, "Faster, you tramps, you flea–ridden dogs...Faster you filthy dog!" (Wiesel, 85) The use of animal imagery evokes the reader
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Despite his professed lack of faith, Elie focuses on their strength as victims, in turn, conveying the theme of strength. The prisoners were constantly in
the face of death but managed to survive this far. Despite the bleak chances for survival and their degradation as human beings, they were still
men–desperate to survive.
The further into the novel, the more Elie contemplates the benefits of death in comparison to continuing his oppression underneath the Nazis. While
Elie is running, he thinks, "I'll fall. A small, red flame...A shot...Death enveloped me, it suffocated me. The idea of dying, ceasing to be, began to
fascinate me. To no longer feel anything, neither fatigue not cold, nothing." (Wiesel, 86) Wiesel personifies death by using diction to show the
temptation that Elie faced as he saw death providing a way of ending the pain. Furthermore, Elie's desire to die shows the horrific experience he
endured. The Nazis have taken everything away from him and have broken him down so much that death sounds like a better option to Elie.
Ultimately, the author uses the personification of death to make the readers realize that the Holocaust tore its victims apart mentally as well as
physically to the point that even a young, teenager didn't want to live to see the future ahead of him. The entire passage is also a striking parallel to
the beginning of the novel, when all he wanted was to survive but after
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Night by Elie Wiesel Essay
The book Night, written by Elie Wiesel, is a horrifying, historic account of Wiesel's time in multiple German concentration camps. His work gained
him a Nobel Peace Prize. His acceptance speech and further lectures enlightened many other readers. Elie Wiesel's eye–opening Night is very relevant
for real life. This stunning book is applicable because of its education about World War II for the Jewish, inspiration to the human race in their
day–to–day lives, and because genocide still goes on today in places such as Darfur.
This book is very educating about the history of the concentration camps and Holocaust. "...The spectators observed these emaciated creatures ready to
kill for a crust of bread...the old man was crying, 'Meir, more content...
This can be done because of the influential power of Night. The people who read night are aware of what has happened and what might continue to
happen. The more people who read Night, the more people who can stop further events such as the Holocaust. Mr. Wiesel says, "Remembering is a
noble and necessary act. The call of memory, the call to memory, reaches us from the very dawn of history.... Thus, the rejection of memory becomes
a divine curse one that would doom us to repeat past disasters, past wars." (Nobel Lecture, page 2/4)
Furthermore, Night and Elie Wiesel's teachings are relevant to life because of its inspiration throughout our everyday lives. The stories and teachings
are inspirational and uplifting because of Elie's perseverance, even when the circumstances seemed to be too horrible. One such example is after
Elie's father dies. "I shall not describe my life during that period. It no longer mattered. Since my father's death, nothing mattered to me anymore."
(Page 113) This shows that Elie is very depressed because of the death of his father. And yet, he still keeps living. "Suddenly, we saw the door of
Block 37 open slightly. A man appeared, crawling snakelike in the direction of the cauldrons (of soup)...he reached the first cauldron...poor hero
committing suicide for a ration or two or more of our minds, he was already dead." (Page 59, Night) The
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Elie Wiesel's Night
Elie Wiesel was born on September 30, 1928, in Sighet, Transylvania. He grew up with three sisters and had a strong interest in religious studies.
In 1944, Nazis forced Jews who resided in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania to relocate to labor and death camps in Poland. When Elie was at the
age of 15, he and his entire family were sent to Auschwitz. Elie lived in camps with inhuman conditions and was almost starved to death. He was
eventually freed from Buchenwald in 1945. Out of all of his family members only him and two of his sisters survived. Elie then moved on to become
many great things like a writer which won him a Nobel–Prize. He wrote many books including the one i am reading "Night". Elie also taught Judaic
studies at the City more content...
Every year we were assigned to read and do some type of book report and i would never make it through the book because it never kept me
interested. Night is a book i can say that actually kept me interested enough to make it through the whole thing. This book made you feel every
emotion that Elie felt from the weakness, sadness, and the feeling of losing hope. Wiesel wrote the book so detailed even if it was harsh. I think
the things i will remember the most is how descriptive he was while explaining how some of the innocent people would die. Also how they were
put through such harsh things like inhuman labor, harsh travel conditions, and starvation. In my opinion this book was a bit different because at
the end of the book you always expect there to be some type of little happy ending. I can tell you now that if you are into happy endings Night may
not be the best book for you. By the time Elie was liberated on April 11, 1945 he had been separated from his family, and had lost his father soon
before liberation. In conclusion i still think this book was a great book because it makes you think about how as we are getting older and more mature
we have to understand that not all things have a happy ending. But you still need to have hope and continue to push on so like Elie Wiesel did,and if you
do so great things might eventually come to
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Wiesel Essay Night
Night Essay In the book Night written by Elie Wiesel. The holocaust was very depressing and destructure. Elie Wiesel and his family was thrown into
the Holocaust at the age of 15. According to article five it states that " No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
or punishment". This is one of the Human Rights that were violated. Jews were always punished and violated in many ways. The SS Sergeant even
watched the babies get tossed and killed in ways. In the novel Night it states that " The SS came towards us wielding a club he commanded " Men to
the left ! Women to the right!" " Eight words spoken quietly without emotions". "There was no time to think and I already felt my father's hand pressing
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Night, By Elie Wiesel
In Night, by Elie Wiesel, one man tells his story of how he survived his terrible experience during the Holocaust. Wiesel takes you on a journey
through his "night" of the Holocaust, and how he survived the world's deadliest place, Auschwitz–Birkenau. Elie Wiesel will captivate you on his earth
shattering journey through his endless night. Elie Wiesel's book Night forces you to open your eyes to the real world by using; irony, diction, and
repetition to prove that man does have the capability to create such a harsh reality.
When Elie Wiesel first arrives at Birkenau other Jews and himself are unloaded from a cattle car and divided into two groups men and women. They
are put through a selection and then taken to the showers. On the walk to the showers Wiesel describes his first moments at the camp.
Not far from us, flames, huge flames, were rising from a ditch. Something was being burned there. A truck drew close and unloaded its hold: small
children. Babies! Yes, I did see this, with my own eyes... children thrown into the flames. (Is it any wonder that ever since then, sleep tends to elude
me?) (32)
Wiesel uses imagery to paint you a picture, a terrible one but, it 's one that you will not forget. Wiesel wants you to understand that these concentration
camps were no girl scout camps, but a camp where it was life or death at any given moment. Wiesel shows you through his diction that the events that
occurred at that camp still eat away at him to this present day.
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Night By Elie Wiesel Essay
The Holocaust was a horrible time period where Nazi's attempted a genocide of Jewish people, gypsies and others they deemed had a disability. The
victims would be sent to concentration camps, such as Auschwitz. The point of views the authors used can advance their purpose. If authors use
objective point of view, they give only facts about the topic and does not give any opinions or bias. Unlike objective, subjective point of views helps
form your opinion by giving the author's experience and bias. The article "Auschwitz," the film One Day at Auschwitz, and the memoir Night by Elie
Wiesel feature information and experiences during the time the Holocaust took place.
The article, "Auschwitz," uses third person objective point of view. It gives solely facts and is not biased throughout the article. A perfect example of
the author's objective point of view can be found on page two. The author writes "Inmates were always hungry. Food consisted of watery soup made
with rotten vegetables and meat, a few ounces of bread, a bit of margarine, more content...
Night is a memoir written by Elie Wiesel. The memoir shows what he had to experience as a victim during the time of Holocaust. Wiesel's
experiences cause the memoir to be told from a subjective first person point of view, meaning it is biased and also gives information about it at the
same time. On page 69 Wiesel writes, "and then, there was no longer any reason for me to fast. I no longer accepted God's silence. As I swallowed
my ration of soup, I turned that act into a symbol of rebellion, of protest against Him." (Wiesel 69). Wiesel decided not to fast as he didn't believe
God was there helping them anymore. This proves that Wiesel uses subjective first person point of view by his opinion being shown. His bias shows
how bad he was treated. Above that, it shows his feelings about the Holocaust and it helps the reader understand what he had to go
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How Does Elie Wiesel Dehumanized In The Book Night
Night Final Essay In the novel Night, Elie Wiesel writes about his experience inside the concentration camps of Germany during World War Two. He
realizes how his humanity changes after he is free. Elie ponders about if he can be re–humanized after he passes trials, when he looks at a mirror.
Wiesel uses a gloomy tone to reveal the Nazis' plan to dehumanize the Jews so that their suffering . Elie Wiesel
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Essay about Night by Elie Wiesel
Night is a novel written from the perspective of a Jewish teenager, about his experiences as a prisoner during the Holocaust. Our teenager named
Eliezer grew up in the small community of Sighet, located in Hungarian Transylvania. It's here that Eliezer studies religion, both the Cabbala and the
Torah. At the beginning of the war Eliezer was dedicated and absolute in his belief of God, but throughout the events of World War II his faith slowly
starts to wither away. Eliezer's main conflict that governs the story would be sustaining his belief in God. This becomes especially hard throughout the
book, as he has to face more and more challenging issues. Moshe the Beadle is the one character that Eliezer learned about his faith from, Moshes more content...
It's in these moments that Eliezer has lost all faith he had in humanity and religion, which he had previously learned from Moshe. One point in the
story that Eliezer questions his faith in God is when they are forced to watch the hanging of other prisoners, one time the Gestapo even hangs and
kills a small child for being associated with the rebels. It seems that during this point the prisoners start to react for means of survival only, family
members were turning on each other. The prisoners turn cold hearted and cruel towards each other because now their only concern is survival. Because
of the horrific events in the concentration camp and the ever–present risk of death does Eliezer begin to lose his faith in humanity and his God. Eliezer
has a tough time understanding how the world and the Gestapo can be capable of this much fury. Because his teachings tell him that God is good,
and since God is everywhere the world therefore must be good. Another strong theme from the book is the importance of family bonds, especially if
that's all you have left in harsh conditions. Eliezer has a hard time watching the other families interact because they no longer share a special bond of
love but instead share the idea of selfishness. More than once Eliezer experiences the rupture of the bond a family shares between both the father and
son. He describes his bond with his father as a support system; they both ensure the other has enough to survive
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Persuasive Essay On Night By Elie Wiesel
Just like there are up sides to freedom, there can be positive outcomes from controlling environments as well. In order for freedom to be a positive
thing, it needs to be a privilege that people are only granted as much of as they can handle. In high school students are given a range of classes they
are allowed to choose from, but ultimately they are still controlled by teachers and parents. As children grow up they are given freedom in stages, a
little but at a time so it is never too overwhelming. Until one reaches full adulthood, there will always be other people that have control over certain
factors of their life. This is necessary for most children to be successful in school so that they can later reach their aspirations in life. However,
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"Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed.
Never shall I forget that smoke. Never shall I forget the small faces of the children whose bodies I saw transformed into smoke under a silent sky...
Never shall I forget those moments, which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust. Never shall I forget these things, even if
I am condemned to live as long as God himself. Never," (Wiesel 34). The novel Night uses vivid imagery to construe some of the awful events that
took place during the Holocaust, events that could have been prevented had a single person not been given absolute power over everyone else. The
main character will never be able to forget these things because "Nothing in Eliezer's religious studies has prepared him for the sight of children
being burned alive in pits, a sight made all the more horrific for readers by our knowledge of his own youth and the youth of his sister Tzipora, from
whom he has been separated forever," (Dougherty). Had these things been prevented it would have saved many people, Eliezer being among them,
from immense amounts of physical and emotion pain. The examples from this novel prove the ramifications of one becoming too fond of controlling
others around
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Night By Elie Wiesel
One of my favorite books I have ever read was Night by Elie Wiesel. In the memoir Night by Elie Wiesel, Wiesel tells a horrific tale of a Jewish
teenager's experiences in the Holocaust. This story takes place in Germany at several different concentration camps, one being Auschwitz. Throughout
this heart wrenching story, Elie Wiesel falls victim to one of the millions of Jews getting taken from their home and out into camps during the Holocaust
. The book Night has a title which symbolizes death. The novel has a theme of family; a lot of people take for granted their family and the ties
between them. In the book, the character Elie matures from a young teenager into a strong man with many qualities, including being a brave, loyal, more content...
Throughout the book, Elie grows from a young, scared teenager into a strong leader. He led his father through his final days when he could no longer
fend for himself and also helped many others along the way. The author, Elie Wiesel, is an amazing leader and even now, having lived through the
unimaginable, still talks about what happened and educates people about the past. He does not possess hatred or revenge. The Holocaust is a very
heart wrenching topic to talk about considering his whole family died in it and his father died right in front of his eyes. Yet, he still leads our
community in serving others, educating us about everything that happened, opening up and talking about it for all to hear. To me, this truly exemplifies
an outstanding
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Essay Themes in "Night" by Elie Wiesel
THemes 1.) Man's inhumanity to man
Removal of human looks that defined who they are * Same uniform * Cut hair to remove individuality. * "In a few seconds we had ceased to be men"
37 * "I became A–7713. From then on, I had no other name"42
The harshness of the camp quickly transformed them into selfish indifferent people * "I had not even blinked, only yesterday I would have dug my
nails into the criminals flesh" 39 * "you're killing your father"101 * "The old man mumbled something, groaned and died. Nobody cared" 101 * "I
shall never forgive myself. Nor shall I forgive the world for having pushed me against the wall, for having turned me into a stranger, for having
awakened in me the basest, more content...
Without love or mercy. I was nothing but ashes now" 68 * "But as soon as he felt the first chinks in his faith, he lost all incentive to fight and opened
the door to death" 77 * "I have more faith in Hitler than anybody else. He alone has kept his promises, all his promises to the Jewish people." 81 * " I
suffer hell in my soul and in my flesh... how can anybody believe in this God of mercy"
3.) Kindness in adversity
Helping each other out in times of need * Elie's father made sure Elie didn't "fall asleep forever" in the snow despite his exhaustion. Pg 88 * The
French girl risked her life by saying to Elie in almost perfect German, "don't cry. Keep your anger, your hate, for another day, for later. The day will
come but not now... wait. Clench your teeth and wait" * "Elie even gave his dying father extra rations, despite being told to "stop giving your ration of
bread and soup too your old father... in fact you should be getting his rations." * Working through the struggles together see father son relationships Elie
and father * "No. You're eighteen... Not fifty. You're forty. Dou you hear?
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Elie Wiesel Night

  • 1. Elie Wiesel Night "Night" is an autobiographical literature by Elie Wiesel during World War II that explains the tragic events the author went through during that period. In Sighet, Transylvania, everything began in 1941; when Elie Wiesel was just thirteen years old. Elie Wiesel was a religious and devout Jew; he was passionate about studying the Talmud and Kabbalah. Elie was a brother to three sisters and the only son of a Romanian shopkeeper. He found himself a Kabbalah teacher named Moishe the Beadle who was deported on the first transport, but he eventually sneaked out to warn the Jews in Sighet about their fate; no one believed him. In the spring of 1944, the Germans took control of the Hungarian border and Elie and his family were forced to live in more content... Half the inmates died due to starvation and lack of nutrition. They were only given a very small ration of soup and a piece of bread. As he was trying to survive in the concentration camps; his greatest fear was not to lose his father through his harsh times and challenges while in the camp. One day, the inmates were told to come to the meeting place, to witness a child being hung by the SS officers. On that day, Elie lost all of the faith he had in God and said God died with the child who got hung by the cruel SS officers. Soon, the Jewish holidays came and it was different from how they celebrated the past years. Elie has turned away from God and did not take part in the worship. Yet another selection passed by, but this time his father was proven as a weak person, but a second selection took place and luckily Elie's father passed the selection. A few months later, Elie's leg started to swell and the doctors had to perform a surgery on his foot. The rumor of the Russian army coming spread throughout the camp. Eliezer and his father went along with the people being evacuated from the camp, leaving behind the people in the infirmary. The weather was harsh and was frigid. He wasn't in a state to wear shoes and his foot was surrounded by snow that was covered in Get more content on
  • 2. Night by Elie Wiesel Essay Night by Elie Wiesel Night is a memoir written by Elie Wiesel, a young Jewish boy, who tells of his experiences during the Holocaust. Elie is a deeply religious boy whose favorite activities are studying the Talmud and spending time at the Temple with his spiritual mentor, Moshe the Beadle. At an early age, Elie has a naive, yet strong faith in God. But this faith is tested when the Nazi's moves him from his small town. Night begins in 1941, when Elie, is twelve years old. Having grown up in a little town called Sighet in Transylvania, Elie is a studious, deeply religious boy with a loving family consisting of his parents and three sisters. One day, Moshe the Beadle, a Jew from Sighet, deported in 1942, with whom Elie had more content... The death of the pipel is related to the death of his faith in God. On the Jewish New Year, Elie feels a strong rebellion against God. He becomes the accuser and God the accused. But in his rebellion against his faith in God, he also feels alone and empty. The Jews debate whether they should fast for Yom Kippur. As an act of obedience to his father and also as an act of rebellion against God, Elie swallows his food. In the camps, his physical needs become more important than his faith. Elie and his father manage to survive through the selection process, where the unfit are condemned to the crematory. Elie suffers from a foot injury that places him in a hospital. As Elie recuperates in the hospital after his foot surgery, a faceless neighbor tells him that he has more faith in Hitler than in anyone else because he's the only one who's kept his promises to the Jewish people (p. 77). This is a direct attack on those who have clung to their faith in God. The ultimate insult is that even Hitler is an object worthier of faith than God is. In chapter six, Rabbi Eliahou, asks if anyone has seen his son. The rabbi is well known and loved by everyone and his presence is said to bring people genuine peace and comfort. As the rabbi leaves, Elie suddenly remembers seeing the rabbi's son deliberately run ahead of his father in order to get rid of him, a dead weight. Elie is horrified at the thought that a son could do so, but is also comforted that Rabbi Eliahou Get more content on
  • 3. Elie Wiesel Essay Night "Night" Essay In Night, Elie Wiesel had a terrible experience living as Jew as most Jews did, but by the end, it was unclear if he was or was not still Jewish he claimed over and over, not understanding why this was happening to him and his family. When World War II was over, was Elie still Jewish? There were millions of Jewish people killed in the holocaust, but, why was Elie any different from anyone else why did he deserve to live and not someone else? Terrible thing were happening to him and his community and some of them have believed that, they have done all that they could, they believed in their God, and worshipped him but, some of them thought God did not care for them anymore. A group ofJews had started questioning God asking him why was this happening to them? Why did the Nazis have so much hatred towards the Jews? Should the people more content... This is a reason why people still believed in God, because they had nothing, everything was taken away the only thing keeping them going was the thought that everything would go uphill from now they were rock bottom and that it could not get worse. They believed that this was a test from God and that everything would be better. Everything that God has or will do is for a reason. They thought that, who were they questioning God and his mysterious ways "I know no one has the right to say things like that. I know that very will. Man is too significant, too limited,to even try to comprehend God's Mysterious ways, But what can someone like myself do? I'm neither a sage nor just a man I'm not a saint . I'm simply a creature of flesh and bone I suffer hell in my flesh .I also have eyes and I see what is being done here. Wer is God's Mercy? Where is God How can I believe how can anyone believe in this God of Mercy" (76,77). God was being a sign of hope for some and a sign of disappointment for others was he even their at Get more content on
  • 4. Night By Elie Wiesel, Questions And Answers 4.Is there such a thing as morality in "survival" mode? Can a person right from wrong when they are suffering? There is a sense of morality in intense suffering, yet it is warped. When you are suffering from extreme pain, you disregard the sense of mortality. When you are going through this stage, you only process the thought of ending the pain, and disregard the moral standards that you may have. In a sense, you turn into a beast. The effect is greater for others, but there is always some amount of morality when you're in survival mode, though it may seem negligible. "Stunned by the blows, the old man said crying: Meir, my little Meir! Don't you recognize me.. You're killing your father... I have bread... for you too.. For you too..." Wiesel, more content... He looked after his father and tried to keep him alive for a long time. Wiesel never was inclined to steal or attack other Jews. Wiesel questions his god, and his life due to his suffering. His spiritual belief weakened by a hefty amount. Nevertheless, he still continued to have belief in god. "It's Over. God is no longer with us." Wiesel, Elie, and Marion Wiesel. Night. New York, NY: Hill and Wang, a Division of Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006. Print. PG 76 9.What do you believe were the long term effects of this experience on Wiesel? The long term effects on Wiesel were most likely very deep. Wisel probably had post traumatic stress disorder. He likely suffered from depression. Wiesel without a doubt must have had many nightmares. The intense suffering and sights of horror has engraved a void into his soul. "Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes. Never shall I forget those things, even were I condemned to live as long God Himself. Never" Wiesel, Elie, and Marion Wiesel. Night. New York, NY: Hill and Wang, a Division of Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006. Print. PG xix 10.What effect do you believe than an experience like Wiesel's would have on
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  • 6. Summary Of ' Night ' By Elie Wiesel Keandre Santiago Mr. Roe English 4 CP Book Report Part 1 Title: Night Author: Elie Wiesel Number of pages:120 Where published: Buenos Aires Copyright date:1972 Setting (time and place): Early 1940s, during World War Two, Holocaust era. starting in Sighet, Transylvania, and moving throughout concentration camps in Europe. Type of book: Holocaust autobiography I would describe the main character Eliezer as polluted. His innocence as a child was stolen. his beliefs that were fueled by his curiosity were put in question and stripped from him. He went into the camp with the belief that there could not be a place as bad as people described. As he watched people starving and suffering all around him his whole mind changed. We see him start to think differently and respond to situations differently. His religion was one thing he thought he would never forget but his time in the camp changed him. He began to question the very existence of a God because of the events that unfolded around him. The first setting that is crucial to the storyline is Sighet where we meet Eliezer and his father. The reason this place is so important is because this is the place where you learn how close he and his father are and where you learn how important religion is to him. Both of which shape the story. If he didn 't love his father why would he try to help him learn to march instep to help him stop being beat on. Or be so enraged and disgusted when the pipel beat his father. If we didn 't find out Get more content on
  • 7. Night By Elie Wiesel Essay Alycia Grant Rough Draft: The book "Night by Elie Wiesel was the most interesting book that I have ever read. It conveyed very well what had occurred during the Holocaust. Reading this book made me feel the emotions, and stress involved with him being in this situation. The writing was descriptive, but not too much so that it was boring. The writing in this story painted a vivid picture in my mind. No matter where he was, I had a good idea of how his environment appeared in his mind. He described well what he felt, heard, smelled, tasted, and seen. This made me like the book much more, and it helped me better understand how horrible and traumatic this event really was. Elie Wiesel is a strong person in my opinion for being able to go through what he did, and then write about exactly what happened, in deep detail, more content... "Night" helped raise awareness for the Holocaust. People that didn't know much about it will know everything, and what it felt like to be there after reading this book. This book made my entire thoughts about writing change. Unlike many other books it really made me think. I read it during freshman year, and I always wanted to read on after we would finish for that day. Night is the only book that enabled me to actually want to read on. This is the reason I like it a lot, and it is the best example of good writing in my opinion. The writing in this book is good, because it has all the aspects necessary to be considered good writing. Throughout the entire book, it is not once boring or slow. The grammar and spelling is very good, with minimum or no errors. Details aren't overly explained, but there are just enough of them. He gets his point across, and tells the story how he wants it to be Get more content on
  • 8. Night By Elie Wiesel During the Holocaust, the Nazi's murdered an estimated 6 million Jews, which was about two thirds of the entire European Jewish population. To put this in perspective, the amount of Jews that were murdered during the Holocaust is about the same size as the population of Denmark. The Holocaust is a part of Jewish history that can never be forgotten, and the Jews who fell subject to this inhuman act will never be forgotten either. The Holocaust has changed Jewish culture forever, and has become the 4th crisis of Judaism. Elie Wiesel's autobiography, Night, is an account of Elie's terrifying experiences and memories of the Holocaust. This autobiography not only reveals many horrifying details and a first–hand account of the Holocaust, but more content... On page 4, Moishe the Beadle, a poor Jew who Elie befriends, asks Elie "Why do you pray?" Elie responds to this question by asking, "Why do I live? Why did I breathe?" This passage reveals Elie's devoutness and commitment to his religion and belief in God. Breathing is a natural act that humans do not have to think about. For Elie to compare breathing to prayer acknowledges that Elie believes prayer is just as natural and essential as breathing. The instinctiveness of God's presence will guide and nurture Elie through the horror that he is about to endure. A person who lives a sanctified life is blessed, and believes that they are living life according to God's plan and purpose. By believing in God, you are essentially sanctified and therefore are human. Elie's life is sanctified because he is a devout Jew who does not doubt or question the power of God. Little does he know the horror that awaits him and his family. When Elie arrives at Auschwitz he begins to question the power of God's. On page 44 Elie says, "I was not denying His existence, but I doubted His absolute justice." Here, Elie is trying to still believe that God exists, but is questioning his motives and the reasoning behind the millions of people suffering under the Nazi's. It is difficult to believe in a God that would permit such suffering and evil in the world. Elie's sanctification, belief in God, and Get more content on
  • 9. Night By Elie Wiesel Essay Night is a memoir written by Elie Wiesel about his time spent during the Holocaust. Elie Wiesel was a normal jewish boy, who lived in the town of Sighet. He studied the Torah and went to school and played games and had friends, just like you and me. Everything changed in the year of 1943 during the beginning of WWI. You can only image what happened to the Jewish boy Elie and his beloved family, but with the book Night the images in your mind come to live through Elie's writing. You feel his sorrow and pain, you feel his slow deterioration of his everything that makes him human. By the end of the book, Elie is saved, by the Americans. "The resistance movement decided at that point to act. Armed men appeared from everywhere. Burst of gunshots. Grenades exploding. We, the children, remained flat on the floor of our block." (pg. 115) After this, the SS officers flee that camp and Elie is taken by the Americans to safety. Not long after, Eli gets terribly ill from a form of poisoning. He is there, at a hospital drifting between life and death for a long and hard two weeks. One day, Elie felt enough strength to more content... sadly, Elie could not. Elie's father had gotten sick and Elie was doing everything he could to try and save him. He tried to get the doctor, but he said it was no use wasting supplies on someone so far gone. it was night when his father died. They were laying in their bunks, and Elie's father called out to him. He keep calling and moaning, he was getting louder and louder. It captured an officer's attention. He screamed at him to quite, but this only made Elie's father groan loader. the officer took out his club and started to beat him in the head with it until he quieted. When the officer left, he looked over at his father, who was on the limbo between life and death. As he gazed at him, he died. Elie died that night his father did. His soul died with his Get more content on
  • 10. Examples Of Syntax In Night By Elie Wiesel Night by Elie Wiesel is the terrifying testimony of Elie's memories of the death of his family, innocence, and faith. In the novel, Elie Wiesel uses the grotesque images of men collapsing from the torture of the S.S. and their mocking and ironic comments to not only display the pain and unjust cruelty that the victims of the holocaust endured, but to convey the theme of strength through syntax in the use of first person plural and allusions. At the beginning of chapter six, the prisoners are forced to run through the cold, winter snow by the S.S., to travel to another camp. As they are running the S.S. yell at them, "Faster, you tramps, you flea–ridden dogs...Faster you filthy dog!" (Wiesel, 85) The use of animal imagery evokes the reader more content... Despite his professed lack of faith, Elie focuses on their strength as victims, in turn, conveying the theme of strength. The prisoners were constantly in the face of death but managed to survive this far. Despite the bleak chances for survival and their degradation as human beings, they were still men–desperate to survive. The further into the novel, the more Elie contemplates the benefits of death in comparison to continuing his oppression underneath the Nazis. While Elie is running, he thinks, "I'll fall. A small, red flame...A shot...Death enveloped me, it suffocated me. The idea of dying, ceasing to be, began to fascinate me. To no longer feel anything, neither fatigue not cold, nothing." (Wiesel, 86) Wiesel personifies death by using diction to show the temptation that Elie faced as he saw death providing a way of ending the pain. Furthermore, Elie's desire to die shows the horrific experience he endured. The Nazis have taken everything away from him and have broken him down so much that death sounds like a better option to Elie. Ultimately, the author uses the personification of death to make the readers realize that the Holocaust tore its victims apart mentally as well as physically to the point that even a young, teenager didn't want to live to see the future ahead of him. The entire passage is also a striking parallel to the beginning of the novel, when all he wanted was to survive but after Get more content on
  • 11. Night by Elie Wiesel Essay The book Night, written by Elie Wiesel, is a horrifying, historic account of Wiesel's time in multiple German concentration camps. His work gained him a Nobel Peace Prize. His acceptance speech and further lectures enlightened many other readers. Elie Wiesel's eye–opening Night is very relevant for real life. This stunning book is applicable because of its education about World War II for the Jewish, inspiration to the human race in their day–to–day lives, and because genocide still goes on today in places such as Darfur. This book is very educating about the history of the concentration camps and Holocaust. "...The spectators observed these emaciated creatures ready to kill for a crust of bread...the old man was crying, 'Meir, more content... This can be done because of the influential power of Night. The people who read night are aware of what has happened and what might continue to happen. The more people who read Night, the more people who can stop further events such as the Holocaust. Mr. Wiesel says, "Remembering is a noble and necessary act. The call of memory, the call to memory, reaches us from the very dawn of history.... Thus, the rejection of memory becomes a divine curse one that would doom us to repeat past disasters, past wars." (Nobel Lecture, page 2/4) Furthermore, Night and Elie Wiesel's teachings are relevant to life because of its inspiration throughout our everyday lives. The stories and teachings are inspirational and uplifting because of Elie's perseverance, even when the circumstances seemed to be too horrible. One such example is after Elie's father dies. "I shall not describe my life during that period. It no longer mattered. Since my father's death, nothing mattered to me anymore." (Page 113) This shows that Elie is very depressed because of the death of his father. And yet, he still keeps living. "Suddenly, we saw the door of Block 37 open slightly. A man appeared, crawling snakelike in the direction of the cauldrons (of soup)...he reached the first cauldron...poor hero committing suicide for a ration or two or more of our minds, he was already dead." (Page 59, Night) The Get more content on
  • 12. Elie Wiesel's Night Elie Wiesel was born on September 30, 1928, in Sighet, Transylvania. He grew up with three sisters and had a strong interest in religious studies. In 1944, Nazis forced Jews who resided in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania to relocate to labor and death camps in Poland. When Elie was at the age of 15, he and his entire family were sent to Auschwitz. Elie lived in camps with inhuman conditions and was almost starved to death. He was eventually freed from Buchenwald in 1945. Out of all of his family members only him and two of his sisters survived. Elie then moved on to become many great things like a writer which won him a Nobel–Prize. He wrote many books including the one i am reading "Night". Elie also taught Judaic studies at the City more content... Every year we were assigned to read and do some type of book report and i would never make it through the book because it never kept me interested. Night is a book i can say that actually kept me interested enough to make it through the whole thing. This book made you feel every emotion that Elie felt from the weakness, sadness, and the feeling of losing hope. Wiesel wrote the book so detailed even if it was harsh. I think the things i will remember the most is how descriptive he was while explaining how some of the innocent people would die. Also how they were put through such harsh things like inhuman labor, harsh travel conditions, and starvation. In my opinion this book was a bit different because at the end of the book you always expect there to be some type of little happy ending. I can tell you now that if you are into happy endings Night may not be the best book for you. By the time Elie was liberated on April 11, 1945 he had been separated from his family, and had lost his father soon before liberation. In conclusion i still think this book was a great book because it makes you think about how as we are getting older and more mature we have to understand that not all things have a happy ending. But you still need to have hope and continue to push on so like Elie Wiesel did,and if you do so great things might eventually come to Get more content on
  • 13. Wiesel Essay Night Night Essay In the book Night written by Elie Wiesel. The holocaust was very depressing and destructure. Elie Wiesel and his family was thrown into the Holocaust at the age of 15. According to article five it states that " No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment". This is one of the Human Rights that were violated. Jews were always punished and violated in many ways. The SS Sergeant even watched the babies get tossed and killed in ways. In the novel Night it states that " The SS came towards us wielding a club he commanded " Men to the left ! Women to the right!" " Eight words spoken quietly without emotions". "There was no time to think and I already felt my father's hand pressing Get more content on
  • 14. Night, By Elie Wiesel In Night, by Elie Wiesel, one man tells his story of how he survived his terrible experience during the Holocaust. Wiesel takes you on a journey through his "night" of the Holocaust, and how he survived the world's deadliest place, Auschwitz–Birkenau. Elie Wiesel will captivate you on his earth shattering journey through his endless night. Elie Wiesel's book Night forces you to open your eyes to the real world by using; irony, diction, and repetition to prove that man does have the capability to create such a harsh reality. When Elie Wiesel first arrives at Birkenau other Jews and himself are unloaded from a cattle car and divided into two groups men and women. They are put through a selection and then taken to the showers. On the walk to the showers Wiesel describes his first moments at the camp. Not far from us, flames, huge flames, were rising from a ditch. Something was being burned there. A truck drew close and unloaded its hold: small children. Babies! Yes, I did see this, with my own eyes... children thrown into the flames. (Is it any wonder that ever since then, sleep tends to elude me?) (32) Wiesel uses imagery to paint you a picture, a terrible one but, it 's one that you will not forget. Wiesel wants you to understand that these concentration camps were no girl scout camps, but a camp where it was life or death at any given moment. Wiesel shows you through his diction that the events that occurred at that camp still eat away at him to this present day. Get more content on
  • 15. Night By Elie Wiesel Essay The Holocaust was a horrible time period where Nazi's attempted a genocide of Jewish people, gypsies and others they deemed had a disability. The victims would be sent to concentration camps, such as Auschwitz. The point of views the authors used can advance their purpose. If authors use objective point of view, they give only facts about the topic and does not give any opinions or bias. Unlike objective, subjective point of views helps form your opinion by giving the author's experience and bias. The article "Auschwitz," the film One Day at Auschwitz, and the memoir Night by Elie Wiesel feature information and experiences during the time the Holocaust took place. The article, "Auschwitz," uses third person objective point of view. It gives solely facts and is not biased throughout the article. A perfect example of the author's objective point of view can be found on page two. The author writes "Inmates were always hungry. Food consisted of watery soup made with rotten vegetables and meat, a few ounces of bread, a bit of margarine, more content... Night is a memoir written by Elie Wiesel. The memoir shows what he had to experience as a victim during the time of Holocaust. Wiesel's experiences cause the memoir to be told from a subjective first person point of view, meaning it is biased and also gives information about it at the same time. On page 69 Wiesel writes, "and then, there was no longer any reason for me to fast. I no longer accepted God's silence. As I swallowed my ration of soup, I turned that act into a symbol of rebellion, of protest against Him." (Wiesel 69). Wiesel decided not to fast as he didn't believe God was there helping them anymore. This proves that Wiesel uses subjective first person point of view by his opinion being shown. His bias shows how bad he was treated. Above that, it shows his feelings about the Holocaust and it helps the reader understand what he had to go Get more content on
  • 16. How Does Elie Wiesel Dehumanized In The Book Night Night Final Essay In the novel Night, Elie Wiesel writes about his experience inside the concentration camps of Germany during World War Two. He realizes how his humanity changes after he is free. Elie ponders about if he can be re–humanized after he passes trials, when he looks at a mirror. Wiesel uses a gloomy tone to reveal the Nazis' plan to dehumanize the Jews so that their suffering . Elie Wiesel Get more content on
  • 17. Essay about Night by Elie Wiesel Night is a novel written from the perspective of a Jewish teenager, about his experiences as a prisoner during the Holocaust. Our teenager named Eliezer grew up in the small community of Sighet, located in Hungarian Transylvania. It's here that Eliezer studies religion, both the Cabbala and the Torah. At the beginning of the war Eliezer was dedicated and absolute in his belief of God, but throughout the events of World War II his faith slowly starts to wither away. Eliezer's main conflict that governs the story would be sustaining his belief in God. This becomes especially hard throughout the book, as he has to face more and more challenging issues. Moshe the Beadle is the one character that Eliezer learned about his faith from, Moshes more content... It's in these moments that Eliezer has lost all faith he had in humanity and religion, which he had previously learned from Moshe. One point in the story that Eliezer questions his faith in God is when they are forced to watch the hanging of other prisoners, one time the Gestapo even hangs and kills a small child for being associated with the rebels. It seems that during this point the prisoners start to react for means of survival only, family members were turning on each other. The prisoners turn cold hearted and cruel towards each other because now their only concern is survival. Because of the horrific events in the concentration camp and the ever–present risk of death does Eliezer begin to lose his faith in humanity and his God. Eliezer has a tough time understanding how the world and the Gestapo can be capable of this much fury. Because his teachings tell him that God is good, and since God is everywhere the world therefore must be good. Another strong theme from the book is the importance of family bonds, especially if that's all you have left in harsh conditions. Eliezer has a hard time watching the other families interact because they no longer share a special bond of love but instead share the idea of selfishness. More than once Eliezer experiences the rupture of the bond a family shares between both the father and son. He describes his bond with his father as a support system; they both ensure the other has enough to survive Get more content on
  • 18. Persuasive Essay On Night By Elie Wiesel Just like there are up sides to freedom, there can be positive outcomes from controlling environments as well. In order for freedom to be a positive thing, it needs to be a privilege that people are only granted as much of as they can handle. In high school students are given a range of classes they are allowed to choose from, but ultimately they are still controlled by teachers and parents. As children grow up they are given freedom in stages, a little but at a time so it is never too overwhelming. Until one reaches full adulthood, there will always be other people that have control over certain factors of their life. This is necessary for most children to be successful in school so that they can later reach their aspirations in life. However, more content... "Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed. Never shall I forget that smoke. Never shall I forget the small faces of the children whose bodies I saw transformed into smoke under a silent sky... Never shall I forget those moments, which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust. Never shall I forget these things, even if I am condemned to live as long as God himself. Never," (Wiesel 34). The novel Night uses vivid imagery to construe some of the awful events that took place during the Holocaust, events that could have been prevented had a single person not been given absolute power over everyone else. The main character will never be able to forget these things because "Nothing in Eliezer's religious studies has prepared him for the sight of children being burned alive in pits, a sight made all the more horrific for readers by our knowledge of his own youth and the youth of his sister Tzipora, from whom he has been separated forever," (Dougherty). Had these things been prevented it would have saved many people, Eliezer being among them, from immense amounts of physical and emotion pain. The examples from this novel prove the ramifications of one becoming too fond of controlling others around Get more content on
  • 19. Night By Elie Wiesel Night One of my favorite books I have ever read was Night by Elie Wiesel. In the memoir Night by Elie Wiesel, Wiesel tells a horrific tale of a Jewish teenager's experiences in the Holocaust. This story takes place in Germany at several different concentration camps, one being Auschwitz. Throughout this heart wrenching story, Elie Wiesel falls victim to one of the millions of Jews getting taken from their home and out into camps during the Holocaust . The book Night has a title which symbolizes death. The novel has a theme of family; a lot of people take for granted their family and the ties between them. In the book, the character Elie matures from a young teenager into a strong man with many qualities, including being a brave, loyal, more content... Throughout the book, Elie grows from a young, scared teenager into a strong leader. He led his father through his final days when he could no longer fend for himself and also helped many others along the way. The author, Elie Wiesel, is an amazing leader and even now, having lived through the unimaginable, still talks about what happened and educates people about the past. He does not possess hatred or revenge. The Holocaust is a very heart wrenching topic to talk about considering his whole family died in it and his father died right in front of his eyes. Yet, he still leads our community in serving others, educating us about everything that happened, opening up and talking about it for all to hear. To me, this truly exemplifies an outstanding Get more content on
  • 20. Essay Themes in "Night" by Elie Wiesel THemes 1.) Man's inhumanity to man Removal of human looks that defined who they are * Same uniform * Cut hair to remove individuality. * "In a few seconds we had ceased to be men" 37 * "I became A–7713. From then on, I had no other name"42 The harshness of the camp quickly transformed them into selfish indifferent people * "I had not even blinked, only yesterday I would have dug my nails into the criminals flesh" 39 * "you're killing your father"101 * "The old man mumbled something, groaned and died. Nobody cared" 101 * "I shall never forgive myself. Nor shall I forgive the world for having pushed me against the wall, for having turned me into a stranger, for having awakened in me the basest, more content... Without love or mercy. I was nothing but ashes now" 68 * "But as soon as he felt the first chinks in his faith, he lost all incentive to fight and opened the door to death" 77 * "I have more faith in Hitler than anybody else. He alone has kept his promises, all his promises to the Jewish people." 81 * " I suffer hell in my soul and in my flesh... how can anybody believe in this God of mercy" 3.) Kindness in adversity Helping each other out in times of need * Elie's father made sure Elie didn't "fall asleep forever" in the snow despite his exhaustion. Pg 88 * The French girl risked her life by saying to Elie in almost perfect German, "don't cry. Keep your anger, your hate, for another day, for later. The day will come but not now... wait. Clench your teeth and wait" * "Elie even gave his dying father extra rations, despite being told to "stop giving your ration of bread and soup too your old father... in fact you should be getting his rations." * Working through the struggles together see father son relationships Elie and father * "No. You're eighteen... Not fifty. You're forty. Dou you hear? Get more content on