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Nina Zakharenko
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This talk is for you if:
You're an intermediate python programmer
You're coming to python from another language
You want to learn about language features like: magic
methods, iterators, decorators, and context managers
elegant code?
How do we make code elegant?
We pick the right tool for the job!
Resources for converting from Python 2 -> 3
Beauty is
in the eye of
the beholder
Magic methods start and end with a double underscore
By implementing a few straightforward magic methods,
you can make your objects behave like built-ins such as:
and more...
class Money:
currency_rates = {
'$': 1,
'€': 0.88,
def __init__(self, symbol, amount):
self.symbol = symbol
self.amount = amount
def __str__(self):
return '%s%.2f' % (self.symbol, self.amount)
class Money:
currency_rates = {
'$': 1,
'€': 0.88,
def __init__(self, symbol, amount):
self.symbol = symbol
self.amount = amount
def __str__(self):
return '%s%.2f' % (self.symbol, self.amount)
class Money:
# defined currency_rates, __init__, and str above...
def convert(self, other):
"""Convert other amount to our currency"""
new_amount = (
other.amount / self.currency_rates[other.symbol]
* self.currency_rates[self.symbol])
return Money(self.symbol, new_amount)
__str__ in action
>>> soda_cost = Money('$', 5.25)
>>> print(soda_cost)
>>> pizza_cost = Money('€', 7.99)
>>> print(pizza_cost)
class Money:
def __add__(self, other):
""" Add 2 Money instances using '+' """
new_amount = self.amount + self.convert(other).amount
return Money(self.symbol, new_amount)
>>> soda_cost = Money('$', 5.25)
>>> pizza_cost = Money('€', 7.99)
>>> print(soda_cost + pizza_cost)
More on Magic Methods: Dive into Python3 - Special Method
>>> soda_cost = Money('$', 5.25)
>>> pizza_cost = Money('€', 7.99)
>>> print(soda_cost + pizza_cost)
>>> print(pizza_cost + soda_cost)
More on Magic Methods: Dive into Python3 - Special Method
some magic methods map to symbols
>>> d = {'one': 1, 'two': 2}
>>> d['two']
>>> d.__getitem__('two')
other magic methods map to built-in functions
class SquareShape:
def __len__(self):
""" Return the number of sides in our shape """
return 4
>>> my_square = SquareShape()
>>> len(my_square)
image source
Making classes iterable
In order to be iterable, a class needs to implement
__iter__() must return an iterator
In order to be an iterator a class needs to implement
__next__() which must raise StopIteration when
there are no more items to return
Great explanation of iterable vs. iterator vs. generator
We have a Server instance running services on
different ports.
Some services are active, some are inactive.
When we loop over our the Server instance, we only
want to loop over active services.
class IterableServer:
services = [
{'active': False, 'protocol': 'ftp', 'port': 21},
{'active': True, 'protocol': 'ssh', 'port': 22},
{'active': True, 'protocol': 'http', 'port': 80},
class IterableServer:
def __init__(self):
self.current_pos = 0
def __iter__(self):
# can return self, because __next__ implemented
return self
def __next__(self):
while self.current_pos < len(
service =[self.current_pos]
self.current_pos += 1
if service['active']:
return service['protocol'], service['port']
raise StopIteration
class IterableServer:
def __init__(self):
self.current_pos = 0
def __iter__(self):
# can return self, because __next__ implemented
return self
def __next__(self):
while self.current_pos < len(
service =[self.current_pos]
self.current_pos += 1
if service['active']:
return service['protocol'], service['port']
raise StopIteration
>>> for protocol, port in IterableServer():
print('service %s on port %d' % (protocol, port))
service ssh on port 22
service http on port 80
loops over all active services ... not bad
tip: use a generator
when your iterator doesn't need to
maintain a lot of state
(which is most of the time)
class Server:
services = [
{'active': False, 'protocol': 'ftp', 'port': 21},
{'active': True, 'protocol': 'ssh', 'port': 22},
{'active': True, 'protocol': 'http', 'port': 21},
def __iter__(self):
for service in
if service['active']:
yield service['protocol'], service['port']
class Server:
services = [
{'active': False, 'protocol': 'ftp', 'port': 21},
{'active': True, 'protocol': 'ssh', 'port': 22},
{'active': True, 'protocol': 'http', 'port': 21},
def __iter__(self):
for service in
if service['active']:
yield service['protocol'], service['port']
Why does this work?
use single parenthesis ( ) to create a generator
^ technically, a generator expression but I like this term better, and so does Ned
>>> my_gen = (num for num in range(1))
>>> my_gen
<generator object <genexpr> at 0x107581bf8>
An iterator must implement __next__()
>>> next(my_gen) # __next__() maps to built-in next()
and raise StopIteration when there are no more elements
>>> next(my_gen)
... StopIteration Traceback (most recent call last)
see itertools for working with iterators
alias methods
class Word:
def __init__(self, word):
self.word = word
def __repr__(self):
return self.word
def __add__(self, other_word):
return Word('%s %s' % (self.word, other_word))
# Add an alias from method __add__ to the method concat
concat = __add__
We can add an alias from __add__ to concat because
methods are just objects
>>> # remember, concat = __add__
>>> first_name = Word('Max')
>>> last_name = Word('Smith')
>>> first_name + last_name
Max Smith
>>> first_name.concat(last_name)
Max Smith
>>> Word.__add__ == Word.concat
Dog class
>>> class Dog:
sound = 'Bark'
def speak(self):
print(self.sound + '!', self.sound + '!')
>>> my_dog = Dog()
>>> my_dog.speak()
Bark! Bark!
read the docs
getattr(object, name, default)
>>> class Dog:
sound = 'Bark'
def speak(self):
print(self.sound + '!', self.sound + '!')
>>> my_dog = Dog()
>>> my_dog.speak()
Bark! Bark!
>>> getattr(my_dog, 'speak')
<bound method Dog.speak of
<__main__.Dog object at 0x10b145f28>>
>>> speak_method = getattr(my_dog, 'speak')
>>> speak_method()
Bark! Bark!
getattr(object, name, default)
>>> class Dog:
sound = 'Bark'
def speak(self):
print(self.sound + '!', self.sound + '!')
>>> my_dog = Dog()
>>> my_dog.speak()
Bark! Bark!
>>> getattr(my_dog, 'speak')
<bound method Dog.speak of
<__main__.Dog object at 0x10b145f28>>
>>> speak_method = getattr(my_dog, 'speak')
>>> speak_method()
Bark! Bark!
Example: command line tool with dynamic commands
class Operations:
def say_hi(self, name):
print('Hello,', name)
def say_bye(self, name):
print('Goodbye,', name)
def default(self, arg):
print('This operation is not supported.')
if __name__ == '__main__':
operations = Operations()
# let's assume error handling
command, argument = input('> ').split()
getattr(operations, command, operations.default)(argument)
read the docs
$ python
> say_hi Nina
Hello, Nina
> blah blah
This operation is not supported.
additional reading - inverse of getattr() is setattr()
functools.partial(func, *args, **kwargs)
Return a new partial object which behaves like func
called with args & kwargs
if more arguments are passed in, they are appended
to args
if more keyword arguments are passed in, they extend
and override kwargs
read the docs on partials
functool.partial(func, *args, **kwargs)
# We want to be able to call this function on any int
# without having to specify the base.
>>> int('10010', base=2)
>>> from functools import partial
>>> basetwo = partial(int, base=2)
>>> basetwo
<functools.partial object at 0x1085a09f0>
>>> basetwo('10010')
read the docs on partials
functool.partial(func, *args, **kwargs)
# We want to be able to call this function on any int
# without having to specify the base.
>>> int('10010', base=2)
>>> from functools import partial
>>> basetwo = partial(int, base=2)
>>> basetwo
<functools.partial object at 0x1085a09f0>
>>> basetwo('10010')
read the docs on partials
functool.partial(func, *args, **kwargs)
# We want to be able to call this function on any int
# without having to specify the base.
>>> int('10010', base=2)
>>> from functools import partial
>>> basetwo = partial(int, base=2)
>>> basetwo
<functools.partial object at 0x1085a09f0>
>>> basetwo('10010')
read the docs on partials
magic methods
& method magic
in action!
photo credit
library I
agithub is a (poorly named) REST API client with
transparent syntax which facilitates rapid prototyping
— on any REST API!
Implemented in ~400 lines.
Add support for any REST API in ~30 lines of code.
agithub knows everything it needs to about protocol
(REST, HTTP, etc), but assumes nothing about your
upstream API.
define endpoint url & other connection properties
class GitHub(API):
def __init__(self, token=None, *args, **kwargs):
props = ConnectionProperties(
api_url = kwargs.pop('api_url', ''))
self.setClient(Client(*args, **kwargs))
then, start using the API!
>>> gh = GitHub('token')
>>> status, data = gh.user.repos.get()
>>> # ^ Maps to GET /user/repos
>>> data
... ['tweeter', 'snipey', '...']
404 if we provide a path that doesn't exist:
>>> gh = GitHub('token')
>>> status, data = gh.this.path.doesnt.exist.get()
>>> status
... 404
but, how?...
class API:
def __getattr__(self, key):
return IncompleteRequest(self.client).__getattr__(key)
__getitem__ = __getattr__
class IncompleteRequest:
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key in self.client.http_methods:
htmlMethod = getattr(self.client, key)
return partial(htmlMethod, url=self.url)
self.url += '/' + str(key)
return self
__getitem__ = __getattr__
class Client:
http_methods = ('get') # ...
def get(self, url, headers={}, **params):
return self.request('GET', url, None, headers) source:
class API:
def __getattr__(self, key):
return IncompleteRequest(self.client).__getattr__(key)
__getitem__ = __getattr__
class IncompleteRequest:
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key in self.client.http_methods:
htmlMethod = getattr(self.client, key)
return partial(htmlMethod, url=self.url)
self.url += '/' + str(key)
return self
__getitem__ = __getattr__
class Client:
http_methods = ('get') # ...
def get(self, url, headers={}, **params):
return self.request('GET', url, None, headers) source:
class API:
def __getattr__(self, key):
return IncompleteRequest(self.client).__getattr__(key)
__getitem__ = __getattr__
class IncompleteRequest:
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key in self.client.http_methods:
htmlMethod = getattr(self.client, key)
return partial(htmlMethod, url=self.url)
self.url += '/' + str(key)
return self
__getitem__ = __getattr__
class Client:
http_methods = ('get') # ...
def get(self, url, headers={}, **params):
return self.request('GET', url, None, headers) source:
When should I use one?
Need to perform an action before and/or after an
Common scenarios:
Closing a resource after you're done with it (file,
network connection)
Perform cleanup before/after a function call
Example Problem: Feature Flags
Turn features of your application on and off easily.
Uses of feature flags:
A/B Testing
Rolling Releases
Show Beta version to users opted-in to Beta Testing
More on Feature Flags
class FeatureFlags:
SHOW_BETA = 'Show Beta version of Home Page'
flags = {
def is_on(cls, name):
return cls.flags[name]
def toggle(cls, name, value):
cls.flags[name] = value
feature_flags = FeatureFlags()
How do we temporarily turn features on and off when
testing flags?
with feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA):
assert '/beta' == get_homepage_url()
Using Magic Methods __enter__ and __exit__
class feature_flag:
""" Implementing a Context Manager using Magic Methods """
def __init__(self, name, on=True): = name
self.on = on
self.old_value = feature_flags.is_on(name)
def __enter__(self):
feature_flags.toggle(, self.on)
def __exit__(self, *args):
feature_flags.toggle(, self.old_value)
See: contextlib.contextmanager
The be!er way: using the contextmanager decorator
from contextlib import contextmanager
def feature_flag(name, on=True):
old_value = feature_flags.is_on(name)
feature_flags.toggle(name, on)
feature_flags.toggle(name, old_value)
See: contextlib.contextmanager
The be!er way: using the contextmanager decorator
from contextlib import contextmanager
def feature_flag(name, on=True):
""" The easier way to create Context Managers """
old_value = feature_flags.is_on(name)
# behavior of __enter__()
feature_flags.toggle(name, on)
# behavior of __exit__()
feature_flags.toggle(name, old_value)
See: contextlib.contextmanager
Note: yield?
from contextlib import contextmanager
def feature_flag(name, on=True):
""" The easier way to create Context Managers """
old_value = feature_flags.is_on(name)
feature_flags.toggle(name, on) # behavior of __enter__()
feature_flags.toggle(name, old_value) # behavior of __exit__()
See: contextlib.contextmanager
either implementation
def get_homepage_url():
""" Returns the path of the page to display """
if feature_flags.is_on(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA):
return '/beta'
return '/homepage'
def test_homepage_url_with_context_manager():
with feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA):
# saw the beta homepage...
assert get_homepage_url() == '/beta'
with feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA, on=False):
# saw the standard homepage...
assert get_homepage_url() == '/homepage'
either implementation
def get_homepage_url():
""" Returns the path of the page to display """
if feature_flags.is_on(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA):
return '/beta'
return '/homepage'
def test_homepage_url_with_context_manager():
with feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA):
assert get_homepage_url() == '/beta'
print('seeing the beta homepage...')
with feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA, on=False):
assert get_homepage_url() == '/homepage'
print('seeing the standard homepage...')
The simple explanation:
Syntactic sugar that allows modification of an underlying
Wrap a function in another function.
Do something:
before the call
after the call
with provided arguments
modify the return value or arguments
class User:
is_authenticated = False
def __init__(self, name): = name
Throw an exception if trying to access data only for
logged in users:
def display_profile_page(user):
""" Display profile page for logged in User """
if not user.is_authenticated:
raise Exception('User must login.')
print('Profile: %s' %
def enforce_authentication(func):
def wrapper(user):
if not user.is_authenticated:
raise Exception('User must login.')
return func(user)
return wrapper
the important logic:
def enforce_authentication(func):
def wrapper(user):
if not user.is_authenticated:
raise Exception('User must login.')
return func(user)
return wrapper
Using enforce_authentication without a decorator:
Or, as a decorator:
def display_profile_page(user):
print('Profile: %s' %
Now this raises an Exception if unauthenticated:
user = User('nina')
Problem: lost context using a decorator
>>> display_profile_page.__name__
>>>> display_profile_page.__doc__
# ... empty
Solution: Use contextlib.wraps
from contextlib import wraps
def enforce_authentication(func):
def wrapper(user):
# ... rest of the code
Decorators: Common uses
rate limiting
+ Decorators combined.
By using ContextDecorator you can easily write
classes that can be used both as decorators with @
and context managers with the with statement.
ContextDecorator is used by contextmanager(),
so you get this functionality automatically .
Or, you can write a class that extends from
ContextDecorator or uses ContextDecorator as a
mixin, and implements __enter__, __exit__ and
Remember @contextmanager from earlier?
from contextlib import contextmanager
def feature_flag(name, on=True):
old_value = feature_flags.is_on(name)
feature_flags.toggle(name, on)
feature_flags.toggle(name, old_value)
use it as a context manager
with feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA):
assert get_homepage_url() == '/beta'
or use as a decorator
@feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA, on=False)
def get_profile_page():
beta_flag_on = feature_flags.is_on(
if beta_flag_on:
return 'beta.html'
return 'profile.html'
library I
: freezegun
lets your python tests ❇ travel through time! ❇
from freezegun import freeze_time
# use it as a Context Manager
def test():
with freeze_time("2012-01-14"):
assert == datetime.datetime(
2012, 1, 14)
assert != datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 14)
# or a decorator
def test():
assert == datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 14)
read the source sometime, it's mind-bending!
Useful when you need lightweight representations of
Create tuple subclasses with named fields.
from collections import namedtuple
CacheInfo = namedtuple(
"CacheInfo", ["hits", "misses", "max_size", "curr_size"])
Giving NamedTuples default values
RoutingRule = namedtuple(
['prefix', 'queue_name', 'wait_time']
(1) By specifying defaults
RoutingRule.__new__.__defaults__ = (None, None, 20)
(2) or with _replace to customize a prototype instance
default_rule = RoutingRule(None, None, 20)
user_rule = default_rule._replace(
prefix='user', queue_name='user-queue')
NamedTuples can be subclassed and extended
class Person(namedtuple('Person', ['first_name', 'last_name'])):
""" Stores first and last name of a Person"""
def __str__(self):
return '%s %s' % (self.first_name, self.last_name)
>>> me = Person('nina', 'zakharenko')
>>> str(me)
'nina zakharenko'
>>> me
Person(first_name='nina', last_name='zakharenko')
New Tools
Magic Methods
make your objects behave like builtins (numbers,
list, dict, etc)
Method ❇Magic❇
alias methods
Manage resources
do something before/after call, modify return value
or validate arguments
ContextManagers + Decorators in one
Iterators & Generators
Loop over your objects
Lightweight classes
"Perfection is achieved, not when
there is nothing more to add, but
when there is nothing left to take
— Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Be an
python@ microso!

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Elegant Solutions for Everyday Python Problems Pycon 2018 - Nina Zakharenko

  • 2. slides: h!p:// This talk is for you if: You're an intermediate python programmer You're coming to python from another language You want to learn about language features like: magic methods, iterators, decorators, and context managers @nnja
  • 4. How do we make code elegant? We pick the right tool for the job! Resources for converting from Python 2 -> 3
  • 5. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
  • 7. Magic methods start and end with a double underscore (dunder) By implementing a few straightforward magic methods, you can make your objects behave like built-ins such as: numbers lists dictionaries and more... @nnja
  • 8. class Money: currency_rates = { '$': 1, '€': 0.88, } def __init__(self, symbol, amount): self.symbol = symbol self.amount = amount def __str__(self): return '%s%.2f' % (self.symbol, self.amount) @nnja
  • 9. class Money: currency_rates = { '$': 1, '€': 0.88, } def __init__(self, symbol, amount): self.symbol = symbol self.amount = amount def __str__(self): return '%s%.2f' % (self.symbol, self.amount) @nnja
  • 10. class Money: # defined currency_rates, __init__, and str above... def convert(self, other): """Convert other amount to our currency""" new_amount = ( other.amount / self.currency_rates[other.symbol] * self.currency_rates[self.symbol]) return Money(self.symbol, new_amount) @nnja
  • 11. __str__ in action >>> soda_cost = Money('$', 5.25) >>> print(soda_cost) $5.25 >>> pizza_cost = Money('€', 7.99) >>> print(pizza_cost) €7.99 @nnja
  • 12. class Money: def __add__(self, other): """ Add 2 Money instances using '+' """ new_amount = self.amount + self.convert(other).amount return Money(self.symbol, new_amount) @nnja
  • 13. >>> soda_cost = Money('$', 5.25) >>> pizza_cost = Money('€', 7.99) >>> print(soda_cost + pizza_cost) $14.33 More on Magic Methods: Dive into Python3 - Special Method Names
  • 14. >>> soda_cost = Money('$', 5.25) >>> pizza_cost = Money('€', 7.99) >>> print(soda_cost + pizza_cost) $14.33 >>> print(pizza_cost + soda_cost) €12.61 More on Magic Methods: Dive into Python3 - Special Method Names
  • 15. some magic methods map to symbols >>> d = {'one': 1, 'two': 2} >>> d['two'] 2 >>> d.__getitem__('two') 2 @nnja
  • 16. other magic methods map to built-in functions class SquareShape: def __len__(self): """ Return the number of sides in our shape """ return 4 >>> my_square = SquareShape() >>> len(my_square) 4 @nnja
  • 18. Making classes iterable In order to be iterable, a class needs to implement __iter__() __iter__() must return an iterator In order to be an iterator a class needs to implement __next__() which must raise StopIteration when there are no more items to return Great explanation of iterable vs. iterator vs. generator
  • 19. Scenario.. We have a Server instance running services on different ports. Some services are active, some are inactive. When we loop over our the Server instance, we only want to loop over active services. @nnja
  • 20. class IterableServer: services = [ {'active': False, 'protocol': 'ftp', 'port': 21}, {'active': True, 'protocol': 'ssh', 'port': 22}, {'active': True, 'protocol': 'http', 'port': 80}, ] @nnja
  • 21. class IterableServer: def __init__(self): self.current_pos = 0 def __iter__(self): # can return self, because __next__ implemented return self def __next__(self): while self.current_pos < len( service =[self.current_pos] self.current_pos += 1 if service['active']: return service['protocol'], service['port'] raise StopIteration @nnja
  • 22. class IterableServer: def __init__(self): self.current_pos = 0 def __iter__(self): # can return self, because __next__ implemented return self def __next__(self): while self.current_pos < len( service =[self.current_pos] self.current_pos += 1 if service['active']: return service['protocol'], service['port'] raise StopIteration @nnja
  • 23. >>> for protocol, port in IterableServer(): print('service %s on port %d' % (protocol, port)) service ssh on port 22 service http on port 80 loops over all active services ... not bad @nnja
  • 24. tip: use a generator when your iterator doesn't need to maintain a lot of state (which is most of the time) @nnja
  • 25. class Server: services = [ {'active': False, 'protocol': 'ftp', 'port': 21}, {'active': True, 'protocol': 'ssh', 'port': 22}, {'active': True, 'protocol': 'http', 'port': 21}, ] def __iter__(self): for service in if service['active']: yield service['protocol'], service['port'] @nnja
  • 26. class Server: services = [ {'active': False, 'protocol': 'ftp', 'port': 21}, {'active': True, 'protocol': 'ssh', 'port': 22}, {'active': True, 'protocol': 'http', 'port': 21}, ] def __iter__(self): for service in if service['active']: yield service['protocol'], service['port'] @nnja
  • 27. Why does this work? use single parenthesis ( ) to create a generator comprehension ^ technically, a generator expression but I like this term better, and so does Ned Batchelder >>> my_gen = (num for num in range(1)) >>> my_gen <generator object <genexpr> at 0x107581bf8> @nnja
  • 28. An iterator must implement __next__() >>> next(my_gen) # __next__() maps to built-in next() 0 and raise StopIteration when there are no more elements >>> next(my_gen) ... StopIteration Traceback (most recent call last) see itertools for working with iterators
  • 30. alias methods class Word: def __init__(self, word): self.word = word def __repr__(self): return self.word def __add__(self, other_word): return Word('%s %s' % (self.word, other_word)) # Add an alias from method __add__ to the method concat concat = __add__ @nnja
  • 31. We can add an alias from __add__ to concat because methods are just objects >>> # remember, concat = __add__ >>> first_name = Word('Max') >>> last_name = Word('Smith') >>> first_name + last_name Max Smith >>> first_name.concat(last_name) Max Smith >>> Word.__add__ == Word.concat True @nnja
  • 32. Dog class >>> class Dog: sound = 'Bark' def speak(self): print(self.sound + '!', self.sound + '!') >>> my_dog = Dog() >>> my_dog.speak() Bark! Bark! read the docs
  • 33. getattr(object, name, default) >>> class Dog: sound = 'Bark' def speak(self): print(self.sound + '!', self.sound + '!') >>> my_dog = Dog() >>> my_dog.speak() Bark! Bark! >>> getattr(my_dog, 'speak') <bound method Dog.speak of <__main__.Dog object at 0x10b145f28>> >>> speak_method = getattr(my_dog, 'speak') >>> speak_method() Bark! Bark!
  • 34. getattr(object, name, default) >>> class Dog: sound = 'Bark' def speak(self): print(self.sound + '!', self.sound + '!') >>> my_dog = Dog() >>> my_dog.speak() Bark! Bark! >>> getattr(my_dog, 'speak') <bound method Dog.speak of <__main__.Dog object at 0x10b145f28>> >>> speak_method = getattr(my_dog, 'speak') >>> speak_method() Bark! Bark!
  • 35. Example: command line tool with dynamic commands class Operations: def say_hi(self, name): print('Hello,', name) def say_bye(self, name): print('Goodbye,', name) def default(self, arg): print('This operation is not supported.') if __name__ == '__main__': operations = Operations() # let's assume error handling command, argument = input('> ').split() getattr(operations, command, operations.default)(argument) read the docs
  • 36. Output $ python > say_hi Nina Hello, Nina > blah blah This operation is not supported. ✨ additional reading - inverse of getattr() is setattr()
  • 37. functools.partial(func, *args, **kwargs) Return a new partial object which behaves like func called with args & kwargs if more arguments are passed in, they are appended to args if more keyword arguments are passed in, they extend and override kwargs read the docs on partials
  • 38. functool.partial(func, *args, **kwargs) # We want to be able to call this function on any int # without having to specify the base. >>> int('10010', base=2) 18 >>> from functools import partial >>> basetwo = partial(int, base=2) >>> basetwo <functools.partial object at 0x1085a09f0> >>> basetwo('10010') 18 read the docs on partials
  • 39. functool.partial(func, *args, **kwargs) # We want to be able to call this function on any int # without having to specify the base. >>> int('10010', base=2) 18 >>> from functools import partial >>> basetwo = partial(int, base=2) >>> basetwo <functools.partial object at 0x1085a09f0> >>> basetwo('10010') 18 read the docs on partials
  • 40. functool.partial(func, *args, **kwargs) # We want to be able to call this function on any int # without having to specify the base. >>> int('10010', base=2) 18 >>> from functools import partial >>> basetwo = partial(int, base=2) >>> basetwo <functools.partial object at 0x1085a09f0> >>> basetwo('10010') 18 read the docs on partials
  • 41. magic methods & method magic in action! photo credit
  • 42. library I ! : agithub is a (poorly named) REST API client with transparent syntax which facilitates rapid prototyping — on any REST API! Implemented in ~400 lines. Add support for any REST API in ~30 lines of code. agithub knows everything it needs to about protocol (REST, HTTP, etc), but assumes nothing about your upstream API. @nnja
  • 43. define endpoint url & other connection properties class GitHub(API): def __init__(self, token=None, *args, **kwargs): props = ConnectionProperties( api_url = kwargs.pop('api_url', '')) self.setClient(Client(*args, **kwargs)) self.setConnectionProperties(props) @nnja
  • 44. then, start using the API! >>> gh = GitHub('token') >>> status, data = gh.user.repos.get() >>> # ^ Maps to GET /user/repos >>> data ... ['tweeter', 'snipey', '...']
  • 45. 404 if we provide a path that doesn't exist: >>> gh = GitHub('token') >>> status, data = gh.this.path.doesnt.exist.get() >>> status ... 404
  • 47. class API: def __getattr__(self, key): return IncompleteRequest(self.client).__getattr__(key) __getitem__ = __getattr__ class IncompleteRequest: def __getattr__(self, key): if key in self.client.http_methods: htmlMethod = getattr(self.client, key) return partial(htmlMethod, url=self.url) else: self.url += '/' + str(key) return self __getitem__ = __getattr__ class Client: http_methods = ('get') # ... def get(self, url, headers={}, **params): return self.request('GET', url, None, headers) source:
  • 48. class API: def __getattr__(self, key): return IncompleteRequest(self.client).__getattr__(key) __getitem__ = __getattr__ class IncompleteRequest: def __getattr__(self, key): if key in self.client.http_methods: htmlMethod = getattr(self.client, key) return partial(htmlMethod, url=self.url) else: self.url += '/' + str(key) return self __getitem__ = __getattr__ class Client: http_methods = ('get') # ... def get(self, url, headers={}, **params): return self.request('GET', url, None, headers) source:
  • 49. class API: def __getattr__(self, key): return IncompleteRequest(self.client).__getattr__(key) __getitem__ = __getattr__ class IncompleteRequest: def __getattr__(self, key): if key in self.client.http_methods: htmlMethod = getattr(self.client, key) return partial(htmlMethod, url=self.url) else: self.url += '/' + str(key) return self __getitem__ = __getattr__ class Client: http_methods = ('get') # ... def get(self, url, headers={}, **params): return self.request('GET', url, None, headers) source:
  • 51. When should I use one? Need to perform an action before and/or after an operation. Common scenarios: Closing a resource after you're done with it (file, network connection) Perform cleanup before/after a function call @nnja
  • 52. Example Problem: Feature Flags Turn features of your application on and off easily. Uses of feature flags: A/B Testing Rolling Releases Show Beta version to users opted-in to Beta Testing Program More on Feature Flags
  • 53. class FeatureFlags: SHOW_BETA = 'Show Beta version of Home Page' flags = { SHOW_BETA: True } @classmethod def is_on(cls, name): return cls.flags[name] @classmethod def toggle(cls, name, value): cls.flags[name] = value feature_flags = FeatureFlags() @nnja
  • 54. How do we temporarily turn features on and off when testing flags? Want: with feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA): assert '/beta' == get_homepage_url() @nnja
  • 55. Using Magic Methods __enter__ and __exit__ class feature_flag: """ Implementing a Context Manager using Magic Methods """ def __init__(self, name, on=True): = name self.on = on self.old_value = feature_flags.is_on(name) def __enter__(self): feature_flags.toggle(, self.on) def __exit__(self, *args): feature_flags.toggle(, self.old_value) See: contextlib.contextmanager
  • 56. The be!er way: using the contextmanager decorator from contextlib import contextmanager @contextmanager def feature_flag(name, on=True): old_value = feature_flags.is_on(name) feature_flags.toggle(name, on) yield feature_flags.toggle(name, old_value) See: contextlib.contextmanager
  • 57. The be!er way: using the contextmanager decorator from contextlib import contextmanager @contextmanager def feature_flag(name, on=True): """ The easier way to create Context Managers """ old_value = feature_flags.is_on(name) # behavior of __enter__() feature_flags.toggle(name, on) yield # behavior of __exit__() feature_flags.toggle(name, old_value) See: contextlib.contextmanager
  • 58. Note: yield? from contextlib import contextmanager @contextmanager def feature_flag(name, on=True): """ The easier way to create Context Managers """ old_value = feature_flags.is_on(name) feature_flags.toggle(name, on) # behavior of __enter__() yield feature_flags.toggle(name, old_value) # behavior of __exit__() See: contextlib.contextmanager
  • 59. either implementation def get_homepage_url(): """ Returns the path of the page to display """ if feature_flags.is_on(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA): return '/beta' else: return '/homepage' def test_homepage_url_with_context_manager(): with feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA): # saw the beta homepage... assert get_homepage_url() == '/beta' with feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA, on=False): # saw the standard homepage... assert get_homepage_url() == '/homepage'
  • 60. either implementation def get_homepage_url(): """ Returns the path of the page to display """ if feature_flags.is_on(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA): return '/beta' else: return '/homepage' def test_homepage_url_with_context_manager(): with feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA): assert get_homepage_url() == '/beta' print('seeing the beta homepage...') with feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA, on=False): assert get_homepage_url() == '/homepage' print('seeing the standard homepage...')
  • 61. Decorators The simple explanation: Syntactic sugar that allows modification of an underlying function. @nnja
  • 62. Decorators: Wrap a function in another function. Do something: before the call after the call with provided arguments modify the return value or arguments @nnja
  • 63. class User: is_authenticated = False def __init__(self, name): = name Throw an exception if trying to access data only for logged in users: def display_profile_page(user): """ Display profile page for logged in User """ if not user.is_authenticated: raise Exception('User must login.') print('Profile: %s' %
  • 64. def enforce_authentication(func): def wrapper(user): if not user.is_authenticated: raise Exception('User must login.') return func(user) return wrapper the important logic: def enforce_authentication(func): def wrapper(user): if not user.is_authenticated: raise Exception('User must login.') return func(user) return wrapper @nnja
  • 65. Using enforce_authentication without a decorator: enforce_authentication(display_profile_page)(some_user) Or, as a decorator: @enforce_authentication def display_profile_page(user): print('Profile: %s' % Now this raises an Exception if unauthenticated: user = User('nina') display_profile_page(nina)
  • 66. Problem: lost context using a decorator >>> display_profile_page.__name__ 'wrapper' >>>> display_profile_page.__doc__ # ... empty Solution: Use contextlib.wraps from contextlib import wraps def enforce_authentication(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(user): # ... rest of the code
  • 69. By using ContextDecorator you can easily write classes that can be used both as decorators with @ and context managers with the with statement. ContextDecorator is used by contextmanager(), so you get this functionality automatically . Or, you can write a class that extends from ContextDecorator or uses ContextDecorator as a mixin, and implements __enter__, __exit__ and __call__ @nnja
  • 70. Remember @contextmanager from earlier? from contextlib import contextmanager @contextmanager def feature_flag(name, on=True): old_value = feature_flags.is_on(name) feature_flags.toggle(name, on) yield feature_flags.toggle(name, old_value) @nnja
  • 71. use it as a context manager with feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA): assert get_homepage_url() == '/beta' or use as a decorator @feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA, on=False) def get_profile_page(): beta_flag_on = feature_flags.is_on( FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA) if beta_flag_on: return 'beta.html' else: return 'profile.html'
  • 72. library I ! : freezegun lets your python tests ❇ travel through time! ❇ from freezegun import freeze_time # use it as a Context Manager def test(): with freeze_time("2012-01-14"): assert == datetime.datetime( 2012, 1, 14) assert != datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 14) # or a decorator @freeze_time("2012-01-14") def test(): assert == datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 14) read the source sometime, it's mind-bending!
  • 73. NamedTuple Useful when you need lightweight representations of data. Create tuple subclasses with named fields. @nnja
  • 74. Example from collections import namedtuple CacheInfo = namedtuple( "CacheInfo", ["hits", "misses", "max_size", "curr_size"]) @nnja
  • 75. Giving NamedTuples default values RoutingRule = namedtuple( 'RoutingRule', ['prefix', 'queue_name', 'wait_time'] ) (1) By specifying defaults RoutingRule.__new__.__defaults__ = (None, None, 20) (2) or with _replace to customize a prototype instance default_rule = RoutingRule(None, None, 20) user_rule = default_rule._replace( prefix='user', queue_name='user-queue')
  • 76. NamedTuples can be subclassed and extended class Person(namedtuple('Person', ['first_name', 'last_name'])): """ Stores first and last name of a Person""" def __str__(self): return '%s %s' % (self.first_name, self.last_name) >>> me = Person('nina', 'zakharenko') >>> str(me) 'nina zakharenko' >>> me Person(first_name='nina', last_name='zakharenko')
  • 77. New Tools Magic Methods make your objects behave like builtins (numbers, list, dict, etc) Method ❇Magic❇ alias methods getattr @nnja
  • 78. ContextManagers Manage resources Decorators do something before/after call, modify return value or validate arguments ContextDecorators ContextManagers + Decorators in one @nnja
  • 79. Iterators & Generators Loop over your objects yield NamedTuple Lightweight classes @nnja
  • 80. "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." — Antoine de Saint-Exupery @nnja