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Effect of Text Messaging on Teen Age Students
A Study on impact of text messaging on teen age students Prepared by
Rambhu kumar(11) Komal jaiswal(15)
Pankaj kakani(17) Sukirti keswani(18) Nitin maske(19)
Introduction 1
See it? Hear it? Take it! This is still the mantra of many schools across the country that succinctly summarizes the policy concerning cell phones in
schools; in essence, they are banned. Yet, most teenagers are nearly inseparable from their cell phones, not because they are constantly talking, but
because they are connecting with their friends through more content...
Need for study
With general overview of today's society, cell phones are becoming a modern day necessity among teenagers. The reason why they are in so much
demand is because of text messaging which is the most popular mode of communication these days. The need to study this particular topic is to find
out the impact of this mode of communication on teenagers, both positive and negative. And also to see whether it is actually a necessity or just a
trend which is followed because of its popularity. In this research we are also going analyse the future impacts of text messaging on teenagers. How
mobile companies are using the increased use of text messaging to their advantage is also discussed in this research project.
Statement of problem There have been many ill effects on education pattern of students, because of these text messaging phenomena. The institutions
are finding it hard to cope with this habit of teenagers as it is leading to a lot of distraction and also parents are worried because of falling grades of
their kids. The biggest issue of all is that student are not ready to detach themselves from their mobile phone. That's why even if institutes and parents
come up with a solution to the problem, it is next to impossible to implement it.
1. To understand the habits of teenage
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Text Messaging Affecting Literacy
Text messaging has become a very popular way to communicate for teenagers and it seems to be altering the literacy of teens and also affecting the
way they speak.
Text messaging has lead to many teenagers to become iliterate. With more teens resorting to texts and emails to communicate with others the literacy is
changing over time.
The impact that text messaging has on literacy of teens is important because the generations will slowly become more reliant on the texting slang. As
the literacy decreases due to the texts and emails each generation will slowly create a new view of what literacy is.
Literacy is affected by different aspects of texting. The things that effect it include the access texting gives you to autocorrect, more content...
Teenagers use texting as their main way to communicate which forces away face to face talking and the requirement of using the correct way to read
write and speak.
The way teenagers speak such as saying acronyms in conversations and abbreviations for words out loud is proof that the grammar used to text is
affecting the words we use for communication.
Speaking to people of importance or even just a family friend would require you to have literacy skills so that they can understand what you are saying
but the generations to come may form a new thought of the requirements of what literacy is.
It is becoming evident that the way teenagers read write and speak is being impacted by the percentages rising of the numbers of text messages that are
being sent by teens daily.
The use of autocorrect that allows teens to not have to know how to correctly spell, cyber slang, and also the way texting creates a barrier from how
they speak are all affecting the literacy that is needed for
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The Message Of Text Messaging Essay
Text messaging turns out to be most prevalent path for youngsters to stay in touch with today and is also destroying the way we are communicating.
Presently we can utilize online networking to get our messages out to thousands or millions of individuals uncensored. Everything is always showing
signs of change; especially technology. Since change is unavoidable, rather than opposing it, individuals should figure out how to grasp and adjust to it.
With each new innovation comes the obligation of taking care of it. All technological innovations must be utilized with social and moral obligation.
This paper will clarify the Christian Worldview on the utilizationtext messaging and how technological innovation is supposed to be consumed
Text messaging is now the most popular form of daily communication between adults, new figures show. Text messaging has overtaken speaking on a
cellphone and up close and personal contact as the most–utilized strategy for every day correspondence in the middle of loved ones (Grant & Meadows
2014). The first text message was sent on December 3, 1992 by Neil Papworth, a 22 year old engineer from his personal computer. The text message
read "Merry Christmas." Omnipoint Communications, the principal GSM transporter in America, set up the first text messaging service in the United
States. Omnipoint not long after offered the primary messaging between the US and whatever remains of the world, beginning a 160 character smaller
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Q1 (texting) a.They were sharing about how Allie likes Mike. b.They were using cell phones and computers and just the internet in general. c.Each
person thought that they should share it with more people so it kept going and going. d.Mike could have found out about her crush on him. e.You
need to think before you send or post something. No because I would then become part of the problem. No because if it was about me or any of my
friends they might think that we are not professional.
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Text Messaging Research Paper
Technology has put modern times at the forefront of innovation propelling us at an astonishing and accelerating rate into the age of a technology
aided and driven society. These new resources and technologies are being eaten up by the youth of society. Improving all sorts of professions and
general livelihoods, from medical breakthroughs, education, and your mother's facebook these are all apart of the modern technology world. This has
added diversity, increasing and new interaction,bringing new perspectives and knowledge, bridging the world together for what people would think is
for the better. Out of the tools available there can be a negative side resulting from inappropriate or overuse of technology, and that negative side can more content...
I know many of us would feel like a part of our life is missing due to technology now being a necessity in our everyday life. However, the question is.
Does technology take away from interpersonal communication and interactions with our co–workers, peers, and colleagues? How many would have
rather talked to someone through text messaging, email, or social media to avoid a face to face communication? We may not realize it, but being
dependent upon technology has only conditioned us to become less social, interactive, and outgoing. when you go out with a group of friends,do you
find yourself fiddling or browsing on your phone due to the dullness of the conversation or some other reason. This is referred to as the security
blanket approach. The security blanket approach can be defined as an individual using a source of technology to protect themselves from being
interactive with another person or to simply occupy themselves in a situation that is not very interesting. There are many times I find myself going to
dinner with friends and as soon as there is a moment of silence or the conversation seems boring we instantly result to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter
to fulfill that sense or
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Texting And Communication Essay
Ever taken the advantage of texting or video call to communicate with people instead of gathering the confidence and talking in person? The amount of
texting in this society has increased gradually over the past decade with a percentage of over 7,700% (Burke). Since the development of communication
on modern technology, this generation's ability to communicate in person has been damaged through lack of face–to–face interactions and improper
grammar. Although texting and social media may benefit relationships in long distance, privacy is invaded and the lack of interactions in person
can damage relationships. Furthermore, texting has changed the way the world communicates because it provides an easier option for people to
choose to contact people. To begin with, texting has changed the way society in the 21st century communicates because it deprives social skills of a
person. The increasing amount of conversations developed on technology has affected the confidence and social skills of this generation because
communicating behind a screen is different from communicating in person. Before sending a message, an individual can erase and retype a
message before a mistake is sent. On the other hand, in a verbal conversation, errors are irreversible once something is said. Several people have
turned to technology to get over their fears of confronting people. Not only does this decrease the confidence of social skill in this generation, it also
increases cyberbullying, a form of
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Text Messaging As A Form Of Communication
Introduction As the years go by the form of communication used has changed from being a face to face meeting or conversation to what it is in
present day. The common form of communication in this day in age is text messaging through the use of a cell phone. This form of communication is
still increasing at a rapid rate with more text messages being sent per day. One group in particular that uses text messages as a primary form of
communication is teenagers (Tossell et al, 2011).Text messaging is a mixture of oral and written communication. Text messages are similar to other
electronic form of communication, but the mobile aspect and high interactive nature of it makes it different from the other electronic forms of
communication. more content...
In just their mannerisms, it was seen that females tend to take longer turns when texting. Females tend to have a higher chance of using emoticons
in text messages. The usage of emoticons in text messages was to be a buffer (Ling et al. 2014). Emoticons are graphic representation of facial
expressions that can be included in a text message (Tossell et al, 2011). It was found that the usage of exclamation points was higher for females
(Baron & Ling, 2011). The type of interaction that female use text messages for is more likely aligned or supportive (Ling et al, 2014). When
looking at the amount of text messages sent or made it was seen that females tend to text more frequently than males ( Ogletree, Fancher & Gill,
2014). In Ling et al ( 2014) study the female participants were more likely to send longer text messages. These text messages also had a more
open–ended and elaborated style to them. Females were also seen to use more "writing like" formulations when texting. Holtgrave ( 2014) study also
found that females used more words when texting. That study showed that females tend to use social words and pronouns more often, particularly
personal pronouns.
Masculinity and Communication In terms of the way that the male gender uses communication is more to the point than females. Males typically use
language to tell another person a fact or information about something rather than for telling gossips or other social news. Previous literature has found
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How Text Messaging Is Affecting Literacy Essay
Cindy Castro
Courtney Danforth
English 101
7 October 2016 The focus of my essay is to talk about how text messaging is affecting literacy in teenagers. In my paper I am going to include some
background on text messaging and how in the recent years it has affected the education of many students. I will include statists from various professors
who have written books or conducted studies that will support my topic.
The support I use will come from my extensive research on technology, focusing more on text messaging, and see how that is affecting students with
their literacy rates. The support will come from creditable sources. The authors will be professors who researched and experimented on this topic and
the support will be unbiased as well to give forth the best research one can find.
a.Introduce text messaging
i.Technology is all around us ii. Text messages started very early and involved into now.
b.Discuss the opinions professors have on texting
i.Some say it is beneficial to the literacy of students ii. Others argue and say it has a negative impact
c.Thesis: While it has been commonly assumed that texting has had a significant negative impact on student's literacy rates, others argue and support
the use of texting as it has imprinted a positive impact depending on the situation.
2.Body Paragraph 1: Positive effects
a.Texting and the roles
i."the more abbreviated words that were used, the higher verbal reasoning scores tended
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Instant Messaging
Based on the Merriam Webster dictionary, technology is a practical application of
knowledge to the practical aims of human life or to changing and manipulating the human
environment. Some examples of technologies include the use of our cell phone to send emails,
text messages, video call, and instant messaging. The technology that will be analyze in this
research paper is instant messaging better known as IM, important questions will be answered
such as What is instant messenger? How has it impacted people lives? Advantages and
disadvantages of this technology.
Instant messaging is a real time (you and the people you are speaking with are online
simultaneously) internet communication network that allows people to connect more content...
Instant messaging also allow for the sharing of
documents such as photos to friends or clients, persons using this technology can play games and
listen to music with friends and family online .This service is accessible from a computer, laptop,
tablet, or a smart phone however the user must install the software to their device, some
commonly used software are AIM (AOL instant messenger), Google talk, my space IM,
windows live messenger and yahoo Messenger. Instant messenger is workable when the
individuals using this service appear online at the same time and a person receiving the messages
willingly accepts it. Some IM programs follow certain standards while some do not however to
have successful communication each individual who are on the contact list should use the same
Introduction to Information Technology
or a compatible instant messaging. (Gary B Shelly, 2010) Instant messaging is used in the
workplace to carry out daily activities of the business, as it is convenient and cost less than
making a phone call or sending an email, as IM allows for long distant communication
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Text Messaging’s Effects on Our Society Essays
While text messaging has enabled us to have instant communication, it has impaired our society's ability to communicate verbally, can potentially put
users at risk, and allows users to exploit themselves and others in the touch of a button. Text messaging is "a form of wireless communication where
users send or receive short, digital messages electronically" (Galloway–Shoemaker). Over the years, texting has developed into an exceedingly popular
trend that the majority of Americans owning cellular phones use today.Text messaging has definitely made a tremendous impact on our society, both
positively and negatively.
Text messaging began in the early 1990s, beginning with the first text message being sent from Neil Papworth to more content...
It is expected that on average, teens send fifty texts a day as compared to ten for adults (Gross). In years to come, the percentage of adults who text
will equal that percentage of teens, having risen in the past year from sixty–five percent to seventy–two percent (Text Message Marketing Service).
One positive effect that text messaging has on our society is the ability to communicate with others instantly. It allows parents and teens to contact each
other more efficiently without the fear of interrupting or disturbing the recipient if they are at a place where they cannot accept a phone call. Accepting
a phone call can be time consuming and requires an environment that enables the receiver to talk, whereas texting is usually short and to the point and
can be done anywhere (Galloway–Shoemaker). Text messaging, therefore, allows the recipient to respond to the sender at their convenience (Gray).
Also, text messaging helps people stay in constant, immediate touch with one another, regardless of location and whether the text is important business
or simply social. In an article, Amanda Knowles mentioned, "The ability to send text messages gives teens and parents the convenience of simple
communication. Teens can easily text message a change of plans, arrange for rides, or ask a simple question, while parents are able to keep up to date
of their teen's activities and whereabouts." This is extremely useful
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Text Messaging Enhances Language Essay
Text Messaging Enhances Language
My younger brother sits as his computer everyday after work to "talk" to his friends through America Online (AOL) Instant Messaging (IM). They use
terms like BRB (be right back) and LOL (laugh out loud) that seem a little confusing to the "out–dated" older sibling. It amazes me that he can carry on
a conversation using abbreviations for virtually every word or phrase. It doesn't even bother him anymore that I peek over his shoulder to see what
they're "talking" about, because he knows it's foreign to me and I can't understand it anyway. As I watch my younger brother on the computer at night, I
realize that our habits of reading and writing are changing through modern computer technology like more content...
On CNN's website, American University professor Naomi Baron suggests "American society has become sloppy about the mechanics of writing.
Problems arise when people use the casual language in other forms of written communication... when the reader may not be familiar with the casual
language." This type of written language strays from the traditional academia writing we are used to reading. Just like with any new language, if you're
not familiar with the words, it will be difficult to understand.
Sven Birkerts suggests in his essay "Into the Electronic Millennium" that "our students are less and less able to read, analyze, and write with clarity
and purpose... Everything they meet within the world around them gives the signal: That was then, and electronic communications are now" (63).
Terms like BRB and LOL were not covered in the style manuals (William Strunk and E.B. White's Elements of Style or Joseph Williams' Style:
Lessons in Clarity and Grace) that we read for class, but for the new generation of students, clarity and purpose in writing involves these short
abbreviated words and sentences. That's what teenagers today grow up with. For example, I was asking a high school sophomore if she could call
one of her teammates, and her response was "she'll be online tonight, I'll just IM her." The use of the standard telephone (with a cord, not a cell phone)
is outdated. IM and its'
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If 1 wr 2 mk der paprz n txtese, wdnt it b g8 m8? Translation: If one were to compose their papers in text messaging lingo, wouldn't it be great mate?
From my perspective and hopefully yours as well, the answer to that question would be a capitol no, with a sad face emote. The purpose of this study
was to determine if students who texted in excess of fifty times per day displayed below average formal writing skills. PhD Nenagh Kemp from the
School of Psychology located at the prestigious University of Tasmania, authored this Australian paper in an attempt to answer if texting has any
correlation with writing and spelling: Text–message abbreviations and language skills in high school and university students. Dr. Kemp predicts that
after controlling for age and texting experience, textism use would predict a small but potentially significant amount of variance in scores of reading,
spelling, and possibly also morphological awareness (Kemp, 2012). In contrast to my previous article review, Dr. Kemp placed a higher emphasis on
using defined parameters, yielding clear, defined, and controlled data. Kemp stated, "The aim of this study was thus to investigate textism use among
high school and university students. Specifically, we examined the proportion of textisms, the number of textism categories produced and the
consistency with which textisms were spelled, and whether any of these differed between written and texted messages. We also explored the nature of
the relationships
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Another reason it is essential to place an emphasis on creative writing in the classroom is because of today's rapidly developing society. As the world
has become so technologically advanced, there have become more and more ways for people to use written communication to express their thoughts.
Where there was once snail mail and emails, now things have become as instantaneous as a text message or Tweet. Since people seem to write with
such haste and almost carelessness today, it is important for students to be provided with slower paced writing exploration in the classroom. In "Writing
for the Instant Messaging and Text Messaging Generation: Using New Literacies to Support Writing Instruction," Sheelah M. Sweeney states,
"Teachers may be concerned about the way some students write [...] imagining the potential negative impact on their students' academic writing, but
this interest can be an instructional advantage" (Sweeney, 2010, p. 121). While naturally there may be cause for concern with the way students can
erroneously communicate so quickly through the written word, the unease teachers may have will actually be a good thing for students if these
educators move forward with awareness instead of ignorance. Technology is one aspect of society that will not be regressing in the future, and the best
way educators can adapt to this is by incorporating these advancements into the education of students in years to come.
This article states that instead of shunning
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Parents and teachers have speculated since the emergence of texting whether this new communication technology hinders the formality and accuracy of
academic writing. Educators are concerned that students who text will incorporate "text language" into their academic writing and that texting
contributes to inaccuracy in writing. David Crystal in "Why All the Fuss?", a chapter from his book, Txtng: The Gr8 Db8, presents a compelling and
persuasive argument emphasizing that texting has not negatively influenced academic writing and that it may actually improve students' ability to
write formally. However, many educators disagree with this Crystal's viewpoint and assert that texting has in fact negatively affected student's
academic writing. more content...
Crystal concluded that students "were perfectly clear in their minds that texting was for mobile phones and not for other purposes" (p. 172–173).
Texting has been a part of my life, as well as my peers' and family members' since I was in elementary school, and not once have I witnessed
abbreviations or other "text language" in anything but text messages, and even this is rare.
On the other hand, author and editor of Education World's website, Jason Tomaszewski, argues that students have adapted "cyber slang" which he
defines as "a term used to describe shortcuts, alternative words, or even symbols used to convey thoughts in an electronic document." Tomaszewski
states that students have not only incorporated cyber slang into their writing, but also in their speech, with such examples as LOL and BFF.
Tomaszewski argues that students incorporate cyber slang into their formal writing, but yet he only provides evidence from it being used on social
media sites such as Facebook. He provides no evidence that students use cyber slang in their classroom writing.
Times Daily published the results of a survey conducted about the usage of text slang in academic writing. Results from the students further prove
Crystal's arguments and contrast popular belief that students write formally the same way that they text.
Out of 700 youth aged 12–17 who participated in the phone survey, 60 percent say they don 't consider electronic communications – e–mail, instant
messaging, mobile text –
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The mobile phone, invented in 1979, by Douglas Han is one of many ways that has changed the way our society communicates. With the mobile
phone comes a list of features and capabilities such as checking emails, Internet, taking pictures, viewing and recording video, and video calling. Out
of all the features that are available with mobile phones, SMS has become the most commonly used feature in popular culture, especially with
teenagers. Short Message Service (SMS) began as just an idea of the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) in the mid 1980s; it wasn't
until the early 1990s that phone companies started to visualize the possibilities commercially (Crystal 3–4). On December 3, 1992, before cell phones
were designed more content...
The monthly cost for unlimited messaging ranged anywhere from 10–20 dollars a month, while mobile minutes cost an average of 40 cents per minute,
and an additional 45 cents for every minute over the monthly limit. Texting has become a convenient, quick, and inexpensive way for teens to stay
connected with parents and friends. Text messaging has bridged communication gaps between parents and their children, and because text messaging
isn't as personal as face–to–face communication it gives them the boosted confidence to make new friendships or talk to the person that they might not
otherwise talk to (Silvers 10). Other benefits of text messaging that appeal to the younger generation of teens is the discretion used when it becomes
inappropriate to talk on a cell phone (e.g. movie theater, business meeting). If a person is unable to hold a full–fledged conversation due to completing
chores, or homework, watching television, attending church, or listening to a lecture, text messaging allows for multitasking. Teenagers use the feature
as a way to stay connected to entertainment such as TV voting, and social networks (e.g. twitter and facebook). Text messaging has become an
indispensable medium of communication that teenagers use in their everyday lives ("Articlebase"). Although there are many benefits to text
messaging, excessive use of this new wave of communication carries many negative effects, especially for teenagers. Research
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Text Messaging Affecting Teen Literacy
How Does Text Messaging Affect Teen Literacy
Teens shouldn't solely use text messaging as communication because it affects their health, brain function, safety and privacy. Teens should not
communicate through technology. Text messaging let the user think and edit what they gone say. "(Source 16)"Text messaging is affecting the growth
of the brain. Texting could be harmful and could not protect you from the safety and privacy of what you share. You will also need to keep track of
who sees what you share on the internet. Cell phone use is affecting teens grammar when they trying to achieve and get a high education. Using cell
phones has a permanently large impact on the maturation and development on the brain. (Source 7) Most teens be bored so if we could
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People who use their downtime on cell phones are damaging their brains. The brain will have a side effect and would cause the brain to shrink a
lot because so much brain activity. (Source 8) It is always important to make sure the website you use is not going to hack your personal business.
You should never share your personal information online anyways.(Source 3) An important study show "cell phones emit radio frequency energy
this is a type of radiation" texting could lead to decline in language skills. (Source 8) Teens who text a lot studies show kids fail grammar text.
(Source 4) Teens don't be focus at school with cell phones. Cellphone is like a cheat sheet shouldn't be allow in school. Students cheat on test using
electronic devices I feel this is very heart broken. Teens get to college and can't remember anything they were taught in high school. People who use
the internet has twice as much brain activity on the brain. Cell phones has become a significant impact on the brain cells. (Source 9) Using cellphones
are increasing the glucose metabolism. The brain is already processed to have an early step forward for cancer.
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Text Messaging
Text messaging is a very controversial subject in our society, possibly even in other cultures. Some complain that texting is overused and abused
while others praise the most recent developments and upgrades of texting. The pervasive use of text messaging in today's society has many facets;
however, the bad is said to outweigh the good. Any individual's perspective on the issue will most likely depend on their age group or social class. For
example, a fifteen year old would appreciate the convenience and speed of text messaging but a fifty year old would most likely not need the texting
function on their cell phone; therefore, the speed and convenience of text messaging would become irrelevant. Mobile–based coordination, as Ling calls more content...
The scarcity of understanding among the groups can cause tension, fighting, and even resentment. The majority of text message conversations are
built on forming a response as soon as you can. No one really notices that the hidden idea behind this general statement can actually lead to a need
for instant gratification. Not only does this "necessity" cause severe impatience, it also causes an absence of attention to many things such as school
or one's communal life. When I text during a math or science class where something has to be explained in steps, I lose all of my focus and do not
understand what the teacher is explaining. This most likely occurs in other types of situations such as business meetings or even dinner dates. Texting
while driving has become the most prevalent cause of traffic accidents in America today. "The general finding here is that the mobile telephone
increases reaction time and that it demands that better could be afforded driving" (Ling 49). Those who take the risk of texting and driving have a
subconscious belief that they can avoid a car accident even though they are more focused on the cell phone rather than driving. This belief has killed
approximately 2,600 people a year and caused six percent of all traffic accidents ( Lawmakers saw the consequences of these actions
and banned texting while driving in Washington D.C. and 34 states. University of Utah conducted a
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Today, cell phones are a major part of our life. It has made things much more convenient by enabling us to communicate with others in a small amount
of time. One of the most used functions on the cell phone is not the phone, but the instant text messaging. Who wouldn't love such a quick, easy
method of communication? Just flip open your cell phone, type in a quick "meet me @ 2 plz" and press send. Text messaging is an easy and discrete
way of communicating with others, but it has its disadvantages and advantages. It is not a surprise why texting can cause so man problems physically
and mentally.
There are several advantages for texting rather than having a voice communication. One main argument of why texting is better is that more
It can also take up large amount of time that can be used for something important. Another disadvantage is that texting has changed the importance of
grammar and the correct spelling, causing many problems because people simply do not know how to write formally and accurately. After texting
started, the language of texting was born. Grammar, spelling, abbreviation did not matter anymore, which is why texting is largely popular with the
younger generation. Finally, one last disadvantage is that texting is so popular now that people even use it while driving. Texting while driving is a
growing issue today, especially with the teenagers. Texting while driving does not only take your mind of the road, but from your eyes too. With car
which can easily travel over hundred miles per hour has made it even more dangerous for drivers who text. A mille–second is all that is needed for a
fast paced car to go out of control; from there it's all a disaster.
One thing is certain. Interpersonal connections and socialization is changing. While the speed and ease of cell phones and texting seem to be making
communication more frequent, it is also becoming less personal and intimate and is causing us to become more illiterate. Meaningful face to face
conversations are becoming more difficult for younger generations and written communication is becoming a thing of the past. People can argue over
the disadvantages and advantages of texting, but
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Text Literacy
The Effects of Text Messaging on Student Literacy
Texting has become any every day task that many teenagers engage in on a day–to–day basis. I cannot seem to walk across my college campus without
seeing at least one person glued to the phone screen typing away as fast as they can. The Centre of Science Education at Sheffield University found that
about ninety percent of the youth have cell phones, and that ninety–six percent of this group uses them to text (Plester, Wood, Bell 137.) Texting is
reported as the most preferred communication style (Cingel and Sundar 305).
Text messaging has been growing in popularity since the very first text was sent in the year 1993 by a student who was working for the Nokia
Corporation (Drouin and Davis 49).
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Effect Of Text Messaging On Teen Age Students

  • 1. Effect of Text Messaging on Teen Age Students SINHGAD TECHNICAL INSTITUTES CAMPUS SINHGAD INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT A Study on impact of text messaging on teen age students Prepared by Rambhu kumar(11) Komal jaiswal(15) Pankaj kakani(17) Sukirti keswani(18) Nitin maske(19) Introduction 1 See it? Hear it? Take it! This is still the mantra of many schools across the country that succinctly summarizes the policy concerning cell phones in schools; in essence, they are banned. Yet, most teenagers are nearly inseparable from their cell phones, not because they are constantly talking, but because they are connecting with their friends through more content... Need for study With general overview of today's society, cell phones are becoming a modern day necessity among teenagers. The reason why they are in so much demand is because of text messaging which is the most popular mode of communication these days. The need to study this particular topic is to find out the impact of this mode of communication on teenagers, both positive and negative. And also to see whether it is actually a necessity or just a trend which is followed because of its popularity. In this research we are also going analyse the future impacts of text messaging on teenagers. How mobile companies are using the increased use of text messaging to their advantage is also discussed in this research project. Statement of problem There have been many ill effects on education pattern of students, because of these text messaging phenomena. The institutions are finding it hard to cope with this habit of teenagers as it is leading to a lot of distraction and also parents are worried because of falling grades of their kids. The biggest issue of all is that student are not ready to detach themselves from their mobile phone. That's why even if institutes and parents come up with a solution to the problem, it is next to impossible to implement it. Objectives 1. To understand the habits of teenage
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  • 3. Text Messaging Affecting Literacy Outline Introduction Text messaging has become a very popular way to communicate for teenagers and it seems to be altering the literacy of teens and also affecting the way they speak. Text messaging has lead to many teenagers to become iliterate. With more teens resorting to texts and emails to communicate with others the literacy is changing over time. The impact that text messaging has on literacy of teens is important because the generations will slowly become more reliant on the texting slang. As the literacy decreases due to the texts and emails each generation will slowly create a new view of what literacy is. Literacy is affected by different aspects of texting. The things that effect it include the access texting gives you to autocorrect, more content... Teenagers use texting as their main way to communicate which forces away face to face talking and the requirement of using the correct way to read write and speak. The way teenagers speak such as saying acronyms in conversations and abbreviations for words out loud is proof that the grammar used to text is affecting the words we use for communication. Speaking to people of importance or even just a family friend would require you to have literacy skills so that they can understand what you are saying but the generations to come may form a new thought of the requirements of what literacy is. Conclusion It is becoming evident that the way teenagers read write and speak is being impacted by the percentages rising of the numbers of text messages that are being sent by teens daily. The use of autocorrect that allows teens to not have to know how to correctly spell, cyber slang, and also the way texting creates a barrier from how they speak are all affecting the literacy that is needed for Get more content on
  • 4. The Message Of Text Messaging Essay Text messaging turns out to be most prevalent path for youngsters to stay in touch with today and is also destroying the way we are communicating. Presently we can utilize online networking to get our messages out to thousands or millions of individuals uncensored. Everything is always showing signs of change; especially technology. Since change is unavoidable, rather than opposing it, individuals should figure out how to grasp and adjust to it. With each new innovation comes the obligation of taking care of it. All technological innovations must be utilized with social and moral obligation. This paper will clarify the Christian Worldview on the utilizationtext messaging and how technological innovation is supposed to be consumed properly. Text messaging is now the most popular form of daily communication between adults, new figures show. Text messaging has overtaken speaking on a cellphone and up close and personal contact as the most–utilized strategy for every day correspondence in the middle of loved ones (Grant & Meadows 2014). The first text message was sent on December 3, 1992 by Neil Papworth, a 22 year old engineer from his personal computer. The text message read "Merry Christmas." Omnipoint Communications, the principal GSM transporter in America, set up the first text messaging service in the United States. Omnipoint not long after offered the primary messaging between the US and whatever remains of the world, beginning a 160 character smaller scale Get more content on
  • 5. Q1 (texting) a.They were sharing about how Allie likes Mike. b.They were using cell phones and computers and just the internet in general. c.Each person thought that they should share it with more people so it kept going and going. d.Mike could have found out about her crush on him. e.You need to think before you send or post something. No because I would then become part of the problem. No because if it was about me or any of my friends they might think that we are not professional. Get more content on
  • 6. Text Messaging Research Paper Technology has put modern times at the forefront of innovation propelling us at an astonishing and accelerating rate into the age of a technology aided and driven society. These new resources and technologies are being eaten up by the youth of society. Improving all sorts of professions and general livelihoods, from medical breakthroughs, education, and your mother's facebook these are all apart of the modern technology world. This has added diversity, increasing and new interaction,bringing new perspectives and knowledge, bridging the world together for what people would think is for the better. Out of the tools available there can be a negative side resulting from inappropriate or overuse of technology, and that negative side can more content... I know many of us would feel like a part of our life is missing due to technology now being a necessity in our everyday life. However, the question is. Does technology take away from interpersonal communication and interactions with our co–workers, peers, and colleagues? How many would have rather talked to someone through text messaging, email, or social media to avoid a face to face communication? We may not realize it, but being dependent upon technology has only conditioned us to become less social, interactive, and outgoing. when you go out with a group of friends,do you find yourself fiddling or browsing on your phone due to the dullness of the conversation or some other reason. This is referred to as the security blanket approach. The security blanket approach can be defined as an individual using a source of technology to protect themselves from being interactive with another person or to simply occupy themselves in a situation that is not very interesting. There are many times I find myself going to dinner with friends and as soon as there is a moment of silence or the conversation seems boring we instantly result to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to fulfill that sense or Get more content on
  • 7. Texting And Communication Essay Ever taken the advantage of texting or video call to communicate with people instead of gathering the confidence and talking in person? The amount of texting in this society has increased gradually over the past decade with a percentage of over 7,700% (Burke). Since the development of communication on modern technology, this generation's ability to communicate in person has been damaged through lack of face–to–face interactions and improper grammar. Although texting and social media may benefit relationships in long distance, privacy is invaded and the lack of interactions in person can damage relationships. Furthermore, texting has changed the way the world communicates because it provides an easier option for people to choose to contact people. To begin with, texting has changed the way society in the 21st century communicates because it deprives social skills of a person. The increasing amount of conversations developed on technology has affected the confidence and social skills of this generation because communicating behind a screen is different from communicating in person. Before sending a message, an individual can erase and retype a message before a mistake is sent. On the other hand, in a verbal conversation, errors are irreversible once something is said. Several people have turned to technology to get over their fears of confronting people. Not only does this decrease the confidence of social skill in this generation, it also increases cyberbullying, a form of Get more content on
  • 8. Text Messaging As A Form Of Communication Introduction As the years go by the form of communication used has changed from being a face to face meeting or conversation to what it is in present day. The common form of communication in this day in age is text messaging through the use of a cell phone. This form of communication is still increasing at a rapid rate with more text messages being sent per day. One group in particular that uses text messages as a primary form of communication is teenagers (Tossell et al, 2011).Text messaging is a mixture of oral and written communication. Text messages are similar to other electronic form of communication, but the mobile aspect and high interactive nature of it makes it different from the other electronic forms of communication. more content... In just their mannerisms, it was seen that females tend to take longer turns when texting. Females tend to have a higher chance of using emoticons in text messages. The usage of emoticons in text messages was to be a buffer (Ling et al. 2014). Emoticons are graphic representation of facial expressions that can be included in a text message (Tossell et al, 2011). It was found that the usage of exclamation points was higher for females (Baron & Ling, 2011). The type of interaction that female use text messages for is more likely aligned or supportive (Ling et al, 2014). When looking at the amount of text messages sent or made it was seen that females tend to text more frequently than males ( Ogletree, Fancher & Gill, 2014). In Ling et al ( 2014) study the female participants were more likely to send longer text messages. These text messages also had a more open–ended and elaborated style to them. Females were also seen to use more "writing like" formulations when texting. Holtgrave ( 2014) study also found that females used more words when texting. That study showed that females tend to use social words and pronouns more often, particularly personal pronouns. Masculinity and Communication In terms of the way that the male gender uses communication is more to the point than females. Males typically use language to tell another person a fact or information about something rather than for telling gossips or other social news. Previous literature has found that Get more content on
  • 9. How Text Messaging Is Affecting Literacy Essay Cindy Castro Courtney Danforth English 101 7 October 2016 The focus of my essay is to talk about how text messaging is affecting literacy in teenagers. In my paper I am going to include some background on text messaging and how in the recent years it has affected the education of many students. I will include statists from various professors who have written books or conducted studies that will support my topic. The support I use will come from my extensive research on technology, focusing more on text messaging, and see how that is affecting students with their literacy rates. The support will come from creditable sources. The authors will be professors who researched and experimented on this topic and the support will be unbiased as well to give forth the best research one can find. Outline: 1.Introduction: a.Introduce text messaging i.Technology is all around us ii. Text messages started very early and involved into now. b.Discuss the opinions professors have on texting i.Some say it is beneficial to the literacy of students ii. Others argue and say it has a negative impact c.Thesis: While it has been commonly assumed that texting has had a significant negative impact on student's literacy rates, others argue and support the use of texting as it has imprinted a positive impact depending on the situation. 2.Body Paragraph 1: Positive effects a.Texting and the roles i."the more abbreviated words that were used, the higher verbal reasoning scores tended Get more content on
  • 10. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Instant Messaging Based on the Merriam Webster dictionary, technology is a practical application of knowledge to the practical aims of human life or to changing and manipulating the human environment. Some examples of technologies include the use of our cell phone to send emails, text messages, video call, and instant messaging. The technology that will be analyze in this research paper is instant messaging better known as IM, important questions will be answered such as What is instant messenger? How has it impacted people lives? Advantages and disadvantages of this technology. Instant messaging is a real time (you and the people you are speaking with are online simultaneously) internet communication network that allows people to connect more content... Instant messaging also allow for the sharing of documents such as photos to friends or clients, persons using this technology can play games and listen to music with friends and family online .This service is accessible from a computer, laptop, tablet, or a smart phone however the user must install the software to their device, some commonly used software are AIM (AOL instant messenger), Google talk, my space IM,
  • 11. windows live messenger and yahoo Messenger. Instant messenger is workable when the individuals using this service appear online at the same time and a person receiving the messages willingly accepts it. Some IM programs follow certain standards while some do not however to have successful communication each individual who are on the contact list should use the same 2 Introduction to Information Technology or a compatible instant messaging. (Gary B Shelly, 2010) Instant messaging is used in the workplace to carry out daily activities of the business, as it is convenient and cost less than making a phone call or sending an email, as IM allows for long distant communication Get more content on
  • 12. Text Messaging’s Effects on Our Society Essays While text messaging has enabled us to have instant communication, it has impaired our society's ability to communicate verbally, can potentially put users at risk, and allows users to exploit themselves and others in the touch of a button. Text messaging is "a form of wireless communication where users send or receive short, digital messages electronically" (Galloway–Shoemaker). Over the years, texting has developed into an exceedingly popular trend that the majority of Americans owning cellular phones use today.Text messaging has definitely made a tremendous impact on our society, both positively and negatively. Text messaging began in the early 1990s, beginning with the first text message being sent from Neil Papworth to more content... It is expected that on average, teens send fifty texts a day as compared to ten for adults (Gross). In years to come, the percentage of adults who text will equal that percentage of teens, having risen in the past year from sixty–five percent to seventy–two percent (Text Message Marketing Service). One positive effect that text messaging has on our society is the ability to communicate with others instantly. It allows parents and teens to contact each other more efficiently without the fear of interrupting or disturbing the recipient if they are at a place where they cannot accept a phone call. Accepting a phone call can be time consuming and requires an environment that enables the receiver to talk, whereas texting is usually short and to the point and can be done anywhere (Galloway–Shoemaker). Text messaging, therefore, allows the recipient to respond to the sender at their convenience (Gray). Also, text messaging helps people stay in constant, immediate touch with one another, regardless of location and whether the text is important business or simply social. In an article, Amanda Knowles mentioned, "The ability to send text messages gives teens and parents the convenience of simple communication. Teens can easily text message a change of plans, arrange for rides, or ask a simple question, while parents are able to keep up to date of their teen's activities and whereabouts." This is extremely useful Get more content on
  • 13. Text Messaging Enhances Language Essay Text Messaging Enhances Language My younger brother sits as his computer everyday after work to "talk" to his friends through America Online (AOL) Instant Messaging (IM). They use terms like BRB (be right back) and LOL (laugh out loud) that seem a little confusing to the "out–dated" older sibling. It amazes me that he can carry on a conversation using abbreviations for virtually every word or phrase. It doesn't even bother him anymore that I peek over his shoulder to see what they're "talking" about, because he knows it's foreign to me and I can't understand it anyway. As I watch my younger brother on the computer at night, I realize that our habits of reading and writing are changing through modern computer technology like more content... On CNN's website, American University professor Naomi Baron suggests "American society has become sloppy about the mechanics of writing. Problems arise when people use the casual language in other forms of written communication... when the reader may not be familiar with the casual language." This type of written language strays from the traditional academia writing we are used to reading. Just like with any new language, if you're not familiar with the words, it will be difficult to understand. Sven Birkerts suggests in his essay "Into the Electronic Millennium" that "our students are less and less able to read, analyze, and write with clarity and purpose... Everything they meet within the world around them gives the signal: That was then, and electronic communications are now" (63). Terms like BRB and LOL were not covered in the style manuals (William Strunk and E.B. White's Elements of Style or Joseph Williams' Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace) that we read for class, but for the new generation of students, clarity and purpose in writing involves these short abbreviated words and sentences. That's what teenagers today grow up with. For example, I was asking a high school sophomore if she could call one of her teammates, and her response was "she'll be online tonight, I'll just IM her." The use of the standard telephone (with a cord, not a cell phone) is outdated. IM and its' Get more content on
  • 14. If 1 wr 2 mk der paprz n txtese, wdnt it b g8 m8? Translation: If one were to compose their papers in text messaging lingo, wouldn't it be great mate? From my perspective and hopefully yours as well, the answer to that question would be a capitol no, with a sad face emote. The purpose of this study was to determine if students who texted in excess of fifty times per day displayed below average formal writing skills. PhD Nenagh Kemp from the School of Psychology located at the prestigious University of Tasmania, authored this Australian paper in an attempt to answer if texting has any correlation with writing and spelling: Text–message abbreviations and language skills in high school and university students. Dr. Kemp predicts that after controlling for age and texting experience, textism use would predict a small but potentially significant amount of variance in scores of reading, spelling, and possibly also morphological awareness (Kemp, 2012). In contrast to my previous article review, Dr. Kemp placed a higher emphasis on using defined parameters, yielding clear, defined, and controlled data. Kemp stated, "The aim of this study was thus to investigate textism use among high school and university students. Specifically, we examined the proportion of textisms, the number of textism categories produced and the consistency with which textisms were spelled, and whether any of these differed between written and texted messages. We also explored the nature of the relationships Get more content on
  • 15. Another reason it is essential to place an emphasis on creative writing in the classroom is because of today's rapidly developing society. As the world has become so technologically advanced, there have become more and more ways for people to use written communication to express their thoughts. Where there was once snail mail and emails, now things have become as instantaneous as a text message or Tweet. Since people seem to write with such haste and almost carelessness today, it is important for students to be provided with slower paced writing exploration in the classroom. In "Writing for the Instant Messaging and Text Messaging Generation: Using New Literacies to Support Writing Instruction," Sheelah M. Sweeney states, "Teachers may be concerned about the way some students write [...] imagining the potential negative impact on their students' academic writing, but this interest can be an instructional advantage" (Sweeney, 2010, p. 121). While naturally there may be cause for concern with the way students can erroneously communicate so quickly through the written word, the unease teachers may have will actually be a good thing for students if these educators move forward with awareness instead of ignorance. Technology is one aspect of society that will not be regressing in the future, and the best way educators can adapt to this is by incorporating these advancements into the education of students in years to come. This article states that instead of shunning Get more content on
  • 16. Parents and teachers have speculated since the emergence of texting whether this new communication technology hinders the formality and accuracy of academic writing. Educators are concerned that students who text will incorporate "text language" into their academic writing and that texting contributes to inaccuracy in writing. David Crystal in "Why All the Fuss?", a chapter from his book, Txtng: The Gr8 Db8, presents a compelling and persuasive argument emphasizing that texting has not negatively influenced academic writing and that it may actually improve students' ability to write formally. However, many educators disagree with this Crystal's viewpoint and assert that texting has in fact negatively affected student's academic writing. more content... Crystal concluded that students "were perfectly clear in their minds that texting was for mobile phones and not for other purposes" (p. 172–173). Texting has been a part of my life, as well as my peers' and family members' since I was in elementary school, and not once have I witnessed abbreviations or other "text language" in anything but text messages, and even this is rare. On the other hand, author and editor of Education World's website, Jason Tomaszewski, argues that students have adapted "cyber slang" which he defines as "a term used to describe shortcuts, alternative words, or even symbols used to convey thoughts in an electronic document." Tomaszewski states that students have not only incorporated cyber slang into their writing, but also in their speech, with such examples as LOL and BFF. Tomaszewski argues that students incorporate cyber slang into their formal writing, but yet he only provides evidence from it being used on social media sites such as Facebook. He provides no evidence that students use cyber slang in their classroom writing. Times Daily published the results of a survey conducted about the usage of text slang in academic writing. Results from the students further prove Crystal's arguments and contrast popular belief that students write formally the same way that they text. Out of 700 youth aged 12–17 who participated in the phone survey, 60 percent say they don 't consider electronic communications – e–mail, instant messaging, mobile text – Get more content on
  • 17. The mobile phone, invented in 1979, by Douglas Han is one of many ways that has changed the way our society communicates. With the mobile phone comes a list of features and capabilities such as checking emails, Internet, taking pictures, viewing and recording video, and video calling. Out of all the features that are available with mobile phones, SMS has become the most commonly used feature in popular culture, especially with teenagers. Short Message Service (SMS) began as just an idea of the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) in the mid 1980s; it wasn't until the early 1990s that phone companies started to visualize the possibilities commercially (Crystal 3–4). On December 3, 1992, before cell phones were designed more content... The monthly cost for unlimited messaging ranged anywhere from 10–20 dollars a month, while mobile minutes cost an average of 40 cents per minute, and an additional 45 cents for every minute over the monthly limit. Texting has become a convenient, quick, and inexpensive way for teens to stay connected with parents and friends. Text messaging has bridged communication gaps between parents and their children, and because text messaging isn't as personal as face–to–face communication it gives them the boosted confidence to make new friendships or talk to the person that they might not otherwise talk to (Silvers 10). Other benefits of text messaging that appeal to the younger generation of teens is the discretion used when it becomes inappropriate to talk on a cell phone (e.g. movie theater, business meeting). If a person is unable to hold a full–fledged conversation due to completing chores, or homework, watching television, attending church, or listening to a lecture, text messaging allows for multitasking. Teenagers use the feature as a way to stay connected to entertainment such as TV voting, and social networks (e.g. twitter and facebook). Text messaging has become an indispensable medium of communication that teenagers use in their everyday lives ("Articlebase"). Although there are many benefits to text messaging, excessive use of this new wave of communication carries many negative effects, especially for teenagers. Research Get more content on
  • 18. Text Messaging Affecting Teen Literacy How Does Text Messaging Affect Teen Literacy Teens shouldn't solely use text messaging as communication because it affects their health, brain function, safety and privacy. Teens should not communicate through technology. Text messaging let the user think and edit what they gone say. "(Source 16)"Text messaging is affecting the growth of the brain. Texting could be harmful and could not protect you from the safety and privacy of what you share. You will also need to keep track of who sees what you share on the internet. Cell phone use is affecting teens grammar when they trying to achieve and get a high education. Using cell phones has a permanently large impact on the maturation and development on the brain. (Source 7) Most teens be bored so if we could more content... People who use their downtime on cell phones are damaging their brains. The brain will have a side effect and would cause the brain to shrink a lot because so much brain activity. (Source 8) It is always important to make sure the website you use is not going to hack your personal business. You should never share your personal information online anyways.(Source 3) An important study show "cell phones emit radio frequency energy this is a type of radiation" texting could lead to decline in language skills. (Source 8) Teens who text a lot studies show kids fail grammar text. (Source 4) Teens don't be focus at school with cell phones. Cellphone is like a cheat sheet shouldn't be allow in school. Students cheat on test using electronic devices I feel this is very heart broken. Teens get to college and can't remember anything they were taught in high school. People who use the internet has twice as much brain activity on the brain. Cell phones has become a significant impact on the brain cells. (Source 9) Using cellphones are increasing the glucose metabolism. The brain is already processed to have an early step forward for cancer. Get more content on
  • 19. Text Messaging Text messaging is a very controversial subject in our society, possibly even in other cultures. Some complain that texting is overused and abused while others praise the most recent developments and upgrades of texting. The pervasive use of text messaging in today's society has many facets; however, the bad is said to outweigh the good. Any individual's perspective on the issue will most likely depend on their age group or social class. For example, a fifteen year old would appreciate the convenience and speed of text messaging but a fifty year old would most likely not need the texting function on their cell phone; therefore, the speed and convenience of text messaging would become irrelevant. Mobile–based coordination, as Ling calls more content... The scarcity of understanding among the groups can cause tension, fighting, and even resentment. The majority of text message conversations are built on forming a response as soon as you can. No one really notices that the hidden idea behind this general statement can actually lead to a need for instant gratification. Not only does this "necessity" cause severe impatience, it also causes an absence of attention to many things such as school or one's communal life. When I text during a math or science class where something has to be explained in steps, I lose all of my focus and do not understand what the teacher is explaining. This most likely occurs in other types of situations such as business meetings or even dinner dates. Texting while driving has become the most prevalent cause of traffic accidents in America today. "The general finding here is that the mobile telephone increases reaction time and that it demands that better could be afforded driving" (Ling 49). Those who take the risk of texting and driving have a subconscious belief that they can avoid a car accident even though they are more focused on the cell phone rather than driving. This belief has killed approximately 2,600 people a year and caused six percent of all traffic accidents ( Lawmakers saw the consequences of these actions and banned texting while driving in Washington D.C. and 34 states. University of Utah conducted a Get more content on
  • 20. Today, cell phones are a major part of our life. It has made things much more convenient by enabling us to communicate with others in a small amount of time. One of the most used functions on the cell phone is not the phone, but the instant text messaging. Who wouldn't love such a quick, easy method of communication? Just flip open your cell phone, type in a quick "meet me @ 2 plz" and press send. Text messaging is an easy and discrete way of communicating with others, but it has its disadvantages and advantages. It is not a surprise why texting can cause so man problems physically and mentally. There are several advantages for texting rather than having a voice communication. One main argument of why texting is better is that more content... It can also take up large amount of time that can be used for something important. Another disadvantage is that texting has changed the importance of grammar and the correct spelling, causing many problems because people simply do not know how to write formally and accurately. After texting started, the language of texting was born. Grammar, spelling, abbreviation did not matter anymore, which is why texting is largely popular with the younger generation. Finally, one last disadvantage is that texting is so popular now that people even use it while driving. Texting while driving is a growing issue today, especially with the teenagers. Texting while driving does not only take your mind of the road, but from your eyes too. With car which can easily travel over hundred miles per hour has made it even more dangerous for drivers who text. A mille–second is all that is needed for a fast paced car to go out of control; from there it's all a disaster. One thing is certain. Interpersonal connections and socialization is changing. While the speed and ease of cell phones and texting seem to be making communication more frequent, it is also becoming less personal and intimate and is causing us to become more illiterate. Meaningful face to face conversations are becoming more difficult for younger generations and written communication is becoming a thing of the past. People can argue over the disadvantages and advantages of texting, but Get more content on
  • 21. Text Literacy The Effects of Text Messaging on Student Literacy Texting has become any every day task that many teenagers engage in on a day–to–day basis. I cannot seem to walk across my college campus without seeing at least one person glued to the phone screen typing away as fast as they can. The Centre of Science Education at Sheffield University found that about ninety percent of the youth have cell phones, and that ninety–six percent of this group uses them to text (Plester, Wood, Bell 137.) Texting is reported as the most preferred communication style (Cingel and Sundar 305). Text messaging has been growing in popularity since the very first text was sent in the year 1993 by a student who was working for the Nokia Corporation (Drouin and Davis 49). Get more content on