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Education in an artificially intelligent world
Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world
Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Please note:
This report is written from a Dutch perspective and with the Dutch
educational system and its structure in mind. Please take this into
account when reading this report.
Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 3
Table of contents
What will you find in this technology compass? 	 4
Chapter 1
The most important technological trends 	 11
1.1 	 In a nutshell 	 12
1.2 	 The technology 	 14
Chapter 2
Personalised learning at an individual level	 29
2.1 	 In a nutshell 	 30
2.2 	 The technology 	 38
2.3 	 Issues for education 	 56
Chapter 3
Living, learning and working with artificial intelligence 	 61
3.1 	 In a nutshell 	 62
3.2 	 The technology 	 73
3.3 	 Issues for education 	 89
Chapter 2
This insight into the future describes a
further development of technologies
schools are already using, like adaptive
learning materials, in the coming years.
Chapter 1
Contains an analysis of the most significant
technological trends and developments.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the most
Chapter 3
This insight into the future shows how
schools will change in the long term
when an artificially intelligent learning
environment is available at all times.
Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 4
If someone had told you 25 years ago – roughly at the time the internet
started to rise – that in 2019, you would be swiping on your smartphone
for multiple hours a day, and that thanks to the internet you’d know exactly
what time your aunt in France was drinking her latte, or that teenagers
could become drone pilots during their vocational studies, would you have
believed that person? Probably not, as nobody can predict the future.
Although technological developments are reasonably foreseeable, the
social and cultural consequences they will have in the future are very
difficult to predict. For instance, a film from the sixties about the ‘office of
the future’ was pretty accurate from a technological point of view. The only
thing missing however was women, as the arrival of washing machines,
vacuum cleaners and gas cookers had actually given them more time for
office work. How do we prepare young people to live an independent life
in a world in which we are continually developing and deploying better,
smarter and more efficient technologies? A world where artificial
intelligence (AI) helps prevent diseases and domestic burglary, and
where robots perform surgery?
The influence of AI and robotics on people and society is profound and
far-reaching. In 25 years’ time a significant portion of the tasks people
currently perform will have been taken over by robots or AI systems. This
creates challenges, but also offers new opportunities. We easily come into
contact with different cultures via the internet, job security is a thing of
the past, and information (or misinformation) is abundantly and publicly
available. Life in this kind of society requires skills. Knowledge and cognitive
skills remain important, but, more than ever, social-emotional skills are
necessary for personal and professional development. The student of
today must in the future be able to cooperate in teams of people from
different backgrounds and come up with solutions for new issues that we
can’t even imagine yet.
Schools and teachers therefore have an indispensable role in developing
social-emotional skills, in addition to teaching knowledge and cognitive
skills. In the acquisition of knowledge and cognitive skills in particular, we
see a growing role for technology. With the help of artificial intelligence, it
is increasingly possible to personalise education to each individual learner.
And with that, something interesting happens: the teacher gets more
time and headspace to focus on guiding students in their development of
social-emotional skills. And precisely those skills will be very important in
this rapidly changing and uncertain future.
Education is geared towards a future in which teacher and technology
work together to teach students the knowledge and skills necessary for
a meaningful and successful life. Technology can’t do it completely, but
equally, teachers can’t do it alone.
What will you find in this technology compass?
Technology can’t do it completely,
but equally, teachers can’t do it alone
Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 5
In this technology compass, we outline a future in which teachers and
technologies collaborate to teach students the skills they need for a
meaningful and successful life. This report consists of four parts. In the
rest of this introductory part, we explain the two tools that we use in our
trend analysis. Chapter 1 presents our analysis of the most important
technological trends and developments. Chapters 2 and 3 each contain
insights into the future impact of the technologies in education.
Chapter 1: the most important technological trends
Describes the most important technological trends and developments
for education. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the most relevant one. There
are a number of other dominant developments that relate to AI as well.
We also explain those in more detail in this chapter.
Chapter 2 and 3: insights into the future
Chapter 2 provides insight into how the technologies schools are currently
using will be developed further in the coming years. For example adaptive
learning materials for students, and dashboards that allow teachers to
follow and guide the learning process.
The second insight, in chapter 3, shows how a school changes over the
long term into an artificially intelligent learning environment that is always
available and that supports personalised learning at the level of individual
learning paths.
In both chapters, artificial intelligence acts as the technological catalyst.
Each chapter consists of two or three sections, from different
In a nutshell
We provide a general outline that has relevance for every reader.
This is where you can read the most important conclusions and
recommendations. See 1.1, 2.1 and 3.1
The technology
Features an analysis of the most important technologies. This
enables a greater understanding of the technology, in non-technical
language. Especially of interest if you want to know more about the
technologies and how they relate to each other. But take note:
in 2.2.5 and 3.2.5 there are recommendations that are relevant for
all school teams. See 1.2, 2.2 and 3.2
Issues for education
Here we address a number of challenging issues to be faced in
education as a result of use of the technology. Especially interesting
if you want to know more about the impact of artificial intelligence
on the learning process and administration. See 2.3 and 3.3
Structure and reading advice
Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 6
The Hype Cycle was developed by market research firm Gartner and charts how a new technology
evolves from initial promise to accepted product. This provides a yearly snapshot of the relative maturity
of a technology and its potential in the future. The Hype Cycle therefore helps choosing the right time
to implement a technology. A technology’s position is based on market adoption, practical experiences,
available knowledge and research into effectiveness. Since 1995, Gartner has been making yearly Hype
Cycles for 5000 trends in 90 fields.
Hype Cycle: visual representation of market development
A potentially groundbreaking
technological innovation
gets the first media interest
through demonstrations and
experiments. The technology
is not yet generally applicable
or commercially viable.
A wave of enthusiasm is set
off by publicity about the
first success stories. These
expectations surpass the actual
possibilities. This is where the
hype is at its highest.
Enthusiasm makes way for
disappointment, due to
problems, high costs and low
returns. Expectations plummet
to their lowest point. This
is precisely the period that
offers opportunities for new
applications, building on the
experiences and knowledge of
The first obstacles are
overcome and the gains
become clear, as do the
conditions for successful
application. Using the insights
of forerunners, there is a
growing understanding of
where and how the technology
can be used effectively.
Now that the actual returns
have been proven in practice,
more and more organisations
dare to use the technology.
A period of rapid growth
follows, which then sees
another decrease as more
and more people get involved.
Outdated technology can
frustrate, delay or even prevent
new initiatives. This means
that, in addition to the timely
adoption of new technologies,
outdated technology should
also be replaced in good time.
Peak of inflated
Trough of
Slope of
Plateau of
Swamp of
diminishing returns
Development of expectations over time
The expectation (hype) of a technology is plotted (vertically) against
time (horizontally) on the Hype Cycle. Each Hype Cycle distinguishes six
phases of development that every technology goes through. This isn’t
necessarily a linear process as each technology moves at its own pace.
Time until plateau
This characteristic is an indication of the time a technology needs to
reach the plateau of productivity. It thus provides a prediction of the
time required for a technology to mature before it is widely adopted
on the market.
0 - 2 years
2 - 5 years
Time until plateau
5 - 10 years
> 10 years
Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 7
Benefit Map: balanced ICT portfolio helps achieve educational goals
The Benefit Map helps you put together an ICT portfolio with the best balance of risks and
returns. Using your educational goals as the starting point, you determine your ICT ecosystem,
a set of interconnected ICT building blocks that reinforce each other, and thereby optimally
supporting your educational institution. This matrix provides insight into the support for
technology from the school administration, as well as from its teachers and students.
Acceptance will be high and implementation will proceed smoothly if the school, teachers and
students all see the value of the selected ICT resources. Implementation will be a difficult and
slow process if none of them see the importance of a technology. This yields four quadrants,
each with its own profile for the technologies it contains.
‘Green light’
This technology mainly concerns
process-supporting systems such as student
information systems. Necessary for the
school’s administration, but often perceived
as cumbersome by teachers and students.
Technology in this quadrant is not perceived
as relevant; this often concerns supporting
infrastructure or agreements about standards.
‘People’s choice’
Tends to be (consumer) technology that
offers convenience to teachers in particular.
However, fragmentation of information and
knowledge can arise without investment in
organisational security. One example of this
is cloud platforms for collaboration.
‘Hot spot’
Technology in this quadrant is often a
variation on consumer technology to support
the educational process, such as smartphone
apps that offer access to digital learning
The horizontal axis shows the importance that teachers and
students attach to the successful application of a technology
Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 8
This report provides insight into the currently most interesting techno-
logical developments, with educational ambitions as the starting point.
But how do you determine which technology will be the best investment
for you? What priorities do you set? How quickly do you want to get
involved in new technology and what risks are you prepared to take?
Compiling your ICT portfolio is comparable to putting together a healthy
equity portfolio. Investing in high-risk technology is attractive if there is
a high return in educational value. You have to be wary of getting ahead
of yourself and jumping on board too soon, but also of the temptation
to ‘sell’ as soon as you hit a bump in the road. You can wait until the risk
is low, but then you also have to settle for a lower return. Finally, in due
time, you have to let go of technologies that have become less beneficial.
Moreover, it is rarely a question of a single technology, but rather an
ecosystem of mutually reinforcing resources. They will only provide
maximum support to educational goals if they are well-connected and
mutually reinforce each other. For example, a stable internet connection
is required to be able to use adaptive learning materials. Without one,
investment in the other is meaningless – and vice versa.
Which technologies can support education in a way that increases the
students’ learning outcomes and motivation? This was the question we
asked ourselves when making this report. In our analysis, we used the
Hype Cycle and Benefit Map from research firm Gartner.
A story about how technology contributes to your educational goals
An analysis like this isn’t always easy. We had discussions and differences
of opinion in our process. In which phase of the Hype Cycle does this
technology actually belong? And in which quadrant on the Benefit Map?
Are we taking sufficient account of the Dutch educational context? By
explaining our different perspectives to each other on why we thought a
technology should be in a certain position, we improved our analysis and
thus our story to each other and to you, our reader.
As a school board, you also have a story to tell. A story about your ICT
portfolio, and how these technologies allow you to fulfil your educational
goals. You need to create understanding and support for your investment
agenda and implementation plans, with various stakeholders, such as
your employees, your students and their parents, the board of directors,
the inspectorate and the business community.
Kennisnet developed additional information about the Hype Cycle and
Benefit Map to help schools with the creation of their own story to tell.
In this, we help you on your way with questions and discussion tips.
The completed Hype Cycles and Benefit Maps in sections 2.2 and 3.2
provide inspiration, but are primarily intended as a starting point for
discussions within school teams.
Hype Cycle and Benefit Map: how they can help you to put together your ICT portfolio
Want to find out more about using the Hype Cycle and
Benefit Map? Visit
Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 9
To give you a sense of the discussions, the struggles and the differences
of opinion, you can read three brief overall impressions of a workshop
that we held with the board of a secondary school.
Selecting technologies with the Hype Cycle
Making a Hype Cycle from scratch is very difficult. This is why we put
a set of technologies on the Hype Cycle, with our version as a starting
point. We were asked the question: “How can we ensure that adaptive
learning materials enter the next phase faster?” The answer was “it
doesn’t work like that”. Each technology goes through its own evolution
process – expectations are initially much too high, so we then become
disappointed and try to figure out the conditions needed to make the
technology a success. Only then does a mature product start to take
shape. This caused disappointment among teachers who were already
eager to do more with adaptive materials. Fortunately, you don’t always
have to wait until technology reaches the safe, full-maturity stage. The
intermediate phase can in fact provide a great deal of knowledge and
experience, which can be of huge benefit to the school. Provided you
take the right measures to limit the risks of immature technology. That
changed the disappointment somewhat back into enthusiasm.
Understanding each other’s priorities with the Benefit Map
The Benefit Map looks simple at first sight, but proves quite difficult to
fathom. One of the school directors asked, “Shouldn’t everything be
in the top right quadrant?” Our answer was ‘no’. A typical Benefit Map
has technologies in all quadrants. It is a question of the balance
between technologies with benefits for the school and with
immediate convenience for teachers and students.
After a short explanation of the
axes and quadrants, we placed
technologies on the Benefit Map.
Adaptive learning materials,
devices and dashboards – many
did turn out to belong in the ‘hot
spot’ in the top right section. “Have
you perhaps forgotten anything?”,
we asked the group. To this, the ICT
How is this kind of story created?userexpectations
Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 10
manager retorted: “Fantastic plans, but with the current network,
it’s next to impossible!” A discussion followed about the benefit
and necessity of a stable internet connection when working with
adaptive learning materials on devices. After this conversation, the
rest of the group also had a better understanding of how crucial
a good internet connection is to achieve their educational goals.
We added this technology to the Benefit Map and the Hype Cycle.
Determining interplay and priorities with the Benefit Map
The last exercise we did during the workshop was a discussion of
the interplay of different technologies. We asked the group: “Which
technologies belong together?” “All of them,” was the first answer.
And a logical answer, at that. You need to utilise the whole set of
technologies if you want to achieve an educational goal. We then
asked, “But are there groups that you could implement separately?
Or things you would have to organise first before starting on
something else?” After a heated discussion, the group concluded:
“Let’s improve our network first, and only then start with structural
use of adaptive materials and appropriate types of devices. This will
enable the students to work well with the materials, and we also
minimise the chance of technical problems frustrating our learning
Chapter 1
The most important technological trends
12Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Preparing young people for a meaningful life and a successful career,
preferably by giving them as much personalised attention as possible.
There are different ways to approach this vital task. Our analysis shows
that artificial intelligence (AI) is the most promising technology for attaining
these educational ambitions. Personal guidance and individual attention
are possible without technology, but are very costly and time-consuming.
By applying AI, educational professionals can more effectively use the time
they devote to each student.
Therefore, the expectations for AI are also high. Schools are already coming
into contact with the first applications, for example in adaptive learning
resources and tests. We expect that the teaching of cognitive skills will be
even more intensively supported by AI in the future. Imagine the possibility
of using AI to provide tailored advice for every student’s learning path. This
is why we have chosen AI as the main topic for this technology compass.
Of course, we haven’t just looked at AI alone. We also briefly discuss
other important trends such as the Internet of Things (IoT), big data,
ICT infrastructure and the increased focus on trust in the digital world
in this chapter. We haven’t chosen any of these trends as the main topic
for various reasons. For example, the impact of the IoT is felt mainly in
society and less so in education. And data itself only gains value when
AI and IoT applications can derive meaning from it. In the next section,
we discuss the relationship between these trends and explain them in
more detail.
delivers /
of Things
Trust in a
digital world
1.1 The universe of trends in a nutshell
13Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
school street
station street
Bus schedule
password ******
Virtual world
Physical world
14Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a very dominant force. This field of study
focuses on algorithms that allow machines to display intelligent behaviour.
It is inspired by the way that people use their nervous systems and bodies
to feel, learn, reason and take action. Due to the increase in computing
capacity and the availability of huge amounts of data, AI is now undergoing
rapid development. Data forms the foundation of the training of
algorithms that make AI possible. By processing and analysing this
large and varied amount of data, AI can get continually better.
Two of the places where data is collected are in our environment and
on our bodies: a development called the internet of things (also
known as IoT). These are devices with sensors and actuators (something
that can be moved or switched on, such as a motor, valve or a program)
that are connected to a network. The data registered by the sensors is
analysed, decisions are made using algorithms, and physical actions can
be carried out by controlling actuators. These devices primarily function
autonomously, without human intervention.
Sensors of this kind are also increasingly present in public spaces. Think of
smart cities, equipped with smart buildings. With this in mind, the term IoT
can seem a little too ‘narrow’. Indeed, an environment is created in which
computers are always present, observing, analysing and possibly
intervening autonomously. This is often referred to as ambient computing.
As a result, more and more data about us is collected and analysed, leading
to a renewed focus on trust in the digital world. We are increasingly
moving towards a world full of algorithms and AI applications. How can
we be confident that platforms such as Facebook and Google will
appropriately deal with stored, used or shared information about us?
And, on the internet, how do you know that parties are who they say
they are? Developments associated with this are the growing attention
towards privacy and security, the hype surrounding blockchain and the
discussions about the platformisation of society.
An education-specific development is the focus on a professional ICT
infrastructure that ensures that innovative technology can be used
unproblematically in the school environment. This is no longer a new
trend, but an important development in Dutch education. School
boards are realising that a professionally equipped ICT infrastructure is
an important precondition for taking the next step with technology in
These developments are all at a different stage of development and
maturity, as becomes clear when we place them on the Hype Cycle.
1.2 The universe of trends: technology
Artificial intelligence is
the most promising technology
15Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
In the following sections, we will discuss AI and the other trends on the
Hype Cycle in more detail. We only discuss big data in the context of AI
and IoT applications because these applications can extract meaning,
and therefore value, from data.
Peak of inflated
Trough of
Slope of
Plateau of
Swamp of
diminishing returns
0 - 2 years
2 - 5 years
Time until plateau
5 - 10 years
> 10 years
Internet of Things (IoT)
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Trust in a digital world
Big data
Ict Infrastructure
16Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
1.2.1 Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence is the ability of computers to perform tasks that
require humans to use their intelligence, like: observing, recognising,
interacting with the environment, analysing, reasoning, solving problems
and making predictions. For example, you can find AI in voice assistants
on smartphones, self-driving cars or in robots that compile orders in
large warehouses. But it can also be found in programs that, without any
human intervention, can write factual accounts about annual figures
or produce diagnoses of medical disorders. A huge range of different
manifestations, but they all use AI as their foundation.
Inspired by the human brain but not the same
Artificial intelligence does not have to mimic the functioning of the brain
in order to be effective, in the same way that an aeroplane can fly without
having to move its wings like a bird. Due to the rapid development of chip
technology, AI can store, process and analyse many times more data than
a human brain. However, not all human capabilities can be approximated
with brute computational power at this time. An AI system that can mimic
a complete human being, otherwise known as artificial general intelligence,
still has a long way to go. Task-specific artificial intelligence, on the other
hand, is already all around us. You can find it in a wide variety of products.
However, AI technology of this kind must be made suitable for a specific
market or field of activity. For example, there are great expectations for
AI in education, but for the time being, we see it only to a limited extent in
tangible educational products.Data
Appears in0011
Artificial Intelligence
? !
Artificial intelligence doesn’t have to mimic
how the brain works
17Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Robots – predominantly for physical work and specific tasks
We regularly see impressive videos of robots effortlessly navigating all
kinds of obstacles or answering a range of questions. As a result, there
are high expectations. Does this mean that robots, powered by AI,
will soon be able to take over all of our physical activities? No. Robots
may seem smart, but they aren’t. A walking robot only functions in a
controlled environment. If you were to put that robot outside on the
pavement, it couldn’t function at all, and would pose a danger to the
humans around it.
Recently, British parliamentarians asked a talking robot a number of
questions. On the basis of its comprehensive answers, you might think
that the robot understood the questions and could therefore answer
any random question. In reality, the answers were preprogrammed.
Robots are therefore not yet suitable for physical and cognitive
interaction with our complete, complex reality.
Cooperation between people and robots
Robots that can behave entirely like humans are still a long way off.
However, they can perform specific tasks, thereby complementing
people. For example, robots in the warehouses of major online stores
bring racks filled with items to the human order picker. Because no
space is required for people, the storage racks can be built closer
together. The order picker then picks up the ordered items by hand
from a rack, because robots aren’t very good at handling a variety
of objects with different shapes or weights. What is very intuitive for
people can be very complicated for robots.
Robots are also used in surgical procedures, which has led to significant
changes to how people work in the operating room. The surgeon no
longer does the cutting himself, but controls the robot from behind a
screen. Incisions thus become smaller and more precise, resulting in
less scar tissue. Moreover, the communication between the surgeon
and his assistants has become much more important because they are
physically further apart. But, after the operation, there is no robot at the
patient’s bedside to tell them how the operation went; although robots
can very successfully simulate empathy and create the illusion that they
understand us, that is still the work of a human, who can demonstrate
true empathy.
Robots particularly complement people when it comes to heavy
physical work, or when an activity has to be performed with great
precision. This is one of the reasons why it is important that vocational
education focuses explicitly on robotics – robots will have an increasing
influence on our work and our lives, but not in tasks where our human
capabilities and strengths play an important role. As an object of study
in basic education, robots are interesting for students, and they will
definitely play a role in the students’ future occupations. But for now,
a robot in every classroom is still very much a pipe dream.
18Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
How does AI work?
Artificial intelligence essentially consists of two components: a self-
learning algorithm and data. An algorithm is a series of instructions that
leads to a certain result. In computers, this takes the form of a computer
program. One example of an algorithm that you encounter and use in
everyday life is a recommender system. Based on your viewing behaviour,
video streaming services make recommendations about other videos that
you may find interesting. To be able to make these recommendations, data
is needed. In this case, the data is your own viewing behaviour and that of
others. Data is the raw material that allows AI to work. By analysing more
data, the algorithm can make better recommendations.
An important difference between other programs and those that use
AI is the ability to learn. Think of a chess program. You could program it
with every possible strategy, decision and rule, prepared in advance. In
terms of possibilities, the end product then remains limited to what the
programmers have told the program about effective strategies. With an
AI chess program, you don’t come up with all the steps in advance, but
you make an algorithm that is capable of learning from data. You ‘feed’ it
millions of chess games that people have played. The algorithm analyses
everything and then extracts strategies, rules and decisions. It would be
impossible for people to analyse so much data, but an AI program is able
to. After the algorithm has been trained, it can play chess against people
in the form of a computer program.
Programs that are trained with AI don’t necessarily learn constantly. It is
a snapshot, as it were, of all knowledge and experiences acquired up to
that point. Its functioning is as good or bad as the quality of the devised
algorithm and the data with which it was trained. The algorithm makes
decisions based on what it has learned before you can eventually use it
as a program. Of course, the program also collects new data as you use
it. To make the AI even better, this data must first be processed and a
new snapshot can be made. You can compare this new snapshot with a
software update.
Bias in AI
Just like people, AI systems sometimes have prejudices, although these
often arise unintentionally. The developer can consciously or unconsciously
program them in the algorithm. It is also possible that the dataset with
which the algorithm is being trained is incomplete, polluted or incorrect.
As AI systems start carrying out more and more tasks for us, we must be
wary of these biases. Later in this report, especially in section 3.3.2, we will
further discuss this bias and the implications it can have in the educational
Forms of AI
There isn’t one specific form of AI. The different forms of AI use different
approaches, each with its own strengths and opportunities. AI products
and services use one or more forms of AI. Here, we will discuss the four
most commonly used forms.
Supervised machine learning
With this form of AI, you know in advance what the correct outcome is
and you teach the algorithm the relationships between various data.
All of the data used is labelled by people, in much the same way that
you would indicate the meaning of each column above the columns of
19Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
attempt attempt attempt attempt attempt
time (no. of attempts)
€ ?
4 rooms
€ € €
energyusage =
yellow parakeetcolour
attempt attempt attempt attempt attempt
time (no. of attempts)
€ ?
location energyusage
attempt attempt attempt attempt attempt
time (no. of attempts)
€ ?
4 rooms
€ € €
a spreadsheet. The algorithm doesn’t have to figure out what the data
means or which data groups belong together. By feeding the algorithm
more and more data, the results become more and more accurate. As
an example, think of determining the selling price of a house. By giving
an algorithm lots of historical data of sold houses with their final selling
price, plot size, location and other features, it gets a better understanding
of the relationships between the factors. This allows it to more accurately
determine a selling price.
Unsupervised machine learning
With this form of AI, you don’t program what the right outcome is and
exactly which data is relevant, but you ask an algorithm to cluster the data
by finding patterns in a dataset. Algorithms like these can be used if you
don’t want to or are unable to classify all the data yourself, or because you
want to discover new connections and clusters. One practical example is
a video service that recommends other videos that are likely to be of
interest to you. In this case, you don’t want to think up every single
category in advance, but you want the system to determine them,
and to keep recognising and updating them.
Reinforcement learning
In this form, the algorithm learns to perform a task by getting rewarded for
actions that provide the right outcome. You can use this type of algorithm
if there is little data available. It is comparable with training a dog: if the
dog does something right, you give it a reward, otherwise, no reward.
The algorithm then learns what the desired actions are that contribute
to achieving a specific goal. These types of algorithms are also used in
self-driving cars so that, learning from the driver, they can make better
decisions. Or, in the case of a robot learning to walk, it learns by trial
and error how big the right step has to be.
20Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Deep learning
You can use this form with ‘unstructured data’ such as images, videos
or sound recordings. Compared with the other forms, it needs much
more data, but it may yield even more accurate results. Deep learning
algorithms consist of different layers. Each layer learns new and more
complex properties of the data. For example, you can create an AI
system that recognises animals. By providing it with lots of examples of
different birds, the system learns to recognise various characteristics.
For example, one layer of the algorithm analyses the shape of the
object. By recognising wings and a beak, it knows that this particular object
is a bird. Another layer analyses the colour of the bird and recognises that
it is a yellow bird. Based on the combination of these characteristics, a
subsequent layer could also recognise the specific type of bird, for example
a yellow parakeet. If you show the algorithm a new bird that wasn’t in the
training set, it can still recognise the bird on the basis of its characteristics.
1.2.3 Internet of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) consists of objects in our daily environment
that are connected to a network such as the internet. These are often
objects that we wouldn’t necessarily expect. IoT devices contain sensors
that observe their environment and use AI algorithms to analyse the
recorded data. As a result of this analysis, the IoT devices can then act
independently in the physical world.
Devices collect, analyse and intervene
For instance, a camera can warn security personnel when a threatening
situation is detected, and immediately sound an alarm or preemptively
close a door. A smartwatch can instantly warn its wearer of an unusually
high or low heart rate, or immediately alert emergency services after you’ve
taken a fall. Over the longer term, our lifestyle habits will be analysed and
we can receive advice on healthy exercise and adequate rest, taking our
daily and weekly routines into account.
Processing of data, both locally and in the cloud
IoT devices continuously collect data on their environment and send
this to online cloud platforms. This enormous amount of data is partly
responsible for the rapid improvement of the algorithms used by AI,
as described in the previous section. Previously collected data is used
to train the AI algorithms that IoT devices apply locally and that cloud
platforms use to determine appropriate actions based on current data.
Data improves these artificial intelligence processes in iterations,
however not at the moment of data collection. Determining the right
intervention and being able to execute it as quickly as possible is the
priority at that moment. Self-driving or semi-autonomous cars will
yellow parakeetcolour
attempt attempt attempt attempt attempt
time (no. of attempts)
€ ?
4 rooms
€ € €
21Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
therefore analyse the data independently if immediate action is required,
for example braking or avoiding an obstacle on the road. Locally analysing
data and acting on this is also known as edge computing. Here, edge refers
to the edge of the cloud. Actions that don’t require intervention within
milliseconds, such as determining the best route based on current traffic
levels and other relevant information, can be coordinated with a central
cloud platform.
Seamlessly integrated computer environment
There is a very diverse collection of devices that can now function
without any human intervention now that items we use every day
such as lighting, doorbells, refrigerators and washing machines are
connected. For this reason, we often don’t recognise them as ‘computers’.
They create an extra layer around the physical world, which is also referred
to as ambient computing by working ever more closely together. While
IoT revolves around the devices, ambient computing refers more to the
experience of ubiquitous, seamlessly integrated computer support in
everyday life and work.
Safety is not a given
Alarm bells may have gone off for some readers with regard to the
various vulnerabilities in the functioning of IoT devices. For example
– what if false data is fed to algorithms? What happens if sensors are
manipulated? Or if the communication between an IoT device and its
cloud client is intercepted and distorted? In many cases, this could lead
to unwanted and sometimes life-threatening situations.
Unfortunately, the fundamental conditions for secure ambient computing
aren’t yet in sight. As yet, there is no integration between suppliers, and
agreements about encrypted, secure communication still don’t receive
much attention. This is due in part to the early stage in which IoT finds
itself on the Hype Cycle. But it also says something about the broader,
practical applicability, which is low, for the time being.
22Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Opportunities for education lie further down the road
All signs indicate that IoT devices will enable a world of ambient computing.
Applications in specific situations are promising, such as analysis of facial
expressions and behaviour on security cameras. Smart buildings that can
enable more efficient energy consumption have also been on the rise
for a number of years. In society, we see IoT applications increasingly
becoming a part of our daily living and working environment. And thus
it also has an influence on education. We also note, however, that
productive contributions to important educational goals, such as
personalised learning, aren’t currently under discussion.
1.2.4 Creating trust in a digital world
Phishing, hacking and other forms of digital fraud are increasingly
being used to successfully take people’s money and data, or to perform
other actions with bad intentions. This is why it is so important that we
continue to make efforts to ensure that others can’t access or use our
property. Measures are needed to make technologies safe to use in the
digital world as well.
Technology can never completely resolve issues of trust. Think of the
lock on your front door, for example. A long time ago, people would-
n’t have been able to imagine that it would be necessary having to
lock your home. Now, it is standard for everyone to do so. You are
considered either careless or naive if you don’t. However, the technology
(the lock) never completely prevents thieves from entering. Increasingly
sophisticated locks and alarm systems are appearing on the market,
and even ‘smart locks’ exist that can allow timed entry to persons with
suitable identification, such as postal or delivery services, but remain
locked for the rest of the day. Nevertheless, burglaries still take place.
Trust is still a human process
In short: technology can help us to create trust, for example by provi-
ding us with information that allows us to better assess whether our
trust is justified. But technology can never completely encapsulate the
trust process, as this remains a process between people. The limits of
what technology can and cannot do for us however leads to a renewed
dialogue about ethical issues. What do we consider to be acceptable,
comfortable, and fair as human beings? These ethical issues are also
highly relevant in the educational context. We highlight a number of
these in this report, particularly in sections 2.3 and 3.3. For instance,
think of how career guidance will manifest as AI is increasingly used in
Privacy settings
23Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
the analysis of learning paths: does AI or a person make the final decision?
And as for the usefulness and necessity of collecting IoT data in students’
learning environments: do we really need all that data in order to make
adjustments to the learning process?
Differences between the physical and digital world
We relied on personal interaction, experience and reputation to determine
whether we could trust a person or an organisation before the existence
of the internet. In the digital world however, we are less able to rely on this
physical personal interaction. For this reason, we have to look for other
structures to determine whether we are about to do business with real
people, whether they are who they say they are, and whether their
intentions are good. People base their trust on an assessment of
competences, integrity, and good intentions; for example, what have
they learned from their own experiences or those of people close to
them, or from information in the media about the relevant person or
A growing number of interactions in the digital world take place via an
AI analysis of available data. The competence and reliability of these
AI algorithms can be assessed objectively: does the analysis lead to
the right outcome in comparable situations? However, evaluating the
intention of an algorithm is more difficult: is an online shop offering
you the hardback edition because it’s more expensive, or because your
previous three purchases were also hardbacks? As the digital world is
increasingly controlled by the analysis, advice and decisions of
algorithms, the discussion about securing trust in the digital world
intensifies. How do we organise and facilitate that trust, and can
technology play a role in this?
Platforms organise trust
Peer review platforms that operate on the basis of unedited experiences
and reviews is one way in which technology can organise trust. This
enables us to confidently do business online with people whom we
don’t know at all in the physical world. We rent houses or book taxi rides
through platforms that facilitate the trust process for us. Does the driver
have 5 stars? If so, then he received this rating based on reviews from
ID Card
AI technology demands
a renewed dialogue about ethics
24Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
The increasing digitalisation of education presents us with new
challenges in ensuring that digital components work together
seamlessly, especially when dealing with data, and the devices on
which it is collected and used. A logical question, then, is whether
new, promising technologies such as blockchain can also help us
to organise safe, trusted cooperation in educational situations.
However, key features of blockchain mean that effective application
of the technology is not as obvious as it would appear at first glance.
For instance, consider the permanent storage of (transaction) data.
One fundamental principle of blockchain is that the removal or
modification of once-recorded data is impossible, because it is
designed to serve as a permanent record of all transactions. This
isn’t always the intention in education, because data sometimes
needs to be changed, for example when adjusting an incorrectly
calculated figure, or if a diploma needs to be withdrawn in the event
of fraud. Moreover, permanent storage is at odds with the right
to erasure, or ‘right to be forgotten’. Another important problem
that blockchain sets out to solve is the lack of a trusted third party
overseeing the reliable recording of data. In education, however,
such third parties are readily available, in the form of school boards
or parties such as the Department for Education, sector councils,
SURF and Kennisnet. Otherwise, the trust problems are such that they
cannot be solved with blockchain because they occur in a process that
precedes their being recorded in the blockchain, for instance in the
wrongful awarding of a diploma. This makes blockchain unnecessarily
complex or burdensome in the vast majority of educational situations.
Want to find out more about blockchain technology?
Read our publication “A study of blockchain technology for education”
via This publication also contains a checklist
that allows you to assess whether a use case benefits from blockchain
real customers. People like you and me. Is there a structural problem in
a holiday apartment? Then it will be apparent on the platform – the host
can’t simply remove or delete this feedback. This creates trust and makes
people willing to provide information and pay for services.
Privacy and security measures evolve
There are also other ways to organise trust. Privacy and security measures
have been in use for some time and are steadily becoming more advanced.
Take the example of pseudonymisation, which allows you to disconnect
data from people; one use of this is in providing student data to AI
applications in order to improve adaptive learning materials. Another
example is advanced encryption to protect the data that schools need from
theft or manipulation. In section 2.3.2 we also describe privacy by design,
where educational systems are designed from the outset to safeguard the
Blockchain in education
25Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
privacy of students and teachers. Secure access to systems is ensured by
using two-stage identification, meaning that, whenever a user logs in from
a new location, an extra code is sent to the user’s registered mobile
number, and this code must be entered to complete the log-in process.
This makes it possible to adequately secure the students’ administration,
while still keeping it accessible for teachers and students.
Blockchain as a mechanism for trust and transparency
There is a great deal of hype surrounding blockchain in the trust domain.
This technology is the basis for Bitcoin transactions and replaces third
party trust, because all of the participants in the blockchain network
always have an exact copy of the register in which all transactions are
stored. All participants jointly determine whether a Bitcoin transaction
actually took place before it is recorded in said register. Everything that
has ever been recorded can never be changed and is fully accessible to
the public. This makes blockchain completely transparent. According to
experts, this transparency leads to trust, and is a solution if the partici-
pants do not trust a third party; in the case of the inventors of Bitcoin, the
third party they didn’t trust was the banking system. Although there are a
lot of expectations for this technology we still see few concrete applicati-
ons outside the Bitcoin network.
1.2.5 ICT foundations for AI in education
ICT infrastructure is no longer a trend, and therefore doesn’t feature
extensively in this report. We do, however, briefly outline what it means
to set up a safe, reliable and future-proof ICT infrastructure. This forms
the natural foundation for all ICT applications in education, including AI.
Without that foundation, ICT cannot be used effectively and responsibly
in the primary process, and it won’t be possible to achieve the future
potential that we sketch out in this report. Furthermore, new developments
such as IoT bring with them new requirements for ICT infrastructure.
Radical investment in mature technology
The organisation of a modern school, with its complex planning and
scheduling, demands professional digital support and a reliable ICT
infrastructure. And, once the choice has been made to use digital learning
resources on a structural basis in the primary process, there must also be
radical investment in ICT infrastructure, without hesitation or reservation.
Otherwise, digitalisation won’t pay off. Take, for instance, investments in
flexible, effectively managed mobile devices for students and teachers,
and a reliable (wireless) network in schools. An internet connection with
high availability and guaranteed capacity for all locations within the
administration is also vital.
Want to find out more about designing ICT infrastructure?
There are few
concrete applications
outside of the Bitcoin network
26Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Direct and manage, but think of ICT infrastructure as a utility
Because ICT infrastructure consists of mature, fully developed technolo-
gies, a school can make investments here without risk. This doesn’t mean
that putting together a reliable ICT infrastructure is easy, but it is to say that
reliable products and the right knowledge and experience are available. As
an educational facility, it is best to think of this infrastructure as a utility that
market participants can take care of for you, while you direct and manage
to ensure it is properly aligned with the educational process. To be able to
27Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
manage effectively, you must therefore invest in expertise on a tactical and
strategic level. Operational ICT tasks don’t belong in education.
Coherent application landscape in the cloud
Effective support for both the primary and secondary processes in your
school requires a well-organised, integrated application landscape.
Administration systems, learning systems and learning materials must
be able to efficiently (re)use each other’s information, without manual data
transfer, double storage of data or any other frustrating, risk-increasing,
time-wasting side effects of badly organised ICT.
An excellent place to start is a ‘cloud first’ strategy for generic education
applications. Exceptions are only justified if essential functionality is
missing or if privacy cannot be guaranteed in a cloud platform. Functional
compromises are inevitable in order to avoid expensive customisation
and in-house facilities as much as possible.
Organise ICT to serve education
When the foundations are solid, you have a stable basis on which to
introduce, use and manage new applications. By establishing robust
control of those foundations and carefully selecting applications that
support the educational process, you will have a successful and
dependable ICT infrastructure. If the deployment of ICT in education –
the information management role – is organised and arranged
thoughtfully, this will create the space to concentrate fully on the
application in education. This frees resources that can be allocated
for teachers to be professionally advised and guided in how to use ICT
effectively in their daily education process, and for initiating innovation
and modernisation when this is necessary or seems promising.
Without reliable ICT infrastructure
you will not reap benefits
28Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Chapter 2
Personalised learning at an individual level
30Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
2.1.1 Transformation of the learning process with
the use of technology
Paying attention to the specific needs of each student is a long-cherished
ambition of education. Most schools have already established some
form of differentiation for this purpose. Teachers can respond to the
diversity in their students’ needs, while maintaining feasibility and ease of
organisation in their teaching by putting students into groups. The next
step is personalised learning at an individual level. This doesn’t mean that
students are isolated in their learning, or that they only do what they want
to, but rather that they are offered exactly what they need to enhance their
learning in a given moment. Think of personalised instructions, practising
at your own level, and direct, meaningful feedback – which are important
elements of effective education.
Technology for personalised learning at an individual level
The use of technology, such as adaptive learning materials, is essential
in enabling individual personalised learning. It offers students the
opportunity to learn at their own pace and at their own level, whenever
and wherever they want. The data from the learning activities is collected,
analysed and used to evaluate and adjust the individual learning
process. By clearly summarising and displaying this data for every
student, teachers can give targeted instruction and pay greater attention
2.1 Personalised learning at an individual level in a nutshell
Progress dashboard
Personalisation doesn’t mean
that students only do what they want to
31Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
to the coaching, nurturing and well-being of their students. Because the
teaching of basic cognitive skills is covered by budding AI technology, the
teacher can give more attention to complex cognitive skills. Technology
supports the teacher, broadens their repertoire and takes over a portion
of the tasks traditionally assumed by the teacher. This offers opportunities
for the relationship to deepen between student and teacher.
How does AI technology help to achieve personalised learning at
an individual level?
That is the subject of this chapter. First, we will provide an outline of how
personalised learning at an individual level changes the learning process
within a school and, on the basis of this, we will offer some mindful
advice. We will then explore the technology behind personalised learning
in detail, analysing the most important technologies that you can use as a
school to enable individual personalised learning in the near future. We
will demonstrate the potential impact on your school and give advice on
important preconditions, such as guaranteeing privacy and embedding
personalised learning in your school organisation. relationship to deepen
between student and teacher.
Basic versus complex cognitive skills
In taxonomies of proficiency levels, such as Bloom’s, we find a
useful organisation of cognitive skills, from basic to complex.
With basic cognitive skills, we are referring to skills such as
memorising, understanding and applying. Education has built
up decades of experience with proven effective mechanisms
for developing these skills. In the form of adaptive learning
material, AI offers an opportunity to automate this well-established
approach. With complex cognitive skills, we mean skills such as
analysing, reflecting, evaluating, and applying existing knowledge
and skills in new situations. It is difficult to mould these skills with
adaptive technology, and education is still in the process of
discovering an effective approach to this. Technology only plays
a minor role in this context.
Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020Kennisnet Trendrapport 2019-2020 32
3 September
A new school year and a new class, how exciting! Who will be a joy, who will be bouncing off the
walls... how tough is this year going to be? At the start of the day, I quickly notice that, once
again, there are big differences in their holiday stories – some children were with relatives in
America, others made day trips to nearby cities.
24 September
27 October
Pffff my autumn plan to let my children work at their own pace just doesn’t fit into our weeks.
On ‘average’, the class is up and we’re on schedule, but of course, ‘average’ doesn’t actually refer
to the individual children. And I see too many kids struggling, grrrrrrr... I want to do something
about it, but what?!
3 November
After the PE lesson, I told my students about the history project we’re going to be doing. I saw
Lucy perk up immediately! She already had a topic in mind: the Renaissance. Unfortunately, I have
very little time to help the class with how to approach it. To be honest, they will pretty much have
to figure it out for themselves. I know that Lucy gets help at home, but I wonder if Javi is getting
on OK. He already speaks Dutch well, but his parents don’t yet. I’m afraid they can’t really help him...
14 November
René, our ICT coordinator, recently told us with great enthusiasm about a new digital method that
allows children to do literacy and numeracy exercises at their own pace. I know he wants to help
me, but it sounds complicated. Am I going to have the time to delve into that?
22 December
René sent round a hilarious Christmas film where he explains what his plans are for the new
method and how it works in the classroom. It’s cool how you can see how fast each child is working
and which parts they’re getting stuck on! I think I’ll get the hang of it if he accompanies us one
afternoon a week – he has really thought about how to handle this. I am going to try to vary how
much time each child has for the exercises.
A story about personalised learning: a year in the life of Mr Theo
Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020Kennisnet Trendrapport 2019-2020 33
27 February
We’re about to start with the new method, super exciting! There was a lot of criticism from
parents when we explained the plan after the Christmas holidays – the information evening was
hectic. But, luckily, ‘my’ parents were quite positive and some even offered to help.
16 March
2 May
The May holiday is here again. This method is really cool, but man what a change to get used to!
Suddenly I’m looking at screens instead of workbooks. But the children like it, and happily work
through everything. I think I’m making good use of the two hours of individual activities, but I also
find it hard to really trust what the dashboard of the learning material says. I’d like to discuss
this in our weekly team meeting next Wednesday afternoon – I understand that Pascal also has
questions about this.
7 July
Lucy now gets more time to practise numeracy. Although it still isn’t her favourite subject, her
self-confidence is growing. She does it in her own way and at her own pace. So lovely to see!
Without this new technology, I don’t know if she’d have come this far...
Because I don’t have to spend as much time on corrections, I finally found some time to guide
students in putting together their project, because it can be a challenge to search for, evaluate
and analyse information in order to write a good piece of work. Especially for pupils like Javi, who
can’t simply fall back on the help of family at home.
During the team meetings, there’s still a lot of talk about the overviews, and how we can use
them collectively to best cater to the differences between children. But we’re learning a lot from
each other, and I see that the students are really benefiting, too. Next year we will expand the
individual time for each student. But first things first, let’s enjoy the summer holidays!
3x3= 99x3= 282x3= 68x3= 24
daily schedule
personal attention
Annual schedule
Presentation parents meeting
strict flexible
34Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
2.1.2 Future insight: personalised learning at an individual
level in education
Technology is offering opportunities to fulfil ambitions in personalised
learning in the near future. But we’re not quite there yet. The technology
that supports personalised learning is still under development. Schools,
developers and suppliers still need to collaborate to acquire a great
deal of knowledge and expertise before adaptive learning materials can
be widely applied. But we’re certain that this development will happen
rapidly. An average school day will soon look very different, as this future
insight shows.
Practise at individual level, make immediate adjustments
A student picks up his tablet and starts his exercise program. The
program generates all kinds of data based on the tasks he completes:
how long does it take him to finish a task? Which answers did he get
right, and where did he struggle? What is (fundamentally) missing? The
program immediately determines the most effective follow-up steps and
provides the student with immediate task-oriented feedback. Perhaps,
the difficulty of the tasks then increases, or the program decides to offer
additional explanation. The adaptive learning tool continually analyses
all data about the learning behaviour of all the students using this
learning tool, and therefore gets better and better at serving students on
an individual level. The teacher offers books and other non-digital forms
of learning materials, effectively blending traditional resources with
adaptive learning material.
Space for complex cognitive skills
On their screens, teachers see a dashboard with data that is collected
from exercises, tests and feedback given from different systems and
learning tools. This provides them with a coherent picture of a student’s
progress. On this basis, they define targeted follow-up steps. This makes
it possible for one student to spend more time on numeracy, while
another receives more literacy assignments. Administrative work, such
roduct optimisatio
School board
rocess optimisatio
Technology saves teachers time that can
then be spent on teaching students other skills
35Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
as manual checking of exercises and documenting the results, is largely
automated. This, coupled with standards for data exchange, has ensured
quality improvement and accountability within and outside the school. The
time that teachers save here is then used to support working methods that
develop students’ complex cognitive skills, such as analysing, reflecting
and evaluating. Technology is still rather limited in its ability to analyse
the data from these working methods. However, technology does help
teachers to efficiently plan and organise the learning process, by
recording, collecting and assessing the assignments aimed at developing
complex cognitive skills.
Transformation of the educational process
Teachers have gradually changed and improved the learning process
by working daily with adaptive learning tools, exchanging experiences
and gradually making adjustments based on this exchange of feedback.
However, they have noticed that existing preconditions and frameworks
within the school and the limited flexibility of the educational process have
hindered the optimal use of adaptive learning tools, and that additional
steps are needed for further optimisation. At present, therefore, monthly
meetings are planned with the board, school leadership and other involved
parties regarding how to gradually transform the education system and
36Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
how they can create support for this throughout the organisation. The
school has recently started experimenting with getting rid of existing
frameworks such as the class system, annual planning and timetables.
These consultations and experiments form a process of phased, concrete,
planned and continuous development, allowing the full potential of the
technology to be attained.
2.1.3 Advice on achieving personalised learning at
an individual level
Many of the consequences of personalised learning are not yet fully
known. There is as yet no long-term experience of personalised learning
technology and its impact on the learning process and the school.
Nevertheless, we do see that personalised learning is playing an
increasingly important role in the educational process. But where
do you start? And how should you approach it?
1. Establish where you are, where you want to go and how
you’ll get there
As a school, you first need to determine, based on your pedagogical vision,
what your ambitions are for personalised learning at individual level.
Working with your teaching team, establish the correct application, role
and weight of personalised learning technology in the learning process
in your school. Determining an appropriate, mutually reinforcing blend
of digital and non-digital learning resources and working methods is also
a key part of this. Have you and your team determined your educational
frameworks, and worked out where you want to be in three or five years?
You can then create a roadmap or implementation plan based on this,
clearly describing the steps you will take in the coming years.
37Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
2. Set out on a journey and adjust your ambition if necessary
Many schools are already acquiring the necessary knowledge and
experience with adaptive learning tools. Make it possible to compare
these experiences within your teaching team by determining in advance
how and under what preconditions and frameworks a digital learning
resource will be used. Discuss these experiences with each other
periodically so that teachers can gradually and continuously optimise
the learning process. This also entails thinking about what data you
need in your learning process in order to plan, monitor and improve
education. You also need to examine whether the software you’re
using can provide that data and exchange it with other systems. When
investing in personalised learning technology, interoperability of systems
and standardisation of connections is essential so that you only have to
record data about group classification, profile choices or achieved results
once, and can properly reuse this data when organising personalised
learning. Are certain choices about resources, teaching or data collection
not having the desired effect? Then adjust your roadmap, and maybe
even your destination, accordingly.
3. Arrange the preconditions for your journey
To be able to realise your ambitions for personalised learning on an indi-
vidual level, you will need a reliable, secure ICT infrastructure to serve as
the foundation. This means uncompromising investment in wifi, internet
connection, cloud platforms, devices and mobile device management.
Your user experience with personalised learning technology should never
be marred by a faltering internet connection, for instance. Investments in
ICT infrastructure aren’t necessarily cheap and the implementation isn’t
necessarily easy, but the technology is mature, so a successful roll-out
is possible. Make sure that your information security and privacy policy
are well-structured. To be able to deliver customised services, you will be
recording more information about students and sharing it in the cloud.
Make the proper arrangements with your suppliers in this regard, so you
can embark on your journey with confidence.
Seamless data exchange is essential
for personalisation
38Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Which technologies help us to offer a tailor-made learning process for
each student? Which underlying technology requires attention to enable
this? Where do we draw the boundaries between technology and people?
In this chapter, we illustrate the relevant technological building blocks
with three tools that make individual personalised learning possible.
The Hype Cycle shows the maturity of each technology. We can see
a clear divide. On the one hand, we have a group of technologies
consisting of (parts of) the adaptive learning materials themselves.
These technologies are still under development and therefore aren’t yet
fully mature. The second group consists of stable, mature technologies
that form the necessary ICT foundation for the effective use of adaptive
learning materials.
The Benefit Map shows the connections between technologies. We see
three clear chains that build on each other: the personalised learning
technology that is visible and used in the daily education process; the
technology ‘under the bonnet’, which supports the personalised learning
technology with the exchange, interpretation, analysis and application
of data; and the ICT foundation of technologies that ensure the smooth
functioning of personalised learning technology.
In the SWOT we map out the strengths and weaknesses of personalised
learning technology and the opportunities and threats it poses for
education. Adaptive learning material enables targeted individual
interventions and diversity in learning opportunities for basic cognitive
skills. Complex cognitive skills and other aspects such as well-being are
difficult to measure, but are also crucial in a student’s growth. With the
help of adaptive learning materials, time and headspace are freed up so
that education can pay even more attention to these areas.
We conclude this section with advice that will help you get to grips with an
investment and implementation plan to achieve individual personalised
learning with technology.
2.2 Personalised learning at an individual level: the technology
Need a refresher on the Hype Cycle and Benefit Map?
Have another look at the explanation in the introduction.
39Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
2.2.1 Hype Cycle for personalised learning at
an individual level
The Hype Cycle below displays all the technologies that are important for
personalised learning. The location on the Hype Cycle shows a snapshot
of the relative maturity of a technology and its potential in the future.
The Hype Cycle helps you choose the right time to start using a technology
and what risks are associated with its deployment within your school.
The Hype Cycle below is the result of an analysis of various studies and
existing Hype Cycles.
Peak of inflated
Trough of
Slope of
Plateau of
Swamp of
diminishing returns
0 - 2 years
2 - 5 years
Time until plateau
5 - 10 years
> 10 years
Cross-subject dashboard
Supervised machine learning
Privacy by design
Adaptive testing
Digital trust
Descriptive learning analytics
Big data (adopted in
other technology)
Cloud office
Mobile device
IDaaS Traditional SIS
Standards for
data exchange
40Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Innovation trigger: first introduction of innovative, new technology
In this phase, we tend to see experimental or conceptual technologies that
are not yet ready to be dependably used in practice. This personalised
learning scenario doesn’t contain any technologies that are still in this
trigger phase.
Peak of inflated expectations: hyped technology doesn’t yet meet
high expectations
Here, we see technologies that are still under development, but which a
number of schools are already trying out in practice. Think of cross-
subject dashboards that aim to meet the need for insight into the
learning process at schools where many digital learning tools are being
used. For this cross-curricular insight, many agreements are needed
between suppliers, together with teaching staff, to be able to connect
and exchange information properly. Supervised machine learning is
also used, but for the time being this is limited to fairly simple artificial
intelligence applications that don’t always have a self-learning system
behind them. Supervised machine learning learns from data, but does
so on the basis of fully pre-programmed rules. This technology is mainly
used to teach basic cognitive skills, rather than complex cognitive skills.
Trough of disillusionment: high expectations not fulfilled,
disappointment prevails, potential is underestimated
This phase is dominated by disappointment, due to problems in using
the technology. Expectations are not met and some schools turn away
from technologies such as adaptive learning materials and descriptive
learning analytics due to high costs and poor returns. Nonetheless, in
this stage, you learn a huge amount about the preconditions for using a
technology productively and effectively. Portfolios can play a role in the
recording and collection of assignments aimed at complex cognitive skills.
It is noteworthy that we have to indicate big data as ‘obsolete before
plateau’. Although (big) data as a raw material is essential for ‘training’
and improving all forms of machine learning and learning analytics, the
broader concept is now too general and uninformative without the
context of application.
Slope of enlightenment: obstacles are overcome, preconditions
become known, benefits become visible
Much of the supporting technology for personalised learning is or will
soon become mature. Cloud office is a special case because the ever-
expanding functionality of these important platforms (G Suite for
Education, Apple Classkit/Classroom and Office365 for Education) isn’t
always mature. Due to expansions, the technology sometimes makes
a leap backwards on the Hype Cycle. However, basic functions such as
calendar, email, editing documents online, chat and video functions,
Big data: obsolete before plateau
In our analysis, we have indicated Big Data as ‘obsolete before
plateau’ on the Hype Cycle characteristic ‘time until wider
adoption’. Our estimation is that the technology in this form will
not reach large-scale implementation. Is that the end of Big Data
in education? Definitely not. However, data only becomes valuable
when AI applications derive meaning from it. It is therefore of more
interest to look at AI and to then consider data via that route.
41Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
assessing assignments and recent classroom functions for planning and
organising mature quickly and can be fully deployed.
Plateau of productivity: proven benefits, widening adoption, ac-
celeration of growth
Technologies such as SaaS (the technology that enables digital resources
to be web-based), mobile devices, mobile device management (MDM)
and connectivity (internet/wifi) form the reliable foundations for
personalised learning. However, this doesn’t mean that it is always
straightforward to put these facilities in place. Investments in time and
resources are required, but luckily, the necessary knowledge and mature
products are available in the market.
Swamp of diminishing returns: watch out for new goals getting
frustrated due to technologies of decreasing value
In addition to identifying valuable new technologies that support
educational ambitions, it is equally important to identify which older
technologies are becoming a hindrance to said ambitions. Student
information systems in their current form are a good example of this.
They are still important for administration and accountability, but need
to be further developed and renewed in order to support personalised
learning and thereby return to the plateau of productivity. Traditional
teaching material also has declining added value in its current form,
because it only makes a limited contribution within a school. For
instance, automatic registration of the learning process and adaptivity
are not possible with these resources. By using a purposeful blend
of adaptive learning materials where possible and existing traditional
teaching materials where useful, education will still be able to make
good returns from traditional resources for some time to come. When
the market consciously designs learning resources as a set of digital and
traditional teaching materials that complement each other, the value of
traditional teaching materials will once again increase. This will cause it to
disappear as a separate technology on the Hype Cycle and return as an
integrated part of learning materials.
2.2.2 Benefit Map for personalised learning
The Benefit Map is a tool used to make decisions about interrelated
technologies and to generate support for the choices and agreements
that you make. It gives a sense of where the interests and concerns
of the school lie, as well as the interests and concerns of teachers and
students. It also makes it possible to discern the mutual connections
and dependencies of technologies. By positioning the technologies from
the Hype Cycle on the Benefit Map, we can clearly demonstrate which
technologies are important to whom (teacher/student or school) and for
what reasons.
This Benefit Map has been devised on the basis of dozens of
conversations with schools about personalised learning and the underlying
technologies, thereby constituting our estimation of an ‘average’ school.
Depending on differences in educational ambitions and other concerns,
your organisation may place technologies in different quadrants.
An effective blend of digital
and folio material is essential
42Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Hot spot: shared interests/importance
The Hot Spot contains technologies for which the school, teachers and
students all have high expectations, and therefore find very important.
Some examples are adaptive learning materials that are used every
day, or cross-subject dashboards that provide an overview of the digital
aspect of the learning process.
Enabler: the difference between wishful thinking and reality
The Enabler quadrant contains a significant number of technologies that
students, teachers and the school alike find less interesting. There is low
willingness to devote structural attention and resources to these because
all three parties don’t see the direct importance of them. Nevertheless,
the high expectations for Hot Spot applications can often only be realised
if they can rely on the enablers. Namely, strong ICT foundations and data
Green light: the organisation has responsibilities
The Green Light quadrant contains technologies that are particularly
important to the organisation because they guarantee processes and
information provision. As an example, each educational organisation
has (legal) obligations and must be accountable for performance and
resources. Student information systems are one example of a technology
that is of great interest to the school board, while often regarded by
teachers as a chore. After all, filling them in doesn’t immediately contribute
to better lessons.
People’s choice: teachers and students prioritise the learning process
The People’s Choice quadrant contains technologies that are particularly
important to users because of the direct benefit to their everyday learning
experience. Teachers and students naturally focus on the technologies
that specifically support them in the daily education process. Cloud office
(email, calendar, shared documents) and traditional teaching materials can
therefore be found in this quadrant, and usually so can applications that
allow the student or teacher some freedom of choice.
Personal productivity
Adaptive testing
by design
Digital trust
Supervised machine
learning Descriptive
learning analytics
Adaptive learning
Standards for
data exchange
Mobile device
Mobile devices
Student information
Cloud office
teaching materials
43Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
2.2.3 Interplay of technologies
Once the technologies have been positioned, you can look at how they
relate to each other. Often, a certain technology can only work safely
and effectively if there is also investment in a different technology. By
linking these technologies, a chain is created. We found three chains in
our analysis: one with the technologies that you experience as a user
(the ‘front end’), one set of technology ‘under the bonnet’ and finally a
chain containing the technological foundations.
The front end: technology that is visible in the daily education process
In this scenario, students use technologies that offer personalised learning
in their everyday learning environments. Teachers thus have insight into
the daily learning process of students and can offer individual support
based on this.
1.	 With adaptive learning materials and adaptive testing, students
can work at their own pace and level, whenever and wherever they
want. The learning material adapts in real time based on students’
actions and achievements, offers task-oriented feedback and makes
connections to prior knowledge and preferences. This technology is
limited to training and testing basic cognitive skills such as memorising,
understanding and applying. It gives a teacher time and space to
interact with the students and support their acquisition of complex
cognitive skills such as analysing, evaluating and applying existing
knowledge in new situations.
2. 	Although digital learning resources are developing rapidly, traditional
teaching materials and non-digital working methods and activities do
still add value to the learning process. The teacher must then record
progress and results separately in the student information system.
Also, more instruction and direction from the teacher is needed to
be able to offer personalised learning. After all, traditional teaching
material offers limited differentiation, doesn’t collect data about the
learning process, and offers no adaptivity. Within the context of work
Personal productivity
Adaptive testing
by design
Digital trust
Supervised machine
learning Descriptive
learning analytics
Adaptive learning
Standards for
data exchange
Mobile device
Mobile devices
Student information
Cloud office
teaching materials
Digital trust
by design
Supervised machine
Mobile devices
Mobile device
learning analytics
Standards for
data exchange
44Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
pressure and efficiency, traditional teaching materials therefore remain limited to the places where they really
add value or where there isn’t yet a digital alternative.
3. 	With cloud office (for example, G Suite for Education, Apple Classkit/Classroom or Office 365 for Education) the
students work on assignments and papers and communicate with the teachers or fellow students with whom
they are collaborating. These systems can be used to organise activities that focus on complex cognitive
skills, thereby supplementing adaptive learning resources. The portfolio provides insight into the approach
to assignments, helps to monitor the process and (automatically) redirects the manual assessment of
products to the student information system and a cross-subject dashboard.
4.	This cross-subject dashboard provides an overview by (automatically) bringing together information on
progress and results from various learning resources and environments. Using the student information system
as its basis, the dashboard offers the student and teacher a cross-subject view of the student’s development and
their learning process. This saves the teacher time, which then enables them to give appropriate attention to
each student. This cross-subject snapshot then forms part of the basis used by the teacher and student to plan
5. 	EdBots relieve teachers by providing students with routine information or guidance. For instance, they can
proactively send text messages and clickable links to the students at useful moments, providing them with
information about lesson planning, dashboard insights, timetable changes and other notices concerning
day-to-day teaching and learning. These simple chat applications provide AI-generated answers to questions.
Companies use chatbots to answer their customers’ most straightforward questions via WhatsApp and Facebook
in order to reduce their customer service costs.
Chain 1. Technology visible in the daily
education process
Adaptive learning
teaching materials
Student infor­
mation system
Cloud office
45Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Under the bonnet: automatically collect and analyse information
from the digital learning process
Personalised learning technology makes extensive use of real-time data
from the learning process. Technologies ‘under the bonnet’ efficiently
handle this with their smart and automatic collection, sorting and analysis
of the relevant data.
1.	 The intelligence in adaptive learning materials and tests and the
insights into progress on the cross-subject dashboards rely heavily
on current data from the learning process. With the consistent use
of applicable standards for data exchange – for example, grouped
information about progress towards a learning objective – relevant
data about the (results and progress of the) student can be collected
quickly (and automatically) and can be viewed by both teacher and
student. For example, Edustandaard’s UWLR (Exchange of Student
Data and Results) standard for the Netherlands sets out the guidelines
for the exchange of students’ data and results.
2.	 Personalising the learning experience of each student requires
information on an individual level. Students sign up using their own,
unique identity in all the learning resources and applications that they
use. IDaaS (identity as a service) refers to services that allow students
and teachers to log in unambiguously and only once (also known as SSO
– single sign on) so that they can access all digital learning resources and
applications used by the school without any problems.
3.	 The data collected in each student’s learning process is analysed with
descriptive learning analytics so that the cross-subject dashboard
can demonstrate what the student has done so far and the results
to which these actions have led. This form of learning analytics
simply looks back on the learning process, and doesn’t draw any
conclusions. It is up to the teacher to do this.
Personal productivity
Adaptive testing
by design
Digital trust
Supervised machine
learning Descriptive
learning analytics
Adaptive learning
Standards for
data exchange
Mobile device
Mobile devices
Student information
Cloud office
teaching materials
Adaptive learning
Mobile devices
Mobile device
Cloud office
Student information
Adaptive testing
teaching materials
46Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
4.	 The same data is used by supervised machine learning (a form of artificial intelligence) to improve the
periodically adapted or self-learning algorithms in adaptive learning materials and adaptive tests. For
example, resources with new data are better programmed to adequately respond to the learning needs of
students and to appropriately deal with situations that arise in the learning process. These algorithms make
small pedagogical decisions in each student’s learning journey.
5.	 Collecting as much data as possible per individual student and using it every day in the educational process
rightly raises questions about how the digital trust of students, teachers and parents can be guaranteed. This
trust is essential for acquiring and building support from them for digitalisation in the educational process.
The school protects the privacy of students and teachers by safeguarding the confidentiality, correctness and
limited accessibility of data, thereby earning their digital trust and, crucially, complying with legislation and
6.	 Privacy by design is when the design, development, selection or implementation of a process or software
proactively address how you wish to regulate privacy and information security. Privacy by design is a legal
obligation arising from the GDPR that affects software providers, but also any schools that ‘design’ their
educational process. As a school, you must ensure that the data generated in your learning process is
only available to those who require it. This means that the data is to be preventively protected against
unauthorised use. Providers of digital learning systems must build their products in a way that guarantees
their users’ privacy. By using pseudonymisation, the student’s identity is only visible when and to whom it
is relevant. With suitable encryption, data can only be read by persons who are authorised to do so. As a
school, you are legally responsible for careful organisation of such measures, even if you invest in suppliers
to implement them.
Chain 2. Automatically collect and analyse
information from the digital learning
Standards for
data exchange
learning analytics
machine learning
Digital trust
Privacy by design
47Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Adaptivity with algorithms
An algorithm is a set of rules leading to a predetermined objective
when its steps are executed in the correct order. It is comparable
with a recipe. The rules are the cooking instructions, and the goal is
the meal that can be made from the various ingredients by following
these instructions. In the same sense, for adaptive learning materials
and adaptive tests, algorithms are processed by a programmer. The
purpose of this is to determine the student’s level and to adjust what
is offered to them each time their level changes.
Algorithms in adaptive learning materials and adaptive tests can be
grouped into three forms.
Multistage testing
With this form, a student gets one set of tasks after another. Based
on the answers, the algorithm re-estimates the student’s level and
prepares a subsequent set of tasks that is appropriate for said level.
These sets of tasks have been put together in advance by the
developers and have been classified into particular levels.
Computer adaptive testing
In this form, the algorithm selects the next task based on the
answer to the
previous task,
steadily getting
a more accurate sense of the student’s level. This continues until the
algorithm reaches a predetermined level of measurement precision.
The algorithm retrieves the task from a database of tasks that the
developers have already catalogued by level.
ELO rating
With this form,
the level of the
tasks is not determined in advance. The tasks are linked to a topic or
core goal. Based on the answers that the student gives, the algorithm
determines their proficiency level. Are the student’s answers correct?
Then their score increases for those topics or objectives. This then
leads them to work on tasks where they are less proficient.
All these forms of adaptivity can be found in digital products.
Sometimes only one of the three occurs, but there is usually a
combination. Adaptivity is still under development. We therefore
deemed it wise to inform you in advance about how adaptivity is
applied. The way that a learning resource or test has been put
together shouldn’t be a black box to the teacher (or the student).
set of tasks
set of tasks
set of tasks
Bset of tasks
set of tasks
set of tasks
set of tasks
set of tasks
Database Algorithm
Database Algorithm
Database Algorithm
AB Bset of tasks
set of tasks
Database Algorithm
Database Algorithm
set of tasks
set of tasks
set of tasks
Bset of tasks
set of tasks
set of tasks
set of tasks
set of tasks
Database Algorithm
Database Algorithm
Database Algorithm
48Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
The foundation underlying all digital applications
Need a refresher on ICT infrastructure?
Re-read section 1.2.5.
All software and learning materials in this scenario are now cloud-based.
The daily dependence on these technologies in the primary process
therefore requires a reliable, scalable and secure ICT foundation that,
just like electricity, becomes an invisible and assumed part of the school
1.	 SaaS (software as a service) has rendered facilities requiring a great
deal of knowledge and capital, such as in-house servers and data
centres, obsolete. The service provider is responsible for managing
availability, scalability (more or fewer users), reliability and mainte-
nance. This frees up a school’s time and investment for tasks that are
more closely related to education.
Personal productivity
Adaptive testing
by design
Digital trust
Supervised machine
learning Descriptive
learning analytics
Adaptive learning
Standards for
data exchange
Mobile device
Mobile devices
Student information
Cloud office
teaching materials
Cloud office
Supervised machine
learning Descriptive
learning analytics
Digital trust
by design
Student information
Adaptive learning
Adaptive testing
Standards for
data exchange
teaching materials
Privacy from a personalised learning perspective:
the transaction
The ambition of personalised learning is at odds with the obligation
to guarantee the privacy of students and teachers. After all,
personalised learning requires detailed information about the
student’s needs and the teacher’s skills to determine an optimal
approach to using adaptive learning resources and effectively
guiding the learning process. How do you maintain the right balance
to deliver the best possible education? The guiding principle must
be that any recorded information provides a demonstrable
contribution to personalised learning for individual students.
It has to be a fair transaction: any recorded information must
improve the student’s education.
49Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
2.	 Because students use digital learning resources every day in their learning activities, they have appropriate
mobile devices (tablets, Chromebooks and/or laptops) suitable for that form of work.
3.	 To assure the correct functioning of the mobile device, and that it has the right settings and applications,
mobile device management (MDM) is used, wherein the school manages the design and use of mobile
devices in the educational process and can allocate flexible (management) responsibilities to students,
teachers and ICT support staff. For instance, MDM can allow a school to remotely provide temporary
settings to mobile devices for a test.
4.	 Full dependence on access to cloud applications for mobile devices in the education process requires
reliable, scalable and secure wireless connectivity (internet/wifi). This enables students and teachers to
independently work anywhere, at any time, from any device, without time-wasting disruptions.
Chain 3. ICT infrastructure as a foundation
for all digital applications.
Mobile device
Mobile devices
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020

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Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020

  • 1. 0011 0101 1110 1001 10 0 Laat ict werken voor het onderwijs Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
  • 2. Education in an artificially intelligent world Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 Please note: This report is written from a Dutch perspective and with the Dutch educational system and its structure in mind. Please take this into account when reading this report.
  • 3. Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 3 Table of contents What will you find in this technology compass? 4 Chapter 1 The most important technological trends 11 1.1 In a nutshell 12 1.2 The technology 14 Chapter 2 Personalised learning at an individual level 29 2.1 In a nutshell 30 2.2 The technology 38 2.3 Issues for education 56 Chapter 3 Living, learning and working with artificial intelligence 61 3.1 In a nutshell 62 3.2 The technology 73 3.3 Issues for education 89 Chapter 2 This insight into the future describes a further development of technologies schools are already using, like adaptive learning materials, in the coming years. VirusMbps dashboard Chapter 1 Contains an analysis of the most significant technological trends and developments. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the most important. Mbps Chapter 3 This insight into the future shows how schools will change in the long term when an artificially intelligent learning environment is available at all times.
  • 4. Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 4 If someone had told you 25 years ago – roughly at the time the internet started to rise – that in 2019, you would be swiping on your smartphone for multiple hours a day, and that thanks to the internet you’d know exactly what time your aunt in France was drinking her latte, or that teenagers could become drone pilots during their vocational studies, would you have believed that person? Probably not, as nobody can predict the future. Although technological developments are reasonably foreseeable, the social and cultural consequences they will have in the future are very difficult to predict. For instance, a film from the sixties about the ‘office of the future’ was pretty accurate from a technological point of view. The only thing missing however was women, as the arrival of washing machines, vacuum cleaners and gas cookers had actually given them more time for office work. How do we prepare young people to live an independent life in a world in which we are continually developing and deploying better, smarter and more efficient technologies? A world where artificial intelligence (AI) helps prevent diseases and domestic burglary, and where robots perform surgery? The influence of AI and robotics on people and society is profound and far-reaching. In 25 years’ time a significant portion of the tasks people currently perform will have been taken over by robots or AI systems. This creates challenges, but also offers new opportunities. We easily come into contact with different cultures via the internet, job security is a thing of the past, and information (or misinformation) is abundantly and publicly available. Life in this kind of society requires skills. Knowledge and cognitive skills remain important, but, more than ever, social-emotional skills are necessary for personal and professional development. The student of today must in the future be able to cooperate in teams of people from different backgrounds and come up with solutions for new issues that we can’t even imagine yet. Schools and teachers therefore have an indispensable role in developing social-emotional skills, in addition to teaching knowledge and cognitive skills. In the acquisition of knowledge and cognitive skills in particular, we see a growing role for technology. With the help of artificial intelligence, it is increasingly possible to personalise education to each individual learner. And with that, something interesting happens: the teacher gets more time and headspace to focus on guiding students in their development of social-emotional skills. And precisely those skills will be very important in this rapidly changing and uncertain future. Education is geared towards a future in which teacher and technology work together to teach students the knowledge and skills necessary for a meaningful and successful life. Technology can’t do it completely, but equally, teachers can’t do it alone. What will you find in this technology compass? Technology can’t do it completely, but equally, teachers can’t do it alone
  • 5. Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 5 In this technology compass, we outline a future in which teachers and technologies collaborate to teach students the skills they need for a meaningful and successful life. This report consists of four parts. In the rest of this introductory part, we explain the two tools that we use in our trend analysis. Chapter 1 presents our analysis of the most important technological trends and developments. Chapters 2 and 3 each contain insights into the future impact of the technologies in education. Chapter 1: the most important technological trends Describes the most important technological trends and developments for education. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the most relevant one. There are a number of other dominant developments that relate to AI as well. We also explain those in more detail in this chapter. Chapter 2 and 3: insights into the future Chapter 2 provides insight into how the technologies schools are currently using will be developed further in the coming years. For example adaptive learning materials for students, and dashboards that allow teachers to follow and guide the learning process. The second insight, in chapter 3, shows how a school changes over the long term into an artificially intelligent learning environment that is always available and that supports personalised learning at the level of individual learning paths. In both chapters, artificial intelligence acts as the technological catalyst. Each chapter consists of two or three sections, from different perspectives. In a nutshell We provide a general outline that has relevance for every reader. This is where you can read the most important conclusions and recommendations. See 1.1, 2.1 and 3.1 The technology Features an analysis of the most important technologies. This enables a greater understanding of the technology, in non-technical language. Especially of interest if you want to know more about the technologies and how they relate to each other. But take note: in 2.2.5 and 3.2.5 there are recommendations that are relevant for all school teams. See 1.2, 2.2 and 3.2 Issues for education Here we address a number of challenging issues to be faced in education as a result of use of the technology. Especially interesting if you want to know more about the impact of artificial intelligence on the learning process and administration. See 2.3 and 3.3 Structure and reading advice
  • 6. Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 6 The Hype Cycle was developed by market research firm Gartner and charts how a new technology evolves from initial promise to accepted product. This provides a yearly snapshot of the relative maturity of a technology and its potential in the future. The Hype Cycle therefore helps choosing the right time to implement a technology. A technology’s position is based on market adoption, practical experiences, available knowledge and research into effectiveness. Since 1995, Gartner has been making yearly Hype Cycles for 5000 trends in 90 fields. Hype Cycle: visual representation of market development A potentially groundbreaking technological innovation gets the first media interest through demonstrations and experiments. The technology is not yet generally applicable or commercially viable. A wave of enthusiasm is set off by publicity about the first success stories. These expectations surpass the actual possibilities. This is where the hype is at its highest. Enthusiasm makes way for disappointment, due to problems, high costs and low returns. Expectations plummet to their lowest point. This is precisely the period that offers opportunities for new applications, building on the experiences and knowledge of forerunners. The first obstacles are overcome and the gains become clear, as do the conditions for successful application. Using the insights of forerunners, there is a growing understanding of where and how the technology can be used effectively. Now that the actual returns have been proven in practice, more and more organisations dare to use the technology. A period of rapid growth follows, which then sees another decrease as more and more people get involved. Outdated technology can frustrate, delay or even prevent new initiatives. This means that, in addition to the timely adoption of new technologies, outdated technology should also be replaced in good time. Innovation trigger Peak of inflated expectations Trough of disillusionment Slope of enlightenment Plateau of productivity Swamp of diminishing returns Development of expectations over time The expectation (hype) of a technology is plotted (vertically) against time (horizontally) on the Hype Cycle. Each Hype Cycle distinguishes six phases of development that every technology goes through. This isn’t necessarily a linear process as each technology moves at its own pace. userexpectations time Time until plateau This characteristic is an indication of the time a technology needs to reach the plateau of productivity. It thus provides a prediction of the time required for a technology to mature before it is widely adopted on the market. Now 0 - 2 years 2 - 5 years Time until plateau 5 - 10 years > 10 years Obsolete
  • 7. Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 7 Benefit Map: balanced ICT portfolio helps achieve educational goals The Benefit Map helps you put together an ICT portfolio with the best balance of risks and returns. Using your educational goals as the starting point, you determine your ICT ecosystem, a set of interconnected ICT building blocks that reinforce each other, and thereby optimally supporting your educational institution. This matrix provides insight into the support for technology from the school administration, as well as from its teachers and students. Acceptance will be high and implementation will proceed smoothly if the school, teachers and students all see the value of the selected ICT resources. Implementation will be a difficult and slow process if none of them see the importance of a technology. This yields four quadrants, each with its own profile for the technologies it contains. ‘Green light’ This technology mainly concerns process-supporting systems such as student information systems. Necessary for the school’s administration, but often perceived as cumbersome by teachers and students. ‘Enabler’ Technology in this quadrant is not perceived as relevant; this often concerns supporting infrastructure or agreements about standards. ‘People’s choice’ Tends to be (consumer) technology that offers convenience to teachers in particular. However, fragmentation of information and knowledge can arise without investment in organisational security. One example of this is cloud platforms for collaboration. ‘Hot spot’ Technology in this quadrant is often a variation on consumer technology to support the educational process, such as smartphone apps that offer access to digital learning environments. The horizontal axis shows the importance that teachers and students attach to the successful application of a technology Theverticalaxisshowstheimportancethattheschoolorgani­ sationattachestothesuccessfulapplicationofatechnology
  • 8. Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 8 This report provides insight into the currently most interesting techno- logical developments, with educational ambitions as the starting point. But how do you determine which technology will be the best investment for you? What priorities do you set? How quickly do you want to get involved in new technology and what risks are you prepared to take? Compiling your ICT portfolio is comparable to putting together a healthy equity portfolio. Investing in high-risk technology is attractive if there is a high return in educational value. You have to be wary of getting ahead of yourself and jumping on board too soon, but also of the temptation to ‘sell’ as soon as you hit a bump in the road. You can wait until the risk is low, but then you also have to settle for a lower return. Finally, in due time, you have to let go of technologies that have become less beneficial. Moreover, it is rarely a question of a single technology, but rather an ecosystem of mutually reinforcing resources. They will only provide maximum support to educational goals if they are well-connected and mutually reinforce each other. For example, a stable internet connection is required to be able to use adaptive learning materials. Without one, investment in the other is meaningless – and vice versa. Which technologies can support education in a way that increases the students’ learning outcomes and motivation? This was the question we asked ourselves when making this report. In our analysis, we used the Hype Cycle and Benefit Map from research firm Gartner. A story about how technology contributes to your educational goals An analysis like this isn’t always easy. We had discussions and differences of opinion in our process. In which phase of the Hype Cycle does this technology actually belong? And in which quadrant on the Benefit Map? Are we taking sufficient account of the Dutch educational context? By explaining our different perspectives to each other on why we thought a technology should be in a certain position, we improved our analysis and thus our story to each other and to you, our reader. As a school board, you also have a story to tell. A story about your ICT portfolio, and how these technologies allow you to fulfil your educational goals. You need to create understanding and support for your investment agenda and implementation plans, with various stakeholders, such as your employees, your students and their parents, the board of directors, the inspectorate and the business community. Kennisnet developed additional information about the Hype Cycle and Benefit Map to help schools with the creation of their own story to tell. In this, we help you on your way with questions and discussion tips. The completed Hype Cycles and Benefit Maps in sections 2.2 and 3.2 provide inspiration, but are primarily intended as a starting point for discussions within school teams. Hype Cycle and Benefit Map: how they can help you to put together your ICT portfolio Want to find out more about using the Hype Cycle and Benefit Map? Visit
  • 9. Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 9 To give you a sense of the discussions, the struggles and the differences of opinion, you can read three brief overall impressions of a workshop that we held with the board of a secondary school. Selecting technologies with the Hype Cycle Making a Hype Cycle from scratch is very difficult. This is why we put a set of technologies on the Hype Cycle, with our version as a starting point. We were asked the question: “How can we ensure that adaptive learning materials enter the next phase faster?” The answer was “it doesn’t work like that”. Each technology goes through its own evolution process – expectations are initially much too high, so we then become disappointed and try to figure out the conditions needed to make the technology a success. Only then does a mature product start to take shape. This caused disappointment among teachers who were already eager to do more with adaptive materials. Fortunately, you don’t always have to wait until technology reaches the safe, full-maturity stage. The intermediate phase can in fact provide a great deal of knowledge and experience, which can be of huge benefit to the school. Provided you take the right measures to limit the risks of immature technology. That changed the disappointment somewhat back into enthusiasm. Understanding each other’s priorities with the Benefit Map The Benefit Map looks simple at first sight, but proves quite difficult to fathom. One of the school directors asked, “Shouldn’t everything be in the top right quadrant?” Our answer was ‘no’. A typical Benefit Map has technologies in all quadrants. It is a question of the balance between technologies with benefits for the school and with immediate convenience for teachers and students. After a short explanation of the axes and quadrants, we placed technologies on the Benefit Map. Adaptive learning materials, devices and dashboards – many did turn out to belong in the ‘hot spot’ in the top right section. “Have you perhaps forgotten anything?”, we asked the group. To this, the ICT How is this kind of story created?userexpectations time
  • 10. Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 10 manager retorted: “Fantastic plans, but with the current network, it’s next to impossible!” A discussion followed about the benefit and necessity of a stable internet connection when working with adaptive learning materials on devices. After this conversation, the rest of the group also had a better understanding of how crucial a good internet connection is to achieve their educational goals. We added this technology to the Benefit Map and the Hype Cycle. Determining interplay and priorities with the Benefit Map The last exercise we did during the workshop was a discussion of the interplay of different technologies. We asked the group: “Which technologies belong together?” “All of them,” was the first answer. And a logical answer, at that. You need to utilise the whole set of technologies if you want to achieve an educational goal. We then asked, “But are there groups that you could implement separately? Or things you would have to organise first before starting on something else?” After a heated discussion, the group concluded: “Let’s improve our network first, and only then start with structural use of adaptive materials and appropriate types of devices. This will enable the students to work well with the materials, and we also minimise the chance of technical problems frustrating our learning process.”
  • 11. Mbps Chapter 1 The most important technological trends
  • 12. 12Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 Preparing young people for a meaningful life and a successful career, preferably by giving them as much personalised attention as possible. There are different ways to approach this vital task. Our analysis shows that artificial intelligence (AI) is the most promising technology for attaining these educational ambitions. Personal guidance and individual attention are possible without technology, but are very costly and time-consuming. By applying AI, educational professionals can more effectively use the time they devote to each student. Therefore, the expectations for AI are also high. Schools are already coming into contact with the first applications, for example in adaptive learning resources and tests. We expect that the teaching of cognitive skills will be even more intensively supported by AI in the future. Imagine the possibility of using AI to provide tailored advice for every student’s learning path. This is why we have chosen AI as the main topic for this technology compass. Of course, we haven’t just looked at AI alone. We also briefly discuss other important trends such as the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, ICT infrastructure and the increased focus on trust in the digital world in this chapter. We haven’t chosen any of these trends as the main topic for various reasons. For example, the impact of the IoT is felt mainly in society and less so in education. And data itself only gains value when AI and IoT applications can derive meaning from it. In the next section, we discuss the relationship between these trends and explain them in more detail. 0011 0101 1110 1001 10 0 0011 0101 1110 1001 1010 0001 1010 1111 feeds delivers / generates controls ‘behaviour’ Infrastructure Trust Security ETHICS Data Internet of Things Trust in a digital world Artificial Intelligence 1.1 The universe of trends in a nutshell
  • 13. 13Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 route Ad NEW school street to station street route Traffic Bus schedule dashboard 0011 0101 1110 1001 10 0 6kJ 16-18°C Virus password ****** Virtual world Physical world Infrastructure Trust AI
  • 14. 14Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 Artificial intelligence (AI) is a very dominant force. This field of study focuses on algorithms that allow machines to display intelligent behaviour. It is inspired by the way that people use their nervous systems and bodies to feel, learn, reason and take action. Due to the increase in computing capacity and the availability of huge amounts of data, AI is now undergoing rapid development. Data forms the foundation of the training of algorithms that make AI possible. By processing and analysing this large and varied amount of data, AI can get continually better. Two of the places where data is collected are in our environment and on our bodies: a development called the internet of things (also known as IoT). These are devices with sensors and actuators (something that can be moved or switched on, such as a motor, valve or a program) that are connected to a network. The data registered by the sensors is analysed, decisions are made using algorithms, and physical actions can be carried out by controlling actuators. These devices primarily function autonomously, without human intervention. Sensors of this kind are also increasingly present in public spaces. Think of smart cities, equipped with smart buildings. With this in mind, the term IoT can seem a little too ‘narrow’. Indeed, an environment is created in which computers are always present, observing, analysing and possibly intervening autonomously. This is often referred to as ambient computing. As a result, more and more data about us is collected and analysed, leading to a renewed focus on trust in the digital world. We are increasingly moving towards a world full of algorithms and AI applications. How can we be confident that platforms such as Facebook and Google will appropriately deal with stored, used or shared information about us? And, on the internet, how do you know that parties are who they say they are? Developments associated with this are the growing attention towards privacy and security, the hype surrounding blockchain and the discussions about the platformisation of society. An education-specific development is the focus on a professional ICT infrastructure that ensures that innovative technology can be used unproblematically in the school environment. This is no longer a new trend, but an important development in Dutch education. School boards are realising that a professionally equipped ICT infrastructure is an important precondition for taking the next step with technology in education. These developments are all at a different stage of development and maturity, as becomes clear when we place them on the Hype Cycle. 1.2 The universe of trends: technology Artificial intelligence is the most promising technology
  • 15. 15Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 In the following sections, we will discuss AI and the other trends on the Hype Cycle in more detail. We only discuss big data in the context of AI and IoT applications because these applications can extract meaning, and therefore value, from data. Innovation trigger Peak of inflated expectations Trough of disillusionment Slope of enlightenment Plateau of productivity Swamp of diminishing returns Now 0 - 2 years 2 - 5 years Time until plateau 5 - 10 years > 10 years Obsolete Userexpectations Time Internet of Things (IoT) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Trust in a digital world Big data Ict Infrastructure
  • 16. 16Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 1.2.1 Artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence is the ability of computers to perform tasks that require humans to use their intelligence, like: observing, recognising, interacting with the environment, analysing, reasoning, solving problems and making predictions. For example, you can find AI in voice assistants on smartphones, self-driving cars or in robots that compile orders in large warehouses. But it can also be found in programs that, without any human intervention, can write factual accounts about annual figures or produce diagnoses of medical disorders. A huge range of different manifestations, but they all use AI as their foundation. Inspired by the human brain but not the same Artificial intelligence does not have to mimic the functioning of the brain in order to be effective, in the same way that an aeroplane can fly without having to move its wings like a bird. Due to the rapid development of chip technology, AI can store, process and analyse many times more data than a human brain. However, not all human capabilities can be approximated with brute computational power at this time. An AI system that can mimic a complete human being, otherwise known as artificial general intelligence, still has a long way to go. Task-specific artificial intelligence, on the other hand, is already all around us. You can find it in a wide variety of products. However, AI technology of this kind must be made suitable for a specific market or field of activity. For example, there are great expectations for AI in education, but for the time being, we see it only to a limited extent in tangible educational products.Data Algorithm Appears in0011 0101 1110 1001 10 0 Artificial Intelligence ? ! Artificial intelligence doesn’t have to mimic how the brain works
  • 17. 17Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 Robots – predominantly for physical work and specific tasks We regularly see impressive videos of robots effortlessly navigating all kinds of obstacles or answering a range of questions. As a result, there are high expectations. Does this mean that robots, powered by AI, will soon be able to take over all of our physical activities? No. Robots may seem smart, but they aren’t. A walking robot only functions in a controlled environment. If you were to put that robot outside on the pavement, it couldn’t function at all, and would pose a danger to the humans around it. Recently, British parliamentarians asked a talking robot a number of questions. On the basis of its comprehensive answers, you might think that the robot understood the questions and could therefore answer any random question. In reality, the answers were preprogrammed. Robots are therefore not yet suitable for physical and cognitive interaction with our complete, complex reality. Cooperation between people and robots Robots that can behave entirely like humans are still a long way off. However, they can perform specific tasks, thereby complementing people. For example, robots in the warehouses of major online stores bring racks filled with items to the human order picker. Because no space is required for people, the storage racks can be built closer together. The order picker then picks up the ordered items by hand from a rack, because robots aren’t very good at handling a variety of objects with different shapes or weights. What is very intuitive for people can be very complicated for robots. Robots are also used in surgical procedures, which has led to significant changes to how people work in the operating room. The surgeon no longer does the cutting himself, but controls the robot from behind a screen. Incisions thus become smaller and more precise, resulting in less scar tissue. Moreover, the communication between the surgeon and his assistants has become much more important because they are physically further apart. But, after the operation, there is no robot at the patient’s bedside to tell them how the operation went; although robots can very successfully simulate empathy and create the illusion that they understand us, that is still the work of a human, who can demonstrate true empathy. Robots particularly complement people when it comes to heavy physical work, or when an activity has to be performed with great precision. This is one of the reasons why it is important that vocational education focuses explicitly on robotics – robots will have an increasing influence on our work and our lives, but not in tasks where our human capabilities and strengths play an important role. As an object of study in basic education, robots are interesting for students, and they will definitely play a role in the students’ future occupations. But for now, a robot in every classroom is still very much a pipe dream.
  • 18. 18Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 How does AI work? Artificial intelligence essentially consists of two components: a self- learning algorithm and data. An algorithm is a series of instructions that leads to a certain result. In computers, this takes the form of a computer program. One example of an algorithm that you encounter and use in everyday life is a recommender system. Based on your viewing behaviour, video streaming services make recommendations about other videos that you may find interesting. To be able to make these recommendations, data is needed. In this case, the data is your own viewing behaviour and that of others. Data is the raw material that allows AI to work. By analysing more data, the algorithm can make better recommendations. An important difference between other programs and those that use AI is the ability to learn. Think of a chess program. You could program it with every possible strategy, decision and rule, prepared in advance. In terms of possibilities, the end product then remains limited to what the programmers have told the program about effective strategies. With an AI chess program, you don’t come up with all the steps in advance, but you make an algorithm that is capable of learning from data. You ‘feed’ it millions of chess games that people have played. The algorithm analyses everything and then extracts strategies, rules and decisions. It would be impossible for people to analyse so much data, but an AI program is able to. After the algorithm has been trained, it can play chess against people in the form of a computer program. Programs that are trained with AI don’t necessarily learn constantly. It is a snapshot, as it were, of all knowledge and experiences acquired up to that point. Its functioning is as good or bad as the quality of the devised algorithm and the data with which it was trained. The algorithm makes decisions based on what it has learned before you can eventually use it as a program. Of course, the program also collects new data as you use it. To make the AI even better, this data must first be processed and a new snapshot can be made. You can compare this new snapshot with a software update. Bias in AI Just like people, AI systems sometimes have prejudices, although these often arise unintentionally. The developer can consciously or unconsciously program them in the algorithm. It is also possible that the dataset with which the algorithm is being trained is incomplete, polluted or incorrect. As AI systems start carrying out more and more tasks for us, we must be wary of these biases. Later in this report, especially in section 3.3.2, we will further discuss this bias and the implications it can have in the educational context. Forms of AI There isn’t one specific form of AI. The different forms of AI use different approaches, each with its own strengths and opportunities. AI products and services use one or more forms of AI. Here, we will discuss the four most commonly used forms. Supervised machine learning With this form of AI, you know in advance what the correct outcome is and you teach the algorithm the relationships between various data. All of the data used is labelled by people, in much the same way that you would indicate the meaning of each column above the columns of
  • 19. 19Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 5432 attempt attempt attempt attempt attempt 1 time (no. of attempts) result € ? 4 rooms location € € € energyusage = yellow parakeetcolour shape subject image 5432 attempt attempt attempt attempt attempt 1 time (no. of attempts) result € ? location energyusage =image 5432 attempt attempt attempt attempt attempt 1 time (no. of attempts) result € ? 4 rooms location € € € energyusage a spreadsheet. The algorithm doesn’t have to figure out what the data means or which data groups belong together. By feeding the algorithm more and more data, the results become more and more accurate. As an example, think of determining the selling price of a house. By giving an algorithm lots of historical data of sold houses with their final selling price, plot size, location and other features, it gets a better understanding of the relationships between the factors. This allows it to more accurately determine a selling price. Unsupervised machine learning With this form of AI, you don’t program what the right outcome is and exactly which data is relevant, but you ask an algorithm to cluster the data by finding patterns in a dataset. Algorithms like these can be used if you don’t want to or are unable to classify all the data yourself, or because you want to discover new connections and clusters. One practical example is a video service that recommends other videos that are likely to be of interest to you. In this case, you don’t want to think up every single category in advance, but you want the system to determine them, and to keep recognising and updating them. Reinforcement learning In this form, the algorithm learns to perform a task by getting rewarded for actions that provide the right outcome. You can use this type of algorithm if there is little data available. It is comparable with training a dog: if the dog does something right, you give it a reward, otherwise, no reward. The algorithm then learns what the desired actions are that contribute to achieving a specific goal. These types of algorithms are also used in self-driving cars so that, learning from the driver, they can make better decisions. Or, in the case of a robot learning to walk, it learns by trial and error how big the right step has to be.
  • 20. 20Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 Deep learning You can use this form with ‘unstructured data’ such as images, videos or sound recordings. Compared with the other forms, it needs much more data, but it may yield even more accurate results. Deep learning algorithms consist of different layers. Each layer learns new and more complex properties of the data. For example, you can create an AI system that recognises animals. By providing it with lots of examples of different birds, the system learns to recognise various characteristics. For example, one layer of the algorithm analyses the shape of the object. By recognising wings and a beak, it knows that this particular object is a bird. Another layer analyses the colour of the bird and recognises that it is a yellow bird. Based on the combination of these characteristics, a subsequent layer could also recognise the specific type of bird, for example a yellow parakeet. If you show the algorithm a new bird that wasn’t in the training set, it can still recognise the bird on the basis of its characteristics. 1.2.3 Internet of Things The Internet of Things (IoT) consists of objects in our daily environment that are connected to a network such as the internet. These are often objects that we wouldn’t necessarily expect. IoT devices contain sensors that observe their environment and use AI algorithms to analyse the recorded data. As a result of this analysis, the IoT devices can then act independently in the physical world. Devices collect, analyse and intervene For instance, a camera can warn security personnel when a threatening situation is detected, and immediately sound an alarm or preemptively close a door. A smartwatch can instantly warn its wearer of an unusually high or low heart rate, or immediately alert emergency services after you’ve taken a fall. Over the longer term, our lifestyle habits will be analysed and we can receive advice on healthy exercise and adequate rest, taking our daily and weekly routines into account. Processing of data, both locally and in the cloud IoT devices continuously collect data on their environment and send this to online cloud platforms. This enormous amount of data is partly responsible for the rapid improvement of the algorithms used by AI, as described in the previous section. Previously collected data is used to train the AI algorithms that IoT devices apply locally and that cloud platforms use to determine appropriate actions based on current data. Data improves these artificial intelligence processes in iterations, however not at the moment of data collection. Determining the right intervention and being able to execute it as quickly as possible is the priority at that moment. Self-driving or semi-autonomous cars will = yellow parakeetcolour shape subject image 5432 attempt attempt attempt attempt attempt 1 time (no. of attempts) result € ? 4 rooms location € € € energyusage
  • 21. 21Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 therefore analyse the data independently if immediate action is required, for example braking or avoiding an obstacle on the road. Locally analysing data and acting on this is also known as edge computing. Here, edge refers to the edge of the cloud. Actions that don’t require intervention within milliseconds, such as determining the best route based on current traffic levels and other relevant information, can be coordinated with a central cloud platform. Seamlessly integrated computer environment There is a very diverse collection of devices that can now function without any human intervention now that items we use every day such as lighting, doorbells, refrigerators and washing machines are connected. For this reason, we often don’t recognise them as ‘computers’. They create an extra layer around the physical world, which is also referred to as ambient computing by working ever more closely together. While IoT revolves around the devices, ambient computing refers more to the experience of ubiquitous, seamlessly integrated computer support in everyday life and work. Safety is not a given Alarm bells may have gone off for some readers with regard to the various vulnerabilities in the functioning of IoT devices. For example – what if false data is fed to algorithms? What happens if sensors are manipulated? Or if the communication between an IoT device and its cloud client is intercepted and distorted? In many cases, this could lead to unwanted and sometimes life-threatening situations. Unfortunately, the fundamental conditions for secure ambient computing aren’t yet in sight. As yet, there is no integration between suppliers, and agreements about encrypted, secure communication still don’t receive much attention. This is due in part to the early stage in which IoT finds itself on the Hype Cycle. But it also says something about the broader, practical applicability, which is low, for the time being. Artificial intelligence 1 2 3 4 0011 0101 1110 1001 10 0
  • 22. 22Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 Opportunities for education lie further down the road All signs indicate that IoT devices will enable a world of ambient computing. Applications in specific situations are promising, such as analysis of facial expressions and behaviour on security cameras. Smart buildings that can enable more efficient energy consumption have also been on the rise for a number of years. In society, we see IoT applications increasingly becoming a part of our daily living and working environment. And thus it also has an influence on education. We also note, however, that productive contributions to important educational goals, such as personalised learning, aren’t currently under discussion. 1.2.4 Creating trust in a digital world Phishing, hacking and other forms of digital fraud are increasingly being used to successfully take people’s money and data, or to perform other actions with bad intentions. This is why it is so important that we continue to make efforts to ensure that others can’t access or use our property. Measures are needed to make technologies safe to use in the digital world as well. Technology can never completely resolve issues of trust. Think of the lock on your front door, for example. A long time ago, people would- n’t have been able to imagine that it would be necessary having to lock your home. Now, it is standard for everyone to do so. You are considered either careless or naive if you don’t. However, the technology (the lock) never completely prevents thieves from entering. Increasingly sophisticated locks and alarm systems are appearing on the market, and even ‘smart locks’ exist that can allow timed entry to persons with suitable identification, such as postal or delivery services, but remain locked for the rest of the day. Nevertheless, burglaries still take place. Trust is still a human process In short: technology can help us to create trust, for example by provi- ding us with information that allows us to better assess whether our trust is justified. But technology can never completely encapsulate the trust process, as this remains a process between people. The limits of what technology can and cannot do for us however leads to a renewed dialogue about ethical issues. What do we consider to be acceptable, comfortable, and fair as human beings? These ethical issues are also highly relevant in the educational context. We highlight a number of these in this report, particularly in sections 2.3 and 3.3. For instance, think of how career guidance will manifest as AI is increasingly used in Privacy settings School results
  • 23. 23Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 the analysis of learning paths: does AI or a person make the final decision? And as for the usefulness and necessity of collecting IoT data in students’ learning environments: do we really need all that data in order to make adjustments to the learning process? Differences between the physical and digital world We relied on personal interaction, experience and reputation to determine whether we could trust a person or an organisation before the existence of the internet. In the digital world however, we are less able to rely on this physical personal interaction. For this reason, we have to look for other structures to determine whether we are about to do business with real people, whether they are who they say they are, and whether their intentions are good. People base their trust on an assessment of competences, integrity, and good intentions; for example, what have they learned from their own experiences or those of people close to them, or from information in the media about the relevant person or organisation? A growing number of interactions in the digital world take place via an AI analysis of available data. The competence and reliability of these AI algorithms can be assessed objectively: does the analysis lead to the right outcome in comparable situations? However, evaluating the intention of an algorithm is more difficult: is an online shop offering you the hardback edition because it’s more expensive, or because your previous three purchases were also hardbacks? As the digital world is increasingly controlled by the analysis, advice and decisions of algorithms, the discussion about securing trust in the digital world intensifies. How do we organise and facilitate that trust, and can technology play a role in this? Platforms organise trust Peer review platforms that operate on the basis of unedited experiences and reviews is one way in which technology can organise trust. This enables us to confidently do business online with people whom we don’t know at all in the physical world. We rent houses or book taxi rides through platforms that facilitate the trust process for us. Does the driver have 5 stars? If so, then he received this rating based on reviews from Tailormade Cost reduction Personalised Advertisement ID Card Convenience Information AI technology demands a renewed dialogue about ethics
  • 24. 24Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 The increasing digitalisation of education presents us with new challenges in ensuring that digital components work together seamlessly, especially when dealing with data, and the devices on which it is collected and used. A logical question, then, is whether new, promising technologies such as blockchain can also help us to organise safe, trusted cooperation in educational situations. However, key features of blockchain mean that effective application of the technology is not as obvious as it would appear at first glance. For instance, consider the permanent storage of (transaction) data. One fundamental principle of blockchain is that the removal or modification of once-recorded data is impossible, because it is designed to serve as a permanent record of all transactions. This isn’t always the intention in education, because data sometimes needs to be changed, for example when adjusting an incorrectly calculated figure, or if a diploma needs to be withdrawn in the event of fraud. Moreover, permanent storage is at odds with the right to erasure, or ‘right to be forgotten’. Another important problem that blockchain sets out to solve is the lack of a trusted third party overseeing the reliable recording of data. In education, however, such third parties are readily available, in the form of school boards or parties such as the Department for Education, sector councils, SURF and Kennisnet. Otherwise, the trust problems are such that they cannot be solved with blockchain because they occur in a process that precedes their being recorded in the blockchain, for instance in the wrongful awarding of a diploma. This makes blockchain unnecessarily complex or burdensome in the vast majority of educational situations. Want to find out more about blockchain technology? Read our publication “A study of blockchain technology for education” via This publication also contains a checklist that allows you to assess whether a use case benefits from blockchain technology. real customers. People like you and me. Is there a structural problem in a holiday apartment? Then it will be apparent on the platform – the host can’t simply remove or delete this feedback. This creates trust and makes people willing to provide information and pay for services. Privacy and security measures evolve There are also other ways to organise trust. Privacy and security measures have been in use for some time and are steadily becoming more advanced. Take the example of pseudonymisation, which allows you to disconnect data from people; one use of this is in providing student data to AI applications in order to improve adaptive learning materials. Another example is advanced encryption to protect the data that schools need from theft or manipulation. In section 2.3.2 we also describe privacy by design, where educational systems are designed from the outset to safeguard the Blockchain in education
  • 25. 25Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 privacy of students and teachers. Secure access to systems is ensured by using two-stage identification, meaning that, whenever a user logs in from a new location, an extra code is sent to the user’s registered mobile number, and this code must be entered to complete the log-in process. This makes it possible to adequately secure the students’ administration, while still keeping it accessible for teachers and students. Blockchain as a mechanism for trust and transparency There is a great deal of hype surrounding blockchain in the trust domain. This technology is the basis for Bitcoin transactions and replaces third party trust, because all of the participants in the blockchain network always have an exact copy of the register in which all transactions are stored. All participants jointly determine whether a Bitcoin transaction actually took place before it is recorded in said register. Everything that has ever been recorded can never be changed and is fully accessible to the public. This makes blockchain completely transparent. According to experts, this transparency leads to trust, and is a solution if the partici- pants do not trust a third party; in the case of the inventors of Bitcoin, the third party they didn’t trust was the banking system. Although there are a lot of expectations for this technology we still see few concrete applicati- ons outside the Bitcoin network. 1.2.5 ICT foundations for AI in education ICT infrastructure is no longer a trend, and therefore doesn’t feature extensively in this report. We do, however, briefly outline what it means to set up a safe, reliable and future-proof ICT infrastructure. This forms the natural foundation for all ICT applications in education, including AI. Without that foundation, ICT cannot be used effectively and responsibly in the primary process, and it won’t be possible to achieve the future potential that we sketch out in this report. Furthermore, new developments such as IoT bring with them new requirements for ICT infrastructure. Radical investment in mature technology The organisation of a modern school, with its complex planning and scheduling, demands professional digital support and a reliable ICT infrastructure. And, once the choice has been made to use digital learning resources on a structural basis in the primary process, there must also be radical investment in ICT infrastructure, without hesitation or reservation. Otherwise, digitalisation won’t pay off. Take, for instance, investments in flexible, effectively managed mobile devices for students and teachers, and a reliable (wireless) network in schools. An internet connection with high availability and guaranteed capacity for all locations within the administration is also vital. Want to find out more about designing ICT infrastructure? See There are few concrete applications outside of the Bitcoin network
  • 26. 26Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 Direct and manage, but think of ICT infrastructure as a utility Because ICT infrastructure consists of mature, fully developed technolo- gies, a school can make investments here without risk. This doesn’t mean that putting together a reliable ICT infrastructure is easy, but it is to say that reliable products and the right knowledge and experience are available. As an educational facility, it is best to think of this infrastructure as a utility that market participants can take care of for you, while you direct and manage to ensure it is properly aligned with the educational process. To be able to Virus Mbps
  • 27. 27Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 manage effectively, you must therefore invest in expertise on a tactical and strategic level. Operational ICT tasks don’t belong in education. Coherent application landscape in the cloud Effective support for both the primary and secondary processes in your school requires a well-organised, integrated application landscape. Administration systems, learning systems and learning materials must be able to efficiently (re)use each other’s information, without manual data transfer, double storage of data or any other frustrating, risk-increasing, time-wasting side effects of badly organised ICT. An excellent place to start is a ‘cloud first’ strategy for generic education applications. Exceptions are only justified if essential functionality is missing or if privacy cannot be guaranteed in a cloud platform. Functional compromises are inevitable in order to avoid expensive customisation and in-house facilities as much as possible. Organise ICT to serve education When the foundations are solid, you have a stable basis on which to introduce, use and manage new applications. By establishing robust control of those foundations and carefully selecting applications that support the educational process, you will have a successful and dependable ICT infrastructure. If the deployment of ICT in education – the information management role – is organised and arranged thoughtfully, this will create the space to concentrate fully on the application in education. This frees resources that can be allocated for teachers to be professionally advised and guided in how to use ICT effectively in their daily education process, and for initiating innovation and modernisation when this is necessary or seems promising. Without reliable ICT infrastructure you will not reap benefits
  • 29. Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 VirusMbps dashboard Chapter 2 Personalised learning at an individual level
  • 30. 30Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 2.1.1 Transformation of the learning process with the use of technology Paying attention to the specific needs of each student is a long-cherished ambition of education. Most schools have already established some form of differentiation for this purpose. Teachers can respond to the diversity in their students’ needs, while maintaining feasibility and ease of organisation in their teaching by putting students into groups. The next step is personalised learning at an individual level. This doesn’t mean that students are isolated in their learning, or that they only do what they want to, but rather that they are offered exactly what they need to enhance their learning in a given moment. Think of personalised instructions, practising at your own level, and direct, meaningful feedback – which are important elements of effective education. Technology for personalised learning at an individual level The use of technology, such as adaptive learning materials, is essential in enabling individual personalised learning. It offers students the opportunity to learn at their own pace and at their own level, whenever and wherever they want. The data from the learning activities is collected, analysed and used to evaluate and adjust the individual learning process. By clearly summarising and displaying this data for every student, teachers can give targeted instruction and pay greater attention 2.1 Personalised learning at an individual level in a nutshell Progress dashboard Personalisation doesn’t mean that students only do what they want to
  • 31. 31Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 to the coaching, nurturing and well-being of their students. Because the teaching of basic cognitive skills is covered by budding AI technology, the teacher can give more attention to complex cognitive skills. Technology supports the teacher, broadens their repertoire and takes over a portion of the tasks traditionally assumed by the teacher. This offers opportunities for the relationship to deepen between student and teacher. How does AI technology help to achieve personalised learning at an individual level? That is the subject of this chapter. First, we will provide an outline of how personalised learning at an individual level changes the learning process within a school and, on the basis of this, we will offer some mindful advice. We will then explore the technology behind personalised learning in detail, analysing the most important technologies that you can use as a school to enable individual personalised learning in the near future. We will demonstrate the potential impact on your school and give advice on important preconditions, such as guaranteeing privacy and embedding personalised learning in your school organisation. relationship to deepen between student and teacher. Basic versus complex cognitive skills In taxonomies of proficiency levels, such as Bloom’s, we find a useful organisation of cognitive skills, from basic to complex. With basic cognitive skills, we are referring to skills such as memorising, understanding and applying. Education has built up decades of experience with proven effective mechanisms for developing these skills. In the form of adaptive learning material, AI offers an opportunity to automate this well-established approach. With complex cognitive skills, we mean skills such as analysing, reflecting, evaluating, and applying existing knowledge and skills in new situations. It is difficult to mould these skills with adaptive technology, and education is still in the process of discovering an effective approach to this. Technology only plays a minor role in this context. complex question A basic
  • 32. Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020Kennisnet Trendrapport 2019-2020 32 3 September A new school year and a new class, how exciting! Who will be a joy, who will be bouncing off the walls... how tough is this year going to be? At the start of the day, I quickly notice that, once again, there are big differences in their holiday stories – some children were with relatives in America, others made day trips to nearby cities. 24 September Numeracydefinitelyisn’tLucy’sfavouritesubject.Shehasproblemswithit,whichgnawsawayather self-confidence.Shedoestheexercises,butherpaceisabitslowerandshecan’tquitekeepupwith theprogramme.We’lloftenstartanewtopicbeforeshehasfullygotthehangofthelastone.How doIgetherbackuptospeed?Jackisveryquickwithmath,andisgettingboredbecausehecan’tgo anyfurther.Ofcourse,theannualplanstatesthattheschoolwantstotailorprogrammestoserve studentsindividually...butIfinditverydifficulttodothisinpractice.Intheautumnholiday,I’mgoing tomakeaplan–Iwanttobeabletovarythepracticetimeavailabletoeachchild. 27 October Pffff my autumn plan to let my children work at their own pace just doesn’t fit into our weeks. On ‘average’, the class is up and we’re on schedule, but of course, ‘average’ doesn’t actually refer to the individual children. And I see too many kids struggling, grrrrrrr... I want to do something about it, but what?! 3 November After the PE lesson, I told my students about the history project we’re going to be doing. I saw Lucy perk up immediately! She already had a topic in mind: the Renaissance. Unfortunately, I have very little time to help the class with how to approach it. To be honest, they will pretty much have to figure it out for themselves. I know that Lucy gets help at home, but I wonder if Javi is getting on OK. He already speaks Dutch well, but his parents don’t yet. I’m afraid they can’t really help him... 14 November René, our ICT coordinator, recently told us with great enthusiasm about a new digital method that allows children to do literacy and numeracy exercises at their own pace. I know he wants to help me, but it sounds complicated. Am I going to have the time to delve into that? 22 December René sent round a hilarious Christmas film where he explains what his plans are for the new method and how it works in the classroom. It’s cool how you can see how fast each child is working and which parts they’re getting stuck on! I think I’ll get the hang of it if he accompanies us one afternoon a week – he has really thought about how to handle this. I am going to try to vary how much time each child has for the exercises. Autum n plan Reporting dashboard A story about personalised learning: a year in the life of Mr Theo
  • 33. Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020Kennisnet Trendrapport 2019-2020 33 27 February We’re about to start with the new method, super exciting! There was a lot of criticism from parents when we explained the plan after the Christmas holidays – the information evening was hectic. But, luckily, ‘my’ parents were quite positive and some even offered to help. 16 March InoticethatIdon’thavetospendasmuchtimeoncorrectionswiththenewmethod.Icanusethat timeelsewhere,whichisgreat.ManycolleaguesagreedwithmewhenIsuggested:“Wecouldget alotmoreoutofitifwesticklessrigidlytothetightannualschedules.”Buttherewasalsosome resistance.“Bytheendofprimaryschool,wereallydoneedtohavecoveredeverything,”MrDonsaid, annoyed.“Dowehavetochangeeverythingatonce?”Ofcourse,thatdoesn’tseemwisetomeeither. Iproposedthat,asafirststep,wefreeuptwohoursperweekforstudentstoworkonindividual activities.Wehaveagreedtostartthis,andevaluatehowit’sgoingaftertheMayholiday. 2 May The May holiday is here again. This method is really cool, but man what a change to get used to! Suddenly I’m looking at screens instead of workbooks. But the children like it, and happily work through everything. I think I’m making good use of the two hours of individual activities, but I also find it hard to really trust what the dashboard of the learning material says. I’d like to discuss this in our weekly team meeting next Wednesday afternoon – I understand that Pascal also has questions about this. 7 July Lucy now gets more time to practise numeracy. Although it still isn’t her favourite subject, her self-confidence is growing. She does it in her own way and at her own pace. So lovely to see! Without this new technology, I don’t know if she’d have come this far... Because I don’t have to spend as much time on corrections, I finally found some time to guide students in putting together their project, because it can be a challenge to search for, evaluate and analyse information in order to write a good piece of work. Especially for pupils like Javi, who can’t simply fall back on the help of family at home. During the team meetings, there’s still a lot of talk about the overviews, and how we can use them collectively to best cater to the differences between children. But we’re learning a lot from each other, and I see that the students are really benefiting, too. Next year we will expand the individual time for each student. But first things first, let’s enjoy the summer holidays! 5x3= 3x3= 99x3= 282x3= 68x3= 24 0011 0101 1110 1001 10 0 schedule administration insight daily schedule dashboard review personal attention Annual schedule implementation Presentation parents meeting strict flexible
  • 34. 34Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 2.1.2 Future insight: personalised learning at an individual level in education Technology is offering opportunities to fulfil ambitions in personalised learning in the near future. But we’re not quite there yet. The technology that supports personalised learning is still under development. Schools, developers and suppliers still need to collaborate to acquire a great deal of knowledge and expertise before adaptive learning materials can be widely applied. But we’re certain that this development will happen rapidly. An average school day will soon look very different, as this future insight shows. Practise at individual level, make immediate adjustments A student picks up his tablet and starts his exercise program. The program generates all kinds of data based on the tasks he completes: how long does it take him to finish a task? Which answers did he get right, and where did he struggle? What is (fundamentally) missing? The program immediately determines the most effective follow-up steps and provides the student with immediate task-oriented feedback. Perhaps, the difficulty of the tasks then increases, or the program decides to offer additional explanation. The adaptive learning tool continually analyses all data about the learning behaviour of all the students using this learning tool, and therefore gets better and better at serving students on an individual level. The teacher offers books and other non-digital forms of learning materials, effectively blending traditional resources with adaptive learning material. Space for complex cognitive skills On their screens, teachers see a dashboard with data that is collected from exercises, tests and feedback given from different systems and learning tools. This provides them with a coherent picture of a student’s progress. On this basis, they define targeted follow-up steps. This makes it possible for one student to spend more time on numeracy, while another receives more literacy assignments. Administrative work, such 00110101 01010110 10101110 11010110 10000010 Supplier P roduct optimisatio n School board P rocess optimisatio n Adjusting Descrip tive Diagno stic Predic tive Prescri ptive Embeddedanalytic s Extractedanalytic s Dashboard ?! Technology saves teachers time that can then be spent on teaching students other skills
  • 35. 35Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 as manual checking of exercises and documenting the results, is largely automated. This, coupled with standards for data exchange, has ensured quality improvement and accountability within and outside the school. The time that teachers save here is then used to support working methods that develop students’ complex cognitive skills, such as analysing, reflecting and evaluating. Technology is still rather limited in its ability to analyse the data from these working methods. However, technology does help teachers to efficiently plan and organise the learning process, by recording, collecting and assessing the assignments aimed at developing complex cognitive skills. Transformation of the educational process Teachers have gradually changed and improved the learning process by working daily with adaptive learning tools, exchanging experiences and gradually making adjustments based on this exchange of feedback. However, they have noticed that existing preconditions and frameworks within the school and the limited flexibility of the educational process have hindered the optimal use of adaptive learning tools, and that additional steps are needed for further optimisation. At present, therefore, monthly meetings are planned with the board, school leadership and other involved parties regarding how to gradually transform the education system and boom
  • 36. 36Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 how they can create support for this throughout the organisation. The school has recently started experimenting with getting rid of existing frameworks such as the class system, annual planning and timetables. These consultations and experiments form a process of phased, concrete, planned and continuous development, allowing the full potential of the technology to be attained. 2.1.3 Advice on achieving personalised learning at an individual level Many of the consequences of personalised learning are not yet fully known. There is as yet no long-term experience of personalised learning technology and its impact on the learning process and the school. Nevertheless, we do see that personalised learning is playing an increasingly important role in the educational process. But where do you start? And how should you approach it? 1. Establish where you are, where you want to go and how you’ll get there As a school, you first need to determine, based on your pedagogical vision, what your ambitions are for personalised learning at individual level. Working with your teaching team, establish the correct application, role and weight of personalised learning technology in the learning process in your school. Determining an appropriate, mutually reinforcing blend of digital and non-digital learning resources and working methods is also a key part of this. Have you and your team determined your educational frameworks, and worked out where you want to be in three or five years? You can then create a roadmap or implementation plan based on this, clearly describing the steps you will take in the coming years. Quicksand Exchange Precon- ditions Guidelines Experience Experience EXPERIENCE Foundation Roadmap Ambition Vision
  • 37. 37Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 2. Set out on a journey and adjust your ambition if necessary Many schools are already acquiring the necessary knowledge and experience with adaptive learning tools. Make it possible to compare these experiences within your teaching team by determining in advance how and under what preconditions and frameworks a digital learning resource will be used. Discuss these experiences with each other periodically so that teachers can gradually and continuously optimise the learning process. This also entails thinking about what data you need in your learning process in order to plan, monitor and improve education. You also need to examine whether the software you’re using can provide that data and exchange it with other systems. When investing in personalised learning technology, interoperability of systems and standardisation of connections is essential so that you only have to record data about group classification, profile choices or achieved results once, and can properly reuse this data when organising personalised learning. Are certain choices about resources, teaching or data collection not having the desired effect? Then adjust your roadmap, and maybe even your destination, accordingly. 3. Arrange the preconditions for your journey To be able to realise your ambitions for personalised learning on an indi- vidual level, you will need a reliable, secure ICT infrastructure to serve as the foundation. This means uncompromising investment in wifi, internet connection, cloud platforms, devices and mobile device management. Your user experience with personalised learning technology should never be marred by a faltering internet connection, for instance. Investments in ICT infrastructure aren’t necessarily cheap and the implementation isn’t necessarily easy, but the technology is mature, so a successful roll-out is possible. Make sure that your information security and privacy policy are well-structured. To be able to deliver customised services, you will be recording more information about students and sharing it in the cloud. Make the proper arrangements with your suppliers in this regard, so you can embark on your journey with confidence.   Seamless data exchange is essential for personalisation
  • 38. 38Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 Which technologies help us to offer a tailor-made learning process for each student? Which underlying technology requires attention to enable this? Where do we draw the boundaries between technology and people? In this chapter, we illustrate the relevant technological building blocks with three tools that make individual personalised learning possible. The Hype Cycle shows the maturity of each technology. We can see a clear divide. On the one hand, we have a group of technologies consisting of (parts of) the adaptive learning materials themselves. These technologies are still under development and therefore aren’t yet fully mature. The second group consists of stable, mature technologies that form the necessary ICT foundation for the effective use of adaptive learning materials. The Benefit Map shows the connections between technologies. We see three clear chains that build on each other: the personalised learning technology that is visible and used in the daily education process; the technology ‘under the bonnet’, which supports the personalised learning technology with the exchange, interpretation, analysis and application of data; and the ICT foundation of technologies that ensure the smooth functioning of personalised learning technology. In the SWOT we map out the strengths and weaknesses of personalised learning technology and the opportunities and threats it poses for education. Adaptive learning material enables targeted individual interventions and diversity in learning opportunities for basic cognitive skills. Complex cognitive skills and other aspects such as well-being are difficult to measure, but are also crucial in a student’s growth. With the help of adaptive learning materials, time and headspace are freed up so that education can pay even more attention to these areas. We conclude this section with advice that will help you get to grips with an investment and implementation plan to achieve individual personalised learning with technology. 2.2 Personalised learning at an individual level: the technology Need a refresher on the Hype Cycle and Benefit Map? Have another look at the explanation in the introduction.
  • 39. 39Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 2.2.1 Hype Cycle for personalised learning at an individual level The Hype Cycle below displays all the technologies that are important for personalised learning. The location on the Hype Cycle shows a snapshot of the relative maturity of a technology and its potential in the future. The Hype Cycle helps you choose the right time to start using a technology and what risks are associated with its deployment within your school. The Hype Cycle below is the result of an analysis of various studies and existing Hype Cycles. Innovation trigger Peak of inflated expectations Trough of disillusionment Slope of enlightenment Plateau of productivity Swamp of diminishing returns Now 0 - 2 years 2 - 5 years Time until plateau 5 - 10 years > 10 years Obsolete Userexpectations Time Cross-subject dashboard Supervised machine learning Privacy by design edBots Adaptive testing Digital trust Descriptive learning analytics Portfolios Big data (adopted in other technology) Cloud office Mobile device management Mobile devices Connectivity (internet/wifi) SaaS IDaaS Traditional SIS Traditional teaching materials Adaptive learning materials Standards for data exchange
  • 40. 40Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 Innovation trigger: first introduction of innovative, new technology In this phase, we tend to see experimental or conceptual technologies that are not yet ready to be dependably used in practice. This personalised learning scenario doesn’t contain any technologies that are still in this trigger phase. Peak of inflated expectations: hyped technology doesn’t yet meet high expectations Here, we see technologies that are still under development, but which a number of schools are already trying out in practice. Think of cross- subject dashboards that aim to meet the need for insight into the learning process at schools where many digital learning tools are being used. For this cross-curricular insight, many agreements are needed between suppliers, together with teaching staff, to be able to connect and exchange information properly. Supervised machine learning is also used, but for the time being this is limited to fairly simple artificial intelligence applications that don’t always have a self-learning system behind them. Supervised machine learning learns from data, but does so on the basis of fully pre-programmed rules. This technology is mainly used to teach basic cognitive skills, rather than complex cognitive skills. Trough of disillusionment: high expectations not fulfilled, disappointment prevails, potential is underestimated This phase is dominated by disappointment, due to problems in using the technology. Expectations are not met and some schools turn away from technologies such as adaptive learning materials and descriptive learning analytics due to high costs and poor returns. Nonetheless, in this stage, you learn a huge amount about the preconditions for using a technology productively and effectively. Portfolios can play a role in the recording and collection of assignments aimed at complex cognitive skills. It is noteworthy that we have to indicate big data as ‘obsolete before plateau’. Although (big) data as a raw material is essential for ‘training’ and improving all forms of machine learning and learning analytics, the broader concept is now too general and uninformative without the context of application. Slope of enlightenment: obstacles are overcome, preconditions become known, benefits become visible Much of the supporting technology for personalised learning is or will soon become mature. Cloud office is a special case because the ever- expanding functionality of these important platforms (G Suite for Education, Apple Classkit/Classroom and Office365 for Education) isn’t always mature. Due to expansions, the technology sometimes makes a leap backwards on the Hype Cycle. However, basic functions such as calendar, email, editing documents online, chat and video functions, Big data: obsolete before plateau In our analysis, we have indicated Big Data as ‘obsolete before plateau’ on the Hype Cycle characteristic ‘time until wider adoption’. Our estimation is that the technology in this form will not reach large-scale implementation. Is that the end of Big Data in education? Definitely not. However, data only becomes valuable when AI applications derive meaning from it. It is therefore of more interest to look at AI and to then consider data via that route.
  • 41. 41Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 assessing assignments and recent classroom functions for planning and organising mature quickly and can be fully deployed. Plateau of productivity: proven benefits, widening adoption, ac- celeration of growth Technologies such as SaaS (the technology that enables digital resources to be web-based), mobile devices, mobile device management (MDM) and connectivity (internet/wifi) form the reliable foundations for personalised learning. However, this doesn’t mean that it is always straightforward to put these facilities in place. Investments in time and resources are required, but luckily, the necessary knowledge and mature products are available in the market. Swamp of diminishing returns: watch out for new goals getting frustrated due to technologies of decreasing value In addition to identifying valuable new technologies that support educational ambitions, it is equally important to identify which older technologies are becoming a hindrance to said ambitions. Student information systems in their current form are a good example of this. They are still important for administration and accountability, but need to be further developed and renewed in order to support personalised learning and thereby return to the plateau of productivity. Traditional teaching material also has declining added value in its current form, because it only makes a limited contribution within a school. For instance, automatic registration of the learning process and adaptivity are not possible with these resources. By using a purposeful blend of adaptive learning materials where possible and existing traditional teaching materials where useful, education will still be able to make good returns from traditional resources for some time to come. When the market consciously designs learning resources as a set of digital and traditional teaching materials that complement each other, the value of traditional teaching materials will once again increase. This will cause it to disappear as a separate technology on the Hype Cycle and return as an integrated part of learning materials. 2.2.2 Benefit Map for personalised learning The Benefit Map is a tool used to make decisions about interrelated technologies and to generate support for the choices and agreements that you make. It gives a sense of where the interests and concerns of the school lie, as well as the interests and concerns of teachers and students. It also makes it possible to discern the mutual connections and dependencies of technologies. By positioning the technologies from the Hype Cycle on the Benefit Map, we can clearly demonstrate which technologies are important to whom (teacher/student or school) and for what reasons. This Benefit Map has been devised on the basis of dozens of conversations with schools about personalised learning and the underlying technologies, thereby constituting our estimation of an ‘average’ school. Depending on differences in educational ambitions and other concerns, your organisation may place technologies in different quadrants. An effective blend of digital and folio material is essential
  • 42. 42Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 Hot spot: shared interests/importance The Hot Spot contains technologies for which the school, teachers and students all have high expectations, and therefore find very important. Some examples are adaptive learning materials that are used every day, or cross-subject dashboards that provide an overview of the digital aspect of the learning process. Enabler: the difference between wishful thinking and reality The Enabler quadrant contains a significant number of technologies that students, teachers and the school alike find less interesting. There is low willingness to devote structural attention and resources to these because all three parties don’t see the direct importance of them. Nevertheless, the high expectations for Hot Spot applications can often only be realised if they can rely on the enablers. Namely, strong ICT foundations and data exchange. Green light: the organisation has responsibilities The Green Light quadrant contains technologies that are particularly important to the organisation because they guarantee processes and information provision. As an example, each educational organisation has (legal) obligations and must be accountable for performance and resources. Student information systems are one example of a technology that is of great interest to the school board, while often regarded by teachers as a chore. After all, filling them in doesn’t immediately contribute to better lessons. People’s choice: teachers and students prioritise the learning process The People’s Choice quadrant contains technologies that are particularly important to users because of the direct benefit to their everyday learning experience. Teachers and students naturally focus on the technologies that specifically support them in the daily education process. Cloud office (email, calendar, shared documents) and traditional teaching materials can therefore be found in this quadrant, and usually so can applications that allow the student or teacher some freedom of choice. Organisationalefficiency Personal productivity Adaptive testing Cross-subject dashboard edBots Privacy by design Digital trust Supervised machine learning Descriptive learning analytics Adaptive learning materials Portfolio Standards for data exchange Connectivity (internet/wifi) Mobile device management IDaaS SaaS Mobile devices Student information system Cloud office Traditional teaching materials
  • 43. 43Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 2.2.3 Interplay of technologies Once the technologies have been positioned, you can look at how they relate to each other. Often, a certain technology can only work safely and effectively if there is also investment in a different technology. By linking these technologies, a chain is created. We found three chains in our analysis: one with the technologies that you experience as a user (the ‘front end’), one set of technology ‘under the bonnet’ and finally a chain containing the technological foundations. The front end: technology that is visible in the daily education process In this scenario, students use technologies that offer personalised learning in their everyday learning environments. Teachers thus have insight into the daily learning process of students and can offer individual support based on this. 1. With adaptive learning materials and adaptive testing, students can work at their own pace and level, whenever and wherever they want. The learning material adapts in real time based on students’ actions and achievements, offers task-oriented feedback and makes connections to prior knowledge and preferences. This technology is limited to training and testing basic cognitive skills such as memorising, understanding and applying. It gives a teacher time and space to interact with the students and support their acquisition of complex cognitive skills such as analysing, evaluating and applying existing knowledge in new situations. 2. Although digital learning resources are developing rapidly, traditional teaching materials and non-digital working methods and activities do still add value to the learning process. The teacher must then record progress and results separately in the student information system. Also, more instruction and direction from the teacher is needed to be able to offer personalised learning. After all, traditional teaching material offers limited differentiation, doesn’t collect data about the learning process, and offers no adaptivity. Within the context of work Organisationalefficiency Personal productivity Adaptive testing Cross-subject dashboard edBots Privacy by design Digital trust Supervised machine learning Descriptive learning analytics Adaptive learning materials Standards for data exchange Connectivity (internet/wifi) Mobile device management IDaaS SaaS Mobile devices Student information system Cloud office Traditional teaching materials Portfolio Digital trust Privacy by design Supervised machine learning IDaaS Mobile devices Connectivity (internet/wifi) Mobile device management SaaS Descriptive learning analytics Standards for data exchange
  • 44. 44Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 pressure and efficiency, traditional teaching materials therefore remain limited to the places where they really add value or where there isn’t yet a digital alternative. 3. With cloud office (for example, G Suite for Education, Apple Classkit/Classroom or Office 365 for Education) the students work on assignments and papers and communicate with the teachers or fellow students with whom they are collaborating. These systems can be used to organise activities that focus on complex cognitive skills, thereby supplementing adaptive learning resources. The portfolio provides insight into the approach to assignments, helps to monitor the process and (automatically) redirects the manual assessment of products to the student information system and a cross-subject dashboard. 4. This cross-subject dashboard provides an overview by (automatically) bringing together information on progress and results from various learning resources and environments. Using the student information system as its basis, the dashboard offers the student and teacher a cross-subject view of the student’s development and their learning process. This saves the teacher time, which then enables them to give appropriate attention to each student. This cross-subject snapshot then forms part of the basis used by the teacher and student to plan interventions. 5. EdBots relieve teachers by providing students with routine information or guidance. For instance, they can proactively send text messages and clickable links to the students at useful moments, providing them with information about lesson planning, dashboard insights, timetable changes and other notices concerning day-to-day teaching and learning. These simple chat applications provide AI-generated answers to questions. Companies use chatbots to answer their customers’ most straightforward questions via WhatsApp and Facebook in order to reduce their customer service costs. Chain 1. Technology visible in the daily education process Adaptive learning materials Adaptive testing Traditional teaching materials Student infor­ mation system Cloud office Portfolio Cross-subject dashboard edBots
  • 45. 45Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 Under the bonnet: automatically collect and analyse information from the digital learning process Personalised learning technology makes extensive use of real-time data from the learning process. Technologies ‘under the bonnet’ efficiently handle this with their smart and automatic collection, sorting and analysis of the relevant data. 1. The intelligence in adaptive learning materials and tests and the insights into progress on the cross-subject dashboards rely heavily on current data from the learning process. With the consistent use of applicable standards for data exchange – for example, grouped information about progress towards a learning objective – relevant data about the (results and progress of the) student can be collected quickly (and automatically) and can be viewed by both teacher and student. For example, Edustandaard’s UWLR (Exchange of Student Data and Results) standard for the Netherlands sets out the guidelines for the exchange of students’ data and results. 2. Personalising the learning experience of each student requires information on an individual level. Students sign up using their own, unique identity in all the learning resources and applications that they use. IDaaS (identity as a service) refers to services that allow students and teachers to log in unambiguously and only once (also known as SSO – single sign on) so that they can access all digital learning resources and applications used by the school without any problems. 3. The data collected in each student’s learning process is analysed with descriptive learning analytics so that the cross-subject dashboard can demonstrate what the student has done so far and the results to which these actions have led. This form of learning analytics simply looks back on the learning process, and doesn’t draw any conclusions. It is up to the teacher to do this. Organisationalefficiency Personal productivity Adaptive testing Cross-subject dashboard edBots Privacy by design Digital trust Supervised machine learning Descriptive learning analytics Adaptive learning materials Standards for data exchange Connectivity (internet/wifi) Mobile device management IDaaS SaaS Mobile devices Student information system Cloud office Traditional teaching materials Portfolio Adaptive learning materials Portfolio Mobile devices SaaS Mobile device management Connectivity (internet/wifi) Cloud office edBotsedBots Student information system Adaptive testing Cross-subject dashboard Traditional teaching materials
  • 46. 46Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 4. The same data is used by supervised machine learning (a form of artificial intelligence) to improve the periodically adapted or self-learning algorithms in adaptive learning materials and adaptive tests. For example, resources with new data are better programmed to adequately respond to the learning needs of students and to appropriately deal with situations that arise in the learning process. These algorithms make small pedagogical decisions in each student’s learning journey. 5. Collecting as much data as possible per individual student and using it every day in the educational process rightly raises questions about how the digital trust of students, teachers and parents can be guaranteed. This trust is essential for acquiring and building support from them for digitalisation in the educational process. The school protects the privacy of students and teachers by safeguarding the confidentiality, correctness and limited accessibility of data, thereby earning their digital trust and, crucially, complying with legislation and regulations. 6. Privacy by design is when the design, development, selection or implementation of a process or software proactively address how you wish to regulate privacy and information security. Privacy by design is a legal obligation arising from the GDPR that affects software providers, but also any schools that ‘design’ their educational process. As a school, you must ensure that the data generated in your learning process is only available to those who require it. This means that the data is to be preventively protected against unauthorised use. Providers of digital learning systems must build their products in a way that guarantees their users’ privacy. By using pseudonymisation, the student’s identity is only visible when and to whom it is relevant. With suitable encryption, data can only be read by persons who are authorised to do so. As a school, you are legally responsible for careful organisation of such measures, even if you invest in suppliers to implement them. Chain 2. Automatically collect and analyse information from the digital learning process Standards for data exchange IDaaS Descriptive learning analytics Supervised machine learning Digital trust Privacy by design
  • 47. 47Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 Adaptivity with algorithms An algorithm is a set of rules leading to a predetermined objective when its steps are executed in the correct order. It is comparable with a recipe. The rules are the cooking instructions, and the goal is the meal that can be made from the various ingredients by following these instructions. In the same sense, for adaptive learning materials and adaptive tests, algorithms are processed by a programmer. The purpose of this is to determine the student’s level and to adjust what is offered to them each time their level changes. Algorithms in adaptive learning materials and adaptive tests can be grouped into three forms. Multistage testing With this form, a student gets one set of tasks after another. Based on the answers, the algorithm re-estimates the student’s level and prepares a subsequent set of tasks that is appropriate for said level. These sets of tasks have been put together in advance by the developers and have been classified into particular levels. Computer adaptive testing In this form, the algorithm selects the next task based on the student’s answer to the previous task, steadily getting a more accurate sense of the student’s level. This continues until the algorithm reaches a predetermined level of measurement precision. The algorithm retrieves the task from a database of tasks that the developers have already catalogued by level. ELO rating system With this form, the level of the tasks is not determined in advance. The tasks are linked to a topic or core goal. Based on the answers that the student gives, the algorithm determines their proficiency level. Are the student’s answers correct? Then their score increases for those topics or objectives. This then leads them to work on tasks where they are less proficient. All these forms of adaptivity can be found in digital products. Sometimes only one of the three occurs, but there is usually a combination. Adaptivity is still under development. We therefore deemed it wise to inform you in advance about how adaptivity is applied. The way that a learning resource or test has been put together shouldn’t be a black box to the teacher (or the student). E C opgavenset A set of tasks A set of tasks B set of tasks Bset of tasks C set of tasks C set of tasks A set of tasks B set of tasks A A B C D A D BCD A DB CB D A E ECD A DBC A Database Algorithm Developer Student Database Algorithm Developer Student Database Algorithm Student E C opgavenset A AB Bset of tasks C CA set of tasks B A A B C D A D BCD A DB CB D A E ECD A DBC A Developer Student Database Algorithm Developer Student Database Algorithm Student E C opgavenset A set of tasks A set of tasks B set of tasks Bset of tasks C set of tasks C set of tasks A set of tasks B set of tasks A A B C D A D BCD A DB CB D A E ECD A DBC A Database Algorithm Developer Student Database Algorithm Developer Student Database Algorithm Student
  • 48. 48Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 The foundation underlying all digital applications Need a refresher on ICT infrastructure? Re-read section 1.2.5. All software and learning materials in this scenario are now cloud-based. The daily dependence on these technologies in the primary process therefore requires a reliable, scalable and secure ICT foundation that, just like electricity, becomes an invisible and assumed part of the school landscape. 1. SaaS (software as a service) has rendered facilities requiring a great deal of knowledge and capital, such as in-house servers and data centres, obsolete. The service provider is responsible for managing availability, scalability (more or fewer users), reliability and mainte- nance. This frees up a school’s time and investment for tasks that are more closely related to education. Organisationalefficiency Personal productivity Adaptive testing Cross-subject dashboard edBots Privacy by design Digital trust Supervised machine learning Descriptive learning analytics Adaptive learning materials Standards for data exchange Connectivity (internet/wifi) Mobile device management IDaaS SaaS Mobile devices Student information system Cloud office Traditional teaching materials PortfolioPortfolio edBotsedBots Cloud office IDaaS Supervised machine learning Descriptive learning analytics Digital trust Privacy by design Student information system Adaptive learning materials Adaptive testing Cross-subject dashboard Standards for data exchange Traditional teaching materials Privacy from a personalised learning perspective: the transaction The ambition of personalised learning is at odds with the obligation to guarantee the privacy of students and teachers. After all, personalised learning requires detailed information about the student’s needs and the teacher’s skills to determine an optimal approach to using adaptive learning resources and effectively guiding the learning process. How do you maintain the right balance to deliver the best possible education? The guiding principle must be that any recorded information provides a demonstrable contribution to personalised learning for individual students. It has to be a fair transaction: any recorded information must improve the student’s education.
  • 49. 49Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020 2. Because students use digital learning resources every day in their learning activities, they have appropriate mobile devices (tablets, Chromebooks and/or laptops) suitable for that form of work. 3. To assure the correct functioning of the mobile device, and that it has the right settings and applications, mobile device management (MDM) is used, wherein the school manages the design and use of mobile devices in the educational process and can allocate flexible (management) responsibilities to students, teachers and ICT support staff. For instance, MDM can allow a school to remotely provide temporary settings to mobile devices for a test. 4. Full dependence on access to cloud applications for mobile devices in the education process requires reliable, scalable and secure wireless connectivity (internet/wifi). This enables students and teachers to independently work anywhere, at any time, from any device, without time-wasting disruptions. Chain 3. ICT infrastructure as a foundation for all digital applications. Mobile device management Connectivity internet/wifi SaaS Mobile devices