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copyright gkraft July 2010               the problem with Incubators is SALES.

Entrepreneur Incubator Plan

                                                                                           ability to
                                                                                         “learn at

the speed of sight” is forthcoming, the point of view and the associated
datum (including eLearning HD Videos) are connected to the side
displays, the possibility to click on a word and go to that place on Google
Earth with XML connections to your AiLibrary of Digital Stuff...
autosearch and retrieval as you progress, with the pathway logged for

The Internet is the bookshelf...

There will be many implementation of view.

Providing the “collaboration of stuff” logic using your Google profile of
internet usage for now called the DNAid.

Your tactile feel touch tablet on your lap, with tilt and swivel, ie. control
the 3D Google Earth interface to the planet.

Internet speed will kill or make this concept. Broadband is dialup.
Wideband Gigabyte fiber to the home like FIOS from Verizon in Tampa.

More speed Scotty! because you will lose the attention of the student if
you are slow and boring, and if you can’t “motivate, you can’t graduate.”

The product names and concepts will change in this Plan, due to copyright or
trademarks contention if necessary, this typically happens from time to time because

everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
copyright gkraft July 2010               the problem with Incubators is SALES.

more than one person can think of the same idea. Even though we often think we have
the greatest idea in the world, sometimes a simple Google search will tell us differently.

The intention of this Plan is to establish a rapid implementation of Entrepreneur
Incubator connections, and begin the marketing hype to promote the idea. The
timing is always critical, if it can’t be done almost immediately, the results will be too far
off for the investor ROI curve. First it is important to agree on format and function, then
meet and greet the Entrepreneur Incubators management teams at a conference in
Disney World, or Dallas, or SF, etc. Use the Entrepreneur Incubator Association to
assist in the conference.

Purpose of this Plan.

With the large number of unemployed, the positive impact of a emerging new company
is paramount. There are many older Sales and Marketing professionals that need a
product to sell, a vehicle to get to the customer, and the training and product support
from a Internet based service. Significant products and companies are near break even
or running at a loss. Sales is needed to sell not only the product but the reason to
invest. People are tired of the slow progress and are willing to do what it takes to see
change. Investment TAX Credits are required.

To train and employ. To increase probability of success by Entrepreneur Project
Acceptance Management. ie. know how to pick the winners, and reduce the false
starts by using experienced Sales and Marketing, Legal and Accounting.

Angel investors need a guarantee of return of investment, certainly this is a better
investment than the current Student Loans program for the nation. It is a potential
replacement for the failure of the Student Loans at the lower education levels to achieve
success. Private Business Colleges abound, but the ratio of Student Loan to Graduates
is poor, they need to be involved with this effort if it is National in scope. Work together
to motivate and therefore graduate. These loans are breaking the hearts and wallets of
the students, their failure to graduate is the problem. If they graduate they have a
chance of loan repayment, so the Banks need to work this.

Sense of Urgency is needed in the Entrepreneurial environment, if no urgency, there is
no hurry to success, and the ROI will be unacceptable to investors.

Entrepreneurs will learn that the market is global, and the vehicle is the Net.

A Global network of sales reps to introduce and demo.

Sales will provide customer input and product improvements, the “Product” will evolve
and some will become Global.

Global product sales balances the Balance of Trade, and establishes “Good Will”.

Current Incubator Projects need immediate review, some will get funded, some will
return home. Such is the purpose of a czar.

Current Incubator Management will evolve, they are there to make it work but lack
of realistic solutions to the lack of capital, and sales and marketing resources, hold back
the potential and increase the number of SBA failures.

everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
copyright gkraft July 2010               the problem with Incubators is SALES.

Angel Investment Fund is part of the core of the Entrepreneur Incubator, they
are participants, not only investors, ie. active investors at the Board of Directors
level, interruption by investors will not be allowed.

The Legal Structure and Work for Hire Intellectual Property Management will
establish tight Process Controls on the use of funds. ie. Progress payments, draws, etc.
Any draw will be recouped on a 50% per period basis and will be difficult to obtain.
Entrepreneurs need failure to learn to succeed, the investors do not. A Bag of Grocery
items will be available to the needy, silently. Entrepreneurs need to feed their family,
they are the knights of their family. Otherwise, Entrepreneurs would be taking a safe
path of employment.

The Entrepreneurs are Creative Talent, the Incubator is the Corporation and
manages the “Product”.

Entrepreneur Incubator Board of Directors.
The issue of Board manipulation of a startups growth and opportunities is real. To
control in a meaningful way, the Bylaws will establish a Board Level Balance Control to
manage the proper merger activity. The problem with VC’s is MBA’s looking to be
Partner’s. Para Professionals are like Sergeants for the VC’s and relate better to the

A Angel Investment Fund must match its choice for name, in its actions within the
community to establish the pride of the community in the exciting things happening at
the Incubator, because they are active investors, and want to see some of what “they
did to help make this happen” down at the Business Development Center, they even
have a facility for the “nerds in the neighborhood”... Opportunity abounds for the
promotion and growth of a successful Incubator. A DomusRoom will be inside, maybe

Entrepreneur Facility.

Entrepreneur Incubators are now located in many locations across the US. The
possibilities are unlimited for these independent Incubators to connect across the net.

Entrepreneur Standard Incubator format (layout).

I recommend that we develop a standardized layout plan similar to a retail store “rollout”
using a Apple Store clean look, but with closed WorkSpaces of all sizes based on the
project, the walls might be moveable within the Incubator.

The Virtual Entrepreneur Incubators will use Videos to demo the concepts, and
make the audience believe that the Incubators are a connected family of incubators
from a visual standpoint, there is no real need to spend any substantial funds on Capital
improvements and equipment.

Video conferencing is a awesome tool but lacks some close personal interaction as is
enjoyed by Apple iChat users. The Entrepreneur Incubator needs to utilize Video
conferencing as much as possible in order to improve the purpose of Video
conferencing... The usage of Video Conferencing on a constant basis will connect the
Incubators into natural groups of interest. This will create the family linkage that is
necessary for the connection of the Incubators to succeed, otherwise without Kreitsu, or

everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
copyright gkraft July 2010               the problem with Incubators is SALES.

a common sharing of interest it will be difficult to cause people to want to work together.
Therefore it is important to bond initially the people who want to make the concept
work. If they are currently not performing to the level desired, the people will be
motivated to make it so.

everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
copyright gkraft July 2010               the problem with Incubators is SALES.

How to build the Entrepreneur Incubator:

1.      No money, just Entrepreneur others to believe in the concept:

2.      Utilize BLOGS to promote concepts:

According to the highly successful iPhone APP “BUMP” (applications enjoying top 20
out of 130K), the Apple APP store offers effective CMS ability from iTunes APP activity.

Due to the confusion and conflict because of Software Patents, Bilski, et al.
The probability of creating a unique non infringing APP is becoming more
and more difficult. The Apple iTunes APP store with its review and
acceptance by Apple, will provide at least some confidence in your
intellectual property rights. Of course Apple will disclaimer the fact they
accepted your product based on your representation, then your APP
contains other SDK’s Frameworks, etc. and your actual intellectual property
is smaller than you may think.
Everything exists today from the Technology standpoint, the effort will be to integrate as
fast as possible using existing development teams from Google, Amazon, Ebay,
Microsoft, Yahoo, etc.

With these resources “committed” we can implement a working prototype in a month.
There will be many prototypes and if possible we should do several in parallel. We
might want to include the Incubators in a parallel effort to get some work for their
tenants. If this approach blossoms as fast as expected, the product will be usable
across the world, and allow Virtual Incubators. The entire point of this connection is to
create and evolve solutions, and to make a few bucks in the process.

$1M seed Fund: (no sense raising insufficient funding)

With sufficient funds to hire a couple of developers and $10K mo. T&E, we can develop
a “proprietary” design including the “AiLibrary 101a” and release via Apple iTunes APP
and Android APP stores. ($99yr. AiLibrary subscription)

everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
copyright gkraft July 2010               the problem with Incubators is SALES.

$5-$25M Angel Fund:

Real business development can be done with a Angel Investment Group, including
the acquisition and merger of key technologies and the potential to Entrepreneur
the VC’s struggling artists. The economy and the cash flow difficulties of many
candidate companies and startups, will find substantial interest to survive, we might
want to reach out to VC community, but no broker agents, just the decision makers.

The VC community can make this a very positive spin... Looking for more investors for
your funds? Huge PR opportunities when you work to improve the lack of investments...
Visibility to successes is mandatory. Nathan wanted me to meet with John Doerr,
Kleiner Perkins, Nathan said he would understand my approach.

everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
copyright gkraft July 2010               the problem with Incubators is SALES.

Entrepreneur Incubators need rotation of Technology.

The Incubator should provide a continuous flow of new technologies, not purchase a PC
and leave it there for several years. Tech development needs current state of the art
Development equipment. The major manufacturers will provide some of this equipment
if they can have a “Room” in the Incubator to use for demos on prearranged schedules.

Promotion of a Entrepreneur Incubator:
The way to bring private investors into the Angels Group is to have them visit the
Incubators, they will need a reason to do so. Press releases are insufficient, but local
TV needs some hip hip hooray news once in a while, and what better purpose for Social
Media experts to work with. Everyone needs employment, if a Social Media Expert
works with a Incubator, they will find consulting opportunities from their interaction.

The Entrepreneur Incubator has a HDTV Internet Broadcast Station for 1080p HDTV
Video Streaming from a multichannel head end. Including the DomusRoom in Rome.

A Entrepreneur Incubator from Rome would provide the connective demonstration of the
Global capability of the DomusRoom. And one of the world’s largest Digital Libraries is


The elite classes of Roman society constructed their residences with elaborate marble
decorations, inlaid marble paneling, door jambs and columns as well as expensive
paintings and frescoes.[3] Many poor and lower middle class Romans lived in crowded,
dirty and mostly rundown rental apartments, known as insulae. These multi-level
apartment blocks were built as high and tightly together as possible and held far less
status and convenience than the private homes of the prosperous.

                              Entrepreneur Incubator Usage possibilities:

                              1.     eLearning Courseware
                              2.     Distance Learning SDKs
                              3.     Collaboration Tools such
                                     as Skype, AVchat, etc.
                              4.     Video Edit Suite for
                                     Marketing Presentations,
                                     Prototype Animation.

everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
copyright gkraft July 2010               the problem with Incubators is SALES.

5.    Product Concept and Development Training.
6.    Entrepreneur Training.
7.    Entrepreneur Incubator Facility Management Services.
8.    Fast to Market Prototyping.
9.    VC and Angel Group.
10.   iTunes University.
11.   Demo Rooms similar to Home Theater Demo rooms, using DomusRoom Interface,
      and room to room connectivity (possible market Magnolia).

DomusRoom :
The DomusRoom Human Interface will begin with the Google
Earth 3D interface to the planet.

How to do this in a month:

Private Label OEM
Acquire, change interface, and release.
The hugh growth in Home Theaters over the past several years has created simple to
elegant Home Entertainment installations. The original gkraft AiLibrary was a 820sqft.
cherrywood Home Theater with a 10’ screen located in Marco Island in 1999-2003. The
Home Theater was installed by StarPower of Dallas. It included a T1 line into the home
and routed via a Cisco router. The room included a Mac OSX Server and a Windows
NT Server, three Mac’s and a PC, and the Ampro HDTV Projector included a VGA input
port used to connect the Mac’s for a 10’ display. The difference between a PC or Mac
with a large screen was the combination of the THX Audio and the Large HDTV display.

The AiLibrary used iView software for the Mac as the Document, Photo, and Video
Database. A QTVR 3D photorealistic browser interface and a PowerFile DVD changer
with 1TB of DVDs, it was 1999/2000 so the AiLibrary had a Terabyte (Mass Storage
Facility) MSF.

Today the Tech has evolved into a $99/1TB harddrive, so the storage facility capacity is
ample and expandable.

The ability to add several displays to today’s Mac or PC allows a wrap around video
immersion workstation design. Like a miniature iMax for your home or office.

The planned software design will need to provide the planned Collaboration Station

The Collaboration Station CS is almost any Internet browser capable device. CS is
divided into three or more sections with left right scroll. The CS device needs to be able
to operate at a minimum of WiFi 802.11n speed with Wideband preferable.

everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
copyright gkraft July 2010               the problem with Incubators is SALES.

everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
copyright gkraft July 2010               the problem with Incubators is SALES.

Entrepreneur Incubator Selection Group:

1.    Who will be accepted, why? Contests, Reality shows?
2.  Project Analysis by Entrepreneur Selection Group will include initial presentations
    to VC and Angel Group via DomusRoom.
3. VC’s receive thousands of Business Plans a week, Entrepreneur Selection will
    reduce our submissions to feasible expectations.
4. Financial Assistance based on ROI projections and time to market basis.
5. MicroCap funding, etc.
6. Possibility of merger of Entrepreneur Projects across State boundaries, is the
    reason for integrated and connected Entrepreneur Centers.
7. Possibility of raising funding and sales of Entrepreneur Projects across State
8. Sales of Entrepreneur Incubator Products will be best served by independent sales
    reps groups across the US.
9. A Entrepreneur Incubator Project may be a small as a Open Source module made
    available via the Google and Amazon, Azure, etc. platforms, and license fees paid
    by usage of the module similar to DoubleClick ad accounting.
10. AiEngine or Digital Library can be used for intellectual property control.

everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
copyright gkraft July 2010               the problem with Incubators is SALES.

Intellectual Property:

Software Patents are failing to control, 3 years patent action, 700K in review or litigation
queue, because the Patent process cannot identify or quantify the code fast enough and
the process is unclear and needs research and the old match or “gumshoe” code
recognition type software that was used by the BIOS industry is not available. Many
countries have not implemented Software Patents and do not recognize them, a better
solution is needed. And a Software Process Patent will identify the concept but not
necessarily the unique characteristics.

The use of code names and project concepts having missing sections is necessary to
protect the intellectual property of the Entrepreneur Incubator Plan.

The real value of this Plan is to establish in the mind of those that have control, that
simple fast development of “back in the day” programming included 20 hr work days,
now and then, but once people “get it”, the development time is fairly small, the eduction
and coming up to speed may exceed the 30 day initial development increments. The
trick is to know when and how to make release cuts, and not allow the programmer to
keep making it pretty, since programmers are like great artists, and never want to
release their art until just one more thing... And remember the Brodie Principle,
“Software does not wear out”. Open Source and the newer programming techniques
are reducing the actual “Programmer Code” to a minimum, so the ownership becomes
cloudy without removing the SDK Frameworks, etc. to compare to the original work. Bill
Gates made this prediction at the ETRE CEO Conference in Barcelona in the early-mid
90’s. Bill said, “software of the future will be done in modules and incorporated into a
executable program and billing will be based on the individual module usage.”

Simple straight forward increments will make the concept happen. Avoid complex
approaches until the initial concept is operational, otherwise we will never launch the
completed version in time to achieve the goal of education and growth of the American
creativity process in the short term.

everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
copyright gkraft July 2010               the problem with Incubators is SALES.

Entrepreneur Incubators Work Plan

What does a idea need? Sales.

How do you develop an idea? Entrepreneur Incubators.

Bricks and Mortar? Yes.

Internet Cloud? Yes.

so a person anywhere could gain access to the educational process
necessary to create an idea, and sell an idea? right.

from anyplace? Yes.

How do you sell? Don’t confuse booking from shipping.

How do you protect the intellectual property rights of the idea? AiDigital

How do individuals use the Incubator? over the internet using their

What is most needed? free access to all internet content filtered by the individuals
AiEngine INDEX DNAid.

How many Incubators today?

funding success
sales success
promotion success
month to month
A City or State Business Incubator has expended substantial money, effort, hopes
and good intentions just to get to open the doors, funding has never been really part of
the deal for startups, just hype and cocktails. Which should continue... + Local TV...
and our own Angel Group with real VC’s behind it and in a management role.


Connect all possible Incubators, under a Facility Management arrangement like EDS
back in the days with BlueCross and Les Abernathy, Ken Hill, and Ross Perot.

Establish new Bylaws and M&A process. Then we can trade options, products, JV’s.
Internet or Television Reality show of America’s top Entrepreneur’s live and throwing
stuff... Pressure to construct or create the Product, Pressure to market the Product, etc.

Now your town is in the Nationals, automatically.

Possible players:

everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
copyright gkraft July 2010               the problem with Incubators is SALES.


careful we could become friends doing this...

and this is an example of real Bricks and Mortar, multi billion dollar entity.

Government assistance is obvious.

And the traditional Microsoft/PC industry needs a refresh to the next level. Apples
product planning and integrated architecture has shown the way due to top quality
products, designs, etc.

Microsoft and the PC industry needs to be more ONE in architecture and quality or it is
a clock ticking.

And now we have Oracles solution from 10 years ago called the Cloud. We have far to
go, but Google is working hard from multiple directions. And Apple is your best
electronic friend, you love your Apple...

A Cloud Interface and browser compatibility will evolve rapidly. HTML5

everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
copyright gkraft July 2010               the problem with Incubators is SALES.

HP 3D                                                                   Printer allows
                                                                     prototyping in the
Incubator, real time            service on site. $17,500 ea. Objet is of interest as
potential partner. Entrepreneur Talent Competition Show with 3D examples of product
painted and everything looking like it came off the normal production line, and in fact
could for small volume runs.

The Entrepreneur Incubator is now a Service Bureau and can generate revenue
with the ability to prototype “one off’s” when equipment not scheduled for walk-in
designs. Video Conference Rooms are DomusRooms are Home Theaters are demo
rooms with a virtual 3 set on a green screen overlay. One could make almost any
physical product and or 3D Animation combination and display it on the internet in 3D
HDTV on YouTube HD.

Since the Entrepreneur Incubator has Video Editing and Post Production over the
Internet for professional Business Plans, and the ability to 3D model almost any IDEA,
the Angel Investors will understand the IDEA. You can’t hold software, or can you?

Which makes the Incubator the Artificial Technology Center with Collaboration Stations
inside. $100M Angel Fund needed. With second stage VC’s helping grow the
investment, so they can get in. The point is to put people to work on solutions by selling

Think of the Entrepreneur Incubator as a multi floor building with the rent cheap at the
bottom and the rent expensive at the top. Startups with onsite VC reps in the office
down the hall. The higher up you go the more you make.

everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
copyright gkraft July 2010               the problem with Incubators is SALES.

everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
copyright gkraft July 2010               the problem with Incubators is SALES.

People are smart, they need doorways to opportunity, the short and long
term is already changing by the change in society (social media) caused by
the ability to interact. IF people can find the assistive path to education as
they need with very little cost involved, and they can find short course
timeframes to learning how to create their next best mousetrap. And
access to Video On Demand from the HDTV Digital Libraries will be of
value, as well as the Apple iTunes University, which has the potential of
becoming the simple cheap solution to eLearning.

What do I want as part of this effort is to help others find the numerous
ways to be a Entrepreneur and add the missing elements from across the
US. I do not want to run it, just make it happen. The Entrepreneur
Incubators are managed by people that want to succeed, often it is the
access to working capital for the small things that makes the difference. Of
course significant funding would allow us to make this Plan grow and grow
at a faster rate.

So this plan expects gkraft to get it online and operational, you can take
creative works, but implementation is a different thing entirely.


everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
copyright gkraft July 2010               the problem with Incubators is SALES.

Recent progress:

Apr. 2010

Met with BerlinerCohen to discuss having their assistance in helping me with the VC
community, they were positive, Wubbles asked why not talk to Meg Whitman?

I also met with several other possible developers at this time to discuss what we could
accomplish with out any funding. Everyone needs a paycheck, so I have had to reduce
the scale and scope of this Project and work towards a super low cost approach as
shown above.

I have also discussed potential hardware development to create a component for the
DomusRoom that would give us greater intellectual property control, this area needs
more work.


copyright gkraft 2010

everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?

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  • 1. copyright gkraft July 2010 the problem with Incubators is SALES. Entrepreneur Incubator Plan The ability to “learn at the speed of sight” is forthcoming, the point of view and the associated datum (including eLearning HD Videos) are connected to the side displays, the possibility to click on a word and go to that place on Google Earth with XML connections to your AiLibrary of Digital Stuff... autosearch and retrieval as you progress, with the pathway logged for backtrack. The Internet is the bookshelf... There will be many implementation of view. Providing the “collaboration of stuff” logic using your Google profile of internet usage for now called the DNAid. Your tactile feel touch tablet on your lap, with tilt and swivel, ie. control the 3D Google Earth interface to the planet. Internet speed will kill or make this concept. Broadband is dialup. Wideband Gigabyte fiber to the home like FIOS from Verizon in Tampa. More speed Scotty! because you will lose the attention of the student if you are slow and boring, and if you can’t “motivate, you can’t graduate.” The product names and concepts will change in this Plan, due to copyright or trademarks contention if necessary, this typically happens from time to time because everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
  • 2. copyright gkraft July 2010 the problem with Incubators is SALES. more than one person can think of the same idea. Even though we often think we have the greatest idea in the world, sometimes a simple Google search will tell us differently. The intention of this Plan is to establish a rapid implementation of Entrepreneur Incubator connections, and begin the marketing hype to promote the idea. The timing is always critical, if it can’t be done almost immediately, the results will be too far off for the investor ROI curve. First it is important to agree on format and function, then meet and greet the Entrepreneur Incubators management teams at a conference in Disney World, or Dallas, or SF, etc. Use the Entrepreneur Incubator Association to assist in the conference. Purpose of this Plan. With the large number of unemployed, the positive impact of a emerging new company is paramount. There are many older Sales and Marketing professionals that need a product to sell, a vehicle to get to the customer, and the training and product support from a Internet based service. Significant products and companies are near break even or running at a loss. Sales is needed to sell not only the product but the reason to invest. People are tired of the slow progress and are willing to do what it takes to see change. Investment TAX Credits are required. To train and employ. To increase probability of success by Entrepreneur Project Acceptance Management. ie. know how to pick the winners, and reduce the false starts by using experienced Sales and Marketing, Legal and Accounting. Angel investors need a guarantee of return of investment, certainly this is a better investment than the current Student Loans program for the nation. It is a potential replacement for the failure of the Student Loans at the lower education levels to achieve success. Private Business Colleges abound, but the ratio of Student Loan to Graduates is poor, they need to be involved with this effort if it is National in scope. Work together to motivate and therefore graduate. These loans are breaking the hearts and wallets of the students, their failure to graduate is the problem. If they graduate they have a chance of loan repayment, so the Banks need to work this. Sense of Urgency is needed in the Entrepreneurial environment, if no urgency, there is no hurry to success, and the ROI will be unacceptable to investors. Entrepreneurs will learn that the market is global, and the vehicle is the Net. A Global network of sales reps to introduce and demo. Sales will provide customer input and product improvements, the “Product” will evolve and some will become Global. Global product sales balances the Balance of Trade, and establishes “Good Will”. Current Incubator Projects need immediate review, some will get funded, some will return home. Such is the purpose of a czar. Current Incubator Management will evolve, they are there to make it work but lack of realistic solutions to the lack of capital, and sales and marketing resources, hold back the potential and increase the number of SBA failures. everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
  • 3. copyright gkraft July 2010 the problem with Incubators is SALES. Angel Investment Fund is part of the core of the Entrepreneur Incubator, they are participants, not only investors, ie. active investors at the Board of Directors level, interruption by investors will not be allowed. The Legal Structure and Work for Hire Intellectual Property Management will establish tight Process Controls on the use of funds. ie. Progress payments, draws, etc. Any draw will be recouped on a 50% per period basis and will be difficult to obtain. Entrepreneurs need failure to learn to succeed, the investors do not. A Bag of Grocery items will be available to the needy, silently. Entrepreneurs need to feed their family, they are the knights of their family. Otherwise, Entrepreneurs would be taking a safe path of employment. The Entrepreneurs are Creative Talent, the Incubator is the Corporation and manages the “Product”. Entrepreneur Incubator Board of Directors. The issue of Board manipulation of a startups growth and opportunities is real. To control in a meaningful way, the Bylaws will establish a Board Level Balance Control to manage the proper merger activity. The problem with VC’s is MBA’s looking to be Partner’s. Para Professionals are like Sergeants for the VC’s and relate better to the Entrepreneur. A Angel Investment Fund must match its choice for name, in its actions within the community to establish the pride of the community in the exciting things happening at the Incubator, because they are active investors, and want to see some of what “they did to help make this happen” down at the Business Development Center, they even have a facility for the “nerds in the neighborhood”... Opportunity abounds for the promotion and growth of a successful Incubator. A DomusRoom will be inside, maybe several. Entrepreneur Facility. Entrepreneur Incubators are now located in many locations across the US. The possibilities are unlimited for these independent Incubators to connect across the net. Entrepreneur Standard Incubator format (layout). I recommend that we develop a standardized layout plan similar to a retail store “rollout” using a Apple Store clean look, but with closed WorkSpaces of all sizes based on the project, the walls might be moveable within the Incubator. The Virtual Entrepreneur Incubators will use Videos to demo the concepts, and make the audience believe that the Incubators are a connected family of incubators from a visual standpoint, there is no real need to spend any substantial funds on Capital improvements and equipment. Video conferencing is a awesome tool but lacks some close personal interaction as is enjoyed by Apple iChat users. The Entrepreneur Incubator needs to utilize Video conferencing as much as possible in order to improve the purpose of Video conferencing... The usage of Video Conferencing on a constant basis will connect the Incubators into natural groups of interest. This will create the family linkage that is necessary for the connection of the Incubators to succeed, otherwise without Kreitsu, or everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
  • 4. copyright gkraft July 2010 the problem with Incubators is SALES. a common sharing of interest it will be difficult to cause people to want to work together. Therefore it is important to bond initially the people who want to make the concept work. If they are currently not performing to the level desired, the people will be motivated to make it so. everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
  • 5. copyright gkraft July 2010 the problem with Incubators is SALES. How to build the Entrepreneur Incubator: 1. No money, just Entrepreneur others to believe in the concept: 2. Utilize BLOGS to promote concepts: According to the highly successful iPhone APP “BUMP” (applications enjoying top 20 out of 130K), the Apple APP store offers effective CMS ability from iTunes APP activity. Due to the confusion and conflict because of Software Patents, Bilski, et al. The probability of creating a unique non infringing APP is becoming more and more difficult. The Apple iTunes APP store with its review and acceptance by Apple, will provide at least some confidence in your intellectual property rights. Of course Apple will disclaimer the fact they accepted your product based on your representation, then your APP contains other SDK’s Frameworks, etc. and your actual intellectual property is smaller than you may think. Everything exists today from the Technology standpoint, the effort will be to integrate as fast as possible using existing development teams from Google, Amazon, Ebay, Microsoft, Yahoo, etc. With these resources “committed” we can implement a working prototype in a month. There will be many prototypes and if possible we should do several in parallel. We might want to include the Incubators in a parallel effort to get some work for their tenants. If this approach blossoms as fast as expected, the product will be usable across the world, and allow Virtual Incubators. The entire point of this connection is to create and evolve solutions, and to make a few bucks in the process. $1M seed Fund: (no sense raising insufficient funding) With sufficient funds to hire a couple of developers and $10K mo. T&E, we can develop a “proprietary” design including the “AiLibrary 101a” and release via Apple iTunes APP and Android APP stores. ($99yr. AiLibrary subscription) everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
  • 6. copyright gkraft July 2010 the problem with Incubators is SALES. $5-$25M Angel Fund: Real business development can be done with a Angel Investment Group, including the acquisition and merger of key technologies and the potential to Entrepreneur the VC’s struggling artists. The economy and the cash flow difficulties of many candidate companies and startups, will find substantial interest to survive, we might want to reach out to VC community, but no broker agents, just the decision makers. The VC community can make this a very positive spin... Looking for more investors for your funds? Huge PR opportunities when you work to improve the lack of investments... Visibility to successes is mandatory. Nathan wanted me to meet with John Doerr, Kleiner Perkins, Nathan said he would understand my approach. everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
  • 7. copyright gkraft July 2010 the problem with Incubators is SALES. Entrepreneur Incubators need rotation of Technology. The Incubator should provide a continuous flow of new technologies, not purchase a PC and leave it there for several years. Tech development needs current state of the art Development equipment. The major manufacturers will provide some of this equipment if they can have a “Room” in the Incubator to use for demos on prearranged schedules. Promotion of a Entrepreneur Incubator: The way to bring private investors into the Angels Group is to have them visit the Incubators, they will need a reason to do so. Press releases are insufficient, but local TV needs some hip hip hooray news once in a while, and what better purpose for Social Media experts to work with. Everyone needs employment, if a Social Media Expert works with a Incubator, they will find consulting opportunities from their interaction. The Entrepreneur Incubator has a HDTV Internet Broadcast Station for 1080p HDTV Video Streaming from a multichannel head end. Including the DomusRoom in Rome. A Entrepreneur Incubator from Rome would provide the connective demonstration of the Global capability of the DomusRoom. And one of the world’s largest Digital Libraries is there... DomusRoom The elite classes of Roman society constructed their residences with elaborate marble decorations, inlaid marble paneling, door jambs and columns as well as expensive paintings and frescoes.[3] Many poor and lower middle class Romans lived in crowded, dirty and mostly rundown rental apartments, known as insulae. These multi-level apartment blocks were built as high and tightly together as possible and held far less status and convenience than the private homes of the prosperous. Entrepreneur Incubator Usage possibilities: 1. eLearning Courseware Development 2. Distance Learning SDKs 3. Collaboration Tools such as Skype, AVchat, etc. 4. Video Edit Suite for Marketing Presentations, Prototype Animation. everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
  • 8. copyright gkraft July 2010 the problem with Incubators is SALES. 5. Product Concept and Development Training. 6. Entrepreneur Training. 7. Entrepreneur Incubator Facility Management Services. 8. Fast to Market Prototyping. 9. VC and Angel Group. 10. iTunes University. 11. Demo Rooms similar to Home Theater Demo rooms, using DomusRoom Interface, and room to room connectivity (possible market Magnolia). DomusRoom : The DomusRoom Human Interface will begin with the Google Earth 3D interface to the planet. How to do this in a month: Private Label OEM Acquire, change interface, and release. The hugh growth in Home Theaters over the past several years has created simple to elegant Home Entertainment installations. The original gkraft AiLibrary was a 820sqft. cherrywood Home Theater with a 10’ screen located in Marco Island in 1999-2003. The Home Theater was installed by StarPower of Dallas. It included a T1 line into the home and routed via a Cisco router. The room included a Mac OSX Server and a Windows NT Server, three Mac’s and a PC, and the Ampro HDTV Projector included a VGA input port used to connect the Mac’s for a 10’ display. The difference between a PC or Mac with a large screen was the combination of the THX Audio and the Large HDTV display. The AiLibrary used iView software for the Mac as the Document, Photo, and Video Database. A QTVR 3D photorealistic browser interface and a PowerFile DVD changer with 1TB of DVDs, it was 1999/2000 so the AiLibrary had a Terabyte (Mass Storage Facility) MSF. Today the Tech has evolved into a $99/1TB harddrive, so the storage facility capacity is ample and expandable. The ability to add several displays to today’s Mac or PC allows a wrap around video immersion workstation design. Like a miniature iMax for your home or office. The planned software design will need to provide the planned Collaboration Station capability. The Collaboration Station CS is almost any Internet browser capable device. CS is divided into three or more sections with left right scroll. The CS device needs to be able to operate at a minimum of WiFi 802.11n speed with Wideband preferable. everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
  • 9. copyright gkraft July 2010 the problem with Incubators is SALES. everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
  • 10. copyright gkraft July 2010 the problem with Incubators is SALES. Entrepreneur Incubator Selection Group: 1. Who will be accepted, why? Contests, Reality shows? 2. Project Analysis by Entrepreneur Selection Group will include initial presentations to VC and Angel Group via DomusRoom. 3. VC’s receive thousands of Business Plans a week, Entrepreneur Selection will reduce our submissions to feasible expectations. 4. Financial Assistance based on ROI projections and time to market basis. 5. MicroCap funding, etc. 6. Possibility of merger of Entrepreneur Projects across State boundaries, is the reason for integrated and connected Entrepreneur Centers. 7. Possibility of raising funding and sales of Entrepreneur Projects across State boundaries. 8. Sales of Entrepreneur Incubator Products will be best served by independent sales reps groups across the US. 9. A Entrepreneur Incubator Project may be a small as a Open Source module made available via the Google and Amazon, Azure, etc. platforms, and license fees paid by usage of the module similar to DoubleClick ad accounting. 10. AiEngine or Digital Library can be used for intellectual property control. everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
  • 11. copyright gkraft July 2010 the problem with Incubators is SALES. Intellectual Property: Software Patents are failing to control, 3 years patent action, 700K in review or litigation queue, because the Patent process cannot identify or quantify the code fast enough and the process is unclear and needs research and the old match or “gumshoe” code recognition type software that was used by the BIOS industry is not available. Many countries have not implemented Software Patents and do not recognize them, a better solution is needed. And a Software Process Patent will identify the concept but not necessarily the unique characteristics. The use of code names and project concepts having missing sections is necessary to protect the intellectual property of the Entrepreneur Incubator Plan. The real value of this Plan is to establish in the mind of those that have control, that simple fast development of “back in the day” programming included 20 hr work days, now and then, but once people “get it”, the development time is fairly small, the eduction and coming up to speed may exceed the 30 day initial development increments. The trick is to know when and how to make release cuts, and not allow the programmer to keep making it pretty, since programmers are like great artists, and never want to release their art until just one more thing... And remember the Brodie Principle, “Software does not wear out”. Open Source and the newer programming techniques are reducing the actual “Programmer Code” to a minimum, so the ownership becomes cloudy without removing the SDK Frameworks, etc. to compare to the original work. Bill Gates made this prediction at the ETRE CEO Conference in Barcelona in the early-mid 90’s. Bill said, “software of the future will be done in modules and incorporated into a executable program and billing will be based on the individual module usage.” Simple straight forward increments will make the concept happen. Avoid complex approaches until the initial concept is operational, otherwise we will never launch the completed version in time to achieve the goal of education and growth of the American creativity process in the short term. everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
  • 12. copyright gkraft July 2010 the problem with Incubators is SALES. Entrepreneur Incubators Work Plan What does a idea need? Sales. How do you develop an idea? Entrepreneur Incubators. Bricks and Mortar? Yes. Internet Cloud? Yes. so a person anywhere could gain access to the educational process necessary to create an idea, and sell an idea? right. from anyplace? Yes. How do you sell? Don’t confuse booking from shipping. How do you protect the intellectual property rights of the idea? AiDigital Library. How do individuals use the Incubator? over the internet using their DomusRoom. What is most needed? free access to all internet content filtered by the individuals AiEngine INDEX DNAid. How many Incubators today? Empty renters startups funding success sales success promotion success month to month A City or State Business Incubator has expended substantial money, effort, hopes and good intentions just to get to open the doors, funding has never been really part of the deal for startups, just hype and cocktails. Which should continue... + Local TV... and our own Angel Group with real VC’s behind it and in a management role. Proposition: Connect all possible Incubators, under a Facility Management arrangement like EDS back in the days with BlueCross and Les Abernathy, Ken Hill, and Ross Perot. Establish new Bylaws and M&A process. Then we can trade options, products, JV’s. Internet or Television Reality show of America’s top Entrepreneur’s live and throwing stuff... Pressure to construct or create the Product, Pressure to market the Product, etc. Now your town is in the Nationals, automatically. Possible players: everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
  • 13. copyright gkraft July 2010 the problem with Incubators is SALES. Oracle Microsoft Google Apple HP Intel Dell Sony Korea Japan China India Russia careful we could become friends doing this... and this is an example of real Bricks and Mortar, multi billion dollar entity. Government assistance is obvious. And the traditional Microsoft/PC industry needs a refresh to the next level. Apples product planning and integrated architecture has shown the way due to top quality products, designs, etc. Microsoft and the PC industry needs to be more ONE in architecture and quality or it is a clock ticking. And now we have Oracles solution from 10 years ago called the Cloud. We have far to go, but Google is working hard from multiple directions. And Apple is your best electronic friend, you love your Apple... A Cloud Interface and browser compatibility will evolve rapidly. HTML5 everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
  • 14. copyright gkraft July 2010 the problem with Incubators is SALES. HP 3D Printer allows prototyping in the Entrepreneur Incubator, real time service on site. $17,500 ea. Objet is of interest as potential partner. Entrepreneur Talent Competition Show with 3D examples of product painted and everything looking like it came off the normal production line, and in fact could for small volume runs. The Entrepreneur Incubator is now a Service Bureau and can generate revenue with the ability to prototype “one off’s” when equipment not scheduled for walk-in designs. Video Conference Rooms are DomusRooms are Home Theaters are demo rooms with a virtual 3 set on a green screen overlay. One could make almost any physical product and or 3D Animation combination and display it on the internet in 3D HDTV on YouTube HD. Since the Entrepreneur Incubator has Video Editing and Post Production over the Internet for professional Business Plans, and the ability to 3D model almost any IDEA, the Angel Investors will understand the IDEA. You can’t hold software, or can you? Which makes the Incubator the Artificial Technology Center with Collaboration Stations inside. $100M Angel Fund needed. With second stage VC’s helping grow the investment, so they can get in. The point is to put people to work on solutions by selling them... Think of the Entrepreneur Incubator as a multi floor building with the rent cheap at the bottom and the rent expensive at the top. Startups with onsite VC reps in the office down the hall. The higher up you go the more you make. everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
  • 15. copyright gkraft July 2010 the problem with Incubators is SALES. everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
  • 16. copyright gkraft July 2010 the problem with Incubators is SALES. People are smart, they need doorways to opportunity, the short and long term is already changing by the change in society (social media) caused by the ability to interact. IF people can find the assistive path to education as they need with very little cost involved, and they can find short course timeframes to learning how to create their next best mousetrap. And access to Video On Demand from the HDTV Digital Libraries will be of value, as well as the Apple iTunes University, which has the potential of becoming the simple cheap solution to eLearning. What do I want as part of this effort is to help others find the numerous ways to be a Entrepreneur and add the missing elements from across the US. I do not want to run it, just make it happen. The Entrepreneur Incubators are managed by people that want to succeed, often it is the access to working capital for the small things that makes the difference. Of course significant funding would allow us to make this Plan grow and grow at a faster rate. So this plan expects gkraft to get it online and operational, you can take creative works, but implementation is a different thing entirely. aloha everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?
  • 17. copyright gkraft July 2010 the problem with Incubators is SALES. Recent progress: Apr. 2010 Met with BerlinerCohen to discuss having their assistance in helping me with the VC community, they were positive, Wubbles asked why not talk to Meg Whitman? I also met with several other possible developers at this time to discuss what we could accomplish with out any funding. Everyone needs a paycheck, so I have had to reduce the scale and scope of this Project and work towards a super low cost approach as shown above. I have also discussed potential hardware development to create a component for the DomusRoom that would give us greater intellectual property control, this area needs more work. gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 everyone is a Entrepreneur, the question is what kind of talent does the Entrepreneur have?