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         LEH CITY

         At the moment, the presence of thousands of tourists in Ladakh is exerting a huge
strain on the region’s scarce resources. However, it needn’t be so. There are many ways in
which the negative impacts of tourism could be reduced, by supporting the traditional
practices which have sustained Ladakhi culture over thousands of years.

This Eco-Friendly Guide seeks to:

     Encourage tourists to lend moral and financial support to those establishments in Leh
      where environmentally friendly practices and products can be found.
     Prompt tourists to demand more such products and services.
     Directly reduce the environmental costs of tourism.
     Foster a stringent ethic of mindful travel generally that will hopefully stay with people
      wherever they go henceforth (importantly, this means avoiding destructive things as
      much as it means giving preference to sustainable things).
     Change the perception that tourists need or want ‘Western’ amenities (e.g. flush toilets)
      and food (e.g. imported white bread).

      The more tourists use the guide and communicate that they are supporting local
establishments because of their environmental/traditional credentials (or demand them when
they’re not available) the more sustainable services and products will increase to meet the
growing demand.

      The perception gap between what locals believe
                                                              By actively selecting and requesting
tourists want, and what they actually want, is often
                                                              the local, traditional, and
wide indeed. Surveys have shown, for instance, that
                                                              sustainable, tourists can change the
most Ladakhi hoteliers believe that their guests need
                                                              misperceptions that are leading to
water flush toilets, while a majority of foreigners said
                                                              unsustainable practices, offer
they actually preferred or could accept Ladakhi
                                                              cultural affirmation and solidarity,
compost toilets. A majority of Ladakhis also believed
                                                              and significantly reduce their
tourists want a TV in their hotel room, while in fact a
                                                              environmental impact on Ladakh.
majority of foreign tourists said they did not need a
TV.                                                           Speak up! Make a difference.

      Food is another example. Many locals assume
that tourists prefer imported, packaged and refined
products to the traditional, fresher whole foods. However, our research has shown that just
the opposite is true.

      The perception gap extends to architecture and building materials. Ladakhis believe
that tourists have a preference for modern industrial products like concrete, plastic, and
steel. In fact, the majority of tourists strongly prefer the charm and beauty of traditional
architecture made of natural materials.

The information contained herein is based primarily on verbal communications from the owners or
other workers of the various establishments. In addition, the tourism sector is undergoing rapid
change. Therefore, we cannot vouch for the accuracy of all information. To help make this book as
accurate and up to date as possible, please inform us of any inaccuracies or new developments at,

For this guide to really make a difference, it is critical to show guesthouse/hotel owners the entry
that led you to them.

   About the Book

           Within this guide, you will find information about a selection of guesthouses, hotels
   and restaurants which are considered, as per the categories selected, more eco-friendly. The
   categories we have focused on for the selection of guesthouses and hotels are: Compost
   toilet; water refilling service; plastic avoidance; local food; traditional building; traditional
   stay; photovoltaic electricity available for guests and solar water heating. For your
   convenience, you will find as well the price range and contact information. In the case of the
   restaurants, only the water refilling service category has been considered.

           The reasons for selecting these categories are explained below.

   Compost Toilet

           The Ladakhi compost toilet is the traditional
   system that has served the people, land, and
   agriculture well for centuries. Unlike Western style
   flush toilets that consume and pollute precious fresh
   water and in the process carry away and waste a
   valuable natural fertilizer, Ladakhi toilets are based
   on the concept that human ‘waste’ is not waste at all,
   since it is recycled into compost for use on
   agricultural fields. No fresh water is consumed or
   polluted in the process, and only natural materials
   are used to mix with the feces and urine and let sit
   until the process of decomposition has yielded a rich

Western style flush toilets have sprung up primarily for the use of tourists in Ladakh,
to the point where they are now widespread in the hotels, guesthouses, and some
restaurants of Leh. The best bet for finding a compost toilet is in a family run guesthouse or
hotel, where it may not be advertised for use by guests, but where, if you ask, the owners
will have no objections to your using. Other places openly advertise their compost toilets
and encourage their use.

 KEY Info when using Ladakhi compost toilet:

 It is important to remember to cover your deposit with a shovel-full or two of soil or
 whatever other material may be provided after you are finished. This will keep unpleasant
 odors down and also help in the decomposition process. Feces and urine are high in nitrogen,
 and the way to prevent excessive smells and encourage the microorganisms that perform
 decomposition is to balance out the nitrogen with carbonaceous material.

    In order to qualify for inclusion in this category, the guesthouse/hotel owners were required to
     have a compost toilet and put up a sign indicating that the service is available.

Water refilling service

                                                      We have included this category because
                                             packaged drinking water is problematic for a
                                             number of reasons: taking water from distant
                                             communities; using scarce fossil fuels
                                             unnecessarily; and creating one of the biggest
                                             waste problems in Ladakh. The approximately
                                             30-50,000 tourists in Ladakh each season are
                                             collectively generating huge quantities of plastic
                                             bottle waste. Here in Ladakh, no recycling
                                             facilities exist, and only a small amount is
                                             collected and sent out for recycling (which itself
wastes energy and causes pollution elsewhere). In Leh, the bottles are either taken and
dumped outside of town, or burned in the open, producing toxic byproducts such as
chlorine gas and ash containing heavy metals.

       Corporate appropriation of the world’s fresh-water supply represents one of the
most serious contemporary threats to the local self-reliance of peoples across the planet.
Commodifying and privatizing what was once the common right of local communities,
companies like Coca Cola and Pepsi are depriving rural communities across India.

Moreover, plastic used to make water
bottles is derived from crude oil. Worldwide,
some 2.7 million tons of plastic are used to                  To address this problem:
bottle water each year. Additionally,
transporting all those plastic bottles full of                Don’t buy new bottles of water.
water over the Himalayas consumes enormous                    Refill your existing bottle with
amounts of fuel and pollutes the atmosphere                   filtered water from your own
along the way.                                                handheld filter or with iodine drops,
       Finally, everyday, an average of ten                   or with boiled glacier water. In this
trucks of garbage from Leh city alone is                      guide you can find information
dumped in a nearby valley. Much of this is                    about the establishments that offer
plastic water bottles (see the category 'Plastic              refilling service.
Avoidance' for more).

        All of this waste and destruction is
totally unnecessary in Ladakh, as the glacier water locally available here is drinkable after
boiling or filtering.
    To qualify for this category, guesthouses/hotels in Leh were required to put up a sign
     informing guests that this service is available, as well as actually provide an easily visible
     refilling station.

Plastic Avoidance

       Plastic waste – such as water bottles,
soft drink bottles, tetra packs, and food
packaging – is piling up on the streets and
paths, in the streams, and almost everywhere
else all over India, including Ladakh. The
effects of this waste are many: clogging
drainage; damaging our health when burned;
filling the stomachs of animals that eat it; and
tarnishing the beauty of this unique region.

       Many people feel the solution to this
problem is simply to install more rubbish bins.
                                                          To address this problem:
However, the authors of this guidebook
recently made a trip to the dump outside of               Refuse and reduce as much as you can
Leh where all of the garbage from the rubbish             beverage bottles, snacks, food and any
bins is taken. We were astounded by the                   other supplies packaged in plastic. Try to
mountain of plastic we found there (see                   buy local whole-foods in bulk whenever
picture). We realized that simply improving               possible instead, using cloth or other re-
garbage collection without reducing the                   useable bags.
creation of garbage is not the solution.

There is NO safe or environmentally benign solution for 'managing' plastic waste.

In addition to the plastic water bottle problem mentioned before, there are many other kinds
of plastic waste, mostly food packaging.

    To qualify for this category, guesthouses/hotels in Leh were required not to sell any type of
     plastic such as bottles or packaged food.

Local Food

       The erosion of the world’s diversity of cuisines due to increasing concentration of
corporate control of the food system is now affecting Ladakh to a high degree. For instance,
in place of roasted barley (yos), apricot nuts
(tsigu), and walnuts (starga), many people
                                                       Support local food:
are now snacking on chips made from
ingredients coming from distant industrial,            Ask in your guest house or hotel for some
chemical-intensive farms.                              of the local dishes mentioned below. Try
                                                       herbal teas or local juices instead of
       On the other hand, especially in Leh,
                                                       sugary chemical soft drinks packaged in
restaurants and hotels mainly offer
                                                       plastic or aluminum.
continental cuisine (Italian, German…),
Indian, Chinese or the closest to Ladakhi,
Tibetan cuisine, but hardly any of them offer on their menu Ladakhi dishes. Therefore,
many tourists may leave Ladakh not knowing what Ladakhi food actually is.

       The benefits of eating local and seasonal foods are numerous. Some benefits include:
improved health due to an avoidance of chemically contaminated and highly processed
food; a dramatic reduction in energy and fossil fuel consumption and thus reduced
pollution and greenhouse gas emissions otherwise created when subsidized food is shipped
far from the farm to the consumer; and a strengthening of the local economy, ecology and
community .

    To qualify in this category, guesthouses/hotels in Leh had to offer not only dishes made with
     local ingredients, but local recipes. Having a kitchen garden was also considered under this
     category, giving importance to family-grown vegetables.

Here is a list of various and delicious Ladakhi dishes to ask for:

      Khambir: Ladakhi round bread made from local whole wheat
      Paba: An edible dough of a mixture of roasted flours of barley, wheat, buckwheat,
       Ladakhi black beans and peas.
      Tang-Tur: Buttermilk with wild local vegetables

 Namthuk: Soup made with ngampe (roasted
                                               barley flour), salt, black pepper and local
                                              Mok Mok: Steamed dumplings stuffed with
                                               local vegetables.
                                              Chu Tagi: Hearty stew made with vegetables
                                               and bow-tie shaped wheat noodles.
                                              Thenthuk: Hearty stew made with vegetables
                                               and wheat noodles.
                                              Skyu: Hearty stew made with vegetables and
                                               cut-shaped wheat noodles.
                                              Thi-mok: Steamed local wheat dumplings
                                               served with sautéed vegetables.

     *Please note that the above dishes are described in a vegetarian version. Meat can be
     added to most of the recipes.

Beverages and sweets:

      Butter Tea: Ladakhi tea with butter and salt.
      Apricot Juice: Made with local apricots (chuli).
      Sea-buckthorn Juice: made with local sea-buckthorn (tsesta lulu) berries.
      Phating: Whole dried apricots (chuli) soaked in hot water and sugar.

                                                      Source: Women’s Alliance Local Food Café

Traditional Building

       The manufacture of industrial building
materials like cement, plastic pipes and paints,
iron and tin is extremely energy intensive and
polluting, whereas the traditional building
materials of Ladakh – mud, wood and stone –
are low-energy, non-polluting, and in harmony
with the landscape because they are of the

       We have included this category to
emphasize the importance of the traditional
architecture and building materials for conserving the environment both within Ladakh as
well as outside, where industrial materials are manufactured. Most buildings in Leh today
retain the traditional architectural style, but utilize a combination of traditional and
industrial materials.

 Guesthouses/hotels that qualified for inclusion in this category had to have the traditional
     architectural style along with a mixture of the traditional building materials. Because we
     could not see the building process, we had to rely on the word of the proprietors. Therefore we
     hope you will understand that the different levels of 'traditional' are not absolutely precise.

Traditional Stay

       Directly linked to the importance of the
traditional architectural style to preserve the
environment as well as the culture, is the lifestyle
that Ladakhis have within their houses. An excellent
way to participate in and enjoy the Ladakhi culture
is to be able to share their customs when eating in
the kitchen or in a Ladakhi-style living room.

    Guesthouses/hotels that qualified for inclusion in
     this category had to have a traditional living
     room available for guests or share their own
     kitchen or dining room with guests.

Photovoltaic Electricity Available for Guests

                                                    Photovoltaic solar panels generate
                                            electricity directly from sunlight. Although
                                            manufacturing the panels is energy intensive,
                                            afterwards they create pollution-free energy for
                                            many years. With over 300 days of intense full sun
                                            per year, Ladakh is ideally suited to this type of
                                            renewable electricity. Many families in Ladakh
                                            have at least one panel to power a small lantern in
                                            case of power outages.

                                                   However, to qualify for inclusion in this
                                                    category, the requirement was that the solar
                                                    panel-generated electricity be available for guests
                                                    as well.

Solar Water Heating

   Guesthouses and hotels in Leh have a variety of water heating systems. A common
practice today is for Ladakhis to use wood stoves to heat water, but the pollution and
amount of wood needed make this system unsustainable. The most effective, cheap and
clean system found as a substitute is the passive solar heater. Blessed with abundant and
strong sunshine, Ladakh is ideally suited to the application of such simple passive

technologies. As the sun’s rays strike a glass panel or
                                           tube, the water inside heats up and expands, moving
                                           upward into an insulated storage tank. These
                                           systems can be so effective that one can often take a
                                           piping hot shower in the morning from water that
                                           was solar heated the day before. Although like
                                           photovoltaic panels the initial investment can be
                                           quite high, we hope with this guide to promote the
                                           increasing availability of lower-cost, locally-made

    To qualify for inclusion in this category, the guesthouse/hotel had to have a passive solar
       water heater installed which provides hot water for guests.

Price Range

       Within this category you can find three types of symbols to indicate the level of
prices for rooms in guesthouses and hotels. Note that the prices given refer to high season
(July and August) and normally in double stay basis. Some of the establishments may have
two different symbols as their price options are wide.

$ = Rs 100 – Rs 250
$$ = Rs 250 – Rs 800
$$$ = Above Rs 800

Contact Information

       E-mail address and/or telephone number is provided in the charts as additional
information. You can find the location of the guesthouses/hotels in the map marked by areas
as names of streets are rare in Leh and addresses are given with the area.


No.                                                                                                  Photovoltaic
         GUEST             Ladakhi    Water                                                                          Solar
                                                  Plastic     Local      Traditional   Traditional    Electricity             Price
on    HOUSES/HOTELS        Compost   Refilling
                                                 Avoidance    Food        Building        Stay        Available
Map       Name              Toilet   Service                                                                        Heating
                                                                                                      for Guests
 9      Chandan GH            √         √            √          √            √             √              √                      $

 5        Dorje GH            √         √            √          √          Mostly          √              √                     $$

 4    Glacier View GH         √         √            √       Breakfast     Mostly          √                          √         $$

10     Greenland GH           √         √            √          √            √             √              √           √        $ - $$

20     Green Villa GH         √                      √          √            √             √              √                     $$

22      Katpapa GH            √                      √          √          Mostly          √                                    $$
11        Lhari GH            √         √            √          √                          √                          √        $ - $$
                                                                         (1 yes - 1

       Lakrook Garden
18                            √                      √          √            √             √                          √         $$

14       Lamo GH              √                      √          √            √             √                                     $

17      Magsoom GH            √         √                       √          Some            √                                    $$

21     Norbulinga GH          √         √            √          √          Mostly          √                                   $ - $$
       Norzin Holiday
 6                            √         √            √       Breakfast     Mostly          √                                    $$
13      Nurboo GH             √         √            √                     Mostly          √              √                      $
                                                              Some /     Buildings
12     Oriental Hotel         √         √                                                  √              √           √       $$ - $$$
                                                              Buffet     (1 yes - 1

 2       Padma GH             √         √            √          √            √             √              √           √         $$

19       Rahela GH            √         √                       √            √             √                                     $

 8        Raku GH             √                      √          √          Mostly          √              √                     $$

 1       Semnet GH            √         √            √          √          Mostly          √                                   $ - $$

      Ser-Thi Travellers
15                            √         √                    Breakfast     Mostly          √                          √         $$

16      Skit Tsal GH          √         √            √          √          Mostly                         √                      $
 3       Ti-Sei GH            √         √                       √                          √              √                    $ - $$
                                                                         (1 yes - 1

 7         Zal GH             √         √            √       Breakfast     Mostly          √                                    $$


No. on
          HOUSES/HOTELS                                          Contact Details
  9         Chandan GH                                       Tel: +91-1982-253169
  5            Dorje GH                            E-mail:
                                                             Tel: +91-1982-253460
  4        Glacier View GH
                                                    Tel: +91-1982-253503 / +91-9419342757
  10        Greenland GH                                     Tel: +91-1982-253156
  20        Green Villa GH
                                                    Tel: +91-1982-251252 / +91-9419843613
  22         Katpapa GH                             Tel: +91-1982-253050 / +91-9419179540
  11          Lhari GH                              Tel: +91-1982-250745 / +91-9906970038
  18     Lakrook Garden GH
                                                    Tel: +91-1982-252987 / +91-9419177870
  14         Lamo GH                                         Tel: +91-1982-255622
  17        Magsoom GH                              Tel: +91-1982-252852 / +91-9419346523
  21        Norbulinga GH
                                                    Tel: +91-1982-252941 / +91-9419218090
   6     Norzin Holiday Home                                 Tel: +91-1982-252022
  13         Nurboo GH                                        Tel: +91-9419340947
  12        Oriental Hotel                           E-mail:
                                                    Tel: +91-1982-253153 / +91-9419178774
  2           Padma GH                                Email:
                                                    Tel: +91-1982-252630 / +91-9419178171
  19          Rahela GH                             Tel: +91-1982-250969 / +91-9906997300
   8           Raku GH                                       Tel: +91-1982-254897
   1          Semnet GH                             Tel: +91-1982-250494 / +91-9419177404
           Ser-Thi Travellers                         E-mail:
                Home                                         Tel: +91-1982-253476
  16         Skit Tsal GH                           Tel: +91-1982-251242 / +91-9419218064
  3            Ti-Sei GH
                                           Tel: +91-1982-252404 / +91-9419243891 / +91-9419176734
  7             Zal GH                              Tel: +91-1982-253491 / +91-9622976679


                      Establishments offering water refilling and/or some local food

                                            Desert Rain Cafe
                                             Dzomsa Stores
                                            Inner Space Cafe
                                               Lala's Cafe
                                          Leh View Restaurant
                                       Women's Alliance of Ladakh

                                                                           11   12

           LACS (Ladakhi Animal Care Society)

     Since 2006, LACS and Vets Beyond Borders are running the Leh Street Dog
     Sterilization (animal birth control) Program with the collaboration of the local
     Phone: +91 9419344439 and +91 9906985271

           LAS (Ladakh Amchi Sabha)

     Registered in 1978, LAS is an association of Amchis and local Astrologers. Since
     then, more than 150 Amchis and Astrologers have joined the association making it
     the largest Amchi association in Ladakh.
     Address: Sorig Kunfaling Amchi Complex, P.O. Box 171, Leh 194101, Ladakh

           LEDEG (Ladakh Ecological Development Group)

     Created in 1983 LEDeG is one of the elder Ladakhi NGO, recognized for its work on
     renewable energy, environment, organic agriculture, education, food processing and
     handicrafts. Based in Leh, and two sub offices, that work as proximity NGOs are
     situated in Kargil and Padum.
     Address: Ladakh Ecological Dev. Group, Karzoo, Leh 194101, Ladakh
     Phone: +91 1982 252284
     E-mail:                           Website:

           LEHO (Ladakh Environment and Health Organization)

     LEHO has been working since 1991 on ecological agriculture, passive solar houses
     construction, handicraft (pashmina), health and environment.
     Address: Passive Solar, Building, Skara Juk, Leh 194101, Ladakh
     Phone: +91 1982 252944
     E-mail: ,

           NIRLAC ( Namgyal Institute for Research on Ladakhi Art and Culture)
     One of the primary aims of NIRLAC is the conservation of Ladakh’s rich cultural
     heritage through various programmes to be undertaken by the Institute.
     Address: Shangara House, Tukcha Main Road, Leh 194101, Ladakh
     Phone: +91 1982 254976

           PAGIR (People’s Action Group for Inclusions and Rights)

     Founded in 2008, a group of disabled Ladakhis doing grassroots recycling by
     collecting discards and transforming them into new products.
     Address: PAGIR, Skara Spon, Leh 194101, Ladakh
     Phone: +91 9419340800 and +91 9419219312

      SECMOL (Student’s Educational and Cultural Movement of Ladakh)

SECMOL was founded in 1988 with the aim to promote educational reform in
Ladakh. The students in the campus in Phey manage the hostel democratically
under the guidance of hostel managers, teachers, and students. SECMOL campus is
a clear example of sustainable architecture.
Address: c/o SECMOL, P.O. Box 4, Leh 194101, Ladakh
Phone: +91 1982 226120 / 226116
E-mail:                        Website:

      SLC (Snow Leopard Conservancy)

Since its foundation in 2000 the Snow Leopard Conservancy India Trust (SLC-IT) has
been dedicated to promoting community based stewardship of the endangered
snow leopard, its prey and habitat to the benefit of local people and the environment
in the trans-Himalayan regions of Ladakh and Zanskar.
Address: P.O. Box 67, Shangara House, Tukcha Main Road, Leh 194101, Ladakh
Phone: +91 1982 250953
E-mail:               Website:

      WAL (Women’s Alliance of Ladakh)

Since 1994 the Women's Alliance of Ladakh (WAL) is working in Ladakh with the
twin goals of raising the status of rural women and strengthening local culture and
agriculture. Since then, WAL's membership has swelled to over 6,000 women from
almost 100 different villages.
Address: Sankar Road, Chubi, Leh 194101, Ladakh
Phone: +91 1982 250293

      WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature)

Since 1999 World Wide Fund for Nature is working in Ladakh on the Conservation
of High Altitude Wetlands Project. The project is expected to develop a special focus
on biodiversity conservation in some high altitude lakes. Recently the organization
released a documentary on climate change called ‚living with change, voices of
Address: Hemis Complex, Zangsti Road, Leh 194101, Ladakh
Phone: +91 1982 251896
E-mail: ,

                                                      Edited and compiled - Alex Jensen, Oscar Portillo,
                                                      Rahul Vaswani and Veronica Hilillo
                                                      Info collection - ISEC volunteers
                                                      Photos - Ratawit Ouaprachanon, Ryan Nethery
                                                      Map - Alan Smith

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Eco guide-for-leh-city

  • 2. Introduction At the moment, the presence of thousands of tourists in Ladakh is exerting a huge strain on the region’s scarce resources. However, it needn’t be so. There are many ways in which the negative impacts of tourism could be reduced, by supporting the traditional practices which have sustained Ladakhi culture over thousands of years. This Eco-Friendly Guide seeks to:  Encourage tourists to lend moral and financial support to those establishments in Leh where environmentally friendly practices and products can be found.  Prompt tourists to demand more such products and services.  Directly reduce the environmental costs of tourism.  Foster a stringent ethic of mindful travel generally that will hopefully stay with people wherever they go henceforth (importantly, this means avoiding destructive things as much as it means giving preference to sustainable things).  Change the perception that tourists need or want ‘Western’ amenities (e.g. flush toilets) and food (e.g. imported white bread). The more tourists use the guide and communicate that they are supporting local establishments because of their environmental/traditional credentials (or demand them when they’re not available) the more sustainable services and products will increase to meet the growing demand. The perception gap between what locals believe By actively selecting and requesting tourists want, and what they actually want, is often the local, traditional, and wide indeed. Surveys have shown, for instance, that sustainable, tourists can change the most Ladakhi hoteliers believe that their guests need misperceptions that are leading to water flush toilets, while a majority of foreigners said unsustainable practices, offer they actually preferred or could accept Ladakhi cultural affirmation and solidarity, compost toilets. A majority of Ladakhis also believed and significantly reduce their tourists want a TV in their hotel room, while in fact a environmental impact on Ladakh. majority of foreign tourists said they did not need a TV. Speak up! Make a difference. Food is another example. Many locals assume that tourists prefer imported, packaged and refined products to the traditional, fresher whole foods. However, our research has shown that just the opposite is true. The perception gap extends to architecture and building materials. Ladakhis believe that tourists have a preference for modern industrial products like concrete, plastic, and steel. In fact, the majority of tourists strongly prefer the charm and beauty of traditional architecture made of natural materials. 2
  • 3. The information contained herein is based primarily on verbal communications from the owners or other workers of the various establishments. In addition, the tourism sector is undergoing rapid change. Therefore, we cannot vouch for the accuracy of all information. To help make this book as accurate and up to date as possible, please inform us of any inaccuracies or new developments at, For this guide to really make a difference, it is critical to show guesthouse/hotel owners the entry that led you to them. About the Book Within this guide, you will find information about a selection of guesthouses, hotels and restaurants which are considered, as per the categories selected, more eco-friendly. The categories we have focused on for the selection of guesthouses and hotels are: Compost toilet; water refilling service; plastic avoidance; local food; traditional building; traditional stay; photovoltaic electricity available for guests and solar water heating. For your convenience, you will find as well the price range and contact information. In the case of the restaurants, only the water refilling service category has been considered. The reasons for selecting these categories are explained below. Compost Toilet The Ladakhi compost toilet is the traditional system that has served the people, land, and agriculture well for centuries. Unlike Western style flush toilets that consume and pollute precious fresh water and in the process carry away and waste a valuable natural fertilizer, Ladakhi toilets are based on the concept that human ‘waste’ is not waste at all, since it is recycled into compost for use on agricultural fields. No fresh water is consumed or polluted in the process, and only natural materials are used to mix with the feces and urine and let sit until the process of decomposition has yielded a rich fertilizer. 3
  • 4. Western style flush toilets have sprung up primarily for the use of tourists in Ladakh, to the point where they are now widespread in the hotels, guesthouses, and some restaurants of Leh. The best bet for finding a compost toilet is in a family run guesthouse or hotel, where it may not be advertised for use by guests, but where, if you ask, the owners will have no objections to your using. Other places openly advertise their compost toilets and encourage their use. KEY Info when using Ladakhi compost toilet: It is important to remember to cover your deposit with a shovel-full or two of soil or whatever other material may be provided after you are finished. This will keep unpleasant odors down and also help in the decomposition process. Feces and urine are high in nitrogen, and the way to prevent excessive smells and encourage the microorganisms that perform decomposition is to balance out the nitrogen with carbonaceous material.  In order to qualify for inclusion in this category, the guesthouse/hotel owners were required to have a compost toilet and put up a sign indicating that the service is available. Water refilling service We have included this category because packaged drinking water is problematic for a number of reasons: taking water from distant communities; using scarce fossil fuels unnecessarily; and creating one of the biggest waste problems in Ladakh. The approximately 30-50,000 tourists in Ladakh each season are collectively generating huge quantities of plastic bottle waste. Here in Ladakh, no recycling facilities exist, and only a small amount is collected and sent out for recycling (which itself wastes energy and causes pollution elsewhere). In Leh, the bottles are either taken and dumped outside of town, or burned in the open, producing toxic byproducts such as chlorine gas and ash containing heavy metals. Corporate appropriation of the world’s fresh-water supply represents one of the most serious contemporary threats to the local self-reliance of peoples across the planet. Commodifying and privatizing what was once the common right of local communities, companies like Coca Cola and Pepsi are depriving rural communities across India. 4
  • 5. Moreover, plastic used to make water bottles is derived from crude oil. Worldwide, some 2.7 million tons of plastic are used to To address this problem: bottle water each year. Additionally, transporting all those plastic bottles full of Don’t buy new bottles of water. water over the Himalayas consumes enormous Refill your existing bottle with amounts of fuel and pollutes the atmosphere filtered water from your own along the way. handheld filter or with iodine drops, Finally, everyday, an average of ten or with boiled glacier water. In this trucks of garbage from Leh city alone is guide you can find information dumped in a nearby valley. Much of this is about the establishments that offer plastic water bottles (see the category 'Plastic refilling service. Avoidance' for more). All of this waste and destruction is totally unnecessary in Ladakh, as the glacier water locally available here is drinkable after boiling or filtering.  To qualify for this category, guesthouses/hotels in Leh were required to put up a sign informing guests that this service is available, as well as actually provide an easily visible refilling station. Plastic Avoidance Plastic waste – such as water bottles, soft drink bottles, tetra packs, and food packaging – is piling up on the streets and paths, in the streams, and almost everywhere else all over India, including Ladakh. The effects of this waste are many: clogging drainage; damaging our health when burned; filling the stomachs of animals that eat it; and tarnishing the beauty of this unique region. Many people feel the solution to this problem is simply to install more rubbish bins. To address this problem: However, the authors of this guidebook recently made a trip to the dump outside of Refuse and reduce as much as you can Leh where all of the garbage from the rubbish beverage bottles, snacks, food and any bins is taken. We were astounded by the other supplies packaged in plastic. Try to mountain of plastic we found there (see buy local whole-foods in bulk whenever picture). We realized that simply improving possible instead, using cloth or other re- garbage collection without reducing the useable bags. creation of garbage is not the solution. 5
  • 6. There is NO safe or environmentally benign solution for 'managing' plastic waste. In addition to the plastic water bottle problem mentioned before, there are many other kinds of plastic waste, mostly food packaging.  To qualify for this category, guesthouses/hotels in Leh were required not to sell any type of plastic such as bottles or packaged food. Local Food The erosion of the world’s diversity of cuisines due to increasing concentration of corporate control of the food system is now affecting Ladakh to a high degree. For instance, in place of roasted barley (yos), apricot nuts (tsigu), and walnuts (starga), many people Support local food: are now snacking on chips made from ingredients coming from distant industrial, Ask in your guest house or hotel for some chemical-intensive farms. of the local dishes mentioned below. Try herbal teas or local juices instead of On the other hand, especially in Leh, sugary chemical soft drinks packaged in restaurants and hotels mainly offer plastic or aluminum. continental cuisine (Italian, German…), Indian, Chinese or the closest to Ladakhi, Tibetan cuisine, but hardly any of them offer on their menu Ladakhi dishes. Therefore, many tourists may leave Ladakh not knowing what Ladakhi food actually is. The benefits of eating local and seasonal foods are numerous. Some benefits include: improved health due to an avoidance of chemically contaminated and highly processed food; a dramatic reduction in energy and fossil fuel consumption and thus reduced pollution and greenhouse gas emissions otherwise created when subsidized food is shipped far from the farm to the consumer; and a strengthening of the local economy, ecology and community .  To qualify in this category, guesthouses/hotels in Leh had to offer not only dishes made with local ingredients, but local recipes. Having a kitchen garden was also considered under this category, giving importance to family-grown vegetables. Here is a list of various and delicious Ladakhi dishes to ask for:  Khambir: Ladakhi round bread made from local whole wheat  Paba: An edible dough of a mixture of roasted flours of barley, wheat, buckwheat, Ladakhi black beans and peas.  Tang-Tur: Buttermilk with wild local vegetables 6
  • 7.  Namthuk: Soup made with ngampe (roasted barley flour), salt, black pepper and local butter.  Mok Mok: Steamed dumplings stuffed with local vegetables.  Chu Tagi: Hearty stew made with vegetables and bow-tie shaped wheat noodles.  Thenthuk: Hearty stew made with vegetables and wheat noodles.  Skyu: Hearty stew made with vegetables and cut-shaped wheat noodles.  Thi-mok: Steamed local wheat dumplings served with sautéed vegetables. *Please note that the above dishes are described in a vegetarian version. Meat can be added to most of the recipes. Beverages and sweets:  Butter Tea: Ladakhi tea with butter and salt.  Apricot Juice: Made with local apricots (chuli).  Sea-buckthorn Juice: made with local sea-buckthorn (tsesta lulu) berries.  Phating: Whole dried apricots (chuli) soaked in hot water and sugar. Source: Women’s Alliance Local Food Café Traditional Building The manufacture of industrial building materials like cement, plastic pipes and paints, iron and tin is extremely energy intensive and polluting, whereas the traditional building materials of Ladakh – mud, wood and stone – are low-energy, non-polluting, and in harmony with the landscape because they are of the landscape. We have included this category to emphasize the importance of the traditional architecture and building materials for conserving the environment both within Ladakh as well as outside, where industrial materials are manufactured. Most buildings in Leh today retain the traditional architectural style, but utilize a combination of traditional and industrial materials. 7
  • 8.  Guesthouses/hotels that qualified for inclusion in this category had to have the traditional architectural style along with a mixture of the traditional building materials. Because we could not see the building process, we had to rely on the word of the proprietors. Therefore we hope you will understand that the different levels of 'traditional' are not absolutely precise. Traditional Stay Directly linked to the importance of the traditional architectural style to preserve the environment as well as the culture, is the lifestyle that Ladakhis have within their houses. An excellent way to participate in and enjoy the Ladakhi culture is to be able to share their customs when eating in the kitchen or in a Ladakhi-style living room.  Guesthouses/hotels that qualified for inclusion in this category had to have a traditional living room available for guests or share their own kitchen or dining room with guests. Photovoltaic Electricity Available for Guests Photovoltaic solar panels generate electricity directly from sunlight. Although manufacturing the panels is energy intensive, afterwards they create pollution-free energy for many years. With over 300 days of intense full sun per year, Ladakh is ideally suited to this type of renewable electricity. Many families in Ladakh have at least one panel to power a small lantern in case of power outages.  However, to qualify for inclusion in this category, the requirement was that the solar panel-generated electricity be available for guests as well. Solar Water Heating Guesthouses and hotels in Leh have a variety of water heating systems. A common practice today is for Ladakhis to use wood stoves to heat water, but the pollution and amount of wood needed make this system unsustainable. The most effective, cheap and clean system found as a substitute is the passive solar heater. Blessed with abundant and strong sunshine, Ladakh is ideally suited to the application of such simple passive 8
  • 9. technologies. As the sun’s rays strike a glass panel or tube, the water inside heats up and expands, moving upward into an insulated storage tank. These systems can be so effective that one can often take a piping hot shower in the morning from water that was solar heated the day before. Although like photovoltaic panels the initial investment can be quite high, we hope with this guide to promote the increasing availability of lower-cost, locally-made models.  To qualify for inclusion in this category, the guesthouse/hotel had to have a passive solar water heater installed which provides hot water for guests. Price Range Within this category you can find three types of symbols to indicate the level of prices for rooms in guesthouses and hotels. Note that the prices given refer to high season (July and August) and normally in double stay basis. Some of the establishments may have two different symbols as their price options are wide. $ = Rs 100 – Rs 250 $$ = Rs 250 – Rs 800 $$$ = Above Rs 800 Contact Information E-mail address and/or telephone number is provided in the charts as additional information. You can find the location of the guesthouses/hotels in the map marked by areas as names of streets are rare in Leh and addresses are given with the area. 9
  • 10. LIST OF ECO-FRIENDLY GUESTHOUSES AND HOTELS IN LEH CITY No. Photovoltaic GUEST Ladakhi Water Solar Plastic Local Traditional Traditional Electricity Price on HOUSES/HOTELS Compost Refilling Avoidance Food Building Stay Available Water Range Map Name Toilet Service Heating for Guests 9 Chandan GH √ √ √ √ √ √ √ $ 5 Dorje GH √ √ √ √ Mostly √ √ $$ 4 Glacier View GH √ √ √ Breakfast Mostly √ √ $$ 10 Greenland GH √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ $ - $$ 20 Green Villa GH √ √ √ √ √ √ $$ 22 Katpapa GH √ √ √ Mostly √ $$ 2 Buildings 11 Lhari GH √ √ √ √ √ √ $ - $$ (1 yes - 1 not) Lakrook Garden 18 √ √ √ √ √ √ $$ GH 14 Lamo GH √ √ √ √ √ $ 17 Magsoom GH √ √ √ Some √ $$ 21 Norbulinga GH √ √ √ √ Mostly √ $ - $$ Norzin Holiday 6 √ √ √ Breakfast Mostly √ $$ Home 13 Nurboo GH √ √ √ Mostly √ √ $ 2 Some / Buildings 12 Oriental Hotel √ √ √ √ √ $$ - $$$ Buffet (1 yes - 1 Some) 2 Padma GH √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ $$ 19 Rahela GH √ √ √ √ √ $ 8 Raku GH √ √ √ Mostly √ √ $$ 1 Semnet GH √ √ √ √ Mostly √ $ - $$ Ser-Thi Travellers 15 √ √ Breakfast Mostly √ √ $$ Home 16 Skit Tsal GH √ √ √ √ Mostly √ $ 2 Buildings 3 Ti-Sei GH √ √ √ √ √ $ - $$ (1 yes - 1 Some) 7 Zal GH √ √ √ Breakfast Mostly √ $$ 10
  • 11. CONTACT INFORMATION: GUEST No. on HOUSES/HOTELS Contact Details Map Name 9 Chandan GH Tel: +91-1982-253169 Web: 5 Dorje GH E-mail: Tel: +91-1982-253460 E-mail: 4 Glacier View GH Tel: +91-1982-253503 / +91-9419342757 10 Greenland GH Tel: +91-1982-253156 E-mail: 20 Green Villa GH Tel: +91-1982-251252 / +91-9419843613 22 Katpapa GH Tel: +91-1982-253050 / +91-9419179540 11 Lhari GH Tel: +91-1982-250745 / +91-9906970038 E-mail: 18 Lakrook Garden GH Tel: +91-1982-252987 / +91-9419177870 14 Lamo GH Tel: +91-1982-255622 17 Magsoom GH Tel: +91-1982-252852 / +91-9419346523 E-mail: 21 Norbulinga GH Tel: +91-1982-252941 / +91-9419218090 6 Norzin Holiday Home Tel: +91-1982-252022 13 Nurboo GH Tel: +91-9419340947 Web: 12 Oriental Hotel E-mail: Tel: +91-1982-253153 / +91-9419178774 Web: 2 Padma GH Email: Tel: +91-1982-252630 / +91-9419178171 19 Rahela GH Tel: +91-1982-250969 / +91-9906997300 8 Raku GH Tel: +91-1982-254897 1 Semnet GH Tel: +91-1982-250494 / +91-9419177404 Ser-Thi Travellers E-mail: 15 Home Tel: +91-1982-253476 16 Skit Tsal GH Tel: +91-1982-251242 / +91-9419218064 E-mail: 3 Ti-Sei GH Tel: +91-1982-252404 / +91-9419243891 / +91-9419176734 7 Zal GH Tel: +91-1982-253491 / +91-9622976679 OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS LOCATED ON THE MAP: Establishments offering water refilling and/or some local food Desert Rain Cafe Dzomsa Stores Inner Space Cafe Lala's Cafe Leh View Restaurant Women's Alliance of Ladakh 11
  • 13. LIST OF SOME ECO-FRIENDLY ORGANIZATIONS IN LADAKH  LACS (Ladakhi Animal Care Society) Since 2006, LACS and Vets Beyond Borders are running the Leh Street Dog Sterilization (animal birth control) Program with the collaboration of the local authorities. Phone: +91 9419344439 and +91 9906985271  LAS (Ladakh Amchi Sabha) Registered in 1978, LAS is an association of Amchis and local Astrologers. Since then, more than 150 Amchis and Astrologers have joined the association making it the largest Amchi association in Ladakh. Address: Sorig Kunfaling Amchi Complex, P.O. Box 171, Leh 194101, Ladakh  LEDEG (Ladakh Ecological Development Group) Created in 1983 LEDeG is one of the elder Ladakhi NGO, recognized for its work on renewable energy, environment, organic agriculture, education, food processing and handicrafts. Based in Leh, and two sub offices, that work as proximity NGOs are situated in Kargil and Padum. Address: Ladakh Ecological Dev. Group, Karzoo, Leh 194101, Ladakh Phone: +91 1982 252284 E-mail: Website:  LEHO (Ladakh Environment and Health Organization) LEHO has been working since 1991 on ecological agriculture, passive solar houses construction, handicraft (pashmina), health and environment. Address: Passive Solar, Building, Skara Juk, Leh 194101, Ladakh Phone: +91 1982 252944 E-mail: ,  NIRLAC ( Namgyal Institute for Research on Ladakhi Art and Culture) One of the primary aims of NIRLAC is the conservation of Ladakh’s rich cultural heritage through various programmes to be undertaken by the Institute. Address: Shangara House, Tukcha Main Road, Leh 194101, Ladakh Phone: +91 1982 254976 E-mail:  PAGIR (People’s Action Group for Inclusions and Rights) Founded in 2008, a group of disabled Ladakhis doing grassroots recycling by collecting discards and transforming them into new products. Address: PAGIR, Skara Spon, Leh 194101, Ladakh Phone: +91 9419340800 and +91 9419219312 E-mail: 13
  • 14. SECMOL (Student’s Educational and Cultural Movement of Ladakh) SECMOL was founded in 1988 with the aim to promote educational reform in Ladakh. The students in the campus in Phey manage the hostel democratically under the guidance of hostel managers, teachers, and students. SECMOL campus is a clear example of sustainable architecture. Address: c/o SECMOL, P.O. Box 4, Leh 194101, Ladakh Phone: +91 1982 226120 / 226116 E-mail: Website:  SLC (Snow Leopard Conservancy) Since its foundation in 2000 the Snow Leopard Conservancy India Trust (SLC-IT) has been dedicated to promoting community based stewardship of the endangered snow leopard, its prey and habitat to the benefit of local people and the environment in the trans-Himalayan regions of Ladakh and Zanskar. Address: P.O. Box 67, Shangara House, Tukcha Main Road, Leh 194101, Ladakh Phone: +91 1982 250953 E-mail: Website:  WAL (Women’s Alliance of Ladakh) Since 1994 the Women's Alliance of Ladakh (WAL) is working in Ladakh with the twin goals of raising the status of rural women and strengthening local culture and agriculture. Since then, WAL's membership has swelled to over 6,000 women from almost 100 different villages. Address: Sankar Road, Chubi, Leh 194101, Ladakh Phone: +91 1982 250293 E-mail:  WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) Since 1999 World Wide Fund for Nature is working in Ladakh on the Conservation of High Altitude Wetlands Project. The project is expected to develop a special focus on biodiversity conservation in some high altitude lakes. Recently the organization released a documentary on climate change called ‚living with change, voices of Ladakh‛. Address: Hemis Complex, Zangsti Road, Leh 194101, Ladakh Phone: +91 1982 251896 E-mail: , Website: Acknowledgements: Edited and compiled - Alex Jensen, Oscar Portillo, Rahul Vaswani and Veronica Hilillo Info collection - ISEC volunteers Photos - Ratawit Ouaprachanon, Ryan Nethery Map - Alan Smith 14