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Group 5

Ginger, Leona, Maggie, Richard
What is GDP?
• GDP is the market value of final goods
  and services in a country during the given
1. Type of goods and services (no intermediate
2. Location (within the country)
3. Time (in the current year)
• 7.1 Peter operates a garage which provides customers
  with car repairing services.
         • In March 2008 he bought a 5-year old second
           hand car from his customer at a price of $60,000

         • He paid his worker $5,000 to repair and clean up
           the engine (for improvements)

         • then successfully sold the car to another
           customer for $68,000 in June 2008

?Discuss how the 2008 GDP and its components were
 affected under the three different approaches of GDP
Review of the three approaches
• Expenditure approach
  Consumption + Investment + Government
   expenditure + Net export
• Income approach
  Labor income + Capital income
• Outcome approach
  Adding up the contribution to the final output by
   every firm in the economy
Expenditure Approach

                       Total car price

                                           Service of
         Second hand car
         (previous years)
                                         (Current year)

• Total output = $8,000 (C) + $0 (I) + $0 (G) +
Income Approach
• Labor income
  Wage of workers $5,000 + Salary of Peter $ X
• Capital Income
  Profit = Revenue $68,000 – Cost of second hand
   car $60,000 – Salary/Wage expenses $(5,000 + X)
  Profit $(3,000 – X)
• Total output
  $5,000 + $X + $(3,000 – X) = $8,000
Output Approach
Stage of        Value of   Cost of        Value
Production      Output     intermediate   Added

                $60,000    $0             $60,000

                $68,000    $60,000        $8,000

Output approach & Sum-up
• Total output = $8,000
• The value of the second hand car should not by
  calculated. Why?
• It is the value added in previous years, not the
  current year.

• The outputs obtained under the three
  approaches are the same.
• When calculating GDP, we should pay attention to
  the time and location of production.
7.2 a) A Chinese-owned ice-cream
producer operating in the U.S.
                     Accounting Record
• Total sales revenue                           $1,000
• Total costs include the following:
     Wages paid to U.S. workers          $500
     Wages paid to Chinese workers       $100
     Interest paid to a U.S. bank         $40
     Rent paid to a U.S. landlord         $60
• Total costs                                    $700
7.2 a) (i) What is the value of U.S. GDP contributed by this firm using
the expenditure approach? Which component(s) of the expenditure
approach will be involved?

                 • Expenditure approach
• Total sales revenue                                    $1,000
• Total costs include the following:
     Wages paid to U.S. workers                   $500
        Ice-cream: Final goods
     Wages paid to Chinese workers                $100
   Market value: Sales revenue
     Interest paid to a U.S. bank                  $40
     Rent paid to a U.S. landlord                  $60
 Sold to household: consumption
• Total costs                                             $700

  Consumption Expenditure (C): $1000
  Contribution to U.S. GDP
  =$1000(C)+$0(I)+$0(G)+$0(NX) = $1000
7.2 a) (ii) What is the value of U.S. GDP contributed by this firm
using the income approach? Which component(s) of the income
approach will be involved?
                       • Income approach
 • Total sales revenue                                $1,000
 • Total costs include the following:
      Wages paid to U.S. workers               $500
      Wages paid to Chinese workers            $100
      Interest paid to a U.S. bank              $40
      Rent paid to a U.S. landlord              $60
 • Total costs                                         $700

  Labour income: $500+$100=$600
  Capital income: ($1000-$700)+$40+$60=$400

 Contribution to U.S. GDP: $600+$400=$1000
7.2 a) (iii) How much is this firm’s contribution
to the Chinese GNP?
• Chinese GNP –the value of output produced by Chinese
• Total sales revenue                              $1,000
• Total costs include the following:
     Wages paid to U.S. workers             $500
     Wages paid to Chinese workers          $100
     Interest paid to a U.S. bank            $40
     Rent paid to a U.S. landlord            $60
• Total costs                                       $700

Contribution to Chinese GNP:
($1000-$700) + $100 = $400
7.2 b) If a Canadian tourist drinks German beer in a
restaurant in the U.S., how will the U.S. GDP be affected?

 • Assumption:
      Cost of German beer: $5
      Selling price of German beer: $8

• U.S. GDP
    Consumption Expenditure(C): $8
    Imports(M): $5
   U.S. GDP is affected by: + $8 - $5 = +$3
7.3 Country X produces only two products in 2005:
canned salmon fish and truck.
Stage of     Output produced   Output     Market Required       Market value
production                     produced   value of intermediate of
                               by         output input          intermediate
First        Fresh salmon      Local     $3      None             Zero
             fish              fishermen million
Final        Canned salmon     Local      $5      Fresh       $ 3 million
             fish              factory    million salmon fish

Stage of     Output     Output produced    Market     Required     Market
production   produced   by                 value of   intermediate value of
                                           output     input        intermediate
First        Engine     Factory located in $ 6        None         Zero
                        foreign country    million
Final        Truck      Local factory      $9      Engine          $ 6 million
Canned salmon fish   1/2 of the output       1/2 of the output

Purchased by         Local households        Foreigners

truck          1/3 of the       1/3 of the        1/3 of the
               output           output            output

Purchase/      Local firms      government        unsold
7.3 (a)
•     how each of the four products (fresh salmon
    fish, canned salmon fish, engine and truck)
    contributes to county X’s GDP under the
    output approach;
       what is the value of GDP under output
Output approach:
 add up the contribution to the final output of every firm in the

    Value added = value of output – cost of intermediate input
7.3 (a)
Output produced   Output     Market Required       Market value      Value
                  produced   value of intermediate of                added
                  by         output input          intermediate
Fresh salmon      Local     $3      None             Zero            $ 3 million
fish              fishermen million
Canned salmon     Local      $5      Fresh       $ 3 million         $ 2 million
fish              factory    million salmon fish
Output     Output produced    Market     Required     Market         Value added
produced   by                 value of   intermediate value of
                              output     input        intermediate
Engine     Factory located in $ 6        None         Zero               —
           foreign country    million
Truck      Local factory      $9         Engine       $ 6 million    $ 3 million
                                                                     $ 8 million
7.3 (b)
• How country X’s GDP in 2005 would be
  recorded using the expenditure approach.

• GDP= consumption expenditure
    + investment expenditure         Final
                                     goods/ services
    + government expenditure
    + net export
7.3 (b)
Stage of     Output produced   Output     Market Required       Market value
production                     produced   value of intermediate of
                               by         output input          intermediate
First        Fresh salmon      Local     $3      None             Zero
             fish              fishermen million
Final        Canned salmon     Local      $5      Fresh       $ 3 million
             fish              factory    million salmon fish

Stage of     Output     Output produced    Market     Required     Market
production   produced   by                 value of   intermediate value of
                                           output     input        intermediate
First        Engine     Factory located in $ 6        None         Zero
                        foreign country    million
Final        Truck      Local factory      $9      Engine          $ 6 million
7.3 (b)

Canned salmon fish   1/2 of the output       1/2 of the output
$ 5 million
Purchased by         Local households        Foreigners

Truck          1/3 of the       1/3 of the        1/3 of the
$ 9 million    output           output            output

Purchase/      Local firms      government        unsold

          C= 1/2 * 5 million = $ 2.5 million
7.3 (b)

Canned salmon fish   1/2 of the output       1/2 of the output
$ 5 million
Purchased by         Local households        Foreigners

Truck          1/3 of the       1/3 of the        1/3 of the
$ 9 million    output           output            output

Purchase/      Local firms      government        unsold

       I= (1/3+ 1/3) * 9 million = $ 6 million
7.3 (b)

Canned salmon fish     1/2 of the output       1/2 of the output
$ 5 million
Purchased by           Local households        Foreigners

Truck             1/3 of the      1/3 of the        1/3 of the
$ 9 million       output          output            output

Purchase/         Local firms     government        unsold

              G=1/3 * 9 million = $ 3 million
7.3 (b)

 Canned salmon fish   1/2 of the output       1/2 of the output
 $ 5 million
 Purchased by         Local households        Foreigners

 Truck          1/3 of the       1/3 of the        1/3 of the
 $ 9 million    output           output            output

 Purchase/      Local firms      government        unsold

NX= exports – imports
  = ½ * 5 million – 6 million = $ -3.5 million
7.3 (b)
• GDP= C + I + G + NX
 = 2.5 million + 6 million + 3 million – 3.5 million
 = $ 8 million
7.3 (c)

• The factory which produces engine earns a
  profit of $ 0.6 million in 2005 and half of the
  factory is owned by the citizens of country X.

• Calculate GNP of country X
7.3 (c)

• GNP measures the value of output produced by
  the nationals.

+ factor income derived by nationals from overseas
- factor income paid to foreigners
7.3 (c)
Stage of     Output produced   Output     Market Required       Market value
production                     produced   value of intermediate of
                               by         output input          intermediate
First        Fresh salmon   Local      $3      None               Zero
             fish    earns afishermenofmillion
                             profit $ 0.6
Final               million in 2005 ;$ 5
             Canned salmon Local             Fresh    $ 3 million
             fish   half of the factory is owned fish
                            factory  million salmon

Stage of     Output by the citizens
                      Output produced     of country X
                                           Market Required         Market
production   produced by                   value of   intermediate value of
                                           output     input        intermediate
First        Engine    Factory located in $ 6         None         Zero
                       foreign country    million
Final        Truck     Local factory       $9      Engine          $ 6 million
7.3 (c)

• factor income paid to foreigners = 0
  factor income derived by overseas nationals
  = 1/2 * 0.6 million = $ 0.3 million

• GNP = GDP + income paid to foreigners
            - income derived by overseas nationals
     = 8 million + 0.3 million - 0
     = $ 8.3 million
7.3 (d)
• Explain how each of the activities should be
  treated under the national income accounting of
  country X by income approach:
Value of total incomes generated in the process of production

I. Fisherman A wins $2,000 from playing cards
   with fisherman B.
    ∵ not a process of production (no output)
    ∴ not counted as income
7.3 (d)
• Explain how each of the activities should be
  treated under the national income accounting of
  country X by income approach:
Value of total incomes generated in the process of production

II. Fisherman C catches $ 3,000 of salmon fish and
    keeps them for his own use.
     ∵ non-market activity
     ∴ not counted as income
7.3 (d)
• Explain how each of the activities should be
  treated under the national income accounting of
  country X by income approach:
Value of total incomes generated in the process of production

III. The government pays $ 5,000 welfare payment
     to an unemployed factory worker.
      ∵ not incomes generate from production
      ∴ not counted as income
Actual output :                        Y
Planned aggregate expenditure:         PAE
Disposable income:                     Yd
Net tax (tax minus transfer payments): T
Autonomous consumption:                a=$200 billion
Marginal propensity to consume (MPC): b=0.8
Autonomous investment :                IP =$20 billion
Autonomous government spending:        G=$100 billion
Lump sum tax:                          T0=$50 billion
Proportional tax rate:                 t=0.1
Autonomous exports:                     X=$100 billion
Marginal propensity to import (MPM) m=0.12
8.1 a) What is the output gap?
Equilibrium level PAE=Y                   C =a +b Yd
PAE= C + IP + G + (X-M)                      M=mY        Yd= Y- T
   = (a + bYd ) + IP + G + (X – mY)                     T = T0+ t Y
   = [a + b ( Y – T)] + IP + G + (X – mY)
   = [a + b ( Y – T0 –tY)] + IP + G + (X – mY)
   = (a-bT0 + IP +G +X) + (b- bt-m)Y
      (a-bT0 + IP +G +X) : denoted as A

           A + (b- bt-m)Y =Y
            (a-bT0 + IP +G +X)       200-0.8x50+20+100+100
             1- b(1-t ) + m        =    1-0.8(1 -0.1)+0.12
        = $950 (billion)

Output gap=actual output – full employment output
          = $950-$1000 = $-50 (billion)
8.1 b) & c)
b) Budget deficit or Budget surplus?
   Tax income of government=Lump sum tax +
   induced tax
   T= T0 + tY = $50 + 0.1x $950 = $145 (billion)
   G= $100 (billion)
   Budget Surplus = $145- $100 = $45 (billion)
c) Value of net exports?
   Net export = X – M
               = X – mY
               =$100 – 0.12x $950
               =$-14 (billion)
8.1 d)
              A                  ΔA
   Y=                  ΔY=
        1-b(1-t)+m           1-b(1-t)+m
investment          A                    Y
ΔY = -Output gap =$50(billion), 1-b(1-t) + m =0.4
ΔA= $50x 0.4= $20 (billion) i.e. Δ IP = 20
Interest rate: r
         Δ IP                      Δr
                   $ 10 billion
 Δr = 20 ÷10 x 1% = 2%
Interest rate should decrease by 2%
8.1 e)

 m         , others       , 1-b(1-t) + m

     ΔY              1
     ΔA          1-b(1-t)+m

 multiplier effect will be smaller

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Eco 2601 终极版

  • 1. Group 5 Members: Ginger, Leona, Maggie, Richard
  • 2. What is GDP? • GDP is the market value of final goods and services in a country during the given period. 1. Type of goods and services (no intermediate goods) 2. Location (within the country) 3. Time (in the current year)
  • 3. • 7.1 Peter operates a garage which provides customers with car repairing services. • In March 2008 he bought a 5-year old second hand car from his customer at a price of $60,000 • He paid his worker $5,000 to repair and clean up the engine (for improvements) • then successfully sold the car to another customer for $68,000 in June 2008 ?Discuss how the 2008 GDP and its components were affected under the three different approaches of GDP accounting.
  • 4. Review of the three approaches • Expenditure approach Consumption + Investment + Government expenditure + Net export • Income approach Labor income + Capital income • Outcome approach Adding up the contribution to the final output by every firm in the economy
  • 5. Expenditure Approach Total car price $68,000 Service of Second hand car improvement $60,000 $8,000 (previous years) (Current year) • Total output = $8,000 (C) + $0 (I) + $0 (G) +
  • 6. Income Approach • Labor income Wage of workers $5,000 + Salary of Peter $ X • Capital Income Profit = Revenue $68,000 – Cost of second hand car $60,000 – Salary/Wage expenses $(5,000 + X) Profit $(3,000 – X) • Total output $5,000 + $X + $(3,000 – X) = $8,000
  • 7. Output Approach Stage of Value of Cost of Value Production Output intermediate Added input $60,000 $0 $60,000 $68,000 $60,000 $8,000 $68,000
  • 8. Output approach & Sum-up • Total output = $8,000 • The value of the second hand car should not by calculated. Why? • It is the value added in previous years, not the current year. • The outputs obtained under the three approaches are the same. • When calculating GDP, we should pay attention to the time and location of production.
  • 9. 7.2 a) A Chinese-owned ice-cream producer operating in the U.S. Accounting Record • Total sales revenue $1,000 • Total costs include the following: Wages paid to U.S. workers $500 Wages paid to Chinese workers $100 Interest paid to a U.S. bank $40 Rent paid to a U.S. landlord $60 • Total costs $700
  • 10. 7.2 a) (i) What is the value of U.S. GDP contributed by this firm using the expenditure approach? Which component(s) of the expenditure approach will be involved? • Expenditure approach • Total sales revenue $1,000 • Total costs include the following: Wages paid to U.S. workers $500 Ice-cream: Final goods Wages paid to Chinese workers $100 Market value: Sales revenue Interest paid to a U.S. bank $40 Rent paid to a U.S. landlord $60 Sold to household: consumption • Total costs $700 Consumption Expenditure (C): $1000 Contribution to U.S. GDP =$1000(C)+$0(I)+$0(G)+$0(NX) = $1000
  • 11. 7.2 a) (ii) What is the value of U.S. GDP contributed by this firm using the income approach? Which component(s) of the income approach will be involved? • Income approach • Total sales revenue $1,000 • Total costs include the following: Wages paid to U.S. workers $500 Wages paid to Chinese workers $100 Labour Interest paid to a U.S. bank $40 Rent paid to a U.S. landlord $60 • Total costs $700 Labour income: $500+$100=$600 Capital income: ($1000-$700)+$40+$60=$400 Contribution to U.S. GDP: $600+$400=$1000
  • 12. 7.2 a) (iii) How much is this firm’s contribution to the Chinese GNP? • Chinese GNP –the value of output produced by Chinese • Total sales revenue $1,000 • Total costs include the following: Wages paid to U.S. workers $500 Wages paid to Chinese workers $100 Interest paid to a U.S. bank $40 Rent paid to a U.S. landlord $60 • Total costs $700 Contribution to Chinese GNP: ($1000-$700) + $100 = $400
  • 13. 7.2 b) If a Canadian tourist drinks German beer in a restaurant in the U.S., how will the U.S. GDP be affected? • Assumption: Cost of German beer: $5 Selling price of German beer: $8 • U.S. GDP Consumption Expenditure(C): $8 Imports(M): $5 GDP=C+I+G+X-M U.S. GDP is affected by: + $8 - $5 = +$3
  • 14. 7.3 Country X produces only two products in 2005: canned salmon fish and truck. Stage of Output produced Output Market Required Market value production produced value of intermediate of by output input intermediate input First Fresh salmon Local $3 None Zero fish fishermen million Final Canned salmon Local $5 Fresh $ 3 million fish factory million salmon fish Stage of Output Output produced Market Required Market production produced by value of intermediate value of output input intermediate input First Engine Factory located in $ 6 None Zero foreign country million Final Truck Local factory $9 Engine $ 6 million million
  • 15. 7.3 Canned salmon fish 1/2 of the output 1/2 of the output Purchased by Local households Foreigners truck 1/3 of the 1/3 of the 1/3 of the output output output Purchase/ Local firms government unsold unsold
  • 16. 7.3 (a) • how each of the four products (fresh salmon fish, canned salmon fish, engine and truck) contributes to county X’s GDP under the output approach; what is the value of GDP under output approach Output approach: add up the contribution to the final output of every firm in the country Value added = value of output – cost of intermediate input
  • 17. 7.3 (a) Output produced Output Market Required Market value Value produced value of intermediate of added by output input intermediate input Fresh salmon Local $3 None Zero $ 3 million fish fishermen million Canned salmon Local $5 Fresh $ 3 million $ 2 million fish factory million salmon fish Output Output produced Market Required Market Value added produced by value of intermediate value of output input intermediate input Engine Factory located in $ 6 None Zero — foreign country million Truck Local factory $9 Engine $ 6 million $ 3 million million $ 8 million
  • 18. 7.3 (b) • How country X’s GDP in 2005 would be recorded using the expenditure approach. • GDP= consumption expenditure + investment expenditure Final goods/ services + government expenditure + net export
  • 19. 7.3 (b) Stage of Output produced Output Market Required Market value production produced value of intermediate of by output input intermediate input First Fresh salmon Local $3 None Zero fish fishermen million Final Canned salmon Local $5 Fresh $ 3 million fish factory million salmon fish Stage of Output Output produced Market Required Market production produced by value of intermediate value of output input intermediate input First Engine Factory located in $ 6 None Zero foreign country million Final Truck Local factory $9 Engine $ 6 million million
  • 20. 7.3 (b) Canned salmon fish 1/2 of the output 1/2 of the output $ 5 million Purchased by Local households Foreigners Truck 1/3 of the 1/3 of the 1/3 of the $ 9 million output output output Purchase/ Local firms government unsold unsold C= 1/2 * 5 million = $ 2.5 million
  • 21. 7.3 (b) Canned salmon fish 1/2 of the output 1/2 of the output $ 5 million Purchased by Local households Foreigners Truck 1/3 of the 1/3 of the 1/3 of the $ 9 million output output output Purchase/ Local firms government unsold unsold I= (1/3+ 1/3) * 9 million = $ 6 million
  • 22. 7.3 (b) Canned salmon fish 1/2 of the output 1/2 of the output $ 5 million Purchased by Local households Foreigners Truck 1/3 of the 1/3 of the 1/3 of the $ 9 million output output output Purchase/ Local firms government unsold unsold G=1/3 * 9 million = $ 3 million
  • 23. 7.3 (b) Canned salmon fish 1/2 of the output 1/2 of the output $ 5 million Purchased by Local households Foreigners Truck 1/3 of the 1/3 of the 1/3 of the $ 9 million output output output Purchase/ Local firms government unsold unsold NX= exports – imports = ½ * 5 million – 6 million = $ -3.5 million
  • 24. 7.3 (b) • GDP= C + I + G + NX = 2.5 million + 6 million + 3 million – 3.5 million = $ 8 million
  • 25. 7.3 (c) • The factory which produces engine earns a profit of $ 0.6 million in 2005 and half of the factory is owned by the citizens of country X. • Calculate GNP of country X
  • 26. 7.3 (c) • GNP measures the value of output produced by the nationals. • GNP = GDP + factor income derived by nationals from overseas - factor income paid to foreigners
  • 27. 7.3 (c) Stage of Output produced Output Market Required Market value production produced value of intermediate of by output input intermediate input First Fresh salmon Local $3 None Zero fish earns afishermenofmillion profit $ 0.6 Final million in 2005 ;$ 5 Canned salmon Local Fresh $ 3 million fish half of the factory is owned fish factory million salmon Stage of Output by the citizens Output produced of country X Market Required Market production produced by value of intermediate value of output input intermediate input First Engine Factory located in $ 6 None Zero foreign country million Final Truck Local factory $9 Engine $ 6 million million
  • 28. 7.3 (c) • factor income paid to foreigners = 0 factor income derived by overseas nationals = 1/2 * 0.6 million = $ 0.3 million • GNP = GDP + income paid to foreigners - income derived by overseas nationals = 8 million + 0.3 million - 0 = $ 8.3 million
  • 29. 7.3 (d) • Explain how each of the activities should be treated under the national income accounting of country X by income approach: Value of total incomes generated in the process of production I. Fisherman A wins $2,000 from playing cards with fisherman B. ∵ not a process of production (no output) ∴ not counted as income
  • 30. 7.3 (d) • Explain how each of the activities should be treated under the national income accounting of country X by income approach: Value of total incomes generated in the process of production II. Fisherman C catches $ 3,000 of salmon fish and keeps them for his own use. ∵ non-market activity ∴ not counted as income
  • 31. 7.3 (d) • Explain how each of the activities should be treated under the national income accounting of country X by income approach: Value of total incomes generated in the process of production III. The government pays $ 5,000 welfare payment to an unemployed factory worker. ∵ not incomes generate from production ∴ not counted as income
  • 32. 8.1--Denotation Actual output : Y Planned aggregate expenditure: PAE Disposable income: Yd Net tax (tax minus transfer payments): T Autonomous consumption: a=$200 billion Marginal propensity to consume (MPC): b=0.8 Autonomous investment : IP =$20 billion Autonomous government spending: G=$100 billion Lump sum tax: T0=$50 billion Proportional tax rate: t=0.1 Autonomous exports: X=$100 billion Marginal propensity to import (MPM) m=0.12
  • 33. 8.1 a) What is the output gap? Equilibrium level PAE=Y C =a +b Yd PAE= C + IP + G + (X-M) M=mY Yd= Y- T = (a + bYd ) + IP + G + (X – mY) T = T0+ t Y = [a + b ( Y – T)] + IP + G + (X – mY) = [a + b ( Y – T0 –tY)] + IP + G + (X – mY) = (a-bT0 + IP +G +X) + (b- bt-m)Y (a-bT0 + IP +G +X) : denoted as A A + (b- bt-m)Y =Y Y= (a-bT0 + IP +G +X) 200-0.8x50+20+100+100 1- b(1-t ) + m = 1-0.8(1 -0.1)+0.12 = $950 (billion) Output gap=actual output – full employment output = $950-$1000 = $-50 (billion)
  • 34. 8.1 b) & c) b) Budget deficit or Budget surplus? Tax income of government=Lump sum tax + induced tax T= T0 + tY = $50 + 0.1x $950 = $145 (billion) G= $100 (billion) Budget Surplus = $145- $100 = $45 (billion) c) Value of net exports? Net export = X – M = X – mY =$100 – 0.12x $950 =$-14 (billion)
  • 35. 8.1 d) A ΔA Y= ΔY= 1-b(1-t)+m 1-b(1-t)+m investment A Y ΔY = -Output gap =$50(billion), 1-b(1-t) + m =0.4 ΔA= $50x 0.4= $20 (billion) i.e. Δ IP = 20 (billion) Interest rate: r Δ IP Δr $ 10 billion 1% Δr = 20 ÷10 x 1% = 2% Interest rate should decrease by 2%
  • 36. 8.1 e) ΔA ΔY= 1-b(1-t)+m m , others , 1-b(1-t) + m ΔY 1 ΔA 1-b(1-t)+m multiplier effect will be smaller