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ECO 202 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric: Macroeconomic
Data Report
Choose a 10-year period in the history of the United States
between 1950 and today. All responses will be related to that
a) Analyze the annual GDP to calculate specific growth rates
and trends in the U.S. economy.
b) Analyze unemployment and inflation data.
c) Analyze interest rate fluctuations throughout this time period
and their effects on other aspects of the economy.
Using the Milestone One PowerPoint Template provided, create
4–6 slides that address the following critical elements:
I. Examination of Macroeconomic Data (Be sure to include
speaker notes to accompany all of your responses.)
a) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Growth
i. Analyze the annual GDP during the time frame to calculate
specific growth rates and trends in the U.S. economy.
ii. Choose two or three of the most relevant historical and/or
current events during this time period that impacted the U.S.
economy. Apply
specific models developed throughout the course to demonstrate
how these events influenced national output during this time.
b) Unemployment and Inflation
i. Analyze unemployment and inflation data during the time
frame in their relation to output and growth, using
macroeconomic principles
and models to explain their effect.
ii. Apply specific models developed throughout the course to
demonstrate how the previously selected historical and/or
current events
influenced both unemployment and inflation during this time.
c) Analyze interest rate fluctuations throughout this time period
and their effects on other aspects of the economy. How would
these fluctuations
affect inflation? Would investments and foreign trade rates
increase or decrease? How would the GDP of the American
economy be affected?
Below are links that offer helpful tips and examples for
developing your presentations:
Biz/ shows an effective use of photos, art, and charts to
present information.
Guidelines for Submission: Your macroeconomic data report
should be 4–6 slides in PowerPoint, Prezi, Keynotes or
PreZentit, not including title or reference
slides. Be sure to include speaker notes to accompany all of
your responses. Your reference list slide needs to be in APA
Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in
Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade
Center. For more information,
review these instructions.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%)
Not Evident (0%) Value
Examination: GDP: Growth
Rates and Trends
Accurately analyzes the annual
GDP during the time frame to
calculate specific growth rates
and trends in the U.S. economy,
and provides information in
speaker notes
Analyzes the annual GDP during
the time frame to calculate
specific growth rates and trends
in the U.S. economy, but analysis
is inaccurate, or does not provide
information in speaker notes
Does not analyze the annual GDP
during the time frame
Examination: GDP:
Influenced National Output
Applies specific models
developed throughout the course
to demonstrate how relevant
historical and/or current events
have influenced national output
during the time period, and
provides information in speaker
Applies specific models
developed throughout the course
to demonstrate how relevant
historical and current events have
influenced national output during
the time period, but events
chosen are not relevant, or does
not provide information in
speaker notes
Does not apply specific models
developed throughout the course
to demonstrate influence on
national output
Unemployment: Output and
Analyzes unemployment and
inflation data during the time
frame in their relation to output
and growth, using
macroeconomic principles and
models to explain their effect,
and provides information in
speaker notes
Analyzes unemployment and
inflation data during the time
frame, but does not relate
analysis to output and growth,
does not use macroeconomic
principles and models to explain
their effect, or does not provide
information in speaker notes
Does not analyze unemployment
and inflation data during the time
Unemployment: Events
Applies specific models
developed throughout the course
to demonstrate how relevant
historical/or and current events
have influenced both
unemployment and inflation
during the time period, and
provides information in speaker
Applies specific models
developed throughout the course
to demonstrate how relevant
historical and current events have
influenced both unemployment
and inflation during this time
period, but events chosen are not
relevant, or does not provide
information in speaker notes
Does not apply specific models
developed throughout the course
to demonstrate relevant events’
influence on unemployment and
Examination: Interest Rate
Analyzes interest rate fluctuations
throughout the time period and
their effect on other aspects of
the economy, such as inflation,
investment, foreign trade, and
the GDP, and provides
information in speaker notes
Analyzes interest rate fluctuations
throughout the time period, but
does not relate this to their effect
on other aspects of the economy
such as inflation, investment,
foreign trade, and the GDP, or
does not provide information in
speaker notes
Does not analyze interest rate
fluctuations throughout the time
Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact readability
and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Earned Total 100%
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Compare the two ways to administer surveys: written
questionnaire and oral interviews
Define interviewer bias
Describe a panel study
Distinguish between probability and nonprobability sampling
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Describe simple random sampling stratified random sampling,
and cluster sampling
Describe haphazard sampling, purposive sampling, and quota
Describe the ways that samples are evaluated for potential bias,
including sampling frame and response rate
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Provides a methodology for asking people to tell about
To study relationships between / among variables
To study how attitudes and behaviors change over time
Provides useful information for making public policy decisions
Important complement to experimental research findings
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Defining the Research Objectives
Attitudes and beliefs
Facts and demographics
Must keep it simple to avoid confusion
Avoid jargon and technical terms when possible
If needed, provide a brief description of the background for
more complex questions
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Question Wording
Potential problems that stem from difficulty understanding the
Unfamiliar technical terminology
Vague or imprecise terms
Ungrammatical sentence structure
Phrasing that overloads working memory
Embedding the question with misleading information
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Important considerations when writing questions:
Ensure simplicity
Double-barreled questions
Loaded questions
Negative wording
Yea-saying and nay-saying
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Closed- Versus Open-Ended Questions
Number of Response Alternatives
Rating Scales
Graphic rating scale
Semantic differential scale
Nonverbal scales for children
Labeling Response Alternatives
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Formatting the Questionnaire
Should appear attractive and professional
Neatly typed and free from errors
Use point scales consistently
Refining Questions
Proof questions with others
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Personal administration to groups or individuals
Mail surveys
Internet surveys
Other technologies
“Computerized experience-sampling”
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Face-to-face interviews
Telephone interviews
Focus group interviews
Problem: Interviewer bias
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Questions Are the Same Each Time Surveyed
Tracks Changes Over Time
Repeated surveys of incoming freshman at university
Effects of sexual situations on TV
Teen pregnancy rates
Panel Study
The same respondents are studied over time
Helps to study the relationships between two or more variables
over time
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Confidence Intervals
Level of confidence that the true population value lies within an
interval of the obtained sample
Sampling error or margin of error
Sample Size
A larger sample size reduces the size of the confidence interval
Must consider the cost / benefit of increasing sample size
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Two basic techniques for sampling
Probability Sampling
Simple random sampling
Every member of the population has an equal probability of
being selected
Stratified random sampling
Population divided into subgroups (strata) and random samples
taken from each strata
Cluster sampling – identify clusters and sample from three
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Nonprobability Sampling—unknown probability of any member
being chosen
Haphazard sampling – convenience sampling
Purposive sampling – sample meets predetermined criterion
Quota sampling – sample reflects the numerical composition of
various subgroups in the population
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Representative of the population
Sampling Frame
- Actual population from which the sample is drawn
Response Rate
- Percentage of respondents who complete
Reasons for Using Convenience Samples
Less costly in terms of time and money
May not be generalizable
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Compare quantitative and qualitative methods of describing
Describe naturalistic observation and discuss methodological
issues such as participation and concealment
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Describe systematic observation and discuss methodological
issues such as the use of equipment, reactivity, reliability, and
Describe the features of a case study
Describe archival research and the sources of archival data:
statistical records, survey archives, and written records
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Focuses on specific behaviors that can be easily quantified
Assigns numerical values to responses and measure
Uses large samples
Is subject to the data statistical analyses
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Observational measures
Focuses on behavior in natural settings
Small groups and limited setting
Describe or capture themes that emerge from the data
Data are non-numerical and expressed in language and/or
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Field Work or Field Observation
Researchers make observations in a natural setting over a period
of time, using a variety of techniques to collect information
Used to describe and understand how people in a social or
cultural setting live, work, and experience the setting
Used to observe people involved with sports teams or other
social settings, at work or animals in their natural habitat
Scribner (1997) used naturalistic observations to identify how
business decisions are made
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Description and Interpretation of Data
Techniques include:
Observing, interviewing, and surveying documents
- Describe setting, events, and persons
Analyze the categories that emerge
Researcher must interpret what occurred
Generate hypotheses that help explain the data
Write a final report of results
Needs accurate descriptions and objective interpretation
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Issues in Naturalistic Observation
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Strengths of Naturalistic Observation
Useful in complex and novel settings
Limitations of Naturalistic Observation
Cannot be used to study all issues
Less useful when studying well-defined hypotheses under
precisely specific conditions
Must constantly reanalyze and revise hypotheses
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Systematic observations: careful observation of specific
behaviors in a particular setting
Coding Systems
Methodological Issues
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Provides a Description of an Individual
Psychobiography – a type of case study in which a researcher
applies psychological theory to explain the life of an individual
Valuable in Informing Us of Conditions that are Rare or
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Archival research involves using previously compiled
information to answer research questions
Statistical Records
Survey Archives
Written and Mass Communication Records
Use of the General Social Survey (GSS)
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Content Analysis of Documents
Systematic analysis of existing documents
Requires coding system
Can address questions that can be addressed in no other ways
Difficult to obtain
Cannot be sure of accuracy
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
PART A: Content Analysis
1. Devise a simple coding system to do a content analysis of
print advertisements in a magazine.
Apply the system to an issue of a magazine and describe your
findings. Explain what
categories you chose and why.
NOTE: An example of a coding system that would allow a
person to conduct a content analysis of
print advertisements might include categories such as; food,
drink, toiletries, household
products, and automobile advertisements. A coding system such
as this would allow the
individual to assess the percentages of the magazine's
advertisements that fall into each
category. You should develop and identify your own coding
system/categories for this
2. Provide an APA-formatted reference for the magazine you
used. See the OWL Purdue site for
more information on how to format a reference for a magazine.
Go to the following link:
Complete the drag-and-drop activity for each of the four
reference types on your own. You don't
need to submit anything for this one.
Next, go to the following link:
Complete the following exercises: a) General APA Exercise, b)
In-Text Citations, c) Matching a
reference to the resource type, d) What's wrong with this
journal article reference?, and e) What's
wrong with this reference to a chapter in an edited ebook?
1. Save your report for each exercise and attach your results
(for all 5 exercises) to this
PART C: Identifying Research Interests
Instructions: Listed below are several areas of human behavior
that social psychology has
traditionally investigated. Based on your personal interest, give
each topic area a rating from 1 to
10 based on the following scale.
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10
No Interest
Very Highly
______ Antisocial behavior: Aggression and violence
______ Prosocial behavior: When and why we help others
______ Nonverbal communication: Body language and personal
______ Prejudice and discrimination: Causes and corrections
______ Interpersonal attraction: Friendship, liking, and love
______ Conformity and obedience to authority
______ Social norms
______ Advertising tactics based on social psychological
______ Environmental issues
______ Group behavior, leadership, and roles within groups
Week 3 (Oct 31 - Nov 6) – PSYC-330-OL50-16FA1
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______ Environmental issues
______ Group behavior, leadership, and roles within groups
______ Other topic (describe):
______ Other topic (describe):
1. Now go back and put a star next to topics that are of the
greatest interest to you and that really
get you excited.
2. Brainstorm about potential research questions related one or
more of the topics above. As you
think of potential questions, list them below (identify at least 3
PART D: Hypothesis Generation Worksheet (Loosely based on
McGuire, 1989)
The heart of a research paper is its hypothesis (or hypotheses).
The purpose of this exercise is
to practice the introductory steps necessary to create a
hypothesis. In its simplest form, a
hypothesis expresses the relationship between two (or more)
variables. Thus, it is important to
define the variables in question. The term “variable” comes
from the same root as “vary.” A
variable is a characteristic (usually of a person or situation) that
can have at least two different
values (sometimes called “scores” or “levels”). The phrase,
“violent television,” does not refer to a
variable, as there is no indication of how it can vary. The
phrases: “Amount of exposure to violent
television,” or “Exposure to violent television versus exposure
to nonviolent television,” both
describe variables as they indicate the possibility of different
values. The different values of a
variable can be measured either qualitatively (for example, male
or female if the variable is
gender) or quantitatively (for example, a certain number of
pounds if the variable is weight). There
are two general classes of variables.
Independent/predictor/cause variables (IVs)are those things
that are presumed to be the cause of some phenomenon.
Dependent variables (DVs) are the
effects and outcomes we are interested in measuring. Suppose
we hypothesize that greater
exposure to violent imagery leads to more aggressive behavior.
In this case “exposure to violent
television” is the independent variable and “aggressive
behavior” is the DV.
Instructions: Select a psychological variable that interests you.
Give it a label:1.
Briefly describe this variable:2.
Describe how this variable can be operationalized (that is,
describe exactly how you
determine which category or which value of the variable applies
to a particular person or
Next, select another psychological variable that you believe is
related to your first variable:
4. Give it a label:
5. Briefly describe this variable:
6. Describe how this variable can be operationalized:
Once the variables are defined, the next step is to predict the
relationship between these two
variables by writing a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a prediction
about the relationship between two
or more variables. For now, assume that there is a causal
relationship between the two variables
even if it would be impossible or unethical to test a causal
hypothesis. This means that changing a
person’s score on one of the variables (the independent
variable) would cause the person’s score
on the other variable (the dependent variable) to change. For
example, you might say, “increasing
the amount of violent television that a person watches will
cause that person to exhibit more
i b h i ”
Week 3 (Oct 31 - Nov 6) – PSYC-330-OL50-16FA1
2 of 3 11/1/2016 11:02 AM
on the other variable (the dependent variable) to change. For
example, you might say, “increasing
the amount of violent television that a person watches will
cause that person to exhibit more
aggressive behaviors.”
7. State a hypothesis:
Hypotheses are not mere guesses. Although there is never 100%
certainty that a hypothesis is
true, there are usually good reasons why the researcher believes
that the hypothesis is true. It
is very important to note why a particular relationship is
8. Why does this relationship exist? Give a short theoretical
explanation for this hypothesis:
Week 3 (Oct 31 - Nov 6) – PSYC-330-OL50-16FA1
3 of 3 11/1/2016 11:02 AM
ECO 202
Presentation Title
Danya Barber
ECO 202
Milestone One
Choose a title for your presentation.
Include your name, the course name and the assignment name.
ECO 202
Ten-Year Period of U.S. Economic History OverviewThis slide
should include a brief overview of the 10-year period between
1950 and today that you chose for this presentation.
Write a brief overview of the time period you chose.
To give greater impact make sure to be brief in the slide and
explain in the speaker’s notes.
Imagine that you have to present the PPT to an audience.
The slides are an outline for the audience to follow your
The speaker’s notes would be what you are going to say.
ECO 202
GDP (1–2 slides)Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and
GrowthAnalyze the annual GDP to calculate specific growth
rates and trends in the U.S. economy.Choose two or three of the
most relevant events from this time period that impacted the
U.S. economy. Apply specific models developed throughout the
course to demonstrate how these events influenced national
output during this time period.
Start with the first topic you want to present.
First research the main idea you want to talk about, research
sources, images/graphs/diagrams/tables.
Try to express the main concepts in a brief manner, such as
bullet points, images with key words.
Explain the slide in the speaker’s notes.
ECO 202
ECO 202
Unemployment and Inflation (1–2 slides)Apply specific models
developed throughout the course to demonstrate how the
previously selected events influenced both unemployment and
inflation during this time period. Analyze unemployment and
inflation data as to their relation to output and growth, using
macroeconomic principles and models to explain their effect.
Make sure to include speaker’s notes.
ECO 202
ECO 202
Interest Rates (1–2 slides)
Analyze interest rate fluctuations throughout this time period
and their effects on other aspects of the economy:
How would these fluctuations affect inflation?
Would investments and foreign trade rates increase or decrease?
How would the GDP of the American economy be affected?
Include Speaker’s notes.
ECO 202
ECO 202
ReferencesThe United States Census Bureau. (n.d.). Retrieved
from of Labor
Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved from white House. (n.d.). Retrieved
National Bureau of Economic Research. (n.d.). Retrieved from Budget
Office. (n.d.). Retrieved from
ECO 202
ReferancesFereral Reserve Economic Data. (n.d.). Retrieved
from Reserve Bank of San
Francisco - Economic Research Publications. (2016). Retrieved

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  • 1. ECO 202 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric: Macroeconomic Data Report Choose a 10-year period in the history of the United States between 1950 and today. All responses will be related to that timeframe. a) Analyze the annual GDP to calculate specific growth rates and trends in the U.S. economy. b) Analyze unemployment and inflation data. c) Analyze interest rate fluctuations throughout this time period and their effects on other aspects of the economy. Using the Milestone One PowerPoint Template provided, create 4–6 slides that address the following critical elements: I. Examination of Macroeconomic Data (Be sure to include speaker notes to accompany all of your responses.) a) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Growth i. Analyze the annual GDP during the time frame to calculate specific growth rates and trends in the U.S. economy. ii. Choose two or three of the most relevant historical and/or current events during this time period that impacted the U.S. economy. Apply specific models developed throughout the course to demonstrate
  • 2. how these events influenced national output during this time. b) Unemployment and Inflation i. Analyze unemployment and inflation data during the time frame in their relation to output and growth, using macroeconomic principles and models to explain their effect. ii. Apply specific models developed throughout the course to demonstrate how the previously selected historical and/or current events influenced both unemployment and inflation during this time. c) Analyze interest rate fluctuations throughout this time period and their effects on other aspects of the economy. How would these fluctuations affect inflation? Would investments and foreign trade rates increase or decrease? How would the GDP of the American economy be affected? Below are links that offer helpful tips and examples for developing your presentations: oint Biz/ shows an effective use of photos, art, and charts to present information.
  • 3. http://snhu- 02/eco202_milestone1_powerpoint_template.ppt Tips.ppt http://snhu- 02/eco202_biz_ed_economic_growth_powerpoint_sample.ppt Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your macroeconomic data report should be 4–6 slides in PowerPoint, Prezi, Keynotes or PreZentit, not including title or reference slides. Be sure to include speaker notes to accompany all of your responses. Your reference list slide needs to be in APA format. Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review these instructions. Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value Examination: GDP: Growth
  • 4. Rates and Trends Accurately analyzes the annual GDP during the time frame to calculate specific growth rates and trends in the U.S. economy, and provides information in speaker notes Analyzes the annual GDP during the time frame to calculate specific growth rates and trends in the U.S. economy, but analysis is inaccurate, or does not provide information in speaker notes Does not analyze the annual GDP during the time frame 18 Examination: GDP: Influenced National Output Applies specific models developed throughout the course to demonstrate how relevant historical and/or current events have influenced national output during the time period, and provides information in speaker notes Applies specific models
  • 5. developed throughout the course to demonstrate how relevant historical and current events have influenced national output during the time period, but events chosen are not relevant, or does not provide information in speaker notes Does not apply specific models developed throughout the course to demonstrate influence on national output 18 Examination: Unemployment: Output and Growth Analyzes unemployment and inflation data during the time frame in their relation to output and growth, using macroeconomic principles and models to explain their effect, and provides information in speaker notes Analyzes unemployment and inflation data during the time frame, but does not relate analysis to output and growth, does not use macroeconomic
  • 6. principles and models to explain their effect, or does not provide information in speaker notes Does not analyze unemployment and inflation data during the time frame 18 Examination: Unemployment: Events Applies specific models developed throughout the course to demonstrate how relevant historical/or and current events have influenced both unemployment and inflation during the time period, and provides information in speaker notes Applies specific models developed throughout the course to demonstrate how relevant historical and current events have influenced both unemployment and inflation during this time period, but events chosen are not relevant, or does not provide information in speaker notes Does not apply specific models developed throughout the course
  • 7. to demonstrate relevant events’ influence on unemployment and inflation 18 http://snhu- ic_feedback_instructions_student.pdf Examination: Interest Rate Fluctuations Analyzes interest rate fluctuations throughout the time period and their effect on other aspects of the economy, such as inflation, investment, foreign trade, and the GDP, and provides information in speaker notes Analyzes interest rate fluctuations throughout the time period, but does not relate this to their effect on other aspects of the economy such as inflation, investment, foreign trade, and the GDP, or does not provide information in speaker notes Does not analyze interest rate fluctuations throughout the time
  • 8. period 18 Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 10 Earned Total 100% ASKING PEOPLE ABOUT THEMSELVES: SURVEY RESEARCH © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
  • 9. * Compare the two ways to administer surveys: written questionnaire and oral interviews Define interviewer bias Describe a panel study Distinguish between probability and nonprobability sampling techniques © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. * Describe simple random sampling stratified random sampling, and cluster sampling Describe haphazard sampling, purposive sampling, and quota sampling Describe the ways that samples are evaluated for potential bias, including sampling frame and response rate © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. *
  • 10. Provides a methodology for asking people to tell about themselves To study relationships between / among variables To study how attitudes and behaviors change over time Provides useful information for making public policy decisions Important complement to experimental research findings © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. * Defining the Research Objectives Attitudes and beliefs Facts and demographics Behaviors Must keep it simple to avoid confusion Avoid jargon and technical terms when possible If needed, provide a brief description of the background for more complex questions © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. * Question Wording Potential problems that stem from difficulty understanding the question: Unfamiliar technical terminology
  • 11. Vague or imprecise terms Ungrammatical sentence structure Phrasing that overloads working memory Embedding the question with misleading information © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. * Important considerations when writing questions: Ensure simplicity Avoid: Double-barreled questions Loaded questions Negative wording Yea-saying and nay-saying © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. * Closed- Versus Open-Ended Questions Number of Response Alternatives Rating Scales Graphic rating scale Semantic differential scale Nonverbal scales for children
  • 12. Labeling Response Alternatives © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. * Formatting the Questionnaire Should appear attractive and professional Neatly typed and free from errors Use point scales consistently Refining Questions Proof questions with others © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. * Questionnaires Personal administration to groups or individuals Mail surveys Internet surveys Other technologies “Computerized experience-sampling” © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
  • 13. * Interviews Face-to-face interviews Telephone interviews Focus group interviews Problem: Interviewer bias © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. * Questions Are the Same Each Time Surveyed Tracks Changes Over Time Repeated surveys of incoming freshman at university Effects of sexual situations on TV Teen pregnancy rates Panel Study The same respondents are studied over time Helps to study the relationships between two or more variables over time © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. *
  • 14. Confidence Intervals Level of confidence that the true population value lies within an interval of the obtained sample Sampling error or margin of error Sample Size A larger sample size reduces the size of the confidence interval Must consider the cost / benefit of increasing sample size © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. * Two basic techniques for sampling Probability Sampling Simple random sampling Every member of the population has an equal probability of being selected Stratified random sampling Population divided into subgroups (strata) and random samples taken from each strata Cluster sampling – identify clusters and sample from three clusters © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. *
  • 15. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. * © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. * Nonprobability Sampling—unknown probability of any member being chosen Haphazard sampling – convenience sampling Purposive sampling – sample meets predetermined criterion Quota sampling – sample reflects the numerical composition of various subgroups in the population © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. *
  • 16. Representative of the population Sampling Frame - Actual population from which the sample is drawn Response Rate - Percentage of respondents who complete Reasons for Using Convenience Samples Less costly in terms of time and money Concerns May not be generalizable © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. * OBSERVATIONAL METHODS © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. * Compare quantitative and qualitative methods of describing behavior Describe naturalistic observation and discuss methodological issues such as participation and concealment © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
  • 17. * Describe systematic observation and discuss methodological issues such as the use of equipment, reactivity, reliability, and sampling Describe the features of a case study Describe archival research and the sources of archival data: statistical records, survey archives, and written records © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. * Quantitative Focuses on specific behaviors that can be easily quantified Assigns numerical values to responses and measure Uses large samples Is subject to the data statistical analyses © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. *
  • 18. Qualitative Observational measures Focuses on behavior in natural settings Small groups and limited setting Describe or capture themes that emerge from the data Data are non-numerical and expressed in language and/or images © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. * Field Work or Field Observation Researchers make observations in a natural setting over a period of time, using a variety of techniques to collect information Used to describe and understand how people in a social or cultural setting live, work, and experience the setting Used to observe people involved with sports teams or other social settings, at work or animals in their natural habitat Scribner (1997) used naturalistic observations to identify how business decisions are made © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. * Description and Interpretation of Data Techniques include:
  • 19. Observing, interviewing, and surveying documents Goals: - Describe setting, events, and persons Analyze the categories that emerge Researcher must interpret what occurred Generate hypotheses that help explain the data Write a final report of results Needs accurate descriptions and objective interpretation © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. * Issues in Naturalistic Observation Participation Concealment © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. * Strengths of Naturalistic Observation Useful in complex and novel settings Limitations of Naturalistic Observation Cannot be used to study all issues
  • 20. Less useful when studying well-defined hypotheses under precisely specific conditions Must constantly reanalyze and revise hypotheses © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. * Systematic observations: careful observation of specific behaviors in a particular setting Coding Systems Methodological Issues Equipment Reactivity Reliability Sampling © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. * Provides a Description of an Individual Psychobiography – a type of case study in which a researcher applies psychological theory to explain the life of an individual Valuable in Informing Us of Conditions that are Rare or Unusual © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
  • 21. * Archival research involves using previously compiled information to answer research questions Statistical Records Survey Archives Written and Mass Communication Records Use of the General Social Survey (GSS) © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. * Content Analysis of Documents Systematic analysis of existing documents Requires coding system Can address questions that can be addressed in no other ways Limitations Difficult to obtain Cannot be sure of accuracy © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. *
  • 22. PART A: Content Analysis 1. Devise a simple coding system to do a content analysis of print advertisements in a magazine. Apply the system to an issue of a magazine and describe your findings. Explain what categories you chose and why. NOTE: An example of a coding system that would allow a person to conduct a content analysis of print advertisements might include categories such as; food, drink, toiletries, household products, and automobile advertisements. A coding system such as this would allow the individual to assess the percentages of the magazine's advertisements that fall into each category. You should develop and identify your own coding system/categories for this exercise! 2. Provide an APA-formatted reference for the magazine you used. See the OWL Purdue site for more information on how to format a reference for a magazine. PART B: APA Style Go to the following link: style/formatting-and-style-2/interactive- apa-activity/#intext Complete the drag-and-drop activity for each of the four reference types on your own. You don't need to submit anything for this one.
  • 23. Next, go to the following link: style /apa-style-practice-exercises Complete the following exercises: a) General APA Exercise, b) In-Text Citations, c) Matching a reference to the resource type, d) What's wrong with this journal article reference?, and e) What's wrong with this reference to a chapter in an edited ebook? 1. Save your report for each exercise and attach your results (for all 5 exercises) to this assignment. PART C: Identifying Research Interests Instructions: Listed below are several areas of human behavior that social psychology has traditionally investigated. Based on your personal interest, give each topic area a rating from 1 to 10 based on the following scale. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No Interest Very Highly Whatsoever Interested Rating: ______ Antisocial behavior: Aggression and violence ______ Prosocial behavior: When and why we help others
  • 24. ______ Nonverbal communication: Body language and personal space ______ Prejudice and discrimination: Causes and corrections ______ Interpersonal attraction: Friendship, liking, and love ______ Conformity and obedience to authority ______ Social norms ______ Advertising tactics based on social psychological principles ______ Environmental issues ______ Group behavior, leadership, and roles within groups Week 3 (Oct 31 - Nov 6) – PSYC-330-OL50-16FA1 tContent... 1 of 3 11/1/2016 11:02 AM ______ Environmental issues ______ Group behavior, leadership, and roles within groups ______ Other topic (describe): ______________________________________ ______ Other topic (describe): ______________________________________
  • 25. 1. Now go back and put a star next to topics that are of the greatest interest to you and that really get you excited. 2. Brainstorm about potential research questions related one or more of the topics above. As you think of potential questions, list them below (identify at least 3 questions): PART D: Hypothesis Generation Worksheet (Loosely based on McGuire, 1989) The heart of a research paper is its hypothesis (or hypotheses). The purpose of this exercise is to practice the introductory steps necessary to create a hypothesis. In its simplest form, a hypothesis expresses the relationship between two (or more) variables. Thus, it is important to define the variables in question. The term “variable” comes from the same root as “vary.” A variable is a characteristic (usually of a person or situation) that can have at least two different values (sometimes called “scores” or “levels”). The phrase, “violent television,” does not refer to a variable, as there is no indication of how it can vary. The phrases: “Amount of exposure to violent television,” or “Exposure to violent television versus exposure to nonviolent television,” both
  • 26. describe variables as they indicate the possibility of different values. The different values of a variable can be measured either qualitatively (for example, male or female if the variable is gender) or quantitatively (for example, a certain number of pounds if the variable is weight). There are two general classes of variables. Independent/predictor/cause variables (IVs)are those things that are presumed to be the cause of some phenomenon. Dependent variables (DVs) are the effects and outcomes we are interested in measuring. Suppose we hypothesize that greater exposure to violent imagery leads to more aggressive behavior. In this case “exposure to violent television” is the independent variable and “aggressive behavior” is the DV. Instructions: Select a psychological variable that interests you. Give it a label:1. Briefly describe this variable:2. Describe how this variable can be operationalized (that is, describe exactly how you determine which category or which value of the variable applies to a particular person or
  • 27. situation): 3. Next, select another psychological variable that you believe is related to your first variable: 4. Give it a label: 5. Briefly describe this variable: 6. Describe how this variable can be operationalized: Once the variables are defined, the next step is to predict the relationship between these two variables by writing a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a prediction about the relationship between two or more variables. For now, assume that there is a causal relationship between the two variables even if it would be impossible or unethical to test a causal hypothesis. This means that changing a person’s score on one of the variables (the independent variable) would cause the person’s score on the other variable (the dependent variable) to change. For example, you might say, “increasing the amount of violent television that a person watches will cause that person to exhibit more i b h i ”
  • 28. Week 3 (Oct 31 - Nov 6) – PSYC-330-OL50-16FA1 tContent... 2 of 3 11/1/2016 11:02 AM on the other variable (the dependent variable) to change. For example, you might say, “increasing the amount of violent television that a person watches will cause that person to exhibit more aggressive behaviors.” 7. State a hypothesis: Hypotheses are not mere guesses. Although there is never 100% certainty that a hypothesis is true, there are usually good reasons why the researcher believes that the hypothesis is true. It is very important to note why a particular relationship is expected. 8. Why does this relationship exist? Give a short theoretical explanation for this hypothesis: Week 3 (Oct 31 - Nov 6) – PSYC-330-OL50-16FA1 tContent... 3 of 3 11/1/2016 11:02 AM
  • 29. ECO 202 Presentation Title Danya Barber ECO 202 Milestone One Choose a title for your presentation. Include your name, the course name and the assignment name. * ECO 202 Ten-Year Period of U.S. Economic History OverviewThis slide should include a brief overview of the 10-year period between 1950 and today that you chose for this presentation. Write a brief overview of the time period you chose. To give greater impact make sure to be brief in the slide and explain in the speaker’s notes. Imagine that you have to present the PPT to an audience. The slides are an outline for the audience to follow your presentation. The speaker’s notes would be what you are going to say. *
  • 30. ECO 202 GDP (1–2 slides)Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and GrowthAnalyze the annual GDP to calculate specific growth rates and trends in the U.S. economy.Choose two or three of the most relevant events from this time period that impacted the U.S. economy. Apply specific models developed throughout the course to demonstrate how these events influenced national output during this time period. Start with the first topic you want to present. First research the main idea you want to talk about, research sources, images/graphs/diagrams/tables. Try to express the main concepts in a brief manner, such as bullet points, images with key words. Explain the slide in the speaker’s notes. * ECO 202 ECO 202 Unemployment and Inflation (1–2 slides)Apply specific models developed throughout the course to demonstrate how the previously selected events influenced both unemployment and inflation during this time period. Analyze unemployment and
  • 31. inflation data as to their relation to output and growth, using macroeconomic principles and models to explain their effect. Make sure to include speaker’s notes. * ECO 202 ECO 202 Interest Rates (1–2 slides) Analyze interest rate fluctuations throughout this time period and their effects on other aspects of the economy: How would these fluctuations affect inflation? Would investments and foreign trade rates increase or decrease? How would the GDP of the American economy be affected? Include Speaker’s notes. * ECO 202 ECO 202
  • 32. ReferencesThe United States Census Bureau. (n.d.). Retrieved from of Labor Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved from white House. (n.d.). Retrieved from National Bureau of Economic Research. (n.d.). Retrieved from Budget Office. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://ttps:// * ECO 202 ReferancesFereral Reserve Economic Data. (n.d.). Retrieved from Reserve Bank of San Francisco - Economic Research Publications. (2016). Retrieved from