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ASHFORD ECE 332 Entire Course
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Benefits of Preschool. As an early childhood professional, you will
often be asked questions from parents and community members
regarding the benefits of sending their children to preschool. After
reading Chapter 1 and drawing from your experience, discuss the
benefits of a preschool education
Theory and Behavior. After reading Chapters 1 and 2 select a
Theorist whose work most closely aligns with your thoughts
regarding early development. Describe the theorist’s work and discuss
how their work aligns with your own understanding and beliefs.
Theory Summary. Using the concept summary in Chapter 2 of the
required text, fill in the blanks for each of the developmental theories
in the table provided. (This table can be accessed in the online course.)
Provide examples from your own experience or the textbook in the
last column. These examples can be written or can be an image,
illustration, or case scenario. In the last row, describe your ideal
theory of child development, combining the elements that you believe
encapsulate your own beliefs and experiences
Nature vs. Nurture. The debate concerning the influence of inherited
traits and abilities compared to the influence of environment on
human development has been argued for decades. The required
reading this week provides information on the extent of which human
development and behavior is the result of nature (heredity) and of
nurture (environmental influences).
In this discussion you will debate nature vs. nurture. Below is your
assigned debate grouping by the first letter of your last name:
a. A-M: Proponent of Nature
b. N-Z: Proponent of Nurture
For this debate, you must develop a persuasive, research-based
argument showing the extent to which your assigned influence affects
development. Be sure to utilize both the course text as well as other
scholarly resources to support your argument. Remember, you are
arguing that either nature or nurture is the most important influence
on development.
Conception to Birth. There are three major stages from conception to
birth. They are the germinal stage (first two weeks following
conception); the embryonic stage (until the end of the eighth week);
and the fetal stage (until birth). Complete a table, like the one below,
making sure to identify the development that happens in each stage
and how the development is affected by outside influences, both
positive and negative. Finally, list your recommendations for the
healthy development of a child.
Point of View. You are a parent of a child who has a serious peanut
allergy. You are meeting with your child’s new teacher to explain this
allergy and what specific needs your child has. Your goal for this
meeting is to ensure your child’s comfort and safety in the classroom
by communicating your expectations to the teacher.
For your journal entry, reflect on the following questions:
a. How do you expect your child to be treated not only by his teacher,
but by the rest of the school staff?
b. How would you want the school staff to talk with the other children
about your child’s specific needs and accommodations?
c. In addition to the teacher, who else should be involved in ensuring
the safety of your child?
Early Language Development. Take a moment to watch the video,
A Place of Our Own: Early Academics – Part 1. After reading about
early language development in Chapter 5 of your text and watching
the video, describe a learning center that would promote early
language development. Your description must include the learning
objective of the center, the materials provided, and step-by-step
instructions for implementation of the activity. Make sure to include
the specific areas of language that the center targets, the approach you
will be using to introduce this center, and methods for assessing
student’s development.
Optimal Brain Development. The human brain is highly dependent
on experiences for development. Discuss your role as a teacher or
caregiver in a child’s life in terms of promoting optimal brain
development through exposure to various experiences. Give three
examples of appropriate stimulation (activities) you can employ in the
classroom or daycarecenter to promote learning. How can you include
activities outside the classroom that will reinforce the learning? How
can you involve the parents and community resources (i.e., fieldtrips)?
Lastly, include information on a field trip you could take your class
on in your local area that would extend the learning that you included
in one of your sample activities. Relate experiences from your own
schooling such as field trips, community events, and activities that
connected your learning to both the community and your home.
Developmental Milestones. The purpose of this assignment is to
creatively demonstrate an understanding of infant developmental
milestones as they pertain to cognition, motor skills, sensation, and
perception. Using information from Chapter 5 of your text, write a
short story about a child’s journey from birth to age 1. This can be a
fictional child, or can be based on a real child. The story should be
three to five pages in addition to the title page and the reference page.
Use at least one reference in addition to your text. Your paper should
also be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford
Writing Center.
a. Describe the child’s sensory experiences at birth (e.g. sight, hearing,
b. Analyze how these senses develop and become more evolved? At
the age of 6 months, identify what this same child can hear, see, and
c. Describe what a day in this child’s life might look like by age 1.
Include pictures in your Word document or compose your story using
Storybird. Watch the video, Storybird Quick Tour, for assistance.
If you choose to create your story in Storybird, you may collaborate
with a partner in class by using the collaboration tool. Make sure to
notify your instructor of your collaboration and make sure both of you
submit your Storybird link in a Word document for grading. Include
the following developmental milestones in your story:
a. Social and Emotional
§ Enjoys imitating people in his play.
§ Shows specific preferences for certain people and toys.
§ Tests parental responses to his actions during feedings.
§ Tests parental responses to his behavior.
§ Prefers mother and/or regular caregiver over all others.
§ Repeats sounds or gestures for attention.
§ Finger-feeds himself.
§ Extends arm or leg to help when being dressed.
b. Cognitive
§ Explores objects in many different ways (shaking, banging,
throwing, dropping).
§ Finds hidden objects easily.
§ Looks at correct picture when the image is named.
§ Imitates gestures.
§ Begins to use objects correctly (drinking from cup, brushing hair,
dialing phone, listening to receiver).
c. Language
§ Pays increasing attention to speech.
§ Responds to simple verbal requests.
§ Responds to “no.”
§ Uses simple gestures, such as shaking head for “no.”
§ Babbles with inflection (changes in tone).
§ Says “dada” and “mama.”
§ Uses exclamations, such as “Oh-oh!”
§ Tries to imitate words.
d. Motor
§ Reaches sitting position without assistance.
§ Crawls forward on belly.
§ Assumes hands-and-knees position.
§ Creeps on hands and knees.
§ Gets from sitting to crawling or prone (lying on stomach) position.
§ Pulls self up to stand.
§ Walks holding on to furniture.
§ Stands momentarily without support.
§ May walk two or three steps without support.
e. Hand and Finger Skills
§ Uses pincer grasp.
§ Bangs two objects together.
§ Puts objects into container.
§ Takes objects out of container.
§ Lets objects go voluntarily.
§ Pokes with index finger.
§ Tries to imitate scribbling.
Gender Development. Gender roles are the combination of attitudes,
behaviors, and personality characteristics that a culture considers
appropriate for an individual’s anatomical sex. Psychologists have
proposed a number of theories to explain gender typing (LeFrancois,
Brain Development. Brain-based education suggests that physical
exercise is important for brain development. Research has shown that
in addition to physical exercise, other activities focus on stimulating
the social development and intellectual development of young
Gerry, who is still incapable of jumping with both feet, may not be
invited to join in a game of jump rope. This is an example of how a
child’s individual characteristics (motor skills in this case) can affect
context (social environment) and influence development (LeFrancois,
Reflect back on your own development as a child, or on the
development of a child you know, and provide an example of how
individual characteristics affected development. Using the text and
other scholarly resources, provide some suggested activities or
strategies that would provide the necessary support to enhance the
affected development. For example, Gerry’s teacher notices she is
being excluded from the game of jump rope and intervenes by
showing Gerry how to twirl the rope. Gerry is now included socially,
despite her delayed motor development.
The Importance of Play. Children learn as they play and, while
playing, they learn how to learn. Take a moment to read the article
“The Importance of Play – Activities for Children.” Then, think about
the childhood games that you played. Share your favorite playtime
activity with your classmates and explain why it was your favorite.
Describe what you learned from your play and how it enhanced your
development as a child. Using your own experience with play and the
information in the reading, also describe five takeaways from each
article that you will use to support play and enhance the development
of children under your supervision.
Life. Life as we know it will change for the next generation, and those
changes must be accounted for in child development. Today,
television and media, the changing nuclear family, and new parenting
styles play a large part in the life of a child. Research tells us that
viewing violent television programs or playing violence-themed
games contributes to increased aggressiveness in children. We also
know that the break-up of the nuclear family and “super-parenting”
can have detrimental effects on a child’s emotional and social
development. It may sound difficult, but as a caregiver, you will need
to find the positive influences that can enhance development and
learning in all situations. Explain what you can do to help prevent the
negative influences of media, parenting, and the nuclear family, and
ensure their positive influence on child growth and development.
Share your own beliefs about these three areas, and how you will
avoid any personal bias in your approach.
Final Paper
For the Final Project, you will demonstrate your understanding of the
material in this course by developing a classroom plan for either an
infant/toddler childcare facility or for a preschool classroom, based on
Piaget’s Stage Theory. For this project, include:
a. Summarize Piaget’s Stage Theory in your own words.
b. Identify and describe the developmental characteristics of the
selected age group.
c. Design and describe the physical layout of facility or classroom that
aligns with Piaget’s Stage Theory. Use evidence from the text or other
scholarly resources when describing your layout. (You may use a
software application that provides graphic layouts like Classroom
Architect, or create your layout in a word document.)
d. Create one activity for each developmental domain. Make sure to
include a detailed description with a step-by-step procedure that
includes required materials (i.e. clay, puzzles, etc.). Discuss how each
of these activities maximizes development and align to Piaget’s Stage
ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 1 Assignment Theory Summary
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Theory Summary. Using the concept summary in Chapter 2 of the
required text, fill in the blanks for each of the developmental theories
in the table provided. (This table can be accessed in the online course.)
Provide examples from your own experience or the textbook in the
last column. These examples can be written or can be an image,
illustration, or case scenario. In the last row, describe your ideal
theory of child development, combining the elements that you believe
encapsulate your own beliefs and experiences
ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 1 DQ 1 Benefits of Preschool
For more course tutorials visit
Benefits of Preschool. As an early childhood professional, you will
often be asked questions from parents and community members
regarding the benefits of sending their children to preschool. After
reading Chapter 1 and drawing from your experience, discuss the
benefits of a preschool education
ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 1 DQ 2 Theory and Behavior
For more course tutorials visit
Theory and Behavior. After reading Chapters 1 and 2 select a
Theorist whose work most closely aligns with your thoughts
regarding early development. Describe the theorist’s work and discuss
how their work aligns with your own understanding and beliefs.
ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 2 DQ 1 Nature vs. Nurture
For more course tutorials visit
Nature vs. Nurture. The debate concerning the influence of inherited
traits and abilities compared to the influence of environment on
human development has been argued for decades. The required
reading this week provides information on the extent of which human
development and behavior is the result of nature (heredity) and of
nurture (environmental influences).
In this discussion you will debate nature vs. nurture. Below is your
assigned debate grouping by the first letter of your last name:
a. A-M: Proponent of Nature
b. N-Z: Proponent of Nurture
For this debate, you must develop a persuasive, research-based
argument showing the extent to which your assigned influence affects
development. Be sure to utilize both the course text as well as other
scholarly resources to support your argument. Remember, you are
arguing that either nature or nurture is the most important influence
on development.
ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 2 DQ 2 Conception to Birth
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Conception to Birth. There are three major stages from conception to
birth. They are the germinal stage (first two weeks following
conception); the embryonic stage (until the end of the eighth week);
and the fetal stage (until birth). Complete a table, like the one below,
making sure to identify the development that happens in each stage
and how the development is affected by outside influences, both
positive and negative. Finally, list your recommendations for the
healthy development of a child.
ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 2 Journal Point of View
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Point of View. You are a parent of a child who has a serious peanut
allergy. You are meeting with your child’s new teacher to explain this
allergy and what specific needs your child has. Your goal for this
meeting is to ensure your child’s comfort and safety in the classroom
by communicating your expectations to the teacher.
For your journal entry, reflect on the following questions:
a. How do you expect your child to be treated not only by his teacher,
but by the rest of the school staff?
b. How would you want the school staff to talk with the other children
about your child’s specific needs and accommodations?
c. In addition to the teacher, who else should be involved in ensuring
the safety of your child?
ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 3 Assignment Developmental
For more course tutorials visit
Developmental Milestones. The purpose of this assignment is to
creatively demonstrate an understanding of infant developmental
milestones as they pertain to cognition, motor skills, sensation, and
perception. Using information from Chapter 5 of your text, write a
short story about a child’s journey from birth to age 1. This can be a
fictional child, or can be based on a real child. The story should be
three to five pages in addition to the title page and the reference page.
Use at least one reference in addition to your text. Your paper should
also be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford
Writing Center.
a. Describe the child’s sensory experiences at birth (e.g. sight, hearing,
b. Analyze how these senses develop and become more evolved? At
the age of 6 months, identify what this same child can hear, see, and
c. Describe what a day in this child’s life might look like by age 1.
Include pictures in your Word document or compose your story using
Storybird. Watch the video, Storybird Quick Tour, for assistance.
If you choose to create your story in Storybird, you may collaborate
with a partner in class by using the collaboration tool. Make sure to
notify your instructor of your collaboration and make sure both of you
submit your Storybird link in a Word document for grading. Include
the following developmental milestones in your story:
a. Social and Emotional
§ Enjoys imitating people in his play.
§ Shows specific preferences for certain people and toys.
§ Tests parental responses to his actions during feedings.
§ Tests parental responses to his behavior.
§ Prefers mother and/or regular caregiver over all others.
§ Repeats sounds or gestures for attention.
§ Finger-feeds himself.
§ Extends arm or leg to help when being dressed.
b. Cognitive
§ Explores objects in many different ways (shaking, banging,
throwing, dropping).
§ Finds hidden objects easily.
§ Looks at correct picture when the image is named.
§ Imitates gestures.
§ Begins to use objects correctly (drinking from cup, brushing hair,
dialing phone, listening to receiver).
c. Language
§ Pays increasing attention to speech.
§ Responds to simple verbal requests.
§ Responds to “no.”
§ Uses simple gestures, such as shaking head for “no.”
§ Babbles with inflection (changes in tone).
§ Says “dada” and “mama.”
§ Uses exclamations, such as “Oh-oh!”
§ Tries to imitate words.
d. Motor
§ Reaches sitting position without assistance.
§ Crawls forward on belly.
§ Assumes hands-and-knees position.
§ Creeps on hands and knees.
§ Gets from sitting to crawling or prone (lying on stomach) position.
§ Pulls self up to stand.
§ Walks holding on to furniture.
§ Stands momentarily without support.
§ May walk two or three steps without support.
e. Hand and Finger Skills
§ Uses pincer grasp.
§ Bangs two objects together.
§ Puts objects into container.
§ Takes objects out of container.
§ Lets objects go voluntarily.
§ Pokes with index finger.
§ Tries to imitate scribbling.
ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 3 DQ 1 Early Language
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Early Language Development. Take a moment to watch the video,
A Place of Our Own: Early Academics – Part 1. After reading about
early language development in Chapter 5 of your text and watching
the video, describe a learning center that would promote early
language development. Your description must include the learning
objective of the center, the materials provided, and step-by-step
instructions for implementation of the activity. Make sure to include
the specific areas of language that the center targets, the approach you
will be using to introduce this center, and methods for assessing
student’s development.
ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 3 DQ 2 Optimal Brain
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Optimal Brain Development. The human brain is highly dependent
on experiences for development. Discuss your role as a teacher or
caregiver in a child’s life in terms of promoting optimal brain
development through exposure to various experiences. Give three
examples of appropriate stimulation (activities) you can employ in the
classroom or daycarecenter to promote learning. How can you include
activities outside the classroom that will reinforce the learning? How
can you involve the parents and community resources (i.e., fieldtrips)?
Lastly, include information on a field trip you could take your class
on in your local area that would extend the learning that you included
in one of your sample activities. Relate experiences from your own
schooling such as field trips, community events, and activities that
connected your learning to both the community and your home.
ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 4 DQ 1 Gender Development
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Gender Development. Gender roles are the combination of attitudes,
behaviors, and personality characteristics that a culture considers
appropriate for an individual’s anatomical sex. Psychologists have
proposed a number of theories to explain gender typing (LeFrancois,
ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 4 DQ 2 Brain Development
For more course tutorials visit
Brain Development. Brain-based education suggests that physical
exercise is important for brain development. Research has shown that
in addition to physical exercise, other activities focus on stimulating
the social development and intellectual development of young
Gerry, who is still incapable of jumping with both feet, may not be
invited to join in a game of jump rope. This is an example of how a
child’s individual characteristics (motor skills in this case) can affect
context (social environment) and influence development (LeFrancois,
Reflect back on your own development as a child, or on the
development of a child you know, and provide an example of how
individual characteristics affected development. Using the text and
other scholarly resources, provide some suggested activities or
strategies that would provide the necessary support to enhance the
affected development. For example, Gerry’s teacher notices she is
being excluded from the game of jump rope and intervenes by
showing Gerry how to twirl the rope. Gerry is now included socially,
despite her delayed motor development.
ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 5 DQ 1 The Importance of Play
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The Importance of Play. Children learn as they play and,
while playing, they learn how to learn. Take a moment to read
the article “The Importance of Play – Activities for Children.”
Then, think about the childhood games that you played. Share
your favorite playtime activity with your classmates and
explain why it was your favorite. Describe what you learned
from your play and how it enhanced your development as a
child. Using your own experience with play and the
information in the reading, also describe five takeaways from
each article that you will use to support play and enhance the
development of children under your supervision.
ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 5 DQ 2 Life
For more course tutorials visit
Life. Life as we know it will change for the next generation, and those
changes must be accounted for in child development. Today,
television and media, the changing nuclear family, and new parenting
styles play a large part in the life of a child. Research tells us that
viewing violent television programs or playing violence-themed
games contributes to increased aggressiveness in children. We also
know that the break-up of the nuclear family and “super-parenting”
can have detrimental effects on a child’s emotional and social
development. It may sound difficult, but as a caregiver, you will need
to find the positive influences that can enhance development and
learning in all situations. Explain what you can do to help prevent the
negative influences of media, parenting, and the nuclear family, and
ensure their positive influence on child growth and development.
Share your own beliefs about these three areas, and how you will
avoid any personal bias in your approach.
ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 5 Final Paper
For more course tutorials visit
For the Final Project, you will demonstrate your understanding of the
material in this course by developing a classroom plan for either an
infant/toddler childcare facility or for a preschool classroom, based on
Piaget’s Stage Theory. For this project, include:
a. Summarize Piaget’s Stage Theory in your own words.
b. Identify and describe the developmental characteristics of the
selected age group.
c. Design and describe the physical layout of facility or classroom that
aligns with Piaget’s Stage Theory. Use evidence from the text or other
scholarly resources when describing your layout. (You may use a
software application that provides graphic layouts like Classroom
Architect, or create your layout in a word document.)
d. Create one activity for each developmental domain. Make sure to
include a detailed description with a step-by-step procedure that
includes required materials (i.e. clay, puzzles, etc.). Discuss how each
of these activities maximizes development and align to Piaget’s Stage
Ece 332 (ash) Teaching

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Ece 332 (ash) Teaching

  • 1. ASHFORD ECE 332 Entire Course For more course tutorials visit Benefits of Preschool. As an early childhood professional, you will often be asked questions from parents and community members regarding the benefits of sending their children to preschool. After reading Chapter 1 and drawing from your experience, discuss the benefits of a preschool education Theory and Behavior. After reading Chapters 1 and 2 select a Theorist whose work most closely aligns with your thoughts regarding early development. Describe the theorist’s work and discuss how their work aligns with your own understanding and beliefs. Theory Summary. Using the concept summary in Chapter 2 of the required text, fill in the blanks for each of the developmental theories in the table provided. (This table can be accessed in the online course.) Provide examples from your own experience or the textbook in the last column. These examples can be written or can be an image, illustration, or case scenario. In the last row, describe your ideal theory of child development, combining the elements that you believe encapsulate your own beliefs and experiences Nature vs. Nurture. The debate concerning the influence of inherited traits and abilities compared to the influence of environment on human development has been argued for decades. The required
  • 2. reading this week provides information on the extent of which human development and behavior is the result of nature (heredity) and of nurture (environmental influences). In this discussion you will debate nature vs. nurture. Below is your assigned debate grouping by the first letter of your last name: a. A-M: Proponent of Nature b. N-Z: Proponent of Nurture For this debate, you must develop a persuasive, research-based argument showing the extent to which your assigned influence affects development. Be sure to utilize both the course text as well as other scholarly resources to support your argument. Remember, you are arguing that either nature or nurture is the most important influence on development. Conception to Birth. There are three major stages from conception to birth. They are the germinal stage (first two weeks following conception); the embryonic stage (until the end of the eighth week); and the fetal stage (until birth). Complete a table, like the one below, making sure to identify the development that happens in each stage and how the development is affected by outside influences, both positive and negative. Finally, list your recommendations for the healthy development of a child. Point of View. You are a parent of a child who has a serious peanut allergy. You are meeting with your child’s new teacher to explain this allergy and what specific needs your child has. Your goal for this meeting is to ensure your child’s comfort and safety in the classroom by communicating your expectations to the teacher. For your journal entry, reflect on the following questions:
  • 3. a. How do you expect your child to be treated not only by his teacher, but by the rest of the school staff? b. How would you want the school staff to talk with the other children about your child’s specific needs and accommodations? c. In addition to the teacher, who else should be involved in ensuring the safety of your child? Early Language Development. Take a moment to watch the video, A Place of Our Own: Early Academics – Part 1. After reading about early language development in Chapter 5 of your text and watching the video, describe a learning center that would promote early language development. Your description must include the learning objective of the center, the materials provided, and step-by-step instructions for implementation of the activity. Make sure to include the specific areas of language that the center targets, the approach you will be using to introduce this center, and methods for assessing student’s development. Optimal Brain Development. The human brain is highly dependent on experiences for development. Discuss your role as a teacher or caregiver in a child’s life in terms of promoting optimal brain development through exposure to various experiences. Give three examples of appropriate stimulation (activities) you can employ in the classroom or daycarecenter to promote learning. How can you include activities outside the classroom that will reinforce the learning? How can you involve the parents and community resources (i.e., fieldtrips)? Lastly, include information on a field trip you could take your class on in your local area that would extend the learning that you included in one of your sample activities. Relate experiences from your own schooling such as field trips, community events, and activities that connected your learning to both the community and your home.
  • 4. Developmental Milestones. The purpose of this assignment is to creatively demonstrate an understanding of infant developmental milestones as they pertain to cognition, motor skills, sensation, and perception. Using information from Chapter 5 of your text, write a short story about a child’s journey from birth to age 1. This can be a fictional child, or can be based on a real child. The story should be three to five pages in addition to the title page and the reference page. Use at least one reference in addition to your text. Your paper should also be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. a. Describe the child’s sensory experiences at birth (e.g. sight, hearing, movement). b. Analyze how these senses develop and become more evolved? At the age of 6 months, identify what this same child can hear, see, and do? c. Describe what a day in this child’s life might look like by age 1. Include pictures in your Word document or compose your story using Storybird. Watch the video, Storybird Quick Tour, for assistance. If you choose to create your story in Storybird, you may collaborate with a partner in class by using the collaboration tool. Make sure to notify your instructor of your collaboration and make sure both of you submit your Storybird link in a Word document for grading. Include the following developmental milestones in your story: a. Social and Emotional § Enjoys imitating people in his play. § Shows specific preferences for certain people and toys.
  • 5. § Tests parental responses to his actions during feedings. § Tests parental responses to his behavior. § Prefers mother and/or regular caregiver over all others. § Repeats sounds or gestures for attention. § Finger-feeds himself. § Extends arm or leg to help when being dressed. b. Cognitive § Explores objects in many different ways (shaking, banging, throwing, dropping). § Finds hidden objects easily. § Looks at correct picture when the image is named. § Imitates gestures. § Begins to use objects correctly (drinking from cup, brushing hair, dialing phone, listening to receiver). c. Language § Pays increasing attention to speech. § Responds to simple verbal requests. § Responds to “no.” § Uses simple gestures, such as shaking head for “no.” § Babbles with inflection (changes in tone).
  • 6. § Says “dada” and “mama.” § Uses exclamations, such as “Oh-oh!” § Tries to imitate words. d. Motor § Reaches sitting position without assistance. § Crawls forward on belly. § Assumes hands-and-knees position. § Creeps on hands and knees. § Gets from sitting to crawling or prone (lying on stomach) position. § Pulls self up to stand. § Walks holding on to furniture. § Stands momentarily without support. § May walk two or three steps without support. e. Hand and Finger Skills § Uses pincer grasp. § Bangs two objects together. § Puts objects into container. § Takes objects out of container. § Lets objects go voluntarily.
  • 7. § Pokes with index finger. § Tries to imitate scribbling. Gender Development. Gender roles are the combination of attitudes, behaviors, and personality characteristics that a culture considers appropriate for an individual’s anatomical sex. Psychologists have proposed a number of theories to explain gender typing (LeFrancois, 2012). Brain Development. Brain-based education suggests that physical exercise is important for brain development. Research has shown that in addition to physical exercise, other activities focus on stimulating the social development and intellectual development of young children. Gerry, who is still incapable of jumping with both feet, may not be invited to join in a game of jump rope. This is an example of how a child’s individual characteristics (motor skills in this case) can affect context (social environment) and influence development (LeFrancois, 2012). Reflect back on your own development as a child, or on the development of a child you know, and provide an example of how individual characteristics affected development. Using the text and other scholarly resources, provide some suggested activities or strategies that would provide the necessary support to enhance the affected development. For example, Gerry’s teacher notices she is being excluded from the game of jump rope and intervenes by showing Gerry how to twirl the rope. Gerry is now included socially, despite her delayed motor development.
  • 8. The Importance of Play. Children learn as they play and, while playing, they learn how to learn. Take a moment to read the article “The Importance of Play – Activities for Children.” Then, think about the childhood games that you played. Share your favorite playtime activity with your classmates and explain why it was your favorite. Describe what you learned from your play and how it enhanced your development as a child. Using your own experience with play and the information in the reading, also describe five takeaways from each article that you will use to support play and enhance the development of children under your supervision. Life. Life as we know it will change for the next generation, and those changes must be accounted for in child development. Today, television and media, the changing nuclear family, and new parenting styles play a large part in the life of a child. Research tells us that viewing violent television programs or playing violence-themed games contributes to increased aggressiveness in children. We also know that the break-up of the nuclear family and “super-parenting” can have detrimental effects on a child’s emotional and social development. It may sound difficult, but as a caregiver, you will need to find the positive influences that can enhance development and learning in all situations. Explain what you can do to help prevent the negative influences of media, parenting, and the nuclear family, and ensure their positive influence on child growth and development. Share your own beliefs about these three areas, and how you will avoid any personal bias in your approach. Final Paper For the Final Project, you will demonstrate your understanding of the material in this course by developing a classroom plan for either an
  • 9. infant/toddler childcare facility or for a preschool classroom, based on Piaget’s Stage Theory. For this project, include: a. Summarize Piaget’s Stage Theory in your own words. b. Identify and describe the developmental characteristics of the selected age group. c. Design and describe the physical layout of facility or classroom that aligns with Piaget’s Stage Theory. Use evidence from the text or other scholarly resources when describing your layout. (You may use a software application that provides graphic layouts like Classroom Architect, or create your layout in a word document.) d. Create one activity for each developmental domain. Make sure to include a detailed description with a step-by-step procedure that includes required materials (i.e. clay, puzzles, etc.). Discuss how each of these activities maximizes development and align to Piaget’s Stage Theory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 1 Assignment Theory Summary For more course tutorials visit Theory Summary. Using the concept summary in Chapter 2 of the required text, fill in the blanks for each of the developmental theories in the table provided. (This table can be accessed in the online course.) Provide examples from your own experience or the textbook in the
  • 10. last column. These examples can be written or can be an image, illustration, or case scenario. In the last row, describe your ideal theory of child development, combining the elements that you believe encapsulate your own beliefs and experiences ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 1 DQ 1 Benefits of Preschool For more course tutorials visit Benefits of Preschool. As an early childhood professional, you will often be asked questions from parents and community members regarding the benefits of sending their children to preschool. After reading Chapter 1 and drawing from your experience, discuss the benefits of a preschool education ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 1 DQ 2 Theory and Behavior For more course tutorials visit
  • 11. Theory and Behavior. After reading Chapters 1 and 2 select a Theorist whose work most closely aligns with your thoughts regarding early development. Describe the theorist’s work and discuss how their work aligns with your own understanding and beliefs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 2 DQ 1 Nature vs. Nurture For more course tutorials visit Nature vs. Nurture. The debate concerning the influence of inherited traits and abilities compared to the influence of environment on human development has been argued for decades. The required reading this week provides information on the extent of which human development and behavior is the result of nature (heredity) and of nurture (environmental influences). In this discussion you will debate nature vs. nurture. Below is your assigned debate grouping by the first letter of your last name: a. A-M: Proponent of Nature b. N-Z: Proponent of Nurture For this debate, you must develop a persuasive, research-based argument showing the extent to which your assigned influence affects development. Be sure to utilize both the course text as well as other
  • 12. scholarly resources to support your argument. Remember, you are arguing that either nature or nurture is the most important influence on development. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 2 DQ 2 Conception to Birth For more course tutorials visit Conception to Birth. There are three major stages from conception to birth. They are the germinal stage (first two weeks following conception); the embryonic stage (until the end of the eighth week); and the fetal stage (until birth). Complete a table, like the one below, making sure to identify the development that happens in each stage and how the development is affected by outside influences, both positive and negative. Finally, list your recommendations for the healthy development of a child. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 2 Journal Point of View For more course tutorials visit
  • 13. Point of View. You are a parent of a child who has a serious peanut allergy. You are meeting with your child’s new teacher to explain this allergy and what specific needs your child has. Your goal for this meeting is to ensure your child’s comfort and safety in the classroom by communicating your expectations to the teacher. For your journal entry, reflect on the following questions: a. How do you expect your child to be treated not only by his teacher, but by the rest of the school staff? b. How would you want the school staff to talk with the other children about your child’s specific needs and accommodations? c. In addition to the teacher, who else should be involved in ensuring the safety of your child? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 3 Assignment Developmental Milestones For more course tutorials visit
  • 14. Developmental Milestones. The purpose of this assignment is to creatively demonstrate an understanding of infant developmental milestones as they pertain to cognition, motor skills, sensation, and perception. Using information from Chapter 5 of your text, write a short story about a child’s journey from birth to age 1. This can be a fictional child, or can be based on a real child. The story should be three to five pages in addition to the title page and the reference page. Use at least one reference in addition to your text. Your paper should also be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. a. Describe the child’s sensory experiences at birth (e.g. sight, hearing, movement). b. Analyze how these senses develop and become more evolved? At the age of 6 months, identify what this same child can hear, see, and do? c. Describe what a day in this child’s life might look like by age 1. Include pictures in your Word document or compose your story using Storybird. Watch the video, Storybird Quick Tour, for assistance. If you choose to create your story in Storybird, you may collaborate with a partner in class by using the collaboration tool. Make sure to notify your instructor of your collaboration and make sure both of you submit your Storybird link in a Word document for grading. Include the following developmental milestones in your story: a. Social and Emotional § Enjoys imitating people in his play. § Shows specific preferences for certain people and toys.
  • 15. § Tests parental responses to his actions during feedings. § Tests parental responses to his behavior. § Prefers mother and/or regular caregiver over all others. § Repeats sounds or gestures for attention. § Finger-feeds himself. § Extends arm or leg to help when being dressed. b. Cognitive § Explores objects in many different ways (shaking, banging, throwing, dropping). § Finds hidden objects easily. § Looks at correct picture when the image is named. § Imitates gestures. § Begins to use objects correctly (drinking from cup, brushing hair, dialing phone, listening to receiver). c. Language § Pays increasing attention to speech. § Responds to simple verbal requests. § Responds to “no.” § Uses simple gestures, such as shaking head for “no.” § Babbles with inflection (changes in tone).
  • 16. § Says “dada” and “mama.” § Uses exclamations, such as “Oh-oh!” § Tries to imitate words. d. Motor § Reaches sitting position without assistance. § Crawls forward on belly. § Assumes hands-and-knees position. § Creeps on hands and knees. § Gets from sitting to crawling or prone (lying on stomach) position. § Pulls self up to stand. § Walks holding on to furniture. § Stands momentarily without support. § May walk two or three steps without support. e. Hand and Finger Skills § Uses pincer grasp. § Bangs two objects together. § Puts objects into container. § Takes objects out of container. § Lets objects go voluntarily.
  • 17. § Pokes with index finger. § Tries to imitate scribbling. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 3 DQ 1 Early Language Development For more course tutorials visit Early Language Development. Take a moment to watch the video, A Place of Our Own: Early Academics – Part 1. After reading about early language development in Chapter 5 of your text and watching the video, describe a learning center that would promote early language development. Your description must include the learning objective of the center, the materials provided, and step-by-step instructions for implementation of the activity. Make sure to include the specific areas of language that the center targets, the approach you will be using to introduce this center, and methods for assessing student’s development. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 3 DQ 2 Optimal Brain Development
  • 18. For more course tutorials visit Optimal Brain Development. The human brain is highly dependent on experiences for development. Discuss your role as a teacher or caregiver in a child’s life in terms of promoting optimal brain development through exposure to various experiences. Give three examples of appropriate stimulation (activities) you can employ in the classroom or daycarecenter to promote learning. How can you include activities outside the classroom that will reinforce the learning? How can you involve the parents and community resources (i.e., fieldtrips)? Lastly, include information on a field trip you could take your class on in your local area that would extend the learning that you included in one of your sample activities. Relate experiences from your own schooling such as field trips, community events, and activities that connected your learning to both the community and your home. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 4 DQ 1 Gender Development For more course tutorials visit
  • 19. Gender Development. Gender roles are the combination of attitudes, behaviors, and personality characteristics that a culture considers appropriate for an individual’s anatomical sex. Psychologists have proposed a number of theories to explain gender typing (LeFrancois, 2012). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 4 DQ 2 Brain Development For more course tutorials visit Brain Development. Brain-based education suggests that physical exercise is important for brain development. Research has shown that in addition to physical exercise, other activities focus on stimulating the social development and intellectual development of young children. Gerry, who is still incapable of jumping with both feet, may not be invited to join in a game of jump rope. This is an example of how a child’s individual characteristics (motor skills in this case) can affect context (social environment) and influence development (LeFrancois, 2012). Reflect back on your own development as a child, or on the development of a child you know, and provide an example of how individual characteristics affected development. Using the text and other scholarly resources, provide some suggested activities or
  • 20. strategies that would provide the necessary support to enhance the affected development. For example, Gerry’s teacher notices she is being excluded from the game of jump rope and intervenes by showing Gerry how to twirl the rope. Gerry is now included socially, despite her delayed motor development. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 5 DQ 1 The Importance of Play For more course tutorials visit The Importance of Play. Children learn as they play and, while playing, they learn how to learn. Take a moment to read the article “The Importance of Play – Activities for Children.” Then, think about the childhood games that you played. Share your favorite playtime activity with your classmates and explain why it was your favorite. Describe what you learned from your play and how it enhanced your development as a child. Using your own experience with play and the information in the reading, also describe five takeaways from each article that you will use to support play and enhance the development of children under your supervision. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 21. ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 5 DQ 2 Life For more course tutorials visit Life. Life as we know it will change for the next generation, and those changes must be accounted for in child development. Today, television and media, the changing nuclear family, and new parenting styles play a large part in the life of a child. Research tells us that viewing violent television programs or playing violence-themed games contributes to increased aggressiveness in children. We also know that the break-up of the nuclear family and “super-parenting” can have detrimental effects on a child’s emotional and social development. It may sound difficult, but as a caregiver, you will need to find the positive influences that can enhance development and learning in all situations. Explain what you can do to help prevent the negative influences of media, parenting, and the nuclear family, and ensure their positive influence on child growth and development. Share your own beliefs about these three areas, and how you will avoid any personal bias in your approach. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASHFORD ECE 332 Week 5 Final Paper For more course tutorials visit
  • 22. For the Final Project, you will demonstrate your understanding of the material in this course by developing a classroom plan for either an infant/toddler childcare facility or for a preschool classroom, based on Piaget’s Stage Theory. For this project, include: a. Summarize Piaget’s Stage Theory in your own words. b. Identify and describe the developmental characteristics of the selected age group. c. Design and describe the physical layout of facility or classroom that aligns with Piaget’s Stage Theory. Use evidence from the text or other scholarly resources when describing your layout. (You may use a software application that provides graphic layouts like Classroom Architect, or create your layout in a word document.) d. Create one activity for each developmental domain. Make sure to include a detailed description with a step-by-step procedure that includes required materials (i.e. clay, puzzles, etc.). Discuss how each of these activities maximizes development and align to Piaget’s Stage Theory. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------