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Ako e
FarNet/ HarbourNet
e-Dean’s Handbook
1. Ako eFarNet /HarbourNet contacts
2. Job Description for e-Deans
3. Getting Started
3.1 Enrolling students in a course
3.2 Student set up
3.3 School-wide information
4. Memorandum of Understanding
5. Recording entries
6. Reports
7. Assessments and results
7.1 Internal assessments
7.2 Practice external assessments (mock exams)
8. Communication
8.1 e-Deans online meetings
8.2 e-Days
8.3 Ako e Community Ning and Newsletter
8.4 Reporting to Principal/BOT
1. Welcome to Ako e Farnet/HarbourNet 2013.
Carolyn Bennett – ePrincipal
021 474 889
Sue McCarthny – Assistant ePrincipal
021 2469113
Clarrie Yates – Assistant e Principal
027 808 1569
2. e-Dean Job Description
Guidelines Checked
Term 1
Check and record NCEA results for all VC students (on NZQA website or school provided),
used for report and checking pre-requisites for courses to be entered in.
Draft VC report for Principal (not necessary in all schools but a good way to get vital
information to the SMT) - see template.
To enrol put student details on Shared D- ocenrolment spreadsheet doc(some may have
already been enrolled in Dec previous year AND notify Sue/Clarrie/Carolyn by email)
At this stage check suitability of students if necessary.
Keep checking your own emails, to ensure that your students are approved (there could
be issues such as numbers/out of cluster/timetables)
Make up VC room timetable (see doc - VC room timetable 2012)
Have a meeting with all the VC students to go over all the key points
Give out VC student handbooks with relevant info included (see doc – eStudent
Get student contract read and signed by student (see doc - Student Contract master)
Make times to train VC students with the VC gear – Week 1.
Arrange parents meeting if desired by e-dean/school. Send letters home so that parents
know that their student is doing a VC subject and what the requirements of that are, see
example (see doc - Letter to HarbourNet/FarNetParent)
Ensure students have logons (and have tested) to necessary sites ie VLN, E-Teachers
learning site and email, make sure they can access email from both school and home
Setup students/groups on your mobile phone so that you can quickly text students when
necessary (hint: set up as VC Mary Brown)
Help students to use the online sites/Moodles they need to work with
Make up the VC Study Attendance Register for the library or VC room administrator-
students sign in each study period (see doc –Study attendance register 2013)
Make up the VC Room Attendance Register (if needed for your school) (see doc –VC
room attendance register.doc 2013)
Where VC classes clash with timetabled classes, let the teachers know that the student
will be missing part of their classroom programme all year (see example memo) (see doc
-Memo to teachers re VC students)
Issue VC badges/ID card- these identify students if they need to ask to use a computer
lab or to explain why they are out of class
Do a presentation to the staff to let them know about Ako e- HarbourNet/Farnet and
implications for them – see Presentation powerpoint
Email e-Teachers and attach Standards Outline document (see doc –eTeacher Standards
Outline) to find out what standards the students need to be entered for and pass this
information on to the Principals Nominee in your school or the person in charge of
setting up mark books etc. You should have VC folders in your student management
system and keep these up to date throughout the year.
Encourage e-Teachers to stay in touch with e-Dean - many email with a copy of what
they send the students, respond back to them. Keep all emails from VC teachers in email
Purchase or acquire the text books that VC students need and prepare an appropriate
resource section for them in the library
Ensure e-Teacher of providing schools sends memorandum of understanding, signed,
retains copy and sends to receiving school. (see doc - Memorandum of Understanding)
Advise e-Dean from Provider schools (and Sue/Clarrie) as to when your reports and mock
exams are so they can coordinate timing with eteachers.
As the year goes by:
Have regular contact with the students to see how things are going and whether they
need any help, this may be where cell phones or emails can be useful. (This is soooo
Follow up on everything that the e-Teachers want done
Arrange rooms and supervision for tests and exams
Enter marks into classroom manager from teacher’s student record sheet. (see shared
doc – Information for e-Deans) Ensure the Principals Nominee is informed of students’
assessment results.
Be on call to help with any technical glitches with the VC gear
If there are students who are not coping, arrange a change of course with their year level
Term 3 and Early Term 4
Check the advertisement for Video conference in the senior curriculum booklet if your
school has this, example – Course Booklet VC outline revised (see doc -Course booklet-
VC outlineRevised) e-Dean plan to be present at Course Choice evening.
Speak at the senior assemblies to advertise VC options- have supplies of the Prospective
VC students slip(see doc -Prospective VC students) – required for needs analysis
Informally interview students as they need information and as they return their slips.
Remind them that enrolment takes place at the beginning of the following year and that
there is no guarantee that they will get into a course- they need to have a back-up plan.
Enter subjects on the HarbourNet/FarNet Needs Analysis spreadsheet – sent by
Ensure your students are recommended for prizes at prizegiving. You may need to check
with providing e-Teachers
Check with tutors/Deans re student suitability for VC.
Enrol students onto waiting lists- if appropriate
Scholarship Mentoring – mid Term 2 for Term 3 start
Advertise this to both staff and senior students- in assembly- provide enrolment forms
Enrol the students on the VLN
Teach them how to use the VC gear and after school procedures
Add their courses to the VC room timetable and let the school manager know that they
will be using the VC room after school
Keep in touch with the students about how it is going and provide any help that they
Collate these results into the report to the Principal/ Board
3. Getting started
3.1 How do I enrol a student?
All students will require either a school email address or a gmail account. This needs to be
established before entering enrolments. Some schools do not allow students to have email
access at school this is something to talk to your IT person about as it is imperative that
students can communicate with e-Teacher.
You will have the enrolment form shared with you as a Google Doc. You need to enter the
required information see below.
3.2 Setting students up.
The enrolment form is your main source of information. You will be notified by email as to
whether a student has been accepted into a course or not. As the students are processed
the enrolment form will have contact details for the e-Teacher, time of VC and the PIN
Make up a timetable for the VC sessions to ensure there are no clashes. See Appendix 1for
template. Put this in your room and in VC room.
It is really important to spend time with students to get them used to what is required of
them and also to set up expectations and routines. Make up a student booklet with
important information for them. (See Shared doc).
Getting students to sign a contract is a good way of getting commitment from them and
reinforcing your expectations. See Appendix 3for template.
Send letter home to inform parents that student is learning subject online.See Appendix 2
for example of letter.
Organisation and Routines
Inform students where they will be studying and rules for timetabled time. They may need
to catch up on other subjects missed because of live lesson.
Establish procedures for student attendance to be registered and convey to students.
Using the VC equipment
Have a session with the students showing how to use the VC equipment and procedures if
there is a problem. Put instructions in VC room so they can use. Include the ASNET help line
0800 163 525 to contact in the event of problem.
Show how to work camera: zooming, setting presets, how to link to computer.
3.3 School-wide Information
You might give a presentation to the whole staff refer to Doc – Powerpoint presentation for staff.
It is good practise to inform teachers what their students are doing when they are not in their
classes. See Appendix 5for template. If a class has an NCEA assessment it is important that the
students complete the assessment with their face to face class. They (or you) should inform their e-
Teachers before the class.
4. MOUs – what are they? what do I have to do with them?
MOU = Memorandum of Understanding
As students are being taught by teachers in your school there is a requirement that a MOU
is completed by both parties to outline the respective responsibilities of each school
involved. A MOU will be provided for your school by the ePrincipal for each subject being
offered by your e-Teacher(s). You are then to forward them to the respective eDeans in
each school. It MUST be signed by both schools.(HarbourNet /FarNet MOUs are signed by
the e-Principal on behalf of the schools.) The receiving school then returns a copy of the
completed MOU to you.
The eDean is asked to ensure this is done and give the completed MOUs to your Principal’s
Nominee to keep in their files. (for NZQA audit purposes)
An example of an MOU is in Appendix 6.
5. Recording entries
It is the receiving school’s responsibility to enter the students in each NCEA standard they
are sitting both Internals and externals. E-Deans gather the information on student entries
and either enter this directly into your SMS (Student Management System) or pass the
information on to the PN.
It is important to set up a markbook in your SMS for each subject being received. Give the
subject a course name … eg L3 Accounting NOT just HarbourNet as this is what will appear
on the student’s result notice.
e-Teachers in HarbourNet and FarNet use a shared doc Information for eDeans which
contains everything you need to know. Other clusters may not and you will need to contact
the e-Teachers directly to get this information if it is not provided to you directly.
6. Reporting Student Achievement
Students will receive three reports during the year as follows:
An interim report - mid Term 1
A mid-year report - end of Term 2
An end of year report – end of Term 3
Let your e-Teachers know when your school reports are due so they can be completed to fit
your school schedule, so they can go out with your school reports if required. Make sure
you give them plenty of notice however.
As e-Dean you are required to make a brief comment on the report as to how the students
are managing their study time.
An example of an interim and mid/end of year report is in Appendix 6
7. Assessments and recording results
7.1 Administering Internal assessments
Students should receive an assessment schedule from their e-Teachers at the beginning of
the course.
e-Teachers will send you internal assessments either electronically or as hard copies with
instructions as to the specific assessment conditions.
When students have completed their assessments they should sign an authenticity
statement (Appendix 7) with your signature as well, and assessments are returned to the
teacher either electronically (scanned) or as hard copies in the post.
As with school assessments students may be offered a resubmission or a Further
Assessment Opportunities (FAO). These will need to be resent to the e-Teacher upon
e-Teachers should send you the results of the internal assessments after they have been
finalised. Results are also recorded by e-Teachers in the Information for e-Dean shared doc.
You can share this with your PN or enter the results directly into the markbook in your SMS.
7.2 Practice External assessments (mock exams)
Each school will have their own exam times. Let the e-Teachers know well in advance
(beginning of Term 3 latest) as to when your school exams are so they can get papers to
you. You can then inform your exam timetable to include these subjects in your exam
When you get the results back (from teacher directly or from shared Information for e-
Deans doc) they need to be recorded in your SMS in case they are required for ‘derived
8. Communication
8.1 e-Deans meetings
Every month we have an online e-Deans meeting. You will be notified when these will be
scheduled. They are a good forum for seeking advice and discussing any issues as well as
sharing positive experiences. E-Teachers will have similar meetings. Your Principal will also
meet online with other Principal’s every term.
Keeping on contact with e-Teachers if you have any concerns is imperative. We cannot
stress the importance of such communication.
8.2 e-Days
There will be two e-Days where e-Teachers/e-Deans are expected to attend. One at the
beginning of the year where e-Students have the opportunity to get together with their
online classes and e-Teachers and another at the end of the year for reflection and to meet
new e-Deans and e-Teachers.
8.3 Ako e Community Ning and Newsletter
The Ako e Community Ningis a great forum for airing your views, seeking advice from others
and reading about other people experiences or professional links. Our monthly newsletter
to keep you up to date with events and professional learning / research up in the global
online learning community.
8.4 Reporting to your school Principal/BOT
As your school has invested financially in online learning it is recommended that you report
back to the Principal. An example of such a report back is in Appendix 10.
8.4 Ako e Community Ning and Newsletter
The Ako e Community Ningis a great forum for airing your views, seeking advice from others
and reading about other people experiences or professional links. Our monthly newsletter
to keep you up to date with events and professional learning / research up in the global
online learning community.
1. 2012 VC Timetable
2. Examples of letter for parents – Harbournet/Farnet
3. Student Contract –FarNet / HarbourNet
4. Student attendance register
5. Memorandum of Understanding
6. Memo to teachers
7. Reports – interim and mid/end of year.
8. Example Authenticity Declaration
9. Application for online learning
10. Example of Report to Principal/BOT
Appendix 1
2013 VC TimetableTemplate (use as landscape)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
12 noon
After School:
Appendix 2Letter to parents (1) HarbourNet
(insert date)
Dear Parent/Caregiver,
This year, your son/daughter will be taking some subjects by way of online elearning
through HarbourNet. This will require students to attend one online videoconference
per week, and to undertake additional study periods at school. Students will be
supported through email/fax communication with their teacher.
During the videoconference teaching session, students will need to log in to the
videoconference which has been timetabled for their course. As a result, they may
miss a period in one of their other subjects. It is the responsibility of elearning
students to catch up on any work missed by consulting their teacher and other class
During the videoconference, students will be seen by their teacher and other
students in their class, who could be logging in from anywhere in New Zealand.
However, the other timetabled hours the students’ course will involve normal work in
study periods at school, as well as online work when students will need to consult the
Moodle site where course material is displayed. From time to time the students’
teacher will direct students to areas of this site where resources can downloaded.
Additionally, students will be asked to upload computer based work to Google Docs.
Here, the teacher will be able to monitor student’s progress, highlighting work and
making suggestions.
As a result of this emphasis on online computer-based learning, it is really important
that, in addition to access to school computers, students, where possible, should
have access to a computer with an Internet facility at home.
According to research gained from students’ evaluations of the online Virtual Leaning
Net learning process, many have found the experience to be as good as face-to-face
classroom teaching and a minority even found preferred the experience to be better
than face-to-face classroom learning.
Your sincerely
eDean (School)
Appendix 2 Letter to parents (2) FarNet
(insert date)
Dear Parent/Caregiver,
This year, your son/daughter will be taking some subjects by way of online e-learning
through Farnet. This will require students to attend one online videoconference per week,
and to undertake additional study periods at school. Students will be supported through
email/fax communication with their teacher.
During the videoconference teaching session, students will need to log in to the
videoconference which has been timetabled for their course. As a result, they may miss a
period in one of their other subjects. It is the responsibility of elearning students to catch up
on any work missed by consulting their teacher and other class members.
During the videoconference, students will be seen by their teacher and other students in
their class, who could be logging in from anywhere in New Zealand. However, the other
timetabled hours the students’ course will involve normal work in study periods at school, as
well as online work when students will need to consult the Moodle site where course material
is displayed. From time to time the students’ teacher will direct students to areas of this site
where resources can downloaded. Additionally, students will be asked to upload computer
based work to Google Docs. Here, the teacher will be able to monitor students progress,
highlighting work and making suggestions.
As a result of this emphasis on online computer-based learning, it is really important that, in
addition to access to school computers, students, where possible, should have access to a
computer with an Internet facility at home.
According to research gained from students’ evaluations of the online Farnet learning
process, many have found the experience to be as good as face-to-face classroom teaching
and a minority even found preferred the Farnet experience to be better than face-to-face
classroom learning.
Yours sincerely
eDean (School)
Appendix 3
FarNet’s expectations of me:
▪ To have the ability to develop independent learning skills
▪ To be self-motivated
▪ To be a regular attendee at school
▪ To work without supervision
▪ To have sufficient initiative to seek help
▪ To have the ability to participate and initiate, and to question
▪ To be prepared to meet timelines
▪ To be prepared to learn the technology skills required to use the VC gear and the
FarNet/HarbourNet Online Learning environment (Moodle), and use it appropriately
▪ To use my school email and the FarNet/HarbourNet Online Learning Environment
to correspond with the teacher, e-Dean and FarNet/HarbourNet administrator.
▪ To use the FarNet/HarbourNet Online Learning Environment in a way that is
appropriate toan educational setting
▪ To notify the teacher in advance if I need to be away, bearing in mind that my VC
class has priority over most other school commitments
▪ To notify the school office early in the morning if I am absent for sudden illness
explaining that their VC teacher needs to know
▪ During on-line sessions, to behave in a manner that will promote learning and will
not disrupt the ability of the teacher to teach, or the other students to learn
▪ To submit course work of a standard suited to the course level
▪ To seek help from the e-Dean or delivery teacher if problems arise in meeting
course requirements
▪ To accept that failing to meet the standards as outlined above, may result in my
withdrawal from the course
Assessment Policy:
All Year 11 - 13 courses will use the NCEA policy of the providing school.
I have read the above information and understand what is expected of me.
HarbourNet’s expectations of me:
▪ To have the ability to develop independent learning skills
▪ To be self-motivated
▪ To be a regular attendee at school
▪ To work without supervision
▪ To have sufficient initiative to seek help
▪ To have the ability to participate and initiate, and to question
▪ To be prepared to meet timelines
▪ To be prepared to learn the technology skills required to use the VC gear and the
FarNet/HarbourNet Online Learning environment (Moodle), and use it appropriately
▪ To use my school email and the FarNet/HarbourNet Online Learning Environment to
correspond with the teacher, eDean and FarNet/HarbourNet administrator.
▪ To use the FarNet/HarbourNet Online Learning Environment in a way that is
appropriate to an educational setting
▪ To notify the teacher in advance if I need to be away, bearing in mind that my VC class
has priority over most other school commitments
▪ To notify the school office early in the morning if I am absent for sudden illness
explaining that their VC teacher needs to know
▪ During on-line sessions, to behave in a manner that will promote learning and will not
disrupt the ability of the teacher to teach, or the other students to learn
▪ To submit course work of a standard suited to the course level
▪ To seek help from the eDean or delivery teacher if problems arise in meeting course
▪ To accept that failing to meet the standards as outlined above, may result in my
withdrawal from the course
Assessment Policy:
All Year 11 - 13 courses will use the NCEA policy of the providing school
I have read the above information and understand what is expected of me
Signature: Date:
Appendix 4
Video Conferencing Room Register
Date ______________ (create a separate sheet for each day)
Please sign to confirm that you were in the VC room
for your lesson
Student’s Name Student signs here
9:00am (have students name already typed in
here for ease)
(student signs or admin person
signs here)
Appendix 5 Memo to teachers
Memo from: (enter E-Deans name here)
Subject: FarNet/ HarbourNet students
This year you have a student or students, enrolled in Video Conference courses, who will miss some
time from your course each week. I know that this is very inconvenient for you. The students have
been told to get a buddy from your class who will pass work and notes on to them. They have also
been told that they must make up the time they miss from your class in their VC study periods.
Please let me know if these students cause any particular problems for you.
Student/s and their lesson times:
Appendix 6
L3 Geography
This Memorandum is between the ‘external provider’ Orewa College – Provider Code 25 and the
‘home school’ xxxxx – Provider Code xx. The following arrangements have been agreed between
Orewa College and xxxxxxto enable the students of xxxto be taught and assessed against standards
the external provider has NZQA accreditation for L3 Geography.
1. External Provider Schools’ Responsibilities
The external provider, Orewa College ensures that the required standards of teaching, assessment
and moderation are maintained by agreeing to:
a) Provide a qualified e-teacher competent with NQF procedures to teach and assess
students for the standards relating to the courses delivered and to ensure the e-
teacher is fully aware of their responsibilities in accordance with this MOU.
b) Have quality management systems to oversee and teach courses that lead to the
assessment of the standards.
c) Ensure that the internal moderation processes are complete and documented for all
standards in line with the quality management systems of the provider school.
d) Have procedures for regular and timely reporting of results to the school and ensure
that final results will be reported to the school as soon as they are verified (dates as
shown in Schedule 1)
e) Have responsibility for reporting the attendance and progress of students enrolled in
the online class to xxxx on a regular basis
f) Have the responsibility for regular reporting on achievement to xxxx(dates as shown
in Schedule 2)
g) Provide a list of standards for students to be entered into for external assessments
(dates as shown in Schedule 1)
2. Home Schools’ Responsibilities
Xxx, as the receiver of online learning from Orewa College, ensures that:
a) It has verified the accreditation status of Orewa College to assess the standards
specified above.
b) It has procedures to collect fees from students and enter them for NQF qualifications.
c) It has the responsibility for the enrolment or withdrawal of students into the online
course through their e-coordinator and e-Principal.
d) It has the responsibility of ensuring that support is provided for the student where
required and that the student is aware of who the e-coordinator is at their school
e) It has the responsibility of ensuring that e-students have a school email address and
sufficient access to the internet and computer time as set out in the course
f) It has the responsibility for managing student appeals but will inform and discuss any
concerns with the e-Principal and Principal Nominee of both schools when
g) It pays for any material or textbooks required by the student in the online class
h) It will oversee the functions of this Memorandum of Understanding and have it filed
for NZQA monitoring purposes
i) It will ensure that Orewa College’s provider code will be loaded into the Student
Management System when sending internal results to NZQA.
j) It will ensure that all internal results submitted by the external provider school are
loaded into the Student Management System in a timely fashion.
k) It will ensure that Orewa College provider code will be loaded into the Student
Management System when entering students for external examinations with NZQA.
l) It will pay any agreed costs or staffing transfers (where appropriate as shown in a
separate document if required).
3. Termination and Amendment of this Agreement
a) This agreement will be in place from February 2012 until December 2012
b) This agreement will be reviewed for effectiveness by December 2012
c) Any amendments to the provision of this agreement must be in writing and signed by
both parties.
4. Dispute Resolution
a) In the event of any dispute or controversy arising out ofor relating to this Agreement
the two parties agree to exercise their best efforts to resolve the dispute as soon as
possible. The parties shall without delay continue to perform their respective
obligations under this Agreement that is not affected by the dispute. All such matters
should involve the e-Principals, Principal Nominees and e-Teachers.
b) In the event of any dispute or controversy arising out of, or relating to this b
c) Agreement, the protection of students will not be compromised in any way.
Signed for and on behalf of the External Provider – Orewa College by its authorized agent:
Carolyn Bennett – Carolyn Bennett – ePrincipal FarNet/HarbourNet
Date: xxxx
Signed for and on behalf of the Home School - xxxxx by its authorized agent:
One Copy to be retained by the Home School and one returned to Orewa College PN
SCHEDULE 1: Dates for Data Submission to Home Schools to meet NZQA Timelines
By 21 April - Template sent to the Home School of standards students are to be enrolled in to meet
the 1st
May Initial Datafile Submission date for Candidate Information and entries.
By 21 May – Template sent to Home School of standards achieved and verified to meet the 1st
Data File Submission Date to NZQA.
By 18th
June – Template sent to Home School of standards achieved and verified to meet the 1st
Data File Submission Date to NZQA.
By 23rd
July – Template sent to Home School of standards achieved and verified to meet the 1st
August Data File Submission Date to NZQA.
By 16th
August – Template sent to Home School verifying the external standards each student is to
be entered for to meet the 1st
September deadline for personalised exam papers. Note: There can
be no withdrawals after 1st
September for externals.
By 20th
August – Template sent to Home School of all internal standards achieved throughout the
year to meet the 1st
September Deadline for checking the accuracy of internal results and
withdrawing any internal standards not entered. There can be no withdrawals after 1st
October for
By 24th
September – Template sent to Home School of standards achieved and verified to meet the
October Data File Submission Date to NZQA.
By 22nd
October – Template sent to receiving school of standards achieved and verified to meet the
November Data File Submission Date to NZQA.
By 19th
November – Template sent to Home School of standards achieved and verified to meet the
December Final Data File Submission Date to NZQA.
SCHEDULE 2: Dates for Reporting to Home School
Reports will be sent via email to the e-coordinator of each home school of each e-student by the e-
TIME LINE for PROGRESS REPORTS: (there may be a request from the home school for a different date)
TERM ONE – Week 6 – Progress Report
TERM TWO – Week 11 – End of Term Formative Report
TERM THREE – Week 9 – End of Year Formative Report
TIME LINE for PARENT INTERVIEWS: (there may be a request from the home school for a different date)
TERM ONE – Week 11 - 12 – Meet the e-Teacher, e-Coordinator – e-Principal
TERM TWO – Week 9 and 10 (to discuss concerns in Term 2 report)
TERM THREE – Week 8 and 9 (to discuss concerns in Term 3 report)
Appendix 7 Term 1 Interim Report
FARNET Level 3 Accounting
March 2012
Student: XXXXXX School: Orewa College Delivery School: Northland
Work completed to date
Has completed all set activities
and tasks
Has completed most set
activities and tasks
Completion of set work
Requires Attention
Attendance in video/audio conference class
Has attended all available VC
Has attended most VC classes Attendance in VC classes
Requires Attention
Engagement in online Moodle class
Is engaged in the online
Has had initial difficulties in
engaging in the online
Engagement in online
classroom Requires Attention
Comment by e-Teacher: Carolyn Bennett –
XXX has the workbook and it would be advisable for him to get a copy of the Study Guide, which is
also an excellent resource. Now the class has settled in, XXX should be working at least 4 – 5 hours a
week on accounting. XXX has told me that he wants to gain a course endorsement this year, and I will
support him in achieving this. You will note that I have indicated that hasn’t completed all the set
activities, so it is important for him to get on top of this right from the beginning.
Please feel free to make contact with me during the year.
Self-Management during non VC periods (in their own school)
Very pleasing Acceptable Requires Attention
Comment by e-Dean: Sue McCarthny
XXX is a well-organised, diligent student and has attended classes regularly.He now has access to the
Study Guide so he can utilise this whenever necessary.
Appendix 6 End of Term/ End of Year Report
END OF YEAR REPORT – September 2012
Name: XXX School: Dargaville High School
Subject: Level 3 Geography e-Teacher: Mrs Sue McCarthny – Orewa College - Auckland
Geography is the study of the environment as the home of people. It seeks to interpret the world and how it
changes over time – past, present, and future. It explores the relationships and connections between people
and both natural and cultural environments. Geography investigates the ways in which features are arranged
on the earth’s surface. It describes and explains the patterns and processes that create them.
Students learn to think spatially and use maps, visual images and new technologies, including geographical
information systems (GIS), to obtain, present and analyse information.
There are currently five achievement standards, three internals and three externals. Students in this online
class are expected to attend a weekly video conference class. Regular communications between students and
their teacher are vital in an online environment and students are encouraged to engage with their teacher and
other students through a range of web tools.
Students are required to participate regularly in online activities, which include working independently in their
online Moodle class in preparation for their weekly videoconference meetings.
Attendance in video conference class in Term 3
Has attended all available VC
Has attended most VC classes Attendance in VC classes
Requires Attention
Engagement in online Moodle class and online environment in Term 3
Is engaged in the online classroom
and environment
Has had initial difficulties in
engaging in the online classroom
and environment
Engagement in online classroom
Requires Attention
Set Tasks & Activities completed in Term 3
Has completed all set activities and
Has completed most set activities
and tasks
Completion of set work
Requires Attention
Communication in Term 3
Keeps regular communication with Communicates with teacher and Communication Requires
teacher and other students other students Attention
Standards Achieved or Currently Working On
Standard Title Level Credits Grade
AS 90701 (3.1)
Analyse natural processes in the context of a geographic environment -
3 4 A
AS 90702 (3.2) Analyse a cultural process – EXT 3 4 A
AS 90704 (3.4) Select and apply skills and ideas in a geographic context – EXT 3 4 A
AS 90706 (3.6)
Analyse a contemporary geographic issue and evaluate courses of
action – INT
3 3 M
AS 90707 (3.7) Analyse a geographic topic at a global scale – INT 3 3 M
AS= Achievement Standard US= Unit Standard Int= Internally Assessed Ext= Externally Assessed
W = Working on NYA= Not yet Assessed N= Not Achieved A= Achieved M= Merit E= Excellence
Any external standards assessed are only summative and as a result of practice exams.
E-Teacher Comment
XXX is a very capable student as is evident from her work submitted for internal assessments. I was
disappointed that she did not attempt two of the external papers in the practice assessments. She is a pleasure
to work with both online and face to face.
XXX needs to spent time reading through the information online and ensure that she understands what each
focus area involves and how they relate to possible questions. I would like her to refer to the past questions
that have been provided and plan outlines as to how she would respond and submit these to me for feedback.
With continued practice she will get more confident and her grades should reflect this.
E-Dean Comment
Comment on where the student is at:
What improvements can be made:
Contact Details: Sue McCarthny –
Appendix 7 Example Authenticity Declaration
Name: ___________________________________
Achievement Standard: _____________________ Level: __________
Due Date: _________________________________ Teacher: ______________________
Assessment title: _____________________________________________________________
Except where otherwise indicated and acknowledged, this assessment is entirely my own
All work was undertaken this year.
Student signature: _______________________ Date: ___________________________
This student’s work has been completed under the teacher’s stipulated conditions.
Signature: ______________________________ e-Dean
Appendix 8 Application for online learning (student)
Application for online learning
Please fill out the following slip and return it to (insert E-Deans name
Name Date of
School Email Address Mobile
VC course/s
Eg John Brown 12/10/97 12OCV 0278654321 L2 French/ L2 Physics
Explain why we should consider your application to be a VC student:
Application for online learning
Please fill out the following slip and return it to (insert E-Deans
Name Date of
School Email Address Mobile
VC course/s
Eg John Brown 12/10/97 12OCV 0278654321 L2 French/ L2 Physics
Explain why we should consider your application to be a VC student:
Appendix 10 Template for BOT / Principal Report
REPORT FOR BOT – Feb / March 2013
Enrolments 2012
Number of students enrolled
Subjects received / level /number of students / cluster
Number of e-Teachers delivering
Name / Subject / number of students / schools receiving
2011 NCEA Statistics and Analysis of Results
Analysis of 2011 students’online class results against their F2F classes as part FARNET cluster
analysis. Looking at AS only and best 18-20 credits.
Scale Used:
0 = Students have achieved very well in their online class, but it is not their best subject
1 = Students have achieved better than their F2F classes
2 = Students have achieved much the same as their F2F classes
3 = Students have achieved worse than their F2F classes
Summary of analysis of results compared to F2F classes.
E-Days 2012
Friday 17 February : for students and their HarbourNet e-teachers at Orewa College.
45 students and 8 e-teachers attended.
Thursday 29 November: for e-Teachers and e-Dean.

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E deans handbook 2013

  • 2. CONTENTS 1. Ako eFarNet /HarbourNet contacts 2. Job Description for e-Deans 3. Getting Started 3.1 Enrolling students in a course 3.2 Student set up 3.3 School-wide information 4. Memorandum of Understanding 5. Recording entries 6. Reports 7. Assessments and results 7.1 Internal assessments 7.2 Practice external assessments (mock exams) 8. Communication 8.1 e-Deans online meetings 8.2 e-Days 8.3 Ako e Community Ning and Newsletter 8.4 Reporting to Principal/BOT
  • 3. 1. Welcome to Ako e Farnet/HarbourNet 2013. Contacts: Carolyn Bennett – ePrincipal 021 474 889 Sue McCarthny – Assistant ePrincipal 021 2469113 Clarrie Yates – Assistant e Principal 027 808 1569 VIRTUAL LEARNING NETWORK
  • 4. 2. e-Dean Job Description Guidelines Checked Term 1 Check and record NCEA results for all VC students (on NZQA website or school provided), used for report and checking pre-requisites for courses to be entered in. Draft VC report for Principal (not necessary in all schools but a good way to get vital information to the SMT) - see template. To enrol put student details on Shared D- ocenrolment spreadsheet doc(some may have already been enrolled in Dec previous year AND notify Sue/Clarrie/Carolyn by email) At this stage check suitability of students if necessary. Keep checking your own emails, to ensure that your students are approved (there could be issues such as numbers/out of cluster/timetables) Make up VC room timetable (see doc - VC room timetable 2012) Have a meeting with all the VC students to go over all the key points Give out VC student handbooks with relevant info included (see doc – eStudent Booklet2012) Get student contract read and signed by student (see doc - Student Contract master) Make times to train VC students with the VC gear – Week 1. Arrange parents meeting if desired by e-dean/school. Send letters home so that parents know that their student is doing a VC subject and what the requirements of that are, see example (see doc - Letter to HarbourNet/FarNetParent) Ensure students have logons (and have tested) to necessary sites ie VLN, E-Teachers learning site and email, make sure they can access email from both school and home Setup students/groups on your mobile phone so that you can quickly text students when necessary (hint: set up as VC Mary Brown) Help students to use the online sites/Moodles they need to work with Make up the VC Study Attendance Register for the library or VC room administrator- students sign in each study period (see doc –Study attendance register 2013) Make up the VC Room Attendance Register (if needed for your school) (see doc –VC room attendance register.doc 2013) Where VC classes clash with timetabled classes, let the teachers know that the student will be missing part of their classroom programme all year (see example memo) (see doc -Memo to teachers re VC students) Issue VC badges/ID card- these identify students if they need to ask to use a computer lab or to explain why they are out of class Do a presentation to the staff to let them know about Ako e- HarbourNet/Farnet and implications for them – see Presentation powerpoint Email e-Teachers and attach Standards Outline document (see doc –eTeacher Standards Outline) to find out what standards the students need to be entered for and pass this information on to the Principals Nominee in your school or the person in charge of setting up mark books etc. You should have VC folders in your student management system and keep these up to date throughout the year. Encourage e-Teachers to stay in touch with e-Dean - many email with a copy of what they send the students, respond back to them. Keep all emails from VC teachers in email folders.
  • 5. Purchase or acquire the text books that VC students need and prepare an appropriate resource section for them in the library Ensure e-Teacher of providing schools sends memorandum of understanding, signed, retains copy and sends to receiving school. (see doc - Memorandum of Understanding) Advise e-Dean from Provider schools (and Sue/Clarrie) as to when your reports and mock exams are so they can coordinate timing with eteachers. As the year goes by: Have regular contact with the students to see how things are going and whether they need any help, this may be where cell phones or emails can be useful. (This is soooo important) Follow up on everything that the e-Teachers want done Arrange rooms and supervision for tests and exams Enter marks into classroom manager from teacher’s student record sheet. (see shared doc – Information for e-Deans) Ensure the Principals Nominee is informed of students’ assessment results. Be on call to help with any technical glitches with the VC gear If there are students who are not coping, arrange a change of course with their year level tutor/Dean Term 3 and Early Term 4 Check the advertisement for Video conference in the senior curriculum booklet if your school has this, example – Course Booklet VC outline revised (see doc -Course booklet- VC outlineRevised) e-Dean plan to be present at Course Choice evening. Speak at the senior assemblies to advertise VC options- have supplies of the Prospective VC students slip(see doc -Prospective VC students) – required for needs analysis spreadsheet Informally interview students as they need information and as they return their slips. Remind them that enrolment takes place at the beginning of the following year and that there is no guarantee that they will get into a course- they need to have a back-up plan. Enter subjects on the HarbourNet/FarNet Needs Analysis spreadsheet – sent by e-Principal. Ensure your students are recommended for prizes at prizegiving. You may need to check with providing e-Teachers Check with tutors/Deans re student suitability for VC. Enrol students onto waiting lists- if appropriate Scholarship Mentoring – mid Term 2 for Term 3 start Advertise this to both staff and senior students- in assembly- provide enrolment forms Enrol the students on the VLN Teach them how to use the VC gear and after school procedures Add their courses to the VC room timetable and let the school manager know that they will be using the VC room after school
  • 6. Keep in touch with the students about how it is going and provide any help that they need Collate these results into the report to the Principal/ Board
  • 7. 3. Getting started 3.1 How do I enrol a student? All students will require either a school email address or a gmail account. This needs to be established before entering enrolments. Some schools do not allow students to have email access at school this is something to talk to your IT person about as it is imperative that students can communicate with e-Teacher. You will have the enrolment form shared with you as a Google Doc. You need to enter the required information see below. 3.2 Setting students up. The enrolment form is your main source of information. You will be notified by email as to whether a student has been accepted into a course or not. As the students are processed the enrolment form will have contact details for the e-Teacher, time of VC and the PIN number. Make up a timetable for the VC sessions to ensure there are no clashes. See Appendix 1for template. Put this in your room and in VC room. Expectations It is really important to spend time with students to get them used to what is required of them and also to set up expectations and routines. Make up a student booklet with important information for them. (See Shared doc). Getting students to sign a contract is a good way of getting commitment from them and reinforcing your expectations. See Appendix 3for template. Send letter home to inform parents that student is learning subject online.See Appendix 2 for example of letter.
  • 8. Organisation and Routines Inform students where they will be studying and rules for timetabled time. They may need to catch up on other subjects missed because of live lesson. Establish procedures for student attendance to be registered and convey to students. Using the VC equipment Have a session with the students showing how to use the VC equipment and procedures if there is a problem. Put instructions in VC room so they can use. Include the ASNET help line 0800 163 525 to contact in the event of problem. Show how to work camera: zooming, setting presets, how to link to computer. 3.3 School-wide Information You might give a presentation to the whole staff refer to Doc – Powerpoint presentation for staff. It is good practise to inform teachers what their students are doing when they are not in their classes. See Appendix 5for template. If a class has an NCEA assessment it is important that the students complete the assessment with their face to face class. They (or you) should inform their e- Teachers before the class. 4. MOUs – what are they? what do I have to do with them? MOU = Memorandum of Understanding As students are being taught by teachers in your school there is a requirement that a MOU is completed by both parties to outline the respective responsibilities of each school involved. A MOU will be provided for your school by the ePrincipal for each subject being offered by your e-Teacher(s). You are then to forward them to the respective eDeans in each school. It MUST be signed by both schools.(HarbourNet /FarNet MOUs are signed by the e-Principal on behalf of the schools.) The receiving school then returns a copy of the completed MOU to you. The eDean is asked to ensure this is done and give the completed MOUs to your Principal’s Nominee to keep in their files. (for NZQA audit purposes) An example of an MOU is in Appendix 6.
  • 9. 5. Recording entries It is the receiving school’s responsibility to enter the students in each NCEA standard they are sitting both Internals and externals. E-Deans gather the information on student entries and either enter this directly into your SMS (Student Management System) or pass the information on to the PN. It is important to set up a markbook in your SMS for each subject being received. Give the subject a course name … eg L3 Accounting NOT just HarbourNet as this is what will appear on the student’s result notice. e-Teachers in HarbourNet and FarNet use a shared doc Information for eDeans which contains everything you need to know. Other clusters may not and you will need to contact the e-Teachers directly to get this information if it is not provided to you directly. 6. Reporting Student Achievement Students will receive three reports during the year as follows: An interim report - mid Term 1 A mid-year report - end of Term 2 An end of year report – end of Term 3 Let your e-Teachers know when your school reports are due so they can be completed to fit your school schedule, so they can go out with your school reports if required. Make sure you give them plenty of notice however. As e-Dean you are required to make a brief comment on the report as to how the students are managing their study time. An example of an interim and mid/end of year report is in Appendix 6
  • 10. 7. Assessments and recording results 7.1 Administering Internal assessments Students should receive an assessment schedule from their e-Teachers at the beginning of the course. e-Teachers will send you internal assessments either electronically or as hard copies with instructions as to the specific assessment conditions. When students have completed their assessments they should sign an authenticity statement (Appendix 7) with your signature as well, and assessments are returned to the teacher either electronically (scanned) or as hard copies in the post. As with school assessments students may be offered a resubmission or a Further Assessment Opportunities (FAO). These will need to be resent to the e-Teacher upon completion. e-Teachers should send you the results of the internal assessments after they have been finalised. Results are also recorded by e-Teachers in the Information for e-Dean shared doc. You can share this with your PN or enter the results directly into the markbook in your SMS. 7.2 Practice External assessments (mock exams) Each school will have their own exam times. Let the e-Teachers know well in advance (beginning of Term 3 latest) as to when your school exams are so they can get papers to you. You can then inform your exam timetable to include these subjects in your exam schedule. When you get the results back (from teacher directly or from shared Information for e- Deans doc) they need to be recorded in your SMS in case they are required for ‘derived grades’. 8. Communication 8.1 e-Deans meetings Every month we have an online e-Deans meeting. You will be notified when these will be scheduled. They are a good forum for seeking advice and discussing any issues as well as sharing positive experiences. E-Teachers will have similar meetings. Your Principal will also meet online with other Principal’s every term. Keeping on contact with e-Teachers if you have any concerns is imperative. We cannot stress the importance of such communication. 8.2 e-Days There will be two e-Days where e-Teachers/e-Deans are expected to attend. One at the beginning of the year where e-Students have the opportunity to get together with their
  • 11. online classes and e-Teachers and another at the end of the year for reflection and to meet new e-Deans and e-Teachers. 8.3 Ako e Community Ning and Newsletter The Ako e Community Ningis a great forum for airing your views, seeking advice from others and reading about other people experiences or professional links. Our monthly newsletter to keep you up to date with events and professional learning / research up in the global online learning community. 8.4 Reporting to your school Principal/BOT As your school has invested financially in online learning it is recommended that you report back to the Principal. An example of such a report back is in Appendix 10. 8.4 Ako e Community Ning and Newsletter The Ako e Community Ningis a great forum for airing your views, seeking advice from others and reading about other people experiences or professional links. Our monthly newsletter to keep you up to date with events and professional learning / research up in the global online learning community.
  • 12. APPENDIX 1. 2012 VC Timetable 2. Examples of letter for parents – Harbournet/Farnet 3. Student Contract –FarNet / HarbourNet 4. Student attendance register 5. Memorandum of Understanding 6. Memo to teachers 7. Reports – interim and mid/end of year. 8. Example Authenticity Declaration 9. Application for online learning 10. Example of Report to Principal/BOT
  • 13. Appendix 1 2013 VC TimetableTemplate (use as landscape) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8am 9am 10am 11am 12 noon 1pm 2pm After School: 4pm-5pm
  • 14. Appendix 2Letter to parents (1) HarbourNet (insert date) (Date) Dear Parent/Caregiver, This year, your son/daughter will be taking some subjects by way of online elearning through HarbourNet. This will require students to attend one online videoconference per week, and to undertake additional study periods at school. Students will be supported through email/fax communication with their teacher. During the videoconference teaching session, students will need to log in to the videoconference which has been timetabled for their course. As a result, they may miss a period in one of their other subjects. It is the responsibility of elearning students to catch up on any work missed by consulting their teacher and other class members. During the videoconference, students will be seen by their teacher and other students in their class, who could be logging in from anywhere in New Zealand. However, the other timetabled hours the students’ course will involve normal work in study periods at school, as well as online work when students will need to consult the Moodle site where course material is displayed. From time to time the students’ teacher will direct students to areas of this site where resources can downloaded. Additionally, students will be asked to upload computer based work to Google Docs. Here, the teacher will be able to monitor student’s progress, highlighting work and making suggestions. As a result of this emphasis on online computer-based learning, it is really important that, in addition to access to school computers, students, where possible, should have access to a computer with an Internet facility at home. According to research gained from students’ evaluations of the online Virtual Leaning Net learning process, many have found the experience to be as good as face-to-face classroom teaching and a minority even found preferred the experience to be better than face-to-face classroom learning. Your sincerely eDean (School)
  • 15. Appendix 2 Letter to parents (2) FarNet (insert date) Dear Parent/Caregiver, This year, your son/daughter will be taking some subjects by way of online e-learning through Farnet. This will require students to attend one online videoconference per week, and to undertake additional study periods at school. Students will be supported through email/fax communication with their teacher. During the videoconference teaching session, students will need to log in to the videoconference which has been timetabled for their course. As a result, they may miss a period in one of their other subjects. It is the responsibility of elearning students to catch up on any work missed by consulting their teacher and other class members. During the videoconference, students will be seen by their teacher and other students in their class, who could be logging in from anywhere in New Zealand. However, the other timetabled hours the students’ course will involve normal work in study periods at school, as well as online work when students will need to consult the Moodle site where course material is displayed. From time to time the students’ teacher will direct students to areas of this site where resources can downloaded. Additionally, students will be asked to upload computer based work to Google Docs. Here, the teacher will be able to monitor students progress, highlighting work and making suggestions. As a result of this emphasis on online computer-based learning, it is really important that, in addition to access to school computers, students, where possible, should have access to a computer with an Internet facility at home. According to research gained from students’ evaluations of the online Farnet learning process, many have found the experience to be as good as face-to-face classroom teaching and a minority even found preferred the Farnet experience to be better than face-to-face classroom learning. Yours sincerely eDean (School)
  • 16. Appendix 3 STUDENT CONTRACT FarNet’s expectations of me: ▪ To have the ability to develop independent learning skills ▪ To be self-motivated ▪ To be a regular attendee at school ▪ To work without supervision ▪ To have sufficient initiative to seek help ▪ To have the ability to participate and initiate, and to question ▪ To be prepared to meet timelines ▪ To be prepared to learn the technology skills required to use the VC gear and the FarNet/HarbourNet Online Learning environment (Moodle), and use it appropriately ▪ To use my school email and the FarNet/HarbourNet Online Learning Environment to correspond with the teacher, e-Dean and FarNet/HarbourNet administrator. ▪ To use the FarNet/HarbourNet Online Learning Environment in a way that is appropriate toan educational setting ▪ To notify the teacher in advance if I need to be away, bearing in mind that my VC class has priority over most other school commitments ▪ To notify the school office early in the morning if I am absent for sudden illness explaining that their VC teacher needs to know ▪ During on-line sessions, to behave in a manner that will promote learning and will not disrupt the ability of the teacher to teach, or the other students to learn ▪ To submit course work of a standard suited to the course level ▪ To seek help from the e-Dean or delivery teacher if problems arise in meeting course requirements ▪ To accept that failing to meet the standards as outlined above, may result in my withdrawal from the course Assessment Policy: All Year 11 - 13 courses will use the NCEA policy of the providing school. I have read the above information and understand what is expected of me. Signature:Date:
  • 17. STUDENT CONTRACT HarbourNet’s expectations of me: ▪ To have the ability to develop independent learning skills ▪ To be self-motivated ▪ To be a regular attendee at school ▪ To work without supervision ▪ To have sufficient initiative to seek help ▪ To have the ability to participate and initiate, and to question ▪ To be prepared to meet timelines ▪ To be prepared to learn the technology skills required to use the VC gear and the FarNet/HarbourNet Online Learning environment (Moodle), and use it appropriately ▪ To use my school email and the FarNet/HarbourNet Online Learning Environment to correspond with the teacher, eDean and FarNet/HarbourNet administrator. ▪ To use the FarNet/HarbourNet Online Learning Environment in a way that is appropriate to an educational setting ▪ To notify the teacher in advance if I need to be away, bearing in mind that my VC class has priority over most other school commitments ▪ To notify the school office early in the morning if I am absent for sudden illness explaining that their VC teacher needs to know ▪ During on-line sessions, to behave in a manner that will promote learning and will not disrupt the ability of the teacher to teach, or the other students to learn ▪ To submit course work of a standard suited to the course level ▪ To seek help from the eDean or delivery teacher if problems arise in meeting course requirements ▪ To accept that failing to meet the standards as outlined above, may result in my withdrawal from the course Assessment Policy: All Year 11 - 13 courses will use the NCEA policy of the providing school I have read the above information and understand what is expected of me Signature: Date: Appendix 4
  • 18. Video Conferencing Room Register Date ______________ (create a separate sheet for each day) Please sign to confirm that you were in the VC room for your lesson Student’s Name Student signs here 9:00am (have students name already typed in here for ease) (student signs or admin person signs here) 10:00am 11:00am 12:00noon 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm Appendix 5 Memo to teachers
  • 19. Memo from: (enter E-Deans name here) Subject: FarNet/ HarbourNet students This year you have a student or students, enrolled in Video Conference courses, who will miss some time from your course each week. I know that this is very inconvenient for you. The students have been told to get a buddy from your class who will pass work and notes on to them. They have also been told that they must make up the time they miss from your class in their VC study periods. Please let me know if these students cause any particular problems for you. Student/s and their lesson times: Appendix 6
  • 20. HARBOURNET SCHOOLS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING – 2013 L3 Geography This Memorandum is between the ‘external provider’ Orewa College – Provider Code 25 and the ‘home school’ xxxxx – Provider Code xx. The following arrangements have been agreed between Orewa College and xxxxxxto enable the students of xxxto be taught and assessed against standards the external provider has NZQA accreditation for L3 Geography. 1. External Provider Schools’ Responsibilities The external provider, Orewa College ensures that the required standards of teaching, assessment and moderation are maintained by agreeing to: a) Provide a qualified e-teacher competent with NQF procedures to teach and assess students for the standards relating to the courses delivered and to ensure the e- teacher is fully aware of their responsibilities in accordance with this MOU. b) Have quality management systems to oversee and teach courses that lead to the assessment of the standards. c) Ensure that the internal moderation processes are complete and documented for all standards in line with the quality management systems of the provider school. d) Have procedures for regular and timely reporting of results to the school and ensure that final results will be reported to the school as soon as they are verified (dates as shown in Schedule 1) e) Have responsibility for reporting the attendance and progress of students enrolled in the online class to xxxx on a regular basis f) Have the responsibility for regular reporting on achievement to xxxx(dates as shown in Schedule 2) g) Provide a list of standards for students to be entered into for external assessments (dates as shown in Schedule 1) EXTERNAL PROVIDER SCHOOL - PLEASE TICK THE BOX 2. Home Schools’ Responsibilities Xxx, as the receiver of online learning from Orewa College, ensures that: a) It has verified the accreditation status of Orewa College to assess the standards specified above. b) It has procedures to collect fees from students and enter them for NQF qualifications. c) It has the responsibility for the enrolment or withdrawal of students into the online course through their e-coordinator and e-Principal. d) It has the responsibility of ensuring that support is provided for the student where required and that the student is aware of who the e-coordinator is at their school e) It has the responsibility of ensuring that e-students have a school email address and sufficient access to the internet and computer time as set out in the course
  • 21. f) It has the responsibility for managing student appeals but will inform and discuss any concerns with the e-Principal and Principal Nominee of both schools when appropriate. g) It pays for any material or textbooks required by the student in the online class h) It will oversee the functions of this Memorandum of Understanding and have it filed for NZQA monitoring purposes i) It will ensure that Orewa College’s provider code will be loaded into the Student Management System when sending internal results to NZQA. j) It will ensure that all internal results submitted by the external provider school are loaded into the Student Management System in a timely fashion. k) It will ensure that Orewa College provider code will be loaded into the Student Management System when entering students for external examinations with NZQA. l) It will pay any agreed costs or staffing transfers (where appropriate as shown in a separate document if required). HOME SCHOOL - PLEASE TICK THE BOX 3. Termination and Amendment of this Agreement a) This agreement will be in place from February 2012 until December 2012 b) This agreement will be reviewed for effectiveness by December 2012 c) Any amendments to the provision of this agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties. EXTERNAL PROVIDER SCHOOL - PLEASE TICK THE BOX HOME SCHOOL - PLEASE TICK THE BOX 4. Dispute Resolution a) In the event of any dispute or controversy arising out ofor relating to this Agreement the two parties agree to exercise their best efforts to resolve the dispute as soon as possible. The parties shall without delay continue to perform their respective obligations under this Agreement that is not affected by the dispute. All such matters should involve the e-Principals, Principal Nominees and e-Teachers. b) In the event of any dispute or controversy arising out of, or relating to this b c) Agreement, the protection of students will not be compromised in any way. EXTERNAL PROVIDER SCHOOL - PLEASE TICK THE BOX HOME SCHOOL - PLEASE TICK THE BOX Signed for and on behalf of the External Provider – Orewa College by its authorized agent: Carolyn Bennett – Carolyn Bennett – ePrincipal FarNet/HarbourNet Date: xxxx Signed for and on behalf of the Home School - xxxxx by its authorized agent: Date: One Copy to be retained by the Home School and one returned to Orewa College PN
  • 22. SCHEDULE 1: Dates for Data Submission to Home Schools to meet NZQA Timelines By 21 April - Template sent to the Home School of standards students are to be enrolled in to meet the 1st May Initial Datafile Submission date for Candidate Information and entries. By 21 May – Template sent to Home School of standards achieved and verified to meet the 1st June Data File Submission Date to NZQA. By 18th June – Template sent to Home School of standards achieved and verified to meet the 1st July Data File Submission Date to NZQA. By 23rd July – Template sent to Home School of standards achieved and verified to meet the 1st August Data File Submission Date to NZQA. By 16th August – Template sent to Home School verifying the external standards each student is to be entered for to meet the 1st September deadline for personalised exam papers. Note: There can be no withdrawals after 1st September for externals. By 20th August – Template sent to Home School of all internal standards achieved throughout the year to meet the 1st September Deadline for checking the accuracy of internal results and withdrawing any internal standards not entered. There can be no withdrawals after 1st October for internals. By 24th September – Template sent to Home School of standards achieved and verified to meet the 1st October Data File Submission Date to NZQA. By 22nd October – Template sent to receiving school of standards achieved and verified to meet the 1st November Data File Submission Date to NZQA. By 19th November – Template sent to Home School of standards achieved and verified to meet the 3rd December Final Data File Submission Date to NZQA. SCHEDULE 2: Dates for Reporting to Home School Reports will be sent via email to the e-coordinator of each home school of each e-student by the e- teacher. TIME LINE for PROGRESS REPORTS: (there may be a request from the home school for a different date) TERM ONE – Week 6 – Progress Report TERM TWO – Week 11 – End of Term Formative Report TERM THREE – Week 9 – End of Year Formative Report TIME LINE for PARENT INTERVIEWS: (there may be a request from the home school for a different date) TERM ONE – Week 11 - 12 – Meet the e-Teacher, e-Coordinator – e-Principal TERM TWO – Week 9 and 10 (to discuss concerns in Term 2 report) TERM THREE – Week 8 and 9 (to discuss concerns in Term 3 report)
  • 23. Appendix 7 Term 1 Interim Report FARNET Level 3 Accounting PROGRESS REPORT March 2012 Student: XXXXXX School: Orewa College Delivery School: Northland College Work completed to date Has completed all set activities and tasks Has completed most set activities and tasks Completion of set work Requires Attention X Attendance in video/audio conference class Has attended all available VC classes Has attended most VC classes Attendance in VC classes Requires Attention X Engagement in online Moodle class Is engaged in the online classroom Has had initial difficulties in engaging in the online classroom Engagement in online classroom Requires Attention X Comment by e-Teacher: Carolyn Bennett – XXX has the workbook and it would be advisable for him to get a copy of the Study Guide, which is also an excellent resource. Now the class has settled in, XXX should be working at least 4 – 5 hours a week on accounting. XXX has told me that he wants to gain a course endorsement this year, and I will
  • 24. support him in achieving this. You will note that I have indicated that hasn’t completed all the set activities, so it is important for him to get on top of this right from the beginning. Please feel free to make contact with me during the year. Self-Management during non VC periods (in their own school) Very pleasing Acceptable Requires Attention X Comment by e-Dean: Sue McCarthny XXX is a well-organised, diligent student and has attended classes regularly.He now has access to the Study Guide so he can utilise this whenever necessary.
  • 25. Appendix 6 End of Term/ End of Year Report END OF YEAR REPORT – September 2012 Name: XXX School: Dargaville High School Subject: Level 3 Geography e-Teacher: Mrs Sue McCarthny – Orewa College - Auckland Geography is the study of the environment as the home of people. It seeks to interpret the world and how it changes over time – past, present, and future. It explores the relationships and connections between people and both natural and cultural environments. Geography investigates the ways in which features are arranged on the earth’s surface. It describes and explains the patterns and processes that create them. Students learn to think spatially and use maps, visual images and new technologies, including geographical information systems (GIS), to obtain, present and analyse information. There are currently five achievement standards, three internals and three externals. Students in this online class are expected to attend a weekly video conference class. Regular communications between students and their teacher are vital in an online environment and students are encouraged to engage with their teacher and other students through a range of web tools. Students are required to participate regularly in online activities, which include working independently in their online Moodle class in preparation for their weekly videoconference meetings. Attendance in video conference class in Term 3 Has attended all available VC classes Has attended most VC classes Attendance in VC classes Requires Attention X Engagement in online Moodle class and online environment in Term 3 Is engaged in the online classroom and environment Has had initial difficulties in engaging in the online classroom and environment Engagement in online classroom Requires Attention X Set Tasks & Activities completed in Term 3 Has completed all set activities and tasks Has completed most set activities and tasks Completion of set work Requires Attention X Communication in Term 3 Keeps regular communication with Communicates with teacher and Communication Requires
  • 26. teacher and other students other students Attention X Standards Achieved or Currently Working On Standard Title Level Credits Grade AS 90701 (3.1) Analyse natural processes in the context of a geographic environment - EXT 3 4 A AS 90702 (3.2) Analyse a cultural process – EXT 3 4 A AS 90704 (3.4) Select and apply skills and ideas in a geographic context – EXT 3 4 A AS 90706 (3.6) Analyse a contemporary geographic issue and evaluate courses of action – INT 3 3 M AS 90707 (3.7) Analyse a geographic topic at a global scale – INT 3 3 M AS= Achievement Standard US= Unit Standard Int= Internally Assessed Ext= Externally Assessed W = Working on NYA= Not yet Assessed N= Not Achieved A= Achieved M= Merit E= Excellence Any external standards assessed are only summative and as a result of practice exams. E-Teacher Comment XXX is a very capable student as is evident from her work submitted for internal assessments. I was disappointed that she did not attempt two of the external papers in the practice assessments. She is a pleasure to work with both online and face to face. XXX needs to spent time reading through the information online and ensure that she understands what each focus area involves and how they relate to possible questions. I would like her to refer to the past questions that have been provided and plan outlines as to how she would respond and submit these to me for feedback. With continued practice she will get more confident and her grades should reflect this. E-Dean Comment Comment on where the student is at: What improvements can be made: Contact Details: Sue McCarthny –
  • 27. Appendix 7 Example Authenticity Declaration AUTHENTICITY DECLARATION Name: ___________________________________ Achievement Standard: _____________________ Level: __________ Due Date: _________________________________ Teacher: ______________________ Assessment title: _____________________________________________________________ DECLARATION Except where otherwise indicated and acknowledged, this assessment is entirely my own work. All work was undertaken this year. Student signature: _______________________ Date: ___________________________ This student’s work has been completed under the teacher’s stipulated conditions. Signature: ______________________________ e-Dean
  • 28. Appendix 8 Application for online learning (student) Application for online learning Please fill out the following slip and return it to (insert E-Deans name here) Name Date of Birth Form Class School Email Address Mobile phone VC course/s Eg John Brown 12/10/97 12OCV 0278654321 L2 French/ L2 Physics Explain why we should consider your application to be a VC student: Application for online learning Please fill out the following slip and return it to (insert E-Deans name) Name Date of Birth Form Class School Email Address Mobile phone VC course/s Eg John Brown 12/10/97 12OCV 0278654321 L2 French/ L2 Physics Explain why we should consider your application to be a VC student:
  • 29. Appendix 10 Template for BOT / Principal Report REPORT FOR BOT – Feb / March 2013 Enrolments 2012 Number of students enrolled Subjects received / level /number of students / cluster Delivery Number of e-Teachers delivering Name / Subject / number of students / schools receiving 2011 NCEA Statistics and Analysis of Results Analysis of 2011 students’online class results against their F2F classes as part FARNET cluster analysis. Looking at AS only and best 18-20 credits. Scale Used: 0 = Students have achieved very well in their online class, but it is not their best subject 1 = Students have achieved better than their F2F classes 2 = Students have achieved much the same as their F2F classes 3 = Students have achieved worse than their F2F classes Summary of analysis of results compared to F2F classes. E-Days 2012 Friday 17 February : for students and their HarbourNet e-teachers at Orewa College. 45 students and 8 e-teachers attended. Thursday 29 November: for e-Teachers and e-Dean. Other