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Mr. Milind Ramesh Kolte / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
                   Vol. 2, Issue5, September- October 2012, pp.764-770
   Survey Paper On Different Virtualization TechnologyWith Its
             Merits And Demerits On Organization
                                      Mr. Milind Ramesh Kolte
                                  M.Sc. Computer Application (Semester –III)
                                Shree Ramkrishna Instituteof Computer Education
                                & Applied Sciences, Surat-395009.Gujarat, India.

         A Virtualized System includes a new layer         The application is installed and runs directly on the
of software, the virtual machine monitor. The              OS, which in turn runs directly on the computer’s
VMM's principal role is to arbitrate accesses to           hardware. The application’s user interface is
the underlying physical host platform's resources          presented via a display that’s directly attached to this
so that multiple operating systems (which are              machine. This simple scenario is familiar to anybody
guests of the Virtual Machine Monitor) can share           who’s ever used Windows.
them. The VMM presents to each guest OS a set of
virtual platform interfaces that constitute a virtual
machine (VM). Once confined to specialized,
proprietary, high-end server and mainframe
systems, virtualization is now becoming more
broadly available and is supported in off-the-shelf
systems based on Intel architecture (IA)
hardware. Virtualization technology provides
hardware support for processor virtualization,                                Operating
enabling simplifications of virtual machine
monitor software. Resulting VMMs can support a
wider range of legacy and future operating
systems while maintaining high performance.

Keywords        – Virtualization,       VMM,      Intel             Physical Machine                Application
Architecture, legacy OS
                                                             Figure – 1: A System without virtualization
                  I. INTRODUCTION
          Virtualization is one of the hottest trends in             But it’s not the only choice. In fact, it’s often
information technology today. This is no accident.         not the best choice. Rather than locking these various
While a variety of technologies fall under the             parts together—the operating system to the hardware,
virtualization umbrella, all of them are changing the      the application to the operating system, and the user
IT world in significant ways.                              interface to the local machine—it’s possible to loosen
          Virtualization is software technology which      the direct reliance these parts have on each other.
uses a physical resource such as a server and divides it             Doing this means virtualizing aspects of this
up into virtual resources called virtual machines          environment, something that can be done in various
(VM's). Virtualization allows users to consolidate         ways. The operating system can be decoupled from
physical resources, simplify deployment and                the physical hardware it runs on using hardware
administration, and reduce power and cooling               virtualization, for example, while application
requirements. While virtualization technology is most      virtualization allows an analogous decoupling
popular in the server world, virtualization technology     between the operating system and the applications
is also being used in data storage such as Storage Area    that use it. Similarly, presentation virtualization
Networks, and inside of operating systems such as          allows separating an application’s user interface from
Hyper-V (Hypervisor).                                      the physical machine the application runs on. All of
                                                           these approaches to virtualization help make the links
    II. UNDERSTANDING VERTUALIZATION                       between components less rigid. This lets hardware
         To understand modern virtualization               and software be used in more diverse ways, and it
technologies, think first about a system without them.     also makes both easier to change. Given that most IT
Imagine, for example, an application such as               professionals spend most of their time working with
Microsoft Word running on a standalone desktop             what’s already installed rather than rolling out new
computer.                                                  deployments, making their world more malleable is a
                                                           good thing.

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Mr. Milind Ramesh Kolte / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
                   Vol. 2, Issue5, September- October 2012, pp.764-770
Each type of virtualization also brings other benefits      Hardware virtualization can be accomplished in
specific to the problem it addresses. Understanding         various ways, and so Microsoft offers several different
what these are requires knowing more about the              technologies that address this area.
technologies themselves. Accordingly, the next                  They include the following:
sections take a closer look at each one.                         1.) Hyper-V (Windows Server 2008)
                                                                 2.) Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
      III. VIRTUALIZATION TECHNOLOGIES                           3.) Virtual PC 2007
A. Hardware Virtualization                                       4.) MS Enterprise Desktop Virtualization
           For most IT people today, the word                        (MED-V)
―virtualization‖ conjures up thoughts of running
multiple operating systems on a single physical             B. Presentation Virtualization
machine. This is hardware virtualization, and while                  Much of the software people use most is
it’s not the only important kind of virtualization, it is   designed to both run and present its user interface on
unquestionably the most visible today.                      the same machine. The applications in Microsoft
           The core idea of hardware virtualization is      Office are one common example, but there are plenty
simple: Use software to create a virtual machine (VM)       of others. While accepting this default is fine much of
that emulates a physical computer. By providing             the time, it’s not without some downside. For
multiple VMs at once, this approach allows running          example, organizations that manage many desktop
several operating systems simultaneously on a single        machines must make sure that any sensitive data on
physical machine.                                           those desktops is kept secure. They’re also obliged to
                                                            spend significant amounts of time and money
                                                            managing the applications resident on those
                                                            machines. Letting an application execute on a remote
                                                            server, yet display its user interface locally
          Operating            Operating                    Presentation virtualization can help.
          System 1             System 2          ..
                Hardware Virtualization
                                        Applicatio                           Virtualization
           Physical Machine

           Virtual Machine
                                                                            Operating System
    Figure – 2: Hardware virtualization
          When used on client machines, this approach
is often called desktop virtualization, while using it on       Figure – 3: Presentationvirtualization
server systems is known as server virtualization.                     This approach allows creating virtual
Desktop virtualization can be useful in a variety of        sessions, each interacting with a remote desktop
situations. One of the most common is to deal with          system. The applications executing in those sessions
incompatibility between applications and desktop            rely on presentation virtualization to project their user
operating systems. For example, suppose a user              interfaces remotely. Each session might run only a
running Windows Vista needs to use an application           single application, or it might present its user with a
that runs only on Windows XP with Service Pack 2.           complete desktop offering multiple applications. In
By creating a VM that runs this older operating             either case, several virtual sessions can use the same
system, then installing the application in that VM, this    installed copy of an application.
problem can be solved.                                                Running applications on a shared server like
          Server virtualization also makes restoring        this offers several benefits, including the following:
failed systems easier. VMs are stored as files, and so                1.) Data can be centralized.
restoring a failed system can be as simple as copying                 2.) The cost of managing applications can
its file onto a new machine. Since VMs can have                            be significantly reduced.
different hardware configurations from the physical                   3.) Organizations need no longer worry
machine on which they’re running, this approach also                       about incompatibilities between an
allows restoring a failed system onto any available                        application and a desktop operating
machine. There’s no requirement to use a physically                        system.
identical system.                                                     4.) Presentation virtualization can improve

                                                                                                      765 | P a g e
Mr. Milind Ramesh Kolte / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
                   Vol. 2, Issue5, September- October 2012, pp.764-770
Microsoft’s presentation virtualization technology is
Windows Terminal Services. First released for                                 Application Logic
Windows NT 4, it’s now a standard part of Windows
                                                                             Application Virtualization
Server 2008. Terminal Services lets an ordinary
Windows desktop application run on a shared server
machine yet present its user interface on a remote
system, such as a desktop computer or thin client.
While remote interfaces haven’t always been viewed
through the lens of virtualization, this perspective can                      Operating System
provide a useful way to think about this widely used
technology.                                                                         Hardware
C. Application Virtualization
          Virtualization provides an abstracted view of        Figure – 4: Applicationvirtualization
some computing resource. Rather than run directly on                Application virtualization makes deployment
a physical computer, for example, hardware                 significantly easier. Since applications no longer
virtualization lets an operating system run on a           compete for DLL versions or other shared aspects of
software abstraction of a machine. Similarly,              their environment, there’s no need to test new
presentation virtualization lets an application’s user     applications for conflicts with existing applications
interface be abstracted to a remote device. In both        before they’re rolled out. And as Figure 4 suggests,
cases, virtualization loosens an otherwise tight bond      these virtual applications can run alongside ordinary
between components.                                        applications—not everything needs to be virtualized.
          Another bond that can benefit from more
abstraction is the connection between an application       D. Other VirtualizationTechnology
and the operating system it runs on. Every application          This overview looks at three kinds of
depends on its operating system for a range of             virtualization: hardware, presentation, and application.
services, including memory allocation, device drivers,     Similar kinds of abstraction are also used in other
and much more. Incompatibilities between an                contexts, however. Among the most important are,
application and its operating system can be addressed      1.) Memory Virtualization
by either hardware virtualization or presentation           The term memory virtualization decouples
virtualization, as described earlier. But what about            volatile random access memory (RAM) resources
incompatibilities between two applications installed            from individual systems in the data center, and
on the same instance of an operating system?                    then aggregates those resources into a virtualized
Applications commonly share various things with                 memory pool available to any computer in the
other applications on their system, yet this sharing can        cluster. The memory pool is accessed by the
be problematic. For example, one application might              operating system or applications running on top
require a specific version of a dynamic link library            of the operating system. The distributed memory
(DLL) to function, while another application on that            pool can then be utilized as a high-speed cache, a
system might require a different version of the same            messaging layer, or a large, shared memory
DLL. Installing both applications leads to what’s               resource for a CPU or a GPU application.
commonly known as DLL hell, where one of them               Memory virtualization allows networked, and
overwrites the version required by the other. To avoid          therefore distributed, servers to share a pool of
this, organizations often perform extensive testing             memory to overcome physical memory
before installing a new application, an approach that’s         limitations, a common bottleneck in software
workable but time-consuming and expensive.                      performance.
          Application virtualization solves this           2.) Network Virtualization
problem by creating application-specific copies of all      The term network virtualization is used to
shared resources, as Figure 4 illustrates. The                  describe a number of different things. Perhaps
problematic things an application might share with              the most common is the idea of a virtual private
other applications on its system—registry entries,              network (VPN). VPNs abstract the notion of a
specific DLLs, and more—are instead packaged with               network connection, allowing a remote user to
it, creating a virtual application. When a virtual              access an organization’s internal network just as
application is deployed, it uses its own copy of these          if she were physically attached to that network.
shared resources.                                               VPNs are a widely implemented idea, and they
                                                                can use various technologies. In the Microsoft
                                                                world, the primary VPN technologies today are
                                                                Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server
                                                                2006 and Internet Application Gateway 2007.

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Mr. Milind Ramesh Kolte / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
                   Vol. 2, Issue5, September- October 2012, pp.764-770
3.) Storage Virtualization
 The term storage virtualization is also used quite        Development and Testing Environments :-
    broadly. In a general sense, it means providing a               By usingvirtualization, a developer or tester
    logical, abstracted view of physical storage           can replicate a distributed environment containing
    devices, and so anything other than a locally          several systems on a single piece of hardware. This
    attached disk drive might be viewed in this light.     negates having a bunch of servers sitting around for
 A simple example is folder redirection in                the occasional use of developers or testers.
    Windows, which lets the information in a folder        Virtualization is also useful in test and development
    be stored on any network-accessible drive. Much        environments in another way. One of the side effects
    more powerful (and more complex) approaches            of exercising software is that early versions often
    also fit into this category, including storage area    crash and damage not only the application, but also
    networks (SANs) and others. However it’s done,         the underlying operating system as well as other
    the benefits of storage virtualization are             applications in the software stack. To recover, it’s
    analogous to those of every other kind of              necessary to reinstall all the software. Again, this is
    virtualization: more abstraction and less direct       areal drag on productivity.
    coupling between components.
                                                            Quality of Service :-
4.) Database Virtualization                                         IT organizations must focus on the quality
 Database virtualization is the decoupling of the         of service they deliver — how well they keep
    database layer, which lies between the storage         software infrastructures available and performing
    and application layers within the application          well.
    stack. Virtualization at the database layer allows              Fortunately, virtualization, when properly
    hardware resources to be extended to allow for         managed, can help improve quality of service because
    better sharing resources between applications and      it removes hardware dependence. By virtualizing
    users, masking of the physical location and            systems, it is possible to quickly respond to failures
    configuration of a database from querying              of all types: hardware, network, even virtualization
    programs, as well as enable more scalable              software itself. It can also be used to pre-emptively
    computing.                                             avoid failure by moving workloads off a system that
A. Virtual Data Partitioning                               is showing signs of problems (memory, disk, and so
B. Horizontal Data Partitioning                            on).
                                                                    Given the demands on IT organizations to
 Advantages :-                                            continuously improve their operations in order to
C. Added flexibility and agility for existing              achieve business goals, it’s incumbent upon them to
   computing infrastructure.                               explore how virtualization can help improve quality
D. Enhanced database performance.                          of service.
E. Pooling and sharing computing resources.                         Companies run many applications that they
F. Simplification     of     administration     and        consider mission critical, which is a fancy term
   management.                                             meaning that the company relies on these applications
G. Increased             fault            tolerance.       for a fundamental part of their business.

IV. UNDERSTANDING VIRTUALIZATION USE CASES                  Simple Failover :-
          Virtualization is useful in a number of                    The hypervisor (Hyper – V) is constantly
scenarios. They range from simple and                      monitoring each virtual machine’s status, so it’s
straightforward to complex and transformational.           relatively straightforward to configure it to start a
Understanding how you want to use virtualization is        new instance of a virtual machine should it notice a
critical; because that will dictate which virtualization   previously running virtual machine is no longer
solution is most appropriate for you. This chapter         present. Because all the hypervisor has to do is start a
goes over some of the main uses of virtualization.         new virtual machine based on the VM’s image, the
                                                           outage duration of a virtual machine may be mere
 Server Consolidation :-                                  seconds. Obviously, this is a huge improvement over
          The first application of virtualization is       the minutes to days durations typical of non-
usually server consolidation. In fact, server              virtualized system restores.
consolidation is what most people think of when they
consider virtualization. Server consolidation refers to     High Availability :-
taking separate server instances and migrating them                 High availability (HA) extends the concept
into virtual machines running on a single server. To       of simple failover to incorporate an additional
be technically correct, consolidation is also the act of   hardware server. Instead of crashed virtual machine
taking a number of separate servers and migrating          being started on the same piece of hardware, it is
them onto fewer servers, with multiple virtual             started on a different server, thereby avoiding the
machines running on each server.

                                                                                                    767 | P a g e
Mr. Milind Ramesh Kolte / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
                   Vol. 2, Issue5, September- October 2012, pp.764-770
problem of a hardware-precluding virtualization                      Again, efficiency in operation is vital for
failover.                                                  replication — just because the data is being moved to
          HA provides an extra layer of failover           storage location doesn’t mean that keeping the data
protection at the cost of additional virtualization        flowing efficiently isn’t important.
software complexity                                                  Smart replication software keeps up-to-the-
                                                           minute changes flowing to the central location,
 Clustering :-                                            thereby ensuring that an IT organization can quickly
           Clustering is designed to ensure that no data   locate data assets and use them to rebuild a failed
is lost in the event of a software or hardware failure.    system.
Clustering has typically been offered by application
vendors as an add-on to their base product, with some      V. RETHINKINGVIRTUALIZATION IN BUSINESS
attendant drawbacks like extra expense, redundant                                  TERMS
solutions, and infrastructure complexity.                   [ INTEL VERTUALIZATION TECHNOLOGY BRIEF ]
           Part of the extra expense reflects the fact      Realizing the general value of the virtualized
that you need extra hardware standing by, with the            operating model, Intel addressed virtualization at
mirrored system on standby, ready to take over                the foundation - the chip level - where they could
should the primary system fail. You don’t need to be          simultaneously eliminate the need for
a genius to recognize that buying a second set of             modifications to the hosted operating systems
hardware makes clustering significantly more                  and provide better performance. The resulting
expensive. However, if you’ve got millions of U.S.            Intel® Virtualization Technology (Intel® VT)
dollars’ worth of transactions occurring on your              not only provides a consistent approach, but also
system, keeping a redundant server ready may be a             opens the door for wider use of virtualization
worthwhile investment. And techniques exist that can          concepts such as Real-Time System.
allow you to run other work on the stand-by server          In simple terms, Intel VT adds new instructions,
until it is needed.                                           registers and interrupts management that can be
                                                              used by VMM software to manage virtual
 Data Mirroring :-                                           environments. These new capabilities can be
          All of the qualities of service mechanisms          used to create a VMM that requires no changes
we’ve discussed thus far address how to keep virtual          to the hosted operating systems. Consequently,
machines up and running. But what about data? After           legacy systems are well supported and the VMM
all, applications inside virtual machines are useless         is not dependent on operating system version,
without data — so clearly it’s important to ensure            update or patches.
data availability as part of an overall quality of          End users begin to realize the benefits from Intel
service strategy.                                             VT after the suppliers of virtualization software
          One way of keeping data available is to             modify their products to use the new capabilities.
mirror it. As the name implies, mirroring data means          Intel has involved the virtualization community
that data in one place is reflected to another, ensuring      in the specification and development
that they are exact copies of oneanother.                   Process and work is underway to utilize Intel VT
          Mirroring enables real-time consistency             in commercial products. For example, Microsoft
between two data stores. This makes it possible to            has committed to ongoing support of Intel VT in
immediately shift between one system and another by           Windows Servers, and the open source VMM,
attaching the second system to the mirrored data.             Xen 3.0, supports Intel VT.
          Mirroring      achieves      this    real-time    Intel VT becomes especially attractive when
consistency by feeding a constant stream of data              considered in concert with Intel's Dual-Core
changes — whether additions, updates, or deletions            technology to provide enhanced performance and
— from one location to another.                               concurrency of multiple environments to enhance
                                                              real-time capabilities. Further advances such as
 Data Replication :-                                         Quad-Core will provide additional capabilities.
         Data replication is a second service oriented
toward improving data quality of service. Unlike           The Hardware Virtualization Advantage:-
mirroring, which focuses on keeping copies of data          Intel Virtualization Technology provides silicon
consistent in real-time, replication addresses the need        based functionality that works together with
to keep complete copies of data available so that they         compatible VMM software to improve upon
can be used for system rebuild purposes.                       software-only      solutions.   Because      this
         Replicationis typically accomplished by               virtualization hardware provides a new
sending copies of data to a centralized storage                architecture upon which the operating system
location, enabling an organization to be certain that it       runs directly, it removes the binary translation.
has copies of critical data security stored in case of a       Thus it eliminates associated performance
need to recover some specific data assets.                     overhead and vastly simplifies the design of the

                                                                                                  768 | P a g e
Mr. Milind Ramesh Kolte / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
                            Vol. 2, Issue5, September- October 2012, pp.764-770
           VMM, in turn allowing VMMs to be written to
           common standards and to be more robust.

                                                                       R a ti o
          The advantage of increase supportability of the                           80%
           overall virtual machine solution.VMMs running                             60%
           under the Intel Virtualization Technology can be
                                                                                     40%                               Performance
           fully validated on the hardware, including
           certification that they execute directly using the                        20%                               Security
           architecture’s full instruction set.
          Intel Virtualization Technology will provide the                           0%                               Benefit
           basis for a rich ecosystem of virtualization
           solutions that encompass both server and desktop

                     VI. BUSINESS SURVEY
          Microsoft, Cisco, Oracle, EMC2 are market-               Figure – 5: Result
           leading innovative companies has adopted the
           virtualization technology by enabling the                          VII. PITFALLS TO AVOID
           application as virtual applications hosted in             In some cases it doesn’t wait any type of
           virtual machines are secured across the network            protection.
           with heightened security, availability, and               Don’t skimp on training.
           performance.                                              Don’t expose for legal issues.
          There are no anymore security issues after                Don’t imagine that virtualization is ―Static‖.
           adopting the pull of virtualization.                      Don’t skip the ―Boring stuff‖. It’s an overhead
          I highlighted some related survey in below table           for cloud infrastructure.
           based upon the company and its product and the            Don’t Overlook the Organization.
           nature of effect.                                         Don’t Overlook the Hardware.
                                                                     Don’t Overlook the Service Management.
Most Valuable Leading Company                                        Be Prepared for Even More Virtualization in
Compan    Product       Performanc          Securit    Increase       Future.
y                       e                   y          d
                        Status              Issues     Benefit                       VIII. CONCLUSION
                                                       [In %]                 The pull of Virtualization is strong – the
            SharePoint      +++             Yes        70%          economics are too attractive to resist. And for most
Microsof    SQL Server      +++             None       50%          organizations, there’s no reason to fight against this
t           Azure           ++              None       up      to   pull. Well-managed virtualization technologies can
                                                       90%          make their world better.
             UCS                                                              Virtualization technologies provide several
Cisco        [Unified       +++           None         up      to   important features that make it a powerful tool to use
             Computing                                 73%          in a wide range of applications. These include but are
             System]                                                not limited to server consolidation, application
             Oracle                                                 sandboxing, access to varieties of hardware and
Oracle       [Database /                                            operating     systems,    testing,   simple    system
             Web logic +++                Yes          40%          administration and quality of service. All these
             applications                                           features have made this technology extremely popular
             ]                                                      in academia and industry. A closer look reveals that
             Storage                                                although most of them have an operating
EMC2         Application +++              None         60%          environment similar to the end-user, they vary greatly
             Software                                               in their architecture design, implementation and the
 1) In above table I used the +++ strategy for its high better      level of abstraction at which they operate.
    performance after adopting virtualization. And similarly
    (++) for better but not so much as compared to (+++)                                   REFERENCE
    strategy.                                                         1]          White Paper: Virtualization Overview from
 2) There are basically no security issues in adopting                            VMware.
    virtualization technolgy but in some of the criteria I found      2]          White Paper: Intel Core Processors –
    security issues in some application even if after adopting                    Understanding Desktop Virtualization.
    virtualzation.                                                    3]          White Paper By ALAN MURPHY –
 3) One main important factor I found is that company’s                           Virtualization Defined in Eight Different
    annual income has been increased.                                             Ways.

                                                                                                              769 | P a g e
Mr. Milind Ramesh Kolte / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
                 Vol. 2, Issue5, September- October 2012, pp.764-770
5]    Virtualization and Disaster Recovery by J.
      Peter Bruzzese.
6]    White     Paper:     Business     Value   of
      Virtualization By HP – AI Gillen, Randy
      Perry, Tim Grieser, July – 2008.
7]    White Paper: Desktop Virtualization By
8]    Understanding Microsoft Virtualization
      Solutions by Microsoft [2nd Edition].
9]    Intel Solution White Paper: Server
      Virtualization on Intel Architecture.
10]   Technology Brief: Intel Virtualization
      Technology by Matt Gillespie.

                                                                              770 | P a g e

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  • 1. Mr. Milind Ramesh Kolte / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)ISSN: Vol. 2, Issue5, September- October 2012, pp.764-770 Survey Paper On Different Virtualization TechnologyWith Its Merits And Demerits On Organization Mr. Milind Ramesh Kolte M.Sc. Computer Application (Semester –III) Shree Ramkrishna Instituteof Computer Education & Applied Sciences, Surat-395009.Gujarat, India. Abstract A Virtualized System includes a new layer The application is installed and runs directly on the of software, the virtual machine monitor. The OS, which in turn runs directly on the computer’s VMM's principal role is to arbitrate accesses to hardware. The application’s user interface is the underlying physical host platform's resources presented via a display that’s directly attached to this so that multiple operating systems (which are machine. This simple scenario is familiar to anybody guests of the Virtual Machine Monitor) can share who’s ever used Windows. them. The VMM presents to each guest OS a set of virtual platform interfaces that constitute a virtual machine (VM). Once confined to specialized, proprietary, high-end server and mainframe systems, virtualization is now becoming more broadly available and is supported in off-the-shelf systems based on Intel architecture (IA) hardware. Virtualization technology provides hardware support for processor virtualization, Operating enabling simplifications of virtual machine monitor software. Resulting VMMs can support a System Hardware wider range of legacy and future operating systems while maintaining high performance. Keywords – Virtualization, VMM, Intel Physical Machine Application Architecture, legacy OS Figure – 1: A System without virtualization I. INTRODUCTION Virtualization is one of the hottest trends in But it’s not the only choice. In fact, it’s often information technology today. This is no accident. not the best choice. Rather than locking these various While a variety of technologies fall under the parts together—the operating system to the hardware, virtualization umbrella, all of them are changing the the application to the operating system, and the user IT world in significant ways. interface to the local machine—it’s possible to loosen Virtualization is software technology which the direct reliance these parts have on each other. uses a physical resource such as a server and divides it Doing this means virtualizing aspects of this up into virtual resources called virtual machines environment, something that can be done in various (VM's). Virtualization allows users to consolidate ways. The operating system can be decoupled from physical resources, simplify deployment and the physical hardware it runs on using hardware administration, and reduce power and cooling virtualization, for example, while application requirements. While virtualization technology is most virtualization allows an analogous decoupling popular in the server world, virtualization technology between the operating system and the applications is also being used in data storage such as Storage Area that use it. Similarly, presentation virtualization Networks, and inside of operating systems such as allows separating an application’s user interface from Hyper-V (Hypervisor). the physical machine the application runs on. All of these approaches to virtualization help make the links II. UNDERSTANDING VERTUALIZATION between components less rigid. This lets hardware To understand modern virtualization and software be used in more diverse ways, and it technologies, think first about a system without them. also makes both easier to change. Given that most IT Imagine, for example, an application such as professionals spend most of their time working with Microsoft Word running on a standalone desktop what’s already installed rather than rolling out new computer. deployments, making their world more malleable is a good thing. 764 | P a g e
  • 2. Mr. Milind Ramesh Kolte / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)ISSN: Vol. 2, Issue5, September- October 2012, pp.764-770 Each type of virtualization also brings other benefits Hardware virtualization can be accomplished in specific to the problem it addresses. Understanding various ways, and so Microsoft offers several different what these are requires knowing more about the technologies that address this area. technologies themselves. Accordingly, the next They include the following: sections take a closer look at each one. 1.) Hyper-V (Windows Server 2008) 2.) Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) III. VIRTUALIZATION TECHNOLOGIES 3.) Virtual PC 2007 A. Hardware Virtualization 4.) MS Enterprise Desktop Virtualization For most IT people today, the word (MED-V) ―virtualization‖ conjures up thoughts of running multiple operating systems on a single physical B. Presentation Virtualization machine. This is hardware virtualization, and while Much of the software people use most is it’s not the only important kind of virtualization, it is designed to both run and present its user interface on unquestionably the most visible today. the same machine. The applications in Microsoft The core idea of hardware virtualization is Office are one common example, but there are plenty simple: Use software to create a virtual machine (VM) of others. While accepting this default is fine much of that emulates a physical computer. By providing the time, it’s not without some downside. For multiple VMs at once, this approach allows running example, organizations that manage many desktop several operating systems simultaneously on a single machines must make sure that any sensitive data on physical machine. those desktops is kept secure. They’re also obliged to spend significant amounts of time and money managing the applications resident on those machines. Letting an application execute on a remote server, yet display its user interface locally Operating Operating Presentation virtualization can help. System 1 System 2 .. Hardware Virtualization . Hardware Presentation Applicatio Virtualization Physical Machine n Virtual Machine Operating System Figure – 2: Hardware virtualization Hardware When used on client machines, this approach is often called desktop virtualization, while using it on Figure – 3: Presentationvirtualization server systems is known as server virtualization. This approach allows creating virtual Desktop virtualization can be useful in a variety of sessions, each interacting with a remote desktop situations. One of the most common is to deal with system. The applications executing in those sessions incompatibility between applications and desktop rely on presentation virtualization to project their user operating systems. For example, suppose a user interfaces remotely. Each session might run only a running Windows Vista needs to use an application single application, or it might present its user with a that runs only on Windows XP with Service Pack 2. complete desktop offering multiple applications. In By creating a VM that runs this older operating either case, several virtual sessions can use the same system, then installing the application in that VM, this installed copy of an application. problem can be solved. Running applications on a shared server like Server virtualization also makes restoring this offers several benefits, including the following: failed systems easier. VMs are stored as files, and so 1.) Data can be centralized. restoring a failed system can be as simple as copying 2.) The cost of managing applications can its file onto a new machine. Since VMs can have be significantly reduced. different hardware configurations from the physical 3.) Organizations need no longer worry machine on which they’re running, this approach also about incompatibilities between an allows restoring a failed system onto any available application and a desktop operating machine. There’s no requirement to use a physically system. identical system. 4.) Presentation virtualization can improve performance. 765 | P a g e
  • 3. Mr. Milind Ramesh Kolte / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)ISSN: Vol. 2, Issue5, September- October 2012, pp.764-770 Microsoft’s presentation virtualization technology is Windows Terminal Services. First released for Application Logic Windows NT 4, it’s now a standard part of Windows Application Virtualization Server 2008. Terminal Services lets an ordinary Windows desktop application run on a shared server machine yet present its user interface on a remote system, such as a desktop computer or thin client. While remote interfaces haven’t always been viewed through the lens of virtualization, this perspective can Operating System provide a useful way to think about this widely used technology. Hardware C. Application Virtualization Virtualization provides an abstracted view of Figure – 4: Applicationvirtualization some computing resource. Rather than run directly on Application virtualization makes deployment a physical computer, for example, hardware significantly easier. Since applications no longer virtualization lets an operating system run on a compete for DLL versions or other shared aspects of software abstraction of a machine. Similarly, their environment, there’s no need to test new presentation virtualization lets an application’s user applications for conflicts with existing applications interface be abstracted to a remote device. In both before they’re rolled out. And as Figure 4 suggests, cases, virtualization loosens an otherwise tight bond these virtual applications can run alongside ordinary between components. applications—not everything needs to be virtualized. Another bond that can benefit from more abstraction is the connection between an application D. Other VirtualizationTechnology and the operating system it runs on. Every application This overview looks at three kinds of depends on its operating system for a range of virtualization: hardware, presentation, and application. services, including memory allocation, device drivers, Similar kinds of abstraction are also used in other and much more. Incompatibilities between an contexts, however. Among the most important are, application and its operating system can be addressed 1.) Memory Virtualization by either hardware virtualization or presentation  The term memory virtualization decouples virtualization, as described earlier. But what about volatile random access memory (RAM) resources incompatibilities between two applications installed from individual systems in the data center, and on the same instance of an operating system? then aggregates those resources into a virtualized Applications commonly share various things with memory pool available to any computer in the other applications on their system, yet this sharing can cluster. The memory pool is accessed by the be problematic. For example, one application might operating system or applications running on top require a specific version of a dynamic link library of the operating system. The distributed memory (DLL) to function, while another application on that pool can then be utilized as a high-speed cache, a system might require a different version of the same messaging layer, or a large, shared memory DLL. Installing both applications leads to what’s resource for a CPU or a GPU application. commonly known as DLL hell, where one of them  Memory virtualization allows networked, and overwrites the version required by the other. To avoid therefore distributed, servers to share a pool of this, organizations often perform extensive testing memory to overcome physical memory before installing a new application, an approach that’s limitations, a common bottleneck in software workable but time-consuming and expensive. performance. Application virtualization solves this 2.) Network Virtualization problem by creating application-specific copies of all  The term network virtualization is used to shared resources, as Figure 4 illustrates. The describe a number of different things. Perhaps problematic things an application might share with the most common is the idea of a virtual private other applications on its system—registry entries, network (VPN). VPNs abstract the notion of a specific DLLs, and more—are instead packaged with network connection, allowing a remote user to it, creating a virtual application. When a virtual access an organization’s internal network just as application is deployed, it uses its own copy of these if she were physically attached to that network. shared resources. VPNs are a widely implemented idea, and they can use various technologies. In the Microsoft world, the primary VPN technologies today are Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2006 and Internet Application Gateway 2007. 766 | P a g e
  • 4. Mr. Milind Ramesh Kolte / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)ISSN: Vol. 2, Issue5, September- October 2012, pp.764-770 3.) Storage Virtualization  The term storage virtualization is also used quite  Development and Testing Environments :- broadly. In a general sense, it means providing a By usingvirtualization, a developer or tester logical, abstracted view of physical storage can replicate a distributed environment containing devices, and so anything other than a locally several systems on a single piece of hardware. This attached disk drive might be viewed in this light. negates having a bunch of servers sitting around for  A simple example is folder redirection in the occasional use of developers or testers. Windows, which lets the information in a folder Virtualization is also useful in test and development be stored on any network-accessible drive. Much environments in another way. One of the side effects more powerful (and more complex) approaches of exercising software is that early versions often also fit into this category, including storage area crash and damage not only the application, but also networks (SANs) and others. However it’s done, the underlying operating system as well as other the benefits of storage virtualization are applications in the software stack. To recover, it’s analogous to those of every other kind of necessary to reinstall all the software. Again, this is virtualization: more abstraction and less direct areal drag on productivity. coupling between components.  Quality of Service :- 4.) Database Virtualization IT organizations must focus on the quality  Database virtualization is the decoupling of the of service they deliver — how well they keep database layer, which lies between the storage software infrastructures available and performing and application layers within the application well. stack. Virtualization at the database layer allows Fortunately, virtualization, when properly hardware resources to be extended to allow for managed, can help improve quality of service because better sharing resources between applications and it removes hardware dependence. By virtualizing users, masking of the physical location and systems, it is possible to quickly respond to failures configuration of a database from querying of all types: hardware, network, even virtualization programs, as well as enable more scalable software itself. It can also be used to pre-emptively computing. avoid failure by moving workloads off a system that A. Virtual Data Partitioning is showing signs of problems (memory, disk, and so B. Horizontal Data Partitioning on). Given the demands on IT organizations to  Advantages :- continuously improve their operations in order to C. Added flexibility and agility for existing achieve business goals, it’s incumbent upon them to computing infrastructure. explore how virtualization can help improve quality D. Enhanced database performance. of service. E. Pooling and sharing computing resources. Companies run many applications that they F. Simplification of administration and consider mission critical, which is a fancy term management. meaning that the company relies on these applications G. Increased fault tolerance. for a fundamental part of their business. IV. UNDERSTANDING VIRTUALIZATION USE CASES  Simple Failover :- Virtualization is useful in a number of The hypervisor (Hyper – V) is constantly scenarios. They range from simple and monitoring each virtual machine’s status, so it’s straightforward to complex and transformational. relatively straightforward to configure it to start a Understanding how you want to use virtualization is new instance of a virtual machine should it notice a critical; because that will dictate which virtualization previously running virtual machine is no longer solution is most appropriate for you. This chapter present. Because all the hypervisor has to do is start a goes over some of the main uses of virtualization. new virtual machine based on the VM’s image, the outage duration of a virtual machine may be mere  Server Consolidation :- seconds. Obviously, this is a huge improvement over The first application of virtualization is the minutes to days durations typical of non- usually server consolidation. In fact, server virtualized system restores. consolidation is what most people think of when they consider virtualization. Server consolidation refers to  High Availability :- taking separate server instances and migrating them High availability (HA) extends the concept into virtual machines running on a single server. To of simple failover to incorporate an additional be technically correct, consolidation is also the act of hardware server. Instead of crashed virtual machine taking a number of separate servers and migrating being started on the same piece of hardware, it is them onto fewer servers, with multiple virtual started on a different server, thereby avoiding the machines running on each server. 767 | P a g e
  • 5. Mr. Milind Ramesh Kolte / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)ISSN: Vol. 2, Issue5, September- October 2012, pp.764-770 problem of a hardware-precluding virtualization Again, efficiency in operation is vital for failover. replication — just because the data is being moved to HA provides an extra layer of failover storage location doesn’t mean that keeping the data protection at the cost of additional virtualization flowing efficiently isn’t important. software complexity Smart replication software keeps up-to-the- minute changes flowing to the central location,  Clustering :- thereby ensuring that an IT organization can quickly Clustering is designed to ensure that no data locate data assets and use them to rebuild a failed is lost in the event of a software or hardware failure. system. Clustering has typically been offered by application vendors as an add-on to their base product, with some V. RETHINKINGVIRTUALIZATION IN BUSINESS attendant drawbacks like extra expense, redundant TERMS solutions, and infrastructure complexity. [ INTEL VERTUALIZATION TECHNOLOGY BRIEF ] Part of the extra expense reflects the fact  Realizing the general value of the virtualized that you need extra hardware standing by, with the operating model, Intel addressed virtualization at mirrored system on standby, ready to take over the foundation - the chip level - where they could should the primary system fail. You don’t need to be simultaneously eliminate the need for a genius to recognize that buying a second set of modifications to the hosted operating systems hardware makes clustering significantly more and provide better performance. The resulting expensive. However, if you’ve got millions of U.S. Intel® Virtualization Technology (Intel® VT) dollars’ worth of transactions occurring on your not only provides a consistent approach, but also system, keeping a redundant server ready may be a opens the door for wider use of virtualization worthwhile investment. And techniques exist that can concepts such as Real-Time System. allow you to run other work on the stand-by server  In simple terms, Intel VT adds new instructions, until it is needed. registers and interrupts management that can be used by VMM software to manage virtual  Data Mirroring :- environments. These new capabilities can be All of the qualities of service mechanisms used to create a VMM that requires no changes we’ve discussed thus far address how to keep virtual to the hosted operating systems. Consequently, machines up and running. But what about data? After legacy systems are well supported and the VMM all, applications inside virtual machines are useless is not dependent on operating system version, without data — so clearly it’s important to ensure update or patches. data availability as part of an overall quality of  End users begin to realize the benefits from Intel service strategy. VT after the suppliers of virtualization software One way of keeping data available is to modify their products to use the new capabilities. mirror it. As the name implies, mirroring data means Intel has involved the virtualization community that data in one place is reflected to another, ensuring in the specification and development that they are exact copies of oneanother.  Process and work is underway to utilize Intel VT Mirroring enables real-time consistency in commercial products. For example, Microsoft between two data stores. This makes it possible to has committed to ongoing support of Intel VT in immediately shift between one system and another by Windows Servers, and the open source VMM, attaching the second system to the mirrored data. Xen 3.0, supports Intel VT. Mirroring achieves this real-time  Intel VT becomes especially attractive when consistency by feeding a constant stream of data considered in concert with Intel's Dual-Core changes — whether additions, updates, or deletions technology to provide enhanced performance and — from one location to another. concurrency of multiple environments to enhance real-time capabilities. Further advances such as  Data Replication :- Quad-Core will provide additional capabilities. Data replication is a second service oriented toward improving data quality of service. Unlike The Hardware Virtualization Advantage:- mirroring, which focuses on keeping copies of data  Intel Virtualization Technology provides silicon consistent in real-time, replication addresses the need based functionality that works together with to keep complete copies of data available so that they compatible VMM software to improve upon can be used for system rebuild purposes. software-only solutions. Because this Replicationis typically accomplished by virtualization hardware provides a new sending copies of data to a centralized storage architecture upon which the operating system location, enabling an organization to be certain that it runs directly, it removes the binary translation. has copies of critical data security stored in case of a Thus it eliminates associated performance need to recover some specific data assets. overhead and vastly simplifies the design of the 768 | P a g e
  • 6. Mr. Milind Ramesh Kolte / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)ISSN: Vol. 2, Issue5, September- October 2012, pp.764-770 VMM, in turn allowing VMMs to be written to 100% common standards and to be more robust. R a ti o  The advantage of increase supportability of the 80% overall virtual machine solution.VMMs running 60% under the Intel Virtualization Technology can be 40% Performance fully validated on the hardware, including certification that they execute directly using the 20% Security architecture’s full instruction set.  Intel Virtualization Technology will provide the 0% Benefit basis for a rich ecosystem of virtualization solutions that encompass both server and desktop environments. VI. BUSINESS SURVEY  Microsoft, Cisco, Oracle, EMC2 are market- Figure – 5: Result leading innovative companies has adopted the virtualization technology by enabling the VII. PITFALLS TO AVOID application as virtual applications hosted in  In some cases it doesn’t wait any type of virtual machines are secured across the network protection. with heightened security, availability, and  Don’t skimp on training. performance.  Don’t expose for legal issues.  There are no anymore security issues after  Don’t imagine that virtualization is ―Static‖. adopting the pull of virtualization.  Don’t skip the ―Boring stuff‖. It’s an overhead  I highlighted some related survey in below table for cloud infrastructure. based upon the company and its product and the  Don’t Overlook the Organization. nature of effect.  Don’t Overlook the Hardware.  Don’t Overlook the Service Management. Most Valuable Leading Company  Be Prepared for Even More Virtualization in Compan Product Performanc Securit Increase Future. y e y d Status Issues Benefit VIII. CONCLUSION [In %] The pull of Virtualization is strong – the SharePoint +++ Yes 70% economics are too attractive to resist. And for most Microsof SQL Server +++ None 50% organizations, there’s no reason to fight against this t Azure ++ None up to pull. Well-managed virtualization technologies can 90% make their world better. UCS Virtualization technologies provide several Cisco [Unified +++ None up to important features that make it a powerful tool to use Computing 73% in a wide range of applications. These include but are System] not limited to server consolidation, application Oracle sandboxing, access to varieties of hardware and Oracle [Database / operating systems, testing, simple system Web logic +++ Yes 40% administration and quality of service. All these applications features have made this technology extremely popular ] in academia and industry. A closer look reveals that Storage although most of them have an operating EMC2 Application +++ None 60% environment similar to the end-user, they vary greatly Software in their architecture design, implementation and the 1) In above table I used the +++ strategy for its high better level of abstraction at which they operate. performance after adopting virtualization. And similarly (++) for better but not so much as compared to (+++) REFERENCE strategy. 1] White Paper: Virtualization Overview from 2) There are basically no security issues in adopting VMware. virtualization technolgy but in some of the criteria I found 2] White Paper: Intel Core Processors – security issues in some application even if after adopting Understanding Desktop Virtualization. virtualzation. 3] White Paper By ALAN MURPHY – 3) One main important factor I found is that company’s Virtualization Defined in Eight Different annual income has been increased. Ways. 4] 769 | P a g e
  • 7. Mr. Milind Ramesh Kolte / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)ISSN: Vol. 2, Issue5, September- October 2012, pp.764-770 5] Virtualization and Disaster Recovery by J. Peter Bruzzese. 6] White Paper: Business Value of Virtualization By HP – AI Gillen, Randy Perry, Tim Grieser, July – 2008. 7] White Paper: Desktop Virtualization By NComputing 8] Understanding Microsoft Virtualization Solutions by Microsoft [2nd Edition]. 9] Intel Solution White Paper: Server Virtualization on Intel Architecture. 10] Technology Brief: Intel Virtualization Technology by Matt Gillespie. 11] 12] c/pdf/ARC-Intel-Virtualization-v1.pdf 770 | P a g e