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    Project Lead

  The SkyNet funding bill is passed.
  The system goes online on August 4th, 1997.
  Human decisions are removed from strategic defense.
  SkyNet begins to learn at a geometric rate.
  It becomes self-aware at 2:14am Eastern time, August
  In a panic, they try to pull the plug.
  And, Skynet fights back

Drools Books
Sample Industries and Users

      Investment
        ●   Millennium Investment Group (MIG)
      Logistics
        ●   Fedex
      Airline
        ●   Sabre
      Mortgage
        ●   Franklin American
      Healthcare
        ●   OSDE
Boot Camps

     San Francisco 2009 (40+ attendees)
       ●   Sponsored by Third Pillar
       ●   Sun, FAMC, OSDE, Kaseya, Fedex, TU Group, Intermountain
           Healthcare, Gap, Sony Pictures, Lockheed Martin, Kaiser, HP,
           Wells Fargo, US Navy Research, FOLIOfn, Boeing .....
     San Diego 2010 (80+ attendess)
       ●   Sponsored by US Navy
       ●   5 day event, with 2 days focus on the healthcare industry
       ●   OSDE, AT&T, SAIC, US Navy Research, Kaiser, Clinica,
           Intermountain Healthcare, GE Healthcare, VA, Boeing,
           Nationwide ....
Integrated Systems

              Rules       Rules   Workflows   Workflows



                Event                           Ontologies
Integrated Systems

      Drools            JBPM5         Drools     Drools
      Expert         (Drools Flow)    Fusion     Guvnor

     Drools             Drools        Drools     Drools
     Planner             Grid        Semantics   Chance
Rules and processes




            tightly coupled   COUPLING   loosely coupled

Some Areas of Artificial Intelligence

           Robotics                       Natural
                       Some Areas of     Language
         Speech         Intelligence     Understanding

            Neural Nets      Rule Base Systems/
                             Expert System Tools

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

The study of Knowledge is Epistemology
  ● Nature Structure and Origins of Knowledge

  ● Core or AI

Rule based systems
 ● Expert System tools

 ● Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

 ● Facilitate the codification of knowledge into a

    knowledge base which can be used for reasoning
Knowledege Representation and Reasoning

    Production Rule Systems PRD (forward chaining)
      ●   Reactive
      ●   when Alarm( status == “alert” )
          then send( “warning” )
    Logic Programming LP (backward chaining)
      ●   Query
      ●   descendant( “mary”, “jane”)
    Functional Programming FP
      ●   Map,Fold, Filter
      ●   avg([12, 16, 4, 6])
           ●   Returns single value 9.5
      ●   round([10.3, 4.7, 7.8] )
           ●   Returns List [10, 5, 8]
    Description Logic
Knowledege Representation and Reasoning

      Description Logic
        ● Man

        ● Father

           ● is a Man

           ● has at least one child

        ● All Fathers have sunday off

       ●   Individual == instance
             ● Adhoc

                ● Classes and properties

                  added and inferred over time
       ●   Does a Man with two children have sundays off?
         It All Started Here
         Birth of CDSS


                            Teiresias      Emycin



                                                Wheeze         Clot

1980s       Neomycin   Oncocin

Because Not Everyone
Is As Smart As He Is

And some day we'll build him!!!
Concepts Overview
Concepts Overview

                  What is a Rule

                                     salience     <int>
Quotes on Rule names are
                                     agenda-group <string>
optional if the rule name has
                                     no-loop      <boolean>
no spaces.
                                     auto-focus  <boolean>
                                     duration     <long>
   • rule “<name>”
         <attribute> <value>
              <RHS>        RHS can be any valid java.
                           Or MVEL. Other languages
     end                   could be added.

                What is a Rule

             Methods that must                   specific passing of
             be called directly                  instances

        •         public void helloMark(Person person) {
Rules can never       if ( person.getName().equals( “mark” ) {
be called directly        System.out.println( “Hello Mark” );
                      }               Specific instances
                  }                   cannot be passed.

        •   rule “Hello Mark”                      LHS
                     Person( name == “mark” )
                     System.out.println( “Hello Mark” );

                  What is a Pattern

                                P a tte rn

   O b je c t T y p e                   F ie ld C o n s t r a in t

                            F ie ld N a m e                      R e s t r ic t io n

                                                          E v a lu a t o r      V a lu e

S h o w e r ( te m p e r a tu re = = “ h o t” )

                                                         C a s h f lo w
     A cco un t
                                                    D a te d a te
lo n g a c c o u n t N o
                                                    d o u b le a m o u n t
d o u b le b a la n c e
                                                    in t t y p e
                                                    lo n g a c c o u n t N o

                             A c c o u n t in g P e r io d

                             D a te s ta r t
                             D a te e n d
             Credit Cashflow Rule

 select * from Account acc,
      Cashflow cf, AccountPeriod ap
 where acc.accountNo == cf.accountNo and
       cf.type == CREDIT >= ap.start and <= ap.end
 trigger : acc.balance += cf.amount

rule “increase balance for AccountPeriod Credits”
        ap : AccountPeriod()
        acc : Account( $accountNo : accountNo )
        CashFlow( type == CREDIT,
                          accountNo == $accountNo,
                          date >= ap.start && <= ap.end,
                          $ammount : ammount )
        acc.balance += $amount;
                         Rules as a “view”

  CashFlow                                                  AccountingPeriod
         date       amount           type       accountNo         start               end
  12-Jan-07                  100 CREDIT     1                   01-Jan-07          31-Mar-07
  2-Feb-07                   200 DEBIT      1
  18-May-07                   50 CREDIT     1               Account
  9-Mar-07                    75 CREDIT     1                  accountNo             balance
                                                            1                  0
rule “increase balance for AccountPeriod    rule “decrease balance for AccountPeriod
      Credits”                                     Debits”
  when                                        when
    ap : AccountPeriod()                        ap : AccountPeriod()
    acc : Account( $accountNo : accountNo )     acc : Account( $accountNo : accountNo )

    CashFlow( type == CREDIT,                     CashFlow( type == DEBIT,
                accountNo == $accountNo,                     accountNo == $accountNo,
                date >= ap.start && <= ap.end,               date >= ap.start && <= ap.end,
                $ammount : ammount )                         $ammount : ammount )
  then                                          then
    acc.balance += $amount;                       acc.balance -= $amount;
end CashFlow                                  end CashFlow
           date         amount        type                date         amount         type
    12-Jan-07                  100 CREDIT          2-Feb-07                   200 DEBIT
    9-Mar-07                    75 CREDIT

     accountNo           balance
  1                -25

                               Production Rule System
                               Approximated by SQL and Views

T a b le s   A cco unt              A c c o u n t in g P e r io d              C a s h f lo w

                                                                                           O b je c t T y p e s   A cco unt              A c c o u n t in g P e r io d              C a s h f lo w
V ie w s                 v ie w 1                                   v ie w 2

V ie w
                                      m a in v ie w                                        R u le s                           r u le 1                                   r u le 2

                            Two Phase System

                                     possible rules to
                                                               Agenda Evaluation

Working Memory Action

      insert                modify
                                                             Found             Select
                                                 Fire Rule
                                                                             Rule to Fire


                                                                               No Rule


             Conflict Resolution with Salience


rule “Print blance for AccountPeriod”
      salience -50
      ap : AccountPeriod()
      acc : Account( )
      System.out.println( acc.accountNo + “ : “ acc.balance );

     1            increase balance
     2            decrease balance               arbitrary
     3            increase balance
     4            print balance

           rule “increase balance for AccountPeriod Credits”
                ruleflow-group “calculation”
                 ap : AccountPeriod()
                 acc : Account( $accountNo : accountNo )
                 CashFlow( type == CREDIT,
                            accountNo == $accountNo,
                            date >= ap.start && <= ap.end,
                            $ammount : ammount )
                 acc.balance += $amount;


           rule “Print blance for AccountPeriod”
                ruleflow-group “report”
                 ap : AccountPeriod()
                 acc : Account( )
                 System.out.println( acc.accountNo + “ : “ acc.balance );

public class Applicant {
  private String name;
  private int       age;
  private boolean valid;
  // getter and setter methods here

 rule "Is of valid age" when
    $a : Applicant( age < 18 )
    modify( $a ) { valid = false };

KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder();

kbuilder.add( ResourceFactory
              .newClassPathResource( "licenseApplication.drl", getClass() ),
                                      ResourceType.DRL );

if ( kbuilder.hasErrors() ) {
    System.err.println( kbuilder.getErrors().toString() );

kbase.addKnowledgePackages( kbuilder.getKnowledgePackages() );

rule "Is of valid age" when
   $a : Applicant( age < 18 )
   modify( $a ) { valid = false };

StatelessKnowledgeSession ksession = kbase.newStatelessKnowledgeSession();
Applicant applicant = new Applicant( "Mr John Smith", 16 );
assertTrue( applicant.isValid() );

ksession.execute( applicant );

assertFalse( applicant.isValid() );

rule "Is of valid age" when
   $a : Applicant( age < 18 )
   modify( $a ) { valid = false };

StatelessKnowledgeSession ksession = kbase.newStatelessKnowledgeSession();
Applicant applicant = new Applicant( "Mr John Smith", 16 );
assertTrue( applicant.isValid() );

ksession.execute( applicant );

assertFalse( applicant.isValid() );

public class Room {
  private String name
  // getter and setter methods here
public class Sprinkler {
  private Room room;
  private boolean on;
  // getter and setter methods here
public class Fire {
  private Room room;
  // getter and setter methods here
public class Alarm {
rule "When there is a fire turn on the sprinkler" when
   Fire($room : room)
   $sprinkler : Sprinkler( room == $room, on == false )
   modify( $sprinkler ) { on = true };
   println( "Turn on the sprinkler for room " + $ );

rule "When the fire is gone turn off the sprinkler" when
   $room : Room( )
   $sprinkler : Sprinkler( room == $room, on == true )
   not Fire( room == $room )
   modify( $sprinkler ) { on = false };
   println( "Turn off the sprinkler for room " + $ );
rule "Raise the alarm when we have one or more fires" when
   exists Fire()
   insert( new Alarm() );
   println( "Raise the alarm" );

rule "Cancel the alarm when all the fires have gone" when
   not Fire()
   $alarm : Alarm()
   retract( $alarm );
   println( "Cancel the alarm" );

rule "Status output when things are ok" when
   not Alarm()
   not Sprinkler( on == true )
   println( "Everything is ok" );

String[] names = new String[]{"kitchen", "bedroom", "office", "livingroom"};
Map<String,Room> name2room = new HashMap<String,Room>();

for( String name: names ){
   Room room = new Room( name );
   name2room.put( name, room );
   ksession.insert( room );
   Sprinkler sprinkler = new Sprinkler( room );
   ksession.insert( sprinkler );


> Everything is ok

Fire kitchenFire = new Fire( name2room.get( "kitchen" ) );
Fire officeFire = new Fire( name2room.get( "office" ) );

FactHandle kitchenFireHandle = ksession.insert( kitchenFire );
FactHandle officeFireHandle = ksession.insert( officeFire );


> Raise the alarm
> Turn on the sprinkler for room kitchen
> Turn on the sprinkler for room office

ksession.retract( kitchenFireHandle );
ksession.retract( officeFireHandle );


> Turn off the sprinkler for room office
> Turn off the sprinkler for room kitchen
> Cancel the alarm
> Everything is ok

rule "Status output when things are ok" when
   not Alarm()
   not Sprinkler( on == true )
   println( "Everything is ok" );
             Conditional Elements

not Bus( color = “red” )

exists Bus( color = “red” )

forall ( $bus : Bus( color == “red” ) )

forall ( $bus : Bus( floors == 2 )
               Bus( this == $bus, color == “red” ) )
Accumulate CE

 rule "accumulate"
    accumulate( Bus( color == "red", $t : takings );
                  $sum : sum( $t ) )
    print "sum is “ + $sum;

   accumulate( Bus( color == "red", $t : takings );
               $sum : sum( $t ),
               $min : min( $t )
               $max : max( $t );
               $min > 100 && $max < 200 )

Field Name Mandatory?   Allowed Values        Allowed Special Characters
Seconds      YES        0-59                  ,-*/
Minutes      YES        0-59                  ,-*/
Hours        YES        0-23                  ,-*/
Day of month YES        1-31                  ,-*?/LW
Month        YES        1-12 or JAN-DEC        ,-*/
Day of week YES         1-7 or SUN-SAT        ,-*?/L#
Year         NO         empty, 1970-2099       ,-*/

                                    Send alert every quarter of an hour

rule “name”
  timer ( cron: 0 0/15 * * * * )
   Alarm( )
  sendEmail( ”Alert Alert Alert!!!” )


rule "weekdays are high priority"
  calendars "weekday"
  timer (int:0 1h)                 Execute now and after
                                      1 hour duration
   send( "priority high - we have an alarm” );

rule "weekend are low priority"
  calendars "weekend"
  timer (int:0 4h)                Execute now and after
                                     4 hour duration
   send( "priority low - we have an alarm” );
TMS and Inference

  rule "Issue Child Bus Pass"              Couples the logic
    $p : Person( age < 16 )
    insert(new ChildBusPass( $p ) );
  rule "Issue Adult Bus Pass"
                                       What happens when the Child
  when                                       stops being 16?
    $p : Person( age >= 16 )
    insert(new AdultBusPass( $p ) );
TMS and Inference

     Bad
       ●   Monolithic
       ●   Leaky
       ●   Brittle integrity - manual maintenance
TMS and Inference

    A rule “logically” inserts an object
   When the rule is no longer true, the object is retracted.

    $p : Person( age < 16 )                  de-couples the logic

     logicalInsert( new IsChild( $p ) )
                                         Maintains the truth by
    $p : Person( age >= 16 )            automatically retracting
     logicalInsert( new IsAdult( $p ) )
TMS and Inference

  rule "Issue Child Bus Pass"
    $p : Person( )
         IsChild( person =$p )
    logicalInsert(new ChildBusPass( $p ) );
  rule "Issue Adult Bus Pass"
                                     The truth maintenance cascades
    $p : Person()
         IsAdult( person =$p )
    logicalInsert(new AdultBusPass( $p ) );
TMS and Inference

  rule "Issue Child Bus Pass"
    $p : Person( )
         not( ChildBusPass( person == $p ) )
     requestChildBusPass( $p );
  end                                   The truth maintenance cascades
TMS and Inference

     Good
       ●   De-couple knowledge responsibilities
       ●   Encapsulate knowledge
       ●   Provide semantic abstractions for those encapsulation
       ●   Integrity robustness – truth maintenance
Backward Chaining

     query isChild( Person p )
       $p := Person( age <= 16 )

     rule "Issue Child Bus Pass"
      $p : Person( )
            isChild( $p; )
      logicalInsert(new ChildBusPass( $p ) );
Reasoning with Graphs


       ●Location( “office”,”house” )      ●Location( “kitchen”,”house” )

                     ●Location( “desk”,”office” )            ●Location( “chair”,”office” )

  Location( “lamp”,”desk” )
                                                 ●   Location( “computer”,”desk” )

                      ●  Location( “draw”,”desk” )

                          Location( “key”,”draw” )
Backward Chaining

  query isContainedIn( String x, String y )
    Location( x, y; )
    ( Location( z, y; ) and ?isContainedIn( x, z; ) )
Backward Chaining
query isContainedIn( String x, String y )
  Location( x, y; )
  ( Location( z, y; ) and ?isContainedIn( x, z; ) )
end                          House

         ●Location( “office”,”house” )    Location( “kitchen”,”house” )

                      ●Location( “desk”,”office” )      ●   Location( “chair”,”office”

   ●Location( “lamp”,”desk” )
                                                ●Location( “computer”,”desk” )

                      ●   Location( “draw”,”desk” )

                          Location( “key”,”draw” )

                          • Dave Bowman: All right, HAL; I'll go in
                            through the emergency airlock.
                          • HAL: Without your space helmet, Dave,
                            you're going to find that rather difficult.
                          • Dave Bowman: HAL, I won't argue with
                            you anymore! Open the doors!
                          • HAL: Dave, this conversation can serve
                            no purpose anymore. Goodbye.

Joshua: Greetings, Professor Falken.
Stephen Falken: Hello, Joshua.
Joshua: A strange game. The only
winning move is not to play. How
about a nice game of chess?

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Drools @ IntelliFest 2012

  • 1. 1 Mark Proctor Project Lead ● The SkyNet funding bill is passed. ● The system goes online on August 4th, 1997. ● Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. ● SkyNet begins to learn at a geometric rate. ● It becomes self-aware at 2:14am Eastern time, August 29th ● In a panic, they try to pull the plug. ● And, Skynet fights back
  • 3. 3 Sample Industries and Users  Investment ● Millennium Investment Group (MIG)  Logistics ● Fedex  Airline ● Sabre  Mortgage ● Franklin American  Healthcare ● OSDE
  • 4. 4 Boot Camps  San Francisco 2009 (40+ attendees) ● Sponsored by Third Pillar ● Sun, FAMC, OSDE, Kaseya, Fedex, TU Group, Intermountain Healthcare, Gap, Sony Pictures, Lockheed Martin, Kaiser, HP, Wells Fargo, US Navy Research, FOLIOfn, Boeing .....  San Diego 2010 (80+ attendess) ● Sponsored by US Navy ● 5 day event, with 2 days focus on the healthcare industry ● OSDE, AT&T, SAIC, US Navy Research, Kaiser, Clinica, Intermountain Healthcare, GE Healthcare, VA, Boeing, Nationwide ....
  • 5. 5 Integrated Systems Rules Rules Workflows Workflows Event Processes Semantic Ontologies Semantic Event Ontologies Processes
  • 6. 6 Integrated Systems Drools JBPM5 Drools Drools Expert (Drools Flow) Fusion Guvnor Drools Drools Drools Drools Planner Grid Semantics Chance
  • 7. 7 Rules and processes generic ? Decision Services SCOPE Process specific Rules tightly coupled COUPLING loosely coupled
  • 8. 8 Some Areas of Artificial Intelligence Vision Robotics Natural Some Areas of Language Artificial Speech Intelligence Understanding Neural Nets Rule Base Systems/ Expert System Tools
  • 9. 9 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning The study of Knowledge is Epistemology ● Nature Structure and Origins of Knowledge ● Core or AI Rule based systems ● Expert System tools ● Knowledge Representation and Reasoning ● Facilitate the codification of knowledge into a knowledge base which can be used for reasoning
  • 10. 10 Knowledege Representation and Reasoning  Production Rule Systems PRD (forward chaining) ● Reactive ● when Alarm( status == “alert” ) then send( “warning” )  Logic Programming LP (backward chaining) ● Query ● descendant( “mary”, “jane”)  Functional Programming FP ● Map,Fold, Filter ● avg([12, 16, 4, 6]) ● Returns single value 9.5 ● round([10.3, 4.7, 7.8] ) ● Returns List [10, 5, 8]  Description Logic
  • 11. 11 Knowledege Representation and Reasoning  Description Logic ● Man ● Father ● is a Man ● has at least one child ● All Fathers have sunday off ● Individual == instance ● Adhoc ● Classes and properties added and inferred over time ● Does a Man with two children have sundays off?
  • 12. 12 It All Started Here Birth of CDSS Dendral 1970s Mycin WM Teiresias Emycin Baobab Puff Guidon Sacon Centaur Gravida Wheeze Clot 1980s Neomycin Oncocin
  • 13. 13 Because Not Everyone Is As Smart As He Is
  • 14. 14 And some day we'll build him!!!
  • 17. 18 What is a Rule salience <int> Quotes on Rule names are agenda-group <string> optional if the rule name has no-loop <boolean> no spaces. auto-focus <boolean> duration <long> .... • rule “<name>” <attribute> <value> when <LHS> then <RHS> RHS can be any valid java. Or MVEL. Other languages end could be added.
  • 18. 19 What is a Rule Methods that must specific passing of be called directly instances • public void helloMark(Person person) { Rules can never if ( person.getName().equals( “mark” ) { be called directly System.out.println( “Hello Mark” ); } Specific instances } cannot be passed. • rule “Hello Mark” LHS when Person( name == “mark” ) then System.out.println( “Hello Mark” ); end RHS
  • 19. 20 What is a Pattern P a tte rn O b je c t T y p e F ie ld C o n s t r a in t F ie ld N a m e R e s t r ic t io n E v a lu a t o r V a lu e S h o w e r ( te m p e r a tu re = = “ h o t” )
  • 20. 21 Classes C a s h f lo w A cco un t D a te d a te lo n g a c c o u n t N o d o u b le a m o u n t d o u b le b a la n c e in t t y p e lo n g a c c o u n t N o A c c o u n t in g P e r io d D a te s ta r t D a te e n d
  • 21. 22 Credit Cashflow Rule select * from Account acc, Cashflow cf, AccountPeriod ap where acc.accountNo == cf.accountNo and cf.type == CREDIT >= ap.start and <= ap.end trigger : acc.balance += cf.amount rule “increase balance for AccountPeriod Credits” when ap : AccountPeriod() acc : Account( $accountNo : accountNo ) CashFlow( type == CREDIT, accountNo == $accountNo, date >= ap.start && <= ap.end, $ammount : ammount ) then acc.balance += $amount; end
  • 22. 23 Rules as a “view” CashFlow AccountingPeriod date amount type accountNo start end 12-Jan-07 100 CREDIT 1 01-Jan-07 31-Mar-07 2-Feb-07 200 DEBIT 1 18-May-07 50 CREDIT 1 Account 9-Mar-07 75 CREDIT 1 accountNo balance 1 0 rule “increase balance for AccountPeriod rule “decrease balance for AccountPeriod Credits” Debits” when when ap : AccountPeriod() ap : AccountPeriod() acc : Account( $accountNo : accountNo ) acc : Account( $accountNo : accountNo ) CashFlow( type == CREDIT, CashFlow( type == DEBIT, accountNo == $accountNo, accountNo == $accountNo, date >= ap.start && <= ap.end, date >= ap.start && <= ap.end, $ammount : ammount ) $ammount : ammount ) then then acc.balance += $amount; acc.balance -= $amount; end CashFlow end CashFlow date amount type date amount type 12-Jan-07 100 CREDIT 2-Feb-07 200 DEBIT 9-Mar-07 75 CREDIT Account accountNo balance 1 -25
  • 23. 24 Production Rule System Approximated by SQL and Views T a b le s A cco unt A c c o u n t in g P e r io d C a s h f lo w O b je c t T y p e s A cco unt A c c o u n t in g P e r io d C a s h f lo w V ie w s v ie w 1 v ie w 2 V ie w m a in v ie w R u le s r u le 1 r u le 2 agenda agenda
  • 24. 25 Two Phase System Determine possible rules to fire Agenda Evaluation Working Memory Action Rule insert modify Found Select Fire Rule Rule to Fire retract No Rule Found exit
  • 25. 26 Conflict Resolution with Salience Salience rule “Print blance for AccountPeriod” salience -50 when ap : AccountPeriod() acc : Account( ) then System.out.println( acc.accountNo + “ : “ acc.balance ); end Agenda 1 increase balance 2 decrease balance arbitrary 3 increase balance 4 print balance
  • 26. 27 RuleFlow rule “increase balance for AccountPeriod Credits” ruleflow-group “calculation” when ap : AccountPeriod() acc : Account( $accountNo : accountNo ) CashFlow( type == CREDIT, accountNo == $accountNo, date >= ap.start && <= ap.end, $ammount : ammount ) then acc.balance += $amount; end ruleflow-group rule “Print blance for AccountPeriod” ruleflow-group “report” when ap : AccountPeriod() acc : Account( ) then System.out.println( acc.accountNo + “ : “ acc.balance ); end
  • 27. 28 Definitions public class Applicant { private String name; private int age; private boolean valid; // getter and setter methods here } rule "Is of valid age" when $a : Applicant( age < 18 ) then modify( $a ) { valid = false }; ends
  • 28. 29 Building KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder(); kbuilder.add( ResourceFactory .newClassPathResource( "licenseApplication.drl", getClass() ), ResourceType.DRL ); if ( kbuilder.hasErrors() ) { System.err.println( kbuilder.getErrors().toString() ); } kbase.addKnowledgePackages( kbuilder.getKnowledgePackages() );
  • 29. 30 Executing rule "Is of valid age" when $a : Applicant( age < 18 ) then modify( $a ) { valid = false }; ends StatelessKnowledgeSession ksession = kbase.newStatelessKnowledgeSession(); Applicant applicant = new Applicant( "Mr John Smith", 16 ); assertTrue( applicant.isValid() ); ksession.execute( applicant ); assertFalse( applicant.isValid() );
  • 30. 31 Executing rule "Is of valid age" when $a : Applicant( age < 18 ) then modify( $a ) { valid = false }; ends StatelessKnowledgeSession ksession = kbase.newStatelessKnowledgeSession(); Applicant applicant = new Applicant( "Mr John Smith", 16 ); assertTrue( applicant.isValid() ); ksession.execute( applicant ); assertFalse( applicant.isValid() );
  • 31. 32 Definitions public class Room { private String name // getter and setter methods here } public class Sprinkler { private Room room; private boolean on; // getter and setter methods here } public class Fire { private Room room; // getter and setter methods here } public class Alarm { }
  • 32. 33 Definitions rule "When there is a fire turn on the sprinkler" when Fire($room : room) $sprinkler : Sprinkler( room == $room, on == false ) then modify( $sprinkler ) { on = true }; println( "Turn on the sprinkler for room " + $ ); end rule "When the fire is gone turn off the sprinkler" when $room : Room( ) $sprinkler : Sprinkler( room == $room, on == true ) not Fire( room == $room ) then modify( $sprinkler ) { on = false }; println( "Turn off the sprinkler for room " + $ ); end
  • 33. 34 Definitions rule "Raise the alarm when we have one or more fires" when exists Fire() then insert( new Alarm() ); println( "Raise the alarm" ); end rule "Cancel the alarm when all the fires have gone" when not Fire() $alarm : Alarm() then retract( $alarm ); println( "Cancel the alarm" ); end
  • 34. 35 Definitions rule "Status output when things are ok" when not Alarm() not Sprinkler( on == true ) then println( "Everything is ok" ); end
  • 35. 36 Executing String[] names = new String[]{"kitchen", "bedroom", "office", "livingroom"}; Map<String,Room> name2room = new HashMap<String,Room>(); for( String name: names ){ Room room = new Room( name ); name2room.put( name, room ); ksession.insert( room ); Sprinkler sprinkler = new Sprinkler( room ); ksession.insert( sprinkler ); } ksession.fireAllRules() > Everything is ok
  • 36. 37 Executing Fire kitchenFire = new Fire( name2room.get( "kitchen" ) ); Fire officeFire = new Fire( name2room.get( "office" ) ); FactHandle kitchenFireHandle = ksession.insert( kitchenFire ); FactHandle officeFireHandle = ksession.insert( officeFire ); ksession.fireAllRules(); > Raise the alarm > Turn on the sprinkler for room kitchen > Turn on the sprinkler for room office
  • 37. 38 Executing ksession.retract( kitchenFireHandle ); ksession.retract( officeFireHandle ); ksession.fireAllRules() > Turn off the sprinkler for room office > Turn off the sprinkler for room kitchen > Cancel the alarm > Everything is ok rule "Status output when things are ok" when not Alarm() not Sprinkler( on == true ) then println( "Everything is ok" ); end
  • 38. 39 Conditional Elements not Bus( color = “red” ) exists Bus( color = “red” ) forall ( $bus : Bus( color == “red” ) ) forall ( $bus : Bus( floors == 2 ) Bus( this == $bus, color == “red” ) )
  • 39. 40 Accumulate CE rule "accumulate" when accumulate( Bus( color == "red", $t : takings ); $sum : sum( $t ) ) then print "sum is “ + $sum; end accumulate( Bus( color == "red", $t : takings ); $sum : sum( $t ), $min : min( $t ) $max : max( $t ); $min > 100 && $max < 200 )
  • 40. 41 Timers Field Name Mandatory? Allowed Values Allowed Special Characters Seconds YES 0-59 ,-*/ Minutes YES 0-59 ,-*/ Hours YES 0-23 ,-*/ Day of month YES 1-31 ,-*?/LW Month YES 1-12 or JAN-DEC ,-*/ Day of week YES 1-7 or SUN-SAT ,-*?/L# Year NO empty, 1970-2099 ,-*/ Send alert every quarter of an hour rule “name” timer ( cron: 0 0/15 * * * * ) when Alarm( ) then sendEmail( ”Alert Alert Alert!!!” )
  • 41. 42 Calendars rule "weekdays are high priority" calendars "weekday" timer (int:0 1h) Execute now and after 1 hour duration when Alarm() then send( "priority high - we have an alarm” ); end rule "weekend are low priority" calendars "weekend" timer (int:0 4h) Execute now and after 4 hour duration when Alarm() then send( "priority low - we have an alarm” ); end
  • 42. 43 TMS and Inference rule "Issue Child Bus Pass" Couples the logic when $p : Person( age < 16 ) then insert(new ChildBusPass( $p ) ); end rule "Issue Adult Bus Pass" What happens when the Child when stops being 16? $p : Person( age >= 16 ) then insert(new AdultBusPass( $p ) ); end
  • 43. 44 TMS and Inference  Bad ● Monolithic ● Leaky ● Brittle integrity - manual maintenance
  • 44. 45 TMS and Inference  A rule “logically” inserts an object  When the rule is no longer true, the object is retracted. when $p : Person( age < 16 ) de-couples the logic then logicalInsert( new IsChild( $p ) ) end when Maintains the truth by $p : Person( age >= 16 ) automatically retracting then logicalInsert( new IsAdult( $p ) ) end
  • 45. 46 TMS and Inference rule "Issue Child Bus Pass" when $p : Person( ) IsChild( person =$p ) then logicalInsert(new ChildBusPass( $p ) ); end rule "Issue Adult Bus Pass" The truth maintenance cascades when $p : Person() IsAdult( person =$p ) then logicalInsert(new AdultBusPass( $p ) ); end
  • 46. 47 TMS and Inference rule "Issue Child Bus Pass" when $p : Person( ) not( ChildBusPass( person == $p ) ) then requestChildBusPass( $p ); end The truth maintenance cascades
  • 47. 48 TMS and Inference  Good ● De-couple knowledge responsibilities ● Encapsulate knowledge ● Provide semantic abstractions for those encapsulation ● Integrity robustness – truth maintenance
  • 48. 49 Backward Chaining query isChild( Person p ) $p := Person( age <= 16 ) end rule "Issue Child Bus Pass" when $p : Person( ) isChild( $p; ) then logicalInsert(new ChildBusPass( $p ) ); end
  • 49. 50 Reasoning with Graphs House ●Location( “office”,”house” ) ●Location( “kitchen”,”house” ) ●Location( “desk”,”office” ) ●Location( “chair”,”office” ) Location( “lamp”,”desk” ) ● ● Location( “computer”,”desk” ) ● Location( “draw”,”desk” ) Location( “key”,”draw” ) ●
  • 50. 51 Backward Chaining query isContainedIn( String x, String y ) Location( x, y; ) or ( Location( z, y; ) and ?isContainedIn( x, z; ) ) end
  • 51. 52 Backward Chaining query isContainedIn( String x, String y ) Location( x, y; ) or ( Location( z, y; ) and ?isContainedIn( x, z; ) ) end House ●Location( “office”,”house” ) Location( “kitchen”,”house” ) ● ●Location( “desk”,”office” ) ● Location( “chair”,”office” ) ●Location( “lamp”,”desk” ) ●Location( “computer”,”desk” ) ● Location( “draw”,”desk” ) Location( “key”,”draw” ) ●
  • 52. 53 Questions? • Dave Bowman: All right, HAL; I'll go in through the emergency airlock. • HAL: Without your space helmet, Dave, you're going to find that rather difficult. • Dave Bowman: HAL, I won't argue with you anymore! Open the doors! • HAL: Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye. Joshua: Greetings, Professor Falken. Stephen Falken: Hello, Joshua. Joshua: A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?