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Dr. Gregory L. Jantz, Ph.D.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Hook often describes a thing that
grabs you, traps you, sticks to
you, or simply fascinates you.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Apart from your money, you have
something every seller, retailer and
manufacturer wants – your
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Every day they work hard to hook
your attention, compel your
focus, dominate your mind share.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
They want you hooked,
addicted and liking it.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Technology is powerful –
drawing you in, altering your
world and expectations, even
defining who you are.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Powerful things should be approached
with caution, but many abandon
wisdom when it comes to the latest
upgrade or newest technological
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
From Twitter to iPhones, from
Facebook to YouTube, there is an
endless supply of things to hook our
interest, snag our wallets, and occupy
our time.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
If you’re not careful, what
you start out controlling has
a way of controlling you.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
“Here’s what LSD and iPhones do have in common:
they make us feel divinely connected to our
environments and to other people, they lift our mood
and bring us joy, they enrich humanity. Is that love?
Maybe. But at their worst, drugs and computers can
also create distance and trigger addiction, which can
destroy human connection and affection.”
Maia Szalavitz, “Steve Jobs Had LSD. We have the iPhone,” Healthland., 10/16/11.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
We are deft at keeping out tangible,
understandable threats, but we often
leave ourselves defenseless against
other kinds of dangers, including the
most dangerous threats we lock
ourselves up with.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The positives and negatives unleashed
are not from technology; they are
unleashed through technology.
The positives and negatives come from
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Think back over the last 5
years – how much of your
life has been devoted to
online activities?
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Is that amount going down or
going up?
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Instantly, anytime, anywhere you can join
with hundreds of millions of users in the
digital community. It’s a world of
geometric possibilities and vast potential;
is it naïve to wonder if all those possibilities
are positive or if all that potential is
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Dealing with something this
compelling, this transformational,
this far-reaching calls for at least a
small bit of caution.
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
But caution is about slowing down,
holding up, taking a wait-and-see
Technology is about full speed
ahead, ramping up, can’t-wait-to-
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Technology moves so fast that
stopping to take a second look
means being left behind.
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Technology glitters. It is polished
and displayed in the most favorable
light by those who want to sell it,
and viewed favorably by those who
want to acquire it.
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
We tend to lock up our houses,
deadbolt our doors and bar our
windows. We keep out tangible,
understandable threats but often
leave ourselves wide open to other
kinds of dangers.
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Technology is a
connection point.
Technology grants us access to a vast
array of information but we allow it
access to our most personal
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Every connection is a two-
way conversation, whether
you mean it to be or not.
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
When you use the Internet to
discover things, you invariably
reveal more than you know –
it’s unavoidable.
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Every time you use the Internet,
you’re being targeted and you
provide the ammunition – the
information – yourself.
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
“So while the Internet has in some ways
an ability to let us know to an
unprecedented level what government is
doing. . .it is also the greatest spying
machine the world has ever known.”
Julian Assange. AgenceFrance-Presse,, 03/16/11
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Technology results in us knowing
and being known.
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Technology allows us to tailor what we
see, hear, and say. This customization
gives us the illusion of total control
and makes it ever more difficult to see
and admit how technology could be
controlling and changing us.
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Getting a novel gadget or using
technology in a new way is much
like entering into a new
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
When I got my first computer,
I was in love.
When I discovered email,
I was in love.
When I found the Internet,
I was in love.
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
After a while, I found myself spending
too much time on the computer. I used
to be thrilled to get email; now I process
hundreds daily. I’ve found myself
places on the Internet I had no business
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
As in all relationships, there is a
“honeymoon” period. At first, I’m
thrilled; over time, I’m less so.
I find myself looking for my next
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Technology connects you to others –
good or bad – but it also connects
you to yourself – good or bad.
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Technology gives you the impression
you’re making your own rules so it’s
interesting to see what rules you break,
where you’re willing to compromise,
what excuses and rationales you’ll use
to be able to do what you know you
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Technology has a way of making me
feel even more in control, more in
charge, more capable than I actually
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Technology has a way of luring you
into doing and viewing and saying
things you later regret.
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Technology can reveal aspects of
character, integrity and personal
weakness that both shock and
shame the one exposed.
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Each of us needs to be honest about
how often, how much, and why
we’re tethered to technology and
whether that’s a positive or a
negative in our lives.
A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
As you think about your life and
how you’re using your time now,
what have you reduced or
eliminated in order to make room
for technology?
Connection Section
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The more gadgets and gizmos I have
around me, the more opportunity I
have to act on my impulses – good
or bad. Time and distance are no
longer filters.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Before I know it, I’ve acted on my
various impulses and find myself
juggling multiple things at once.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
I used to compete with myself to see
how much I could accomplish in the
shortest amount of time.
Over time, this led to personal and
professional burnout.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
I am susceptible to the siren-song of
technology that it really is possible
to have and do it all.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
We cannot really do two things at
once. We are focusing on one and
putting the other on autopilot.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
We’re spending a good portion of
our day and many of our activities
on autopilot. The question
becomes: What price are we paying?
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Continuous partial attention – “to pay
continuous partial attention is to pay
partial attention continuously. It is
motivated by a desire not to miss anything
and to be a live node on the network – in
touch and seen by others.”
Linda Stone – “Q&A: Continuous Partial Attention
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Continuous partial attention –
“Continuous partial attention is an always-
on, anywhere, anytime, any place behavior
that involves an artificial sense of constant
crisis. We are always in high alert when
we’re in constant partial attention.”
Linda Stone – “Q&A: Continuous Partial Attention
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Whether it’s called multi-tasking or
continuous partial attention, it is a
life lived in “an artificial sense of
constant crisis.”
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
If a person is in a constant state of
partial attention, aren’t they also in
a state of partial distraction?
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
This media-driven continuous
partial attention syndrome may
create distractibility as compelling
as ADD – attention deficit disorder.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Symptoms of ADD are an inability to
maintain focus, to exhibit wandering
attention with poor listening skills, and
a tendency to overlook details. I have
felt the same things while distracted by
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Dr. John Ratey, Harvard Medical
School and author of Delivered
From Distractions, calls this
tendency pseudo-ADD or acquired-
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The brain cannot process two things
simultaneously; but it can switch
back and forth between the two
very, very fast.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
We can train our brains to switch
faster but with technology the
number of things we’re asking our
brains to switch between is
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
We keep piling on the tasks we’re
asking our brains to keep track of so
we can have it all and do it all.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The more things we cram into our
lives, the more ways we feel
obligated to produce.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The very things we thought were
supposed to make our lives easier
have turned it into a nightmare.
We’re getting stressed out.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Stanford University study of HMM
(heavy media multi-taskers) and
LMM (low media multi-taskers)
#hooked – pages 37-38 under the “Not Me’ subheading
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Overstimulation produces a
cacophony of distractions, and
those who use media the most
appear to be the most distracted and
the least able to filter it out.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Those who were able to “unplug”
from competing technological
distractions did better on the
cognitive tests. Less was actually
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect
– where cognitive bias occurs when
people believe incorrectly in their
superior skill or knowledge and fail to
recognize their mistakes.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
People who love technology don’t
want to believe it’s a myth to engage
in five things at once and well.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Multi-tasking is not the answer but
we want to believe the thing
hindering us is what will save us.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
“I Can’t Think!
The twitterization of our culture has
revolutionized our lives, but with an
unintended consequence – our
overloaded brains freeze when we have
to make decisions.”
Cover of Newsweek, March 7, 2011
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
People are overloaded with the
sheer volume of information
available. When people get
overloaded, they tend to detach and
have difficulty making rational
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Filtering choices conquers
indecision but overload creates
#hooked – pages 40-41 – the Sheena Iyengar study
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
When choices pile up, people mess
up. They make impulsive judgments
just to get the decision made or they
hold off deciding.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
All of that information, all of those
tasks, go into a holding pattern like
planes at an over-busy airport.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Perspective can’t bubble up to the
surface when insight is weighted
down by a glut of information.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Wading through less is more –
especially when what you need to
tap into isn’t more from the outside
but more from the inside.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The DIKW Hierachy –
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Wisdom requires having knowledge
based on information composed of
data. Data alone will not produce
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Wisdom is not just the
accumulation of data; it is data’s
synthesis; and synthesis takes time.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
What all this multi-tasking appears
to be best at is creating stress,
tension and a deterioration in our
ability to make good decisions.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
According to the Newsweek article, there
are two types of people – sufficers and
Maximizers were like the HMM people –
they couldn’t stop taking in information
and had trouble making decisions.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
These are similar to the old category
of Type A people.
Type A people were great at
business, amassing wealth and
dying young.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Given these studies, it would seem
prudent to try to more like the
LMM, the sufficers, the Type B
people and learn to limit exposure
to technology.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
This can be a hard sell because limit is
to technology what diet is to eating –
We do not want to be restricted; we do
not want to be limited; and we certainly
do not want to be on any kind of diet.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
When we conclude that we
absolutely need these things to
survive, we cede control over
to them.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
LMM people still use media;
the difference is they are able
to self-limit and self-regulate
its use.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The sufficers still access information but
they stop when they’ve found what they’re
looking for. They trust their judgment to
provide the correct answer not a flood of
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
It’s so seductive, though, to think you
can multi-task. But the more you
multi-task, the more tired you become
and each additional task requires
more time and mental energy.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The technology we’ve invited into our
lives can be tyrannical with each new
device yelling, “Hey! Over here! Look
at me!”
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Technology drives our focus and
everything else becomes a distraction
handled on autopilot – walking,
driving, talking or even dealing with
other people.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Our gadgets and devices are so
compelling and user-friendly, we
develop a relationship with them to
the exclusion of other people and
more important tasks.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Connection Section
Consider this statement:
In a technological age, knowledge is the
Holy Grail of power and prestige. In an
age of productivity, “getting things done”
is kingly. In an instant age, time is
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Your Brain on YouTube
Facebook popularity feels like hitting
the lottery. It feels good, and you
want to continue to feel good, so you
keep doing it.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Your Brain on YouTube
Doing this stuff activates your brain’s
pleasure centers. The more fun it is,
the more you want to do.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Your Brain on YouTube
“Each time we get a message or text,
our dopamine reward circuits
probably get activated, since the
desire for social connection is wired
into us.”
Time Magazine, Wired for Distraction: Kids and Social Media,
March 19, 2011
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Your Brain on YouTube
Today’s technology provides a minute-
by-minute symphony of chimes, bells,
beeps and growls from every
connected device in your life.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Your Brain on YouTube
Fun is fine but the line between
activity and addiction lies at the
crossroads when a positive activity
takes a turn toward the negative.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Your Brain on YouTube
Ask yourself:
How important has technology become in
your life? Remember, priority equals
importance. You may say it’s not that
important but if you give it priority over
other things, you’ve given it importance.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Your Brain on YouTube
Ask yourself:
Does using technology make you feel
better, more in control? Does not
using it make you feel worse? This is a
reward response.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Your Brain on YouTube
Ask yourself:
Do you find yourself using technology
more often and for longer periods of
time? This is prevalence.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Your Brain on YouTube
Ask yourself:
Do you feel anxious or uncomfortable
if you can’t use technology or if you
just think about not doing it?
Consider how you feel about
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Your Brain on YouTube
Ask yourself:
How has technology disrupted your
life and relationships? How much
disruption are you willing to
experience to keep doing it?
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Your Brain on YouTube
Ask yourself:
Do you say you’re going to do
something different but then turn
around and do the same thing? How
much are you reverting to old habits?
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Your Brain on YouTube
Addiction is behavior that controls you.
Your impulses, your pleasures, your
anxieties, your fears, your preferences –
take center stage over your better
judgment or reasoned decisions.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Your Brain on YouTube
Much of this technological activity comes
down to impulse control. Many of us keep
answering the siren call of technology
with increasing urgency. Our impulse is
to give in, not slow down or stop.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Your Brain on YouTube
Our impulse is to say “yes” to
experience a short-term gain, even if
our technology use results in a long-
term loss.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Your Brain on YouTube
The more new stuff you’re trying to
pack into that drawer of your life, the
more pressure it puts on the things
and people already there.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Your Brain on YouTube
We are temporal creatures – with a
past, present and future. Technology
tends to anchor us into just one aspect
– the present.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Your Brain on YouTube
I have to take the long view, even if
that means living with self-imposed
limits, restrictions and saying “no” to
my impulses.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Connection Section
Life is short – why not just do
something because it feels good, fun
and pleasurable in the short term?
Why worry about the long-term?
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Thank You for Being a Friend
Previously, friend was a
noun, meaning someone
you knew well and liked.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Thank You for Being a Friend
Using friend as a verb is a
recent phenomenon, thanks
to Facebook.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Thank You for Being a Friend
People now have friends in the
hundreds. But, how many people can
you realistically be friends with? Jesus
had only 12 apostles and spending time
with them was His day job.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Thank You for Being a Friend
In the verb world, friending is a simple
click but in a noun world being a friend
has some time-intensive substance.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Thank You for Being a Friend
Friendship requires:
•Mutual benefit
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Thank You for Being a Friend
Like crops on Farmville, real
friendships wither without cultivation.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Thank You for Being a Friend
Once you’ve friended all these people,
what happens if you want to simplify
your life? How will they – or you – feel
when defriended?
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Thank You for Being a Friend
Maintaining your online presence can
interfere with your offline life.
Maintaining all those friends can seem
like continuing a never-ending chain
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Thank You for Being a Friend
Inviting family and friends to your
virtual party isn’t the problem; it’s what
happens when virtual strangers show
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Connection Section
Why do you think Jesus
kept a relatively small
number of close friends?
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Just Like Real Life
So much of what is done on the
Internet can simulate reality because of
how real it looks. This intensity of
experience creates a virtual reality.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Just Like Real Life
There are virtual worlds – worlds that exist
only as computer-simulated environments.
There are virtual communities – made up of
people connected only online.
There are virtual relationships – with no
physical interaction at all.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Just Like Real Life
The Internet can be one enormous escape
hatch. When life becomes too hard or
stressful, it’s compelling to jump down the
rabbit hole of the Internet into a world of
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Just Like Real Life
Living a virtual life happens when
you start to put more value in the
experiences you create than the
ones encountered in real life.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Just Like Real Life
An online profile can become a
staged production where what is
presented is engaging and
compelling but ultimately is not the
total picture.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Just Like Real Life
The more stressful your
life is, the more of a draw
virtual distractions
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Just Like Real Life
The online life can become a fantasy
life. Children create fantasy to
practice who they will be; adults
create fantasy to hide from who they
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Just Like Real Life
In a virtual world you can choose to
deal only with the challenges that
don’t matter because they not real.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Just Like Real Life
The Internet gives a sense of false
anonymity but that is an illusion.
Nothing we do online is anonymous.
Someone, somewhere knows. Your
spouse may not know, but Google does.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Just Like Real Life
People may forget your latest
slip of the tongue but your slip
of the keyboard may haunt you
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Connection Section
Is it easier for you to be
truthful on-line than it is face-
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Real Connection
Often the people we disconnect
from are the ones closest to us
because they’re the ones who
know the truth.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Real Connection
The draw of online activities
can be as much about
disconnecting as it is
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Real Connection
A real-life disappointed spouse
can be difficult to ignore, but
online you don’t have to
acknowledge you’re married.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Real Connection
Your virtual life must be
created; your real life must be
lived. You have creative
control over the one; you have
limited control over the other.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Real Connection
Online activities provide a
powerful mix of immediacy,
anonymity and intimacy,
especially when dealing with
sexual content.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Real Connection
Virtual intimacy has the
power to create and forge
personal relationships.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Real Connection
Whether or not physical adultery
follows, emotional adultery is still
a violation of the marital
relationship because it fractures
the relational unity of the
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Real Connection
Real-life relationships often center
around the day-to-day minutia of life.
Online relationships can go deeper,
becoming a sounding board and a
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Real Connection
Online relationships can provide a
grass-is-always-greener scenario. But
in that scenario, you’re never
responsible for the sad state of affairs
on your side of the fence.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Real Connection
If you are single, the ultimate point of a
dating site should be to meet real
people, not spend all of your time with
online profiles.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Real Connection
Go online, sure, but remember to bring
your honesty, integrity, value and
principles with you when you go.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Real Connection
Emotional adultery devastates
relationships because it unhinges
emotional attachment and reconnects it
online, Pornography devastates
relationships because it overwhelms and
hijacks sexual fulfillment.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Real Connection
The Internet is the perfect
delivery system for the drug of
pornography and explicit
sexual content.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Real Connection
Give all your food, water and
care to your virtual
relationships and watch your
real-life ones suffer and wither.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Connection Section
“Technology [is] the knack of
so arranging the world that we
don’t have to experience it.”
Max Frisch
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Instant Download
As a society, our perception of
time – what is instant and what
is slow – has changed.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Instant Download
Technology has altered our
expectations and expectations have a
huge impact on our lives, our
happiness, our sense of security, and
our ability to live a balanced,
peaceful life.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Instant Download
Getting what you want on
demand is near kinglike
power and control.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Instant Download
Technology has increased the ways
people can be connected, and it’s no
surprise that the connection points
have blurred the lines between work
and family, public and private.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Instant Download
Technology is very good at projecting
the urgent, complete with vibration,
warning sounds, special rings, pop-ups
and alerts. The sheer volume of
urgency can translate into importance.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Instant Download
Urgent things are quick. Important
things can be like glaciers, ever
moving but at a slow pace, building
up immense momentum but only
over time.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Instant Download
Having to wait is like being
told “no” a hundred times a
day. We don’t like to be told
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Connection Section
How can understanding your
unrecognized expectations
help you sort out the urgent
from the truly important?
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The Anxiety of Off-Line
A study showed the very
thought of living off-line
produced anxiety – they
termed this disconnect
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The Anxiety of Off-Line
Technology becomes addicting
when not only your relationships
are dominated by media but your
dominant relationship is with
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The Anxiety of Off-Line
Four ways people experience disconnect
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The Anxiety of Off-Line
When we’re separated from
our gadgets, we become
disoriented and lose the sense
of where and who we are.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Connection Section
How long could you be
disconnected before you
began to feel anxious?
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Transfer of Power
Technology transfers power
from the older generation to
the younger.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Transfer of Power
Kids don’t use a manual to
find out how to use the
device; they use the device to
find out how it works. They
let the device teach them.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Transfer of Power
When kids know more than
adults about technology – and
know they know – there has
been a transfer of power.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Transfer of Power
When parents no longer
control their kids’ access to
other people, entertainment
and information– there has
been a transfer of power.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Transfer of Power
Adults are the ones who bring
all these devices and
technology into the lives of
our families – then decry the
resulting lack of relationship.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Transfer of Power
When kids have the power to
choose, they don’t always
choose wisely. Adults must
choose wisely for them.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Connection Section
If the amount of time you’ve spent
learning your kids’ devices is less than
the time it took to buy it, wrap it, and
give it, you might want to consider
becoming more familiar with it yourself.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Who Are You, Really?
Technology should assist us in
communicating who we are,
not distort or overshadow
who we are.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Who Are You, Really?
People who are comfortable with
themselves don’t feel compelled to
rush out and buy the latest gadget or
toy in order to enhance their sense of
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Who Are You, Really?
Technology has a way of magnifying a
person’s worst traits and impulses.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Who Are You, Really?
Technology is a willing accomplice in
hiding the real you and projecting the
false you.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Who Are You, Really?
The more reliant we become on
technology, the more control over
our personalities and our
personal happiness, we give to it.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Who Are You, Really?
I buy technology to enhance my
life but, without care, that same
technology can quickly degrade
my life to its worst forms of self-
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Connection Section
With technology, are we walking
the dog or is the dog walking us?
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Finding the Off Switch
Every piece of technology has
an off switch, whether we know
where it is or not, whether we
want to use it or not.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Finding the Off Switch
A tech detox is a voluntary
reduction in your use of
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Finding the Off Switch
How to accomplish a tech detox:
Plan your progress
Start small
Don’t just reduce, replace
Be clear on your goals
Stick to your detox rules
Determine consequences ahead of time
Take advantage of what you’ve learned
Take the next step
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Connection Section
What would be the benefits
to a personal and family
tech detox?
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The Ultimate Filter
Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in a
man’s heart, but it is the
Lord’s purpose that
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The Ultimate Filter
Technology is great for
compartmentalizing –
creating discrete little boxes
to contain things. God,
however, cannot be
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The Ultimate Filter
Psalm 10 -- the arrogant
man says to himself, “God
will never notice; he covers
his face and never sees (v.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The Ultimate Filter
Psalm 33:13
From heaven the Lord looks
down and sees all mankind.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The Ultimate Filter
Hebrews 4:13
Nothing in all creation is hidden from
God’s sight. Everything is uncovered
and laid bare before the eyes of him to
whom we must give account.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The Ultimate Filter
Before we go headlong toward the
next technological marvel, we may
want to stop first and “count the
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The Ultimate Filter
Choosing quiet means saying “no” to
technology distractions. It means
finding time each day, whenever
possible, to intentionally choose to be
fully present with God.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The Ultimate Filter
It’s amazing how much priority,
power and omnipotence we ascribe
to our little technological devices;
they become our idols.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The Ultimate Filter
The foundation of our sense of self, of
our value and worth as a person, is best
built on a true knowledge of who we are
in the spiritual world, not the illusion
we’ve crafted for ourselves in the virtual
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The Ultimate Filter
Technology taps into our inner two-
year-old, that part of our personality
that grasps tightly to our toys and
screams, “Mine!” --- but God expects us
to be mature in Christ (Ephesians 4:13).
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The Ultimate Filter
We become incensed when it takes
20 seconds to download a webpage;
God’s purposes and plans can take
millennia to develop and come to
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The Ultimate Filter
God’s view is a decidedly long
view; in God’s lexicon, slow is
not a dirty word.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
The Ultimate Filter
Don’t be consumed with guilt
over what you’ve learned; be
empowered to change.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Connection Section
Lord, I give my use of
technology over to You. I
will have no other gods
before You, including a
digital one.
#hooked: the pitfalls of media,
technology and social networking
Dr. Gregory L. Jantz, Ph.D.

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Dr. Jantz — #Hooked Presentation

  • 1. Dr. Gregory L. Jantz, Ph.D. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking
  • 2. Hook often describes a thing that grabs you, traps you, sticks to you, or simply fascinates you. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking
  • 3. Apart from your money, you have something every seller, retailer and manufacturer wants – your attention #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking
  • 4. Every day they work hard to hook your attention, compel your focus, dominate your mind share. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking
  • 5. They want you hooked, addicted and liking it. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking
  • 6. Technology is powerful – drawing you in, altering your world and expectations, even defining who you are. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking
  • 7. Powerful things should be approached with caution, but many abandon wisdom when it comes to the latest upgrade or newest technological convenience. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking
  • 8. From Twitter to iPhones, from Facebook to YouTube, there is an endless supply of things to hook our interest, snag our wallets, and occupy our time. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking
  • 9. If you’re not careful, what you start out controlling has a way of controlling you. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking
  • 10. “Here’s what LSD and iPhones do have in common: they make us feel divinely connected to our environments and to other people, they lift our mood and bring us joy, they enrich humanity. Is that love? Maybe. But at their worst, drugs and computers can also create distance and trigger addiction, which can destroy human connection and affection.” Maia Szalavitz, “Steve Jobs Had LSD. We have the iPhone,” Healthland., 10/16/11. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking
  • 11. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking We are deft at keeping out tangible, understandable threats, but we often leave ourselves defenseless against other kinds of dangers, including the most dangerous threats we lock ourselves up with.
  • 12. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking The positives and negatives unleashed are not from technology; they are unleashed through technology. The positives and negatives come from us.
  • 13. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Think back over the last 5 years – how much of your life has been devoted to online activities? A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 14. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Is that amount going down or going up? A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 15. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Instantly, anytime, anywhere you can join with hundreds of millions of users in the digital community. It’s a world of geometric possibilities and vast potential; is it naïve to wonder if all those possibilities are positive or if all that potential is beneficial? A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 16. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Dealing with something this compelling, this transformational, this far-reaching calls for at least a small bit of caution. A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 17. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking But caution is about slowing down, holding up, taking a wait-and-see attitude. Technology is about full speed ahead, ramping up, can’t-wait-to- see-what’s-next. A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 18. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Technology moves so fast that stopping to take a second look means being left behind. A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 19. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Technology glitters. It is polished and displayed in the most favorable light by those who want to sell it, and viewed favorably by those who want to acquire it. A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 20. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking We tend to lock up our houses, deadbolt our doors and bar our windows. We keep out tangible, understandable threats but often leave ourselves wide open to other kinds of dangers. A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 21. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Technology is a connection point. Technology grants us access to a vast array of information but we allow it access to our most personal information. A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 22. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Every connection is a two- way conversation, whether you mean it to be or not. A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 23. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking When you use the Internet to discover things, you invariably reveal more than you know – it’s unavoidable. A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 24. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Every time you use the Internet, you’re being targeted and you provide the ammunition – the information – yourself. A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 25. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking “So while the Internet has in some ways an ability to let us know to an unprecedented level what government is doing. . .it is also the greatest spying machine the world has ever known.” Julian Assange. AgenceFrance-Presse,, 03/16/11 A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 26. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Technology results in us knowing and being known. A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 27. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Technology allows us to tailor what we see, hear, and say. This customization gives us the illusion of total control and makes it ever more difficult to see and admit how technology could be controlling and changing us. A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 28. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Getting a novel gadget or using technology in a new way is much like entering into a new relationship. A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 29. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking When I got my first computer, I was in love. When I discovered email, I was in love. When I found the Internet, I was in love. A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 30. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking After a while, I found myself spending too much time on the computer. I used to be thrilled to get email; now I process hundreds daily. I’ve found myself places on the Internet I had no business being. A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 31. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking As in all relationships, there is a “honeymoon” period. At first, I’m thrilled; over time, I’m less so. I find myself looking for my next “relationship.” A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 32. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Technology connects you to others – good or bad – but it also connects you to yourself – good or bad. A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 33. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Technology gives you the impression you’re making your own rules so it’s interesting to see what rules you break, where you’re willing to compromise, what excuses and rationales you’ll use to be able to do what you know you shouldn’t. A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 34. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Technology has a way of making me feel even more in control, more in charge, more capable than I actually am. A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 35. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Technology has a way of luring you into doing and viewing and saying things you later regret. A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 36. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Technology can reveal aspects of character, integrity and personal weakness that both shock and shame the one exposed. A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 37. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Each of us needs to be honest about how often, how much, and why we’re tethered to technology and whether that’s a positive or a negative in our lives. A Locked Front Door & Wide Open Web
  • 38. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking As you think about your life and how you’re using your time now, what have you reduced or eliminated in order to make room for technology? Connection Section
  • 39. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking The more gadgets and gizmos I have around me, the more opportunity I have to act on my impulses – good or bad. Time and distance are no longer filters. Multi-Taxed
  • 40. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Before I know it, I’ve acted on my various impulses and find myself juggling multiple things at once. Multi-Taxed
  • 41. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking I used to compete with myself to see how much I could accomplish in the shortest amount of time. Over time, this led to personal and professional burnout. Multi-Taxed
  • 42. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking I am susceptible to the siren-song of technology that it really is possible to have and do it all. Multi-Taxed
  • 43. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking We cannot really do two things at once. We are focusing on one and putting the other on autopilot. Multi-Taxed
  • 44. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking We’re spending a good portion of our day and many of our activities on autopilot. The question becomes: What price are we paying? Multi-Taxed
  • 45. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Continuous partial attention – “to pay continuous partial attention is to pay partial attention continuously. It is motivated by a desire not to miss anything and to be a live node on the network – in touch and seen by others.” Linda Stone – “Q&A: Continuous Partial Attention Multi-Taxed
  • 46. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Continuous partial attention – “Continuous partial attention is an always- on, anywhere, anytime, any place behavior that involves an artificial sense of constant crisis. We are always in high alert when we’re in constant partial attention.” Linda Stone – “Q&A: Continuous Partial Attention Multi-Taxed
  • 47. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed Whether it’s called multi-tasking or continuous partial attention, it is a life lived in “an artificial sense of constant crisis.”
  • 48. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed If a person is in a constant state of partial attention, aren’t they also in a state of partial distraction?
  • 49. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed This media-driven continuous partial attention syndrome may create distractibility as compelling as ADD – attention deficit disorder.
  • 50. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed Symptoms of ADD are an inability to maintain focus, to exhibit wandering attention with poor listening skills, and a tendency to overlook details. I have felt the same things while distracted by technology.
  • 51. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed Dr. John Ratey, Harvard Medical School and author of Delivered From Distractions, calls this tendency pseudo-ADD or acquired- ADD.
  • 52. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed The brain cannot process two things simultaneously; but it can switch back and forth between the two very, very fast.
  • 53. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed We can train our brains to switch faster but with technology the number of things we’re asking our brains to switch between is increasing.
  • 54. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed We keep piling on the tasks we’re asking our brains to keep track of so we can have it all and do it all.
  • 55. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed The more things we cram into our lives, the more ways we feel obligated to produce.
  • 56. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed The very things we thought were supposed to make our lives easier have turned it into a nightmare. We’re getting stressed out.
  • 57. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed Stanford University study of HMM (heavy media multi-taskers) and LMM (low media multi-taskers) #hooked – pages 37-38 under the “Not Me’ subheading
  • 58. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed Overstimulation produces a cacophony of distractions, and those who use media the most appear to be the most distracted and the least able to filter it out.
  • 59. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed Those who were able to “unplug” from competing technological distractions did better on the cognitive tests. Less was actually more.
  • 60. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed Example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect – where cognitive bias occurs when people believe incorrectly in their superior skill or knowledge and fail to recognize their mistakes.
  • 61. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed People who love technology don’t want to believe it’s a myth to engage in five things at once and well.
  • 62. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed Multi-tasking is not the answer but we want to believe the thing hindering us is what will save us.
  • 63. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed “I Can’t Think! The twitterization of our culture has revolutionized our lives, but with an unintended consequence – our overloaded brains freeze when we have to make decisions.” Cover of Newsweek, March 7, 2011
  • 64. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed People are overloaded with the sheer volume of information available. When people get overloaded, they tend to detach and have difficulty making rational decisions.
  • 65. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed Filtering choices conquers indecision but overload creates paralysis. #hooked – pages 40-41 – the Sheena Iyengar study
  • 66. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed When choices pile up, people mess up. They make impulsive judgments just to get the decision made or they hold off deciding.
  • 67. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed All of that information, all of those tasks, go into a holding pattern like planes at an over-busy airport.
  • 68. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed Perspective can’t bubble up to the surface when insight is weighted down by a glut of information.
  • 69. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed Wading through less is more – especially when what you need to tap into isn’t more from the outside but more from the inside.
  • 70. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed The DIKW Hierachy – Data Information Knowledge Wisdom
  • 71. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed Wisdom requires having knowledge based on information composed of data. Data alone will not produce wisdom.
  • 72. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed Wisdom is not just the accumulation of data; it is data’s synthesis; and synthesis takes time.
  • 73. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed What all this multi-tasking appears to be best at is creating stress, tension and a deterioration in our ability to make good decisions.
  • 74. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed According to the Newsweek article, there are two types of people – sufficers and maximizers. Maximizers were like the HMM people – they couldn’t stop taking in information and had trouble making decisions.
  • 75. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed These are similar to the old category of Type A people. Type A people were great at business, amassing wealth and dying young.
  • 76. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed Given these studies, it would seem prudent to try to more like the LMM, the sufficers, the Type B people and learn to limit exposure to technology.
  • 77. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed This can be a hard sell because limit is to technology what diet is to eating – restrictive. We do not want to be restricted; we do not want to be limited; and we certainly do not want to be on any kind of diet.
  • 78. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed When we conclude that we absolutely need these things to survive, we cede control over to them.
  • 79. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed LMM people still use media; the difference is they are able to self-limit and self-regulate its use.
  • 80. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed The sufficers still access information but they stop when they’ve found what they’re looking for. They trust their judgment to provide the correct answer not a flood of information.
  • 81. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed It’s so seductive, though, to think you can multi-task. But the more you multi-task, the more tired you become and each additional task requires more time and mental energy.
  • 82. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed The technology we’ve invited into our lives can be tyrannical with each new device yelling, “Hey! Over here! Look at me!”
  • 83. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Multi-Taxed Technology drives our focus and everything else becomes a distraction handled on autopilot – walking, driving, talking or even dealing with other people.
  • 84. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Our gadgets and devices are so compelling and user-friendly, we develop a relationship with them to the exclusion of other people and more important tasks. Multi-Taxed
  • 85. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Connection Section Consider this statement: In a technological age, knowledge is the Holy Grail of power and prestige. In an age of productivity, “getting things done” is kingly. In an instant age, time is money.
  • 86. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Your Brain on YouTube Facebook popularity feels like hitting the lottery. It feels good, and you want to continue to feel good, so you keep doing it.
  • 87. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Your Brain on YouTube Doing this stuff activates your brain’s pleasure centers. The more fun it is, the more you want to do.
  • 88. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Your Brain on YouTube “Each time we get a message or text, our dopamine reward circuits probably get activated, since the desire for social connection is wired into us.” Time Magazine, Wired for Distraction: Kids and Social Media, March 19, 2011
  • 89. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Your Brain on YouTube Today’s technology provides a minute- by-minute symphony of chimes, bells, beeps and growls from every connected device in your life.
  • 90. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Your Brain on YouTube Fun is fine but the line between activity and addiction lies at the crossroads when a positive activity takes a turn toward the negative.
  • 91. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Your Brain on YouTube Ask yourself: How important has technology become in your life? Remember, priority equals importance. You may say it’s not that important but if you give it priority over other things, you’ve given it importance.
  • 92. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Your Brain on YouTube Ask yourself: Does using technology make you feel better, more in control? Does not using it make you feel worse? This is a reward response.
  • 93. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Your Brain on YouTube Ask yourself: Do you find yourself using technology more often and for longer periods of time? This is prevalence.
  • 94. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Your Brain on YouTube Ask yourself: Do you feel anxious or uncomfortable if you can’t use technology or if you just think about not doing it? Consider how you feel about cessation.
  • 95. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Your Brain on YouTube Ask yourself: How has technology disrupted your life and relationships? How much disruption are you willing to experience to keep doing it?
  • 96. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Your Brain on YouTube Ask yourself: Do you say you’re going to do something different but then turn around and do the same thing? How much are you reverting to old habits?
  • 97. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Your Brain on YouTube Addiction is behavior that controls you. Your impulses, your pleasures, your anxieties, your fears, your preferences – take center stage over your better judgment or reasoned decisions.
  • 98. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Your Brain on YouTube Much of this technological activity comes down to impulse control. Many of us keep answering the siren call of technology with increasing urgency. Our impulse is to give in, not slow down or stop.
  • 99. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Your Brain on YouTube Our impulse is to say “yes” to experience a short-term gain, even if our technology use results in a long- term loss.
  • 100. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Your Brain on YouTube The more new stuff you’re trying to pack into that drawer of your life, the more pressure it puts on the things and people already there.
  • 101. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Your Brain on YouTube We are temporal creatures – with a past, present and future. Technology tends to anchor us into just one aspect – the present.
  • 102. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Your Brain on YouTube I have to take the long view, even if that means living with self-imposed limits, restrictions and saying “no” to my impulses.
  • 103. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Connection Section Life is short – why not just do something because it feels good, fun and pleasurable in the short term? Why worry about the long-term?
  • 104. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Thank You for Being a Friend Previously, friend was a noun, meaning someone you knew well and liked.
  • 105. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Thank You for Being a Friend Using friend as a verb is a recent phenomenon, thanks to Facebook.
  • 106. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Thank You for Being a Friend People now have friends in the hundreds. But, how many people can you realistically be friends with? Jesus had only 12 apostles and spending time with them was His day job.
  • 107. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Thank You for Being a Friend In the verb world, friending is a simple click but in a noun world being a friend has some time-intensive substance.
  • 108. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Thank You for Being a Friend Friendship requires: •Trust •Honesty •Understanding •Acceptance •Mutual benefit •Sacrifice •Affection
  • 109. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Thank You for Being a Friend Like crops on Farmville, real friendships wither without cultivation.
  • 110. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Thank You for Being a Friend Once you’ve friended all these people, what happens if you want to simplify your life? How will they – or you – feel when defriended?
  • 111. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Thank You for Being a Friend Maintaining your online presence can interfere with your offline life. Maintaining all those friends can seem like continuing a never-ending chain letter.
  • 112. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Thank You for Being a Friend Inviting family and friends to your virtual party isn’t the problem; it’s what happens when virtual strangers show up.
  • 113. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Connection Section Why do you think Jesus kept a relatively small number of close friends?
  • 114. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Just Like Real Life So much of what is done on the Internet can simulate reality because of how real it looks. This intensity of experience creates a virtual reality.
  • 115. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Just Like Real Life There are virtual worlds – worlds that exist only as computer-simulated environments. There are virtual communities – made up of people connected only online. There are virtual relationships – with no physical interaction at all.
  • 116. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Just Like Real Life The Internet can be one enormous escape hatch. When life becomes too hard or stressful, it’s compelling to jump down the rabbit hole of the Internet into a world of virtuality.
  • 117. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Just Like Real Life Living a virtual life happens when you start to put more value in the experiences you create than the ones encountered in real life.
  • 118. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Just Like Real Life An online profile can become a staged production where what is presented is engaging and compelling but ultimately is not the total picture.
  • 119. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Just Like Real Life The more stressful your life is, the more of a draw virtual distractions become.
  • 120. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Just Like Real Life The online life can become a fantasy life. Children create fantasy to practice who they will be; adults create fantasy to hide from who they are.
  • 121. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Just Like Real Life In a virtual world you can choose to deal only with the challenges that don’t matter because they not real.
  • 122. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Just Like Real Life The Internet gives a sense of false anonymity but that is an illusion. Nothing we do online is anonymous. Someone, somewhere knows. Your spouse may not know, but Google does.
  • 123. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Just Like Real Life People may forget your latest slip of the tongue but your slip of the keyboard may haunt you forever.
  • 124. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Connection Section Is it easier for you to be truthful on-line than it is face- to-face?
  • 125. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Real Connection Often the people we disconnect from are the ones closest to us because they’re the ones who know the truth.
  • 126. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Real Connection The draw of online activities can be as much about disconnecting as it is connecting.
  • 127. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Real Connection A real-life disappointed spouse can be difficult to ignore, but online you don’t have to acknowledge you’re married.
  • 128. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Real Connection Your virtual life must be created; your real life must be lived. You have creative control over the one; you have limited control over the other.
  • 129. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Real Connection Online activities provide a powerful mix of immediacy, anonymity and intimacy, especially when dealing with sexual content.
  • 130. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Real Connection Virtual intimacy has the power to create and forge personal relationships.
  • 131. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Real Connection Whether or not physical adultery follows, emotional adultery is still a violation of the marital relationship because it fractures the relational unity of the marriage.
  • 132. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Real Connection Real-life relationships often center around the day-to-day minutia of life. Online relationships can go deeper, becoming a sounding board and a confidante.
  • 133. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Real Connection Online relationships can provide a grass-is-always-greener scenario. But in that scenario, you’re never responsible for the sad state of affairs on your side of the fence.
  • 134. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Real Connection If you are single, the ultimate point of a dating site should be to meet real people, not spend all of your time with online profiles.
  • 135. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Real Connection Go online, sure, but remember to bring your honesty, integrity, value and principles with you when you go.
  • 136. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Real Connection Emotional adultery devastates relationships because it unhinges emotional attachment and reconnects it online, Pornography devastates relationships because it overwhelms and hijacks sexual fulfillment.
  • 137. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Real Connection The Internet is the perfect delivery system for the drug of pornography and explicit sexual content.
  • 138. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Real Connection Give all your food, water and care to your virtual relationships and watch your real-life ones suffer and wither.
  • 139. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Connection Section “Technology [is] the knack of so arranging the world that we don’t have to experience it.” Max Frisch
  • 140. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Instant Download As a society, our perception of time – what is instant and what is slow – has changed.
  • 141. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Instant Download Technology has altered our expectations and expectations have a huge impact on our lives, our happiness, our sense of security, and our ability to live a balanced, peaceful life.
  • 142. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Instant Download Getting what you want on demand is near kinglike power and control.
  • 143. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Instant Download Technology has increased the ways people can be connected, and it’s no surprise that the connection points have blurred the lines between work and family, public and private.
  • 144. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Instant Download Technology is very good at projecting the urgent, complete with vibration, warning sounds, special rings, pop-ups and alerts. The sheer volume of urgency can translate into importance.
  • 145. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Instant Download Urgent things are quick. Important things can be like glaciers, ever moving but at a slow pace, building up immense momentum but only over time.
  • 146. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Instant Download Having to wait is like being told “no” a hundred times a day. We don’t like to be told “no.”
  • 147. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Connection Section How can understanding your unrecognized expectations help you sort out the urgent from the truly important?
  • 148. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking The Anxiety of Off-Line A study showed the very thought of living off-line produced anxiety – they termed this disconnect anxiety.
  • 149. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking The Anxiety of Off-Line Technology becomes addicting when not only your relationships are dominated by media but your dominant relationship is with media.
  • 150. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking The Anxiety of Off-Line Four ways people experience disconnect anxiety: Safety Work Social Navigation
  • 151. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking The Anxiety of Off-Line When we’re separated from our gadgets, we become disoriented and lose the sense of where and who we are.
  • 152. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Connection Section How long could you be disconnected before you began to feel anxious?
  • 153. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Transfer of Power Technology transfers power from the older generation to the younger.
  • 154. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Transfer of Power Kids don’t use a manual to find out how to use the device; they use the device to find out how it works. They let the device teach them.
  • 155. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Transfer of Power When kids know more than adults about technology – and know they know – there has been a transfer of power.
  • 156. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Transfer of Power When parents no longer control their kids’ access to other people, entertainment and information– there has been a transfer of power.
  • 157. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Transfer of Power Adults are the ones who bring all these devices and technology into the lives of our families – then decry the resulting lack of relationship.
  • 158. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Transfer of Power When kids have the power to choose, they don’t always choose wisely. Adults must choose wisely for them.
  • 159. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Connection Section If the amount of time you’ve spent learning your kids’ devices is less than the time it took to buy it, wrap it, and give it, you might want to consider becoming more familiar with it yourself.
  • 160. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Who Are You, Really? Technology should assist us in communicating who we are, not distort or overshadow who we are.
  • 161. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Who Are You, Really? People who are comfortable with themselves don’t feel compelled to rush out and buy the latest gadget or toy in order to enhance their sense of self.
  • 162. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Who Are You, Really? Technology has a way of magnifying a person’s worst traits and impulses.
  • 163. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Who Are You, Really? Technology is a willing accomplice in hiding the real you and projecting the false you.
  • 164. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Who Are You, Really? The more reliant we become on technology, the more control over our personalities and our personal happiness, we give to it.
  • 165. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Who Are You, Really? I buy technology to enhance my life but, without care, that same technology can quickly degrade my life to its worst forms of self- expression.
  • 166. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Connection Section With technology, are we walking the dog or is the dog walking us?
  • 167. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Finding the Off Switch Every piece of technology has an off switch, whether we know where it is or not, whether we want to use it or not.
  • 168. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Finding the Off Switch A tech detox is a voluntary reduction in your use of technology.
  • 169. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Finding the Off Switch How to accomplish a tech detox: Plan your progress Start small Don’t just reduce, replace Be clear on your goals Stick to your detox rules Determine consequences ahead of time Take advantage of what you’ve learned Take the next step
  • 170. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Connection Section What would be the benefits to a personal and family tech detox?
  • 171. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking The Ultimate Filter Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.
  • 172. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking The Ultimate Filter Technology is great for compartmentalizing – creating discrete little boxes to contain things. God, however, cannot be contained.
  • 173. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking The Ultimate Filter Psalm 10 -- the arrogant man says to himself, “God will never notice; he covers his face and never sees (v. 10).”
  • 174. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking The Ultimate Filter Psalm 33:13 From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind.
  • 175. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking The Ultimate Filter Hebrews 4:13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
  • 176. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking The Ultimate Filter Before we go headlong toward the next technological marvel, we may want to stop first and “count the cost.”
  • 177. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking The Ultimate Filter Choosing quiet means saying “no” to technology distractions. It means finding time each day, whenever possible, to intentionally choose to be fully present with God.
  • 178. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking The Ultimate Filter It’s amazing how much priority, power and omnipotence we ascribe to our little technological devices; they become our idols.
  • 179. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking The Ultimate Filter The foundation of our sense of self, of our value and worth as a person, is best built on a true knowledge of who we are in the spiritual world, not the illusion we’ve crafted for ourselves in the virtual world.
  • 180. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking The Ultimate Filter Technology taps into our inner two- year-old, that part of our personality that grasps tightly to our toys and screams, “Mine!” --- but God expects us to be mature in Christ (Ephesians 4:13).
  • 181. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking The Ultimate Filter We become incensed when it takes 20 seconds to download a webpage; God’s purposes and plans can take millennia to develop and come to fulfillment.
  • 182. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking The Ultimate Filter God’s view is a decidedly long view; in God’s lexicon, slow is not a dirty word.
  • 183. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking The Ultimate Filter Don’t be consumed with guilt over what you’ve learned; be empowered to change.
  • 184. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Connection Section Lord, I give my use of technology over to You. I will have no other gods before You, including a digital one.
  • 185. #hooked: the pitfalls of media, technology and social networking Dr. Gregory L. Jantz, Ph.D.

Editor's Notes

  1. #hooked – pages 37-38 under the “Not Me” subheading
  2. #hooked – pages 37-38 under the “Not Me” subheading
  3. #hooked – pages 37-38 under the “Not Me” subheading
  4. #hooked – pages 37-38 under the “Not Me” subheading
  5. #hooked – pages 37-38 under the “Not Me” subheading
  6. #hooked – pages 37-38 under the “Not Me” subheading
  7. #hooked – pages 37-38 under the “Not Me” subheading
  8. #hooked – pages 37-38 under the “Not Me” subheading