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Domestic Abuse And Domestic Violence Essay
"Every year in the United States there are over 3 million incidents of domestic violence. That means that every nine seconds a women is beaten by
her domestic partner" (Findeley). There are many women that stay silent when being abuse by their partners. The consequences of staying quiet when
obtaining abuse can be dangerous and can also lead to death. Many women do not recognize the importance of the fact that there is in speaking out if
they are being abuse by their partner. No woman should take domestic abuse by their partners. Every woman deserves a healthy relationship; A healthy
relationship involves trust, respect, and consideration for the other person. Domestic abuse has gotten worse during the past years and is still rising up.
One can see that domestic abuse can occur everywhere. Domestic abuse is considered a crime and woman should not keep silent when being abuse.
Abuse can have many different meanings, there is one in particular that takes control in many Americans relationship, "physical maltreatment" (Abuse).
Sadly there is an increasing amount of young adults going through an abusive relationship or were in one. Many of the people that become abusers
consider violence as a normal behavior because they have witnessed it on a daily basis. They than begin to mistreat everyone that comes in his or her
way. An abuser is frequently interested in controlling their victims. An abuser's behavior is usually manipulating, in order to make their victims
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Domestic Abuse
Domestic Abuse
Domestic violence is an important social issue that is common in many households across the United States. Domestic violence is also known as
domestic abuse, spousal abuse, battering, family violence, and intimate partner violence. It is also not merely just physical, it is any behavior that is
intended to control another person through verbal assaults, intimidation, and other means. It can happen to couples who are married, living together,
and who are dating. Domestic violence affects people of all economic, social, racial, and educational backgrounds. In this paper, I will discuss domestic
violence against women, and why I believe we need harsher punishments for the abusers.
All forms of domestic abuse have one purpose: to gain and maintain control over the victim. The actual act of domestic abuse comes in many forms;
aggravated assault, kidnapping, sexual abuse, forcible touching, stalking, kidnapping, sexual misconduct, and attempted murder are just to name a few.
According to Amy Lehrner and Nicole Allen, domestic violence is battery as an intentional pattern of abusive behaviors by one partner against the
other which results in establishing and maintaining the abuser's power and control over the other. (Lehrner & Allen, 2008) Victims tend to stay in
abusive relationships for many different reasons. Some see their abusers as powerful and believe they cannot escape, they also fear retaliation, and are
often beaten or intimidating into
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The Law Of Domestic Abuse
On the other hand, the law must be analysed in regard to how efficiently it protects female victims, to be able to contrast and reflect on the overall
problems. A consultation in 2014 was provided by Theresa May, which highlighted key areas where domestic abuse is an issue. Where policing of
domestic abuse was concerned, arrest rates varied significantly from 45% to 90% across 42 police forces in England. Furthermore, 'vital evidence was
missed, photographs of injuries were taken in less than half of the ABH cases' . From these facts it is clear that the authorities do not take domestic
abuse as seriously as they should. One reason behind this, is due to the victim choosing to retract their statement and not to pursue down a legal route
which ends up in police time being wasted. The Independent Police Complaints Commission, studied an incident that occurred in 2011, a woman
successfully gained a non–molestation order against her ex–partner, however the man had breached the order over three times and ended up killing her.
Negligence on behalf of the police was largely to blame here, the man claimed not to understand the order so was not held for a breach, and it was
not recorded in any of the national police systems. Furthermore, only one handwritten risk assessments were completed for two incidents, so a power
of arrest is actually rendered useless if it is not even recorded properly, also they did not record the level of risk, thus resulting in the death of the
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Domestic Abuse And Substance Abuse
Domestic abuse and substance in a family can traumatize any children going through this outbreak. Spouses, parents, stepparents, children,
siblings, elderly relatives, and intimate partners may all be targets of domestic/substance abuse. Domestic violence is the most risk factor
impacting a child's social, emotional, and physical wellbeing. Violence, aggression, and substance abuse between members of the family have
been continued patterns of family life. I want to see the outcome of how children interact, cope or deal with life after living in a domestic abuse or
substance abuse situation. As teachers it is our duty to call child protective services or call the number for domestic abuse when we see a child
hurt or bruised. "The research objectives were to examine if and how they identify, assess and meet the needs of children and our young people
who are vulnerable as a result of domestic abuse, to identify gaps in service provision and professional practice and make recommendations for
improvement" ( Peckover p. 401). As a teacher we have to make sure to teach slowly and gain the child's trust if they came from an abusive family.
We have to gain their trust in order to speak to them, give comfort to them without them cringing, and to make sure to say that we are there for that
child. When we get a child from such background it is our duty to change plans and teach that child at a pace that won't get hard on them.. When we
receive such a child we have to produce a
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Nfl Domestic Abuse
Democracy Now 1
The area of interest I chose was domestic violence/abuse from an show titled: An NFL Wife Tell Her Story: Intimidated Spouses Followed "Code of
Silence" Around Domestic Abuse. This topic is common among the players in the National Football League (NFL). The date this show was posted is
Tuesday, September 16, 2014. The key presenter(s) that discussed the topic were as followed: Amy Goodman (Journalist and columnist for radio show
Democracy Now!) and Dewan Smith–Williams (Wife of retired NFL Player Wally Williams; Intimated spouse around domestic abuse).
A briefing of the show, Mrs. Williams, is currently married to retired NFL player Wally Williams and has dealt with domestic abuse. In their
relationship in the past, she ... Show more content on ...
Regarding the Dewan Smith–Williams case they're goal to me is to protect the brand and not to protect the husband from himself and his high risk
behavior to his wife and family because they didn't want her to go to the police and keep it silent. I think Mrs. Williams made the right call to come
forth and let it be known that spouses and/or partners are being treated unfair and something needs to be done. In my opinion, maybe if fans, anti–
violence groups and women's rights organizations get together and organize a plan that could force the owners to enact stronger and lasting reforms
to improve the NFL actions and response to domestic abuse. They should make some amendments to the personal conduct policy. This topic relates to
the discussion on human behavior because we want to know what causes the domestic abuse from the spouse especially if the abuser is in the NFL, a
super star, and fame is growing and so forth. Find out what area of treatment and theory practice could be used to help the
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Domestic Animal Abuse
71% of pet–owning women entering women's shelters reported that their batterer had injured, maimed, killed or threatened family pets for revenge or
to psychologically control victims; 32% reported their children had hurt or killed animals. 68% of battered women reported violence towards their
animals. 87% of these incidents occurred in the presence of the women, and 75% in the presence of the children, to psychologically control and coerce
them. 13% of intentional animal abuse cases involve domestic violence.Between 25% and 40% of battered women are unable to escape abusive
situations because they worry about what will happen to their pets or livestock should they leave. Pets may suffer unexplained injuries, health
problems, permanent disabilities... Show more content on ...
For many battered women, pets are sources of comfort providing strong emotional support: 98% of Americans consider pets to be companions or
members of the family. Animal cruelty problems are people problems. When animals are abused, people are at risk. More American households have
pets than have children. We spend more money on pet food than on baby food. There are more dogs in the U.S. than people in most countries in
Europe – and more cats than dogs. A child growing up in the U.S. is more likely to have a pet than a live–at–home father. Pets live most frequently in
homes with children: 64.1% of homes with children under age 6, and 74.8% of homes with children over age 6, have pets. The woman is the primary
caregiver in 72.8% of pet–owning households. Battered women have been known to live in their cars with their pets for as long as four months until
an opening was available at a pet–friendly safe house.Anti–cruelty laws exist in all U.S. states and territories to prohibit unnecessary killing, mutilating,
torturing, beating, neglecting and abandoning animals, or depriving them of proper food, water or
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Domestic Abuse And Domestic Violence
Domestic Abuse Domestic abuse is tremendous problem around the globe. There are different forms of domestic violence, all of which are not
acceptable and in some places in the world domestic violence is legal. In the places where domestic violence is legal, it is only legal to hurt your
wife. If a woman tried to hurt her husband, she would be majorly punished. It is defined as a series of abusive acts in any form of a relationship for
one person to have control over their partner. The three most common forms of domestic violence are physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. Even
though there are other forms of domestic abuse they all relate back to these three topics. People find very many ways to physically abuse their partner
such as, acid throwing, bride burning, female genitalia mutilation, foot binding, forced abortion, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, forced prostitution,
murder, and many other ways. Women are victims of domesticviolence five times greater than men are. In the whole world about one in three
women have experienced a physical form of domestic violence in their lifetime. Also, about 50% of all sexual offences are on girls under the age of
sixteen. Another form of physical abuse is battering. Battering means hitting or punching with all you have on your spouse or partner. One in ten
women have been forced into sexual intercourse or other sexual experiences once in their lifetime, most of which occurred by their partner or spouse.
Marital rape should
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Domestic Abuse Men
Should men/boys get more sympathy if they experience domestic abuse?
Domestic abuse, also known as domestic abuse violence, includes physical, emotional and sexual abuse in couple relationships or between family
members. Anybody can be affected by domestic abuse and anyone can be an abuser. It does not just happen to women, as people often think this is the
case, men can be victims too.
Campaigners say men are often said to be "second class victims". Men do not get same amount of sympathy a woman would get if they were
experiencing domestic abuse. 600,000 males will be a victim of domestic abuse this year but only half will speak to someone about the situation.
Domestic abuse in boys is common although it is often unreported. Unfortunately ... Show more content on ...
It is very rarely that we hear of a man's experience. This is because less men are willing to come forward. We hear this because men feel as though
they have a reputation to maintain. This causes a lack of knowledge when it comes to thinking about domestic abuse/violence.
People believe that men will find it easier to leave an abusive relationship. However this is not the case. In most cases it very much the opposite way
about. Men are more likely to stay with their abusive partner than a women is. This shows that men aren't as strong and tough as we think.
For women who are experiencing any cases of domestic abuse there are millions of help lines and shelters, however if a man was to be
experiencing domestic abuse there are very few help lines and shelters out there. For example there is 'Woman's aid' if a woman needed somewhere
to go because she couldn't take it anymore. Woman's aid also have a help line where you can speak to someone over the phone. If men needed
something of the sort of this they would have very few options. Every year there is thousands of pounds being spent on charities for women in the
need of help where as there is very few spent on any men's
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Domestic Abuse And Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is defined as "a pattern of behavior which involves violence or other abuse by one person against another in a domestic setting,
such as in marriage or cohabitation" (Domestic Violence , n.d.) Domestic abuse has serious long term consequences, and can affect anyone. Whether
you are a man or woman, rich or poor, black or white, domestic abuse still occurs, it is predominately impoverished women who cannot afford a good
lawyer and feel they have no way out. These women are scared and have no money or means to defend themselves. There is a big elephant in the room
when it come to domestic violence, women are too embarrassed to talk about it, and often those aware don't know what to say so they ignore it.
Unfortunately, domestic abuse against women does not stop once she gathers up enough courage to leave her abuser, the abuse continues by means of
emotional trauma, custody battles, and difficulty in the system.
Eisikovits and Band–Winterstein (2015) examined ways in which abused women perceive themselves and how they recover after the abuse. The
sample included 40 participants aged 23–84. They conducted in–depth interviews with the abused women in order to collect their data. The results of
the data found the reoccurring themes in which the women suffered: "Suffering through isolation and control; enduring bodily pain; estrangement,
alienation and loneliness in one's own dwelling; time as a source of suffering; significant; others as a mirror of the self;
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Domestic Abuse Controversy
Is domestic abuse that big of a controversy? Is it really as bad as people make it seem? What is domestic abuse? Domestic abuse is a tragedy not
only in the United States but also around the world and still exist in today's modern society. Domestic abuse affects not only women or men but also
the children damaging them mentally for a long time perhaps even for life. The early 1800's most legal systems accepted "wife–beating" as a
husband's right and a part of his entitlement to control his wife in every way, Female activists caused a drastic change, because by the end of the 19th
century, most courts denied that husbands had any right to chastise their wives. Ever since the 1980's domestic abuse is the most reported crime on file
compared... Show more content on ...
Children exposed to child and domestic abuse can have very severe mental disorders. "Numerous studies have demonstrated that children exposed to
domestic abuse and/or child abuse are more likely to experience a wide range of adverse psychosocial and behavioral outcomes''(Carrie). Exposure to
domestic abuse in childhood has been linked to a similar set of outcomes, including low self–esteem, social withdrawal, depression, and anxiety also
aggression, violence, and delinquency. If a child witnesses punching, hitting, and screaming around a preschool age group can affect them through
their whole life with horrific memories and/or flashbacks. It's important to realize that domestic abuse has different effects depending on the child.
Problems were significantly higher for boys exposed to domestic abuse rather than girls. Other studies have shown boys to be at higher risk of
externalizing problems in adolescence after being abused in childhood, but girls exposed to domestic abuse were at higher risk than boys for both
externalizing and internalizing behaviors, including
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Domestic Violence And Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse is a worldwide issue that affects many people and families. We define domestic abuse as,"behaviors that physically harm, arouse fear,
prevent a partner from doing what they wish or force them to behave in ways they do not want. It includes the use of physical and sexual violence,
threats and intimidation, emotional abuse and economic deprivation. Many of these different forms of domestic violence/abuse can be occurring at any
one time within the same intimate relationship" (The National Domestic Violence Hotline). Although being a victim of domestic violence is terrible,
there are ways to help the survivors and their families. Before we discuss the treatment options, let's learn about the statistics and the signs of an
abusive relationship or situation. As I quoted at the beginning on this essay, domestic violence has killed many women in America. In the same
article, I learned that 3 women are killed every day by a current or former male partner in America (Vagianos, 2014). Statistically speaking, women
are more prone to be victimized than men are. This is true because women are sometimes perceived to be weaker than men, therefore an abuser will
find it easier to target that person. The World Health Organization states that 1 in 3 women (which is about 35%) worldwide have experienced a
violent or sexual attack (World Health Organization, 2016). Although women are often targeted by abusers, children and men are also victims of
domestic abuse. The violence
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Domestic Violence And Domestic Abuse
"My father was one of those men who sit in a room and you can feel it: the simmer, the sense of some unpredictable force that might, at any moment,
break loose, and do something terrible" (Burnside). Many family units silently suffer from domestic abuse inflicted by a parent figure. According to the
United States Department of Social Justice, domestic violence is a "pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain
or maintain power and control over another intimate partner." Even when an abused partner, typically the woman, is removed from the abusive
situation, pain does not cease. There are extensive emotional and psychological repercussions from domestic abuse. As the most commonly abused
sector of the population is made up of woman and children, they will be the parties analyzed. This domestically abused sector requires aid from
individuals, such as social workers, who are educated in the area of domestic abuse and are trained to work through the repercussions of domestic
abuse. This paper discusses the history of domestic violence, the nature of lingering pain in the psychological and emotional sense, what can be done to
recover from the trauma, and how Christian social workers should approach helping those who have been domestically abused. Domestic violence has
existed ever since Eve bit into the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, and sin entered the world. Earthly relationships are fallen, and consequently
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Domestic Abuse Afghanistan
Societal is major influence on domestic abuse happening on women. Children who live in homes where they have to eye–witness the domestic
violence happen can lead to significant emotional and physiological trauma. Gradually youngster learn to think behave and act based upon others they
observe. In that way, they can learn fast and respond quickly. That kind of environment can make negative impact on child behavior and actions in the
future. The figure below shows mistreatment of married women by her own husband family members in Afghanistan. According to population
Reference Bureau, "92 percent of women in Afghanistan feel that a husband is justified in hitting or beating his wife for at least one of these reasons:
going out without telling the husband, neglecting the children, arguing with the husband, refusing sex, and burning the food" (Clifton, 2011). Compare
to almost every women in Afghanistan justifying that husband has right to hit them, in India "54% of women agree that it is justified for a husband to
beat his wife under some circumstances" (Domestic... Show more content on ...
According to study done by researcher Abigail Weitzman, "women in India who have more education than their husbands, who earn more, or who are
the sole earners in their families have a higher likelihood of experiencing frequent and severe intimate partner violence (IPV) than women who are not
employed or who are less educated than their spouse" (Weitzman, 2014). Even women with higher education and jobs in India reported becoming
victim of domestic violence. One reason Abigail mentions in her research was, "gender deviants". Women with higher education were looked, as
superiority to men and that is why men use more violence to gain power over women. To men in India, they always wanted to be superior to women
in any way. They are head of their family and therefore, they are the one who makes all kinds of decisions, take over the control of their whole
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Domestic Abuse And Domestic Violence
I chose to do the domestic survivors subculture I feel as if it was a great topic to focus on its going to reveal a lot of emotion. Domestic violence can
happen to anyone. Domestic violence sometimes called battering is against the law. At first glance, it is hard to imagine why a victim of domestic
violence would voluntarily remain in the relationship with the abuser. As you may knowdomestic violence doesn't always start off as violence it starts
off as in the form of love. The abuser feels as if they love the person so much that it hurts. That the abuse they inflict on the person they love is
because they love and care about them. Many victims feel as if no one will believe them. There has been so many cases that have gone unanswered
because no one really knows what goes on. The person being abused hides what the abuser does because they think it is something they did wrong or
they think the person loves them. Domestic abuse comes in different forms it can be verbal, physical, or sexual. Domestic abuse leaves psychological
scars from anxiety due to living in ongoing danger. In my essay you will get to know a lot of women that have survived domestic abuse and their stories.
Meet Lisette Johnson she is a domestic abuse survivor her story started off as her husband calling her names and always talking about her after while
it progressed to much more. She feared leaving him because she had two kids and she was for sure she wouldn't get full custody of them. So she stuck
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Domestic Animal Abuse
Did you know domestic animal abuse is a problem in our world? When people of think of animal abuse, they really don't care except for those
really animal lovers in the world but imagine if these animal were your best friend or a family member of yours. I think the abuse animals need to be
stop be abusing and have more people fight against domestic animal abuse. Domestic animals shouldn't even be abuse in the first place because they
are harmless and defenseless. According to The Humane Society, Animal cruelty can be either deliberate abuse or simply the failure to take care of an
animal." Deliberate cruelty may involve beating, shooting or stabbing animals or setting them on fire". (Animal Abuse and Neglect 10). Why would
anyone beat their... Show more content on ...
The animals can start getting violent and start biting back as in response of the violent. "Normal behavioral and physiological responses in dog may be
modifies by the influence of human presence. Such effect raise concerns about the reliability of dogs as animal models" (Serpell 1). Dr. James is
an expert on this topic because he is a professor at a veterinary school and he also directs the Center for the interaction Of Animals and Society.
Some people are scare of dogs because they are scare that they might bite them but animals don't bite unless they have been harm or feel like they are
going to be harm. We can reduce the amount of people of a fear of dogs to loving them by reducing the amount of people abusing
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A Comentary on Domestic Abuse
a.The thing that surprised me the most about Telling Amy's Story, was not from the actual video itself, but from the follow
–up discussion video. When
the lady who is the head of the National Domestic Violence Hotline, Cathy Cates, relayed what someone who was an abuser said to her. In a
nutshell he told her, while slamming his partner's head on a bureau, that he was thinking he could do it, it works to give him what he wanted from
the partner, and that there were no consequences. b.I felt angry, frustrated, helpless, shocked, etc. I mostly feel angry, all of it directed at Amy's
husband and others like him who abuse people. I find it hard to deal with the fact that the abusers think that there are no consequences and agree that
we, as a community, should end that sentiment. I also feel that we really should do more to reach out to the people victimized by the violence of their
abusers. We need to show them that they are important and we care what happens to them, that we are here to help them get through and past this
situation and will not stop helping them as long as they need us. 2.I disagree with the sentence the judge gave, but understand why it was the one
given to Wendy Maldonado. She took a plea deal, which included the rather harsh sentence she received. I also understand that because of this plea and
fact that in Oregon one has to be in imminent danger to claim self–defense or justifiable homicide, and because Aaron was asleep when she and Randy
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Domestic Abuse And Domestic Violence
According to data from the National Collision Against Domestic Violence, a woman in the United States is fatally shot by a spouse, ex–spouse, or
other romantic partner on average every 14 hours. Despite these statistics, there are still many misconceptions about domestic violence both in
California and across the United States.
Domestic Violence is Always Physical
While physical abuse is one part of domestic violence, physical abuse is only a portion of the problem. The National Domestic Violence 's website
looks at a variety of abuse types. Threats, including threats of abuse or threatening to take away the children if he or she does not do something also
constitutes abuse. Isolating the person from family or friends is another form ... Show more content on ...
One in 7 women and 1 in 18 men in the United States have also been victims of stalking by an intimate partner to the point that they were afraid for
their safety.
While some people may assume the men who experience domestic violence must be in a homosexual relationship, that is not always the case.
Women can also be the perpetuator of domestic violence. Along with being in denial, loving their partner, and fearing the repercussions of reporting
the abuse or leaving, men may continue to allow the abuse in a heterosexual relationship because they are ashamed. They do not want to feel like they
are weak or admit that their wife or girlfriend has abused them. They also often feel like there are less resources for help.
It Only Happens Between Couples
While domestic violence can involve intimate couples and often does involve intimate couples, it is not limited to just two people who are in a
romantic relationship. Domestic violence can happen between married couples or those living together as domestic partners. Those who are divorced
or separated from their partner and those who are dating or have dated the person may also be victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence may
also happen between people who have had a child together. While all of these examples constitute partners or previous partners, domestic violence can
happen between other family members. This may include parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, and in–laws. In
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Domestic Abuse
Abuse occurs when people mistreat or misuse other people, showing no concern for their integrity or intent worth as individuals. There are different
types of abuse, examples are, family abuse, neglect, and emotional abuse. On average, most children that grow up in an abusive home are most likely
to become abusive towards their spouse and or kids. Family abuse can be the worse because it affects the whole family. Emotional abuse affects the
inside and that can be mentally damaging. Most of the time, neglect abuse is not always intentional. It's caused by inexperienced parents not
knowing how to raise the child. This paper, will focus on the affects domestic abuse has on children. When children are exposed to family violence,
it effect the children mentally and physically. It makes kids fearful of other adults or elders. The child could start to lie about the abuse and start to
feel that it's their fault. Which makes them afraid to even talk to their own family about the abuse. It can lead the child to abuse drugs when they get
older. Children can even grow up to resent their parents for abusing them or to even let it happen. The child can grow up to feel that it's ok to hit their
loved ones or be ... Show more content on ...
"Study found that those who were physically or emotionally abused and neglected were significantly more likely to initiate and consume alcohol"
(Lokhmatkina). A child being a victim of emotional abuse can also lead into behavior issues and they might lead in the domino effect of abusing
others. Which also in some cases had led to school shootings and or suicide. Just like emotional abuse, neglect is also happening, some studies shows
that neglect is not always intentional but still affects the
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Domestic Abuse Women
There has been a constant abused made on women in the world which has become a general concern for the society, most of this women leave their
home and children in fear of their lives and some of them end up in a tragedy position, due to the domestic abused they encounter from their intimate
partner. The study on Domestic Violence and Women's Mental Health in Chile as reported in the Journal on Psychology of Women (2004) had found
that there is indeed a link between domestic violence and serious social, psychological and health problems, (Rodriguez T. J, 2011). PARTICIPANTS
The sampling population for the measurement of this data is collected from 3 different shelter ... Show more content on ...
The form consisted of 15 items in multiple–choice and fill–in–the blank formats.
Also, the data collection instruments used in this research project was focus group format because it create a means for the researcher to observe the
participant closely and it was less fearful for research participant because of the group settings, which created a collaborative understanding between
Qualitative data collection instrument provided me the opportunity to interview the research participant in asking them question not fully illustrated in
the quantitative research questionnaire this two methods help in understanding the viewpoints of research participants.
According to Dudley (2011), quantitative data are useful in providing numerical measures of characteristics of a sample of people, whereas qualitative
data can provide descriptive accounts on the same topics. These descriptive topic accounts are valuable because they can contribute pertinent
information in the words of each
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Domestic Abuse And Animal Abuse
Throughout time people have integrated pets into their families and have viewed them as valued members of their families. According to the American
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty for Animals, more commonly known through its acronym the ASPCA, "approximately 44% of all households in
the United States have a dog, and 35% have a cat"("Pet Statistics."). Despite these animals having a home, many face neglect and abuse. The Humane
Society released an advertisement successfully addressing the correlation between households with domestic violence and animal abuse present. The
advertisement by the Humane Society effectively does this through the melancholic imagery and deep–seated message it conveys. The effectiveness of
their advertisement can be discerned by analyzing its ethical, emotional, and rational appeal.
To start off, the Humane Society is the United States largest organization for the protection of animals. The organization is well known throughout the
United States and internationally recognized. At the bottom of the advertisement, the organization's logo is included along with the address of their
headquarters. The advertisement also includes the organization's website as well as the encouragement to contact them if they would potentially wish
to gather further information which was done so in order to further elaborate and validate their claims on the advertisement Also, to further add to their
credibility, that advertisement includes support from the National
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The Law Of Domestic Abuse
On the other hand, the law must be analysed in regard to how efficiently it protects female victims, to be able to contrast and reflect on the overall
problems. A consultation in 2014 was provided by Theresa May, which highlighted key areas where domestic abuse is an issue. Where policing of
domestic abuse was concerned, arrest rates varied significantly from 45% to 90% across 42 police forces in England. Furthermore, 'vital evidence was
missed, photographs of injuries were taken in less than half of the ABH cases' . From these facts it is clear that the authorities do not take domestic
abuse as seriously as they should. One reason behind this, is due to the victim choosing to retract their statement and not to pursue down a legal route
which ends up in police time being wasted. The Independent Police Complaints Commission, studied an incident that occurred in 2011, a woman
successfully gained a non–molestation order against her ex–partner, however the man had breached the order over three times and ended up killing her.
Negligence on behalf of the police was largely to blame here, the man claimed not to understand the order so was not held for a breach, and it was
not recorded in any of the national police systems. Furthermore, only one handwritten risk assessments were completed for two incidents, so a power
of arrest is actually rendered useless if it is not even recorded properly, also they did not record the level of risk, thus resulting in the death of the
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Domestic Abuse Children
Domestic Abuse and Children
Jamie L. Barnes
Texas A&M University– Central Texas
Domestic Abuse and Children
Domestic abuse is a major concern and one that takes a major toll on American families. Anyone can become a victim of domestic violence as it
knows no gender, has no age limit and can happen within any social status. Its common knowledge that 1 in 4 women will have experienced domestic
violence at least once in their lives and many times these women have children in the home. Domestic abuse not only causes physical injuries and scars
but also mental scaring for not only the victims, but for the children that witness the abuse, thus creating a cycle of abuse throughout generations. It is
suggested that approximately "10 million children ... Show more content on ...
The effects of the abuse show that the most common types of symptoms in children stemming from domestic violence is psychological and behavioral
disturbances. Children reported that the worst thing about abuse is not being hit, but living in constant fear of the abuse. The aim of the study was to
describe the experiences of different types of domestic violence among adolescents and associations between the family background and different types
of domestic violence. The team surveyed 1393– 9th graders and found that domestic violence is fairly common in the lives of adolescents. 67% had
experienced parental symbolic aggression, 55% had witnessed mild violence and 9% had witnessed severe violence during their childhood. 12% of the
adolescents had witnessed parent–to–parent violence and it was determined that witnessing domestic violence and their exposure to parental violence is
associated with a number of adolescents' background factors such as self–perceived health, satisfaction with life, family relationships, parenting
practice, school bullying and sexual activity. The п¬Ѓndings stress the relevance of witnessing domestic violence as a risk factor for more severe
domestic violence and even sexual abuse. Different types of domestic violence have a major effect on
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The Effects Of Domestic Violence On Domestic Abuse
Susan Cisneros
English 1301
2 December 2014
Stop The Abuse Underreported and underestimated, domestic abuse rips families apart every single day. Domestic violence comes in mainly five
different forms, physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, and economic. This violence ruins families, demoralizes the victims, and the public
downplays the household terrorism that goes on every day. Generally thought of as taboo, the public belittles and humorizes domestic abuse as a way
to deal with it, that avoidance must come to an end. The five forms of domestic violence are economic, emotional, physical, psychological and sexual.
The most commonly known physical violence occurs when a partner or parent inflicts injury such as hitting, stabbing, and shoving. Physical violence
also takes place when food or fluids, medical care and other sources that maintain health get withheld. The most commonly recognized form of sexual
violence is rape, or non–consensual sexual intercourse. Sexual and physical violence oftentimes both wind up reported by the same victim. Some
individuals actively engage in sexually abusive lifestyles, bondage, dominance, sadism and masochism, or "BDSM" is a wildly growing underground
culture in America. It focuses on dehumanizing the submissive partner and empowering the dominant one. Certain pop culture books and films such
as Fifty Shades of Grey have been giving this type of lifestyle a veil and treating it like a glamorous relationship to be
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Domestic Violence: The Cycle Of Domestic Abuse
Domestic Abuse
Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior which involves violence or other abuse by one person against another in a domestic setting, such as in
marriage or cohabitation. Domestic violence occurs when the abuser believes that abuse is an entitlement, acceptable, justified, or unlikely to be
reported. It may produce intergenerational cycles of abuse in children and other family members, who may feel that such violence is acceptable or
Very few people recognize themselves as abusers or victims because they may consider their experience as family conflicts that got out of control. In
abusive relationships, there may be a cycle of abuse during which tensions rise and an act of violence is committed, followed by a period ... Show more
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Some people feel loved if they aren't getting abused. Why do people feel that way? Some people feel bored in the relationship, wanting more attention
from their mate, then you also have some people that are broken.
There are some people since they was a little child grew up watched their parent being abused, so they think that it's the right thing to do and that it's
love. A lot of times people blame their behavior on something else, like drugs and alcohol. Drinking does affect abuse, but may be not how you would
think for some people who've never experienced an abusive relationship, it's hard to imagine why someone would stay. The truth is there's lots of
reasons why people don't "just leave" including that the break up is often the most dangerous time.
Break up are most dangerous because ending an unhealthy or abusive relationship is not like ending a healthy one. The person abusive partner may not
accept the break up or respect the person boundaries. They may try to control you through guilt trips, threats or insults. It may be very difficult to have
a peaceful or mutual breakup with an abusive
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Domestic Abuse Essay
Child and domestic abuse is a serious matter which needs to have additional focus, especially in this day and age. Abuse is most often causes harm to
others. Abuse may either be verbal, emotional, or physical or times all three. In today's society there are many different types of abuse including,
physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, and neglect. All these types of abuse can affect people in multiple different ways, creating anywhere from
short term to long term notable effects in the person suffering from abuse. Each and every day in the United States and all over the world thousands to
tens of thousands of people are being abused by their partners, friend's, parents, and other family members. Looking at the different types of... Show
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Some abusers will call multiple times a day while their partner is at work until that partner gets fired. Most of the domestic violence cases are found to
be men that abuse their wife or child's mother, but we must also note women can also be the abuser. Children who grow up seeing their mother being
abused are more likely to become violent. Boys who grow up watching their father abuse their mother tend to try to protect their mother and take the
punishment themselves or they tend to do the same thing in their personal relationships. Domestic violence doesn't just affect the child in their personal
relationships, it has been found this can also affect their behavior and they can become more prone to violence. Seventy–five percent of boys growing
up in a home with this type of violence have been diagnosed with a behavioral problem and have a seventy–four percent chance of committing a more
violent crime. (Rawhide 2017)Children living in a domestic violence homes see or hear it happen almost every day. "5 million children witness
domestic violence each year in the US." (Childhood Domestic Violence Association 2016) Domestic abuse has many effects on the victim and the
child. When a child watches or hears domestic violence, they can be affected short term or long term. Short term
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Domestic Violence And Abuse
People usually wonder how the other half of the world lives. The video, "Scene it," initially appeared to seem as a harmless video. A viewer initially
may expect and anticipate it to be merely an average, typical day of someone's life. However, the video results to take an unexpected turn. The woman
in this video goes home from having a joyful and delightful day just to encounter domestic violence given to her by her significant other (Citation). It is
devastating to witness such an event. Any type of domestic violence or abuse should not be tolerated or endured.
Domestic Violence and abuse is a traumatical experience for the victim and their health and wellness. The National Coalition Against Domestic
Violence (2015) explains, "psychological
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Commentary on Domestic Abuse
###Part of essay 384363### a.The thing that surprised me the most about Telling Amy's Story, was not from the actual video itself, but from the
follow–up discussion video. When the lady who is the head of the National Domestic Violence Hotline, Cathy Cates, relayed what someone who
was an abuser said to her. In a nutshell he told her, while slamming his partner's head on a bureau, that he was thinking he could do it, it works to
give him what he wanted from the partner, and that there were no consequences. b.I felt angry, frustrated, helpless, shocked, etc. I mostly feel angry,
all of it directed at Amy's husband and others like him who abuse people. I find it hard to deal with the fact that the abusers think that there are no
consequences and agree that we, as a community, should end that sentiment. I also feel that we really should do more to reach out to the people
victimized by the violence of their abusers. We need to show them that they are important and we care what happens to them, that we are here to help
them get through and past this situation and will not stop helping them as long as they need us. 2.I disagree with the sentence the judge gave, but
understand why it was the one given to Wendy Maldonado. She took a plea deal, which included the rather harsh sentence she received. I also
understand that because of this plea and fact that in Oregon one has to be in imminent danger to claim self–defense or justifiable homicide, and
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Domestic Abuse Sociology
Social interaction for the victims of domestic abuse becomes very difficult. It does not matter which of the many types they have experienced. They
have been manipulated into losing their self–confidence, and could believe they do not have what it takes to function in public. There is a real fear of
putting themselves out of their comfort zone. In many cases, the victim of abuse is embarrassed and worried what others will think of their
appearance or that they may behave differently than expected. Violence against women is very risky and is often prolonged. Among those who do
contact the police, some may decide not to file charges against the attacker for many reasons. Financial threat; fear of further violence; and fear of
losing the children, their home, employment or family are just a few. (Bostock, 2009) The mental strain and fear of... Show more content on ...
Women who are being abused and controlled by their partners are generally not allowed to engage in the kind of open dialogue that counseling
promotes. In fact, a woman who does speak openly to a social worker in the presence of an abusive partner may, in reality, be in serious danger when
she returns home. (Golden, 1994) The fear that is created through the abuse makes it difficult for the victim to admit they are being mistreated. Once
being reported, the arrest of the abuser is actually the most effective "therapeutic" intervention yet discovered. Conversely, family systems therapy,
which pin points the problem in the relationship, can endanger the victim. Meditation, which assumes that the two parties have equal standing in a
dispute and the ability to negotiate fairly, also creates the possibility of danger. The power imbalance in an abusive relationship and the threat of
violence hinders equitable negotiations between the two parties. (Golden, 1994) This is why psychological counseling is not always
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Domestic Violence and Abuse
Domestic Violence and Abuse
Abstract Domestic Violence is one of the most occurring situations found in the United States. This form of violence, also known as spousal abuse,
happens within a relationship that is intimate or within a marriage. This particular issue seems to be found to affect women more often than men in
varying ways such as injury or even death. Some of the injuries found in domestic violence cases are the head, neck, chest, face, breast, and abdomen,
which are the most frequently injured. Many people believe that domestic violence is something that pertains to physical damage, but it has more of a
psychological affect. The emotional aspect of domestic violence seems to be overlooked because one's idea may vary ... Show more content on ...
Statistics are still proving that men are still known to be the abusers many more times than woman. "In 2007, crimes by intimate partners accounted
for 23 percent of all violent crimes against females and 3 percent of all violent crimes against males." (The National Center for Victims of Crime,
2011) Many may suspect that the reason that it seems like men are less likely to be abused is because of the gender and the masculinity, compared to
the body types of women and the fragility. Despite the gender aspects, there are cases of domestic violence when it was individuals of the same sex.
Same sex relationships have about the same frequency of occurrences as to heterosexual relationships.
Stated by Zach Kansler, "No intimate relationship is immune from the danger of domestic abuse. Homosexual couples and heterosexual couples
experience similar rates of harm inflected by domestic abuse." (Kansler, 2011) He further states, "Despite the similarities in rate of occurrence, and
that humans should be treated equally and with dignity, some states expressly treat the personal safety of homosexuals as less valuable than that of
heterosexuals.[2] This injustice is manifested in the express lack of availability of a basic legal tool of self–preservation, the order of protection.
Furthermore, where these orders are available to victims of same–sex domestic abuse ("SSDA"), it is not through clear and
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Spotabuse: Domestic Abuse
Animal Abuse. Domestic Abuse Abuse. It is happening right in front of you, yet you can't tell in most cases. Why? Are the abusers frustrated, sad,
or stressed? None of that matters because there is no possible reason for you to abuse your pets or your family. The worst part is that people are so
scared when their abused that 65% of abuse victims stay in abusive homes. The American Humane Society states that people who stay or delay leaving
an abusive home worry about the safety of their pets. . First it starts with our pets and then it move to our children.
The billboard ad has a picture of a horrified, bloody, and bandaged up dog next to the picture of a helpless and terrified little girl. Under the picture of
the girl it has ... Show more content on ...
A main goal of SpotAbuse is to reduce the percentages of domestic violence and to educate the general public that doesn't know about abuse or that try
to push the facts away because it makes them feel emotions they don't like. If you go to you can find information like "76% of animal
abusers abuse their family members" ( 2016). As stated earlier in the piece a lot of abuse cases go unreported. On they
show that 70% of abuse cases go unreported. That is terrifying and makes you think have I come into contact with an abuse victim. The speaker of the
ad, SpotAbuse is using advertising techniques that opens a path of curiosity and emotions to this worldwide phenomenon.
Abuse victims are so scared, hurt, sad, scared but worst of all they are helpless. That is why you need to step in and pick them of their feet by
spreading the word about abuse.You can donate to PotAbuse to to help them reach their goals and that doesnt just mean money spread the word to
people, everywhere you go. Remember anybody can be a victim or an attacker,first it's your pets and then it's the people you
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The Influence Of Domestic Abuse
Domestic Abuse
Every minute, nearly 20 people are physically abused by an intimate partner, family member, or someone they know in the United States. This is a
major problem not just in society, not just in the United states, but all over the world. People are ignoring the inevitable that abuse is a real thing and it
could happen to anyone at anytime. Although people often think domestic abuse is a problem of the poor and underprivileged, it can affect all genders,
race, and stature.
Both males and females can experience abuse at the hands of their own families. Every one in fifteen children will experience abuse from a family
member at some point. (Domestic violence Amongst the many influences of domestic abuse, many experience maltreatment from their own
families. Adrian Peterson is well known as the running back for the Minnesota Vikings, but even more notorious for physically harming his son. In
2014, pictures were ... Show more content on ...
Seeing things from a different county, different point of view, different race, different life. Pakistani national Ayesha, age 18 had dealt with abuse not
only from her father, but from her husband as well. "The domestic violence started two months after my marriage, and hasn't stopped even fourteen
years later. Broken limbs, broken teeth and miscarriages became a routine for me. Why he beats me, I don't know. Maybe he sees me as an animal
with no rights, or a punching bag for his frustrations. He surely does not see me as a living and breathing a human being. Wherever I have worked, I
have felt as though I have been treated like a person, not the way I am treated at my home. I realize that I deserve to be considered a human
being."(Jamal n. page.) No matter what race is being effected by maltreatment, people forget (or just don't want to believe) that they are abusing another
human being. Ayesha was right, she should be considered a person
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Questions On Domestic Abuse And Domestic Violence
GagnГ© suggested nine events of instruction that facilitate learning. If I was and instructor attempting to lecture on the topic of domestic abuse,
GagnГ© would suggest that I first need to gain the attention of my students. To do this, I will need to provide a stimulus that grabs their attention. I
will show a short YouTube video that shows different men and women's experiences withdomestic violence. The video then will end with domestic
violence statistics and what you can do to help someone that you feel might be a victim of domestic violence. Second, I must inform the learners of the
objective so that students are aware of what they will know after learning the information and will be able to sort the information that I provide to ...
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I will present the domestic violence content via different YouTube videos, images, bulleted lecture slides, and examples so that students are able to see
the content in various ways. Fifth, I will need to provide learning guidance. In this event, I will help students organize the incoming information in a
meaningful way. I can do this by modeling the information by showing demonstrations of domestic violence, providing additional visual images of the
victims of domestic violence, and showing the students non–examples of domestic violence. Sixth, I will need to elicit performance. This event
requires students to perform the knowledge that they have learned. To do this, I can assign students to small groups, where they will be required to
collaborate with their group to build a demonstration, or example, of domestic violence. This can be done via role–play, PowerPoint, or other sources.
The group work will allow students to build on their knowledge from what their peers know, as well as allow them to show that the information that I
have presented to them has been internalized. Seventh, I will need to provide informative feedback to my students. I will offer this feedback by using
a rubric to score their group demonstrations. The rubric will not only contain a numerical grade value, but also a comment section that I will write
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The Consequences Of Domestic Abuse
The first question that people always ask in the context of domestic abuse is "why didn't [s]he just leave?" To an outside observer, it seems obvious that
the easiest solution to ending the domestic abuse is to exit the relationship. But the truth is that the dynamics and intricacies of the relationship may
make it extremely difficult, and oftentimes dangerous, for the victim to leave his or her abuser. An abusive relationship is marked by a pattern of abuse
and control over the victim by the abuser. Althoughphysical abuse is the most obvious sign of abuse, abuse is not limited to physical manifestations
and can assume mental or economic forms (Power and control wheel, 1984). For example, an abuser can use economic abuse in the form of preventing
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Domestic Abuse And Neglect
Coming home has been what people look forward to since we can remember, right? To be able to relax and put your feet up without worry. Well,
for domestic abuse victims, it can be dreaded; coming home from a long day at work just to find your partner has been at home waiting for you to
return, to point out what you did wrong and turn the positivity to dust. Questioning your loyalty to have a reason for you to stay home. When did all
this start? Domestic abuse first started in Greece, 735 B.C. to discipline one's wives and children. It has escalated so much that domestic abuse is now
the main cause of female injury in the US. A woman is beaten every nine seconds in the US, and most don't say anything about what is going on at
home. They... Show more content on ...
In lots of the cases the abusers usually try to get into a nice, trusting, and positive relationship first. They need to do that in order to get some leverage.
After they get the relationship steady and positive is when they start to show their true colors. They are able to manipulate their partner to get them to
stay. In lots of cases the abuser has gathered many manipulative skills throughout their life and uses them as an advantage. The abuser tries to isolate
the victim. The article:" Get Domestic Violence Help" opened february 15 2017 says"The abused still loves the person. They do not love their
behavior. They believe that there is still hope that things will change, and everything will be as it once was. That is their hope. They may be in fear of
the person if they choose to leave. This is the result of threats that have been made by the
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Domestic Abuse Theories
His hand was swift, and the mark burned like the flames of a thousand fires. The whip of pain flashed through her body like the winds of a hurricane,
sharp and powerful. There was no God, no one she could appeal to. All the hopes and dreams she once had crushed in her mind, and only one thing
remained – him. He was her only God in a world of torment, the only thing within sight as her eyes blurred in agony. This is no story. Thousands of
women, men, and children go through this every day, yet hardly anyone knows it. This is what happens behind closed doors. This is reality, with no
obscurities. Domestic violence is a problem that affects millions around the world. It's legal in many countries, and even first–world countries, where ...
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According to the article "History of Battered Women's Movement" written by an unknown author on the website for the Indiana State Coalition
Against Domestic Violence, it wasn't made illegal that long ago. " (In the section for the 1950's & 1960's) The civil rights, anti–war and black
liberation movements challenge the country, laying a foundation for the feminist movement." Later on, specifically during the 1960's, "By the time the
battered women's movement develops, family courts and psychiatric and social work approaches reduce these criminal assaults to problems of
individual or social pathology." And then, finally, nearing the end of 1966, "Every state except Hawaii has passedchild abuse report laws." All of these
give a good idea of when domestic abuse became illegal – at least in the United States. Domestic abuse became, for almost the entirety of the United
States of America, illegal and raised as a problem during the 1950's and the 1960's
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Child Abuse Or Domestic Abuse
INTRODUCTION When you think of abuse you automatically begin to think of child abuse or domestic abuse but rarely is the first thought in your
mind elder abuse. Often overlooked, elder abuse is a pressing issue surrounding nursing care for older adults. Unfortunately, many cases of elder abuse
are not identified and sometimes they are identified much too late. Geriatric abuse can come in many forms which include physical, emotional,
psychological, sexual, and even financial abuse. Nurses need to be able to identify when an elder is being abused, utilize screening tools to catch elder
abuse when it is happening, react and implement the correct interventions when it is suspected or confirmed that an elder is being abused, and know
how to... Show more content on ...
IDENTIFICATION OF THE TOPIC We as nurses are at the frontline when providing patient care and when nurses get an elderly patient that they
suspect is being abused they need to know what signs to look for and how to react. Elder abuse is defined as actions that are done intentionally to
cause harm or produce a grave risk of harm (whether or not harm is intended) to a susceptible or vulnerable elder by a caregiver or other individual
who stands in a trust relationship to the elder. The definition also includes failure by a caregiver to meet the elder's basic needs or to shelter the
elder from harm (NCEA, 2012, p.1). Unfortunately, since the age of our population is increasing so is the prevalence of elder abuse. Since this
form of abuse is rarely screened for it can be difficult to detect. It is the nurse's responsibility to implement tools that could help identify any
underlying problems that are not immediately noticeable. Many times the nurse could be the last hope a patient could have. The patient might be too
afraid to admit to maltreatment for fear of retaliation from the abuser. This is why nurses should assess for signs that the patient is in trouble. If the
nurse can successfully recognize when an elder is being abused they can make a significant impact on the life of their patient. Sometimes a healthcare
professional may have preconceived ideas about elderly clients and disregard what they may say to them. This is a form of ageism that
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Domestic Abuse Impact
"Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, income, or any other factors". Did you
know that 1 in 4 women will experience some form of domestic violence in their lifetime? These are just a few statistics in a nationwide epidemic that
impacts us all. Domestic violence comes in many forms such as physical, sexual and even psychological abuse. Domestic abuse is widespread in the
United States, it impacts every class (poor, middle, wealthy), race, ethnic group, etc. The major source of domestic abuse is "fear" which the abuser
uses as a form of control. Unfortunately the fear factor leads to unreported incidents which in many cases leads to unnecessary fatalities. The abusers ...
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Women who do not ever use shelter services are more likely to stay in abusive situations longer, and they experience longer lifetime trajectories of abuse
5.For many victims of Intimate Partner Violence, the empowerment that they receive from in–shelter services is actually more effective in reducing
their symptoms of post–traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than outreach resources. This is particularly important because research indicates that for
many victims of abuse, PTSD symptoms make it difficult to impossible to impossible for them to adequately use resources made available
*** The benefits of Shelter services are actually so significant, that the longer victims are able to spend in the shelter, the better their outcomes *** –
Richard T. Hudson
The longer women are able to stay in shelter, the greater their chance of independence upon leaving that shelter.
Being able to stay in shelters for an extended period of time significantly leads to increased self–esteem among victims and more feelings of control
over their situations and lives.
The empowerment and benefits of staying in a shelter for extended periods of time lead to positive outcomes in several life areas including:
1.Increased–self esteem
2.Reduced symptoms and feelings of
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Domestic Violence As A Victim Of Domestic Abuse
Introduction Although we lost Ellen Pence, a woman who changed how domestic violence is addressed, in 2012, there are many lives that are being
saved to this day because of her work. Ellen Pence found her calling in 1977 when she began working for the Minneapolis Housing Authority that
helped individuals relocate with housing complications (StarTribune, 2010). It was then that she immersed herself through domestic violence cases and
set the standard for addressing these cases. Ellen Pence is especially known for establishing the Duluth Program, a program that address batterers in the
court systems, and Praxis Training, which are training on addressing domestic violence for law enforcement, advocates, community agencies, and
institutions. Pence's 35 years of service change the way domestic violence cases were handled, educated key players in domestic violence cases, and
showed the world what it was like to be a victim of domestic abuse. Without her efforts, many individuals in power addressing these cases would be
lost and those to who are victims would not be understood as they are today.
Duluth Program
Pence established the Duluth program at the Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (DAIP) in Duluth, Minnesota. The Duluth model can be described as
a "men's re–education curriculum" and an intervention model that addresses women's safety by modifying and coordinating the "procedures, practices,
and discernments" of the involved parties of domestic violence cases, such
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Domestic Abuse And Domestic Violence Essay

  • 1. Domestic Abuse And Domestic Violence Essay "Every year in the United States there are over 3 million incidents of domestic violence. That means that every nine seconds a women is beaten by her domestic partner" (Findeley). There are many women that stay silent when being abuse by their partners. The consequences of staying quiet when obtaining abuse can be dangerous and can also lead to death. Many women do not recognize the importance of the fact that there is in speaking out if they are being abuse by their partner. No woman should take domestic abuse by their partners. Every woman deserves a healthy relationship; A healthy relationship involves trust, respect, and consideration for the other person. Domestic abuse has gotten worse during the past years and is still rising up. One can see that domestic abuse can occur everywhere. Domestic abuse is considered a crime and woman should not keep silent when being abuse. Abuse can have many different meanings, there is one in particular that takes control in many Americans relationship, "physical maltreatment" (Abuse). Sadly there is an increasing amount of young adults going through an abusive relationship or were in one. Many of the people that become abusers consider violence as a normal behavior because they have witnessed it on a daily basis. They than begin to mistreat everyone that comes in his or her way. An abuser is frequently interested in controlling their victims. An abuser's behavior is usually manipulating, in order to make their victims ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse Domestic violence is an important social issue that is common in many households across the United States. Domestic violence is also known as domestic abuse, spousal abuse, battering, family violence, and intimate partner violence. It is also not merely just physical, it is any behavior that is intended to control another person through verbal assaults, intimidation, and other means. It can happen to couples who are married, living together, and who are dating. Domestic violence affects people of all economic, social, racial, and educational backgrounds. In this paper, I will discuss domestic violence against women, and why I believe we need harsher punishments for the abusers. Research All forms of domestic abuse have one purpose: to gain and maintain control over the victim. The actual act of domestic abuse comes in many forms; aggravated assault, kidnapping, sexual abuse, forcible touching, stalking, kidnapping, sexual misconduct, and attempted murder are just to name a few. According to Amy Lehrner and Nicole Allen, domestic violence is battery as an intentional pattern of abusive behaviors by one partner against the other which results in establishing and maintaining the abuser's power and control over the other. (Lehrner & Allen, 2008) Victims tend to stay in abusive relationships for many different reasons. Some see their abusers as powerful and believe they cannot escape, they also fear retaliation, and are often beaten or intimidating into ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Law Of Domestic Abuse On the other hand, the law must be analysed in regard to how efficiently it protects female victims, to be able to contrast and reflect on the overall problems. A consultation in 2014 was provided by Theresa May, which highlighted key areas where domestic abuse is an issue. Where policing of domestic abuse was concerned, arrest rates varied significantly from 45% to 90% across 42 police forces in England. Furthermore, 'vital evidence was missed, photographs of injuries were taken in less than half of the ABH cases' . From these facts it is clear that the authorities do not take domestic abuse as seriously as they should. One reason behind this, is due to the victim choosing to retract their statement and not to pursue down a legal route which ends up in police time being wasted. The Independent Police Complaints Commission, studied an incident that occurred in 2011, a woman successfully gained a non–molestation order against her ex–partner, however the man had breached the order over three times and ended up killing her. Negligence on behalf of the police was largely to blame here, the man claimed not to understand the order so was not held for a breach, and it was not recorded in any of the national police systems. Furthermore, only one handwritten risk assessments were completed for two incidents, so a power of arrest is actually rendered useless if it is not even recorded properly, also they did not record the level of risk, thus resulting in the death of the applicant. ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Domestic Abuse And Substance Abuse Domestic abuse and substance in a family can traumatize any children going through this outbreak. Spouses, parents, stepparents, children, siblings, elderly relatives, and intimate partners may all be targets of domestic/substance abuse. Domestic violence is the most risk factor impacting a child's social, emotional, and physical wellbeing. Violence, aggression, and substance abuse between members of the family have been continued patterns of family life. I want to see the outcome of how children interact, cope or deal with life after living in a domestic abuse or substance abuse situation. As teachers it is our duty to call child protective services or call the number for domestic abuse when we see a child hurt or bruised. "The research objectives were to examine if and how they identify, assess and meet the needs of children and our young people who are vulnerable as a result of domestic abuse, to identify gaps in service provision and professional practice and make recommendations for improvement" ( Peckover p. 401). As a teacher we have to make sure to teach slowly and gain the child's trust if they came from an abusive family. We have to gain their trust in order to speak to them, give comfort to them without them cringing, and to make sure to say that we are there for that child. When we get a child from such background it is our duty to change plans and teach that child at a pace that won't get hard on them.. When we receive such a child we have to produce a ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Nfl Domestic Abuse Democracy Now 1 The area of interest I chose was domestic violence/abuse from an show titled: An NFL Wife Tell Her Story: Intimidated Spouses Followed "Code of Silence" Around Domestic Abuse. This topic is common among the players in the National Football League (NFL). The date this show was posted is Tuesday, September 16, 2014. The key presenter(s) that discussed the topic were as followed: Amy Goodman (Journalist and columnist for radio show Democracy Now!) and Dewan Smith–Williams (Wife of retired NFL Player Wally Williams; Intimated spouse around domestic abuse). A briefing of the show, Mrs. Williams, is currently married to retired NFL player Wally Williams and has dealt with domestic abuse. In their relationship in the past, she ... Show more content on ... Regarding the Dewan Smith–Williams case they're goal to me is to protect the brand and not to protect the husband from himself and his high risk behavior to his wife and family because they didn't want her to go to the police and keep it silent. I think Mrs. Williams made the right call to come forth and let it be known that spouses and/or partners are being treated unfair and something needs to be done. In my opinion, maybe if fans, anti– violence groups and women's rights organizations get together and organize a plan that could force the owners to enact stronger and lasting reforms to improve the NFL actions and response to domestic abuse. They should make some amendments to the personal conduct policy. This topic relates to the discussion on human behavior because we want to know what causes the domestic abuse from the spouse especially if the abuser is in the NFL, a super star, and fame is growing and so forth. Find out what area of treatment and theory practice could be used to help the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Domestic Animal Abuse 71% of pet–owning women entering women's shelters reported that their batterer had injured, maimed, killed or threatened family pets for revenge or to psychologically control victims; 32% reported their children had hurt or killed animals. 68% of battered women reported violence towards their animals. 87% of these incidents occurred in the presence of the women, and 75% in the presence of the children, to psychologically control and coerce them. 13% of intentional animal abuse cases involve domestic violence.Between 25% and 40% of battered women are unable to escape abusive situations because they worry about what will happen to their pets or livestock should they leave. Pets may suffer unexplained injuries, health problems, permanent disabilities... Show more content on ... For many battered women, pets are sources of comfort providing strong emotional support: 98% of Americans consider pets to be companions or members of the family. Animal cruelty problems are people problems. When animals are abused, people are at risk. More American households have pets than have children. We spend more money on pet food than on baby food. There are more dogs in the U.S. than people in most countries in Europe – and more cats than dogs. A child growing up in the U.S. is more likely to have a pet than a live–at–home father. Pets live most frequently in homes with children: 64.1% of homes with children under age 6, and 74.8% of homes with children over age 6, have pets. The woman is the primary caregiver in 72.8% of pet–owning households. Battered women have been known to live in their cars with their pets for as long as four months until an opening was available at a pet–friendly safe house.Anti–cruelty laws exist in all U.S. states and territories to prohibit unnecessary killing, mutilating, torturing, beating, neglecting and abandoning animals, or depriving them of proper food, water or ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Domestic Abuse And Domestic Violence Domestic Abuse Domestic abuse is tremendous problem around the globe. There are different forms of domestic violence, all of which are not acceptable and in some places in the world domestic violence is legal. In the places where domestic violence is legal, it is only legal to hurt your wife. If a woman tried to hurt her husband, she would be majorly punished. It is defined as a series of abusive acts in any form of a relationship for one person to have control over their partner. The three most common forms of domestic violence are physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. Even though there are other forms of domestic abuse they all relate back to these three topics. People find very many ways to physically abuse their partner such as, acid throwing, bride burning, female genitalia mutilation, foot binding, forced abortion, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, forced prostitution, murder, and many other ways. Women are victims of domesticviolence five times greater than men are. In the whole world about one in three women have experienced a physical form of domestic violence in their lifetime. Also, about 50% of all sexual offences are on girls under the age of sixteen. Another form of physical abuse is battering. Battering means hitting or punching with all you have on your spouse or partner. One in ten women have been forced into sexual intercourse or other sexual experiences once in their lifetime, most of which occurred by their partner or spouse. Marital rape should ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Domestic Abuse Men Should men/boys get more sympathy if they experience domestic abuse? Domestic abuse, also known as domestic abuse violence, includes physical, emotional and sexual abuse in couple relationships or between family members. Anybody can be affected by domestic abuse and anyone can be an abuser. It does not just happen to women, as people often think this is the case, men can be victims too. Campaigners say men are often said to be "second class victims". Men do not get same amount of sympathy a woman would get if they were experiencing domestic abuse. 600,000 males will be a victim of domestic abuse this year but only half will speak to someone about the situation. Domestic abuse in boys is common although it is often unreported. Unfortunately ... Show more content on ... It is very rarely that we hear of a man's experience. This is because less men are willing to come forward. We hear this because men feel as though they have a reputation to maintain. This causes a lack of knowledge when it comes to thinking about domestic abuse/violence. People believe that men will find it easier to leave an abusive relationship. However this is not the case. In most cases it very much the opposite way about. Men are more likely to stay with their abusive partner than a women is. This shows that men aren't as strong and tough as we think. For women who are experiencing any cases of domestic abuse there are millions of help lines and shelters, however if a man was to be experiencing domestic abuse there are very few help lines and shelters out there. For example there is 'Woman's aid' if a woman needed somewhere to go because she couldn't take it anymore. Woman's aid also have a help line where you can speak to someone over the phone. If men needed something of the sort of this they would have very few options. Every year there is thousands of pounds being spent on charities for women in the need of help where as there is very few spent on any men's ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Domestic Abuse And Domestic Violence Domestic violence is defined as "a pattern of behavior which involves violence or other abuse by one person against another in a domestic setting, such as in marriage or cohabitation" (Domestic Violence , n.d.) Domestic abuse has serious long term consequences, and can affect anyone. Whether you are a man or woman, rich or poor, black or white, domestic abuse still occurs, it is predominately impoverished women who cannot afford a good lawyer and feel they have no way out. These women are scared and have no money or means to defend themselves. There is a big elephant in the room when it come to domestic violence, women are too embarrassed to talk about it, and often those aware don't know what to say so they ignore it. Unfortunately, domestic abuse against women does not stop once she gathers up enough courage to leave her abuser, the abuse continues by means of emotional trauma, custody battles, and difficulty in the system. Eisikovits and Band–Winterstein (2015) examined ways in which abused women perceive themselves and how they recover after the abuse. The sample included 40 participants aged 23–84. They conducted in–depth interviews with the abused women in order to collect their data. The results of the data found the reoccurring themes in which the women suffered: "Suffering through isolation and control; enduring bodily pain; estrangement, alienation and loneliness in one's own dwelling; time as a source of suffering; significant; others as a mirror of the self; ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Domestic Abuse Controversy Is domestic abuse that big of a controversy? Is it really as bad as people make it seem? What is domestic abuse? Domestic abuse is a tragedy not only in the United States but also around the world and still exist in today's modern society. Domestic abuse affects not only women or men but also the children damaging them mentally for a long time perhaps even for life. The early 1800's most legal systems accepted "wife–beating" as a husband's right and a part of his entitlement to control his wife in every way, Female activists caused a drastic change, because by the end of the 19th century, most courts denied that husbands had any right to chastise their wives. Ever since the 1980's domestic abuse is the most reported crime on file compared... Show more content on ... Children exposed to child and domestic abuse can have very severe mental disorders. "Numerous studies have demonstrated that children exposed to domestic abuse and/or child abuse are more likely to experience a wide range of adverse psychosocial and behavioral outcomes''(Carrie). Exposure to domestic abuse in childhood has been linked to a similar set of outcomes, including low self–esteem, social withdrawal, depression, and anxiety also aggression, violence, and delinquency. If a child witnesses punching, hitting, and screaming around a preschool age group can affect them through their whole life with horrific memories and/or flashbacks. It's important to realize that domestic abuse has different effects depending on the child. Problems were significantly higher for boys exposed to domestic abuse rather than girls. Other studies have shown boys to be at higher risk of externalizing problems in adolescence after being abused in childhood, but girls exposed to domestic abuse were at higher risk than boys for both externalizing and internalizing behaviors, including ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Domestic Violence And Domestic Abuse Domestic abuse is a worldwide issue that affects many people and families. We define domestic abuse as,"behaviors that physically harm, arouse fear, prevent a partner from doing what they wish or force them to behave in ways they do not want. It includes the use of physical and sexual violence, threats and intimidation, emotional abuse and economic deprivation. Many of these different forms of domestic violence/abuse can be occurring at any one time within the same intimate relationship" (The National Domestic Violence Hotline). Although being a victim of domestic violence is terrible, there are ways to help the survivors and their families. Before we discuss the treatment options, let's learn about the statistics and the signs of an abusive relationship or situation. As I quoted at the beginning on this essay, domestic violence has killed many women in America. In the same article, I learned that 3 women are killed every day by a current or former male partner in America (Vagianos, 2014). Statistically speaking, women are more prone to be victimized than men are. This is true because women are sometimes perceived to be weaker than men, therefore an abuser will find it easier to target that person. The World Health Organization states that 1 in 3 women (which is about 35%) worldwide have experienced a violent or sexual attack (World Health Organization, 2016). Although women are often targeted by abusers, children and men are also victims of domestic abuse. The violence ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Domestic Violence And Domestic Abuse "My father was one of those men who sit in a room and you can feel it: the simmer, the sense of some unpredictable force that might, at any moment, break loose, and do something terrible" (Burnside). Many family units silently suffer from domestic abuse inflicted by a parent figure. According to the United States Department of Social Justice, domestic violence is a "pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner." Even when an abused partner, typically the woman, is removed from the abusive situation, pain does not cease. There are extensive emotional and psychological repercussions from domestic abuse. As the most commonly abused sector of the population is made up of woman and children, they will be the parties analyzed. This domestically abused sector requires aid from individuals, such as social workers, who are educated in the area of domestic abuse and are trained to work through the repercussions of domestic abuse. This paper discusses the history of domestic violence, the nature of lingering pain in the psychological and emotional sense, what can be done to recover from the trauma, and how Christian social workers should approach helping those who have been domestically abused. Domestic violence has existed ever since Eve bit into the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, and sin entered the world. Earthly relationships are fallen, and consequently domestic ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Domestic Abuse Afghanistan Societal is major influence on domestic abuse happening on women. Children who live in homes where they have to eye–witness the domestic violence happen can lead to significant emotional and physiological trauma. Gradually youngster learn to think behave and act based upon others they observe. In that way, they can learn fast and respond quickly. That kind of environment can make negative impact on child behavior and actions in the future. The figure below shows mistreatment of married women by her own husband family members in Afghanistan. According to population Reference Bureau, "92 percent of women in Afghanistan feel that a husband is justified in hitting or beating his wife for at least one of these reasons: going out without telling the husband, neglecting the children, arguing with the husband, refusing sex, and burning the food" (Clifton, 2011). Compare to almost every women in Afghanistan justifying that husband has right to hit them, in India "54% of women agree that it is justified for a husband to beat his wife under some circumstances" (Domestic... Show more content on ... According to study done by researcher Abigail Weitzman, "women in India who have more education than their husbands, who earn more, or who are the sole earners in their families have a higher likelihood of experiencing frequent and severe intimate partner violence (IPV) than women who are not employed or who are less educated than their spouse" (Weitzman, 2014). Even women with higher education and jobs in India reported becoming victim of domestic violence. One reason Abigail mentions in her research was, "gender deviants". Women with higher education were looked, as superiority to men and that is why men use more violence to gain power over women. To men in India, they always wanted to be superior to women in any way. They are head of their family and therefore, they are the one who makes all kinds of decisions, take over the control of their whole ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Domestic Abuse And Domestic Violence I chose to do the domestic survivors subculture I feel as if it was a great topic to focus on its going to reveal a lot of emotion. Domestic violence can happen to anyone. Domestic violence sometimes called battering is against the law. At first glance, it is hard to imagine why a victim of domestic violence would voluntarily remain in the relationship with the abuser. As you may knowdomestic violence doesn't always start off as violence it starts off as in the form of love. The abuser feels as if they love the person so much that it hurts. That the abuse they inflict on the person they love is because they love and care about them. Many victims feel as if no one will believe them. There has been so many cases that have gone unanswered because no one really knows what goes on. The person being abused hides what the abuser does because they think it is something they did wrong or they think the person loves them. Domestic abuse comes in different forms it can be verbal, physical, or sexual. Domestic abuse leaves psychological scars from anxiety due to living in ongoing danger. In my essay you will get to know a lot of women that have survived domestic abuse and their stories. Meet Lisette Johnson she is a domestic abuse survivor her story started off as her husband calling her names and always talking about her after while it progressed to much more. She feared leaving him because she had two kids and she was for sure she wouldn't get full custody of them. So she stuck ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Domestic Animal Abuse Did you know domestic animal abuse is a problem in our world? When people of think of animal abuse, they really don't care except for those really animal lovers in the world but imagine if these animal were your best friend or a family member of yours. I think the abuse animals need to be stop be abusing and have more people fight against domestic animal abuse. Domestic animals shouldn't even be abuse in the first place because they are harmless and defenseless. According to The Humane Society, Animal cruelty can be either deliberate abuse or simply the failure to take care of an animal." Deliberate cruelty may involve beating, shooting or stabbing animals or setting them on fire". (Animal Abuse and Neglect 10). Why would anyone beat their... Show more content on ... The animals can start getting violent and start biting back as in response of the violent. "Normal behavioral and physiological responses in dog may be modifies by the influence of human presence. Such effect raise concerns about the reliability of dogs as animal models" (Serpell 1). Dr. James is an expert on this topic because he is a professor at a veterinary school and he also directs the Center for the interaction Of Animals and Society. Some people are scare of dogs because they are scare that they might bite them but animals don't bite unless they have been harm or feel like they are going to be harm. We can reduce the amount of people of a fear of dogs to loving them by reducing the amount of people abusing ... Get more on ...
  • 16. A Comentary on Domestic Abuse a.The thing that surprised me the most about Telling Amy's Story, was not from the actual video itself, but from the follow –up discussion video. When the lady who is the head of the National Domestic Violence Hotline, Cathy Cates, relayed what someone who was an abuser said to her. In a nutshell he told her, while slamming his partner's head on a bureau, that he was thinking he could do it, it works to give him what he wanted from the partner, and that there were no consequences. b.I felt angry, frustrated, helpless, shocked, etc. I mostly feel angry, all of it directed at Amy's husband and others like him who abuse people. I find it hard to deal with the fact that the abusers think that there are no consequences and agree that we, as a community, should end that sentiment. I also feel that we really should do more to reach out to the people victimized by the violence of their abusers. We need to show them that they are important and we care what happens to them, that we are here to help them get through and past this situation and will not stop helping them as long as they need us. 2.I disagree with the sentence the judge gave, but understand why it was the one given to Wendy Maldonado. She took a plea deal, which included the rather harsh sentence she received. I also understand that because of this plea and fact that in Oregon one has to be in imminent danger to claim self–defense or justifiable homicide, and because Aaron was asleep when she and Randy ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Domestic Abuse And Domestic Violence According to data from the National Collision Against Domestic Violence, a woman in the United States is fatally shot by a spouse, ex–spouse, or other romantic partner on average every 14 hours. Despite these statistics, there are still many misconceptions about domestic violence both in California and across the United States. Domestic Violence is Always Physical While physical abuse is one part of domestic violence, physical abuse is only a portion of the problem. The National Domestic Violence 's website looks at a variety of abuse types. Threats, including threats of abuse or threatening to take away the children if he or she does not do something also constitutes abuse. Isolating the person from family or friends is another form ... Show more content on ... One in 7 women and 1 in 18 men in the United States have also been victims of stalking by an intimate partner to the point that they were afraid for their safety. While some people may assume the men who experience domestic violence must be in a homosexual relationship, that is not always the case. Women can also be the perpetuator of domestic violence. Along with being in denial, loving their partner, and fearing the repercussions of reporting the abuse or leaving, men may continue to allow the abuse in a heterosexual relationship because they are ashamed. They do not want to feel like they are weak or admit that their wife or girlfriend has abused them. They also often feel like there are less resources for help. It Only Happens Between Couples While domestic violence can involve intimate couples and often does involve intimate couples, it is not limited to just two people who are in a romantic relationship. Domestic violence can happen between married couples or those living together as domestic partners. Those who are divorced or separated from their partner and those who are dating or have dated the person may also be victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence may also happen between people who have had a child together. While all of these examples constitute partners or previous partners, domestic violence can happen between other family members. This may include parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, and in–laws. In
  • 18. ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Domestic Abuse Abuse occurs when people mistreat or misuse other people, showing no concern for their integrity or intent worth as individuals. There are different types of abuse, examples are, family abuse, neglect, and emotional abuse. On average, most children that grow up in an abusive home are most likely to become abusive towards their spouse and or kids. Family abuse can be the worse because it affects the whole family. Emotional abuse affects the inside and that can be mentally damaging. Most of the time, neglect abuse is not always intentional. It's caused by inexperienced parents not knowing how to raise the child. This paper, will focus on the affects domestic abuse has on children. When children are exposed to family violence, it effect the children mentally and physically. It makes kids fearful of other adults or elders. The child could start to lie about the abuse and start to feel that it's their fault. Which makes them afraid to even talk to their own family about the abuse. It can lead the child to abuse drugs when they get older. Children can even grow up to resent their parents for abusing them or to even let it happen. The child can grow up to feel that it's ok to hit their loved ones or be ... Show more content on ... "Study found that those who were physically or emotionally abused and neglected were significantly more likely to initiate and consume alcohol" (Lokhmatkina). A child being a victim of emotional abuse can also lead into behavior issues and they might lead in the domino effect of abusing others. Which also in some cases had led to school shootings and or suicide. Just like emotional abuse, neglect is also happening, some studies shows that neglect is not always intentional but still affects the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Domestic Abuse Women INTRODUCTION There has been a constant abused made on women in the world which has become a general concern for the society, most of this women leave their home and children in fear of their lives and some of them end up in a tragedy position, due to the domestic abused they encounter from their intimate partner. The study on Domestic Violence and Women's Mental Health in Chile as reported in the Journal on Psychology of Women (2004) had found that there is indeed a link between domestic violence and serious social, psychological and health problems, (Rodriguez T. J, 2011). PARTICIPANTS The sampling population for the measurement of this data is collected from 3 different shelter ... Show more content on ... The form consisted of 15 items in multiple–choice and fill–in–the blank formats. Also, the data collection instruments used in this research project was focus group format because it create a means for the researcher to observe the participant closely and it was less fearful for research participant because of the group settings, which created a collaborative understanding between members. Qualitative data collection instrument provided me the opportunity to interview the research participant in asking them question not fully illustrated in the quantitative research questionnaire this two methods help in understanding the viewpoints of research participants. According to Dudley (2011), quantitative data are useful in providing numerical measures of characteristics of a sample of people, whereas qualitative data can provide descriptive accounts on the same topics. These descriptive topic accounts are valuable because they can contribute pertinent information in the words of each ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Domestic Abuse And Animal Abuse Throughout time people have integrated pets into their families and have viewed them as valued members of their families. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty for Animals, more commonly known through its acronym the ASPCA, "approximately 44% of all households in the United States have a dog, and 35% have a cat"("Pet Statistics."). Despite these animals having a home, many face neglect and abuse. The Humane Society released an advertisement successfully addressing the correlation between households with domestic violence and animal abuse present. The advertisement by the Humane Society effectively does this through the melancholic imagery and deep–seated message it conveys. The effectiveness of their advertisement can be discerned by analyzing its ethical, emotional, and rational appeal. To start off, the Humane Society is the United States largest organization for the protection of animals. The organization is well known throughout the United States and internationally recognized. At the bottom of the advertisement, the organization's logo is included along with the address of their headquarters. The advertisement also includes the organization's website as well as the encouragement to contact them if they would potentially wish to gather further information which was done so in order to further elaborate and validate their claims on the advertisement Also, to further add to their credibility, that advertisement includes support from the National ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Law Of Domestic Abuse On the other hand, the law must be analysed in regard to how efficiently it protects female victims, to be able to contrast and reflect on the overall problems. A consultation in 2014 was provided by Theresa May, which highlighted key areas where domestic abuse is an issue. Where policing of domestic abuse was concerned, arrest rates varied significantly from 45% to 90% across 42 police forces in England. Furthermore, 'vital evidence was missed, photographs of injuries were taken in less than half of the ABH cases' . From these facts it is clear that the authorities do not take domestic abuse as seriously as they should. One reason behind this, is due to the victim choosing to retract their statement and not to pursue down a legal route which ends up in police time being wasted. The Independent Police Complaints Commission, studied an incident that occurred in 2011, a woman successfully gained a non–molestation order against her ex–partner, however the man had breached the order over three times and ended up killing her. Negligence on behalf of the police was largely to blame here, the man claimed not to understand the order so was not held for a breach, and it was not recorded in any of the national police systems. Furthermore, only one handwritten risk assessments were completed for two incidents, so a power of arrest is actually rendered useless if it is not even recorded properly, also they did not record the level of risk, thus resulting in the death of the applicant. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Domestic Abuse Children Domestic Abuse and Children Jamie L. Barnes Texas A&M University– Central Texas Domestic Abuse and Children Domestic abuse is a major concern and one that takes a major toll on American families. Anyone can become a victim of domestic violence as it knows no gender, has no age limit and can happen within any social status. Its common knowledge that 1 in 4 women will have experienced domestic violence at least once in their lives and many times these women have children in the home. Domestic abuse not only causes physical injuries and scars but also mental scaring for not only the victims, but for the children that witness the abuse, thus creating a cycle of abuse throughout generations. It is suggested that approximately "10 million children ... Show more content on ... The effects of the abuse show that the most common types of symptoms in children stemming from domestic violence is psychological and behavioral disturbances. Children reported that the worst thing about abuse is not being hit, but living in constant fear of the abuse. The aim of the study was to describe the experiences of different types of domestic violence among adolescents and associations between the family background and different types of domestic violence. The team surveyed 1393– 9th graders and found that domestic violence is fairly common in the lives of adolescents. 67% had experienced parental symbolic aggression, 55% had witnessed mild violence and 9% had witnessed severe violence during their childhood. 12% of the adolescents had witnessed parent–to–parent violence and it was determined that witnessing domestic violence and their exposure to parental violence is associated with a number of adolescents' background factors such as self–perceived health, satisfaction with life, family relationships, parenting practice, school bullying and sexual activity. The п¬Ѓndings stress the relevance of witnessing domestic violence as a risk factor for more severe domestic violence and even sexual abuse. Different types of domestic violence have a major effect on ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Effects Of Domestic Violence On Domestic Abuse Susan Cisneros English 1301 Lacina–Taylor 2 December 2014 Stop The Abuse Underreported and underestimated, domestic abuse rips families apart every single day. Domestic violence comes in mainly five different forms, physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, and economic. This violence ruins families, demoralizes the victims, and the public downplays the household terrorism that goes on every day. Generally thought of as taboo, the public belittles and humorizes domestic abuse as a way to deal with it, that avoidance must come to an end. The five forms of domestic violence are economic, emotional, physical, psychological and sexual. The most commonly known physical violence occurs when a partner or parent inflicts injury such as hitting, stabbing, and shoving. Physical violence also takes place when food or fluids, medical care and other sources that maintain health get withheld. The most commonly recognized form of sexual violence is rape, or non–consensual sexual intercourse. Sexual and physical violence oftentimes both wind up reported by the same victim. Some individuals actively engage in sexually abusive lifestyles, bondage, dominance, sadism and masochism, or "BDSM" is a wildly growing underground culture in America. It focuses on dehumanizing the submissive partner and empowering the dominant one. Certain pop culture books and films such as Fifty Shades of Grey have been giving this type of lifestyle a veil and treating it like a glamorous relationship to be ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Domestic Violence: The Cycle Of Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior which involves violence or other abuse by one person against another in a domestic setting, such as in marriage or cohabitation. Domestic violence occurs when the abuser believes that abuse is an entitlement, acceptable, justified, or unlikely to be reported. It may produce intergenerational cycles of abuse in children and other family members, who may feel that such violence is acceptable or condoned. Very few people recognize themselves as abusers or victims because they may consider their experience as family conflicts that got out of control. In abusive relationships, there may be a cycle of abuse during which tensions rise and an act of violence is committed, followed by a period ... Show more content on ... Some people feel loved if they aren't getting abused. Why do people feel that way? Some people feel bored in the relationship, wanting more attention from their mate, then you also have some people that are broken. There are some people since they was a little child grew up watched their parent being abused, so they think that it's the right thing to do and that it's love. A lot of times people blame their behavior on something else, like drugs and alcohol. Drinking does affect abuse, but may be not how you would think for some people who've never experienced an abusive relationship, it's hard to imagine why someone would stay. The truth is there's lots of reasons why people don't "just leave" including that the break up is often the most dangerous time. Break up are most dangerous because ending an unhealthy or abusive relationship is not like ending a healthy one. The person abusive partner may not accept the break up or respect the person boundaries. They may try to control you through guilt trips, threats or insults. It may be very difficult to have a peaceful or mutual breakup with an abusive ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Domestic Abuse Essay Child and domestic abuse is a serious matter which needs to have additional focus, especially in this day and age. Abuse is most often causes harm to others. Abuse may either be verbal, emotional, or physical or times all three. In today's society there are many different types of abuse including, physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, and neglect. All these types of abuse can affect people in multiple different ways, creating anywhere from short term to long term notable effects in the person suffering from abuse. Each and every day in the United States and all over the world thousands to tens of thousands of people are being abused by their partners, friend's, parents, and other family members. Looking at the different types of... Show more content on ... Some abusers will call multiple times a day while their partner is at work until that partner gets fired. Most of the domestic violence cases are found to be men that abuse their wife or child's mother, but we must also note women can also be the abuser. Children who grow up seeing their mother being abused are more likely to become violent. Boys who grow up watching their father abuse their mother tend to try to protect their mother and take the punishment themselves or they tend to do the same thing in their personal relationships. Domestic violence doesn't just affect the child in their personal relationships, it has been found this can also affect their behavior and they can become more prone to violence. Seventy–five percent of boys growing up in a home with this type of violence have been diagnosed with a behavioral problem and have a seventy–four percent chance of committing a more violent crime. (Rawhide 2017)Children living in a domestic violence homes see or hear it happen almost every day. "5 million children witness domestic violence each year in the US." (Childhood Domestic Violence Association 2016) Domestic abuse has many effects on the victim and the child. When a child watches or hears domestic violence, they can be affected short term or long term. Short term ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Domestic Violence And Abuse People usually wonder how the other half of the world lives. The video, "Scene it," initially appeared to seem as a harmless video. A viewer initially may expect and anticipate it to be merely an average, typical day of someone's life. However, the video results to take an unexpected turn. The woman in this video goes home from having a joyful and delightful day just to encounter domestic violence given to her by her significant other (Citation). It is devastating to witness such an event. Any type of domestic violence or abuse should not be tolerated or endured. Domestic Violence and abuse is a traumatical experience for the victim and their health and wellness. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (2015) explains, "psychological ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Commentary on Domestic Abuse ###Part of essay 384363### a.The thing that surprised me the most about Telling Amy's Story, was not from the actual video itself, but from the follow–up discussion video. When the lady who is the head of the National Domestic Violence Hotline, Cathy Cates, relayed what someone who was an abuser said to her. In a nutshell he told her, while slamming his partner's head on a bureau, that he was thinking he could do it, it works to give him what he wanted from the partner, and that there were no consequences. b.I felt angry, frustrated, helpless, shocked, etc. I mostly feel angry, all of it directed at Amy's husband and others like him who abuse people. I find it hard to deal with the fact that the abusers think that there are no consequences and agree that we, as a community, should end that sentiment. I also feel that we really should do more to reach out to the people victimized by the violence of their abusers. We need to show them that they are important and we care what happens to them, that we are here to help them get through and past this situation and will not stop helping them as long as they need us. 2.I disagree with the sentence the judge gave, but understand why it was the one given to Wendy Maldonado. She took a plea deal, which included the rather harsh sentence she received. I also understand that because of this plea and fact that in Oregon one has to be in imminent danger to claim self–defense or justifiable homicide, and ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Domestic Abuse Sociology Social interaction for the victims of domestic abuse becomes very difficult. It does not matter which of the many types they have experienced. They have been manipulated into losing their self–confidence, and could believe they do not have what it takes to function in public. There is a real fear of putting themselves out of their comfort zone. In many cases, the victim of abuse is embarrassed and worried what others will think of their appearance or that they may behave differently than expected. Violence against women is very risky and is often prolonged. Among those who do contact the police, some may decide not to file charges against the attacker for many reasons. Financial threat; fear of further violence; and fear of losing the children, their home, employment or family are just a few. (Bostock, 2009) The mental strain and fear of... Show more content on ... Women who are being abused and controlled by their partners are generally not allowed to engage in the kind of open dialogue that counseling promotes. In fact, a woman who does speak openly to a social worker in the presence of an abusive partner may, in reality, be in serious danger when she returns home. (Golden, 1994) The fear that is created through the abuse makes it difficult for the victim to admit they are being mistreated. Once being reported, the arrest of the abuser is actually the most effective "therapeutic" intervention yet discovered. Conversely, family systems therapy, which pin points the problem in the relationship, can endanger the victim. Meditation, which assumes that the two parties have equal standing in a dispute and the ability to negotiate fairly, also creates the possibility of danger. The power imbalance in an abusive relationship and the threat of violence hinders equitable negotiations between the two parties. (Golden, 1994) This is why psychological counseling is not always ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Domestic Violence and Abuse Domestic Violence and Abuse Abstract Domestic Violence is one of the most occurring situations found in the United States. This form of violence, also known as spousal abuse, happens within a relationship that is intimate or within a marriage. This particular issue seems to be found to affect women more often than men in varying ways such as injury or even death. Some of the injuries found in domestic violence cases are the head, neck, chest, face, breast, and abdomen, which are the most frequently injured. Many people believe that domestic violence is something that pertains to physical damage, but it has more of a psychological affect. The emotional aspect of domestic violence seems to be overlooked because one's idea may vary ... Show more content on ... Statistics are still proving that men are still known to be the abusers many more times than woman. "In 2007, crimes by intimate partners accounted for 23 percent of all violent crimes against females and 3 percent of all violent crimes against males." (The National Center for Victims of Crime, 2011) Many may suspect that the reason that it seems like men are less likely to be abused is because of the gender and the masculinity, compared to the body types of women and the fragility. Despite the gender aspects, there are cases of domestic violence when it was individuals of the same sex. Same sex relationships have about the same frequency of occurrences as to heterosexual relationships. Stated by Zach Kansler, "No intimate relationship is immune from the danger of domestic abuse. Homosexual couples and heterosexual couples experience similar rates of harm inflected by domestic abuse." (Kansler, 2011) He further states, "Despite the similarities in rate of occurrence, and that humans should be treated equally and with dignity, some states expressly treat the personal safety of homosexuals as less valuable than that of heterosexuals.[2] This injustice is manifested in the express lack of availability of a basic legal tool of self–preservation, the order of protection. Furthermore, where these orders are available to victims of same–sex domestic abuse ("SSDA"), it is not through clear and ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Spotabuse: Domestic Abuse Animal Abuse. Domestic Abuse Abuse. It is happening right in front of you, yet you can't tell in most cases. Why? Are the abusers frustrated, sad, or stressed? None of that matters because there is no possible reason for you to abuse your pets or your family. The worst part is that people are so scared when their abused that 65% of abuse victims stay in abusive homes. The American Humane Society states that people who stay or delay leaving an abusive home worry about the safety of their pets. . First it starts with our pets and then it move to our children. The billboard ad has a picture of a horrified, bloody, and bandaged up dog next to the picture of a helpless and terrified little girl. Under the picture of the girl it has ... Show more content on ... A main goal of SpotAbuse is to reduce the percentages of domestic violence and to educate the general public that doesn't know about abuse or that try to push the facts away because it makes them feel emotions they don't like. If you go to you can find information like "76% of animal abusers abuse their family members" ( 2016). As stated earlier in the piece a lot of abuse cases go unreported. On they show that 70% of abuse cases go unreported. That is terrifying and makes you think have I come into contact with an abuse victim. The speaker of the ad, SpotAbuse is using advertising techniques that opens a path of curiosity and emotions to this worldwide phenomenon. Abuse victims are so scared, hurt, sad, scared but worst of all they are helpless. That is why you need to step in and pick them of their feet by spreading the word about abuse.You can donate to PotAbuse to to help them reach their goals and that doesnt just mean money spread the word to people, everywhere you go. Remember anybody can be a victim or an attacker,first it's your pets and then it's the people you ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Influence Of Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse Every minute, nearly 20 people are physically abused by an intimate partner, family member, or someone they know in the United States. This is a major problem not just in society, not just in the United states, but all over the world. People are ignoring the inevitable that abuse is a real thing and it could happen to anyone at anytime. Although people often think domestic abuse is a problem of the poor and underprivileged, it can affect all genders, race, and stature. Both males and females can experience abuse at the hands of their own families. Every one in fifteen children will experience abuse from a family member at some point. (Domestic violence Amongst the many influences of domestic abuse, many experience maltreatment from their own families. Adrian Peterson is well known as the running back for the Minnesota Vikings, but even more notorious for physically harming his son. In 2014, pictures were ... Show more content on ... Seeing things from a different county, different point of view, different race, different life. Pakistani national Ayesha, age 18 had dealt with abuse not only from her father, but from her husband as well. "The domestic violence started two months after my marriage, and hasn't stopped even fourteen years later. Broken limbs, broken teeth and miscarriages became a routine for me. Why he beats me, I don't know. Maybe he sees me as an animal with no rights, or a punching bag for his frustrations. He surely does not see me as a living and breathing a human being. Wherever I have worked, I have felt as though I have been treated like a person, not the way I am treated at my home. I realize that I deserve to be considered a human being."(Jamal n. page.) No matter what race is being effected by maltreatment, people forget (or just don't want to believe) that they are abusing another human being. Ayesha was right, she should be considered a person ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Questions On Domestic Abuse And Domestic Violence GagnГ© suggested nine events of instruction that facilitate learning. If I was and instructor attempting to lecture on the topic of domestic abuse, GagnГ© would suggest that I first need to gain the attention of my students. To do this, I will need to provide a stimulus that grabs their attention. I will show a short YouTube video that shows different men and women's experiences withdomestic violence. The video then will end with domestic violence statistics and what you can do to help someone that you feel might be a victim of domestic violence. Second, I must inform the learners of the objective so that students are aware of what they will know after learning the information and will be able to sort the information that I provide to ... Show more content on ... I will present the domestic violence content via different YouTube videos, images, bulleted lecture slides, and examples so that students are able to see the content in various ways. Fifth, I will need to provide learning guidance. In this event, I will help students organize the incoming information in a meaningful way. I can do this by modeling the information by showing demonstrations of domestic violence, providing additional visual images of the victims of domestic violence, and showing the students non–examples of domestic violence. Sixth, I will need to elicit performance. This event requires students to perform the knowledge that they have learned. To do this, I can assign students to small groups, where they will be required to collaborate with their group to build a demonstration, or example, of domestic violence. This can be done via role–play, PowerPoint, or other sources. The group work will allow students to build on their knowledge from what their peers know, as well as allow them to show that the information that I have presented to them has been internalized. Seventh, I will need to provide informative feedback to my students. I will offer this feedback by using a rubric to score their group demonstrations. The rubric will not only contain a numerical grade value, but also a comment section that I will write informative ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Consequences Of Domestic Abuse The first question that people always ask in the context of domestic abuse is "why didn't [s]he just leave?" To an outside observer, it seems obvious that the easiest solution to ending the domestic abuse is to exit the relationship. But the truth is that the dynamics and intricacies of the relationship may make it extremely difficult, and oftentimes dangerous, for the victim to leave his or her abuser. An abusive relationship is marked by a pattern of abuse and control over the victim by the abuser. Althoughphysical abuse is the most obvious sign of abuse, abuse is not limited to physical manifestations and can assume mental or economic forms (Power and control wheel, 1984). For example, an abuser can use economic abuse in the form of preventing ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Domestic Abuse And Neglect Coming home has been what people look forward to since we can remember, right? To be able to relax and put your feet up without worry. Well, for domestic abuse victims, it can be dreaded; coming home from a long day at work just to find your partner has been at home waiting for you to return, to point out what you did wrong and turn the positivity to dust. Questioning your loyalty to have a reason for you to stay home. When did all this start? Domestic abuse first started in Greece, 735 B.C. to discipline one's wives and children. It has escalated so much that domestic abuse is now the main cause of female injury in the US. A woman is beaten every nine seconds in the US, and most don't say anything about what is going on at home. They... Show more content on ... In lots of the cases the abusers usually try to get into a nice, trusting, and positive relationship first. They need to do that in order to get some leverage. After they get the relationship steady and positive is when they start to show their true colors. They are able to manipulate their partner to get them to stay. In lots of cases the abuser has gathered many manipulative skills throughout their life and uses them as an advantage. The abuser tries to isolate the victim. The article:" Get Domestic Violence Help" opened february 15 2017 says"The abused still loves the person. They do not love their behavior. They believe that there is still hope that things will change, and everything will be as it once was. That is their hope. They may be in fear of the person if they choose to leave. This is the result of threats that have been made by the ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Domestic Abuse Theories His hand was swift, and the mark burned like the flames of a thousand fires. The whip of pain flashed through her body like the winds of a hurricane, sharp and powerful. There was no God, no one she could appeal to. All the hopes and dreams she once had crushed in her mind, and only one thing remained – him. He was her only God in a world of torment, the only thing within sight as her eyes blurred in agony. This is no story. Thousands of women, men, and children go through this every day, yet hardly anyone knows it. This is what happens behind closed doors. This is reality, with no obscurities. Domestic violence is a problem that affects millions around the world. It's legal in many countries, and even first–world countries, where ... Show more content on ... According to the article "History of Battered Women's Movement" written by an unknown author on the website for the Indiana State Coalition Against Domestic Violence, it wasn't made illegal that long ago. " (In the section for the 1950's & 1960's) The civil rights, anti–war and black liberation movements challenge the country, laying a foundation for the feminist movement." Later on, specifically during the 1960's, "By the time the battered women's movement develops, family courts and psychiatric and social work approaches reduce these criminal assaults to problems of individual or social pathology." And then, finally, nearing the end of 1966, "Every state except Hawaii has passedchild abuse report laws." All of these give a good idea of when domestic abuse became illegal – at least in the United States. Domestic abuse became, for almost the entirety of the United States of America, illegal and raised as a problem during the 1950's and the 1960's ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Child Abuse Or Domestic Abuse INTRODUCTION When you think of abuse you automatically begin to think of child abuse or domestic abuse but rarely is the first thought in your mind elder abuse. Often overlooked, elder abuse is a pressing issue surrounding nursing care for older adults. Unfortunately, many cases of elder abuse are not identified and sometimes they are identified much too late. Geriatric abuse can come in many forms which include physical, emotional, psychological, sexual, and even financial abuse. Nurses need to be able to identify when an elder is being abused, utilize screening tools to catch elder abuse when it is happening, react and implement the correct interventions when it is suspected or confirmed that an elder is being abused, and know how to... Show more content on ... IDENTIFICATION OF THE TOPIC We as nurses are at the frontline when providing patient care and when nurses get an elderly patient that they suspect is being abused they need to know what signs to look for and how to react. Elder abuse is defined as actions that are done intentionally to cause harm or produce a grave risk of harm (whether or not harm is intended) to a susceptible or vulnerable elder by a caregiver or other individual who stands in a trust relationship to the elder. The definition also includes failure by a caregiver to meet the elder's basic needs or to shelter the elder from harm (NCEA, 2012, p.1). Unfortunately, since the age of our population is increasing so is the prevalence of elder abuse. Since this form of abuse is rarely screened for it can be difficult to detect. It is the nurse's responsibility to implement tools that could help identify any underlying problems that are not immediately noticeable. Many times the nurse could be the last hope a patient could have. The patient might be too afraid to admit to maltreatment for fear of retaliation from the abuser. This is why nurses should assess for signs that the patient is in trouble. If the nurse can successfully recognize when an elder is being abused they can make a significant impact on the life of their patient. Sometimes a healthcare professional may have preconceived ideas about elderly clients and disregard what they may say to them. This is a form of ageism that ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Domestic Abuse Impact "Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, income, or any other factors". Did you know that 1 in 4 women will experience some form of domestic violence in their lifetime? These are just a few statistics in a nationwide epidemic that impacts us all. Domestic violence comes in many forms such as physical, sexual and even psychological abuse. Domestic abuse is widespread in the United States, it impacts every class (poor, middle, wealthy), race, ethnic group, etc. The major source of domestic abuse is "fear" which the abuser uses as a form of control. Unfortunately the fear factor leads to unreported incidents which in many cases leads to unnecessary fatalities. The abusers ... Show more content on ... Women who do not ever use shelter services are more likely to stay in abusive situations longer, and they experience longer lifetime trajectories of abuse 5.For many victims of Intimate Partner Violence, the empowerment that they receive from in–shelter services is actually more effective in reducing their symptoms of post–traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than outreach resources. This is particularly important because research indicates that for many victims of abuse, PTSD symptoms make it difficult to impossible to impossible for them to adequately use resources made available *** The benefits of Shelter services are actually so significant, that the longer victims are able to spend in the shelter, the better their outcomes *** – Richard T. Hudson The longer women are able to stay in shelter, the greater their chance of independence upon leaving that shelter. Being able to stay in shelters for an extended period of time significantly leads to increased self–esteem among victims and more feelings of control over their situations and lives. The empowerment and benefits of staying in a shelter for extended periods of time lead to positive outcomes in several life areas including: 1.Increased–self esteem 2.Reduced symptoms and feelings of ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Domestic Violence As A Victim Of Domestic Abuse Introduction Although we lost Ellen Pence, a woman who changed how domestic violence is addressed, in 2012, there are many lives that are being saved to this day because of her work. Ellen Pence found her calling in 1977 when she began working for the Minneapolis Housing Authority that helped individuals relocate with housing complications (StarTribune, 2010). It was then that she immersed herself through domestic violence cases and set the standard for addressing these cases. Ellen Pence is especially known for establishing the Duluth Program, a program that address batterers in the court systems, and Praxis Training, which are training on addressing domestic violence for law enforcement, advocates, community agencies, and institutions. Pence's 35 years of service change the way domestic violence cases were handled, educated key players in domestic violence cases, and showed the world what it was like to be a victim of domestic abuse. Without her efforts, many individuals in power addressing these cases would be lost and those to who are victims would not be understood as they are today. Duluth Program Pence established the Duluth program at the Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (DAIP) in Duluth, Minnesota. The Duluth model can be described as a "men's re–education curriculum" and an intervention model that addresses women's safety by modifying and coordinating the "procedures, practices, and discernments" of the involved parties of domestic violence cases, such ... Get more on ...