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                 Digital Marketing and PR
          Growing sales through more effective marketing

          Michael White
            July 2010
   Ho w to driv e in c re a s e s in s a le s , le a d g e n e ra tio n
    a n d re v e n u e u s in g O n lin e Ma rk e t in g

   Today when people want to buy something the first place they
    look is the web, whether they’re looking for shoes, a car or a
   Some websites are more easily found than others
   And some web-sites are better at convincing you to buy

   During this presentation I’ll be describing what you can do to
    make your website more easily found and, once found, to
    persuade people to buy your products or services

   Introduction – who we are, what we do
   First things first - what is Marketing?
   Why online marketing for small businesses?
   Where do you start?
   The tools available
   Social networks and your business
   Recap of key points
Who we are
   Michael White               • Co-founder and partner at DohertyWhite
   Marketing                   • Enterprise Ireland Marketing mentor to 20 firms
   Digital Marketing           • Ex Head of Marketing at Singularity – helped
                                 double revenue in 2 years, won ISA sales award
   Software product delivery
                               • Senior    Product    Manager     at    Siemens,
                                 Management Consultant with Deloitte, Project
     Annmarie Doherty            Manager with Misys Corporation
     PR & Online PR            • Trinity College Computer Science, Post Grad
     Social media                Diploma in Computing

    Bhavin Doshi                             Philip Barrett
    Web development                          Graphic design
    Web strategy                             Website design
    Digital marketing                        Branding

    Simon Rogals                             Paul Kennedy
    Marketing strategy                       Sales strategy
    Product management                       Marketing strategy
    Tech startup advisory                    Project Management
What we do
   We help businesses generate more revenue through more effective
    sales and marketing
   Online marketing, PR, Sales lead generation
   Recognised expertise – Forrester, Irish Medical Device Association,
    Irish Software Association
   We work fast and deliver value early and often
What is marketing?

“Make something people want, then sell it to them”

 Make something people want – your product or service and what
  makes you different/better
 Sell it to them – understand your potential customers, how they buy
  and connect with them

    Me         How do I reach them?
                                            My potential customers
General approach

 1    Review what you’re selling - so you can articulate
      it’s features, its benefits, why you’re better

 2   Review who you’re selling to – your
     target buyers

 3   Use your website to
     Generate More Sales
Why focus on digital marketing?
Because your prospective customers will find you before you

   The first place people look for products or services is online – primarily Google
   The first place someone looks after contact is your web-site. What’s on your site that would
    encourage them to become a customer?
   Will they find you? How do you compare with competing sites?
   If you are promoting yourself the same way you did 10 years ago then you’re doing something
Why online marketing?
1. Makes business sense

 More cost effective – you can see what you get for your money
 Greater impact – you can market to 1000s for same price as 100s
 Small businesses can look like big businesses
 Small businesses can access bigger potential markets
 You can ‘Scale up’ – easy to increase results at low cost

2. Recognises changes in Buyer behaviour

 People’s buying habits are changing
 They start shopping by looking on the web, especially Google
 They do research on the web, not at tradeshows
 Order online more frequently

Basically, you can generate more sales at less cost
Where do you start?
 A step-by-step approach:

   1    What are you trying to promote? (Your product, service?)
        Who do you want to target, and where? (Everyone? Particular
   2    types of business? Particular types of consumer? Donegal?
        Ireland? Europe? the US?

   3    Who are your competitors (and why are you better?)
        Pick the tools you’ll use to promote your business from the list

   5    Set out a plan with actions, dates and expected outputs

   6    Get going – implement the activities on your plan and measure
        how effective they are in producing sales. Experiment, adjust,
        test again. Start small, then increase efforts where you enjoy
The tools available
    ‘Offline’                     Digital Marketing
    • Print Ads                   • Web-site
    • Radio Ads                   • Search Engine Marketing
    • Direct Mail                 • PR Pay-per-click

    • Events/Tradeshows           • Email marketing

    • PR                          • Online ads
    • Telemarketing               • Online PR

    • In-store merchandising      • Social Media

    • Flyers                      • Webinars
    • Newsletters / bulletins     • eNewsletters

    Use a mixture, but emphasise online tools
A step-by-step approach

             Digital Demand Generation

1. Revise           2. Generate content   3. Launch             4. Start Email   5. Generate PR
website based on to attract visitor       Google pay-per-       Marketing        and online PR
buyer analysis, add registrations         click ads             campaigns
landing pages

6. Post to Corporate     7. Launch Search        8. Hardcopy Mail to      9. Telemarketing
Blog and Social Media    Engine Optimization     selected contacts        qualification of warm
                         activities                                       leads
Online marketing tools

     1.   Your Website
     2.   Google pay-per-click advertising
     3.   Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
     4.   Online PR
     5.   Email Marketing
     6.   Social media marketing (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook,
          blogs etc.)
1. The web-site
1. Your web-site
   The most important marketing tool you have
   Your best sales-person 24/7/365 if you are B2C
   A sales lead generation machine if you are B2B
   Drive visitors to your site                                  Home page is the most
   Get them to take “Most wanted action”
                                                                  important page
    Either ‘Buy Now’ (B2C) or ‘capture contact details’ (B2B)
                                                                 Structure, text
                                                                 Give visitors plenty of
                                                                  things to click on
                                                                 Make downloads and
                                                                  ‘buy now’ offers
                                                                 Look at competitor sites
                                                                  for comparison
                                                                 Check out
                                                                  other template sites
1. The web-site
 Have plenty of “bait” on your site –documents, presentations or other information that
  people will want to download e.g. Case studies
 Ask for their email address and name in return
1. The Website
1. The web-site
  Your Objective – Generate Sales (B2C) or Generate Leads (B2B)

  Web Design Best Practice
     Reflect your buyer in the web-page design – use “Buyer Personas”
     Make it easy for them to accomplish goals e.g. find information, contact you (put
      your number on the home page), get you to contact them (call back button), search
     Think about your “Most Wanted Actions” – what do you want them to do?
     If you want them to do something (go to a section of the site, download content)
      then make it obvious and easy
     Provide ‘bait’ on each page – downloadable content
     Great book on this subject: “Don’t make me think” by Steve Krug
1. The web-site
1. The Website

   Not too many levels in your site structure – aim for 3
   Use URLs that make sense – better for your buyers, better for search engines
   Configure 5 or 6 settings per page for Search Engine Optimization (covered later)
   Segment your site into key sections, optimize each section individually, rather than
    having all pages equally ranked per key phrase
   When looking at layout, have a look at Hypertemplates and other sites
   Most corporate sites follow a particular home-page structure (80% of large B2B and
    53% of small firms, as of 2007 report)
1. The web-site
1. The Website

   Keep graphics down to less than 3rd of home page – see heatmaps
   Use images of real people, avoid clichéd stock images
   Make the entire graphic clickable
   Make sure graphic is ‘tagged’ so you turn up on image searches
   Use Clicktale or similar tool to check how visitors move around your pages
1. TheWebsite
1. The

 Use the list above as a checklist – have you adequately provided this kind of information
  on your website?
 For example, have you clearly described what you do, what sectors you target, do you
  have case studies etc. etc.
1. The web-site
1. The Website

  Before you start - Audit
     Review web-traffic stats – historic performance, sources of traffic
     Set up Google analytics if not set up already
     Identify all pages that are indexed, all your inbound links
     These are assets and you don’t want to lose them (will use 301 redirects to
      maintain them)
     Competitor comparison – use, WooRank and other tools
2. Google Pay-per-click
                           Quick way to get traffic to
                            your site
                           Tell Google which search
                            terms you want to be
                            found for
                           E.g. show my ad when
                            someone searches for
                            ‘graphic design donegal’
                           Only pay if someone clicks
                            on my ad
                           Create specific ‘landing’
                            page for the ad
                           Avg. 50c per click, can set
                            maximum daily/weekly
                           Can lock down by
                            geography, time, day
2. Google Pay-per-click

                  1      Keyword analysis

                  2      Ad text

                  3      Landing page

   Campaign set-up – budget, geography
   Keyword analysis – what are people searching for
   Ad text – variants
   Bids and cost-per-click
   Bid management
   Broadmatch, exact match, negative keywords, keyword insertion
   keyword
2. Pay-per-click
                                                 Set yourself up as an advertiser (2 mins,
                                                  minimum €15)
                                                 Tell Google the words you want to be found
                                                  for – ‘keywords’
                                                 Write the ad that will appear
                                                 Tell Google how much you’re willing to
                                                  spend per day/month
                                                 Ad only shown when someone searches for
                                                  your word
                                                 Don’t pay unless they click on your ad
                                                 Can control spend – “pay-as-you-go”
Success factors for Google PPC
 Keywords you choose – make sure people are looking for them
 Ad text – does it make people want to click
 Your ‘landing page’ – make sure it’s matched to the ad, and that there’ some kind of
  “call to action”
2. Google Pay-per-click
2. Landing page design

   Rule #1: Avoid unneccessary distractions – push visitor to your “Most Wanted
   Spell out the benefits and have clear call to action
   Remove any unnecessary navigation
   Be consistent with the ad or email that brought your visitor here, including
    keywords, logos and other images
   Try to keep registration fields to a minimum e.g. Name and email
   Try “A/B” testing of 2 versions of landing page to see what works
   Use Google analytics to monitor conversions
3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  Advertising –

   Natural or
‘organic’ search
3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

                             You want to get found
                              without paying Google all the
                             ‘Organic’ or natural search
                             How do you get to the top?

                             Main element – good
                              ‘content’ – information
                             A site that people find useful
3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  Two main tasks in SEO
   “On Page” – stuff you put on your web-site pages

   “Off Page” – getting other sites to link to you


                                        WWW                  WWW

              On page                             Off page
3. Search Engine Optimization
  First step – KEYWORD ANALYSIS

  Choose words you think people will look for when searching for your
  kind of product or servcie
3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    Then for each page . …

   1. Page Title

  2. URL

  3. Header tags

4. Text, internal links, bold

  5. Page description text
3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
      Next, seek External Links – ask other sites to link to you

                                                  A link:
                                                  Links should be from other good sites
                                                  To get links, provide information/content that
                                                   people think is valuable and should be shared

Identify a target list of sites you’d like to link to you
   Who links to you now?

   Who links to your competitors?

   What sites are top for the search terms related to you?
4. Online PR
 PR is the most cost-effective form of marketing
 Generate €1000s worth of coverage
 Seen to be more credible than standard ads

 Some basic rules – try to be interesting: e.g.‘Man bites dog’;
  ‘who, what, when, where and why’, include a photo etc.

 But … now also has an online element
 Should ‘optimize’ each press release so that (a) it highlights
  particular keywords and (b) has embedded links that link back to
  your web-site
 Should also issue to Twitter, RSS feeds, blog, other sites etc. as
  part of your PR release process (more later …)
 Test using graphics, video embedded in releases
5. Email Marketing
                                   Do not spam
       Email                       But do regularly email contacts
                                    who have ‘opted in’ to
                                   91% of internet users use email
                                   Cost effective, broad reach
      Reply                        First, build your list
                                   Next, draft your email
                     Visit         Keep it short
                                   “Call to action”
                                   Test every element
                                   From & Subject – determine

SPAM                  Download
                     Guide NOW!
                                    whether email is deleted or
                                   Certain words will attract spam
                                    filters e.g. ‘Free’
6. Social Media
Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Yammer, blogging, video….

Generate interesting stuff people want to see, read, hear
Publish it everywhere, with links back to you
Share intersting stuff you find on the web
Connect with people you’ve worked with or who you find informativve
Interactive rather than one way communication
Now everyone can contribute, write, edit, shoot video, record audio
People/customers can talk back, engage, ask questions
You’ll get more web traffic, visitors, business

Monitor what’s published – Google alerts, Google blog search, Twitter follower,
6. Social Media
Why? Draws more traffic to your web-site, leads, sales
Like online diaries, now being used for business
Type of web-site where you can easily post comments, information
Allows readers to provide feedback
Can paste in YouTube videos, SlideShare slides
                                                         Decide who you’re targeting
                                                          Mix of entries – news,
                                                           opinion, video, photos,
                                                          Basic, medium and rich
                                                           posts, light & heavy
                                                          Strong headlines
                                                          Pick a posting schedule
6. Social Media
6. Social Media
                   Video yourself, a colleague, a
                   Home-made is good
                   Relate to your business – e.g.
                    “how I design wedding cards”
                   Post it on YouTube
                   Link to YouTube from your
                    website, blog, Twitter ….
6. Social Media

                  What: Listen, Tweet, Respond
                  Why?: Traffic to your website, inbound
                   links, leads, sales
                  How: 140 character “tweets”
                  E.g. press release headline
                  Can also insert links to stuff you
                   like/find interesting
                  Follow others e.g. customers,
                  Make your tweets useful e.g. links to
                   web-site, video, news item
                  Tweet about good stuff your business
                   is doing
                  Customer service
6. Social Media

              Fast Food – Kogi Korean BBQ
              Gourmet fast food aimed at night-club audience
              How to let customers know when/where vans will be near?
              Twitter updates, forwarded by SMS to followers
              Queues now form before trucks arrive

              Dublin bus – special ticket discounts
              Running last minute promotional discounts
              Twitter followers receive offers via mobile phone
6. Social Media

                  Business or private
                  Use your network to promote
                   what you do
                  Search for contacts at
                   particular companies
                  Join new groups with shared
                  Create a group and encourage
                   people to join
                  LinkedIn ads – very targeted
                   (role, location)
                  Tip: build out your profile info
6. Social Media

                  Why do you care? -over 450 million
                   active users
                  Lots of your customers
                  3rd most trafficked website
                  Get found, promote your stuff, connect
                   with others
                  Get started: Set up a personal profile
                  Join networks
                  Set up a business page second
                  Put links to your facebook pages on
                   emails, web-site, ….
                  Facebook ads
6. Social Media

                                     Try Facebook ads
                                     11 targeting factors
                                     Includes location, age, birthday, sex,
                                      workplace, education and interests
                                     So, could run ads to women only in 30 to
                                      40 age bracket in your area to test the
6 step process – 1. what, 2. who, 3. competitors, 4. tools, 5. plan, 6. execute
Tools – Offline and Online
Should use a mixture, emphasizing online tools
         1. Web-site first – the key element
             2. Google Pay-per-click
             3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
             4. Email
         5. Social media – blog, Twitter, LinkedIn, video, YouTube, Facebook, …
Create and publish stuff (video, voice, written) that will interest your audience
Network with potential influencers, customers, colleagues
Measure the results regularly
Repeat your successes

            Thank You

Twitter   @MichaelGWhite

Mobile    +353 86 383 8981


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DohertyWhite - Introduction to Digital Marketing - ProfitNet Letterkenny July 2010

  • 1. DohertyWhite Digital Marketing and PR Growing sales through more effective marketing Michael White July 2010
  • 2. Agenda  Ho w to driv e in c re a s e s in s a le s , le a d g e n e ra tio n a n d re v e n u e u s in g O n lin e Ma rk e t in g  Today when people want to buy something the first place they look is the web, whether they’re looking for shoes, a car or a house  Some websites are more easily found than others  And some web-sites are better at convincing you to buy  During this presentation I’ll be describing what you can do to make your website more easily found and, once found, to persuade people to buy your products or services
  • 3. Topics  Introduction – who we are, what we do  First things first - what is Marketing?  Why online marketing for small businesses?  Where do you start?  The tools available  Social networks and your business  Recap of key points
  • 4. Who we are Michael White • Co-founder and partner at DohertyWhite Marketing • Enterprise Ireland Marketing mentor to 20 firms Digital Marketing • Ex Head of Marketing at Singularity – helped double revenue in 2 years, won ISA sales award Software product delivery • Senior Product Manager at Siemens, Management Consultant with Deloitte, Project Annmarie Doherty Manager with Misys Corporation PR & Online PR • Trinity College Computer Science, Post Grad Social media Diploma in Computing Advertising Bhavin Doshi Philip Barrett Web development Graphic design Web strategy Website design Digital marketing Branding Simon Rogals Paul Kennedy Marketing strategy Sales strategy Product management Marketing strategy Tech startup advisory Project Management
  • 5. What we do  We help businesses generate more revenue through more effective sales and marketing  Online marketing, PR, Sales lead generation  Recognised expertise – Forrester, Irish Medical Device Association, Irish Software Association  We work fast and deliver value early and often
  • 6. What is marketing? “Make something people want, then sell it to them”  Make something people want – your product or service and what makes you different/better  Sell it to them – understand your potential customers, how they buy and connect with them ? Me How do I reach them? My potential customers
  • 7. General approach 1 Review what you’re selling - so you can articulate it’s features, its benefits, why you’re better 2 Review who you’re selling to – your target buyers 3 Use your website to Generate More Sales
  • 8. Why focus on digital marketing? Because your prospective customers will find you before you them.  The first place people look for products or services is online – primarily Google  The first place someone looks after contact is your web-site. What’s on your site that would encourage them to become a customer?  Will they find you? How do you compare with competing sites?  If you are promoting yourself the same way you did 10 years ago then you’re doing something wrong
  • 9. Why online marketing? 1. Makes business sense  More cost effective – you can see what you get for your money  Greater impact – you can market to 1000s for same price as 100s  Small businesses can look like big businesses  Small businesses can access bigger potential markets  You can ‘Scale up’ – easy to increase results at low cost 2. Recognises changes in Buyer behaviour  People’s buying habits are changing  They start shopping by looking on the web, especially Google  They do research on the web, not at tradeshows  Order online more frequently Basically, you can generate more sales at less cost
  • 10. Where do you start? A step-by-step approach: 1 What are you trying to promote? (Your product, service?) Who do you want to target, and where? (Everyone? Particular 2 types of business? Particular types of consumer? Donegal? Ireland? Europe? the US? 3 Who are your competitors (and why are you better?) Pick the tools you’ll use to promote your business from the list 4 available 5 Set out a plan with actions, dates and expected outputs 6 Get going – implement the activities on your plan and measure how effective they are in producing sales. Experiment, adjust, test again. Start small, then increase efforts where you enjoy success.
  • 11. The tools available ‘Offline’ Digital Marketing • Print Ads • Web-site • Radio Ads • Search Engine Marketing • Direct Mail • PR Pay-per-click Google • Events/Tradeshows • Email marketing • PR • Online ads • Telemarketing • Online PR • In-store merchandising • Social Media • Flyers • Webinars • Newsletters / bulletins • eNewsletters Use a mixture, but emphasise online tools
  • 12. A step-by-step approach Sales Digital Demand Generation 1. Revise 2. Generate content 3. Launch 4. Start Email 5. Generate PR website based on to attract visitor Google pay-per- Marketing and online PR buyer analysis, add registrations click ads campaigns landing pages 6. Post to Corporate 7. Launch Search 8. Hardcopy Mail to 9. Telemarketing Blog and Social Media Engine Optimization selected contacts qualification of warm activities leads
  • 13. Online marketing tools 1. Your Website 2. Google pay-per-click advertising 3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 4. Online PR 5. Email Marketing 6. Social media marketing (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, blogs etc.)
  • 14. 1. The web-site 1. Your web-site  The most important marketing tool you have  Your best sales-person 24/7/365 if you are B2C  A sales lead generation machine if you are B2B  Drive visitors to your site  Home page is the most  Get them to take “Most wanted action”  important page Either ‘Buy Now’ (B2C) or ‘capture contact details’ (B2B)  Structure, text  Give visitors plenty of things to click on  Make downloads and ‘buy now’ offers prominent  Look at competitor sites for comparison  Check out, other template sites
  • 15. 1. The web-site  Have plenty of “bait” on your site –documents, presentations or other information that people will want to download e.g. Case studies  Ask for their email address and name in return
  • 16. 1. The Website 1. The web-site Your Objective – Generate Sales (B2C) or Generate Leads (B2B) Web Design Best Practice  Reflect your buyer in the web-page design – use “Buyer Personas”  Make it easy for them to accomplish goals e.g. find information, contact you (put your number on the home page), get you to contact them (call back button), search  Think about your “Most Wanted Actions” – what do you want them to do?  If you want them to do something (go to a section of the site, download content) then make it obvious and easy  Provide ‘bait’ on each page – downloadable content  Great book on this subject: “Don’t make me think” by Steve Krug
  • 17. 1. The web-site 1. The Website Structure  Not too many levels in your site structure – aim for 3  Use URLs that make sense – better for your buyers, better for search engines  Configure 5 or 6 settings per page for Search Engine Optimization (covered later)  Segment your site into key sections, optimize each section individually, rather than having all pages equally ranked per key phrase  When looking at layout, have a look at Hypertemplates and other sites  Most corporate sites follow a particular home-page structure (80% of large B2B and 53% of small firms, as of 2007 report)
  • 18. 1. The web-site 1. The Website Graphics  Keep graphics down to less than 3rd of home page – see heatmaps  Use images of real people, avoid clichéd stock images  Make the entire graphic clickable  Make sure graphic is ‘tagged’ so you turn up on image searches  Use Clicktale or similar tool to check how visitors move around your pages
  • 19. 1. TheWebsite 1. The web-site  Use the list above as a checklist – have you adequately provided this kind of information on your website?  For example, have you clearly described what you do, what sectors you target, do you have case studies etc. etc.
  • 20. 1. The web-site 1. The Website Before you start - Audit  Review web-traffic stats – historic performance, sources of traffic  Set up Google analytics if not set up already  Identify all pages that are indexed, all your inbound links  These are assets and you don’t want to lose them (will use 301 redirects to maintain them)  Competitor comparison – use, WooRank and other tools
  • 21. 2. Google Pay-per-click  Quick way to get traffic to your site  Tell Google which search terms you want to be found for  E.g. show my ad when someone searches for ‘graphic design donegal’  Only pay if someone clicks on my ad  Create specific ‘landing’ page for the ad  Avg. 50c per click, can set maximum daily/weekly budget  Can lock down by geography, time, day
  • 22. 2. Google Pay-per-click 1 Keyword analysis 2 Ad text 3 Landing page  Campaign set-up – budget, geography  Keyword analysis – what are people searching for  Ad text – variants  Bids and cost-per-click  Bid management  Broadmatch, exact match, negative keywords, keyword insertion  keyword
  • 23. 2. Pay-per-click  Set yourself up as an advertiser (2 mins, minimum €15)  Tell Google the words you want to be found for – ‘keywords’  Write the ad that will appear  Tell Google how much you’re willing to spend per day/month  Ad only shown when someone searches for your word  Don’t pay unless they click on your ad  Can control spend – “pay-as-you-go” Success factors for Google PPC  Keywords you choose – make sure people are looking for them  Ad text – does it make people want to click  Your ‘landing page’ – make sure it’s matched to the ad, and that there’ some kind of “call to action”
  • 24. 2. Google Pay-per-click 2. Landing page design CONVERT YOUR VISITORS! – Landing Pages  Rule #1: Avoid unneccessary distractions – push visitor to your “Most Wanted Action”  Spell out the benefits and have clear call to action  Remove any unnecessary navigation  Be consistent with the ad or email that brought your visitor here, including keywords, logos and other images  Try to keep registration fields to a minimum e.g. Name and email  Try “A/B” testing of 2 versions of landing page to see what works  Use Google analytics to monitor conversions
  • 25. 3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Advertising – (Pay-per-click) Natural or ‘organic’ search results
  • 26. 3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) You want to get found without paying Google all the time ‘Organic’ or natural search results How do you get to the top? Main element – good ‘content’ – information A site that people find useful
  • 27. 3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Two main tasks in SEO  “On Page” – stuff you put on your web-site pages  “Off Page” – getting other sites to link to you WWW WWW WWW WWW WWW On page Off page
  • 28. 3. Search Engine Optimization  First step – KEYWORD ANALYSIS  Choose words you think people will look for when searching for your kind of product or servcie
  • 29. 3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)  Then for each page . … 1. Page Title 2. URL 3. Header tags 4. Text, internal links, bold 5. Page description text
  • 30. 3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Next, seek External Links – ask other sites to link to you A link: Links should be from other good sites To get links, provide information/content that people think is valuable and should be shared Identify a target list of sites you’d like to link to you  Who links to you now?  Who links to your competitors?  What sites are top for the search terms related to you?
  • 31. 4. Online PR  PR is the most cost-effective form of marketing  Generate €1000s worth of coverage  Seen to be more credible than standard ads  Some basic rules – try to be interesting: e.g.‘Man bites dog’; ‘who, what, when, where and why’, include a photo etc.  But … now also has an online element  Should ‘optimize’ each press release so that (a) it highlights particular keywords and (b) has embedded links that link back to your web-site  Should also issue to Twitter, RSS feeds, blog, other sites etc. as part of your PR release process (more later …)  Test using graphics, video embedded in releases
  • 32. 5. Email Marketing  Do not spam Email  But do regularly email contacts who have ‘opted in’ to communications  91% of internet users use email  Cost effective, broad reach Reply  First, build your list  Next, draft your email Visit  Keep it short  “Call to action”  Test every element  From & Subject – determine SPAM Download Inbound Marketing Guide NOW! whether email is deleted or opened  Certain words will attract spam filters e.g. ‘Free’
  • 33. 6. Social Media Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Yammer, blogging, video…. Generate interesting stuff people want to see, read, hear Publish it everywhere, with links back to you Share intersting stuff you find on the web Connect with people you’ve worked with or who you find informativve Interactive rather than one way communication Now everyone can contribute, write, edit, shoot video, record audio People/customers can talk back, engage, ask questions You’ll get more web traffic, visitors, business Monitor what’s published – Google alerts, Google blog search, Twitter follower, Monitter
  • 34. 6. Social Media Blogs Why? Draws more traffic to your web-site, leads, sales Like online diaries, now being used for business Type of web-site where you can easily post comments, information Allows readers to provide feedback Tips Can paste in YouTube videos, SlideShare slides Decide who you’re targeting Mix of entries – news, opinion, video, photos, informative Basic, medium and rich posts, light & heavy Strong headlines Pick a posting schedule
  • 36. 6. Social Media Video  Video yourself, a colleague, a customer  Home-made is good  Relate to your business – e.g. “how I design wedding cards”  Post it on YouTube  Link to YouTube from your website, blog, Twitter ….
  • 37. 6. Social Media Twitter What: Listen, Tweet, Respond Why?: Traffic to your website, inbound links, leads, sales How: 140 character “tweets” E.g. press release headline Can also insert links to stuff you like/find interesting Follow others e.g. customers, influencers Make your tweets useful e.g. links to web-site, video, news item Tweet about good stuff your business is doing Customer service
  • 38. 6. Social Media Fast Food – Kogi Korean BBQ Gourmet fast food aimed at night-club audience How to let customers know when/where vans will be near? Twitter updates, forwarded by SMS to followers Queues now form before trucks arrive Dublin bus – special ticket discounts Running last minute promotional discounts Twitter followers receive offers via mobile phone
  • 39. 6. Social Media LinkedIn Business or private Use your network to promote what you do Search for contacts at particular companies Join new groups with shared interest Create a group and encourage people to join LinkedIn ads – very targeted (role, location) Tip: build out your profile info
  • 40. 6. Social Media Facebook Why do you care? -over 450 million active users Lots of your customers 3rd most trafficked website Get found, promote your stuff, connect with others Get started: Set up a personal profile first Join networks Set up a business page second Put links to your facebook pages on emails, web-site, …. Facebook ads
  • 41. 6. Social Media Facebook  Try Facebook ads  11 targeting factors  Includes location, age, birthday, sex, workplace, education and interests  So, could run ads to women only in 30 to 40 age bracket in your area to test the results
  • 42. Recap 6 step process – 1. what, 2. who, 3. competitors, 4. tools, 5. plan, 6. execute Tools – Offline and Online Should use a mixture, emphasizing online tools  1. Web-site first – the key element  2. Google Pay-per-click  3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)  4. Email  5. Social media – blog, Twitter, LinkedIn, video, YouTube, Facebook, … Create and publish stuff (video, voice, written) that will interest your audience Network with potential influencers, customers, colleagues Measure the results regularly Repeat your successes
  • 43. Resources
  • 44. DohertyWhite Thank You Email Slides Twitter @MichaelGWhite Mobile +353 86 383 8981