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March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
To create branded content for UPTV’s
Our Wedding Story, retain audiences, and attract
new viewers through a brand partnership.
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
Formerly known as GMC TV, Gospel Music
Channel, UPtv is a playful, family-centered
network that broadcasts uplifting films and
shows. Their viewership has reached over
67 million American households as of 2015.
UPtv wants to enterain,
uplift, and inspire audiences.
life’s biggest
UPtv gets family and they understand the
relationships that define them. They celebrate
the moments and the shared experiences that
bring people together and make each story
Through quality entertainment with
authentic, uplifting stories about the
family, they positively portray life’s biggest
moment, reaching viewers’ hearts and
changing the world.
UPtv’s Our Wedding Story has received
rave reviews since its’ premiere in 2018. To
increase anticipation and viewership for the
second season of the show, UPtv needs to
find creative ways share the love through
branded content.
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
Founded in 1946, Lowe’s began as an
independent hardware store in North
Wilkesboro, NC. They were able to anticipate
the post WW2 construction boom and sold
products directly from manufacturers to
contractors. By 1982, they were serving prod-
ucts to DIYers, homeowners who couldn’t afford
to outsource home improvement.
Although Lowe’s has an arsenal of branded
content due to many long-running series such
as “The Weekender”, they’re missing the
characters and sentimental moments that
make “Our Wedding Story” so engaging.
Customer service and community service are
core commitments at Lowe’s. They want to be
a good neighbor which means being commited
to improving the places that their employees
and customers call home.
“..Committed to
improving the
places that their
employees and
customers call
home.” #ProudMoment
Customers were asked to upload pictures of
their proudest home improvement, from
cabinent fixtures to new bath tiles.
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
UPtv Lowe’sOur Wedding Story
By evaluating the values and ideals that
UPTV, Our Wedding Story, and Lowe’s
offer to their audiences, we were able to
compile a series of words that best reflect
all three entities.
Passion Authenticity
Trustworthy Community
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, married
for almost 7 years, have recently bought a new
home for their growing family - them and their two
golden retrievers. Being new homeowners, they
want to cut costs by completing minor renovation
projects without a contractor, together.
Debra loves “Our Wedding Story”.
Does she cry at nearly every episode? Ofcourse. Has her
husband become curious about the show and ended
up crying with her? Obviously. “Our Wedding Story” lets
Debra live vicariously through the couples and remem-
ber the excitement of her own prenuptials. Now that her
daughter is considering marriage, Debra is excited for
her new role as the mother of the bride.
The Johnson Family Mr. + Mrs. AndersonDebra Speier
Mother 37, Father 35, ChildAGES
San Francisco, CA Cincinatti, OH Athens, GA
Home Improvement, Building their
family, Enjoying the company of friends
Mother 54 Wife 33, Husband 42
The Johnsons’ have typical family fights -
where to eat for dinner, where to vacation, which movies
to watch. UPtv’s uplifting programming allows for the
Johnsons to stop fighting over the remote. With positive,
family-conscious content on all platforms, the family can
enjoy fun, positive entertainment together
18 - 65
$45k - $125+
Essentially, EVERYONE
40% have children
45% have bachelor’s
Going to parks, Attending Little
League, Learning new things, Visiting aqauriums
Gardening club, Botany, Walking,
Cycling with friends, Visiting her daughter
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
After watching two episodes of
OWS, which resulted in tears
and laughter, we developed
individual mind maps. With
all of our relevant images and
keywords together, common
themes began to reveal
themselves giving us
direction for ideation.
“I knew you were
the one from the
moment we met”
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
Lowe’s visual identity system
represents the integral structures that
customers seek to build at home. Their
logo is made from straight, oblique lines
which contain a strong, navy solid. These
elements make the brand appear more
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
By bringing Season 1 “Our Wedding Story” couples
into home improvement entertainment, audiences
can enjoy the extension of a couples’ story while
learning a new craft.
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
Throughout the winter, we watched and
analyzed a variety of Home Improvement
and DIY television series. Taking notes of
what we liked and what we should avoid,
our team grasped a better understanding of
how we wanted to shoot the Do It Together
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
“I based the
characters off
of the actors.
Since I knew
them personally, it
allowed me to easily
develop their on-air
personalities ”
The narrative came from the Do It Together project and the chronological
construction of the mirror. Most of the story was already there, Morgan simply
fine-tuned the dialogue to give the script a warm, uplifting tone.
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
We searched far and wide for the best couples to
perform for the Do It Together project. From actors,
to real couples, to best friends, we screen-tested for
genuine warmth and chemistry that could engage an
audience and carry a show.
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
The piece used for the DIT project had to be
meaningful within the couples’ story.
The left panel labelled “Past” holds images from the
couples history, including old letters, photos from
their proposal, and images of their parents.
The center panel, “Present” is intricately designed
with an art deco inspired pattern. It reflects the cou-
ples’ presence in their space.
The right panel, “Future” is dedicated to the couples
goals. These images consist of where they want to
go or what they want to accomplish together
“I began my process by reading the
script to understand the narrative and
plan how to visually represent it.
Secondly, I broke down the script and
annotated what kind of shots would best
capture moments in the script. Next, I
drafted a shot list of what would
be A and B roll. I then proceeded to
storyboard to create the visual repre-
sentation of how each shot would be
-Makumbi Muleba, Director
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
Even though we had a completed script,
there are still elements of surprise on a set.
With late notice, a talent had to leave early,
and a script rewrite was necessary. We con-
densed the story and captured the charm
and warmth the UPTV programming.
After planning everything, we went
to film the project with the cast and
crew at the chosen location. Before
the talent arrived, the team devel-
oped a shotlist to ensure where each
shot would be taken and how long
we would spend on each shot. We
filmed the project then collected and
organized each of the memory cards
to store and backup the footage.
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
The original footage was cut,
color corrected, and leveled by
the director, Makumbi Muleba.
The team critiqued three
iterations of Makumbi’s edit to
make sure that we were pulling
the best footage from the shoot
into the promo. Charming looks
or cute interactions between
the actors were our priority
to find for the final edit.
Makumbi’s editing notes.
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
Makumbi’s edit was then sent to
Nia for graphics. The motion graph-
ics were designed to fill in holes of
information that seemed too minimal
to put in the script like paint colors,
materials, and specifications.
DIT’s branding combined the best el-
ements from UPtv and Lowe’s’ visual
identity system: Sans serif type and
vibrant, blue hues.
Sans serif type in both logos
Tiffany and Navy blue make:
“Sweet, simple,
and fun”
- Nia Smalls, Designer
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
Sweet, simple, and fun - those were the three words used to guide the visual direction of the print ads.
We captured UPtv’s moments and Lowe’s products in use.
DIT’s branding combined the best elements from UPtv and Lowe’s’ visual identity system:
+ +
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
The DIT interstitials will air on UPtv’s social
media sites, Facebook and Instagram.
The #DoItTogether hastag will encourage
audiences to join in the movement with their
own projects at home. By inspiring creativity
and togetherness, DIT turns home improve-
ment into a family bonding activity.
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
Newlyweds share their
stories on Season 1 of
Our Wedding Story
Popular couple from
Season 1 returns to
complete DIT project.
Interstital airs during
Season 2.
DIT Project is posted
onto social media
with the hashtag,
Couples share their
own DIT home
improvements with
Fans buy tools and
materials, featured in
interstitial, in-store to
create unique projects.
The Do It Together movement inspires fans to improve
their own living spaces and to celebrate doing so.
DIT makes the makes small home tasks fun and inviting.
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
The Holiday Mini Build carries the theme of the DIT movement in-store.
Given a time limit, couples will compete in a
gingerbread house-building competition.
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
The challenge was to write a VO that
encapsulated the energy and set the tone
for the mini build experience.
The script utilized the personalities of the
couples while generating awareness and
excitement for the event.
“This was an
- Morgan Lee, Copywriter
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
The branding for the Holiday Mini Build came from the
laser cutting process. Since we had to be careful not to let
the letters create holes in the wood panel, our type had to
take on a more utilitarian aesthetic. We thought the types’
allusion to construction perfectly fit the gingerbread house
Jasmine Martin led the team for the filming of the
Holiday Mini Build. To prepare for the role, we
researched competitve televsion shows and made
notes of what we wanted to demonstrate in the
Mini Build.
“For the Holiday Mini Build,
my preproduction process
consisted of storyboarding
and shotlisting.”
-Jasmine Martin, Director
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
The shoot was successful with four cameras - two of the
cameras were stationary and the other two were handheld.
The handheld cameras provided a close up experience and
gave more personal tone to the promo. The stationary
cameras were able to catch all of the action. For music,
the director chose to use two instrumental Christmas songs,
one more suspenseful at the beginning, then turning into the
second piece which was more upbeat and uplifting.
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
The editing of the film was
matched with the voice over script
to form a fast-paced, high-energy
tone for the piece. Jasmine and
Shannon combed through each
piece of footage to get the very
best content for the final edit.
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
The Holiday Mini Build graphics were inspired by the laser cut sign
designed for the promo. Animated diagnols and swiping ellipses kept
the composition dynamic and energetic.
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
The competition will be live streamed on UP TV
and Lowe’s social medias. With #HolidayMiniBuild,
fans can take part in the social media challenge
and share their own gingerbread houses.
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
Newlyweds share their
stories on Season 1 of
Our Wedding Story
UPtv and Lowe’s host
Holiday Mini Build in
stores during the
holiday season
Competitions are
streamed live on social
media with the hashtag,
#HolidayMiniBuild is shared
on Instagram and Facebook,
encouraging fans to share
their own gingerbread homes
The Holiday Mini Build is just what audiences will need to join in the
holiday spirit. The wholesome family-oriented history of gingerbread
houses made them the perfect vessel for audiences to interact with.
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
Marriage comes with a variety
of challenges, whether couples are
building their home or finishing
major projects together. Lowe’s and
UPtv can help inspire newlyweds to
look at these challenges with joy and
play. It’s just one of the many ways
where we can show people how to
make life a little sweeter.
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
Morgan Lee
Executive Producer . Writer
B.F.A Branded Entetainment 2019
“Jesus, coffee, and work - in that order”
Jasmine Martin
Director . Producer . Editor
B.F.A Branded Entetainment 2019
“Sweet home, Alabama”
Makumbi Muleba
Director . Producer . Editor
B.F.A Branded Entetainment 2019
“It’s all gonna be good, man. Boom, quicktime”
Nia Smalls
Creative Director . Designer
B.F.A Branded Entetainment 2019
*dance shuffles in and out of frame*
Shannon Davis Forsyth
Professor . Sage Guide
Meet the Team
Over the course of 20 weeks, our team
researched, ideated, and executed all
content for the campaign. Between
coffee dates, roundtables, and writing
sessions, we were able to creatively
collaborate with one another to
develop a project that each of us
are proud to be a part of.
Under the supervision of Prof. Davis
Forsyth, our processes and designs
were advanced to a professional
level of completion. She demonstrated
industry practices and invited film and
TV professionals into the classroom to
share their work with us.
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
Elizabeth Keyes
Akash Parikh
Donovan Lynch
Ana-Lauren Adderley
Shalaka Churai
Adarsh Santosh
Mini Build VO
Michael Smalls
Visiting Guest Speakers
Scot Safron and Ty Johnson
Kelly Whaley
The sweet ambition of youth
Anyone who wasn’t involved in the
project, but stayed quiet during the
mini build shoot.
And this guy, who
never stopped smiling
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together
March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together

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Do It Together Campaign Pitchbook

  • 1. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 1
  • 2. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 2
  • 3. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 3 1 RESEARCH 8 DO IT TOGETHER 19 HOLIDAY MINI BUILD 27 CAMPAIGN SUMMARY C H A L L E N G E To create branded content for UPTV’s Our Wedding Story, retain audiences, and attract new viewers through a brand partnership.
  • 4. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 4 HISTORY MISSION Formerly known as GMC TV, Gospel Music Channel, UPtv is a playful, family-centered network that broadcasts uplifting films and shows. Their viewership has reached over 67 million American households as of 2015. UPtv wants to enterain, uplift, and inspire audiences. “Celebrating life’s biggest moments.” POSITIONING UPtv gets family and they understand the relationships that define them. They celebrate the moments and the shared experiences that bring people together and make each story unique. VISION Through quality entertainment with authentic, uplifting stories about the family, they positively portray life’s biggest moment, reaching viewers’ hearts and changing the world. PAIN POINT UPtv’s Our Wedding Story has received rave reviews since its’ premiere in 2018. To increase anticipation and viewership for the second season of the show, UPtv needs to find creative ways share the love through branded content.
  • 5. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 5 Lowe’s HISTORY PAIN POINT MISSION PAST CAMPAIGNS Founded in 1946, Lowe’s began as an independent hardware store in North Wilkesboro, NC. They were able to anticipate the post WW2 construction boom and sold products directly from manufacturers to contractors. By 1982, they were serving prod- ucts to DIYers, homeowners who couldn’t afford to outsource home improvement. Although Lowe’s has an arsenal of branded content due to many long-running series such as “The Weekender”, they’re missing the characters and sentimental moments that make “Our Wedding Story” so engaging. Customer service and community service are core commitments at Lowe’s. They want to be a good neighbor which means being commited to improving the places that their employees and customers call home. “..Committed to improving the places that their employees and customers call home.” #ProudMoment Customers were asked to upload pictures of their proudest home improvement, from cabinent fixtures to new bath tiles.
  • 6. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 6 Community Trustworthiness Happiness UPtv Lowe’sOur Wedding Story VALUE PROPOSTION By evaluating the values and ideals that UPTV, Our Wedding Story, and Lowe’s offer to their audiences, we were able to compile a series of words that best reflect all three entities. Love Passion Authenticity Happine ss FamilyPositivityGoodHum or Trustworthy Community D ependability GrowthService
  • 7. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 7 Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, married for almost 7 years, have recently bought a new home for their growing family - them and their two golden retrievers. Being new homeowners, they want to cut costs by completing minor renovation projects without a contractor, together. Debra loves “Our Wedding Story”. Does she cry at nearly every episode? Ofcourse. Has her husband become curious about the show and ended up crying with her? Obviously. “Our Wedding Story” lets Debra live vicariously through the couples and remem- ber the excitement of her own prenuptials. Now that her daughter is considering marriage, Debra is excited for her new role as the mother of the bride. The Johnson Family Mr. + Mrs. AndersonDebra Speier SAMPLE “OUR WEDDING STORY” VIEWER SAMPLE UPtv VIEWER SAMPLE LOWE’S CUSTOMER OUR AUDIENCE AGE AGES LOCATION INTERESTS LOCATION INTERESTS LOCATION INTERESTS PAIN POINT PAIN POINT Mother 37, Father 35, ChildAGES San Francisco, CA Cincinatti, OH Athens, GA Home Improvement, Building their family, Enjoying the company of friends Mother 54 Wife 33, Husband 42 The Johnsons’ have typical family fights - where to eat for dinner, where to vacation, which movies to watch. UPtv’s uplifting programming allows for the Johnsons to stop fighting over the remote. With positive, family-conscious content on all platforms, the family can enjoy fun, positive entertainment together PAIN POINT AGES 18 - 65 INCOME $45k - $125+ Essentially, EVERYONE HOUSEHOLD 40% have children COLLEGE 45% have bachelor’s Going to parks, Attending Little League, Learning new things, Visiting aqauriums Gardening club, Botany, Walking, Cycling with friends, Visiting her daughter
  • 8. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 8 After watching two episodes of OWS, which resulted in tears and laughter, we developed individual mind maps. With all of our relevant images and keywords together, common themes began to reveal themselves giving us direction for ideation. “I knew you were the one from the moment we met”
  • 9. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 9 Lowe’s visual identity system represents the integral structures that customers seek to build at home. Their logo is made from straight, oblique lines which contain a strong, navy solid. These elements make the brand appear more reliable.
  • 10. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 10 By bringing Season 1 “Our Wedding Story” couples into home improvement entertainment, audiences can enjoy the extension of a couples’ story while learning a new craft. CONCLUSIONS
  • 12. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 12 Throughout the winter, we watched and analyzed a variety of Home Improvement and DIY television series. Taking notes of what we liked and what we should avoid, our team grasped a better understanding of how we wanted to shoot the Do It Together interstitials. RESEARCH
  • 13. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 13 “I based the characters off of the actors. Since I knew them personally, it allowed me to easily develop their on-air personalities ” The narrative came from the Do It Together project and the chronological construction of the mirror. Most of the story was already there, Morgan simply fine-tuned the dialogue to give the script a warm, uplifting tone. WRITING
  • 14. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 14 We searched far and wide for the best couples to perform for the Do It Together project. From actors, to real couples, to best friends, we screen-tested for genuine warmth and chemistry that could engage an audience and carry a show. AUDTIONING
  • 15. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 15 DIRECTION SET DESIGN The piece used for the DIT project had to be meaningful within the couples’ story. The left panel labelled “Past” holds images from the couples history, including old letters, photos from their proposal, and images of their parents. The center panel, “Present” is intricately designed with an art deco inspired pattern. It reflects the cou- ples’ presence in their space. The right panel, “Future” is dedicated to the couples goals. These images consist of where they want to go or what they want to accomplish together “I began my process by reading the script to understand the narrative and plan how to visually represent it. Secondly, I broke down the script and annotated what kind of shots would best capture moments in the script. Next, I PRE PRODUCTION drafted a shot list of what would be A and B roll. I then proceeded to storyboard to create the visual repre- sentation of how each shot would be captured” -Makumbi Muleba, Director
  • 16. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 16 FILMING Even though we had a completed script, there are still elements of surprise on a set. With late notice, a talent had to leave early, and a script rewrite was necessary. We con- densed the story and captured the charm and warmth the UPTV programming. After planning everything, we went to film the project with the cast and crew at the chosen location. Before the talent arrived, the team devel- oped a shotlist to ensure where each shot would be taken and how long we would spend on each shot. We filmed the project then collected and organized each of the memory cards to store and backup the footage. SHOT LIST
  • 17. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 17 The original footage was cut, color corrected, and leveled by the director, Makumbi Muleba. The team critiqued three iterations of Makumbi’s edit to make sure that we were pulling the best footage from the shoot into the promo. Charming looks or cute interactions between the actors were our priority to find for the final edit. POST PRODUCTION EDITING Makumbi’s editing notes.
  • 18. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 18 Makumbi’s edit was then sent to Nia for graphics. The motion graph- ics were designed to fill in holes of information that seemed too minimal to put in the script like paint colors, materials, and specifications. DIT’s branding combined the best el- ements from UPtv and Lowe’s’ visual identity system: Sans serif type and vibrant, blue hues. Sans serif type in both logos Tiffany and Navy blue make: + DI I GRAPHICS POST PRODUCTION cont. “Sweet, simple, and fun” - Nia Smalls, Designer
  • 19. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 19 Sweet, simple, and fun - those were the three words used to guide the visual direction of the print ads. We captured UPtv’s moments and Lowe’s products in use. DIT’s branding combined the best elements from UPtv and Lowe’s’ visual identity system: PRINT ADS + +
  • 20. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 20 SOCIAL MEDIA The DIT interstitials will air on UPtv’s social media sites, Facebook and Instagram. The #DoItTogether hastag will encourage audiences to join in the movement with their own projects at home. By inspiring creativity and togetherness, DIT turns home improve- ment into a family bonding activity. #DOITTOGETHER
  • 21. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 21 Newlyweds share their stories on Season 1 of Our Wedding Story Popular couple from Season 1 returns to complete DIT project. Interstital airs during Season 2. DIT Project is posted onto social media with the hashtag, #DoItTogether Couples share their own DIT home improvements with #DoItTogether. Fans buy tools and materials, featured in interstitial, in-store to create unique projects. CONSUMER JOURNEY The Do It Together movement inspires fans to improve their own living spaces and to celebrate doing so. DIT makes the makes small home tasks fun and inviting. Consumption Interaction
  • 22. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 22 The Holiday Mini Build carries the theme of the DIT movement in-store. Given a time limit, couples will compete in a gingerbread house-building competition.
  • 23. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 23 The challenge was to write a VO that encapsulated the energy and set the tone for the mini build experience. The script utilized the personalities of the couples while generating awareness and excitement for the event. “This was an interesting challenge...” - Morgan Lee, Copywriter WRITING
  • 24. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 24 The branding for the Holiday Mini Build came from the laser cutting process. Since we had to be careful not to let the letters create holes in the wood panel, our type had to take on a more utilitarian aesthetic. We thought the types’ allusion to construction perfectly fit the gingerbread house competition. SET DESIGNDIRECTION Jasmine Martin led the team for the filming of the Holiday Mini Build. To prepare for the role, we researched competitve televsion shows and made notes of what we wanted to demonstrate in the Mini Build. “For the Holiday Mini Build, my preproduction process consisted of storyboarding and shotlisting.” -Jasmine Martin, Director PRE-PRODUCTION
  • 25. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 25 ON SET The shoot was successful with four cameras - two of the cameras were stationary and the other two were handheld. The handheld cameras provided a close up experience and gave more personal tone to the promo. The stationary FILMING cameras were able to catch all of the action. For music, the director chose to use two instrumental Christmas songs, one more suspenseful at the beginning, then turning into the second piece which was more upbeat and uplifting.
  • 26. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 26 POST-PRODUCTION The editing of the film was matched with the voice over script to form a fast-paced, high-energy tone for the piece. Jasmine and Shannon combed through each piece of footage to get the very best content for the final edit. EDITING
  • 27. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 27 POST-PRODUCTION cont. The Holiday Mini Build graphics were inspired by the laser cut sign designed for the promo. Animated diagnols and swiping ellipses kept the composition dynamic and energetic. GRAPHICS
  • 28. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 28 SOCIAL MEDIA The competition will be live streamed on UP TV and Lowe’s social medias. With #HolidayMiniBuild, fans can take part in the social media challenge and share their own gingerbread houses. #HOLIDAYMINIBUILD
  • 29. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 29 Newlyweds share their stories on Season 1 of Our Wedding Story UPtv and Lowe’s host Holiday Mini Build in stores during the holiday season Competitions are streamed live on social media with the hashtag, #HolidayMiniBuild #HolidayMiniBuild is shared on Instagram and Facebook, encouraging fans to share their own gingerbread homes CONSUMER JOURNEY The Holiday Mini Build is just what audiences will need to join in the holiday spirit. The wholesome family-oriented history of gingerbread houses made them the perfect vessel for audiences to interact with. Consumption Interaction
  • 30. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 30
  • 31. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 31 Marriage comes with a variety of challenges, whether couples are building their home or finishing major projects together. Lowe’s and UPtv can help inspire newlyweds to look at these challenges with joy and play. It’s just one of the many ways where we can show people how to make life a little sweeter.
  • 32. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 32 Morgan Lee Executive Producer . Writer B.F.A Branded Entetainment 2019 “Jesus, coffee, and work - in that order” Jasmine Martin Director . Producer . Editor B.F.A Branded Entetainment 2019 “Sweet home, Alabama” Makumbi Muleba Director . Producer . Editor B.F.A Branded Entetainment 2019 “It’s all gonna be good, man. Boom, quicktime” Nia Smalls Creative Director . Designer B.F.A Branded Entetainment 2019 *dance shuffles in and out of frame* Shannon Davis Forsyth Professor . Sage Guide Meet the Team Over the course of 20 weeks, our team researched, ideated, and executed all content for the campaign. Between coffee dates, roundtables, and writing sessions, we were able to creatively collaborate with one another to develop a project that each of us are proud to be a part of. Under the supervision of Prof. Davis Forsyth, our processes and designs were advanced to a professional level of completion. She demonstrated industry practices and invited film and TV professionals into the classroom to share their work with us.
  • 33. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 33 SPECIAL THANKS TO Actors Elizabeth Keyes Akash Parikh Donovan Lynch Ana-Lauren Adderley Shalaka Churai Adarsh Santosh Mini Build VO Michael Smalls Visiting Guest Speakers Scot Safron and Ty Johnson Kelly Whaley The sweet ambition of youth Anyone who wasn’t involved in the project, but stayed quiet during the mini build shoot. And this guy, who never stopped smiling
  • 34. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 34
  • 35. March 2019 I UPtv x Lowe’s Do It Together 35