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This particular study is the in depth analysis of the various factors effecting the
performance level of the employees at Moti Mahal Delux, Delhi. The finding of the
influencing factors will give an idea for the success of the organisation. The study with the
help of a well-developed questionnaire conducted survey to get the final result for the
study. The study topic is backed up by the literature review in a precise manner. The actual
aim of conducting study at Moti Mahal Delux, Delhi is to know what are the various
motivational and influencing factors according to the staffs which help them in performing
in a better way. Besides the methodology adopted is also described in a well manner as
using of quantitive research methodology along with the research approach of inductive.
The data collected via the questionnaire is presented in the form of graphs and diagrams
for the easy understanding.
Keywords: Employee Motivation, staff performance, performance level, Moti Mahal Delux
Tandoori Trail
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Chapter -1
1.1 Introduction
In the competitive world of today where every step is towards success there are many
aspects which are needed to be understood for emerging out as a superior to others.
For every organisation obtaining the target productivity is their major aim. And for
obtaining this there should an equal contribution from every corner of the
organisation. Just having a strong financial share in the market will never make a
company profitable, the co-ordination and understanding among the employee is a
must for achieving the success. This so said coordination is obtained only when the
employees are well motivated or perfectly influenced by certain features. So it can be
assumed that the 90 % of the organisation success depends on the employees’
performance. So there are certain points which will help in motivating the employees
and also demotivating them.
Employee performance which is the influence of the motivation they obtain from the
management is the major part of the success story. The managers and the management
have the equal role in motivating the employees. The current study topic revolves around
the hospitality sector. So as we know the success of the hospitality sector mainly depends
upon the interaction between the employee and the customer and the service provided to
the customers. If the employee doesn’t behave in the right manner with the customer then
it will lead to a major setback for the organisation. So understanding this risk the
researcher decided to select tis particular topic for study. To understand the working and
motivational influence of employee , the researcher has selected the employees of Moti
Mahal restaurant as the case study.
1.2 Research background
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The performance of the employee in an organisation do actually plays a very important role
in deciding the profitability of the organisation. So this particular topic will be of very
challenging as well as interesting (Bruce 2010). The skills and capability of the employee is a
must for the development of the organisation along with employee’s dedication towards
the job. Financial stability along with modern technology alone will never bring success to
an organisation , if the performance level of the employees at that particular organisation is
very weak (Hulling and Emily, 2010). An organisation should always try their level best for
holding up their employees at every point. Kim J, (2010) had said in his research that the
organisation should always make sure to solve the problem solve the employee and be at
the employees help at every time they require, then only the company can archive success.
The performance of the employee is the important aspect for the organisation, so the
organisation will always tries to influence the performance of the employee by motivating
them in the right way. Agreeing to Kotler and Amstrong (2010) it has been seen that
developing the employee motivation is very important for the performance of the company
as it has a direct impact on the team work of the employee at the organisation. So if the
management and the leader do take care and put up extreme steps to induce the
motivation of the employee, the performance of the employee can be made better all the
time leading to the success of the organisation. (Pindler, 2010).
For developing the motivational level in the employee the manager should take certain
steps like, appreciating the employee for the performance, extra payment for the better
performance, providing job security, promotions, bonus etc (Pinder, 2010). Along with the
motivation provided there should also be given a perfect training to the employees for
developing their capabilities, skills, commitment for the work. Providing an adequate
training to the employees has resulted in great progress in the organisations. The main
factors that affect the working of the employees are the working atmosphere and the
inspiration provided to them at the organisation (Peterson Douglas, 2010) .
1.3 Aim of the research
The study is mainly aimed at finding the various elements influencing the performance of
employees at “Moti Mahal Delux Delhi”.
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1.4 Objectives of the research
• To study of the elements determining the performance of the employees at Moti
Mahal Delux Delhi.
• To suggest the possible recommendations which would be useful for the betterment
of the performance of the employees?
1.5 Company Profile
Moti Mahal Delux is a famous year old restaurant located in Delhi, India. This restaurant on
every week serves nearly more than 500 guests. This specific restaurant serves the guests
with the most delicious and mouth-watering Indian cuisine using the best authentic
ingredients available. The number of employees ranges from 30-40 at the restaurant. The
Moti Mahal Delux restaurant delivers a stylish dining experience with assuredly pleasant
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Chapter 2
Literature review
2.1 Introduction
Every research study is backed up by a strong literature review. Literature review is the
examination of the current study with the resource available already. It will combine the
information already collected on the related current study with this study. A good
knowledge of the literature helps to understand the abstract, the methodology, and the
importance of the study (Pepitone 2010). The performance level of the employee at an
organisation decides the fate of the organization. The superiors at the organisation do have
to check that the employee performance is in a systematic way. So to achieve the manager
have a great role to play, they have to be very skilled to influence the performance level of
the employees (Savery and Lawson, 2010). Understanding the philosophy and the systems
connected with the employees performance is very complex subject to analyse. Though
many studies have been done on this topic perfect understanding of the actual
phenomenon is still lacking, and the researcher are still at large to find it. In literature
review chapter the various factors which helps in developing the motivational factors is
highlighted in a well manner. Also the various theories associated with motivation are also
2.2 The performance of the Employee
There are many considerations for defining employee performance; it’s actually emphasized
as the contribution of the staffs of a particular organisation in generating a better standard
of service and products. Gibson (2010). Taking into account certain factors one can
easily understand about the performance of the employees, these factors are the skill
level, area of expertise, job prospects and level of aptitude. Employees’ performance
management is also a way by which the level of employee performance can be accessed.
Gibson (2010) So in employee management the complete detail of the performance of
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the employee is studied in detail and analysed whether they do give their 100 %
performance for increasing the productivity of the firm
2.2.1 Theories of employee performance:
As stated earlier studying the aspect of employee performance is a complicated thing. So to
make the reader to understand easily many researchers had developed certain theories
which states about the employee’s performance at an organisation. There number of
theories proposed by various authors which support the employee performance level. The VIE theory
One of theory for understanding the employees performance is the VIE theory, this theory
was put forward by Porter and Lawler (2010). This theory can up as a continuation of the
other famous theory on employee performance called the expectancy theory which was
developed by Vroom. The various postulates highlighted under VIE theory are the
capabilities of the employee, the model personalities, insight about the roles played, various
internal and external prizes, and the expectancy. According to this theory, it is very
important that the newly selected worker should be made fully aware of the job he/she is
going to take in the organisation. What are the expectations from the employee’s sides.
There are many internal and external benefit for which the employee always works. Under
the internal benefit comes the Income, promotion, Appreciation etc. Whereas under the
external benefit comes the pride in the job (Dipboye, 2010).
Fig 2.1: the Porter-Lawler’s (2010) Model of Motivation and Job Satisfaction
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The Comparison theory is another theory on employee performance which was developed
from the VIE theory. The comparison theory also does underline the level of the employee
performance. The different factors under this theory are somewhat same as that of VIE
theory. Comparison theory includes factors like management, pay and the job depiction.
Additionally this particular theory do also highlights the various elements which can lead to
the enhancement of the employee performance like raise in the job and the salary pay.
Certain elements like skills, a good training, the employee’s age etc. are listed as an
important factors for inducing an positive effect on developing the job strategies.
Additionally the negative aspect is also described in a well manner in this theory (Dipboye, 2010).
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Another theory on employee performance is “The opponent process theory” which was
developed due to the impact of physiological prominence of the individuals. Ewald Hering
has developed this theory for studying the employee performance (2010). The chief
assumption of this particular theory is that the nervous system of the individuals put them
back into the normal state when an exciting situation is being faced by them. For example,
for any employee their happiness mostly depends upon on the time and condition of the
organisation. The opponent process theory highlights the employee performance in an
organization. The High performance cycle theory:
Locke and Latham (2010) had developed the theory called The high performance detail
about the which emphasize motivational theories as well as employee performance. The
Goal setting theory has been the basis for developing this particular theory. Also this theory
emphasise the anticipating and attaining of achievement which will lastly leads to the chief
level of the employee performance. According to this theory the various factors like income,
dedication, appreciation etc., which can help in developing the motivational factors in the
employee which will indirectly, leads to the enhancement of performance level among the
employees. And hence the organisation can achieve its success. Additionally these high
performance cycle theories do also highpoints the capabilities of the employees for carrying
out and involvedness the task provided to them.
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Fig 2.2: Locke and Latham’s (2010) High Performance Cycle.
2.3 Motivation
Motivation an important term in determining the performance level of the workers in an
organisation. Agreeing with Pinder (2010) , motivation is nothing but the action of the
organisation in full filling the desires of the workers in an organisation. Also motivation
can be demarcated as the plan or the tactic built which will inspire the individuals to
performance or achieve the desired goal as wanted. And motivation is mostly related with
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the behavioural pattern or the thinking power of the individuals. The behaviour pattern of
the individual is influenced by three important factors like concentration, determination,
and direction. The development of motivation will directly guides to the job contentment
among the employees which ultimately have a consequence on the working performance of
the employees. The easy going levels of the staffs are first thing to be taken into
consideration for inducing the motivation in employees. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:
One of most important theory in history which was developed for understanding the
concept of motivation among individuals is the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and it was
proposed and developed by the great researcher Abraham Maslow. This theory has got
certain levels for determining the motivation, in this hierarchy the individuals emotional
desires are restrained at to the lowest level whereas the self-actualization is put up in the
highest level of the hierarchy. The several factors that are used to explain the different
needs of the individuals are through are psychological, security and safety in life, social life
and affection, and finally self-actualization. The basic needs of the individuals are correctly
organized into the hierarchy, the lowest level needs of the individuals has to be full filled
first for going up in the hierarchy level. . It is impractical to encourage the employees by
just proposing the impartial recompense (Leech, 2010). This particular hierarchy
focuses mainly on the employee behavioural pattern even though this is not sufficient and
precise due to succeeding reasons.
ℵThis particular theory does not highlight or stress up the high level factors and this clarifies
only the consequence of the lower level variables.
ℵNor does theory highlight the importance of the difference of the cultural in the working
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2.3 Workplace environment
There have been many concepts for the relation between the performance level of the
employee and the pay scale received by the employees at an organisation. This certain
concept was also considered by the many of the senior managers and the supervisors at
the firm (Leach, 2010). But this concept was proven to be wrong be many other
researchers in a better way, though there will be a little percentage of acceptances by other
researcher for this in certain special cases. According to (Leach, 2010) the hike in the
pay and the extras provided for the better performance is just deliberated as a short term
outcome on the entire performance of the staffs. The extra pay given to the employee is
just an entitlement not an incentive according to the researcher.
2.4 Workplace culture
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The working environment of an organisation is very important aspect in determining the
work performance of the employee. According to some researcher the getting adapted to
the working atmosphere is an important matter, the problem can be seen in old as well as
new companies. Also it has been studied that this adaptation to the workplace culture will
lead to clashes between the supervisors, the mangers, and also between the employees for
getting one to adjust with the culture of the work place like, communication patter,
hierarchy and dress code. Thomson, (2010) claimed that the major primary and secondary
intrusion may put off displeasing outcomes by lessening the external loads, converting the
organisational factors, improving the personal skills and matching physical demand of the
job with the physical capabilities of individual.
2.5 Conclusion
In this section of the lesson it has been described about the hypothetical background
associated with the performance of the employee and the their motivation at the work
place relating to the Maslow hierarchy of needs and also Herzberg theory. So it has been
understood that those elements which enhances the performance level in an employee is
the motivators and those which bring down the level of performance is the hygiene factors.
The various theories explained in the literature review section helped in the easy
understanding of the phenomenon behind employee performance and motivation.
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Research Methodology.
3.1 Introduction
The core of every research is thought to be the chapter of ‘Research Methodology’. The
activities and functions involved in the definition as well as the solution of a problem are
collectively termed to be the research methodology, says Saunders et al (2009). According
to the opinions and statements given by Creswell (2009), a significant consideration should
be given to the resources and times as well as they are the major factors determining the
successful completion of the study or a research.
3.2 Research Method
The Research method can be broadly classed into two major types which are termed to be
Qualitative Research method and Quantitative Research method, states Anderson (2009).
3.2.1 Qualitative method
The analysis of the qualitative data is done by making use of non arithmetical model, in this
type of research method. There are many choices opted by the researcher to collect the
relevant qualitative data, among which the most preferred would be the collection of data
through the interviews. According to the suggestions given out by the researcher Anderson
(2009), understanding of the perceptions, relations, experiences etc of the people is highly
possible through these interviews, which make these the most preferred method. This
would be the most apt type of research if the sample size is very less in number (which
means that the people who are supposed to be interviewed are few).
3.2.2 Quantitative method
The arithmetical data model is employed in the quantitative method of the present
research (McBurney and White, 2009). There are number of statistical methods available
for examining the data, and in accordance with the quantity the variables in this methods
are thoroughly explained.
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The quantitative method is made use by the researcher in the present research. This is
because the performance of the employees is given much attention through the present
research and this demands the representation in the quantitative formats with the
employment of structures like diagrams, graphs etc.
3.3 Research Design
The fundamental part of all the researches is constituted by the Research Design, according
to the opinions and perceptions of many researchers. Research design is very useful for
scrutinizing the procedures involved while carrying out the study (Flick, 2009). The
strategies of the research design involve the approaches like interviews, sources of
information, questionnaire, methodology, costs etc. the research design is of much
significance as it is an important determining factor in the solution of the research queries
(Dawson, 2009).
3.4 Data Collection Method
Primary data: According to Saunders et al (2009), the data which is collected for the first
time and used in the process of research is termed to be the primary data. There are many
methods by which the primary data can be collected among which the interviews,
questionnaire, surveys etc form the prominent modes of primary data collection. The
primary data required for the current research is gathered and compiled from the opinions
of the employees of Moti Mahal Delux by making use of the questionnaire.
Secondary data: As per the definitions given by Kotler and Armstrong (2010), those data
which are already collected by the researchers who have done many previous researches,
are broadly defined as secondary data. There are many sources which act as sources for the
provision of secondary data and these include journals, websites, books, articles, internet
3.5 Sampling Procedures
A sample could be defined as a particular subset or portion of the large population. The
thorough study or analysis of the sample is generally reflected by the terminology
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‘Sampling’ (Lohr, 2009). The broad classification of the sampling procedures would be of
two types which are probability sampling as well as non probability sampling.
The process of sampling generally refers to a large size of population. There are a number of
factors which are to be considered during the analysis of a sample and the three most
prominent factors are mentioned below:
• Diversity of population
• Degree of usual mistakes
• Confidence
The probability sampling is made use in the present research. The staffs of the Moti Mahal
Delux are subjected to the process of probability sampling.
3.6 Survey technique
The implementation of questionnaire would be the most suitable technique that could be
employed to acquire the necessary data from the participants. A set of self administered
questionnaire is given to the employees of the Moti Maha Delux, which they are supposed
to fill up. Since the non expert individuals are making use of the questionnaires, it has got
some demerits, says Zikmund (2008). Still, the most preferred method to get an idea
regarding the perceptions of the people would be the employment of questionnaire.
3.7 Conclusion
The present chapter gives a detailed explanation of the adopted Research Methodologies.
The methods of research, research design, methods of collection of data, sampling
procedures, survey techniques etc are explained in detail in this chapter.
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Findings & Analysis
4.1 Introduction
The researcher had opted for the primary data as the main source for gathering
information. So a well-built questionnaire was developed by the researcher. The obtained
information is perfectly analysed in this section of the study, it will be presented in forms of
graphs and diagrams for the easy understanding of the data collected. . The information
required for the study was collected from the 20 employees of Moti Mahal Deleux, Delhi.
The complete questionnaire is divided in to two parts, where part A included the basic
demographic information of the respondents and part B includes the main question mainly
developed to understand about the employee performance in an organisation.
4.2 Questionnaire Analysis
Part A. The Demographic question
4.2.1 What is your current Age?
The respondents of the survey were from different age groups, they were somewhat in
between the 20 – 45. So when the data for the question “What is your current age “was
analysed it was seen that most of the employees at the restaurants were in the age group
of 26 to 30 years i.e., nearly 50 % were in this section and successively 30 % of them were
in the age group of 20 to 25 years. And then the employees in the age group 41-45 were
found to be just 5%. The following diagram provides the detailed explanations. So this
indicates that Moti Mahal have got a good experienced employees.
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Pie diagram 4.1 : What is your current Age?
(As created by author May 2012)
4.2.2 What is your Gender?
The second question under demographic part was about the gender. The employees at Moti
Mahal were both males and females. Gender plays a major role in analysing the employee
performance in an organisation. So when the personal demographic data was analysed it was
seen there was a percentage of about 70 male employees at the hotel when considered against
the female employees who was around 30%. In this study the researcher has found that 65% of
staffs in the Spicy restaurant are male while 35% are female. All these employees performed very
well at the organisation.
Pie diagram 4.2: gender of the employees
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(As created by the author May 2012)
4.2.3 What is your total year of Experience at Moti Mahal?
This question was developed to know actually how experienced are the employees at the
restaurant. So when the collected data was analysed it was seen that most of the employees were
not that very well experienced ones. It has been studied that the more the experienced the
employees are the more will be the increase in the motivational level of the employee, as the
experienced staffs can play a major lead in developing the motivational level in the employees. The
data analysed show clearly that the employees who are having an experience of work of 5 years or
less are 40 % , while those employees who are having the experience of 5-10 years are almost
30%. However there was a 20% of the employees who had got an experience of 10-15 years and a
remaining 10% had the experience of more than 10 years.
Bar diagram 4.1: The total years of experience of the employees
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(As created by the author May 2012)
4.2.4 What is your position at the Organisation?
This question wants to know the position of the employees in the organisation. So the researcher
had given two options like Managers and Non- mangers. When the data from the respondents
were analysed it was seen that 37 % employees were in the managerial position and nearly 63%
of them were in the non-managerial position.
Pie diagram 4.3: position of the employees
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(As created by the author May 2012)
Part-B: Questionnaires on employee performance
4.3 The Analysis
4.3.1 In your work place are you motivated enough?
The understanding of the performance level of an organisation is only measured by the level of
motivation provided to the employees. From this question the data obtained is as follows,
nearly 80 % of the employees answered that they are motivated very effectively 15% of the
employees little bit of confused in answering the question, they were not sure if they were
motivated or not. Conversely a 5% of the employees answered as that they are not motivation in
any ways by the company.
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Pie diagram -4.4 How well is you motivated
(As created by the author May 2012)
4.3.2 What according to you is the major Source of motivation?
The data gathered from the respondents were represented in the form of pie diagram. When analysed
it was seen that nearly 50% of the employees were motivated by their managers and whereas 30% of
the employee do get their motivation from the well experienced senior staffs which help in better
performance. On the other hand 20% of the employees were not sure for the question; they are
confused in determining who has influenced than a lot.
Pie diagram -4.5: What is the source of motivation in the firm.
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(As created by the author May 2012)
4.3.3 What are Demotivation factors according to you?
This question was developed to know the various demotivational factors in an organisation. So
when the obtained data was analysed it was seen that the main cause for the demotivation in an
organization is absence of gratitude for their work which accounted for about 50% whereas 30%
of the employees had the view that the long working is a major factor of demotivation. And a
little of 10% feels that workplace violence and shortage of problem is the reason for
Fig-4.7: The various factors of demotivation
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. 4.3.4 How do you rate your Level of performance in the organisation?
When asked to the employees of Moti Mahal Delux about their level of performance, many
different opinions were obtained from them. A 50% of the employees has said that they do high
level of performance at the organisation. Whereas 30% of them said that according to them their
performance level only just of moderate level and 10 % discoursed they were not sure about
their performance level,
Fig-4.8: level of performance
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4.3.5 Are you satisfied with the job you are doing?
When asked the job satisfaction, the researcher had obtained different opinion on it, this
question gives an idea of how well are the employees influenced at the organisation. So the data
analysed showed that that 45% of employees are fairly gratified with working at Moti Mahal
Delux restaurant. The other 35% of the employees well satisfied with their job , and out of it 8%
are very highly satisfied with the job and 12% of the employees are not happy with their job.
Fig-4.9: job satisfaction
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4.3.6 Is your work recognised by your boss?
This question was also a part of the effort taken by the researcher to know the factors affecting
the employee performance in an organisation. The 50% of the employee answered that their
effort is well recognised and appreciated by the boss, a section of 30% said that they are
confused about the answer. But 10% of the employees answered that their effort is not being
recognised by their boss.
Fig 4.10: recognition of the efforts by the boss
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4.3.7 Do you feel that you are being paid fairly?
When checking about the various factors that play a major role in the developing motivation
among the employee, there is considered the payment. From the study data it was analysed that
80% of the employee have supported that they are being payed fairly where another section of
10% of the employees were in support that they were not paid fairly as they wanted for the
work done by them. So this shows that income do plays a very important role in influencing the
performance level in the employees.
Pie diagram-4.11: fairness of payment
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4.3.8 How is the Workplace Environment according to you?
The atmosphere of the workplace has a lot of influence on the performance level of the
employees to a greater extent. At Moti Mahal Delux restaurant, the employees replied to this
question as follows 65% of the employees are not happy with the working atmosphere at the
organisation whereas 35 % are well satisfied with the working atmosphere at their organization .
Figure.4.12 workplace environment
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4.4 Conclusion
This section of the chapter gives the overall review of the chapter. The researcher had developed
questionnaire was developed into two parts for getting information regarding the employee
performance and role of motivation in enhancing the employee performance. The information
obtained is represented in the form of pie and bar diagram for the easy understanding.
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Chapter- 5
Conclusion and Recommendation
The conclusion of the current dissertation is discussed in the present chapter. The author also
gives some valuable suggestions which would be beneficial for the enhancement of the
performance of the employees of the Moti Mahal Delux.
5.1 Factors affecting the performance of the employees.
The study proves that the most prominent elements of the performance of the employees are
the motivators. The present study also reveals the positive impact of the factors like recognition,
achievement etc on the enhancement of the performance level of the employees by means of
motivating them. The job satisfaction is also found to be one of the most significant motivating
factors. From the findings of the research, around 84% of the staffs of the firm are content and
satisfied with the pay they are getting, leading to their level of performance. The working
environment also affects the performance of the employees and the present study shows that
around 64% of the staffs of the firm are satisfied with their working environment.
5.2 Recommendation
From the study, it has been made clear that the factors including recognition, achievements etc
are the major elements that have a large impact on the progress of the level of employee
performance. The recommendations that would be fruitful for the enhancement of the
performance level of the staffs of the Moti Mahal Delux, are also suggested by the author in this
5.2.1 Achievement:
In order to understand the talents of the staffs and to make them express their potential, some
number of projects could be introduced by the management of the Moti Mahal Delux. The
approaches like coaching, training, advice etc could be implemented for the elevation of the level
of the knowledge of the staffs of the concerned firm. The achievement of the staffs should be
appreciated infront of everyone in a gathering or a public function.
5.2.2 Recognition:
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This is also one of the most important aspects, which is very much required for the improvement
of the performance of the employees of any firm. One of the best way of recognition of the staffs
of the firm is by the timely appreciation of the staffs for their brilliant ideas as well as the
excellent performance. The positive interference in the personal issues of the staffs by the firm
also helps in the enhancement of these employees to a noticeable level.
5.2.3 Company policy and administration:
The policies which can enhance the performance intensity of the employees should be adopted
by the firm. The firm should also take care in eliminating those policies which can diminish the
performance of these employees.
5.2.4 Interpersonal relations:
The relations maintained with the staffs also play a major role in motivating these staffs, thereby
resulting in the enhancement of their performance level. The interactions made by the
management of the firm with that of these staffs, is the best method of maintaining a healthy
interpersonal relations.
Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
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class custom-written paper with 10% off at
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Dissertation study into the various factors influencing the employees perfomance at moti mahal delux, delhi

  • 1. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at A CRITICAL STUDY INTO THE VARIOUS FACTORS INFLUENCING THE EMPLOYEES PERFOMANCE AT MOTI MAHAL DELUX, DELHI Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 2. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at Abstract This particular study is the in depth analysis of the various factors effecting the performance level of the employees at Moti Mahal Delux, Delhi. The finding of the influencing factors will give an idea for the success of the organisation. The study with the help of a well-developed questionnaire conducted survey to get the final result for the study. The study topic is backed up by the literature review in a precise manner. The actual aim of conducting study at Moti Mahal Delux, Delhi is to know what are the various motivational and influencing factors according to the staffs which help them in performing in a better way. Besides the methodology adopted is also described in a well manner as using of quantitive research methodology along with the research approach of inductive. The data collected via the questionnaire is presented in the form of graphs and diagrams for the easy understanding. Keywords: Employee Motivation, staff performance, performance level, Moti Mahal Delux Tandoori Trail Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 3. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at Chapter -1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction In the competitive world of today where every step is towards success there are many aspects which are needed to be understood for emerging out as a superior to others. For every organisation obtaining the target productivity is their major aim. And for obtaining this there should an equal contribution from every corner of the organisation. Just having a strong financial share in the market will never make a company profitable, the co-ordination and understanding among the employee is a must for achieving the success. This so said coordination is obtained only when the employees are well motivated or perfectly influenced by certain features. So it can be assumed that the 90 % of the organisation success depends on the employees’ performance. So there are certain points which will help in motivating the employees and also demotivating them. Employee performance which is the influence of the motivation they obtain from the management is the major part of the success story. The managers and the management have the equal role in motivating the employees. The current study topic revolves around the hospitality sector. So as we know the success of the hospitality sector mainly depends upon the interaction between the employee and the customer and the service provided to the customers. If the employee doesn’t behave in the right manner with the customer then it will lead to a major setback for the organisation. So understanding this risk the researcher decided to select tis particular topic for study. To understand the working and motivational influence of employee , the researcher has selected the employees of Moti Mahal restaurant as the case study. 1.2 Research background Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 4. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at The performance of the employee in an organisation do actually plays a very important role in deciding the profitability of the organisation. So this particular topic will be of very challenging as well as interesting (Bruce 2010). The skills and capability of the employee is a must for the development of the organisation along with employee’s dedication towards the job. Financial stability along with modern technology alone will never bring success to an organisation , if the performance level of the employees at that particular organisation is very weak (Hulling and Emily, 2010). An organisation should always try their level best for holding up their employees at every point. Kim J, (2010) had said in his research that the organisation should always make sure to solve the problem solve the employee and be at the employees help at every time they require, then only the company can archive success. The performance of the employee is the important aspect for the organisation, so the organisation will always tries to influence the performance of the employee by motivating them in the right way. Agreeing to Kotler and Amstrong (2010) it has been seen that developing the employee motivation is very important for the performance of the company as it has a direct impact on the team work of the employee at the organisation. So if the management and the leader do take care and put up extreme steps to induce the motivation of the employee, the performance of the employee can be made better all the time leading to the success of the organisation. (Pindler, 2010). For developing the motivational level in the employee the manager should take certain steps like, appreciating the employee for the performance, extra payment for the better performance, providing job security, promotions, bonus etc (Pinder, 2010). Along with the motivation provided there should also be given a perfect training to the employees for developing their capabilities, skills, commitment for the work. Providing an adequate training to the employees has resulted in great progress in the organisations. The main factors that affect the working of the employees are the working atmosphere and the inspiration provided to them at the organisation (Peterson Douglas, 2010) . 1.3 Aim of the research The study is mainly aimed at finding the various elements influencing the performance of employees at “Moti Mahal Delux Delhi”. Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 5. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at 1.4 Objectives of the research • To study of the elements determining the performance of the employees at Moti Mahal Delux Delhi. • To suggest the possible recommendations which would be useful for the betterment of the performance of the employees? 1.5 Company Profile Moti Mahal Delux is a famous year old restaurant located in Delhi, India. This restaurant on every week serves nearly more than 500 guests. This specific restaurant serves the guests with the most delicious and mouth-watering Indian cuisine using the best authentic ingredients available. The number of employees ranges from 30-40 at the restaurant. The Moti Mahal Delux restaurant delivers a stylish dining experience with assuredly pleasant staff. Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 6. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at Chapter 2 Literature review 2.1 Introduction Every research study is backed up by a strong literature review. Literature review is the examination of the current study with the resource available already. It will combine the information already collected on the related current study with this study. A good knowledge of the literature helps to understand the abstract, the methodology, and the importance of the study (Pepitone 2010). The performance level of the employee at an organisation decides the fate of the organization. The superiors at the organisation do have to check that the employee performance is in a systematic way. So to achieve the manager have a great role to play, they have to be very skilled to influence the performance level of the employees (Savery and Lawson, 2010). Understanding the philosophy and the systems connected with the employees performance is very complex subject to analyse. Though many studies have been done on this topic perfect understanding of the actual phenomenon is still lacking, and the researcher are still at large to find it. In literature review chapter the various factors which helps in developing the motivational factors is highlighted in a well manner. Also the various theories associated with motivation are also discussed. 2.2 The performance of the Employee There are many considerations for defining employee performance; it’s actually emphasized as the contribution of the staffs of a particular organisation in generating a better standard of service and products. Gibson (2010). Taking into account certain factors one can easily understand about the performance of the employees, these factors are the skill level, area of expertise, job prospects and level of aptitude. Employees’ performance management is also a way by which the level of employee performance can be accessed. Gibson (2010) So in employee management the complete detail of the performance of Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 7. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at the employee is studied in detail and analysed whether they do give their 100 % performance for increasing the productivity of the firm 2.2.1 Theories of employee performance: As stated earlier studying the aspect of employee performance is a complicated thing. So to make the reader to understand easily many researchers had developed certain theories which states about the employee’s performance at an organisation. There number of theories proposed by various authors which support the employee performance level. The VIE theory One of theory for understanding the employees performance is the VIE theory, this theory was put forward by Porter and Lawler (2010). This theory can up as a continuation of the other famous theory on employee performance called the expectancy theory which was developed by Vroom. The various postulates highlighted under VIE theory are the capabilities of the employee, the model personalities, insight about the roles played, various internal and external prizes, and the expectancy. According to this theory, it is very important that the newly selected worker should be made fully aware of the job he/she is going to take in the organisation. What are the expectations from the employee’s sides. There are many internal and external benefit for which the employee always works. Under the internal benefit comes the Income, promotion, Appreciation etc. Whereas under the external benefit comes the pride in the job (Dipboye, 2010). Fig 2.1: the Porter-Lawler’s (2010) Model of Motivation and Job Satisfaction Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 8. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at The Comparison theory: The Comparison theory is another theory on employee performance which was developed from the VIE theory. The comparison theory also does underline the level of the employee performance. The different factors under this theory are somewhat same as that of VIE theory. Comparison theory includes factors like management, pay and the job depiction. Additionally this particular theory do also highlights the various elements which can lead to the enhancement of the employee performance like raise in the job and the salary pay. Certain elements like skills, a good training, the employee’s age etc. are listed as an important factors for inducing an positive effect on developing the job strategies. Additionally the negative aspect is also described in a well manner in this theory (Dipboye, 2010). Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 9. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at The Opponent process theory: Another theory on employee performance is “The opponent process theory” which was developed due to the impact of physiological prominence of the individuals. Ewald Hering has developed this theory for studying the employee performance (2010). The chief assumption of this particular theory is that the nervous system of the individuals put them back into the normal state when an exciting situation is being faced by them. For example, for any employee their happiness mostly depends upon on the time and condition of the organisation. The opponent process theory highlights the employee performance in an organization. The High performance cycle theory: Locke and Latham (2010) had developed the theory called The high performance detail about the which emphasize motivational theories as well as employee performance. The Goal setting theory has been the basis for developing this particular theory. Also this theory emphasise the anticipating and attaining of achievement which will lastly leads to the chief level of the employee performance. According to this theory the various factors like income, dedication, appreciation etc., which can help in developing the motivational factors in the employee which will indirectly, leads to the enhancement of performance level among the employees. And hence the organisation can achieve its success. Additionally these high performance cycle theories do also highpoints the capabilities of the employees for carrying out and involvedness the task provided to them. Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 10. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at Fig 2.2: Locke and Latham’s (2010) High Performance Cycle. 2.3 Motivation Motivation an important term in determining the performance level of the workers in an organisation. Agreeing with Pinder (2010) , motivation is nothing but the action of the organisation in full filling the desires of the workers in an organisation. Also motivation can be demarcated as the plan or the tactic built which will inspire the individuals to performance or achieve the desired goal as wanted. And motivation is mostly related with Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 11. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at the behavioural pattern or the thinking power of the individuals. The behaviour pattern of the individual is influenced by three important factors like concentration, determination, and direction. The development of motivation will directly guides to the job contentment among the employees which ultimately have a consequence on the working performance of the employees. The easy going levels of the staffs are first thing to be taken into consideration for inducing the motivation in employees. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: One of most important theory in history which was developed for understanding the concept of motivation among individuals is the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and it was proposed and developed by the great researcher Abraham Maslow. This theory has got certain levels for determining the motivation, in this hierarchy the individuals emotional desires are restrained at to the lowest level whereas the self-actualization is put up in the highest level of the hierarchy. The several factors that are used to explain the different needs of the individuals are through are psychological, security and safety in life, social life and affection, and finally self-actualization. The basic needs of the individuals are correctly organized into the hierarchy, the lowest level needs of the individuals has to be full filled first for going up in the hierarchy level. . It is impractical to encourage the employees by just proposing the impartial recompense (Leech, 2010). This particular hierarchy focuses mainly on the employee behavioural pattern even though this is not sufficient and precise due to succeeding reasons. ℵThis particular theory does not highlight or stress up the high level factors and this clarifies only the consequence of the lower level variables. ℵNor does theory highlight the importance of the difference of the cultural in the working atmosphere. Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 12. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at 2.3 Workplace environment There have been many concepts for the relation between the performance level of the employee and the pay scale received by the employees at an organisation. This certain concept was also considered by the many of the senior managers and the supervisors at the firm (Leach, 2010). But this concept was proven to be wrong be many other researchers in a better way, though there will be a little percentage of acceptances by other researcher for this in certain special cases. According to (Leach, 2010) the hike in the pay and the extras provided for the better performance is just deliberated as a short term outcome on the entire performance of the staffs. The extra pay given to the employee is just an entitlement not an incentive according to the researcher. 2.4 Workplace culture Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 13. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at The working environment of an organisation is very important aspect in determining the work performance of the employee. According to some researcher the getting adapted to the working atmosphere is an important matter, the problem can be seen in old as well as new companies. Also it has been studied that this adaptation to the workplace culture will lead to clashes between the supervisors, the mangers, and also between the employees for getting one to adjust with the culture of the work place like, communication patter, hierarchy and dress code. Thomson, (2010) claimed that the major primary and secondary intrusion may put off displeasing outcomes by lessening the external loads, converting the organisational factors, improving the personal skills and matching physical demand of the job with the physical capabilities of individual. 2.5 Conclusion In this section of the lesson it has been described about the hypothetical background associated with the performance of the employee and the their motivation at the work place relating to the Maslow hierarchy of needs and also Herzberg theory. So it has been understood that those elements which enhances the performance level in an employee is the motivators and those which bring down the level of performance is the hygiene factors. The various theories explained in the literature review section helped in the easy understanding of the phenomenon behind employee performance and motivation. Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 14. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at Chapter3. Research Methodology. 3.1 Introduction The core of every research is thought to be the chapter of ‘Research Methodology’. The activities and functions involved in the definition as well as the solution of a problem are collectively termed to be the research methodology, says Saunders et al (2009). According to the opinions and statements given by Creswell (2009), a significant consideration should be given to the resources and times as well as they are the major factors determining the successful completion of the study or a research. 3.2 Research Method The Research method can be broadly classed into two major types which are termed to be Qualitative Research method and Quantitative Research method, states Anderson (2009). 3.2.1 Qualitative method The analysis of the qualitative data is done by making use of non arithmetical model, in this type of research method. There are many choices opted by the researcher to collect the relevant qualitative data, among which the most preferred would be the collection of data through the interviews. According to the suggestions given out by the researcher Anderson (2009), understanding of the perceptions, relations, experiences etc of the people is highly possible through these interviews, which make these the most preferred method. This would be the most apt type of research if the sample size is very less in number (which means that the people who are supposed to be interviewed are few). 3.2.2 Quantitative method The arithmetical data model is employed in the quantitative method of the present research (McBurney and White, 2009). There are number of statistical methods available for examining the data, and in accordance with the quantity the variables in this methods are thoroughly explained. Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 15. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at The quantitative method is made use by the researcher in the present research. This is because the performance of the employees is given much attention through the present research and this demands the representation in the quantitative formats with the employment of structures like diagrams, graphs etc. 3.3 Research Design The fundamental part of all the researches is constituted by the Research Design, according to the opinions and perceptions of many researchers. Research design is very useful for scrutinizing the procedures involved while carrying out the study (Flick, 2009). The strategies of the research design involve the approaches like interviews, sources of information, questionnaire, methodology, costs etc. the research design is of much significance as it is an important determining factor in the solution of the research queries (Dawson, 2009). 3.4 Data Collection Method Primary data: According to Saunders et al (2009), the data which is collected for the first time and used in the process of research is termed to be the primary data. There are many methods by which the primary data can be collected among which the interviews, questionnaire, surveys etc form the prominent modes of primary data collection. The primary data required for the current research is gathered and compiled from the opinions of the employees of Moti Mahal Delux by making use of the questionnaire. Secondary data: As per the definitions given by Kotler and Armstrong (2010), those data which are already collected by the researchers who have done many previous researches, are broadly defined as secondary data. There are many sources which act as sources for the provision of secondary data and these include journals, websites, books, articles, internet etc. 3.5 Sampling Procedures A sample could be defined as a particular subset or portion of the large population. The thorough study or analysis of the sample is generally reflected by the terminology Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 16. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at ‘Sampling’ (Lohr, 2009). The broad classification of the sampling procedures would be of two types which are probability sampling as well as non probability sampling. The process of sampling generally refers to a large size of population. There are a number of factors which are to be considered during the analysis of a sample and the three most prominent factors are mentioned below: • Diversity of population • Degree of usual mistakes • Confidence The probability sampling is made use in the present research. The staffs of the Moti Mahal Delux are subjected to the process of probability sampling. 3.6 Survey technique The implementation of questionnaire would be the most suitable technique that could be employed to acquire the necessary data from the participants. A set of self administered questionnaire is given to the employees of the Moti Maha Delux, which they are supposed to fill up. Since the non expert individuals are making use of the questionnaires, it has got some demerits, says Zikmund (2008). Still, the most preferred method to get an idea regarding the perceptions of the people would be the employment of questionnaire. 3.7 Conclusion The present chapter gives a detailed explanation of the adopted Research Methodologies. The methods of research, research design, methods of collection of data, sampling procedures, survey techniques etc are explained in detail in this chapter. Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 17. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at Chapter-4 Findings & Analysis 4.1 Introduction The researcher had opted for the primary data as the main source for gathering information. So a well-built questionnaire was developed by the researcher. The obtained information is perfectly analysed in this section of the study, it will be presented in forms of graphs and diagrams for the easy understanding of the data collected. . The information required for the study was collected from the 20 employees of Moti Mahal Deleux, Delhi. The complete questionnaire is divided in to two parts, where part A included the basic demographic information of the respondents and part B includes the main question mainly developed to understand about the employee performance in an organisation. 4.2 Questionnaire Analysis Part A. The Demographic question 4.2.1 What is your current Age? The respondents of the survey were from different age groups, they were somewhat in between the 20 – 45. So when the data for the question “What is your current age “was analysed it was seen that most of the employees at the restaurants were in the age group of 26 to 30 years i.e., nearly 50 % were in this section and successively 30 % of them were in the age group of 20 to 25 years. And then the employees in the age group 41-45 were found to be just 5%. The following diagram provides the detailed explanations. So this indicates that Moti Mahal have got a good experienced employees. Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 18. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at Pie diagram 4.1 : What is your current Age? (As created by author May 2012) 4.2.2 What is your Gender? The second question under demographic part was about the gender. The employees at Moti Mahal were both males and females. Gender plays a major role in analysing the employee performance in an organisation. So when the personal demographic data was analysed it was seen there was a percentage of about 70 male employees at the hotel when considered against the female employees who was around 30%. In this study the researcher has found that 65% of staffs in the Spicy restaurant are male while 35% are female. All these employees performed very well at the organisation. Pie diagram 4.2: gender of the employees Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 19. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at (As created by the author May 2012) 4.2.3 What is your total year of Experience at Moti Mahal? This question was developed to know actually how experienced are the employees at the restaurant. So when the collected data was analysed it was seen that most of the employees were not that very well experienced ones. It has been studied that the more the experienced the employees are the more will be the increase in the motivational level of the employee, as the experienced staffs can play a major lead in developing the motivational level in the employees. The data analysed show clearly that the employees who are having an experience of work of 5 years or less are 40 % , while those employees who are having the experience of 5-10 years are almost 30%. However there was a 20% of the employees who had got an experience of 10-15 years and a remaining 10% had the experience of more than 10 years. Bar diagram 4.1: The total years of experience of the employees Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 20. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at (As created by the author May 2012) 4.2.4 What is your position at the Organisation? This question wants to know the position of the employees in the organisation. So the researcher had given two options like Managers and Non- mangers. When the data from the respondents were analysed it was seen that 37 % employees were in the managerial position and nearly 63% of them were in the non-managerial position. Pie diagram 4.3: position of the employees Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 21. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at (As created by the author May 2012) Part-B: Questionnaires on employee performance 4.3 The Analysis 4.3.1 In your work place are you motivated enough? The understanding of the performance level of an organisation is only measured by the level of motivation provided to the employees. From this question the data obtained is as follows, nearly 80 % of the employees answered that they are motivated very effectively 15% of the employees little bit of confused in answering the question, they were not sure if they were motivated or not. Conversely a 5% of the employees answered as that they are not motivation in any ways by the company. Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 22. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at Pie diagram -4.4 How well is you motivated (As created by the author May 2012) 4.3.2 What according to you is the major Source of motivation? The data gathered from the respondents were represented in the form of pie diagram. When analysed it was seen that nearly 50% of the employees were motivated by their managers and whereas 30% of the employee do get their motivation from the well experienced senior staffs which help in better performance. On the other hand 20% of the employees were not sure for the question; they are confused in determining who has influenced than a lot. Pie diagram -4.5: What is the source of motivation in the firm. Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 23. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at (As created by the author May 2012) 4.3.3 What are Demotivation factors according to you? This question was developed to know the various demotivational factors in an organisation. So when the obtained data was analysed it was seen that the main cause for the demotivation in an organization is absence of gratitude for their work which accounted for about 50% whereas 30% of the employees had the view that the long working is a major factor of demotivation. And a little of 10% feels that workplace violence and shortage of problem is the reason for demotivation Fig-4.7: The various factors of demotivation Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 24. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at . 4.3.4 How do you rate your Level of performance in the organisation? When asked to the employees of Moti Mahal Delux about their level of performance, many different opinions were obtained from them. A 50% of the employees has said that they do high level of performance at the organisation. Whereas 30% of them said that according to them their performance level only just of moderate level and 10 % discoursed they were not sure about their performance level, Fig-4.8: level of performance Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 25. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at 4.3.5 Are you satisfied with the job you are doing? When asked the job satisfaction, the researcher had obtained different opinion on it, this question gives an idea of how well are the employees influenced at the organisation. So the data analysed showed that that 45% of employees are fairly gratified with working at Moti Mahal Delux restaurant. The other 35% of the employees well satisfied with their job , and out of it 8% are very highly satisfied with the job and 12% of the employees are not happy with their job. Fig-4.9: job satisfaction Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 26. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at 4.3.6 Is your work recognised by your boss? This question was also a part of the effort taken by the researcher to know the factors affecting the employee performance in an organisation. The 50% of the employee answered that their effort is well recognised and appreciated by the boss, a section of 30% said that they are confused about the answer. But 10% of the employees answered that their effort is not being recognised by their boss. Fig 4.10: recognition of the efforts by the boss Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 27. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at 4.3.7 Do you feel that you are being paid fairly? When checking about the various factors that play a major role in the developing motivation among the employee, there is considered the payment. From the study data it was analysed that 80% of the employee have supported that they are being payed fairly where another section of 10% of the employees were in support that they were not paid fairly as they wanted for the work done by them. So this shows that income do plays a very important role in influencing the performance level in the employees. Pie diagram-4.11: fairness of payment Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 28. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at 4.3.8 How is the Workplace Environment according to you? The atmosphere of the workplace has a lot of influence on the performance level of the employees to a greater extent. At Moti Mahal Delux restaurant, the employees replied to this question as follows 65% of the employees are not happy with the working atmosphere at the organisation whereas 35 % are well satisfied with the working atmosphere at their organization . Figure.4.12 workplace environment Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 29. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at 4.4 Conclusion This section of the chapter gives the overall review of the chapter. The researcher had developed questionnaire was developed into two parts for getting information regarding the employee performance and role of motivation in enhancing the employee performance. The information obtained is represented in the form of pie and bar diagram for the easy understanding. Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 30. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at Chapter- 5 Conclusion and Recommendation The conclusion of the current dissertation is discussed in the present chapter. The author also gives some valuable suggestions which would be beneficial for the enhancement of the performance of the employees of the Moti Mahal Delux. 5.1 Factors affecting the performance of the employees. The study proves that the most prominent elements of the performance of the employees are the motivators. The present study also reveals the positive impact of the factors like recognition, achievement etc on the enhancement of the performance level of the employees by means of motivating them. The job satisfaction is also found to be one of the most significant motivating factors. From the findings of the research, around 84% of the staffs of the firm are content and satisfied with the pay they are getting, leading to their level of performance. The working environment also affects the performance of the employees and the present study shows that around 64% of the staffs of the firm are satisfied with their working environment. 5.2 Recommendation From the study, it has been made clear that the factors including recognition, achievements etc are the major elements that have a large impact on the progress of the level of employee performance. The recommendations that would be fruitful for the enhancement of the performance level of the staffs of the Moti Mahal Delux, are also suggested by the author in this study. 5.2.1 Achievement: In order to understand the talents of the staffs and to make them express their potential, some number of projects could be introduced by the management of the Moti Mahal Delux. The approaches like coaching, training, advice etc could be implemented for the elevation of the level of the knowledge of the staffs of the concerned firm. The achievement of the staffs should be appreciated infront of everyone in a gathering or a public function. 5.2.2 Recognition: Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 31. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at This is also one of the most important aspects, which is very much required for the improvement of the performance of the employees of any firm. One of the best way of recognition of the staffs of the firm is by the timely appreciation of the staffs for their brilliant ideas as well as the excellent performance. The positive interference in the personal issues of the staffs by the firm also helps in the enhancement of these employees to a noticeable level. 5.2.3 Company policy and administration: The policies which can enhance the performance intensity of the employees should be adopted by the firm. The firm should also take care in eliminating those policies which can diminish the performance of these employees. 5.2.4 Interpersonal relations: The relations maintained with the staffs also play a major role in motivating these staffs, thereby resulting in the enhancement of their performance level. The interactions made by the management of the firm with that of these staffs, is the best method of maintaining a healthy interpersonal relations. Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 32. Get your 1st class custom-written paper with 10% off at REFERENCES  Anderson, V. (2010), “Research Methods in HRM”, London: CIPD  Bruce A. (2010), How to Motivate Every Employee, 5TH edition , Mc- Graw Hill, United states  Creswell J. W (2010), "Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches", London: Sage Publications  Dawson C (2010), “Introduction to Research Methods: A Practical guide for any undertaking research project”, 4th Edition. Sage Publication.  Dawson C (2010), “Introduction to Research Methods: A Practical guide for any undertaking research project”, 4th Edition. Sage Publication.  Dipboye, Robert L. et al, (2010) Understanding an Industrial integrated Organizational approach Psychology. Harcourt Brace College Publishers. London.  Gibson, J. et al, (2010) Organizations – Behavior – Structure – Processes. 10 th Edition. Boston. McGraw-Hill  Huling, Emily (2010) Rough Notes. Indianapolis: Aug. Vol. 146, Iss. 8; pg. 24.US.Igalens, J. and Roussel, P. (2010) Journal of Organizational Behavior. Chichester: Dec 1999. Vol. 20, Iss. 7; pg. 1003. United States.  Kim J. and Garman E. T. (2010) Compensation and Benefits Review. Saranac Lake: Jan/Feb. Vol. 36, Iss. 1; pg. 69. US.  Kotler. P and Armstrong. G (2010), "Principles of marketing", 13th Edition, Pearson Publications  Leach, Frederick J. and Westbrook, Jerry D. (2010) Engineering Management Journal. Vol. 12 No. 4 December, University of Alabama. Huntsville.  Lohr. S. L, (2010), “Sampling: design and analysis”, Brooks/Cole Publications  Pepitone J S , (2010), Motivating Employees, 3RD edition, Mc- Graw Hill, United states  Peterson Douglas K (2010) Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies. Flint: Fall Vol.10, Iss. 2; pg. 73. Mexico – USA  Pinder, C. (2010) Work Motivation in Organizational Behavior. Prentice Hall, New Jersey..  Pollock T. (2010) Automotive Design and Production. Cincinnati: Jul. Vol. 114, Iss. 7; pg. Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
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