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 DISEASE OF INFANCY & CHILDHOOD Bernadette R. Espiritu, M.D. FPSP.  Anatomic & Clinical Pathologist
Neonatal age – 1st 4 weeks Infancy – 1st year Early childhood – 1-4 years Late Childhood – 5-14 years
An unborn child or POC with child parts in the 1st  8 wks after conception EMBRYO
unborn child / POC with child-parts not just placenta, 8 wks after conception to birth ("all-the-way-out with a beating heart”)  FETUS
1st 4 weeks of life   birth Most hazardous   vulnerable period Transition from IUlife Circulation  Resp function take over Maintenance of body temp NEONATE
1st year - after birth INFANT
1-4 y/o 5-14 y/o
PRE-TERM Born < 37-38 weeks Vital organs are premature
POST-TERM Prolonged pregnancy, Post-dates, Post-maturity pregnancy that lasts > 42 weeks (294 days from the 1st day of LMP) 7 % of all babies - born at 42 wks or later
POST-TERM  RISK FOR MOTHERS Longer labors & operative delivery (forceps or vacuum-assisted birth)  Vaginal trauma - large baby C/S delivery infection & wound complications  & postpartum hge
RISKS OF FETUS & NB: POST-TERM   Placenta begins to age Amniotic fluid vol decrease Large baby  Meconium aspiration Hypoglycemia
INFANT MORTALITY ,[object Object],10x more in the1st  wk of life  than in the 2nd wk Born< 34thwk with Wt 1-1500 g :  50%M                            90%m Born > 34th wk with Wt of 1-1500 g: 13%M                  86%m
 CAUSES OF DEATHS 1ST 12 MONTHS: Immaturity RDS Birth trauma, Birth asphyxia  Congenital anomalies  Complications of Pregnancy Bacterial sepsis, Pneumonia,  Meningitis CNS disease Accidents
1st - 4th  &  5th -14th  y/o ,[object Object],           cause of death   Natural Diseases: ,[object Object]
  Malignant neoplasm
  Pneumonia ,[object Object]
LOW BIRTH WEIGHT:  “SGA" and "preterm".  ,[object Object],        <2500 gm  ,[object Object],        <1500 gm ,[object Object],        <1000 gm
SGA:  not grow properly in the uterus organs will have    problems
SGA CAUSES: 1) FETAL:      - reduce growth despite adeq nutrient from mother         a. chromosomal disorder         b. congenital anomalies         c. congenital infections
   2) PLACENTAL      - 3rd trimester      - Uteroplacental insufficiency          a. infections          b. tumors          c. vascular lesions :               infarctions
  3) MATERNAL     - Under nutrition     - Narcotic abuse     - Alcohol intake     - Cigarette smoking     - Vascular disease:            a. Toxemia            b. Chronic                 c. Hypertension
IMMATURITY OF ORGANS LUNGS  - 7th month – alveoli begin      to differentiate  - epithelial lining-cuboidal        not suited in effecting     transfer of O2 to blood
...Lungs 26th -32nd wks AOG – cuboidal epith > flat type I alveolar epithelial cells & type II cells that contain lamellar bodies
TYPE I - flattened plate-like pavement covers 95% (membranous) of the alveolar surface TYPE II : rounded or granular which exhibits surface microvilli & contains osmiophilic lamellar bodies

Type II  a. source of pulmonary       surfactant  b. involved in the repair of       the alveolar epithelium       after destruction of        Type I cells
PULMONARY SURFACTANT :   “lecithin”phosphatidylcholine contained in a thin film    of phospholipid in the glycoprotein–containing    cell coat adjacent to the alveolar cell membrane
SURFACTANT: IMPORTANCE 1) lowers the surf tension of the alveolar lining & maintain the stability of the alveoli 2) synthesized in type II epithelial cells & stored in the osmiophilic lamellar    bodies
 3) inadequate surfactant activity play a role in RDS of infants & adults
IMMATURE LUNGS:    - Unexpanded    - red & meaty    - alveolar spaces incompletely expanded    - contain pink proteinaceous ppt &  some squamous cells
PRENATAL RESPIRATORY DISTRESS - large amount of amniotic debris, squames, lanugo hair & mucus
Hyaline membrane dis- Dilatation of the alveolar      spaces- Many air spaces- lined by       thick hyaline membranes
IMMATURE KIDNEY ,[object Object],     incomplete ,[object Object],     subcapsular zone ,[object Object],     well-formed ,[object Object],     34th wk AOG
Kidneys of FTneonate     (37 - 41 wks AOG):   full set of nephrons:       850 - 1,200,000 / k
EVENTS: PREGNANCY     1. growth retardation      2. nephrotoxic drugs          adm to mothers
BRAIN - Incomplete dev - Surface smooth - delineation of white & gray matter: ill-def ,[object Object],   of nerve fiber
BRAIN Vital brain centrs        sufficiently dev  Homeostasis       not perfect   Poor  vasomotor       control    Irreg resp  Feeble sweating
  LIVER Inc size     persist EM hematopoiesis   Def - bil glucoronyl transferase   Def - hydroxylating enzymes Dec- CHON synthetic capacity
APGAR SCORE METHOD: evaluating physiologic condition & responsiveness of NB > chance of survival Evaluation at 1 min or at                          5 min 10 – best condition

APGAR SCORE 0-1 = 50% Mm in 1st mo.  4 = 20% M in 1st mo. 7 or > = 0% M in 1st mo.
BIRTH INJURIES INTRACRANIAL HGE     - most common     - hge may arise from tears in the dura or rupture of vessels that traverse the brain     - subs of the brain may be torn or bruised leading to intraventricular hge into the brain substance
EFFECTS OF INTRACRANIAL HGE Sudden increase in ICP Damage to the brain subs Herniation of medulla into the foramen magnum Serious fatal depression of function of vital medullary centers
CAPUT SUCCEDANEUM:  Edema of the scalp   head pressed-   the cervix prolonged or    difficult delivery  after ROM   - amniotic sac no longer      provides protective      cushion for baby's head
progressive accumulation - interstitial fluid in the soft tissues of the skull: circ area of edema congestion & swelling assc with PROM              or   oligohydramnios
 CAPUT Soft puffy swelling of scalp Swelling may or may not have discoloration Swelling may extend over the midline of the scalp  Seen- head presented 1st Assoc w/ inc molding-head
PROGNOSIS Complete recovery expected Scalp regain normal contour COMPLICATIONS Jaundice - as the bruise breaks down into bilirubin
CEPHALHEMATOMA:  Hge under the scalp ("subgaleal hematoma”) No known risks Dark red blood    under galea    aponeurotica  over the  cranium  fairly common    during birth
25%Cephalhematoma  ,[object Object],CAUSES: Skull fractures ,[object Object]
Inapprop use of forceps
Prolonged labor with disproportion between the size of fetal head and birth canal,[object Object]
CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS Present at birth 3%NBmajor malformation MALFORMATION – intrinsic abnormalities occurring  during the developmental process

Malformation Single body system      congenital heart defects   anencephaly Multiple body system
CAUSES: Malformation ,[object Object]
   genes of large effect
   deletions of chunks of a       chromosome polygenic        problems ,[object Object],[object Object]

Deformation CAUSE: ,[object Object],  - fetus grows > the uterus  w/ relative dec of the amniotic fluid
Deformation from constraint with oligo-hydramnios   in utero(varus deformity) The feet are turned inward CLUB FEET
Maternal Factors: ,[object Object]
   Small uterus
   Malformed (bicorn uterus)
   LeiomyomasFetal or Placental Factors: ,[object Object]
   Multiple fetuses
Abn fetal presentation,[object Object]
Cause: extrinsic or intrinsic factors- vascular insults     - Ex: amniotic bands
SEQUENCE: pattern of cascade anom(unrelated)   classic exam: POTTER  OLIGOHYDRAMNIOS SEQUENCE squashed ("Potter's") face and badly bent limbs
CAUSES: Oligohydramnios Chronic leakage of amn fluid bec of ROM 2. Uteroplacental insuff resulting fr maternal HPN or toxemia of pregnancy 3. Renal agenesis – fetal urine impt constituent of amniotic fluid
Oligo-H SEQUENCE ANENCEPHALY    aniridia / WT-1 complex    “AGA“       BRACHYDACTYLY (short fingers / toes)  BRONCHIECTASIS
ANENCEPHALY Failure of formation of fetal cranial vault  Brain not form properly when exposed to amn fluid  IUFD-signs of maceration, w/ skin slippage & reddening
absence of cranial vault  - anencephaly
EYESappear proptotic with anencephaly - the lack of      the skull  EAR-low set
NEURAL TUBE DEFECT CAUSE: improper embryonic neural tube closure  Most minimal defect:      SPINA BIFIDA - with failure of vertebral body to completely form, but the defect is not open
Spina bifida - serious birth abn where the spinal cord is malformed & lacks its usual protective skeletal and soft tissue coverings May appear in the body midline anywhere from the neck to the buttocks
Most severe form- spinalrachischisis: entire spinal canal is open, exposing the spinal cord & nerves More commonly, appears as localized mass - back covered by skin or by the meninges, the three-layered membrane that envelopes the spina cord
Spina bifida - readily apparent at birth because of the malformation of the back and PARALYSIS below the level of the abnormality
FORMS OF SPINA BIFIDA meningomyelocele myelomeningocele    spina bifida aperta    open spina bifida myelodysplasia    spinal dysraphism    spinal rachischisis myelocele meningocele
MENINGOCOELE – the spine malform contains only protective covering (meninges) of spinal cord  SPINA BIFIDA OCCULTA: one or more of the bony bodies in spine are incompletely hardened, but there is no abn of the spinal cord
CAUSES & SYMPTOMS Spina bifida An isolated abn in the company of other Malform As an isolated abn it is caused by the combination of : genetic factors                        environ influences
The specific genes & environ influences - not completely known  An insuff of Folic Acid Mutations in genes involving metab of folic acid are believed to be signf genetic risk factors
3-5%- Recurrence risk after the birth of infant with isolated spina bifida Specific environ insults :    Maternal DM    Prenatal exposure to certain anti- convulsant  drugs
75% of abn -in the lower back (lumbar) region  Rarely- the spinal cord malform occur internally: with connection to the GIT
COMPLICATIONS: Nerves BELOW the level of the abnorm dev in a faulty manner & fail to function= paralysis & loss of sensation: lumbar  bowel and bladder:    have inadeq nerve connections=inability to    control bowel and bladder function
HYDROCEPHALY accum of excess fluid in the four cavities of the brain     - At least 1: 7 cases dev     ChiariII malform- the lower part of the brain is crowded & forced into the upper part of the spinal cavity
PRENATALDIAGNOSIS UTZ after 12-14 wks AOG Testing mother's blood – level of alpha-fetoprotein at 16 wks AOG    - If the spine malform is not skin covered, AFP from the fetus' circ leak to the surrounding amn fluid small portion of which is absorbed in mother‘s bld
DIAGNOSIS: P.E.   Paralysis below the level of the abn + fluid on brain (hydrocephaly) Spine abn: cong scoliosis & kyphosis or soft tissue tumors overlying the spine are NOT likely to have these accompanying findings
TREATMENT Surgical & Medical mgt improved the survival & function of infants with spina bifida  Initial surgery – 1st  days of life, provide protection against injury & infection
Subseq surgery - necess to protect vs excessive curvature of the spine, & with hydrocephaly- place a mechanical shunt to decr    the pressure & amt of CSF in the cavities of the brain
Weakness or paralysis below the level of the spine abn - children will require PT bracing & ortho assist to enable them to walk  Periodic UB catheter, surgical diversion of urine, and antibiotics - used to protect urinary function
INIENCEPHALYSlight variation of neural tube defect Lack of proper formation of occ bones with short neck & defect of the upper cord  Head tilted back
Fetus from a termination of pregnancy via D&C done in the 2nd trimester  Note the large neural tube defect in the lower back
ENCEPHALOCELE protruding from the back of the head: merges with the scalp extends down to partially cover  a RACHISCHISIS on the back  retroflexed head: fr  INIENCEPHALY
EXENCEPHALY Cranial vault -not completely present, but brain is present since it was not entirely exposed to amn fluid Very rare  Part of craniofacial clefts ass with limb-body wall complex, from Early amnion disruption
RACHISCHISIS in a fetus that also has INIENCEPHALY
Open Neural Tube defects with no skin covering: MENINGOCELE-meninges protrude through the defect  MENINGOMYELOCELE- the defect allows meninges and a portion of spinal cord to protrude through the defect  Diagnosis: Inc maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP)
MENINGOCOELE ,[object Object],dev NORMALLY    but the meninges protrude  from a spinal opening ,[object Object],[object Object]
FOLATESUPPLEMENT prior to and during pregnancy reduces the incidence of neural tube defects
SYNDROME:   constellation of cong anom that are pathologically related   caused by a single etio agent that simultaneously affect different  tissues           - viral           - chromabn
DISEASE:    when the underlying cause of the condition becomes known
AGENESIS – complete absence of an organ & its assoc primordium APLASIA – absence due failure of developmental anlage to develop HYPOPLASIA – incompdevt of an organ w/ decr number of cells
ATRESIA: absence opening of hollow visceral organ COLONIC ATRESIA  w/ add’nalanom:  Persist cloaca: failure of urogenseptum to form   R & L testis cryptorchid & absence of penis
HYERPLASIA: overdevt of organ with increase in number of cells HYPERTROPHY: increase in size  HYPOTROPHY: decrease in size DYSPLASIA: abnormal organization of cells
CAUSES: MALFORMATION GENETIC    - Chromosomal aberration    - Mendelian inheritance ENVIRONMENTAL    - Maternal/placental infections    - Maternal disease states    - Drugs & chemicals MULTIFACTORIAL UKNOWN
      GENETIC CAUSES "ROCKER BOTTOM" foot with a prominent calcaneus and rounded bottom  Chromabn: TRISOMY 18
50% - occur with DOWN SYNDROME  UTZ - "double bubble" sign from duodenal enlargement proximal to the atresia Duodenal atresia
MENDELIAN INHERITANCE polydactyly   extra fingers/toes  syndactyly   fused fingers  3rd & 4th fingers fused to 1 large digit; seen w/ triploidy (69 chromosomes)
ARTHROGRYPHOSIS("joint claws")  congenital situation with muscle contractures present at birth relatively common non-progressive symptom that can result fr uterine constraint, CNS disease, or failure of certain muscles to develop
Such a stiff fetus freq sustains fractures before or during delivery NB w/ fractured rthumerus
ERYTHROBLASTOSIS FETALIS Ab from Rh (-) mother enter the blood stream of her unborn Rh (+)  infant damaging the RBCs  Infant responds by inc  RBC prod & sending out immature RBCs that still have nuclei
Normal RBCs, damaged RBCs, & immature RBCs that still contain nuclei
Anemia - dev in unborn infant when maternal Abs attack the RBC of the fetus  An IU BT may be indicated
The immune system recognizes Ag & produces Ab that destroy substances containing Ag
HYDROPS  FETALIS hydrops, fetal hydrops, universal edema of the NB 1st  described by Ballantyne in 1892  serious condition - abn fluid accum in 2 or > fetal compartments: ascites, pleural effusion, pericardial effusion & skin edema
May be assoc with polyhydramnios & placental edema Cause: Rhesus (Rh) blood group iso-immunization of the fetus
Epidemiology 1 : 600 to 1 : 4Kpregnancies Varies accdg to population risk of the conditions known   Ex: Thailand    - expected freq hydrops fr homozygous α-thalassemia or Bart hydrops is:    1 : 500–1:1,500pregnancies
ETIOLOGY Hematological causes Iso-immunization hemolytic disease of NB Erythroblastosis fetalis Rhesus, Kell, ABO and Duffy incompatibility
Other HEMOLYTIC disorders:  Glucose-6-phosphatase Dehydrogenase Def(G6PD) Glucose Phosphateisomerase (GPI) deficiency Pyruvate kinase (PK) Def
ETIO:  RBC PRODUCTION Disorders Congenital dys-erythropoietic anemia Diamond-Blackfan syndrome Lethal hereditary spherocytosis Congenital erythropieticporphyria(GĂŒnther's disease) α-thalassemia   (Bart's hemoglobinopathy)
ETIO: Fetal HEMORRHAGE intracranial or intraventricular hge hepatic laceration subcapsular hepatic laceration feto-maternal hemorrhage twin-to-twin transfusion
ETIO: CARDIAC causes Abnormalities of Lt Vent outflow Aortic valvularstenosis or atresia Coarctation of the aorta  Truncus arteriosus Hypoplastic left heart Endocardialfibroelastosis
ETIO: Abn of Rt Vent   outflow Pulmonary ValvularAtresia or insufficiency Ebstein's anomaly  AV-Malforamation ,[object Object],[object Object]

ETIO: Congenital heart block - 66-75% in pregnancies complicated by maternal collagen disease Prenatal closure of the foramen ovale or ductus arteriosus Myocarditis Idiopathic arterial calcification Hypercalcemia
ETIO:  INFECTIVE causes Parvovirus B19-slapped  cheek syndrome PCR testing demonstrated that 20% fetal  hydrops is assoc with: CMV SY HERPES SIMPLEX

INFECTIVE Causes Toxoplasmosis Hepatitis B Adenovirus Coxsackie virus type B Listeriamonocytogenes Ureaplasmaurealyticum
ETIO:  METABOLICand other causes   -inborn errors of metabolism Glycogen-storage disease    type IV Lysosomal storage dis Hypothyroidism Hyperthyroidism
ETIO: CHROMOSOMAL SYNDROMES: Trisomies 10,13,15,18 Trisomy 21(Down's syndrome) Turner's syndrome (45, X) other autosomal recessive genetic disorders
ETIO:  Tumours    Sacrococcygeal Teratoma
PROGNOSIS Spontaneous remission: CAUSES:  Cardiac arrhythmias Twin-to-twin transfx syndrome Cystic hygroma Parvovirus & CMV infections Idiopathic ascites or pleural effusions
HYPOSPADIAS Urinary tract opening or urethral meatus opens the underside of the penis or on the perineum
ETIOLOGY Abnormal Devt of penis  Various problems w/ male hormone action  Genetic
DIAGNOSIS:   P.E. - urethral opening in a wrong position combined with other symptoms : Foreskin incompletely dev resulting in a dorsal hood (tip of the penis exposed) penis curvature (chordee) undescended tested
Untreated HYPOSPADIAS Abn direction of urine flow Abn appearance of penis  Infertility  Inability of sexual intercourse
Treatment SURGERY - create a normal straight penis with a urinary channel - tip of the head
If the opening is proximal, treatment with ♂hormone TESTOSTERONE prior to surgery recommended Hypospadias located within or near the scrotum should have a voiding cystogram to R/O add’l urinary tract anomalies
Recommended age of surg repair: between  4-12 mo.    - size of the penis     - slow rate of growth of        the penis  Children should not be circumcised: foreskin is essential in repair surgery
PROGNOSIS ,[object Object]
Very few children experience post-op complications:     wound infections        unexpected opening near the repair site
            HYDROCEPHALUS ,[object Object],the cranium >  vent to dilate  ,[object Object],early adulthood ,[object Object], brain tumors,  infection,  trauma, or  devt’lanom
PRIMARY ROUTES: Trans-cervically –      Ascending     - Herpes Simplex II     - inhalation of amniotic fluid       pneumonia       sepsis                   most common sequelae       meningitis
2. TRANSPLACENTALLY – Hematologic via the chorionic villi PARASITIC VIRAL     HIV     Parvovirus B19 – 5th disease BACTERIA Listeria Treponema TORCH INFECTIONS
CONGENITAL SYPHILLIS Early evidence: osteochondritisof femur & tibia early evidence of infection: bullae and vesicular rash
Later evidence saber shins      later evidence      saddle nose Later evidence - Hutchinson's teeth
CONGENITAL SYPHILIS  granulomatous process : "gumma“  Gumma- located in the heart of a fetus  Syphilis acquired IU in the 3rd  trimester.
Spirochetes  - T. pallidum, the causative agent
CONGENITAL RUBELLA SYNDROME Rubellacause: Togavirus genus Rubivirus Child: Few/no symptoms   Adults:1-5 day prodrome      LG fever, headache,       malaise, coryza, &       conjunctivitis Arthralgia/arthritis: 70%adult ♀
1st  trim- CRS can cause Abortions Miscarriages Stillbirths Severe birth defects
The most common CRS Congenital defects are:      Cataracts Heart disease Sensorineural deafness Mental retardation
  HERPES  VIRUS HSV-type 1:     oral herpes     fever     blisters: mouth/ face HSV-type2:    Genital Herpes
Both viral types can: Inactive/'silent‘: no symptom cause 'outbreaks' of blisters and ulcers  People can remain infected for life after the 1st  episode  
TRANSMISSION:  Direct contact ,[object Object]
  Anal / Oral / Vaginal sex
  Skin-to-skin contact,[object Object]
HSV-2   Mild to no symptoms Recurrent painful genital ulcers  Severe with suppressed immune systems
Severe genital herpes - psychological & emotional  stress Pregnants-  fatal infections in infants C/S delivery -  with active genital herpes  
EARLY SYMPTOMS : ,[object Object]
 flu-like symptoms
 lower back pain
 painful urination,[object Object]
CYTOMEGALOVIRUS Cause: DNA, ether sensitive virus of the herpes family Occurs worldwide  Transmission: HUMAN CONTACT – harbors infection for mos. or yrs. About 4 / 5 people > 35 y/o - been infected with CMV in childhood or early adulthood Most cases - mild
CMV – pregnancy hazardous to the fetus:  brain damage  neonatal illness  other birth defects  stillbirth CMVfound in: Blood /   breast milk   /  cervical secretions Feces  /  saliva  /   semen  /   urine/ vaginal secretions
RISK GROUPS : Immunodeficient patients  AIDS patients  Who received transplanted organs those receiving immunosuppressives  - dev   pneumonia / other secondary infections Recipients of BT from donors with + CMV Abs
CMV - spread through the body in lymphocytes or monos to the lungs, liver, and CNS where it produces inflammatory reactions self-limiting
Tubular epithelium of fetal kidney - many large violet INCs Inclusions may appear in the urine
NEONATAL RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME Cause:  inadeq prod surfactant Surfactant - prod by type II pneumocytes with property of  decreasing surface tension Alveolar surfactant - prod  after 30 wks AOG
Inadeqsurfactant - causes air sacs to collapse on expiration & greatly increasethe  energy req for breathing  Interstitial edema makes the lung even less compliant – leads to     O2 & retention of CO2
The immature lungs: cannot retain air the air spaces empty completely and collapse after the 1st exhalation  Plasma leaks out of the lung tissue and coats the air spaces with a pink coating that is glassy or hyaline in appearance
RISK FACTORS Premature delivery C/S without maternal labor Male infants Hypothermia Perinatal asphyxia Maternal DM Multiple pregnancy Family history of RDS
PRESENTATION preterm delivery - with RD:  tachypnea & expiratory grunting subcostal and intercostal retractions diminished breath sounds cyanosis  nasal flaring & fatigue apnea and hypoxia
SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME SIDS is the unexpected, sudden death of a child under age 1 in which an autopsy does not show an explainable cause of death.
Causes Unknown Problems w/ sleep arousal  Inability to sense a build-up of CO2 in the blood
occur w/o any warning or symptoms when the infant sleeping SIDS is most likely to occur betwn 2 - 4 mos & 90% occur by 6 mos occurs more often wet months, with the peak in January
Factors:   risk of SIDS Babies who sleep on their stomachs  Babies who are around cigarette smoke while in the womb or after being born
Babies who sleep in the same bed as their parents  Babies who have soft bedding in the crib  Multiple birth babies (being a twin, triplet, etc.)  Premature babies
Babies who have a brother or sister who had SIDS  Mothers who smoke or use illegal drugs  Teen mothers  Short time period between pregnancies  Late or no prenatal care  Situations of poverty
Symptoms no symptoms Babies who die of SIDS do not appear to suffer or    struggle Exams and Tests Autopsy - not able to confirm a cause of death
Beneath the skin surface are many dilated vascular channels filled with many red blood cells
LYMPHANGIOMA There is a large mass involving the left upper arm and left chest of this fetus.
Large lymphatic spaces lined by a thin endothelium  Adjacent stroma w/ lymphoid nodules Tend to involve head, neck, & chest
Enlarged lymphatic spaces lined by a thin endothelium – HPO Poorly circumscribed & extend widely to surrounding soft tissues surgical removal difficult
FIBROMATOSIS Fibromatoses:   Rare soft tissue disease characterized by fibroblastic proliferation
CLASSIFICATION Fibroblastic fibromatoses DesmoidFibromatosis   (desmoid tumor, aggressive fibromatosis) Fibromatosiscolli

.Classification Digital infantile fibromatosis Aponeuroticfibromatosis ,[object Object]
penile fibromatosis,[object Object]

.. Classification: Myofibroblastic fibromatoses(myofibromatoses)  Infantile myofibromatosis   (infantile myofibroma)
According to the LOCALIZATION   Superficial  Deep
A 45 days old female infant was brought to the hospital with swelling in the right thigh Noticed swelling - 11 days old, No hx fever, pain / birth trauma, Swelling diffuse from lower end of femur > mid shaft, Margins indistinct  but well defined on palpation, Temp normal, No tenderness, Shape fusiform, firm hard in consistency, Non-mobile, overlying skin & surr muscles - free
LNs in drainage area - not palpable, Distal neuro-vascular status - N° x-ray  11 days old did not show any abnormality
On the 45th day of life, - a circumferential overgrowth of  radio opaque tissue which  covered the normal bone like a  shell. Cortices of underlying  bone were intact  FNAC and Tissue Biopsy - CMF  suggestive of fibromatosis
TERATOMA Large nasopharyngeal teratoma that is protruding from the oral cavity
Benign 3 embryologic germ layers :  Skin (ECTODERM)         Cartilage (MESODERM)        Colonic gland (ENDODERM)
CYSTIC FIBROSIS : PANCREAS Ducts - dilated &plugged w/ eosinophilic mucus Acini of exocrine glands - atrophic & replaced by fibrous tissue
[object Object]
Manifests as an abdmass

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Diseases Of Infancy & Childhood

  • 1. DISEASE OF INFANCY & CHILDHOOD Bernadette R. Espiritu, M.D. FPSP. Anatomic & Clinical Pathologist
  • 2. Neonatal age – 1st 4 weeks Infancy – 1st year Early childhood – 1-4 years Late Childhood – 5-14 years
  • 3. An unborn child or POC with child parts in the 1st 8 wks after conception EMBRYO
  • 4. unborn child / POC with child-parts not just placenta, 8 wks after conception to birth ("all-the-way-out with a beating heart”) FETUS
  • 5. 1st 4 weeks of life birth Most hazardous vulnerable period Transition from IUlife Circulation Resp function take over Maintenance of body temp NEONATE
  • 6. 1st year - after birth INFANT
  • 8. PRE-TERM Born < 37-38 weeks Vital organs are premature
  • 9. POST-TERM Prolonged pregnancy, Post-dates, Post-maturity pregnancy that lasts > 42 weeks (294 days from the 1st day of LMP) 7 % of all babies - born at 42 wks or later
  • 10. POST-TERM RISK FOR MOTHERS Longer labors & operative delivery (forceps or vacuum-assisted birth) Vaginal trauma - large baby C/S delivery infection & wound complications & postpartum hge
  • 11. RISKS OF FETUS & NB: POST-TERM Placenta begins to age Amniotic fluid vol decrease Large baby Meconium aspiration Hypoglycemia
  • 12.
  • 13. CAUSES OF DEATHS 1ST 12 MONTHS: Immaturity RDS Birth trauma, Birth asphyxia Congenital anomalies Complications of Pregnancy Bacterial sepsis, Pneumonia, Meningitis CNS disease Accidents
  • 14.
  • 15. Malignant neoplasm
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18. SGA: not grow properly in the uterus organs will have problems
  • 19. SGA CAUSES: 1) FETAL: - reduce growth despite adeq nutrient from mother a. chromosomal disorder b. congenital anomalies c. congenital infections
  • 20. 2) PLACENTAL - 3rd trimester - Uteroplacental insufficiency a. infections b. tumors c. vascular lesions : infarctions
  • 21. 3) MATERNAL - Under nutrition - Narcotic abuse - Alcohol intake - Cigarette smoking - Vascular disease: a. Toxemia b. Chronic c. Hypertension
  • 22. IMMATURITY OF ORGANS LUNGS - 7th month – alveoli begin to differentiate - epithelial lining-cuboidal not suited in effecting transfer of O2 to blood
  • 23. ...Lungs 26th -32nd wks AOG – cuboidal epith > flat type I alveolar epithelial cells & type II cells that contain lamellar bodies
  • 24. TYPE I - flattened plate-like pavement covers 95% (membranous) of the alveolar surface TYPE II : rounded or granular which exhibits surface microvilli & contains osmiophilic lamellar bodies
  • 25. 
Type II a. source of pulmonary surfactant b. involved in the repair of the alveolar epithelium after destruction of Type I cells
  • 26. PULMONARY SURFACTANT : “lecithin”phosphatidylcholine contained in a thin film of phospholipid in the glycoprotein–containing cell coat adjacent to the alveolar cell membrane
  • 27. SURFACTANT: IMPORTANCE 1) lowers the surf tension of the alveolar lining & maintain the stability of the alveoli 2) synthesized in type II epithelial cells & stored in the osmiophilic lamellar bodies
  • 28. 3) inadequate surfactant activity play a role in RDS of infants & adults
  • 29. IMMATURE LUNGS: - Unexpanded - red & meaty - alveolar spaces incompletely expanded - contain pink proteinaceous ppt & some squamous cells
  • 30. PRENATAL RESPIRATORY DISTRESS - large amount of amniotic debris, squames, lanugo hair & mucus
  • 31. Hyaline membrane dis- Dilatation of the alveolar spaces- Many air spaces- lined by thick hyaline membranes
  • 32.
  • 33. Kidneys of FTneonate (37 - 41 wks AOG): full set of nephrons: 850 - 1,200,000 / k
  • 34. EVENTS: PREGNANCY 1. growth retardation 2. nephrotoxic drugs adm to mothers
  • 35.
  • 36. BRAIN Vital brain centrs sufficiently dev Homeostasis not perfect Poor vasomotor control Irreg resp Feeble sweating
  • 37. LIVER Inc size persist EM hematopoiesis Def - bil glucoronyl transferase Def - hydroxylating enzymes Dec- CHON synthetic capacity
  • 38. APGAR SCORE METHOD: evaluating physiologic condition & responsiveness of NB > chance of survival Evaluation at 1 min or at 5 min 10 – best condition
  • 39. 
APGAR SCORE 0-1 = 50% Mm in 1st mo. 4 = 20% M in 1st mo. 7 or > = 0% M in 1st mo.
  • 41. BIRTH INJURIES INTRACRANIAL HGE - most common - hge may arise from tears in the dura or rupture of vessels that traverse the brain - subs of the brain may be torn or bruised leading to intraventricular hge into the brain substance
  • 42. EFFECTS OF INTRACRANIAL HGE Sudden increase in ICP Damage to the brain subs Herniation of medulla into the foramen magnum Serious fatal depression of function of vital medullary centers
  • 43. CAPUT SUCCEDANEUM: Edema of the scalp head pressed- the cervix prolonged or difficult delivery after ROM - amniotic sac no longer provides protective cushion for baby's head
  • 44. progressive accumulation - interstitial fluid in the soft tissues of the skull: circ area of edema congestion & swelling assc with PROM or oligohydramnios
  • 45. SYMPTOMS 
 CAPUT Soft puffy swelling of scalp Swelling may or may not have discoloration Swelling may extend over the midline of the scalp Seen- head presented 1st Assoc w/ inc molding-head
  • 46. PROGNOSIS Complete recovery expected Scalp regain normal contour COMPLICATIONS Jaundice - as the bruise breaks down into bilirubin
  • 47. CEPHALHEMATOMA: Hge under the scalp ("subgaleal hematoma”) No known risks Dark red blood under galea aponeurotica over the cranium fairly common during birth
  • 48.
  • 49. Inapprop use of forceps
  • 50.
  • 51. CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS Present at birth 3%NBmajor malformation MALFORMATION – intrinsic abnormalities occurring during the developmental process
  • 52. 
Malformation Single body system congenital heart defects anencephaly Multiple body system
  • 53.
  • 54. genes of large effect
  • 55.
  • 56.
  • 57. Deformation from constraint with oligo-hydramnios in utero(varus deformity) The feet are turned inward CLUB FEET
  • 58.
  • 59. Small uterus
  • 60. Malformed (bicorn uterus)
  • 61.
  • 62. Multiple fetuses
  • 63.
  • 64. Cause: extrinsic or intrinsic factors- vascular insults - Ex: amniotic bands
  • 65.
  • 66. SEQUENCE: pattern of cascade anom(unrelated) classic exam: POTTER OLIGOHYDRAMNIOS SEQUENCE squashed ("Potter's") face and badly bent limbs
  • 67. CAUSES: Oligohydramnios Chronic leakage of amn fluid bec of ROM 2. Uteroplacental insuff resulting fr maternal HPN or toxemia of pregnancy 3. Renal agenesis – fetal urine impt constituent of amniotic fluid
  • 68. Oligo-H SEQUENCE ANENCEPHALY aniridia / WT-1 complex “AGA“ BRACHYDACTYLY (short fingers / toes) BRONCHIECTASIS
  • 69. ANENCEPHALY Failure of formation of fetal cranial vault Brain not form properly when exposed to amn fluid IUFD-signs of maceration, w/ skin slippage & reddening
  • 70. absence of cranial vault - anencephaly
  • 71. EYESappear proptotic with anencephaly - the lack of the skull EAR-low set
  • 72. NEURAL TUBE DEFECT CAUSE: improper embryonic neural tube closure Most minimal defect: SPINA BIFIDA - with failure of vertebral body to completely form, but the defect is not open
  • 74. Spina bifida - serious birth abn where the spinal cord is malformed & lacks its usual protective skeletal and soft tissue coverings May appear in the body midline anywhere from the neck to the buttocks
  • 75. Most severe form- spinalrachischisis: entire spinal canal is open, exposing the spinal cord & nerves More commonly, appears as localized mass - back covered by skin or by the meninges, the three-layered membrane that envelopes the spina cord
  • 76. Spina bifida - readily apparent at birth because of the malformation of the back and PARALYSIS below the level of the abnormality
  • 77. FORMS OF SPINA BIFIDA meningomyelocele myelomeningocele spina bifida aperta open spina bifida myelodysplasia spinal dysraphism spinal rachischisis myelocele meningocele
  • 78. MENINGOCOELE – the spine malform contains only protective covering (meninges) of spinal cord SPINA BIFIDA OCCULTA: one or more of the bony bodies in spine are incompletely hardened, but there is no abn of the spinal cord
  • 79. CAUSES & SYMPTOMS Spina bifida An isolated abn in the company of other Malform As an isolated abn it is caused by the combination of : genetic factors environ influences
  • 80. The specific genes & environ influences - not completely known An insuff of Folic Acid Mutations in genes involving metab of folic acid are believed to be signf genetic risk factors
  • 81. 3-5%- Recurrence risk after the birth of infant with isolated spina bifida Specific environ insults : Maternal DM Prenatal exposure to certain anti- convulsant drugs
  • 82. 75% of abn -in the lower back (lumbar) region Rarely- the spinal cord malform occur internally: with connection to the GIT
  • 83. COMPLICATIONS: Nerves BELOW the level of the abnorm dev in a faulty manner & fail to function= paralysis & loss of sensation: lumbar bowel and bladder: have inadeq nerve connections=inability to control bowel and bladder function
  • 84. HYDROCEPHALY accum of excess fluid in the four cavities of the brain - At least 1: 7 cases dev ChiariII malform- the lower part of the brain is crowded & forced into the upper part of the spinal cavity
  • 85. PRENATALDIAGNOSIS UTZ after 12-14 wks AOG Testing mother's blood – level of alpha-fetoprotein at 16 wks AOG - If the spine malform is not skin covered, AFP from the fetus' circ leak to the surrounding amn fluid small portion of which is absorbed in mother‘s bld
  • 86. DIAGNOSIS: P.E. Paralysis below the level of the abn + fluid on brain (hydrocephaly) Spine abn: cong scoliosis & kyphosis or soft tissue tumors overlying the spine are NOT likely to have these accompanying findings
  • 87. TREATMENT Surgical & Medical mgt improved the survival & function of infants with spina bifida Initial surgery – 1st days of life, provide protection against injury & infection
  • 88. Subseq surgery - necess to protect vs excessive curvature of the spine, & with hydrocephaly- place a mechanical shunt to decr the pressure & amt of CSF in the cavities of the brain
  • 89. Weakness or paralysis below the level of the spine abn - children will require PT bracing & ortho assist to enable them to walk Periodic UB catheter, surgical diversion of urine, and antibiotics - used to protect urinary function
  • 90. INIENCEPHALYSlight variation of neural tube defect Lack of proper formation of occ bones with short neck & defect of the upper cord Head tilted back
  • 91. Fetus from a termination of pregnancy via D&C done in the 2nd trimester Note the large neural tube defect in the lower back
  • 92. ENCEPHALOCELE protruding from the back of the head: merges with the scalp extends down to partially cover a RACHISCHISIS on the back retroflexed head: fr INIENCEPHALY
  • 93. EXENCEPHALY Cranial vault -not completely present, but brain is present since it was not entirely exposed to amn fluid Very rare Part of craniofacial clefts ass with limb-body wall complex, from Early amnion disruption
  • 94. RACHISCHISIS in a fetus that also has INIENCEPHALY
  • 95. Open Neural Tube defects with no skin covering: MENINGOCELE-meninges protrude through the defect MENINGOMYELOCELE- the defect allows meninges and a portion of spinal cord to protrude through the defect Diagnosis: Inc maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP)
  • 96.
  • 98. FOLATESUPPLEMENT prior to and during pregnancy reduces the incidence of neural tube defects
  • 99. SYNDROME: constellation of cong anom that are pathologically related caused by a single etio agent that simultaneously affect different tissues - viral - chromabn
  • 100. DISEASE: when the underlying cause of the condition becomes known
  • 101. AGENESIS – complete absence of an organ & its assoc primordium APLASIA – absence due failure of developmental anlage to develop HYPOPLASIA – incompdevt of an organ w/ decr number of cells
  • 104. ATRESIA: absence opening of hollow visceral organ COLONIC ATRESIA w/ add’nalanom: Persist cloaca: failure of urogenseptum to form R & L testis cryptorchid & absence of penis
  • 105. HYERPLASIA: overdevt of organ with increase in number of cells HYPERTROPHY: increase in size HYPOTROPHY: decrease in size DYSPLASIA: abnormal organization of cells
  • 106. CAUSES: MALFORMATION GENETIC - Chromosomal aberration - Mendelian inheritance ENVIRONMENTAL - Maternal/placental infections - Maternal disease states - Drugs & chemicals MULTIFACTORIAL UKNOWN
  • 107. GENETIC CAUSES "ROCKER BOTTOM" foot with a prominent calcaneus and rounded bottom Chromabn: TRISOMY 18
  • 109. 50% - occur with DOWN SYNDROME UTZ - "double bubble" sign from duodenal enlargement proximal to the atresia Duodenal atresia
  • 110.
  • 112. MENDELIAN INHERITANCE polydactyly extra fingers/toes syndactyly fused fingers 3rd & 4th fingers fused to 1 large digit; seen w/ triploidy (69 chromosomes)
  • 113.
  • 115. ARTHROGRYPHOSIS("joint claws") congenital situation with muscle contractures present at birth relatively common non-progressive symptom that can result fr uterine constraint, CNS disease, or failure of certain muscles to develop
  • 116. Such a stiff fetus freq sustains fractures before or during delivery NB w/ fractured rthumerus
  • 117.
  • 119. ERYTHROBLASTOSIS FETALIS Ab from Rh (-) mother enter the blood stream of her unborn Rh (+) infant damaging the RBCs Infant responds by inc RBC prod & sending out immature RBCs that still have nuclei
  • 120. Normal RBCs, damaged RBCs, & immature RBCs that still contain nuclei
  • 121. Anemia - dev in unborn infant when maternal Abs attack the RBC of the fetus An IU BT may be indicated
  • 122. The immune system recognizes Ag & produces Ab that destroy substances containing Ag
  • 123. HYDROPS FETALIS hydrops, fetal hydrops, universal edema of the NB 1st described by Ballantyne in 1892 serious condition - abn fluid accum in 2 or > fetal compartments: ascites, pleural effusion, pericardial effusion & skin edema
  • 124. May be assoc with polyhydramnios & placental edema Cause: Rhesus (Rh) blood group iso-immunization of the fetus
  • 125. Epidemiology 1 : 600 to 1 : 4Kpregnancies Varies accdg to population risk of the conditions known Ex: Thailand - expected freq hydrops fr homozygous α-thalassemia or Bart hydrops is: 1 : 500–1:1,500pregnancies
  • 126. ETIOLOGY Hematological causes Iso-immunization hemolytic disease of NB Erythroblastosis fetalis Rhesus, Kell, ABO and Duffy incompatibility
  • 127. Other HEMOLYTIC disorders: Glucose-6-phosphatase Dehydrogenase Def(G6PD) Glucose Phosphateisomerase (GPI) deficiency Pyruvate kinase (PK) Def
  • 128. ETIO: RBC PRODUCTION Disorders Congenital dys-erythropoietic anemia Diamond-Blackfan syndrome Lethal hereditary spherocytosis Congenital erythropieticporphyria(GĂŒnther's disease) α-thalassemia (Bart's hemoglobinopathy)
  • 129. ETIO: Fetal HEMORRHAGE intracranial or intraventricular hge hepatic laceration subcapsular hepatic laceration feto-maternal hemorrhage twin-to-twin transfusion
  • 130. ETIO: CARDIAC causes Abnormalities of Lt Vent outflow Aortic valvularstenosis or atresia Coarctation of the aorta Truncus arteriosus Hypoplastic left heart Endocardialfibroelastosis
  • 131.
  • 132. 
ETIO: Congenital heart block - 66-75% in pregnancies complicated by maternal collagen disease Prenatal closure of the foramen ovale or ductus arteriosus Myocarditis Idiopathic arterial calcification Hypercalcemia
  • 133. ETIO: INFECTIVE causes Parvovirus B19-slapped cheek syndrome PCR testing demonstrated that 20% fetal hydrops is assoc with: CMV SY HERPES SIMPLEX
  • 134. 
INFECTIVE Causes Toxoplasmosis Hepatitis B Adenovirus Coxsackie virus type B Listeriamonocytogenes Ureaplasmaurealyticum
  • 135. ETIO: METABOLICand other causes -inborn errors of metabolism Glycogen-storage disease type IV Lysosomal storage dis Hypothyroidism Hyperthyroidism
  • 136. ETIO: CHROMOSOMAL SYNDROMES: Trisomies 10,13,15,18 Trisomy 21(Down's syndrome) Turner's syndrome (45, X) other autosomal recessive genetic disorders
  • 137. ETIO: Tumours Sacrococcygeal Teratoma
  • 138. PROGNOSIS Spontaneous remission: CAUSES: Cardiac arrhythmias Twin-to-twin transfx syndrome Cystic hygroma Parvovirus & CMV infections Idiopathic ascites or pleural effusions
  • 140. HYPOSPADIAS Urinary tract opening or urethral meatus opens the underside of the penis or on the perineum
  • 141. ETIOLOGY Abnormal Devt of penis Various problems w/ male hormone action Genetic
  • 142. DIAGNOSIS: P.E. - urethral opening in a wrong position combined with other symptoms : Foreskin incompletely dev resulting in a dorsal hood (tip of the penis exposed) penis curvature (chordee) undescended tested
  • 143. Untreated HYPOSPADIAS Abn direction of urine flow Abn appearance of penis Infertility Inability of sexual intercourse
  • 144. Treatment SURGERY - create a normal straight penis with a urinary channel - tip of the head
  • 145. If the opening is proximal, treatment with ♂hormone TESTOSTERONE prior to surgery recommended Hypospadias located within or near the scrotum should have a voiding cystogram to R/O add’l urinary tract anomalies
  • 146. Recommended age of surg repair: between 4-12 mo. - size of the penis - slow rate of growth of the penis Children should not be circumcised: foreskin is essential in repair surgery
  • 147.
  • 148. Very few children experience post-op complications: wound infections unexpected opening near the repair site
  • 153. CLUB FOOT
  • 154.
  • 160. PRIMARY ROUTES: Trans-cervically – Ascending - Herpes Simplex II - inhalation of amniotic fluid pneumonia sepsis most common sequelae meningitis
  • 161. 2. TRANSPLACENTALLY – Hematologic via the chorionic villi PARASITIC VIRAL HIV Parvovirus B19 – 5th disease BACTERIA Listeria Treponema TORCH INFECTIONS
  • 162. CONGENITAL SYPHILLIS Early evidence: osteochondritisof femur & tibia early evidence of infection: bullae and vesicular rash
  • 163. Later evidence saber shins later evidence saddle nose Later evidence - Hutchinson's teeth
  • 165. CONGENITAL SYPHILIS granulomatous process : "gumma“ Gumma- located in the heart of a fetus Syphilis acquired IU in the 3rd trimester.
  • 166. Spirochetes - T. pallidum, the causative agent
  • 167. RUBELLA
  • 168. CONGENITAL RUBELLA SYNDROME Rubellacause: Togavirus genus Rubivirus Child: Few/no symptoms Adults:1-5 day prodrome LG fever, headache, malaise, coryza, & conjunctivitis Arthralgia/arthritis: 70%adult ♀
  • 169. 1st trim- CRS can cause Abortions Miscarriages Stillbirths Severe birth defects
  • 170. The most common CRS Congenital defects are: Cataracts Heart disease Sensorineural deafness Mental retardation
  • 171. HERPES VIRUS HSV-type 1: oral herpes fever blisters: mouth/ face HSV-type2: Genital Herpes
  • 172. Both viral types can: Inactive/'silent‘: no symptom cause 'outbreaks' of blisters and ulcers  People can remain infected for life after the 1st episode  
  • 173.
  • 174. Anal / Oral / Vaginal sex
  • 176.
  • 177. HSV-2  Mild to no symptoms Recurrent painful genital ulcers Severe with suppressed immune systems
  • 178. Severe genital herpes - psychological & emotional  stress Pregnants- fatal infections in infants C/S delivery -  with active genital herpes  
  • 179.
  • 181. lower back pain
  • 182.
  • 183. CYTOMEGALOVIRUS Cause: DNA, ether sensitive virus of the herpes family Occurs worldwide Transmission: HUMAN CONTACT – harbors infection for mos. or yrs. About 4 / 5 people > 35 y/o - been infected with CMV in childhood or early adulthood Most cases - mild
  • 184. CMV – pregnancy hazardous to the fetus: brain damage neonatal illness other birth defects stillbirth CMVfound in: Blood / breast milk / cervical secretions Feces / saliva / semen / urine/ vaginal secretions
  • 185. RISK GROUPS : Immunodeficient patients  AIDS patients Who received transplanted organs those receiving immunosuppressives - dev pneumonia / other secondary infections Recipients of BT from donors with + CMV Abs
  • 186. CMV - spread through the body in lymphocytes or monos to the lungs, liver, and CNS where it produces inflammatory reactions self-limiting
  • 188.
  • 190. Tubular epithelium of fetal kidney - many large violet INCs Inclusions may appear in the urine
  • 191. NEONATAL RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME Cause: inadeq prod surfactant Surfactant - prod by type II pneumocytes with property of decreasing surface tension Alveolar surfactant - prod after 30 wks AOG
  • 192. Inadeqsurfactant - causes air sacs to collapse on expiration & greatly increasethe energy req for breathing Interstitial edema makes the lung even less compliant – leads to O2 & retention of CO2
  • 193. The immature lungs: cannot retain air the air spaces empty completely and collapse after the 1st exhalation Plasma leaks out of the lung tissue and coats the air spaces with a pink coating that is glassy or hyaline in appearance
  • 194. RISK FACTORS Premature delivery C/S without maternal labor Male infants Hypothermia Perinatal asphyxia Maternal DM Multiple pregnancy Family history of RDS
  • 195. PRESENTATION preterm delivery - with RD: tachypnea & expiratory grunting subcostal and intercostal retractions diminished breath sounds cyanosis nasal flaring & fatigue apnea and hypoxia
  • 196. SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME SIDS is the unexpected, sudden death of a child under age 1 in which an autopsy does not show an explainable cause of death.
  • 197. Causes Unknown Problems w/ sleep arousal Inability to sense a build-up of CO2 in the blood
  • 198. occur w/o any warning or symptoms when the infant sleeping SIDS is most likely to occur betwn 2 - 4 mos & 90% occur by 6 mos occurs more often wet months, with the peak in January
  • 199. Factors: risk of SIDS Babies who sleep on their stomachs Babies who are around cigarette smoke while in the womb or after being born
  • 200. Babies who sleep in the same bed as their parents Babies who have soft bedding in the crib Multiple birth babies (being a twin, triplet, etc.) Premature babies
  • 201. Babies who have a brother or sister who had SIDS Mothers who smoke or use illegal drugs Teen mothers Short time period between pregnancies Late or no prenatal care Situations of poverty
  • 202. Symptoms no symptoms Babies who die of SIDS do not appear to suffer or struggle Exams and Tests Autopsy - not able to confirm a cause of death
  • 205. Beneath the skin surface are many dilated vascular channels filled with many red blood cells
  • 206. LYMPHANGIOMA There is a large mass involving the left upper arm and left chest of this fetus.
  • 207. Large lymphatic spaces lined by a thin endothelium Adjacent stroma w/ lymphoid nodules Tend to involve head, neck, & chest
  • 208. Enlarged lymphatic spaces lined by a thin endothelium – HPO Poorly circumscribed & extend widely to surrounding soft tissues surgical removal difficult
  • 209. FIBROMATOSIS Fibromatoses: Rare soft tissue disease characterized by fibroblastic proliferation
  • 210. CLASSIFICATION Fibroblastic fibromatoses DesmoidFibromatosis (desmoid tumor, aggressive fibromatosis) Fibromatosiscolli
  • 211.
  • 213.
  • 214. 
.. Classification: Myofibroblastic fibromatoses(myofibromatoses) Infantile myofibromatosis (infantile myofibroma)
  • 215. According to the LOCALIZATION   Superficial Deep
  • 216. A 45 days old female infant was brought to the hospital with swelling in the right thigh Noticed swelling - 11 days old, No hx fever, pain / birth trauma, Swelling diffuse from lower end of femur > mid shaft, Margins indistinct but well defined on palpation, Temp normal, No tenderness, Shape fusiform, firm hard in consistency, Non-mobile, overlying skin & surr muscles - free
  • 217. LNs in drainage area - not palpable, Distal neuro-vascular status - N° x-ray 11 days old did not show any abnormality
  • 218. On the 45th day of life, - a circumferential overgrowth of radio opaque tissue which covered the normal bone like a shell. Cortices of underlying bone were intact FNAC and Tissue Biopsy - CMF suggestive of fibromatosis
  • 219.
  • 220.
  • 221. TERATOMA Large nasopharyngeal teratoma that is protruding from the oral cavity
  • 222. Benign 3 embryologic germ layers : Skin (ECTODERM) Cartilage (MESODERM) Colonic gland (ENDODERM)
  • 223. CYSTIC FIBROSIS : PANCREAS Ducts - dilated &plugged w/ eosinophilic mucus Acini of exocrine glands - atrophic & replaced by fibrous tissue
  • 226.
  • 227. Manifests as an abdmass
  • 228.
  • 229.
  • 230.
  • 231. NEUROBLASTOMA Most common tumor diagnosed < 1 y/o 25-35% arise from adrenal medulla 2nd most common location: paravertebral region of the posterior mediastinum
  • 232. In-situ neuroblastomas – 40x > overt Prognosis: depends on the histologic variations, staging & cytogenetic characteristics
  • 233. Gross: soft, gray, brain-like, necrosis, hges, cystic softening, calcification
  • 234. “Small round blue cell" tumor Small primitive-appearing cells with dark nuclei, scant cytoplasm, poorly defined cell borders in solid sheets Homer-Wright pseudorosettes
  • 236. RHABDOMYOSARCOMA RARE most common- 1st decade Skeletal muscle derivation Embryonal rhabdomyosarc A variant seen in the genital tract -SARCOMA BOTRYOIDES Alveolar variant Head and Neck & the GUT
  • 237. Very cellular, esp around blood vessels Hypercellular foci alternate with areas of myxoid or edematous change foci of necrosis
  • 238. Tumor cells: small & vary in shape fr round to oval to spindle, occ bizarre forms w/ more abundant, brightly acidophilic cytoplasm, Primitive round blue cells “Rhabdomyoblasts” in nests with spaces & surrounded by fibrous stroma.
  • 239. RETINOBLASTOMA Flexner-Wintersteiner Rosettes " Differentiated structures photoreceptor-linked "