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 A) Amoeba :E. histolytica, E. coli, Naegleria
fowleri, Acanthoamoeba species
 B)Flagellates :
 1)Intestinal & Genital – Giardia lamblia,
Trochomonas vaginalis, etc
 2) Hemoflagellates – Leishmania donovani,
Trypanosoma cruzi
C) Sporozoa :Toxoplasma gondii, Malaria,
Cryptosporidium parvum, Isospora belli,
Sarcocystis species,
 A)Intestinal :
1)Small intestine – Ascaris lumbricoides
A. duodenale, N. americanus(Hookworm)
2)Large Intestine:Trichuris trichura (Whipworm). E.
vermicularis (Threadworm/Pinworm)
B) Somatic human nematodes:
W. bancrofti, Brugia malayi, B. timori
Trichinella spiralis, D. medinensis
 C) Larva migrans –
 1)Visceral –Toxocara, gnathostoma
 2) Cutaneous – A. brazillensis.A. canicum
D)Other animal nematode rarely infecting man –
1) Dirofilaria
2)Capillary hepatica
3) Strongyloides fulleborni, etc
Case 1
 20 year old woman from village area presented
with dyspepsia, nausea, watery diarrhoea and
malabsorption since 1 month.
 Endoscopy followed by jejunal biopsy was
Patchy whitish reticular pattern of the mucosa
Low power view :
 Giardiasis
Case 2
 44 year patient with AIDS, complaints of
watery diarrhoea since 2 days.
 CD4 count less than 50/mm3.
Acid-fast cysts in diarrheal stool
Low power view :
High power x400
 a 70-year old , Chronic diarrhea with a 35 kg
weight loss (75 kg to 40 kg) occurred during 2
 History of chronic alcoholism for more than 30
 IncreasedWBC count with high peripheral blood
eosinophilia (36.8-39.9%) .
 Lowered protein and albumin levels .
 fecal examination was repeated 3 times with
negative results.
(A)Adeveloping microgamont(arrow)withmultiplenuclei attheperiphery
B)Amature microgamont withmultiplenuclei(arrow)inanenterocyteofthecryptlayer.
C)Aprobableearlymacrogamont (arrow)inanenterocyte.
D)Anoldmacrogamont ormacrogamete (arrow)inajejunalepithelialcell.
 34 year female presenting as appendicitis
Lowerleftwormfemaleshowingovariescontainingdeveloping eggs
Centralworm hasrupturedwall
Allfourwormshavecharacteristicprojectionscalled lateralcuticle 'alae'
 60 year male with prolonged fever , abdominal
discomfort and liver dysfunction, asthenia,
fatigue, pedal edema, difficulty in walking,
cough, hoarseness and considerable weight loss
since 2 years.
 Physical examination - his general condition was
very poor, with loose skin folds, muscle
flabbiness, dryness of the skin and mucosa,
mycosis of the tongue with areas of thickening.
 CBC – Pancytopenia
 USG : massive hepatospleenomegaly
 massive weight loss, severe hepato-
splenomegaly, pancytopenia and anti-HCV
positivity, a diagnosis of cirrhosis of liver was
marrow biopsy, - amastigotes inside phagocytic cells
on bone marrow biopsy, in the form of round
cytoplasmic inclusions
amastigote stained well with giemsa, HE,
Liver biopsy showing Microgranulomas in the liver parenchyma with associated
Diffuse activation of Kupffer cells.
 Autopsied liver (HE, oil immersion) –
 occurrence of haloed small granules (protozoan bodies) in the cytoplasm of Kupffer
 Histiocytes contain small oval organisms with bar shaped paranuclear kinetoplast
Case 6
 A 54-year-old woman, with no past medical
history of lupus erythematosus or infectious
disease, presented with a 3-month history of
a slowly enlarging erythematous and
infiltrated plaque, extending over the nose,
the right cheek, and the internal aspect of the
right lower eyelid.
pseudolepromatous appearance
On high magnification the
amastigotes with their kinetoplasts
can be identified
• Localized (acute) cutaneous leishmaniasis
• Diffuse (acute) cutaneous leishmaniasis
( disseminated anergic cutaneous leishmaniasis)
• Chronic cutaneous leishmaniasis (including
leishmaniasis recidivans or lupoid leishmaniasis)
• Post–kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis
• Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis
•Visceral leishmaniasis
•Viscerotropic leishmaniasis
 20-year-old boy from Patna (Bihar, India)
presented with a lump in the left arm for
about 2-3 months.
 The lump was, firm, mobile, slightly tender
but not painful,ill-defined lump measured up
to 4 cm in greatest dimension.
 The clinical impression was that of an old
rupture and healed muscle or tendon.
 No radiological study was performed and a
muscle biopsy was done.
 Encysted oval shaped parasite occupying full thickness of the muscle fiber
and showing internal septations
A cyst of This longitudinal section demonstrates the wall showing radial
processes on the outer surfaces (cytophaneres). The internal mass is separated into
many compartments.
 Encysted parasite in skeletal muscle showing internal bradyzoite nuclei
separated by clear internal septations
 Sarcocystosis
 A 56-year-old man was admitted
for abdominal pain, diarrhea.
Colonoscopic finding showing a movable whitish worm, in the ileocecal valve.
,The parasite was carefully retrieved by forceps. showing the intestine and
uterine tubules (H-E stain, ×40). (C) Barrel-shaped eggs of and the body wall
consisting of the cuticle, epicuticle, and muscle layer (H-E stain, original
magnification, ×400). (D) Moderate eosinophilic infiltration in lamina propria of
case 4 (H-E stain, original magnification, ×400).
 52 year female presented with complaints of
intensely itchy serpiginous lesion on hand.
 Hematological and biochemical investigations
were normal.
B: The organism is found underneath the stratum corneum in the
upper portion of the stratum malpighii.
45 Year male presented with acute abdomen,
diarrhoea, fever , vomiting , nausea simulating
peptic ulcer disease since 1 month.
AEC – 1224 cells/ cumm
Diffuse suppurative ulcerin stomach
C and D, Gastric biopsies revealed inflammatory infiltrates,
foveolar hyperplasia, and intestinal metaplasia associated with the
presence of developing eggs and larvae (hematoxylin-eosin, original
magnifications ×250).
E and F, duodenal biopsies showed inflammatory reaction in the
lamina propria
 50 Year male was admitted for dysentery,
anemia and pain in right hypochondriac
a) Intestinal flask-shaped
ulcers observed though
examination. Arrows
indicate the colonic ulcers.
b) Large bowel specimen
Arrows indicate
hemorrhagic ulcers and
important intestinal
mucosa necrosis d)
Intestinal biopsy obtained
from the edge of flask-
shaped ulcer where large
numbers of trophozoites
(HE and PAS stained, 60×).
Notice the presence of
trophozoites, hepatocytes,
and the large number of
inflammatory cells.
 34Year male HIV patient admitted with
history of weakness of right side face and
difficulty in talking since 1 week.
One nodule had an opening to the surface of the skin that drained a purulent exudate; a large parasite was expressed from the nodule. The dog was
otherwise alert, active, and afebrile. Hematology and biochemical profiles were within normal limits and fecal flotation was negative. The dog was
routinely treated monthly with oral ivermectin heartworm preventative. The dog lived in southwestern Wisconsin, but vacationed regularly in central
Wisconsin near a spring-fed lake. The dog swam in that lake and periodically ate snails.
Gross Pathology: Subcutaneous nodules measuring 2-3 cm in diameter were palpable in the skin. The surrounding skin was erythematous. Nodules
developed an opening that drained a purulent exudate. The largest nodules were surgically removed.
A histologic section of a representative nodule reveals pyogranulomatous nodules localized in the deep dermis containing multiple cross sections of parasitic nematodes and
numerous embryos, both in a large uterus and free in the exudate. The adults have a thick cuticle and a prominent coelomyarian musculature. In some sections, there is a small
focus of epidermal ulceration with pyogranulomatous inflammation intermingled with embryos at the skin surface.
 A four-year-old boy was admitted to the
hospital with high-grade fever, chills, and
weight loss (about 1.5 kg) of two months
 Hepatomegaly was noted in the physical
 A liver ultrasound showed a relatively well-
defined, but irregular isoechoic mass with a
hypoechoic periphery measuring 58 × 51 × 47
mm in the VII segment of right lobe.
 His complete blood count showed total white
cell count 8400/mm3 with 8% eosinophil and
mild anemia (Hb: 10.2 g/dL, normal 11-14
 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate was 97
mm/hour and C-reactive protein level was 31.
Liver enzymes were mildly elevated, AST:
220 IU/L; and ALT: 130 IU/L.
A Hypodense Lesion Measuring 65 × 33 cm With Irregular Edematous Border in The
LiverAbdominopelvic spiral computerized tomography (CT) scan without and with IV
and oral contrast media revealed ill-defined mass lesion 61 × 64 × 65 mm with thick
irregular peripheral enhancement and hypodense center in right lower liver lobe.
liver tissue was involved by extensive necrotizing granulomatous inflammation with severe eosinophilic infiltration . many multi-nucleated foreign body
type giant cells containing fragments of degenerating round worms as well as scattered degenerated worm body and unembryonated ova
The histopathological examination of liver biopsy revealed egg of nematode Capillaria hepatica. The eggs forms were pathog-
nomic with outer striated wall and polar plugs on both end of the spindle.
Case 15
24 years months and had been healthy before
consuming a large portion of an uncooked pork
dish. His symptoms included watery, diarrhea,
fever, and asthenia.
 A few days before he died, he COMplained of
severe headache, generalized myalgia, confusion,
and respiratory difficulty. He was unconscious
when a relative were determined.
 LFT deranged . CBC -Eosinophilia
 he died shortly afterward autopsy has been done
Histologic sections of infected contained abundant eosinophils, neutrophils, plasma cells, and macrophages surrounding the muscle
all of the muscle larvae examined were nonencapsulated by a collagenous material . Some of the muscle fibers contained several
hypertrophic nuclei and some revealed edematous and necrotic changes.
Trichinella larvae were found traversing the muscle fibers.
Case 16
a 28-year-old male with a history of pain and swelling in his
left groin after his return from the trip of travel 6 months .
 Within one week of the swelling’s appearance, it became
very hard.There were no other systemic symptoms or signs
associated with the lesion.
 Physical examination revealed a 3 cm nodule, palpable in
the left inguinal canal, just lateral to the pubic tubercle and
inferior to the external inguinal ring.The mass was mildly
tender and could not be reduced.
 The pre-operative diagnosis was an incarcerated left
inguinal hernia or adenophathy or a soft tissue mass of
unknown origin.
with the coin-like
 At surgery, no hernia was present. Instead, a 3–4 cm soft
tissue tumor involving the spermatic cord, just inferior to
the external inguinal ring was found.The testicles appeared
 Two frozen sections of the mass showed necrotic cells
which could not otherwise be identified.The mass was
densely adherent to the vas deferens, testicular artery, and
veins, and could not be removed without a left
orchiectomy, which was done.
 Gross pathological examination of the surgical specimen
showed a fusiform, firm, pale tan swelling within the cord
beginning 2 cm from the surgical margin.The swelling
measured 5.2 x3.1 x2.9 cm.
 Cut sections of the mass revealed a granular, pale tan
surface that appeared necrotic.
Thick laminated cuticle, mucle cells broad lateral cords
 A 44-year-old male presented with a history of
progressively increasing swelling of the right side
of scrotum which he noticed following a fall.
 On examination, a tender, fluctuant, firm to hard
10 × 10 cm mass was noted on the right side of
the scrotum.
 Provisional diagnosis of hematoma was given.
 Scrotal exploration and evacuation - Fifty ml of
blood clot and 150 ml of thick pus was drained out.
 Thickened spermatic cord and necrotic testicular tissue were noted.
 High inguinal orchiectomy was performed to rule out malignancy.
 No microfilariae were detected on peripheral smear.
 A large ruptured cyst impregnated with necrotic debris was noted in
the paratesticular tissue
. (a) Fibrinopurulent response around dead microfilariae. (b) Multinucleated giant cells in lymph node parenchyma. (c)
Eosinophil rich granulation tissue. (d) Neutrophil collection and multinucleated giant cells (inset) (H and E, ×400)
Morphology of parasites. (a) Gravid worm in dilated lymphatics. (b) Dead microfilaria adherent to lymphatic wall. (c)
Cross-section of gravid worm showing internal organs. (d) Dead worm entrapped with fibrinous material attached to
lymphatic wall (H and E, ×100)
Lymphatic architecture. (a) Dilated perinodal lymphatics (H and E, ×100). (b) Dilated lymphatic distant to the site of worm
nest. (c) Lymphatics lined by endothelial cells having bulging nuclei (H and E, ×1000)
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 Thank you

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Diseases caused by protozoa and nematodes

  • 2. PROTOZOA:  A) Amoeba :E. histolytica, E. coli, Naegleria fowleri, Acanthoamoeba species  B)Flagellates :  1)Intestinal & Genital – Giardia lamblia, Trochomonas vaginalis, etc  2) Hemoflagellates – Leishmania donovani, Trypanosoma cruzi C) Sporozoa :Toxoplasma gondii, Malaria, Cryptosporidium parvum, Isospora belli, Sarcocystis species,
  • 3. NEMATODES :  A)Intestinal : 1)Small intestine – Ascaris lumbricoides (Roundworm), A. duodenale, N. americanus(Hookworm) 2)Large Intestine:Trichuris trichura (Whipworm). E. vermicularis (Threadworm/Pinworm) B) Somatic human nematodes: W. bancrofti, Brugia malayi, B. timori Trichinella spiralis, D. medinensis
  • 4.  C) Larva migrans –  1)Visceral –Toxocara, gnathostoma  2) Cutaneous – A. brazillensis.A. canicum D)Other animal nematode rarely infecting man – 1) Dirofilaria 2)Capillary hepatica 3) Strongyloides fulleborni, etc
  • 5. Case 1  20 year old woman from village area presented with dyspepsia, nausea, watery diarrhoea and malabsorption since 1 month.  Endoscopy followed by jejunal biopsy was done.
  • 6. Patchy whitish reticular pattern of the mucosa
  • 8.
  • 10.
  • 11. Case 2  44 year patient with AIDS, complaints of watery diarrhoea since 2 days.  CD4 count less than 50/mm3.
  • 12. Acid-fast cysts in diarrheal stool
  • 16. CASE 3  a 70-year old , Chronic diarrhea with a 35 kg weight loss (75 kg to 40 kg) occurred during 2 years.  History of chronic alcoholism for more than 30 years.  IncreasedWBC count with high peripheral blood eosinophilia (36.8-39.9%) .  Lowered protein and albumin levels .  fecal examination was repeated 3 times with negative results.
  • 19. SectionsoftheupperjejunumshowingvarioussexualstagesofIsosporabelli(×1,000,H-Estain). (A)Adeveloping microgamont(arrow)withmultiplenuclei attheperiphery B)Amature microgamont withmultiplenuclei(arrow)inanenterocyteofthecryptlayer. C)Aprobableearlymacrogamont (arrow)inanenterocyte. D)Anoldmacrogamont ormacrogamete (arrow)inajejunalepithelialcell.
  • 21. CASE 4  34 year female presenting as appendicitis
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  • 26. Lowerleftwormfemaleshowingovariescontainingdeveloping eggs Centralworm hasrupturedwall Allfourwormshavecharacteristicprojectionscalled lateralcuticle 'alae' Allfourwormshavedarkerpurplestructurewhichistheintestine.Thelumenoftheintestineappearssomewhatasan X-shape.
  • 27. CASE 5  60 year male with prolonged fever , abdominal discomfort and liver dysfunction, asthenia, fatigue, pedal edema, difficulty in walking, cough, hoarseness and considerable weight loss since 2 years.  Physical examination - his general condition was very poor, with loose skin folds, muscle flabbiness, dryness of the skin and mucosa, mycosis of the tongue with areas of thickening.
  • 28.  CBC – Pancytopenia  USG : massive hepatospleenomegaly  massive weight loss, severe hepato- splenomegaly, pancytopenia and anti-HCV positivity, a diagnosis of cirrhosis of liver was made.
  • 29. . marrow biopsy, - amastigotes inside phagocytic cells on bone marrow biopsy, in the form of round cytoplasmic inclusions amastigote stained well with giemsa, HE,
  • 30.  Liver biopsy showing Microgranulomas in the liver parenchyma with associated Diffuse activation of Kupffer cells.
  • 31.  Autopsied liver (HE, oil immersion) –  occurrence of haloed small granules (protozoan bodies) in the cytoplasm of Kupffer cells  Histiocytes contain small oval organisms with bar shaped paranuclear kinetoplast
  • 32.  VISCERAL LEISHMANIASIS (L. donovani)
  • 33. Case 6  A 54-year-old woman, with no past medical history of lupus erythematosus or infectious disease, presented with a 3-month history of a slowly enlarging erythematous and infiltrated plaque, extending over the nose, the right cheek, and the internal aspect of the right lower eyelid.
  • 35. On high magnification the amastigotes with their kinetoplasts can be identified
  • 36.
  • 38. TYPES • Localized (acute) cutaneous leishmaniasis • Diffuse (acute) cutaneous leishmaniasis ( disseminated anergic cutaneous leishmaniasis) • Chronic cutaneous leishmaniasis (including leishmaniasis recidivans or lupoid leishmaniasis) • Post–kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis • Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis •Visceral leishmaniasis •Viscerotropic leishmaniasis
  • 39. CASE 7  20-year-old boy from Patna (Bihar, India) presented with a lump in the left arm for about 2-3 months.  The lump was, firm, mobile, slightly tender but not painful,ill-defined lump measured up to 4 cm in greatest dimension.  The clinical impression was that of an old rupture and healed muscle or tendon.  No radiological study was performed and a muscle biopsy was done.
  • 40.  Encysted oval shaped parasite occupying full thickness of the muscle fiber and showing internal septations
  • 41. A cyst of This longitudinal section demonstrates the wall showing radial processes on the outer surfaces (cytophaneres). The internal mass is separated into many compartments.
  • 42.  Encysted parasite in skeletal muscle showing internal bradyzoite nuclei separated by clear internal septations
  • 44. CASE 8  A 56-year-old man was admitted for abdominal pain, diarrhea.
  • 45. Colonoscopic finding showing a movable whitish worm, in the ileocecal valve.
  • 46. ,The parasite was carefully retrieved by forceps. showing the intestine and uterine tubules (H-E stain, ×40). (C) Barrel-shaped eggs of and the body wall consisting of the cuticle, epicuticle, and muscle layer (H-E stain, original magnification, ×400). (D) Moderate eosinophilic infiltration in lamina propria of case 4 (H-E stain, original magnification, ×400).
  • 48. CASE 9  52 year female presented with complaints of intensely itchy serpiginous lesion on hand.  Hematological and biochemical investigations were normal.
  • 49.
  • 50. B: The organism is found underneath the stratum corneum in the upper portion of the stratum malpighii.
  • 51.
  • 53. CASE 10 45 Year male presented with acute abdomen, diarrhoea, fever , vomiting , nausea simulating peptic ulcer disease since 1 month. AEC – 1224 cells/ cumm
  • 55. C and D, Gastric biopsies revealed inflammatory infiltrates, foveolar hyperplasia, and intestinal metaplasia associated with the presence of developing eggs and larvae (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnifications ×250). E and F, duodenal biopsies showed inflammatory reaction in the lamina propria
  • 56.
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  • 60. CASE 11  50 Year male was admitted for dysentery, anemia and pain in right hypochondriac region.
  • 61.
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  • 65. a) Intestinal flask-shaped ulcers observed though rectosigmoidoscopy examination. Arrows indicate the colonic ulcers. b) Large bowel specimen Arrows indicate hemorrhagic ulcers and important intestinal mucosa necrosis d) Intestinal biopsy obtained from the edge of flask- shaped ulcer where large numbers of trophozoites (HE and PAS stained, 60×). Notice the presence of trophozoites, hepatocytes, and the large number of inflammatory cells.
  • 67. CASE 12  34Year male HIV patient admitted with history of weakness of right side face and difficulty in talking since 1 week.
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  • 74. One nodule had an opening to the surface of the skin that drained a purulent exudate; a large parasite was expressed from the nodule. The dog was otherwise alert, active, and afebrile. Hematology and biochemical profiles were within normal limits and fecal flotation was negative. The dog was routinely treated monthly with oral ivermectin heartworm preventative. The dog lived in southwestern Wisconsin, but vacationed regularly in central Wisconsin near a spring-fed lake. The dog swam in that lake and periodically ate snails. Gross Pathology: Subcutaneous nodules measuring 2-3 cm in diameter were palpable in the skin. The surrounding skin was erythematous. Nodules developed an opening that drained a purulent exudate. The largest nodules were surgically removed.
  • 75. A histologic section of a representative nodule reveals pyogranulomatous nodules localized in the deep dermis containing multiple cross sections of parasitic nematodes and numerous embryos, both in a large uterus and free in the exudate. The adults have a thick cuticle and a prominent coelomyarian musculature. In some sections, there is a small focus of epidermal ulceration with pyogranulomatous inflammation intermingled with embryos at the skin surface.
  • 77. CASE 14  A four-year-old boy was admitted to the hospital with high-grade fever, chills, and weight loss (about 1.5 kg) of two months duration.  Hepatomegaly was noted in the physical examination.  A liver ultrasound showed a relatively well- defined, but irregular isoechoic mass with a hypoechoic periphery measuring 58 × 51 × 47 mm in the VII segment of right lobe.
  • 78.  His complete blood count showed total white cell count 8400/mm3 with 8% eosinophil and mild anemia (Hb: 10.2 g/dL, normal 11-14 g/dL).  Erythrocyte sedimentation rate was 97 mm/hour and C-reactive protein level was 31. Liver enzymes were mildly elevated, AST: 220 IU/L; and ALT: 130 IU/L.
  • 79. A Hypodense Lesion Measuring 65 × 33 cm With Irregular Edematous Border in The LiverAbdominopelvic spiral computerized tomography (CT) scan without and with IV and oral contrast media revealed ill-defined mass lesion 61 × 64 × 65 mm with thick irregular peripheral enhancement and hypodense center in right lower liver lobe.
  • 80. liver tissue was involved by extensive necrotizing granulomatous inflammation with severe eosinophilic infiltration . many multi-nucleated foreign body type giant cells containing fragments of degenerating round worms as well as scattered degenerated worm body and unembryonated ova
  • 81. The histopathological examination of liver biopsy revealed egg of nematode Capillaria hepatica. The eggs forms were pathog- nomic with outer striated wall and polar plugs on both end of the spindle.
  • 83. Case 15 24 years months and had been healthy before consuming a large portion of an uncooked pork dish. His symptoms included watery, diarrhea, fever, and asthenia.  A few days before he died, he COMplained of severe headache, generalized myalgia, confusion, and respiratory difficulty. He was unconscious when a relative were determined.  LFT deranged . CBC -Eosinophilia  he died shortly afterward autopsy has been done
  • 84. Histologic sections of infected contained abundant eosinophils, neutrophils, plasma cells, and macrophages surrounding the muscle tissue. all of the muscle larvae examined were nonencapsulated by a collagenous material . Some of the muscle fibers contained several hypertrophic nuclei and some revealed edematous and necrotic changes. Trichinella larvae were found traversing the muscle fibers.
  • 86. Case 16 a 28-year-old male with a history of pain and swelling in his left groin after his return from the trip of travel 6 months .  Within one week of the swelling’s appearance, it became very hard.There were no other systemic symptoms or signs associated with the lesion.  Physical examination revealed a 3 cm nodule, palpable in the left inguinal canal, just lateral to the pubic tubercle and inferior to the external inguinal ring.The mass was mildly tender and could not be reduced.  The pre-operative diagnosis was an incarcerated left inguinal hernia or adenophathy or a soft tissue mass of unknown origin.
  • 88.  At surgery, no hernia was present. Instead, a 3–4 cm soft tissue tumor involving the spermatic cord, just inferior to the external inguinal ring was found.The testicles appeared normal.  Two frozen sections of the mass showed necrotic cells which could not otherwise be identified.The mass was densely adherent to the vas deferens, testicular artery, and veins, and could not be removed without a left orchiectomy, which was done.  Gross pathological examination of the surgical specimen showed a fusiform, firm, pale tan swelling within the cord beginning 2 cm from the surgical margin.The swelling measured 5.2 x3.1 x2.9 cm.  Cut sections of the mass revealed a granular, pale tan surface that appeared necrotic.
  • 89. Thick laminated cuticle, mucle cells broad lateral cords
  • 90.
  • 92. CASE 17  A 44-year-old male presented with a history of progressively increasing swelling of the right side of scrotum which he noticed following a fall.  On examination, a tender, fluctuant, firm to hard 10 × 10 cm mass was noted on the right side of the scrotum.  Provisional diagnosis of hematoma was given.  Scrotal exploration and evacuation - Fifty ml of blood clot and 150 ml of thick pus was drained out.
  • 93.  Thickened spermatic cord and necrotic testicular tissue were noted.  High inguinal orchiectomy was performed to rule out malignancy.  No microfilariae were detected on peripheral smear.  A large ruptured cyst impregnated with necrotic debris was noted in the paratesticular tissue
  • 94. . (a) Fibrinopurulent response around dead microfilariae. (b) Multinucleated giant cells in lymph node parenchyma. (c) Eosinophil rich granulation tissue. (d) Neutrophil collection and multinucleated giant cells (inset) (H and E, ×400)
  • 95. Morphology of parasites. (a) Gravid worm in dilated lymphatics. (b) Dead microfilaria adherent to lymphatic wall. (c) Cross-section of gravid worm showing internal organs. (d) Dead worm entrapped with fibrinous material attached to lymphatic wall (H and E, ×100)
  • 96. Lymphatic architecture. (a) Dilated perinodal lymphatics (H and E, ×100). (b) Dilated lymphatic distant to the site of worm nest. (c) Lymphatics lined by endothelial cells having bulging nuclei (H and E, ×1000)
  • 98. References:  1.Rao RU, Klei TR. Cytokine profiles of filarial granulomas in jirds infected with Brugia pahangi. Filaria J 2006;5:3. 2.2Thakur BB, Sinha KC, Thakur S. Filariasis: An Appraisal. India: Medicine Update, API; 2005. p. 669-79.  3.Boram, L. M. , K. F. Keller , D. E. Justus , and J. P. Collins . Strongyloidiasis in immunosuppressed patients. Am J Clin Pathol 1981. 76:778–781  4.Chitwood, M. B. and J. R. Lichtenfeld . Identification of parasitic metazoa in tissue sections. Exp Parasitol 1972. 32:407–519.[CrossRef] [Medline]  5Hong ST, Chai JY, Choi MH, Huh S, Rim HJ, Lee SH. A successful experience of soil-transmitted helminth control in the Republic of Korea. Korean J Parasitol 2006;44: 177-185. PMID: 16969055  6.Joo JH, Ryu KH, Lee YH, Park CW, Cho JY, Kim YS, Lee JS, Lee MS, Hwang SG, Shim CS. Colonoscopic diagn osis of whipworm infection. Hepatogastroenterology 1998;45: 2105-2109. PMID: 9951873.  7.Mcadam AJ, Sharpe AH. Infectious diseases. In: Kumar V, Abbas AK, Fausto N, Aster JC, editors. Robbin and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease. 8 th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2010. p. 380-1. 8. Cianferoni A, Schneider L, Schantz PM, Brown D, Fox LM. Visceral larva migrans associated with earthworm ingestion: clinical evolution in an adolescent patient. Pediatrics. 2006;117:e336–e339. doi: 10.1542/peds.2005- 1596. [PubMed] [Cross Ref]  9.Bhatia V, Sarin SK. Hepatic visceral larva migrans: evolution of the lesion, diagnosis, and role of high-dose albendazole therapy. Am J Gastroenterol. 1994;89:624–627. [PubMed]

Editor's Notes

  1. Endoscopic examination of jejunum
  2. Trophozoites are sickle or teardrop shaped and can be found along the surface of the foveolar epithelial cells
  3. Prevalence in children 3 to 32 %, dudenum upper jejunum, cyst are infective form, dose 10-25 cystingestion of contaminated food water
  4. 10-20 um length, 5-15 um width, front view pear shape, lateral view , encystation in large intestine
  5. Cyst of Cryptosporidium Parvum in faeces
  6. A small number of tiny basophilic particles seen on the surface of the enterocytes (HE)
  7. Known to cause travellers diarrhoea.Demonstratn in feces, jejuna; aspirate biopsy.Confirmed dignosis on electron microsoopy. Ag detectn in stool
  8. showing gaseous dilation of intestinal loops and signs of ileus. of the patient showing nodular appearance of the mucosa. No erosion, ulcer, hemorrhage, or mass is seen.
  9. The biopsy specimens revealed villous atrophy with loss of villi together with various life cycle stages of Isospora. belli, including trophozoites, schizonts, merozoites, macrogamonts, and microgamonts.
  10. FAECES, mucosal biopsy
  11. Pin/thread worm
  12. Worms reside in cecum, 1.3 cm longCross section has narrow lateral cuticular alae,Most common helminthic infection in children Mass of worms may cause obstruction,May occasionally be associated with appendicitis.Eggs often deposited at night on perianal skin, causing pruritis ani, irritability, loss of Eggs can be diagnosed with the cellulose tape technique on perianal skin when child wakes up Adult worms may migrate to the lower genital tract and cause a granulomatous reaction
  13. Root of infection is oral,
  14. Pinworm might be considered to be the world’s most common human parasitic infection. Thought to be more common in cool and temperate regions where the climate doesn’t necessitate as frequent bathing and changing of clothing. Infection is initiated by ingestion of eggs which migrate to and hatch within the cecum where they develop into adult worms. It takes about a month for the female worm to mature and begin egg production of her own. After the female has been fertilized, the male worms die off and may be passed in the stool. Gravid females may almost entirely be filled with eggs (See Photos). The females migrate down the colon and out of the anus where they deposit their eggs on the perineal and perianal skin. Still under controversy is whether the female worms are able to migrate back to the intestine. This migration and resulting irritation (pruritus) causes an almost irresistible desire to scratch. While pinworm infections may be asymptomatic, itchiness is the most prevalent symptom reported. Eosinophilia may result, tissue invasion has been reported in a few cases and in females heavy infections may invade the genital tract. In children, the desire to scratch along with less vigilant hygiene, can result in re-infection and the infection of playmates through the oral-fecal route. Worm Morphology; The female worm measures 8 to 13 mm in length by 0.3 to 0.5 mm in width while the smaller male worm measures about 2 to 5 mm in length and 0.1 to 0.2 mm in width. Both male and female worms have bodies that quickly taper to a point (hence the name pinworm) however the female’s tale is straight while the male is curved at the caudal end. Egg Morphology; Microscopically, eggs appear to be shaped as miniature grains of rice, flattened on one side and measure 50 to 60 mm long by about 20 to 30 mm wide. Diagnosis; Paediatric patients presenting with non-specific complaints such as irritability or insomnia coupled with anal itching, should be examined for pinworm infection. Infection can best be diagnosed by using Scotch Tape™ or commerciallyAVAILABLE sticky paddles on which eggs and worms can be securely trapped. The optimal time to sample is in the early morning upon waking and prior to washing up for the day. In the laboratory, the sticky tape is placed sticky side down onto aGLASS microscope slide and scanned at lower powers for eggs (or plate microscope -best for worms). Finding characteristic eggs and/or worms confirms diagnosis. Female worms migrate on a sporadic basis so several (4 to 6) attempts may be necessary for conformation or dismissing as negative
  15. Dermal granulomatous inflammation with prominent lymphocytes Histiocytes contain small oval organisms with bar shaped paranuclear kinetoplast
  16. This lesion of New World (American) cutaneous leishmaniasis was located on the dorsum of the hand and shows a characteristic centrally ulcerated plaque measuring approximately 2 cm in diameter. Most lesions of cutaneous cutaneous 
  17. May may be misinterpreted as sarcoidosis, foreign body reaction, granulomatous rosacea and even granuloma annulare
  18.  Colonoscopy showed a long, slender, white worm in the cecum against the ileocecal valve
  19. Fig. 4 (A) Colonoscopic finding of case 4 showing a long slender whitish T. trichiura worm in the cecum. (B) A female adult T. trichiurarecovered from case 4, showing the intestine and uterine tubules (H-E stain, original magnification, ×40). (C) Barrel-shaped eggs of T. trichiura from case 4 and the body wall consisting of the cuticle, epicuticle, and muscle layer (H-E stain, original magnification, ×400). (D) Moderate eosinophilic infiltration in lamina propria of case 4 (H-E stain, original magnification, ×400).
  20. Numbers of larvae surrounded by the eggshell are seen in the metaplastic gastric pit, indicating the state of hyperinfection (HE).  
  21. Egg-containing female adult worms are seen among the foveolar cells
  22. A, Rhabditoid developing larva in gastric crypt ×400). B, Developing eggs, larvae, and adult in gastric crypts (periodic acid–Schiff, original magnification ×400). C, Cross section of an adult female showing internal organs. I indicates intestine; LC, lateral chord; M, muscle; O, ovary; and U, uterus (periodic acid–Schiff, original magnification ×400). D, Cross section of adult females (periodic acid–Schiff, 400). E, A cross section of a rhabditoid larva is showing double lateral alae (arrows) (Masson Goldner trichromic, original magnification ×400). F, G, and H, Three adults females of S stercoralis containing eggs inside 
  23. CNS infection with Toxoplasma gondii is most likely in immunosuppressed patients or in fetuses. The lesions show necrosis and inflammation, acute and chronic. In the inset photo encysted bradyzoites are seen. Free tachyzoites are more difficult to define on H&E stain but are readily identified on IH stains.
  24. Clinical involvement by CNS toxoplasmosis is seen in immunocompromised individuals, most notably in HIV+ patients, and involves usually cerebral cortex and deep gray matter nuclei. The infection reflects reemergence of latent disease acquired previously as a result of ingestion of infected food. The latent form is represented by slow-growing protozoa forms called bradyzoites encased in cysts with a cyst wall (arrows). Multiple basophilic dot-like parasites can be seen in cysts. A primary CNS infection may go unnoticed with this latent form and may never produce clinical symptoms
  25. Microscopic examination showed that liver tissue was involved by extensive necrotizing granulomatous inflammation with severe eosinophilic infiltration (Figure 2A), many multi-nucleated foreign body type giant cells containing fragments of degenerating round worms (Figure 2B), as well as scattered degenerated worm body and unembryonated ova
  26. All other organ systems were within normal limits
  27. A complete blood count prior to surgery was within normal limits for all parameters.
  28.  Firm ill-circumscribed mass in paratesticular region. (b) Paratesticular ruptured cyst with dark friable material impregnating inner surface