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Digital Trends for 2013
The following document outlines 10 trends Testify Digital believe will be important
this year. This is by no means a definitive list but based on internal discussion,
industry insight and working with our clients we believe these are valuable to take
notice of as we begin 2013. In no order of importance…
•   Cross Channel Customer Experience
•   Content Marketing/Brands as publishers
•   More Brands Adopt Google+
•   Facebook’s Monetisation Drive
•   Personalisation
•   M-Commerce
•   Conversion Rate Optimisation
•   Responsive Websites
•   Social CRM
•   Utilising Social Data for Insight and Actions

Cross Channel Customer Experience
The way someone shops today has changed with the consumer coming into contact with a
number of touch points both online and offline before making a purchase. This isn’t news as
brands have run simultaneous disciplines like search, display and the like for years. However,
in 2013 as consumer spend gets tighter, the successful brands will become better at
understanding how each channel works with the other during the consumer journey to drive
effective cross-channel campaigns.

                                                                                      •    “Showrooming” People
                                                                                           visiting a store but purchasing
                                                                                      •    Increase in data available
                                                                                           (Google Analytics Multi-
                                                                                           Channel funnels)
                                                                                      •    Consumer spend tightening
     Example of Google Analytics Multi-Channel reporting,
                                                                                      •    Marketing budgets decreasing
      showing how channels have assisted in conversions.

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Cross Channel Customer Experience
 Are you integrating display advertising with any of                                 Effect on conversions when integrating the following
 the following marketing disciplines?                                                marketing disciplines with display advertising?

 Econsultancy Cross-Channel Marketing Report 2012                                      Econsultancy Cross-Channel Marketing Report 2012

• Knowing how your customer interacts with your brand when purchasing and deciding
  against purchase is essential for increasing sales and meeting your customers needs
• Understanding the knock-on effect one discipline has on the other will result in a more
  efficient marketing campaign and budget allocation
• Some channels are better assisting conversions rather than being the sole driver of them
  e.g. Display for awareness, Paid Search for conversion

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Content Marketing/Brands As Publishers
The discipline of Content Marketing has been around for years but in 2012 you couldn’t
escape the term being mentioned, particularly in SEO and Social Media circles. Producing
great content has always been the name of the game for publishers and also the better
brands out there that ensure their website, product pages, email or anything content related
is useful, insightful and has a point. In 2013 more brands will have realised content will
determine how well all forms of their marketing output will perform, not just SEO and Social.

                                                                                           • Currency for links & social
                                                                                           • How Google ranks a site
                                                                                           • Need to engage with customers
 Luxury fashion brands like Paul Smith offer a glimpse into the things
  associated with their brand that their customer likes. Louis Vuitton
 have a separate platform ‘Nowness’ which covers topics close to the
                           brands interests.

                                              COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Content Marketing/Brands As Publishers

 Mr Porter is a fashion ecommerce site but                  Even smaller independent stores without
   rivals traditional publishers with the                  the Mr Porter budgets are producing great
       quality of content produced.                            content, like The Goodhood Store.

• Content key to search ranking success
• Quality content can increase traffic, leads, sales and engagement
• Market will become saturated with ‘content producers’ and people will be bombarded
  with content
• Just producing content is not enough
• Becoming known for producing high quality content will make you stand out

More Brands Adopt Google+
Google has been trying to launch their own social network for years and has finally found an
infrastructure they are getting behind with Google+. Users grew at an impressive rate in 2012
and with more investment into the product offering being made, with existing Google
products like Places now requiring a Google+ account for use, Google+ will have to become a
consideration on any marketers strategy.

•   Google+ total users grew nearly 5x in 2012
    to 500 million
•   Growing influence on Google’s Search
    Results                                                              Circles is a way of segmenting your
•   50% of the top 100 US brands use it                               audience into groups depending on how
•   Becoming mandatory to use some Google                             they are connected to you. This offers a
    features                                                           chance to post content specific to each
                                                                              segment of your following.

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More Brands Adopt Google+

 Google Hangouts are a way to host larger web chats and interact with your audience. Very
  hosted a Hangout with Fearne Cotton for fans to ask her questions to coincide with the
  launch of her latest collection with the retailer. Even Barack Obama is getting involved
      answering a range of questions on policy at a Hangout from the White House.

• Adoption key to helping search rankings
• Enhances brand listings in Google Searches
• Offers a new way to engage and market to your customers/community (Hangouts and

Facebook’s Monetisation Drive
Since the Facebook IPO last year the social network has come under increased scrutiny to
justify its valuation. Advertising is already a big part of how Facebook make money but more
advertising streams are likely forthcoming in 2013. Already changes to how updates are
displayed in the newsfeed (Edgerank) have seen the reach of posts impacted, so setting aside
budget for paid promotion will be needed to reach your audience.

                                                           • Pressure from investors to justify
                                                           • Facebook’s need to generate revenue

Facebook’s Monetisation Drive

    Sponsored posts will only become more prominent as                          Promoting posts with some budget will be required
          Facebook looks to increase ad revenue                                  to gain the sort of reach and engagement brands
                                                                                        want in an ever crowded newsfeed

•   Newsfeeds are getting more crowded
•   Paid promotion will be essential to gaining cut through
•   More advertising avenues will offer creative solutions for brands to reach their audience
•   Increases brands responsibility to deliver quality content
•   Brands will have to tread carefully as Facebook users adapt to being exposed to more

                                                COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Customers are tightening spend and brands are often finding themselves needing to do
something different in a crowded market. As capabilities have matured it’s more viable for
brands to offer site visitors some form of personalisation to improve the user experience
and increase the chances of a conversion. Personalisation can come in various forms
including personalised content, recommended products and offers based on previous
behaviour or even shop and collect at retail stores.

                                                                 •     Customers expect an “Amazon-like”
                                                                 •     Digital capabilities have matured to make
                                                                       personalisation more viable
                                                                 •     Increased need to convert existing
                                                                 •     More brands and products are offering a
                                                                       ‘personalised’ experience: Google Search
 Stylist Pick encourages customers to take a quiz to                   Results, Ad Retargeting, Product
reveal their style which then presents a personalised                  Recommendations
         showroom of products each month.

                                             COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

John Lewis’ new personalised recommendation              Morrisons Wine Cellar helps you choose the wine for you based on
tool on its website was a key factor in driving a        your preferences after filling out three simple questions. You’re then
27.9% increase in sales over Christmas 2011.             presented with a product range best suited to your tastes.

•    Personalisation can delight customers and enhance their experience with a brand
•    Can increase marketing effectiveness
•    Data protection and privacy laws need to be considered when undertaking any
     personalisation tactics
•    Personalisation can take many forms using: personal data, browser history, purchase
     history, user preferences and on-site behaviour

                                                COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
                     Overview                                                        Influences/Causes
People have said this is the year for mobile for                       •     U.S. consumers spend almost 1 in
the last few years but we are surely now                                     every 10 ecommerce dollars using a
beyond this as we move to understand how to                                  mobile
align our output with the number of ways                               •     Smartphone penetration in the UK
people use their phones. Recent research from                                now stands at 58% while 19% of the
Forrester reports that over the next five years,                             population owns a tablet (Ofcom)
total mobile sales are expected to grow 33%                            •     In October 2012 44% of UK
annually to $31 billion, making up 9% of online                              smartphone owners performed at
sales in 2017. If anything, 2013 will be the year                            least one shopping activity while in a
brands focus on getting M-Commerce right.                                    shop
                                                                       •     29% of smartphone owners had
                                                                             purchased an item using the mobile
                    Takeaways                                                web
•   Responsive web design can align mobile                             •     Showrooming — the phenomenon in
    with desktop site                                                        which consumers visit a store and
•   User experience is key                                                   then use their phones to buy items
•   Shops need to be visual                                                  they see on Amazon, is becoming a
•   Must be simple to purchase                                               major headache.

                                    COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Amazon, ASOS and Next have some of the best m-commerce sites in the UK, which
               make it easy to browse products and purchase.

Conversion Rate Optimisation
Brands have always spent the majority of resources on driving visitors to a website, without
much time on driving the actions they want them to take once they’ve arrived. As
competition for customers becomes fiercer brands will be investing more in conversation rate
optimisation to increase the chances of generating sales and leads.

                                                                    • Online conversion rates in the UK
                                                                      falling by 55% over the past five
                                                                    • Acquiring customers is becoming
                                                                      tougher in saturated markets
                                                                    • For every $92 spent acquiring
                                                                      customers, only $1 is spent
                                                                      converting them (Bryan Eisenberg,
An example of a site funnel, showing where people                     Conversion Conference London 2011
    leave the site and challenges at each stage

                                     COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Conversion Rate Optimisation

    Increased test drive requests by 62%                          300% increase in conversion rate after
         using multi-variant testing                                   split testing landing pages

•   Put the user at the heart of site design
•   Test as many aspects of the user journey as possible
•   Must have an understanding of your customers journey on site
•   Does your site do everything it can to encourage purchase?
•   Content is needed at each stage of the purchase funnel
•   Product pages must answer all the customers product queries
•   Get key insight from a group of people purchasing your products who don’t know your
•   Every site, design or content decision should consider whether it’s going to help

Responsive Web Design
                   Overview                                                       Influences/Causes
Responsive websites are becoming increasingly                       •     Tablet sales are expected to overtake
popular with the need to access your site on a                            notebook PCs
number of platforms from desktop to tablet to                       •     People spend more time using their
mobile. Sites are designed in this way so the                             smartphones for surfing the web
images and other elements on the site will                          •     Mobile traffic continues to increase
adapt depending on the platform accessing it.                       •     Many platforms to consume content

                                                                  If you resize your
                                                                  desktop browser the
                                                                  text and images on Illy
                                                                  quickly realign
                                                                  themselves with zero
                                                                  loading time, while the
                                                                  navigation and social
                                                                  tabs switch from tiny
                                                                  text links to become big
                                                                  CTAs in the mobile

Responsive Web Design
As you resize the browser the Food Sense
navigation tabs jump from the left to the
top of the screen and social buttons
disappear, but the email subscribe tool
retains its prominent position.

   • A site only needs to be used built once
   • A single URL per page whether accessed from a laptop, mobile, TV or tablet
   • Provides a simpler & faster user experience

Social CRM
 As social has grown, the way people interact with a brand has changed and we are seeing
 the rise of the social customer. They are savvy, consume information through Twitter and
 Facebook and expect you to listen and engage with them when needed.

 Brands that want to get connected with these prospects and customers are paying more
 attention to Social CRM, which will only increase in 2013 as they realise the scale of
 opportunity there is and role it plays across the whole organisation.

                                                              • 43% of consumers say that companies should
                                                                use social networks to solve the customers’
                                                              • The majority of customers are lost due to
                                                                long holds when contacting customer service
                                                              • Approximately 44% of adults now use the
Argos monitor Twitter for product mentions and
                                                                web to share grievances about products.
reach out and engage if the user shows purchase

                                             COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Social CRM
                                                After previous bad PR, Nestle is using social
                                                media listening and analytics to engage at
                                                scale in the market and responding. In 2012
                                                they improved from 16 to 12 in The
                                                Reputation Institute’s index of the world’s
                                                most reputable brands.

• Social CRM is about moving from fans and followers to customers and advocates.
    -Listen to customer conversations
    -Analyse those conversations
    -Relate this information to existing information within your enterprise
    -Act on those customer conversations
• Successful social companies need to be able to engage in their customers' conversations

Utilising Social Data for Insight and Actions
Following on from Social CRM, the same data collection used to engage with your audience
will be used even more in the coming years to help derive insight and intelligence that can
be actionable. Whether it’s feedback for product development or highlighting interests, the
data is there to align your output closer to your audiences needs.

                                                                   • 41% of customers believe that
                                                                     companies should use social media
                                                                     tools to solicit feedback on products
                                                                     and services (Cone Business in Social
                                                                     Media Study, 2008)

                                                                   • 36% of people expect brands to use
                                                                     their social profile to target their
   DoubleTree solicited feedback by using                            messaging with more relevance (Exact
promoted tweets to get people to fill out their                      Target – Meaning of Like Report)
             customer survey.

Utilising Social Data for Insight and Actions

                                                                     • Social data can inform business
                                                                     • Brands need to understand their
                                                                     • Data captured from your
                                                                       community is the best market
                                                                       research available

Dell use social data across their product line
 and action according to feedback. Product
  improvements and price reductions have
been made based on the sentiment found.


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Twitter: @testifydigital

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Digital Trends for 2013 by Testify Digital

  • 2. Overview Overview The following document outlines 10 trends Testify Digital believe will be important this year. This is by no means a definitive list but based on internal discussion, industry insight and working with our clients we believe these are valuable to take notice of as we begin 2013. In no order of importance… • Cross Channel Customer Experience • Content Marketing/Brands as publishers • More Brands Adopt Google+ • Facebook’s Monetisation Drive • Personalisation • M-Commerce • Conversion Rate Optimisation • Responsive Websites • Social CRM • Utilising Social Data for Insight and Actions COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
  • 3. Cross Channel Customer Experience Overview The way someone shops today has changed with the consumer coming into contact with a number of touch points both online and offline before making a purchase. This isn’t news as brands have run simultaneous disciplines like search, display and the like for years. However, in 2013 as consumer spend gets tighter, the successful brands will become better at understanding how each channel works with the other during the consumer journey to drive effective cross-channel campaigns. Influences/Causes • “Showrooming” People visiting a store but purchasing online • Increase in data available (Google Analytics Multi- Channel funnels) • Consumer spend tightening Example of Google Analytics Multi-Channel reporting, • Marketing budgets decreasing showing how channels have assisted in conversions. COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
  • 4. Cross Channel Customer Experience Are you integrating display advertising with any of Effect on conversions when integrating the following the following marketing disciplines? marketing disciplines with display advertising? Econsultancy Cross-Channel Marketing Report 2012 Econsultancy Cross-Channel Marketing Report 2012 Takeaways • Knowing how your customer interacts with your brand when purchasing and deciding against purchase is essential for increasing sales and meeting your customers needs • Understanding the knock-on effect one discipline has on the other will result in a more efficient marketing campaign and budget allocation • Some channels are better assisting conversions rather than being the sole driver of them e.g. Display for awareness, Paid Search for conversion COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
  • 5. Content Marketing/Brands As Publishers Overview The discipline of Content Marketing has been around for years but in 2012 you couldn’t escape the term being mentioned, particularly in SEO and Social Media circles. Producing great content has always been the name of the game for publishers and also the better brands out there that ensure their website, product pages, email or anything content related is useful, insightful and has a point. In 2013 more brands will have realised content will determine how well all forms of their marketing output will perform, not just SEO and Social. Influences/Causes • Currency for links & social engagement • How Google ranks a site • Need to engage with customers Luxury fashion brands like Paul Smith offer a glimpse into the things associated with their brand that their customer likes. Louis Vuitton have a separate platform ‘Nowness’ which covers topics close to the brands interests. COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
  • 6. Content Marketing/Brands As Publishers Mr Porter is a fashion ecommerce site but Even smaller independent stores without rivals traditional publishers with the the Mr Porter budgets are producing great quality of content produced. content, like The Goodhood Store. Takeaways • Content key to search ranking success • Quality content can increase traffic, leads, sales and engagement • Market will become saturated with ‘content producers’ and people will be bombarded with content • Just producing content is not enough • Becoming known for producing high quality content will make you stand out COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
  • 7. More Brands Adopt Google+ Overview Google has been trying to launch their own social network for years and has finally found an infrastructure they are getting behind with Google+. Users grew at an impressive rate in 2012 and with more investment into the product offering being made, with existing Google products like Places now requiring a Google+ account for use, Google+ will have to become a consideration on any marketers strategy. Influences/Causes • Google+ total users grew nearly 5x in 2012 to 500 million • Growing influence on Google’s Search Results Circles is a way of segmenting your • 50% of the top 100 US brands use it audience into groups depending on how • Becoming mandatory to use some Google they are connected to you. This offers a features chance to post content specific to each segment of your following. COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
  • 8. More Brands Adopt Google+ Google Hangouts are a way to host larger web chats and interact with your audience. Very hosted a Hangout with Fearne Cotton for fans to ask her questions to coincide with the launch of her latest collection with the retailer. Even Barack Obama is getting involved answering a range of questions on policy at a Hangout from the White House. Takeaways • Adoption key to helping search rankings • Enhances brand listings in Google Searches • Offers a new way to engage and market to your customers/community (Hangouts and circles) COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
  • 9. Facebook’s Monetisation Drive Overview Since the Facebook IPO last year the social network has come under increased scrutiny to justify its valuation. Advertising is already a big part of how Facebook make money but more advertising streams are likely forthcoming in 2013. Already changes to how updates are displayed in the newsfeed (Edgerank) have seen the reach of posts impacted, so setting aside budget for paid promotion will be needed to reach your audience. Influences/Causes • Pressure from investors to justify valuation • Facebook’s need to generate revenue COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
  • 10. Facebook’s Monetisation Drive Sponsored posts will only become more prominent as Promoting posts with some budget will be required Facebook looks to increase ad revenue to gain the sort of reach and engagement brands want in an ever crowded newsfeed Takeaways • Newsfeeds are getting more crowded • Paid promotion will be essential to gaining cut through • More advertising avenues will offer creative solutions for brands to reach their audience • Increases brands responsibility to deliver quality content • Brands will have to tread carefully as Facebook users adapt to being exposed to more advertising COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
  • 11. Personalisation Overview Customers are tightening spend and brands are often finding themselves needing to do something different in a crowded market. As capabilities have matured it’s more viable for brands to offer site visitors some form of personalisation to improve the user experience and increase the chances of a conversion. Personalisation can come in various forms including personalised content, recommended products and offers based on previous behaviour or even shop and collect at retail stores. Influences/Causes • Customers expect an “Amazon-like” experience • Digital capabilities have matured to make personalisation more viable • Increased need to convert existing customers • More brands and products are offering a ‘personalised’ experience: Google Search Stylist Pick encourages customers to take a quiz to Results, Ad Retargeting, Product reveal their style which then presents a personalised Recommendations showroom of products each month. COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
  • 12. Personalisation John Lewis’ new personalised recommendation Morrisons Wine Cellar helps you choose the wine for you based on tool on its website was a key factor in driving a your preferences after filling out three simple questions. You’re then 27.9% increase in sales over Christmas 2011. presented with a product range best suited to your tastes. Takeaways • Personalisation can delight customers and enhance their experience with a brand • Can increase marketing effectiveness • Data protection and privacy laws need to be considered when undertaking any personalisation tactics • Personalisation can take many forms using: personal data, browser history, purchase history, user preferences and on-site behaviour COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
  • 13. M-Commerce Overview Influences/Causes People have said this is the year for mobile for • U.S. consumers spend almost 1 in the last few years but we are surely now every 10 ecommerce dollars using a beyond this as we move to understand how to mobile align our output with the number of ways • Smartphone penetration in the UK people use their phones. Recent research from now stands at 58% while 19% of the Forrester reports that over the next five years, population owns a tablet (Ofcom) total mobile sales are expected to grow 33% • In October 2012 44% of UK annually to $31 billion, making up 9% of online smartphone owners performed at sales in 2017. If anything, 2013 will be the year least one shopping activity while in a brands focus on getting M-Commerce right. shop • 29% of smartphone owners had purchased an item using the mobile Takeaways web • Responsive web design can align mobile • Showrooming — the phenomenon in with desktop site which consumers visit a store and • User experience is key then use their phones to buy items • Shops need to be visual they see on Amazon, is becoming a • Must be simple to purchase major headache. COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
  • 14. M-Commerce Amazon, ASOS and Next have some of the best m-commerce sites in the UK, which make it easy to browse products and purchase. COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
  • 15. Conversion Rate Optimisation Overview Brands have always spent the majority of resources on driving visitors to a website, without much time on driving the actions they want them to take once they’ve arrived. As competition for customers becomes fiercer brands will be investing more in conversation rate optimisation to increase the chances of generating sales and leads. Influences/Causes • Online conversion rates in the UK falling by 55% over the past five years • Acquiring customers is becoming tougher in saturated markets • For every $92 spent acquiring customers, only $1 is spent converting them (Bryan Eisenberg, An example of a site funnel, showing where people Conversion Conference London 2011 leave the site and challenges at each stage COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
  • 16. Conversion Rate Optimisation Increased test drive requests by 62% 300% increase in conversion rate after using multi-variant testing split testing landing pages Takeaways • Put the user at the heart of site design • Test as many aspects of the user journey as possible • Must have an understanding of your customers journey on site • Does your site do everything it can to encourage purchase? • Content is needed at each stage of the purchase funnel • Product pages must answer all the customers product queries • Get key insight from a group of people purchasing your products who don’t know your brand • Every site, design or content decision should consider whether it’s going to help conversions COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
  • 17. Responsive Web Design Overview Influences/Causes Responsive websites are becoming increasingly • Tablet sales are expected to overtake popular with the need to access your site on a notebook PCs number of platforms from desktop to tablet to • People spend more time using their mobile. Sites are designed in this way so the smartphones for surfing the web images and other elements on the site will • Mobile traffic continues to increase adapt depending on the platform accessing it. • Many platforms to consume content If you resize your desktop browser the text and images on Illy quickly realign themselves with zero loading time, while the navigation and social tabs switch from tiny text links to become big CTAs in the mobile version. COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
  • 18. Responsive Web Design As you resize the browser the Food Sense navigation tabs jump from the left to the top of the screen and social buttons disappear, but the email subscribe tool retains its prominent position. Takeaways • A site only needs to be used built once • A single URL per page whether accessed from a laptop, mobile, TV or tablet • Provides a simpler & faster user experience COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
  • 19. Social CRM Overview As social has grown, the way people interact with a brand has changed and we are seeing the rise of the social customer. They are savvy, consume information through Twitter and Facebook and expect you to listen and engage with them when needed. Brands that want to get connected with these prospects and customers are paying more attention to Social CRM, which will only increase in 2013 as they realise the scale of opportunity there is and role it plays across the whole organisation. Influences/Causes • 43% of consumers say that companies should use social networks to solve the customers’ problems. • The majority of customers are lost due to long holds when contacting customer service • Approximately 44% of adults now use the Argos monitor Twitter for product mentions and web to share grievances about products. reach out and engage if the user shows purchase intent. COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
  • 20. Social CRM After previous bad PR, Nestle is using social media listening and analytics to engage at scale in the market and responding. In 2012 they improved from 16 to 12 in The Reputation Institute’s index of the world’s most reputable brands. Takeaways • Social CRM is about moving from fans and followers to customers and advocates. -Listen to customer conversations -Analyse those conversations -Relate this information to existing information within your enterprise -Act on those customer conversations • Successful social companies need to be able to engage in their customers' conversations online. COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
  • 21. Utilising Social Data for Insight and Actions Overview Following on from Social CRM, the same data collection used to engage with your audience will be used even more in the coming years to help derive insight and intelligence that can be actionable. Whether it’s feedback for product development or highlighting interests, the data is there to align your output closer to your audiences needs. Influences/Causes • 41% of customers believe that companies should use social media tools to solicit feedback on products and services (Cone Business in Social Media Study, 2008) • 36% of people expect brands to use their social profile to target their DoubleTree solicited feedback by using messaging with more relevance (Exact promoted tweets to get people to fill out their Target – Meaning of Like Report) customer survey. COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
  • 22. Utilising Social Data for Insight and Actions Takeaways • Social data can inform business decisions • Brands need to understand their customers • Data captured from your community is the best market research available Dell use social data across their product line and action according to feedback. Product improvements and price reductions have been made based on the sentiment found. COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
  • 23. THANK YOU Telephone: +44 (0)844 991 7719 Web: Email: How can we help? Facebook: TESTIFYDIGITAL.COM Twitter: @testifydigital COPYRIGHT TESTIFY DIGITAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED