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Digital Training 101
Before we start

A few digital facts...
One in four Americans watches a YouTube video every day.

71% of companies now have a presence on Facebook. 59% are on Twitter,
and 43% use a company blog for marketing.

In the coming year,   77% of companies plan to spend more on
YouTube; three-quarters plan to increase spending on Facebook and blogs,
and 73% will invest more on Twitter.

Consumers are more likely to trust online consumer opinions (49%), opt-in
(vendor) emails (40%) and even brand websites (35%) than any type of web-
based advertising–though search ads (21%) outperform other formats.
Presentation Overview
‣ Digital	
     ‣ Social
                                    ‣ Content
‣ Search	
  (SEO)               ‣ Email marketing

‣ Paid search (SEM)                 ‣ Video

‣ Mobile
Source Nielsen 2011
Source Nielsen 2011
Source Nielsen 2011
Source Burson Marsteller 2011
What is it?
The process of getting traffic from
the organic listings on search

   SEO is far more complex than paid
   search. How search engines such as Google,
   Yahoo and Bing select the best websites for a
   specific term is not completely understood.
   Testing is necessary.

   Organic vs. paid search. Organic
   searches are not ‘sponsored links’ but links to
   pages that the search engine deems to be the
   most relevant to the search query.

                                                     SEOMoz 2011
Why SEO?
Delivers a high return on                             Helps people find your site.
investment. High ROI is attainable if                 What better way to reach your audience than when
implemented and consistently evaluated.               they are looking for information about a specific
                                                      product or supplier?

Companies are investing in it
                                                      It’s very easy to gauge its success.
regularly. 45% of companies are planning to           Are you top of the listings? How many customers
increase their SEO budget by more than 20%.           came to you via a search engine?

Higher visibility.
Try searching in Google for key phrases relevant to
your business and take a look around – is your
website listed? What about the competition?

Achieve your business goals.
Want more customers? More leads? More sales?

                                                                                           Source Econsultancy 2011
Key questions to ask
What are we hoping to get out of                       Who will be responsible for this
this? What is the overall motivation for               project?
optimizing this site? Do we want more sales,           Will it be run entirely in house or will it be handed
more subscribers, more traffic or more publicity?      to another company to sort out?

What is the timeframe?
How long will it take to get off the ground? Is this
a quick fix or part of a long-term strategy?

How much money is needed?
Obviously, paid search would be a lot more
expensive, but SEO could pay dividends in the
long term.
Pros                                     Cons

Low cost way of attracting relevant      Competition
                                         Constantly changes
Strong organic search performance
equates to a more trustworthy brand
                                         Methods used by Google and other
                                         search engines change regularly to
Google's 'universal' search includes     improve relevance
images, maps, social content, and

Driver of additional traffic to site
What are we doing now?
Optimization project addressing 400 global URL’s are being
optimized to improve ranking.
Paid Search
What is paid search?
“Sponsored links” that are essentially
advertisements, which advertisers can
control (for a fee).

Companies choose to place ads that are
matched to search queries.
You are bidding on ‘search queries’.
How much you are willing to pay for a
specific search term has a huge say in
how far up the listings.

                                         Source: EConsultancy
Paid Search   Source: Rank Higher 2011
Paid Search
          Why paid search?
           Reach out.                                                   Easy to gauge success.
           Want more customers? More leads? More sales?                 Are you top of the listings? How many customers
           The internet is a global marketplace and consumers           came to you via a search engine? Which keywords
           appear to have lost their fear of buying things online.      generate the highest conversion rates?
                                                                        High conversion rates.
                                                                        Studies have found that search engines generate
           Higher visibility.                                           better-than-average conversion rates, based largely
           Make it easy for web users to find your products and         on the fact that shoppers are actively looking for
           services. Making it onto the first few pages of Google       products.
           or Bing could not be more crucial.

                                                                        More sales/leads.
           Competitor activity is intensifying.                         Most companies use paid search to drive highly-
           92% of online adults use search engines to find              targeted traffic to their websites, with a view to
           information online. It is essential to not fall behind the   converting them to a customer or prospect.
           competition in rankings.

Source E-Consultancy Paid Search Best
Paid Search
Pros                                          Cons
Offers ads to people who are in the process   Google dominates paid search and prices
of looking for relevant content, products     have risen. ROI is good on Bing and
and services                                  competing properties, but volume of
                                              searches lacks

Response rates are high and can be
started with a small budget                   Pay-Per-Click (PPC) requires testing and
                                              optimization to remain cost effective

Best practices are readily available
                                              Some paid search dollars are spent on
                                              what are essentially “navigational”
Wide variety of high quality, free and paid   searches where the person would have
technologies to manage, track, test and       found the site anyway,
optimize paid search campaigns

Paid search is second only to (lower cost)
house email marketing and SEO
Paid Search
What are we doing now?

   Corporate project: Paid Ads
What is it?
Mobile marketing involves
communicating with the consumer
via mobile devices, either to send a
simple marketing message to them
directly or to allow them to visit a
mobile website.                                Text
• Mobile Websites
• Multimedia messaging services (MMS)
• Bluetooth, wireless and infrared marketing
• Mobile search marketing
• Mobile display advertising
• Mobile video advertising
• Mobile applications
• QR-codes
Why mobile?
Flexible. The opportunities offered through            Multi-purpose. Mobile marketing is similar to
mobile marketing range from SMS/MMS and                social media in that it can cross over easily into
mobile-search through to QR-codes and mobile-          other areas of a business, such as customer
commerce sites.                                        service.

Cost-effective. Mobile marketing can be                Integrated. Mobile marketing can be easily
relatively inexpensive. Setting up an SMS campaign     integrated with most of an organization’s other
can be done on a reasonably small budget.              marketing activities, despite technically operating
                                                       independently from other channels and marketing
Less complicated.            Historically, marketers   functions.
have had difficulty using mobile channels, due to
the variety of handsets, platforms and operating       Easy to analyze. Message delivery rates,
systems.                                               response rates and sales conversions can all be
                                                       tracked accurately through a mobile campaign,
Reach. Mobile marketing enables the marketer           allowing maximum optimization and understanding.
to interact directly with the customer on a large
level, given the reach of the channel.

         Source Econsultancy

         Source EConsultancy
Pros                                             Cons
Mobile is increasingly one of the primary ways   Viral adoption is unlikely without significant
in which we go online                            marketing support using direct and branding

Ability to be with customers anywhere and
anytimeServices and marketing can be             It is incredibly expensive to move from a non-
customized by location, whether through user     mobile site to a mobile friendly one. High
designations or geo-targeting technology         amounts of time and resources are needed.

Smart phones are expected to overtake the
amount of desktops by 2015                       Mobile phones are even less standard than
                                                 PCs. Be mindful of screen sizes and operating

                                                 Privacy is always in question on any network
                                                 or device. You must offer clear instructions for
                                                 opting out of marketing communications.
Mobile growth in Asia from 2000-2010

                                       Source: Nielsen
What are we doing now?

                         Tradeshow: QR
What we’re currently not doing well: Optimizing
Social Media
What is it?
Media for social
interaction, using highly
accessible and scalable
communication techniques.

This includes, but is not limited to:
Linked In
Interactive games

                                        Source Ogiilvy 2011
Source: O-Globe 2011
Social Media

               Source Ogilvy 2011
Social Media
Why Social?
Relationship Building. Social media          allows   Search Engine Optimization. When you
us to connect and build relationships.                combine the power of Social Media with the power of
                                                      Google you can get some amazing results on major
Levels the Playing Field. Marketing is one            search engines when you do it correctly.
of the largest expenses any company has.
                                                      Build Your Brand. Social Media allows all
Allows You to Monitor Competitors.                    businesses to have a voice.
Allows you to easily monitor what your competitors
are doing and what other people are saying about
Social Media
Pros                                         Cons

Social media allows companies to take        Negative comments or worries about them
advantage of listening and further analyze   can derail the effort.
                                             Places high demands on your time. Content
You can build brand loyalty.                 must be created, edited, approved and
                                             published; comments must be responded to
                                             and sites and pages must be maintained.
You can learn more about your target
audience by studying comments and
analytics. Can make adjustments to your      It can be difficult to constantly come up with
strategy accordingly.                        innovative exciting content that interests a
                                             variety of readers and if not relevant your
                                             efforts will be wasted.
Immediate and unfiltered feedback to
respond to

Brand Ambassadors can speak on behalf of
the company
Social Media
Leads and Engagement

                   Source LionBridge
Social Media
Facebook: What is it?
Facebook is the heavy hitter in the social network world. It has over 800
million active users. It is a social network that allows you to connect with
friends and family. Users can share links, photos, status updates, or videos
with their friends.

Point of Difference:
• Connecting with people is permission based
• Easy to find people who you know
• The “like” button makes it easy to share your interests

Ways to Utilize:
• Share breaking news in your industry                                                           Source EConsultancy
• Ask questions and get to know your customers
• Share your content that has been created on other platforms

Common Interests:
Communities, Instant Messenger, Science & Technology, News/Information, Politics & Commentary,
Magazines, Regional/Local News, Discussion/Chat
Social Media
Twitter: What is it?
Twitter is a condensed version of Facebook’s statuses. It’s simply updates
sent out with less than 140 characters. The small updates have become a
way to relay breaking news or relay opinions to your followers.

Point of Difference:
• Simple to use
• Can follow anyone you want
• Quickly digested given the 140 character limit
• Easy to get information fast

Ways to Utilize:
• Share breaking news in your industry                                       Source Econsultancy
• Connect with leaders in your industry
• Let followers know about upcoming events/promotions
• Tweet from live events

Common Interests: Science & Technology, Politics & Commentary, News/
Information, Science/Nature, Technology, Fashion/Cosmetics
Social Media
LinkedIn: What is it?
LinkedIn was created to help professionals network. It allows you to host
an online resume and get introduced to important people in the industry
through your own connections.

Point of Difference:
• Is known as the “Facebook for grown-ups”
• Allows you to get introduced to people you may never be able to meet
• Lets people view your resume online

Ways to Utilize:
• Create connections with decision makers of companies
• Share your content with people who are business minded                    Source Econsultancy

User’s: Sales function, Academia, Admin, Operations, Engineering, other
Social Media
YouTube: What is it?
YouTube is a social network that allows you to upload and share videos.
This includes professional and non-professional content. is
owned by Google and is always closely integrated with Google’s other
search engines. Videos have been known to generate highly qualified

Point of Difference:
• Focused on sharing videos
• Allows video sharing with only a few clicks

Ways to Utilize:
• Create product demonstration videos of your or other people’s products       Source Econsultancy
• Document the process of making your product or service
• Interview authority figures in your field
• Document promotional events

Common Interests: Humor, Politics & Commentary, Fashion/Cosmetics, Science %
Technology, Schools/Universities, Science/Nature, Music/Radio
Social Media
What is a Community?
A social network of individuals who    Communities have the following
interact through specific media,       characteristics:
potentially crossing geographical
and political boundaries in order to   • They are continuous, not temporal. There is a
                                       core membership that interacts together over a
pursue mutual interests or goals.      long period of time.

                                       • People within communities get to know each
                                       other and interact regularly

                                       • Community leaders emerge over time as they
                                       continue to take proactive roles in the
Source Wikipedia                       community and rally other members to their
                                       causes. These leaders are community members
                                       and they self-select because of their interests.
Social Media
Why Community?
Allows a direct line of contact.                       Questions to ask:
                                                       1. Why do you want to launch a community? What are
Targeted Reach. Online communities have                   your business objectives?
access to specific discussion groups where they form
specialized relationships and access information       2. How are you achieving that objective today, without a
                                                          community? Describe any processes, and tools used
                                                          to try to achieve it.
Communities have strategic benefits.                   3. How do you envision achieving those objectives with a
This requires considerable investment (in resources,      community? Describe the new processes, and any
time, and tools)                                          specific features you envision using.

                                                       4. What are the benefits to your members? To your

                                                       5. What do members want? Complete the sentence, "I
                                                          want to..." from their perspective.

                                                       6. Who are your key community members?

                                                       7. What are your executives expecting out of this

                                                       8. What names come to mind for advocates for your
Social Media
What are we doing now?

Social Media
What are we doing now?
Social Media
What are we doing now?

Content Marketing
What is it?
Content marketing is a marketing
technique of creating and distributing
relevant and valuable content to attract,
acquire, and engage a clearly defined and
understood target audience - with the
objective of driving profitable customer

                                            Source LionBridge
Content Marketing
What’s popular?

                            Source Econsultancy
Content Marketing
What’s effective?

                             Source LionBridge
Content Marketing
 Pros                                                              Cons
Doesn't cost very much to use/create content                       It does take a commitment of time.
                                                                   If you are new to the industry, it could be
As an expert in your industry, it won’t take a huge                challenging to create solid and useful content
investment of time to create and publish this new
material                                                           Getting started can take some time. Especially to
                                                                   determine which approach will work best for your
As a means to build credibility, it is more effective              business and goals.
than typical advertising. Everyone prefers to be
educated rather than "sold"

                                               Source LionBridge
Content Marketing
What are we doing now?
Email Marketing
What is it?
Email marketing is directly           Tips:
marketing a commercial message        Response rates for targeted email typically
to a group of people using            reports house email has the highest ROI of any
                                      tactic, offline or digital.
electronic mail. In its broadest
sense, every email sent to a
                                      As a nurturing and retention tactic, email doesn't
potential or current customer could   get the same level of attribution for revenue, but
be considered email marketing.        many believe that a large measure of email's
                                      impact goes uncounted and uncredited.

                                                                                   Source Econsultancy
Email Marketing
Why email? It’s the second highest ROI.

                                          Source Econsultancy
Email Marketing
Why email?
Drive sales and build revenue.                  Increase customer
Effective email communication can               satisfaction. and loyalty with relevant
maximize customer lifetime value. The           and tailored materials
right information at the right time will help
drive sales.
                                                Boost brand awareness and
Creates opportunities for
cross-selling and up-selling.
with banners and links to additional content

Reduce costs. Email marketing is
much more cost effective than traditional
marketing. Email allows you to send
segmented and targeted emails that
provide relevant content
Email Marketing
Pros                                             Cons
Email offers a direct, customizable channel to   Open rates are 10-20%. You must cast your
people who are prospects, once they have         net wide.
opted in, made a purchase, or been
considered a potential lead
                                                 CTR are 5-9%. Without a targeted and/or
                                                 large enough list, success will be minimal.
Email best practices are well established

                                                 Open rates can be inaccurate due to images
Emails can be targeted and customized            not being shown.

Commercially, people still prefer email as a     Email filtering can stop emails from getting to
primary form a communication when being          the recipient. Avoid SPAM wording
presented relevant materials

Email is an excellent way to nurture leads

                                                                                               Source Econsultancy
Email Marketing
What are we doing now?
Email Marketing
What are we doing now?
                What is it?
                Online video enables                      Tips:
                non-linear, rich, interactive
                                                          Expecting customers to want to watch your
                storytelling. It enables increasing the   video, simply because it‘s there is tenuous, when
                quality of customer engagement on         what consumers now expect is relevant content
                your brand’s website.                     that they can enjoy or find useful.

                                                          Video will, by its nature, increase on-page time,
                                                          but only if it‘s visible. Make sure it‘s obvious and
                                                          easily accessible, and consider highlighting video
                                                          on your site or in product search results.

                                                          Do video in the right place at the right time and
                                                          demonstrate results that will help to educate
                                                          stakeholders about the relationship between the
                                                          web, social media and their bottom-line

Source Econsultancy
Why video?

                     Source Nielsen
Why video?
Exposure.                                                     Reduce abandonment rates
Forrester found that videos were 50 times more likely to
receive an organic first page ranking than traditional text   and point to your site.
pages.                                                        Offer opportunity to link back to and within your site from

Delivers information in a
                                                              Brand engagement.
different way.                                                Online video can help a brand come alive and resonate
Be sure to include title tags and keywords that support       with consumers.
the material.

Increase sales conversions.
It can capture a website visitor at the top of the
purchase funnel and help guide the consumer closer to
a purchase decision while connecting with the brand

                                                                                                                 Source Econsultancy
What are we doing now?
• Onsite Video
• YouTube Channel
Creating a strategy
1. Evaluate your current      5. Define the broad
   online activities             strategy

2. Define your                 6. Create a channel and
   communications and            form plan
   business objectives
                              7. Develop elements to
3. Identify target audience      execute channel plan

4. Plan your audience
Thank you. Questions?

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Digital training 101 final

  • 2. Before we start A few digital facts... One in four Americans watches a YouTube video every day. 71% of companies now have a presence on Facebook. 59% are on Twitter, and 43% use a company blog for marketing. In the coming year, 77% of companies plan to spend more on YouTube; three-quarters plan to increase spending on Facebook and blogs, and 73% will invest more on Twitter. Consumers are more likely to trust online consumer opinions (49%), opt-in (vendor) emails (40%) and even brand websites (35%) than any type of web- based advertising–though search ads (21%) outperform other formats.
  • 3. Presentation Overview ‣ Digital  Landscape  and   ‣ Social Growth ‣ Content ‣ Search  engine   op5miza5on  (SEO) ‣ Email marketing ‣ Paid search (SEM) ‣ Video ‣ Mobile
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  • 13. SEO What is it? The process of getting traffic from the organic listings on search engines. Tips SEO is far more complex than paid search. How search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing select the best websites for a specific term is not completely understood. Testing is necessary. Organic vs. paid search. Organic searches are not ‘sponsored links’ but links to pages that the search engine deems to be the most relevant to the search query. SEOMoz 2011
  • 14. SEO Why SEO? Delivers a high return on Helps people find your site. investment. High ROI is attainable if What better way to reach your audience than when implemented and consistently evaluated. they are looking for information about a specific product or supplier? Companies are investing in it It’s very easy to gauge its success. regularly. 45% of companies are planning to Are you top of the listings? How many customers increase their SEO budget by more than 20%. came to you via a search engine? Higher visibility. Try searching in Google for key phrases relevant to your business and take a look around – is your website listed? What about the competition? Achieve your business goals. Want more customers? More leads? More sales? Source Econsultancy 2011
  • 15. SEO Key questions to ask What are we hoping to get out of Who will be responsible for this this? What is the overall motivation for project? optimizing this site? Do we want more sales, Will it be run entirely in house or will it be handed more subscribers, more traffic or more publicity? to another company to sort out? What is the timeframe? How long will it take to get off the ground? Is this a quick fix or part of a long-term strategy? How much money is needed? Obviously, paid search would be a lot more expensive, but SEO could pay dividends in the long term.
  • 16. SEO Pros Cons Low cost way of attracting relevant Competition audience Constantly changes Strong organic search performance equates to a more trustworthy brand Methods used by Google and other search engines change regularly to Google's 'universal' search includes improve relevance images, maps, social content, and video Driver of additional traffic to site
  • 17. SEO What are we doing now? Optimization project addressing 400 global URL’s are being optimized to improve ranking.
  • 18. Paid Search What is paid search? “Sponsored links” that are essentially advertisements, which advertisers can control (for a fee). Companies choose to place ads that are matched to search queries. You are bidding on ‘search queries’. How much you are willing to pay for a specific search term has a huge say in how far up the listings. Source: EConsultancy
  • 19. Paid Search Source: Rank Higher 2011
  • 20. Paid Search Why paid search? Reach out. Easy to gauge success. Want more customers? More leads? More sales? Are you top of the listings? How many customers The internet is a global marketplace and consumers came to you via a search engine? Which keywords appear to have lost their fear of buying things online. generate the highest conversion rates? High conversion rates. Studies have found that search engines generate Higher visibility. better-than-average conversion rates, based largely Make it easy for web users to find your products and on the fact that shoppers are actively looking for services. Making it onto the first few pages of Google products. or Bing could not be more crucial. More sales/leads. Competitor activity is intensifying. Most companies use paid search to drive highly- 92% of online adults use search engines to find targeted traffic to their websites, with a view to information online. It is essential to not fall behind the converting them to a customer or prospect. competition in rankings. Source E-Consultancy Paid Search Best Practices
  • 21. Paid Search Pros Cons Offers ads to people who are in the process Google dominates paid search and prices of looking for relevant content, products have risen. ROI is good on Bing and and services competing properties, but volume of searches lacks Response rates are high and can be started with a small budget Pay-Per-Click (PPC) requires testing and optimization to remain cost effective Best practices are readily available Some paid search dollars are spent on what are essentially “navigational” Wide variety of high quality, free and paid searches where the person would have technologies to manage, track, test and found the site anyway, optimize paid search campaigns Paid search is second only to (lower cost) house email marketing and SEO
  • 22. Paid Search What are we doing now? Corporate project: Paid Ads
  • 23. Mobile What is it? Mobile marketing involves communicating with the consumer via mobile devices, either to send a simple marketing message to them directly or to allow them to visit a mobile website. Text • Mobile Websites • Multimedia messaging services (MMS) • Bluetooth, wireless and infrared marketing • Mobile search marketing • Mobile display advertising • Mobile video advertising • Mobile applications • QR-codes
  • 24. Mobile Why mobile? Flexible. The opportunities offered through Multi-purpose. Mobile marketing is similar to mobile marketing range from SMS/MMS and social media in that it can cross over easily into mobile-search through to QR-codes and mobile- other areas of a business, such as customer commerce sites. service. Cost-effective. Mobile marketing can be Integrated. Mobile marketing can be easily relatively inexpensive. Setting up an SMS campaign integrated with most of an organization’s other can be done on a reasonably small budget. marketing activities, despite technically operating independently from other channels and marketing Less complicated. Historically, marketers functions. have had difficulty using mobile channels, due to the variety of handsets, platforms and operating Easy to analyze. Message delivery rates, systems. response rates and sales conversions can all be tracked accurately through a mobile campaign, Reach. Mobile marketing enables the marketer allowing maximum optimization and understanding. to interact directly with the customer on a large level, given the reach of the channel.
  • 25. Mobile Source Econsultancy
  • 26. Mobile Source EConsultancy
  • 27. Mobile Pros Cons Mobile is increasingly one of the primary ways Viral adoption is unlikely without significant in which we go online marketing support using direct and branding channels. Ability to be with customers anywhere and anytimeServices and marketing can be It is incredibly expensive to move from a non- customized by location, whether through user mobile site to a mobile friendly one. High designations or geo-targeting technology amounts of time and resources are needed. Smart phones are expected to overtake the amount of desktops by 2015 Mobile phones are even less standard than PCs. Be mindful of screen sizes and operating systems. Privacy is always in question on any network or device. You must offer clear instructions for opting out of marketing communications.
  • 28. Mobile Mobile growth in Asia from 2000-2010 Source: Nielsen
  • 29. Mobile What are we doing now? Tradeshow: QR Campaign
  • 30. Mobile What we’re currently not doing well: Optimizing
  • 31. Social Media What is it? Media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable communication techniques. This includes, but is not limited to: Facebook Blogs Twitter Linked In YouTube Interactive games Forums Communities Source Ogiilvy 2011
  • 33. Social Media Source Ogilvy 2011
  • 34. Social Media Why Social? Relationship Building. Social media allows Search Engine Optimization. When you us to connect and build relationships. combine the power of Social Media with the power of Google you can get some amazing results on major Levels the Playing Field. Marketing is one search engines when you do it correctly. of the largest expenses any company has. Build Your Brand. Social Media allows all Allows You to Monitor Competitors. businesses to have a voice. Allows you to easily monitor what your competitors are doing and what other people are saying about them.
  • 35. Social Media Pros Cons Social media allows companies to take Negative comments or worries about them advantage of listening and further analyze can derail the effort. instantly. Places high demands on your time. Content You can build brand loyalty. must be created, edited, approved and published; comments must be responded to and sites and pages must be maintained. You can learn more about your target audience by studying comments and analytics. Can make adjustments to your It can be difficult to constantly come up with strategy accordingly. innovative exciting content that interests a variety of readers and if not relevant your efforts will be wasted. Immediate and unfiltered feedback to respond to Brand Ambassadors can speak on behalf of the company
  • 36. Social Media Leads and Engagement Source LionBridge
  • 37. Social Media Facebook: What is it? Facebook is the heavy hitter in the social network world. It has over 800 million active users. It is a social network that allows you to connect with friends and family. Users can share links, photos, status updates, or videos with their friends. Point of Difference: • Connecting with people is permission based • Easy to find people who you know • The “like” button makes it easy to share your interests Ways to Utilize: • Share breaking news in your industry Source EConsultancy • Ask questions and get to know your customers • Share your content that has been created on other platforms Common Interests: Communities, Instant Messenger, Science & Technology, News/Information, Politics & Commentary, Magazines, Regional/Local News, Discussion/Chat
  • 38. Social Media Twitter: What is it? Twitter is a condensed version of Facebook’s statuses. It’s simply updates sent out with less than 140 characters. The small updates have become a way to relay breaking news or relay opinions to your followers. Point of Difference: • Simple to use • Can follow anyone you want • Quickly digested given the 140 character limit • Easy to get information fast Ways to Utilize: • Share breaking news in your industry Source Econsultancy • Connect with leaders in your industry • Let followers know about upcoming events/promotions • Tweet from live events Common Interests: Science & Technology, Politics & Commentary, News/ Information, Science/Nature, Technology, Fashion/Cosmetics
  • 39. Social Media LinkedIn: What is it? LinkedIn was created to help professionals network. It allows you to host an online resume and get introduced to important people in the industry through your own connections. Point of Difference: • Is known as the “Facebook for grown-ups” • Allows you to get introduced to people you may never be able to meet • Lets people view your resume online Ways to Utilize: • Create connections with decision makers of companies • Share your content with people who are business minded Source Econsultancy User’s: Sales function, Academia, Admin, Operations, Engineering, other
  • 40. Social Media YouTube: What is it? YouTube is a social network that allows you to upload and share videos. This includes professional and non-professional content. is owned by Google and is always closely integrated with Google’s other search engines. Videos have been known to generate highly qualified traffic. Point of Difference: • Focused on sharing videos • Allows video sharing with only a few clicks Ways to Utilize: • Create product demonstration videos of your or other people’s products Source Econsultancy • Document the process of making your product or service • Interview authority figures in your field • Document promotional events Common Interests: Humor, Politics & Commentary, Fashion/Cosmetics, Science % Technology, Schools/Universities, Science/Nature, Music/Radio
  • 41. Social Media What is a Community? A social network of individuals who Communities have the following interact through specific media, characteristics: potentially crossing geographical and political boundaries in order to • They are continuous, not temporal. There is a core membership that interacts together over a pursue mutual interests or goals. long period of time. • People within communities get to know each other and interact regularly • Community leaders emerge over time as they continue to take proactive roles in the Source Wikipedia community and rally other members to their causes. These leaders are community members and they self-select because of their interests.
  • 42. Social Media Why Community? Allows a direct line of contact. Questions to ask: 1. Why do you want to launch a community? What are Targeted Reach. Online communities have your business objectives? access to specific discussion groups where they form specialized relationships and access information 2. How are you achieving that objective today, without a community? Describe any processes, and tools used to try to achieve it. Communities have strategic benefits. 3. How do you envision achieving those objectives with a This requires considerable investment (in resources, community? Describe the new processes, and any time, and tools) specific features you envision using. 4. What are the benefits to your members? To your division/department/team/group? 5. What do members want? Complete the sentence, "I want to..." from their perspective. 6. Who are your key community members? 7. What are your executives expecting out of this community? 8. What names come to mind for advocates for your community?
  • 43. Social Media What are we doing now? Twitter
  • 44. Social Media What are we doing now? LinkedIn
  • 45. Social Media What are we doing now? Facebook
  • 46. Content Marketing What is it? Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience - with the objective of driving profitable customer action. Source LionBridge
  • 47. Content Marketing What’s popular? Source Econsultancy
  • 49. Content Marketing Pros Cons Doesn't cost very much to use/create content It does take a commitment of time. marketing If you are new to the industry, it could be As an expert in your industry, it won’t take a huge challenging to create solid and useful content investment of time to create and publish this new material Getting started can take some time. Especially to determine which approach will work best for your As a means to build credibility, it is more effective business and goals. than typical advertising. Everyone prefers to be educated rather than "sold" Source LionBridge 2011
  • 50. Content Marketing What are we doing now?
  • 51. Email Marketing What is it? Email marketing is directly Tips: marketing a commercial message Response rates for targeted email typically to a group of people using reports house email has the highest ROI of any tactic, offline or digital. electronic mail. In its broadest sense, every email sent to a As a nurturing and retention tactic, email doesn't potential or current customer could get the same level of attribution for revenue, but be considered email marketing. many believe that a large measure of email's impact goes uncounted and uncredited. Source Econsultancy
  • 52. Email Marketing Why email? It’s the second highest ROI. Source Econsultancy 2011
  • 53. Email Marketing Why email? Drive sales and build revenue. Increase customer Effective email communication can satisfaction. and loyalty with relevant maximize customer lifetime value. The and tailored materials right information at the right time will help drive sales. Boost brand awareness and credibility Creates opportunities for cross-selling and up-selling. with banners and links to additional content Reduce costs. Email marketing is much more cost effective than traditional marketing. Email allows you to send segmented and targeted emails that provide relevant content
  • 54. Email Marketing Pros Cons Email offers a direct, customizable channel to Open rates are 10-20%. You must cast your people who are prospects, once they have net wide. opted in, made a purchase, or been considered a potential lead CTR are 5-9%. Without a targeted and/or large enough list, success will be minimal. Email best practices are well established Open rates can be inaccurate due to images Emails can be targeted and customized not being shown. Commercially, people still prefer email as a Email filtering can stop emails from getting to primary form a communication when being the recipient. Avoid SPAM wording presented relevant materials Email is an excellent way to nurture leads Source Econsultancy 2011
  • 55. Email Marketing What are we doing now?
  • 56. Email Marketing What are we doing now?
  • 57. Video What is it? Online video enables Tips: non-linear, rich, interactive Expecting customers to want to watch your storytelling. It enables increasing the video, simply because it‘s there is tenuous, when quality of customer engagement on what consumers now expect is relevant content your brand’s website. that they can enjoy or find useful. Video will, by its nature, increase on-page time, but only if it‘s visible. Make sure it‘s obvious and easily accessible, and consider highlighting video on your site or in product search results. Do video in the right place at the right time and demonstrate results that will help to educate stakeholders about the relationship between the web, social media and their bottom-line Source Econsultancy
  • 58. Video Why video? Source Nielsen 2011
  • 59. Video Why video? Exposure. Reduce abandonment rates Forrester found that videos were 50 times more likely to receive an organic first page ranking than traditional text and point to your site. pages. Offer opportunity to link back to and within your site from video. Delivers information in a Brand engagement. different way. Online video can help a brand come alive and resonate Be sure to include title tags and keywords that support with consumers. the material. Increase sales conversions. It can capture a website visitor at the top of the purchase funnel and help guide the consumer closer to a purchase decision while connecting with the brand Source Econsultancy
  • 60. Video What are we doing now? • Onsite Video • YouTube Channel
  • 61. Creating a strategy 1. Evaluate your current 5. Define the broad online activities strategy 2. Define your 6. Create a channel and communications and form plan business objectives 7. Develop elements to 3. Identify target audience execute channel plan 4. Plan your audience interaction
  • 62.