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Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia
Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year
Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2)
Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase
Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier”
Clase Nº: 8
Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes
Teaching points: Solar system’s vocabulary
Unit Aims:
During this lesson students will be able to…
-Activate their previous knowledge about the solar system and recognize new elements.
-Develop their listening skills through listening activities.
-Be aware of the different elements functioning in the space.
Language Focus:
Adjectives. Planets.
-To name
elements from
the space.
The sun is big.
The earth has a lot of
Solar system and space. The earth is located in
the milky way galaxy.
Materials: Board, pictures, tape, marker, copies, smart TV, internet, pendrive.
Time: 5 minutes.
I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on
the board.
Transition: “Great, let’s begin with today’s lesson”
Warm up and presentation
Time: 5 minutes
I will ask to the students “Have you ever looked through a telescope? What can we see through a telescope?”
After that, I will stick the picture of the sun on the left part of the board and then, the pictures from the planets
mixed up.
Then, I will ask to the students to look at the pictures and order the planets as they are in our solar system
taking into account the sun encouraging them to repeat the name of each planet while ordering them.
Transition: “Well done everyone!”
Activity 1
Time: 10 minutes
Pre listening: I will give each student a copy with the activities. Then I will ask them to look at the pictures and
write the name from the box under the pictures.
Meteorite – comet – constellation – the milky way – the moon – rocket – satellite
– the solar system – space debris – stars –
__________________ __________________ ___________________
__________________ __________________ ___The milky way___
__________________ __________________ ___________________
While listening: Then, I will explain to the students that they will listen to an audio between a father and a son
talking about what the can see through a telescope. I will ask to the students to listen to the audio and check if
what they wrote in the pre-listening activity is correct. I will reproduce the audio three times.
Transition: “Well done everyone! Now, let’s play a game!”
Activity 2:
Time: 15 minutes
I will explain to the students that they are going to play a game in groups of two (to avoid contact as much as
possible). Then, I will give each group a set of cards to play a memory game. As an example I will show them
how to play.
This is the star that the Earth
moves around, which
provides light and heat for
the planets.
Any piece of machinery or
residues that human left in
the space.
A large cylinder-shaped
object that moves very fast
by forcing out burning gases.
Group of stars in the sky that
seem from Earth to form a
pattern and have been given
The round object that moves
in the sky around the earth
and can be seen at night.
The sun and the group of
planets that move around it.
A piece of rock or other
matter that has landed on
A device sent up into the
space to travel round the
Earth, used for collecting
information or
communicating by radio,
television, etc.
A very large ball of burning
gas that is usually seen from
Earth as a point of light in the
sky at night.
An object that moves around
the sun. Usually at a great
distance from it, that is seen
on rare occasions from Earth
as a bright light in the sky.
Transition: “fantastic job, now let’s practice!”
Time: 10 minutes
After the game I will ask students to re-read the definitions they have found during the game and to complete a
crossword about the topic and to find the
main word within the crossword.
2. Something that takes an astronaut into
3. Something is in orbit around the Earth.
4. Something that transmits radio signals
back to Earth.
5. Rubbish in space.
6. There are eight of these in orbit around the
8. Lots of planets and stars which are billions
of kilometres away in space.
9. This is actually a huge star.
After that I will ask them to use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia
Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year
Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2)
Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase
Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier”
Clase Nº: 9
Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes
Teaching points: Solar system’s vocabulary
Unit Aims:
During this lesson students will be able to…
-Activate their previous knowledge about the solar system and recognize new elements.
-Develop their listening skills while watching a video.
-Recognize the planets within the solar system and some characteristics from each one of them.
Language Focus:
V Adjectives. Planets.
-To name
elements from
the space.
-To name and
recognize the
planets in the
solar system.
The sun is big.
The earth has a lot of
W Solar system and space.
The earth is one of the
four small planets in our
solar system
Venus is known by its
Materials: Board, pictures, tape, marker, copies, smart TV, internet, pendrive.
Time: 5 minutes.
I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on
the board.
Transition: “Great, let’s talk about our solar system”
Warm up and presentation
Time: 5 minutes
I will ask to the students: “How much do you know about our solar system? Did you know that the sun is a
star? What else do you know?” I will write on the board their answers.
Transition: “Good, you know a lot about our planet! Now let’s complete a survey”
Activity 1
Time: 15 minutes
Pre watching: I will give each student a copy with the activities. I will ask them to read the questions from the
survey and answer them with the information they know.
What’s the name of our galaxy?
How many planets does our solar system have?
What are the characteristics of terrestrial planets?
What are the characteristics of jovian planets?
Which planets are considered “gas giants”?
Which planets are considered “ice giants”? Why?
After that, I will explain to them that they are going to watch a video about our solar system.
While watching: I will ask to the students to pay attention to the information about the planets from the video. I
will reproduce the video twice.
After watching: I will ask them to correct their answers from the survey with the information from the video.
Transition: “Well done everyone! Now, let’s play a game!”
Activity 2:
Time: 15 minutes
I will explain to the students that they are going to play a game as a group. I will put on the table a set of cards
about the planets/elements and I will ask them to pick up one of them and without looking at it to stick the card
on their foreheads. Then, I will explain to them that the idea is to guess the name of the planet/element the
have stuck in their foreheads, and the only way to do it so is asking questions to their classmates. As an
example I will ask three questions:
Is it a planet? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
Does it have a ring?
Is it a jovian planet?
Transition: “fantastic job, now let’s practice!”
Time: 5 minutes
After the game I will ask the students to write one sentence about one fact they didn’t know about our solar
system until today and to read their sentences out loud.
After the discussion I will ask them to hand in their homework, use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia
Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year
Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2)
Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase
Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier”
Clase Nº: 10
Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes
Teaching points: Solar system’s vocabulary
Unit Aims:
During this lesson students will be able to…
-Develop their listening skills through group activities.
-Develop their writing skills through making comparisons.
-Be aware of different facts about planets.
-Make comparisons between the solar system’s elements.
Language Focus:
Adjectives. Planets.
-To make
The sun is big.
The earth is small.
Solar system and space.
Comparative adjectives.
The earth is smaller than
the sun.
Materials: Board, pictures, tape, marker, cards.
Time: 5 minutes.
I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on
the board.
Transition: “Good, let’s begin”
Warm up and presentation
Time: 15 minutes
I will stick two pictures about two planets on the board and then two pictures with different facts about those
planets. I will ask to the students to decide which information corresponds to each planet.
 Moons: This planet has14 moons (and
 Mass: 17 times the mass of Earth
Diameter: 30,775 miles (49,528 km)
 Year: 164 Earth years
 Temperature: minus 331°F (-201°C)
 Distance from the Sun: 8th planet from
the sun, 2.8 billion miles (4.5 billion km)
 Type of Planet: Ice Giant (gas surface
with an interior composed of ices and
 Moons: This planet has 79 moons (and
 Mass: 318 times the mass of Earth
Diameter: 88,846 miles (142,984 km).
 Year: 11.9 Earth years
 Temperature: minus 162°F (-108°C)
 Distance from the Sun: 5th planet from
the sun, 484 million miles (778 million
 Type of Planet: Gas Giant (composed
mostly of hydrogen and helium)
After that, I will stick different sentences about these planets all over the board. Then, I will ask them to take
their time to real all of them. After a few minutes, I will ask one by one to stick one sentence for each planet
and to complete the sentence with the name of the planet. As an example, I will stick a complete the first one.
This planet is smaller than ____ because its
mass is 17 times the mass of our planet.
This planet is bigger than ____ because its
mass is 318 times the mass of our planet.
This planet is colder than ______ because its
temperature is around -201 ºC.
This planet is hotter than ______ because its
temperature is around -162 ºC.
This planet is further than _____ to the sun. Its
distance is 4.5 billion kilometres.
This planet is closer than _____ to the sun. Its
distance is 4.5 billion kilometres.
This planet is more icier than ____ because it’s
composed by
This planet is more gaseous than _____
because it’s composed by hydrogen and helium.
After that, I will ask students: “Look at the different planets and the information of each one of them, what are
we doing with these sentences?” “Great, we are comparing them”. I will make emphasis on the way in which
the adjectives are written.
Transition: “Amazing job, now let’s see how much you remember about the planets”
Activity 1
Time: 15 minutes
I will divide students in groups of two. Then, I will give each group a set of cards to play with. After that I will
explain to them that they are going to play a memory game but this time, the one who loses his/her turn has to
write a comparative sentence about the planet from the card and our planet or if his/her opponent has already
guessed many times, he/she can choose two planets from his/her cards.
After that I will divide the board and write the names of each team for them to write the sentences while
 Moons: 1
 Year: 365.3 Days
 Day: 23 hours and 56 minutes
 Temperature: -128.5 to +134 degrees F (-
89.2 to 56.7 degrees C)
 Distance from the Sun: 3rd planet from
the sun, 93 million miles (149.6 million
 Type of Planet: Terrestrial (has a hard
rocky surface)
 Moons: 2
 Mass: 11% of Earth Diameter: 4220 miles
(6792 km)
 Year: 1.9 Earth years
 Day: 24.6 hours
 Average Temperature: minus 20°F (-28°C)
Distance from the Sun: 4th planet from
the sun, 142 million miles (228 million
 Type of Planet: Terrestrial (has a hard
rocky surface)
 Moons: 0
 Mass: 5.5% of Earth Diameter: 3031
miles (4879 km)
 Year: 88 Earth days
 Day: 58.7 Earth days
 Average Temperature: 800°F (430°C)
during the day, -290°F (-180°C) at night
 Distance from the Sun: 1st planet from
the sun, 36 million miles (57.9 million
 Type of Planet: Terrestrial (has a hard
rocky surface)
 Moons: 5 known
 Mass: .2% of Earth's mass
 Diameter: 1473 miles (2370 km)
 Year: 248 Earth years
 Day: 6.4 Earth days
 Average Temperature: minus 388°F (-
 Distance from the Sun: the last planet in
our solar system 3 - 5 billion miles from
the sun (5 - 7.5 billion km)
 Moons: 0
 Mass: 82% of Earth Diameter: 7520 miles
(12,104 km)
 Year: 225 Earth days
 Day: 243 Earth days
 Average Temperature: 880°F (471°C)
Distance from the Sun: 2nd planet from
the sun, 67 million miles (108 million
 Type of Planet: Terrestrial (has a hard
rocky surface)
 Moons: 82 (and growing)
 Mass: 95 times the mass of Earth
Diameter: 74,900 miles (120,536 km)
 Year: 29.4 Earth years
 Day: 10.7 hours
 Average Temperature: minus 218°F (-
138°C) Distance from the Sun: 6th planet
from the sun, 891 million miles (1434
million km) Type of Planet: Gas Giant
(composed mostly of hydrogen and
 Moons: 27 (and growing)
 Mass: 14.5 times the mass of Earth
Diameter: 31,763 miles (51,118 km)
 Year: 83.8 Earth years
 Day: 17.2 hours
 Average Temperature: minus 320°F (-
195°C) Distance from the Sun: 7th planet
from the sun, 1.8 billion miles (2.9
billion km)
 Type of Planet: Ice Giant (gas surface
with an interior composed of ices and
Transition: “Fantastic job everyone!”
Time: 10 minutes
I will stick on the board the picture of the moon and the picture of the sun. After that I will write some
adjectives. Then, I will ask one by one to write one comparative sentence about the picture they want.
After that I will ask them to use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia
Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year
Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2)
Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase
Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier”
Clase Nº: 11
Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes
Teaching points: Solar system’s vocabulary
Unit Aims:
During this lesson students will be able to…
-Develop their reading skills through a reading activity.
-Develop their writing skills through making comparisons.
-Be aware of different facts about astronauts.
-Make comparisons between the our lifestyle on Earth and astronauts’ lives.
Language Focus:
Adjectives. Rocket. Astronaut
-To make
Being an astronaut is
really difficult.
Astronaut and space.
Comparative adjectives.
Work in space is more
difficult than working on
Materials: Board, marker, copies.
Time: 5 minutes.
I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on
the board.
Transition: “Good, let’s begin”
Warm up and presentation
Time: 5 minutes
I will write on the board the word “astronaut” to encourage students to complete/create an acrostic related to
the topic.
A _________________
S _________________
T _________________
R _________________
O _________________
N _________________
A _________________
U _________________
T _________________
Then, I will ask them to think of how different the astronauts’ lifestyles might be from ours.
Transition: “Fantastic job, now let’s read an interesting article”
Activity 1
Time: 15 minutes
Pre reading: I will give each student a copy with the activities. After that, I will explain to them that they are
going to read some facts about being an astronaut and I will encourage them to check their predictions about
being an astronaut were true or not.
While reading: I will ask them to complete the text using the adjectives from the box.
longer – more carefully – sicker – worse – more quickly
What you need to know before you go into space.
By Brendan Faust.
I asked some astronauts for their views on what's important to remember when
you are in space:
☆You feel seeker because the blood and water in your body travel up to your
☆You sleep ________ if you don't take a tablet, because the space station
is so noisy and bright.
☆You work _________ because there is so much to do in the space station.
☆You have to use water much _________ because there is very, very little of it.
☆You have to exercise at least two hours a day, so that your body can get better _________ when you
return to Earth.
So it seems that life in space is very different to life on Earth. Do you fancy trying it?
After reading: I will ask them to answer the following question: Why is it difficult to sleep in space?
Transition: “Well done! Now let’s put into practise what you’ve learnt”
Activity 2
Time: 10 minutes
I will ask students to look at the pictures and the words in the box. Then, I will ask them to match the
sentences with the pictures and to highlight the adjectives from the sentences.
Working outside the rocket is really difficult and
Sleeping in the rocket is uncomfortable.
Astronauts can see the Earth from the Rocket. It looks
After that I will ask them to write comparatives sentences between the pictures and our planet using the
adjectives form the box.
Transition: “Great job everyone!”
Time: 10 minutes
I will ask students to make a list about the things they like about being an astronaut and the things they don’t
like. Then, I will ask them to read their lists out loud.
I like …. I don’t like …
After that I will ask them to use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia
Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year
Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2)
Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase
Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier”
Clase Nº: 12
Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes
Teaching points: Solar system’s vocabulary and comparisons
Unit Aims:
During this lesson students will be able to…
-Develop their reading and writing skills through a reading/writing activity.
-Develop their listening skills while listening a song.
-Give their own opinions by comparing different space elements.
Language Focus:
Space elements.
-Giving opinions
different space
The galaxy is beautiful.
Space elements and
Comparative adjectives.
I think that the galaxy is
more beautiful than a
comet because it has got
many stars.
Materials: Board, marker, copies, pendrive, smart TV.
Time: 5 minutes.
I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on
the board.
Transition: “Good, let’s begin”
Warm up and presentation
Time: 5 minutes
I will ask to the students “Do you like listening to music? What music genre do you like the most, rock, pop,
Transition: “Nice, let’s listen to some music”
Activity 1
Time: 15 minutes
Pre listening: I will write the title of the song and the name of the band on the board. Then, I will ask them to
guess what it is going to be about the song. I will write their predictions on the board, to check them later.
After that, I will give each student a copy with the activities.
While listening: I will ask to the students to listen to the song and fill in the gaps with the words from the box. I
will reproduce the song 2 times.
atmosphere – Jupiter – Moon – Sun – shooting star – constellation – Milky way – Venus
Drops of Jupiter by Train
Now that she's back in the atmosphere
With drops of Jupiter in her hair
She acts like summer and walks like rain
Reminds me that there's a time to change
Since the return of her stay on the Moon
She listens like spring and she talks like June
But tell me, did you sail across the Sun?
Did you make it to the Milky Way
To see the lights all faded
And that heaven is overrated?
Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star?
One without a permanent scar?
And did you miss me
While you were looking for yourself out there?
Now that she's back from that soul vacation
Tracing her way through the constellation
She checks out Mozart while she does Tae-Bo
Reminds me that there's room to grow
Now that she's back in the atmosphere
I'm afraid that she might think of me as
Plain old Jane told a story about a man
Who was too afraid to fly so he never did land
But tell me, did the wind sweep you off your feet?
Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back to the Milky Way?
And tell me, did Venus blow your mind?
Was it everything you wanted to find?
And did you miss me
While you were looking for yourself out there?
Can you imagine, no love, pride, deep fried chicken
Your best friend always stickin' up for you
(Even when I know you're wrong)
Can you imagine no first dance
Freeze dried romance
Five-hour phone conversation
The best soy latte that you ever had, and me?
After listening: I will ask to the students to re-read their predictions about the song and to tell me if they have
After that I will ask them to answer the following questions:
a) In your opinion, is it a happy or a sad song? Why?
b) What does the singer mean in this sentence “Now that she's back in the atmosphere”?
Transition: “I will ask them to read their answers and move on to the following activity”
Activity 2
Time: 5 minutes
I will ask them to look at the pictures and choose one sentence from the song that has relationship with the
picture. I will write the first one as an example.
“Tracing her way to the constellation” ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
Transition: “Well done! Now let’s try to use our imagination like the singer”
Activity 3
Time: 10 minutes
I will write two trigger questions on the board about the elements found in the song for them to compare:
a) In your opinion, which one is more stunning/ordinary the sun or the moon? Why?
I will ask to the students to complete the following table. I will explain to them that they have to use the words
from the song, and make comparative sentences between the elements giving their own opinions about them.
I will write different adjectives within the table for them to complete the sentences and I will add an example.
Stunning / ordinary
Beautiful / Ugly
Interesting / Boring
Bright / Dark
In my opinion, a constellation is more beautiful
than a shooting star, because it has got many
Shooting star
Milky way
Transition: “Well done!”
Time: 5 minutes
I will ask to each student to read two sentences from the previous activities for them to share their own
opinions about the same topic.
After that I will ask them to hand in their homework, use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia
Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year
Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2)
Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase
Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier”
Clase Nº: 13
Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes
Teaching points: Comparative and superlative adjectives.
Unit Aims:
During this lesson students will be able to…
-Develop their reading and writing skills through reading and writing activities.
-Develop their listening skills while listening an audio.
-Highlight one space element from a group and make comparisons between two space elements.
Language Focus:
Space elements.
-Highlight a
space element
and compare
two space
Mercury is small.
Space elements and
Comparative adjectives.
Superlative Adjectives.
Mercury is smaller than
the Earth.
Jupiter is the biggest
planet in our solar
Materials: Board, marker, copies, pendrive, smart TV, pictures.
Time: 5 minutes.
I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on
the board.
Transition: “Good, let’s begin with today’s lesson”
Warm up and presentation
Time: 10 minutes
I will stick on the board two different pictures and ask to the students to tell me a comparative sentence about
them and I will write their answers below.
After that, I will add another planet and I will write a superlative sentence above underlining the superlative
adjective. Then, I will ask them what they think is the difference between both sentences.
“Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system”
Transition: “Good, we are highlighting one planet from the rest. These sentences are called superlatives”
Activity 1
Time: 15 minutes
Pre reading: I will ask students to think about what they learnt from the video in lesson 9 and I will ask them
“Do you remember the planet’s categories? Which planets are terrestrial? Which planets are jovian? Great,
now we are going to learn a little bit more about our solar system”
I will give each student a copy with the activities. I will explain to them that they are going to read and listen to
the text.
While reading: I will ask to the students to highlight the comparative sentences and to underline the
superlatives ones. Then, write them on the following table.
After reading: I will ask to the students to answer the following questions:
a) What are the two groups of planets?
b) Which one is considered the lightest planet? Why?
c) Why is Mars the most colourful planet?
Transition: “Amazing job, now let’s see some rules”
Activity 2
Time: 10 minutes
I will ask to the students to look at the pictures and the examples on the board again. After that, I will
encourage them to complete the following chart. Then, I will ask them to read their answer out loud.
To make a comparative adjective, we usually add
est / er .
To make a superlative adjective, we usually add
est / er .
We use comparative adjectives to compare two /
three things.
We use superlative adjectives to talk about two /
three or more things.
We use the / than for comparative sentences. We use the / than for superlative sentences.
Write two comparative sentences about our solar
Write two superlative sentences about our solar
Transition: “I will delete the sentences and take off the pictures from the board”
Time: 5 minutes
I will write on the board the following sentences:
“The Earth is the beautiful planet than Mars”
“Mars is more bigger than Mercury”
After that, I will ask them to tell me what the mistakes are in the sentences and to correct them.
After that I will ask them to hand in their homework, use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia
Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year
Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2)
Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase
Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier”
Clase Nº: 14
Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes
Teaching points: Comparative and superlative adjectives.
Unit Aims:
During this lesson students will be able to…
-Develop their reading and writing skills through reading and writing activities.
-Develop their listening skills and speaking skills by interacting with each other during the game.
- Make comparisons and highlight different aspects about the space elements.
Language Focus:
Space elements.
-Highlight a
space element
and compare
two space
Mercury is small.
Space elements and
Comparative adjectives.
Superlative Adjectives.
Mercury is smaller than
the Earth.
Jupiter is the biggest
planet in our solar
Materials: Board, marker, tic tac toe game, pictures, cards, copies.
Time: 5 minutes.
I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on
the board.
Transition: “Good, let’s begin with today’s lesson”
Warm up and presentation
Time: 10 minutes
I will stick on the board three pictures about elements in the space and mixed up words. Then, I will ask to the
students to order the words to make comparative sentences and superlative sentences.
I will explain to them, that there are two comparative sentences and two superlative sentences.
The / sun / is / the / hottest /star / in / our / solar /system
Mercury / is / hotter / than / Venus / but / it / isn’t / the / hottest / element.
A / rocket is / the / fastest / vehicle / in / our / planet
Living / in / a / / rocket / is / more / uncomfortable / than / living / in / a / car
Transition: “Well done! Now, we are going to play a game”
Activity 1
Time: 15 minutes
I will ask to the students: “Have you ever played tic tac toe?”
After that I will explain to them that they are going to play tic tac toe in groups of two. Then, I will give each
group a board, a set of cards and a piece of paper paper to write their sentences and to mark their scores.
I will explain to them that they have to choose whether they want to be an O or a X. Then, I will explain to
them, that the winner of the game is the one who completes the row.
I will draw the board on the whiteboard as an example, and I will show them how to play.
To make the game a little bit more engaging, I will explain to them that they cannot start the game by putting
the X and O in the middle of the board.
After that, I will explain to them that the one who loses has to pick up a card from the green square, which
indicates the type of sentence (superlative or comparative) and other one from the pink square, which has the
pictures of the elements/planets. After picking up the card, the player has to write a superlative/comparative
sentence according to the cards he/she has picked up.
Transition: “Well done everyone, let’s see who’s the winner of each team”
Activity 2
Time: 10 minutes
I will give each student a copy with the activities. I will explain to them that they have to make comparatives
and superlatives sentences using the adjectives in the box. They have to write 3 sentences for each group. I
will write the first sentence as an example
The Earth – hot - powerful - small - the moon - the Sun
1) The Earth is smaller than the sun but, the moon is the smallest.
2) __________________________________________________________________________________
3) __________________________________________________________________________________
Jupiter – big – cold – far – Venus - Mars
1) __________________________________________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________________________________________
3) __________________________________________________________________________________
Time: 10 minutes
Transition: “I will delete the sentences and take off the pictures and words from the board”
Time: 5 minutes
I will ask each one of them to read their productions from activity 2.
After that I will ask them to hand in their homework, use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia
Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year
Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2)
Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase
Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier”
Clase Nº: 15
Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes
Teaching points: Comparative and superlative adjectives.
Unit Aims:
During this lesson students will be able to…
-Develop their listening skills and speaking skills by interacting with each other during the game.
- Make comparisons and highlight different aspects about the space elements.
Language Focus:
Space elements.
-Highlight a
space element
and compare
two space
Mercury is small.
Space elements and
Comparative adjectives.
Superlative Adjectives.
Mercury is smaller than
the Earth.
Jupiter is the biggest
planet in our solar
Materials: Game board, cards, dice, counters.
Dice and counters:
Tell a fact about
this planet
Tell a fact about
this planet
Make a
about: MARS -
Use the
adjective HOT.
Choose one planet
and ask a question
about it.
Tell a fact about
this planet
Tell a fact about
this planet
Make a
sentence about
the EARTH.
What does a
satellite do?
What is it? Tell a fact about
this planet
Make a
about: SATURN
What is it?
Tell a fact about
this planet
Tell a fact about
this planet
Make a
about: The SUN
– The Moon
Why is the sun so
Tell a fact about
Choose one planet
and ask a
question about it.
Which one is
the biggest,
Uranus or
Tell a fact about
this planet this planet
Which planet has
a ring made of
this element?
Choose one planet
and ask a
question about it.
Which one is
the hottest,
Mercury or
Why is it so
difficult to live in
the space?
Name the
Make a
superlative and
sentence suing
the adjective:
Which is the
biggest planet
in our solar
Name the Jovian
Time: 5 minutes.
I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on
the board.
Transition: “Good, let’s begin with today’s lesson”
Warm up and presentation
Time: 5 minutes
I will ask to the students “do you like playing board games?”
Transition: “ Great, because today we are going to play a game”
Activity 1
Time: 30 minutes
I will put the board and the cards on the table and I will give each student a marker with a different colour for
them to play the game. I will explain to them that they have to roll the dice once to see who scores the highest
number. The one who scores the highest number begins.
After that, I will explain to them that the board has different instructions. If they are in the lobster space, they
have to move one space back. If they are in the grass space they have to take a card and follow the
instructions of the card, if they can’t do it so, they have to move one space back. If they are in the frog square
they can move one space forward but if they are in the flower space they miss a turn.
After giving the instructions, I will ask them if they understand the instructions. Then, I will encourage the
student, who has scored the highest number, to roll the dice and start the game.
Transition: “You did it great!”
Time: 5 minutes
I will ask to the students to choose one card from the game and to write down a question about the planet or
element from the card for one of his/her classmates to answer .
As an example I will choose one card and I will ask a question:
Is the moon a star?
After the discussion I will ask them to use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia
Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year
Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2)
Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase
Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier”
Clase Nº: 16
Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes
Teaching points: Large numbers.
Unit Aims:
During this lesson students will be able to…
-Develop their listening skills and speaking skills by reading the text and listening to the audio.
- Identify and name different measures: distances, time and speeds.
Language Focus:
Space elements.
Numbers. -Identify and
name large
numbers in
distances, time
and speeds.
Ten – one hundred.
Space elements.
Large numbers.
One thousand
Materials: Board – Market – Smart TV – Pendrive – Copies
Audio act 2:
Audio act 3:
Time: 5 minutes.
I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on
the board.
Transition: “Good, let’s begin with today’s lesson”
Warm up and presentation
Time: 5 minutes
I will write on the board the following measures of time, speed and distance: “Km – Kph – Hs” and then I will
ask to the students if they know the meaning of each one of them.
After that, I will ask them: “What do we use to refer to these measures? Great, we use numbers”
Then, I will add numbers to the different measures: 100 km – 1.000 kph - 100.000 hs and I will encourage
them to repeat the numbers with me.
Transition: “Well done everyone! Now let’s practise”
Activity 1
Time: 5 minutes
I will give each student a copy with the activities. I will explain to them that they have to read the numbers in
letters and write the numbers in symbols to complete the table. I will write the first one as an example.
Transition: “Nice job!”
Activity 2
Time: 10 minutes
Pre reading: I will ask the students: “Do you remember what space debris is? Yes, it is the rubbish in the
While reading: I will ask to the students to read and complete the following quiz about space debris. Then, they
will listen to an audio to check their answers about this topic. I will reproduce the recording twice.
After reading: I will ask to the students “Well, how well did you do the quiz?”
Transition: Great answers, now let’s find out how dangerous space debris is!”
Activity 3
Time: 15 minutes
Pre-reading: I will ask to the students to answer the following question orally:
a) In your opinion, is space debris dangerous for our planet? Why? Why not?
While reading: I will ask to the students to listen to the audio and complete the text with the missing numbers
from the box. I will reproduce the audio twice.
2008 -2000 – 2009 – 400 – 800
In space, all of these pieces of metal can cause a
lot of damage because they travel so fast. Even
very small pieces can damage satellites and
rockets. If a tiny bit of debris landed on a
rocket, it would be like a piano landing on a
In 2009, two satellites crashed for the first
time. Both of them broke into more than 2,000
pieces. They were flying at a distance of 800
km from the Earth.
The international Space Station (ISS) flies in orbit 400 km from the Earth. This distance should be
safe. But the ISS has been in danger from flying rubbish twice. Fortunately, neither piece of rubbish
destroyed the station, but NASA didn’t notice either of them. Now, NASA watches all of the debris in
space much more carefully.
Every day, a piece of space rubbish falls from the sky. None of the pieces have damaged anything so
far. Most of them land in the Pacific or the Atlantic Ocean. But one of the biggest pieces of rocket
landed in the United States. It landed in the Arizona desert in 2008.
After reading: I will ask the students to answer the following questions:
a) Why can a tiny piece of metal cause a lot of damage in space?
b) When did the first satellite crash?
c) Why does NASA watch debris in space now?
d) How often does space debris fall from the sky?
Transition: I will ask to the students to read their answers.
Time: 5 minutes
I will write 5 numbers on the board and I will ask to the students them to tell the names out loud.
205 – 20,500 – 2021 – 1995 – 3,000,000
After the discussion I will ask them to use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia
Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year
Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2)
Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase
Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier”
Clase Nº: 17
Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes
Teaching points: Large numbers.
Unit Aims:
During this lesson students will be able to…
-Develop their listening skills and speaking skills by watching the videos.
- Identify and name different measures: distances, time and speeds.
- Reflect on the elements and knowledge we need in order to survive.
Language Focus:
Space elements.
Numbers. -Identify and
name large
numbers in
distances, time
and speeds.
Ten – one hundred.
Space elements.
Large numbers.
One thousand
Materials: Board – Market – Smart TV – Pendrive – Copies
Video act 1:
Video act 2:
Video act 3:
Time: 5 minutes.
I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on
the board.
Transition: “Good, let’s begin with today’s lesson”
Warm up and presentation
Time: 5 minutes
I will stick on the board different numbers, which refer to distance speed and time, in symbols and numbers in
letters. Then, I will ask the students to match the numbers in symbols with the numbers in letters.
101 – one hundred and one
1,250 – one thousand and two hundred and fifty
55,000 - fifty five thousand
1,200,000 – one million two hundred thousand
10,500 ten thousand five hundred.
After that, I will ask to the students: “In your opinion, why is it important to know maths?”
Transition: “Great answers, knowing maths is fundamental for different reasons as you have mentioned.”
Activity 1
Time: 10 minutes
Pre watching: I will ask the students: “Imagine that you are an astronaut and you are on a mission where you
have to travel to another planet. Now, imagine that you have a terrible problem and everyone in your crew
thinks that you are dead and they leave the planet, where you are now completely alone. What would you do
to survive in that planet? Well I would probably freak out”
After the discussion I will stick a picture from the movie on the board and I will explain to them, that they are
going to watch a scene from the movie “THE MARTIAN” and I will ask them if they know the movie. I will
explain to them that the situation that I have presented before is exactly what the main character has coped
After that, I will give each student a copy with the activities.
While watching: I will ask to the students to pay attention to what the main character has done in order to
survive in Mars. I will reproduce the video twice.
After watching: I will ask the students to answer the following questions:
a) How many Sol’s days was the mission supposed to last?
b) How many days will the food in the station last?
c) What does the main character do?
d) After watching the scene, why do you think knowing maths is so important?
Transition: “great, now let’s find out what else is important to know if you are alone in another planet”
Activity 2
Time: 10 minutes
Pre watching: I will ask to the students to look at the following pictures and classify them according to the
importance to survive writing the numbers below the pictures 1 (the most important) 3 (less important).
Transition: “Good job! We can’t live without oxygen and we need water to survive and to create food as well.”
While watching: I will ask the students to answer the following question: What is Mark doing? I will reproduce
the video twice.
After watching: I will ask the students to answer the following questions:
a) How many meters of soil has Mark created?
b) What elements do you need to create water? Choose the correct option
1. Hydrogen + Oxygen 2. Hydrogen + Helium + Oxygen 3. Hydrazine + Hydrogen
c) Did his calculations work?
Transition: “Great, now let’s see if Mark could survive in Mars”
Activity 3
Time: 10 minutes
Pre-watching: I will ask to the students: “Do you think Mark has survived in Mars?”
While watching: I will ask the students to pay attention to the questions from the crew’s captain. I will
reproduce the video 3 times since it does not have subtitles.
After watching: I will ask the students to answer the following questions:
a) What did Mark in order to catch up the rocket?
b) What is the relative velocity from the captain towards Mark?
a. 5,2 MPs b. 5.7 MPs c. 5.3 MPs
Transition: I will ask to the students to read their answers.
Time: 5 minutes
I will ask to the students: “Now, do you think that being an astronaut is difficult or easy? Why?
After the discussion I will ask them to use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia
Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year
Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2)
Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase
Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier”
Clase Nº: 18
Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes
Teaching points: Giving opinions.
Unit Aims:
During this lesson students will be able to…
-Develop their listening and reading skills while reading and listening the text.
- Develop their speaking skills by giving their own opinions about the movie.
-Reflect on the use of different phrases to give opinions.
Language Focus:
Likes and dislikes.
-Give their
opinions about
different topics.
I like/don’t like star wars.
In my opinion – I fancy – I think
that –I agree/disagree.
In my opinion, Star Wars
is a very interesting
Materials: Board – Market – Smart TV – Pendrive – Copies – tape
Time: 5 minutes.
I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on
the board.
Transition: “Good, let’s begin with today’s lesson”
Warm up and presentation
Time: 5 minutes
I will write the following word on the board: “OPINIONS”. After that I will ask students: “What phrases or words
do we use to give our opinions?” I will write their answers as a spider gram on the board.
Transition: “Great answers, as you can see we can use a lot of phases to give our opinions.”
Activity 1
Time: 15 minutes
Pre reading: I will ask students: “Do you know the trilogy “Star Wars”? “Have you watched the movies?” “Did
you like them?”
While reading: After the discussion I will give each student a copy with the activities. I will explain to them that
they are going to read and listen to a text about a challenge called “the Star Wars Challenge”. I will ask the
students to highlight the phrases and words to give opinions and to complete the table below while reading the
Giving opinions Agreeing Disagreeing
After reading: I will ask the students to decide whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE. If they
are false, they have to correct them.
1. The boys agree about the Star Wars films.
2. Both girls aren’t keen on the Star Wars films.
3. Zoe likes dramas.
4. Simon says he likes rom-coms
5. The girls want to watch the most recent Star Wars films.
6. Simon and Ethan choose the snacks.
Transition: “Good job! Now, let’s talk about our own interests”
Activity 2
Time: 5 minutes
I will stick on the board different statements all mixed up. I will ask students to look at them and try to match
the statement with their correct responses.
I think that sci-fi films are terrible No way! They’re the best type of film in my
I prefer crisps to chocolate while watching
How can you say that? Sugar is tastier than
salt any day!
In my opinion, everything related to science
is interesting.
I totally agree with you because we can learn
and discover learn how things work in our
You can’t watch the avengers, It awful and
You can’t say that. This film is one of the
Star Wars 2 isn’t as good as the first one. I disagree. This one’s way better. Do you
want to watch it with me again?
I think that Science is more interesting than
Perhaps you’re right. I’m not good at learning
dates anyway.
Transition: “Amazing job” Then I will take off the sentences and stick the picture of “THE MARTIAN” instead.
Activity 3
Time: 10 minutes
I will stick on the board the picture of “THE MARTIAN” movie. After that I will write two opinions about the
1. In my opinion this movie deserved an Oscar.
2. I think that new films are better than the old ones.
Then, I will encourage students to give me their own opinion orally about this film using the words and phrases
from the previous exercise. Besides, I will encourage them to give their opinions about their classmates’
opinions as well.
Transition: “Amazing job!” then I will clean the board for the following activity.
Time: 5 minutes
I will write on the board the following dialogue:
A:I think the best sci-fi movie is ET.
B: ___________ ! What about Super 8 or the 5th
A: All of those are very good, but ET is still the best.
Then, I will ask the students to complete the dialogue using the phrases from the previous exercises.
After the discussion I will ask them to use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia
Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year
Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2)
Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase
Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier”
Clase Nº: 19
Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes
Teaching points: Determiners
Unit Aims:
During this lesson students will be able to…
-Develop their listening skills by watching the videos.
- Develop their speaking skills by role-playing the dialogues.
-Reflect on the use of different phrases to give opinions.
Language Focus:
All - none
-Give their
opinions about
different topics.
All the movies are very
Either – neither – both - I don’t like either of
them, they are boring.
Materials: Board – Market – Smart TV – Pendrive – Copies – tape
Time: 5 minutes.
I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on
the board.
Transition: “Good, let’s begin with today’s lesson”
Warm up and presentation
Time: 5 minutes
I will tell the students that they are going to watch two trailer about two very famous movies ET and SUPER 8.
I will ask them to pay attention to the plot of the movies.
After watching the trailers I will ask them: “In your opinion, which one is more interesting?”
Transition: “Good, well let’s see how we can answer something different”
Activity 1
Time: 10 minutes
I will stick on the board the following sentences, one by one asking the meaning to the students. I will stick the
ones which contain the vocabulary they already know, and then the ones with the new vocabulary.
In my opinion, Super 8 is more interesting than ET.
I don’t like sci-fi movies. All of them are boring.
I really like ET and Super 8, both of them are really interesting.
None of them, in my opinion.
I can’t decide. I think that either of them.
Neither of them! They are terrible.
After that, I will give each student a copy with the activities. Then, I will ask them to complete the following
table using the words from the box.
All / none / either / neither / both
This one AND that one
This one OR that one
Not this one AND not that one.
Every one
Not one
Transition: “Good job! Now, let’s practise”
Activity 2
Time: 10 minutes
I will ask the students to look at the pictures and complete the sentences using the determiners
both/none/either/neither/all/none. I will complete the first one as an example.
1. Both girls are dancing.
2. _____ of them are sitting down.
3. ______ of the girls are eating pizza.
4. ______ of them are playing football.
5. One girl is eating cake. _____ Martin nor Alex are eating cake.
6. ______ of them are wearing hats.
After that I will ask the students to complete the following dialogues using the words from the boxes. As an
example, I will complete the first one.
Excellent – neither – prefer – think – totally agree
1. Tina: What do you think of video games?
Ella: To be honest, I don’t like them very much.
Tina: Me ________ . I _________ TV and listening to music.
Ella: I _________ with you. Let’s go and play some tunes.
Tina: _________ idea!
No way – I much prefer – I think that – disagree – can you say that
2. Jed: ______ flying is exciting
Ana _______! How ___________ ? It’s really scary!
Jed: No, travelling by plane is the best way to travel.
Ana: I ________ . __________ going by train.
Transition: “Amazing job, now let’s speak a little bit!”
Activity 3
Time: 10 minutes
I will divide students in groups of two. Then, I will ask them to role-play the dialogues but first change the
information using their own opinions about the topics. I will explain to them that they have to role-play both
dialogues twice and change characters the second time.
Transition: I will write on the board the sentences for the next exercise.
Time: 5 minutes
I will write on the board the following dialogue and I will ask to the students to tell me the words they consider
appropriate to complete it.
A: I ______ that Physics is interesting.
B: Me ____ . I really like the lessons.
A: I ____ . They are great. But I don’t like Biology much.
B: Me _____ . It’s quite difficult.
After the discussion I will ask them to use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia
Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year
Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2)
Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase
Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier”
Clase Nº: 20
Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes
Teaching points: Determiners
Unit Aims:
During this lesson students will be able to…
-Develop their listening skills by watching the videos.
- Develop their speaking skills by giving their opinions.
-Develop their intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligences by interacting with others and reflecting on their
own opinions.
-Reflect on the use of different phrases to give opinions.
Language Focus:
All - none
-Give their
opinions about
different topics.
All the movies are very
Either – neither – both - I don’t like either of
them, they are boring.
Materials: Board – Market – Smart TV – Pendrive – Copies – tape -
Time: 5 minutes.
I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on
the board.
Transition: “Good, let’s begin with today’s lesson”
Warm up and presentation
Time: 5 minutes
I will stick on the board different movies’ plot with a number for the students to identify easily. Then, I will tell
the students that they are going to watch 4 trailers about very famous movies and that they have to match the
trailers with the plots.
I will reproduce 2 trailers first and I will ask them to match the plots with the trailers. Then I will reproduce the
other ones and do the same. I will reproduce only 40 sec to 1 min of each trailer.
Stranger things: A young boy, Will Byers, goes
missing near a top-secret government laboratory.
As friends, family and local police search for
answers, they are drawn into an extraordinary
mystery involving top-secret government
experiments, terrifying supernatural forces and
one very strange little girl.
World war Z: Gerry Lane is a former United
Nations investigator who travels the world
gathering clues to find a way to stop a zombie
The avengers’ plot: Loki, the adopted brother of
Thor, teams-up with the Chitauri Army and uses
the Tesseract's power to travel from Asgard to
Midgard to plot the invasion of Earth and become
a king. The director of the agency S.H.I.E.L.D.,
Nick Fury, sets in motion project Avengers, joining
Tony Stark a.k.a. the Iron Man; Steve Rogers,
a.k.a. Captain America; Bruce Banner, a.k.a. The
Hulk; Thor; Natasha Romanoff, a.k.a. Black
Widow; and Clint Barton, a.k.a. Hawkeye, to save
the world from the powerful Loki and the alien
I’m not ok with this: Sydney is a teenage girl
navigating the trials and tribulations of high school
while dealing with the complexities of her family
and mysterious superpowers just beginning to
awaken deep within her
Gravity: American astronauts, who are stranded
in space after the mid-orbit destruction of
their Space Shuttle, and attempt to return to Earth.
Transition: “Good, now let’s talk about these movies”
Activity 1
Time: 10 minutes
I will stick on the board the picture of each movie and will ask the student to tell an adjective to describe each
movie according to their opinion. I will write one as an example.
After that I will ask them to write their classmates’ opinions about the movie using the adjectives they used. I
will write the first one as an example:
Adjective: interesting. Magui thinks that / In Magui’s opinion The Avengers is an interesting movie.
Transition: “Good job! Now, let’s share our own opinions”
Activity 2
Time: 10 minutes
I will ask each student to highlight those opinions they agree with and to underline those opinions they
disagree with. After that, I will ask them to read the opinions they agree with and tell us the reasons. I will ask
the same with the ones they disagree with.
Transition: I will delete the adjectives from the board.
Activity 3
Time: 10 minutes
I will show the students the following statements about the movies and I will ask them where I should stick
them (moving the cardboard below the pictures), according to their own opinions. I will encourage them to say
whether they agree or not with the statements and why. If they disagree with their classmates’ opinion they
have to press the red button and give his/her reasons. If they agree they have to press the green button. The
most repeated answer/opinion will define the position of the cardboard.
1. In my opinion, this movie/series is
amazing. The plot is interesting and
original. Besides, we can learn different
facts about it.
2. I hated the entire movie/series. I think
that the plot is very common and
repeated among other movies/series,
there is nothing new.
3. My mother says that she loves this type
of movie/series, but she hates that
everything goes perfectly at the end, it
4. In my opinion, the movie/series is
interesting but the ending is terrible.
seems a bit impossible. I agree with her.
5. In my opinion, the visual effects of this
movie/series aren’t good enough.
6. I think that the only good thing that the
movie/series has is the cast, the plot is
7. In my opinion, this is a great
movie/series. The actors are great and
the plot is really engaging.
8. In my opinion, the movie/series has used
very original visual effects and the end is
really good, because we want to know
what happens next.
Transition: “Amazing job!”
Time: 5 minutes
I will ask the students: “What is your favourite movie? Can you tell us what is it about? Why is it your favourite
After the discussion I will ask them to use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia
Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year
Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2)
Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase
Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier”
Clase Nº: 21
Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes
Teaching points: Determiners
Unit Aims:
During this lesson students will be able to…
-Develop their listening skills during all the activities.
- Develop their speaking skills by giving their opinions.
-Develop their intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligences by interacting with others and reflecting on their
own opinions.
-Reflect on the use of different phrases to give opinions.
Language Focus:
All - none
-Give their
opinions about
different topics.
All the movies are very
Either – neither – both - I don’t like either of
them, they are boring.
Materials: Board – Marker – Smart TV – Pendrive – Copies – tape -
Sand timer:
Audio: Warm up
Time: 5 minutes.
I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on
the board.
Transition: “Good, let’s begin with today’s lesson”
Warm up and presentation
Time: 10 minutes
I will write on the board the following sentences:
1. I think that astronomy is really interesting.
2. In my opinion science fiction films are boring.
3. I really like studying science.
After that I will ask them to read the sentences and tell me if they agree or not with the statements and why.
After that I will explain them that they are going to listen to three conversations about these statements and
then they have to tell me, if the second person in each dialogue agree or disagree with the statements.
Transition: “amazing job, now let’s play a game”
Activity 1
Time: 20 minutes
I will put the wheel on the table and I will encourage the students to read the different options within the wheel.
After that, I will explain to them that I will spin the arrow to choose one of them and then I will spin the wheel.
The wheel will stop in a topic and he/she has to give his/her opinion about the topic before the time ends. I will
use a sand timer.
CSE at school – plastic surgery – wearing uniforms at school – tattoos –video games – going
shopping or online shopping – winter or summer – pizza or hamburgers –sweet or salty – music
genre – the importance of doing exercise – reading books – saving money – series or movies
Transition: “Amazing job!”
Time: 10 minutes
I will explain to the students that they have to listen to the statements I will say and if they agree with them
they have to stand up. If they disagree, they have to touch their noses. If they can’t decide between the
options they have to touch their elbows and if they don’t prefer any of them, they have to touch their hair.
-I prefer eating chocolate while watching movies.
-I think that summer is more beautiful than winter.
-In my opinion, football is a boring sport.
-I think that learning languages is important.
-In my opinion, schools should have a subject where we could learn about eating healthy food.
-I prefer cooking than cleaning my house.
-I think that people can’t live without music.
After the game I will ask them to use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.

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Didactic unit 2 lesson plans

  • 1. I.S.F.D LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE – TALLER DE PRACTICA DOCENTE III ENTREGA DE PLANIFICACIÓN Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2) Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier” Clase Nº: 8 Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes Teaching points: Solar system’s vocabulary Unit Aims: During this lesson students will be able to… -Activate their previous knowledge about the solar system and recognize new elements. -Develop their listening skills through listening activities. -Be aware of the different elements functioning in the space. Language Focus: LEXIS FUNCTIONS STRUCTURE R E V Adjectives. Planets. -To name different elements from the space. The sun is big. The earth has a lot of water. N E W Solar system and space. The earth is located in the milky way galaxy. Materials: Board, pictures, tape, marker, copies, smart TV, internet, pendrive. Audio: Pictures:
  • 2. Routine Time: 5 minutes. I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on the board. Transition: “Great, let’s begin with today’s lesson” Warm up and presentation Time: 5 minutes I will ask to the students “Have you ever looked through a telescope? What can we see through a telescope?” After that, I will stick the picture of the sun on the left part of the board and then, the pictures from the planets mixed up. Then, I will ask to the students to look at the pictures and order the planets as they are in our solar system taking into account the sun encouraging them to repeat the name of each planet while ordering them. Transition: “Well done everyone!” Development Activity 1 Time: 10 minutes
  • 3. Pre listening: I will give each student a copy with the activities. Then I will ask them to look at the pictures and write the name from the box under the pictures. Meteorite – comet – constellation – the milky way – the moon – rocket – satellite – the solar system – space debris – stars – __________________ __________________ ___________________ __________________ __________________ ___The milky way___ __________________ __________________ ___________________ __________________ While listening: Then, I will explain to the students that they will listen to an audio between a father and a son talking about what the can see through a telescope. I will ask to the students to listen to the audio and check if what they wrote in the pre-listening activity is correct. I will reproduce the audio three times. Transition: “Well done everyone! Now, let’s play a game!” Activity 2: Time: 15 minutes
  • 4. I will explain to the students that they are going to play a game in groups of two (to avoid contact as much as possible). Then, I will give each group a set of cards to play a memory game. As an example I will show them how to play. OBJECT DEFINITION THE SUN This is the star that the Earth moves around, which provides light and heat for the planets. SPACE DEBRIS Any piece of machinery or residues that human left in the space. ROCKET A large cylinder-shaped object that moves very fast by forcing out burning gases. CONSTELLATION Group of stars in the sky that seem from Earth to form a pattern and have been given names. THE MOON The round object that moves in the sky around the earth and can be seen at night. THE SOLAR SYSTEM The sun and the group of planets that move around it. METEORITE A piece of rock or other matter that has landed on earth. SATELLITE A device sent up into the space to travel round the Earth, used for collecting information or communicating by radio, television, etc. STARS A very large ball of burning gas that is usually seen from Earth as a point of light in the sky at night. COMET An object that moves around the sun. Usually at a great distance from it, that is seen
  • 5. on rare occasions from Earth as a bright light in the sky. Transition: “fantastic job, now let’s practice!” Closure Time: 10 minutes After the game I will ask students to re-read the definitions they have found during the game and to complete a crossword about the topic and to find the main word within the crossword. 1. 2. Something that takes an astronaut into space. 3. Something is in orbit around the Earth. 4. Something that transmits radio signals back to Earth. 5. Rubbish in space. 6. There are eight of these in orbit around the sun. 7. 8. Lots of planets and stars which are billions of kilometres away in space. 9. This is actually a huge star. LONG WORD ACROSS: ______________________ After that I will ask them to use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
  • 6. I.S.F.D LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE – TALLER DE PRACTICA DOCENTE III ENTREGA DE PLANIFICACIÓN Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2) Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier” Clase Nº: 9 Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes Teaching points: Solar system’s vocabulary Unit Aims: During this lesson students will be able to… -Activate their previous knowledge about the solar system and recognize new elements. -Develop their listening skills while watching a video. -Recognize the planets within the solar system and some characteristics from each one of them. Language Focus: LEXIS FUNCTIONS STRUCTURE R E V Adjectives. Planets. -To name different elements from the space. -To name and recognize the planets in the solar system. The sun is big. The earth has a lot of water. N E W Solar system and space. The earth is one of the four small planets in our solar system Venus is known by its volcanoes. Materials: Board, pictures, tape, marker, copies, smart TV, internet, pendrive. Video: Cards:
  • 7. Routine Time: 5 minutes. I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on the board. Transition: “Great, let’s talk about our solar system” Warm up and presentation Time: 5 minutes I will ask to the students: “How much do you know about our solar system? Did you know that the sun is a star? What else do you know?” I will write on the board their answers. Transition: “Good, you know a lot about our planet! Now let’s complete a survey” Development Activity 1 Time: 15 minutes Pre watching: I will give each student a copy with the activities. I will ask them to read the questions from the survey and answer them with the information they know. QUESTIONS ANSWERS What’s the name of our galaxy?
  • 8. How many planets does our solar system have? What are the characteristics of terrestrial planets? What are the characteristics of jovian planets? Which planets are considered “gas giants”? Why? Which planets are considered “ice giants”? Why? After that, I will explain to them that they are going to watch a video about our solar system. While watching: I will ask to the students to pay attention to the information about the planets from the video. I will reproduce the video twice. After watching: I will ask them to correct their answers from the survey with the information from the video. Transition: “Well done everyone! Now, let’s play a game!” Activity 2: Time: 15 minutes I will explain to the students that they are going to play a game as a group. I will put on the table a set of cards about the planets/elements and I will ask them to pick up one of them and without looking at it to stick the card on their foreheads. Then, I will explain to them that the idea is to guess the name of the planet/element the have stuck in their foreheads, and the only way to do it so is asking questions to their classmates. As an example I will ask three questions: Is it a planet? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. Does it have a ring? Is it a jovian planet? Transition: “fantastic job, now let’s practice!” Closure Time: 5 minutes After the game I will ask the students to write one sentence about one fact they didn’t know about our solar system until today and to read their sentences out loud. After the discussion I will ask them to hand in their homework, use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
  • 9. I.S.F.D LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE – TALLER DE PRACTICA DOCENTE III ENTREGA DE PLANIFICACIÓN Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2) Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier” Clase Nº: 10 Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes Teaching points: Solar system’s vocabulary Unit Aims: During this lesson students will be able to… -Develop their listening skills through group activities. -Develop their writing skills through making comparisons. -Be aware of different facts about planets. -Make comparisons between the solar system’s elements. Language Focus: LEXIS FUNCTIONS STRUCTURE R E V Adjectives. Planets. -To make comparisons between different elements. The sun is big. The earth is small. N E W Solar system and space. Comparative adjectives. The earth is smaller than the sun. Materials: Board, pictures, tape, marker, cards. Routine Time: 5 minutes.
  • 10. I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on the board. Transition: “Good, let’s begin” Warm up and presentation Time: 15 minutes I will stick two pictures about two planets on the board and then two pictures with different facts about those planets. I will ask to the students to decide which information corresponds to each planet.  Moons: This planet has14 moons (and growing)  Mass: 17 times the mass of Earth Diameter: 30,775 miles (49,528 km)  Year: 164 Earth years  Temperature: minus 331°F (-201°C)  Distance from the Sun: 8th planet from the sun, 2.8 billion miles (4.5 billion km)  Type of Planet: Ice Giant (gas surface with an interior composed of ices and rock)  Moons: This planet has 79 moons (and growing)  Mass: 318 times the mass of Earth Diameter: 88,846 miles (142,984 km).  Year: 11.9 Earth years  Temperature: minus 162°F (-108°C)  Distance from the Sun: 5th planet from the sun, 484 million miles (778 million km)  Type of Planet: Gas Giant (composed mostly of hydrogen and helium) After that, I will stick different sentences about these planets all over the board. Then, I will ask them to take their time to real all of them. After a few minutes, I will ask one by one to stick one sentence for each planet and to complete the sentence with the name of the planet. As an example, I will stick a complete the first one. This planet is smaller than ____ because its mass is 17 times the mass of our planet. This planet is bigger than ____ because its mass is 318 times the mass of our planet. This planet is colder than ______ because its temperature is around -201 ºC. This planet is hotter than ______ because its temperature is around -162 ºC. This planet is further than _____ to the sun. Its distance is 4.5 billion kilometres. This planet is closer than _____ to the sun. Its distance is 4.5 billion kilometres. This planet is more icier than ____ because it’s composed by This planet is more gaseous than _____ because it’s composed by hydrogen and helium. After that, I will ask students: “Look at the different planets and the information of each one of them, what are we doing with these sentences?” “Great, we are comparing them”. I will make emphasis on the way in which the adjectives are written.
  • 11. Transition: “Amazing job, now let’s see how much you remember about the planets” Development Activity 1 Time: 15 minutes I will divide students in groups of two. Then, I will give each group a set of cards to play with. After that I will explain to them that they are going to play a memory game but this time, the one who loses his/her turn has to write a comparative sentence about the planet from the card and our planet or if his/her opponent has already guessed many times, he/she can choose two planets from his/her cards. After that I will divide the board and write the names of each team for them to write the sentences while playing.  Moons: 1  Year: 365.3 Days  Day: 23 hours and 56 minutes  Temperature: -128.5 to +134 degrees F (- 89.2 to 56.7 degrees C)  Distance from the Sun: 3rd planet from the sun, 93 million miles (149.6 million km)  Type of Planet: Terrestrial (has a hard rocky surface)  Moons: 2  Mass: 11% of Earth Diameter: 4220 miles (6792 km)  Year: 1.9 Earth years  Day: 24.6 hours  Average Temperature: minus 20°F (-28°C) Distance from the Sun: 4th planet from the sun, 142 million miles (228 million km)  Type of Planet: Terrestrial (has a hard rocky surface)  Moons: 0  Mass: 5.5% of Earth Diameter: 3031 miles (4879 km)  Year: 88 Earth days  Day: 58.7 Earth days  Average Temperature: 800°F (430°C) during the day, -290°F (-180°C) at night  Distance from the Sun: 1st planet from the sun, 36 million miles (57.9 million km)  Type of Planet: Terrestrial (has a hard rocky surface)
  • 12.  Moons: 5 known  Mass: .2% of Earth's mass  Diameter: 1473 miles (2370 km)  Year: 248 Earth years  Day: 6.4 Earth days  Average Temperature: minus 388°F (- 233°C)  Distance from the Sun: the last planet in our solar system 3 - 5 billion miles from the sun (5 - 7.5 billion km)  Moons: 0  Mass: 82% of Earth Diameter: 7520 miles (12,104 km)  Year: 225 Earth days  Day: 243 Earth days  Average Temperature: 880°F (471°C) Distance from the Sun: 2nd planet from the sun, 67 million miles (108 million km)  Type of Planet: Terrestrial (has a hard rocky surface)  Moons: 82 (and growing)  Mass: 95 times the mass of Earth Diameter: 74,900 miles (120,536 km)  Year: 29.4 Earth years  Day: 10.7 hours  Average Temperature: minus 218°F (- 138°C) Distance from the Sun: 6th planet from the sun, 891 million miles (1434 million km) Type of Planet: Gas Giant (composed mostly of hydrogen and helium)  Moons: 27 (and growing)  Mass: 14.5 times the mass of Earth Diameter: 31,763 miles (51,118 km)  Year: 83.8 Earth years  Day: 17.2 hours  Average Temperature: minus 320°F (- 195°C) Distance from the Sun: 7th planet from the sun, 1.8 billion miles (2.9 billion km)  Type of Planet: Ice Giant (gas surface with an interior composed of ices and rock) Transition: “Fantastic job everyone!” Closure
  • 13. Time: 10 minutes I will stick on the board the picture of the moon and the picture of the sun. After that I will write some adjectives. Then, I will ask one by one to write one comparative sentence about the picture they want. BIG – COLD – HOT – SMALL – FAR - CLOSE After that I will ask them to use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
  • 14. I.S.F.D LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE – TALLER DE PRACTICA DOCENTE III ENTREGA DE PLANIFICACIÓN Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2) Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier” Clase Nº: 11 Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes Teaching points: Solar system’s vocabulary Unit Aims: During this lesson students will be able to… -Develop their reading skills through a reading activity. -Develop their writing skills through making comparisons. -Be aware of different facts about astronauts. -Make comparisons between the our lifestyle on Earth and astronauts’ lives. Language Focus: LEXIS FUNCTIONS STRUCTURE R E V Adjectives. Rocket. Astronaut -To make comparisons between different lifestyles. Being an astronaut is really difficult. N E W Astronaut and space. Comparative adjectives. Work in space is more difficult than working on Earth. Materials: Board, marker, copies. Routine Time: 5 minutes.
  • 15. I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on the board. Transition: “Good, let’s begin” Warm up and presentation Time: 5 minutes I will write on the board the word “astronaut” to encourage students to complete/create an acrostic related to the topic. A _________________ S _________________ T _________________ R _________________ O _________________ N _________________ A _________________ U _________________ T _________________ Then, I will ask them to think of how different the astronauts’ lifestyles might be from ours. Transition: “Fantastic job, now let’s read an interesting article” Development Activity 1 Time: 15 minutes Pre reading: I will give each student a copy with the activities. After that, I will explain to them that they are going to read some facts about being an astronaut and I will encourage them to check their predictions about being an astronaut were true or not. While reading: I will ask them to complete the text using the adjectives from the box. longer – more carefully – sicker – worse – more quickly ☆ADVICE FOR ASTRONAUTS☆ What you need to know before you go into space. By Brendan Faust. I asked some astronauts for their views on what's important to remember when you are in space: ☆You feel seeker because the blood and water in your body travel up to your head. ☆You sleep ________ if you don't take a tablet, because the space station is so noisy and bright. ☆You work _________ because there is so much to do in the space station.
  • 16. ☆You have to use water much _________ because there is very, very little of it. ☆You have to exercise at least two hours a day, so that your body can get better _________ when you return to Earth. So it seems that life in space is very different to life on Earth. Do you fancy trying it? After reading: I will ask them to answer the following question: Why is it difficult to sleep in space? Transition: “Well done! Now let’s put into practise what you’ve learnt” Activity 2 Time: 10 minutes I will ask students to look at the pictures and the words in the box. Then, I will ask them to match the sentences with the pictures and to highlight the adjectives from the sentences. Working outside the rocket is really difficult and dangerous. Sleeping in the rocket is uncomfortable. Astronauts can see the Earth from the Rocket. It looks beautiful. After that I will ask them to write comparatives sentences between the pictures and our planet using the adjectives form the box. Transition: “Great job everyone!” Closure Time: 10 minutes I will ask students to make a list about the things they like about being an astronaut and the things they don’t like. Then, I will ask them to read their lists out loud. BEING AN ASTRONAUNT I like …. I don’t like …
  • 17. After that I will ask them to use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
  • 18. I.S.F.D LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE – TALLER DE PRACTICA DOCENTE III ENTREGA DE PLANIFICACIÓN Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2) Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier” Clase Nº: 12 Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes Teaching points: Solar system’s vocabulary and comparisons Unit Aims: During this lesson students will be able to… -Develop their reading and writing skills through a reading/writing activity. -Develop their listening skills while listening a song. -Give their own opinions by comparing different space elements. Language Focus: LEXIS FUNCTIONS STRUCTURE R E V Space elements. -Giving opinions through comparisons between different space elements. The galaxy is beautiful. N E W Space elements and Comparative adjectives. I think that the galaxy is more beautiful than a comet because it has got many stars. Materials: Board, marker, copies, pendrive, smart TV. Song: Routine
  • 19. Time: 5 minutes. I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on the board. Transition: “Good, let’s begin” Warm up and presentation Time: 5 minutes I will ask to the students “Do you like listening to music? What music genre do you like the most, rock, pop, etc? Transition: “Nice, let’s listen to some music” Development Activity 1 Time: 15 minutes Pre listening: I will write the title of the song and the name of the band on the board. Then, I will ask them to guess what it is going to be about the song. I will write their predictions on the board, to check them later. After that, I will give each student a copy with the activities. While listening: I will ask to the students to listen to the song and fill in the gaps with the words from the box. I will reproduce the song 2 times. atmosphere – Jupiter – Moon – Sun – shooting star – constellation – Milky way – Venus Drops of Jupiter by Train Now that she's back in the atmosphere With drops of Jupiter in her hair She acts like summer and walks like rain Reminds me that there's a time to change Since the return of her stay on the Moon She listens like spring and she talks like June But tell me, did you sail across the Sun? Did you make it to the Milky Way To see the lights all faded And that heaven is overrated? Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star? One without a permanent scar? And did you miss me While you were looking for yourself out there? Now that she's back from that soul vacation Tracing her way through the constellation She checks out Mozart while she does Tae-Bo Reminds me that there's room to grow Now that she's back in the atmosphere I'm afraid that she might think of me as Plain old Jane told a story about a man Who was too afraid to fly so he never did land But tell me, did the wind sweep you off your feet? Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day And head back to the Milky Way?
  • 20. And tell me, did Venus blow your mind? Was it everything you wanted to find? And did you miss me While you were looking for yourself out there? Can you imagine, no love, pride, deep fried chicken Your best friend always stickin' up for you (Even when I know you're wrong) Can you imagine no first dance Freeze dried romance Five-hour phone conversation The best soy latte that you ever had, and me? After listening: I will ask to the students to re-read their predictions about the song and to tell me if they have guessed. After that I will ask them to answer the following questions: a) In your opinion, is it a happy or a sad song? Why? b) What does the singer mean in this sentence “Now that she's back in the atmosphere”? Transition: “I will ask them to read their answers and move on to the following activity” Activity 2 Time: 5 minutes I will ask them to look at the pictures and choose one sentence from the song that has relationship with the picture. I will write the first one as an example. “Tracing her way to the constellation” ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Transition: “Well done! Now let’s try to use our imagination like the singer” Activity 3 Time: 10 minutes
  • 21. I will write two trigger questions on the board about the elements found in the song for them to compare: a) In your opinion, which one is more stunning/ordinary the sun or the moon? Why? I will ask to the students to complete the following table. I will explain to them that they have to use the words from the song, and make comparative sentences between the elements giving their own opinions about them. I will write different adjectives within the table for them to complete the sentences and I will add an example. ELEMENT ADJECTIVE SENTECE Jupiter Stunning / ordinary Beautiful / Ugly Interesting / Boring Bright / Dark In my opinion, a constellation is more beautiful than a shooting star, because it has got many stars. Moon Sun Shooting star Constellation Milky way Venus Transition: “Well done!” Closure Time: 5 minutes I will ask to each student to read two sentences from the previous activities for them to share their own opinions about the same topic. After that I will ask them to hand in their homework, use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
  • 22. I.S.F.D LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE – TALLER DE PRACTICA DOCENTE III ENTREGA DE PLANIFICACIÓN Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2) Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier” Clase Nº: 13 Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes Teaching points: Comparative and superlative adjectives. Unit Aims: During this lesson students will be able to… -Develop their reading and writing skills through reading and writing activities. -Develop their listening skills while listening an audio. -Highlight one space element from a group and make comparisons between two space elements. Language Focus: LEXIS FUNCTIONS STRUCTURE R E V Space elements. Adjectives. -Highlight a space element and compare two space elements. Mercury is small. N E W Space elements and Comparative adjectives. Superlative Adjectives. Mercury is smaller than the Earth. Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system. Materials: Board, marker, copies, pendrive, smart TV, pictures. Audio: Routine
  • 23. Time: 5 minutes. I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on the board. Transition: “Good, let’s begin with today’s lesson” Warm up and presentation Time: 10 minutes I will stick on the board two different pictures and ask to the students to tell me a comparative sentence about them and I will write their answers below. After that, I will add another planet and I will write a superlative sentence above underlining the superlative adjective. Then, I will ask them what they think is the difference between both sentences. “Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system” Transition: “Good, we are highlighting one planet from the rest. These sentences are called superlatives” Development Activity 1 Time: 15 minutes Pre reading: I will ask students to think about what they learnt from the video in lesson 9 and I will ask them “Do you remember the planet’s categories? Which planets are terrestrial? Which planets are jovian? Great, now we are going to learn a little bit more about our solar system” I will give each student a copy with the activities. I will explain to them that they are going to read and listen to the text.
  • 24. While reading: I will ask to the students to highlight the comparative sentences and to underline the superlatives ones. Then, write them on the following table. COMPARATIVES SUPERLATIVES After reading: I will ask to the students to answer the following questions: a) What are the two groups of planets? b) Which one is considered the lightest planet? Why? c) Why is Mars the most colourful planet? Transition: “Amazing job, now let’s see some rules” Activity 2 Time: 10 minutes I will ask to the students to look at the pictures and the examples on the board again. After that, I will encourage them to complete the following chart. Then, I will ask them to read their answer out loud.
  • 25. COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE To make a comparative adjective, we usually add est / er . To make a superlative adjective, we usually add est / er . We use comparative adjectives to compare two / three things. We use superlative adjectives to talk about two / three or more things. We use the / than for comparative sentences. We use the / than for superlative sentences. Write two comparative sentences about our solar system: 1)________________________________________ ________________________________________ 2)________________________________________ ________________________________________ Write two superlative sentences about our solar system: 1)________________________________________ ________________________________________ 2)________________________________________ ________________________________________ Transition: “I will delete the sentences and take off the pictures from the board” Closure Time: 5 minutes I will write on the board the following sentences: “The Earth is the beautiful planet than Mars” “Mars is more bigger than Mercury” After that, I will ask them to tell me what the mistakes are in the sentences and to correct them. After that I will ask them to hand in their homework, use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
  • 26. I.S.F.D LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE – TALLER DE PRACTICA DOCENTE III ENTREGA DE PLANIFICACIÓN Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2) Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier” Clase Nº: 14 Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes Teaching points: Comparative and superlative adjectives. Unit Aims: During this lesson students will be able to… -Develop their reading and writing skills through reading and writing activities. -Develop their listening skills and speaking skills by interacting with each other during the game. - Make comparisons and highlight different aspects about the space elements. Language Focus: LEXIS FUNCTIONS STRUCTURE R E V Space elements. Adjectives. -Highlight a space element and compare two space elements. Mercury is small. N E W Space elements and Comparative adjectives. Superlative Adjectives. Mercury is smaller than the Earth. Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system. Materials: Board, marker, tic tac toe game, pictures, cards, copies. Game:
  • 28. FAST COMPARATIVE Routine Time: 5 minutes. I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on the board. Transition: “Good, let’s begin with today’s lesson” Warm up and presentation Time: 10 minutes I will stick on the board three pictures about elements in the space and mixed up words. Then, I will ask to the students to order the words to make comparative sentences and superlative sentences. I will explain to them, that there are two comparative sentences and two superlative sentences. The / sun / is / the / hottest /star / in / our / solar /system Mercury / is / hotter / than / Venus / but / it / isn’t / the / hottest / element. A / rocket is / the / fastest / vehicle / in / our / planet Living / in / a / / rocket / is / more / uncomfortable / than / living / in / a / car Transition: “Well done! Now, we are going to play a game” Development Activity 1 Time: 15 minutes I will ask to the students: “Have you ever played tic tac toe?” After that I will explain to them that they are going to play tic tac toe in groups of two. Then, I will give each group a board, a set of cards and a piece of paper paper to write their sentences and to mark their scores. I will explain to them that they have to choose whether they want to be an O or a X. Then, I will explain to them, that the winner of the game is the one who completes the row. I will draw the board on the whiteboard as an example, and I will show them how to play. To make the game a little bit more engaging, I will explain to them that they cannot start the game by putting the X and O in the middle of the board. After that, I will explain to them that the one who loses has to pick up a card from the green square, which indicates the type of sentence (superlative or comparative) and other one from the pink square, which has the
  • 29. pictures of the elements/planets. After picking up the card, the player has to write a superlative/comparative sentence according to the cards he/she has picked up. Transition: “Well done everyone, let’s see who’s the winner of each team” Activity 2 Time: 10 minutes I will give each student a copy with the activities. I will explain to them that they have to make comparatives and superlatives sentences using the adjectives in the box. They have to write 3 sentences for each group. I will write the first sentence as an example The Earth – hot - powerful - small - the moon - the Sun 1) The Earth is smaller than the sun but, the moon is the smallest. 2) __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 3) __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Jupiter – big – cold – far – Venus - Mars 1) __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2) __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 3) __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Time: 10 minutes Transition: “I will delete the sentences and take off the pictures and words from the board” Closure Time: 5 minutes I will ask each one of them to read their productions from activity 2. After that I will ask them to hand in their homework, use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
  • 30. I.S.F.D LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE – TALLER DE PRACTICA DOCENTE III ENTREGA DE PLANIFICACIÓN Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2) Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier” Clase Nº: 15 Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes Teaching points: Comparative and superlative adjectives. Unit Aims: During this lesson students will be able to… -Develop their listening skills and speaking skills by interacting with each other during the game. - Make comparisons and highlight different aspects about the space elements. Language Focus: LEXIS FUNCTIONS STRUCTURE R E V Space elements. Adjectives. -Highlight a space element and compare two space elements. Mercury is small. N E W Space elements and Comparative adjectives. Superlative Adjectives. Mercury is smaller than the Earth. Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system. Materials: Game board, cards, dice, counters. Dice and counters:
  • 32. Tell a fact about this planet Tell a fact about this planet Make a comparative sentence about: MARS - VENUS Use the adjective HOT. Choose one planet and ask a question about it. Tell a fact about this planet Tell a fact about this planet Make a superlative sentence about the EARTH. What does a satellite do? What is it? Tell a fact about this planet Make a superlative sentence about: SATURN – VENUS - URANUS What is it? Tell a fact about this planet Tell a fact about this planet Make a comparative sentence about: The SUN – The Moon Why is the sun so importat? Tell a fact about Choose one planet and ask a question about it. Which one is the biggest, Uranus or Venus? Tell a fact about
  • 33. this planet this planet Which planet has a ring made of this element? Choose one planet and ask a question about it. Which one is the hottest, Mercury or Mars? Why is it so difficult to live in the space? Name the terrestrial planets Make a superlative and comparative sentence suing the adjective: FAST Which is the biggest planet in our solar system? Name the Jovian planets Routine Time: 5 minutes. I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on the board. Transition: “Good, let’s begin with today’s lesson” Warm up and presentation Time: 5 minutes I will ask to the students “do you like playing board games?” Transition: “ Great, because today we are going to play a game” Development Activity 1 Time: 30 minutes I will put the board and the cards on the table and I will give each student a marker with a different colour for them to play the game. I will explain to them that they have to roll the dice once to see who scores the highest number. The one who scores the highest number begins. After that, I will explain to them that the board has different instructions. If they are in the lobster space, they have to move one space back. If they are in the grass space they have to take a card and follow the instructions of the card, if they can’t do it so, they have to move one space back. If they are in the frog square they can move one space forward but if they are in the flower space they miss a turn. After giving the instructions, I will ask them if they understand the instructions. Then, I will encourage the student, who has scored the highest number, to roll the dice and start the game. Transition: “You did it great!” Closure
  • 34. Time: 5 minutes I will ask to the students to choose one card from the game and to write down a question about the planet or element from the card for one of his/her classmates to answer . As an example I will choose one card and I will ask a question: Is the moon a star? After the discussion I will ask them to use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
  • 35. I.S.F.D LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE – TALLER DE PRACTICA DOCENTE III ENTREGA DE PLANIFICACIÓN Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2) Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier” Clase Nº: 16 Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes Teaching points: Large numbers. Unit Aims: During this lesson students will be able to… -Develop their listening skills and speaking skills by reading the text and listening to the audio. - Identify and name different measures: distances, time and speeds. Language Focus: LEXIS FUNCTIONS STRUCTURE R E V Space elements. Numbers. -Identify and name large numbers in distances, time and speeds. Ten – one hundred. N E W Space elements. Large numbers. One thousand kilometres. Materials: Board – Market – Smart TV – Pendrive – Copies Audio act 2: Audio act 3: Routine Time: 5 minutes.
  • 36. I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on the board. Transition: “Good, let’s begin with today’s lesson” Warm up and presentation Time: 5 minutes I will write on the board the following measures of time, speed and distance: “Km – Kph – Hs” and then I will ask to the students if they know the meaning of each one of them. After that, I will ask them: “What do we use to refer to these measures? Great, we use numbers” Then, I will add numbers to the different measures: 100 km – 1.000 kph - 100.000 hs and I will encourage them to repeat the numbers with me. Transition: “Well done everyone! Now let’s practise” Development Activity 1 Time: 5 minutes I will give each student a copy with the activities. I will explain to them that they have to read the numbers in letters and write the numbers in symbols to complete the table. I will write the first one as an example. NUMBERS A / ONE HUNDRED 100 A / ONE THOUSAND TWO THOUSAND TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND A / ONE MILLION Transition: “Nice job!” Activity 2 Time: 10 minutes Pre reading: I will ask the students: “Do you remember what space debris is? Yes, it is the rubbish in the space.
  • 37. While reading: I will ask to the students to read and complete the following quiz about space debris. Then, they will listen to an audio to check their answers about this topic. I will reproduce the recording twice. After reading: I will ask to the students “Well, how well did you do the quiz?” Transition: Great answers, now let’s find out how dangerous space debris is!” Activity 3 Time: 15 minutes Pre-reading: I will ask to the students to answer the following question orally: a) In your opinion, is space debris dangerous for our planet? Why? Why not? While reading: I will ask to the students to listen to the audio and complete the text with the missing numbers from the box. I will reproduce the audio twice. 2008 -2000 – 2009 – 400 – 800
  • 38. SPACE DEBRIS FACT FILE In space, all of these pieces of metal can cause a lot of damage because they travel so fast. Even very small pieces can damage satellites and rockets. If a tiny bit of debris landed on a rocket, it would be like a piano landing on a car! In 2009, two satellites crashed for the first time. Both of them broke into more than 2,000 pieces. They were flying at a distance of 800 km from the Earth. The international Space Station (ISS) flies in orbit 400 km from the Earth. This distance should be safe. But the ISS has been in danger from flying rubbish twice. Fortunately, neither piece of rubbish destroyed the station, but NASA didn’t notice either of them. Now, NASA watches all of the debris in space much more carefully. Every day, a piece of space rubbish falls from the sky. None of the pieces have damaged anything so far. Most of them land in the Pacific or the Atlantic Ocean. But one of the biggest pieces of rocket landed in the United States. It landed in the Arizona desert in 2008. After reading: I will ask the students to answer the following questions: a) Why can a tiny piece of metal cause a lot of damage in space? b) When did the first satellite crash? c) Why does NASA watch debris in space now? d) How often does space debris fall from the sky? Transition: I will ask to the students to read their answers. Closure Time: 5 minutes I will write 5 numbers on the board and I will ask to the students them to tell the names out loud. 205 – 20,500 – 2021 – 1995 – 3,000,000 After the discussion I will ask them to use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
  • 39. I.S.F.D LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE – TALLER DE PRACTICA DOCENTE III ENTREGA DE PLANIFICACIÓN Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2) Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier” Clase Nº: 17 Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes Teaching points: Large numbers. Unit Aims: During this lesson students will be able to… -Develop their listening skills and speaking skills by watching the videos. - Identify and name different measures: distances, time and speeds. - Reflect on the elements and knowledge we need in order to survive. Language Focus: LEXIS FUNCTIONS STRUCTURE R E V Space elements. Numbers. -Identify and name large numbers in distances, time and speeds. Ten – one hundred. N E W Space elements. Large numbers. One thousand kilometres. Materials: Board – Market – Smart TV – Pendrive – Copies Video act 1: Video act 2: Video act 3: Routine
  • 40. Time: 5 minutes. I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on the board. Transition: “Good, let’s begin with today’s lesson” Warm up and presentation Time: 5 minutes I will stick on the board different numbers, which refer to distance speed and time, in symbols and numbers in letters. Then, I will ask the students to match the numbers in symbols with the numbers in letters. 101 – one hundred and one 1,250 – one thousand and two hundred and fifty 55,000 - fifty five thousand 1,200,000 – one million two hundred thousand 10,500 ten thousand five hundred. After that, I will ask to the students: “In your opinion, why is it important to know maths?” Transition: “Great answers, knowing maths is fundamental for different reasons as you have mentioned.” Development Activity 1 Time: 10 minutes Pre watching: I will ask the students: “Imagine that you are an astronaut and you are on a mission where you have to travel to another planet. Now, imagine that you have a terrible problem and everyone in your crew thinks that you are dead and they leave the planet, where you are now completely alone. What would you do to survive in that planet? Well I would probably freak out” After the discussion I will stick a picture from the movie on the board and I will explain to them, that they are going to watch a scene from the movie “THE MARTIAN” and I will ask them if they know the movie. I will explain to them that the situation that I have presented before is exactly what the main character has coped with.
  • 41. After that, I will give each student a copy with the activities. While watching: I will ask to the students to pay attention to what the main character has done in order to survive in Mars. I will reproduce the video twice. After watching: I will ask the students to answer the following questions: a) How many Sol’s days was the mission supposed to last? b) How many days will the food in the station last? c) What does the main character do? d) After watching the scene, why do you think knowing maths is so important? Transition: “great, now let’s find out what else is important to know if you are alone in another planet” Activity 2 Time: 10 minutes Pre watching: I will ask to the students to look at the following pictures and classify them according to the importance to survive writing the numbers below the pictures 1 (the most important) 3 (less important). Transition: “Good job! We can’t live without oxygen and we need water to survive and to create food as well.” While watching: I will ask the students to answer the following question: What is Mark doing? I will reproduce the video twice. After watching: I will ask the students to answer the following questions: a) How many meters of soil has Mark created? b) What elements do you need to create water? Choose the correct option 1. Hydrogen + Oxygen 2. Hydrogen + Helium + Oxygen 3. Hydrazine + Hydrogen c) Did his calculations work? Transition: “Great, now let’s see if Mark could survive in Mars” Activity 3 Time: 10 minutes Pre-watching: I will ask to the students: “Do you think Mark has survived in Mars?” While watching: I will ask the students to pay attention to the questions from the crew’s captain. I will reproduce the video 3 times since it does not have subtitles. After watching: I will ask the students to answer the following questions: a) What did Mark in order to catch up the rocket? b) What is the relative velocity from the captain towards Mark? a. 5,2 MPs b. 5.7 MPs c. 5.3 MPs Transition: I will ask to the students to read their answers. Closure
  • 42. Time: 5 minutes I will ask to the students: “Now, do you think that being an astronaut is difficult or easy? Why? After the discussion I will ask them to use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
  • 43. I.S.F.D LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE – TALLER DE PRACTICA DOCENTE III ENTREGA DE PLANIFICACIÓN Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2) Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier” Clase Nº: 18 Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes Teaching points: Giving opinions. Unit Aims: During this lesson students will be able to… -Develop their listening and reading skills while reading and listening the text. - Develop their speaking skills by giving their own opinions about the movie. -Reflect on the use of different phrases to give opinions. Language Focus: LEXIS FUNCTIONS STRUCTURE R E V Likes and dislikes. -Give their personal opinions about different topics. I like/don’t like star wars. N E W In my opinion – I fancy – I think that –I agree/disagree. In my opinion, Star Wars is a very interesting trilogy. Materials: Board – Market – Smart TV – Pendrive – Copies – tape Audio: Routine Time: 5 minutes.
  • 44. I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on the board. Transition: “Good, let’s begin with today’s lesson” Warm up and presentation Time: 5 minutes I will write the following word on the board: “OPINIONS”. After that I will ask students: “What phrases or words do we use to give our opinions?” I will write their answers as a spider gram on the board. Transition: “Great answers, as you can see we can use a lot of phases to give our opinions.” Development Activity 1 Time: 15 minutes Pre reading: I will ask students: “Do you know the trilogy “Star Wars”? “Have you watched the movies?” “Did you like them?”
  • 45. While reading: After the discussion I will give each student a copy with the activities. I will explain to them that they are going to read and listen to a text about a challenge called “the Star Wars Challenge”. I will ask the students to highlight the phrases and words to give opinions and to complete the table below while reading the text. MY OPINION Giving opinions Agreeing Disagreeing - - - - - - - - - After reading: I will ask the students to decide whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE. If they are false, they have to correct them. TRUE FALSE 1. The boys agree about the Star Wars films. 2. Both girls aren’t keen on the Star Wars films. 3. Zoe likes dramas. 4. Simon says he likes rom-coms 5. The girls want to watch the most recent Star Wars films. 6. Simon and Ethan choose the snacks.
  • 46. Transition: “Good job! Now, let’s talk about our own interests” Activity 2 Time: 5 minutes I will stick on the board different statements all mixed up. I will ask students to look at them and try to match the statement with their correct responses. I think that sci-fi films are terrible No way! They’re the best type of film in my opinion. I prefer crisps to chocolate while watching movies. How can you say that? Sugar is tastier than salt any day! In my opinion, everything related to science is interesting. I totally agree with you because we can learn and discover learn how things work in our planet. You can’t watch the avengers, It awful and boring. You can’t say that. This film is one of the best! Star Wars 2 isn’t as good as the first one. I disagree. This one’s way better. Do you want to watch it with me again? I think that Science is more interesting than History. Perhaps you’re right. I’m not good at learning dates anyway. Transition: “Amazing job” Then I will take off the sentences and stick the picture of “THE MARTIAN” instead. Activity 3 Time: 10 minutes I will stick on the board the picture of “THE MARTIAN” movie. After that I will write two opinions about the movie. 1. In my opinion this movie deserved an Oscar. 2. I think that new films are better than the old ones. Then, I will encourage students to give me their own opinion orally about this film using the words and phrases from the previous exercise. Besides, I will encourage them to give their opinions about their classmates’ opinions as well. Transition: “Amazing job!” then I will clean the board for the following activity. Closure Time: 5 minutes I will write on the board the following dialogue: A:I think the best sci-fi movie is ET. B: ___________ ! What about Super 8 or the 5th wave? A: All of those are very good, but ET is still the best. Then, I will ask the students to complete the dialogue using the phrases from the previous exercises. After the discussion I will ask them to use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
  • 47. I.S.F.D LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE – TALLER DE PRACTICA DOCENTE III ENTREGA DE PLANIFICACIÓN Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2) Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier” Clase Nº: 19 Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes Teaching points: Determiners Unit Aims: During this lesson students will be able to… -Develop their listening skills by watching the videos. - Develop their speaking skills by role-playing the dialogues. -Reflect on the use of different phrases to give opinions. Language Focus: LEXIS FUNCTIONS STRUCTURE R E V All - none -Give their personal opinions about different topics. All the movies are very interesting. N E W Either – neither – both - I don’t like either of them, they are boring. Materials: Board – Market – Smart TV – Pendrive – Copies – tape Video: Video:
  • 48. Routine Time: 5 minutes. I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on the board. Transition: “Good, let’s begin with today’s lesson” Warm up and presentation Time: 5 minutes I will tell the students that they are going to watch two trailer about two very famous movies ET and SUPER 8. I will ask them to pay attention to the plot of the movies. After watching the trailers I will ask them: “In your opinion, which one is more interesting?” Transition: “Good, well let’s see how we can answer something different” Development Activity 1 Time: 10 minutes I will stick on the board the following sentences, one by one asking the meaning to the students. I will stick the ones which contain the vocabulary they already know, and then the ones with the new vocabulary. In my opinion, Super 8 is more interesting than ET. I don’t like sci-fi movies. All of them are boring. I really like ET and Super 8, both of them are really interesting. None of them, in my opinion. I can’t decide. I think that either of them. Neither of them! They are terrible. After that, I will give each student a copy with the activities. Then, I will ask them to complete the following table using the words from the box. All / none / either / neither / both TALKING ABOUT TWO THINGS This one AND that one This one OR that one Not this one AND not that one. TALKING ABOUT MORE THAN TWO THINGS Every one Not one Transition: “Good job! Now, let’s practise” Activity 2 Time: 10 minutes I will ask the students to look at the pictures and complete the sentences using the determiners both/none/either/neither/all/none. I will complete the first one as an example.
  • 49. 1. Both girls are dancing. 2. _____ of them are sitting down. 3. ______ of the girls are eating pizza. 4. ______ of them are playing football. 5. One girl is eating cake. _____ Martin nor Alex are eating cake. 6. ______ of them are wearing hats. After that I will ask the students to complete the following dialogues using the words from the boxes. As an example, I will complete the first one. Excellent – neither – prefer – think – totally agree 1. Tina: What do you think of video games? Ella: To be honest, I don’t like them very much. Tina: Me ________ . I _________ TV and listening to music. Ella: I _________ with you. Let’s go and play some tunes. Tina: _________ idea! No way – I much prefer – I think that – disagree – can you say that 2. Jed: ______ flying is exciting Ana _______! How ___________ ? It’s really scary! Jed: No, travelling by plane is the best way to travel. Ana: I ________ . __________ going by train. Transition: “Amazing job, now let’s speak a little bit!” Activity 3
  • 50. Time: 10 minutes I will divide students in groups of two. Then, I will ask them to role-play the dialogues but first change the information using their own opinions about the topics. I will explain to them that they have to role-play both dialogues twice and change characters the second time. Transition: I will write on the board the sentences for the next exercise. Closure Time: 5 minutes I will write on the board the following dialogue and I will ask to the students to tell me the words they consider appropriate to complete it. A: I ______ that Physics is interesting. B: Me ____ . I really like the lessons. A: I ____ . They are great. But I don’t like Biology much. B: Me _____ . It’s quite difficult. After the discussion I will ask them to use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
  • 51. I.S.F.D LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE – TALLER DE PRACTICA DOCENTE III ENTREGA DE PLANIFICACIÓN Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2) Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier” Clase Nº: 20 Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes Teaching points: Determiners Unit Aims: During this lesson students will be able to… -Develop their listening skills by watching the videos. - Develop their speaking skills by giving their opinions. -Develop their intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligences by interacting with others and reflecting on their own opinions. -Reflect on the use of different phrases to give opinions. Language Focus: LEXIS FUNCTIONS STRUCTURE R E V All - none -Give their personal opinions about different topics. All the movies are very interesting. N E W Either – neither – both - I don’t like either of them, they are boring. Materials: Board – Market – Smart TV – Pendrive – Copies – tape -
  • 52. Videos: THE AVENGERS WORLD WAR Z GRAVITY STRANGER THINGS I'M NOT OKAY Pictures: Button: Routine Time: 5 minutes. I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on the board. Transition: “Good, let’s begin with today’s lesson” Warm up and presentation Time: 5 minutes I will stick on the board different movies’ plot with a number for the students to identify easily. Then, I will tell the students that they are going to watch 4 trailers about very famous movies and that they have to match the trailers with the plots. I will reproduce 2 trailers first and I will ask them to match the plots with the trailers. Then I will reproduce the other ones and do the same. I will reproduce only 40 sec to 1 min of each trailer. Stranger things: A young boy, Will Byers, goes missing near a top-secret government laboratory. As friends, family and local police search for answers, they are drawn into an extraordinary mystery involving top-secret government experiments, terrifying supernatural forces and one very strange little girl. World war Z: Gerry Lane is a former United Nations investigator who travels the world gathering clues to find a way to stop a zombie pandemic.
  • 53. The avengers’ plot: Loki, the adopted brother of Thor, teams-up with the Chitauri Army and uses the Tesseract's power to travel from Asgard to Midgard to plot the invasion of Earth and become a king. The director of the agency S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury, sets in motion project Avengers, joining Tony Stark a.k.a. the Iron Man; Steve Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America; Bruce Banner, a.k.a. The Hulk; Thor; Natasha Romanoff, a.k.a. Black Widow; and Clint Barton, a.k.a. Hawkeye, to save the world from the powerful Loki and the alien invasion. I’m not ok with this: Sydney is a teenage girl navigating the trials and tribulations of high school while dealing with the complexities of her family and mysterious superpowers just beginning to awaken deep within her Gravity: American astronauts, who are stranded in space after the mid-orbit destruction of their Space Shuttle, and attempt to return to Earth. Transition: “Good, now let’s talk about these movies” Development Activity 1 Time: 10 minutes I will stick on the board the picture of each movie and will ask the student to tell an adjective to describe each movie according to their opinion. I will write one as an example. After that I will ask them to write their classmates’ opinions about the movie using the adjectives they used. I will write the first one as an example: Adjective: interesting. Magui thinks that / In Magui’s opinion The Avengers is an interesting movie. Transition: “Good job! Now, let’s share our own opinions” Activity 2 Time: 10 minutes I will ask each student to highlight those opinions they agree with and to underline those opinions they disagree with. After that, I will ask them to read the opinions they agree with and tell us the reasons. I will ask the same with the ones they disagree with. Transition: I will delete the adjectives from the board. Activity 3 Time: 10 minutes I will show the students the following statements about the movies and I will ask them where I should stick them (moving the cardboard below the pictures), according to their own opinions. I will encourage them to say whether they agree or not with the statements and why. If they disagree with their classmates’ opinion they have to press the red button and give his/her reasons. If they agree they have to press the green button. The most repeated answer/opinion will define the position of the cardboard. 1. In my opinion, this movie/series is amazing. The plot is interesting and original. Besides, we can learn different facts about it. 2. I hated the entire movie/series. I think that the plot is very common and repeated among other movies/series, there is nothing new. 3. My mother says that she loves this type of movie/series, but she hates that everything goes perfectly at the end, it 4. In my opinion, the movie/series is interesting but the ending is terrible.
  • 54. seems a bit impossible. I agree with her. 5. In my opinion, the visual effects of this movie/series aren’t good enough. 6. I think that the only good thing that the movie/series has is the cast, the plot is terrible. 7. In my opinion, this is a great movie/series. The actors are great and the plot is really engaging. 8. In my opinion, the movie/series has used very original visual effects and the end is really good, because we want to know what happens next. Transition: “Amazing job!” Closure Time: 5 minutes I will ask the students: “What is your favourite movie? Can you tell us what is it about? Why is it your favourite movie?” After the discussion I will ask them to use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.
  • 55. I.S.F.D LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE – TALLER DE PRACTICA DOCENTE III ENTREGA DE PLANIFICACIÓN Alumno Practicante: Morena Garcia Curso/Año y sección: 3rd year Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary (A2) Tipo de Planificación: (Unidad o Clase): Clase Unidad Temática: “Space: the final frontier” Clase Nº: 21 Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes Teaching points: Determiners Unit Aims: During this lesson students will be able to… -Develop their listening skills during all the activities. - Develop their speaking skills by giving their opinions. -Develop their intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligences by interacting with others and reflecting on their own opinions. -Reflect on the use of different phrases to give opinions. Language Focus: LEXIS FUNCTIONS STRUCTURE R E V All - none -Give their personal opinions about different topics. All the movies are very interesting. N E W Either – neither – both - I don’t like either of them, they are boring. Materials: Board – Marker – Smart TV – Pendrive – Copies – tape - Wheel:
  • 56. Sand timer: Audio: Warm up Routine Time: 5 minutes. I will greet the students, ask them “How are you today?” after that, I will ask them about the date and write it on the board. Transition: “Good, let’s begin with today’s lesson” Warm up and presentation Time: 10 minutes I will write on the board the following sentences: 1. I think that astronomy is really interesting. 2. In my opinion science fiction films are boring. 3. I really like studying science. After that I will ask them to read the sentences and tell me if they agree or not with the statements and why. After that I will explain them that they are going to listen to three conversations about these statements and then they have to tell me, if the second person in each dialogue agree or disagree with the statements. Transition: “amazing job, now let’s play a game” Development Activity 1
  • 57. Time: 20 minutes I will put the wheel on the table and I will encourage the students to read the different options within the wheel. After that, I will explain to them that I will spin the arrow to choose one of them and then I will spin the wheel. The wheel will stop in a topic and he/she has to give his/her opinion about the topic before the time ends. I will use a sand timer. Topics: CSE at school – plastic surgery – wearing uniforms at school – tattoos –video games – going shopping or online shopping – winter or summer – pizza or hamburgers –sweet or salty – music genre – the importance of doing exercise – reading books – saving money – series or movies Transition: “Amazing job!” Closure Time: 10 minutes I will explain to the students that they have to listen to the statements I will say and if they agree with them they have to stand up. If they disagree, they have to touch their noses. If they can’t decide between the options they have to touch their elbows and if they don’t prefer any of them, they have to touch their hair. Statements: -I prefer eating chocolate while watching movies. -I think that summer is more beautiful than winter. -In my opinion, football is a boring sport. -I think that learning languages is important. -In my opinion, schools should have a subject where we could learn about eating healthy food. -I prefer cooking than cleaning my house. -I think that people can’t live without music. After the game I will ask them to use hand sanitizer and say goodbye.