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           Presented by
           Dept. Of Anaesthesia,ShSMCH.
Diabetes mellitus
 Diabetes mellitus is characterized by impairment of
  carbohydrate metabolism caused by an absolute or
  relative deficiency of insulin or insulin
  responsiveness, which leads to hyperglycemia and

 The diagnosis is based on an elevated fasting
  plasma glucose(140mg/dl or 7.8mmol/l or more) &
  random blood glucose(200mg/dl or 11.1mmol/l or
Physiology of insulin

 Insulin Production
  50 units/day controlled by plasma glucose level.
 Functions:
     ↑Glucose & Potassium entry into cells
     ↑Glycogen, protein & fatty acid synthesis
             ↓Gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis,ketogenesis,
   lipolysis & protein catabolism
 Insulin promotes anabolism
 Insulin lack promotes catabolism.
Diagnosis(based on blood glucose level)
  FBS 126 mg/dl or 7.0mmol/l
  RBS  200mg/dl or 11.1mmol/l

4 Types:

 Type I         Absolute insulin deficiency secondary to
                immune-mediated or idiopathic(IDDM)

 Type II        Adult onset secondary to resistance/relative

 Type III       Specific types of diabetes mellitus secondary to
                genetic defects

 Type IV        Gestational
Perioperative Response to
Surgery and Anesthesia (I)
 Neuroendocrine stress response with release of
  counterregulatory hormones.
 1. peripheral insulin resistance,
 2. increased hepatic glucose production,
 3. impaired insulin secretion,
 4. fat and protein breakdown,
 5. potential hyperglycemia and even ketosis
   in some cases.
Perioperative Response to
Surgery and Anesthesia
 Fasting and volume depletion contribute to metabolic
 Type I DM: Diabetic ketoacidosis may develop in the
   absence of severe hyperglycemia because of
  inadequate insulin availability during a time
 of increased demand
 Type 2 DM: Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic
 Infection
 Wound healing
 Local and epidural anesthesia: minimal effect
long-term                    Acute
 Hypertension
                              DKA(Diabetic
 Coronary artery disease      Ketoacidosis)
 Myocardial Infarction       Hyperosmolar nonketotic
 Cerebral    & Peripheral     coma (HONC)
  Vascular disease            Hypoglycemia
 Peripheral & autonomic
 Renal failure
Diabetic Ketoacidosis(DKA)
   Insulin lack Catabolism of free fatty acid into ketone
    bodies (Acetoacetic acid & β hydoxybutyrate) which are
    weak acids.
   Identified by: ↑ plasma lactate(Lactic acidosis)
                 No urine/ plasma ketone bodies.
   Precipitating factor Infection, trauma etc.
   C/F:
    Tachypnoea (to compensate met. Acidosis)
    Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain- like acute abdomen
    Changes in sensorial
 Correction of hypovolumia:
     Total 5-6 Liters of Normal saline
          1-2 L in first hour followed by 200-500 ml/hr in
  subsequent hrs
      To add 5 % DA when blood glucose drops to 250 mg/
 Correction of Hyperglycemia & potassium
     Target: To reduce sugar by 75-100 mg/dl/Hour
       10 units of soluble Insulin I/V in first hour by syringe
     If no response- double the dose.
 Sugar, K+ & ketone bodies to be measured hrly
Hyper osmolar Non Ketotic
 No ketone body formation due to some insulin
 Main feature
         *Hyperglycaemia diuresis dehydration
  hyperosmolarity (< 360 mosm/L)
      *Dehydration leads to renal failure, lactic acidosis &
  intravascular thrombosis.
        *Hyperosmolarity(>360mOsm/L) cerebral water
  balance change in mental status & seizures
 Treatment:
    Fluid, Insulin & potassium.
  < 50 mg/ DL
  Excess insulin relative to CHO intake
  Brain depends on glucose for energy.
  Light headness, Confusion, convulsion & permanent
 Systemic features due to catecholamine release.
  e.g. diaphoresis, tachycardia & nervousness.
 GA masks the features
 Treatment:
    I/V glucose. 1 ml of 25% glucose raises 1 mg/DL
Diabetes and Surgery
 Surgery is a form of physical trauma
 It results in catabolism, increased metabolic rate, increased fat
   and protein breakdown, glucose intolerance and starvation.
 In a diabetic patient, the pre existing metabolic disturbances
  are exacerbated by surgery
 The type of diabetes, amount of insulin dose, diet or oral
  hypoglycaemic agents must be considered as this will change
  the overall management plan
 The risk of significant end-organ damage increases with the
   duration of diabetes, although the quality of glucose control is
   more important than the absolute time
Determinants of the management plan
for diabetic patient

 1.   Type of DM
 2.   Treatment, diet, oral antidiabetic drugs,
 3.   Metabolic status
 4.   Vascular status: cardiac, renal, cerebral
 5.   Surgery:
            Type: emergency or elective
            Minor or major procedure
            Type of anesthesia
            Post operative oral intake
Factors Adversely Affecting Diabetic
Control Perioperatively

 Anxiety
 Starvation
 Anaesthetic drugs
 Infection
 Metabolic response to trauma
 Diseases underlying need for surgery
 Other drugs e.g. steroids
Perioperative consideration
Related To Anesthesia

 Cardiovascular Disease
 Renal dysfunction
 Peripheral and autonomic
 Orthopedic Cause
Cardiovascular Disease
 ↑risk: hypertension, coronary artery disease,
  diastolic dysfunction, congestive heart
  failure, peripheral vascular disease and
  cerebrovascular disease, etc.
 Diabetes is not a contraindication to β-
  adrenergic blocker administration when such
  therapy is indicated
   Most cardiac and antihypertensive drugs should be
  continued throughout the preoperative period except,
  aspirin, diuretics and anticoagulants
   History to determine effort tolerance, clinical
  examination for cardiac failure and an
  electrocardiogram in all patients.
   Echocardiography can help in assessing an ejection
  fraction in borderline cases
Renal Disease
 Renal dysfunction commonly develops
 Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors: ↓albuminuria
  and progression of renal dysfunction
 Consider renal function when selecting medications
  (avoiding potential nephrotoxic drugs) and modify
      Urea and electrolyte determination.
      Dipsticks urinalysis for proteinuria
Peripheral and autonomic
 Neuropathy and vascular compromise: ↑risk
  for ischemia in pressure point while
  positioning diabetic patients
 Autonomic neuropathy: ↓compensatory
  cardiovascular response, ↑gastroparesis and
  predispose pulmonary aspiration
   History of postural dizziness, post gustatory
    sweating, nocturnal diarrhoea and impotence.
   Careful documentation of peripheral
Orthopedic cause

 Stiff joint syndrome:
chronic hyperglycemia->↑abnormal collagen cross-linking-
  > decreased joint mobility
 ->Decreased mobility in the temporomandibular and
  cervical spine joints. 30% cases of difficult intubation..
 Management
   Clinical assessment of neck extension, examination of
    the small joints of the hand and a good evaluation of
    the ease of intubation
Pre-operative Assessment
 This is the most important step in the management of
  the diabetic patient
 Involves a thorough history and physical examination
 Review prior anaesthetic records to determine whether
  there were any difficulties with intubation or
 Lab investigations
   blood glucose           - K+
   BUN                     - creatinine
   ketones                 - proteinuria
   HbA1c (to assess how well controlled diabetes is)
Aims of peri-operative
 Avoid hypoglycaemia
 Avoid excessive hyperglycaemia
 Avoid loss of electrolytes (potassium,
  magnesium and phosphate)
 Prevent lipolysis and proteolysis

          H. J. Robertshaw1 and G. M. Hall. Diabetes mellitus: anesthetic
                        management. Anaesthesia, 2006, 61, p1187–1190
Target glucose level
 Intravenous insulin therapy during the
  perioperative period, labor and delivery
 Targets:
 a. ICU patients < 110 mg/dL or
 b. Non-ICU patients < 110 mg/dL preprandial,
  < 180 mg/dL maximum
 c. Labor and Delivery patients < 100 mg/dL
Well, how to goal during
Pre-Operative Management
 Admit as early as possible prior to surgery
 Avoid long-acting glucose lowering agents
    chlorpropamide                  –glibenclamide
    ultralente insulin
 Avoid metformin
 Closely monitor blood glucose levels
    2 hourly for Type 1
    4 hourly for type 2
 Test urine every 8 hours for ketone
 Place first on morning operating list if possible
 Aim for a blood glucose of 5-10mmol/L
Intra-operative management
 Interval of blood glucose check: <2hrs

 Target of blood glucose: <180mg/dL

 Plasma K level: 4.0–4.5 mmol/L, check at least 24h

 Modify blood glucose:

 a. concurrently running separate infusions of insulin and glucose

   b. infusion of glucose mixed with insulin (with or without added
potassium), ex: glucose-insulin-potassium solutions (the GIK
system, or ‘Albert regimen’)

           ref: H. J. Robertshaw1 and G. M. Hall. Diabetes mellitus:
anesthetic management. Anaesthesia, 2006, 61, p1187–1190
On the day of surgery

 It is preferable to take diabetic patients for surgery in
    the morning as first case.
   Normally the requirement of insulin is 0.3 U to
    metabolize 1gm of glucose.
   When FPG < 120 mg % no insulin is given except 5%
   When FPG 120- 160 mg % 5 % glucose with 5 units
    soluble insulin.
   For FPG 160- 200 mg % 5 % glucose with 8 U of soluble
Surgical Management of Insulin
Dependant Diabetes Mellitus
 Aim to keep blood glucose 5 to10mmol/L
 Pre-operative
    NBM for 6 hrs prior to surgery (4 hrs for clear fluids)
    Anti aspiration prophylaxis
    Initiate glucose/ potassium/ insulin regime after commencing NBM (check
     K+ as well)
      500ml 10% glucose solution with 20mmol K+ at
       connected to Y piece with insulin syringe
       Make up insulin syringe as 50 units insulin in 50 ml saline in a 50 ml
        syringe pump and run through Y piece with 10% glucose at between 1 to
        5 u hr-1 (1 – 5 ml).
       Base on existing insulin regime
       Use sliding scale e.g. 1 u hr-1 if BG between 5 to 10mmole/l
    Hourly capillary glucose is measured until operation
Surgical Management of Insulin
Dependant Diabetes Mellitus

   Intra-operative
     Anaesthesia determined by patient physiology
      and surgical requirements
     Hourly glucose monitoring
       keep between 5-10 mmol/L
     Two hourly potassium monitoring
       keep between 3.5-4.5 mmol/L
     Set up additional IV for resuscitation fluids
Surgical Management of Insulin Dependant
Diabetes Mellitus

 Post-operative
   Continue Glucose/Potassium/Insulin regime until
    patient can take orally
   Oral medication with first meal
   Allow for pain resulting in increased insulin
Surgical Management of Non Insulin Dependant
  Diabetes Mellitus

 Treat as insulin dependant if:
    poorly controlled (blood glucose >10 mmo/L)
    major surgery
 Pre-operative
    Biguanides must be stopped 48 hours before hand for fear of
     lactic acidosis
 NBM for 12 hours prior to operation
 Intra-operative
 Start i.v maintenance fluid
    0.18% NaCl with glucose 4%
 Hourly capillary glucose is measured until operation
Surgical Management of Non Insulin
Dependant Diabetes Mellitus

 Hourly glucose monitoring
   Aim to keep within 5-10mmol/L or 90-180mg/dl
   if blood glucose >10 mmol/L, switch to treating as
    insulin dependant
 Post-operative
   Restart oral hypoglycaemic with first meal
Type of surgery

                           Minor                          intermediate/major

Pt. controlled by diet     no specific precautions        measure blood glucose 4 hourly
                                                          ,if>12mmol/l or 216mg/dl
                                                           start glucose-potassium-insulin
                                                          sliding scale regimen

pt controlled by oral      Omit medication on morning     Omit medication and monitor
hypoglycemic drug          of operation and start when    blood glucose 1-2 hourly; if
                           eating normally                >12mmol/l start glucose-
                                                          potassium-insulin sliding scale

Pt controlled by insulin   unless very minor procedure(omit insulin when nil by
                           mouth)give glucose-potassium-insulin sliding scale regimen during
                           surgery and until eating normally postoperatively.
 GKI sliding scale regimen:
  Glucose-potassium-insulin sliding scale: infuse 10%
  glucose500ml + 10 mmol potassium chloride(KCl) at
  100ml/hr .prepare a 50 ml syringe containing 50 units of
  actrapid(short acting)insulin in 50 ml normal saline and
  connect via a 3 way tap to a glucose infusion, adjust the rate
  of the syringe driver according to the following sliding scale

 Blood glucose(mmol/l)         rate of syringe driver(ml/hr)
  <5                               switch off
  5-7                              1
  7-10                             2
 10-20                              3
  >20                              4
Emergency surgery

 In emergency surgery it is deal to use
  intravenous insulin infusion.

Evaluation for emergency surgery

     Intravenous fluids
1.    Dextrose saline / normal saline is used if blood pressure
      is low or normal.

2.    If there is hypertension half normal saline or 5 %
      dextrose is given.

3.    For normal metabolism 50 gm glucose is required every
      8 hours for energy and to avoid ketosis, to meet this
      demand at least 1000 cc 5 % glucose every 8 h will be

4.    In situations requiring fluid restriction 10 % dextrose can
      be infused instead of 5 % with double the dose of insulin.

 5 g of glucose per hour for basal energy requirements and to
prevent hypoglycemia, ketosis, and protein breakdown during

 More glucose may be needed if conditions are very stressful.

 1. Short procedures: 5% dextrose : 100 mL per hour
  2. Longer procedures: 10% dextrose: 50 mL per hour
  3. 20 or 50% through a central line if fluid restriction is critical.
  Normal serum potassium level does not necessarily
  reflect a normal total body potassium
 Potassium into cells: Insulin and epinephrine

 Potassium out of cells: hyperosmolarity causes, acidosis.

 DM patient with normal renal function and serum potassium

   levels, 10 to 20 mEq per L of potassium should be added per
   liter of dextrose-containing fluid.
 More potassium is given if hypokalemia is present. In

   patients with hyperkalemia, potassium is not given unless
   the level falls into the normal range.
Practical aspects

1. Whatever is the pattern of infusion, the blood
   sugar has to be checked every 1- 2 hours and
   the flow rate is adjusted.
2. Intra and post operative potassium
   monitoring is done and corrected
3. A few hours after surgery there will be
   reduction in the insulin requirement as the
   elevated counter hormones due to surgical
   stress decline.
Other Considerations with Anaesthesia in
Diabetic Patients
 Usual intra-operative monitoring
    record BP and pulse every 5 minutes
    watch skin colour and temp
      suspect hypoglycaemia if patient is cold and sweaty
        give IV glucose
 No contraindications to standard anaesthetic induction or
  inhalational agents
 If the patient is dehydrated then hypotension will occur and
  i.v. fluids will be needed
Our aim
 To make patients safe for surgery, for this we need
  an understanding team work between the
  surgeon, anesthesiologist and diabetologist.
 When the patient is under anesthesia the ideal is
  to have diabetic therapy supervised by a diabetic
  team where available.

Diabetes mellitus

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Diabetes mellitus

  • 2. Diabetes mellitus  Diabetes mellitus is characterized by impairment of carbohydrate metabolism caused by an absolute or relative deficiency of insulin or insulin responsiveness, which leads to hyperglycemia and glycosuria.  The diagnosis is based on an elevated fasting plasma glucose(140mg/dl or 7.8mmol/l or more) & random blood glucose(200mg/dl or 11.1mmol/l or more)
  • 3. Physiology of insulin  Insulin Production 50 units/day controlled by plasma glucose level.  Functions: ↑Glucose & Potassium entry into cells ↑Glycogen, protein & fatty acid synthesis ↓Gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis,ketogenesis, lipolysis & protein catabolism  Insulin promotes anabolism  Insulin lack promotes catabolism.
  • 4. Diagnosis(based on blood glucose level) FBS 126 mg/dl or 7.0mmol/l RBS  200mg/dl or 11.1mmol/l TYPE: 4 Types: Type I Absolute insulin deficiency secondary to immune-mediated or idiopathic(IDDM) Type II Adult onset secondary to resistance/relative deficiency(NIDDM) Type III Specific types of diabetes mellitus secondary to genetic defects Type IV Gestational
  • 5. Perioperative Response to Surgery and Anesthesia (I)  Neuroendocrine stress response with release of counterregulatory hormones. 1. peripheral insulin resistance, 2. increased hepatic glucose production, 3. impaired insulin secretion, 4. fat and protein breakdown, 5. potential hyperglycemia and even ketosis in some cases.
  • 6. Perioperative Response to Surgery and Anesthesia  Fasting and volume depletion contribute to metabolic decompensation.  Type I DM: Diabetic ketoacidosis may develop in the absence of severe hyperglycemia because of inadequate insulin availability during a time of increased demand  Type 2 DM: Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic states  Infection  Wound healing  Local and epidural anesthesia: minimal effect
  • 7. Complications long-term Acute  Hypertension  DKA(Diabetic  Coronary artery disease Ketoacidosis)  Myocardial Infarction  Hyperosmolar nonketotic  Cerebral & Peripheral coma (HONC) Vascular disease  Hypoglycemia  Peripheral & autonomic neuropathies  Renal failure
  • 8. Diabetic Ketoacidosis(DKA)  Insulin lack Catabolism of free fatty acid into ketone bodies (Acetoacetic acid & β hydoxybutyrate) which are weak acids.  Identified by: ↑ plasma lactate(Lactic acidosis) No urine/ plasma ketone bodies.  Precipitating factor Infection, trauma etc.  C/F: Tachypnoea (to compensate met. Acidosis) Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain- like acute abdomen Changes in sensorial
  • 9. Treatment:  Correction of hypovolumia: Total 5-6 Liters of Normal saline 1-2 L in first hour followed by 200-500 ml/hr in subsequent hrs To add 5 % DA when blood glucose drops to 250 mg/ dL  Correction of Hyperglycemia & potassium Target: To reduce sugar by 75-100 mg/dl/Hour 10 units of soluble Insulin I/V in first hour by syringe pump If no response- double the dose.  Sugar, K+ & ketone bodies to be measured hrly
  • 10. Hyper osmolar Non Ketotic Coma(HONC)  No ketone body formation due to some insulin  Main feature *Hyperglycaemia diuresis dehydration hyperosmolarity (< 360 mosm/L) *Dehydration leads to renal failure, lactic acidosis & intravascular thrombosis. *Hyperosmolarity(>360mOsm/L) cerebral water balance change in mental status & seizures  Treatment: Fluid, Insulin & potassium.
  • 11. Hypoglycaemia:  < 50 mg/ DL  Excess insulin relative to CHO intake  Brain depends on glucose for energy.  Light headness, Confusion, convulsion & permanent Coma.  Systemic features due to catecholamine release. e.g. diaphoresis, tachycardia & nervousness.  GA masks the features  Treatment: I/V glucose. 1 ml of 25% glucose raises 1 mg/DL
  • 12. Diabetes and Surgery  Surgery is a form of physical trauma  It results in catabolism, increased metabolic rate, increased fat and protein breakdown, glucose intolerance and starvation.  In a diabetic patient, the pre existing metabolic disturbances are exacerbated by surgery  The type of diabetes, amount of insulin dose, diet or oral hypoglycaemic agents must be considered as this will change the overall management plan  The risk of significant end-organ damage increases with the duration of diabetes, although the quality of glucose control is more important than the absolute time
  • 13. Determinants of the management plan for diabetic patient 1. Type of DM 2. Treatment, diet, oral antidiabetic drugs, insulin 3. Metabolic status 4. Vascular status: cardiac, renal, cerebral 5. Surgery: Type: emergency or elective Minor or major procedure Type of anesthesia Post operative oral intake
  • 14. Factors Adversely Affecting Diabetic Control Perioperatively  Anxiety  Starvation  Anaesthetic drugs  Infection  Metabolic response to trauma  Diseases underlying need for surgery  Other drugs e.g. steroids
  • 15. Perioperative consideration Related To Anesthesia  Cardiovascular Disease  Renal dysfunction  Peripheral and autonomic neuropathies  Orthopedic Cause
  • 16. Cardiovascular Disease  ↑risk: hypertension, coronary artery disease, diastolic dysfunction, congestive heart failure, peripheral vascular disease and cerebrovascular disease, etc.  Diabetes is not a contraindication to β- adrenergic blocker administration when such therapy is indicated
  • 17. Management  Most cardiac and antihypertensive drugs should be continued throughout the preoperative period except, aspirin, diuretics and anticoagulants  History to determine effort tolerance, clinical examination for cardiac failure and an electrocardiogram in all patients.  Echocardiography can help in assessing an ejection fraction in borderline cases
  • 18. Renal Disease  Renal dysfunction commonly develops  Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors: ↓albuminuria and progression of renal dysfunction  Consider renal function when selecting medications (avoiding potential nephrotoxic drugs) and modify dosage Management:  Urea and electrolyte determination.  Dipsticks urinalysis for proteinuria
  • 19. Peripheral and autonomic neuropathies  Neuropathy and vascular compromise: ↑risk for ischemia in pressure point while positioning diabetic patients  Autonomic neuropathy: ↓compensatory cardiovascular response, ↑gastroparesis and predispose pulmonary aspiration Management  History of postural dizziness, post gustatory sweating, nocturnal diarrhoea and impotence.  Careful documentation of peripheral sensation
  • 20. Orthopedic cause  Stiff joint syndrome: chronic hyperglycemia->↑abnormal collagen cross-linking- > decreased joint mobility ->Decreased mobility in the temporomandibular and cervical spine joints. 30% cases of difficult intubation..  Management  Clinical assessment of neck extension, examination of the small joints of the hand and a good evaluation of the ease of intubation
  • 21. Pre-operative Assessment  This is the most important step in the management of the diabetic patient  Involves a thorough history and physical examination  Review prior anaesthetic records to determine whether there were any difficulties with intubation or anaesthetics  Lab investigations  blood glucose - K+  BUN - creatinine  ketones - proteinuria  HbA1c (to assess how well controlled diabetes is)
  • 22. Aims of peri-operative management  Avoid hypoglycaemia  Avoid excessive hyperglycaemia  Avoid loss of electrolytes (potassium, magnesium and phosphate)  Prevent lipolysis and proteolysis H. J. Robertshaw1 and G. M. Hall. Diabetes mellitus: anesthetic management. Anaesthesia, 2006, 61, p1187–1190
  • 23. Target glucose level  Intravenous insulin therapy during the perioperative period, labor and delivery  Targets: a. ICU patients < 110 mg/dL or b. Non-ICU patients < 110 mg/dL preprandial, < 180 mg/dL maximum c. Labor and Delivery patients < 100 mg/dL
  • 24. Well, how to goal during operation?
  • 25.
  • 26. Pre-Operative Management  Admit as early as possible prior to surgery  Avoid long-acting glucose lowering agents  chlorpropamide –glibenclamide  ultralente insulin  Avoid metformin  Closely monitor blood glucose levels  2 hourly for Type 1  4 hourly for type 2  Test urine every 8 hours for ketone  Place first on morning operating list if possible  Aim for a blood glucose of 5-10mmol/L
  • 27. Intra-operative management  Interval of blood glucose check: <2hrs  Target of blood glucose: <180mg/dL  Plasma K level: 4.0–4.5 mmol/L, check at least 24h  Modify blood glucose: a. concurrently running separate infusions of insulin and glucose b. infusion of glucose mixed with insulin (with or without added potassium), ex: glucose-insulin-potassium solutions (the GIK system, or ‘Albert regimen’) ref: H. J. Robertshaw1 and G. M. Hall. Diabetes mellitus: anesthetic management. Anaesthesia, 2006, 61, p1187–1190
  • 28. On the day of surgery  It is preferable to take diabetic patients for surgery in the morning as first case.  Normally the requirement of insulin is 0.3 U to metabolize 1gm of glucose.  When FPG < 120 mg % no insulin is given except 5% glucose.  When FPG 120- 160 mg % 5 % glucose with 5 units soluble insulin.  For FPG 160- 200 mg % 5 % glucose with 8 U of soluble insulin.
  • 29. Surgical Management of Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitus  Aim to keep blood glucose 5 to10mmol/L  Pre-operative  NBM for 6 hrs prior to surgery (4 hrs for clear fluids)  Anti aspiration prophylaxis  Initiate glucose/ potassium/ insulin regime after commencing NBM (check K+ as well)  500ml 10% glucose solution with 20mmol K+ at connected to Y piece with insulin syringe  Make up insulin syringe as 50 units insulin in 50 ml saline in a 50 ml syringe pump and run through Y piece with 10% glucose at between 1 to 5 u hr-1 (1 – 5 ml).  Base on existing insulin regime  Use sliding scale e.g. 1 u hr-1 if BG between 5 to 10mmole/l  Hourly capillary glucose is measured until operation
  • 30. Surgical Management of Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitus  Intra-operative  Anaesthesia determined by patient physiology and surgical requirements  Hourly glucose monitoring  keep between 5-10 mmol/L  Two hourly potassium monitoring  keep between 3.5-4.5 mmol/L  Set up additional IV for resuscitation fluids
  • 31. Surgical Management of Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitus  Post-operative  Continue Glucose/Potassium/Insulin regime until patient can take orally  Oral medication with first meal  Allow for pain resulting in increased insulin requirements
  • 32. Surgical Management of Non Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitus  Treat as insulin dependant if:  poorly controlled (blood glucose >10 mmo/L)  major surgery  Pre-operative  Biguanides must be stopped 48 hours before hand for fear of lactic acidosis  NBM for 12 hours prior to operation  Intra-operative  Start i.v maintenance fluid  0.18% NaCl with glucose 4%  Hourly capillary glucose is measured until operation
  • 33. Surgical Management of Non Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitus  Hourly glucose monitoring  Aim to keep within 5-10mmol/L or 90-180mg/dl  if blood glucose >10 mmol/L, switch to treating as insulin dependant  Post-operative  Restart oral hypoglycaemic with first meal
  • 34. Type of surgery Minor intermediate/major Pt. controlled by diet no specific precautions measure blood glucose 4 hourly ,if>12mmol/l or 216mg/dl start glucose-potassium-insulin sliding scale regimen pt controlled by oral Omit medication on morning Omit medication and monitor hypoglycemic drug of operation and start when blood glucose 1-2 hourly; if eating normally >12mmol/l start glucose- potassium-insulin sliding scale regimen Pt controlled by insulin unless very minor procedure(omit insulin when nil by mouth)give glucose-potassium-insulin sliding scale regimen during surgery and until eating normally postoperatively.
  • 35.  GKI sliding scale regimen: Glucose-potassium-insulin sliding scale: infuse 10% glucose500ml + 10 mmol potassium chloride(KCl) at 100ml/hr .prepare a 50 ml syringe containing 50 units of actrapid(short acting)insulin in 50 ml normal saline and connect via a 3 way tap to a glucose infusion, adjust the rate of the syringe driver according to the following sliding scale  Blood glucose(mmol/l) rate of syringe driver(ml/hr) <5 switch off 5-7 1 7-10 2 10-20 3 >20 4
  • 36.
  • 37. Emergency surgery  In emergency surgery it is deal to use intravenous insulin infusion. 37
  • 39. GLUCOSE, FLUID, AND ELECTROLYTE MANAGEMENT Intravenous fluids 1. Dextrose saline / normal saline is used if blood pressure is low or normal. 2. If there is hypertension half normal saline or 5 % dextrose is given. 3. For normal metabolism 50 gm glucose is required every 8 hours for energy and to avoid ketosis, to meet this demand at least 1000 cc 5 % glucose every 8 h will be required. 4. In situations requiring fluid restriction 10 % dextrose can be infused instead of 5 % with double the dose of insulin.
  • 40. GLUCOSE, FLUID, AND ELECTROLYTE MANAGEMENT  5 g of glucose per hour for basal energy requirements and to prevent hypoglycemia, ketosis, and protein breakdown during surgery.  More glucose may be needed if conditions are very stressful.  1. Short procedures: 5% dextrose : 100 mL per hour 2. Longer procedures: 10% dextrose: 50 mL per hour 3. 20 or 50% through a central line if fluid restriction is critical.
  • 41. GLUCOSE, FLUID, AND ELECTROLYTE MANAGEMENT  Normal serum potassium level does not necessarily reflect a normal total body potassium concentration.  Potassium into cells: Insulin and epinephrine  Potassium out of cells: hyperosmolarity causes, acidosis.  DM patient with normal renal function and serum potassium levels, 10 to 20 mEq per L of potassium should be added per liter of dextrose-containing fluid.  More potassium is given if hypokalemia is present. In patients with hyperkalemia, potassium is not given unless the level falls into the normal range.
  • 42. Practical aspects 1. Whatever is the pattern of infusion, the blood sugar has to be checked every 1- 2 hours and the flow rate is adjusted. 2. Intra and post operative potassium monitoring is done and corrected appropriately. 3. A few hours after surgery there will be reduction in the insulin requirement as the elevated counter hormones due to surgical stress decline. 42
  • 43. Other Considerations with Anaesthesia in Diabetic Patients  Usual intra-operative monitoring  record BP and pulse every 5 minutes  watch skin colour and temp  suspect hypoglycaemia if patient is cold and sweaty  give IV glucose  No contraindications to standard anaesthetic induction or inhalational agents  If the patient is dehydrated then hypotension will occur and i.v. fluids will be needed
  • 44. Our aim  To make patients safe for surgery, for this we need an understanding team work between the surgeon, anesthesiologist and diabetologist.  When the patient is under anesthesia the ideal is to have diabetic therapy supervised by a diabetic team where available. 44