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Welcome back to the Asylum where everyone is crazy in here, including the person at the keyboard typing this up!

So far Keith has managed to max out five out of the seven skills he needs to meet his LTW, and he was just about to max out
Charisma. Mary/Josh and Lillian/Goopy had children, four of which were taken away by the SoWo. After that, Mary gave
birth to another daughter and Lillian had gotten pregnant with her third child. All I can say is this: thank goodness I didn't give
into the very brief desire to temporarily add the triplets & quads hack, because that would have been even more crazy than
this has already been.

Anyway, on with the show!

(Day 15)

The week started off with Stinky Mary giving Keith (whose plumbbob was very red due to his low Fun and Social) a very stern
lecture about clogging up the toilet that had been pretty much clogged since the first day.

Keith wasn't putting up with any of her crap.
And so, because Keith's Fun and Social were so very low, I took my training that I had learned when I had played my "For Fun"
Apocalypse Challenges: I had him play Red Hands a few times with Zane, which did the trick. I promptly sent him back to the
mirror so he could finish out the Charisma skill.
Alexander: "Hey, remember that one time we kissed and I developed a huge crush on you and then thought you were a
cheating whore when you jumped into the photo booth with Goopy and got pregnant by him? Ah, good times, good times."

Lillian: "I am pregnant by him again."

Alexander: "Yeah, no need to rub it in. I don't suppose you'll help me out with my ACR "issue" that I've been having for the
better part of two weeks, will you? No? Ah, that's too bad. Well, off to the bathroom again. There's no need to ask what I'm
doing in there."
For some reason Mary, who had spent the last few days ignoring Ardelia, felt that NOW was a good time to pay attention to
the kid.
There you have it, folks: Toddler Facepalm.

I can't help but agree with Ardelia. Her parents are acting incredibly stupid by not taking care of their basic needs...or HER
basic needs.
But more importantly, Keith maxed out Charisma, leaving only Cleaning and Mechanical!
Of course, just as I was celebrating Keith's success, Lillian had to go and steal all the thunder by giving birth to her third child, a
daughter named Pandora.
In an action that had become incredibly normal for Zane, he took one look at his sister and went into the bathroom to take yet
another two hour long bubble bath.

I am beginning to suspect that Zane is also taking matters into his own hands in regards to his ACR timer. Why else would he
be taking such long, frequent baths? It would explain a lot.


(Hehe, now you won't be able to look at pictures of Zane bathing the same way ever again. That's my gift to you. You're
Cheerfully obliging their ACR timers, Josh and Mary decided to try for yet another baby.

They succeeded.
Yes, everyone seems to have babies on their minds, yet they do NOTHING about the existing children.
This week they were even more failtastic about taking care of their needs. As you can see, Lillian, who was already stinky (and
the tub was empty) had another accident (and the toilet stall was also empty). When Goopy is disgusted by you, you know
you're doing something wrong. Of course, Goopy also gained relationship points seemingly because Lillian had an accident.
Most likely because of some strange fetish, which would also explain why Mary and Goopy were so cold to each other in my
legacy (Because, as you know, it wouldn't be Perky, Pretty, or Perfect).
Lillian: "You'll clean that up while I stink up the bedding with my foul odors, right? Awesome." *finger gun*
Zane just quietly gains another skill point.
Ardelia here was so red, she didn't know what to do with herself. She would crawl into her pet bed, only to crawl out because
she needed to use the bathroom. Then she would be starving and double fist the puppy chow, shoveling it into her mouth.

Oh, and TOTAL YAWN over the SoWo's threats.
Thaddeus: "Psst. Hey, You know Tabitha? Yeah, she grew up badly."

Josh: "Tee hee. It's fun to make fun of kids who will no doubt suffer from psychological trauma when they get older. What
kind of animals were raising her anyway?"

Thaddeus: "I know, right?"
Keith: "Hey, congratulations for passing out on the floor two weeks ago."

Goopy: "Thanks, I try my best."
(Day 16)

Lillian: "Good God, what is that stinky smelly thing laying on the floor?"

That was the most attention Lillian had ever paid Pandora.
Josh: "So you know that guy in the fez who seems to be ignoring us?"

Goopy: "He puts out gelatin because we are incapable of cooking for ourselves."

Josh: "Whatever. Anyway, I'm beginning to suspect that he, in fact, not a doctor."
Josh: "Oh my God! Mary is naked! My eyes!"

Upon thinking about it, I realized that Josh has mostly seen Mary in the photo booth, and I'm pretty sure they don't take their
clothes off in there.

Upon further reflection, I would hate to see what the inside of that photo booth would really look like and I'm thankful that it
doesn't have a "dirty" state." And that, ladies and gentlemen, is called a "silver lining."
*yawn* More idle threats from the SoWo. It must be Tuesday. Wait. It IS Tuesday. Carry on, SoWo. Carry on.
I doubt you'll find any brains here, Remington.

(It's weird to see him act like a zombie because I never actually play Zane's house, and when I AM in it, I'm posing them, and
Remington is posed the same as everyone else. In other words, this is one of the few times I've ever seen him think about
Josh, like almost everyone else, fails to comprehend and recognize when nobody is in the toilet stall or bathtub. Maybe it's
become habitual to assume that they are both occupied at all times? I dunno.
Josh: "I'm beginning to think that having children in an asylum was a bad idea."

Alexander: "I, too, am concerned for absolutely no reason."
Keith: "Hi, Doc? It's me, Keith, Ang's husband. I met you briefly on the first day of this asylum thing and my social is way
down. Anyway, here is the situation: There is currently a toddler passed out on the floor, a baby, also on the floor, who has
been screaming an emitting green fumes for the past day, and a puddle of cold urine a few inches from my heels. What do
you recommend I do? Just ignore it an continue studying my skills? Uh, okay. I guess you know best. Ang has told me about
the asylums you've done. ACR? Pfft, yeah, it's here. The inmates are also breeding like rabbits. Huh. Yeah, you're right about
that. Thank God Ang didn't install the triplets & quads hack. I guess things COULD be worse. Thanks."
That night Pandora was aged up to toddler. She was dressed in red, which complimented her plumbbob beautifully.
Hey, don't look at me, kid. Blame your parents. Now just crawl into the empty pet bed like a good little girl. SoWo will come
And here is Mary's first baby pop. Or, I suppose if you count all her other kids, this would be her seventh baby pop. Whatevs.
(Day 17)

The day started off like every other day. By that I mean one of my couples hopping into the photo booth to try for a baby
despite the fact that they already have like a hundred kids. Fortunately Lillian and Goopy failed. This time.
Keith also maxed out his Mechanical skill! Woohoo! Only one more left!
Blah blah blah. What kind of parents let the kids starve, blah, blah, blah. If SoWo was so concerned about it, she would have
come by and saved the kids by now.
The rest of the afternoon passed by uneventfully and that night Ardelia grew up, and surprisingly she grew up well.
Here is the riveting picture of Stinky Mary's 2nd (8th) baby pop.
SERIOUSLY! To think I've spent the last couple of YEARS scared that the SoWo was going to take my kids away at the slightest
sign of a SNIFFLE!
I finally broke down and looked at Pandora's (still) red plumbbob and saw that she had been STARVING for the last day. And
RIGHT THEN, when I was checking up on the SoWo's shoddy work, THAT'S when she decided to FINALLY show up.
Fortunately everyone was asleep other than Josh and Mary, so she didn't take HOURS going through to chastise all the adults.

SoWo: "Horrible! Just plain HORRIBLE! And to think people like you are allowed to have children! It's just despicable!"
Lillian: "Haha, Grandpa Josh, you got yelled at."

SoWo: "And YOU. YOU are the worst person I've ever known."

She couldn't yell at Lillian because they spent a full Sim hour doing the "I'll move here" "Oh, I'll move there, too." "Now I'll move
here and complain about being blocked" dance. SoWo finally gave up. Most likely because Pandora was gnawing on her leg
and she didn't want to explain to her boss why the child had turned into a cannibal. Because questions would probably be
asked, and SoWo would have to explain that she spent all of her time playing something like Farmville instead of doing her
actual job.
And so, the children were taken to a better place.

BUT, just as I was getting ready to zoom in on the parents crying over losing more kids to Social Services, I heard a distinct
sound. A cold, eerie, windy sound.
Yes, it wasn't my imagination that it looked like someone was missing from the panel. Mary had died just as the SoWo was
driving off with the kids. And by the looks of it, she apparently died while eating. I'm assuming she starved to death.
Knowing that it was a long shot, I still had Keith try to save her. Seeing as the two times he interacted with Mary were bad, his
losing to Death was not much of a surprise.
Keith: "Yeah, could you haul her rotting carcass away? It's really starting to stink up the joint. I'm thinking decomposition."


Keith: "Huh. I was wondering why everyone was calling her Stinky Mary. Whatever. Seriously, get her out of here. I'm about
to lose my lunch."
In compliance with the rules, I removed one chair (by the chess table) and one of the beds. And then I moved her urn outside.
The gaping hole the missing bed left gave Zane ample room to have his aspiration failure. And then when the psychiatrist left,
he went and relieved his stress began the slow seduction of himself took care of his ACR timer took a bubble bath.
The day ended with Lillian and Goopy (while still thinking of their lost daughter) realizing that they have to start all over in the
baby department. Lillian again rolled too high.
(Day 18)

Keith was getting really friggin' close to maxing out all of his skills. I believe he only needed four or five Cleaning points and he
would have been golden.

And then it happened.
The plague descended upon the asylum.
And the very unfortunate Zane took it upon himself to admire Keith. And Zane got sick.
Zane getting sick was not very good for his fragile psyche.
And so I finally got my wish to see some Desperation Animations. I would also like to point out that he did this four times in a
row, so it's not just multiple pictures of the same one.
Because in between the Flour Sack Baby he spent some of his time hacking up a lung or three. And I really didn't want him to
die because that would have been really meta (or something like that) to see the Real Grim Reaper show up for my Story Grim
But he eventually snapped out of it and began quietly cleaning like he always does.
But his mind was no longer peaceful.
There should never, ever be a point where I ask myself, "Is there anything more fun than a plague ridden asylum where the
patients are already incontinent? How about adding ANOTHER baby? Am I right? Am I right?" Because that's exactly what
Lillian and Goopy succeeded in doing.
(Day 19)

This pretty much sums it up.

Keith and Zane got better briefly, and Keith's energy was high enough for the espresso to be effective and he only needed
three more Cleaning points. Then Keith walked through the room and got sick again. Zane got better and then immediately
decided to stomp on the roaches and got sick again.
The combination of the roaches and falling ill broke Zane again.
Finally, FINALLY, in the wee hours of the morning, Keith powered through his need to use the bathroom and got his last
Cleaning point!
Seriously, it was only a couple of hours away from Day 20.
And in celebration, I pulled out the InSim health immunizer mask and cured everyone of the flu. Then I used Max Motives.
The second thing I did was resurrect Mary so she could have her baby (please note Lillian and Goopy in the background taking
advantage of their good health).
Then I sped up the pregnancies and aged Gretchen (Josh and Mary's daughter) and Morgan (Goopy and Lillian's daughter)
into toddlers, wrote down all the points, saved, exited the house and loaded up my Simself's house and gathered all of the kids
Josh & Mary's kids L-R in order of their birth:                    Lillian & Goopy's kids L-R in order of their birth:
  Karliah – Pisces (5/5/6/5/9) Pleasure/Romance                      Tabitha – Gemini (2/8/9/2/7) Fortune/Popularity
  Everett – Leo (5/9/5/5/5) Fortune/Pleasure                         Damien – Gemini (2/10/9/4/7) Family/Grilled Cheese
  Ardelia – Pisces (8/1/10/3/8) Pleasure/Family                      Pandora – Sagittarius (9/3/10/10/2) Popularity/Fortune
  Gretchen – Virgo (10/3/5/5/6) Romance/Fortune                      Morgan – Gemini (4/9/9/2/1) Knowledge/Popularity

If it would have only been 6 children in total, I probably would have had my Simself adopt them in my real game, but seeing as
I only use the Larger Households mod for staging purposes AND I want to keep my population down, these guys MIGHT only
appear in the backgrounds of scenes when I need extras. But I do have them situated in another 'hood where they can live out
their lives in relative peace.

Vague naming schemes of the kids: Mary is someone who would have needlessly fancy sounding names for her kids. Lillian's
kids were named after evil type characters which, amusingly enough, Damien (The Omen) is one of the nicer kids of the lot.

And now for the scores!
Alexander Goth:
LTW: Hand of Poseidon
Cooking: 2, Body: 4, Logic: 1, Creativity: 1, Cleaning: 6 = +14
12,500 Aspiration Points = +12.5
Bathroom Accidents: 4
Goopy GilsCarbo-Devereaux:
LTW: 200 Grilled Cheese (He only had 3)
Cooking: 2, Body: 2, Creativity: 1, Cleaning: 4 = +9
8,000 Aspiration Points = +8
Bathroom Accidents: 4
Passed out on the floor: 1
Times he ever acknowledged Eden existed: 1
Joshua Devereaux:
LTW: Max Out 7 Skills
Cooking: 2, Body: 4, Logic: 1, Cleaning: 5 = +12
16,500 Aspiration Points = +16.5
Bathroom Accidents: 2
Lillian Devereaux:
LTW: Media Magnate
Cooking: 2, Body: 2, Creativity: 3, Cleaning: 3 = +10
9,750 Aspiration Points = +9.75
Bathroom Accidents: 8
Thaddeus Wilcox:
LTW: Visionary
Cooking: 2, Body: 10, Logic: 2, Creativity: 6 = +20
Aspiration Points: 2,000 = +2
Bathroom Accidents: 1
Zane 'Red Headed Step-Child' Devereaux:
LTW: Prestidigitator
Cooking: 1, Charisma: 4, Body: 2, Logic: 5, Cleaning: 6 = +18
Aspiration Points: 6,500 = +6.5
Bathroom Accidents: 0
Mary Devereaux:
LTW: 6 Grandchildren
Cooking: 2, Body: 3, Logic: 1, Creativity: 1, Cleaning: 3 = +10
Aspiration Points: 9,500 = +9.5
Bathroom Accidents: 4
Dead: -20

None of Mary's points count because she wasn't living at the end of the challenge. Well, except for the -20 hit for her dying.
Base: +100
Never Using Influence: +20
Total Patient Skill Points: +83
Total Aspiration Points: +55.25 (Round Up)= +56
Total Family Friends: +4 (Eden, and I counted three of the kids who were actually friends with their parents when they were
taken away by SoWo.)
Total Days Incarcerated: -19
Total Patient Deaths: -20

Grand Total: 224
It wasn't exactly the most spectacular showing, but I am fairly satisfied. As someone in chat pointed out to me, it COULD have
been in the negatives. So there is that.

And that's all I have folks. Thanks for reading this very brief side-project. It was a lot of fun, but I found myself going over the
stuff I've written and filmed for my next chapter and I'm itching to finish it up. The month isn't quite over yet and I really
WOULD like to have an update out before the end of it.

So until next time, Happy Simming!

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Devereaux Asylum Week 3

  • 1.
  • 2. Welcome back to the Asylum where everyone is crazy in here, including the person at the keyboard typing this up! So far Keith has managed to max out five out of the seven skills he needs to meet his LTW, and he was just about to max out Charisma. Mary/Josh and Lillian/Goopy had children, four of which were taken away by the SoWo. After that, Mary gave birth to another daughter and Lillian had gotten pregnant with her third child. All I can say is this: thank goodness I didn't give into the very brief desire to temporarily add the triplets & quads hack, because that would have been even more crazy than this has already been. Anyway, on with the show! ~*~*~
  • 3. (Day 15) The week started off with Stinky Mary giving Keith (whose plumbbob was very red due to his low Fun and Social) a very stern lecture about clogging up the toilet that had been pretty much clogged since the first day. Keith wasn't putting up with any of her crap.
  • 4. And so, because Keith's Fun and Social were so very low, I took my training that I had learned when I had played my "For Fun" Apocalypse Challenges: I had him play Red Hands a few times with Zane, which did the trick. I promptly sent him back to the mirror so he could finish out the Charisma skill.
  • 5. Alexander: "Hey, remember that one time we kissed and I developed a huge crush on you and then thought you were a cheating whore when you jumped into the photo booth with Goopy and got pregnant by him? Ah, good times, good times." Lillian: "I am pregnant by him again." Alexander: "Yeah, no need to rub it in. I don't suppose you'll help me out with my ACR "issue" that I've been having for the better part of two weeks, will you? No? Ah, that's too bad. Well, off to the bathroom again. There's no need to ask what I'm doing in there."
  • 6. For some reason Mary, who had spent the last few days ignoring Ardelia, felt that NOW was a good time to pay attention to the kid.
  • 7. There you have it, folks: Toddler Facepalm. I can't help but agree with Ardelia. Her parents are acting incredibly stupid by not taking care of their basic needs...or HER basic needs.
  • 8. But more importantly, Keith maxed out Charisma, leaving only Cleaning and Mechanical!
  • 9. Of course, just as I was celebrating Keith's success, Lillian had to go and steal all the thunder by giving birth to her third child, a daughter named Pandora.
  • 10. In an action that had become incredibly normal for Zane, he took one look at his sister and went into the bathroom to take yet another two hour long bubble bath. I am beginning to suspect that Zane is also taking matters into his own hands in regards to his ACR timer. Why else would he be taking such long, frequent baths? It would explain a lot. DON'T JUDGE ME! (Hehe, now you won't be able to look at pictures of Zane bathing the same way ever again. That's my gift to you. You're welcome.)
  • 11. Cheerfully obliging their ACR timers, Josh and Mary decided to try for yet another baby. They succeeded.
  • 12. Yes, everyone seems to have babies on their minds, yet they do NOTHING about the existing children.
  • 13. This week they were even more failtastic about taking care of their needs. As you can see, Lillian, who was already stinky (and the tub was empty) had another accident (and the toilet stall was also empty). When Goopy is disgusted by you, you know you're doing something wrong. Of course, Goopy also gained relationship points seemingly because Lillian had an accident. Most likely because of some strange fetish, which would also explain why Mary and Goopy were so cold to each other in my legacy (Because, as you know, it wouldn't be Perky, Pretty, or Perfect).
  • 14. Lillian: "You'll clean that up while I stink up the bedding with my foul odors, right? Awesome." *finger gun*
  • 15. Zane just quietly gains another skill point.
  • 16. Ardelia here was so red, she didn't know what to do with herself. She would crawl into her pet bed, only to crawl out because she needed to use the bathroom. Then she would be starving and double fist the puppy chow, shoveling it into her mouth. Oh, and TOTAL YAWN over the SoWo's threats.
  • 17. Thaddeus: "Psst. Hey, You know Tabitha? Yeah, she grew up badly." Josh: "Tee hee. It's fun to make fun of kids who will no doubt suffer from psychological trauma when they get older. What kind of animals were raising her anyway?" Thaddeus: "I know, right?"
  • 18. Keith: "Hey, congratulations for passing out on the floor two weeks ago." Goopy: "Thanks, I try my best."
  • 19. (Day 16) Lillian: "Good God, what is that stinky smelly thing laying on the floor?" That was the most attention Lillian had ever paid Pandora.
  • 20. Josh: "So you know that guy in the fez who seems to be ignoring us?" Goopy: "He puts out gelatin because we are incapable of cooking for ourselves." Josh: "Whatever. Anyway, I'm beginning to suspect that he, in fact, not a doctor."
  • 21. Josh: "Oh my God! Mary is naked! My eyes!" Upon thinking about it, I realized that Josh has mostly seen Mary in the photo booth, and I'm pretty sure they don't take their clothes off in there. Upon further reflection, I would hate to see what the inside of that photo booth would really look like and I'm thankful that it doesn't have a "dirty" state." And that, ladies and gentlemen, is called a "silver lining."
  • 22. *yawn* More idle threats from the SoWo. It must be Tuesday. Wait. It IS Tuesday. Carry on, SoWo. Carry on.
  • 23. I doubt you'll find any brains here, Remington. (It's weird to see him act like a zombie because I never actually play Zane's house, and when I AM in it, I'm posing them, and Remington is posed the same as everyone else. In other words, this is one of the few times I've ever seen him think about brains.)
  • 24. Josh, like almost everyone else, fails to comprehend and recognize when nobody is in the toilet stall or bathtub. Maybe it's become habitual to assume that they are both occupied at all times? I dunno.
  • 25. Josh: "I'm beginning to think that having children in an asylum was a bad idea." Alexander: "I, too, am concerned for absolutely no reason."
  • 26. Keith: "Hi, Doc? It's me, Keith, Ang's husband. I met you briefly on the first day of this asylum thing and my social is way down. Anyway, here is the situation: There is currently a toddler passed out on the floor, a baby, also on the floor, who has been screaming an emitting green fumes for the past day, and a puddle of cold urine a few inches from my heels. What do you recommend I do? Just ignore it an continue studying my skills? Uh, okay. I guess you know best. Ang has told me about the asylums you've done. ACR? Pfft, yeah, it's here. The inmates are also breeding like rabbits. Huh. Yeah, you're right about that. Thank God Ang didn't install the triplets & quads hack. I guess things COULD be worse. Thanks."
  • 27. That night Pandora was aged up to toddler. She was dressed in red, which complimented her plumbbob beautifully.
  • 28. Hey, don't look at me, kid. Blame your parents. Now just crawl into the empty pet bed like a good little girl. SoWo will come eventually.
  • 29. And here is Mary's first baby pop. Or, I suppose if you count all her other kids, this would be her seventh baby pop. Whatevs.
  • 30. (Day 17) The day started off like every other day. By that I mean one of my couples hopping into the photo booth to try for a baby despite the fact that they already have like a hundred kids. Fortunately Lillian and Goopy failed. This time.
  • 31. Keith also maxed out his Mechanical skill! Woohoo! Only one more left!
  • 32. Blah blah blah. What kind of parents let the kids starve, blah, blah, blah. If SoWo was so concerned about it, she would have come by and saved the kids by now.
  • 33. HOLY SHIT STOP THE PRESSES! Lillian is ACTUALLY making food!
  • 34. The rest of the afternoon passed by uneventfully and that night Ardelia grew up, and surprisingly she grew up well.
  • 35. Here is the riveting picture of Stinky Mary's 2nd (8th) baby pop.
  • 36. SERIOUSLY! To think I've spent the last couple of YEARS scared that the SoWo was going to take my kids away at the slightest sign of a SNIFFLE!
  • 37. I finally broke down and looked at Pandora's (still) red plumbbob and saw that she had been STARVING for the last day. And RIGHT THEN, when I was checking up on the SoWo's shoddy work, THAT'S when she decided to FINALLY show up.
  • 38. Fortunately everyone was asleep other than Josh and Mary, so she didn't take HOURS going through to chastise all the adults. SoWo: "Horrible! Just plain HORRIBLE! And to think people like you are allowed to have children! It's just despicable!"
  • 39. Lillian: "Haha, Grandpa Josh, you got yelled at." SoWo: "And YOU. YOU are the worst person I've ever known." She couldn't yell at Lillian because they spent a full Sim hour doing the "I'll move here" "Oh, I'll move there, too." "Now I'll move here and complain about being blocked" dance. SoWo finally gave up. Most likely because Pandora was gnawing on her leg and she didn't want to explain to her boss why the child had turned into a cannibal. Because questions would probably be asked, and SoWo would have to explain that she spent all of her time playing something like Farmville instead of doing her actual job.
  • 40. And so, the children were taken to a better place. BUT, just as I was getting ready to zoom in on the parents crying over losing more kids to Social Services, I heard a distinct sound. A cold, eerie, windy sound.
  • 41. Yes, it wasn't my imagination that it looked like someone was missing from the panel. Mary had died just as the SoWo was driving off with the kids. And by the looks of it, she apparently died while eating. I'm assuming she starved to death.
  • 42. Knowing that it was a long shot, I still had Keith try to save her. Seeing as the two times he interacted with Mary were bad, his losing to Death was not much of a surprise.
  • 43. Keith: "Yeah, could you haul her rotting carcass away? It's really starting to stink up the joint. I'm thinking decomposition." Death: "SHE SMELLED LIKE THAT BEFORE SHE DIED." Keith: "Huh. I was wondering why everyone was calling her Stinky Mary. Whatever. Seriously, get her out of here. I'm about to lose my lunch."
  • 44. In compliance with the rules, I removed one chair (by the chess table) and one of the beds. And then I moved her urn outside.
  • 45. The gaping hole the missing bed left gave Zane ample room to have his aspiration failure. And then when the psychiatrist left, he went and relieved his stress began the slow seduction of himself took care of his ACR timer took a bubble bath.
  • 46. The day ended with Lillian and Goopy (while still thinking of their lost daughter) realizing that they have to start all over in the baby department. Lillian again rolled too high.
  • 47. (Day 18) Keith was getting really friggin' close to maxing out all of his skills. I believe he only needed four or five Cleaning points and he would have been golden. And then it happened.
  • 48. The plague descended upon the asylum.
  • 49. And the very unfortunate Zane took it upon himself to admire Keith. And Zane got sick.
  • 50. Zane getting sick was not very good for his fragile psyche.
  • 51. And so I finally got my wish to see some Desperation Animations. I would also like to point out that he did this four times in a row, so it's not just multiple pictures of the same one.
  • 52. Because in between the Flour Sack Baby he spent some of his time hacking up a lung or three. And I really didn't want him to die because that would have been really meta (or something like that) to see the Real Grim Reaper show up for my Story Grim Reaper.
  • 53. But he eventually snapped out of it and began quietly cleaning like he always does.
  • 54. But his mind was no longer peaceful.
  • 55. There should never, ever be a point where I ask myself, "Is there anything more fun than a plague ridden asylum where the patients are already incontinent? How about adding ANOTHER baby? Am I right? Am I right?" Because that's exactly what Lillian and Goopy succeeded in doing.
  • 56. (Day 19) This pretty much sums it up. Keith and Zane got better briefly, and Keith's energy was high enough for the espresso to be effective and he only needed three more Cleaning points. Then Keith walked through the room and got sick again. Zane got better and then immediately decided to stomp on the roaches and got sick again.
  • 57. The combination of the roaches and falling ill broke Zane again.
  • 58. Finally, FINALLY, in the wee hours of the morning, Keith powered through his need to use the bathroom and got his last Cleaning point!
  • 59. Seriously, it was only a couple of hours away from Day 20.
  • 60. And in celebration, I pulled out the InSim health immunizer mask and cured everyone of the flu. Then I used Max Motives.
  • 61. The second thing I did was resurrect Mary so she could have her baby (please note Lillian and Goopy in the background taking advantage of their good health).
  • 62. Then I sped up the pregnancies and aged Gretchen (Josh and Mary's daughter) and Morgan (Goopy and Lillian's daughter) into toddlers, wrote down all the points, saved, exited the house and loaded up my Simself's house and gathered all of the kids there.
  • 63. Josh & Mary's kids L-R in order of their birth: Lillian & Goopy's kids L-R in order of their birth: Karliah – Pisces (5/5/6/5/9) Pleasure/Romance Tabitha – Gemini (2/8/9/2/7) Fortune/Popularity Everett – Leo (5/9/5/5/5) Fortune/Pleasure Damien – Gemini (2/10/9/4/7) Family/Grilled Cheese Ardelia – Pisces (8/1/10/3/8) Pleasure/Family Pandora – Sagittarius (9/3/10/10/2) Popularity/Fortune Gretchen – Virgo (10/3/5/5/6) Romance/Fortune Morgan – Gemini (4/9/9/2/1) Knowledge/Popularity If it would have only been 6 children in total, I probably would have had my Simself adopt them in my real game, but seeing as I only use the Larger Households mod for staging purposes AND I want to keep my population down, these guys MIGHT only appear in the backgrounds of scenes when I need extras. But I do have them situated in another 'hood where they can live out their lives in relative peace. Vague naming schemes of the kids: Mary is someone who would have needlessly fancy sounding names for her kids. Lillian's kids were named after evil type characters which, amusingly enough, Damien (The Omen) is one of the nicer kids of the lot. And now for the scores!
  • 64. Alexander Goth: LTW: Hand of Poseidon Cooking: 2, Body: 4, Logic: 1, Creativity: 1, Cleaning: 6 = +14 12,500 Aspiration Points = +12.5 Bathroom Accidents: 4
  • 65. Goopy GilsCarbo-Devereaux: LTW: 200 Grilled Cheese (He only had 3) Cooking: 2, Body: 2, Creativity: 1, Cleaning: 4 = +9 8,000 Aspiration Points = +8 Bathroom Accidents: 4 Passed out on the floor: 1 Times he ever acknowledged Eden existed: 1
  • 66. Joshua Devereaux: LTW: Max Out 7 Skills Cooking: 2, Body: 4, Logic: 1, Cleaning: 5 = +12 16,500 Aspiration Points = +16.5 Bathroom Accidents: 2
  • 67. Lillian Devereaux: LTW: Media Magnate Cooking: 2, Body: 2, Creativity: 3, Cleaning: 3 = +10 9,750 Aspiration Points = +9.75 Bathroom Accidents: 8
  • 68. Thaddeus Wilcox: LTW: Visionary Cooking: 2, Body: 10, Logic: 2, Creativity: 6 = +20 Aspiration Points: 2,000 = +2 Bathroom Accidents: 1
  • 69. Zane 'Red Headed Step-Child' Devereaux: LTW: Prestidigitator Cooking: 1, Charisma: 4, Body: 2, Logic: 5, Cleaning: 6 = +18 Aspiration Points: 6,500 = +6.5 Bathroom Accidents: 0
  • 70. Mary Devereaux: LTW: 6 Grandchildren Cooking: 2, Body: 3, Logic: 1, Creativity: 1, Cleaning: 3 = +10 Aspiration Points: 9,500 = +9.5 Bathroom Accidents: 4 Dead: -20 None of Mary's points count because she wasn't living at the end of the challenge. Well, except for the -20 hit for her dying.
  • 71. Scoring: Base: +100 Never Using Influence: +20 Total Patient Skill Points: +83 Total Aspiration Points: +55.25 (Round Up)= +56 Total Family Friends: +4 (Eden, and I counted three of the kids who were actually friends with their parents when they were taken away by SoWo.) Total Days Incarcerated: -19 Total Patient Deaths: -20 Grand Total: 224
  • 72. It wasn't exactly the most spectacular showing, but I am fairly satisfied. As someone in chat pointed out to me, it COULD have been in the negatives. So there is that. And that's all I have folks. Thanks for reading this very brief side-project. It was a lot of fun, but I found myself going over the stuff I've written and filmed for my next chapter and I'm itching to finish it up. The month isn't quite over yet and I really WOULD like to have an update out before the end of it. So until next time, Happy Simming!